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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


TCESDAT EVENING, DEO. 31. Sunday School Festival. The sshool attached to tbe church of the Ascension, Episcopal, of Gretnpoint, participated in a festival kindly furnished them by the members of tho congregation, on Saturday eventng last, in Continental Hall. The exercises, consisted singing aid speeches by Rev.

Messrs. StephensoB, Feck, and the rector. Rev. Mr. Mansfield, after which the children, to the number or 530, sat down to a bountiful repast.

Mr. Glttens, the Superintendent, then briefly addressed the children and presented on the behrtr valuable gifts to Mr. Doughty, Superintendent bf the Mission school; and Mies Mellisb, ono of the teachers. ANTED AT 379 STATE A NEAT dun UiitS wuorwiu maice nereeu, useiui, uuu uue wuv best or references from her last employer. WANTED A GOOD OOOK, WASHJSB and lroner.

Apply' to day and Thursday at 184 Cumberland st WANTED A GOOD COOK. WASHER and irorer; must have the best of city references. unii'tn mr wiliSUC. sa uaiessv. Wa JX TED A TIDY OIRli rauai 10 iy years of ace to do light housework In a.

small lamilT. AUP1V mVi VYinmiEiinv WAJNTJSD A PxtOXxSaTAJNT UIKLi TO general housework. Apply In Classon 5th AH TED IMMEDIATELY. A Bt; Bpectabln nurse girl. Apply at Vanderhllt ave, Aral house from Qatesave.

WAJSTED A YOUJNU WOMAN TO cook and do general housework in a family. Apply 109 Gates avi WANTED A GOOD SMART GIRL, TO cook, wash and iron In a private family. Apply at 72 Lafayette ave. ANTE A WOMAN TO DO THE washiua, Ironing and chumberwora for four familj best or reference requfred. Apply at ill Bergen W8'' ANTED A GERMAN GIRL, WHO can speak Bncllsb, to do general housework; sat Isfactory rctcrerces references required.

Apply in Hall st cost Vide, sixth house south of Fnlton ave. d30 2t' WAS" LADIES TO LEARN TO operate on all kinds or sewing all branches taught perfect, and recommended to work. MachlncB ror sale and to rent Operators sent out bv tho dav or woek. All kinds or Tamlly sewing and quilting done. Closks stitched for the trado.

Fnri cleaned and altered. Apply Bt 51 Myrtle ave. first floor. n5 2mo SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED A SITUATION TO DO general housework, ohamberwork, or to take care or children by a smart girl lately landed; is neat intelligent, willing to make generally nseful and has good city references for honesty die. Apply on Thursday at 4 Sands near Fnlton, basement.

ANTED A SITUATION AS OOAOH men bv two rcsneccable men. one Rlncla and the other married; the best of references given; inquire at lis ana us nnton st, urooKiyn, in tne naroersuop. d2t 4f WANTED BY A RESPECTABLE young Ctrl, a situation to do chamberwnrk and would assist in taken care of children. Call at S7 Bergen WANTED A SITUATION BY spectable young woman to do general housework; Is a gooo cook, washer and lroner; has good city refer ences. Call for two days at47 Atlantio St.

ANTED A SITUATION BY A RE Bpectable young woman, to do general housework in a small private family; is a 'good plain cook, washer and lroner; has good city references. Call for one day only, at 122 Ryerson st. AT" ANTED A SITUATION BY A RE spec table eirl as cook, washer and lroner; has no objection to doing general housework in a small prf vae Hiily a good cook, washer and lroner; has good reference. Gall for two days at 64 Atlantic first floor, up stairs, front room. WANTED A SITUATION BY TWO respectable girls; one as good cook, washer and lroner, the other as chambermaid and waitress or would take care or children: good citv references if required.

Call for two dayB at No. 90 Washington corner York. WANTED FOR A CAPABLE AND flthtal girl, a situation as plain cook, washer and lroner; can be hiehly recommended by her last employer who tates this method of procuring her a sltua tlon, Can be seen on Tuesday at No. 91 Congress st. WANTED A SITUATION BY A bardwornlng, efficient and well recommended girl as cook, washer and lroner or to do general housework; Is willinn to make herself generally useful.

Apply at4 Sands near Fnlton, basement. TJfJANTED A SITUATION BY AN TT honest, willing and good tempered girl as chambermaid, or to take care or children, and to make herseir generally useful. She can be seen at herprc6ent employer's, 30T Dean st, during Tuesday. WANTED A SITUATION BY A RE spectable married woman, to attend in a confee tlonery store or bakery, or toy store. Address E.

H. Eagle office. d2f tf WARTS. WANTED BY A FAMILY OF three adnlts, (American) four rooms, 2d or 3d floor, In a respectable neighborhood; rent moderate. Address D.

C. Eagle offloo. d313t WANTED 4 ROOMS, 2D FLOOR, IN private honsc; convenient to Fulton ferry; at moderate rent. AddressBox541QNew York. WANTED TO BENT A SMALL SIZED frame or brick house of 5 or 6 rooms; gas and water in bouse; convenient to car route.

Address, with terms, office. d312t WANTED IMMEDIATELY, A SINGLE room, between Atlantic ave and Douglass st. AddretsF. Eagle office. dsi 2t WANTED A SMALL SECOND HAND Parlor organ.

Mason Hamlin's jircferred. Address description and price, to L. F. Eaglo office. dB12t ANTED ANY PERSON HAVING A MaBon Hamlin narlororcan for sale, statintrthe kind and size and price may and a purchaser If sold cheap for cash by addressing G.

W. Eagle office. dSO 2t ANTED BUILDING LOTS ON THE Heights, one or more well located. Annlvtoor address IViii. II.

COWL, 41 Pine st, it. Y. dSOjif WANTED TO PURCHASE FOR CASH a house In Schermerhorn or Livingston streets, or vicinity. Lots well located for sale, for cnoicc or nouses, ana location, irom to tia.wueacn, rcreons naving properly 10 sen or warning to on ig to buy, flcitedto or have rents collected, are most respectfully solicited most respectfully and faithfully call. All buBinoss promptly LIAM HILL, 67 Fnlton ave.

one, WIL d30 2t WANTED FURNISHED ROOMS wanted a second floor In irood location, neatly furnlBhcd, by a gentleman and wife, without board. Address, stating price per month; J. Gagle office. d206t WANTED 50.000 POUNDS OF OLD SCRAP PAPER The highest price in the city paid ror old newspspers, white and colored rags, ole brass, old copper, old pewter and lead, tin totl, old hats. Iron, All orders attended fb free of charge.

PRI8COLL. No. 9 Prospect, st. le2Cm WANTED LADIES TO LEARN TO Operate on Singer's and Wheeler WIlBon's sowing machines all branches taught and recommended to work; also all kinds of family stitching and quilting done by an experienced operator. Apply at 182 Fulton Bt, up stairs, d3 2mo FOB SALE, OR SALE GROCERS AND BUTCH er's fixtures: Ice house new.

Also horse, cart. Apply to G. HOBSON, 5th ave, near 18th st, Brooklyn. aai at FOR SALE A VERY PINE 6 3 4 OO tave Bosewood Piano, $165, at 81 Livingston 2nd house from Boerum. d302t FOR SALE A ARGii IN AN UP right Flapo, price $60, to bo seen at No.

8 Butter st.near Court. FOR SALE VALUABLE FARM FOR sale, consisting of 28 acres of good gardening land In the town of Gravesend, L. a bargain If sold before the first of February. Apply to PEED VANDEBVEEB, 355 Fulton Bt, or J. V.

D. Emons, on the premises. d28 6t FOR SALE A CHARCOAL ROUTE, Horse and Wagou, and barrels of Charcoal; the route has been established tweaty four years. In qnlre at 26i) Myrtle aye. dM2t FOR SALE A THREE STORY FRAME house, brick extension, containing eleven rooms, at a bargain.

Call at 233 Schermerhoru st, between Bond and Nevins. from 2 to 5 P. M. d2S6t FOR SALE VALUABLE FARM FOR sale, consisting ol 28 acres of good gardening laud In the town of Gravesend.L. a bargain If sold bnfore the' first of February.

Apply to PEED VANDER Fulton st, or J. V.D.EmonB, on the nrem OR SALE JUST FROM THE COUN try, two horses, suitable for trrocers, bntchcrs or six yearB old; any reasonable trial caubehad; urmuieu guuuu tuiu feiuu; iruui $10 iu A lie uri crty of a farmer. Apply at 180 Concord Bt, near Gold, ITIOR SALE MILLINERY STOCK AND Ml fixtures of an old and well estabHBhed and popular store, in one of the best buglnasfi localities In the city. The Ptock Is new and suitable to the season, ant will be Bold to great advantage for cash; possession given Immo diately. AddresnP.O..

Box 83, Brooklyn, L. over the propernamc of the applicant. d286t LOST ANB FOUND. BEWABD LOST ON SATURDAY avenlnica Bll Book contalnlpp papers of no value to any one but the owner. The finder will please return it to G.

DAVIS, 4G Butler S. and re ctve the abovo reward. d31 3t OST ON THURSDAY EVENING" Dec. 26th. between 216 Clhuon st, and or tn the Strong place BaptiBt Church, a Lady's Bracelet.

Tne finder will be suitably rewarded bv leaving it at Dr. DBAKE'S Clinton and Atlantic sts. LOST ON GOING FROM 74 to 100 Lawrence st a lady's Gold Sleeve Button with enameled head and wings on it. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving It at 71 Hall St. LOST IN FULTON BETWEEN SandB and Lawrence, or in an East New Yoik car, onllonday thesuth.

a drab kta PURSE, steel clasps broken, small hole burned in the top of tho purse, black elastic around It. containing $121 and some small chang; a liberal rewa'd will be paid If left at BARLOW "WBIGHT'8 stablo, 508 Fnlton or LINDSAY. CHIT TICK 150 Pnane st, N. Y. dSl 2t LOST A SCOTCH TERRIER PUPON tbe27tb two months old, yellow eolor; return to the People's Tea Company, 1S6 Bridge st, and get reward TOST A CHILD'S FUR CAPE, IN GO ing from Strong place to Douglass st; any ono re turnl the same to 39 Strong place will be suttably rewarded.

dSl 2t OS ON MONDAY AFTERNOON, JLi the SOth between three and four o'clock, iu Fulton ave. golDK from Oxford st, to Flatbush ave, a pair of gold spectacles, Whoever will return the same to 225 Carlton ave, will be liberally rewarded. LOST WHILE CROSSING FULTON lerry Monday, Dec. 30, a package contalnlns $300, viz, Tour 50 blllB and one $100 bill. The Under will receive a liberal reward and thanks of the owner by leaving it at 411 Myrtle ave.

LOST POCKET BOOK, CONTAINING some change and a pawn tickets. The finder will please leave the tickets and memoranda at Bakery 16 Hicks St. LOST A SQUARE GOLD SHIRT STUD, Jet centre. 3 reward will he paid to the finder oy leaving It at258 Pearl st. d30 2t LOST ON SATURDAY EVENING, THE 28th list, between the hours of thro; and seven, a plain gold bracelet, not marked, and no guard attached (highly, prized as the gift or a dear rriend.) Tno finder will he liberally rewarded by leaving it at or Mr.

TOMPKINS, Grand ave, 5 doors south of Fulton ave. d30 I OST A LARGE BLACK NEWFOUND LAND DOG, In the vicinity orKent and Willoughby avenues. The finder will be liberally rewarded oy returning him to Capt. James Powers, Classon ave, near Van Bnren st. d30 it LOST ON SATURDAY EVENING, the 28th on Franklin ave, between Monroe st and Fnlton avenue, a Coral Ear ring.

Bv returning the same to No, 42 Madison st, between Classon and Franklin aves the finder will be liberally rewarded. d30 2t OLKfk REWARD LOST OR STOLEN IP Dec 19th, aLarge White Setter Dog, with collar on, ai swerB to the name or bAM bus small brown spotsonbotb ears, alarge brown spot on tho middle ol the back. Any person returning him to McGBATH'S, cor. Concord and Jay sts Brooklyn, will receive the above reward. a28St HUtiSES FOB SALE.

FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN7XTHREE story high stoop, brick house nearly new, on tho cor. ofOnion and Smith terms liberal. Apply to MILO HATCH. 45 Liberty N. Y.

dsoift FOR SALE $1,500 CASH AND THE rest in lrstaPmenlB. will purchase a snug two Btory and bsjement cottage with two lots or ground, near Prospect "Park. Apply to GEO. AYER8, Real Estate ana Insurance Agent, corner Court and Jorale roon sts. d301w FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE THE AD vertlser has 'a small, pleasant, well built house; wonld llko to sell, or exchange It ror a larger one.

some where In the neighborhood of Lafayette ave and Adelphi St. Address A. E. Post office. d28 6t IWFOK OTHER FOB SALES SEE FIBST PACK Al USfluTElVTS.

SKATING EVERY BODY IS GOING to Oatman's new Pond, corner of Bergen and Po crs. to morrow. A Band or Music all day. Splendidly Illuminated In the evening. QTH REGIMENT, N.


Tickets to be had from members of the P.ogiment, at the Music Stores of Metz, Athenenm Building; Sawyer's. er. Fulton ave, and Jay Walker Peck, Fnlton st. At the Book St. ica of S.

Di as 4 Co Fulton Herwtz, cor. Court and ato Bts. At the Drug Stores or Pyle. 9ST' and Pierrepont Davles. cor.

Fulton and Cllrtpn Parker. V81 Fulton Bell, cor. Fnlton and Gold sis Farwoli, cor. ourt and Joralemon Bwsett.cer. Cpnrt and Atlantio Heldenrieh, cor! Atlantic udcI Clinton Dickinson, cor.

Montagus and Hirks sts. Newman. cor. Myrtle and Clermont avea, and at How Cos Art Gallery, Fnlton tt. Wa ATIN EVERY BODY IS GOING to Oa'man's new Fond, corner of Bergen and Powers, tp morrow.

A Baud of Muslo all tty. Splendidly Ulujiitedtheevoig. WASTED BOB A YOUNG married Connie: untortvnrDmnK nunn hm llr'iE class accommodations Address, 8, G.B., Eazle office. BI'AHV TWO JfUtiiiHsHtiO JtrRONT rooms, third floor, to lot, with or without board, in a strictly private family; in sttft class neighborhood; where the comforts of a home fe inioyed. Inquire at Tomnkln" plico.

d31Bt BOARD UJSNTLEMAN WIFE, OR two gentlemen can he ed with board. Apply atD2Cllnto St. Reference ciav ged. BOARD A SECOND FLOUR FRONT room to bo had with board or without board. Trms moderate 21 WyK oflBt.

BOARD BURNISHED PARLOR ON nrst or second door to let with it applied ror 'wrnpdlatelyjat 881 Henry between Dm and President. d27 6tf BOARD TO LET APARTMENTS 8 UIT able for families or young gentlemen; table eooi; private tables If preferred; honso first olass, all modern improvements; location the most convenient In Brooklyn: will bo let to responsible parties on reasonatl terms: 45 Nassau st, between Washington and Adam sis. No Dressmakers nerd apply. BOARD WAB'lEl) BY A YOUNG MAN a pleasant room, gas and fire, where there are no other boarders: location south of Montague st. and convenient to thcferrleB undoubted reference given.

Ad drss COMFORT. Eagle oqice. BOARD WANTED NEAR WALL. ST. ferry, a single room with conveniences for Uro.

Address 928 N.YT.O. BOARD IN SOUTH BROOKLYN, SIX blocks from Hamilton ferrv, a large second story room in pleasant location, overlooking Carroll Park ror a gentleman and wife, or single gentlemen. In tho marbleresidence. over the drug store, cor of Court and President its prlvato Tamlly references exchanged dinner at six. dsiat" "trOK OTHER BOi.ltl)lKji' SEK riiia.

HOUSES TO TO LET PARLOR AND BEDROOM on second floor, to let famished, with first class board in a private family; also third story roomi large and small; house has all mofern Improvement; fine location, convenient to cars and ferries, good table. Dinner ate. References required. Apply at 240 Union stroet. d31 2t TO LET ON MONTAGUE STREET, near Court street, the whole orpartofa fine large olBce with immedlatopossesr.lon.

For further parttcn lats apply to KNOWLTON, 141 Montague st. B. NO connection with any other offices tn this city. TO LET 2 1 PARLORS, 2 BASEMENTS and 4 rooms in attic of tho bouse in Warren 8tu west of Fifth rent $30 per month also store 526 Atlantic $25 per month; possession Immediately. In quire of the owner on the premises.

TO LET A WHOLE FLOOR, WATER and gas, 2 large rooms, 2 bedrooms on the first floor over tbe parlors. In a nice house; will rent them low to email families also room and 2 bedrooms and fiantry water nda pas on the floor. Inquire at 178At antic near Clinton tt, in the store. Also a hall room furnished. TO LET IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, a two story attic, basement and fub callar frame house, In 14th st near 5th ave: rent $350 per annum.

Inquire of W. E. WHITE, 195 13th Bt, near Cth ave, Sonth Brooklyn. LET A STORK AND TWO ROOMS, cor oi puiou piaco ain Atlantic ave. qi aiw TO LET WITHIN TEP MINUTES' walk of Fulton, Catharine and Bridge it ferries, a furnished second story front hall bedroom, to a single gentleman, without board; terms moderate.

Innnlre at 205 Bridge t. J31 6t TO LET A HANDSOMELY FURNISH ed house, containing 9 rooms; all modern fmprove hns been repainted and papered ilils season; la plea 'ant ly located: within 15 minutes' walk of all the ferrlea or furniture will bo solo at a fair valuation and house; leased for five years, Address B. Eagle office. dSl 2t TO LET PLiE AS ANT ROOMS, THREE minutes' walk from Fulton, ferry. Apply it 33 Hlcksst.

d3l 2t TO LET A PLEASANTLY FURNISH ed front room without bonrd gas and water. An. ply at 184 Court st, old between Pacific and Amity sts: reference required. TO LET A SECOND FLOOR AT 176 Atlantic between Clinton and Henry streets to a small family reference required. d27 3t TO LET THE THREE STORY OIRCU lar front house, No.

64 Binds st, to be rented only to a small nrlvate family; possession given 1 umedlately. Apply at 58 Maiden Lane, N. Y. ds 1 4t SPECIAL NOTICES. MISSING ELIZA O'HAGAN, WHO IS out of her mind, aged 27.

but looks older; hd on when she left, a plaid dress factd with black silk; red Bhawl, and white clowd. Any information of her will be most thankful ly received by lifr afflicted mothf r. d31 2t EMZA O'HAGAN. 92 Ailan lc street. BROOKLYN, BATH AKI) CONEY ISLAND RAILROAD.

BY STEAM tVINl'BR ARRANGEMENT Ou and after January 2d, 1868, until further notice and every fair day. Leav Guntherville for Greenwood, 7.30 and 10.S0 A. M. and 4 40 P. M.

Leave Greenwood for New Utrecht, 9 A.M. and d.IHl noun ID l'. Dl. fin BiinrinvDlralnolodKB OhnJtl A IT 1 and 4 M. Leaves Greenwood, 10.30 A.

M. and 2.50 and 5.15 M. All cars running from Fultnn. South. 'Wall street and Bamlltou avenue ferries to Greenwood Cemetery, con nect wiin rnisrouie.

usi tr SOMTHINI NEW THE GAME OF THE Covernmen founded on the formitlon of the Government of the United. States Tor sale at the nrlnclnal Toy stores andiat wholesale by W.JACKSON, 71 Green wicn 1VTABSAU NATIONAL BANK OF Prookhn.Dec.8l. 1867. ho Btardof Directors oftbls bait have declared a semi annual dividend of five per free of all taxes. unjUUIti UU 111 tHtUUUI V.KUO.

d31 fit JONES. Cashier. 3 KATING EVERY BODY IS GOING to Oatman new Pond, eorr er of Bergen and Powers, to morrow. A Band of Music all day. Splendidly jjiuimimitu tne cvuunjg.

TO STOREKEEPERS IN FULTON or round City Hall 15 nor nunth will oe given advertiser for permission to erect a nowas.anrl in front Ol sioro, on siuewais. iiooresE cagic omce. SKATING EVERY BODY IS GOING to Oat man's new Pond, corner of Berecn arid Pow ers, to morrow. A Band of Music all day. Splendidly liiuufiimifu iu luc f.vcuiti):.

SPORTSMEN, TAKE NOTICE NEW ear's xiay, ngeou buooung ai iiyae rsrK, uraves tai Bay, L. I. A match between Riley Cocroft and Philip Shlndler. ten birds a side, ror 50. One hog (S00 ibs.l to be thot for; 9D chances, $1 per chance; also a lot of poultry to DO buck lor.

jltuuip leave ureuuwuuu iu, ana r. m. onooung oegii at ia ai A GOOD CHAIN OB THE ONLY ONE in. the place Photograph Gallery completi, for sale. Call and see.

Corner 18th street and 3d ave, South Brooklyn. CENTRAL GRAN'i OLiUB OF KlflGS County. An atiourned meettnir of the Club will ueneiu at me oat umce tsunoinKson iiiuii3ix evening, January 2d, 1868, at 7K o'clock S. B. DUTCHBR, Temp.

President. C. B. Morton, Sccrotarvl dll at TVTATTHEW MC MAHON, ATTOttNEr XTJL and Com sellor at Law, No. 187 Broadway, Hew York.

RoomBlT, tloor, from 10 to 4 o'clock daily, and at his residence No. ISO Blgu st, between Gold st, and Hudson ave, morning and evening. d31 6t CITY OE BROOKLYN, DEC. 31, 1867. Coupons due January 1, 1663, wfll be paid on and after 2d proximo, on presentation at the Nastau National Bank of Brooklyn, No.

8 Court st. dS16t. N. 8. MORSE, CltyTroiSnrer.

SALES OF BOOKS AND STATIONERY at Auction. P. C. PRBVOST, Auctioneer. This (Tuesday) evening at 7 o'clock, at 1353 Fnlton between Ormond place and Franklin ave.

lilOKTY FIVE OPERA CHORUSES. A New and Valuable Collection. JYom the works of RoBBlnl. Auber, Belinl, Donizetti, Gounod, Verdl.Fiotow, Bpontinl, Wagner.Herold, Bishop, Balfe, Benedict, and others, rorminga valuable collection lor Societies, Conventions, Choirs, Singing Schools. Clubs, and Social Circles By Edwin Bruce Price $1.00.

Sent post paid. OLIVER DIT80N Publishers, 217 Washington Boston. CUAS. H. DITSON fc 711 Broadway, New Tort.

SKATIN EVERY BODY IS GOING to Oatman's new Pond, corner or Bergen and Powers, to morrow. A Band or Music all day. Splendidly illuminated In the wvenlng. JAMES VICK, Importer and Grower of FLOWER VEGETABLK SEEDS. ROCHESTER, N.

T. VICE'S ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Of SEEDS, AND FLORAL GUIDE FOR 18CS, snow oublUhed and ready to send out. It makes a work of aboutone hundred pages, containing full descriptions of the CHOICEST FLOWERS AND VEGETABLES GROWN, with plain direct. ons for Sowing Seed, Culture, It Is beautifully Illustrated with moro than ONE HUNDRED FINE WOOD ENGRAVISGS of Flowers and and a BEAUTIFUL COLORED PLATE OF FLOWERS, well printed, on the finest paper, and one ol the most beautiful as well as one of the most Instructive works of tbe Kind published. Benito all who apply, by mall, postpaid, for Ten Cents, which is not half the cost.

Address, d31 6t JAMFS VICK, Rochester, N. Y. KATING EVERY BODY IS GOING to 0tmun's new Pond, corner of Bergen and Powers, to moriow. A Band of Music all day. Spleudidlv illuminated In the evening.

BANKRUPTCY NOTICES. HIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE THAT vON tie Slst day of December. A. D. 1867, A Warrant in Bankruptcy wasisBUodsgalnBt the Estate of George Peckof Flusnlng, in the Comity of Queens and State of New York, who has been adjudged a bankrupt, on his own petition; that the paymeut nf a debts and delivery of any property belonging to puch bankrupt, to him or tha transfer of any property byhlji are forbidden bylaw; that a mi etlrgoi the creditors of tho said bankrupt, to prove their debts and choose ono or moro assignees of hli estate, will be held at a Court Bankruptcy, to be holden at No, 141 Montague st, Brooklyn, before Ethelberf.8.

Mulls, Register, on the ha day or.Unnary, a. D. 1868, at 10 o'clock A. M. Dated Brooklyn, Dec.

31. 1S67. FRANCIS L. DALLON, United Slates Marshal, as Messenger, dSl Jt Eastern District or Ne York HIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE THAT ON the 53d dav of December. A.

1867. a warrant in Biakruptcy was Us ued against tee Estate or Isaac Peck, of Flushing, In the County of Queens, and btatn of New York, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his ovn petition, that the payment of any debts aiid delivJ" ryofanypr iperty belonging to such Bankrupt to him or for his use, and the transfer of any pron rty bv him are forbidden by law; that a meeting or Ue creditors or tbe said Bankrupt to prove u.clr debts, and tD choose one or more assignees of his estate, to be held at a Conrt of Bankruptcy, to be holden at No, Ml Montagu at Brooklyn, in said District, before ETHELBERT MILLS, Register, on the lltb day of January, A at 10 o'clock, A.M. Date December Slst, 1867. FRANCIS L. DALLON.

United States Marshal aa Messenger dS12t Eastern District of New York 1HIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE THAT o'w the SOth day of December, A. 1867, a warrant in Bankruptcy was Issued against the cUnte of Daniel CavBnagh. of Brooklyn, in the County of Kings and state ofNewYork.whohasbeenadJudgoJa Bankrupt on hit own petition; that the payment of any debts and dcliverr of any property belorgine to such Bankrupt, to him or for bis use, and the transfer of any property by him lire forbidden by law. that a meeting of tho creditors of said Bankrupt to prove their debts, and to chooBe one or morn assignees of his estate will be held at a Court of Bank runtcy, to be holden at No. 9 Court street, Brooklyn.

before David C. Win6low, Register, on the 10th dai of January.A. D. If68, at 10 o'cloct A. M.

or Dated Brooklyn, Dec. Slot. '6irr. FRANCI8 L. DALLON, United States Marshal, as Met senger dS12t Eastern District of New fork.

THIS IS TO GIVE NOTl6T ATON the SOth day of December. A. D. 1867, a Warrant in Bankruptcy was issned against the Estate or Albert Nichols, of Brooklyn, In the County or Kinesanc state New York, who has been adjudgod a bankrnpt, on his own petition: that the pyrrent of anv debts and delivery ol' any property holoncinR to BUCh bankrupt, to him or ror clB use, and the transfer of anv property bv him are forbidden by law; that a meeting oi the creditors ot said Bankrupt, to prove their deBts, aud choose one or more assignees of his cUate. will ho held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at No.

0 Court Btreet, Brooklyn New York, before D.G. Wlnslow Register, on tha 15th! day of January, A. 1868. at 10 o'clock, A.M. Bated Brooklyn Dec.

SOth. 1S6T. FRANCIS L. DALLON. United States Warahal.

as Messenger 3T2t Eastern District of fork. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE THAT ON the SOth day of December, 1867, a warrant In Bankruptcy was Issued Bgalnst the Estate of Martin Tcrhnne of the City of Brooklyn, In the County of Kings, and State of New York, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own petition that payment rof any debts and delivery or any property belonging to such Bankrupt to him or for his use, and the transfer of any property by dim are forbidden by law that a meeting the creditors of the said Bankrupt to prove their debts, and to choose one ormore assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at No. Montague st. in the Citv of Brooklyn aforesaid, beforo ETHELBRRT 8. MILLS.

Register, on tho 11th day of Jan nary, A. 1863, at 10 o'clock, A M. Dated Brooklyn, December 30lh. 1867. FRANCIS DALLON, United States Marshal as Mesaunger, d31 St Eastern District of 'ew York.

THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE TH AT ON the SOth day of December, A. a warrant fa bankruptcy was issued against the estate of Thomas Warrin.of Newtown, In ihe county or Qneens, and 8 'ate of New York, who has been adjudged a Bankiupt on his own petition, that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to sueh Bankrupt, to hi or for his use ana tho transfer of anv prooerty bv him, are forbidden by law; that a meeting the creditors of the said Bankrupt, to nove their di bts nnrl choose ono or more assignees of bts estate, win oebeld at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at 14' Montague street, Brooklyn, in said district, fore Elhelhort R. Mills, ttiglster. on the 3d day of Mirch, A. 1868, at 10 o'clock A.M.

Sated Brooklyn, Dec. SO. 18G7. FRANCIS L. DILLON, United States Marshal, as Messenger, Uiat Eastern District or Sow YorVc.

tbe attention of the 'public la called to our larga and select itocx of LACE AND NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS, Purchased at the recent low 'prices, and for sale at twenty five per cent, less than last year. WINDOW SHADES, and FUKNTTURB C0VBB8fl, In large assortment. Also, a large stock or tha NEWEST PATTERNS OF DECORATIONS. and FB GILT PAPER HANGINGS. At prices to suit the times.

W. A H. MUMFORD. UPHOLSTERERS AND PAPER HANGERS, Nos. 218 and 220 Fnlton street, Open till M.

during December. noU 22t TnThSa near Clark St. A COUGH, A COLD, OB A SORB THBOATi Bequlres immediate attention, and should be checked, IT allowed to continue, IRRITATION OF THE LUNGS, A PERMANENT THROAT DISEASE, OR CONSUMPTION, Is often tbe result. BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES Having a direct Influence to the parts, give tmmedlatQ relief FOE BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, CATARRH, CONSUMPTIVE AND THROAT DISEASES, Troches are used with always good success. FINGERS AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS nse them to clear and strengthen the voice.

Obtain only BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES, and do not take any of the worthless Imitations that may bo oflered. Bold evkbywitebe. no! eod Smo OVERCOATS. GREAT REDUCTION TN CLOTdlNG. THE LARGEST REDUCTION IN CLOTHING THE LARGEST STO IN THE CITY.


BATOHELOR'S HAIR DYE. Thl splendid Hatr Dye Is the best in the world; Ike only true and perfect Dye; harmless, reliable, instant seoaj; ne disappointment; no ridloulonj tints; remedial tbs II effects of bad dyes: invigorates and leaves tbe Hair ion and beautiful black or brown. Sold by U) Drugrlsti and Perfumers, and properly applied at Batche lor's Wig Factory, 16 Bond Bt New York. eodTaTM CARPETING, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, A WELL SELECTED STOCK. CHEAP FOR CASH.

BAILEY BBQTEBBI FULTON AVENUK, Opposite FlatbuBh ave. eod WEBER'S i PIANO FORTES Art pronounced by the FIKST MUSICIANS OF THB CITY and eleewbero, and by the leading newspapers in tbe States, the BEST PIANUB AJN Ur'AUX Ulii tT 'They are used by the lAJKbRKVA 1UK1JS Ulv SAUBIU OF NtW YORK AND BROOKLYN, aid all the High Musical SchoolB of the Country, becaise of their immenso power, sweetness, brilliancy and perfect equality of tone, elasticity of touch ana grea; durability, i WARREOOMS: i 429 BBOOMB STHT, NBAS BBOADWAT. aaisteod New Yobi. BENEDICTINE. delicious cordial highly recommended for family urn as an appetizer tonlque and digestive.




SALESROOMS liO 74 MAIDEN LANE, near William str N.Y. Oir large assortment of Goods, comprising every articled this department of Holiday trade. Is of Superior wotkmanshlp and design, plated on White Metal, of our owi make, and Is now Retailed at B. FULL WEIGHT OF SILVER GUARANTEED.

OOKSES AND CABKIACES. OR SALF SLEIGH PIANO BOX nearlv new: alfu a eooa business and road Mare. vourir and torn d. Innnlre In harness ahoD. Badford door south ol Myrtle.

XJKte SALE AT 22 JL IpeKalb nand top grocery wagon; one lllht business wagon; one top buggy, ono 2 seat sleigh. Carriages and wagons made to' order, and re palrlnt neatly done. d281m GROCERIES. rfHB O. J.

HILL" BRAND OF FLOUR, BEST IN MARKET. FOB SALE ONLY BY MessrL Scranton corner of Atlantic and Henry sts. Messrs. J. D.

D. Whitney, corner of Columbia and Fnlton Bts. MeBsrs C. M. Sai dford corner of South Ninth and Fourth oc96m Brooklyn.

UGARS AT REFINE KS' PKIOES. SYRUPS, all errades. verv low. FLOUR, host brands at reduced rates. PLAIT'S PATENT BUCKWHEAT, the genuine article.

For sale by THEODORE R. BEACH ft CO. Grocers, Fulton avo. n26 2m Cor. Hoyt st.

QUPREME COURT KINGS COUNTY k5 R' her P. Lee, as Executor, vb. Paul Marcellu and others. In pursuance of a Judgment order or the abovo court mur In the above em itled action, Alfred Aokert, the Referee named In sal Judgment order, will sell through Edward A. Lawrence, roil estate auctioneer, at the Court House, r.

the stlbulc thereof, in the city of Brooklyn, County of Klnrrs, on the twenty ilftu day of January, 18(33. at 12 o'clock, noon, nil tbetands ard prt mtits described in said Judgment order, that IB to say all thatcertaln lot, piece or parcel of land Bl.nate at Greenpolnt, (Seventeenth Ward, of Cltj of of Brooklyn) Kings county and State of New York, which on a certain map of the Grlfiin farm made by Charles Pcrkli.B, dated 1S53, and Hied in the Register's ofllce In said county of Kings Is known and designated as lot numbered and isbonndtdand described as follows: lies inning at the angle formed Dy the Intersectloa of thesoutherlj line of st. with ihe westlyllneor nnion avenue, as shown on said map. running thence southerly along ihe westerly line of said Union avenue twemy flve (55) feet, thtnee westerly and parallel to said C. st, one hundred (100) feet, thence nTtuer'y and parallel to said Union avenue tweu'y flvo 25) feet to the southerly line or said street, thence easterly along thesoutherly line of said C.

street one hundred feet to tbe place of beginning. Also, the lands said premises to the north and east to the centre of said C. 6treet and Union avenue.the fame to be always kept open and Iree aB public streets anc avenues. Di'ted. December.

0. .867. ALFRED T. ACKfcRT, Referee, 9 Pine St. E.

P. Lee, dtt'y In person. d312awSvTa "rVT SUPREME COURT, COUNTY OP Kings. John Ellcrby against William Kldd and others. Was.

L. J. D. Gill, Plaintiff's Att'vs In pursuance of a Judgment order of this Court, made in the above entitled anion bearing date the twenty seven'h day or December, 1867, 1 will sell by public auction, at the auction room of Cole Murphy, No BSD Fulton sireet, In the City or Brooklyn, on the twonty thlrd day of January, 16fc8, at 12 o'clock, noon, the following described land and premises: All that certain lot. niece or parcel of land lying and hein in the ninth (Oth) Ward oftheCify of Brooklyn, and bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning it a point on the easterly side of Franklin avenue distant thirty one (Si) feet six (6) Inches southerly from the southeasterly corner of Frarklln avenue and Union street ruunlng thence southerly along Franklin avenue ninety nine (99) feet Blx (6) inches; thence easterly on a line pnrallel with Union street one hundred (100) reet thence northerly on a line parallel with Franklin avenue, one aumtred and thirty one, (131) feet to a point on thesoutherly side ol Union street, distant one liundrt (100) feet easterly from the southeasterly earner of Franklin avenu 'and Union street thence westerly along said Union street, tlfti iwo (5i) icot, four (4 Inches thorce southwesterly, (as laid down on the map or laid property herein irter refeired to ot beginning, be the same more or less being the Isamo described as lots number 15, 16, 17 and IS, ona map or propel ty in the Ninth Ward or the Cily or to Samuel Suilth, (which will be nil ed in the oulco of the Clerk ertbe County or Kings), together with all the right title and interest or the party of the Urstpart.ln and tOFuch land as lies directly In fro or iho premises horeby conveyed, between said pr.

miics and tho centre or the street aa laid down on said aforementioned map Dated Brooklyn, c. mber SOth, d302aw3wM PATRICKS AMPBELL, Sheriff. BANKRUPTCY iN THE DISTRICT COURT tOF THE 1 NITKD STATES FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK In the matter of Joseph N. Ely, bankrupt. NotlcelB hereby given that a petition has been filed In said Court, bv Joseph N.

Ely In said DiBtrict, duly declared a bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March 2, 18b7, for a clscl orgc and certificate thereof from all his debts, and other claims provable under said Act.und that the of January, I8M, at lOo'clock, A.M.,attho office ofEfhelbert S.Mills, Reglsterln Bankruptcy, at No. 141 Montague street, in the City or Brooklyn, is assigned ror tbe hearing of the same, when and where all creditors who have proved their debts, and other persons tn Interest may attend, and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer or tbe said petition Bhould not be granted. And that the second and third meetings or creditors will be held at the same time and place Dated at Brooklyn, on the i9th day of December 1867, SAMUEL T. JONES, Clerk. dS0law3wF IN BANKRUPTCY IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UN1TRD STATES FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK, sa.

In tbe matter of Chauncey W. Moore. Bankrupt. Notice Is hereby given that a petition has been filed In aid Court by Chauncey W. Mboro In said Dlstricttduly declared a bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March 2.

1867, for a discharge and certificate thereof from all bis debts, and other clalmp provable under said Actnd that the 18th day of January ,11868, at 10 o'clock A. at the oHIceof EtbelbertS.MIlis, Register tn Bankruptcy at No, 111 Montague street, in tbe City of Brooklyu, It as sieneu ior tue ncanug oi iuc same, wuuu auu wuurc au creditors wno have proved their debts, and other persons la Interest may attend, and show cause If any they hare, why the prayer of tbe said petition should not bo granted. And that the 2d and Sd meetinas of creditors will be held at the same time a place Dated at Brooklyn on the ISth day or December 1807. SAMUEL T. JONES, Clerk.

dMlawSw. IN PlTRSUANOB OF AN ORDER 0 WILLIAM D. VEEDER, Ban, Surrogate of tin Joonty of Kings: Notice Is hereby given, according to liw. to all persons having claims against Chas. A.

Blanchard, late of the City of Brooklyn, deceased that are required to exhibit the same, with the voncners ihereof, to tbe subscribers, the administrators at the office of James C. VoorheeB, 74 Wall street, in the City of New York, on or befcr hi 20th day of June next. Dated Dec. 61 n.intl LUORETIA B. HLANCHABD, JAMES C.

VOORHEES, Admlnlstratsrs. dt9 InwtSir'Th tN PUKBUAHOIS AN ORDER OI WILLIAM D. VEEDER. Surrogate of tha Coanty Kings: notice Is hereby given, according to law. all persons baring otatmi gainst WILLIAM D.

ONES, late of th City of Brooklyn, deceased, that they ue requfred to exhibit tte same, with tha voucher! thereof to tbe ubscrtberi. the sdmlnUlntort, at the office of Samuel 8, Jones, 19 Fnlton the City of Brooklyn, on before the 15th day of November next JBjr H1. JO" I MARTHA S. JONES, dm 1 PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF Wll.I.IAM D. VBRfrRR Ran.

flnrraratji nf th County or Klogs: Notice li hereby given, according to imw, itcreuuB uaving ciaans against U. STKYKEH, late of the City of Brooklyn, deceased, that ej are required to exhibit the suns, with the vouchers thereof, to tha subscriber, the Administrator, mc his residence. In the Town of Gravesend. on or before the 18th day of March next. Septebcr 9th.



Steerage Atredoce rates, Prepaid tic aeta from Liverpool or Que rtowu so persons sending for friends at lowest terms. 'm Drafts laamed navable in all nsxta of Great BrltaL a For farther 1 information apply at the Company's ot'ce, N. or to JOSEPH BERBT Agent, it. Brooklyn. faW ll Broadway, Fulton UN ARD LINE OF EXTRA STEAMER.


lowest raka All payable In currency and including a liberal allowance or cooked provisions. These steamers carry passengers on one deck only. for Bale on Great Britain and Ireland. For passage and further Information apply at KTCUNABD'8 STEERAGE OFFICE. Ia51y S3 BROADWAY.

N. Y. QIEAH to qtjeenstown AND IJVKR. POOL FROM NEW YORK FOR JR5. CHICAGO, MANHATTAN, MINNESOTA, And other first class steamers.


COLUMBIA. IOWA. Ball regularly, carrying passengers to and from the nrln clpal places In Enzland.trelaiid, Scotland, Wales, and the United States, and forward passengers at through fares to and from France, Germany, Ac. Fares as low as by any other first class line. As ibis Company does not employ runners, those who wish passage tickets, or certificates of prepaid passage to send for their friends, or uny further information, will pleats apply to the Company's office.

No. Bowling Green, N. or to JAS. MORTON, 128 Fulton avenue, corner of Elm pi ace. Brooklyn.

ftl9 ly rpAPSconrs emigration aud JL FOREIGN EXCHANGE OFFICE, 89 SOUTH STREET, N. Y. Weekly Line of Steamers to andf rom LIVERPOOL AND QUKKNSTOWH, TAPSCOTT'S CELEBRATED LINES or LIVERPOOL AND LONDON PACKETS. For passage to and from Queenstown, Livei pool or London, and drafts payable throughout England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, at lowest possible rates, apply to TAP8COTT BROS. 4 BriBouin street.


on Saturday, Oct. 2tj, at 12 for SOUTIIAMPTON AND BREMEN, taking passengers to Southampton, IlBvr tand Bremen, at the following rates, payable in gold or its equivalent tn currency to Parts or London. (5 additional. First cabin, J110: second cabin, 165; steerage, IS. From Bremen, Soutnamnton and Havre, to New Ysrk, nrat cabin, SilOj second steerage, t4S.

EXCURSION TICKETS OCT AND HOME. First cabin, t21(r, second cabin, $180: steerage, 179. Another steamer will follow November 9th. Forfretght, expressage. bills or exchange or passage, applto ISAAC TAYLOR, President, it) Broadway.

nsrrsnstn. UUPKEMB COURT, COUJNTY OF Kings Chas. Oliver, plaintiff, against Joseph II. Van Mater and Augustus hapclje, defendauu. Summons ror Relief.

(Com. not r). To the defendant Joseph H. Van Mater: You are nereDy summouuu anu reonlritd to answer the complaint in this action, which will be filed with the Clerk of the County of Kings, and to serve a copy of your answer on me at my office No. 13 Third btreet, Newborgh, Orange County, New York, wlihln twenty days after the service of this summons upon you, exclusive oi Ihe day of such service; and ifyon rail to answerthesaldcomplalnt as hereby required, tho plaintiff Will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint.

Dated, December SOth IW. A. 8. CA88EDY, I'lff'S AttY. The complaint In this action was filed In Clerk's offlee.

County of Kings, on the Slst day of December, 1S 7. d31 law6w A.S. CASSHDY. l'lff's Attorney SUPREME COURT, KINGS COUNTY LewiBSammis. plaintiff, against Ablgal S.

Beers, wire of John B. Beers, and the said John B. Beers, Adam C. Hill, James Colton, Martin Whalen, William Mulbolland, Ellen Moore, Michael Turner, Patrick Carr, James McMahon, Ann Proctor, James McNulty. Elizabeth Keegan, Catherlno Clark and Hugh Wansby, defendants.

Summons for relief. (Com. not ser.) 7'o the defendants: You are hereby summoned and required to answer the mplalnt In this action, which was tiled In 'he office of the Clerk of the County of Kings, In the Conrt Moose, lu the City of Brooklyn, In said County, on the nineteenth day or July, eighteen hundred aud slxty scveu, and tr serve a copy or your answer to the said complaint on 11 subscribers, at. their office. No.

2ft Pearl ktrcet. Inttu City of New York, within twenty days alter the scrvlco of this summons on yon, exclusive of the day of such set vice: and if you fall to answer the said complaint within tbe time aforesaid, the plaintiff In this action will apply to the Court ror the relleT demanded In the complaint. Dated July 19th, 18S7. Jy2S lawtaiM 8. W.


Andrew S. Wheeler and wife, against Nehemlah l'urdy and others. In partition. In pursuance of a Judgment or decree ot the Snprerao Court of the State of New York, made In the nhow entitled action, bearing date the lQth day of December, 1, the subscriber, the Referee named In said judgment or decree, will sell at public auction, to thi highest bidder. In tbe vestlbulo of the Citv Hall, In the City of Brooklyn.

In the Countr of Klnge. on Thursday, tha 0th day or January. 1S68. at 12 o'clock, noon, of that day, the following detcrlbed lands nnd prtMulscs, situated In tbe City of Brooklyn, to wit: All that certain plot of land In the Eighth Ward of the City of Brooklyn, known and described as lots 1.5. S.

in, 20 and 21, on Mock B. oumBponnlein Kings Countv Register's Of Dec. entitled "Map or properry In the Eighth Ward of the CI oi Brooklyn, late oi" Peter Wyckotf. Brooklyn, 1S15, surveyed by Wll'aril Day, City Surveyor." which taken tcgethtr are bounder! ar.d dccrllied jw follows: Beginning at a point on the southwcterly side of Twentieth street, one hundred and tlfty feet northwesterly Irom Tenth avenue; mnulng thence southwesterly ptrnllcl with Tenth avenue two hundred fert to Twenty first street; thence northwesterly alo'ig Twenty first street seventy. five feet; thence northeasterly again parallel with Tenth nvi nue two hundred feet to Twentieth street; thence southeasterly aiong Twentieth street seventy live feet to the point or place of beginning; together wltb one half of ihe streets in front of sail tout, with the appurtenances.

Snld lots will be sold subject to all unnatu taxes and assePbmenXH and sales Tor unpaid taxea and assessments. Dated December 13. 18'i7. SAM.S.AUIiriTT. Referee.

A.H.& W. E. OsnoBK, Pl'ffs Att'yn, 375 Fulton street, Brooklyu. dl6 lawOw.M SUPREME COURT, KINGS COUNTY The Murket Fire Insurance Coninany, Plalntlff.agt Asncs Tborons, widow of Sylvanus Thomas, deceased, and others, Defendants. 8.

W. It. A. Cnxn, rialntltrs Attorneys. In pursuance of a Judgment or the Supreme Court, of the Ftate of New York, rendered In this action on ttie 4th day of Nov.

1SC7. the subscriber, as lefcree therein, will sell at public auction at the Commercial Exchange. No. Sfioyulton sireet, lu the City of Brooklyn, and County or Kings. on tho IStn dav of December.

1SS7. at 12 o'clock, at noon, all that propt rtv In the City of In the complaint in this action, as follows: All that certatn lot, piece orparccl uf land, situate, Iving and being In the Eleventh Ward of the City of Brooklyn, and bounded and described as follows, viz: Beginning at a point on the westerly side of Portlnnd avenue dLs tunt southerly, ono hundred and fifty live feet irom the southwesterly corner of Portland avenue aud Hanson Place, and running thence westerly parallel with Hanson Place and partly through the centre of a party wall, one southerly and parall 1 with Portland avenue twunty (20) reel, thence easterly and again parallel with Hanson Place one hundred (100) feet to the westerly side of Portland thence northerly aiong tbe westerly side or Portland (20) feet to the. point or place of beginning Datod, November, 14, isf7 THOMAS S. 8TRONO. Referee.

The sale of the above described ur I'erly Is hereby poslpcncd ui.tll thc7th day of January, ifcVs, at tbo sauio hour and place Daie1 Brooklyn. Dec. l.sth, 197. dlC2awtf.M THOMAS M. STRONG.

Referee. SUPRFME COURT, COUNTY CF KINGM. Hannah Durvea, plaintiff, against Ellen Galuman, and Mary Jane Gtihagan, Mnrgaret Oahaean and I.itkn Gahauan, Infant children of Patrick Gahagan, deceased; anc David M. Koehler. defendants.

To the several defendants: Von und each or you are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint In the ntiovc entitled action, whirl) has been lllcd lu the office of the Clerk of the County or Kings, at the City Hall. In the City of Brooklyn, (and of which complali.t tee above Is tcopilmd to serve a copyor your answer to the said complaint on n.e, the subscriber, nt my oillce at Mutili'iFi'et. Queens County, State or New York, within twentv davs after the service of this summons upon vut. oxclusivc ol the iIhj' of fueh service und if you jail to uns.cer the said complutiit, within the time arorcsald, the above oa'iied, till apply to tne Court for the relief demanded iu salt! complaint. II.

G. ONDECDOSK, Plaintiff'. Atfy. tWThe. coninlalnt above mentioned, was illed Decern bcr iitb, )Sn7.

In Ihe Kings County Clerk's oillce. In the Couiily Cour' Houet Citv of Brooklyn, King unty, n. l. ii, kj. u.

ix, I jaiuiiu augrney. tin lawdw TOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSK 1 ere and sale Whereat default has been made In ttie payment or tiie principal sum and Interest of a certain Indnniart of tnort gase bearing date April elcvertli. one thousand eight hiiDdicd tno flfiy llvc, made end execuff by Ale.viMler Barnic to Gcergo While Mortsng to ecnre the payment of (1, (KO) one thousand do) ars, with interest, on and after date and at the rate ol teven (1) percent. er annum, and recorded In tho office of the Itcglsier of the County lfoS.ln tlhcrC7 oi mortgages, pace And whereas, the said Indenture of mortearr', hat been assigned to Harmon I'tlov, of Home. Oaelds County.

New York, and ts now his proprrtv, aud default has been made tn the payment of the em jj 0nc thousand and eighty four dollars and fifty eight co Ui, due and payable on the first publication of this notice, and wht rcSB, no proceedings In law or equity, have been instituted to recover the Bald prlaoipal and Interest on any part thereof. Now, therefore, notice Is horeby given that by virtue of the power ol sale contained in said mortgage, tho remises therein described sold at public auction nr Hie put pose of fori closure to the highest bidder, ou the2Clh davof March, IPGS, Inthe vestibule of the Court Home in the City or Brooklyn and County of Kings, at te li o'clock fn the forenoon. Tbr said premises are described in sail mortage a follows: "Atl that certain lot, piece or parcel of land sl'ua'c, lying and being In the Tenth Oat the six' h) Ward or the City or Brooklyn, and and described ns follows, to win Beglnnligata point on the noriheusttrly side of Bergen street, which Is dts'ant one hundred and forty eight reel three Inches routhi Mierly rrotu Court street, at running thence along the northeastwardly side of Bergeii street venty live feet, thcacc northeastwardly at right angles with Bergen struct, one hnndred feet, four Inches theacc northwestwardly parallel with Bergenttreet. tuenty flTC feet, thence soulhwcslwurdly at ruhl angles will) Bergen street, one hundred Teet, fonr to Brce i st, the point or place or beginning, be; the satd several dl mcLsloES more or being the fame conveyed lo the said O'rtynr tbeflrtt part, by the said priy of the second part and wire, by deci I earing even date hercvllh to srenre tbe payment of a part ordie purchase, money or which these presents are executed. Baled, December, 30, 1867.

II AlfMOS G. OTLEY, Assignee of Mortgage. Iaii'w. Khasqib A Mallibom, dS01awl2 iV UPlMCOURT KINGS COUNTY a Mlrai.dn Glover, Plaintiff, agt. Edward II, Glover, Deferdat t.

Summons ror rellcr. (Com. not served,) 7 the Derendant You are hereby summoned and required to answei the complaint in ibis action, which will be died lu tho ofllce of tbt Clerk or the County or Kings, at the Ciurt House, City or Brooirlin, ana to serves rani of your answer to (he said comnlatnt on the subscriber hti office. No. 885 Fulton street.

In the City of llrooklyn, withia twenty days after the service of tula summons on you, exclusive of lhf day of such service; snd If yon fall to answer the said complaint wlihln the time tbe plaintiff In this action will apply to ibe Court fur the relief demanded tn the cornr iaint. Dated November. 23,1867. AUGUSTUS II KIOELL, Plaintiff's Attorney. The complaint in the above actioL tit Is day died, Willi tie Clerk of the County Kings, st his otnci In the Court House, In the Ctty of nrookHn.

D'tied Nov, 1F67. AUGUSTUS II. MDBXL, rjlljf'iS Attorney. rTIBE PEOPLElJFHE STATE OP NEW YOhK.toall peitci.s Intend Initio estate of HKNRY FIELD, late of the Town of Newtown. In the County of Queens, decfascd.

Rend Greeting; Youandtachof you, are herebvetted and required personalty lo be and appear before our Sqrroeate ol the County flrCoeens, st the Surrogate's Ofllce In 'he village of Janmcla, lu the tald luiny on the isrh day cT'Janil ary 18CH, at ten o'clock In the, forenoon or that aud there to lend the final sctt'emenl of the acc ounts of JAMES M. BLACK WELL and WILLIAM R. HLACK WELL, tho Acniinlslrators de bonis non, and with tha iuau "I ISO town, sroresald, deceased. In lestlncny whereor, we havo causd the seal or the Surrogate's Court ol our County or Queens, to bo hereunto affixed. Witness.

WILLIAM H. ONDERPONK, Surrogate or our paid of Qnccnt. at tie Surrogate orflce In tlic village ol Jamacla lr tbe ni uatr the sixth da olSrniemb in the rrar one Ihrut.nd eight I dred and 1 1 xtyjse ven. WM H. ONDBRDO lirrogalt I.

oiOACB OF AN OtUji Um WILLIAM D. VEEDER, Esq. SurrogsTr Yh" Cotutty of Kings: None Is Uerebj given. KM dlng to RvfrrSnN PaWSV' OLlVKIiBO BKKTBON. late or the City ol Brooklyn, deceased, that hey are required to exhibit the tamr, with Uic vouchers ibrreof, tothe subscriber, the executor, st his pises of lZ li aicuuCj iu me mty oi mooKips.

on ji mc tu ray oi uecemher next nexL Dated Jena 3d. 1867. If OPES CBABXTOK. Rrnccwr Ie22 lawtm'B IN PUR8UANCK OF ORDER OF WILLIAM D. VEEDER.

SurrogaU ot the bounty of Kings: Notice is hereby riven, socordtna to w. to al) persons havlni claims against OKOHOK C. A. BAKER, late of the Town or Oraveaend, deceased that 'hey are required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers hereof, to Ihe subscribers the Administrators, at the or. dee of Alexander U.coolter, fWEui Mth the City of New Tort ou or berore tbe JJth day of Fr braary next.

uatea i FRANCIS Z. BAKKh: AIJTLAKDKR H. COI7LTSTB, Admlntstratora. aal7 lawS I PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF WILLIAM P. VKKPEK, Bsq Surrogate of the Coua ror Kings: Notice Is hereby gtven, acooraini to law, to sJI persons havug claims against JOHN BKBBT.

Iste it the town or New ntreent. deceased, that they are re lulred to exhibit the same, with Ihe voncbers be snbacrtbers, the relators, at the realdeoee ot Richard J.lJerry.U) the town ot naibnah, oo or before IrlUWV JANK VAN BBljjfr, Bwatsn. EAGLE OFFICIO, 2F.1L THE HOLY LAND EXCURSION. Did the JPlIgrln keep Sober A Letter Irani Mark Twain. New Yobk, Monday 23.

Deab Eagle: In your issue of the 24th inst you called npon me, as npon a sort of Fountain Head of Facie (an intimation which touched tbe very marrqw of my ambition, and cent a thrill of ecstacy throughout my being), to ponr out Berne truth upon the QnakerClty muddle, which Captain Duncan and Mr. Griawold hava lately stirred np between thtm, and thus so notify and clarify ttat muddle, that tbe pnbllc can tell at a glance whether the Pilgrims behaved themselves properly ornot during the progress of tbe recent excursion around tbe world. Briefly, then, the muddle bad this shape Captain Duncan djnlnros tbat he witnessed ton tenths of drnnkanness from tho time he sailed from New York until he get back again, and tbat the large proportion of nine tenths of it was In Ma own ehlp. Mr. Gris vtold denies! theStrutb of this statement.

Of courae the question simply is, which of the two gentlemen right. Imust decide that Mr. Griswold, in acknowledging tbat he saw one man Intoxicated on board tha Quaker City, more than proved Duncan to be right, ai far as mV own observations extended for I was with the excursion throughout, and I do not juBt now re membei having eeen even one man intoxicated In Europe, to, Griswold's one man is sufficient to mako np Captain Duncan's nine tenths and something over, as far Is my individual knowledge goes. But It isn't the dictionary meaning of the words wo speak that must bo weighed, In order to get at the ab solute correctness or incorrectness of tho statement, but the impretrton they convey. Captain Duncan's words were true, I think, but that prodigious nine tenths business was bound to the impression that there was avast deal or drunkenness on hoard the Quaker City and that was a very grave error.

IT Captain Duncan had simply eaid he saw ten men intoxicated in bis ship in tbe course or five months, and one man intoxicated in Europe, It would have been a severer statement than the one he did make, but the impression left by tha reading or it would have been infinitely more favorable to the ship's company. Captain Duncan, without ever intending to do it, made the set language of an unimpeachable fact convoy to tbo public mind that which was not by any means a feet. If Mr. Griswold had attaoked the Captain on this ground, victory would have perched upon his banner. I use this expression figuratively, and without any intention or conveying to the pnbllc the impression that Mr.

Griswold" carries a banner. But, then, tbe best intentioned language is such an unreliable vehicle for thought aa 1b amply shown In Captain Duncan's case that I prefer to take no chances, and therefore beg to withdraw that expression and Eay that if Mr. Griswold had. followed the abovo line of argument, victory would have perched upon bis umbrella. I am aware that Mr.

Griswold carries an umbrella, at any rate. But do you know that even tbe baldest facte and fig ores, while stating a fact in every way creditable and complimentary to a man, can at the lame time give him a most Injurious reputation In the eyes of the pnbllc For instance Imagine that I am taking the following extract from my note book of tho voyage: "At sea, August 14 Captain Duncan appearod at breakfast this morning ontlrely sober. Heaven he praised I "At sea, August 18 Four days of forebodings aud uneasiness. But at last Captain Duncan appeared aJektost again, apparently entirely aober. Cpoer lumess sat upon Jevery countenance," and every heart wbb nilod with thankrhlneBB.

WSJ Hi ATBea, lAugust 21 The "awful "atorm gradually abated, the thunder and tbe lightning ''eased. and atmldnight a groat calm fell upon tho Bea. hrougbaut all these days or peril una distress, Capt Duncan has not once been in liquor. On. how grateful we ought to bo I A movement Is on foot to present him a Eilver dinner service when we shall have arrived In Rome.

"At sea, August 25 Nobody drunk to day. At sea, August SG Only man diunk between seven bells and breakfast. "At sea, September 10 It is Bald there was not a single case of absolute drunkenness in the whole ship yesterday. How much quieter and pleasanter the Sabbath 1b when all on board are sober." I could have put those items in my note book and stated nothing bnt the plain truth. Yet, with tbe very beet intentions, I could print all those high compliments to Captain Duncan, with no explanation attached, and ruin his reputation forever Tbey do not state tbat ho was ever fn liquor at all the dictionary meanings of the words convey a jsitive fact but the impression they leave behind conveyB a positive untruth.

Anybody that read them would gather the Idea tbat Captain Duncan had a pretty general fashion or appearing at breakfast in a state of blooming and gorgeous intoxication. Anybody would gather that Idea aa surely as the Captain's nine tentba estimate would convey tho Idea that our dreadfully proper and patri archlal pilgrims were the victims an elaborate system of intoxication, tbo like ot which could not be found In all Europe I Yet Captain Duncan was never in liquor in his life, and intoxication among bis passengers was very, very far from being I merely reiterate that Capt. Duncan told tho troth in words, but the words dld'nt convey it to the public. There are sixty four more Quakers to be beard from, yet. I wish you would ask them to come forward and testify.

Let us pour ink upon the trou bieoTwatorsr Yours, P. SI am Borry, I am truly sorry to saylhat In Italy Capt. Duncan bought wine and drank it on board the ship and it almost breaks my heart when I reflect that In all human probability it wsb his exam Die that seduced the innocent passengers into getting intoxicated, and I almost shudder to think that ho may have done it in order to create telllnc illustrations lor his Intended lecture bafore the Temperance League in Brooklyn, of which he is President. Oh, the thought is more than I can bear I Capt. Duncan offered wine to me he tried to make even me fell with his horrid Italian intoxicating bawl but my virine was proof against his wiles.

I sternly refused to tote it. I preferred the French article. 8o did Griswold. V. T.


The stock market is weak and oxcited this morning and the small bull operators arc uttering lamentations while the bull leaders say it 1b all right," which tho former don't sec. The heaviest fall has been in Rock Island, which sold at against 09)4 last Friday. There is great activity in Erie, which cas declined to 70, but at tha samoKme It is firmer than the other stocks, Northwestern common excepted. The fol fowing arc the present quotations: New York Central, 115? a 110; Erie, 70 a 71; Reading, n5 a 05Ji; Michigan Southorn, 83K a 83 Rock Islend, S9Ji a 90 Northwestern, do. preferred, 09K a C9 Western Union Telegraph, 35 a 35.

The gold market opened steady and quiet at 138 3 4. Tbe borrowing demand from the bears Is active, and leans are made at rates in favor of the lender. The present selling price is 1S3 5 8. Tho money market opened easy at seven per cont, but the transactions at sir are fewer than they were a week ago, althongh bouscB of established credit have no difficulty In borrowing at the lower rate. The demand for diBConnti of first class commercial piper Is limited, and inferior grades are out of favor.

In tho street it passes at 7 a per cent. Tho foreign exchange market is firm, wltb little demand fos bills. Stock Excbange Sales First Board. Nsw Yoax, Dec. 31, 1867.

6'b 1867 reg COW) 12 o'clock lis 6'8 .1881 coupon l'SOO 112X li's 5 20 Coup 62 1500 10SX 250CO do 108 65(10 12 o'clock 10SH 10OO0 do 815. 107K 6 6's 5 20 coup 1865 24(ICO 105 5 20 COU 65 ISB 0000 108)5 SCOO do 10SX 6'B 5 20 reg 67 Is 50000 1 101X 100 Boston Wat pwr 19K 500 Oo in8 300 do bSO 19X 100 Adams Ex. 77X C5 Welts, KareoEi 46 50 United Er 78 Express 88K 10 do 88S 1700NT Ccn 1163 100 now 100 lieu 100 do HB 200 116)1 100 do now 700 Erio 7l2 1500 do 7i 100 do blO 71 200 do 7lS 73 400 Beading osk 1000 99 50 Mich Central 107k 10 do 107V 400MIch Soft Kind UH 200 do six 100 do 84X 400 Mil St Paul 46 40 cou 111 ISB 12000 200000. 12 5'a 10 10 con 12000 IDOO 12 o'clock. 5's 10 10 ree 12 o'clock 10SX 103X 101K 101 101X TrenNtcs73 102d 1JSC00 101 5f SCOO 3d series 104.Y 1000 Tcnn Satte 6's cx coupon t5 100CO Ten Bt 0'e new.

63 K00O do 63H I6C00 do 63 1EO00 do 63Jf IOCG0 do taw do ICOPana ex 290' auu cent if 1S2W 1200 Cleve eVPltts 86K au ChIR C5 pf 500 do 66 9X 17C0 do 6S)W Roto 10C0 do C3)j Vlrclnla State 6's ex 7 CI Col Cin 9i4 Tol 93 200 do 97K 209 do KO do 872 1500 Chic ftliock Is. SBU SOOO t7 iiwiqiB ol a. Ji mis rac titt ibs 99 nOOauffK 1st mtge 90 SOOO quln Tol it 1st hi 72 SO Ocean Dk 103 106t Nicholas 105 50 National 101 2M Canton Co 48 600 West Un 85V 50 do SSH 825 Pac Wall SS Co. 110 2i0 do sSO 110 100 do 110X 100 du HOtf 110 do 2d clIO 10 do 110X 300 Atl Mall SB Co. 115 No second board to dftV.

At UO 1500 do SOOO do 2CO0 do S3 92X 800 do 92V 100 do .030 100 Mil 8t Paul pf OSS 100 do 63 500 do 100 Ind Cin 06 Cent 120 do IV 60 115 114 100 Pits Ft WiOhic 96X auu Llil I OC Alias to 500 do 29X Jos 50 IB JUrUNOJS Oxr AN OitDKlt OJ? WILLIAM D. VEEDER, Surrogate of the County of Kings: Notice is hereby given, according to law, to all persons having maims against JOHN FRE DELL, late of the City of Brooklyn, deceased, that they arc required to exhibit the tame, with the vouchers thereof, to Ihe subscriber, the administratrix, at her residence, Baymond street. In the City of Brooklyn, on or before the 19th day or March next, Dated Peptember nth, 1967. CHARLOTTE B. FKEDELL, Administratrix.

sell lawfimS' 1 PUiWUANCK OF AS ORDER Ot WILLIAM D. YEEDEB. Burrotralo or the Connta of Kings: Nodce la hereby given, according to lay, to an persons having claims against SAMUEL BHOTWKLL, late or tue utty oi uroomyn, ueceasea, uey are re lulred to exhibit the same with vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, the administrator, at hit place of business, IK Fulton street, in the City of Brooklyn, on or before th day of October next. Dated AprilWth. ly JEREMIAH MCHDRLL.

Administrator. apWlaWtana NOTICE TO CREDITORS. PUKHUANT to an order of Hon. WILLIAM H. ONDBUDONK, anrrogateof the County or Qneens, notice Is hereby gv.

4B to all person, having claims against the estate of RTTLEF DPBYEA, late of tbe Town of Jamaica. In the said Coanty of Qaeens, deceased, to exhibit the same, wltb the vouchers thereof, to the subscribers, executors of the last will and testament ef said deceased, at the residence of John s. Biner, tn the Town of Queens County, ou or before the Xtu day of December next. Dated Jane 1867. 'obbfo Tompkins.

"xeentort. mo. BROOKLYN SILVER LATB WORKS, 28 FULTON STREET 39 Orders tor new Ware executed at short notice. Old tW Repaired andRepiated equal toaew. AU work awe at ten rUM Isntnent warranted.

Corporation Tax Sales. of property to be Bold on the 7th day of January noi' for nnpald Water Bents for the years 1859. '60, '61, 67, '6S, will bo published in the Bao on Monday of each week until tho above nato. Those railing to receive acopy. with their paper, may proeure one at tho Counting Booms of tho Eagle Office free of charge.

No Paper To morrow. It's too bad, but really It cannot be helped. There will be noEAo to morrow which Is quite equivalent to sayiDf; there will beno paper. Onr renders will do the beat they can without their Bird, rnllinff back, if need be, upon the Carriers' Address," which Is not exactly like the regulation address, and will luanmirato a new style of document for the festal occasion. Official Receptions "We are desiiecl to state, that to newly elected Major, Hon.

Jlartln Kalbflcisch, and the several Heads of Deportment, will hold a ceptlon on New Year's day, in the Governor's Room at the City Hall, and will be glad to see such of their fellow citizens as care to call on them, between the hours of ten A. M. and twelve M. An iNTEnasTrKO Occasion. At the quarterly election or officers, held last night by the Wash fnifton Division No.

4 Sons of Temperance, it was announced that Mr. Alexander Campbell had completed his ninety ninth term or office. It is hardly necessary to state that ho was at once rechosen, and on Monday next enters npon his one hundretb term. We believe Mr. Campbell is the only member or tho order who can point to sncb a record, and it is the unanimous testimony or his brethren, that ho has ever been isltbful to the cause, and competent to the efficient discharge of hit duty.

Skating. Brother Oatman desires to make his pond a success this year, and announces for tomorrow a band of music ail day, and an illumination in the evening. Weed and Decker will be ready to meet their Meads and treat them to the very best of entertainment. The other ponds will also he ready, and doubtless thousands of our readers will gladly avail ihemselves of the holiday, and skate "till all la blue" but the noses. Accident.

About 0 o'clock last evening, oa Mrs. Delia Morris, of No 3 Canton street, was passing the corner of Adelpni street and Myrtle avenue, she was knocked down and run over by a horse and wagon driven by a man named Barnard Winn. She was slightly injured about tho body, and was carried to her home by Mr. Winn. Hooley'b Minstbels.

In the excitement of the morrow'B celebration, it may be well for our readers to drop In at Hoolcy's matinee. It will be given at 2 r. m. the entire prsgramme as rendered at night being on tbe bills. Go and see George Christy, Archio Hughef, and Duve Reed.

The effort will be amply repaid. Death of a Well Known Citizen. An old and well known citizen of tho EsBtern District Mr. Joseph Austin, died at his residence last evening alter many years of lntonso physical suffering, he having been ft cripple from early childhood. The deceased was a native of Philadelphia, but has resided in tbe District nearly since its first settlement.

His death was hastened by'a recent accident. The New Court House By the report of the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors it will be seen that Mr Gilbert W. Valentine, engineer of the new Court House, has resigned his position in order to take charge of tho boilers in the houBe of A. T. Stewart in New York.

For tho first time since the opening of the new Court House Mr. Valentine, through the improvements made in the apparatus by the Court House Committee, has succeeded keeping the vast building properly heated; and he carries with him the well wishes oi all who do buainuuB in the Court House. His successor is Johu T.Finn, a competent engineer. Young Rascals. Four youngsters named Michael Callahan, Daniel Desmond, George Boyle, and James Grace, of ages varying between eleven and thirteen years, wcro arrested yesterday by Officer Sutton, of the Forty third Precinct, on a charge of highway robDery.

These juvenile Dick Turpins, it appears, met a boy named Charles Jacobs, who HveB at 112 Hoy street, and imagining him to be a lad of means they distributed their forces and commenced an attack npon him. Two of their number assaulted the unsuspecting lad while the others relieved him of his pocket book, which contained one dollar and a half. This must have been a sore disappointment to the robbers as they doubtless calculated on making a big haul. Justice has taken them in hand, lias discharged Boyle, and will no doubt see that the others are informed ihey have mistaken their calling. This is juvenile depravity with a vengoance, and shows a bad side of Young America's nature.

Fatal Accident to a Cab Driver. About hall past faur o'clock this morning a young man named Andrew Hubbs, aged 20 years, and living with bis parents, at No. 27 South Third street, E. met with a fatal accident by being jammed in between a pillar and a car in the stable of the Grand street and Newtown Railroad, In Meeker avenue. He lost Mb situation about two weeks ago, since which time he had been about the promises named in hopes or regaining it.

and while assisting in getting the car from the house, was caught between the two, bringing tho car to a sudden stop, though moving at a rapid rate at he time, and wedging him so tightly that he was with difficulty extricated. His frlendB placed him on tho onr, and thus conveyed him to the Forty fifth Precinct station, where hs died a few minutes after bis arrival. Corontr Smith took charge of the body, and will hold an Inquest this evening. Internal Revenue Matters Assault Upon Ofllcers Exclting Scenes. An exciting scene occurred yesterday afternoon, in Hudson avenue, the result of which was the woundlDg of several officers of the Internal Revenue Department, who were engaged In taking stock in an illicit diBtiiiery.

It appears that the detective havo been unable to get at tho owners, or effect an entrance to the large distillery situated at No. 00 Hudson avenue, near Front street. Collector Wood, of the Tuird District, took the mutter in band, and determined to take possession or the still. Accordingly, his deputies were instructed, and last evening they proceeded to the building and entered it unmolested. Deputy Collector Charles F.

Tinney hud charge of the seizure, and found fourteen hrgsheads of molasses just being deposited in mash. The parties having possession of the Hill lied from the place when they discovered that TiLiicy and his men were inside, but they soon arrived with nmob of men and boys, who at once commenced a most brutal assault upon tho officers with clubs, brickbats, stones, etc. The manner iu which the assault was brought about, While the officers were engaged taking a of tho stock outside the still, Mr. Tinney signified his intention of going to the police station to secure the attendance of a sufficient force of police to protect tho Intcruul Revenue offlcura in ieclarge of their duties. No sooner had ho roach 1 street than he was beset by tho mob and terribly i.

Uis assistants inside tho building hurried out ansii tancc, and they wero served likewise. Dep au Reynolds and Barry were brutally beaten moD. At last, Dy ine arrival Of lie .1 Ulggins witn reinforcements, the mob was ed, and the officers rescued. They wore rein a neighboring ding store, where their wounds iresscd, and they were then conveyed to their ices. Mr.

Tinney is rather badly Injured, and win jirubahly bo confined to his home for upwards of a week. Messrs. Reynolds and Barry are also serious ly injured Any person who may glvo any information that will lead to the detection of the parties who had iu operation the still, will receive the $300 provi by the Government, It is probable that a reward will be offered fur the apprehension of the rioters. Tlio lilquor Dealers' nicotine at thoAs tor House A large meelin.s of the liquor dealers of New York, Brooklyn, and Joreey City, was held yesterday allernoon at the ABtor House. Quite a number if Scnninrs and Assemblymen elect were present' and the cling was organized by tho selection of Philip T.

Enga. as chairman. This gentleman proceeded to state the object of the meeting in a few brief r. murks to tho effect that they had convened to couBidera dialt of a bill to be presented tothonext session of the Legislature for adoption. It was thought Advisable to have its mentB thoroughly discussed and canvassed by tho members of the Legislature of this county and me city of New York beforo its introduction to the Legislature.

The chairman then read the list of associations which had sent delegates, as follows BmnHyn Lager Beer Dealers; Kings County Llnnc Dealers' Society Laver Beer Brewers; New York ard New Jersey Ale Brewers Now York Liquor Dealers' Society Luger Beer Brewers' Society Now York Cily ai.d Counfy Liquor Dealers' Society; New York GYuirjl Liquor Dealers Society: German Re lail Layer Beer and Liquor Dealers' Society: Association of Importers nur' Dealers In Wines and Liquors; Hotel Keeper1 Society Distillers' Association; Rec tifli t' Association. Al'er a brief speech from John II. Williams, the chairman called upon Mr. McKcon, the author of tho bill, for a reading of ir. Tho bill is somewhat lengthy, and I's salient fcaiiires are CDutaiued in the clauses which read ae ioliows: Sec.

1 The laorof thecity of New York shall rave power and nuihontv to grant licenses annually, under the public seal or said city, to alltavernkoepcra ini.kecp rs, viciualcrs, keepers or restaurants, and all pnbllc Bcllers or wines, strong waters, cidor beer orwy sort of intoxicating beverages or linuirs bv retail. 3. The said Mayor shall grant such license toanv person not a minor or alien, of good moral character pi rmilting hlmiind them for one yearfrom the time the same shall be granted to sell and dispose of at one named place in said city, strong or spirituous 'Jiquors, wii'CP, ale or logtr beer, in quantities less 'mn five galloi.s at a time, upon receiving from the pllcant or applicants, In the discretion or said May 7 a sum not les ihnii $20 or more than $50. Such me shall in the rorm of a written or printed tlficote, slating the name of the person or persons the place licensed, and shall bo delivered by said ivor to the applicant or applicants on payment of license fee. Such HconsoHbill only be granted on 'e written application to the said Mayor, signed by ie applicant or applicants, specifying thoplaco for wt such license is asked and the name or names of the app ic IMS.

,0. No person licensed aB aforesaid, or other por shall open bis house, store or premises for tho teivf ivme, nle, lager beor or other fermented and ''i'led lienor on Sundays, between one o'clock M. and one o'clock P. M. except.

for refreshment travel. rs. The merits or the bill were briefly discussed after motion or AEsemblyman Mnrphy, it was rri lo I he delegates to the Legislature from tbe '8i8eeroraced in the provisions of the Motropoli. then withdrew to another 7 committee was appointed SZr. C' Hubert, Philip V7.

EAGIB OFFIOBt 9T.W, Democratic Aldcrmanlr Caucus. The Democratic members of the Board of Aldermen for 1808 (fenrteen members ont of tbe twenty comprising the Board) mot In caucus last evening; after the adjournment of tbe Cominon.Countll, Icct the nominees to bo appolited to the city oflicea la' their clTt ror the ensninz year. Alderman Whitiey of the First Ward presided, and Aid. Bersen of the Tenth Ward was Secretary. The Informal ballot for President of the Board, steod 8 for Bergen and 5 for O'Keeffe.

Aid. Bergen was nominated unanimously on the first formal ballot. For Citv Clerk, Mr. Henry McCloBkey, the Dreipnt incumbent; received clfrht votee on tbe Informal ballot, to six for Mr. William G.

Bishop, the former Citv Clerk. On the first formal ballet McCloskey had seven und Bisbop seven. On the second formal ballot Mr. Bishop bad eight and Mr. McClnekey six.

Mr. Bishop's nomination was made unanimous. For Keeper of the City Hail, the present incumbent, Mr. Tormey. received the nomination by acclamation.

Tbe other nominations were as follows: Lewis Nichols, Eleventh Ward, Assistant Keeper of City Hall. 'llmotby Ward, Fourth Ward, Eoulneer. Charles Eiehl, Sixteenth Ward, Inspector of Pave mentB, E. and Philip Clare, Sixth Ward, ditto, W. D.

Scalers of Weights and Measures W. Joseph Evans, Eighth Ward, and James J. Williamson, Ninth. Messenger, Andrew McDonald, First Word. Keeper of the Second Ward Market Anthony Gat Gattens.

Sealer of Weights and Measures, E. I). John 11. Johnson, Seventeenth Ward. Keeper of Water ClOBets Daniel Murphy.

Keeper of DockB; Patrick Clarke, Fourteenth Ward. Tho caucus then unanimously adopting a resolution pledging every member to vote ror the nominees now selected. Democratic General Committee. This Committee met last evening, Mr. James B.

Craij; in Iho chair, and Mr. O. O. Herman Secretary. There was a full attendance.

The session was private, the subject or discussion being the overtures made by the "representative Democrats," who have recently met at Burns', with a view to effect a change in the composition or tho Committee. The tone of discussion, we learn, was favorable to the propositions of tho "representative Democrats" and a sub committee was appointed to report to the General Committee upon tho best manner of giving effect in debate to the suggestions laid before the Committee on Ihe part of the gentlemen who assembled In Montague Btreet. The Committee adjourned to Tuesday evening next. IN BANKRUPTCY EASTERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK, bs: At the City ot Brook, lyn, thel2th day or December, A. D.

1867. Tlie undersigned hereby gives notice of hla appointment as assieneo of JullUB Schwab, or tho City or Brook lyn. In the County of Kings and 6tato of New York, within said District, who has been adludgcd a bankrupt upon petition by the District Court or Batd District. To CHAKLES JONES, Assignee, dll Ia3w8 IN BANKRUPTCY EASTERN DIS TBICT or NEW YORK, ss: At the City or Brook, lyn. the 12th day or December, A.

1S67. The undersigned hereby gives nonce or his anpofnt ment as assignee of wm, M. Bobbins, or the City oi Brooklyn, in the Coanty ot Kings and State or New York, within said District, who has been adjudgod a bankrupt npon his own petition by the District Court or said District. To CHARLES JONES, Assignee, as, dlDlawSwS IN BANKRUPTCY EASTERN District ol New York, At tho City or Brooklyn, the lith day or December, A. D.

1S67. The nnderslgned hereby gives notice of his appoint mcnt as assignee of Joseth N. Ely, of tho City of Brooklyn, in the County or Kings, and State ot New York, within said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon hfs own petition by the District Court of euldDlstrlct. To CHARLES JONES Assignee, tc. dl4 law3wS TN PURSUANCE OP AN ORDER OF I WILLIAM D.

VEEDKB, Surrogate or tho County of Kings: Notice Is hereoy giveu. according to all persons having claims aealnstBABBAKA K03 SO, late of the City of Brooklyn, deceased, that they arc required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscribers, the executor, at his oU ce 111 York Btreet, in the City of Brooklyn on or before the 20th day or inuary next. Dates' July Bib, 1S67. ocl9 law6mS IGNATIUS PATTI. Executor.

IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OP WILLIAM D. VEEDEB, Surrogate or tho County of Kings: Notice It hereby given, according to law, that all persons having claims against CAROLINE DUltYEA, late or the City or Brooklyn, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same, with tbe vouchers thereof, to tho subscribers, tbe executor, at bin residence 189 Ballroad avenue, In the City of Jersey City on a. before the )5th day of next. Dated July 8th. 1367.


Surrojate of the County of Kings: hotlce is horeby givon, according to law. to all persona having claims against JOSEPH LEVY, late of the City oil Brooklyn, deceased, that they are required to exhibit tht sarae. with the vouchers thereof, to tho subscribers, the executors, at the residence or Wm. Bnrrell, SI9 Gold street. In the City of Brooklyn, on or before the 27th day or January next Dated July 29th, 1867.

WILLIAM BURRELL, )y20 Iaw6m8 CHA8. H. BAYMON'D. "ectorS IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OW WILLIAM D. YEEDEB, Surrogate or the County or Kings: Notice is hereby given, accerdlng to law, to all persons buying claims against JEKKMIAH TAI'PEN, late or tbe Town or Gravcsend, deceased, that tbey are required to exhibit the Bame, with tbo vouchers thereof, to the subscribers, tho executors, at tho oulce of David S.

Jouos, 34 Fulton street. In the City or Brook lyn, on or beforo tho first day or December next. Dated May 23d, 1867. EMMA. R.

TAPPEN, mv251aw8mS DAVID 8. JONES. Executors. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF WILLIAM D. VEEDER, Surrogate of the County or Kings Notice Is hereby givon, according to law, to all persons having claims against JOHN N.

UOBCNS, late of the City or Brooklyn, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the Bame, wltb tbe vouchers thereof, to tne subscribers, tho executors, at the residence of 8. B. ROBINS. 1B2 Adams in the City of Brooklyn, on or before the 25th dav of April next. Dstcd.

Oct. 18, 1887. FRANCIS B. STRYKBR, 0cIDlaw6mS BETH K. ROBINS.

ftxecutors IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF WILLIAM D. VEEDER. Surrogate or the Conn or Kings: Notice is hereby Riven.accordlmr to law, to I persons having claims against ELIZA WHITE, late ot the City of Brooklyn. deceaBed, that they are required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to tho subscriber, the executor, athlB place or business, 130 Water street, tn the City of N'W Y)rk. on er bnfore tbe 27th day or June next.

Dated December 21st 1867. d21 lawSicS BICHABD WILLIAMS, Executor IN BANKRUPTCY EASTERN DIS TBICT OP NEW YORK, ss: At tho City ot Brooklyn, tho 12th day ot December, A. 1807. The undersigned hereby gives notice ot his appointment as assignee or Chauncey W. Brown, or the City or Brooklyn, In Ihe County or Kings and State or New York, within satd District, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition by tho District Court or said District.

dl4 law3wS CHARLES JONES. Assignee, 4c. I IN BANKRUPTCY EASTBHN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK, ss. At tho City or Brook the 12th day or December, A. 1667.

Too undersluned hereby gives notice or his appointment as assignee or Chauncey W. Moore, or the City ot Brooklyn, In the County or Kings and State of New York, within said Dlstrlct.who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. CHARLES JONES, Assignee, c. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF WILLIAM D. YEEDEB, Surrogate or the County of Kings: NotlcelB hereby given, aceordlng to law.

to au persons having claims against JOHN H. NICKKRSON, lata or the City or Brooklyn, deceased, that the are regulred to exhibit the same, with the vouchere thereof, to the subscribers, the administrators, at the residence oi L. Nlckcrson, 43 South Ninth street', in the Ctty or Brooklvn. on or berorejthe 6th day Jnly next. Dated Dec.

28th, 18117. MAhVt. NICKKRSON. LORENZO NICKEBSON, 281awCmS, PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OP WILLIAM D. VEEDER, Surrogate of the Coaaty of Kings: Notice is hereby given, according to 'aw, to all persons having olaims against SARAH B.

TKOTT, late of the City of Brooklyn, deceased, tbat they are reqnlrca to exhibit tbe same, with the residence, 83 Schermerhorn street, In tbr Oity of urooiuyn, on or oeiorn me luixa oay oi oaij nexi. US' ted December 27th, 1807. d27 lawsmF JAMES EATOX, Executor. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF WILLIAM D. VEEDBR, Surrogate ol the County of Kings: Notice is hereby given, according to law, to all persons having claims against RICHARD VAN WrCK, late of tbe City of Brooklyn, deceased, tbat they are required to exhibit the Bame, with the vouchers there of, to the subscribers, at the office of Theodore Pelhemus No.

59 Broad street, in the City or New York.on or before the 18th day of December next. Dated New York, 4 UUU IkUl, 17 I lw6mF IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER Ol WILLIAM D. VEEDER, Surrogate of iht County of Kiags: Notice Is hereby given, according tc law, to all persons having claims against EMBLINB A. late of the City of Brooklyn, deceased, that the) aro required to exhibit the same, with the voucher! thereof, to the subscriber, the executor, at the offlee or A. V.

W. Van Vechten. 48 Pine street, la the City of New York, on or before the 12th day of December sext. Dated Juae 6tb, 1807. Je7 lawfcmF ROBERT HOI.

Executor. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OB WILLIAM D. VEEDER, Surrogate ef tht Coanty or Kings: Notice hereby given, according to Jaw, to all persons having claims against NATHANIEL E. JAMES, late ol tbe Citv of Brooklyn, deceased, that they are required to exhibit tbe same, wltn tht vouchers thereof to the subscribers, the at the office or N. V.

James is No. SS Cllfl the City oTNew York, on or eeioretha 2sth day of De cemoer next. iateo uuetu, MARY J. JAMES. Ia

teMlawSm'F JAMES, IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER Oi WILLIAM D. VEEDER, Surrogate ot the County ol Elnirv Notice la hereby given, accordtne te law, to all persona having claims against wm. 8. Hxrri hah, 'ate orthc Ctty of Brooklyn, deceased, that they are ri quired to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof tc the subscribers, tbo Executors, at the Long Island Bank, In the City of Brooklyn, on or iefore tho Sth day of May next. Dated October Sist, 1EP STEPHEN H.


Surrogate of the County or Kings: Notice It hereby given.accordlng to law, to all persons having claims against BARBARA RU8 80, lto of tho Ctty of Brooklyn, deceased, tbat they are required to exhibit the same, with tbe vouchers thcr of to the subscriber, the executor, at his office, 1(0 York street, In the City of Brooklyn, on or before the 20tb day Ol January iiuafc. uaieu ika. isoi jyiz lawtmr IGNATIUS PATTL Executor. XN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OB WILLIAM D. VEEDEB, Surrogate of the County Kings Notice la hereby given, according tc to law, to all persons having claims against WILLIAM OILMORE, late of the City of Brooklyu, deceased, tbat they are required to exhibit tbe same, with tho vouchers thereof, to the subscribers, the administrators, at the residence of Daniel Van Voorhis, 291 Jay street, in the City ot Brooklyn, on or before tbe st day ec Decorcbci aext Dated May Z3d.lBS7.

WILLIAM H. GILMORB, DANIEL van voobhib! Administrators. my lawftnF IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF WILLIAM D. VEEDEB, Surrogate of the Ceuntj or King Notice is herby Elven, according to law, to all persons havlngclalms agalnS HEN BY Q. ANDREWS, late of of Brooklyn, deceased, that they are required to oxhlblt the same, with Be vouchers thereof, to the sub tcrlber, the administrator, at the office or Lowrey, Frsa tlolt and Borcn, 3D Namao street, tn the citv of New York, on or before the Utb day of March aeit.

Dated Septoa her Stk. 1867. AOGUSTtJB C. FRANSfOLI, Admlalatr aloe. se6 lawF tt PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER Of late or the city of Brooklyn deceased they are required to exhibit the same, with tht vouchers thereof, to the subscribers, the administrators at the office or JAMES E.

JENKINF. 46 nearer st, In the City of New York oo or before the dr of May next; Dated November 9tb, 1867. MARTHA LEFFEBT8, JAMES E. JENKINS, Administrators no9 lawCm IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER WILLIAM D. VEEDEB, Surrogate of County of Kings: Notice is hereby given, according law to all persons having claims egainit alary George.

late of the City of Brooklyn, deceased, that the, lrercQulred to exhibit the same, with the voucher' hereof, to the subscribers, tbe executors, at the once Abrebam and John Z. Lott, 9 Willoughby street, in tha City of Brooklyn on or before the Hist day or June next Dated Dec. ltth, 1807. ABBAHAM LOTT. JOHN AVILA, Executors.

dlt lawftnM' III PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER Of I WILLIAMD. 8 arrogate of the CountT tf tags Notice is hereby given, aocordlns tolatTtoaT jersons having claims aratart HOJBO VAN SiHDKBKS lab. of the Tows of New Lots, deceased, that thVw requlrec toexblbltthe same, with Ttl7rois hereof to the Mbecrtbwi, the executors, at the irel5deaof TJIplan VanBlDderen. In Ihe Town of New Loti 2f tforetbsJ6 day of Feb ro arr ext Da ted i MAliTIN J. HUKYKaT AnKn" JOHN J.

DDRYEAT 5 Executors. uirto'ii11 YAN The First Distbict Police Coukt. Business in this court is now going on in a vory straightforward and manner. Justice Weimar has become thoroughly acquainied with the routine of bis new office, and is making a faithful and efficient public officer. Tho difficulty as to conrt officers has been settled, and John Herbert, who was for bo long a time ex justice Dunne's officer, has been reinstated in the position which he filled in so satisfactory and able a manner.

Now that this Btep has been takon by Justice Delmar, settling the difficulty which had existed between himself and the police, wo doubt not the honorable gentleman will find bis hands full of work. Until the re appointment of Officer Horbcrt, no court officials except tbe constables were attached to tho court, in consequence, the justice had to refuse the grantiri; of many warrants as he had no ono to serve them. All this is now at an end, and it is only fair to believe that the First District Court under the charge of Mr. Delmar will be; known for an unusual promptness in settlement of all causes tried in it. Police Intelligence.

Justice ComweU was occupied this morn ing in fining parties who had neglected I to remove the snow from the sidewalks in front of their premises after the late snow storm He also orcd" case from WoekBviUe, in which William Cammeyer, Joseph Childry, Sarah Cbildrey and Sarah Washington; were charged by Sarah J. mneyer with assaulting her. It appears that the weman who Dasssi for Cammeyer'B wife, and who bore his name, ha not that legal hold upon him which marriage confers and consequently when she lost tho hold she formerly had upon bis eke had no hold whatever upon him, and he undertook to elect her from the premises which they had jointly occupied. Tne other defendants were neighbors, who bad taken the stronger side and helped to put Mrs. Cammeyer out of tho house.

The Justice elicited the fact that tbe bedding and' other property in the establishment had fonneily belonged to Mrs. Cammeyer and he told the husband that if the woman was not his wfe, neither waBther furniture his. Ho suspended sentence on the defendants for tho purpose, or allowing to reconcile themselves with the aggrieved woman, and restore her to her status in too household, or else they were to give her her property and let her depart in peace. Diseased Meat. Henry Gillman, No.

15 Carroll st. was arrested by Officer Waldron charged with having offered for pale a quantity of diseased meat. JuBtice Cornwell fined him $o0, Officer Waldron has seized during the year no less lbs. of diseased meat. This officer was a butcher before he entered the force, and hence has a keen nose for tbe tricks, of the trade.

la default of payment Officer Peterson took Gillman to prison. Be sure and call for "Mrs.Winilow's Sooth lag Syrup, having the fac simile of Curtis Perkins" on the outside wrapper. All others are baae imitations, d2I2m. Cake. New Year's tables furnished and parties supplied with everything, music, waiters, Ladles should call and price our cake after going elsewhere.

TnoxELL's elegant ice cream and oyster saloon, 323 Fulton between Portland ave. and Elliott place. d28 St Happy New Teab. Pickled Oysters. We advise those who are desirous of having the best to call on Dorlan Shaffer, 243 and 244 Fulton Market, and you will thank us for tbe advice.

P. S. Leave your orders early, d2S3t Pinder's perfect fitting Shirts at reduced prices, readylmadc or to order. Wamsutta Mills to order $3, New York Mills, to order, $350, Pindek's, 163 Fulton Bt, oppposlte Cranberry. d23 3t Ask your grocer for Payson Paul's celebrated milk blsunlt and Boston crackers.

They can be had Dy the box at Messrs. JL. Duusier Co's. 33 Fulton street. d2326t Kings County Liquor Dealers.

Gentlemen At a meeting of the Liquor Dealers, hold at the Astor House, N. yesterday, a bill was prepared, which passed as now framed will entirely exclude Kings County from any benefit of the proposed act. Your attendance is requested at a meeting to behold at Montague Hall, on Thursday, Jan. 2d, at 10 A. M.

without fall, as your interest is in jeopardy. The Singer Manufacturing Company's world renowned New Family Sewing Machines with Cor dei, Tucker, Ilemmer, Braider, Quilter, Binder, Em broidery Attachments, Examine and compare theiucrlts of tho Singer Machines with others before making purchase. Principal office in Brooklyn 326 Fulton street next to Pierrepont street; in New York 458 Broad way. d4 Tu.Th&Sa till ja 7 Cakes. The largest assortment, the the best and tho cheapest in the City, at Kernan'B, Fulton near Jayst.

d237t Beautiful Jet Jewelry, Onyx, Steel, Coralline and fancy Jewelry Just received for holiday presents Agency for Vulcanite Jewelry Co. T. W. WOODS 289 Fulton st Wholesale and Retail. octfeod ill Jan Marked down 25 per cent.

the balance of my winter stock of Boys' and Youths' Clothing, to make com for spring goods. G. Q. Taylor, Boys' Clothing Warehouse, 178 Fulton st, dll 12t corner of Orange at, Brooklyn. New Year's Calls, 1868.

Splendid holiday dress bats for $7. d30 2t BEiraBT, Hatter, 4 Fnlton ave. Mathews Slade will provide you with a magnificent Piano Forte or Cabinet Organ. whlch you can give to your friend lor a New Year's present which will be fully appreciated. Pianos and Cabinet Organs torrent.

Brooklyn. dSOSt D. Smith Troches relieve im mediately coughs, colds and hoarseness. For sale by all aruggists. Prepared by I.

D. Smith Co, corner of Fnl ton and Washington sts. Jyaetjal Holiday Gifts. Qreat reduction in prices of Plated Ware. We ofler, until the first of January, our large assortment oi Rich Sliver Plated Ware, at prices well worthy the attention of purchasers.

Lucius Habt 4 and 6 Burling Slip, foot of John st New York. U5 25t How to Beautify the Complexion. How to Improve tho complexion, beautify It, and at tho same time preserve the skin, are certainly secrets worth knowing. It Is accomplished by tho uso ofQeo.W.Lalrd's Bloom of Youth. This valuable toilet article removes all dlscoloratlons, tans, freckles, and renders the skin soft, smooth, clear and beautiful.

Sold at all Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. Depot, 74 Fulton street, New York. dl91m Standard Silver Plated Goods. Equal to any superior to many Inferior to none retailing at Just the maker's trado prices. selS till Jal W.

R. Tioe, Fulton and Johnson sts. People that make New Tear calls find a cup of good coffee very exhilarating. Ladies who wish to furnish their callers with good coffee, should ony B. T.

Babbitt's "Lion Coffee," warranted pure. Ono can in every twenty contains a ono dollar greenback. d21 lm One ounce of gold will be given for every ounce of adulteration found in B. T. Babbitt's Lion Coffee.

One can in every twenty contains a one dollar greenback. For sale by grocers everywhere. d21 lm Take Notice For New Year's tables boned; turkeys; capons, jellied hams and tongues, chicken and lob6ter salads, forms of Ice cream, Charlotte Russe Jelly, rancy ices, also pyramids, ornament baskets of mottoes, glasB, silver, china and waiters at Thompson's old established stores, 2J.CUntonetrc.ot, and 59 Fulton avenue, corner of Jay. d2010t A Valuable Gift for the Holidays. A Scholarship In the Bryant, Stratton Clark Brooklyn Business College, No.

13 to 1G Court street, opposite the CityEall. dl7 tiiljai M. 8. Dickey, No. 743 Broadway, New York.

Importer and Manufacture or Swiss Carved Wood, watches, clocks, musical boxos. Jewelry, fancy articles, Formerly or Willoughby building, Brooklyn. dl8 lit Sttll Open Our temporary office 264 Fnlton and 3 Clinton will be kept open until art er the Holidays. Nothing can be more approorlato for a present than one or our beautilnl and useful machines. Call and see them at the above address, or at the old office, 332,334, C1 S38 Fulton np stairB.

E. H. CRAIGE, agent.for Wheeler Wilson's Sewing Ma chines. dl9 10 1 Substastials for the Holidays. We have on hand, and are offering at very low prices, a large assortment of extra layer raisins, new currants and citron, paper shell almonds, Malaga grapes, Thbodoee Rl'EAcn Co.

Grocers, Fulton avonue, corner Hoyt st. iriAKRIED. TiF.SrI'iOI,2,,A.lD Inphllodeli)hla, on the 25th; of hy the Rev. P. 8.

Hanson, Daniel Cuunr. of James McDonaldT youngeat danshter or the late fee, 28, by the Bev. ofSlscliy. 'ero 1 ue George I. Halsey, both DIED, Wild On Tuesday Dee Catha rine and ihe lale James Wild, ocrd 5 vonrs nnn i inSf Funeral will take place ou TlmredaTt" from family arinvlted" 95 on.nMOnday'DcC SiEAn QB' of The relatives and friends of the family are resnectfniiir invited to attend the ruBoral.oa Thursday afternoon o'clock, from the realdenco of Joel K.

Post Eso No is Ltfayette ave. K' JO SraiR At her Montaeue nlace Brookiim on Monday evening, Dec. 80, Hakkad Ts. wife of Robert Spelr, Jr. and daughter of the late Samuel Fleet KODa" The relatives and mends or the family, and of har son D.

S. Fleet 8pelr. are rcspectmily invited attend heV funeral, at the First Presbs terlan Church, corner of rtin tonandRemsen Btreets, on Friday January 3d at 2W o'clock. The relatives are Invited to be at the house at two o'clock. dS12t Biuiteac On December.

SI, FkhddibBbaitiatt iei 4 years and 10 months, or scarlet fever. The friends of tbe family are respectfully invited to attend tho funeral, at his parents reildence.81 Court street Brooklyn, on Thursday, Jun. 2, at 2 o'clock P. SwBET On Tuesday mornlnr, Dec. 31, Ehma wife 0r Edwin Sweet, In her 20th year.

Relatives and friends are respectfully Invited to attend lie funeral, from tho residence or her rather, tteoree Smith, South Sth corner or 0th stg, WHIiamsburgh, on Thursday. Jan. 2, at 1 o'clock. IN BANKRUPTCY IN THE DISTRICT Conrt or the United States for the Esstorn District or New York ln tho matter of Chauncey W. Brown, bank rupt.

Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed In said Court, by Chauncey W. Brown in said District, duly declared a bankrupt under the act of Congress or March 2, lFOT.lor a discharge and certificate thereof from all his other claims provable under said Act, and that thel3th day of January. 1668, at 10 o'clock. A. at the office of Bthelbcrt 8.

Mills, Register In Bankruptcy, at NO. 1 Montague street. In the City of Brooklyn, Is assigned for the hearlne of the same, when and where all creditors who have proved their debts, and other persons In Interest may attend, and show cause, if any they have, whytke prayer or tbe said petition should not be irrant ed. and that tbe 2d and 3d mectlnea or creditors will be ''e same Ume and place, Dated at Brooklyn, on of December, 1887. dS0ltl3wF 'SAMDELT.

JONES, Clerk..

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