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The Evening World from New York, New York • Page 3

The Evening Worldi
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

CHAT ABOUT THE THEATRES. TOO VIGOROUS ACTHN'O RESULTS IN A BLACK ETE FOR GEORGIA CATTAN. TjA Incident Daring llehenrsal of "The Wife" New York to Hare a l'onrib Stock Company nt the Lyceum" Love's. I Martyr" nt the Madison Hquare Mrs. I Junn Brown rotter a a Lack Star.

I IGOR is nil very well I x- ml III wlon kopt within Hm. I (t 00 I mWWI cnrrod dartaB thoro. Jb Tfk of "Tho Wife" JVrfSi 1 ne yonm Thoatro Mfy i tho otbor day at whioh jf' callous outsiders may TsJa4J' perchance smile. Da-li9K T' Bolasco, as stage manager, was hard ot 6. j- wor' nni is 200' 2g i- Boomed to inspiro tho mombors of tho cast, vl 2S" for thoy ontercd into vtKs i II I ll 1 1 ue BP'r'' kk ro'09 ifrlrT I w'4 wondorful frco 1' III for an early rehearsal.

Miss Georgio Cayvan at last camo upon the stage, wearing a wreath of roses, which Henry Miller, her lover, was in frenziod wrath to tear from her head. Mr. Miller was deeply interested in his part, and when Miss Cavvon saw him advancing towards her, she paled slightly. On ho camo, as though ho were the victim of real and not mimio passion. He reached Miss Cayvan and tore from her head tho wreath, but his knucklos and hand camo so forcibly upon tho eyo of the little lady that she screamed, and called out 1 "Oh!" That is not in your part, Miss Cayvan," severely remarked Mr.

Belasco. The Bttlo lady, however, was in pain. Mr. Miller was profuse in his regrets nnd his offers of vaseiino. Miss Cayvan smiled, and, as the ridioulous sldo of tho situation struck her, she laughed.

"Mr. Miller," said Mr. Belasco. "You must omit this realism for tho future." Then everyone was restored to good humor, but Miss Cayvan wears a blackcnod eyo as a bouvenir of tho rehearsal. The production of "The Wife" at tho Lyceum Theatro, noxt Tuesday week, gives to New York a now stock company, which, with the Daly, Wollack and Palmer companies, makes a good showing for the metropolis.

Now York is the only city in tho union with any stook companies at all, with tho exception of Boston, where the Museum holds its own. David Bidwell, of Now Orleans, tried to organize a stock company in that city soma time ago, but he found the experiment expensive, and Anally gave it up in disgust. Mr. Daniel Frohman, of tho Lyceum Theatre, is a great believer in American plays, and, during his regime at the Madison Square Theatre, Esmeralda and Hazel Kirko were produced. The Wife" is distinctly American.

It was written to suit the members of the company, and in the event of its succobs, after tho regular sea son in New York, it will bo seen in Boston, Chicago and San Francisco. "Lovo's Martyr," tho first rehearsal of 'which will take place at the Madison Squaro Theatre to-day, has had a peouliar history in this city. The American rights in tho play were originally purchased by Manager A. M. Palmer lust yoar from the Franco-American Company, which controlled Theodora in this country.

Mr. Palmer producod the play in Chicago two summers ago with his regular company, and also, later in San Francisco. The phenomenal success of Jim tho Penman delayed the production of" Love's Martyr" hero. Another version of the play was presented at the! Third Avenue Theatre last year by Miss Bertha Welby and lost week Miss Clara Morris produced it at the Grand Opera-Houso as So that Mr. Palmer is third in tho New York field, though his splendid stock company will undoubtedly place him first in point of excellence.

The artless gossips who wngged their tongues about difficulties supposed to exist between Mrs. James Brown Potter and her husband must be taken abaok by tho devotion she has shown that gentleman since her return to America. When not at rehearsal or attending to stage details, Mrs. Potter is con stantly with her husband. The reason of his visit to England was simply to try and pro-vail upon her to abandon the stage.

But tho fact that he was unsuccessful had no further result. Managers the most superstitious beings on tho face of tho earth feel pretty sure that Mrs. Potter will succeed from tho fact that a new star is said to arise every five years. It is now that time since Mrs. Langtry fecored her first success.

It is not generally known that Tom Whiff en has returned to his mutton in this country. Mr. Whiffen was at ono time leading comedian in the Madison Square Theatre. He was also the Admiral in the Standard Theatre version of "Pinafore." Mr. Whiffen has been In England for the last two years.

For the last three or four days any one who rode up Broadway in surface car botween noon and 1 o'clock might have seen a gentleman poring over a blue-bound copy or Itider Haggard's1' She." About every five mlnuteB the gentleman would rise in his scat, beads of perspiration would stand on his brow, and it is perfectly certain that in his exoitement he would have run his fingers through his hair HIS SECRET. BY ALICE MAUD MEADOWS. Iflontlnutd from Saturday's Etching) Would. A ait Bruce ropeated. I TS "But, Honor, must I '1 Tttr WiMif wt cannot you tell I fry vc ylXfl mo that there, is some I'lcir already in your heart? nimlE2L- not.

Honor, I will Kflla i try to walt pfttiently fc i lUsleS'' come; but tell me, cTfe. 1oto' lf il is x6tt a already?" PjJjg "You ask mo to do HfftfTtfcffyfi anunwis thing," she 0 1 II ifll Baid withdrawing her bandB frm Lls HEsSialriflE: neard that a wiso fLItfvj -'JlJr woman will never ao- jh knowledge to a man jR that Bhe loves him." Tuen mnJ I lovo 1 i LoT6 m8? yc8i irril lOnll II out not too well," she j5 jlrU-Jfct said, sweetly. "Not 'tfffljjjft bocausp I could not return your love i it would not be hard, I think, Brace, to do AiHl t-oit because I know so well that when a flH man has gained a woman's love, his next thought almost is marriage and I think I shall never marry." ho saWi not, Honor it am my father has," sho said, slowly; to him tho light, he says. Sir! "'i hB Eos been of mino. I could uiw I have been his comfort and comuanlon tlnoe my mother diodt wo have other's happiness I could never leave him alone." Yob neyer ehpuW." Bruca said, ew.

I ft gentleman was UliorIe8 MaoGeaohy, who has charge of the production of "She'- at Niblo's. r. Mac. Ucachy has read Uie book sixteen times, and finds a new difficulty whenever he glances at it. Yesterday in his fervor ho doolared that nobodv could approclate the veriUblo problems that Itider Haggard put forth.

On Hie PlaV III1U ThU Bvenlnc. Dimncll'8 Museum la still open. "Tno Henrietta" still continues to be an admirable Investment. Nct will be seen at the Third Avenue Theatre to-night. Looklne 01si 'is still the attraction at the Klfth Avenue Theatre.

and West will be at the Grand Opera-liouse to-night. tho Academy of Muslo to-night. ill9 at the Thilla Theatre to-night. UenrT a Abbey's powerful com-panj, vf ill be given at Wallaces to-night. damsels In "Conrad the Corsair" may still be seen at the BIJou Opora-IIousa.

"Ten Nights In a Dar-room" Is tho title of a piece to be seen at Poole's Theatre this week. P)nk PerlM and "Kditha'a nnr-raw L7ceum Theatre wUl be shorUy with. "Hudolph" will open Manager Boscnqnest'i regular season at tho Fourteenth Street Theatre to-night. Joseph Jefferson and Mrs. Brew will contlnne their admirable work la The lUvals at the mar Theatre this week, TereslnaTna.

the violinist, can bo heard at Chlckcnng Ilall to-night, assisted by Max Ueln-rich, basso, and Robert Ooldbeck, pianist. Hair, or The Northerland Blstera" f.nd.,AranN1Kn,"or ln tn Oil Homo. stead" will he the vehlclo for amusement at Sock, stader's to-night. CARDS FOR DINNER PARTIES. A Nrvr Occupation for Artists Which Has Lately Sprung Up.

$5H23lsusSj nb of tho nttractivo 5inw1w fancies of the past one 3 tj) two seasons has MrCfx bm )eon furnishing of jd jfiNXl 5K'Ut0 illustratod cards fr K688 a' dinner par- ByN. Bl68' wnon sn in- jfcrl VA? tended to serve as jyJC I sVp'easne momentoos of 73LyLjja2gTOytho occasion. times, in tho case of very important social occasions, those souvenirs are very elaborate, and it was regarded as very swell when they consisted of hand-painted palettes, menus and tho like. Tho manufacture of cards for this purpose has now become a regular trade, and they aro frequently so olaborate and tasteful in design and so neat in execution that they will answer for occasions for which in formor soasons it was neoessary to prepare a full sat of cards to order. Another thing, they can bo obtained at a very reasonable price, and thus a considerable obstacle in the form of expense is overcome.

They are not made by maohine or printing proocss, but the illustration which tho heavy cardboard bears is drawn by a skilful artist either in pen and ink, representing some humorous or comical portrait or scone, or in dolicato water-colors, representing a little landscape. No two of these are made alike now by the best manufacturers, for it is not difficult for a skilful artist to vary them indefinitely, but when they come into gen. eral use it is not improbable that very cheap assortments will be placed on the market, and, in ordor to make these, lithographing and printing will havo to be called into requisition. mm AROUND THE HOFFMAN HOUSE TICKER. Billy" Deutche, wotching oil.

Howard Perry, koeping an eye on the races. Col. Tom Ochiltree, amply posted on pools. "Larry" Jerome, closely attentive to Van. derbilt stocks.

Julian Nathan, looking for points on Bead ing and Northwest. Col. Bob Ingersoll, in search of miscellaneous and useful information. "Ed" Stokes, glancing mechanically at the tape, but obviously thinking of something else Stephen B. Elkins, intensely interested in quotations for a man who says ho isn't spec ulating.

Howard Carroll, wondering whether confiding "tips" of tho night boforo will bo verified. Heart leu. From Ttxat Sftnfftt Actor's Wife Why so depressed, Claude? What has come over jout Claude I am cast for a part that Is unworthy of me. BtUl, If I decline it I am liable to be discharged. I really do not know how to act under the clroumstances.

Wlfo Well, Olande, you don't know how to act nnder any circumstances; so don't let that distress TOU. Easily Answered. Frm tkt JltnfamtoH Rtpvbllcan What did you marry my son for?" fiercely demanded an old gentleman of a clergyman who had last united his run-a-way scapegrace in the holy bonds. "Two dollars, sir," meekly replied the dominie, to be charged to yon. i A Western JVmi JETarytr1 Jlasar.J Customer (to Nevada hotel proprietory What have you got ln the way of game, landlord Landlord (rubbing his hands appetlzlngly) Well, sir, I can get you up a couple oi nice grasshoppers on toast.

neslly. "Do you think, dear, that I would wish to part you, if. Honor, you would con. sent to be my wife? You should not be parted from him he should not lose daughter, if he would let it be so; he should gain a son, and a son's love." "Do your people know of this?" Honor asked. That I love you Yes," ho answered And the would be willing to receive mo as a daughter?" "Willingl they would be proud and glad." "And yet, as the world reckons, you might look higher; you will some day be an Earl: and though in my idea that fact does not make you so great a man as my father, yet some might think that you might do better than wed his daughter." "Thoy would be curious people who could think so," he said, with a half laugh.

Then may I hope, Honor?" "Hope is a birthright," the said, smiling too; "it is always one's, unless we make a bad exchange, and barter it for despair." But wilfyou give me permission to hope?" ho asked. She hesitated a moment, then of her own accord she held out her hands to him. Yes, hope," she said, softly, but do not let your hopes run away with you. I must have a long, long chat with my dear father before I can say more than that, Brace." I am well content," he answered. Then you think you will be able to find this man The Earl of Dolan was sitting by the table in his study; before the grate in which, however, no fire burnt, it being mid-winter with his hands clasped underneath his coat-tails, after the fashion of the English, stood another man.

He smiled at the question, but did not grow communicative all at onco. I shall do my best." he answered. Yes, yes, that is of course," the Earl said, fretfully, "but have you a clue?" The detective for that was what he was, though by birth and education he was almost tho Earl's equal, being the son of a younger son of a duke laughed softly. "I thought outsiders professed to look upon plue as a very insignificant thing." he said; "it is what the popers always make," joke of; still, as you oak, I do not mind tell-Ing vou that I hove clue." "Moylknowit?" ilSLaaaal i'r ilaaaaaaaaa! 1HE KV1SNIIVG WORLD; MOJNDAY, UOTOimK 24, 1BS7. tlH SPORTS OF FIELD AND RING.

RUNNER CARTER'S CASE MAY NOT BE DECIDED TO-NKJHT. The Amerlcnn Athletlo Club's Moonlight Rnns Championship Medals to be Heady by Thursday Arlon anil the Hlranilrr to Wrestle Sprinter corse's Marrlace A Chance for Gentlemanly Spnrrers. Oct. 27 tho American PS? fAthletio Club will hold I 4 limoonllght road runs I X-Ad asVjfromthol'olocrounds, 1.iTA starting at 8 p. it, Tho i A'w2'jkoy8 will run to Mo.

Dam bridge pK-SSSSgX end roturn. After tho "4 speedy run the upper 1 part of avenue lu trvi 1 Win tho club I ft Tamombers will appreei. IBato tll snowor-baths fflWW and rub-downs'onltheir I -r (m I retnm lns BS niuch 1 uu Jt' tA tho collation which It is not likely that the Carter case will be decided at a meoting of the National Association of Amateur Athleter to-night as announced. On account of some delay regarding tho stenographio work no report of the evidence in the case was handed in to Chairman Bishop until last Thursday, and thoro will bo no Association meeting till the onm. mittoe meets and makes up its report.

Tho sub-committee will meet to-nignt at tho Qrand Union. The medals awarded for the championship events oontested on Sopt. 17 will bo roady probably by Thursday. The special medals for broken records are included in the list. Tho record medals aro of solid gold set with diamonds and are for Manhattan man Al Copoland's 220-yard hurdle race, Bay, tho Ulverstone (England) cricketer's pole vault, and Carter, the New York Athletio Club member's, five-mile run.

Carter's medal witl. of course, bo held' pending the result of tho investigation as to his amateur standing. The imported stallion Bossington. now at tho American Horso Exohango, Is a large and fiowerful chestnut, with white streaks down he face and two white stookings behind. Ho is of the best blood in England.

Parson Davis, of Chicago, has written to Billy Edwards in regard to a match between Evan Lowis, "The Stranglor," and Joo Acton, the famous demon of Lancashiro.wlio is now in Philadelphia, taking placo in New York. The contest will probably come off in December, and is to be for $1,000 a side. Ono of tho Manhattan Athletlo Club's membors told The EviKrNO Would sporting-man tho othor night that tho Cherry Diamond Association intended giving indoor lawn, tennis championship meetings, with athletio games thrown in, this winter. He was muoh chagrined when a by-stander oaid: Why, that is what your rivals are doing. It was in Tub Evening! Wobld a week ago that the New Yorks will give a big indoor meeting in Madison Square Garden in November and a lawn-tennis tournament tho samo afternoon.

Sporting men are just as bad as any other class in slicking to a locality even after they know there isn't much of a living in it. If some of the boxers and wrestlors who hang around the half-olosed Metropolitan resorts and hope for soft snaps of teaching or box. ing for purses would go to some of the out. of-town colleges or gymnasiums they could make money, get out of their irregular habits and come baok fit to train for a battle with men of their weight. The trouble with almost every sparrer is that he wants everybody to know he is a boxer.

People in provincial cities don't fanoy taking lessons 'from teachers of that kind, but a capable, gentlemanly sparrer can earn lots of money, make hosts of friends and gain re. spect sparring in dives for will never pay him, if he hunts up teaching engagements, behaves like a gentleman and sticks to it. G. George, tho best mile-runner ever seen," says London Land and Water of Oct. 18, "will bo married on Tuesday at Worcester to a sister of F.

Grainger, onco a well, known oarsman of the Woroester Bowing Club. Georgo will remain in England, re. siding at "East Moulsey until next summer, when he returns to America to settle permanently in New York. Had George been married in London there would have been a tremendous muster of his old amateur friends to see the champion finish the most important match of his life." After llsnrs. (JYon Ttxat fflingt, Blind Man Do yon know that man going down the street Seaf-and-Dnmb Man Slightly, Just merely to speak to.

So you know him Blind Man Sot personally only by sight. Dan't Fall to hT bottls ef RlXEB'S OiUliTi AXD IBOX TOlflO ln ths dotu. sad to tslcs dose onos In wnUe. As long oar sItmu srs In this tsrrlbls condition too RiDit. It is sursurevsnutlvs of nuUsrts or sny dliorder of thst nstars.

Dovx HxquoT IT. Plot bottlw, Bold slmoH STSTTwhsrs. rrspsrsd solslj by WI. II, BlISB 8oV Drnrguts and Hsnvfaot ttrlas CDnxnlita. fa eth st Wow York.

If yon will promise to keep it to yourself, yon may; though to you it will seem but a small thing." I will keep it to myself assuredly," the Earl answered "It is to my interests to keen it to myself, I am more than anxious that this man should be brought to justice." My olue is horo 1" he said, with a calm triumph. He put his fingers into bis waistcoat pooket, drew out a little, whito, square-folded paper, unfolded it carefully the Earl watching and disclosed a ourl of golden hair tied with blue silk on the paper was written Cut from my darling's bead as she lay ln her eoffln, May 1870. ood's will be done. The Earl drew back, looking shocked and sorry. How can that, which must be a sacred relio, be a clue no asked.

The detective rolled it up carefully, and put it back in bis pocket. That was found dropped down by the tounter in the bank, on the day that the forged eheok was presented," he said. Bo far as has been in my power, I havo ascertained the namo of every fierson who either paid money in or drew out upon that day, I have personally visited them all. I have shown them the look of hair, and if I am any judge of expression it belonged to none of them. Of course the culprit naturally would have said it did not belong to him hod I happened to come across him, but I would stake my personal reputation that I did not.

What I bellevo I now have to find Is, towhom that lock of hair does belong, and that person lost probably their wife a ilttle before May IB." It seems but a small olue," tho Earl said. Out of small things great things grow." the detective said, wisely. I havo made out to-day a list of those who have suffered through these frauds: the Earl of Wentlin is the largest sufferer by for, Max Selwyn tho smallest by far. Ho has been let off cheaply, indeed, which makes me think either that the forger has met him and associated with him as a friend, of course quite unknown to Mr. Selwyn, or else that he is a great admirer of his books.

Anyway I should much like to meet this Mr. Selwyn: if my first surmise is correct he might be able to help us." He might, but he would not," the Earl The detective turned to him eagerly. "iS'stf rtiMsf 'T''f "ill AhL-NIOnT FRUIT BTAND8. The Hnslnrsa Defter than tho Had Italian Faces would Hussjest. A.

rj39 swarthy and mcl- tt 47 jr 7 ancholy individuals tffwSlfijW wuo silently dispense swfptwJcyj. fruit from hand-carts Beem to no just WSgOy cause for sorrow so far nxLJrfyrerJu n'' uours ar6 con-" ii.iVWTrMri ccrnet reporter of rc Tn Evening Would 53-2tJ2i wuo n18 inquiries on SirzMB the subject came away with an idea (hat thoy began business about 0 or 10 o'clock in the morning and wheeled away their push-carts at 0 or 7 in the even-ing. Durinoitho rest of tho timo, he was further informed, they were at leisure to im-provo their minds. There is not much night trado done. At only a few stands in tho city can the sallow Italian proprietors bo soon sitting on a box all night as well as most of the day.

Ono of theso is in Park row near the Bridge. Tho Italian who keeps It has had It for six years. He is around so much that at one timo a rumor prevailed that he took what sloep he felt in need of on the instalment plan lnsido his stand. He has a larger trade at night from passers-by than ono would imagine, "How do you manage to koep open all the time?" the reporter asked him. "My broror an' mc-ho help-ame," was tho reply.

"Ono at night-a, zo ozzer in ze day." f'Do you sell muoh after midnight?" "Two, threo, four, sometime six dollar," the Italian answered, in his short way, with a now gesture and tone for eaoh word. When he said "six dollar" he shrugged his shoulders and raised his eyebrows, as if admitting that it was surprising and yet was true. In winter he colls in the fruit and roasts chest- These fruit venders live in cheap tenement, houses on tho oast or wost sides. The work is not hard, and those who stop soiling ate and begin only ot 0 havo plenty of lcisuro, Park row and the open spaoe in front of the Fost-Office are the most desirable places in town for fruit stands. THE OFFICERS NOT RESPONSIBLE.

Means Adopted In Prevent Cheating Anions; Ships' Stowords. When a Government boat or merchantman comes to port, or goes into commission, a notice 1b inserted in the papers that the ward, room officers aro not responsible for bills which the steward may contract. This handicaps the steward if ho is disposed to pooket the money for provisions. A steward's pay on a man-of-war is SIS a month. The captain has his own steward and cook, and tho commissioned officers have theirs.

The steward sallies forth at 5 o'clock every morning to got meat and vegetables for tho day. According to tho number in the ward room, he gets from $15 to 8(0 for paying the tills, and ho has to bring the receipts home with him. But he can bring home bogus receipts, ond pocket the moneyt leaving for parts unknown when he has accumulated three or four hundred dollars. So this notice is put in tho papers to block him off from dovious courses. Many of the servants on the Government vessels, are Japaneso.

The steward of the Nipsio which went into commission lately, is a subject of tho Mikado. There is not the same opportunity in the sailors' rooms. Government contracts are drawn up, in which tho quantity and expendi. lure lor provisions uu uuroeu uu iur cor. tain period.

So the buyer in this department doos not have to pay for tho stores when he gets them, and ho can work in no Irregular business with cash. A steward may nave been with a ship six or seven years and his honesty thoroughly proven, but tho notioe is inserted all the same in the papers. POLICEMEN'S FANCIES. Inspector Steers has a mania for postage, stamps, and owns a large collection. Tho widow of the lata Detective-Sergt.

Holey will receive an annual pension of (300. Sergt-Detoctivo Bird has returned from his vacation, bronzed and in exuberance of spirits for hard work. Supt. Murray is a collector of raro brio-a-brae, his pet piece being a genuine Government approved Sevres vase. Julian Hawthorne, the novelist, calls frequently upon InsDector Byrnes to oomparo notes about forthcoming novels filled with clover detective work.

Inspector Williams is tho fortunate owner of several houses ln thia olty and a farm in Westchester County and Long Island. Econ. omy is wealth with him. rargt. Holoombe, of tho House of Detention, is a bibliophile, and has a rare and valuable collection of Testaments representing tho various translations of centuries.

The Situation Was Desperate. tron th Mnghnnttk Rtpublitan, Coal odlce clerk The paper this morning does not state whether the weather will be warm or cold to-day. Dealer Then, for Heaven's sake, telegraph to Washington for it Immediately! How are we to know whether to raise or lower the price? No Wonder. (a rkmstrr Casrfte. The granger who took ln a cheque On a bank that had all gone to wreoqus Was so whelmed with chagrin That his barn he went In Ana be hnng himself up by the ueoqae.

"You know him then?" Intimately, he la our nearest and dearest neighbor; you will have ample opportunities of seeing him, but he will give you no oasis, tance, I am sure." The detective was silontfora littlo while, thinking deeply. Then, as a favor to me," he said, at last, do not introduce me to him except as a friend i you need not mind doing tnat. You can easily mention my great-grandfather, the Duke, and I will go my own way about getting what I can out of Mr. Selwyn. Please also caution tho Countess and your son and daughter." "Certainly I will do so if you think it neoessary," the Karl said, a little unwillingly.

But I should really be glad if vou would not trouble Mr, Selwyn about the matter. You and Mr, Foster, are ordinary mortals, and to do our best to catch one who has broken the law and swindled another seems but natural. Mr. Selwyn is an author, and authors I believe, in faet I have always found, have ourious, highly-strung natures it is extromely distasteful, know, to Mr. Selwyn to give any pain or trouble to a human creature, even in tho administration of justice." Mr.

Coster for such was tho detective's name, there being, howover, an honorablo prefix to it, which he had dropped was silent for a time. He took the paper con. talnlng the lock of hair from his pooket, looked at it meditatively, then returned it to its hiding-place again. I will do my best not to hurt Mr. Bel.

wyn's feelings," he raid. "He is a marriod man, I suppose Yes his wifo has long been dead now," the Earl said. lie has living with him at the Hollies a daughter, a nephew and a cousin, all most charming people. Yon will be sure to see them here." How old is his daughter About seventeen, I think; you seem very much interested in the family, Mr, foster." I am," he returned, "and think naturally. From what you have told mo I cannot help thinking, though it will probably shock you to hear it, thai Mr.

Selwyn has been Intimate with this forger he has lost money through him, it is true, but still a smaller sum than any other. Probably he baa guessed whom the man is, but during the timo of their companionship and friendship BIRDS KILLED BY HUNDREDS. DASHING OUT THEIR LIVES AGAINST THE STATUE OF LIBERTY. nllmlrd by the (Slnre of tho Klrctrlc I.nmps, They Fly nt the Torch on Dark and tjtonny Nlshts-A Kecord of Their Denlhs Made and Thrlr Flodlrs Sent to Hclrntlflo Institutions Wanted by City Milliners. CHE big statuo down on Liberty Island is hard, ly appreciated as a blessing by tho feathered trlbo.

At least that Is the supposition, if any confidence is to jf. bo placod in tho statis. rW5 tics which havo been Bl rom t'mo 'mo co'' i i lected, showing tho I LyL, V. number of birds which A M3r uightly kill themselves ira tla8niuB ut thelr fn weak brains against A Urvf mS. 'B8 bronzo mi I CT orcn' attracted by tho (S I A A dazzling glare of the Jit lcctrio lamps which yUjlftl surround it.

It is very I ilJ soldoin that a night 3m passes during tho buiu-I fvB "or or fall whon a dozon or inoro birds at rtvTrax. least aro not picked up -2 by tho men of the place, either on tho balcony, which seems to be a favorite suicidal resort, or on the flat surface of the pedestal underneath, doubtless whers they fall in their dying efforts to escape some unknown, horriblo and mysterious fato. This has been the experience ever since the lights have been put in, and very frequently the slaughter has boon excessive. One night a few woeks ago, when a violent storm provalled, thousands of birds were dashed in their flight against the statue. How many were blown over into the harbor after they had received their death-blow is not known, but in tho morning more than thirteen hundred dead bodies were found scattered all ovor the island, from tho balcony down, while the base of the pedestal was thickly strewn with victims.

As may be imagined Col, Tassin, who is in command at Liberty Island, has been at some trouble to find out what to do with his nightly feathered manna. The question has been solved at last by putting the Statue ot Liberty under the some category as all the other light-houses along the coast, so far as making reports of all stranded birdB are concerned, and relieving tho Colonel of all responsibility to milliners and proprietors of fancy stores if he neglects to respond to their importunate notes for feathered supplies, for whiioh they ore not at all averso to paying a fair sum. Well, what does become of the birds now, anv way inquired a reporter of Col.Tassin. Thoy simply go the way of all birds that sacrifioe their lives to a morbid curiosity in this way, and find their way into the Smith-sonian Institution nt Washington. ThU has been done for not more than a month." "How is that?" Because on tho evening that wo had that big slaughter bore about a month ago of course, heard about it, but when I came to look for the birds I oould not find one of them.

Then it came to my knowledgo for tho first time that tho officials on the island were selling the skins of the birds to tnilll. ners in town as perquisites." Did you not think this proper?" Certainly not, becauso the birds wore publio property, and I determined to find out what tho oorrect method of disposition was. So I went to Washington and studied up on tho Government system of records such as is applied to tho Light-House Department, and after I had it well under way I introduced it on Liberty Island. It has now been in operation for nearly a month, and so far as I know works with great sue. cess, and has resulted in no bickeringB or ill-feeling over tho deprivation of this source of revenuo." In what way is this record kept?" "It merely consists in registering each morning, in a book kept for the purposo.

a description of every bird found under the statuo. This lnoludes. besides the description or name of the bird, the date, probable hour of striking, tho direction and force of the wind, number striking, number killed, character of the weather and general re. marks, whioh in the course of six months or so will mako a vary interesting record." Of course the birds aro prepared boforo you send them away Certainly, they aro nut in proper condition by a skilful taxidermist, although they are not absolutely prepared for mounting. I never send a batch of birds anywhere until I get a lot, 200 or more.

These I send to the Smithsonian and Washington National Museums and other scientific institutions in this State and in New England. Any institution is glad to get theso specimens to odd to its collection, and it is certainly better than pandering to a depraved whim of fashion by soiling them to milliners for bonnet decorations. And besides tho specimens themselves are often of such rarity that thoy may be regarded as genuine curiosities. The foot that they are appreciated is shown by the fact that I have received many letters both from Washington officers and the heads of scientiflo institutions thanking me for what I have already done in the matter." How does the statuo rank in your experience as a blrd-killing light?" "From what I have seen during tho past conceived a liking for him and is unwilling to betray him." "And thinking this," tio Earl said, "you believe that you will be able to gqt the name of the forger out of him Mr. Foster sat down, then looked at the Earl smilingly.

You must ask mo no more questions," In said. I have told you already moro than under ordinary circumstances I tell. Wait atlently, I have not the slightest doubt but I shall unearth my fox." However, two or three days passod, and Mr. Foster, for from troubling himself about the case, seemed simply to enjoy himself. Honor and Arthur came to the Castle and were Introduced to him, and seemed to like him greatly but Max, having complained of feeling unwell for a day or two, had not nut in an appearance.

However, on the detective's telling Honor that he wished above all things to make her father's acquaintance, she the whole party at the Oastle an invito-ion to oome over upon the following day. "For my father is not so unwell that ho cannot receive visitors," she said." though he does not feel sufficiently strong just now to visit them and he will bo Sleaseq. 1 am sure, to welcome Mr. Foster. has heard much of him from us." So upon the following day the whole party from the Castle drove up to tho Hollies Max, Honor and Arthur were standing at the door to welcome them with old-fashioned hospitality.

May had grown older within tho last day or two, there were lines of care upon his face and around his lips, as though trouble was a visitor to his heart. Ho welcomed every one warmly, Mr. Foster, being a stranger, particularly so, but he gave him a quick, searching glance, perhaps ho guessed who and what he was. The older folks went into tho houso, tho younger stood chatting in the garden. Tho same thought being In all their minds, as they asked unimportant questions and mado unimportant remarks; that wit-h being that two would separate from tho othor two and leave them alone.

There are some roses I want to show you at the far end of the garden, Mary," Arthur said, at last, flashing a come, if yon dare glance at Honor' Will you come Gladly." she answered, looking up at I him. "will you not come, too, Honor?" Honor bis seen them," Arthur putto, month I should say that it was a moro destructive light in this rospoot than any other light in the country. Certainly last month's rocord has been unusually heavy. It is often eusy to toll beforehand wnat sort of a orop of birds may be expected the next morm-iug by observing tho character of the weather. If ths atmosphere thick and muggy or it is very dark you can always ox.

pect a pretty large sprinKing, but on clear, bright nights the number of unfortunates is comparatively small. Just at this season of the year also we are moro apt to gather full crops than nt any other season, because tho birds are now migrating. Many of them travel in the night. Homo of them always do, and it is tho blinding glnre of the eleo-trlo lamps that bewilders The birds as they pass by and causes them to swervo against tho torch or head of Liberty ln their flight. However, there are occasions when no rules seem to work, and there has been known to bo a great slaughter on a bright night if a big migrating flock happens to pass over tho island in the Is thero any uniformity in tho species of those birds?" "Yes, to a lareo extent.

Almost all the birds wo pick up belong to three or four different kinds. The commonest species which wo find is bird which resombles a wren. I haven't yet ascertained the scientific name, and I only Bay it looks like a wren becauso I am pretty certain it is not one. However, I will be able to satisfy your curiosity beforo long. Then thero is the rail, which is oo-casionally slaughtered in largo numbers the cat-bird, blackbird, and several kinds of night-birds, including tho whlppoorwills." HOMES OF PROMINENT STACE FOLK.

Mr. Plgott rooms at the Lotos Club. Bronson Howard stops at tho Barrett. Bob Uilliard lodges at the Godney. Annie Bobe oocupies a flat in the Gorham.

Miss Ada Behan lives in a flat on Sixth avenue. Marshall P. Wilder entertains his friends ln the Alpino. Pauline Hall resides in a flat on West Thirty-ninth street. Manager Hoolcy, of Chicago, always stops at tho Glenham.

Augustln Daly lives in West Fiftieth street, near Fifth avenuo. Manager Edward Gllmore and wife are stopping at tho Brunswiok. Frank Mayo and family have a flat in the annox of the Westminster Hotel. Osmond Teorle and wife (Minnie Conway) have apartments in Third avenuo. Bijou Heron and her husband (H.

J. Miller) ooaupy a fiat on West Thirty-Boventh street. Franois Wilson occupies a flat on West Fifty-Bixth street, and devotes himself to his two babies. Messrs. Bobson and Crane al was stop at tho St.

Jamea. Both of them havo homes at Co-basset, Moss. Mr. and Mrs. W.

J. Florenee have a suit of rooms at tho Tifth Avenue Hotel, though Mr. Florcuco owns a resideuco on Park avenue. "EVENING WORLD" ECHOES. Wants to Cook a Uareblt at Home.

ZJttor vf TKt Zvmtfitf Ifsrbf Will any of your readers be kind enough to tell me hotr to cook a Welsh rarebit at home that Is at to eat. I am tired of having my husband take friends who come to see him oat to a neighboring chop home. Mrs. It. York, Oct.

M. lis acta 817,600 a Year. jrd(torra wtU. What Is the salary of Edward I. Fhelps, of Ter.

mont, for representing this country ln England I New York, Oct. M. It was Bold for fJT.OOO. Xdilf TK tuning WfM'-i 'v 1 Will yon tell me how much the old war ship Congress, which was recently sold, brought A. L.

New York, Oct. 83. It Shocked Iler. (ei tkt ass franstos fr f.l "Why do yoa wear glasses yoor eyes are all right asked a Berkeley youth of a modest co-ed. "Sir, do yoa think I would expose my naked eyes to the pnbllo gaze replied the young lady, with a blush of Indignation that made her face like an autumn sunset, painted red.

-s Dainties ef tho Market. Prims rib roast. Ids. to 39a. fobstsrt, 10a.

ertsrhvoM stssk, Wo. to bjasfijh, Its. 3o. WsaslliU, ljo. Elrioln stssk, IBs.

to 30a, Whits sank, ISe. mutton, llo. to 14o, lud rakpffi, us. Ullbut, lis. fit, 32o.

SWpsd bi, 1S. to EAtlUn motton obnp, 3Se. KlDCfijh, 23o. ljonb BhMSthesd, 30s. Vsu entlsts, 3So.

Hpsslsb mickersl, SOs, SwMtbtssds, (3 to 0 psi Bmslts, lto. down, UnW-nfkeUms, GOo.alOO OslTSf' bssds. COo, Itosttlns pis, Jd.W to S3.00 prirtsis, 7. to ff.M uch toiUsdos. BprtiK hloksn, SI pair, Qrssa tartlsKras.

tlqnsrt. lUsst ohlcksn, 30o. lb. Won1 Ufa, Mo. Id.

Drfploasd 18a. to Tsrtssln stow, Quart, 30o. nhrlraps, 40o. soars. Ohulcs dry-picked sprite.

Scallops. SOs. stun. Bqtutis, S3 to S3 dosen. Psss, SSo.

baltpsok. 30u. Oresn oora, 36. dos. Packs, lso.

CsaTss-bscka, (3.60 pair. PuopUu, 30o. Qrotu. (1.35 pair. Mnahroomt.

25a. quart. Partrtua. Bl.Mpalr. Onlooa, 3o.

baU-psak. Rad bud, SI dosan. QsallAowera, lSs, loUoo. fUdhosda, Sl.Mpall. Lattuca.Do.baad.

Mauarda, 1.3apau. (Jranbsrrtsa. ISO. quart. Tssl.

$1 pair. lloraarsdUp, lso. root. VomaoD. 25a.

to SOa, Spanish onions, a far 25a. Woodoook. 01.60 pair. Bwoat potatoes, 20a. half.

WhUs bail, tio. poak. Baa baaa, ISo. Tima boons, 30o. quart.

Psmpano, Ho. Kef plants, 100. a Good Counsel la Above All Frloe." Adrlso all yow Wanda to amoks our now brands WHtTKJars," "Cboss-Oocjitht" and "TuiissT Enolub." Aif sxtra Una. KiaitcT Tosacco Sow York. quickly, and slipping his arm through, hers lie hurried her up the pathway.

We do not wont them," he said, impatiently. "Do we not?" she answered, midline and coloring. Of course not," be returned, "and what is more they do not want us. Can't you see, Marv, that they are spoons on each other?" "Spoons?" she repeated, interrogatively. Well, sweethearts," ho said.

Can't yon see that they like each otbori that Bruce is as fond of Honor as I am of you She did not answer, and they walked on ln silence. Arthur scarcely knew how to go on: to do him Justice, and to his credit be it spoken, bo had never Bono in for flirtations, and now that he loved a woman and wished to tell her so, he scarcely knew what to say. You have not yet shown mo tho roses," Mary said, when they reached the end of the garden. "There are no roses to show yon in par. ticular," he said, fretfully.

"I do wish; Mary, you would not be quite so practical; did not you know that was only on excuse to get you away from the others?" "No." It was, then; I wanted to have you to myself, not to stand talking nonsense there." There was another silence and a long one. whioh, shy girl as sho was, commended itself to Mary not at all. Do you not think," she said, turning her head resolutely from Arthur." that we had better talk nonsense than nothing lie burst out laughing, then stood etill, caught both her hands, drew her close, close to him and kissed her once, twice, many times. "Mary, my darling," he whispered, "do you love me?" Shoauswored nothing, but the smile that stole over her face showed that she was not angry perhaps she deemed it but right that he should first declare his love for her then and there, only she could not prudently answer his question. Perchance he guessed what her thoughts might be, for leaving co of her hands ho flung his arms around her.

"Say yes, little dear," he soldi "I love you so very muoh, Mary." KtiUeii said nothing, but stood. perfeoUy SUE GATE UP HER BEA!) A Street-Car Heroine Who ProvedJtXHl rfl Very Common Clay. ''tH It was 6 o'clock in tho afternoon "TaTj jjf ftH Broadway car. Ths few occupanta ot ttti yellow conveyance at Chambers street wen i JIJLI men, but by tho timo that it hod reached 'V Twenty-third street, all theso men whoatil "-H romained on tho car wero standing, thel: seats bavins been resigned to ladles woo bit entered. Theso scats hod been taken by thi ACwH ladies as a matter of course, and without i Thank you or tho faintest ovidenco of 1 1 'IisbbbbbbI favor bestowed.

9M At Twenty-third street a tiredJooUntf 'iH workingman boarded the car, weak with the) day's toll and cast his eyes about for a seat on 'aslllH which to rest his weary fromo. Hon was ta JbsbbbbbbI be had. '''''9bssbbbbI iU What an opportunity was this for one oi JIisbbbbbbbbI the finely dressed ladles, so comfortably eni RsbbbbbbbbI sconced on tho cushioned scat, to make her-. -LbbbbbbbI self a heroino in the eyes of tho occupant oi KffliU the car. It did not seem possible that one) -VIbsH would do it, but a fashionably attired damo, i.TsaH who had so completely settled herself into 'ovIsbH seat, made vacaut by an Evxanro Would ro- porter at Fourteenth street, without even 'ftasasH look of thanks, rose to her feet.

The lady tignalled. and the reporter and WLLm the laboringman eaoh gave its meaning tho ytfH same interpretation and the latter thankfully- Hflsssssl took the seat thus vacant. The conductor, sVlsssfl however, knew better than this. He rang- 'Jsssssssssssl the bell en or the driver's bead, the car came sbsbbbbI to a full stop on the upper crossing at) i LLm Twenty-fourth street, and the lady alighted, sIH Tho heroino had reached her destination. LH UistasfasB Where They nave Gone.

esssBBBBsl om lAa ntrXtftr sTarsM, iasBBBl The papers ln the Pan-Eleotrle lawsuit seem te) iH have gone to keep Mr. Garland's character cota4 ssssi pany. vassBBBBsi AMUSEMENTS. -H GHARLES DICKENS AT ClIlCKnRI.NO HALL, laaHH TD1CHDAV, OCT. Eg.

AT 8 P. AL. Tickets, with llmorvrd Beats, HssasH SI snd 81. SO. 'IsbH Now on aalo at Qklokarlna nail.

9 MswOroups. TjawPloturss. Htw lunadaki JsH AND PItmpR PAUL KHTRIinlXY'S OROHESTSAJ IH aJluS0. I ohlldrsnSSo. vaSSssi AJUBH.

thstsntims(Shasssntaiiistn. DOOKSTADER'S. lB imil.LItNTIIII.lj. "jH THE COARSE HAIR; Or. TUB tfOItTIIKKLAND BIBTEBS.

iViJaaalH Ersnlna-s, 8.80. batuxda MsUnssalatV! UNION SQUAWS THKA.TRB, J. M. IHXI. MsaaJrirJ SUCCESS BBYOMD PjUUIXKTj.

In Bronaon Howard's s-rsst SafafafsBi THE Beats aoenrad two waeka In adrsnes. sbbbbbbI Ctsnlnis st 8. IS Bat. Matlnas st 3. Carriages at 10.ts nuiCKnitrNQ iiaix.

tcjaI StH 0iMRritns4Pr Admiaalon, 1. All sosts. 8Jl.H0. SalH AVAIXAOK'S, SealH TV MONDAY BVENINO-FlrattlmatntMsthssiiaJ mIbH vf llooertaon's Daaatifnl Oomsdy, rlsasasi nv I Cbaractsra bj Moaars. OamondTssils.

CASTEalnlstPonuffiS uu Produced under tli jmnaalauptHTidraoX iiM MK. T. W. KOBERTflOrifT llB OOLK'H TUKATKK, Hfl Mb it. 4th t.

and Brnstdmr, ''ilill T. "vSU-30a. fl MORAmTAMA.LTINW,OUMINABAIUWOM- -S Mstlnaoa Vfadnaadar- iBBBaBi Nott Ufa 1'OWjSnT aslsll 5" TU.AVK. TnKATnif iH LAJJT BIX NIOUTS. Hatinn Saturday.

IfjH accompanied by ilAtfni'on BAjUtTMORK sad ha 'lLsUl own Nsxtwook Mrs. Pottor ltsasi jPJBAND OPBRA-nOUSrT MINSTnKIjSJ ijsfl yjl lUaarrsd aaats, orchartrs ctrola and baloorr, 6O0.J isasasi PRIMROSE WESH NEXT WEEK A BUNOII OP KETB. lasi hosst-rsd sssls, 61. JfamUj oirals. JWs, jH flTABTtoBATRlt: brosdwsysadljttaatC JlIssbsI finpportod by an sscsllant oompany.

fflssasl CTAltTUEATBU. MU, JIKNjSV IlvHilO. asHI MISS JitXBN TRHRV "fiLm sad thsl-YglJobMPANTla BUOU OPE1U. HOU8E-0BOQND WEEK. iVLsi In a Grand Prodqctloa of tho Bpsctaeolsr Bsrlsonsu ssasl oaj XJ 01J OhudrsaTlosTj LONDON MronilSS2l: SSBSLu MUSEUM.

Ths Orsstost Bhow. iNooatliiliPlg uH 1 A TU BT11EET TnBATBjS. Oot. Oth aval Xb UaUnaes-WadnoaUrud8atjjj-dsr. viM I1KO.

H. iTlHT. la Bronson Uowardo snd Pald Balasoo's grssa 4H oomsdr-drama. nUDOLl'U. 3JM BOETEJ.

TnOUllADOUBf VlM JL to-morruw. Jonasmaiui, Brssalfi WsdsMdaa iXsasi Rlday. BooUl. Martha. quiet with his arms around her, her headl WM drooped and her eyelids lowered.

5H Idare say," he went on gloomily, 'lytm H'WM think it great presumption of me to speak It JH like this 1 I am only Arthur StAmer, with no title and no money, excepting what my undo Jm gives me, but if I were a king I could not al love you more, Mary, and loving you, SSI needs must tell vou so. If you are angryf with me, I would rather know any way, 'Cm speak, my darling." iM He was very earnest, though somewhat lm patient and clumsy over bis love-making, JIM but then sincerity was his chief recoinmea -jM dation. fin I am. not angry," she said softly, "but 19 had not expected this." WB But, Mary, surely you knew that I loveq '4S you i I have not tried to keep it secret, and HM when people love it is but natural to tell It, ffll Doyou love me a little, Mary jV He let go of hor for on instant, and lifting her face look into her eyes. 1 Tell me sweet," he said.

SgH Must 1 1" she answered, sweetly, shyly, jff shall never say must to you," ho re Wl turned, "but, Mary, love, it will pleaso mo ii you could." Vk She looked above at the bright, TrnsenU- JB mental sun blazing down in such rein) beauty, such glorious power, around at the 9 almost shadowless earth, and she thought if fu only it had been twilight, or moonlight, aha MB could have whispered her confession bravely, but with that great unblinking eye looking IBS at her with all the trees and flowers listening, ii how could she? Arthur might have waited, she thought; in the books she had read love 3C vows had always beon whispered in the '11 moonlight. "You will not please me thenr" he said, 9L sadly. "You do not love me; I have been a JMJ conoeited fool to think that you might" He let her go from the loving shelter of his arms, but stood yet by her, waiting, hoping that she would speak. "You are hasty." she said at length, growr wm Ing pole i "it is not true that I do not loVw you you must know that I do." He caught her bands again, he kissed 3LU again, laughing aloud for very gladness. jMH "vhy would you not tall me then.

Bay v9H own he said i why did yoa keep fa mt longlnsu'ipensa?" I IConUnuti in 3W4avf Enema Wolb. i ij J) niiii ii.

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