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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 4

Logansport, Indiana
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John Gray's CORNER ON WHITE QUILTS. Tho Greatest Bargains ever shown In Logansport for the money and we mean just what -we say. See oar north show window. Mate National Bant Logansport, CAPITAL $200,000 J. K.

JnuMsos, PIIKS.D S. W. DLLKKJ Mcr. II. T.

IlKiTiwiSK, CASJJIKH. t. V. Johnson S. W.

UHery. J. T. Klllott. W.

31. Klllott, W. H. Snider, Buy and sell Government. LOUD monev on personal securiiy anJ collaterals.

IHKUO ripocliil HfloHtoH of dopoHit beurinu' com wheu loft one year; 2 P--T eeut per annum when deposited 0 Boxen in Safety Deposit Vaults ol this bank for the deposit of Insurance policies, mortgagee and otbfir valnabU'H, rented at from fE to $15 per year HOYT'S Sure Cure for Piles. LIIIKKTY CRNTKH.O., Feb. 15. To whom It may concern; I heartily recomnwnil "Hoyt Snro cnre for PUBS" to nil who Nuilor from thl.i iinnoHiif: dlgeane, I sulti-rea with PHoafor jenrc. and trleU mrlous none ol wblch iiHorclt-cl moro tban tumponiry rellflt Anont six months UKO I orocnreoomituboof ire Cute tor Plleti and liDMl ceo rill UK to illrrvtlcns two weeks, at the end o( which time the ulcers dlsin penroi! ana Mve not slnse returned.

1 bellevft Hie euro la For Sule by Ben Fisher. SO. 21 Indianapolis No. 2S Mull Bxprtws 11:2 So 25 Toli'ilo Ksiiress, Lake Erie Western, I'eru Union Station, Thronnh tlcKHts sold to points In. tho United anu Ciiiuidii, Depart," 7:00 urn ..11:23 am 11:45 am it 3:25 in No! KveiiinK Kxpn-ss 8:10 No 101 Local KrtilKlutt 4.4a M)IITH.

Arrive. Depart. No. 20 Jlutl Express ri 10:12 No. 22 City 4:45 in MO 24 Detroit KxcreswS No.

160 Accommodation i am D. Dally, ri. Dally except Smivlay, IS not run north of Pei Sundnys. fRuns Moinliijs, Wednesdays ViUliiys and hnn- Slondny, Tucsdiiy, Thursday and iSntur- Ciilon depot connections in BloomliiRton imd Peorln 1'or hits west, wiuthwentand northwest. Direct made in Lima, 1'osioria, for nil points cart.

linnifdliiteco'iiiu-ctionsat Tlpton with trains on Main Line imd I. M. C. for nil points North South, Vast and West. mtes and Kenernl Information call on THUti.

yOLLUS, TIcRet K. K'y Peru, Indiana. C. K. DALY, t'nss.

ARt INDIANAPOLIS. AND. COMING DOWN! ATI- the prices on bicycles, so low are they that they sue within roncb ot old and youiiB, rich and poor enjny thfinselves alike, lllch trade bicycles for at tbo BURGMAN CYCLE CO. Call and see for yourself. Headquarters ot tho Bicycle ilessenRer Service 421 MARKET ot.

PHONE SO. -ni tTi do people complain of hard times, when any woman or mail can fn 5 'o iisily All heard of the wonderful Mtetess of tiie CilrnnxDtsh washer; jet many are to ihinn tbej can't make selilne it; out mniMie can irnke monej selling It bat any one can money, beo-us- every One agent has made N7S.36 in tte Iwt thjee utter p-jlns all sapenw and attending don't hav-to soon as people know jou have it for Sle tney WD.I fora D'sh Wanner. Addrew the Smix 45 Stair Ave-, Colnmbos, Oklo, 'or OINT8 MiKJE $5 DHIj. Warrolous Intention 2 to 6 sold In DAILY JOURNAL Pabllthed every dar In the week (except Mondayi the LOBJUISPOBT JODTBKAL Co. W.


B. BOYEB Vioi PRESIDENT. BJCKTTABT. price per Annum Price per Month EO THE OFFICIAL PAPEE OF Crrr. CEntered second-claw mutter at Logani- port ton Office, Kebrnarr 8, 1BS8Q 3 WOMEN voted at the municipal elections In Ohio on Monday the first time.

In a few Instances members of the Rentier sex were chosen as school trustees. While In many of the smaller cities but few women went to the polls, in Cleveland about five thousands 3aet the ballot that the law of Ohio row entitles them to In municipal elections. THE annunTBtate election will be hold In rthode Island today. This little state can only attract attention by doing thieve differently from the larger ones. There has not been much interest displayed in the contest this year.

The Democrats have heretofore generally been successful in the State in other years than those in which presidential elections are held. Thus in 1892 tho State went Republican but in 1889, 1890, 1891 and 1893 It was carried by tho Democrats. The Republicans were successful in 189-1. THE result of the municipal elec tlona held Wednesday In Ohio and other Slates ehow many Republican victories. In Cleveland, Ohio, the Republicans made a clean eweep, electing every candidate on their ticket by pluralities of from snven to fifteen thousand.

In other cities of tho State, with a few exceptions the Republicans were successful. At Evansville, tho Republicans elected the Mayor and a majority of the council. TOE American Economist under the caption "A Woolly Story" '-The Stuto department recently circulated a report from Consul Meeker, Bradford, England, to tho efleet that American woolen goods were being sold Jin the Bradford market. Our worthy Consul seems to have gone off at half cock. After firing ofl his first report he proceeded to investigate th subject, learning that samples of American cloth had been furnished only to one Bradford house to try and have their rubric placed In the Indian and Soulh African markets.

Consul Meeker's Janxloty to End a foreign market for American goods, now that our wall of protection has been smashed down, evidently got of hisjdiscretlon. The State' depart. inent ought not to havo circulated such a story without proper investigation at this end, at least. Inquiries should have been made from our manufac turers and exporters. FRANCE baa eome peculiar methods in the way of raising revenue for state purposes.

An exchange says: Franco has had to raise money by hoolc or crook to meet the enormous drain caused by the war indemnity to Germany and her huge standing army. Everything is taxed. Not only every form of legal paper, checks, notes and documents, and bills of lading, but even lithograph posters must have the revenue stamp affixed. The taxes amount to $140,000 000. Wine and spirits bring in $120,000000.

The customs duties were $100,000,000. Tobacco, matches and playinp cards brought $180 000,000. Boarding houses aro taxed, likewise the boarders. If a clerk occupies a hall room he pays a tax of $2 per annum, while his landlady no: only has to pay for her poodle, but for every door and window in the house. As the treasury receives $.12,000,000 per annum for windows alone, the architect who can design a house with the least possible amount of ventilation does the best business.

If you own a horse, carriage, billiard table or bicycle you are taxed. The government collects $6,400,000 an- lally for permitting such luxuries to exist, and a bill was recently intro. duced in the chamber to tax the wearing of corsets. Business licenses bring In per annum. Notwithstanding the levere drain on the puMio resources for army, navy, and public debt ol orer lour billions, the French think they can afford to pay their president $240.600 per annum and expend $40.000,000 each year In BAY OF K10 DE JANEIRO.

One Of the Most Beautiful Spots in the Wide, Wide World. The Capital of Brazil and the Great Sooth American Republic IToipor-. Coffee Inflnstrj-. Rio do Janeiro Lettcr.l Some months ago I started frott. New York for Brazil with the intention ol studying the political.

situation of tho great South American republic. When I beheld the unrivaled beauties of the bay of Eio de Janeiro, however, I ceased to think of politics and presidents and assemblies. Like nine-tenths of my fellow-passongers I began la meditate on the beauties of tititure, and thanked kind providence for permitting me to view the grandest panorama to bo found on the western hemisphere. Before us lay Rio, the proud capital of tho United States of Brazil, with its pretty suburbs nearly surrounding a group of DK. MORAK8, PRESIDENT OF BltAZFL.

imposing- mountains. On the opposite shore of the bay nestled Nictheroy, the dainty little capital of tho state of Rio do Janeiro. Here was anchored an ironclad; yonder a German tank steamer made its weary way to'the wharf, and crossing our bow, with the proverbial impudcnc'o of its kind, a black ferryboat defied all known maritime laws and regulations. The flags of all nations were seen floating from mastheads, high and low; and glad indeed wero all of us whenever wo saw the stars and stripes peep through a mass of British scarlet, and German red-white-black, and French tricolor. But this thought of our though it disastrous to sentimental and poetic inspiration; and before we know it our conversation had drifted into commercial and political lover of nature had degenerated into a cheesemonger; Emersonian young woman from Providence wanted to know why we did not export more pork products to Brazil in American bottoms.

"Death to sentiment! Long life to trade!" is what I wanted to exclaim when we were told to leave the steamer. At that moment I was, to all intents and purposes, a trader, a creature of dollars and cents. And for several (lays after I judged everything from a narrow point of view. The beautiful government buildings, the great cort'cc warehouses, libraries, museums, hospitals, the famous navy yard evoked admiration not on account of their grandeur and artistic proportions, but because millions of dollars had been spent in their construction. Fortunately, this evil spell did not last long.

The genial climate and the never-failing courtesy of the Brazilians reminded me of a lesson learned long ago, that the person who sees only the material side of things, however useful he may be to himself, is a nuisance to tiie rest of mankind. Now, if there is anything on earth I hate it is a bore; and so I began to pay attention to tho artistic and scenic beauties Eio. Yet, I must confess, that at no time during my stay in South America did I cease to regret Uncle Sam's short-sightedness. Here is a country with a commerce amounting to tens of millions every year, and this is virtually monopolized by Great 1 Britain, France and Germany, just because antiquated shipping yet without attempting to encroach upon the liberties of the nation at The United States of lias an area or nearly 3,250,000 square miles and a population of about 14.000,000. The Republic consists of twenty states and the federal district of Rio.

Each state makes its own local laws and is entitled to representation in the national congress. In many important particulars the government is patterned after that of the United States. A few years ago the state of Rio Grande' do Sul attempted to leave the union and an independent republic, but was prevented -by the federal.govern- ment. Since the coup d'etat of November 15, 1SS9, by which Emperor Dom Pedro was dethroned, Brazil has had three chief who was compelled to resign when he attempted to make himself dictator; Peixoto, who caused the revolution of 1893 by his superciliousness, and Dr. Moraes, the present incumbent of the presidency, who.

1 am pleased to state, is strengthening the republic at home and abroad. Everything in Brazil revolves around If the coffee crop is good, evervbody, from the planter down to the "negro farm hand, seems to have plenty of money. A friend in Rio advised me to visit famous faeenda in the interior the purpose of becoming familiar with the people who give stability to the government. The successful coffee planters are the best friends republican progress has in the country, and they control thousands of votes their good will is courted by the representatives of the powers that be. The planter, no matter how wealthy he may bo, is not, a elude.

He is invariably clad in the national garment, the poncho, a shiuvl ornamented with various striking designs in embroidery. This is slipped on over the head, and presents a effective appearance when gracefully worn. The only extravagance in which he indulges is his spurs, which are verylarge and frequently of pure gold and silver. A sombrero and Mexican trousers complete his outer toilet. The first question, the facendeiro asks of a visitor from foreign parts is whether he knows anything about coffee culture.

Should the answer be, like mine, in the negative, he will be taken to tho coffee fields without delay; and the information ho receives, and the pretty sight on which he can feast bis eyes, will well repay him for the trip from 'the city to the country. A coffee plantation in bloom is strikingly beautiful. Planted in straight rows extending from the top of a good-sized hill to the edges of a primeval tropical forest the pyramid-shaped coffee trees presented the appearance of a huge well-drilled soldiers, the deep Highest of all in Leavening SXJbv't Report A BRAZILIAN PLAXTKR. laws prevent American manufacturers from marketing goods to advantage. Hio is a beautiful city of perhaps S.jO.OOO inhabitants.

Like 'Washington, it is built on a neutral strip of territory, ceded by" the state of Rio dc Janeiro to the national government and known as Municipio Neutro. It is in every sense of the word the national capital, and represents Brazilian progress as well as hereditary Portuguese stubbornness. In some respects the city resembles Paris, for almost all great national uprisings have had their origin within its limits. The stormy days of 1S93 are still fresh in the memory of the people, who seem to rejoice that the new president ol the republic. Dr.

Pmdente Moraes, is unruly elements4n all oarts of-the (country with OSE OF's XT.GKO DUDES. preen of the loaves being relieved by the delicate white of the blossoms. After having thoroughly enjoyed my surprise and exclamations of delight, ray host escorted ine to another part of his domain and gave me an object lesson in the development of the coffee plant. First lie pointed out the color of the soil, a deep red, produced by chemical action. Technically this red is known as terra roxa.

Deep holes are dug in this fertile ground, and in these are planted a number of carefully selected coffee beans. AVhcn the sends out sprouts, the tender'plant is covered with corn stalks to protect it from tho burning suns or occasional cold winds; or else rieinus trees, which grow so quickly as to remind one of Jack's beanstalk, are planted alongside the precious shoots. When the plant is two years old it is transplanted to the coffee hill where it must be earefally protected from weeds. In the fifth year the planter "begins to reap some of the rewards of his labor. "The plants arc covered with large white blossoms.

These eventual- 'ly mature into green berries, which, still later, change into red and finally into a brownish black. The berries are invariably in pairs, closely attached the twig on which they grow, and each contains two beans. The harvest in May and June. The first picking is conducted with great care, the red berries being removed from the trees. The second picking is informal.

All the berries, ripe and overripe, are swept from trees with rakte. and allowed to idry on the ground. A few days later crop is sent through the "shellers' the "sorters," the latter grading beans according to size. The 'choicest bean produced in Brazil is a round berry vrhic-h, bears close to the" Arabian coffee and 'finds its way into the markets of the as genuine Mocha. Kext to coffee the most notable feature of Brazilian life is the negro.

He is found here, there and everywhere. Like his in the United States he is a individual, full of fun 'and music. On the plantations he is, as careless in ius habits and but ia be occasionally Kowcicr PURE degenerates into a full-fledged dude. A specimen of the" latter genus I ran across in Rio was so striking that the camera had done its work- before I knew it; and 1 cannot deny myself the pleasure of having the picture reproduced here. WAJ.TER WELLS.

THE NEGRO POPULATION. Intcrentlne ana Important Conclunlonn. One of the experts of the census bureau at Washington, Mr. Henry Gannett, has recently completed an investigation of the negro population of the United States. The facts which he produces from the census statistics are of much interest, and in some respects surprising, whatever may be said of tome of "bis conclusions, lie sums up the results of his labors as follows: The negroes, while increasing rapidly in this country, are diminishing in numbers relatively to the whites.

They are moving southward from the border slates into those of the south Atlantic and the gulf. They prefer rural to city life. The proportion of criminals among negroes is much greater than among the whites, and that of paupers is at least as great. In tho matter ol education the number of negro attendants at school is far behind the number of whites, but is gaining rapidly upon thut race. In regard to the number of slaves brought from Africa, cither directly or by way of the West Indies, Mr.

Gannett says we have little information. The first reliable data of the numbers and distribution of the negroes are afforded by census of 1700. Ju the spare of 100 years, between the census periods of 1TDO and IS'JO, the white population increased from a little more than 3,000,000 to about 0, and the colored population from 730,000 to In ISM the whites were eighteen times as numerous as they were a hundred years before, and the blacks only ten times as numerous as in 1790. In other words, a hundred years ago the blacks constituted nearly SO pffr cent, of the total population, and they now constitute not quite 12 per cent. This relative increase of the white population will be readily attributed to the great volume of immigration.

Mr. Gannett shows, however, that in the live census periods from 1790 to 13-10, during which the immigration was insignilicant, the white population increased more rapidly than the colored. He thinks that the figures and the conclusions from them should set at rest all fear of a possible race COR- flict. The negroes, while in no danger of extinction, are incrcasiug less rapidly than the whites, who will become numerically more and more the dominant race in America. This conclusion will hardly serve to remove altogether the apprehension of race conflicts in Louisiana and Mississippi, where the negroes constitute more than half, and in South Carolina, where they constitute two-thirds of the population.

But in all the southern states except Arkansas, the colored population lias declined in the last 10 years fn relation to the whites. As evidence of the tendency of the ncToes to country life the figures show that in 1SGO only per cent, of all the colored population lived in cities of 3.000 inhabitants nnrl upward. In the closing years of the decade from 1SCO to 1S70 the" negroes flocked to the cities and the year 1S70 saw 8.5 per cent, of them there. In the following decade the white as well as the colored population in cities declined relatively in the same degree. But in IS'JO the census shows that 12 per cent, of all the negroes and 15.7 per cent, of all t.he whites of the United States lived in cities and towns.

These statistics make a rather unfavorable exhibit- for the negro population on the score of mortality. The prisoners of native birth confined in jails at the taking of the census in 1S90 were in the proportion of 9 to each 10.000 white inhabitants of native extraction. On the other hand, the negro prisoners were in the proportion of 33 to each 10,000 of the negro population. Mr. Gannett has found, however, that the commitments of ne- groes are for offenses in much greater proportion than is the case among the whites.

There arc, for o'b- vioub reasons, few formers, countcr- feitors, embezzlers, fraudulent defaulters and absconding bank cashiers among the negroes. They make j.ip the criminal record in other ways. But it should also be said in their behalf that the penal laws arc enforced more strictly against them than against white offenders. The negroes have few friends to secure bail for them when arrested and to employ counsel for their defense in. the courts.

This serves to account in considerable for tTie greater proportion of them that is found in jail by the census takers. Vrejudice oi race operates in this field as eHectually as in others. The egrocs who are dc- barred from mechanical crafts and from trades unions by this prejudice frequently drift into vagrancy, and thence into prison for petty violation of the law. It is somewha surprising that, in view of these criminal statistics, the census does not show also a greater proportion of paupers among the negroes than among the whites, but Mr. Gannett concludes from the ficures that the proportion is "at least as Record.

whose southern range only just extends into the United States. Twenty years affo it had almost been exterminated by hide-hunting in Maine, but active protection of late years has resulted in a very great increase iu numbers. In the Adirondack region of New York it luis been exterminated for more thau thirty years, though it was once abundant there. Iii early seventies it occurred sparsely in Michigan and Wisconsin, and it is still found in considerable numbers in the heavily timbered country of northern Minnesota, a-s west the Red river valley, and perhaps in A few isolated localities suited to its habits in the Ua.kotas. In the uv.un range ol the Rocky mountains, south from the boundarv line, as fur as the heads ol Green river in Wyoming, moose still occur in small numbers.

The southwest corner of the Yellowstone park is a raufre for these animals, and thcv found sparsely all through "that reservation. Weeklv. Throo DII.VK in 11 The sonsiilionsof a man lost hi a cayo are indescribable. Two young men in Tennessee recently found a cave in Lookout mountain and sUirted to explore it. The cave was a disappointment, nothing but narrow passages, and alter going some five miles they started to return, when their candles.

went out. evidently on account of noxious gas. Then an anxious search revealed' the horrible fact that they had used all their matches. They had blazed their way from the entrance with chalk-roarks, but in the dark these were useless :i.s a guide, and there was nothing to do but wait, itt the hopo that thcv would be missed and searched for. Three days and nights they waited, and when rescued they were in aa almost idiotic state of mind from cold, hunger and fear.

JBTrs. J. JP. Sell, Oiutaucatomic, wIJo of tho editor of Tho Graphic, tbo lead- ins local paper of Miami county, vrrites ''I troubled with Jicart tor ei.x years, severe palpitations, shortness o' breatb, together with cx- trurnc nervousness, that, at times I would tho floor nearly nil Wo consulted the best medical talont, Tlicy 4-auI tiuirc no hr.lpfor tne that I organic disease of tiio heart for which Ibcro was no remedy. I bad read your advertisement in The Graphic and a.ycar:t£o, a laritroson, tried one botllo of Dr.

NUcn' Xcio Cure, for the Hcart which convinced 100 tbcro was true merit in it. 1 took thrw boulis c.ii-h of the Heart Curo and iicbtorativo Ncrvino and It completely ctirctl me. I Klccp well at night, my heart beats regularly and I havo DO niore smothering spells. I wish to say te all who are ouffcrio? as I did; there's untold for them if they will Only give your remedies just one trial." Dr.MilcsBoartCnreiapoliJ on a positive. Kuaranteo thai tho urstboitlo will be.iulit.

All drugefsw sell itat.21, 6 bottles forSj.or Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Restores Health ELY'S CATARRH CREAM ls quickly Cleanses he Nasal AiMysPain sn Keals the Sores's Additional O. Restores tin? Senses of Tsste fc ands IT WILL CURE. A particle Into --i-strli Prlr-e 5') wits mall. KLY BKjriiEKS.

-M -New York Cltr. ITbvra KOOM Found The mqose northern INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY Ctrper iff Cevtr. A Dictionary of English, Gcoifrapby, Fiction, Etc. r.or-t Tju U.S. Supreme Court of nearly all UK scbotH- Hoi-D.

3. JraUce of C. 8. Snpreroe Ccrpit. 1 commend ii to i the one fireat standard autaoritr, i Stud.rortree G..

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