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Santa Cruz Weekly Sentinel from Santa Cruz, California • Page 3

Santa Cruz, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

a. miscK Santa. Cruz Sentinel. jl an. it- UNCLE HARRIS.

An Interview With a Pioneer San Francisco Financier- 7fM ffcf ItiiMinw nf Knifing the Wind im Oimilm-trii, iritk BomHhitig AliVMt if. tariff ihMem on rA i'atiHe tM. G-ree PAPER OFFICIAL a at ii'ikx at li.m.lrimis Hall lo- In which It had been bought, with these vendors- names on It, and sent another lady around with It, and then It was a "tlrst-elaas-' article. Re.mrter Snob are tbe drawback, of philanthropy. Harris Well, I don't pretend to be a philanthropist; but I deal fairly with th.

public and they know It. I buy aa cheap aa I ean, and aell at a certain profit; and where I think a little kindness won't be thrown away, I am ready to do It. At thla point of tha Interview, a fashionably dressed lady entered and cast a sort of confidential glance at Uncle Harria. The reporter thereupon considerately withdrew. In leaving tho Big Treos it Is com i non to iiinke ev ry pasfr-l)y drink or tho sparkling spring waicr obtained on the west wide of iho riv.

er. On Monday hist this practice turned several stomachs. They were not used to wator, and -hmtitry of tho San Jose Atyut was nearly sick nntn death. The are drawing up a protest. llEUi'IFrij Sll AUKS OF lil.V nit P.uowx are prnuueud hy IIh.l'h Uaiu 1 K.

While waiting to ste tlic procfHHhni on the Ith, go to Hie candy lactory and tr-'ut yiurn'l( to Ice creinn. Sunta llartiarn V.v: A little three-year-old repeating his prayer the other evening, got "Shoo FlyM and "Now I lay me" slightly mixed. He got along all right until he ciuiie to the third lino, which ho repeated In the following manner: Mf I should die before I w.iko. Salt Pork at Manor Itste-nian'a. Haire, oT Lorenzo, in company with bis brother.

It. llaim ot MichlRsn, 1 It lur the Fast on Wednesday last. Samuel has been sick for some time, and when he was taken to the cars be had to bo helped out of the wagon. Loik out for THE BOSH. Dupoe Hams at wholosalo and ro-tail, at Manor Dateiuau's.

The liank of Santa Cruz County receives savings deposits, allowing interest thereon. Furnishes bank books free of charge The rate of Interest allowed upon deposits for six months and upwards, is 10 per cent per annum. Through the courtesy of the Pacific Coast Stoamsbip Capt. Sagar agent, the Kxecutive Committee, secured a large cannon for the Fourth, and the Utile joker Is at the L'Iociea J. Bernheim aiuotiit us.

fof the creed of a Maaon is lo lore all maukiixl. He should know no other ii the heart than to all. His act of Iwiit vol net- embrace all; and as tar as in his power li should do good t-i all, uoi ui the mere giving of alma to those who need but to do kuh iu every hs-sihle way Itentowin lnU-lleittial and moral as well ax physical bh-Haings; to diiteuaf iivfht and information, amoug all elasttea of community; ami let hi the auultght ol truth; todash trom their Hps the nip of Kiison and piint Ihetu lo the healing waters from (lie louni of life, gutherlng into his own heart and mind ray from that "(treat Light" which ever pn-fsent In every alasonic Lodge room; he should go out and scatter them through the dark paths of human life, until all within his reach shall feet ihe gouit'l iniUieiieent his presence. Mntton-ry teaches us to have faith lu God, thai Supreme intelllgcnee which pervades an nature; that faith that cannot fall to see Him in this broad green earth, In these towering redwoods, Ibis overhanging flr. niameut.

In all tne gruml glories of the universe about us. in every mountain 1 that rears Its mystic brow Into mid-heaven; every valley with lis carpet of; green and llowers; every tree of the for-est, nnd everv spire of gras upon the plain, slern Winter lu her ley robes, and smiling spring with its bloom and fragrance, all proclaim there Ik a God. We see him in the stars of iteuven aud the waves of ihesea; he la heard lit the even big lephyr, or the Inst sirfh of the waning storm hs it dies away emong the tree-tops, tn the mourning of the wlud as it last M.tSOMC CF.LKItUATlOX. Santa Cruz is becoming famous as an Ideal camping ground. Societies look to the "Uity ol the Holy CrsV as I lie locality or holding their Urand Encampments.

Tho strength of our local lodges, the sizo of our lodge rooim, the coolness of our climate, the shade or our towering for. esls, our accessibility by land and sea, are conditions that have their weight. When the Druids gave their picnic of a few days iigo it was supposed that the picnlo of the season had come and gone. Hut supposition was tho deception of tho hour, Monday last, the 2Mh whs St. John's Day.

Tho sun ascended tho heavens and warm, and by tho time the Watsnnvillo train steamed Into tho depot, tho streets wore thronged with visilors.Thls traiu brought about threo hundred passengers, there being among thorn forty A. Wiilsh1, for 0 cents a Mackie'a ad. In tbia For a city ot Its alio, San Francisco liai very few p.wnbroking vxtabllsb-monts: anil tiiey are of a chsractnr very ditTorant from those to be found in other large cities, even In tbe United Slates. There Is no com pari, son between tliem and those of Kuro-poan cities, and their miserable crowds of poverty-stricken wretches pawning the very clothes off their hacks for a dime or two. It will be noticed by the most casual observer that here at the pawnbroking establishments and thoso at which miscellaneous goods are bought, a very superior class of artlolea la to be found.

Their drawers, cases aud shelves are filled with valuable DEALERS 1 1ST neul ul l'mrUet Knives at assoilm TRIAL AlfB OKAKD JVKOKS. The following persons have been drawn to serve as Grand Jurora at the July Term of tbe County Court, and to appear In Court Monday, July 2d, Urn-. Shoo, lly, don't hover FoR Sai-K. Ilou'-e and lot corner Ma Jtov. Mr.

IUrk in enjoying a va-Tooof lour weeks. Buy ymir wood of Uki r-onple will cole- rate the Fourth of July. pometlilnBm-win 0n Water a. root a building oT tai. proportions, but iouBb, has beeu ple and Washington lro slorles, rooms with hath.

New. 2,7 m. W. li. AliKXAXPKlt.

Job Uranrlforle We are frequently asked why A. P. Uavla Kau Lorenso Michael Henrv WinklA llMn.ift,H. ana jewelry revolvers, musical instruments, shot-gnna and fine clothes. Th.

the railroad companies do not adver Henry K. Beach Lorento w. Tucker Manual Use to sell excursion tickets lo Santa Cruz from ban Jose, Kau Franoisco eviuenuy tne debris nr sir Knights of San Command James r.igham Pajaro General Merchandise, Pacific Avenue, Opp. Fostoffice. To the Public of Santa Cruz and Vicinity.

Wa take pleasure to announce that we are now in dally receipt of new Spring and Summer Goods. A long and active experience tn the trade enables us to understand tha requirement, of the Public In thi. vicinity, and our stock la alwaya selected with special relerence to tbe needa ol our man. erected. K.

A. Jenk. Heaalde and Sacramento. Could tickets be BnthlnRSiiitsand ai (. has.

w. ery ivuiguis lempiar. i noy were received by the Santa Cruz Cornet obtained at reduced prices, enabling Dassenirers to reach hore on Saturday uivena (leo. Mlnrtw T. Jjorenso Ilranclforte Heaalde Pajaro San Loreuao fallen fortunes rather than tbe last concessions of a long atruggla with poverty.

There waa formerly only one olasa ol establishments in San Francisco at which tbe financial wind could be raised at a moment's notice, and the peculiar character of tbe pop Band, and ahlnd which organ and return on Monday, we have no licans will UM t.u-.r primary on ue I'owder Mill Wuart. (iourloy has lust received a large lot of rreil null, Kiicti tia cherries, apricots, ctir-rauts. stiawberrles, etc KtPAKATIOMt Are now In progresa for the grand opening of the Branch of tbe New York iry Uooda Store, in their new quarters, which promises to be a very Interesting aUalr, and ol which further notice will be given. Great bargains In Boots and Bhoeu. A.

BHlilwIr. will sell oil hi. present slock ol buou uud shoes at cost. Consisting of the best mauuiactured work, foi cash, iryou want a good article at a low price, now Is your chuuee. I For the fourth time has the Chlco doubt it would increase the travel izatlon they inarched to the Ma J.

M. Rmith. sonic Hall, Pacific avenue. Joined To tub lower orders, all smells are -n I.onnso ntike; it Is the sweeter, cleaner, purer. by tho Masons of th is place.

that enjoy ir. perjuuiea per ulation in early daya rendered the process one of deliberation and cau slugs the reipuem of departing Summer, or in the grcit march of the tempest as it sweeps over laud and sea, Inspiring us with tiiitli to envoke blessing uf the Mod High before etigigiiig In any great or Important undertaking, feeling as-sured, with His approval, we have naught Mi fear, "Faith builds a bridge across the gulf of death, To break the shock blind nature cannot shun. And lands thought smoothly on the farther shore." The greatest aud best of men In all agei Of the world have been Masons. Men of all creeds and professions, ol all stations and conditions tu society the prince of noble birth and exulted position, and the peasant of humble pretensions, Mon o( every (and, language and nation under Heaven, have heen pleased, gratified and Instructed in Masonry, lu the history of ourown nation, 1 may mention the name of htm, "who was first In peace, first in war, and ttrst in the hearts ol his conn and all making a most imposing dts fect flower ouors. At a swimming match 21th tion on Ibe part of tbe gentlemen play, they marched through differen from the Powder Mill wharf lo the Customers.

We call special attention to our New Stock of whose duty or pleasure It waa to furnish the wind. In tbosa daya the streets to the depot. Tho thirteen 28ili ol July. A S-tmrsc piMv. pnu'liie aud tubular boliL-i lor mill' n' The Uifi-t iV'Ktt" riimly, Bostou CUu at rriU t'iietory.

1- Ji. Allivrton, ouoof the Mcnlo pirk id booked at. the Ocean House. Atreshioi ni 'iintios just received at -Tiie uuifoims for Alort Hose Co. 5o.

1. will arrive by express to-inor-row evening. r0rfrrtrWTirnn .1. raft, W. II.

1 aily, L'ndorwood Mo Cann and Uoorgo Snunders, partiol Thu. A John M. (irirnea J. Byrke t', C. Perry M.

Marvell E. 8. Hocklua J. fi. Oreeu J.

Atk)nnon ra Paul I). U. Wilder Illclianl Hotr. John Wlli Chas, Hurling Jutuea Corcoran 0. W.

Fmoh cars were quickly filled, a large -Xan Lorenso Palaro Pajaro Branclibrte Heaalde 8an Iiurenlo Knaaid. Hau Loreuao Heaalde Heaalda annn factory been burued. Chico is rated. Mr. Jiaily allowed the two wan naa lost at laro the coin with which he had calculated paying his board-bill did not walk Into a store like Uncle Harris' and evidently a good place not to make former over thirty yards the start.

McCanu got to the raft first, Saun number of passengers having to re main for tho second and third trains, Tho floral decoration of tho two eu soap m. Alter the lactory in burnt down about lour limes mole will bo uunecos. tiers next, and Daily close to In in. lay Ills watch and chain on a glass case, but rappod at an iron door. In The race was witnessed by a large glues hauling tho thirteen cara was answer 10 bis rap a slide would be crowd.

tasty and the subject of favorable try men," Uuorge Washington, the Father of oureouulry, who fur tunny years pre rl iiniiriiintiL tho Mi I'll Ailvr Hie rlreworlts on the 4th. escort ..111 pi And the following are the Trial Jurora pencil, ami tu. Head of the pawn ollr niotliers.your sisters aud (i in tlm Ciiso of broker would appear. The visitor Htuanoe that person a will use wort IiIcsk flavoring extracts, when nutunil Iluvors like Dr. Price's Flavoring Extracts are to It.t 1)01'" siuea over a louge oi rrve ana Accepteu Masons, and said tn response to au In drawn to serve the same term and to ap oiu- HWct-lucarla lu the caudy luclory comment.

The train inovod at an eight minute speed, and wbeu on tbe ana nave some ice cream. quiry, that Free Masonry is an Order pear in voun Monday, July nth, 1877! ins nau. wnose ieaiing star is ucuanironny. ami Mr. and Mrs.

lunean of Soquel, tender CJharky grade It was aupposed the woiun state nts errand and paaa in his chronometer, and In due lime tbe amount loaned ou It would be passed out. Uncla Harris waa tbe first i Bromneld 8ao Lorenso VlS Heaalde whose principles Inculcate unceasing de allo" ii, will be sent up The lie ff titer says the game law In Napa county Is Improperly ob mviZ Heaalde votion to iue cause oi virtue anu inoran ty. it was that tie of brotherly love and bath. house, at one train would stop, but tbe wheels ceased not to revolve and the heavy Han Lorenso served, and adds: ''Jwo gentlemen nuuir. teicuer T.J.

Keel relief that bound our illustrious brother mi aooiisn tnia uncomfortable way of doing business and established the who were out trout lishiug the other Jirayette to our cause, lor be had, when Hotjuel Soquel breathing told that whilo there was Spring and Summer Dress and Fancy Goods, Which is SUPERB, BEAUTIFUL, And In Point or Style, Neatness and Cheapness, Cannot be Excelled on tnis Coast. Our Stock In Domestic Goods, such as Muslins, Sheetings, Linens, Towelings, Quilts and Blankets, is Unusually Large and Complete. Our Stock in Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattings, is Beautiful in Designs. Our Stock of Men' Youth's, Boy's Clothing and Waller I.ynaay... J.

Gauldlna Htw Punes ju.HL roeoived, 7 lbs. ot lawful ae, heard the coinmuod "let day in the mountains uear IS a pa, pajaro Kino. 01 Dusiuesa that la now In favor, there he liiiht," uud there was early tauxhl m. r. uwen.

steam there was hope. Promptly at fa Juaiioi li.uumau s. -tart Thursday evening Loib- (ieo.C. Bowea ucie Harrle la the moat popular the truth tout the natural rights of muu are jual. that his internal uu allocations the appointed hour the vast assem forte imwuuruKer ine oitv.

with a vino bnntif BruH. jjave ilu-lr social J. Cbaa. E. Caruir Pajaro blage was called to order by are alone to be regarded, aud that moral and intellectual worth should belheouly passport to station and power.

the baui-houso. raiaro of eliioidating how the business la now conducted, one oroor reporters, when lu the oity, called opon Uncle Jamea Curren V. II. Hull I uwn. l'm Cunts, Dusters in me universal lauguage ol Masoury.

Adams, President of the Day. At intervals tho baud discoursed swoet Hoguel members of the irateruity, of uil nations. i oorana null 8n Lorenao narris ana naa tue following Inter- communicate easily and treely with each ray your poll tax to-day and music. After an Impressive prayer other, and on every (juaiter of the globe John u.ierviow wnn uim: came across au old mother doe which bad heen wouuded by a hunter, aud escaped and died. Two beautiful Utile fawns lay by her side starved to death.

Several iusirfuces ol the same klud are reported." Lecture In Central Hall on Sundiy evening. Trance Hpeakuu, jxiems hn-provlned, and quesuouji uuMVered, Free aduikssiou. When Mauor A llateinaii opened their grocery store and Morris A Co. thoirgeneral variety store, it was bard lor many to seo how they could succeed, there seemingly being stores dollar that will be by Prof. W.

W. Audorson, F. Adams Reporter There la aultsa differ. vn nuaseil uiey can maae kiiuwu ineir wisneo anu be sure ol finding au attentive irleud.a spoke brieily, closing by the Intro. hospitable asylum aud liberal assistance.

enoe in the style and quality of the goods sold here, aa compared with ineir nean-ieil inanas lor ine reai Kinu-ness una warm sytupalhy abuwu tliem lu liflr recent altlluiiou by their uuuicrous Irleudii. "Come, take a trip to the Redwoods fur a few days," said a gentleman who bad but lately become a benedict, to bia friend. Does your wife acjompauy jou?" "Oh, no," was the iunoueut rejoinder, "I'm going lor a pleasure trip." BOCA I.AUKK KEEK. This la the only real aud genuine Lager Beer ol the t'aclnc Hlope, and can be hatt ou draught anil In quantities to suit, at Cap's rcLrcat, the Ki Uorado Milliard Ha-luou. The Star California Japan Tea, imported by U.

T. Uauly A San Francisco, Is the best. The following Mania Cruz merchants has It lor sale: Moulton Jt Urns, Cooper Manor llaletuau, W. 11. Horn, M.

Kelley, 11. Austin, O'Uara A Morgan. Nice Strawberries, Blackberries, Raspberries, feacheM, Apricots, fears, 1'iuius, Mweet Los Angeles Oranges, Lemons, KigH, Apples by the Box, at Htlll- 11. (I. Chopel HoUl h.

Cj'lnatoek wecun trace tne jooi prtuu of Masourv duction ot tbe Orator of the Day, In the infltieiico It has wielded on the YY. r. ua anil muse iu mo eastern states, is there social relations of the world, that no Sir Knight and Past Grand Geo. C. mere human institution ever uaa; avoid iu2 conflict with itoverninenls and laws uuir Harris Yes.

There does not anem X' 1 "In Branol rorte Branciforte P-J- Perkins, of the firm of Goodall, Per rumlahlng Goods, will suit all and everybody who it lias laid down a lew simple and vastly to be tbe same amount ol grinding kins and Senator of Butte i). v. mporiant uoctrines, iree iroui sectarian sufllcient for the business. But these needs anytMns in that line, ism, and of universal application, making Bckedounexi Monday. Office ami si roping mums ta rout.

Kn oiHjaithiH oilifi', Another of tboso ploasaut little pirties was enjoyed the Ocean House on Moiuiuy evening last. i residence to itnt ou Church SU, at pur liiullth, -Simon Ward, auod years, jsncd, was commuted to the lu-NAiyluni, the present week. White, Fancy ami Calico Sliirts, at the JoifcU prlcuis i'uii" Uron.1 -Tho Smith" meutloned iu our lut issue us under aripbt lor petit lar. setilan Howlan.l county. He spoke as follows: morality uer mono anu exacting per pet- pu.unj.

hi oau rranoisoo. l'eople do not sell their clothes and trlnketaaa they do in Qlber plaoea from absolute ft o. Seaside l. P. Uardner nu.m ual friendship and brotherly love among Mr.

ProKicU nt, Brothers the Myrtle Tie, tier loiiowers. wne uas truveieu over me world us a inesHeni'er of peace and love firms advertised up to the requirements of the tiuios, and there can be no denying tho statement that they have Bold au immense amount ol goods. The Horribles are as active as ladles frii-iulB: In all i -b of the world it hns beeu the custom of sot it-ticfl, an well as nntlnuK mil intllvlmmlR, to cplehrntp with bp- OUR STOCK IN THE BOOT AND SHOE LINE IS OF THE BEST and the friend of muuktnd. MSAL XSTATB TRANSFERS. The tootur nU uf Masoule nreceDls are mug cert'momYfi the Bmitver.ntrv of any QUALITY, AND FROM IHOST POPULAR MANUFACTURERS.

KW. Pope to Ixilllaa Blanehard. qesiuuuon, U'bey aell them one day to put up a margin on stocks; or because tbey have been on a Jamboree and got temporarily broke, tbe next day they are ready to buy tbe tbinga back again. The consequence of tbia ia that we buy a Quantity of first-clans rent or import lint event that mav hnve oc- found along- the Hands of time with the wreck ol nations, inspiring with new enthusiasm those who tollow-ufter to date maintain the rlalit, for viewing together Ion 4 and 5. In block J.

in Hnuih. mice-gobbling cats. You can hardly erred in their history, mid to imv a tribute of oeet to the iiiemerv of those wIiohm toon enter a dark alley or empty building eastern Addition to Santa Crus, 1 (3 00 L. Lenhart lo Urania Learned, lota 7 and Knr Lh An have read "liertSinitb." Imvi? Ims-u illustrious in proiuotinu its nrosmr. with an impartial eye the nations of the earth are all traveling together upon the without seo ing tho evidences of de Our Stock in Qroceries'is Daily Replenished with Get your l.ohtuii crackers at Swan's vei ot lime, to tour, undiscovered coun y.

In conformity to that time honored eus-m. the Society of Free and Acrepted Masons tve for centuries ptist reiin-inlnTed each re- I acT lorroue try from whence no traveler returns. the Choicest and Freshest Articles in the Market. Sinco A. T.

Stewart made his me beauties oi Masoury are secretly or a. Mcl'heraoni Kaiterly by Chestnut street, and Westerly by Kin- uniiiiii auinvcrsnry of tin kc Patron Saints of clothes, mostly nearly new, and some not worn more than a day or two. The watches, too, are enoep-tionally fine, They are bought when tbe men wbo sell them are flush, and concealed from the uninitiated that men in-order. St. John the Hio-tist.

and St. John oon aireet. may euioy tliem more by let-lumatelv viauieut, Judga Hilton believes tn tut and iseppoNfd to uil other he Evangelist. It therefore emilieutlv iroimr emma winter- should assemble hen' this chnrmiuK aiini-rsui-y day iijm.ii this slope of tbe n-ihc. where the Oeihit-iit with the Lnanes Wlnterhalder and Caroline aud patiently exploring Uf.

atonic, mysteries, nut to lis own uiembcis It throws open the avenues to all its secret apartments and mystic rites. It asks Our Stock In Crockery, Willowwnro, nml, in aold tor anything they will bring. larMi Mullmvs pi rc uud freitl), at the tuz itiiily Kitcloiy. rient and surrounded ujion ev. rv nide by the neporier Are yon never deceived in tbe quality of tbe watcbea and divided ls- of lot la block In city of Santa Cms, QOO 00 a It.

Lothrop and wife lo H. C. Chace, II H0 acres In town of Fel- jiu tiiem iue closest scrutiny and veresl investigations. It la noL onlv tbe of hope, pay our tribute of respect to im itioi-y of him whose every walk through fact, every line or g-oodai kept ly us, linai been replenished uud la complete. (-1 the tho mini- Charles jewelry you buy? privilene ot the Free Mason to engage Id was au esami.le of piiddty ami hoimr.

In tus worn, but li ts hi duty. for bv so domic Mition to deilii-iitinu our linkes to Kiuu Solo J. Hlbberd to H. C. 00 orlucluies are Imbibed uud huhiLs re mon, our first (irand Master, we alwt dedicate Hood Cuniiinn-, iii aul, was in KB.

rittlicr eonsei rte Hu to those eminent wwu ui reiuin, gnn 00 10 UHherlne Robert, I ft on Pajaro ou in town of WataonvillA toi IVmnl niul lormed, tesults and iniluences will only be fully developed when the "Freed Spirit" snail put oh Immortality. Uo search aud lind by the aid of the Great Mi Albania at patrons tif nnr noble order, because the moral pn epts whirh they are recognized as tT-All these Goods We Can. Will ami Shall Kr.11 rUE'DrD Wt'H. inn code or for while the Harris fiever now. Science haa aided ua aa well as other people, and we have ao many testa and appliances that deception la Impossible.

It la very different from the old limes. I remember one case In early times when tbey stole a pawnbroker's only test his acid filled the bottle up with water and rtinn lu a lot of brass THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN A NTAC Rl 1 7 Samiiel Hairs to Robert A. Halre. Ilillitist and beautifullv exemohSerl in Liigiii iu Masonry wuettier it consist In tne ideal or the real: whether it be theorv parting glory and coming mirth. All the worthless animals, diseased gar-meats and sick vehicles are In the market The Horrible family is so large that chicken owners aud washerwomen will look after their coops and clothes-lines on tho night of the third.

Mr. W. A. Lawson, from San Francisco, has opened a very attractive bookstore in tho new building opposito Wells, Fargo His stock Is new aud fresh aud makes a pretty display. As he sells at low prices he cannot fail to secure a large share of the patronage of the public.

His tables will be constantly suppled with the latest popular books and periodicals. While the Reciprocal Treaty Is In vogue and the tuigur trade is in Hie IuukIs of large monopoly what Is the use ol puylng SI pcr'iilluti tor molasses, when ytu can uuy HaniiwlL'h Islands molasses of Hwau for 50 cents. Santa Cruz Eucampment, Xo. 80, 1. O.

O. elected the following olllcer, June 21st, 177: S. T. Hitting, (I. J.

K. Stanley, V. Chas, Kayo, Phil i on 1 i auk Ser i be Ins life the virtues of Truth, Teuinerance. and respectfully invite the Dublio to come, examine ami irii- nnr Blight of earthquake was titt Suiita Us Mb iu a last Saturoay Bi. Three shocks lasted or practice, or both; whether it Is made rtitudeand Inteirrity, the Kvangelist in his oniy oi corenioiuea, riteu and forms: manner, spirit and life was a most iiiniressive goods before purchasing elsewhere.

We are sure that the verdict will be in favor of the Old, True and Reliable Firm of y4 oi section 15, township i south, range 3 West, 1,000 00 COMMOtf Council met or whether within all these there Is a Uv. aii minute. lllistrntiull of love to God mid num. Ami tig pnucipie, something ou which the luuiuu intellect may fasten andetUDlov Another lai irc invoice of Lr. Price's while dedicating our lodjfCH to those ancient worthies, our halls are dedicated to Masonry in on him for gold before be discovered Ulau's.

A School Trustee Is to be elected to-day. We have beard of the manipulations of nameless parlies during the past ten days, but us there is so much said that has no louudaltoii iu fact, we will leave tbe announcement of candidates to the develop, ineul of the day. Tulib's Hotel, situated In Oakland, says Swau's Cream Umcuirs sod tsauumcb Syrup are lUe latest lulnga out In the culluaiy Hue. Tbe roadbed of Pacific avenue having bouu established at torty-two leet and the sidewalk at thirteeu feel and three hope the work of macadamizing will be contracted lor Immediately, Not a day is to be lost, or we will be In the mud next Winter. Fivo barrels of selected Mixed Pickles by tbe Oallon or tjuart, at Muuor Jt Hateinau's.

HrtK TO I.FT-New house of six rooms, col uer of Otis aud Calliornla His. Inquire at Klrby's Tauuery. Old, broken down horses, mules, donkeys and wagons, carls, are at a premium for lite Horrible parade on tho afternoon of tbe Fourth. Al-roady ou our streets can be seen limping brokeu-dowu animals that are boiuu leathered In troui uil pans of the country by the boys for the display. in strength, purity ami tir.

Trice's Uaaiug takes lliu leail of auy other lu me ullt-u stales. is i lowers of luvesiliratioti. somethmtf hv Eitrsctsand iiitkinic l'owiters. me irautt, V. Mil, 1, 11 IU 1 Full board present, J.

H. Manor. Knpamnn 1 1, -Another exouiHitin per steamer Keporter You sell uooda at verv which the moral and intellectual faculties of man ruay he cultivated and Improved, his heart made better aud his lite J. Bernheim u-uight, and aiioihor large crowd of adorned. Those who have drank deep iisitois.

Also tin excursion on Tues- uni its fountains, believe It contains low prices liow do you manage that! Are the goods really cbeapT Harris Certainly they are. People sell me a watch, or a pistol, or a ine name ui tut- crrenr We are there, fore led to the tminiry what is Mationrv? We answer, a4 a soi'iety it dates its origin hack- to the time Sacred Writ informs us that Solomon determined to build a house, to he erected to ib and dedicated to His holy name. H. had to employ in its construction a vast number of workmen, upwards of one hundred and titty thousand, and it was necessary a system should he devised to i nsure order and regularity miionti the workmen; with that consnimnnte iy after noou next. jinn n.m.

No. 1, appeared before tha Council evldanoe to the Council that No, 1, was pnrma- S.S "sl'teen persons had signed tHe roll and were aotive mem-hora. Tlie Council being aatlaHed that such organisation waa permanent, on principals founded on the areut doctrines apt Pacific Avenue, Opp. Postofflce, Santa Cruz. of diviue revelation, that IU essential ruths are truths borrowed from Insmra- Unl itl (iutii ir set ol jewelry, or a suit qf clothes, Uou; its mission to glorify Uod aud bens- nice fruit Just rc I't'itfi states that ih pltu-c, ot Into mii with noping generally to snake a turn and THERE IS A GREAT RUSH TO motion, tne sum or UuO was appropriated ii.

iiittii out ib us tn suuiy iw iiiwh The San VsHuvli iaKT. I'll I i i Hi uuy mein back again al a alight a1- iliitluruiH tor lliu ountiaiiy. Uif aiiu Hi.eniH till MKHDAMKH I'l III luntn.ioo, a mau llio other day aold me a gold Howard watch tiw iiic euiuiucEtt oi minu over matter. New h.n uil I Its i1( Mil BROWN ft LINDSEY'S Entered Appreiitifi LmH'e was institu anu successful conquests are daily woo unheard of beauties iu nature, aud art re- (re-elected); tieo. ou, Tieasurer reelected); A.

A. Kendall, Jr. S. Ufeon, U. C.

Kirby aud i. ted for the government of the bearers of bur- 1 1 tnalruet- on Ui. Po rch cleaned. Jul' and ltobert H. Majors, who was annoiniad policeman at areVlou.

nVeeUni? give the required bonus and took the oatl veult-d to man, and principles are ln- MILLINERY ll 1-eJloiAM tott lodges tor (lie government ''-candy fnniKh. nK.nm, fur Kntle -1i Av. -Tholstrei'ts ilinni-h which the Vsimi July l-'ourih Stevens, Trustees. The installation ol tlie in -were in tlie mountains, the workmen ii ana cnain. It had, 1 know, cost him 150.

I gave him 75 for li, aud aold it for H0. Keporter Wby did you aell it so cheap as thatT Harris Well, we have one nrlnol- OCEAN MARKET Justopened near the corner of Paciflo Avenue and Bridge Street, Keeps eonaiantly on hand a choice selection of fresh BEEF, P0BK, MUTT0JT, VEAL, SAUSAGES, And Evervthin? Found in a ie tl stone ift, and the art the temple; mi I nil. if the eruiLs- And DressmaiM Establishment, Since their removal to tbe new Htorat 1m L--m MitaiH'il uikI sprinkled, An mi it .1 le. wen h.iuitf wortli.v wen-admitted to the Mason it was a vast sm 'iQoiu. i Hit ('oiiiicil.

voiveu mat give new energy acuoa anu cheer ou the meutul hosts iu the struggle lor intellectual attuliimenttt. Free Masonry is uot standing Idly by, hut its open door Invites you Ui explore its internal mysteries, if you have uul a pure motive to uid you iu the pursuit; fur our whole race lias joined the struggle after knowledge, uud is pushing Its way in rough unknown regions and exploriug IDdy. mil r. union am; natcriuiy builder who held po- Pi iu our Dusiness. when we give over f.r0 for anything we aell it at an Mio.ii..

1,1 wnicn ineir tpiaiiheulions a loin-en uiii ii nieiu, aim am mn emi lit to her Fwlhi Im'1 nf i In the I.hiikh DRESSMAKINO IN A LL IT8 B.HANCH-ia UONH CHEAP AND IS THE LATEST STYLES. Th. laleat in c. ik-ii iiifiireu uin prove tJiemsef ves advance of 16 per cent. When it oosta us under 160.

we aell it at an Cigar lilt worun. ioiiiH)stu ni gnat minili will lake place July otli, to which all l'atriaruhs are KK tf OY A On or about tho tini day of July Dr. Cauney will removo to his new residence on Jhauiel street, near Pacific avenue. His of lice will remain at the same place, in Hihu's building. J.

Iternhelm Co. have Just received a assortment of Blanket, CnriietK and Uil Cloths, winch they sell at IS per cent lens than any other House in Santa Cruz. It is said that a man shows his First-Clan Seat Market Adjourned till Monday, July ad. PROHATK COVHT. In the matter of the estate of Claus The hearing of the ooiin.i logetiter ny ties ot aso.iation and advance of 20 per cent, and it ia al The exrurMnji trii that have love, ii hmiIiI rml tie evam t.fnt ways worth It you may depend.

lirnl all tlie eo m.lits of pt-r)etuity ill itself, Halaareoonalanlly twin Imported. Don't niiet ihs place-arlHe veame. polt Araw atreet, Haa la (ma. myU-U so sucrcs-lnily introduced by 4 liooilall-IVi kini Sieamship Co. ami trom day to the pre-tent both history reporter isn't there any dancer ,11 Miter gyius oi irutn sua beauty to adorn immortal man.

The triumphs ol the punt and the high Ineeutlves oi a Idudable ambition urge us forward; the ranks ol higher intelligence beckon us on towards the lofty einaniQce they occapyjevery motive that can be la placed belore the mlud tn lure it nn vtllll IHCItt win Prices Reasonable. A ftlSMK Haa in Cteaiaccfioaa arlia al m' n1 beira cited to be dm ing tho season. i leiiny UUllCiile the esit-l, uee of the of your gettiug bold of and selling stolen goods? From J.J. Fly, farmiugon the Ap-tos Creek, we learn that the crops in bis section are uuusually good that be has graiu that stands six feet high. From J.

Malttsou, farming midway between Soquol aud his city, wa. learn that the gram crop in this immediate sectiou is better than last year. The hay yield is a trllle lighter. unieriiuj. er utew iradlUoua coiinned te en'ii (itul r.n' (pillars, for 5 Harris we take precaution glory, the emblem thai Inspired us with 1 mI.

1 i oouwiian, ADUreui. ua 1HIX, hi a. II our own ennmrj-, or even to the country from winch we derive them, there miybt le some doubt as to their truth. Hut as Masons we JACOB n. WEILER.A CO.

txsa-u bringing up or waut of bringing up -The train thU h-aves for Watson- piiftftcs a Kiiuwietige oi taets wld' occurred at u.i uiwiin urmre us to leau tne way winlo In our rituals and symbols, and dticrces is revealed a God: and iu spiring hones of liiiiinn-iiiiv un il at four o'clock each Monday trie oiumiiiK tu ivuig sooihiiib temple, un while among stringer. And when we heard three young hoodlums, in a loud and boisterous wav, criticising agaiust that, and, besides tbe thieves have their dealers. Our books are apeu to the police at all times, and we take care to inform tbem or tbe purchase of any more than ordinarily valuable articles. Mrs. E.

A. Culverwell, Fasshionalle DRESSMAKER CC? AND WARRANTRO to I1L )h veil paimnlzed. Last known to tile ret of mankind. These facts transmitted through a ei.oaei! few bm- equally BUS IB UKIT BOffK BEFORE. and ptospceu uil glowing In the sun-light ol heaven rise belore us, uud bright beiugs woodsy it carried Homo seventy pas CITY MARKET, PACIFIC ATBITVB, BAUTA CBVM o.e-t.

lUruUglHUlt tl She gone from that home flnxk entire world; amongst nten of all nations. SI "PM wide- BMiiMftil Plintreil While Plmie for 12U Keporter Th la ditlerent thas of creeds and races, and as these traditions in the diir.rt nt counti-lew agree in all ensential particulars they immot but be true. "Tool ami iuch oMoiier aim wave ua ou lo im mortal triumphs thai -'rihow us the truth and the pathway of duty; Help us to lift up our standard wuiwr ysnl, at lti-rnliclm A the business iu San Francisco ac mis ayatem Is ISS. 3 lmPpoTd Plan. Next -Geo, T.

liromloy lectured to a v.vm mo auiuina tide. On that fair brow Is a diadem bright. Like a starry aeinoi halo light. Clad In mhai nrruia.ii.i iiiMiiim. iMr.1.1 art uiteeuire ana symbolic bbuig most expressive are ael.

ted by tlie counts for the open manner lu which tbe business is conducted. iill earth hi ruatoied tu the order and a-Hinng Mill. Agent for th Sew American Rouandienco on Wednesday even His qiuitii remai and pictor icriiuy to imprint ou the mind wise and seri oeauiv DAKAN YOUNG, Keep constantly on hand BEEF, PORK MUTTON, VEAL, SAUSAGES, PUDDINGS, HOLOONAH. oio inniiN miu iiius fli roil Bewwat UaOluiia. UlO-tf Lost the shadowless morning; of time.

auvuUons caused consiilorahle The Savior's praises sing day and nigh t. An I 111 mortal hnm. i ages have been transmitted to us utiiuipeached the most excellent tenants uf that which we J.UIIV11 ua mmiw tlie NeeU Of man a noble Oeeo the accommodation of the lllg Tree Hotel during the rush of Monday last, we were reminded of the young mau who could get nothing to eat while among strangers, but who really lived ou rat soup at home. Hafki.y and Cektaini.y trint great external remedy, removes cutaneous eruption hy open inn me pore whose obstruction was the catlte of (he difficulty. Teat uud you will endorse it.

Look out for Wyman, tbe pres-tidtgiutettr, tho king of American showman bilks. He has 'done" San Francisco and San Jose, advertising to give a present to every tickei I buyer. Iu ibis respect he was- a Thou hast called her-you have ordained, Harris What do you mean by open maimer? Keporter Well, there ia no oon-coalmeut or annotation of privaoy about It. HarrisNo, why ahould there? Make us determined, uufllnchlng and Alpxiiiflrf ton shoes at Pray FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING, ll ana amonr lhal i The craft was. up to the twelfth century pmvly au operative association, and pm con DRIED BEEP, SALT MEATS, Aimed with the sword of right atintleas amid tliH n.Kt tUe Ure' Jenovah.

'shall tt'il luanv valuable Works of net m.ti.. BERNHEIM'B BLOCK, hookt V. LARD, eta. Help us level the bulwarks of iiioioiiiiiies rroiu tn laws ot the dith nt realms, and tree.l.mi IOOD WORK AT RKiNnwiali n.l 2 lo Hungry men aud women the Drier. I nu T.

Yt IZaTi Connaetml mrirh ffia princ.s ami rnlcis in authority. Thev it orniara in- Slie.l l-nt' Ii eoiilm dinner remarks ot E. S. West were vim vuuiug, me east in th. AataDiiaiinianE.

iionioaii omer iiiuiut who did not helotn uwiuanjuayi, neath claimed thea with His ley kiss: Closed are the fond eyes, sealed the Hps. exceedingly lelicitous, and his ad reopie here are down to-day and up to-morrow. It la not because tlioy are actually poor that most of them come to me; but because tbey just happeu to waut money aud tbey know tbey can get more of me than tbey can of anybody else. aw-A share of public patronage respectfully solicited. M.M privileges vice to make merry while the barbs- nines; niit at Una time mti-M.

uiyu-u KNAPP. This Is His will; to Him you ahall appeal- i uoi ir. it. ut 4-oi tne ran ami u- many advaii- cued meat lasted was carried out to Charcuterie Et Boncherie FraneaiM oiKe-. umiusMou 10 na raiilia was soiic'lit bv UOODS FOR THE t'Ol'KTII.

Pray line of ready made clothing la tbe best ever ottered iu Uauut Crus. 0 Lemon and Vanilla Ice Cream on the 1th at the Santa Cruz Caudy Factory. A meetlug'of the Kxecutive Committee of the Fourth of July will lake place this afternoon al 2 p. at the Court-house. A full attendance is desired.

I. Beltllynn has completed two nrst-cla-ss Join, one for Dr. Cauney aud the other foi J. Counui. W.

V. Smith, the Champion Long IMsiance Hkler, has arrived In town, and intends giving a fifty mile race at an early day. Twenty-five kegs Mixed and Plain Picklea just received at Mauor et liateman's. Caition to tiik PriiLic Several of the present Yeast Powders now on the market are fearlully adulterated and Injurious to health, use IKinnull.v's. Established Iweiily-oue years.

4 A man ho cheats In short measure is a measureless rogue. If In whiskey, then be is a rogue in spirit. II by falsifying his accounts, then be is an unaccountable rogue. If he gives a bad title to land, then be is a rogue iudeod. If be gives short measure in wheat, then he is a rogue in grain.

Buy your wood of Mackle. do to Mrs. N. Burk's, at the Pioneer Fruit store, anil get some of her fresh candles, uuts, Ujhacco, cigars, and the dnest fruit. -MonJHV last.

WliilA hmiu ixe will neat. On Ed.n'a hriirht .1.1.1 tbe letter, with the sliuht exoeDttoa tutwniiiiwi'rr uoi oH-rauve Mason, GARCIEN BERTROND, inai meat, remained after hu utter Keporter I ahould think that la. iho Wm uiei iioieiice wincinjiene applicant BAUTA CRUZ TIonai oae lbou 10 P1 no niew8 IHishespeu, ami me aiitiitionai importance which their arliliation would confer upon tin- order. i Un. dies very olteu bad need of your as sistam-e.

Are not they a little back Anthoifi Bnildiag, ganU Crm, had departed. Dancing was kept up the entire afternoon. The hotel was liberally patronized, and in nasslno: uitni ami 'arrett coil' Paint, Oil, Brash Oentle Suale, 1 render this to thee: Accent a henrt'a ttirarin- uiey well- BUIiiUleil as inemlM-rH. Those tlltlH admitted not U-ing operative Masons were bly hurt. waru auotti coining tu your store? rti c.pieo matins; HI lice II il-fl time DaALaaa Pork, La an llaaa.

IVarS auaal On this earth let It your last reuulera be. Harris of them are. 1 have good as his word, and the crowd kept hands olf while he gave whole bars of soap and long slate pencils, but when he commenced cutting the bars into little bits and breaking the pencils, they foamed with wntti and snorted through their nostrils. Private Roardinsf House, Ocean View avenue, Manta Cruz.Cal. Formerly Kept by Mrs.

Martha Wilson. Sunny rooms and magnificent views. Table and other accommodation excellent In every respect. Address: Mrs. K.

P. Keeney, or Mrs. S. P. Freeman.

Terms, $ti) to 511 0 uirougu me wooas we found many implHo Overtoil lltil. h.ft.1 tbe wives of some of our most dis pariaicing oi oasRet-d nuera. One we have called thos. who have parti, ipated us in the iti.vhteriniia scen ts of our order rVee and Ac -pted Moiih." Itnt ln the thousand and fifty persona reached tinguished citizens among my eus. weeP- abed sMhed Beel, Ijanl, T.agae, Kit, omestlc Sausages, Sheepa' Tongue, Plan' Feet.

Trlut-. Pli-kln. u.n,a.' l'1-oi aio i an ii oi iijTUT af ttif tomers. Tbey send down a note in the cars, and certainly as outer itoor wmi any reasonable hojM'of gaining npanaiit flAaHi.B i a w.i on AltorlhecbilU-mrs ha.l MHve.l with It many more reached the strove on foot Cervelol, BolisjuaHauaagea, Head Cheese nn'iiiun tu lawiul age, me ana 1 go up to their bouses aud look at their diamonds or whatever Bloioma conauiiiiiy on band. Famlliea.

llotela aud VmuI. Hnnniit or in carriages. At five o'clock the train returned to Santa Crua. The siatnuiig iu iue at Kiiowbdged presence ami belief of all that supreme intelligence which pervades all nature; but bevond thistaith he in Z. "cnt It wm allowed ww the wainr.

at ahorteat uotlcc. nivi-if uiey nave to sell, and tbe negotiations are finished there. vvatsonvilie and Ban Josa tnmsu niminuieij uw. so wears the mailt. Keporter Do you have many ladv amused themselves till 6:30, when inn em'u senM ine portals of the Lodge; it "THE AUE or German Sausage Factory.

cIi.m.t than v. h. uun.uuini.i iuey uuett six ot tmTSama Crua tail- niosiiomiH-iswriei, lie aHsniiies the laiiibskin, no matter by what name he may call Th. boy that went to the mill on liorae- Harrie-Ou. yes.

What with ex. -Tie roau cars ana turned their backs on the festivities of the day. AND GLASS STORE. BOLOGNAS, HBAD CHEESE. On Friday afternoon of last week Alert Hose No.

1, was organized, and eleeted the following oiticers: Foreman and President, J. II. Manor; First Assistant, Charles Hunt; Second Assistant, O. Y. llrad-ley; Secretary.

George Hoadley. Frank Pray, Wm. T. Cope ami Chas. Piileiiiiinl srrlcot building, grw in one end of the bag- and a atone In the other, when reproved by the miller, and told to divide upon ooti eisewuere; no matter thmuh what form or ceremonies he may worship 11 im in t'liiirch or in Mosipie or Pagoda travagauoe and private atock apecu-latloua aud ouo thins aud snotl.or the Juukln who softly oy the Kan Jose TONGUE AND UIXXID PUDDINGS, Etc.

East side or Pacific Avenue. Opposite Locual Rtreel. Santa 1' roin hiM i 3 aiu-me niched in 'ln. goou many ladies get temporarily Front street, by I'xrjionters aihies, or erect a It. I proud beneath the iM.iicu i.iDarea tin.

Black I lail. Raw Ltliaeed Oil. Ha.1 1 'nai nia uth.r and Kran.l ailier had carried It tbat way, and he, being nobetter than thev, ahould continue toilo aa they did. Slmllar.or equally aa abaunl.reaauiuare acoouuted as auf- William- ui.meoi uie granticsi ut inatle with hands. Arouud her altar tin- Jew guests to return their heartfelt thanks to the fraternity that ao royally received them, and to make particular meution of the manv kindnesses re Tullus Xlarron, Locust near Pacine Ava V.

itl ron wero elected a Finance Caa'uir Oil, Keporter You guarantee goods that will aell to be what they are just ap- Prof. Mlillngtoit, the lessee of the Iternhoini Hall, has boon, ph ysicnlly. Madly undorthe liter since hln sr. rivitj hore. and the ball he proposes i u.

auiuv a I mill in.m I n. 1 1 a. Chrome Yellow, Neaurnot oil, Venetian I criminally condemning Dr. Pierc's V. tati ulirlil tliu ft.

hi t-aramne Fir. Pmnl Paint i ceived at the hands or the ladies of tbeldlewild Chanter ofth Eastern represented gold or whatever It may be and the watchea lo keep time, do nruH IDOUKn Lll.ra la Varnish. Putty, Alonbol.Ctoach VafnKh. mtll5' ANU BDIS' ClOTHirR. rutij, ainiDutfUOHa va "CMI liinr luitiilrml and giving on the night of the Fourth the laat I laf, -luiyvuiiae, uoia oiar.

Committee, also to draft a Constitution and 'ilio 1'otii pauy started with twenty ol our niohi promising young men as charter in embers. The Pecdero stages leave town loaded down with pasenuors. A lit. end- ov.rwlielinllig proof that tbey noaseas the merit claimed for them. For many years the Uolden Medloal Discovery has Di-en recnanlsed asth.

laaulinv n- boys propose to make a benoflt ball. JOU UUl I Harris Yes. ami the hiiiaj, jiIb im i. b. kept lb 2 We have lieeii aske.1 h.t i.

vtiruuure varuian. atlnc. Laard Oil. Mixed Palnta for Sale. aay Brush, and nr -n and we have no doubt It will be 'PJMMijfiTH to our fily.

Forty 'Hby the niitht train, and all Mcoimnoilalod. h'anil i.v.11 i Oent'i Fnrnia ing Oosda, Keporter la It possible that you This la what the Carson Appeal blood nietilclne In the market. Each year alses. Monterey Sand lor sale by the sack Mimm UW1.M, 1Q IIS VAie, ShU It says of Montgomeiy Qaoaa'a rhinoc uaeu iiiniugnou, in. civilised world.

Thousand, or IN ENDLE83 VARIETY AND LATKHT STyLK; HATS AND CAPS, at eros: tve nave all along Men aasur- uiajr ue ueeeiveu yourseu. Harris Hardly. You aee every, thing we buy la very carefully examined, and we have on our premises a watchmaker wbo ia an expert. largely attendod. Look out for THE DOSS.

Five cans of tbe old favorite brand (4. Field's) of Oysters, lor 91, at Ma-nor it Patemsn's. -San TiOrenao Ixwlzf. No. 147.

on monlals are on ni. In the Doclora nffl. 11. O. GrADSBV., tin iid Cirrii'e fiiitrr, ng our readers that tbe two-horned iiitli ti.l tie judicious advertising Js produe. ing "an hundred-fold." There are three things necessary to success: First, a good article: second, low aiuwtliig iu edlcacy In overcoming aagra- oriirin lu lu anti.piity. but wiioac rhinoceros was a fact. And it Is a fact, lie is a very portent specimen; 3 lit A. V.lUli'.

k-H. Mr. WHU v-h next Sundav li "iiikc, concern-. 0,, try jly nKm bJ Oiing of tlie Fourth ufju iy. i Tkiiitm oo.

o. BAKIVET'iS, auu lung al-ft-cltons, alao scrofula, tumors, ulcers, and skin diseases. Are vou auflArin IS NOW prepared to do all kinds of so that there Is very little danger of iiuukmd. iH nm ating.riaruionizinu price; third, a general knowledge ol nig everywlo n- for iniDLKfi, picinc mm. UluiDgdoott to order.

Mr. UtWubr Is I Tuesday evening last, elected Ulcers the goods ana prices. hat does it benetlt a man If be has tho best "hat is the it. 1 wrvhea i lt to INC Of,. 1 as loiiowa: N.

W. W. Dodge; V. a very aiugular aud Interesting creature. His head is shaped like a mansard roof covered who aspUaltnin.

Ilia front teeth seems to bava grown up through bis nose, and bis wisdom- cation of itH rttca and and it custom Whai render to the aacred cai some chruulo maladyt If so. and you wlh lo employ medicines that are acien-tlncally prapared; that are retluej and purined hy Hi. chemical procesa employed In then manufacture; that are noe-lilve lu their action, and aiavlfla a cneit or ihe now crop of mt.o, aauu wilt t.11 K1DUS goods In the market and is willing to i wore ia Uavu iid wi(U neotnena mod Itarnet; See, E. C. Newell; R.

o. Y. Dradlovr Jesse "t- answ DR. STZINHART'S National hatr-d. Jinioua Intnl.

eraiii-e and "vaning the lirancb of the iily hate vanished A. llu- tooth has eome out through bis eye- varloua lorma of diseaa. for lb. cure of ESSENCE OF LIFE Cope; Trustees, H. E.

Maklnney, 1'. Swantmi, Duncan Mcl'herai i.ry coin- A few Tear Bafo 'Auiruii. iovfrwu or ami: piumb. vo Ilt.y row, ills eye is located in bia up liioovered to criHln curm frip Ifa nirj recomm.nded, ua. Dr.

I'lerce'a ramlly Medtclnea. Full particulars in Plerve'B MemnrMii.ltim Itnnt from wont 9 A POWERFUL AND EFFICIENT nut we suy it ik a i. iwt rfor u.u.i li 17 lu llu- l.lvi,,- r.J ttal K.SVui5 Cemetery Trustees, It. C. Klrby, R.

Willlsnis, J. ('onrsn. upia mu idTer (jompiaint, reir tuln per Hp. lie seems to be a cross betweon a deformed elenbaut and tbe remedy ftr the cure of nervous mn4 our Doing deceived. We guarantee all we aell, aud give a written guar, autee with it, aud if there ia a mistake, we, and uot the buyers, are the sutlerors.

However, It ia very seldom we sutler iu that manner. Keporter I suppose in these dull times you do a good deal more business than lu what areoalled flush time. Harris These are dull times with too, and we are glad euougli to make a aale. Tha limes ought not to be dull though. It ia not so much slocks tbat makes the times dull aa "mo Miiiiinvcat corner of IM.

I .1 li.i I ln .1 uruaaiaas. ami atrool. tiut'tsxi ihiS'ir physisL dibTiitvrrp. mrilaT, debris of an old India-rubber over sell them lower than any one else, it these facta are not known among consumers! And this is the reason that so many 'nice" business men die out for waut of business. When Henry Bausch says mmcthlng he always has something bo say.

Aud that ts his peculiar condition this Saturday, Over the Fourth don't get mad, But read his ad and br glad, For tickled you should surely With entrauce lo his gardens free. teajnlar ncrrelloa Eaaeauavl ae shoe manufactory. Hs looks as If HEBn'S AVOL'tfT Puiwaa tnaciam. hr- luiiuirii i lot orrooma alued tnrousb the country by ou. aufferer HealUs.

-i Is the onls sale and sure wmar. 1 Nliir-iKiut to anomer, uniii, wnnoul advertlaliig, lu aal. haa becnui. Immense. Drusslsls lu KVKRY In tbe I nlted Slates ar.

aelllnt It. No Deraon witu Motir The regular secretion and flow of the 11 IIH I a. al.h's clearing aaie at leu than nair price. IjiJio', Misses' aud Chil-dron's shoes, 5U cents a pat-. Next Saturday the Republican primary la to be held, polling planes to ba opened at every polling place.

Candidates should annouueo them, solves lu our next Issue, so that there can be no oliarge of underhanded work. It will be the last time to an. will realore sshauaied vlUllly without tail, permanently and matter from what eauae or how long alaudlng. nf tlm lii. i "-'iuiuiiin, hoonemntied.

gastric and of the bile which the oi ai-a, nMK coallveoeaa, palpllalloo ol the Heart, llldiaeation. low use ol Hosteller's Btoniach Bl'4era, promotes, are streets which eondaee materi he knew Just about enough to write editorials for a weekly paper In the country, refilling Bob lngersoll. If bis Hiicestors were with Nosh in the ark, that early navigator must have consigned blm to tha steerage, or else it was just an emigrant ship where tbey made no preteuoe of tone, style or anything flrat-class in tbe paasea-ger-carrying way. THE ESSENCE OF LIFE Collin la still whining "My OI my His failure pu. on the pinia, can lake three doaes wlihoul elief tio to your Druitalala.

Fav. or extravagance, l'eople think these are the days of '411 yet, and tbey are not. ally to tbe restoration of health, when tha Is pleasant to take, and Is free from all Hasuls A Nichols, and gat a bolll. lor T5 to print the Druid oration makca him oeula ind try 1L Bapi, lai Jes c. T'" dru" to nam'.

OtttJes HI cents, hv. orsana. alreualh lo Ih. aani. best patem U.

non nee yourselves In tbe Skxtinkl. Keporter Tbey come to you in purine, and th. blood, thttrrl.y as the Nominating Convention la to cousequeuce. San Jose, Harria Well, a good many of oe ueiu on tbe following Tuesday. Med them do, although 1 have a number "uiltiil mniiu- SHOKT of unmlsUkable oi ine beneflta cooler red upontenaof ihouaand, of auOarer.

could originate and maintain Jfm lb. repuMttoB which Araaa SaueAPA- dirwtioua i. i. I ua. Senlloauyadilreaa.aeeur.

Iruna wtr iiarj. ifu of frieuds arouud town who do their I tie doing, on tbe 4th of July at A pins promise to be ol a charac sis- to ext. ui I.1I...1. Mll.jivl Inl by sonHHlllitliiK iln ulllal ,1. lit ll.r 2 Willi li.

sii.l savs: Iliy r. wl.ow hut prumlHl fri. n.l. awl sin Ii furib b.ud to .1,1 ui.l Uis.riuK u. oiui ol and klu.iiuw.

hil lt; n.i. L.r eiubi. iu. will iju.llly liliu r.irany fur lli. n-.

mirma in I. Oltu. llurlly. Tin- ul IIi.m In rliartt.fur our fMlli mails- lost In IkIiI. lulu in Ir.iuiuu.

lt ntrn.l. iK-yuiid thr Kravr, llirousb Ibe lx.uu.1. Irm tvaliiu. of rh-rnitv. Tut w-litulion W.w.nry I.

not a mei fi prnuirul. lull riiuin, in tliebcolli rb.l iu.n.,,,1 llir tatb. rh. "nl II ui.ily hllllD 1.. II11, prill.

I.lf Is llu- I.TIii.tiv, i.lf of M.ury. Tlu Ihl. best to prevent tliem from oomlng. best vecuble altemtivee. with lb I I ownsnrmuia, upon mwiptor wh.cb of anything in this may be sent by Kxpreaa, Rpgistered Lob- didee or iUMlutn od Iroo.aind 1 the The Watsonville Trantcript Ibis week clones it.

first volume. Starting off last July with a liberal patronage, it aurvived gross mismanagement for nine months, and last April passed iuto tbe bands of Wm. U. Wheeler. A marked change waa at Keporter Who are they? Harris of the jewelers.

It wr. or rwwHiKv wimi vj otraer, or Ul aK won fnwiuw oi an re it tor crorii- ter that will net be equalled by any celebration out or Sao Francisco. It la represented that there are two agents In town aalllnir 1A wW IUM UULJ fjst lou. nereuii). or blood dteurdern.

'ni. ts ouly neoeasary for them to know us. rni, A Youths' loriniy uooee.iui ana oerttua ia lis rem-ediaU lTcU. it produces rapid ml em- that auy watch or article of Jewelry DR. STEINHART, system Is disordered.

Food Is not digested In the dyapepuc stomaoh beeaose tbe gastrlo fluid is deficient, superabundant or vitiated. liver becomes loongested and the bowels constipated beoauae the supply of bile Is Inadequate or misdirected. Tbe bitters reclines all this, and removes every III consequence of noa-aa-slmllailoD and bilious Irregularity. Par-tbermore, It stimulate, the actio of Ibe kidneys, by which Impurities are, aa to speak, strained from the blood, and any tendency In the arluary organs to grow sluggish and disordered counteracted. Whether It be used aa a means of regulating gaatrlc or bilious aeerettoa, and relieving the overloaded bowels, or to promote complete, and therefore healthful, urination, HoeMlMr-s Bitters may be rs-led upua with eouad.nce to accomplish he end la view.

appear ridiculous, aud that's what's the matter with this modern "llan-nor." He talks about loaning the Hkntinki. hi type. This is not ao. He owns no type, or if be does it is covered up that creditors can not reach it in their attempts to collect honest demands. Mr Collin, take our advice: quit playing pedro; go to work.

You will always be forced to play the sympathy dodge if you continue to spend your tiuie at the oard-table. We may live without poetry, Music and arts; Live without cou science and Live without hetttis; Live without friends aud Live without tear, Jlut we can't live without Our Fredericksburg lluer, ltl eunworscrufuli. 8orve. Htvila. Hn.

oooies lo ui. aud tbey will run it No. 3t KEARNT HTREKT. HA that they claim ba. some special virtue in renderina karusnnaoll nnn- down.

1 had ratlier a case of Ulldpr John mora. Krupnonn, Hkiu aUlwenjus and all dlavurdert arlsluf frvm Impurity an once aeon in he character oi the paper, and it has steadily improved. Mr. Wheeler baa demouatrated that he baa the ability and vim to make th. this the other day.

A lady bought a plosive. We are informed that ClHtXI, L'al. where all I CMSIo. Moara frawa aaaat eta a a. ids D.WM.

nj iu luvikjoisAinc ircia always relieves and ortea eurea Ljvar this article la nothino- tint Mimmnn watch of me, made by a Arsl-claaa eoruplaiata, Female WeeditMesaiid Irrg- Montgomery atreel firm. She hap alt, and the people should know ties, aua a potent reaewer of vital Traiurripi tlie pride of the fajaro valley, and be will not lad to prosper ur.a-w I.lo h. -n. kind I.llu r. lluuslr bulu, and ly.

For purify. nn tha aloud has ma pened to abow itloa member of the nnu, teiliug him that an. hail bought WAN 'l "apioliiiiif.ntii. See among the good people of bis sectiou wna. ineir money is going for before they bite.

For aitle or rent "a-new house, nnlh-rl Ihmtishout. rtinnh.sT watr imm.ii..1 equal; tunes up iti ay.tpm, reatores aud preaarves tbe beatta. and Iniparu vifor and eoerjy. For litrty yearn it baa bu la extensive ae. and Is to-dav tt.e "toiik moral law.

lu vIti.IIv hv it. n.l virtu. T.,., Hm and Ji.hti.-.-. 'iii 11 ueioiiows bia band.

ft MAU, HTK: A it ol me, and he said tu watch waa worth leas. I beard of It aud I got the watch, and put It In hta own case Mackle. 'ould real tuost available tueUtctne lor tbe sutfetias I Aiaa oua hu-iaa araBia Uceau A by Whitney. -an utv bt-cuure a truii aud luluiul brolUvr Lookout ior THE iHXUi. Hviv, ajarvt mmiw vj au.

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