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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 4

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

COURT INTELLIGENCE. CRIMINAL STATISTICS. PACKER INSTITUTE. A NEPHEWS REYESGrl. Bow Ills Uncle Went for Him Willi a Bazor, HOW HORSES ARE HIRED 4 O'clock mm are nothing but coaches; landaus, 5 coach which can be opened or ehut at will and has a covered front seat; park phaetons, which accommodate six, without driver, two sitting outside pony phaetons, whioh are small and for either one or two horses, and open and shut; rook awaya, whioh look like a coach split in half top wagons and road wagons (same as the other except they have no cover), and road wagons for double teams.

Of these vehicles thero are 8 clarences, 3 landaus, 6 park phaetons, 8 pony phaetons, 8 top wagons, road wagons, 8 rockaways and 8 wagons for doable teams. He has no hacks. Beside these, he has raoing sulkies and 1 dog cart. The stock on livery is as follows: 20 road wagons, a doctors' buggies, 1 doctors wagon, 20 top wagons, phaetons, 8 rockaways, and 7 pony park phaetons. There are 185 horses" in the stable, about one hilf of which belong to private parties, and one half to the stable.

The prices are $2 for the first hour for ooaobes and one dollar an hour afterward. For a trip to Coney Island the charge is $10, and to Greenwood and the Park about $6. From strangers, pay is required in advance. The oharge is $30 for one month's board far one horse and vehicle, and $60 for two horses and vehicle for tho same length of time. This includes keep of horse, care of carrrioge, harness, robes, whip, fee.

Teams and vehicles aro hired by the trip, hour, doy, week or month. Many orders are from ladles who go shopping and calling. Some ladies are very hard to please, and are very exacting in their demands for gentle horses and if the horses are restive or skittish make a great fuss about it. THE FOBOE EMPLOYED. There aro in this stable nine drivers, who eaoh have a olarenoe and team, which they are obliged to take oare of themselves.

They havo their places, liko oall boys a hotel and go out in regular order. Tho open oarriagea are public property and any driver may take any of tbem that is wanted. Tho drivere get two dollars a day and have to be on hand for about fourteen hours, but in reality they do not work more than six hours, "laying oft' in the rooming until the of ternoon, at which time most of the business 1b done. No driver is permitted to drive encther man's coech. There are eight hostlers who got eleven dollars a week each and work eight hours a day.

They come to the Btables at 0 A. M. and leave at 7 P. M. It iB their business to take care of the stook, feed, onrrycomb, bi usb and wash them off, clean ond wash carriages, and take caro of robes, cushions, whips, eto.

be stronger, nobler women, more earnestly contene' for the right, a Joy and a light to all around us. And, now, as we are leaving tho dear old horn to take our active part In the busy world, we would simply say with Tiny Tim God bless us, every one At the conclusion of the history which was received with decided manifestations of apirqval Miss Lyon proceeded to deliver an oration of rare ability in effort and achievement. A humorous poem called "Graduates' Brains' was then read by Miss Julia which tbd fountains of knowledge were happily referred to. An Essay by Hiss Bears on "The Girls" evinced averykeon power of analysis tnd a nimblo art. A parody on Anthony's oration over the body of Cesar, by Miss Ella Williams excited muoh merriment.

The parody was delivered to the dead Bt'udles or rather abandoned books of the class, and in the burlesquing of the Soman orator's pathos and deep emotion, Miss Williams showed herself possessed of very decided etramatio ability. Miss Emma Walker amused the class not aiittie by assuming the role of prophet and foretelling all man nerof ileasont but slightly impOBSiblo things concerning the young ladieB present. The literary part of the entertainment closed by the reading of tho following poem by Miss Louisa peer: ITY POEM. We've traveled through life's bright morn, It's beauties together seen, Neath skies making light our paths, And smiling with friendly beam. Together we've pluoked the flowers That blossomed in learning's beds.

Though many, tis truo, dropped Which Bhould have adorned our heads. Perhaps it is all for the best Much learning might make us vain And should we bo over We might be supposed insano. The joys we've together shared, E'en the trials we havo found, With sympathy true and strong, Onr hearts have in friendship bound. The time for parting draws near, Broad highways ou paths become, And diverging in the future dim, Perchance till tho Betting sun. As emblem of friendship true, Which time will not ohange I ween, An ivy unfading we'll plant To keep our remembrance green.

Come, sisters, in Packer's shade We'll irive it a place to grow. The garden shall be its home. And friends will you wita us go? At this point tho class wont out to the garden and planted the ivy, and then the following concluding verses of the poem were read Hail thou Ivy, never changing Let your after mission bo Symbolizing the dear union Of the class of '73, As these parting members ever Keep their memory green, Changing though be fortune's favor, Ana each other be not seen; So may your bright leaves, Ivy, In your tuining vine as one, Heep as green through frost and snow storm As 'neath Summer's smiling sun. May the sunshine and the shower Make you strong to clim i nd cleave, May the breeze with gentle whisper Woo you, and its blessing leuvc. Sisters, moy our Joys and sorrows Moke us strong our race to run Till the lips of shining angels Greet us with tho words "Well donV This terminated tho literary oxercisss, and the oloas then proceeded to partake of a generous collation.

Altogether tho reception was a great success. It is only proper to Btate in this connection that tho efficient teacher of composition, under whom tho class has made Buch satisfactory progress, is Miss Louisa Both Hen CITY HALL NOTES. The Offal Contract Mr. Clark Before the Board of City "Works He Denies Having Violated the Contract Grading and Paving Contracts Ashes and Garbage. The Board of City Works took up the consideration of the offal contract, this morning, Commissioners Whiting and Fowler preaent: also Contractor Clark, with Henry Hamilton, one of his sureties and Commissioner of Jurors Linaky.

The communication from the Board of Health was read. It was as follows; THE COMPLAIKT. Office or. the Board or Health.) Jane 16, 1873. Lorin Palmer, President Board of City Warks Since the organization of this Board the following facta have been developed as the result of personal inspection by members of the Board, and by its agents, as to the manner in which Edward Clark Is executing his contract with the city for the removal of dead animals and night soil.

It la proven that he fails to call at regular times at the station houses for the notices to remove dead animals, and permits them to lie uncollected in the streets. He fails to deodorize and disinfect dead animals and the carts on which they are removed. He receives the dead animals into an old barge provided for the purpose, until a eufflolent number is collected, when tney are hoisted upon a steamer and taken away. This occurs at most three times a week, and fre anently at longer intervals. The barge, by reason of io small nnhnnln left to decay in the putrid liquids it contains, is a nuisance MOST OFFENSIVE AND DETRIMENTAL to the health of those doing business on the wharf in the immediate vicinity.

He has failed to provide the ncees Bary number of boats, and those employed are built in a manner which renders them entirely unfit for tho purpose for which they are used. He does not prevent the deposit of nightsoil into waters adjacent to the dock, but has his boats bo arranged that by elevaling a portion of the bottom of one of the compartments, the material passes directly through the boat into the river. He does not remove the barge containing the nightsoil from the dock for long periods, and when he does, it is to empty the contents into tho East or North River by opening the bottom cf one of tbo compartments of tho barge. With this statement we transmit the testimony of an agent of the Board. This testimony is so corroborated that no doubt whatever exists as to the fact.

Very respectfully, 3. Joubdak, President. Heitbx M. Conneliy, Secretary. MEMOEANDA IN BELATION TO THE OFFAL CONTRACT.

Wednesday, June 11, 1873. Shortly after Edward Clark entered into a contract with the City to remove all dead animals, offal and nlgbt soil from Brooklyn, he informed me that be took the nniTBtq and offal, to a rendering factory owned by himself and another man, on the Hackenssck Biver, N. J. whor he rendered the same. He further stated that he removed all night soil to the same place, and sold it to farmers for fertilizing purposes.

He has repeated the same statement to me more recently, that is within two weeks. This afternoon I proceeded to tho factory indicated by Clark on Hackcnsack Biver, while driving over tho bridge the keeper called my attention to Clark's steamboat, the Morris, which waa grounded or disabled just below. Ho stated that tho Morris came np the river twice or THBEE TIMES EACH WEEK, bringing dead horses only on her deck, and never towing a barge, or barges with night soil. At Clark's factory, a frame shed about 15x20 feet, I found his partner Cutler, who stated that they rendered dead horses only there. I saw several horses, but no smaller animals nor offal nor night soil, and no indications of any.

Just beyond at tbo Lode Poudro Works, a eon of Mr, Dey, the propietor, and several workmen at tho same place, stated that the only boat that camo to Clark's factory was tho Morris, that she came but twice or three times a week, and brought only dead horses. Thuhsday, Juno 12. At 11 A.M. went to the offal dopk at Wallabout; found on the dock six or seven barrels of butcher's offal in very bad condition. Made fast to tho dock was an old canal boat, at each end of which was a temporary platform or deck for tho rocoption of dead animals, of which there wero live horses, partially covered by on awning.

The hold of the boat contained water and decomposing animal matter to tho depth of about two feet, and the stench emitted from it was very foul. Near by was the night soil boatF being simply mud scow par Holly enclosed with pine hoards. It was arranged in four compartmentf, one at each end being water tight for the purposo of keeping it afloat, and two in the middle being used for tho reception of night soil, of which it was two thirds full. It was evident from the fixtures thnt could be Been, namely, two windlasses, with chains going down through tne contmtj of th3 boat, that it had doorB or GATES IN THE BOTTOM, by means of which the night could let out with thenatcr. There was no ono on the dook in ohorge of tho boats or offal, and no policeman in sight.

FnroAY, June 13. At 1P.M., accompanied three gentlemen counooted with the city government to Clark's faotory and obtained from various persons statements substantially the Bame as those made by others on Wednesday, the substanoe being that Clark conveyed dead horses to his place throe times each weekend did not take offal or nightsoil there. At 4:30 P. M. went to the offal dock at the Walla bout and fount! the re nineteen barrels of butchers' offal In fearful condition, also ten dead horses.

1 he night sell boat was empty, or nearly so. The man who had ehaige of tho place for Clark was intoxicated, l.ut he that Clark generally removed the dead animals to his acU on the Hackeaisack Biver about every ether day, and that he towed tbc night soil boat to tho fame place, or to Keyrort, three or four times each week. Says tho mau, laughingly, "Some folks say that Hub 'ere night toil boat leaks, but I say sh3 don't, and I ought to know, for I run her, and 8IIE IS A FTJfE CBAFT wen't you step down into tbo cabin A ono armed man, employed as a watchman at the Wallabout docks, ubtertcdmost positively that Clark removed tho dead animals and night Boll once each day, towing the boat sway before daylight and returning about 1P.M., and he took them to Hackcnsack Biver. Ho knew this from what he had seen, and from what Clark and his man bad told h'm. Officer Martin (No.

366) stated that when he went off post at 7 A. M' tho nightsoil boat was full to overflowing, and that when he returned at 1 P. M. she was empty. Ho that he hod never known her to bs taken from the doe and was satisfied that she wo: emptied by opening the guteB in the bottom at high tide.

At the Fourth Preeinot Statiou House, Sergeant Core statrd that none of the officers bad ever known the night soil boat to be taken from the dock, and he and others of the force were convinced that the contents was emptied out of the bottom at the dock. Saturday, June 14. Parsed the dock at 3 M. and saw tho Morris. At 9,30 P.

M. went to the dock and found Oljrk's man (he who was drunk tho doy before) waiting for scavengers to come and load tho night soil boat. He stated that the Morris had during tho day taken all the borees, offal and night soil to Jersey, and that ho "thought things would work better hereafter." Sunday, June 15. Went to the dock at 11:30 A. M.

ond found several dead horses on tbc canal boat half full of night soil. The Morris was olio at tho dock without Bteam up. It was evident that there would be nothing dono during tho day. CONCLUSIONS. To tlay, shortly after twelve oclook, a dark, black eyed evidently a Cuban or Spaniard, emerging from the cool obscurity of the Post Office almoBt ran upon a young, beardless fellow, fashionably dressed, who was passing by.

At sight of this young man he of the dark face hissed out apolysyHabio Spanish oath, and sprang like a tiger on the other party to the reeontre. the young man wavered a minute and then ran like a deer, hotly pursued by him of the Oriental complexion. The crowd, utterly ignorant of the or meaning of this chase, joined in the hue and cry. Half a block was passed by the fugitive and his pursuer before the former fell into the tatter's hands, THE CUBAN OB SPANIABD all the time waving in the sir a large envelope, on which some writing was very visible. The young man was John IAndeman, a reporter for the Sunday Press, and the Cuban was Fernando Dor, a well known vender of Havana cigars on Fulton street.

The letter whioh was so conspicuous was a very insulting and offensive one, and It was because Dor thought that Lindeman bad written it that Tdndeman was so swiftly pursued by Dor. When the two had struggled for a moment or two, with a gaping crowd looking on to see mauler done, Llnderman tore himself from Dor's angry eltitch and made for home in good time, vowing all the while that Dor had drawn a razor and had threatened to disembowel him. Dor gave up the chase and returned to his store. Meanwhile Lindermau sought protection of Judge Morse, and Dor was arrested on charge of felonious assault. Mr.

Euhn appeared for Dor, and Mr. Mark Antonio Barrett for Linderman. The cosa was by mutual consent adjourned until Monday next, Dor being bound over to keep the peace in the sum of $500, Mr. White, tho coshiei of the Union, providing tho necessary security. The explanation of this eastilion soene on the streets of Brooklyn seem to be that Dor has for soma timo been paying attention to a young and lovely aunt of lindeman.

The latter OBJECTED VEST MCCH to his efforts to become a member of the Lindeman family, and Dor asserts has been diligently persecuting the unfortunate Cuban with all manner of torments. Dor looks a very dangerous oharacter, and it evidently behooves Mr. Lineman to be more cautious in his dealings with his Cuban adversary, cor he may perchance, at no remote period, afford the Burgeona an interesting illustration of peritonitis. It is reported that Dor is already Iindeman's uncle, and that a secret marriage has been arraigned between the young lady and her lover. Mr.

Dor is evidently a man. of bis word, and unless Lindeman emigrates there will, be one nephew less in his new family. The successful termination of the cud will depend on Mr. Marcus Antonio Barrett, whose new white hat waB the cynoseur of all eyes. It waa withi evident reluctance that Mr.

Moro Antonio Barrett conformed enough to the prejudices of the court to removeihis new hat, out of which fell by accident apparently, a bill addressed to Marcus Occero Barrett, a person with whom Mr. Marc aus Capius Brutus Barrett claims no acquaintance. Tho white hat is whispered to be ono of Knox's costliest. MONEY MAEKET. Cold 11S 1 2 and Weakening An Active Stock KarKct and Shrinkage in Values.

Wai j. Street, June 10, 3 P. M. The conviction (hat gold would sell lower before the close of the week, seems to bid fair to be realized. There are no longer any strong parties who have an interest in sustaining the market, and all talk of new pools, is believed to bo absurd.

The most is made of tho now stale story that tho Bank of England is about to increase its circulation $30,000, 000 find of the fact that affairs in Vienna ore far from in settled condition, but the fact stands out above all that tho Treasury disbursements of tho 1st of July will tend to break tho premium down about Per cent, unless something now unforseen should occur abroad to chango tho situation. Tho Gould pool has, as stated yesterday, worked out of nearly all tho gold they were carrying that was available and in tho operation havo acorcd up heavy loescs against themselves. It would not be surprising, under the circumstances, if the movement in stocks yesterday afternoon and to day could be directly traced to the leader of the late bull combination in gold. Mail advices from Europo show that the late advance in the Bank of England discount rate was made for the purpose of drawing gold from here. It failed because just at that time tho troubles in Vienna and the continont had made a market abroad for American securities, in preference to the wild cat Btoff which was floating around on the European houses, and the German bankers here bought with avidity and sent them abroad, thus mating exchange which kept the sterling rate here below the shipping point.

The calculations of the bull cliquo in gold were upset, and they soon found that instead of tbo gold being drained from this side, they were obliged, to provide for several rail lions moro than they had estimated. The next time they try it on they will endeavor to be more certain of their mart. Tho parties in control of Pacific Mail aro seeking to give tho impression that the company con be extricated frcm their present finauaiai embarrassmont by a loan upon the Bteamship property. It is stated that in order to effect this, they must borrow on a bottomry bond, wb'ch will necessitate tho payment of about 20 per cent. Interest, and the earnings of the Hue will not warrant this.

It may be a matter of surprise to some tbat tho Pacific Moil Btock Bhould be selling for as much as it is now, considering the almost valueless character of the company's property. The reason is that tho stock Is controlled by a clique who are laboring to induce a short interest sufficient to makoa corner feasible at some time not far distant. Thus far speculators who indulged in the luxury of short sales do so at financial are warned by their brokers of the risk they rnn. The lowest point touched by the stock to day was 23; or 14 below the bast price of the day. The Union Paciilo speculation iB based upon the illness of President Clark.

It is ascertained this afternoon that he is not so dangerously ill as has been represented. Even if ho should die it is difficult to see why Union Paciilo stock should be worth any less for speoulotivo purpose than it has been. The lowest point touched to day was 23., and there was a sharp recovery after that. Lake Shore has not been affected by tho illness of Mr. Clark, though it is whispered that should he die the dividend now falling due might be passed.

The break in the two stocks above named was made the basis for the decline in Ohio to 37 O. O. I. O. to 26)," St.

Paul to 60J Central to 101i, ond Western Union to 8i. Northwest common was rather more than usually active to day, in consequence of the meet of tho directors. It was reported that a dividend would ba declared on the common ond preferred Btock, but the report is not confirmed. If It had any foundation the stock would have been quite active and strong during the afternoon. The bids for the Treasury gold to day amounted to $4,210,000, and the award of $2,000,000 was made at priceB ranging from 116.76 to 116.88tf There waa not much strife for the gold, and no largo bids.

Exchange is weaker in tone this afternoon, though tho rate Ib unchanged. The shipment of to day consisiJd of about $130,000 in silver bars. Some late borrowers of money yesterday afternoon wero surprised at being obliged to pay 0 per cent, on call, but to day the rate haB ranged quite steady at 1 per cent. STOCK EXCHANGE SALES SECOND BOARD. New York, June 19.

SOOErlo 100 do 200 Panama bo Hljj 400 Chicago A NW bo 73 100 do 72M 100 Chi ft NW Rpid 10O Illinois Cent'l 109 HOClevoAPRlsuar 87 800 Union Paciilo beb3 24 300 do 21 100 do 2374 540MUS 2000 US 6 20 67. 1C001) 5 20 67. 116K ..234 lOOO SB'S 10 40 tOCO 8 Cnr 1000 NO Fund Act '68 1000 Bur Cedar 4 Mist bo 4000 4 I 0 1st C0GtWlst83 10 Consol'n Cool, bo SCO Md Coal 400 do 113 iu 8SS 54 33 87? do, 100 do 373i zuu uo 300 do 200 do SCO do 200 do 900 do .83 37M 24X 24. 24hi 24 400 do 1000 do SIX WA 100 do SCO 800 ICO S) 40) 100 SCO 200 do. do.

..3 LW UO 9M7n 100 do 2SK 100 Chicago 4 I R. lSSi 100 Mil St Rpid 71. lOOTolWabftW R. bob3 68a 23 Morris ft Essex 91 0 Del Look 4 R. lOo'i 100 Han 4 St Jos bo ItX WOhioi Jliss'ppiB bo 87 1 8i 8C0 4 bo 200 Harlem l3 IHiHich Central It llJOL Shore' 4 So s3 700 do 100 do b3 40S do sS Si 101 ii 1C05I fiSAfl of! EO0 do 1000 do 400 Col 4 Ind bo SIX S7i STOCK QUOTATIONS AT 8 THIS P.

SI. New Yoke, Juno 19. Offerel. Asked. HBW U.

S. be coupons, 1681 131M U. 8. 6 20 coupons. 1S6S IT.

H. 90 cnunons. U. 8. 6 80 oonpons, 1866 H74f U.

8. 6 20 coupons, 1865, new 11S) lsx 131 u. a. 0 2U coupons, loo, njji V. 8.

fj 30 coupons. 1868 120 U. 8. 1C 40 oonponB 11SX V. 8.

currency 60 (Paoiflos) lMSf New Fiies 114K Tonncssco 79)2 Tonneftseo 6fl, new 70 North Carolina 6s 24 North Carolina 6a (epeolal tax) MX South Carolina 6 South Carolina 6s, April and Ootobor 25 Virginia 1 Virginia now 60 Missouri 68 W.W Cool stook Delaware and Hudson American Maryland S3 Consolidated 64 Cumberland Central N. V. Central Hudson Consolidated Horlom IW Krlo 6S Brte Preferred T3 Atlantio Mail 1 Lake Shore Mi Wabash 67, Pittsburgh Quicksilver QnioksllTor Preferred Northwestern 72 Northwestern Preferred 84kj Roek Island lOSK FrWojne 94JJ Milwaukee ond St. Paul 61 Milwaukee) and St. Paul preferred.

71 Ohio and Mississippi. New Jersey Control 106)6 Hannibal and St. Joseph 84) Hannibal and St. Joseph preferred 61 Union Pociflo Income COM Union Poclne Land Oront. 71)4 Western Union Telegioph tS PadfioMoil 88 Adorns Express WellB, Forgo 4 Co.

Kipreea. 81M Amerloan Merchant" union Bxpress. 647i United State Bxpreea. T0 Central Pacific, bonds VXei Union 24 Beaton, Hartford and Erie. 3 Ztolowore.

Iokowanno ond Wostoro. 105 Panama WH H3J5 tux 13X 9j 74 103)4 81 XI raonls ona liKUAli NOTICES. CJUPREME COURT, K.CNGS OOUNTY The le xeeisior aim tigs nans agsu uotnorine Vaughon and Thomas S. Voughou, ner husband, ond Dovla. In nnrauonoa of indnment of uie and iale made in this aotion on the 13th dor of Uarab, 187S, I hereto give notice that on the tenth day of July, 1873.

ot tho hour of 13 n'olook, noon, ot the Oommerolol Exchange, nnmber 833 Fulton street, in tho City of Broot Sa ana uoamy or n.ings, a win ot puuuo buohuu, is highest bidder, the lands and premises in sotd Judgment mentioned and therein described oo vij: All that certain let, pieoe or parcel of land, with the balia lagfl tnereon erectea, suuoto in bob vy ui nortnerij oiutf ui lufrcio mouuu Lewis avenue ond MrrUe ovenno i thoooo raonln, wertet T. lcmir the southerly side of sold and tho point or place of bSuffittVASer with th appurtenances thereunto 'ffi'jft. STEVENS, Referee, wtttjam A. W. Lowebbe, Plaintiff's Attorneys.

jelVswFATu The Forfeiture of Fanny Hyde's Recognizance Eemitted. Decision of tho Crocs WiU ControTersr br Surrogate Yceder The Madden Case Also Decided The Old Man Hold to Hare Been Incompetent to Make a Will The Grand Jury Discharged. Last week an application was made to Judge Moore, in the Count Court, by Henry O. Place, to remit the forfeiture of the recognisance of Fanny Hyde, It will be remembered that after her first trial she was admitted to bail, ond when she was called upon last February to undergo her second trial, she failed to put In an appearance. At that time her recognizance wag forfeited, and a suit was commenced to recover the amount of the bail, $3,600, from the sureties.

She wjs afterward found in Waahingtein, arrested ond brought to this city, and is now in Raymond street Jail. Judge Mcore this morning rendered the following de cfeion On payment of the amount of $70, which was necessarily expeaded by the county in procuring the or est snd return to this county of the prisoner, and on complying with ruch order oo may bo made by the City Court with regard to costs, an order may bo entered remitting the forfeiture of the recognizance." It was understood that S. D. Morris, who was Ihe conusel for Mrs. Hyde upon her trial, had indemnified her boil, but Mr.

Place stated upon the application io remit the forfeiture that he made the application for he bendemen and not on behalf of Mr. Morris. Tbc Crocs Will Case. The celebrated Oroes will case, (involving about before the Surrogates Court of Kings Ccranty oince 1869, and three or four timer? since then fully detoiletrin the Eaole baa at last been decided. The following is the text of Judge Vceder's decision today handed in.

In tie matter of probate of the will of Eleanor V. Crate, deceased. The UBtatrix was an old lady and for many yeora had been confined to the house or at least seldom went out. Her constant companion aud attendant was her daughter Anno, the legate) under the will offered for probate. A great amount of testimony has been token bat the.

counsel on their argument have narrowed the case down to the simple question. Had tho testatrix testamentary capacity at the tinre she made this will The to the will, Metiers. Williams and Warden, who also drew tha will, are positive in their assertion that Mrs. Crewe, when she sxecuted the will, waa possessed of a competent and rational mind. She govs them the instructions how she wish set the will drawn, and from Cie evidence of these persons it appears she comprehended the act oho was engaged in, Thnt the teBtatrix wos portlal, ond omitted proper objects of her bounty from the provisions of her wilt may uo true, yei inis is not or itsuir evidence of an.

irrational mind, or sufficient reason why we should refuse probate of such a will. We moy not know all the circumstances whieh governed her in thus preferring one daughter to the exclusion of all the other children. The principal opponent is well situated, and was not in need of her mother's assistance, beeides a coldness had sprung up between them, and for a long time she had not visite'd her mother. The amount of tho property is not large, and Mrs. Croes did not consider it of ne great value as it is now believed to be.

Anna merited the preference her mother has shown her, for she has served her mother constantly and faithfully for many years. She set her face againet all opportunities for her own personal happines3 and devoted her life to her mother. True tho testatrix was a very singular parson and much of her conduct and many of her habits are such as we observe in persons cf weak or disordered minds. I cannot but believe she wob on the subject of religion very eccentric; cm the main question which we only dare to consider, Ib; 1 veshe was possessed of aufflce it intelligence to deviao her property. She has done nothing unnatural in making this will, she has provided for her beat friends, for her supporter and comforter in those many many years of trial and suffering through which she passed.

The chief objector had treated her as a rational be ing, had held her responsible for her debts, had accepted hr power of attorney, and conveyed away under this authority a portion of her property. He had prepared and caused to be executed a former will, which he tells us was only done to secure an equal distribution. Where was the necessity for any will to make equal distribution Does not the low in cose of intestacy distribute equally the effects of the intestate The testimony of the medical experts called by tha contestants ls based npon a hypothesis which the proof in this case does not establish. The easels by no means free from doubt. Mrs.

Croes Ws very feeble minded ontl took no part in or even charge of the ordinary affairs of life, she was freotedondby all her family considered a person requiring attention and advice. She was in that condition mentally and physl istly that made it easy for any one so disposed to fiifla mce her, but no such question is raised in this case. However I believe the testatrix when Bin exwutsd his will comprehended its provisions, and thtt hnr hen mental condition warrants us in oonslderinj it as her rational act. Probate of this will must therefore be made. William Itladden's Will.

"William Madden, who died March 20, 1872, left a will involving about 137,000. The will was contested by his eon, John Madden, on the ground of incompetency. The case has been before the Surrogate since March, '72, ond testimony amounting to one thousand pages taken upon it. Surrogaio Vceder this morning decided that tho testator at tho time of making the same was incompetent to exeonta a will, and therefore that the will ia null and void. Stealing Old Irou.

In the Court of Sessions this morning, before Judge Mcore ond Justices Johnson ond Stii weU, Patrick Connelly and John Mullady, were convicted of having stolen a quantity of old iron from Jacob F. Leavy, of South Fourth street, in the Eastern District. They wero remanded for sentence. DISOHABGE OF THE GRAND TURY. The Grand Jury came into Court this morning, aad presented a few indictments, and wero discharged by Judge Moore, with the thanks of the Court.

Stealing Boots. Jacob Drauble pleaded guilty this morning to stealing four pairs of boots, tho property of Alois IiUtigcr. He was remanded for sentence. Decisional. Samuel Carey against Joshua and Edioin.

Atkins. This was an action to recover the value of rtx mill stones, part of a shipment made in Havre upon tho bark Amelia to be delivered to the Hbelhwt in 2fevr York. Two of the stones never came to hand and four were broken. As to the two missing stones there being no Batisf octory evidence of their delivery in New York, Judgo Benedict has decided that the ship is to pay for their value. The case is different as to tho broken stones, it being proved that the storage of tha ship was good, and the bill of lading contained on exemption of liability for breakage.

ELASTIC TRUSSES. HAVE HAT) STARTLING Evi dence that the metal soring trasses cannot be sold at OIL The new ELASTIC TRUSS, retains Uie ruptaro safely, without pain, night ond day, till cured. Sold sent by mall: fitted without choree, by tho KLASTIC1 TKUSS No. 683 Broadwoy corner of Amiy st. N.

T. uity. ijircmani iree. FINANCIAL. AY COOKE CO.

NO. SO WALL STREET, N. Y. EXCHANGE ON LONDON, PAU1S, BERLIN, FRANKFORT, BREMEN, VIENNA. cable transfers, circular letters, commercial credits, jay cookb, Mcculloch a 41 lombard st, london.

Cablo transfers upon Vienna diroot. INVESTMENT BONDS. THE NORTHERN PACD7IC RAILROAD COMPANY bovine determined to closo its 7.S0 1'IRST MORTGAGK GOLD LOAN ot an aggregate not exceeding thirty mil lion dollars, ond thereafter to pay no higher rate of intor est than 6 per cent on furthor issaos of its bonds, the lim ited remainder of the 7 3 10 loan Is now being disposed of through the osnol ogoncles. As tho bonds of thia issue aro mado receivable in payment for the Company's lands at 1.10, thoy aro in constant and Increasing demand for this purpose, ond will oontinue to be after tho loan is closed a fact which much eahanoes their valuo ond attractiveness as on investment. The Company has now more than 500 miles of its rood bailt and in operation.

Including the entire Eastern Division connecting Lake Superior and the navigation oi the Missouri River it has earned titlo to nearly tea million acres of its land grant, ond sales of lands have thus for averaged $5.06 per acre. All marketable securities ore rooolvod in oxohongo for Northern Pacifies. JAY COOKB 4 No. 20 WALL STREET, New York. TTODWABD HAIGHT BANKERS, 0 WALL ST, NEW YORK.


UOHOKPATION NOTICES. OARD OF COMMlSSIOlraiRS OF CITY iuaijM STREET TntPATtTMBlBTi Tr Ttv Hall. I'ropls for repairing and mmiahlmr tha Ninth sub Preolnct station House. Sealed Proposals will be rccelred by the Common Council, ot the Mayor's office, until Mondoy. June 1878, at three o'clock priring and furnlshlngthe Ninth Bub Procinot Station lromeaocordancewtththe specifications on Hie In the tree Deportment, Board of City Works.

BUnks forjMtimatlntt furnished ot tho Office of the Street Department, and none other will be considered. Propesals will not bo considered unless oocomponledwith content writing of two sureties of SKOeooh, on each proposal (who shall qualify as to their rosponolblUty), that If the contract be awarded to the party proposlng.they will oecomo bound oo his surety for tto faithful performonco; and in case he shall neglect or refuse to execute the contracts if so awarded, then they will pay to the City of Brooklyn the difference between the pries so proposed ond tho price of the next highest blddsr, to whom tho contract. may be awarded. Proposals to be indorsed "To the Common. Council," (speellying work).

By order of the Common ConncU. BropklynanelO.lgS. WM. A. FOWjSSL R.

M. Commissioners of City Works. Attest: D. L. NOBTHUT, Secretory, Annual Report of Brooklyn Police Operations.

Who and How Man; Hare Been Arrested Tbe Crimes Committed, with the Nativity, Trades, and Professions of tie Depredators. Ihe annual report of the Police Department has been banded in. From tbis document it appears that from May 1, 1873, to December 31, then wero 15,906 arrests. These were mule in the various precincts as follows Males. Females.

Total. Preeinot No. 1 1,143 292 1,435 1129 818 1,342 Precinct No. 8 1,876 723 299 Sub PreolnotNo.8 7 218 943 Preeinot No. 4 968 805 1,471 Precinct No.

6 1,409 456 1,865 Preeinot No. 6.... 1,870 837 11765 PreolnctNo.7 840 65 406 Precinct No. 8. 620 165 785 Sub Proelnct No.

8 8 8 Precinct No. 9 660 82 743 Sub Precinct No. 9, 180 49 23 PreoinotNo.10 623 139 761 Central Office 1,123 522 1,650 Detective Squad 95 20 116 Total 12,183 8,724 15,906 Of this number 2,023 were for assanlt and battery 323 for disorderly conduct 4,235 for intoxication 560 for petit larceny; drank and disorderly, 483; lounging on corners, 148 cook fighting, 33 burglary, 80 oruolty to animals, 23 prize fighting, 0 poisoning, 1 fraud, 7 attempted suicide, truanoy, 89; swindling, suspicion of murder, 1 lottery selling, 8 murder, 2 insulting females, 6 extortion, constrictive larceny, 1. Of those arrested 768 were servants next como 477 gay and festive clerks, arrested principally for intoxication the drivers foot bp to 843 blacksmiths, 200 printers, 103 cartmen, 130 seamen, 125 shoemakers, 107. One.

unfortunate boarding housekeeper figures in tho list, bnt whether selling bad hash waa the causa of his incarceration 1b not stated. In their rambles the police fell upon nine druggists, one actor (presumably a bad one), tweniy nve brokers, nineteen contractors, one fan maker (perhaps fth may account for the heat), 1,670 housekeepers, 3,899 laborera, 121 merchants, one midwife, thirty three lawyers, seventeen watchmen and 318 tailors (serve 'em right). Five wfg majors were tagged, next, ona raflroad spotter, then 2,933 miserable wretches without any occupation. Only six dentists were pulled, but the doctors number twenty five. Six undertakers were taken in and done for, yet there isnt a clergyman on the list.

SOCIAL CONDITION. Six thousand one hundred and forty two of the prisoners were males and married, 6,040 were single men and boys. Of the females 2,762 were married, 1,262 were single. Ten thousand five hundred and sixty four of tin males cculd read and write, 1,444 wero unable to do either. The greater number of females arrested were between twenty and thirty years old.

NAimrr. Oni of the number arrested 4,824 were Americans, 4,908 Irish, 1,484 Germans, 502 English, 178 Scotchmen; 50 Swedes, 86 Canadians. A Bolitary Greek fell within the clutches of the law. THE SUBOEON'b'BEPOET shows that out of 118 candidates for appointments ten were rejected. At the different station houses 778 were treated, of which 574 wero injuries.

Since May 1, 1872, 112 patrolmen were appointed, 11 dismissed, and 28 resignations THE BEPORT OF THE CLEBE, Mr. Charles O. Kraushaar, shows tho valuo of lost and stolen property delivered during tho eight months, to owners at the several precincts, as estimated and valued by the owners, to be $61,255.32. The value of property delivered by the Property Clerk, at his office, upon the orders of tho various Judges, the District Attorney, and upon personal affidavits, as estimated by the owners, was $24,610.33, leaving a balance unclaimed on hand January 1, 1872, of $1,610.67. All loBt and stolen property which ia not promptly claimed and restored to the owners, at the several precincts, is sent to the Property Clerk, and by him duly advertised.

If no satisfactory claim is made within six months, it is sdvertised and Bold at publio auction, and tbo proceeds of any sale placed to the credit of the Police Life Insurance Fund. Mr. Wm. M. Van Anden reports that the total receipts during the eight months referred to were $383,374.71 disbursements $383,274.11.

In the Police Life Insurance and Reward Fund, $28,806.32. Speaking of the manner of making APPOINTSfENTS. the Chief Clerk says The attention of the publio through your Honorable Board is called to the follbwlng brief summary of the precautions taken and efforts made to secure the appointment of the right class of men to tho of patrolmen Before any action is taken upon the application of any person to be appointed a policeman, ho must present to the Board a petition signed by not less than five citizens of good character and habits, and verified by the affidavit of one of them, that they nave known tho applicant two ye OTB last past, and are qualified to speak intelligently in relation to his character, habits and associates and must state and represent that he is a man of good, moral character, correct and orderly in his deportment, anel not in any reBpect a violator of law or order that ho is sober, temperate and of industrious habits, not addicted to the habitual use of intoxicating drinks, or other hurtful excesses that they have never seen him drunk or known or heard of his having been drunk nor of his having been guilty of or arrested for any criminal or disorderly condnct oraot. And they muBt further represent that he is a man of truth and integrity, of sound mind, good understanding and of temperate habits and manners fit to bo a policeman. Before the appUcant la sent before the surgeons, bis residence is furnished to the Captain of the preeinot in which he resideB, with instructions to make quiet and confidential inquiry sb to the character, habita and associates, and reputation of the applicant, and to report, in writing, all the information obtained.

The applicant is also subjected to a preliminary ex amination oeiore tne umei utera, ana is requtrea personally to write tho answer to a Beries of questions, in respect to bis name, age, plaoe of nativlts, residence, occupation, whether married or single, and to other questions calculated to elicit all tho information possible concerning himself. He is then examined by the police surgeons as to bis physical qualifications. If they report that ho is eound in limb and body, is able bodied, of a robust constitution, has good eyesight and hearing, and, in their opinion, is physically qualified sustain the labors and exposures of a patrolman, and is under thirty six years of age, not less than five feet eight inches in height, he is then sworn in as a member of the force. After twenty days drilling ho ij assigned to full duty. DiscrPLraE.

Quite a large number of the men were fined. On tho list are 128 patrolmen, ono sergeant and one roundsman. Of those reprimanded, fourteen were patrolmen, one a seageant and one a roundsman. Of those expelled, ten wero patrolman, ono a detective, one a Ber geant and one a doorman. The Chief Clerk winds up his report as follows The measures taken by your Honorable Board to en force the act regulating processions and parades through tho streets of Brooklyn, havo resulted in a suppression of the many abuses by which travel along the principal thorouonf area was formally impeded, and the core on the street railroads prevented from running.

Tho regulations enforced by tho officers under your command have been beneficial to the general public, without having, so far as known, given cause for complaint to any organization desiring to parade through the streets of this city. Up to tho 31st of December thero were ninety two permits issued to various organi zations to paraae, consisting or a total oi ten tnousana three hundred and thirty five persons. TRINITY SCHOOL. The annual exercises usually held at tho olose of the school year, took place at Trinity School, Clinton street, on Wednesday afternoon. Quite a number of tin parents of tho boys, ond frionds of the school, assembled to listen to the compositions and declamations, which formed the chief features of the entertainment.

Some of the compositions, were highly interesting, and the declamations, as a rule, were well rendered. At the closo of the exercises the following prizes and testimonials were given The BishopTs prize for the moBt faithful boy during the year in the Senior Department to I. Howard Ayres. The Head Master's prize for the most faithful boy during the year in the Junior Department to William H. Onderdonk, of Hempstead.

The Head Master's prizes for declamations at the closing exeroiscs wero awarded by the Committee in the Senior Deportment, the first prize to Milton Burr Davis tho Becond prize to Lewis H. Fitch. In the junior Department, tne prize to Liewis ra.CM.uucn, jr. Head Master's prizo for best examination on leotures on physiology to I. Howrrd AyreB.

iieaci aiasier a prize ior excellence in tfaored wesson to Francis Vinton Leeds. First testimonials in the Senior Department were given in the following order to Edward P. Newton, I. Howard Ayres, Charles H. Eentgcn, Frederick A.

Taylor. Second testimonials in the Senior Department in the following order to William H. Ford, William Hickel, Edward P. Montague. Huntington Woodman.

First testimonials in the junior Department wore given in tho following order to Louis Burrul, Lewis MoMullen, Philip H. Fuller. second testimonials in tne junior department in tne following order to Bobert Wolah, Wiluam H. Onderdonk, Albert H. Messenger, Arthur O.

BruBh, The prize for the greatest improvement in Writing in the Senior Department to Frederiok A. Taylor. In the Junior Dopertment to Arthur O. Brush. Not absent nor tardy during tho year, Frederick A.

Taylor. After the awarding of tho prizes the Head Master, tho Bov. Mr. Valpy, made a few remarks to the boys, iu which he Btatcd that the present was the last time in which he should meet them as their teaohcr, as ho had deoided to take charge of St. John's School, N.

a work of a litUo different ohoraotcr and Bomewhat more suited to his tastes. It was with sadness, however, that be bade them farewell, and in parting ho exhorted them, even if they forgot him, as they rose to their several stations in life, to remember the principles of honesty and truo tpBnTiinn that ho had endeavored to instill in their minds. The Bev. Dr. Hall stated that the building at present occupied belonged to the school no longer, as it had Bold to the Baptist Society adjoining, in order to enable them to enlarge their church.

ADAMS'S HI PORT. THE WALLABOUT BMDQE. The Moyor received the following conununloation from Engineer Adams to day Offioe Chief Ehqinskb, Brooklyn 19, 1873. Hon. S.

S. Powell, Mayor, City of Brooklyn 8m Atyour request have examined the Wallabout bridge on Washington avenue, and bog leave to report in reference to its condition. The bridge was opened for travel in the Summer of has been subjected to very harsh treatment, such as no bridge is designed to meet. vessels heavily Jooaded passing through the basin use the end of the draw, before it is fflly opened, as a snubbing post to check their way. This is constantly done, and It is a matter of surprise that the bridge has not been injured beyond remedy, whereas, with all the abuse the draw his under fono, the turning gear alono has Buffered, while th) ridge is in as good condition as when built.

Itls idle to repair the turning gear. The principle adopted is unsuited to meet the treatment whioh it seems Is unavoidable in this locality, Repairs have from time to timo been made, bnt this method of patching does not reach to the source of the trouble, and (auld recommend that an entire new tnrnln gear be substituted for the present one. This will co it between five and six thousand dollars, but will thor oughly meet uio wauu ui uie case in my judgment, it will be necessary to turn off the street travel for say tei days, leaving the basin open for navigation. Julius W. Adams.

The Moyor will send the foregoing to the Wallabout Commissioners, as tho bridge is in their charge, and re quest them to have the necessary repairs made. The liabilities of the flrm'of S. R. MoLean ruiBuurK, uho.wcb, woicu BUBpeuaoa a aayor two ago, cannot be fully aBoertained, It Is alleged that i me aepoeitors' actxjuuts win reacn geiMJuv, tne rest oeing divided among banks and hankers. The assets are considerably in excess of the liabilities, and it is thought an amicaDie settlement win do made at an sany oay.

Reception and Closing Exercises bj the Graduating Class of 1873. Oratory, Poetry, History, and General Reflections rr em onie In the Chapel Planting the Ivy, Election of Class Officers, and General Jollification. The graduating olass of 1878 of the Paoker Institute gave their closing reception and indulged in their final class exercises in the Institute yesterday afternoon. There was a fine company present, and the exercises wero conducted with more than ordinary ability. In order, however, that the contributions to tho entertainment may be understood, it is necessary to remember that the class elects its own ofBcers, and that thoee elected this year were the following young ladles President, Fanny D.

FiBb Historian, Miss Mary E. M. Cuyler, daught.r of Eev. Dr. Ouyler; Orator, Miss iMuraLyon; Poet, Miss Julia Sedgwick; BombasUo Orator, Mils Ella Williams Irophot, Miss Emma Walker Jit Poet, Miss Louise Peer.

The following is a litt of the members of tho olass Caroline O. Ayrcs, Kate Beloher, Charlotte I. Bernstein, Helen Blacklin, Isabel M. Chapman, Mary E. M.

Cuyler, FronciB Dennis, Agnes Dougsll, Fanny D. Fish, Grace L. Green, Caroline C. Ives, Laura Lyon, Louiao Peer, BarabA. Seaman, Ida B.

Sears, Julia H. Sedgwick, Cora E. M. Spangler, Josephine F. Sprott, Emma Walker, Mary L.

Weetervelt, Ella F. Williams, Jean nttto Williams. The exercises were opened with somo fine musio by Mits Cora Sprangler, after which the President addressed briefly, but with rare good taste, her associates, on the soeni wb'oh they bad passed through, on the importance of their present gathering and on their prospective separation. Miss Cuyler, daughter of Kev. Dr.

Cuyler, then read the following history of tho class. HISTOBX OP THE OTjASS. The class of TO has but a few more hours to live, before it becomes only a memory in old Paoker, a pleasant memory, we trust, Btill to be looked upon with admiration by tolling "freshies" and Bophomores, who regard na with a sort of awe, for having endured all the hare'ehips they imagine to be the lot of seniors, and having survived to toll tho tale. We shall be looked upon by aspiring juniors with, wo fear, no awe at all, for alas! familiarity breeds contempt," but only as a very respectable but rather "old fogy" af icir. Yes, such Trill be our rata, tor in a very abort space of time, in the words of our college brothers, "we shall be alumni, too." Can you realize it, Bitiers of 131 As we have toiled and dug locking forward to tho time, when "the end shall crown the work;" ean you believe that the long looked for end has really come Nothing now reniains but to look book over the long way we have travelled, and to poor unworthy mo, has been given the honor of chronioling the mignty deeds of this marvelous class.

Woit'd you learn, turn, oh ye people, of deeds, of valor done, of wonders all give hood and hearken to my simple tale. First of all, you must know seniors do not "jn.fc grow," after TopBey'B convenient fashion, but they must undergo a certain amount of discipline as juniors, which, according to old Bishop Butler, properly fits them for the state of bliss awaiting them in tho senior class. We accordingly plodded our way through the junior year, and time would fail were wo to toll of all the trials and pleasures which befell us then. Suffice it to say, that toward the close of the year we asserted our inallenajle rights to "life, Uberty and the pursuit of happiness," by an animated and thrilling debate on the of "Girls Bights." But our olass birthday properly was Eeptombor 23, in tho year of our Lord 1873 for on that day was organized, in formal style, the class of '73. They adopted the mysterious word "Corona" as their countersign, blue as their class color (which would have been moro appropriate about examination times, for in the beginning every thing was coleur de roee), and as a finale they chose the signiiicent motto, "Finis coronat opus." We then proceeded to elect our officers, and for onco we cast our nets on tho right side of the ship, for with one consent we DBEW A OBEAT FISH for our President.

We shall never again believe tho old proverb, There are as good fish iu the Bta as ever wero caught," for we firmly bebeve thero never was so good a Fish as ours, or one so worthy of Presidential honors. Our next haul was in shape of Miss DenniB( for Vice President who has given evidence of her triny origin, by always "weeping allttlo weep," whioh has become historically connected with examinations. A frcBh young mermaid with decidedly "green" hair was next caught for our Treasurer, while we chose for Secretary a little girl whose hair was thiok with many a curl which clustered round her head. We found our strength was not in numbers, certainly, for we were only twenty three, all told, but wo modestly thought that we made up in quality what we lacked in quar. 4ty.

But, alas 1 we were soon bereft of two of our numbers, for Miss Stow and Miss Scofleld left our ranks, Miss Scoiield being summoned home oner Miss Stow, in whose little body bo much of good sense is Btowed away, being "off for fresh fields and pastures new." To then memory peace. While looking at our clan we mentally exclaim, "What's in a name?" For we behold the most sedate and stately of all our number ternlng the breezy, frisky name of "Airs," while the lamb of all the flock, meekly wears the fierce cognomen of Lyon. If the name could only be slipped over on her big belligerent ecat mato, what a happy combination there would be For we have in our midst two Bweet Williams, who abed around tbem the fragrance of their presenco, refreshing and reviving us all. One is a white, fragile looking flower, while the other is rosy and smiling as a May morn. We had hardly comprehended the stupendous fact that we were actually censors, and that in spite of tbis wondrous event, the world moved on as it had done before this came to pass, when to our amazement, and taH it not in Gath gratified pride we were told that we had been considered worthy to guard the interests of Packer, and had been CONSTITUTED A POLIOE FOECE, with all the dignity of a blue bow as insignia of office.

We entered with all the alacrity becoming grave and reverend seniors on our duties, and in spite of Beveral occasions, when we discovered to our horror that even a senior's lofty mlon cBil not strike terror to tho heart of lawless Young America, wo have so far succeeded that the bows have died a natural death, and we rulo by the might of our presence alone. The middle of the year witnessed a great event. The 12th of February will ever be marked as a red Utter day in our on that memorable day came off our grand Thanksgiving ban quet In honor of having finished "that direful spring of so much woe," mental philosophy. Is there any heari among ub, oh, my sisters, so utterly lost to all fceliug of class honor as not to feel her pulses quicken and nsr heart thrill at the very mention of that maglo word, mental dinner Talk of Lord Mayor's banquets 1 Why thoy are liko the tea parties of our infancy, whon compared in grandeur with our glorious Bpreod I Can we ever forget our superhuman efforts in conquering all obstacles, our "lemonoholly 'adventures, the 1'eEtal board crowned with every aelica3y that our twenty five fer He brains could suggest, or how whjn our gueBts having dopartcd, we made old Paoker's llB ring sb never bofore, with tho musio of our cheers and songs! And when the fun "waxed fast and furious," German surprises were produced, and we beheld the novel sight of our honored President "beneath a jockey hat and feather," while our little Treasurer looked quits lino under a towering helmet. Then wo desoBndsd to tho classic halls of the gymnasium and thero round and round the mystic ring, did lightly danco and sweetly sing," uu tne "snaoes oi nigut icu" ana wo went juui lantly homeward and tno "party was out," as Amy Bays.

11 you wouiu auow tno magical encct wnicn THE STUDY OF MENTAL PHILOSOPHY had on our intellects, I would cite the following as a geca example or conciusivo logic, uno oi our most brilliant thinkers ono day being asked by our instructor, now for tho nerveB of motion and those of sensation went in company after leaving tho brain, startled us all by the following conciBe yet thrilling answer: "Until tney amae." naa almost pnsseu into a provero, ma. genius is suuject io many pectuianticB, auu on mis sup pcaiticn, for "ways that aro dark and things that a.j Btranse," we claim that the class of '73 is a rare collec tion of geniuses. One of themo3t eccentric, and tbirc lore most giitcel oi our class, is rattier inciinea to wn you might term a fixed determination of purpose, or uiuerwiBC, spice oi inuueei uve a uy stinacy. and who if she once walks into a Ywniec.t. "All the kind's horses and all the king's men couldn't trail; her out again." But Binco most oi ner scnemes aro very leosioie, ana uur notions are worthy of her fertile intellect, we happily resign ourselves, Knowing tnat sne will, sue win, ana yon may depend on't if she wont she wont, and there's tho endont." All honor to tbat illustrious member of '73.

without whose faithful instrument wo would hove gone to class wltfl our weapons unsharpenca for tno conaict. All honor to that knife which has found a home in so many of careless pockets, and which, liko Mr. ber, has a propensity for" turning up" in tho mosi ui expected places. May its memory be embalmed in our inmost hearts. Another one of our number, too aulck of speech, bnt not so quick at hearing, has from inability to fol ow tho winding thread of a recitation, spent her "tbinging honors," in "dreaming, fondly dream ing." im summary manner, in wnicn ner woui garnering" wits are recalled from the four quarters of the globe, and the ardor with whioh she annonnoes, as a new idea, that which haa boon discussed and consigned to oblivion long bofore, is certainly most exhilii'itirg.

Bnt words and patience would bo exhausted, were we to attempt to Mi all tbat is entertaining and wonderful about this brilliant company, to tell of her, who in spite of certain youthful "guslnngs" had taken honorable place among the "seers of old" of her, whoso merry eyes betray her Bilent lips, and speak of hidden fun, or of little Joe, whose bright ideas have sprouted all the year, so greatly to our edification. Woulu you know what as a "splendid whole," our closs has done? Of course, wa do not ref or to our having finished twelve books tbis year, having written up leagues of foolscap in examinations, or to Biniilar trifles, but to our extraordinary deeds of glory "Listen, my dears, and you tiw hear of the wonderful things we have done this year." First, under our guiding care the Quarterly has flourished like a a "green bay tree," and we introduced many new features. To you, oh ye, juniors, wo commend this idol of our hearts. Wo take to ourselves muoh credit for having enlarged our list of celiege exchanges five fold, there being but eighteen at the beginning of tne year, while we now receive nearly eighty magazines and papers, from all parts of our land, and even from the Queen's dominion. It has been thus very charming to become acquainted with all the 'Ins and outs" of every day life in so many colleges, to hear of the sorapes, adventures, worries and succcsseB of our college brothers, and wo feel that warp we now to visit old Yale, Harvard or Prinottm, wo should fsel like old friends, and anything but Freshmen.

We have also suffered, in company with our younger sisters, from the attack of DBAMATTO FETEB, which has been so prevalent this year. And would you believe that grave and reverend seniors indulged lua VI iiiVUJUUg Ulu cuiniu iuubo, duu uu ering themselves with glory in an original play? But, alas, all our small plans wero speedily given up and Iobc 111 uiu uuuw ui uie great sorrow Wlllull uuue uijvu ua im the early spring days, and mad us unwilling to touch the work whioh dear hands had left unfinished. Bnt tho' we have had onr share of sorrow, yet my sisters. one grand success has been ours 1 Have we not sno ded in one oreat achievement; one for which pos terity will rise up and call us blessed that of establishing the MYSTEBIOUS P. D.

the most beneficent institution of modern times? Would that my poor pen were inspired, that I might record the beauty and sublimity of this noblo institution whioh if we wait just long enongh, will render us iumortal. But alas I my ocrmradea of 78, our time for ambitious projects, for trials and successes Is forever over. Qur hours are numbered in old Paoker's halls. No mnrttftTftwinning, old Loomls, no struggling In the "oold, gray dawn of the Winter's morn," in tho vain effort to "enter Into our desired haven," And oh I wondrous joy I our dreams will never more be haunted by tbat horrible spectre an unwritten Do yon realize it? you whose inathematloal genius Is not of the most dsimling order, and whose Utile tempers have been whole heart made sick by geometry and trigonometry and other evils, that horo after all the mathematics yon will require will be just enough knowledge to compute a dressmaker's bill, (wbion may, however, be a very troublesome riddle to solve, and shall I ventors the base suggestion at Borne very far away time, perhaps, to arrive at the cost of bread and cheese for two. Can any tongue express the deep and overwhelming joy whioh tiirills our being at the thought that we can now say Farewell, a long farewell to all examinations." But, after oil, what happy times wo have had, plodding np thehfll of knowledgo together.

There was, to ba sure, somo sighing at examination times, when it WaS discovered a little learning was a dangerous thing." What a happy, prosperous year this baa been for our dear Alma Mater We have, to bo Bure, felt deeply the absence of our beloved Professor, but, when we refloat, that 11 onr loss is his gain," we sorrow no more. We. trust that in the Fall, we shall see his genial face again, listen with delight to the Btory of his wanderings by sea and shore. But, alas I there has gone out from onr midst this year, a dear countenance which we shall never more see on earth, the faoo of Uer, whose last hours of Ufa were Rnent in Self acrificinff. Invito tntl AhcV nnwmlti children of her care.

Aby may be', Inspired by her'1 rfpnr examnle tofoltbflili nnrl mkwfi1 nnt be in vain to us, that we have been permitted to enjoy the sweet ministry" of her teachings but may wo all A Chapter on the livery Stable Business in Brooklyn. Some Idea of the Money Inres'Od in the I urines Yfhal the Carriages and Roadsters are Worth The Patrons of the Stables. Apart flora the gentlemen immediately interested in horse flesh, very few people hare any definite idea, either of the manner In which livery stables are conducted, or the amount of money invested in them. Almost every pereon has occasion at tunes to higgle for a turnout, but further than the experience gained at such tunes, the average amount of knowledge existing concerning the business may be represented by a cipher. In order that the readers of the Eagle might be enlightened upon this subject, a reporter made a torn of the principal stables, and by dint of interviewing and personal observations, obtained the faots set forth below There are in Brooklyn about fifty livery stables.

The capital invested in tbom is from $5,000 to $00,000 each. There are but a few near this latter figure, and only about half a dozen at it. They aro owned mostly by individuals who, for the most part, have been long in the business. L'very Btables are of slow growth and simply keep pace with the requirements of tho time. The large majority have only from 5,000 to $20,000 invested in them.

There are not more than half a dozen lorje first class Et2ble3 in Brooklyn lo be oompored to similar establishments in New York. There are about fifty having not more than two or three teams of their own, and many havo only one team. This kind will board anything cheap for cash, and ore patronized by hackmen. Some of these stables buy second lund couches, and have but the one description of vehicle clarences. Probably the average number of teams in the majority of livery stables is from six to eight.

But then, many of them do a lucrative business keeping boarders. The horses cost from J300 to $t00 eaoh; double team from $600 to $900. Coaoheflvary from $1,200 to $1,400. A second hand coach will sell for about $800, and then last these email stables longer than new ones are permitted to remain in first class Btables. Some of these Btables also do a general trucking business.

When they board backmen's and truckmen's teams they ask only rent. The owners take care of their team and vehicles and feed them and buy their own feed. Not more than half a dozen own their stables. Tito rest pay rent from $100 to $1,000 a year. GOING TEEOUGH A ETABLE.

Said the Eagle man to the proprietor of a well known specimen livery stable, "How many horses have you 136, about half private stock and half our own." Do you keep any blooded Block "Yes, sir, we do. Some of tho stock wo board are fast trotters and many of ours are too. "Do you keep any racers or trotters for professional purports "Yes, we have six or eight on the Fleetwood Park Course now, whioh are going to trot In tho coming races. Wo trot them all over the country. We have no running horses." "Have you any very fast horses?" "Well, no sir; not extra fast.

We have horses which can trot a mile in 2:40 and under, down to 2:28." "Havo you made much money by your trotlora "Yes, sir, a good deal. We are very well with them." "Do livery Btablo keepers, as a rulo, keep blooded stock of their own?" "No, very few, unless they happen to ba turfmen, beside being livery stable keepers. They goner jlly keep one or two fast horses for their own use on the road, in the Park and elsewhere, but Ihoy are all." "Eacing stock are very valuable, ore they not "Well, (bat depends. Colts you can get for a song, and some horses too. Others are valued at thousands of dollars, and others again are invaluable.

There are Borne from which the owner would not part at any prie as conveying a sort of elistinotion upon them, like Mr. Bonner's Dexter. We havo a horse for whioh we not take thirty thousend dollars." "What horses have you here in this basement "Thero ore our own, which we keep for shopping and calling. They ore used tho most, and we keep them bero because tbis is the most accessible place. The private horses and our best stock are kept upstairs.

Let us go up and see them." "What do you do with your manuro7" "A former on the island contracts for it far $1,000 a year, as it stands hero." The building is 73 feet wide by 100 deep. It is three BtO iea in height, with a loft to store feed, hay, grain, Ic. It has also a basement in which horses aro stalled. Such a building would rent for $10,000 a year, at p.rsent rates. The basement has a brick floor, ono of the Improve ments snd alterations which have been made recently.

Tho etato aro on either side. Thero in a beam running the length of the room which baa rlns fastened in it at regular dislcnces of three or four feet, to which the hal ters of the horses ar fastened when the animals have to bo enrrycombed, brushed and washed down. Ascending to th sidewalk and passing thence into the main carriage roomB, of which there are two on the same floor the basement floor the reporter and proprietor re sumed their conversation. Now, then, here are some of our coaches. You boo here vehicles of every description.

"What does a coach like that cost and thoEAULE man pointed to a very handsome clarence. "Our clarences which wo call coaches coal about opicce." "What did the other venicles cost?" "Tho prices rongo from $1,400 for cloronooa to 932a toe road wagon. Top wagons cost about $475, rockaways and pony phaetons about $800, and park phaetons and landaus about $1,200." "How long do your vehicles last "About two years, and, sometimes, by rare good luck, about three years. All the vehicles last about the same, for, although the heavier coocheB the clarences landaus are used more than the others, yet the others, being lighter and more elegant, wear out sooner and are much more easily smashed." "How often do you novo to repair them?" "About every six months wo give them a thorough overhauling, and repair, clean pint and varnish them." "What becomes of them after they are worn out in your service 1" "Wo sell them to tho manufacturer." "Do you get much for them "Well, that depends upon what you consider much. For clarences we get about $800 and for the others in proportion." "I suppose they sell them to hackmen ana sznau Etables?" "I think they do." "By the by, what la the smallest number of teams and vehicles you ever know of a man entering into business with?" 'Ono team, sir.

I know there are many such. Why I know at least fifty who have only two or three tsams and a corresponding number of vehioles. They simply koep enongh Btock on hand to enable tbem to stylo themselves livery liable keepers ond to set up in business." "How do they make their money "By taking i. keeping horses and ve hicles from outsido." How does business compare with that in New York Oh. business is better in New York, of course.

The only thing that keeps up the business here Is tho Park, Greenwood and Coney iBland. Anomor advantage in favor of New York ia that they can afford to keep cheap carriages, Here it wouldn't do at all, as the majority of our oustomere are ladies who go oat shopping and colling, and they will not put up with cn inferior article. Why, sir, thero ore first class stables in Now York using coaches which we would nave turned away long befove they were in that condition." 'Suppose on occasions when there is a great demana for coaches you run short. What do you do 'Hire them of other Btables just as many of them hire of us." 'How do you get your horsss and venicles up above?" 'Oh, wo have an elevator for the vehicles. The t9ams havo a gangway on a gentle incline to go up on.

Suppose we go up and see them?" 'By all means. Is this the only carriage nouse you have?" "Oh, no here is another here. Ill show it to you." Ho led tie way into another carriage house on the same floor as tho other, and containing over a doEen vehicles. "Sometimes it has as many as it can hold, and iB jammed up to the door." "Do you keep your vehicles Bcparato from those on ivory?" "No, we keep tbem all together, as you aee," and he pointed to some that were his father's and some belong ing to private parties." "How can you tell which is wmcn to me eaon vehicle of the Bame description scercs exactly alike." A WONDEBIUIi MEMORY. "Very likely.

I know every vehicle in the place by sight and can tell to whom it belongs at a moment's notice. You see 'practice has made me Come, let us go upstairs." Entering by tho inclined plane tho horses used, the reporter was shown around the floor, whioh contained about one hundred stalls, the majority running along three Bides of the room, and tho other being grouped in a square in the middle so thai the horses faced each other. At the lower end of eaoh row of stalls thero was a sewer laid to cany off the refuse. The floors of the Btalls were laid in elatB with open spaces between them and underneath were two thicknesses of pine boards with a layer of felt nearly an inch thick between, making it completely water proof. Each stall waa provided with a rack for bay, a manger for the feed and plenty of olaan Btraw for bedding purposes.

In an upright post at the end of each stall was a hook by whioh the harness bo longing to that horse was hung. The horses are fed with oata three times a day, and beside have always plenty of hey to eat. There is more or less waste every day, by this being scattered. When horses are not in good oondition thes are aiven mash to aat. "Mash" ia out food, with a little meal, the whole mixed with milk or water.

There is a large trough from which the mixture is fed to the honv needing it. While there be requested one of the hostlers to "mash" a beautiful boras he pointed out, meaning that he should diet her. A BQUABE HEAL FOB A HOUSE. "How mush does a horse eat a day "That depends a great deal upon the horse. The ani mals' appetites vary just as men's do.

An arerago horse will eat ten pounds of nay ana twelve quarts or oats." "How much does it cost you to keep a horse a day?" "Well, there are bo many items entering into the calculation that it would be impossible to state." "How much does an overage coaoh horse coat you "A single horse from $800 to $400 and a double team nhmit B00." Tho proprietor then showed soma or ma iavonw ani mals, calling them by name, aesenning vuoir pwu oree. and dilaUnn on their trotting qualities, their speed and bottom. Passing thenoe into the harness room the reporter waa showed some of the harnesses belonging to private parties. They were ail in appiepie uraer. iu room la in oharge of a man who has nothing to do but to keep tho horses in order.

There ia a hook to hang eaoh set of harness on, and above la a label Bearing uie owner's name. The top floor is used for storing carriages. which are taken up there in the elevator, also feed, and miBceUaneoua arHoles "stowaways" of all Boris. The animals in the Btables are all in sound condition, and appear Bleek and well fed. When the epizootic raged in Brooklyn not one out of the whole stud perished for the (simple reason that they, were not worked.

THE OUTFIT OH A OIiABS STABLE. There are in tho specimen livery stable referred to the following descriptions of vehicles clarences, whioh THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 19. WASHINGTON ITEMS. Eetnrn of the President to the Capital. DEPREDATIONS ON THE RIO GRANDE THE POLARIS REPORT.

Washington, D. June 19. The President, accompanied by General Babcock, arrived here early this morning. Ho will return to Long Branch by Friday night'a train. It is not supposed there will be any formal Cabinet meeting in the meantime, although the Heads of the Departments will call on him for the transaction of business of a routine character.

Among the early callers on the President this forenoon were Messrs. Robb, Savage and Osborne, the Ccmmlf Bioncrs appointed to inquire into the out rages on tho Bio Grande. Although the visit was mainly of courtesy, there was some Incidental conversation relative to the results of the inquiry. Tho President expressed his EatiEfaction with tho labors of the Com. mission, and remarked that he would do all in his power 1 1 afford (he requited relict to those who had so severely suffered by the raids.

It wes stated several days ago there would bo about twehly changes in consulates for the benefit of the President's Southern political friends. Several suoh changes havo already been made, the latcBt being the appointment of Henry Koy Myers, of Alabama, a Consul at Hamilton, Ontario, in place of Blake, suspended. The President has also appointed as Internal Rovonuo Collector, Josiah Anderson, for the Second District of Michigan, and Adam Nase for the Third District of Illinois. Also, William S. Defrecs, of New Mexico, agent for the Indians of tho Moquois Pueblo Agenoy, vise Crothers resigned.

The U. S. Steamer Plymouth, which arrived at New York to day, tbo Mediterranean and the coast of Africa, has been ordered to Portsmouth, N. H. Information has been received at thB War Department, that the Legislature of Texas has passed resolutions commendatory of Colonel MoKcnzie'a late pursuit and chastisement of tho Kickapejo Indiana.

Secretary Bobceon's Polaris report will, it is promised at the Department, bo furnished to tho prjss late this afternoon, together with tho full testimony of ptala Tyson, Myers and others. THE PAYER. London, A dispatch from on board the steamship Great Eastern, dated at noon yesterday, reports that up to that hour 443 mileB of cable had been paid out. The Great Eastern was then in latitude 53.20 and lougitudo 20.30. COLLISION.

Mixed Railway Trains Four Engineers Injured Loss of 1'roperty, 973,000. St. Louis, June 19. While a train with two engines attached, belonging to the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railroad, and a train with one engine, belonging to tho St. Louis, Kansas City and Northern Railroad, wero running as ono train on the Hannibal and St.

Josoph road a few miles from Kansas City, on Saturday lost, they collided with a train running west, and the four locomotives were almost destroyed. Several stock cars were smashed. Tho four engineers were more or less injured. It is thought that the injuries of ono of them, named Snydor, will terminate fatally. Tho loss by the destruction of thi engines and cars is estimated at about $75,000.

A HORSE CASE. Si'iiinqpield, June 19. Tho case of Nathan G. Miller, of Plymouth, against William B. Smith, of Hartford, brought to recover damages on account of the alleged unsoundness of the trotting mare Nonesuch, bought of Smith by Miller, was concluded in the Superior Court to day, with a verdict of $5,000 for tho plaintiff.

Nonesuch when sold was warranted sound, but proved to be a cribber," and the defense was that cribbing was a habit, and not unsoundness. THE GOVERNOR THE BILLS. Signing of the New York Industrial Exhibition Act A Brooklyn Deiega gation. Albany, June 19. Governor Dix has signed the New York Industria bill.

When this bill was originally introduced tho Governor notified its friends that be could never sign it if it passed in the ehape it was. It was then amended to meet his suggestions, which was that the Mayor and Common Council would be authorized to loan the Company 1, 760,000 so soon as the ground on which the building waB to be erected was purchased, paid for and entirely clear of incumbrance and the company gave the city a firBt mortgage then that the city should loan $760,000 more as soon as the building was ereoted, giving a mortgage on that. A delegation from Brooklyn was before tho Govornor this afternoon concerning Brooklyn bihsyet unsigned. The Governor has not yet signed the Waahingson Market, the Wall Street Railroad or the East Biver bills. Special Agent George H.

Abbot reports to Secretary Biohardson from El Paso del Norte, May 31, that sinte his last report (a month previous) there had been no Improvement in tho matters of reoeipts on account of customs. There has been a decrease in the business of the entire dlBlriot, so far as heard from through ths medium of weekly cash statements, and, as heretofore, the reports of the deputies are burdened with acts of violence and spoliation committed by tho Djdiana and jxicana. Agent Abbot reports the following act of cattle stealing as on a scale of greater magnitude then usual. On the 5th instant, there was Btolen and driven to the Mexican Bide of the Bio Grande three hundred liad cf Texas cattle, a portion of the hord belonging to Messrs. Bead Brothers, who wero en route with thm to Sin Augustine, New Mexico.

This theft was committed by three or four different parties, who Stamp3d3d and crossed from ten to fifty head each, according to tha strength of the party and opportunity. Through tho assistance of the Gefe Politico at El Paso and his various doputics, about one hundred ware driven into the mountains, scattered, killed and otherwise made way with, bo that thoro are no present or future prospects of urthor recoveries. It is not claimed that this robbery was committed by Mexican citl EOife altogether, for it has been ascertained that Mexicans of tho American side of the border were instrumental in bringing about this stampede, if not Ihi originators of tho entire scheme. The Internal Bevenue receipts to day amount to 401,897. CONDENSED TELEGRAMS.

Mayor Stokley, of Philadelphia, has vetoed the ordinance appropriating $200,000 for tho improvement of Fainnount Park. Secretary of War Belknap has returned to Washington. Eugene H. Wright shot Ella Wilfion in a disreputable house at Lowell, and was this morning held to bail In $3,000 to await tbo result of her injuries. Albert B.

"Williams, a soldier, indicted for murder at Fort Niagara, and who has been in Jail for two years, pleaded guilty of manslaughter, and was today sentenced to tho Albany Penitentiary for oao year and to pay a fine of $500. The Carew Paper Mill at South Hadley Falls, was almost wholly destroyed by fire at 8 o'clock this morning. Tho loss is $50,000. The properly was fully insured. The negotiations for the sale of tho interest of C.

P. Huntington and Hopkins, in tho Central Pacific Bailroad, have been resumed. J. Edgar Thompson, President of the Pennsylvania Bailroad Company, and a party of Eastern Capitalists passed through Council Bluffs to day on their way West. The city of New York, India and City of Limerick, have arrived on the other side.

Rev. Mr. Lampo, of "Wheeling, "West Virginia, pastor of Zion's Church, ond a teacher of German in tho pub io eohools, waa arrested yesterday for an attempted outrage on one of his scholars, a girl four years old. He denies the charge and has given bail. THE GALLOWS.

A Woman Hanged in Snrnia. From the New York Evening Mail. Sabnia, June 19. Mrs. Workman, who waa tried, convicted and sentenced to death at the last assizes, for causing th death of her husband last Winter, to day suffered tho extreme Density of the law.

At eight o'clock this morning the procession for the scaffold left the jail, the doomed woman reading passages of the Scripture on tho way and appearing very calm and resigned and mounting the scaffold with a firm tread. At ten minutes past eight o'clock the signal was givon, the bolt withdrawn, and the wretched woman launched into eternity. Her neck was broken instantly, and she died without a struggle or a groan. The corpse was laid In a coffin, dressed in a black robe with a knot of flowers in her hand and another upon her breast. But few persons, beside the prison omclols, witnesB tho execution.

THE WEATHER. Probabilities. Wabhtmoton, D. June 1910.30 A. M.

For New England, fresh and occasionally brisk southerly to westerly winds ond partly cloudy weather are probable, with rain areas over the northern portion. For the Middle States, fresh and occasionally brisk southerly to westerly winds and partly cloudy weather. For the Lower Lake Bcgion, fresh and brisk winds, mostly from the southwest and northwest, partly cloudy weather and rain areas. For the South Atlantio and East Gulf States, gentle and fresh southerly and westerly winds and par Uy oloudy weather. For tbo West Gulf 8tates, partly cloudy weather and occasional rain areas.

For the Upper Lake Begion, rising barometer, winds veering to fresh and brisk westerly and northwesterly, and falling temperature with occasional areas of light rata over the northern portion. For the Northwest, rising baromoter, fresh and brisk westerly to northerly winds, falling temperature and generally clear weather from Missouri to Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee, partly cloudy weather and occasional areas of light rain during tho day with winds veering to westerly and northwesterly to night. The morning telegraphlo reports from the West Gulf States, Upper Michigan, Kansas. Dakota, Rocky Mjun tains and Pacific States, are portly missing. Record ol the Thermometer.

The following is the record of the thermometer, as kept at the Brooklyn Daily BAous offlce. A. II I MAM 85 lIU, 76 I IP. Average temperature to day, 79. BRUTAL ASSAULT.

Two Men Nearly Kicked to Deathttya Gong of Ruffians on Fulton street. Last night, between the hours of eleven and twelve, Bapelyea street, corner of Hamilton avenue. South Brooklyn, was the eoene of a most oomrdly and murdcrouB assault, committed by from eight to ten men, on two others. That the case may be clearly put and understood, let be said that two or three evenings ago a man by tho nam.) of Miohael Vallely, who resides at 292 Columbia street, whue be was returning home from New York, where ho is engaged 'n a liquor store, and when near his homo ho was mot by John Donovan, who Insulted nun. A quarrel ensued between the two men, when Vallely succeeded in whipping Donovan.

The two men then went to their respective homes. Thero waB no oharge made against either to the police, and of course tkera was no arrest Vallely did not even refer to the mattor, as he supposed that the lioking he had give Donovan had settled the affair. Donovan, however, viewed the subjeot in a differant light. He resolved to get square with the man who thrashed him. Ho, therof ore, went among his friends, told them how ho was punished, and asked them to assist him in "beating" vallely, The opportunity come last night at about half past oleven o'clock.

Vallely, accompanied by Joen Heinoy, who also resides at No. 292 Columbia street, and is employed with Vallely in the New York liquor store referred to, wero walking homo from their business quietly talking to each other, and not suspecting any danger ahead. They had reached Bapelyea street, corner of Hamilton avenue, and wero in tho act of turning up toward Columbia troet, when John Donovan suddenly JUMPED OUT OP A DOOBWAY, and struck Vallely a fearful blow on the head. At the same instant a man by tho name of Murphy rushed across the street ond pitched into Heiney. Vallely and Helney were dumbfounded almost with tho Budden sur priBo and attempted to get away from the two ruffians.

They were not successful, however, for Just at that moment Donovan shouted, "A KNIFE, A KNIFE, BOYS when a brother of Murphy's, Andy Leonard, John Ben am, James Cody and Diok Callighan, together with others, rushed out from the hallway of Fogarty's liquor saloon, at that place, and through a gate leading from the back yard, and pounced upon tho two defenceless men, throwing them down, kicking and abusing them in a frightful manner about their chests and bocks and faces. Vallely and Heiney essayed several times to freo themselves, calling out "murder," for thoy certainly ex peoted to bo killed outright, but the more they triod to extricate themselves, ond with every time they cried out, additional kicks and poundings were administered. The cowardly ruffians had succeeded in nearly kicking tho life out of the two men before polloeman made his appearance, when they scattered and hid themselves. The wounded men were, at their request, token to their home, where they still lie in a precarious condition, attended by Dr. Alberts, of Summit street.

This morning nearly half of the police force of the Third Precinct were despatched in various directions to arrest the cowardly gong, and at one o'clock they hod succeeded in getting five of them, as follows John Donovan, tho ring leader, one of the MurphyB, Andy Leonard, John Brennan and Dick Callaghan. Those five were taken before JusUoe Delmar, by whom the oaae mm sot down for trial OS soon as tho polio ahull liavo arrested the other men. The Eagle reporter visited Heiney and found him in a fearful condition. His face was badly cut and swollen, both eyes being closed; his cheat and book and sides were covered with oontuslons. The Bigbt was sickening.

The polioe did their to thwart tho efforts of tho reporter to get at the facts oj the case. They (the police) had instruhtcd tho prisoners not to say a word, and thoy minded well tho instructions, for when one or two of them were questioned they were as silent as mummies. THE CHBISTIAS ASSOCIATION. WItat tUe Young Men bave been Doing1 (be Past Year Tne Host Successful Institution of its Kind in tne Conn try. The annual reports, showing what the Young Men's Christian Association of this oity acoom pliehed during tho year ending May 1, have Just been completed.

They Bhow tho institution to bo in a condi tion of unprecedented prosperity. The roomB of the Association are at the corner of Ful ton street and Gallatin place. Speaking of thia the report says The great event of the past year was the lease and occupancy of our present magnificent quarters tho largest and finest iron and brick business block in the city specially arranged above tho stores for tho Association and tho accommodation of its numerous appliances, and furnished in the moBt appropriate and befiting style for its noblo object. Thelease of the present building was followed by the closing of tho library and rooms from tho first of August to the 30th of September. The Association moved from the old building to the new on tho first of September last.

The Committee on furnishing gave themselves assid uously to the work, and being availed of the heated Summer and the stagnation in business, were able, at great reductions in the cost, to complete the labor committed to them at an expense of $1,933.90, and with a careful examination and preparation of the old volumes in the library, and the addition of 1,000 new volumes at an expense of $1,197.85, to have the whole ready for the reopening on the evening of September SO, 1872. THE LECTUBE8 DELIVER FIT). The attendance on the lectures during the Winter has been fully equal and often much beyond the capacity of the new hall, varying, according to estimate, from 1,300 to 1,600, filling at times the Btaneung places and adjacent openings, as well as the sittings of the boll; the stairway being crowded an hour in advance of tho lecturo in the eagerness to secure seats. Twenty three scientific lectures have been delivered 8ix by Prof. E.

S. Morse, on "Natural History (animal kingdom)." Four by Prof. Wm. O. Blohords, on "Chemistry of Physical Forces." One By toi.

it. iJ uoraer, on oana rrocssa pi Etching." Two by Prof. S. Alexander, on the "Nebular Hypothe sis." One by w. M.

Taylor, D. B. on "tin waiter book." Three by J. T. Buryea, D.

on "Vexed Questions in Morals." Three by Prof. A. Crosby, on "Physiology." Two by Prof F. T. L.

Boyle, on "Art." One by Prof. B. Kellogg, on 1'Style." In addition to these leotures, which wore all freo to the membery, classes, equally free, for tho study of the languages, drawing and musio have boon oonduotd with great success. THE MEMBEBSHIP. To tho present time, (June 1), 2,763 new members have been enrolled.

The past year, June, 21; July, September, 72: October, 600; November, 813; Deoomhor, 451; January, 107; February, 242; Marob, 135; April, 68; May, 45. Whole number of members, at least 5,000, of whom 4,183 havo paid their fees. The number of additional readers taking homo books from tho Library since October 26, 1872, is 1,910. The whole number of readers who at present patronize the Library, 3.850; whole number of volumes, added slnoe catalogue, 235. After referring to tbo musical entertainments given monthly and speaking of the dally prayer meetings, the general attendance at the rooms and the results commended by tho public the report says Tho progress of the past season puts our Association in advance ox an uwera in uie worm iu uio magueuo uiu available appliances to draw and ennoble young people.

To provide for still larger accommodations the Board of Directors have leased an additional story over the fourth ntnm fmrn Aftllntin nlnne. eeourinir another earress from the hall through the doorway next to Mr. Horton's store on Fulton street a desideratum whioh doubles the value of all the other apartments, whilo it will enable us to add largely to the aocommoaauou oi our Our soreBt need, and that to which we purposo to ad dress ourselvcB during the coming Summer. Is the INOBEASE 07 OUB KBBABY and the periodicals in our reading room. We moat earnestly solicit contributions from members, readers and citizens generally for this object.

From one to five dollars each rrom every render, according to aouity, would soon double the number of volumes. Everv dol lar of such a contribution, if tho plan wero extensively carried out, would return a hundred fold to eaoh reader. It was with' special ref erenoe to this object that 1 it was proposca, out noi eieciuca, at our annum meeang, to add one dollar to each membership fee. THB TBEABTOEB'b STATEMNT. The statement of the Treasurer shows that on January 1873, there was on hanl $798.11, and that during the present year tbero has been received, of Whioh $7,140.60 was for members' fees for twolvo months, and $8,543.00 in donations, Thero has ben expended, $21, 803.22,'leaviug a balance to new account of $6.11.

Of the expenditures, $4,908.80 was for salaries $4,833.90 for new furniture $1,054.74 for leotures; $3,066.08 for rent; $1,277,62 for printing, and $1,231,60 for library expenses. THB SBPOBT denes with tho following idjguage: By dedueting payment atiioto (obtained for the pur pose Of casning ui4 uuiujr uuxa, it wm oo seen that the enure expense! less than twenty thousand oj hold that a sun elm. ounnATtalr cannot no The donors and look with pride upon friend tfe these figures; they have alrpdy attraoted the wonder andadnurattonofinany of. the best business men of namiM thftTinVllIn CTQllfirallv tnftt. in this day of extravagant expenses, there is at least one institution whose financial management is a modol of careful and economical uso of funds that is truly HEIGHT'S SEMINABY.

A brilliant gathering at the Twenty second Annual Commencement of tho Brooklyn Heights Seminary, on Montague street, between Clinton and Heury streets, took place last evening. Tho exercises were announced to begin at eight o'clock, but as early as quarter after seven o'clock tho pcoplo began to assemble long lines of carriages from opposite directions tlrovo up before the door, and deposited tho patrons of tbo institution. This continued unt'l eight o'clock, when tha chapel and hallways of tho Seminary were Literally jammed. Tho chapel had been elegantly decorated for the occasion with flowers. Upon the stage sat Rev.

Dr. Storrs, Hev. Dr. Farley, General Casey, Bov. Eondtholer, O.

O. Jones, snd Judge Greenwood. The names.of the graduates ore Nellie Ball, of Brooklyn Anna T. BIgelow, Brooklyn Kittle V. of Bergen, New Jersey J.

Addie Capron, of Bergen, New Jersey Emily 8. Hart, of Brooklyn Belle Henderson, Betgen NelHo O. MJller, Brooklyn Jennie B. Sohoon moker, Brooklyn and Carrie T. Sutherland, Brooklyn, The exeioists commenced by Elng'ng the chorus, O.

Starry Nfght," by the school, followed with a prayer by Bev. Dr. Storrs, Jr. To shorten the exercises of the evening, the reading of the Committees' reports were omitted. Afterprjyer, Miss J.

Addle Capron read a well wrltton essay, entitled, "Whither," in a pleasing manner. Then came the chorus, "Come, Merry Maidens," by tho school. Crrie T. Sulherlsnd's essay, "Old Maids and Motherj." afforded considerable amuxemont, and was loudly applauded. Mr.

Horthtnres piano solo, "Invitation" was good. Kittie V. Bonnell read an essay, entitled "Why," in a praiseworthy manner. The following were tho other efforts Essay "Ancestral Halls" Emily's. Hart Ohorns "Farewell.

Concone Essay "Mosaics" Nellie O. Millor Piano solo wilh accompaniment Olara J. Erhart Tho piano solo, with accompaniment, was exceedingly well rendrcd ond elicited for'tba pcrformor high praise. Following the latter, came tho awarding of tho diplomas, by Professor West, tho Principal of tho 8cm iiary, after which the gradui.t. gathered around him, and sang the fcllowing graduates' farewell.

The white robed early months have passed In silence from the year, Their softly whispered promise seemed Too faint for us to hear. But Spring with life of bird and brook, New moon and sunlit day, Has offered buds, has sung of fruit, From March to laughing May, The promise then was clearly given, Tho skies were arched with blue, And if the drops oft fell in showers, Fair rainbows glistened through, And now in June the opening flower Delights our wistful eyes, Wnile In esch blossom shyly borne, Tho coming harvest lies, Our June of life now blossoms freo, And as the Summer grows, We too will offer to your love Full many a fragrant rose. And each will strive as best she can When harvest timo is fair, To bring full Btores of clustered fruit Instead of branohes bare. Testimonials were awarded to the following young la diee, who have completed the course of mathematical study in tho Seminary Misses Lillie Bell, Ida Foater, Lena A. Moore, Sarah Boche and Fanny G.

Smith. Then come tho valedictory by Nellie Ball, which wc.3 rendered with great graco. At the conclusion of tho valedictory, Dr. Storrs, made a few remarks to the graduating class, of the moat pleasing character. He was followed by Eev.

Dr. Far loy, who spoke of the high character of tha examinations of tho class, which hod attended. The evening's entertainment closed with the distribution of the ilower3 among the graduates. ACADEMICAL NOTES. 8T.

John's college will have its Commencement on Tuesday evening next. Beport speaks well of the progress of the students during the past year i ro gross so positive that brilliant proof of it is expected at the closing oxorcisos. The programme for the annual affair reunion always anticipated with lively interest by the friends of the College is unusually attractive. PBOSPECT pabe semtoaby is the name of a new educational institution in charge cf Mrs. E.

W. P. Konney, formerly of Philadelphia. It's situation, near the city's beantiful pleasure ground, is in itself a strong recommendation. It is further commended by Messrs.

Beecher, Saadder, Budington and other well known citizens. Brooklyn is celebrated for successful seminaries, aud tha new applicant for public favor must encounter sharp competition, for which its friends say it is fully prepared. LOCAL BREVITIES. Ihe most thriving business, apparently, in the Eastern Distriot, especially in tho vicinity of the ferries foot of Broadway, is that of retailing beer ond other stimulating beverages. On the block from First to Second street there are close upon a dozen, and yet another has just been opened in the somo locality.

Nor is there any seeming lock of customers in this branch of unproductive industry consequently it must bo inferred that passengers by the ferries are a peculiarly thirsty set of people. Iwo accidents occurred in the Eastern District to day, one being tho fall of a child from a window and the other case that of a laborer injured while at hiB occupation, Charles Gepler, a child scarcely more than two years old, whoso parents llvo at No. 116 Bnshwiok avenue, tumbled from a two story window and escaped without broken bones. Its injuries, if at ail serious, are internal, so Dr. Wittman says.

The other casualty happened to a laborer on the Oity Bailroad, nmsd Pdrlok Cunningham, who, while engaged in breaking a rati, was struck by a piece of the iron and severely out on tho head and leg. Dr. Brady sent the man to bis home after treatment at the Fourth street station. A friendly game of base ball whioh oocur curred yesterday at the Capitoline Grounds, between nines selected from the Third and Sixth Precincts respectively, was not heightened in interest or respectability by the attendance of a number of loud mouthed and abusive individuals. Among others who rcndarod themselves obnoxious was a oertain politician, employed as messenger about the City Hall.

The match resulted in a victory for the Sixth Preeinot nine by a score of 27 to 23 for their opponents. A festival in aid of the E. D. Library Association, is now in progress at the rooms in South Eighth street, and will come to a obnoluslon this evening. The committee of ladles who were instrumental In tho getting up of this entertainment, make a fin exhibit in tho fruits of their labor of love, in that the present festival has, in no reepeot, been equalled by any effort in years past.

The body of a male infant, imperfeotly de veloped, was found In Throop avenue this morning, near Bartlett street, by Officer Lewis. Coroner White hill has tho case in oharge. Thomas Oullin was placed on. trial this morning charged with having stolen on the 10th of April last, a quantity of chain, the property of the Coast Wrecking Company, from the Atlantic Dock, He was found guilty and sentenoed to the Penitentiary for two years and six montbs. Last night, at about 7:55 o'clock, Officer Fitzsimmons found the body of a man floating in the water at the foot of King street.

Tho body was live feet seven inches high, had dark hair, and wore blue rook overcoat, blue vest, dark woolen pants, white Bhirt, i checkered undershirt and calfBkin boots. There were 'found ih'the pants pockets 29 bullets, $21 and. several gold Btuds. A bullet holo was found iu tho head of de ceased. From tho forcoinct facts I conclude that tho con tractor ren ovea dead horseB and other animals and the oflal, on the Morris, three times each week, ana urn ho do; not remove tho night soil boat or its contents at all, but allows tho latter to flow out cf th3 bottom at hieh tide.

On 1'ridov afternoon, at low tide, the boat lay in a bed of night toil, as it doubtless doeB always at low tide, rne aeaa ommaiB aro auowea to remain on tho canal boat from ono to three days, and the offal on the dock nearly as long, until both aro in very foul con ditiou. As the offal and tho small animals aro removed from tho dock, and an the soma are not taken to Clark's ractory, on tno nacaenacK jiiver, auu nre genoruuy in too Dutrid a coudition to be useful, the natural pre eumilion is that all such animal matter is thrown over board irom tno Morns on uer trips to jersey. Com. Fowler stated tnat the communication irom tne Board of Health wcb received during the bdbouco of the ether Cemmissioncrs, and had therefore been kept from the public until the present time, when action could be taken cn it. He also said that all of the Health Commis sioners hod stated that their report was based on faots, csMitiined, not only by membcra of their but from personal observation made by thomsclves.

Cem. Whiting asked what ho had to say. Mr. Clerk reined that ho denied all the facts in the statement that he removed all dead animals promptly every day, except when the steamer Morris was disabled; that he removed all offal with the dead animals to his factory on the Hackensock that he took Bomo of tbo night soil to Keyport, N. in a sloop, and tho rest in a scow to tin dumping ground on the west bank in the lower bay.

He contended that he had peformed tho contract faithfully. Com. Wbiling said that there existed suoh a difference between the statements of the Inspector of the Health Board and that mode by Clark, that it seemed to him an examination should be mado by tho Board of City Worka to get at the facts. Com. Fowler said that ho waa tired and disgusted with the offal business, and thought mora prompt measures Bhould be taken to finally dispose of it.

Com. Whiting Btatcd to Mr. Clark that the Board would take measures to verify or disprove tho statements of the Health Department, and if found correct would require his sureties to moke good the pjrform ance of the contract. He alBO assured Mr. Clark that justice should bo done him.

Mr. Linsky objected to the statement of the Board of Health as ptrtaining to tho rendering factory which was in New Jersey, and out of its jurisdiction, and assured the Commissioners that he was satisfied that Clark in tended to comply with the contract. Mr. Clark Btated that tho complaint of his neglect to call at the station houses for orders was unjust, because it had been agreed between himself and the police that all orders Bhould be telegraphed to polioe headquarters and to tho Fifth and Sixth Station Houses, where he called for them promptly. He claimed that the OdorlcBS Sink Company was interfering with him by flooding his nightsoil scow with water.

Com. Fowler offered the following, which was adopted Jlesolretf, That the subject of the communication of the Board of Health in reference to tho contract of Ed ti mnrV hn referred to Commissioner Whiting to counsel with the Board of Health, and establish what is the duty of the contractor ana mirn mu uuty ui ma uy under the contract with a view to an absolute ond Btrict complaint with tho provisions oi tne Borne. This disposed of tbo matter for to day. OBAIIINO AND PAVING CONLBAOTS. The Grading and Paving Committee of tho Common Council met with the Board of City Works this morning, in reference to contracts for grading and paving certain streets, on which work has been stopped by reason of there having been no money to poy for tho same.

Asa law was passed at the last session of the Legislature pro vidina for the issuing of bonds to pay contracts hereto. fore made, it is deemed desirable to have the work go on. It was feave a fnll statement made of the state of work on all contracts, and to take measures to have the work continued and completed. ASHES AND GARBAGE. The Board of Health object to street oleaning con.

tractors depositing ashes with which garbago is mixed. on the low lots in South Brooklyn, or anywhere within theoltr. As people will put garbage in the ash Barrtua, although contrary to law to do so, the contractors do not know what to do. If they stop removing ashes, the Board of City Works will refuse to pay them, and annul the contracts, and If they take the aabea with garbage and deposit the same to the city the Board of Health will prosecute them. The matter will be the snbjact of a conference batween the Board of City Works and the Board of Health, and will probably result in Bomo meaB ureo being taken to compel housekeepers to deposit their ashes and garbage in separate receptacles, and to have the contractors remove them separately.

BOAItD OF CITY WOBKS. This Board metBnd transacted considerable routine business, this morning, in addition to the business re ported above, various Btreet repairs were oruoreato bo made. Henry Tucker waa appointed inspeotor on Madison Btreet repaving. BROOKLYNITES ABROAD. The Columbia, of the Anchor Line, sailed yesterday, taking abroad the following named residents of Una city Bicbard Pray, John D.

Pray, Mrs. Abon O. Davis, Master Ernest and Miss Ella Davis, Almon Merwln, Stephen Taylor, Frank Slooum. Stimulated perhaps by the reoant Louisiana movement, tho colored men will consider the Civil Bights BUI at Commonwealth Hail, Washington street, this ovenlng. The following gentlemen have been Invited to BdareBs the meeting; Bov.

W. Dixon, Eev. A. freeman, iiov. KuIusL.

Perry, L. H. Putnam, Esq, and others..

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