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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 4

Brooklyn, New York
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JltSfTBAlVCE. highest. The outlook of the immediate future is not cheering, considering the fact that this stringency is HOMICIDE. done, both the mojorityend ralnority reports give inmy faots vf Mob. Me moat extraordinary in the management of such an enterprise.

The Committee no THE SUPERVISORS. THE BRIDGE. not artificial. 4KEDfflOI A nrominent Wall street banker is credited with aouDt went as far as its iimitea i iVu circulating a report this afternoon that the Syndicate Neither the majority nor biibp mijuru luijuju they do not oharge that the publlo money has been misapplied) claims that the Committee had the power tomakoBueh an investigation as wordd saHBytne publlo upon that point. Both the reports show that operations have resulted in failure.

Asneissnown to oe bulling gold it may be presumed that the wish is Trial of Frederick Weiber for the Murder of Henry Siegler, Investigation Important Communication from the County Treasurer. father to the thought. WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 5. CITY HALL NOTES. FJnat.clnl neturas ol the Exclie Goin mlsalonent Justices and Police Court Olorka The Fire Department Ctas Lamp Posts Gowanus Canal Assess meats.

The Controller has received statements from the Excise Commissioners and from tho Clerks of tho law Courts of the money rocoivod by them during the past month. The Clerks of tho Courts thus far heard from make the following returns of the rooolpts for fines during the past month Police Oonrt tlt3.25 of its Atairs. STOCK EXCHANGE SALES SECOND BOABD. maturing manhood; to day his remains passed through this city the scene of his political activity on the my to their last resting place. Mr.

Mosely bad made his mark in legislation, and if spared would have attained more than ordinary eminenoo as a legislator. His death enould teach us the uncertainty of life, and lead us to prepare for the uncertain atore. THE STATE MEDICAL BOOIETY. Hie annual mooting of the State Medical 8oclety is now being hold hero. Of the Brooklyn physicians in aitendsnoe are J.

0. Hutchinson, E. B. Bquibh, B. A.

Scger, 8. Prout, A. F. Bell, James Watt and Alexander Hutcbtna. Dr.

BoU, it is said, is about starting a monthly to bo named The Sanitary Journal. QrrvEB, OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS. tne anarrs oi tne uompany were manag" loose and unbasinesa like manner. It seams that not only were the transactions of the Company conoealod from the public, hut they were also oonceejed from a part of the Directors themselves. These tranaHoiu! were not kept In books whore they migkt become a per ALBANY.

M0 IT 8 Ss 81 tlR A Scissors Grinder Cut with a Razor Hzw York, February 6. 100 Atiantio ifi 15 Adams Ex bo 93)4 BrlBaa bo B6 SO0 do 66X 10UOO da 81 bo 117 Controller Schroeder's Statement to the IIXXO do SM lVH(t manentrecord for the uurpcotion of tho publio.but must havo hann tirinninftllv Vnnt nn RllDH Of nauerln Pigeon MAJU a ZU 03 114: 15O00 6 20 66. 113; SOW0US6 Ill 300 600 and Bled to Death Quarrel Between a Husband and his Deserted Wife. holes, where they might be withdrawn or altered Bt cleaaure. Whether 'such has been the case that Opm 1 fhn tnett that STATEMENT OF THE MUTUAL LlFli INSURANCE COMPANY or NKW YORK, 144 and 146 Broadifav, FOB THE THAR ENDING DEOHMBKP.

31, 1373, F. 8. WINSTON, President. Not Asaati, January 1, 1872. RECEIPTS DURING TUB YEAR Fob Pbemiums and Policy Pees Original Renewal 9,44929.78 Annuities 6,500,00 $14,386,863,81 Common Council committee Aid, Wylio makes a Speeoh but Can Otvo no Intormation.

The Committee appointed under die follow 25000 do bo HX 6000 a 0 20 0 D7 HSTf Pi ogress of Iocal Measures. mjuu ao a 111 the meager records kept had been tampered with at va inno timaa nlinriDfln and flraanraB leaves a crave Third District Justice's Court 114.88 Fourth District Justice's Court 120.75 Sixth District Justice's Court 13.40 lfiOOO do bo Hi do. do 60 do 65K do. 6K4 da bl 66 do 06 do tSH do h3 SBM do 66 do bS 68H do. 68X An bS BBM m0 do 1167.

suspicion with reference to the loose documents and ing resolution passed by the Common Council, on motion of Aid. Wylie, met yesterday afternoon. The condition of the county Finance The Election of a Chairman Again Postponed The County Court Carpet A Contractor Comes to Oriel Military Matters, The Board of Supervisors met yesterday afternoon, Supervisor Osborne is the ohair. The minutes of the previous meeting, were read and approved. THE GOTJTKTS FINANCES.

Sup, Johnson presented the half yearly statement of County Treasurer, Gardiner, of the amount of the appropriations for various County purposos, the amount spent during the past six months, and the amount remaining to the credit of eaoh appropriation. The roport is aB follows: The returns heretofore made by some of the clerks 10O 4S0 700 300 800 100 1IXW 7H 400 fiOW do 6000 US 6 1040 lMg ooo An avo IIS That Aid. Ropes, Kodmsn and Moaroarty no nnnolnted a Committee to investigate the affairs of 11SV Pi 40t)0TmnStfoo 3V COUBT OF OTEB AND TERMINER Justice Pbatt and Associates Johnson and Stilwell. This morning Frederick Weiher, a young German about nineteen years of age wos placed on trial charged with the murder 01 Henry Siegler, on tho 23rd 11000 UnPao 1st voucners wnioa aro tne uniy eviuuueeo iuoimu as to how their money has been expended. That this great enterprise hi vihioh two millions of people are immediately interested has been mado subservient to the private gains of a few individuals will never fade from the publlo mind.

The publio demand all the facts, and the demand is a reasonable one. And as the Committee proceed with their investigation, in due time the parties who ate able to give all the information in reference to the struotureB on both sides of the river, both on tho surface and beneath the water, will be before you and, when yon have completed your duties, the Just demands of tho the East Biver Bridge Company, and that they be empowered and directed to ascertain tally the manner in which all books of said Company are and have been kept; the manner in which, and from whom and by whom oil Bupplies of materials are and have been purchased; who aro and have boon employed by Bald Com not having been sufficiently full and oloar, tho Controller dlreoted the clerks to make detailed statements, giving the names of the prisoners arraigned in their Court, the amount of fine imposed in oach ease, if any, and whether paid or not. As a reminder of thoir duty to do so, the Controller withheld their salary for last month until thoy compiled with the request. The clerks of all the above named Courts have done so, and the others doubtless will. 100 union faoino a bo 3i7i 800 NY 0en4 be 105H 1400 do.

CO Lairs fc So 95, of December lost at 23 Cook street, in the Eastern Dis DOW ao 09 6000 Hor E9 1st 105 MOO Bar Rapids 4 Minn 1st 91 8000 Cedar 1M 1st 100 Oonsolld'd 13 200 do bo 43 100 Nan Oen pany in any capacity wnatever; wnac HBIU ptJIOUllB pw and have been paid, and what service they havo rendered for tho same; and to ascertain fully whether the construction of said bridge has been honestly conducted in the interest of the olty. a a i bo. PoMStOo.bosJ 73J4 The Dock Master of the Western District, James Mo putnio win nave Deon mot. 200 2500 100 600 12O0 100 600 600 ao do b3 95Jf 95 do. S3 P6 do bJ 95 do W.i do 3 fiH do s3 SiU do 95 do b)I 95 Am.

Hopes van you givo ua auy iuiuiiuvwu Aid. Wvlio I have no information furtherthan that 10 fr a Appointment of Thomas W. Field as Superintendent. Some months since the Assistant Snperin tendeut of tho Publlo Schools of Brooklyn resigned, and following hie resignation a Special Committee was appointed to report the of his successor, and to provido for a more efficient aud desirable direct au perintendency of our'pnblic schools than is at present obtained. Mr.

BuMey is the present Superintendent. He was formerly a public school principal. Ho entered upon tho duties of his office with the consolidation of tho cities of Brooklyn and Williamaburgh, about twenty yoars ago. Despite the fact that tho city has grown immonsely in population, and that our school system has kept pace with this growth, Mr. Bulkley has oontlnued to perform hia duties, with but a single assistant.

He has grown old, and is well nigh worn out, in the publio service. Tho Special Committee concluded to obtain, if possible, a man who would relievo Mr. Bulkloy of a portion of hlB duties, and to assign Mr. Bulkley such duties and SCO do 03 72 500 Un Tel bo POJji 800 do SOW 3 is? trict. He is a beardless youth with flaxen hair cpmbed behind his ears and bluo eyes, ond with face not betraying any extraordinary degreo of intelllgouco, but at tho same time not bearing indications of a low or depraved life.

The oircumstaBees of tho killing were apparently known to very few, and tho proceedings attractod very little attention from the outside public. Tho usual crowd which attends murder not presont, only those were at hand whose business called them to FBEDEBICK A SOHBOEDEB, Dermott, returnB $24.88 as the amount received by him for wharfage during the past month. His salary for tbo same timo was 183.33. the City Controller, waa present at the invitation of do A Railroad from Wall Street Ferry Tbrongli IHoniajrao Street Intension of Tracks to Cypress nills All tlie II art) or masters and Port War ens Continued. Special telegram to the Eagle.

ALBAsrr, February B. Assemblyman Suydam has introduced a bill authorizing a company to construct and operate a railroad commencing at Wall etroot Ferry and running on Montague strcot, along Fulton street and Lafayotie avenue to Broadway, and along Palmetto and Magnolia atroets to the city line. The principal incorporators named in the bill aro Samuel F. Carlisle, Geo. C.

Bennett, Oliver B. Leioh, IleDry Dawson and Joseph F. Ellcry. The bill authorizing tho Broadway and City Railroad Companies to citend tracks to Cypress Hills has which you can reach without any trouble. I think tho first thing you should start on is the letter of tho great constructor, to know where the $125,000 was spent 100 Fob Intebest oh Bonds and 3Iort gago ($3,867,041.53 Stocks 813.731.64 Banks, Trust Com The Excise Commissioners received 2,890 during 50 Oh) ufd 93 2L? ao yon do my, do 13 90H tho commltteo, ana suojouieu a wus iawiuouu.

Tho Controller said that he is an ex offltio Director of thn TM idae Comuanv. He and Mr. Hewett inveflti Commission i do. tho paBt month, aud after paying thoir own salarios and deducting 10 per cent, for personal expenses and 90 without a blow neing Btruca. Dciore a oiow waa Bimu.

Aid. Ropes I think it is tho deBire of the Committee to get all the information necessary. We have got Mr. Schroeder's statement, and we sent for Mr. Barnes, but he did not come.

I sunnosed that from him wo should ot Utiariue. Paultontiars the Court room. gatod and made a report upon bridge matters in December, 1S73. That report was published in the Eagle of January 7, and it Is a correct copy. In conducting the luvestigation, they had full access to all the books 15 per cent, for tho Inebriates Homo, they returned aa the city's share of tho money received for 86,000.00 20.643.t8, supplies, Jail oxpenBos, SiiorilTfi faus.

13,814.73 4074.971 11,798.83 81,815.03 panies, etc Premium on Gold 61,359.06 26,818.15 ton 90 90g be able to get conalderablo light. My idea was, that 72,000.001 licenses. MOTBUQ. SUp ...0 alter neanng air, aenrceuer wiu art. dhuo duUu.u thon Bummon some members of the Executive Com mman onnnnnfi there 1r one thins that Aid.

Vfylie FIBE DEPABTMENT. The Aldermanic Special Committee on tho Fire De The prosecution was conducted by District Attorney Britton, and the defense by Col. Robert Johnstone, Si Wm. L. Headley, who had boon assigned that duty by the Court.

THE JUDY. At ten o'clock tbe calling of tbo jury wa3 commenced 790.13 and papers, ana every question sney asaea was niuy answered. On the 80th of September, 1869, the Executive Committee wbb directed to build the foundation of tho Brooklyn tower to three foot above high water on the 16th of Juno, 1870, the Exeoulivo Committeo VI ...0 91 3,100.00 1. 86,600 001. 12.000.00 6,776.90 plies, ropatts ivnU kesper Jurors' foe Coroners Court House, repairs, Balarios, 15,923.101 partment will hold another meeting, probably the final ono, this evening, aud tho probabilities are that a re For Offico Building Rents ondorBtarids, and that Is tno power to put tueso peopio under oath and compel thorn to testify is rathor doubtful.

Have you read tho charter of the Bridgo Com i) SW 400 K00 500 3500 200 300 309 1300 100 800 100 2700 800 6C0 loro woo 1400 BOO 2000 1O0 600 1500 600 2W0 1000 50O 2800 900 SI 00 60 New Jersey B. 106V lOOUhl A IB 100 do 113X 1B0 do. WJJi 800 do b3 11SM 500 do UW 100 Mil 4 St PR 5K 59 do. 10 do 101) Tol Wab 4 B. bo 7354 10O do 73 500 A St Jo R.

a 4SM 1 10 Pac ol Missouri eS iVi 160 Ohio 4 Alton RR 11533 33 Del Lack 4 R. WIS 300 Oo 103)4 12 Chi Bur 4 Quia VJO 700Ohlo4MlsaRbo 1000 do 4SJ1 408 do b3 48J4 100 Col 4 Ind R. bos3 40X 600 Atlantic 4 Pa ptf 0 5i.2Mr.00 SI7.7I6.094.5I position as an old and laborious public servant natt a was empowered to proceed wuu tne ouuauig oi me bridge to its completion. port will be agreed on, recommending an increase of and shortly after eleven the following gontlemen wore pany right to expect. rim iTnntrni fir at areat lenain connrmeu tun U.M1.2I 8,040.00 the force of the Department, both of ougiuos and men.

9W 91 81Ji 93 915 Tho Spcolal Commltteo used their beBt effortB as Indi 8,475.001 Improv'g Courti Hoiibo anU ments made in tho majority roportj above alluded to.l Aujournea to Auesuay. STEAM ON THE STBEETS. Mr. Massey, Presidont of the Firo Commission, has, it viduals to obtain tho right man to place at the head of do. aiji this important department of our local govern DrmUno ia bolieved, made it cloar to tho Committee that Bttoh an inoresee Is necessary.

7,008.00 50,600.00 He and Mr. Hewitt consiaeroa rne paiu iu Mr. Kingeloy for hia services aa a very large aum. A length of service of about three years waa covered by Oomuiisslon'rof do b3 91 An 92 ment. They also advertised their needs in two of the Resistance to the Scheme on Atlantic 6,775.78 10,473.40 10,551.41 6,162.49 9,724.93 W.028 60 9,829.59 Speaking of the Firo Dopartmont, it ia rumored at Jurors Dirt.

Attorney, Hurroaato it. Tne oi iireeiura, no bbiu, do. 92H do 92K principal New York journals. A very large number of applications were received, and tho Committee selected HAD FULL CONFIDENCE IN do. Treasurer audi the Hall that the Commissioners do not agree very well that Messrs.

Massey and Phranor "pull together" on one side, and Messrs. McLaughlin and AHlnlantf. An. from the number about twenty, and gave to each of iho Ftncutive Committee, and so had entrust do 92H do BSid ditor and law DISBURSEMENTS. Paid.

Claims by Death $2,253,687.90 Additions to samo.belug Dividends 386,340. 14 Matured Endowments 50.630.00 Addltionato same 15.591.6tt Redactions of Premiums 7,417.08 Dividend of January 1, 1872, ap Avenue Meeting; of Property Owners A Protective Association To Be Formed A Petition to the Legislature Last evening the property owners on A.t these twenty applicants a personal examination. The 11.W0.901 6.833.26' Brown on tho other, and that thoy "do not got along 6,666.74 16,875.55 Sunervisors. ed the work to them. It would have been impracticable to have oorried it on with so large a body aa the full Boord of Directors.

The Committoo found result was that the Commltteo camo to tho unan 90,124.45 37,000.00 very well all the timo." It Is said that Messrs. MoL. County Court imous conclusion that none of tho applicants STOCK QUOTATATIOtiS 3:30 THIS P. M. NEW YonK, February 0.

Offered. Asked. and Jusuoes no fault with tho manntr in wnicn tne bccouuis oi tno Comnanv havo been kept, and the prices paid for labor ennid fnirlv he nlaced in authority ovor the 19,000.00 S6.M0.U0 MI.OO 935.05 lautio avenue opposed to the introduction of steam on and Brown Insist on the retontion of certain men whose services Messrs. M. P.

believe could be dispensed with. Tho difnoulty is not Bpokon of as likely 12.W9.Bi 35,497.74 20,516.42 737.71 nrincirals of tho Public Schools of Brooklyn, of City Oonrt Supremo Court Military exo's. were uot extravugaui iu viiw.i uitiiiiuu. SOME OF THE PRIVATE BTOOKHOLDEBS plied to purchase paid up to be settled, as neither side hare a majority. Princ'plolDebt Atlantic avenuo held a mooting at 163 Atlantic avenue.

Mr. W. D. Snow waa called to the ohair, who after explaining that this was a business mooting for tho purpose of hearing facts and reports on the street, called 11474 115S One difficulty the Conimittco bad to oontend with, was that the salBry paid by tho Board was too small to command tho service of a man of established 15100.001 186.000.001 91.000.00 Intereat 6,975.44 31,407.31 92,983.58 8,382.99 165,000.00 191,394.11 6,160.90 39,025.09 91,301.41 16,714.66 had not paid after the fourth call, that i aftor forty percent, bad been paid in. Ho thought thatMoBBra.

passed the Assembly. The Senate has confirmed all the Governor's nominations for Harbor MaBtors and Port Vr'ardous. The bill providing for tbo widening of Kevins street, ass introduced by Assemblyman Watt, is fathered by Witty, tho livery stable man. Tbo friends of tho lato W. W.

Mosely and ciato who went to Syracuse are at tbo Capital. Edwin Beers, of tho Broadway Railroad Company, is here. QuivEn. Exempting Bonds and Mortgages from Taxation The Police Salary Bill Passed the Assembly Is tho Police and Civil Justices Bill Constitutional 1 The Coart Officers Bill to Pass Offal en the Shore Bashwick Avenue in IVeiv Lots A Proposed Square at Junction of Flatbusu Avenue and IVovins Street Soliool Houses in Queens County A IjOng Island City and Maspeth Railroad Bill The W. W.

Mosely The State Medical Society. Albany, February 4. Special Correspondence of the Eagle. Ureenpolnt At OAS LAMPPOSTS. The city will shortly advortiso for proposals for fur En)IdaaBaa.

H39i B. OS coupons, 1881... 118H U. 8.6 30 coupons, 1863 114H U. 8.

5 30 coupons, 1864 IH V. B. 5 20 115W V. S. 6 30 coupons, 1965, 11474 D.

8. 5 30 coupons, 1867 116K U. 8. 5 20 conpona, 1868. U.

B. 10 40 coupons. 111 U. 8. ourrenoyfe (Pacifies) U6S character and standing as a au educator.

Tho salory 39,675.001 4.698.68' 40,813.09 Murpuv, mrananan, jucuue, awnuu, uu uiwu had paid up bnt Mr. Tweed, Sweeney, Connolly and t7.W0.00 raory 23d Rest. Arm': Self nr. KlatbuB 116'. 116Ji nishing one thousand gas lamps, to bo delivered dur upon Mr.

Shophard, who had boon oioctoa aocreiary nro tern, who read a voluminous history of the steam paid Mr. Bulkley is $3,000 per annum, and to the as (0,000.00 omitu naa not paia anyiuuig utwr tuo iaoi jmiaimoui. ing tho present year as required. Last year the con sistant superintendent, $2,500. The salary paid tne Coating'nt fund Build's Female; DEMAS BABNBS WAS BEHIND 115H U3S 83 superintendent of the publio schools of New ion tract was awarded to Saxton Howell at $15 per post.

Tho price has ranged as low ao $3.78 and aa high as $18. with one or two installments. At the utmost, seventy rruoD, em tentlary Gr'ds 31,649.41 16.161.57 t8.760.93l question as relative to Atiantio avenuo. uior mat MR, BHEFABD REMARKED that no city has such inveterato hostility, no portion of any city has been desecrated as this portion of tho rt ,.1, Vlol tlia alAam la lirmi rrht First the steam is brought up citv Is. we believe, $8,000, and ho commands tha sor Surrendered Policies 1,555,008.73 Surrendered Additions used in payment of Premiums 2,415.477.23 Annuities 17,590.03 Commissions to Agents 35,015.29 Commutation oi future Commls.

sion 332,443,46 EXfES9E3: per cent, had Deon paid oy every suDscriDer. new uvea 113, 4 Tennessee 6fl Tennessee 6e, 834 North GarollnaBa 344 North Carolina 6s (sp.t.) 13 Booth South Oarollna 6b, A. an'd rices of seven assistants, at salarios of between five and in tiiAre anvxiim? ni iuv cnarter ui tuo tuuiuou. Tho lowest bidder will get tho contract this year. QOWANTJB CANAL ASSESSMENT.

15 six thousand dollars each. On motion the report was ordered to be placed on fllo. A number of bills were presented and referred to the Finance Committee for examination and report. which gives any one the power to compel these private stockholders to pay up A. No sir.

Nothing. Q. No provision made for tho forfeiture of their slock A. No elr. They are liable.

Tou ean sue them, impanneledj to well and truly try the iBsue joined between the People and tho prisoner Anton A. Raven, Wm. E. Shoffleld, Michaol J. Kelly, George W.

Swain, John Dunne, Georgo B. Carson, Elmer S. Brett, Samuel Hamillon, Charles Smith, Augustus C. Orane Charles A. Feck, George W.

Farrington. TBE PROCEEDINGS. The jury having beenimpannoled District Attorney Britton openod the case briefly. He said that the prisoner's father had married as a Becond wile the sister of tho deceased, and that owing to the ill treatment of her by him she had loft him. This caused bad blood between the two families and Fredorlok Weiher on several occasions had utterod threats against tho deceased.

On the 23d of Decembor lost the aocused went to the house 23 Cook street, whero the brother of the deceased lived and there a disturbance aroso. After tho departure of tho acoused the deceased was discovered to be bleeding from a horrible gash in his arm evidently infiloted with a razor, and before a physician could be obtained HE HAD BLED TO DEATH. Thore was usually a razor kept on the mantelpiece of the room in which the affray occurred, and the next morning tbis razor wob found in Ha acoustomed plaoe, covered with blood, Tho first witness called was Charles Siegler, who testified In December last I lived at 22 Cook street, E. my family consisted of myself, vrife and two children my wife's name is Caroline the children ore, one three years and tho other three months old Henry Siegler is my; brother ho lived at that time in Third street, New York; ho was single, and about thirty two years on the 23d of December last bo was at my house; ho oamo thore with Caroline Weiher, my sistor, who had married John Weiher, the father of the accused; there was also a widow lady there named Duchsen, who came there alone; Frederick Weiher came there about a half hour aftor my brother came; ho came thore with a woman who was at that time living with John Weiher; I don't know her namo; I had seen John Weiher's wifw, my sister, about ton days before; John Wolhor and his wifs had not lived together then for about a year; my sister and brother were there about a half hour when John Weiher came rushing in and said, "I heard you were bore, and therefore I came;" Frod Weiher came in in about ten minutes; my sister asked John Weiher the reason he fetched that woman in hor presence; John Woiher and my Bistor bad somo words and they wont out. Tho decoasod then asked Frod why ho had THREATENED TO TAKE HIS LIFE; I told them to keep quiet Fred Woiher stood by the mautelnlece with his arm upon it I went out and The property ownors on tho line of Gowanus Canal will shortly bring their I oroes to bear at Albany, to prevent the paBsage of bill whioh has been prepared, Virginians Da.Hi Virginia 6e, new Missouri 6s Tho question has remained unsettled for months, and, in the meantime, all tho work of examination, direction, Arc, has fallen upon Mr.

Bulkley. Indlvi dual mombera wore moving in tho matter aud propoa A communication was received from the Sheriff to bo supplied with a dozon pails and a number of 94 and levy on the stock if necessary. The Company re uoal BtoCK Delaware ana ixaason repealing the the law which throw about $100,000 of solved yesterday to ask for additional legislation giving tho Company the power to forfeit the etocfc when the otner Bmaii amoies ior uso in tne van. Beferrcd to the Jail Committee, HATS OIT, GENTLEMEN. inu to employ temporary assistance, as their schools Amonoan Maryland Consolidated 48 Central Coal 44'S the expense of the improvement on tho city.

Justice wore suffering from sheer laok of ability of Mr. Bulkley to tho property owners in other portions of the oity mBtalimoniB are not paia up wnou cauou xur. Q. Was that resolution adopted A. Yes sir.

o. Bv a unanimous vote A. 1 think it waB. Sup. Petry rose to.a question of privilege.

He said 55,600.07 S4.4SS.47 33,506.80 563,702.90 28,965.38 Advertising Taxes on business In ether States Medical Examinations Salaries Law. to suuerintend them, or even to visit them. he uoticed in tha room a number of aentlemcn who demands that thoso on tho canal should pay what they agreed to in the first place, but it is already asserted Yesterday tbo Committee reported, through its Q. How many were at the meeting A. There waB urssont.

At Least oleven. EXEMPTING BONDS AMD MORTGAGES FROM TAX Chairman, in favor of electing Mr. Thomas W. field, that the influence of tho canolites will bo too strong, N.T. O.

Hudson consolidated 105 Harlem 120 Brie. 66 Krie Atiantio Mall 6S Lake Shore 95 Wabash 'Vi Pittsburgh 91 4dr Q. Have there bBen any steps taken by tho Board of Directors with a view ot securing the better protection for tho present to the position of Assistant Superin ATION. Mr. Jacobs, after a six years' struggle in tho Com.

raitteo of Ways and Means, had the satisfaction to tendent, leaving the respective duties of the new and of the INTERESTS OF BROOKLYN and will prevent any change in tho law, thus preventing the city from getting juBtico in the matter, A meeting of the BOABD OF CITI WOBES, were Bitting with their bats on in disrespeot to tho Board. He asked that the Chairman instruct them to toko their hats off. The Chairman There ia no law to compel the gentlemen to toko thoir hats off, but it is a courtesy which haB always been extended to legislative bodies. Tho hots were taken off and tho bUBiness of the Board resumed. 8up.

Petry presented a communicatien from the nf the Sixteenth Ward armor, asking to bo the old official to be settled hereafter, as well as tho question of furnishing any additional help these two uicksllver 55J4 brthwaatam day of carrying through his bill exempting bonds and mortgages from taxation. Tho vote was Ave to three, and insuring a judicious expenditure of money? A A committoo waB instructed to report certain amend wiatk in charter, and vesterdav there wore also re may need. The proposition mot witn sucn gener Printing and Stationery 54,311.50 Sundry Expenses, Exchange, Postage, etc 121,509.89 Office Furniture and Profit and Loss 2,108.55 Taxes on Real Estate 24,149.46 410,906,181.40 wsb hold this morning, Commissioners Palmer and or a clear majority of tho entire Comroitteo. It is oity of Brooklyn has. and then they turn round and aay we want steam dummies, we want to gutter tho stroot.

Kven iu reading the other day of the King of Franco, ho, when the carriages rolled by his piazza, got qnit of tho stink aud etench. Even tho King of France was not King enough, but tfcat ho required to ask his constituents. All that we are opposed to is quick transit on Atiantio avenue. A IjETEB WAB BEAD FBOM MB. T.

K. HOBTON to Mr. Watts, favorable to the scheme, upon whioh Mr. Shepherd said that he hoped that Mr. T.

K. Horton wou'd not havo a terminus at his door. All the proprietors 08k is to be let alone. A proprietor thon Bald that Mr. Dominiok Roche, of the Sixth and Twelfth wards, might bo counted upon to oppose he steam movement.

Mr. Burnham proposed that they should gel up a petition to oppose steam in the Logislaturo. Shepord Bald that when he used tho word damnably, it might appear to Do pretty hard, and related the story of a boy who asked his niothor if it was right to say damn undor any circumstances, and was told it was right to Bay mill dam, until she was eo annoyed that at length eho said that if ho did not walk off she would knock off hia 1 head. Laughter. "I believe Mr.

Beecber uses the word in tho pulpit." Mr. Burnham said that he had been on Atlantic avenue for tweuty niue yoars, and now the beBt and only straight avenuo was to be doomed in this way. Tb By knew vory well that they could Btop this thing In the Courts, but thoy tho3ht it better to nip it in the bud at tho Legislature. Thay had no interest in other streets; they now talk about tho dummy; tbo dummy might bo seen from Greenwood to Coney Island. The time waB when there was no publio conveyance in Atiantio stroot and why? al approval that it was pressed to an and Mr, ferred to that committeo certain suggestions made by Whiting presont.

strange bow this moasnro has been opposed. The first Field was elected by tbo votes of twonty threo out of Northwestern 93Vi Rock Island 113H Fort Wayne 94 Milwaukee and Bt. Panl 63 li Milwaukee and St. Paul preferred 79l Ohio and Mississippi 48)6 New Jersey Central 1H 4 A number of resolutions were passed directing cer Mr. Barnos to put the uoaru or Directors unaer similar matrfetions to those which have been imnoBed upon vear Mr.

Jacobs was alono the Committoo aa its twenty nine members present. supplied with aoap and brushes, in order to give the armory a thorough cleaning. He moved that tho Committeo on Military Affairs be authorized to purchaeo a barrel of soft soap and a dozen scrubbing brushes, for tain advertisements to bo inserted In tho corporation friend, and only ninoteen members of the House dared Mr. Field filled the posftiou of Principol of one of tho Brooklyn Common Council, so far as tho making of contracts is concerned and tho expondituro of monoy. Q.

Of whom does that Committeo consist? A. Of Hnnnlhffl anr! St. voto for tho measure. The next year twenty seven our public schools many years ago. Leaving that em.

356,074,481.31 Hannibal St. Joseph preferred, newspapers, and repairs to bo made to publio buildings and property, according to diroctlon of the Common Council. Net Assets, Docomber 31, 1ST: UBe iu the armory. Tlip motion waH adouted. 47X iiii TiV, 93J4 ploymcnt for another business, ho was shortly after Bupported it, and so on, until tUirty niuo rallied in its favor.

Now the prospect for its passage is bright, and Messrs. Domes, Marshall, btranauan, mcuuo ana my naif. 78 Union rue income Union Vac Land Grant Western Union The Chairman Tho next bUBiness in order now is appointed a member of tho Board of Education, a po I suppose that these private stockholders who are A petitien waa received from Owen McGill and seven others, for a sowor on Hamilton avenuo, from Smith SUMMARY OF INVESTMENTS. that which we left unfinished at the proviouo meeting, nsmely, THE ELECTION OF A OHAIBMAN iho debate which must soon coma off will, no doubt, bo tho best of tho session. FOLICE BALAMES.

sition which he now holds and wnicn no nas uueu ior very many yearB, rendering valued and gratuitous aid jracino Aiau AdaruB Express Wells. Fargt) Oo. deficient in tneir payments were notiueu 1110 uuiuc uh tboso who responded to tho call? A. I havo no doubt thnv were. to Court It was referred to tho Engineer.

Cash In Banks and Trust Compa in it to the cause of education. Mr. iieia has long A final payment of $1,590.03 was ordered to bo mado 6.1 'i 78'i 101 Tbc bill increasing the salaries of your police has American Merchants1 Union t9 United State! Express n. "7 Oentral Faolflo bondo, Union Pacific S6i been recognized as ouo of the leading members of the found Iho othor two quareoliug on the sidewalk John gave his wife a black eye and bit her finger in about eight minutes my wifo came running in and told me nies at Interest to Wm. L.

Holmes for work on sower district No. 29. Q. But they did not respond. What was tho reason for that A.

Some for instance, Mr. Barnes, says ho orantn to soo a little imnrovemont in the management Sup. Eydor I move to postpone tho matter until tho next mooting of tha Board. Sun. Harman I Beo no reason for postponing this passed the Assombly, and it is expected in about two Board, taking always an activo part in its delibera weeks from now it will be in the bands of the uovernor.

tions, and giving a great deal of hia time to his duties of affairs before ho will pay any more and Mr. Mc to come in, mat uenry was oiecaing 1 weut ana found my brothor sitting In a ohair, with his head on his T.enn is willine to lot what ho has naid go as a Bubsorlp It fixes tho annual salaries as follows election. The gentlemen who aro absent to day, Hups. Foley and Richards, have paired off with Sups. Fowler as a local trustee.

Ho has served for years aB Chair Bonds and Mortgages United St.ites Stocks 4,203,103.75 New York State, Town and City riaht arm and a half pail of blood on tho floor I ran Del. a west wys 0.0.1LO 4C3i M. 4 Sergeants, $1,500 Roundsmen, $1,300 Patrolmen, and i'Tosc, to tnat tnero win 00 no aavsmuge taxen 01 thoir absence. tion. Ho don't want to pay any more.

And thoso New York gentlemen havo not responded at all since tbevr misf ortuneB havo commenced, o. Have anv Droceedinas been taken to compolthem $1,200 Doormen, $900. man of tho important Committeo on Text Books and on the Teachers' Committee, aud as Chairman of the Public School in the District he represents. No man out ana nonoweu watou, anu 1 saw reu. werner running off up Cook street when I left that room I left iu yt Fred.

Weiher, my brother, my wife and tho two ohildren the room was ou the first floor, and Stocks Sup. Bheyjeiw I see thatlthe Supervisor from the mninh I 1 Tho salaries fixed upon are tho aauieaa received by TOO LATE FOR C'LASSIft'ICATIOIV, Qteam wae tuere. air. uutuuam muuiju. muj band together and oppose it, a delegation should go Albany, and although he could not go himself, ho nnii do an thev did in the war.

he would send 0 8Vlb Real Estate 1,314,507.57 tbo members of the Police of Now York City, except tnvAAi tiuruuuiBuuueuub. hnn. Rteers I'll oair off with him then in Brooklyn is more thoroughly acquainted with our was tne xront room: 1 retnenea to tne room to soe now iug roundsmen, who get one hundred dollars more in brother was, but was not ablo to get in on account of 81m. Harman moved to lay tho motion to postpone public school system, and no man more prolific in sug Balances due from Agents 21,100.53 LOST A MOSS AGATE SLEEVE BUT TON, either in tho street or in a Court st, Myrtle ar, or Cross Town car. Any one fiudlDff tbo above and returning to 80 Willonghby St.

will be rewarded and reoelve on the taDie. toBt. gestions for, its improvement ana perfection, air, The contractors for building tho storage reservoir were paid $15,784 on account of work done last month. The bill of Chas. H.

Haswell for surveys of Bnshwiok Creek, amounting to $500, was certified to as correct. The Secretary was directed to collect of tho South. Side Bailroad a bill of $203.63, heretoforo rendered, Icsb thojimount of oharged for iron manholos, substituted for atono, in tho improvement of First street at the foot of South Eighth street. THE GAS OONTBAOT. It appears that tho oontract made by tho oity officers with the soverolgaB 'companies to furnish gas during tho year is null and void, for threo reasons first, it was mado on the 31s of December, under authority of ft resolution adopted by the Aldermen on tho 23d of that month and which had not become of ft the crowd; 1 then went alter a aootor; the doctor lived in Graham avenue, a bloek from Coon street; I saw him and told him the matter: he did not eo: ho said he $58,074,484.31 Thn motion to noatnone waa nut and oarriea, tne ifiaujtB 01 in.

owner, wnovaiuui 11 aa a aeBi)tMxo. Ann moved that tho Law Committee, in Field is a man of conspicuous liberality of viaws, and of very great culture Ho possesses, In ono of the to pay A. No, sir none whatever. I suppose that is to be ATTRIBUTED TO GENEROSITY among some of tho leading members of the Dlroctors, who don't believe in hittiug a man when ho is down. Q.

You aro awaro that the Bridgo Company has recently bought the Bite of Jamas strcot Market for an anchorage? A. Yes, sir. And they claim to have paid far it more than it is worth. Q. Huw much was that thoy paid, for it Twonty waB sick and had the rheumatism; I than went Jafter ADD: Interest Accrued $753,679.24 conjunction with the County Troasurer, be directed tn matin an Investigation into the condition of tbo lareest and most valuable private libraries in Brook Dr.

Bappoia in msning avenue; no saia ne am not bonds anu mortgages held by tho county on tho lands. lyn, tbo means of culture. member of the Histori want to go, us no mignt nave 10 go to uourt; 1 tuon went back and with a policeman went aftor a doctor: I Premiums Deferred, Semi annual and Quarterly sold by the county, na iormeny auuviu 1,033,168.44 cal Society, of the Art Association, find of most of our waa none the first timo about of an hour; when I got THE PENITENTIARY CiROTJtfDS, back my brothor was Iving down ou a mattrass ueav esthetic local institutions, and On wow Premiums in course of Transmission 113,811.43 tho door; niB coat anu jacket was on, ana ne naa a and make a roport to the Board at the next meeting'. nvo inousstim qouars, Q. were OornmlsslonerB appointed for that, were thetc not A.

Yes, sir. TjABGE CUT ACROSS THE ABM. Adopted. I find amonu the bills a bill of $450 MHHutTonu time 1 went alter a doctor wnn a uuj Market Value of Stocks in excess Of COBt Q. What WerO VUvir, uuuieu a.

una was axr. jrreu H. Prentice, the Treasurer of the Bridge I.SSti.OO 2,175,575.11 man I was eono about ten minutos. When I returned Manhattan. POLICE JUSTICES AND CIVIL JUSTICES.

The bill turning your present Justices of the Peace, (who were elected by the people) out of offlco, and providing for the cloction of threo others with powers of civil jurisdiction only, and al60 for the ap poinlment of two Police Justices, will bo argued before the Committee on Judiciary on Thursday afternoon next. There aro already a score or two of applicants for the position of Police Justice. Last week John T. Venus, of the Eastern District of your city, visited Albany as an applicant, it is reported, for tha appointment of Police Judge. It is said, however, that THIS BILL IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

Tho Constitution of tho State. Articlo 0, Section 18, states: Justices of the Peace and District Court Justices shall be elected in the tliu'erenl cities of the State, iu Buch manner, and with such powers, and for such terms, respectively, us shall be prescribed bylaw; all iher judicial fficorfi in cities, whose election or ap for water furnished to the Penitontiary during the past yoar. Now, there wore Bix monthB in the year that we had no water at all from the city at the Peni hn waa dead. U'reuericK weiuer was tue son 01 jonn DEPABTMENT OF CITY WORKS Proposals lor enpplloa for tho variout bridges In tha oity. Sealed proposals will bo received by tba Ooramoa Council, at iho Mayor's office, until MONDAY, abtu ary 17, 1878, at I o'clook P.

for Bupplies tor the various bridges in the city for the yoar 187'd, In accordance with specifications on file In the Stree Department of the Board of City Works. 4l. it Blanks for estimating furnished at tho Offico of tho Strcot Department, and nono othor will bo considered. Proposalawill not be considered unless accompanied witn. a consent In writing of two sureties of $350 oach, ou oach proposal (who BhallquaUfy as to their responsibility), that If the contract be awarded to the parts proposing thoy will become bound as his surety for Its faithful performance; and In case ho shall neglect or refuso to execute the contract.

If so awarded, then that thoy will pay to the Oity of Brooklyn tho dlfferenco between tho price so propoaad' and tbo price of the next highest bidder, to whom tho contract may be awarded. Proposals to be indorsed "To tho Common Council," (specifying work.) By order of the Common CounclL Brooklyn. h'ebniaT, 6M873. "WM. A.

FOWLER. B. M. WHITING, Commissioners of Olty Works. Attest D.

L. Nomhdp, Socretary. eMOt Company ho may hare been appointed on the part of tho Bridgo Company. Then Mr. Isaac Badeau waB one.

I think thoro were four of them. Weiber by a former wife not my sister. My sister lived with him about a year. (Razor shown to tho tentiary, and I move, therelore, tnat tno uouimuiea ou Penitentiary be directed to make au investigation into the feasibility and probable cost of sinking a well at tho Penitentiary which will supply that institution Q. Well, has the Bridge company taKen possession of the Market A.

I believe tho havo. I got the witness.) This razor was orougnt to mo tnat aay oy a indvr mil it on tho mantelpiece under the clock. forco at tho time second, it was mado before tho money for the purpose had been raisod and appropriated, and in directing it to be mado the Aldermen rendered themselves liable to be prosecuted for a mis domeanor; third, ono of the parties to the coutraot, Street Commissioner Furey, had no power to make a contract for this year. Vihy tho Aldermen were In such a hurry to havo tho contract entered into does not appear. The contract for last year waa not made by the same Board until sevoral months had enpired.

timato social relations with our best citizens, tho appointment of no man to thiB place would bo likely to give more general satisfaction. Mr. Field is himself an author, and his knowledge of tho early American historic records is recognized and appreciated throughout the commonwealth of letters. Mr. Field's election to the office was totally unsolicited and unexpected to himself.

His salary was fixed at $5,000 per annum. While he holds its aoceptance iu abeyance he can hardly refuse a position which is so much in the line of his habits and his tastes, and in which he can bo so conspicuously useful. Mr. Field has filled the position of Assessor of the City of Brooklyn for some years paBt, but hi3 reappointment waB not confirmed this yoar, and hence he check of the Company. That was the mantelpiece Fred.

Waber was leaning with water. Aaoptea. Sup. Naughton moved that the County Troasurer he iiri.iAi in the now clork aunointod iu the Surro against; I saw it next aoout nve o'Ciock tne next morning, on tbe mantelpiece whon I looked at the clock. When I laid it thore thBre woro no stalnB on it.

Tho gate's office his salary every month as it becomcB duo. next morning Gross Assets, December 31. 1S72 $53,550,059.42 Increase Iu Net Assets for tho year 6,809,913.14 I have carefully examined the foregoing statement, and find the samo correct. ISAAC V. LLOYD, Auditor.

THE ASSETS ARE THUS APPROPRIATflD. Gross Assots Decembor 31, 1873 558,550,059.12 IAUILITIES. Btitute. He thought that good horses and gqoi cars Were all that was required. The Chairman Baid that THIS OBAPEB AT STOTON STBEET are of such a character that the steam Is not practicable tbr rs.

He wished, it to bt hnderBtooa that property owners did not want it upon this street. If horses did not succeed ho did not see how we could be benefited by the new motive power. Mr. Shepard Baid that according to Alderman Richardson's plan the line would be of no UBe. unless three or four cars were run at ono timo at tho rate of twelve miles an hour; if they ran at that rate everything would require to get out of tho road.

Before When steam waB used the old nags at the ferry used to prick up their oars and run off. Atiantio avonue had been paved with Nicholson pavement for tho purpose of making ono grand avenuo to tho Park. The Chairman thon read bouio quotations from a pamphlet to the Common Council in 1851, and observed that the new motor power waB, ho believed, a simple pretest to bring iu steam. They may tako it for granted that if this fails, they would allow somo ether power to be brought in, and that will bo steam. One of the reasons for the reduction in value of property was the cloud which was perpetually hanging over them.

Thoso who favor steam never havo asked directly for what they wanted, and property holders must moet theso repeated attempts upon the part of interested parties by resistance on their part. A protective association Ehould De formed to meet and throttlo theso Bcbemes at the threshold. He hoped that as largo a gathering as possible might meet on Thursday. Mr. Kichard Baker said that tho promoters of steam had gone insidiously to work with tho widening of AdamB street, and intended to take tho lino through Boerum place.

Aldeiman Richardson had had somo oonnection with tho Second avenue line in New York, and steam thoro worked all the traffic off. Whon tho dummy went upon Bleecker street, all tho Brooklyn and New York papers wrote it up but it only made one trip. Now thoy were at Coney Island, and lot him go on with his experiments elsewhere. There was a million and a half of property to destroy. But it will not do to push them too far.

In the quarantine business the people roEe in their majesty and might, and whon the dummy aud the locomotive come upon the uiroxt flm nronln will rise in their majesty, and might IT WAS COVERED WITH STAINS Q. Do yon know wnat compensation mose gentlemen received as Commissioners A. I think five hundred dollars each. Q. Four of thorn two thousand dollars that is eight per cent.

Do you know of your own knowledge that that is tho amount they received? A. I am pretty certain it is so. By Aid. Kodman Q. Perhaps there were threo instoad of four CommiBsionors A.

I am not certain and as to their charges, the Court fixes them, I believe. I honed it the day it was bought there was no case The Auditor discovered the illegality of the contract when the cas companies presented thoir bills this Adopted. Sup. Fletcher movod that Supervisors Johnson and Ityder be appointed on the Committee on Court House improvement. Adopted.

Sup. Stllwell movod that all rules passed provious to January 3, in relation to the order of business in tho pointment is not otherwise provided tor in tins article, CAKFE'irirYGS, about it, out was snut wnen put it on tuo mantelpiece it was partly open the next morning when I discover Ait it crave it the same day to a nolioeman. Fball be chosen by tho electors of cities, or appointed hy some authorities thereof. morning. They wore not paid, and will not be until another contract has been mado.

Tho prico oharged by the gas companies is tho same as last year, $2.60 nrnRR examlned bv Afr. Johnstone I am a scissors Board do ana tne same are uereuy reaumucu, xiua. holds over aB the nominee of tho appointing power. This, we believe, is the only public position Mr. Field has held to which any emolument was attached.

grinder my brother had no coat on when he waa cut; he had on two shlrtB aud a Winter jacket I did not 1 THE CABPET CONTRACT AGAIN. Rr, Ttvflpr mnvnrt that the Board certify to the pay Reserve for all PolicieB and Ad Some years ago ho was tendered the nomination for Eee the razor In tno nauaB ot any ooay attor 1 get It until I found the blood on it; I did not wipo it; ditions iu forco (American Table 4 percent, $53,331,712.70 LAOK CURTAINS, J. G. LATIMER, J01 A 203 ATLANTIC AV. NBAR OOURT ST.

thldavrBcelvBdasDlendldasaortmentof MOQUKT By Aid. Hopes Q. can you give us any iniormotion which in your judgment will prove of assistance to us in pursuing this investigation? A. No sir. I thinkr youwill find all in the reports all that I can give you.

I have just heard that it wbb property adjacent to James street Market that was taken by the Commissioners, and it waa for that that Mr. Prentice received tho amount of five hundred dollars. There per 1,000 foot. THE REPUBLICANS. JtFcctius: of the General Committee ment of the bill of R.

B. Haigbt for carpets furnished to the County Court room Icon Iho price of twelvo yardB of carpet (Tho bill was for Jl, 133.50, and $1,000 of the amount has already been paid). I do not Know mat my uruiuur ever aLtuuiinuu to ino hia own life: I nevor heard that he attempted to hanc Reeervo ior Annuities and de Mayor by tho Bepublican party, but ho saw fit to decline to be a candidate. With Judicious support, aud under Mr. Field's direction, the public school system of Brooklyn can bo made to rival that of any city iu ductions of Promiums himself in New York; Frod Weiher camo ten minutes Claims by Death not yet CARPETS, all of the newest and latest designs, both American and French.

Sup Naughton ipuppoaea tue payment ui iuib uui 11 alone on the ground that tho specifications woro Reports on Contested Seats The Bjr the land. 154.0tj2.65 66i.475.20 M.OOO.OU 59,618.33 17,562.30 $53,109,361. after John Weiher; jonn weiner camo aoout a nan hour after my sister; wo had bad somo beer there; I cannot toll whether Frederick Weihor was drunk or sober; I did not see that tho woman who camo with Post mortem Dividends Prcminms paid in advance was an agreement with tue cltp, it appears, witnout the interference of Commissioners, o. Yon bsv that Mr. Prentice, as a representative of not complied with.

There worn specifications written for tweuty fivo yards of oarpet more than the room Litwi. Also on hand, a flno assortment ot VBUVbl uuux BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY, 3 PLY and INGRAIN. Also, a verr largo assortment oi English and American Surplus accrued on Toutino Poli THE TAYiNE MEMORIAL. the Company, received live hundred dollars 1 A. That cies Tho Republican General Committee of KingB County met laBt ovening at Commonwsalth Hall.

him wae drunk; my sister was uot soDer; waa per fccllv BOber; I had had four or five glasses of beer; iuitn'nm the time John came in and the timo Frederick OILCLOTHS, of all widthB, patterns and prices. It. iB highly probable that until the 'past few would take. Why it was auuu 1 uou i evident that it was done to boncllt somebody. I don't blamotho contractor, for I suppose ho did his duty, but I am opposed to making Bpoancations, askiug people to estimate on them, and then afterwards when the contract is made to havo tho work done differently A specialty Is mado of Lace and riottingnatn VjUtv is my impression.

I may oo muaaeu. we nau it roitu yesterday. Q. Neither tho Directors nor the Exoctivo Committoo of the Bridgo Company Mr. SilaB B.

Dutcher, tbo President, called tno meet came in John said, "I heard yoii wero hero from New mouths, the great majority of Brooklyn people knew TAINS, Lambrequins, Furniture Uorerlngs OI erory ue inu to order at eight o'clook, and reminded geutlemeu of that good old regulation, "the Bixteonth, which pro BEOEIYE ANY SALARY York, aud therefore 1 came;" aenry saia notuing; Henry bad no trouble with any ono; I did not sec Frederick havo hold of John Woiher in the room; John and my sister hod hard words in tho room. scrlptlon, shades, etc. N. B. Also best of Furniture Storase.

mhlS lyMWiS f4nl either by tbo committee or tne cuutracior, little or nothing of John Howard Payne's work and genius. The Faust Club, however, brought them into general notice, just as the ClubB revivify annu Kim. Fletcher Mr. Haight furnished a handsome hibits smoklDg." A. No sir.

Only the Troasurer and tho Secretary again, and they will send them to the dovil and Alder canopy for the Judge's Beat in iho County Court to make up for the difference in the number of yards of receive a Balary. Bv Aid. Hodman O. In your opinion aB a Direotor, ity the memory of the Scottish poot, and a French INDIA KUBBEK WIODS, Cigars were instantly extinguished. BESIGNATION.

Tho nnioiiatinn nf Charloa Small. Thirteenth Ward, After Borne discusBlon it was moved and seconded timt a nommittne of Five be annotated to wait upon the I DID NOT PUT MY FOOT AOAINS3 THE DOOR In nrnvent anv one from going out; I did not strike rganization disentombed the memory of Baudiu. Tlie motion 10 pay tuo ub uuuu. ltailroad Committee at Albany, on Thursday, to op was it prudont, or proper, under the circumstances, to coufido to the Executive Committee the entire work of constructing the bridgo, as was done A. Well, there he proposition was mado, to orect a memorial of John Weiher on the Bidowalk; I had aBhovelinmy Surplus orcr Liabilities DurinR the rear 1872 an eitra Dividend has been computed, adjustinc the Division of 1870, and brineine the Dividend accounts forward to the anniversaries of tho issue of the Policies.

ThowboloBum so divided ($2,201, 627.51) has now boon credited in tbo usual form of reversionary Insurance. Tho following is the DISPOSITION OF SURPLUS. Total surplus as abovo 85.4(0,693.21 Extra Dividend of 1872 3,204,637.31 was accepted, aud James A. Brown was choaou to fill 'ayne in Prospect Pork, and to make it something pose the steam transit. Accordingly aiesBrs.

onow, rtoitpr. T.atimer. Bentlev and Phillioa wore appointed. JAIL ASHES. rrnrmfin mnvei? that tho contract entered into ms place.

GOODYEAR'S INDIA RUBBKR GLOVE MAN'G'CO. Broadway and Fulton st, N. Y. Headquarters for RUBBER GOODS OF EVERY DF.SCRIPTION. Including OVERSHOES, ARCTICS, BOOTS, better, from an artistic point of view, than some of The following resolutions were then proposed and ec CONTESTED BEATS.

was no impropriety in it sooms to mo, oecause tuejr could recall that power at any time. It was simply to do away with the neceflaity of passing a similar resolution at evorv meeting of the Board instructing tho the doubtful works of art which now embellish or iiMnierJ. That a Committee of Five be nominated to Your local Republican politicians who have drawn this bill, and who are pressing its passage for party purposes, say that the Justices provided for are not Justices of the Peace, that they are "other judicial officers," who, according to the Constitution, can either be elected or appointed. This is a nico distinction, and is a question for (he decision of the Judges of the Cjurt of Appeals. COUItT MESSENGERS AND ATTENDANTS.

Mr. Prince, Chairman of the Committee on Local and Special Law, says that he and his colleagues bavo considered the bill authorizing your Sheriff to appoint Court meeseugers und and that they have com laded to report iu favor of tho bill, without amendment. Therefore, the pretout Court messengers and attendants are notified to be prepared to "get out," asit is expected that this bill will be a lawln a fen weeks. OFFAL ON THE SHOBE. Mr.

Van Colt presented the following Au Act to amend au act, entitled, "An act to prevent tbo depoBit i carrion, offal or doad animals in tbo North and East rivers, or iu the Bay of New Yorll or JUt. tan Bay, within tbo jurisdiction of tbo Stato of New York. Passed April 20, 1871." Tho fourth sectijn is amended so as to read as folio as "Immediately after the passage of this act, and within two months pie eding tue first day of May in each second year hereafter, the Governor, by and with tho consent of (he Senate, 6hall appoint one respectiblo citizen of said County of Kings, who shall bo known and designated as the "Shore Inspector" of the Counties of Ntw York, Kings, Westchester and Richmond, and who, during tho term of his office, shall reside within one half mile of the shore, at that part of the Bay kuowu as the Narrows, as the same is designated iu tbc tectnd section of this act, and bo shall within ten days niter his said appointment take tho constituted oath of office and fllo tho same with the SecreUry of Slate. The terra of office of the Inspector first appointed undor this act ahull lie for two years." FUItTDEB IXTENMON OF BUSnWICK AVENUE. Mr.

Jacobs hB presente a bill in relation to laying disfiguro public places. To aid in this design, it was Only threo out of tbe Bix contesting delegations were reported upon by Mr. Samuel E. Beloher, Chairman of tho Special Committee, the Second, Fourth and Committee to go on for another month. with James Hoffron, for removing ashes at tho jail, bo cancelled.

Ho said his reason for making this motion was that Mr. Heffron had entirely failed to fulfil his contract, and, as the ashes had to be removed, it was necessary that somo one should bo procured tore move them. of every sizo and style. greed to give two performances, dramatic and mu take tne necessary preliminary measurer, iwu. Property Holders Protective Association for Atiantio avenue.

Tat natrt fiommUtnft ha reaueatod to meet By Aid. uopes y. xou tmua tnat tue nature oi me enterpribe rendered that a reasonable arrangement HnUUAlD, and all kinds of Clothing. HORSE COVERS, etc, oto. ifiltconth warns.

THE SECOND WABD myl5 ly A. I don't think more as early as possible, that as soon aB they BhaU havo Tim Primarv in tha Second Ward waB to have boon sical, at tno Academy oi aiuBic in iuib city, ana mese, performances occurred yesterday, afternoon and evening. Tho excellence of the object proposed brought out a general response from tho public of Brooklyn, which was increased when it became known that the UNREASONABLE WAB ANYTHING The motion was auoptea. Sup. Harman then moved that the Jail Committee bo advf rtiso for urouosals for removing the FINANCIAL.

prepared a programme 01 organization, tuey uo it tn n)i montinff through the nubile nauerB, held between 1:30 and 9 o'clock P. but a row taking ulace the polls were closed about 8:30, and the ticket ,1 Tl li a)ttfharl TnT1 Undivided Surplus, for Dividend of 1S73 ashes and garbage from the jail, for tho yoar 18T3. 83,2.070.73 hand, but I did not sinae mm witn 11; 1 uia nut threaten to kill Frederick, and did not follow him up Cook Btreet; I did not see Frederick Weihor on tho sidowalk while John and my sister were fighting; when I went bock into tho room I did not see Fred there; when I came out, aftor my brother was cut, I saw Fred start and run up Cook Blreet; I called after bim to have him arrested, but he ran too fast; I did not run after him; Johu Weiher was the godfather of my youngest child; I had not asked him to como and see the child. Caroline Sielglor, the wife of the last witness, testified that when her husband went out he left her, Henry Siogler and Fred. Weiher (n the room aftor he went 'out she went into tho othor room, where her children wero they wero crying, and sho heard nothing in tho front room; sho was in the back room about five, minutes she returned, and Fred.

waB no longer there; Heury walked toward a chair with his arm hanging down and very pale ho said, "OH CAROLINE, I'M STABBED." Tho teetimody was uot concluded whon the Eagle reporter left tho court room. and that the property holders here present pledge frt.c.4.. innnATlanri InftllMlCe. about it. That is generally done in enterprises on a large scale in railroads.

It is a publio enterprise. We believe that tho meetings should be open to tho public, and we believe that could only bo done in this way, aB the meetings of the Executive Committeo could programme of both performances was various and Adopted. o.m nmnn frnm the Commirtoe on Jail, to whom ueaoeu DJ aruiur jruu.u wa that is a majority of tho Inspectors, refused to sign DiQ'a ili.n.ti!lH. and said there was no election. DaeBBrS.

enow, uox, Jjuruuam, DueiJiiiaw, uinuo From this sum a Dividend will bo apportioned to each Policy which shall be In forco at its anniversary In 1873. was referred tho requisition of Sheriff Williams, ask UaKer were appoinieu a suu cuiuihiiaco, whu yu.fv,.. As usual in this city, the matinee did not fare bo wen ing for a number of articles, suoh as add to their numDer. kftav fliirrhf nanaiMr at arms betweon Mr. Cruick 6300,000,000 UNITED STATES FIVE PERCENT.

FUNDED LOAN. Piinclpal redeemable at par after 1st May, 1881. in U. S. Hold coin of tho presunt standard; interest payabUi ou.rterly in U.

S. cold coin, ond both principal and lntorcsoitemptfrom taxation, irbutber under Jodoral, State, Municipal or Local authoriiy. in point of attendance as the evening performance. nol ce very weu open jueeuug. Q.

You think that tho necessity of publicity in the proceedings required that the Board should meet in calicos, tin cups, on ior ubh in oa.i, inputvcvi Mu. the Committee had made a thorough examin Bhankand Mr. Froet, Treasurer of the Railway Co. but although tho Iioubo was not full, tho audience waa Poole attended tho previous meeting of tho Gouoral Committeo with credentials signed only by Jeremiah Ciistello, but under the by laws of the Committoo the delegation headed by Jeromiah Fuld for President, whose credential woro signed by two Inspectors, were admitted to seats. ni.

hpr rpnomraendod that the Fuld ticket be ation of the matter, ana lounu tuai an tin. nrtliMirtifiil. evidently drawn from the best circles of Brooklyn so mo ububi way ano receive repurm iruiu mo uiwunYu Committee A. Yes, sir. tVl.o Inl nnlnu rnmnnfl TMlP.n Was laiU Ull IUU tauio POLICY AND RISK ACCOUNT.

Number. tho articles asked for wore noeaoa. ia tho mailer of giving articles of clothing, such as To the HonoralU the Legislaturt 0 the State of Sew ciety. Tbo performanco commenced with Payno'a drama, "Claii, the Maid of Milan," a composition Q. Or else that, the meetings or tno Biecutivo uom should bn Dublic A.

Yes. Boxie of them: York: i Kfl tmAT eiffnerl owners of nrooertv on Atlantic of the Committee of Legislation, recommend that in Policies in force January 1. 137 Issued and restored during tbc 12,151 which embodies almost all the excellent features known Ab authorized by Acts of ConKress, approvod July 1970, and January 20, 1871. Amount. 8,142 admitted to scats, and that a new onrolliuont of the Ward bo mado, the roll book of the Association having beeu destroyed at tho primary.

Tho rrport having beeu adopted tho delegates, Isaac avenue, in tho City of Brooklyn, do respectfully re to the dramatic atage. It was in this play that "Home, RbooB, calico poor umiuii. toe presumed that tho practice would bo continued aud th'v reccommouded that considerable care should bo taken in tho distribution, and that tho articles should bo given to thom on entering tho Institution instoad of when leaving, so that thoy could nut bartor them for in. The Committoo offered a resolution to refer tho inonsiravu againui me (juoroo u. future the meetings ot tno uoara suouia 00 puouc.

One rosson for doing as they havo is certainly this they never could got a quorum of the Board of Directors, and some steps were necessary to secure a Sweet Home," was originally Bung the simple, af THE PROCEEDS OF THRSF. BONDS ARK TO BF. APPLIED TO THE REDEMPTION AND CANCELLATION OF UNITED Sr.VCKS Act' to autnonze tno use 01 muuvo thn nt rtmnbivii Vnnr nctitioners would re fecting, graud old melody, whose words were written A ROCK IN JORALESION STREET. To the Editor or the Brooklyn Eagle: S. Brown ana vviiiiam ji.

nuwe, weiu aummcu, FOURTH WARD. ratM rxjout. that, havinff under the oct of DDI OI fnn lha nlir. by Payne. From bis connection with this beautiful composition alone, Payne's name is certain of immor eo.Oii S.SOO.SOo 3,351 64,650 FIVK TlVti rr riVPiva, Mriiu V1DED IN SAID ACTS.

New York. February 1, 1373. Twarnlnn this contest. Mr. Bolchor reported that mailer to too uiiii uumxuiiiDo en r.nt nreflmited the reauisltion from tho vigorous prosecution 01 tne wora.

ire nave never uuu at one meeting for mouths more than ono representative from the City of New York, that is, of the officials, and at most of the meetings, we havo nono even April I 1UW, paiU IUQ blUU Kit iui iu noo rf Amiwlnn from this avenue, The Brooklyn police are very strict about rnYYinvinir Rome nliRtacles on sidewalks, such as orna tality, although Bishop's music did much to engraft Total Deduct: Cancelled 1.161 Forfeited Dead 710 Matured 19 In force December 31, 1S72 Increase during tho Sheriff at tho last mooting, and tho gentleman from the Twontioth raised tho point as to whether thoy had tnat we oenevo hub hi uu on tj. lice Ihn vrnrria nf "it OanUOt DO tbo Bitting delegates wero elected by a majority of the legal votes polled at tho election. Tho committeo also found that names had been illegally stricken from ,1.0 mil imnli nf tlm ward association, olthough not in The Seoretary of the Treasury having concluded with Moacm OouVo representing N. VI. 21,60,525 i unou the popular heart.

To the words ana changed so as to confer a new and additionol right in Rothschild A Sons. Jay Cooke, TWcCnlloc 4 them and continuing Uusbwich avenue, in tho town of music togetner nouo nui a bioic, auu mental barber poles, kc. It is nil vory well that theee things should bo put out of tho way if tho city ordinances roquiro it. But there is on Joralemon street, just above the Court House, lying for nearly a mnrnnd ever since the old shanties around tho Court now. Q.

Since you were placed in ofilco as a Director of the Company by virtue of your city office, havo there not been at tho meetings some of tho New York nirpetors. Tweed. Sweenev and others 7 A. Thoy are sufficient numbers to affect the validity of the last stole of tho most abandoned sort, could take objec 11.277.250 selves; ami with Messrs. Morton, miss ana troiei.

Morgan A representing Messrs. Barinfr Bros. J. Smn li Morton. Rase 4 and tbomsolves, 76.145 4,282 tne puouc at tne wai uuiniaiu.o consent of the parties affected by tho change.

at Ooneral Term, decided that the act Sew Lots. Section one provides that the Commissioners hereto. tion. In the performance of Clari" yesterday, Mr Gilbert appeared as Rolamo, Mr. Holland as stockholders, not Directors.

Tho Mayor, Controller, of the Legislature In this caBO and tho terms upon fore appointed under and pursuant to Chap. 83T, Laws electiou. They recommeuaoa tne appointmgni. ui a committee to revise tho roll and enroll tho Republicans of the ward, the committoo to consist of five persons, one to be appointed by Mr. Dutohcr, and two oach by tho factions of tbe ward.

Tho sitting delegates admitted are Luko C. Bydor, and President of the Hoard or Aioormen are tne mem Vivaldi, Miss Glover as Clari, and Mme. Ponisi as fi of 1808, and Chap. 023, Laws of 1850, having duly which tne assessment was iaju waa a uuu.iuuw In the case of Litohfleld against Vernon Judge Gro bers of tho Board of rontract for tho negotiation i of the rumalninK lira nor oont, bonds of tho funded loan of tho Unltod atos; too undersigned aro prepared to recolve applications at par and accrued Interest for any part of UNITED STATES o'sOFlSSl, the Acta of Congress abovo mentionod. House were removed, right on tho Bidowalk, an immense rook, which the writer saw many sober looking poople toss their feet against, and when tho walks wore icy fell down, more or less hurt.

It is about time this dangerous rock was removed and the many open ditches around that spot were covered with some dalma. The rest of the cast was proportionately good oualiiicd shall immediately proceed and lay out, open DIEEOTOBS F80M NEW YOBK. and the public who know anything of the play may S. C. Curll, uaviu mcuarason, jouu xmai, uuu vor deciaea tnat tnero was a misslonera were appointed to make the contract, and that the Legislature cannot deprive us of remedies to flrrhto nneanil linnn P.OTltraCtB BS that WOUld Thpv have never been there.

Thon as far aa the Bennett ana iionu ljeo. easily imagine that it was admirably acted. Old playgoers were especially delighted with Mr. Gilbert, and ifinn oi even uuggiug. and continue and grade Bushwich avenue, from its present lermimiss near tho City Line, southwesterly tho Ilrr.okljn and Jamaica turnpike, at ornoarthe liead of I'euutylvauia avenue in said town of New FIFTEENTH WARD.

Applications may bo mado Pyablo otthor ch a goldTor In Fivo twenty bonds of any Issuo ln tho latter case Interest boing adjuBtod to February 1. meetings are concornod, tho bridge seemB to bo run in the Brooklyn interest A. Mr. Hewitt really represents Mr. Andrew H.

Green in tho Board. impair or destroy the obligation of the oontract which ia n.nhiMtori hv tha TTflderal Constitution. We would, any power under tho law to guo tneso articles iu im prist ners. I would like to know by what law ho now proposes to give theso articles to tbo prisoners, as I havo not heard of any decision on the matter since. Ono thing is certain if tho articles aro givon to thoso reople, you can't put a koopor to follow eaoh person and see what they do with these things after thoy havo (heir liberty.

8up, Harman I did not say so. Sup. Coe I am opposed to furnishing tboso articles until I find out where our authority is. Sup. Harman movod to refer the matter to the Law Committee, 80 far as tho supplies of shoes, muslins and calicos were concerned, for examination, and roport as to the powers of the Board in the matter.

Sup. Naughton Whether we havo a legal right to do this thing or not, I think it is a very humane thing to do, and I am in favor of it. It ia a hard thing in weather like this to turn women out in tho atroot without any oboes on their feet and hardly any covoring to their bodies. Sup. Coo All I want In tho matter ia to got at the consiBtoncy of the gentleman frnm the Twontioth.

I always supposed that we had a right to furnish thosa indeed, ovorythiug that gentleman essays is done wor The quiet way in which tho contests havo boon so far airwi wan rainarkablB. One man only was found to Q. What was the amount of the suusortption 01 tue Tho bonds now offered are all that remain of tho SoOO, OCO.CCO five per cants, authorized by Oungross, and It is therelore, reBpectiuuy asa tuas Lots. thily and well. After the play camo an olio of musical selections, including Tho Last Rose of Summer," by raise his voice against the decision arrivod at on tho City 01 uroomyn ior rno Bioca 01 iuo unugo um nanv 1 A.

Three millions of dollars. New York aub The district of assessment is fixed on property, two with the management of tbis negotiation embraces cmi A i nt ivi tft TirrTlrIIV lTlfllirtJ exempted irom me provraiouu oi vio Brooklyn, January 80, 1873. Among thoso present vrero the following Jonn Fifteenth Ward contest; nis namo was sparrow. Mr. Belcher said tho Committee had concluded that Madame Anna Bishop, and a song by.

Mark bmitn, in unrihrfl fnf a million and a half. hundred feet deep, on each side of the street. MONEY MARKET THIS AFTERNOON. Waxl Stbeet, February 53 P. M.

Tho course of the gold market for the past two days has been such aa to utterly confound outside speculators, and Borne of them wish that they had kept away from Wall street. Notwithstanding tho hint often re Whnfc nmniinc has been naid bv Brooklvn? A. the placing of tho entire amount and tb redemption of which that admirable artist discovered tho possession the primary was regular, propciiy conauciea anu. iaii nn thn dcleoation was fairly and hou JUNCTION OF FLATBUSH AVENUE AND NEVIN8 There is now two millions four hundred thousand paid or II rnmiln for of a rich basso. Tho tolograph scene Ci.

Latimer, l. a. nurnnam, nm. O'Brien, J. Q.

Adams, John Phillips, O. It iddy, HiiirheB. Dr. Hart. James Cruickshank, W.

A NOTE. Cancelled Policies aro thoso upon which no premium was ever paid. For a largo proportion of tho Forfeited Policies a'snrrondcr valuo was paid oithor In Cash or in Paid up Insurance. Tho Amount of Dividend Additions to Policies is about S2.1.000.AM ITEMS. The Receipts of the year have beeu appropriated in tho following proportions Held forlhelleservotomeotthe Claims as they will .38.44 per cent, of Receipts.

Keturued to Policy Holder? for Claims by Death and lor fii irtellds cent, of TtocplpU. Consumed In Current Expenses 6.9i per cent, of Receipts. Paid forTaics in tho Different stato3 65 per eent. oi Receipts. Ratio of Eipensesto Receipts in tba MUTUAL LIFE uianrnii hv ft verv larifo nlurolitv.

haviuK receivod over. STREET. lioldorsVf Flvo twontW doo.iaing this last opportunity from Boucicault's Long Strike," concluded within a vory few of as many votes as both the other Q. And what amount nas doou paiu uy now to excuango ior lve per cuuw. weeJana, nm.

uooa, ouuu u.w, muuu wJVwl 1 ,1 T. TUm tho matinee performance. In tho ovening Mr. Watt bis presented a bill to improve and extend York A. Seventy per and the last call 01 ton J.

P. jr reiBS, Juarvui joeunoy xwum jj, Payno'a comedy, "Charles II," commenced the enter per cent, nas neen peated that tho operations of the Joint syudloate, outirely successful, would not havo a tendency to derange the gold market seriously.aome outsiders thought dlferontly and weut short as if they expected a decline OBDEBED TO BE PAID. tainment, with Mr. John Carroll aa tho King, Mr, Tho Coupon Bonds are In denominations o. $1,000, $5,000 and The Rf l'Sm in )iko amounts with Ihn additions of and Interest PA ABLE QUART! RLY.

will commence from 1st of February, tho tirst interest payment being May 1, 1873. the open square or open public place, or Btruetway formed by the Junction or interjection of Fiatbmh avenue aud Nevius Btrtct witn Fulton streetor aveuuo, Viv taking and including therein a small parcel of land O. You Bav that seventy per cent, has been called Thos. Morris as Captain Cop tho humorous success THE WEATHER. Probabilities Washing ton, D.

February 511 A. M. for from tho private Biocanoiuorsi ai me ptesum of the evening and Miss Jenuio Leo, tbc sprightly fa lime it is elplitv ner ceui. The Bonds may, at tbo option ot tne noiuor, on vorite of professed lovers of comedy and burlesque as at the point of intersection of said Flatbuah avenue of about 2 per cent. This course was also pursued by one' or two of the heavy operators and thou others of tho flock followed od, and United States Treasury cnecKS.ior myoruai uier.i on, will be sent from Washington to tho Post Olhoo ad For New England and tho Middle States, light to Q.

What Is the prospect of a further call for money from Brooklyn A. They have a right to call for Maru Copn. A musical olio followed, during which aud NcviuB street. supplies, out tue gentleman raiaeu mo jjuiub tuu had not, and I expected he would have mado an examination of tho matter aud reported at this mooting. Tbo motion to refer to the Law Committoo was put and lost.

Sup. Coe moved to amend by directing the an Committee to draw up specifications and advertise for proposals for furnishing the articles. Sup. Harman opposed the idea of advertising. Thore weru number of small arllclCB on tbo requisition nt.i w.mlfi i doFcribo in a Bnecin fresh northerly and westerly winds, falling temper Mrs.

Jennie Van Zondt Bang Home, Sweet Home," ressol tneaoioerinonj imini, v. nt nOlno nf ollher of twenty per cent. more. ticketB put togutuer. Mr Sparrow, Fifteenth Word, said I do not know that there is anything 1 can say which will iniluouce this Committee, but I do say tho report is ono thai, should not be adopted.

Look at tho investigation. It was proved that the roll book had had names Illegally placed upon it. Ono of tho Supervisors swore that thoro was REPEATING ON BOTH BIDES, and when thoBB who oppose us Bay themselves that there was repealing, I cannot see how they are entitled to seats. He appealed to the common sense of tbo gentlemen present. The proper roll book of tbo Association was not used, and upon that which was used there was a number of illegal names.

Such beiug tho case, how could the contestants bo entitled to Beats iu that Commilteo? Mr. Kolcher read a portion of tha testimony token at tbo investigation. Tho contestants were then ad Suction 1. Tbo following premises shall b3 included in tho open space, square or treetway formed by the hat, in tha nrosnect 01 camuc ior more most beautifully, and tho Brooklyn Sacngcrbund ap ature and generally clear weather; for the South Atiantio States, westerly to northerly winds, cloudy the "hell wether," and in a very snort time tue unis iual bull combination found a short Intorost in the market which exceeded their most sanguino hopes. Tliev cot three hundred thousand dollarB last month, undersigned, and must be acconipauiod by tbo roqnirod deposit.

peared in a fine German chorus. The whoio concluded intersection or junction of I 'latbuEh aveuuo and Nev January, ana 1 aon suppose 11, win ue very nuuu, Pnvmmit will bo mauo as touuwa: ipv norrowea some money. with Payne's farce, "Love in Humblo Lite," which introduced Mr. Lamb, who, of course, in tho character ius street, with Fulton street or avenue in of Iiroukhn, vis: All that crriaiu triangular piece of weather and rain areaa during the day, roiiowou oy clearing weather to night from TennosBOO to Lake Erio and tho uuoor lakes, llRht to fresh southerly and Yesterday afternoon tho market was aueucea uy industriously circulated rumors respecting tho progress O. From whom 7 A.

Tho Brooklyn Trust Com INSURANCK COMPANY OF NEW YORK, for overy year since Ub organize ion: catiou, and ho contended that the articles could bo purchased hettor and cheaper by tho members of tho Spur cont on application 5 per cent ou allotment 40 per cent un May 50 per cent on J1 nrafnrra,) tho donosit. noon application, may bo of Carlitz. brought down the house. pany. I don't know upon what terms, o.

How much did they borrow 7 A. Between sixty rround bounded and described aa fullows Commcnc Uonimluce. of tho subscriptions to tno new loau, anu tuo u. weut foa tho shorts so that the latter The dav's performances, despite the bad weather, ino at the noint ot intersection of tbc northwestorly a cd a hundred thousand dollars, in anticipation of westerly winds, and generally cloar weathor for Missouri and the Northwest, winds veering to south fullv answered tbo expectations of tho clnb under pido of FlatbuBb avenue with the easterly side of Nor Sup. Naughton While I agree witn tue geuueumu from tho Twentieth that many of tho articles mon In ra.ii(iiH,,n lin nnrchassd cheaper at receiving this last money.

made iu currency or any U. S. Bouds. ine their mistake, commenced to cover, ana cou whoso auspices they were given, and Payno'a momorial their oueration to day. westerly and northwesterly with probably continued clear weather and falling temperature; for tho Gulf Interest at 5 por cent, (gold! per annum will oe aausu Srom Fcbruray 1, to tho date of tho soveral payments.

now recent was THIS LAST PAYMENT ius street, and rimning theuoc along said norihwost lirlv Bido of Flatbush avenue, thirty feet; thenco run private Bale than by public competition, still there is mitted to Beats. lneir names aro duuu iu.iuo.i, PnH.rRMt. Thnftrifil'rt CoChOU. Hal'VaV W. may be considered an accomplished fact.

I'heTB mav be foundation for belter tnat tue suo Year. Per Cent. IvW 0.5 t4 12.6 Hi.l 1 67 13 6 12.6 10.6 0.2 171 7.1 1X73 6.M Year. Per Cent. WM V.1.5 lyl 10.6 TV, lt: t.5 lt r7 .4 VS5S 0.5 1K60 1S61 9 1862 8.4 The Hooks for Applications will no opouuu sium taao Year.

Per Cent. ISC lfi.1 MI SU 1H45 14 lt 46 10.5 147 i' 'J 184 a laiii 6 1S50 f.s Ml 1852 7.3 Paann. Snmnnl T. Waterhonse aftorward substituted made to tbo Bridgo Company? A. Within tho last In Knronn and Anlorica.

on tho l.mtllt tustaut, aim nine, wefterly iu a right lino to a poin on the easterly riptiou will not bo udvantagoous but, as Btated thin row rfflvs. of tho 7vh insti.ut, ami tho TO NIGHT. Bide of Kevins street, ilist jnt cighty rlvo feet hv. nnmimr. tho real facts cauuot ue oscertaineu unui SGWClUlUg OUe tO IUO pUUllC.

to know what money iss out and what it is spent for, and I am in favor of advertising for thoso supplies. The amendment to prepaio specifications was put and lost by the following vote. States, east of the Mississippi, d.udy weather and probably rain areas. Tho majority of the morning telegraphic reports from Western Gulf StateB have not yet been received. remaiu open uoui mo un.

allotments will bo mado as soon as possible thereafter. remaiu open Ubtil tho evening Hutments will bo mauo as soon umw O. What are the Bridge bondB worth? A. About lor him), William Sugdeu, H. Hendrickson and Lil ward Thinkhani.

THE BT LAWS. Provisional Receipts (Scrip) will bo givon for tbo Do Friday. Tho clique aro in position to obtain early iu and if iho nows Bhould be unfavorable to one aud a half per cent, premium. They don't sell as torII hr TnvV twmdfl. 1 At tlia Brooklyn Theatre, Marston's comedy of Diana, or Love's Masque iB to be performed for noslts.

Tho Bonds will bo turnlsnea at as uny uniy practicable agalust corresponding amounts of tne Mr. I'erry, Sixth Ward, Chairman of tho Committeo Yeas Murphy, Htievton, naugmou, oieais, udu, Carroll, Snjder, Stilwcll 8. O. What of legislation is there uaoiy to 00 in tue in iucheB southerly from the point of beginning thence running westerly along Novius Btreet eighty five feet five inches to the said place of beginning. The said premises are hereby di elored to bo and shall remain in an open public place forever, and are hereby taken If to tho surplus now In hand thcrobo added what waa their Echeme, thoy will rapidly unload, and somo of Record ot the thermometer.

The following is tha record of the thermom terest 01 tno people tl, XUD wjiuuivid nio tbo Qrtt ttanu to night, with new scenery, musio, cos on By Laws, reportea progrooa. A. BUGGE8TI0M. the outsiders will bo left in tho lurch. Should the allotment of Roods not ooual the suhscrlp.

tlon, thcprolimlnsrydeposlt In oach ense will return forth with to the extent of without eom tumcF, Itc. WIMilNO TO DO ANYTHING The mice advanced to this atternoon ana tuo INays I'rennce, oonnBon, nosiuru, uuuwh, E. B. Fowler, retry, Coitrell, Fletcher, FiBhor, Harman, D. H.

Fowler, Gubner, Martense, Scbenck, Ryder 16. returned to policy holders in 1571 and 1372, and tho sum diminished by tbo undivided surplus, Jaauarv 1 1S70, tho eter as kept at the Brooklyn Daily Eaole ouice miViUp 1 rmiTilriTi rpnuires'. Thev are uorfectlv will arket waB quite activu aud strong, tho fluctuations 10 A.M At the Park Theatre the Western sensa 2 A. 39 solely for the purpose of au open public place, square croncy and will also Mr. Samuel McLean suggested that it would bo a nood thing for Iho Committeo to ineot every threo months instead of every month.

It would bo more economical, for one thing and tho machine could bo 4U 4 A.M The resolution to refer the matter to tno jan uum hnvim? the short range of only 18 per cent. vecVivo nt current market prlco, any tional drama of "Ben McCullough" is still on tho 12 a P. 8 P. ovor payments lor assurance, or suriiiu or street way, over which there shall do a perpetual casement fur travel to the public, in like manner as mitieo wilh powor was carried. 6 A.M..

8A.M... 37 Si 27 as? 35.H Tho parties in contract of tno stocu mariiet appear Slates oiueriuau i MOItOAN A CO. ing to give up their stock and let the cities take it, and (hey would not ask any premium on it. Have you any impression concerning the probable coat of tho Bridge? A. With the lands, it will cost In tbo neighborhood of fifteen millions before it is billB.

run equally wen. no Mr. Perrv'sCommitlec. to havo itone into tho diary businoss extensively, or in i.ther afreets in said city. Average temporature to AverafiO temperaturo Bame date laBt year MIL1TABT MATTERS, 17 Vftwior fnm tua nnmmittpfl on Military JAY cuuhi rt MORTON, 11L1SS A CO.

Abdications may also be mado to tho following houst Tho second ection provides that tho Supremo Court othor words thoy havo lniikoa" tno ruatitet sucoeaa At Hooley's Opera House the burlesque of "Cinderella," preceded by a minBtrel concert, is tho during tho last threo years, will bo found to amount to tho sum of ton millions, six hundred anil sixty four thou sand, two hundred aud fifty four dollars and olghty four A committee was appointed to ongago rooms for tho current vear D. B. Haflbrouck was substitutsd for AfTulra In nhi nn, the netitiOU Of the Offi limsnea. shall appoint Commissioners to estimate the cost of lulW. and kfw YORK.

CONDENSED TELEGRAMS. what was the or cinai estimate oi me coat 1 feature. N. J. Plumb, tho Tonth Ward delegate, and tho Committee then adjourned.

said improvement aud the value of the laud so taitoii ft was seven millions, but cers of tbe Forly sovonth Regiment, asking to have certaiD repairs done to the D. Armory in Stogg street, reported that the Committee had oxaminedtho '1 he lacteal fluid has been drawn from various speculators iu Western Union to an extent unprecedented i maiiv months. Fiist tho word waa passed along; Robert Bowles, banker, has been acquitted At Donnelly's Olympic Theatre the variety The Board of Abs efisors to tlx the uiBtnet oi assess THAT DID NOT INCLUDE matter, and found that tho repairs asaeu ior company, from New York Theatre Comique, giro thetr in London. Messrs. CI.AKK, FIUST NATIONAL BAhrk.

JJ. FOURTH NATIONAL HANK. N. Y. fel 5t (4pl needed.

Thore wero two new doors needed, also a The Illinois Lenlslature has reaolvod to investigate amusing performances. Q. What is estimatod to he the amount of tho land 1 A.I think thev will bo five or sir millions. CA.KD FROM MR. HENRY BEUGH.

G9G Bboadway, February 3, 1873. To the Editor of the Brooklyn Eagle musket rack aud somo othor small repairs, lucj moved that the Committee on Military Affairs bo au the accounts of ox Secretary of Stato Bummel. At the Athoneum the Entre Nous Dramatic tbe lines that the 6took would bo put to par, nnu opuuu lators generally wont for it ou the priuoiplo that whatever Commodore Vandorbilt bought must certainly be worth buying. In this way tho stook was boosted to 91 It waa nftrmitled Kvprv miir has aavancea in nrico hiuwj iuui oiujo.d thorized to advortiso for proposals for doing tne wura. The Calabria, Batavla, Spain, and Atlantic havo nr Society sive their regular reception, when S10i6dW.26M.Sl.




DODGE. rlved on tho other side. Aaopieu. A mtnnnl.nflm. rvna vannfnArT OOPl thC AltUlCOr wub made.

Iron has advanced, for one thing. By reading Iho roport of Mr. Roebling you will tod all that satisfactorily explained. The additional amount will be performed. An effort is now being mado by somo of tho moat humauo and influential ladios aud gentlemen of Brooklyn, to permanently establish a Branch of tho yesterday ana uuimg u.w..m.v The Boston Lancers last night unanimously resoiveo to help at the inauguration.

Ri.iinn'fl two Hons, sffod twelve audfourteon. At tho Brooklyn Institute Professor Nichols Id ronulrnd. think, to finish the rid eo. to tumble to reporting In favor of iho payment of the bills of thirty eight eourt officers at the rate of $112 por month each. EOKGK HUDSON FRESCO PAINTERS, Plain and Docoratlvo HOUSE A INTERS, Corner of Fulton and York sroets.

tel fmSAW Established 1843. rrvia mnrnlnu tho mllklnrf tirOOeSB was oontiuuou and tho Dohemiau glass blowers will give an etnioi By Aia. itaamau v. you uo iyiujiu wuu hxo it iu onimnar rl that the Bridzo can be completed A. were drowned while orossing a creek noarMt.

Vernon, American oociety tor in rmouuuu Animals in their city. Whllo towns, uumbertruj less nf Tour nonulatlon. noeaoBS theso ad Tho report was adopted. An.nt.hnr rnrnrt from rhft Auditor Was roCelvOd in tlon of their art. the price was brought down to 88.

Thon came tne reaction in Bnch a manner as to coax tho ouMders to hut tbo majority seem to have been stub Kent. A LONG ISLAND CITY BAILBOAD. The Oakley's bill, incorporating a railroad company to construct and operate a road from Thirty fourth Btreet Ferry, jng Island City, to tho Lutheran Cemetery, came up for consideration in Committoo of the Whole. Mr. Worth said that it was not his desire to kill the bill, but ho was informed that tho proposed franchise interfered with a franchise already granted.

He, therefore, moved to report progress on the bill. This motion was adoptod. In the House Mr. Prince movod to disagree with tho report of tho Committee, and that tho bill bo ordered to a third reading. Adopted.

It appears that Mr. Prince will be tho leader of tha Republicans in the present AsBombly. It was intended that Mr. Fort of Oswego should take the reins, Ohio. flnnntA ban naked the United States At the Gaptoline Skating Lake a moonlight Yes, sir.

If the money comes forword as It 1b wanted I suppose the Bridgo can be completed in about threo and a half years. How long will tho amount of money Bunjeotto favor of paying to John Guilfoyle the sum of $20,000 on account of contraot for tbe building of tho fomalo juncts of civilization, your fair olty boare the roproach of malting no organized provision for the protection nf dumb donendent animHls. Buffa THE HA lit. Senate to investigate Pomeroy, and the Kansas House has asked him to resign. rt rwmlved to remain short ThiB being just carnivale fantattique is to he held to nigni.

prison at the Penitontiary. Adopted. i uimi HATH SHAW'S PAT what tho bulls wanted the rico was put up again and tno uompanya tan, iml nwm tw u.iuu 1 It tn last them this vear. Cholera haB broken out virulently at several points UP lo FiBbsill, PonghkccpBio, flushing, Kingston, Sing Sine ond other places, have their Branched, eaoh regularly officered by a President, Vice Presidents, and At the Plymouth Bethel Prof. Raymond has kindly consented to give a series of humorous tcnt haik.

euuai to nnman nair uau uo xne uiiiauce uumuiuice reporteu uumuoi among which waa tho annual bill of tho Register for expenses paid out for indexing and repairing the 7 ia TM mrifiina thev net all that is due from in Busslo and Hungary. under a full head of electricity it anot switches, 60c. human h'alr oheapost and tho solid swltohos. one vard long, it fan nanin t.O UUVf. BUOHUUliOUHJ fcu." readings before tho Bethel scholars ana guests.

Executive conimmue, uuu uiu puiiu.uus nf hllmanftv. MARTIN BATES. WILLIAM BETTS. JOHN WADSWORTH, ALFRED EDWARDS, OLIVER H. PALMKK, SAMUEL E.

SPROULLS, a 1. ft, nnnlM IftOlOa UVTU THE FEFEIFER FUND. the cities of New York and Brooklyn, and the private subscriptions? A. Yes, sir. It will last this yoar and vn.r.

There will be on additional sub 92. It was eo active tnat au HnniKtv nf Hun York oity has hitherto At Gothic Hall Prof. Tarnbnll gives a re iXSod on hand SSworr. between Fourth and Great Jones up stairs. naught, and no one dare predict A 111 recraesta the $5, enclosed in his note ception to his patrons to night.

ind 863 Sixth it, between Twenty aeoona ita third it upstairs. Mew York. 3m scription required next year. If they are to continue the work they will want more money. There are the anchorages and a great deal of work to be done on the extended its labors over tho City of Churches, but it Is manifest that the work cannot thus bo efficiently done.

Hence I writo to aak you to give plaoe In your oolumns roanrri thin work not as a nersonal one, the other day for another purpose, to be applied to the The speculation in this etock was carried on almost THE HUDSON ATENUE FERRY. ltminrt or otuur activa buuui.uu COBPOBATIOS WBTICES. Pf elff er I and. That acoouut therefore stanaa $5 mtu mo iUna, nD bnt as a gen'orouB and moral duty, imposed on all alike Mr Schroeder said he did not think of any farther GEORGES. WILLIAM M.




RATC11F011D ST AUU. isonsof pricoa obtained at tno opyuiuu recoraB in me onico uuriug tuo year. Sup. HoBlord wonted to know by what authority tuo Register sent this bill to tho County. Ho understood that these expenses wore all defrayed out of his fees.

The Chairman explained that this bill was sent In in accordance with the law whioh compelled the Board of Supervisors to keep the rcoords of the County properly Indexed and in proper order for the accommodation of tho publio. Another bill whioh was objected was that of Mr. Parker, County Undertaker iu the eastern District. Sup. Stilwell movod to refer the bill to the Law Committee for report.

He said he soveral places two charges on the same day, ono of $8,50, for taking the body of a stillborn child to tho Morgue, and the ether of $3.60, for convejing the samo body to tbo 00m pti.rv. Ha understood that thiB was a common prac Previously acknowledged. information ne coma givu The Hudson avenue Ferry has again received the at by our religion anu tnu I am your most ohodlont servant, Heby Beboh, President tention of au Aldcrmanie Committoo, the evidence be OHABLBS B. WIUB, Total A the second call show tho following uucuuo. Erio 1, Lake Shore Northwest )4, Central nartford and Erie St.

Paul Union Pa Alderman of the Seventh Ward, woe osked if he had fore it going to show that Mr. George Law would undertake the rc.ostabllshment of the line, if a sewer SAMUEL M. CORNELL, LUCIUS ROBINSON, W. SMITH BROWN, RICHARD PATRICK, YflLLIAM H. POPHAM, WILLIAM A.

HA1NRS, EZRA WHEELER. THE BEECHER SCANDAL. TWELFTH WARD PRIMARY. terminus at the foot of the street was removed cific O.Cfcl. 0 Quicksilver Ohio and tbe advance was an follows: Western Uulon 3, Harlem is nook Island if, Panama 2.

TV. ihn Editor of the Broooklyn Eagle Xid Wvlie I supposed the Committee were going into the TmveTugation as if they meant to take right hold of the matter. In moving the appointment of a cSmmittol to investigate the affairs of the East Biver Bridge Company, I was influonced by a strong con tw a thorough and searching investigation Tho Committee will report in favor of ouoh removal. Some citizens feel greatly reassured as to what Mr. George Law will do when divested of this but it seems that his placo has boon, usurped by Mr.

rinco. A SCHOOL HOUSE FOB FLUSHING To night the bill providing for a forty thousand dollar echool houBO for Flushing was ordered to a third reading. Tho monoy is not to be expended unless a majority of tho taxpayers of Flashing Bay yes," at the next annual school meeting. THE LATE W. W.

MOSELY. To night tho Kings County Members met and adopted the following, on motion of Mr. Watt Krjwlved That the Members of tbo Kings County flelenation have heard with feelings of the deepest re fret of the death of Hon. W. W.

Mosely, for many fewe an honored and able representative of their winder to the family of tho do Jiesoiren, xmii. vi suddoa bereftve. The Twelfth Ward Demooratio Primary election is to be held to day between the hours of five and eight o'clook P. on the corner of RIohards and Ranelvea streets. Two delegates ore to be eleotedto Let me differ from ond agree with your lost weok's correspondent "Burleigh." I differ from him in this, that I believe it was Mr.

Beoohor's duty to The offerings of bonds at the Troaanry to day amounted to $052,950, and tha amount awardodj was at prices ranging from 113.21 to 113.27. embarrassment. The feeling may be Justifiable, but A CORPORATION NOTIOE A 88 13 MKNTS CONFIRMED Oponing StrMt. Eihth avenue, from First to Second Btreet and rem Fifth to Tenth stroot; JeffetBOn Btreet, from Keid to ifatehf nuo Lawton street, from Busnwlck avenue to Broadway Bole'nth street, from Second to n.n&,Irt"' street, from avenuo to Bogart atroet BoljWere atreot. irom Broadway to Boavor stroot; Hancock street, WaboJreutitled matters were duly conflmed on tie 20th day of January, 18,3, and tho or g.

fnSKsoasmeSRollaorfalrcoplos thereof, will bo dolly. thn rnllMtor of Taxes aud Assessmonta on the HMTfehraarv 1873. Notice is hereby given to all by paying their seveFal Assess. S'illi tn ilSivoB I Burrows, fColfsotorof Tales and Assess. hlsoffico the Olty Hall, within thirty diva Sf the delivery oV "aid Assessment Rolls to hint, they piy tho same without an, additional charge.

Ail As by him or one of hi. liemitv Collectors, with additional charges thereon WM. A. FOWLKR, R. M.

WHITING. GemmlsBlonora q( Olty Works. Attest; li, NOItTHur, Secretary. le54wW would do much to protect the flnanoial interests or the u. which has been had by a uiaho tho Bovfens auu.

umn ii h.Mtnai hvnoarithul prayer but in SEYMOUR L. UUSTHD, the Demooratio General Committee, To morrowtne oecreiury oi im win nun Srecial Committee of the Bridge Company has done much good in that direoUon. That investigation has POLICE TRIALS. retraction of tho Btoriee thoy have told about him, or elso make them get out of Plymouth pows. Bis failure to do this was his great mistako, so great a ono as to cause peoolo to think there miwt bo something in tboPtories.

This is whore I differ from "Burleijjh." $1 500,000, thus taking from the street the equivalent In currency. Fortunately.there is a surplus of national bank notes In the street, and thoro is no objootlon at tho Treasury to receiving them, they can bo paid in and the reserves of tho bauka be strengthened ny tho tice with theBe undertakers, to stop on tho way to tho cemetery with Btillborn children, for thepurpoBo of making a double charge. He saw no reason for taking stillborn children to tho Morgue for the purpose of identification, and ho moved to refer the matter to tho Law Committeo for examination and roport. Adopted. Tho Board then adjonrned.

Holly. Assistant Health Officer Holly has been confined to bis room for tho last two days by illness, and haB therefore boen unable to attend to business. This morning he wbb better ond exiieotB soon to resume hia duties iu the office. At, the nolice trials before the Commission FREDERICK S. WINSTON.

President. RICHARD A. MeCURDY, Vice John M. Sti'akt, Secretary. W.

H. O. BAI1TLETT, LL. Actuary fe52t 4pl n.dav; Rarffeont'Thomas O'Brien, of tho Fifth Pre what ho has done thus far affords no Bpeolal encouragement for the future. If the lease were granted to tho Union Ferry Company, whoso individual and associated intercBte are chiefly in Brooklyn, tho Ferry would doubtless prove a greater convenience than it ever has proved under Mr.

Law's management. DUKTEA'S MUHEKKB BAILED. Simmons, who killed Nicholas Duryea, the policy dealer, was to day admitted to bail by Corouor loung of Now York, in the Bum of $100,000 bail. irf was accused of Bleeping for two hours wnon ho forced tne Directors 10 open public, and has left a universal Impression in tho minds of the people that the charter of the Bridge Company, in ite presont elate, was not in tho Interest of tho taxpayers. No one now doubts that public sentiment will compel many changes in tho charter.

The committee, of whioh Mr. Barnes waa Chairman, bad no power to send for porsonB and papers, thoy had ne power to examine a Bingle person under oath or compel an exhibition of the manner In whioh oon tcacta had been lot, material furnished, or the work I agree with him in mm, tnat air keep silent now. The effect of his nd his friends' istaken coureo has beeu such that nothlnu ho or thpy could do now would restore to him tno loBtcou lldtuco of thousands ot the heat uoonle in the land. should have been on duty. DeoUion reserved.

Officer James LBncey, of the Third Freoinct, was expelled the gold. Money haa been active to day, with 7 per eent. coin Interest us tho UyweBtaiid. 1.32nd and iutomt ai the feen? and ba th4e resolutions appropriately on sVdand sned, to be transmitted to them. in connection with the foregoing, Mr.

Jacobs said that the death of Mr. Mosely had occurred so auddon lv, one could hardly realize the fact But a few days Biuce he was hero among ua, in oU the vigor of force for failing to report 0 case 01 smanpu nuiuu curred in the omily of hlB Bister in iow..

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