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Santa Cruz Sentinel from Santa Cruz, California • Page 3

Santa Cruz, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


I ROS CLOTHING and SHOE HOUSE LEADING- BRANDS One rounded teaspoonful Reading from Fwinburne and Koa-seltijby Ednmnd Russell. His musical voice and remarkably distinct utterance lniuht make hiui a model elocutionist. houdun tiiltj Xt'tim. J. M.

Hutching, will exhibit bis stereopticon views of the Yo Semite valley at tiie Opera Hnnce this afternoon. The Mercury says: There is no question that the illuminated photograph, shown on a twenty-foot canvas, are by far the best ever given here; and no less is the lucid and intelligent description of each view given by Mr. Hutchings. He-i ig a man of genius and education ins description of the points of interest, anecdotes, and incidents of of Cleveland's Baking Powder case of (does more and better work than a heaping of any other. A CRASH adventure are highly entertaining.

A large saving on a Of Boots, Shoes and Ties, such as known to be the finest in the world: The Famous Laird, Shober Mitchell in Ladies' and Children's (none genuine unless stamped on the bottom of each pair of Shoes). Iu Men's and Boys' we keep the Celebrated Brands of Strong Carroll and Geo. E. Keets and a doen other brands which we are unable to mention, which we will sell at BIG REDUCTION From our regular price until the arrival of our immense stock of SPRING and SUMMER GOODS, which is to arrive about April 1st. -A.

GOSLIHER, year's bakings. -IS The press of Tulare is loud in the praise of Major Scott's lectures in that city, the ntial lecture not only orew packed house, standing room, too, priceless and bounteous JL patronage has compelled us to give you another special benefit in Men's, Youth's and Boys' Clothing) Hats, Boots and Shoes, Trunks and Valises. We must have more room in being at a premium, but a crowd of The best A CRASH IN Hs Furoiii Goods Dozens of elegant, late styles 1.00 and 75c Scarfs will go on thii week's sale at the gift price of 45c. known writers Cut this price list out and bring it with you lor reference, ron domestic science, as over 11 persons outside unable to gain almittanco. The Visalia Delta nays: Major E.

T. Scott delivered an interesting temperance lecture at the Methodist Church Sunday evening, and the edifice was crowded to the doors. The Major is one of the most intereit ng temperance spakera before the American people. His ad Marian Hariaui Mrs. McBride.

M11. Parker and Kinily Hayes, which to handle our phenomenal and teachers of cookerv. increase of business with comfort to aa Mrs. Rorer, Mrs. Lincoln and Mrs.

tteurbum, use and recommend dress was humorous, pathetic, incontrovertible, positive, convincing, without resort to Biibterfuge, exaggerated statisticrt or word pictures. It was the living truth, plainly spokeu. our patrons and satisfaction to our. selves hence, we will cut the prices MEN'S 84- a.vtnu:e:. fc Cleveland's Baking on our entire stock.

Powder. Bunny Doon Clippings. We have made gigantic purchases SEKUKKli JOTTINGS. A bargain at $15Q( will be siangrucreu ai of Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing, Shoes, Hats, for the A Hotbei'B Mlititt, Mother frequently make amttiUkeia neglecting (lit CoURb of a child. A Kort Wayne, lady writ en; My IIMle diilitpr, ft old.

had a ever Cough, but hh tt wuh nothing unusual I thought nothing of It, and allowed ll to run on for 4 or fi weekn. when It became in obstinate Hie betran Inning fleitli. I called In a physician wlui ireitfed her three weeks wtlh-nut hemtll. A neinhbnr InMMed upon inytryinr Rullard's Horehouud Svrun-It MinnenpoliB Furniture Company. 75c.

SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. L. Schranz, of San Francisco, is in town. Mrs. Wni, Pegener is able to be about.

Dr. H. H. Clark is in San Francisco. Mrs.

Dr. Cole goes to Watsonville to-day. J. G. Tanner is back from the me Percentage Cam en.

Under Sheriff Wright on Friday arrested a man for conducting and dealing a percentage game, known as "jolly-joker." The rase will be tried before Justice Gardner on Feb. District Attorney Lindsay announces his determination to vigorously prosecute ail cases in which ar-restB are made. Below is Section 330 of the Penal The county bills aro payable coming Spriug and Summer; ship- Fini'Ht Kinf at the Sea Iteacli Ktablen. iug receipts for the same are begin- relieved her from the flint done and she Chris. 'at ton 'a family are eick Ed.

Pkntinki. In looking through the columns of your paper we feel slighted to think that you have not been able to give us some space occasionally, and let the people know what are doing. 1 know there are a good many who are always glad to hear from us. We are on the eve of a boom and correspondantly happy. Several rancheB have been sold here lately to outsiders who, seeing the advantages this place oilers, both as a summer resort and for fruit raising, have been tempted to invest here, and are now improving their places.

Others are also negotiating for prop began g'lhilnc flsh mptd ly; when we had Mens S5.50 Suits and Overcoats, Late r8y 3 Styles, cut to S3.95 Men's $12.50 $13.50 Suits and Overcoats, Latest styles and colorings, cut to $8.25 Men's $18 $16.50 Suits and Overcoats, Newest Shades and patterns, cut to $12.35 Men's $20 $22.50 Suits and Overcoats, Richly tailored garments, cut to $14.25 ing to pile in upon its at a lively-rate. Our present stock is season tropulis. Code, under which the arrest was made: uwed two nulll bp her Loutrh bad entirely disappeared. 1 would not be without It. II doe not ennntlpate my children.

Hal-lard'i Morehound Hynip In free from Opl-ateft. Ii'a the mm! soothing- Throat and I. line medlrlne Id the world. Price 500 and 1 00. Free lample bolb launerM ud tba Model Dnu Store.

Geo. It, Griswold ifl down from San Men's splendid 4-ply Linen Bosom WHITE SHIRTS Excellent value at $1.00 must "vamose" at 70c. Kvbtv person who deals, plays, or Francisco. able throughout, all being the latest Mrs. J.

Loeb, of Felton. iB visiting carries on, opens or causes to he opened, or who conducts, either as owner or employe, whether for hire Mrs. J. Steen. Mr.

and Mrs. Wm. Martin, of Glen-1 or not, any game of faro, monte. wood, are in town. rouiette, lasquenet, rouge et noir, Mr.

and Mrs. J. li. Braze! ton have From Senator Burke. County Treasurer Bias has received the following letter from Senator Burke, under date of Fet).

7th: To rondo, tan, tan tan, stud-horse poker, Beven-and-a-half, twenty-one. hokev- returned to Salinas. from eating mush rooms. Stylish Riga at the City Stables. Additional rooms to the Skylaud church are in contemplation.

Cloning Out Sale at Chas. Reiser's, 11)7 l'ai-ilie Av, 5 The State owes this county $1)55. U3 for indigents at the hoHpitul, Go to Joe Cons'iu j-y im best tgooda at lowest prices. Attention in called to the ad. of the Wilkiuti House auction sale on Feb.

2olk. Finest Home-made Bread, Piea and Cakes at the Fioneer liakery. Our macadamized and bitu minuet! streets are clean and dry. (hit other streets are mud-huleB. Take your choice.

Jesse Cope is prepared to turn out Suits to Order on short uoticn. gold pokey, or any banking or percentage John Otihalin, of San Francisco, is- Men's extra heay, English, colored, extra finished game played with cards, dice or any al the Ocean House. day the bank depository bill came on for second reading, and I secured two device for money, checks, credit or Prof. Inskip and Rev. W.

H. Ea other representative of value, and tourette arrived last evening. MERINO UNDERWEAR I every person who plays or bets at or AV. J. Morgan, of the Pacific Coast against any of said prohibited games, Hotel Gazette, is in this citv.

erty, faking it all and all, everything is looking very promising. The grain crops are all in and looking well, ami everybody is busy pruning and setting out some more trees. K. Wisnom, of San Mateo, who bought the ranch last fall, has cleared all the brush and trees off of it and has set it out in French prunes. E.

C. Newell, formerly of Santa Cruz, but at present 01 Oakland, has bought The Idle wood of Mr. Gray, and intends to move his family up here. He intends clearing his land and sotting out about twenty acres more in French prunes. W.

K. Cook has sold his place and moved onto Battles' ranch. Wm. Nelson, who bought the Cook ranch, has moved onto it, and will be Airs. F.

McLaughlin. MisseB Agnes $1.25, will go at of goods. We must have an outlet at once it will cause all past sales to pale into insignificance. Values will be unharnessed, cost will become but a pleasant memory and profits an idle dream; other clothiers will say we ara mad. The blow will be hard to them, to us the loss great.

BUT THE GOODS MUST GO I is guilty oi a misdemeanor, and Bhall he punished by a fine of not less than 100 nor not more than $500, or by imprisonment in the county jail not McLaughlin and Anna Waldeyer are at Golden Gate Villa. 75c, A. IJ Sears and wife drove down exceeding nx months, or by both such tine and imprisonment. from Laurel Station Wednesday, and i report the mountain roads in a fair amendments thereto: 1. Had bond reduced to fixed amount, $250,000.

2. Treasurer to retain a sufficient sum on hand to defray current claima and expenses, and deposit residue weekly Instead of daily. 1 think the bill will pass the Senate in that form, although it will meet with some opposition. In reference to the above County Treasurer Bias save that according to the provisions of the bill the Supervisors Bhall between the 1st and 15th of April, and every two years thereafter, publish a notice inviting proposals from all banks, which proposals shall stipulate the rate of interest, not less than three per cent' Prices in Pants condition, considering the seventy of the late storm. Prince David, who is on bis way to Washington as a representative of the deposed Hawaiian Queen, is remembered as having spent some time here as the gueat of Mrs.

E. Swan. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoris gin to make improvement Split ft Op! Stylish Hats PRICES CRUSHED I Knox Hats, finest the world produces, in Fedora shapes, will go at $3.00. Mr. and Mrs.

Geo. H. Gnysler are both suffering from an attack of rheumatism. Chicken thieves have been visiting iVhen Baby was sick, we gave her Caitoria. When the was a Child, the cried for Caitorla, When she became Mi, the clung to Caitoria, When she had Children, the gave them Orwtorii THK AIILEN CL'KK.

Men's Durable $3 Cashmere runts our hen roosts of late. We are prepared to give them a warm rCeption should they make their appearance per annum, that will be paid for the use of the money of the county, and each proposal shall contain the names of the Buretiea who will be offered on the bond of the bank in case the proposal is accepted. CUT TO ugain in our neighborhood. Mien Grace Ward, of San Jose, a $1 former teacher of the Ocean View Ladies', Hen's and Children's liool, has been visiting friends up George Pilvey, Assistant Postmaster at Spokane, committed suicide in the presence of his room-mate. Sil-vey was short in his accounts of over $7,100.

He was forty years old and his parentB reside in Chicago, A.Jonas&Bros'. Clothing and Shos House, The only successful Broad-gauge Clothing and Shoe House in Santa Cruz. lien's Splendid $4 rants Now Try This. It will coRt you nothing and will surely do you (rood, if yon have a Cough, Cola, or any trouble with Throat, Cheat or Lungn. I'r.

Klnj'a New Discovery for CnnBiimplton, Coughs and Col da la guaranteed to give relie', or money will paid back. NufTererB from La Grippe fnuud It list the thlrg. and under Ita use ad a apeedy and perfect recovery. Try Hinple bottle Ht our expense and learu f'ir yourself Just how good a thing it la. Trial botilea free at J.

O. Tnnner'aand the Model Drug Mtore. Large me, bOo and At 25 to 40 per cent less money than like qualities can be procured for at any exclusive Shoe House in the State. L. Renyuard, a resident on Prevost street, San Jose, while digging a post hole unearthed three pails of counterfeit half dollars of the dates of 1871 and 1872.

Boys' and Children's Clothing CKA.SHED. Everything in that department must get get up and get. We'll save you at leat 40 per cent. We must make room. umiar IF at any time you should find reason to be dissatisfied with any purchase made, return the same at once and we'll cheerfully refund your money.

en The Greatest Bargains on Earth OttlcM KittftltlUIieri In Thti City and a Buniturium In Kaitt Saiit Crux. Dr. Theodore Milen and Dr. E. V.

Jarrett have established the Milen Cure in Santa Cruz, their offices heing in the front rooms of the upper lloor at No. LW.j Pacific and their Sanitarium (or the reception of patients on the corner of Broadway and Cayuga East Santa Cruz. They guarantee the cure of opium, morphine and whisky habits, and all nervous diseases, providing the patients, follow their course of treatment. The charges are twenty dollars a week. A cure can be effected in from three to five weeks.

They have nu extensive practice in San Frau-cifcn, with an otiice in the Phelan building and a home at L4 McAllister St. In conversation with Dr. Jarrett Thursday he said: "The Milen Cure is not an experiment; it is an actuality, as can bo testified to by the thousands who have been cured by it. In San Francisco wo give the poor the cure gratis, as we believe in relieving snlhring humanity. No other institute for the cure of the moHt pernicious habits of the human race does that.

We have many private patients, and have hundreds of testimonials to show of the good results we have achieved. Hundreds of people have been saved from be-comingtotal wrecks through our treatment. The cure is of a vegetable nature and harmless. It does not contain any bichloride nf void or any injurious substance whatever. The treatment is pleasant and the cure permanent.

We guarantee every ease, providing the pal ient places himself entirely under our direction. We cured one patientof the morphine hiihit who took ninety grains of morphine and twenty graitiB ot cocaine a Cry for PITCHER'S A washout at Lacuna, near Wat-aonville, delayed the broail -jra une train from Fraucineo an hour Friday alternouu. Chesnutwood'a Ilusiness College. Kee ad. Write for Coliene Journal.

Evangelist Crittenton will hold revival serviceH to-niylit at the Methodist chapel, East iNinta Thy meeting will begin at 7 :30 o'clock. Furniture below Cost at C1iib. Reiser's, l'aciric Av. 5 A lare audience at the Opera House last evening listened to l'rof. Gay ley 'a interesting lecture on a "Home Kule Cauipiu in Ireland." Harness, Saddles, Whips, Koltee, at John erner's 1 icneer Harness More.

There is talk in San Fr.mcircn of establishing a competing FLeaui-Bhip line from that city iu Los Angeles, the steamers to touch at SanUi Cruz. City Hack day and nijiht cab rtes. Leave ordeis at Lincoln A I On Friday Frank Anthony had two fingers ot hi! hand so badly mashed by a roller while ac-ifting 10 move a limine that amputation was necessary. Vensfnd rf A "-t-fuVr, Undertakers. Col.

T. P. Kohb is interviewed at lengtli in the Call. The Colonel has associated with gnat men of he nation, and canm near iihlina; "mit" Grant, the hero of heroes. Eight liusiness Wagons, for sale by H.

M. Elv, at the Santa Cruz Carnage Works. It is ft long time since the people of Santa Cruz were sj anxious hr clear weather a they are at the present. Hut they do not complain. Thev know thai, the Slate at large is the gainer by the late and abundant rainfall.

Stay by the IVoplen Furniture Store, because that is the l-inu that baa brought down high prices. Kolih-r it Chase, of San Francisco, have received a difp.ttch from K. L. Hoss, their linwling man at Watsonville, asking them correct the report ttiat a in .411 of hi name was one of a gang of swill Hers recently arrested. li.

M. Ely iH in good shap'i to do all kinds of carnage repair-ng, trimming and painting, at the ha 11 la Cruz Carriage Works. The Southern Pacific Co. has announced iu San Jos that until further notice no trains will lie run ironi that city to Santa Cruz over the narrow-gauge road. The 4: IN e.

m. tram lor Santa Cruz has been withdraw 11. Other trains from San Jose will run only to Wrights. Drink O. P.

is. (old private Ptock), Pony Whiskv, Htrictltj pure liourbon old by J. P.Molitor,'l7U Pacific Av. F. W.

Ely has received a letter from J. P. Smith in which the latter states that, with the exception ot a few who depend on the Queen's boontv. the Hentiiiient ot Hawaii is here for the past two weeka. Geo.

H. Snyder met with a Bevere Iohs last Sunday morning. His horse "Gray," which has been his pride for a long lime, and for hich he claimed the record of these mountains, died from some unknown cause. Hut he claims that he will again win the laurels as soon as he gets his bay colt broke. W.

li. Lake, of San Francisco, was up on his ranch last week looking as cheerful as of old. A. D. Dutl'y, of Felton, is erecting a sawmill on the Pierce property and expects to have it in working order early iu the spring.

T. K. Thayer is meeting with a great deal oi deserved success with the Sunday school and prayer meetings. He intends to introduce cottage prayer meeting, to be held at the various houses on each alternate Wednesday evening. Wm, Nelson will preach next Sunday at the school house.

This ill bo the first services held here this year. School opens here March Oth. Miss Eliza Cross, of Saratoga, who taught here last term, will look after the welfare of our children this term. Genial Fritz Ouistorf may be seen on our roads tilling up the rut holes and washouts. He promises us good roads should he be fortunate enough to secure the contract for the coming year.

Frank Woodman ti 1 1 wears his beaming smiles and assures us that the duties of a father of a bouncing Williamsoc (xarrett Health and Sleep without Morphine. A SHARP ADVANCE! TIlnBH dav. have cured others addicted On the corner of Pacific and Walnut avenues, is the best furnished College room in the State. The most popular school on the Coast. Pupils can enter at any time.

Ladies admitted to all Uie departments of the College. No classes individual instructions given. The pupil can thereby advance as rapidly as his ability will permit, and he will not be kept back by others of less talent and application. All graduates will become thorough accountants and elegant penmen, and only such will receive our College Diploma. We are determined that no one shall hold our diploma unless thoroughly qualified.

Only an ordinary common school education is required to enter the Bus' ness Course. Pupils found deficient in mathematics will receive special attention in that branch. Terms, for six months' Business Course, $42. who hare been slaves to i vr ttro i)l tlie moat Keabl Beautifully Illustrated Excursions io morphine nature. for twelve, sixteen and eighteen Mr, Goss, of Santa Cruz, is moving up here with his family, to take J.

M. Hutcliiugs, of Yo Semite. charge of Idlewild, HAVE A yearn. It is surprising bow many people have the morphine habit. In many ea-es it is brought about by physicians who iife morphine to allay pain, and then Die habit grows until the patient becomes a slave to it." Bei ton ami John Eadd are paying their folks iu Watsonville a visit.

Mr. Kobinson came up from San Francisco last Saturday to visit biB FULL LINE Saturday Matinee. Ice Villey." Monday Evening. ery ot Tropical America." familv, who are once more making JJJAS TAKEN PLACE ON ALL COTTON GOODS in New York, and many of them will be higher in this market when the Spring Goods, which have been purchased, arrive. I have made no advance in price on any goods, but am offering many of them at less than regular prices, in order to close out before other goods arrive.

You will save money by purchasing now. Of tvummnf in the Feb. IBth.atSp Wednesday Evening, M.i "Chieakfo to this their home. The L. W.

Club of this place is reputing to give an entertainment shortly and introduce the comedy, "Who is Who?" lscoti." Aptos Items. En. The ladies and gentlemen of Autos Hcored a grand Micecy for their town by the dramatic entertainment given in their town A Preparatory and Shorthand Department Have been added. Write for the College Journal. nan rancinoo." Over 100 Sterenptlcnn Views will be shown at each entertainment.

Opera House, Santa Cruz. Grocery Provision hall when the "Confederate Spy" was produced, with the follow ing cast George Waterman, Julius Lln, which Ih.T Mil Johnson; Phillip Bradley (the Spy) GOOD ROOM AND BOARD Can be Obtained In Private Families for S10 per Montn. Fieiii'li Taiiay Waferii. Those WHfen are fur he relief and euro painful hii1 incvugii lnr menses, mid will remove nil nl rucl io- 110 nuttier whnt the chum1, wnd ure Nine and safe every tiree. Manufitetured hy Krnersnn Urug Nun Jose, and for utile hy J.

U. Tanner and tin- Model Urug Wtore, ole titfe-ulH for HRiiiii Crm. A. C. SNYDER, Lowest Living Prices I ADMISSION Adults, 2fi erntn; Course of Three Enter- tlnmeutB.

60 cents, ChlMten, 16 oentn; Course of Throe Enter- tal nments, 30 centn. Tickets can he purchased at Tanner's Drnii Htare. fb8 iw KMOHTHOF HONOR, 204ft, KFT IN Muauolc Hall, 7:80 1. Feb. 9th Visitors are always welcome.

Pur further particulars address the Principal, J. A. Chesnutwood, 43, Santa Cruz, Cal. ALSO- HAY, BA.ELEY ASIDE STOR SE in favor of annexation. With bathing in the surf and horseback riding Mr.

and Mrs. Smith are having a pleasant time. For the best lirands and Grades of Groceries, Wines and Liquors at the moat reasonable prices, you must go to J. 1 khn i-i A Co. At the I'nion Normal Bible clas to-nightut the Congregati mal Church brief papers will he rend on "The Four Hundred Years Between Ma-laehi and Matthew.

I'he Creek 1'ower in liible Lands," and The Romans in llihle Lands." The lesson will be a review of Itible Lands. Meeting promptly at 7 Henry Kustemeyer, the tailm, has juBt received new Fall and intei Goods. you want a nicely made and well fitting suit, call uu bin? at No. Ml) Pacitic A v. Mayor Jeter has instructed Chief Rawle to enforce the billowing taction of the general ordinances of the city of Smta Cruz: No person shall keep open, or cause to be kept open, after twelve o'clock, midnight and before live o'clock any barroom, saloon, or place where malt or spirituous liquors are sold." There will he a Japanese wedding at the residence oi Mrs.

Laird, corner Mission St. and Walnut Av. Joseph C. Spencer; red kmgeley, Joe Clark Gen. Banks, Thoe.

J. Leonard; Colonel Willard, Jas. A. Guy ton Officer Mulgary, Fred Beat-tie; Clay (Negro), Kufus Crilley; Lockery Schneidelbecker, Mr. Dod-son Mrs.

Waterman, Mhs E. Leonard Norah McPleggin, Clara Walsh Maud Bradley, Theresa Leonard. A large audience was present, many of whom came from the larger towns and thev were not a little surprised to find so much dramatic talent in the little town of Aptos. The pathetic scenes in which the Wies Leonard took prominent parts were well carried out, and the soldierly hearing of the several military characters were faultless. Mr.

Hudson and Joh. O. Spencer were quite espial to professionals in the way they personated the parts they assumed. Their parts gave much scope for dramatic talent, and they scored success at every point ami met with bind applause. Music, between the acta was rendered by Miss C.

Leonard, Mrs. Broad wood and Prof. Wheaton. Mrs. Israel Johnson gave a recitation at the close! of the drama, after which supper was served by the Gives Editor Joy.

If theTe is one thing that gives the editor of a newsnaper more joy than to add a score of new subscribers to his list, it is to whack off one ho is narrow an 1 shallow enough to want you to shut oil' his paper because you have uiven express-ion to an opinion at variance with bin own. When a fellow comes into the oltiee and says, with the air of a man who had you completely in his power and was about to crush and ruin you, "1 want you to stop my paper." wo can not get him oh" the list tpiick enough, and when he in oil' we leel as though a burnai le had been removed from the rudder of the journalistic ship, 'farm turn Sun. The Sun man feels as does many another son in regard to the sons-of-guiiB descrihed down in Tarentum. -1ABD FRAZEI Scheme fort Acoiversary Ball Valentine's In order to close a few lines of- BEST IX TIIE WORLD, I'j TtuwarincqualitinanraunaurpfiWd. actnftf OVtlastinir iwo bofB of anv sftecu! by bat.

I ti irfl'X 1 i 1: IX 4 GKOUND FEED OF ALL KINDS. Sentimental, Affectionate FOR SALE HY nFAI.ritS GT'NEK M.LY. JfI FINE MADRAS CURTAINS Court Santa Cruz, No. 8031, A. O.

F. of Pacific Ocean House I Ilumorons. has her Bran, Middling The steamer Captain Weber been floated and has resumed trips. Friday Evening, Feb. 17tL Lndies' Social Circle at the residence of 1 huts Johnson.

A dance followed, AdmliiloD, 50 Ceot; Lftdlet Fre. Only Assortment in Santa Cruz AT H. E. IRISH'S Furniturel Valued Indorsement rvlll be In at Haatlngs' Orchestra teudaiK'e. which was voted a grand atlair, spiM ial praise being given the musicians, Mrs.

llmad wood and Prof. Wheaton, of Soquel and the Hour managers, Messrs. J. C. Spencer and 1- rank Traeev.

1IEAD. FLOUR iL. Formerly $6.50 to $9.00, we offer them at $2.85 Pair. A small lot of Nottingham Lace Curtains, slightly soiled, will be sold at LESS THAN HALF PRICE. Children's Gossamers, formerly $1.00, will be closed at 35 CEISTTS EACH! Special Notice I New goods for Spring Wear added to each Department as they appear.

of Scott's Emulsion is contained in letters from I mi'ili- A Leader. Slrrp Its fli'Nl in'rn'liirtlon. Ktrftrlr flit Ir TV tMlllr.l rupi'Uv in ftiVur, WHOLESALE or RETTAIL is Cheap as the Cheapest until imw 11 I'-arly in 1 Ii nmntii lire ni. 'il ici tonicM (I Hln-i'it' I vi' -CMnLilnitiL' No'lilnt; wlitch pi-null lift Hi' lii r.if nr liitdxicmil, I rm'i EJ A "SCREAM HALM Inrnu.mhtlon. Hrii thp mfm.

SVtre Lbe hviibei ot Ucte Hiut l) hliI Hiring. A particle In applied mm wurii nuutrl Oil ih ititrot' 't hit. I'ric ft. ct-nlH Hi lrun-tr. or hy laiul.

KLY M.H'lHtKB, WAw-iv ftsmni't. New jua Tuesday evening, Fh. 1 1th. at v. under the auspices of St.

Agnes Guild, with music and refreshments. Admission, -5 cents. A new show window is being filaced in the corner room of Duncan ilock, which window will be be 10 feet 8 inches in width, atarting feet above the sidewalk and having a depth of four feet. The window will be one of the largest in the county, and the room will he occupied March 1st at a millinery establishment. The PnpuTur inter Ifoutt.

Avoid the snow and ice and go East Via the "Santa re Route." Through sleeping ears daily to Chicago. Select excursions, leave every Tuesday. It will be to your interest to see me before purchasing tickets. F. II.

l'wumt. Agent, 125 Pacitic Santa Cruz, Cal. The Call has a very tlittcriug notice of the 1 1 ut chins pictures and lecture, lulled f-r this city per our advertising column. our ple are generally iutereMi-d in Yo Seni-ile. Several of them line been to fART RECITALS To be Given at the OPERA HOUSE, Under the Auspices of the SOCIETY DF DECORATIVE ART, Tmitn KvKNfnn -Lecture: "The Artof An," with rHHiilniTH from Qostctl una Swluburu.

Momtny, Feb. lTtli. ForitTir i Lect ri' "The Art of HrenH. Tluirstiiiy, Feb. 20th, Fifth Kvknino Costume Heoilal: "The Light of Feb.

Hlnttle TlckeU, 50 Cent. RostTved 8i'fs at Tanner's. Souvenirs Kiveuat each leoluru. ail tit A complete line of every description, all graces, ail finishes and latest styles. Uoods that were mWe rlnht, bought right and will be sold right.

Oar arrangements and facilities enable us to sail icu these gtxxls at lower prices than other dealers, aa we laud them direct from Eastern fae. torff 8 tn carload lots, thereby saving the wholesale or Jobbers' proflta. A visit for luapeo'lon Is solicited. We commence to-day ottering Carpets at cost, to muke room for our spring Importations, and buyers In this line will do well to look as over. to tiift find pures! rnt'iHrine for ullmen'H i'1 Hl.innii'li.

I.lver or It will euro Hie Hi'mUiicIh-, In.H-K Htiuti, IVinmipiillot), Hful drive MnlHrln "mm Ui sti'Mi. Hunsfui'l Inn Kimntntfcil wil li 1'nch n. 11 tie nr the money will ho I'llce only 6u cimiih ier luillh'. K11UI hy J. (J.

Tanner and Model Dmn Store. J. P. MOLITOR, Wilson SGarretl nT- 1 iv. nines, cal profes- as sum speaking of its gratify, ing results in their practice.

Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil with Ilypc-phosphites can be administered when plain oil is out of the question. It is almost as palatable as milk easier to digest than milk. Prppno-rt )y Hontt l.mti, Y. All flrnnffMi. COR.

PACIFIC ud WiLNTT ATI NtW HIHN BUILDING. i 70 Mk Avtuue, Santa Cruz, Tim nppnintmi'iit nf K. 1'. tn miitmi'iI' I'r. It.

K. I'MimT Sillltll Tliirrt I'OIHll 'h W.irl.l'H trt'r exhibit Iuih cuiist'it mm li fun if Hit; SiiperviwirH iiiphI upon tin' rhanilii tli" KPpn'lit'iiHlnns thnt the will he very pnnrly Leask Johnston, Seaside Store, 10(1 Pacific Santa Cruz. fmk Mll.hell FRANK W.ELY, CARPETS AND WALL PAl'KIiS. WABNKV, I'LATFOltM TEST I) ni'Hitum ami Healer. I't-vt'lopex MttItimiHlii); by in ax u' tic treal-iiu-til i' im- uorvutm UiseaMt'a, rtieuruatlMn, ftc.

HitnriKflby letterasveotalty, (.1, uiHoe 17 Market di. fciaa Frauoinoo, noiu Nan I- imu Nnltounl IMillUhis Iiu'liiiintl, O. AUnini SptliK Mineral Yi uter, be the Tallev of valleys mil seen the fall of falls, aad in the presence of these pictures can impart their Jfiiowledtfe to inquiring, friend. are likely tu realized,.

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