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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 10

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
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wbb organized in the FirBt Wars, with tho following named gentlemen as officers: S0PKB1IB OOUKT, KINGS COUNTY The Market Fire tnsaranoe Company, pUtutlffm, an Unit Agnes Thomas, widow of Sylvanm Thomas, de censed, Acnol Robert, wlfo of James A. Robert, mi tha jald James A. Bobcrt Sjlvtnnl M. Thomas, Ida O. Thomas.

William F. Drown and Jlrch Swift, Jr Admin istrators, with the will annexed, of sylvanns Thomas, deceased, Horatio Vanderwood and William Smith, fondants. Bammona (or roller Oom. not aer. To the Defendants: Too are hereby gammoned and required to answer th complaint In th's action, which was filed In tbe office of the Clerk of the County of Klng, In the Conrt Ilonso ib the City of Brooklin.said County, on thoMth day of Julr, elchteen hundred and sixty seven, and to serve a co of your answer lo tho said complaint on the uhscrlben.

it thoir offloo, No. 1U Pearl itreet, In the Cliy of Nei? York, within twenty obvb after tha service of this sum Dions on you, exolusive of the day of such fervlce aa4 Ifyou fall to answer iho said complaint within the tlm aforesaid, lac plaintiffs la tbla action will anply to taa Court for the relief drmandod la the coinplalnt. Datoaf July 0th, 1881. 8. W.

It. A. (5AINES, ausiay6wM PiatutluV attorney. Closing Soonest The Mccelpts "The Appeal," dec. The Fair and Festival of the Brooklyn Industrial Hchool Association and Home for Destitute Children, for 1867, has closed, and the bustle, hurry and excitement attendant upon such an occasion has ceased.

The ladies and gentlemen who have had in charge the conduct of the Pair, are very much flattered with the result' Last overyng the semes were varied, but of that nature peculiarly characteristic of such interesting ccrcmoniep. The crowd of visitors was immense, and the tables were liberally patronized. The children from the schools wero oreBcnt, and tho Twenty third Regiment band enlivened the scene by discoursing lively strains of music. Mirth, Jollity and gaiety prevailed everywhere, but more especially in the Art Gallery, to which a few additlona bad been made. This department, of tho Fair assisted the Association very materially In a pecuniary point of viow.

A littlo follow, who iB de serving of much credit, took upon himself the rcsponibiliiiy of exhibiting a magic lantern und panorama which no had recently bought, which added some twenty or thirty dollars to tho fund. Tho Ice Cream Saloon continued its lively business, and the coffee tea, and oyster department received due attention. "The Appeal" the newspaper circulated at Fair sold well, and ivaj the moans of brimrln? con slderabie money. This little sheet contained insuy interesting itemo conuected with FCliools, and comrnunicationB from thoso who have visited the schools. We inako the following extract from the "Appeal" of an arliclo which appeared the Inst Issue under tho heading of "Schuol No 2: manner in which payment for each stock shall bo made to such stockholder.

The court may fill nny vacancy In the board of appraisers occurring by refusal or negloct to servo or otherwise. The appraisers shall meet at the time and piace designated, and they or any two of them, alter being duly aworn honestly nna faithfully to discharge their duties, Ehall estimate and certify tho value of such stock at the time of such dissent as aforesaid, and deliver one copy of their appraisal to tbo aid company and another to the said stockholder, if demanded; the charges and expenses of tbe appraisers shall be paid by the new company. When the corporation Bhall have paid the amount of th appraisal, as directed by tbe court, eucb stockholder shall cease to have any in i terest in the said Btock and In the corporate properly of the said corporation, and the Baid stock may be held or disposed of by the said corporation. 8. Upon the making, sanctioning and approving of the Bald agreement, in the preceding sections mentioned, in the manner therein required, and tho filing of tho duplicates or counterparts thereof, and of the verified written assent of stockholders mentioned in the preceding section, in the office of the clerk of the connty whero tne operations of now corporation aro to bo carried on, and in tbo office of the Secretary of 8tato, then and immediately thereafter tbo said corporations agreed to be consolidated shall be merged in the new corporation provided for in thi said agreement, to be known by the corporate namn therein mentioned, and tbe details of such agreement shall bo carried into ffect ob provided therein, only such new corporation shall not have any larger powiTB than are granted by the said actB mentioned In tno first suction hereof, and the acts amending and extending the same, nor bo exempt from the performance of any duty which tho said several corporations may be liable to perform.

i. Sneh company shall possess the general powers and he subject to the general liabilities and restrictions expressed in the third title of the eighteenth chapter of tho first part of tho Revised Statutes, aud to all the liabillities and restriction to which iltherofthe companies from which it has been formed wns subject. It shullalso have the general flowers and privil cea, and be eutijeet to the gene ra labilities, restrictions cttties nnd provisions expressed and contained in the said act entitled "An act to authorize tho formation oi corporations for roanufacmring, minintr, mechanical or chemical, purposes," passed eighteen hundred und forty eight, and tho acts amending or extending the same so far as the Bamo mny bo applicable to a corporation organized for the purposes expressed in lh said agreement for consolidation, ond for which said new company shall havo been organized. 5. Upon tbo consolldat'on of said corporations and the organization tf said new company, as heretofore prescribed, all and Binsrular therightt, franchises and interests of the said several corporations so consolidated in and to every BpecleB of property, real, personal and mixed, nnd ibings in action thereunto belonging, Bhall be deemed lo bo transferred to and vested In sucb new corporation, without anv other deed or transfer; and such new corporation shall hold and enjoy the same, and all rights of property franchises, and interests, in the same manner and to the same extont as if the said several corporations BO consolidated Bhould have continued lo retnin the title and transact the business of such corporations, and tbo title and real estate acquired by cither ol the said corporations shall not be deemed to revert or be Impaired by means of sucb act of consolidation or anything relating thereto.

0. The rights of creditors of any corporations that shall be so consolidated, aball not in any manner be impaired by any act of consolidation, nor shall any liability or obligation for the payment of ony money now dno or nTcalter to becomo due to nny perBon or persona, or any claim or demand in any manner or for any cause existing against anv such corporation nr against any stockholder In any manner released or impaired, bnt Buch new corporation is declared to succeed to such obligations and liabilities, and to be held liable to pay and discharge all such debts and liabilities of each of the corporations that sbali be so consolidated, in tbo same manner as if such new corporation had itself incurred the obligation or liability to pay such debt or damages; and the stockholders of the respective corporations so entering into such consolidation sLall continue Bubjcct to all the liabilities, claims and demandB existing againBt them as 6ucb at or before such consolidation and no suit, action or other proceeding then pending before any court, or tribunal in which any corporation that may be so consolidated is a party, or in which any Bttch stockholder is a party, Bhall be deemed to have abated or discontinued by reason of any such consolidation, but the same may be prosecuted to final judgment In the same manner aa if the suit! corporations had not entered inlo the said agreement of consolidation, or the said new corporation may be substituted as a party in the place of any corporation or corporations nnd forming such new corporation, by ordr of the court in which such action, suit or proceeding may be pending. At No. 68 Bust Baltic street, Is a sorrowful sight in i i a sorron ml place. In a neighborhood which teems I of whom sixty bave 81ftne petition in with squalid poverty, and where pretty mni'h oil ore favor of this privilege being grBntcd as asked.

As no subjects for an Industrial School, we have enrolled the persons appeared in opposition to the proposed exten names ot one hundred und thirty children, since the 8ion of railroad facilities, It is presumed that a favor first of September. We rarely have more than seventy oreighty present at onetime. Very many are chil able report will bo presented to the Board of Alder dren of intemperate parents, who huve no govern man at their meeting on Monday next, ment over them, and they roam tho streets as tbey The South Side Roll Road matter was also consid please, como to school when they A This road, recentlv ODened. now runs from New Yobk, Dec 5. The' stock market opened dnll and steady tils morning, and the street is waiting to see what the cliques Intend doiug.

Tbe leaiUng bulls sic laVihg stocks up, Dnt are apparently doing very little besides to secure this result, Richard 8cbeil and Daniel Drew bint of hign flgnrcB for Erie, and there Is evidently adesign to put It high, butthe time has apprrently not yet como for action. The following aro tho quotations New York Central, 113X a 113f; Erie, 71)4 a Ti; Heading, 05 a 95 Michigan Southern, 80X a SOJi Cleveland and Pittsburgh, $Z4; Rock Island 90 Northwestern, 62a 62H; do preferred, 60X a 66J Port Wayne, 97X a 97 i Pacific Mail, 126 a 127Ji Western Union Telegraph. a 33. Gold opened at 137Jf and Is now 187K. There la a good deal of speculation both for a rise ond a fall, and the bears are more numerous than the bulls.

Albert opiders says the market is steadying for a rise. Cjsh cold 1b easy. Tho morning market oponB with afair supply to the Block Exchange at seven per cent, but the recent fail urea and rumors of fresh suspensions make lenderi suspicious of mercantile credits, and commercial do per Ib negotiated with, difficulty. Tho banks lake very limited amount at seven percent, but tho best grade is rated at 8 a 12 on the street. The foreign exchange market is firm at the following quotations Bankers' bills on England at sixty diiys are quutrd at at three days, 110a 110K; commercial bills, 109.ilODK; bills on Paris, at eistyduyfi, S.WaB 1G; at three days, 5.15a5.12C: on Berlin; 71a72; on Bromco, on Frankfort, 401'il on Amsterdam, 40Ja41 on Hamburg, 35Ja 30; on Antwerp, 5.1GXa5.15.

Tbe exports, exclusive of specie, from thiB port to foreign ports, lor the weekending December 8, were valued at $8,057,208 ogainst $3,480,885 for the corresponding week last year. The imports slnco January 1st were valued at against for the same time laBt year. The Erie Railroad Company has declared its usual annual Dividend of seven per cent on the preferred etock of the company, payable January 1. The cash balance in the hands of the United States Assistant Treasurer at Boston at tbe close of business on November 30 amounted to $5,073,641 week pro vions, $5,084,438, showing a decrease of 810,797. Coin balance, week previous, 31,331,491, Bhowing a decrease of $13,376.

Tho total value of exports from the port of BoBton, including specie, for the week ending November 29, was $311,914 previoua week, $406,909. The receipts from customs for the week were Fall RrvBB, December 5. The main building of tho Globe Print WorkB in this city was destroyed by Are at half post six o'clock this morning. It contained Bix printing machines and a large quantity of printed goodB unfinished. Tho fire was caused by the explosion of a steam boiler.

Tho boiler house was entiroly demolished, and the boiler thrown a distance of two hundred yards. Another boiler was driven through the wall of the main building, which is of stone, and two feet thick, making a break forty feet wide, and the entire height of tho building. Two or threo Cher boilers were blown into tbo air, and descending on the roof of tbo dye house mashed it completely In. Scarcely had tho explosion occurred when the entire building was in flames. The other buildings connected with the establishment were saved.

Henry Pierce, a fireman, who was sitting in front of Iho boUer, was blown out bj the conensaion. A xnaBB of material fell upon blm, breaking bis rib3 and bruis ing blm severely. Hannah Murphy, aged eighteen years, who was pas slug the mills, was struck hy a flying missile and sustalnnd a fracture on the skull. A house was struck by a portion of the exploded boiler, and badly the InmateB narrowly escaplog with their lives. The Pilgrim.

The establishment of a thoroughly religious entertainment in the city of New York was an enterpriso upon which but few men Would 'have cared 'to embark, for tbe general tone of iletropoliton society 1b not such sb would encourage any party of men in such an undertaking. On the Contrary, the vicious and evil elements stem to predominate, and to counteract the influences that might fie brought to bear toward turning the attention of the people to Buch an excellent moral and intellectual treat as the Pilgrim." Messrs. Bain, Phillips laynard, however, were poaaessod of sufficient determination, enterprise and business capacity to carry such a tbing through, and though they bad some doubts and misgivings as to the result that would follow their undertaKing, they opened Bnnyan Hall, at the corner of Broadway and Fifteenth street, and in augurated the first and only entertainment of a religious character in the city. And perhaps it is only necesBarv to state that tno "Pilgrim" entered upon the tenth week of its oxistenco on Monday last, to give our readers an idea of what a really excellent enter tainment it is, and to what extent it Ib appreciated by the people of Qotbam. Since the night of openinir.the honBes have been crow ded to the utmost capacity, and tho andieuccs have manifested a degree of appreciation decidedly flattering to the management.

A gravo error seems lo bave become prevalent among the people of New York and Brooklyn, In relation to the identity of this exhibition. Very many are under the Impression that it is the same series of paintings that wero exhibited some months ago at Union Hall, at the coraer of Broadway and Tmcnty thlrd street, but In this they are wrong. The Pilgrim" is totally a different style of entertainment boaed however on the same Btory, and in many respects surpasses the former. A majority we may Bay all, of the sceneB are of the moBtexquiBlte concep. tlon and finish, and tbe mechanical effects, and illuminations arc of the highest order, and really remarka ble In their effect.

Messrs Bain, Phillips, and Maynard have in the Pilgrim presented an entertainment of the most excellent character, and one which the pec pie should feel proud of, as it is without tho shadow of a doubt tbe finest collection of character paintings the world ever saw. To these who have read the allegory and foUowed the hero, Christian, through his trials and tribulations, the truthfulness of the pictures is apparent. From the first representation of Christ ian and his Family," a picture of decided merit, ana one upon which the great talent of Balling baa de velopeu Itself, all through the catalogue we have animated scenes of dangers and terrors which beset Christian while on Ms way to Celestia. City. The "Crown and tbe Muck Rake," is a scene by Burger and Wurst, and its appearance is the signal for well deBerved applause.

The figure of the old man iB life meeting or tlio Rail Koad Committee of tho Board of Aldermen The South Side and Greenpolnt and Wtlllamsbnrgh Rail Koads IVo Action. Committee of the Board of Aldermen to whom has been assigned tho consideration of affairs pertaining to local railroads, met last evening in the Committee room of the Board, in the City Hall. This room, recently relieved of the papers and benches, incident to iho progress of the Polico court. Is now considerably more commodious than heretofore. Tho Committee organized at a little after 8 o'clock, and proceeded to consider the several matters referred to them.

The first Important matter presented was the present status of the Greenpolnt and WilhamB burgh Roll Road Company for which Mr.DemaBSIrong, of the Thirteenth ward, appeared. He briefly stated that tho road had been laid under authority of the Common Council, sanctioned by tho It begins at Hunter's Point and Newtown Creek, runs thence along Union avenne and Richard slrco', to Van Cott avenue, thence along Fifth to Grand elrect. From ihe last point named there 1b double, track along Grand street now in use, and thcCompaiiy doairo to obtal permission to use the Grand stn ot track from. First to Filth streets, E. D.

For this privilege all that Is required to be done is to pecure the consent of the Tommon Council, and pay $1,000 a year rent for tho nso of I tracU, which the Grcenpoint and Wiltiamsburgh Com pany willing to do. From thence (First and Grand Btri'cts,) tho Company have the permission of tho Brooklyn City Ifciil Bond Company to run from Grand to Srutli Eiglitl) nlonir First street for $250. Ilnnn Sim fiutlm mntt r.f v. II nmnpn nf Flashing to Babylon, and is graded almost, if not quite, to the city line. Tbe only trouble now appears to be the proper route by which tide water may be reached.

Some favor tho Eastern District, through tho Fourteenth or Seventeenth wards others prefer a termination in South Brooklyn, whilo Btill a third party seem to favor a depot near the Navy Yard, with an entrance down Flushing avenue, and the present City Park to bo used as depot and grounds. The debate on tbla Bubjoct included tho various merits of these different termini. Mr. McCne, who was preBent, spoke at some length upon points already fully presented these columns, in connection with tbe South Side Rail Road terminus. The following petition was presented.

To the Honorable the Mayor and Common Council of tho frltti nf i Gentlemen The Soulhsido Rail Road Company of ornble body to construct and operate their road in and upon MontroBS avenue, from the city line to Union avenue. Uoon obtaining the reoulred consent, tbe comDanv proposes to proceed at once with tho work, so as to have tho road in mnning order at an early day. 1' iB proposed to eBlabliBh such market facilities at the termini of the road as will bring tbe produce of ljOUg iHinnu lo HULL poiiiL 1UTBUIU uuu iBinuuuuu, 1U Btead of having them carried to New York, as is now the caBe. The Company feel assured that the construction and operation of their road to the point named will prove not only a great public good, but that it will alBo Ecrvc to enhaoct; the value of property in that vicinity. And your petitioners will ever pray, Soutdside Kail Road Company; L.

By Charles Fox, President. November 28, 1867 St. Nicholas Society of Nassau Island. The annual dinner of the solidities of Dutch. origin will bo givon lo morrow evening flt tho Mah sion House.

Tne privuegeu lew wuo uueuuLuesu ies tal occasions insist that there are no reunions like them. The feast or fat things and the flow of bowl that precede thefoaat of reason, and the flow of soul, are popularly believed to be the ne plttsvltra of dlnnordom, whilo tho dessert of spcechiflcatlon and tbe wits of eloquence are rarely equalled and nevor excelled in the opinion of tho participants. Dinner at tx M. sharp. The officers of tho society are Wm.

nunter. High Steward. Stewabds Martin Kalbfleisch, A. J. Beekman, I.

B. Stewart, Abraham Vandeveer, H. D. Polhemu9, John W. Hunter, Rulif Van Brant, D.

A. Robbins, P. Wyckoff, J. V. B.

Martenee, John Lefferts. The Roger Sherman "Watch. An Interesting "household god" was recently Bhown to us. It was a primitive looking silver watcb, made in France in 1760, that belonged to Roger Sherman was in bis fob when he stood with Jefferson, before Hancock, reporting "The Declaration of Independence." In 1775 it was presented by Roger Sherman to his nephew, Roger Mlnot Sherman, for his high collegiate attainments, by whom it was worn until shortly before hiB death, when he presented it to his warm personal iriend, Doctor Charles Rowland, of Brooklyn, who, after wearing it twenty five years, with a discriminating and patriotic sense of the "fitness of things," is about to present tbiB eminently historical relic to a uescendant, who is not only worthy of, but has ndded lustre to tbe name ol tbe signers of the Declaration of Independence General Sherman, whoso memorablo march inscribes his name upon tbo tablet of fame next to those of Hannibal and Napoleon. N.

T. Commercial Advertiser. Escaped and Recaptured. A man named Thomas Jage was arreBtcd yesterday by Officer Powers. of the Forty third Precinct.charged with stealing a coat and pair of pants of the value of the front of Francis Loroy's clothing 00 Atlantic Btreet The officer discovered the lost property upon the prisoner.

Jage was taken before Justice Cornwcll.but managed to escape from the court room. All attempts to find tbo rnnawoy were fruitless until half past 8 o'clock last night; when he was discovered by Officer Ecktrmun and taken by blm to the Stallon honse of the Forty tblrd Precinct. He will now be taken good care of. The Fire at Portsmouth Va, FOBTBESS MONBOE, DOC. 3, 1867.

The Fire in Portsmouth, on Saturday ovoning, broke out la the grocery store af H. G. Binckley. cor ner Crawford and King streets, and waB caused by a colored man letting a lighted candle fall while drawing some keroBene oil. Tbe Portsmouth and Norfolk fire departments rendered prompt and efficient Ber vlce, assisted by the steamer Torrent from the ttos port Navy Yard.

Mr. Biackiey's loss ib esti mated at Insured for $1,000. The Building waB owned hy J.M. Rinford, and was valued at insured in the Virginia Mutual Insurance Company, and is a total loss. The adjolnlrjg house, owned by Mrs.

Z. Vest, was also entiroly destroyed. It was valued at $5,000, and insured in the Virginia Mutual. Boston Weekly Bank Statement. Bobtok, December 5th, The following Ib the weekly bsnk statemont Capital, tll.900.,000; loans, 95,000,755: specie, tSlifiii; legal ten.

demotes duo from ouier osukb, duo to other banks, deposits, circulation, national, $24; circulation, ttate, jaitl.tOQ' Inquest Adjourned. Coroner Smith last evening impanntlled a jury at the residence of Mr Ramsey, the father of tbo young man who was killed on Monday evening by being run over by steam fire engine No. IS, but in tbe absence of material witness adjourned the investigation until this evening, deBig. nating tbe Forty sixth Precinct Station House aB the place of holding it, McAllister's Hop. Prof.

McAllister one of hia pleasant BoireeB tnls evening at Gothic Hall. To all who have attonaca tucae pieasont affairs heretofore, it is only necessary to say toar tho same attention to tno counurtui mo kumlb continued, and all who attend will bo sure of a pleas ant time. Fire Commissioners Eastern District! A rfirnilar mfifiiinf? of the Board was hold at their rooms laBt evening, the President, Mr. i'an Valkenburg, in tbo chair. There Deine liupui wuy otnooa in bo brnnirbt before the Board caused the at tendance of all its members.

After tho giving of badges to rnur newly elected members or tho Den mcnt, the Board proceeded to consider the recent tx no.d it aronnd the rrirl. tno naujemna President C. Lite. Vice Prcsidenta 8. B.

Chittenden, Chas. Sohurig, L. M. Peck. Secrotary James Q.

Cooper. Treasurer H. G. Reeve. Executive Committee L.

Bennett, J. R. Dow, L. Palmer, A. T.

8 Kerry, Cbaa. H. Bhepard. Now, this is all very well, but emphatically CaBhow has already started a Grant Club, and all the good citizens who believe In the "veteran" are expected to Join that army. Is tho old fight to be rcnewedf Are Cashow and Chittenden to be forever stirring up tho First Ward with their private feudBj Several years ago there was an awful row between the "respectables and the non respectables," each faction wanted pos eosBionofthe ward, and Iho consequence was the party suffered.

When anally Mr. Chlttendon was prevailed upon to accept tho doublo nomination of Congressman, and CsbIiqw went into his canvass heart and soul, hand and pocket, it was hoped and beleived that we should hear no more from that quarter. Mr. Chitienden was defeated ol course, But John was bound to him with hooks of steel, and the ancient of Damon and Pythias seemed revived. In tho course of time Cashow was nominated ns candidate Tor Alceiman; following tho example ot his friend, be was defeated.

Rushing frantically through the lane and highways he vowed vengeance. He organized a 1st Ward Grant Club, and sprinkled tho nameB of Cashow and Lewis liberally throughout tbe official liEt. Determined to meet bis foo on equal' ground, Chittenden likewise organized a 1st Ward Grant Club. HisIofBcial list iB exceedingly warlike three military gentlemen rank as Vice Presidents, viz: S. B.

Chittenden High Private. Guns. Schurig Brevet Major, L. M. Peck General.

We are Inclined to bet on tho Ibb. club. Wo have Mr. Chittenden's own word for tho assertion that old Thad. Stevens took him long ago by the hand and said unto him.

said old Thad, Bald ho Chittenden, if yon and men like you would only take an interest In affairs you could save the country." After this what could a man do but save bis country 1 We look with anxiety to the permanent list of offi cers of Caahow'B Club he must be Bure and havo mil itary men Iota of 'cm. But if he expects to competo with Club No. 2, be must draw heavily on his bankor. In the mean time tho public in general and the Repub lienn party In particular, aro greatly interested in tho contest, and Grant continues to smoke. The Wise Men of Gotham.

The New York papers are very wise in their own conceit, but in their Brooklyn news they are slightly absurd. The World of to day Bays that Beecber is to be made a test case of hetween the Churchmen and the Low. Dr. LUtlejohn, of Brooklyn, has invited him to preach in hiB church, and bo has agreed bo to do." Aside from tbe presumptive evidence that this Is not the case, tbe careful readers of tho daily press know that Mr. Beecber was announced to "lecture In the church of the Holy Trinity, New York" not Brook' lyn.

The Tribune In ltB wisdom reports that About 1,500 persons assembled at the Church of the Holy l'rinltv to listen to a new lecture by the Rev. Henry Ward Beechcr. Mr. Beecber did not deliver the lecture which he bad Intended, but gave. Instead, a discourse, new to this city, entitled "Work and the Workmen," and urged upon bis hearers tho necessity of educating the workingman ano tno workingwoman.

Ho was glan that no lived in a country where servants ahvojB looked forward to the time when they should occupy a hluher Bocial position. Mr. Boechcr advanced his particular theories by earnest argument, illustrated hi; lecture by anecdote, made it acceptable to many by wit, and rivitcd it upon tbe memory of others by his irony and sarcasm." And in the snme column it shows its lgoranncc by announcing that Mr. Bcecher is to preach In the Brooklyn Church of the Holy Trinity Go it ye cripples 1 Police. Burglar Held.

William Smock, the young man accused by bis brother In law, Elibn F., with brtaking into his dwelling and carrying off clothing valued at $50, waa again before Justico Dallcy this morning, and being adjudged guilty on the evidence adduced, was held to await tho action of the Grand Jury LA VS OF NEW YORK By Authority. Every law, unless a different time shall be prescribed therein, eball commence and take effect thronhont tbe State on nna not before the twentieth day after tho day of its final paBBage, as certified by the Secretary of State. Sec. 12, titlo 4, chapter 7, port 1, Revised Every law so published in the Stato Paper may be rend in evidence from the paper in which it shall bo contained, in all tbe courts of justice in this State, and in all proceedings before any officer, body or board In wbicb it shall be thought necessary to refer thereto, until three montbB after the close of the session in which it became a law.

Sec. 8, title 7, chapter 8, part 1, Revised Statutes, and Laws of 1815, chapter 280. chapter 900. An act to authorize the consolidation of corporations organized under tbe act entitled "An act to authorize the formation ol corporations for manufacturing, mining, mechanical or chemical purposes," passed February seventeenth eighteen hundred and lorty eight, or any of the acts amonding or extending the same. Passed June 12, 1867.

Tho People of the State of New York, represented In benate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Section 1. Any two or more corporations, heretofore organized under tbe act entitled "an act to authorize the formation of corporations for manufacturing, mining, mechanical or chemical purposes," pass cd February seventeenth, eighteen hnndred and forty eight, or any of the actB amending or extending the same, whenever the objects for wbicb said companies had been respectively organized were the same or of a Btmilar nature, aro "hereby authorizod to consolidate such companies Into a single corporation in manner following: The trustees of any two or more of such corporations may enter into and make an agreement, under their reBpective corporate seals, for tbe consolidation of the said corporations, prescribing tho terms and conditions thereof, tbe mode of carrying the same into effect, the name of the new corporation, tbe number of trustees thereof (not Ubs than three nor more than thirteen), the names of the tmsteeB who shall manage the concerns of the new company for tbe first year and until others eball be elected in their places, the name of the town or towns, county or counties in which the operations of the new company are to be carried on and ir aucb companies proposed Eo be consolidated, or either of them, shall havo been organized for the purpose of carrying on any part of their or its bnBiness in any place out of this State, and tae said new company snail propose to carry on 4 i di.i. i Bhan B(ate, and It ehall alao state the name of the tows or cltv and county In wbicb the principal part of the business of said new company InSnle? th5 Mme i8 to be divided (which capital shall not be larger in amount tban the aggregate amount of capi tal of tbe several companion thus to be consolidated. nrnvislona of the said act entitled "art act to author tze the formation of corporations for manufacturing, iping ISiXSi ei hti tte act8 BIne'ndw or extending the same, 3. Such agreement of Ihe directors shall not be deemed to oe me agreement 01 too saia corporations so proposing to conaolldate, until after it bas been nnhmttted to tho stockholders of each and said como rations respectively, separately, at a meeting thereof to be illeu upon a notice 01 at lease tnirty uays, specifying tbo time and place of sucb meeting and the object thereof, to be addressed to each of such stockholders, when their place of residence is known to the secretary, and deposited in the poBt office, and published for at least tbreo successive weeks in the titate paper, and in one of tho newspapers published In nf Ihn rnnnHna In Tirhlnh nliha.

COI.p0ration8 Bbsll havo its place of business, and bas been sanctioned and approved by such stockholders, by the vote of at least two thirds in amount of the stockholders present at such meetings rennertivelv vollne by ballot in reeard to such asSierneSr ihS; person or by proxy, each share of such capital atock belne: entitled to one vote; and nhpn mrh .1 .1 sancuonea ana 'JVt, meetings in tae manner above mcntloiicd, then each narp.ement Of the directors BbOUid be dnnmnrf Inhnihn Zj'SSkA tne eereiaries thereof respectively, and attached to me Bttiu otn tiuvuk, Buuit wu uviucnce oi me noia Inn DTlfi of LuC QCtiOQ Of BUCtl mCetilKJH In Cha TIM. miser" any Btockholder shall, 0 stocKnoiaers or wuum twenty nays tnereatter, to tbe said consolidation and demand payment f0r bis stock, such stockholder or said new company may, if said aDT tIm thereafter apply to new corp0ration may have its place of business, for the nnnnlntmPIlt of three persons to appraise tho valuo of said stock and shall designate the time and place of meellnE orsucn appraisers, and give such directions thB pr8CeeQinsB on Baia uppralsments aa BhaU deemed proper, and Bhall also direct the NY. SUPREME COUBT, COUNTY OP KINGS Urcwfter Valentine, Gcorgo W. Bcreon. Ritas Lewis, and Elbert 11.

Willcts, plaintiffs, agaW David K. VaiJ, defenrinnt Summons for a money denial on conlntcl. (Com. uol aervedo To the defendant: Ton are hereby summoned and required to answer tfca soinplalni In this action, wnlob will bellied lnthooffloe' of the crkor tlio Connty or Kincs at the County Court House, tn the City of Brooklyn, and to icrve a cooy at yoiiranswor lo tli mid oomotalat on the subscriber, at hla office, No. 3 Courmrect, to tho City of Brooklyn, wlthlo twenty days attor tht icrvlcaof this anromona on yon, exclusive of tbedayof inch aerv loo.

and if you fan to answer 1ht Bald complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiffs In this ctlon will toko Judgment ajrnlnst you for tlii: sum or eicht hundred and twenty seven dol ulib and twenty two cents, with interest from Ihe twrnty iplitli of Auiiust. onu thousand elht hundred and sixty seven, besides the costs of this action. IHto Brooklvn, Ke.o'c i ber tilth. 1M7. W.

CUAS. B.T110iiKTO.riBh itlti's Attorney, DCnrrt cirect, Urookfvtu N. B. The In tci? action was fllcd In ma office of the Clerk of tho County of Klnxs, on the HOtk da or Pep temper, 1667. seVOlawllwF W.C.B.T.

AssKssaiKXT KovwEsiri ten hereby given, thi.t the following aFseFsmtEbs ro niiiin nnpuld, und Unit the warrant Tor collectluc mid ussi. sf miT.ts will expire on the day ot Noeniler, U6 und Uuvt unless sum ivff together ith the expense and per cenU re allowed by hnv, urc paid od or before said date, 1 shall proceed to advertise ami sell the premises In tbe manner polntud out by Sections and of Title Eth, of the present Charter of the City of Brooklyn: SIXTH KTKRKT, 8. AT FILL MOIiK l'LACK Clock Mllk ttO 97; do 16 16, Jotia Henderson 4 Johnson i 61. CROSSWALKS. NOItTll SECO.VD.AT klGIITIl ST Ucnry ilnuizer 3 John II Delrlcb 12 07; John Drowi 13 17; John Uirhls 10 05; Henry UreUmcr i eri: David Vaa coiM 39; Hugh Donuellv i Si TpS3rM STI1BKT ACHOP8 MTIS T1.K A lAUb June Anderson 41 Ki; Knsnn 1 44; ra! William Smith SOt' John kainuel Deemcr 2 IS; Catherine hedwick PJ'1' MUncy Dennett 1 93; iTede rlck A Kelt: i Htcl urd and Rurke 1 05 CKOK8 WALKS, DEKALB AVEKtfK, AT CCMBRB Cartwrlglit 1 78; Kile? Kellcy 1 78; Mary A llolden 1 7S; heirs of Samflel Bon iSlJ 'tI Bernard FDeznndorf a 21: Mary Reeve 1 OLt Philip Ilnsted 2 E3; Oliver Moused 1 66; Morrisoa 55 ra; David Hall 1 78 178; Harriet West r.

07: Hannah Campbell 1 William Lancokc 3 21; Geo Vnnnllst 1 7S; Oco Wolsb 8 FT; da 9 22; Lewis Vun Antwerpc 4 42; Jay Wcmple 1 M. ISAAC BADKAU, sou law6wl Collector of Taxes and Af sewment. tsJTJPHEMECODBT, OODBTY OFBINGS SO William Olhnore, plaintiff, against JohnA.Bctti aud others. C. J.

C. lowrit. Plaintiffs Attorneys. Innurauancc, acd by virtue of the Judgment order ot the Court, made In the above entitled action, b'iarlui; date October seventh, A. D.1S07, will be Bold b) under tha direction of the undersigned Referee, appointed for that purpose, at the Commercial Kxchange.

No. SCJ Fulton Btreet, In the City or Brooklyn, on the Uilrty urst day of October, 18U7. nt 12 o'clock at noon. All that certain lot, niece or parcel of land, situate, lying und bi liig In the Cliy of Brooklyn, County of Klnra and Slate of NTiw York, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beplnnlnii on the essterly stdo of Carlton avenue at a point distant one hundroi and nine feet northerly from the northeasterly corner of Carlton and avenues, and running thencu easterly parallel with urpcnc avenue fifty sli feet; thence southerly parallel with Carlton avenue sixteen feet: tbence again easterly parallel with Gro.ino nvenuo forty four rect: thence northerly parallel with Carlton avenue lirty two rcct; ihence westerly parallel with Greeno avenue ono hundred feet to Caiiton avenue, and tbence southerly along Carlton avenue thlity six feet, to tho point or place nrbcglnnlng. Dated October 8lh, 1807.

ocs 2aw3wTu THOMAS E. Referee. IN THE DISXIUUT (JUUKT UK THB United States, for the Hastern Dlslrlcl of Kew York. In the matter or Moses Sellc, in h.mkrnntcy. At the city or Brooklyn, in said district, on the 2M day of Octobor, A.D.

1SC7. Eastern Distrlet of New York, ss Take notice that a petition has been Hied In sulu Court hy Moses Sellg or the said City of Brooklyn, in Bald district, duty declared a bankrupt ur.der the act of Congress of March 2. I6G7, for discharge, Bnd ccrtilicnle thereof, from all his bts, and other elalms provable under said act, and that the 18th laj of November 10 o'clock A.M., la assigned for hearing of the fame, when aud where you maj attend aad show cause, If any you have, why the pi aver of the said petition should not ho granted, 'f hv second nnd third meeting of creditors will bo held at the snme time and place, to wit: at thcofllco ofD. C. Winalow, Kcglstsr, No.

9 Court st, tn the suld city ot Hrookljn. 8. T. JONKS. Clerk of the DlBlrlct Court.

Benedict Boahdmam, Att'yB for Petitioner. oc''3 NEW YORK SUPREME UOlIRT COUNTY OF KINGS Erastaa M. Smith nndWll lltim McAlnln, Henry Evans, Jamea W. Dunlnpsnd Cornelius V. Ti.

Grodjcar, ciccutors of Henry Stielrien, dcccnscd, Mario Anionettc Plnchot, Augusta Wright, Henry Shcltlen, Jane Maria Shelden, Sidney Sheldon, John w. Shelden, Kuama Smith, Martha Smith, William Henry Smith, Calvin Sheldon. Nicholas Shelden, Josephine H. Shelden, Fhcrn an Barton, Edward H. Shelden, William Allen Miehlcn.

Ida Shelden, Maggie Shelden, Edward Chamberlain, William H. Clmmbcrlnln, Maria 8. Chamberlain, Eliza Ann Conklin. Mary Jane Cornell, Frances Mitchell, Henry Shelden Mitchell, Ann C. Van lianst.

Kdward G. Thompson, William 11. Pennqyer and Cornelia B. Pcnnoyer. Summons for relief.

(Com. not per.) To tha above named defendants and each of them i You are hereby summoned and required to answer tae complaint In thi9 action, which was filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Kings on tho 14th day of September, 167, Bnd to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscriber, at his office, number 69 Wall street, New York, N. within twenty days after the service of ttis summons on you, exclusive of the day of ancb service: and tf you fall to answer the said complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiffs In this action will apply to tho Court for tbe relief demanded la tne complaint. Dated N'W York, September Hth, lSffi. CHA P.LES N.

JHDBON, Plaintiffs A ttorney, sel8Iaw6wW 62 Wail street, Is.V. tn bankruptcy in the district JL Court of tho United states, for the Eastern DlBtrict of New York In tho matter of trcorgo B. Sargent, bankrupt. Notice ia hereby given, that a petition has been filed Ib Court, by Gcorgo B. Sargent, In said dlstrict.dnly declared abnnkruptunderthe net of Congress ol March J4.

1807. for a discharge, and certificate thereof, from oil his debts, and other claims provable under said net, and that dar of November, 1S67, at 10 o'clock A. before paid Court, at the olllce of E. S. Mill, Register of this Court, at No.

Hi, Montague street, In the City ol Brooklyn, Is assigned for the hearing of tho same, when and where all creditors who havo proved their debts, and other persons In Interest, may attend and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer ol said petition should not be granted. Notice Is also given that the second and third mecllngn of creditors, provided for In said act. win be held before E. S. Mills, Kegietcr, at his office.

No 141 Montague street, nt 10 o'clocs. A. on the same day. Dated at the City or Brooklyn, tbo Uth day of October, 1SS7. ocli lawilwM SAMUEL T.

JONEP, clerk. LN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THB United States, lor the Eastern District of New York, in the matter of Israel Cook, In bankruptcy. Bankrupt at Brooklyn, la laid district, on the Uth day of October. A. 186,.

Eastern District of New York, ss Sir, Tako notloe that a petition has been tiled In said Court by ISRAEL COOK, of the ''lty of Brooklvn, County of Kings, and State of New York, In said District, duly declared a Bankrupt under the Act of Congress of Marrh 3, 1807, for a dlichargc, and certllicate thereof, from all his debts, and other cialmB nrovablo under said Act, and tbat tbe sixth day of November, next, at 10 o'clock, A. Is assigned for the hearing of the same, when and where you may attend and if any you have, why the prayer of the said Petition should not ne granted. And further, take notice that the second and third general meetings of the creditors of said Bankrupt will be held at the same time and place, for the purpose named the twenty seventh and twenti eighth sections of tbe Bankrupt Act of Marco 7, 1867. SAMUEL T. JONES.

ocl4 law SwM Clerk of the District Conrt. OTICE OP ORDINANCE TO CAU8K SIDEWALKS TO BE FLAGGED Notice la hereby given to all parties Interested, of tbe Intention ol the Common Council of this City to pass an Ordinance te cause Sidewalks to be nagged lu front of the lots of ground on Seventh Bt, N. between Filth and Blitb sts. on First st, N. 8..

from Fifth to Ninth horlmer st, bev tween Calyer and Meserole sts; Sackett si, N. 8., between Bon i and Hoyt sts; Hoytsi, between Dcgraw and Third sts; Hoyt W. 8.. between llcrgen Place and Third st; to nave the same Flagged to the width of six feet, where not already done. Doted Rreoklyn, October nth.

187. ocljlot ROBERT FtntKY'sfreet Commissioner rVTOTIOEOF ORDINANCE TO DIRECT 11 LOTS TO BE FENCED. Notice Is hereby given to sll parties interested, of tbe Intention of tbe Common Council of this city, to pass an Ordinance to dlreot loU to be renced on Third st, S. hctwrei Smith add Hort streets; cn the east side of Smith st. between Thlro and Fourtbsts; on block bounded by Smith, Dovoe and North Second streets; Bergen at, S.S., between Bond and Hovt streets; Wyckoffst.N.S., between Bond nd Hoyt to be fenced with a close board fence si fiwt high, to aonte a autsance.

Da'ed Brooklyn. October 17lh. lSn ocl3 IQd RORKRT FCIRKY. Btreet Oommissiorer. A 8SESSMKNT NOTICE IN THB MAT MhmgtonQarvlo.1 aVenU Notice IsTicrebv given that tbe following assessments in the above matter remain Dnpald, and that ror collecting said assessments will expire oa tbe 38ii da of September, 1807, and that unless said assessments to gcther with the oxpense arm per centage allowed by law.

tl and In uJo' mannef tinted Sat 15 ufffJgSSS Edward Helknaop A3 SO; Hugh Raggertv 1 fx Nichols 03 OS: Matilda Coulard Wm lilchLdaon Il Cbristophcr stead 11516; Mary Conklin ST Rmbara Wyckoff Ann Dolan 19 Oj; Jos Potter 9 Bs Martin Dwyer 1: Jno Latimer 76 Mjino Wall" Isaac Weeks 3 Wm seldea 2H 76; Peter Riley 17 aJ'thM Haml'SS ,89 t7 ISAAC BADEAP, aull law6wW Collector fTales and Assessments, OtlCE IN THE MATTBROFbPEN. Mr Mcomb street, from 5tb to Sib avenues, in the lty or Brooklyn. To all whom It may concern The undersigned, Commlsslonerr of Estimate the above matter, will meet at tho office of the Attorney and Connsollorof the City of Brooklyn, in the City Dan of said City, on Thursday, the 101b day 0f October, 1867, at 2 o'clock la Che afternoon, to Dear tha proofs and allegations of all patties Interested: and will continue to meet by aJonrnment from time to time, as may be deemed ncccssarr and expedient. At tho time and place above specified, title deeds and other evidence of title should be produced. Dated Brooklyn, Kent.

25th. 1667. HRNRY A. MOfsISS, 1 CLARBNCE T. BUIINRTT, Comjalialoneri, ee2S td BOBEBr MEKCHAKT, wauauuoiwrs, and stay away when thev choose.

Others are children of tbe very poor who are obliged to keep them at home to mind iheyounger children, while they go to work, or, who perhaps sond them to beg for fuel and cold vituals. We may congratulate oursclvc.B, if ibey arc ser.t on no worse errand. Others are prevented from coming to Behool by sickness. Of course the instruction Ihcy get is very irregular and the government of such floating and uncertain subjects of tliBCipline is an extremely dilUcult matter. We have all degrees of intelligence among these children, every phase of character; tendencies to evil and capacitits for goodness.

They show their parentage in many ways. If they have bad any education, the children aro easier to teach, and in proportion as tbe parents have been good or wicked, so are the chiloren. Tho garments seem older, more torn, more dirty, more scanty. Some have no shoeB or stockingB. but preBent a pair of dirty ct instead.

Those who havo Blockings, have a remarkable variety in tbe color a uiuk uuv; uu uuu iuui, uuu a line uuu uu luu uiuur. stage of decay. One thing they have in abundance, and that la heads of hair, blttier ec seors are scarce or it 1b a part of their crctd, In keep their beads warm, If they are eold otherwise. If they present theniBelveB at school with olrty hands and faces, they are Bcntout to wash them but for the rest, we make the outside nf the nlflttpr otnnn hv rtn llmnlp php nr flnrmi whtoK la put on when they enter, ond taken off whi they leave. TIicbc aro washed and kept in order by the matron.

Tho receipts of the Fair will probably amount to $5,000 or 85,000. Quito a number or articles remain unsold, and they will be disposed of as best they can. The Association feel tbankrul to those who have aided them, and nrc very well satisfied with the suc cosb of the Fflir and Festival. Abduction of wo Girls One Found In Brothel after two Month Vb soiico Fate of tho otnor Ifaknoirn A Dlstrcaslng Case. In a great city like ours Satan findfi many ways ef accomplishing his designs and many agents whom he impresses in his fiervtce.

Recently there has come to light one of those circumstances that thrill the soul and causo the mother to watch more closely the daughters of bur household. One hardly knows in what hour they shall moot the fate that shall altor the wholo course of their after existence. Moth era know nut when they send their daughters out what temptation shall meet them or what fate befull them. Evil larks bohitid the most plausible of guises, and i wben we think it not likely to bo fonud there we are most likely to find it. Such has boon tho experience of a moBt worthy father very lately.

He numbered among bis family two bright, beautiful and intelligent girls, at once the life and the grace of his household. Virtue bad a resting place there, and boih the father and mother looked forward to tho time when each should fill a place in society with honor to themse ves and credit to the community. But alas I Tho de came in a way they expected not Tho facts of the case aro substantially as follows: In aearch of employment their eyes met nn advertisement inserted in one of the daily journals requiring girls to liorn tha dressmaker's trade in West Broadway. These two sisters, one scveuteen and the other fifteen, applied ror the situation and obtained it. Each night tbey returned to their pleasant home on Flatbush avenue, and each morning they returned to ihulr work.

At length the woman, with whom they wero learning their trade, proposed that they Bhould board with her Instead of going home every night, and went over and saw their parents tbey, pleased with her agreeable address, consented to the arrangement on condition that the gir'iB Bhould come homo on each Saturday night. The week passed quickly by, and tbe parents looked with pleasure and joy to the time when their daughters would be in their midst, and waited anxiously as the rain was fall ing fast at the time. No daughters appeared, and on Monday morning the woman by whom the girls were employed, kindly came over and informed tho waiting and anxious parents that as It rained so bard, Bho thought it not advisable to let them come, and promised that they should come over on tho Thursday following. Thursday came, but with it not the daughters, and their relatives became alarmed. Solthefatherproceeded in search of tho house in West Broadway where his daughters were employed.

He could not find the honBe. nor anything of tho woman Rorland. He now became thoroughly alarmed and began a systemat search for his lost daughters. After the lapse of a week, tho elder one was laund in a house or ill fame in Baltic Btreet, in this city; Bite knew nothing of her sister. Her story iB briefly told.

After the arrangement hau been made to board in the bouse of the woman Rorland, they were confined and their persona violated. She and her sister were separated, and she was convoyed to tho bouse of prostitution whero she was found. The character of the old woman is apparent Bho 1b a procuress of the vilest kind. The Bister that was found was taken to her homo. The Other is yet in a place of secrecy, though strenuous efforts are being mado to And ber.

One Is lost and the other, perhaps, dead. In two short months tho happiness of this onco happy home has been blighted, and tbe Innocence of two young girls ruined. Vlrclnla Polities. FonTBEBs Mosbob, December 4. A largo and oathusiastic meeting of tho conservative element of tho city ol Norfolk.waa hrld last even ing at tho City Hall, for the purpose, as alleged, of forming a white man's party, nna aaopung a piauorm for the same.

C. W. Newton, was called to the rhair. who. in a few pertinent romarks, Btatod the ob ject of the meeting, and concluded by introducing ex Governor Vance, of north uaronna, wno mauu a ior elblo snecch on the situation of affairs in Virginia and the Carolines.

He was very severe on tbe radical orators In the South, and charged them with engen dering hatred between the white and black races. Some rcnmrkB were made by Colonel Hinton and others. A Luminary in a Jj'oa The path of offi cial honeBty would eeem to be beset with un usual perils in JNew XorK. rue aun alter adjuring Mayo. Hoffman to walk in the ways of official righteousness, says "He must be prepared to Btand np for his duty In the face of all onataclcs.

A few days in Eldridgo street Jail, even in defence ot right and duty, ongbi not to be shrunk from, and certainly would not always go unrewarded." Correspondenta ot country journals have given some astonishing accounts of the total dr.nravitv of New York but we don't re member ever before reading anything that p.ftmR nnite ud to this. Is it possible that the Chief Magistrate of New York cannot do his riiit.p uMHiniit ninnini? the risk of beintr sent to jail? Will the Sim throw a little more 7. No companies cons" lldatod under this act shall be permitted to prosecute or carry on more than one kind of businesB authorized by the said act passed February seventeenth, eighteen hundred and forty eight. 8. This act shall tako effect immediately.

STATU OF N15W YORK, I Office op ths Secretary or State, I have compared tbo preceding with the original law on file in this office, and do hereby certify that the same is a correct transcript thorcfrom and of the whole of said original law. FRANCIS C. BARLOW, Secretary of Stato. NOTICE IN THE MATTER OP OPEN lnc Carroll, street from 3d to 9tli avenues. In the City of Brooklyn.

To alt whom it may concern: Tho undersigned, Commiaa loners of Estimate In tbe above matter, will meet at the office or ihf Attorney and Counsellor of the City of Brooklyn, in the City Hall of said City, on Krlday.thtj nib day of October, 1867, at 2 o'clock In iho afternoon, to bear tbe proofs anc allegations of all parties Interested; and will continue tc meet by adjournment from time to time, as may be deem ed necessary and expedient. At tbe time and place above specified, Title Deeds anc other evidence of Title should be produced. DateV Brooklyn, 6cpt.26th, 1867. THOMAS K. PEA.RSALL, WILLIAM N.

CLEM, CommlgBlonerf se26td JOHN VAN VVYSE, TVTOTICE OT ORDINANCE TO CAUSE Ari sidewalks to be flapgea. Notice is hereby given to a'l parties interested, of the attention of the Common Council of IMp City to ptB8 an Ordinance to canae sidewalks to bo flagged In front of the low of ground on Gates avenue, It. from Bedford to Held avenuca. To bave the same flagged to tho width of six feet whore not already done BEDFORD AVENUE IMPROVEMENT Publlc notice ifl hereby plven pnrsuant to ehartrei 903 of the laws of 1887, entitled "An uct to provide for tht improvement of Pcdfoid avenue In tho City of Brook lyn," that a plan for part of the work and ImprovemeD authorized by said act baB beeD adopted by the Board CommiPflioners therein Kppolnted, and that the Fame woj tiled In tho office of the Street Commissioner of paid ity on the 7th day of October, 1867 and that the said Boar of Commissioners will meet at tho Committee Room Nc 4, in th 5 City Hall In said City of Brooklyn, on Weduesdat the 20th day of November, A. P.

18Gi, at three o'clocl in the afternoon to receive the views and suggestions and fthinrinntt nt anv narties intnrefitpd lb the rjremlses as ro quired by the provisions of said act. Dated Ootober 2Mb 1857. By der of the Hoard. FttfeUKKiuK auuui.tts, iTesiaeni. J.

Cabbok Barvomrrj oc id NOTILIJS OH TO OAU8B SIDEWALKS TO UK FLAGGKD Notice in berebi riven to all parties interested, of tbe Intention or tbe Com mon Council of this City to pass an Ordinance to cans ildewalks to be flag fred in front of the lots of ground oz Middle st, 8. between Third and Fourth sts; to have the same flagged to the width of six feet. Bated Brooklyn. October ftth, 1867. NOTIC II UI 1U CAUSI SIDEWALKS TO BE FLAGGED Notloe la here hv irlven to all parties Interested, of the Intention of tbi Common Council of this city to pass an ordinance tr cause sidewalks to bo flagged lo front of the lots of ground on Portland avenue, oast fide, between IleKalb av.

and Lafayette DeEalb avenue. betweeoPortland avenue and Oxford street, to bave thf same danced to tbe width of six feet, where not already done. Dated Brook lyn, nor. is iso(. SPECIAL, noriuis JSAlBNBlON Ol FIBS LIMITS.

W. Public notice la hereto gven, pursnsni to uirecuon or tno common council oi City of Brooklyn, of an application to extend the rre Limits tne western uisinct. MO aa to include mf follnwlnz described terrttonn Beelnnlmr at a noint oi the southeasterly corner of Fulton aremae and Adelphl street, running thence along the centre of Adelphl stree' to tho Intersection of Atlantic avenue; thence along tht northerly tide of Atlantic avenue to Clinton avenue thence along both sides of Clinton avenue to Fultoi avenueitnence westerly aionr ruuon avenue, to tni place of boginnlng. Action will be taken on said appli cation, after publication of this notice for SO days rot corporation newspapers, repaired by law. Sated lis) RS7.

THEODOBE HTNSDALB, Chairman or committee. Attest. Huntr MoCloekbt. CU5 Clf li ms2t itl Supreme: cocjrt kings cocntt. George Stlllwcll, aealnat Loulfca Sllllwell.

Administratrix of all and singular the goods, chattels and credits which were of Cornelius 8. Stlllwtlt, deceased. Defendant, Summons. For a money demand or contract. (Com.

not served.) To the defendant: Yon are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint In this action, which will bellied In the office ot the Clerk of the Cointy of Klnci at tho Court rjouso. In the City of Biooklyn, and to servo a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscribers at their office No. 151 Monttirne street. In the City of Brooklyn. Kings County, New York, wlihln twenty dajB aflor the service of this Ruminons on yon, ciclnsiveof the day or such senlce; and If iou fail to answer the said complaint within tbo time aforesaid, the piolatlff In this action will take Judgment against you for the sum of rout thousand rfve hundred and fifty dollars, with Interest from the twontleth aay of March, one thousand eliiht hundred and sixty two, beBltles tho cost or this action.

Dated, BrooRly, N. aue. 21, 1867. nnnnKK. pBatt.

Plaintiff's Attorneys. The complaint In the Rbovc action was duly filed In the office of the Clerk of tne County of Kluga, Renumber 3, 1867. CBOOKE. BSHGKN PBATT, ae7 lawGWS RECEIVER'S 8 ALE THE CITY COURT of Brooklyn. Charles Meyer, against Alexander H.

Cunningham. In pursuance of an order of his court, made in the a'lovc entitled action, bearing date the 12th day of October, 1867, 1. Abraham W.BIrkbeck, the receiver therein named, will Hell at public auction, at Meyer A Cunningham's distillery. In Commerce strict, neat Vao Brunt street. In tho City of Brooklyn, on the 19th day of October, 1807, at 12 o'clock, noon, to the hluhcst bidder, the following personal property, belonging to the late firm ot Meyer Cunningham, viz: 1 copper still, 'tanks, 2 rectifying tubs.

1 steam pu i receivers, I steam fuasc, desks, 1 stove, lot of tools, chairs, lot of nose, ponof 2skldB, lot of ground charcoal, 0 galvan tiu cans, 3 pills, 5 large fitan itig cn hs aud copper can, I beer receiver, 1 heater for heir with worm. IS fermenting tubs 1 steam pump, 1st am gqjEn, 4 empty coskf.lot of old pipe, lead, bolts. 1 wheelbarrow. 1 half load of wood. Dated Brooklyn, Oct 1G, 1867.

oclBSt ABR. W. BIBKBiCK, Receiver. ike, and the attitude easy and natural. Bnt the aiona of Blat menli0ned act, passed moBt exquisite eem in the whole collection IB The February seventeenth, eighteen hundred and forty Shining Ones and tbe Cross," wbicta doaerTes more eight) the manner of converting the shares of capl ttan the brief notice we are able to gire.

Tie midden tal stock In eachof said of such new corporation, with such other particulars and unexpected change from a dull, uncouth, andal deeml necesaarT. not inconsistent with tho most shapeless Bkctch of a ragged man, standing in a barren, open field, before a crosB of a rough typo, to the bright and dazzling effect produced by the hght falling, as it were, from Heaven, is a very remarkable piece of mechanism. The golden cross, the calm and saintly expression of the man now attired In shining robes of righteousness, and tbe general effect produced upon the picture is one of tho finest things we ever saw. Mr. Arthur Wright, who superintends tho mechanical arrangements has given us an idea of his proficiency in this line, and shown himself master of his business.

It would be'usclesB for us to particularize the scenes as thev pasB before the audience, They can only bo ap predated by being seen, and those who fail to witness them lose a treat which they do not now know tho valuo of, and which they may never again have the opportunity oi seeing, oucu paintings us tue x.i. of Faithful," oy Chappel, "The Elver of the water nf T.irp." hv Berber The Celestial Oitv from Mount Clear," and "Tho Land of Beulah," Chappel, into which are thrown some of the iiDCBi atmoBpQcnc encciB, are getna oi art wen wurm tinner, atntltr Tho ftranri TYnTiafnTmnHrvn Kin 111 ft fa simply beautiful A feature of the entertainment is the presence of Mr. Philip PhilllpB, the popular vocalist, wno Bingo tjyuiu oi uu ueotBuuga uia uwu cjiwreui. TJa rrnlnn an.naaln nlnnrnoDQ TahXhtlv. fa On Wednesday, the 18th the management pro poses to give a benefit to the Worklngwoman'sTJnion, which is really a commendable forethought on tho part ot gentlemen.

This will be fol.owel by a gratu.t ou8 exhibition to the newsboys and bootblaclca of the ntf Bunyan Hall is open every evening, and matinees on uunyim mu 10 uu Tn' sday and Saturday afternoona. By all means see the "Pilgrim, saving her life. light on this dark insinuation.

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