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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 2

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


BROOKLTN. Senate when it rejected distinguished soldiers, whom the President sought to appoint to civil offices, have not yet been published. Blue fish grab at unbaited hooks, but even the gudgeon cannot be imposed on by the sorry trick of dragging a piece of lead through the water. Do the local Radicals expect to troll for soldiers' votes as sportsmen do for blue fish? Trfe 1 fourth bUnt pr.8.CmUo0&e?E,lM Kok' Mlss Wilson, lWt' TtCC L'Unncdleu. res, ubtepT.

i7MlB8 Mar7 10 DlUj Braab' BUWtto examina Topics of To Bay. The Cable speaks again to day, but ita utterances are not ttarlling. Garibaldi relaeea to promise to let Some alone. The Pan Anglican Synod lsmes an address, condemning EationaUam, Popery and Marlolatry, and favoring Unity. Napoleon writes a note urging iho South German Statea to unite with the Northern Confederation another French concee sion to Prussia.

The South American war continues, and the Allied Powers hare attackod and bombarded Important Paraguayan positions. Nothing from the Fenlane. The Davis excitement subsided some time ago, and the ex Prcsldent of the Confederacy, has since been living in retirement in the Dominion. Tha most Indefatigable of enterprising correspondents have been able to develop only a few items. One reporter took him to Vermont and Immortalized somebody, whoso name we now forget, by making him exclude Davis from hlB farm.

Another busied himself about domestic educational affairs, but learned nothing except that a small, Juvenile, feminine Davis had been taken out of one school and put in another. A third, in despair, appealed to bis Imagination, which happy faculty onablcd him to describe the delivery to by a mysterious person, of a paper inscribed with the single word "Andersonville," and to make an effective point of the pallor and trembling which seized the terrified recipient of the document. This is about all we have heard from over the border. Now, however, the re assembllng of the DiBtrict Court at Bichmond Blightly stimulates public interest. There are various rumors as to probable action in respect or Davis.

The latest is that the District Attorney has received no instructions to try him, but will insist on bis appearing oh the lBt of November, when the Counsel for the prisoner will inBiit on his trial or unconditional discharge. The Massachusetts Democratic State Convention yesterday nominated John Qulncy Adams for Governor, and George M. Stearns for Lieutenant Governor. The resolutions adopted affirm the doctrine of State Bights, declare for economy In the administration of the Government, denounce Congress for paBBing unconstitutional laws, oppose the liquor law, and promise the co operatloa of the Democrats oi Massachusetts in the uprising throughout the country." 8chool23 MIbb J. M.

Ctley, vice Mias Smith, pro mated. Sent. 1. School 23 Miss M. E.

Bennot, vice Mlis Valentine resigned, Sept. 1. JEALOU8T BETWEEN SCHOOLS NOS. 24 AHD 26. At the conclusion or reading the above report, Mr Field read a motion in effect asking the Board to make a orlraary and intermediate school ol No.

21. Mr. Nbrtbup, at once Jumped upon his feet and said lie hoped the motion would not bo carried, lor he held Id hU hand a petition elgncd by over 200 taxpayers Jiving In the immediate neighborhood of No. 21, which clearly proved rhero was no occasion to take any such action. Tbe petition is aa follows To the ITon.

the Hoard of Education of the City of Brooklyn We, the undersigned, having been informed tbat a proposed change la contemplated in the grade and character of School No. 21, so as to make ft no more nor less than a primary school, we most earnestly re qnest that tbe school may be continued on the same plan as heretofore, with a male principal attached tbercto. Mr. Northup alrennonsly opposed Mr. Field's motion, saying that 24 was a good school, and waa a good crammar school, and that he could not see the rectitude of debasing it to a mere primary one.

Mr. Field replied that he had known No. 24 for ten when he first knew it. It was a wretched Bbanty, and tbat it was now ten years worse than then. He remarked tbat tho location was bad, being surrounded by lager beer breweries, and the promises or a man who kept two hundred dogt; the building itself stands on a bank ten feet abovo the street, and the children coming to school have generally to wade through mud which is ankle deep.

Mr. Field further sold that No. 24. had ceased to exist aa a grammar Bchool, and was scarcely good enough for an Intermediate one, and that the beat thing to do with it wai to make It a primary school, and let the grammar classes go to No. 20.

Mr. Northup differed altogether from Mr.Flcld he said that the neighborhood was a respectable and thickly populated one, several new Iioubbs baviue been erected in tho district quite lately the house was not very bad inside, though not very hand aome In appearance, and the streets had been gradod and paved. Ho thought Mr. Field had not been near No 24 for some time. Mr.

Field begged to inform Mr. Northup tbat he was asscBtor in that district, and that it was his duty to value property In the vicinity of School No. ii. On hi; visit officially In tbat neighborhood at the latter end of June, he lound that about four acres round tho houao had been bo undermined by lager beor collara cuuiu ue erectcu, anu tnat four new bouBCB were all that had been put up in the ward in some months. As to the value of the school house ho would remind the Board that some years ago he was veBted by them with authority to dispose or the building for $8,000.

The highest bid which was made lu four years was $2,500, and the bidder had aince told bim (Mr, Field) ho waa glad he did not get it, as he waa Bure he Bhould have been cheated by hlB bargain Mr. Winant entered a proteBt ogainBt Mr. Field's motion, saying that No. 24 and its approaches has been recently greatly improved. The new school, No.

28, has 100 children and threo teach era.and he ghnnlri iiir see whether it will be possible to manufacture a grammar school out or that material. Two bnndreu persons had signed their names aa a proteBt against this outrage, and he hoped No. 24 would not be pulled down to build up another school. Mr. Stearns thought it Bhould be kept aa a grammar school.

Mr. Carroll hoped No. 24 would not be destroyed aa It was a very old district, and though poor In money woa not poor in children. Mr. Field pointed out on tbe map the positions of the two districts, stating that District 24 composed an area or some COO acres which bad upon ita surface about 100 houeea.

Mr. Northup admitted that the Eighteenth Ward was full of vacant lots, and added that the vacant lota were not tbe only vacant thluga In tbe Ward. The quest ton was then culled, and Mr. Field's motion was lost. The Hoport of the Law Committee waa read sod adopled.

NEW ACCOMMODATION. Dr. Scbappe, moved, tbat tbe Local Comtnltteea of Nos. 4 and 25 be empowered to blrc the building on Kent avenue, known aa the IParochialtSchool House, for the purpoBc of lnatltuttne a primary department for the relief of above mentioned districts. Carried.

Mr. Carroll stated that the committee appointed 10 report on a new site for No. 5, had selcctca (subject to tho approval of the Prealdent and Committee on School Houses) tho depot site aa the best for tho new building; carried. Dr. Schappa proposed 'That it be referred to the School House Committee and local committees or Nos.

4 and 12, with power to purchase a new site for Nos. 11 and 12 carried. A resolution for enlarging School No. 18, was also carried. DIBTRICT NO.

28 AGAIN. Mr. Field proposed the following resolution: Tbat to form District No. 26, ao much of Nos. ii and 3 aa lie cast of Throop avenue to Myrtle, and ail District No.

24 lying south of Myrtle avenue bo added to and Included in No. 2C, and for the purpose of attendance upon grammar department, all District No. 23 bo included. Dr. SchappB proposed amendment that tho matter be referred to the various Bchool committees tntercated.

Mr. Northup objected to the amendment. Mr. Wiuaut objected to anything being done in the matter of No. 2 1, aa No.

26 was tarire enough without any addition. The amendment of Dr. Schapps waa carried. INCREASE OF SALARY. Mr.

Cary moved that tbe salary of the pnucipaj of primary department of Colored School No. 1 be raised to $575, and that or another teacher be proportionately increased. Mr. Seabury suggested that It would be better to refer tbe matter to the Finance and School Committee, who should see about raising the salurles of all principals of primaries and report to the next meeting. Mr.

Ball offered as an amendment that the committees should confer aa to the advisability of raising the ealarlcB or all teachers and report bb soon aa possible. Mr. Cary pressed hia motion as to Colored School No. 1, and asked for the vote to be takeu by ayea and nays. Mr.

Hall's amendment waa carried by a very large majority. MINOR MATTERS. A motion for the erection of some fences around No. 8 wbb carried. One to have a catalogue of books lu tbe library or No.

7 waa carried. An additional teacher waa ordered for No. 10, also to No. 11. Two schools were permitted to purchase 100 feet or hose.

No. 23 was allowed new teachers Tor frcBbly erected class rooms. A motion to Increase the salary of Mrs. Forbes, principal of tbe primary department of No. 25, to $1,000, waa referred to the Teachers' Committee.

The Board adjourned a little Icfore eight clock. spobts ind pastiitiiis. Atlantic vs. Athletic The ore at Muddle. The Atlantic Club i still the champion club of the United States.

The Atlantic Club not only con lain tbe beat players, but the beat diplomats in tho fraternity. They have beaten the Athletics in Iho majority of tbe games of ball tbat they have played, together, and they have Invariably beaten them In all their grand Pow Wowb." Until the season of 1865 there was no disagreement between these clubs, except aa to the playing abilities of either nine. During the season of '65, the Athletics having strengthened their nine, took it into thcirheads that tttcy could whip tho Atlantlcs. Whereupon they indulged In a great deal of bragadocia. They challenged the Atlantlcs, which was accepted, and arrangements made to pUy tbe first match In Philadelphia on the grounds of.tlie Athletic club; before the appointed day arrived a favorite and valued member, and who In days past hid been a shining light in tbe Atlantic nine Mattio O'Brien paid the debt of nature, and wbb laid under the Mid.

Aa is customary lu these rases a meet! ns waa held by the Atlantic club and rcaolutlona, expressive ot tbe regret they frit in loBlnu so valued a member, and ol sympothy with tho family of tbe deceased, were passed, K.ey declaring that they, out of respect lor their Iato member, would suspend play fur tho balance of tho scMOTi, which would cloao bufore thirty days had elapsed. Notice of this action of the club waa sent to all clubs with which games had been arranged. Hardly bad the body of poor Mattie O'Brien been laid in the ground beloro the Athlctlca began to eay that the Atlantlcs were afraid to play them, that they took advantage of this circumstance to put off the game, and if they did not make their appearance on the day appointed they would claim the ball. The Atlantlcs, hearing of this contemplated action of the Athletics, sent a committee to consult with the brothers of O'Brien, and aak what the club should do; tbey were told to play them by all means, it was done the Athletics were met on the day appointed and were badly defeated. But the action of ihe club was condemned and despised by every true ball ploycr in the country.

The following year 1S06 another trouble arose, but both cluba were to blame, as it was a money affair. Though it waa a money arrangement, it is well proven that the Athletics did not keep to the arrangement made, and were guilty of mean practice. This trouble wus not settled until this season, when the home and home game wus played. Two weeks aco a new eeriea was commenced at Philadelphia, in which the champions ware defeated; they went there disabled, and short the services of a valuable man. In the succeeding games in Philadelphia two others were badly Injured, and after returning home they made up their minds that tbey would not play with fotta men out of tho nine on the following Monday.

They telegraphed the Athletics to this effect, asking for a postponement. The Athletics, instead of courteously granting the reasonable request aa any other club would have done, refused, as they thought they had tbe Atlantlcs in a small corner. Monday they arrived in town, and when they reached the Union Ground, they found the Atlantlcs knew a trick or two; they found that a nine of mnfllns were ready to play them, and ir five iuninga could he played before dark they had a chance to win tho championship. They were caught in their own trap. They had uo Idea of making laughing stock of themselves; tlioy expected to win a bloodless victory, and they found tbat they would bavo to win tho long wished for and lone sought after championship by playing a nine or muRlns.

This was not 10 bo thought of for an instant, so a committee from Ihe Athletics requested an bitcr vlew with a committee from tbe Atlantic, and there ult of the conference waa the postponement. After this had been arranged, tho Atliletlca stated that they would not play again unless all tbegamoa were played In Philadelphia; as the Atlantlcs said after their ru turn from their late trip to that olaco that they would not play again In tbat place, and that if the Athlctlca wished to play them, it muBt be in Brooklyn, tho probabilities are that these clnbB will never come together again. It la just a well and It Is to be hoped that they never will, and that tlila eternal bickering ifl over. Tho aa well aa everybody else in this part of the conntry, are Batisfled as to their ability to win In every match with this Athletic clnb and if they do not come together again, it la probable there will not be eo much talk about gale money. Of couree tne many who congregated on the Union ground yesterday were disappointed, but the majority upheld the cbampioBBln their course.

Some little disturbance waa made by the aoro heada. who wanted their money back. For their gratification a picked nine was gotten up, In which McBride pitched on one side and Martin on tho other. But five Innings were played when the game waa called. The game ended in favor or Martin a aide by a score or 84 to 11.

The Cost of Municipal Management for the Tear 1868. The Joint Board of Aldermen and Supervisors met last evening pursuant to adjournment, to take action on the report of the Joint Committee, on the amount of money necessary to be raised by taxation to defray the expenses of tha City Government tor the year 1808. Mayor Booth presided, and called tho meeting to order about half past Beven o'clock, when the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Aid. Hatboway moved to take up ihe report of the Committee section by section, and act on it.

Adopted. Statement No. 1, appropriating $228,500 for principal or City BondB was taken up. Aid. Scholes said, he understood that the Excise Board had appropriated $187,943 59 from the amount received by them for licenses to Brooklyn, in accordance with tho law under which they were organized, and he therefore moved that the total amount raised on this statement be $40,558 51, and tho amount cbatgeable on the whole city bo $10,456 51.

Adopted. Tho following statements wore then taken up and adopted without debate: Statement No. 2.. Interest of City Bonds 28 no. 3..

Principal of CerUflcates 4.ik ki No, 4.. jnierest on uertincaies 2,783 48 5.. Improvement of the Heights 122.845 00 0.. Interest or Awarda 33 7. Streets in tho E.

District. 65,843 80 8. Interest on the above 4,595 03 9. Assessments for widen No. No.

No. No. No. ing main Btreet 575 no No. 10.

205 00 No. 11 purposes 580,057 03 No. 12. Department 50,000 00 No. 13.

on Gowanus Canal 9,000 00 No. 14 Wallnbout Bay Improvement 80,000 00 No. 15.. City Parks 142,000 00 No. 10..

Wililamsburgh Improvements 4,176 3 Statement No. 17, appropriating 00 for general purposes, was taken up. Sup. Bergen moved to amend the report by making the amount for the cleaning and repairing of public buildings, $20,000 inatead 01 $10,000. Adopted.

Sup. Little moved to amend the item for re numbering the streets and putting transparent signs on the lamp posts, by appropriating the sum of $2,500 for the purpose ot putting transparent signs on the lamp posts, and $10,000 for re numbering the streets. He thought most ot the public streets in the city needed rc numberine very badly. In Fulton avenue, one of the prlnclpaltnorouEhfares in the city, there are now two sets of numbers, so tbat it is almost Impossible to And any house by the number, and many of the leadlDg thoroughfares were In a similar condition, and ho thought $10,000 not too much to do the work of re numbering them properly. He was oppoaed to spending any of the money appropriated for this purpose until aome plan had been adopted by which the work could be carried ont, and he had seen no plan proposed yet which came up to Its requirements.

Aid. Bergen agreed with Sup. Little in regard to the necessity of tranaparent sign poets, but he thought the work of renumbering the streets could be done for $7,500. In fact the Street Commissioner, at a meetine of the Committee, bad etated that the work could be done for that amount. Aid.

Caahow said the Alderman or the Tenth was miBtaken as to the amount for which the Street Commissioner said the work could be done. He aald the work could be done for $10,000. Aid. Whiting moved as an amendment to make the amount for numbering streets and painting transparent signs on the lamp posts, $10,000. Aid.

Gnck moved to further amend by appropriating the sum ol $15,000 ior re namlng and re numbcrlng streets and putting transparent signs on the lamp posts. Sup. Little Ob, that farce or re naming strceta is played out. We had enough of that. The amendment to make the amount $10,000, waa adopted.

Aid. Armfleld moved to add the sum of $10,000 for the purpose of repairing and building docka in the Eastern District. Adopted. Aid. Fisher moved to add to the appropriation the sum or $10,000 for the building ot an Industrial Bchool, in the Eastern District.

Carried. Ala. Cunningham moved to add the sum ot $10,000 for the erection of a bell tower in the Sixteenth Ward. Aid. Bergen movea 10 amenu Dy making the amount $7,000.

Adopted. The resolution as amended, waa adopted. Statement No. 19, appropriating $666,892 85 for School purposes. Sup.

Scholes moved to strike out the Item of $40,000 for increase of teachers' wages from May 1st, 1887, till February let, 1668, on the ground that tbe Board had no power to make an appropriation for any expenses incurred during the present year. Aid. Whiting moved to amend by adding the amount to the item for teachers wages. Adopted. Statement No.

20, appropriatingail 5,200 for the erection and lurnishing of new school houses, was then taken up and adopted, alter wtiicli the entire report, as amended, was taken up and adopted, alter which the Board adjourned. Astrological Prediction National Ilor copo for October, 186T. By Professor Nelson. The influences and effects of the configurations of the planets at the time of the lastlunar eclipse In last month (September), is not yot over, the effects of which will bo seriouBly felt by many through the greater pait of this month much connubial un bappinesa and many separations will occur through this month. The lieht or nimble Angered gentry are stilrVery active; they will be lurking and looking out for plunder, and robbing in various ways, and formed at cveiy possible opportunity.

Those persons who are born at tbe time when tho Moon and Mercury were in conjunction, and both in opposition or in evil configuration to Mara, they are expert thicvea; and if these configurations happen to be in Cancer or Capricorn at birtb, Buch tbioves will be caught, sent up, and have the desert ol their deeds. Tho planet Her schell, or Uranus is hard against those thievish folks for Bome two or three years yet to come. There is still danger through this month of robberies in the bank andpostal departments, both near by and far off. Murders, suicides, and many horrible crimes, still prevail among us and other parts. Freqnent Area and incendiarisma will occur this month, chiefly about the latter part of each week throughout the month.

Some of those foreign events I predicted In Septem bcr are fast coming out some aro to come out in this month and others not till November. Persona born on the 3d, 4th or Bth or July, in any year, will have atrange, unexpected losses in their families also other troubles and ouarrela. Those born lfltb. 17th or 18th of Fnh. rnary, in any year, will feel the benign influences of uupiter lur a rew monuis 10 come, tuey will oe successful in business, thev will also caln health, wealth am) frip.ndft.

Those barn within adnv or twn of Ihn ITU, nf iHovemoer or join 01 may, wilt nave much trouble, aangcr 01 ooing roooco, nave 111 neaitn, many crosses and losses in bnsineee it would be well for them to avoid all raah acta and movements, and be temperate in all things. It would be well for such to hold consultation with the astrologer who Is well versed In tbe astral science. PREDICTIONS VERIFIED. In the Eaolk, August 30th, I said there would be disastrous fires in this city and other parts of tbe Union also murders, suicides and outrageous crimes would be very frequontin thiB city and claewhero; also defalcations or numerous robberies in banking or postal departments. FIRES.

A lire at Buffalo, N. loaa $150,000, September 1st a Are at No. 59 Nassau atreet, loss $15,000, September 1st; afire at Davenport, loss $125,000, September 3d. Tne extensive Spice Mills of C. J.

Fell Brothers, at WilroiDgtOD, was destroyed by fire, Joaj very ueavy, ocpiemucr uiu. Ship Invincible was destroyed by Ore at Brooklyn, N. loss $200,000, September 14. Two breweries iu Chicago. weredestroyed.togethcrwithnlne houses by Are, loss $100,000, September 11th.

A fire at Brest line, destroyed the Franklin House, and thirteen dwellings, very boavy, September 12th. A Are at Cincinnati, three firemen severely injured, loss $400,000, September 14th. A Are at Sandusky, 0 Iobs $30,000, September 14th. A fire at St. Louis, I0F8, $200,000, September 15th.

A fire at Portland.Mo., loss, $175,000, September 16th, A fire at Chattanooga, loss, $150,090, September 20th. A groat fire at the foot of Grand struct. New York, a eaw mill and fourteen dwellings destroyed, loss, $150,000. September 24tb. MTJRDER8.

A white man shot and killed two negro men, and one negro woman, at Marion, ArkiSeptember 1. Kean Carroll was murdered by JohnDempsey at BoynUn, N. September let. LouIb Bordier murdered bla wife in church at London, September 2d. A colored man murdered hia wife in Kaat Eleventh atreet, New York, September 4th.

Mary Lynch was foand lying murdered in Fifty sixth street, New York, September 5th. Jesse Thomas, a colored roan, was murdered at Memphis, Tenn September 5th. John O'Flynn was murdered at the corner of Broadway and Thirtieth street. New York, September 6th. Mra.

Barbara Dale, 56 years of age, was murdered at Botir bon, September 7th. Benjamin W. Aldrlch was shot and killed by Joseph Camm, at Providence, R. September 12th, Frank Florin murdered his wife Eliza, at Cleveland, September 18th. John Smith murdered his son in law Wilson Mclntlre, at Louisville.

September 17th. John F. Green murdered Charles L.Taylor at Louisville, September 17th. 8DICIDE8. An unknown man committed tuiclde by Jumping off the cars near Boston, September 1st.

L. F. CroBS, keeper of the American House at Montpelier, committed suicidc.lSeptember 3d. Peter Baxter committed suicide at Cincinnati, Ohio, Septembfir5th. Win.

Smith committed Bulcide in Grand street, Brooklyn, E. September 5th. Miss Elvira Doty, of Glenn's Falls, N. committed suicide by drowning, September 7th. F.

Elkport, committed suicide September 8tb. Wm F. Stearns, a lawyer, committed suicide at Albert Lee, September 8th. Macolm Melville, committed aulcldo at bla home in East Twentv slxth street. Now York, September Iltb.

Major Daliel Sharp committed suicide at Rochester, N. September 18th. Thomas C. Young committed suicide at Chicago, 111., September 11th. John Wall and his wife committed suicide at East Liberty, September 12th.

William G. Foster committed suicide at Millbrldge, Me Siptember 12th. Charles Stark, a respectable citizen of Biooklyn.N.Y., committed suicide, September 18th. William Rullman, a steward at the St. Nicholas Hotel, N.

attempted to murder bis mistress, but failing In the attempt, committed suicide himself; September 13th. Julian J. Berry, a'Frcnch jeweler, committed Butcidc in Broome atreet, N. September 15th. Arthur Murbsum, a young man boarding at 01 Clinton place, N.

committed suicide, September 17th. The ojore D. Lincoln committed suicide at New Orleans, September 18lh. I could give as many again, but tno above must suffice. There was also a large number of attempts at suicide.

OUTBAGEB AND CRIMES. Bridget Coyle attempted to murder her husband at Hudson City, N. September 1st. Two men wero arrested at Hoboken. N.

for heating in a brutal manner a man named Michael Flynn, September lBt. A young lady whilo passing through Pittsburg, wss abused, robbed and left senseless on tbe wihbed the houso of S4.000. and then escanod. SeDtem her 4th. Miss Kate Murray waa horribly outraged by three rufflana in Canal street, New York, from the effects of which Bbe died, September 6th.

WUHam G. Fergus, of Buffalo. N. was set upon in Chicago, 111. by a party of robbers, who took from him $80.

and stabbed him several times, September 7tb. Margaret Watkin, a sick woman, waB ravished by two vtllians In her own house, at Flushing avennc, Brooklyn, B. September Sto. Two negroes committed a horrible outrage on person ot Mra. "Selnsoth, who lae day before gave birth to a child, at Tifflin, September Bth.

A citizen was called from his own house, and stabbed on the sidewalk, and farmers were taken from their wagons and beaten and robbed by a gang or viJliaDS, atGreenpolnt, N. September 15th. A man murdered a young girl, and then committed sdicldo at Yonkers.N September 16th. DEFALCATIONS IN BANKING AND POSTAL AFFAIRS. Tbe Farmers and Cltlzen'B National Bank.Brooklyn, suspended operations on account ot being defrauded out of $300,000, September 7th.

A cashier of the San Francisco, Sugar Refinery, defrauded the company out or $100,000, and left for China, September 7th A defalcation occurred In tbo Kingston, N. National 9th. Three robbers entered the Blue Hill National Bank at Dorchester, knocked the cashier down and stole $50,774 and some U. u. bonds, September 12tb.

A postmaster at Syosett, N. was arrested for robbing the mails, September 12th. There were also great frauds among the officials In the Tj. s. Internal Revenuo Department.

CONNUBIAL TJNHAPriNESS. There have been an unusual large number of divorces and Inhuman treatment between man and wife thiB month (September). Tho dally papers remarked the faeti aid say "a close observer will at once perceive that every day In our police court returns, our reporter ate compelled" to transmit the news ot some divrircemcnt or family quarrel for ill, and, sometimes, brutish and inhuman treatment of busbanda toward their wives." A gentleman in Freeport, 111., left his watch at lhe jeweler's to be repaired, when a live bedbug was discovered in the works, which had caused the stoppage. Of the numerous and warlike aboriginal population of Tasmania, forty or fifty years ago, only four individuals now remain, three women and one man. rrlvaie inatruction given in vj" h.rnmB fOOd ACCOUI1U11IW1 unity of being Itutruoicd by a merchant of 4u yeara practical experience In the Counting House.

OPENING AUTUMN AND WINTER CLOAKS. WKCnBLKK ABRAHAM, W3 FULTON STREET, Will open oa TnrjnsDAT, octodru s. wn. Their new and elegant itock of PARIS CLOAKS AUTUMN ANO WINTER. Includim! many novclllet In fLOTIt, tVEt VKl AND VELOUR.

Ainonir other peclaltlc. thej will exhibit tho MAIitE AKTOINhTTK." "ELIZAIIKTH." und ocl St KK fc ABRAHAM. FiiUonBtbntwi', 1, "Hilary and Johnaon. JOURNEAY A KUHNHAM. 1C4 ALASTIC STRKKT.

Have In ilore tliclr stock of AUTIIJIN AND WlSTElt GOODS, Consisting In part 01 COLOUR!) RII.KS. GBOS GRAINS. TAFFETAS AXD SATIN EPIKU LIMES. In all lev and choice stum IltlSH POPLIVS. T'lin nrotliors 4 mnurlnr FRENCH POPLINS, plain colors, an.l utrlpi MEHINOS, VELVET RErs, EMPKiitS CUlllls oa WINCKYS.

BBUTERE, DAOMAR and MOUCHTTE CI.OTIIH. TOPL1N and CORDED ALPACAS, plain coign u4 mixtures. BLACK. SILKS and BLACK SILK VKLVKTS. MERINO ROUES, new and beautiful delgu, aud extra large sizes.




AMERICAN AND ENGLISH PRINTS. J. n. offer the beat stock of the above goods to be found, many of them being of their own Importation, and In styles and colorings not to be bad elsewhere, and all are offered at the lowest market prices. tea at B.

LEWIS SM and FULTON BTItllBT. Are happy to announco that they have RE OPENED THEIR CLOAK ROOM. The work la under the management of ills CASKr, (so lone and favorably known to their patrona) who will give her exclusive attention to the baslneia. nea 6t NOTICE. THE LONG ISLAND SAVINGS DANK OF BROOKLYN, AT TU1 JUNCTION OF ADAMS AND FULTON (Opposite the new Court Hotuo.) All money deposited ON OR BEORK THE ISTn OF OCTOBER Will bear Interest from the llrst at the rate of SIX l'EIi CENT PER ANNUM ON ALL AMOUNTS.

JAS. M. SBABUKT. President. S.

Mackat. Sec. and Trcas. scil ttllOcl IN HOC 8IONO VINCES HOFF'S MALT EXTRACT BEVERAGE OK HEALTH. Naw YoiiK.Fcb.

12, 1818. Mb. Lsotold Horr. H2 Broadway, N. V.

Drak Knt In reply to your Inquiry as to the aetlrtn taken by the Academy or sledlclne In reference to Hotr Extract of Malt, which was submlttod to It for examination some weeks since, I have to Intern you that tho Committee of Three to whom It waa referred, wllti directions to report Upon It, TOOK THE MATTKR IJTTO CABK7UL00M slDEBATioN and, on the 6M1 a moJtrlLy of the Committee presented a report thereon, ot whlcn tho follow InKls an extract (This letter and the following rejiort are aitrned by the Chairman of the Committee, Dr. John H. Grlscora.) REPORT TO IHZJiSW TOI1K ACAPBMT ()? MXPIOima. 'The Committee have ascertained to what they consider a sufficient extent, the INCHKDIKNTS of tho artlelo, and also Its MODK OK PREPARATION, and they hare reason TO BELIEVE that It differs In some marked PAIt 'I ICULAKS from the usual nrcnara'lont or malt known under tho name of I1EKR, AI.E, and PORTER, and THMT HKMKVK IT CALCULATED TO AS A MILD TONIC, and to a certain extent as a NUTRIMENT In somo eases, in which the ordinary malt liquor might not be lound to agree, especially in conxcqucnac (I THE MODERATE QUANTITY OF ALCOHOL It contains In comparison with Uicm. and they feel Justified In HKCOM MKN DINO to the profession for trial In appropriate caacf." Sold at Druggist and Grocers.

Price prr doxea. Delivered free of charge In this city. seM Stood. OPENING OF PALL GOODS. STRANG ADRIANCE.


RICH DRESS GOODS, In IRISn and FRENCH I'OPLINti: the largest assortment ever offered by us. VELOURS II RUSSE, EMPRESS CLOTHS, OTTOMANS and some of the greatest Pari. novelties for WALKING and TRAVELING SUITS. BROCHE. KNICKERBOCKER W1NCKTS, OROS DM TOURS, very desirable, with a large assortment of US R1NOES and other DRESS GOODS, suitable air all clasaea.

Some It EAT BARGAINS FROM AUCTION. MOURNING GOODS. In great variety; also SCO PIECKS BLACK ALPACAS, Yrom 45c. to 91, very ehcap. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, A very full assortment, at low HOSIERY, EMBUOIDEIUKS, OI.OVKS, In full assortment.

500 DOZEN OF THR CELEBRATE!) "TliF.FOUS.SK' PARIS KID OLOVKH, From auction. In all shades at ft 'a per pair, aid by good ludKCS to be equal to those sold clsowhere at S3. SHA1VLS. In PARIS CAMELS' II AIR, PAISLEY, and all other celebrated makes of shawls, in lung and square. ALSO, 250 LONO AND SQUARE BROCBK SHAWLS.

From auction, at less than gold cost. BLACK LYONS SILK VELVETS, In all widths, nt great bargains, CLOTHS AND CLOAKIIiGS In variety. CLOAKS MADE TO OIEDEIt. In the newcat and roost desirable styles. LOST ANP POUND, LOST LADIES' GOD) WATCH AND chain, ut the City fln'l Pal yesterday.

Thetlnder will bu amply remunerated by relurtilui; the game to tblA olBcc. ii CAME TO THE SUR fccrlficr'n (abtp. pair of trr harm's; th owner can tinvc ttiu tiantc by proving properiy unii mi; fug ex ('lines, nt the boirtlinR stable, Raymond etrdci. Uttvruen 1 fajcltc Rvcnuu und Hanson place. lite, a GOLD BKKAKI PIN.

frosted wo'k. Hie shove reward will be paid. If left with Mrs. Dr. PARK.

875 Atlantic st. ool 3' POLITICAL. IITH WARD ATTENTION A SPhCIAL I mectlni; of the 11th Ward Union Keinihllcan Aa ioeintlon. will lie hotel ut No. 1J I) Klli avo, THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, at is o'clock, for the trans action of important business, also In compliance with a resolution of the General Co umlttee, ordering each of Hie ward ami county town asforiullons to hold meetings for the purpose of reirli on or before tho 9th lnst.

W. L. 11. STEAKS, Prealdent. T.

D. Masscuop, Secretary. POLITICAL A MEETING OF THE Sixth V. unl People's Democratic Clnb, will bo held lit the Brooklyn Assembly No. Ml Columbia st, ThursdayOct.

3d, at o'clock p. M. oe! 2l THE NINTH WARD DEMOCRATIC CLUB will meet on FRIDAY, the at 1 o'clock, P.M.. at the house of Win. Dixon, corner of Raid avc and on st, for the purpose of electing officers and the transaction of ImporUnt litlflneFS.

ocSSt Il order WM. RUSSELL, President pro tern. POLITICAL THEREARE SO MANY candidates for Superintendent of the Poor at we. oucht to select one pood man. DASlEL GILLEN la an old man, and wc ought to clve him the nomination.

Hi run well In 151 when Hie Union rompromlse was against lilm; he Rot up to seven thotis mil votes. If he does not pel the nomination, we will try to eh hlin tho election independent of uny nomination. se30 3t HOUSES A ND CAKRIAGB8. FOR SALE AN EXCELLENT TRUCK, with pole anil shafts complete: also ulnirlc and double harness If required; sold for want of no: also a beautiful bay mire, li hands hhrh. anil Kind In ilnelc or double harness.

Apply at Vandcrnaw's, DcKalb ave, near Fulton. oc3 3t I7IOR SALE AT DALY'S CARRIAGE manufactory, tV, and Selu rme. horn st tine vary handsome 'J ent park ph atnn, with p.dc and shafts; 1 doctor's loii. linns on three prlnes. hut little uscsl: 1 pony phu'ton.

wltli top Inme ry low. lit for ladles' use; I top wajfon, Diuenberry A Van Onsen's make; I of Wood llro's. make; 1 of Brewster 4 t'o'i; 1 soat square box, with pole, l)al's ni3ke; also several new top fjaly wacoiiK. ocl 6t I OK SALE A FINE It LACK HORSE. ktmJ and Kciitle, wiili 11 1'jji Imy, liar nest, blankets and cverylhim; romplet1; will oli rhnan bj ihr.

owner fur want oTuhl: AppI to A. WESDT, Pariiir ut, near iirouklyn avc. ocl at FOll SALE A SADDLE nOKSK elipnp. fr want a. Mark Kentucky naddlr horse.

15K to UY band hfeh.i Icht yeniold; Is thoroughly broki to paddle and irot' very wHl to bnrnr in porn ti ctly kind and jrentlr at.d vrry stylihh; tblt Is bftTgate, for any ono, and mui be "old. To tic t'i UMtj, between Grrenr nt Lafayette ave, in Ifttfl fct. FOR SALE A FTifrTcET OFDOUKLK harness, medium wcipht, made to order hy I.owden, and not much 'ii, il. On be seen at the llamis i Store, corner of Deuraw and Conrt SLi, llrooklyn. l'rlce 175.

oclSt JTIEKTIfYtiN. AN ADJOTJRNKD MBETINO OK THK VETERANS UK KINtiS COUNTY, will at roomNo.9 County Court House, Tlll'ItSDA KVKS UtU.UCT.3o, at P. In reference to tne pthllnallon 01 a history under the auspices of the FnrM Cora mltlc. Dr. tho historian, Is expected to ho present.

All Interested are cordlaliv Invited to be present. E. L. Charmin pro lem.l I A. C.

TT, Sec. pro tem. ocJSt' LONG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY Tbe rejrnlar meeting of the Boclety wilt bo held on TIIUKBDAY cvenlnc. October S. at o'clock, In tha chapel of tbe PACKKH INSTITUTE.

A paper will bn read by Rev. Leonard W. Bacon. Subject; "Admiral Foote'sCampalgu on the Western Water' ny order. ocJSt A.COOKBI1V1.L, Keo.Beey, PUBLIClMKETING OP THB BROOKLYN CO OPBKATIVK IIOMKSTKAD ASSOCIATION will be held In Latimer HalliurtMreet, betwoen Harrlion and Degraw (Ireeta.

on WKDN KSDAT even I on. October Jd. 1867. Itev. W.

Hicks, and other speakers, will explain the object of tho Association. Admlttlon free. (ocl HAMCKL FKATHKft, liec. Boc'r. SPECIAL HOTMJBS.


So. At o'clock. Kev. WM. ALVIN BAKTI.ETT, Kov.

J. CLEMENT KltKNCH. ltcv. T. L.

CUYLKH, D. liev.A.O.LAWKON. Kcv. J. KKI11.

WM. KDSALL, Will take part. Alt arejnvlted to attend. o2 at MBS. O'HANLON WILL HAVE HBR annual opening of fall aad winter bonnou on IfPDAY and PBID A Octobor (h and 5th.

oca St" OPENING AT ARMSTRONG ft RBY NOLDS, Tik Fulton street, on Thursday, October M. wltk a choice itock of bonnets and round hats, French (lowers, feathers, velvet. Wcea, and mtttlnory eooda tm general. MEMBERS OK THE HARBISON LIGHT OUAUt). wish to inform our frlonda tbat wo arc coin on our Fourth Annual Target Kicor ilon to Weehawkea.

N.Jm on Wednesday, OcvoberBd. and any persona wlihlnjr to participate on thtaoccMlon should avail themselves or this opportunity bj calling at it. Au vnoir. tfnn. in Hirfc s.

corner of Itecraw. om Tuesday and Saturday evenlngi. at half ruut 1 o'cloelt. precisely. john T.

Co lux Ftauclal Secretary. nABPBT WEAVING CARPETS ANDt 00 clouu CM Uldj OMjmfcaTV HMM Increase or 818171110 Normal School Question Referred to a Special Itfeotlns Districts 24 and 20 Teaclier's Com mltee Report Increase or School Ac commodallon, etc. The Board of Education met yesterday, at their rooms, the President, Cyrus P. Smith, In the chair. Punctually at Avo o'clock a quorum was present and business was commenced.

After the reading and confirming of the minnteB of the last meeting, a letter was read asking for increased pay for a teacher In the PUBLIC SCHOOL NO. 15. The application waa from Mrs. Dunkley, Principal of the Primary Department, and asked for a salary of $1,000 a year. Mr.

Seabury objected to entertalnlng the application, as one of tbe rales of the Board forbid the consideration of such a question at the ordinary mecttags or tbe Board. Mr. Rowe supported tbe application and contended that tbe rule laid down referred to the discussion of the general question of salaries and not to individual cases. Mr. J.

W. Field remarked that the highest salary paid by tbe Board to female teachers is $035, and said tbat here waa to be found the reason that they wore unable to keep any good teachers. All good teachers soon And ont they can get much larger salaries in New York or even in tho country, and they of course go to such places. Mr. Carroll reminded the Board that Mrs.

Dunkley has more children and teachers to take care of than the principal of No. 5 school, who Is receiving $1,000 Mr. Sprague said that ir Mrs. Dunkley wss not worth $1,008 she was worth nothing, and the Board had better discharge her. Several other members bore tes'lmony to this lady's extraordinary teachlntr abilities, and her application was Anally almost unanimously granted, THE NORMAL SCHOOL QUESTION.

This question was the special order or business tor the meeting, but when it was called on by the President, Mr. Rowe proposed, "That the discussion on the Normal School qnestion be adjourned to a special meeting or this Board to be held next which 1YOP uiincu. The report or the Finance Committee was read by Mr. Barr and unanimously adopted. It, however, contained no figures worthy of publication.

REPORT ON TEACHERS. The following was presented by Mr. Field Tbe Committee on Teachers report tho following resignations, promotions and appointments RESIGNATIONS. School No. Mrs.

Udell, September 1. 3, Dewey, 3, McKee, 3, K.Spencer, 4, Mr. Spofford, 4, Miss Dnric, 4, E. Wallace, June 1. 5, Hand, September 1.

5, McKee, 5, Smith, 6, A. S. Smith, Scott, 6, Hunt, 7, Bradlev, October l. 7, Mclntee, 7, Moore, 7) Taggai September 1. 8, Cratey 10, Curtis.

11, Atwood, 11, Wheelock, 11, Van Kcuren, June Is. 12, Cook, September 1. 13, Reese, 18, Lawrence, 14, Dunn, to. 8, Damon, 1. 14, Crootz, 1.

8, Merritt, 1. 8, Monfort, October 1. 8, Mr. Hitchcock, Oct. 1.

15, Miss Dewell, Sept. 1. 15, Miss Butter. Sept. 1.

15; MIbb Ives, Sept. 87. 16, Mibs Snattuck, Sept. 1. 19, Miss Shean, Sept.

1. 20, MIbb Hill, Sept. 1. 24, Mr. J.

E. Ryan, Sept. 00. 23, Mrs. Valentine, Sept.

1, 23, Mrs. Hayes, Sept. 1, 27, Mrs. Coggswoll, Sopt. SO.

27, Mrs. Oltrogge, Sept. 4. 37, Mre. Lewis, Sept.

1. 29, Mrs. Lynes, Sept. 15. 5.

Mra. L'Hommedlere, Sept. 1. 5, Mra. Kempahall, Sept.

1. PROMOTIONS. School 8 Miss S. Smith vice McKee, resumed, September 1. Schools Miaa M.

A. Seaman, vice Smith promoted. Sept. 1. School 8 Mlsa J.

Elklns, vice Seaman, promoted, Sept. 1. School 8 MIbb E. Spencer, vice Elklns, promoted, Sept.l. School 3 Mlsa N.

Spencer, vice Dewey, resigned, Sept. 1. Schools MIbb L. Willis, vice Spencer, promoted. Sept.

1. School 4 Mies M. K. Hawrey, vice Durlo, roslened. Sept.l.

School 4 Miss E. A. Buchenborcer, vice Hawrev. promoted, Sept. 1.

scnooi 0 sal 1. School 5 aisB M. E. Dili, vice McKee, resigned, Sept. 1 School 0 MIbb H.

M. Barber, vice Smith, resinned. Sent. 1. School Miaa Serplanck, Sept.

1. vice Hunt, resigned, v. ,.1 1 vr 1 Sept. 1 UI.UUUJ jiudo orojjmuuii, pruoiuieu, Sc Miss Beck, transferred to Primarv De partment, Sept. 1.

School 10 Miss Ronget, vice Curtis, resigned, September 1. School 10 Miss F. Martin, vice Rouget, promoted, Sept. 1. chool 10 Miss E.

Savage, vice F. Martin, promoted, Sept. 1. School 12 MisB Wilkina, vice Cook, resigned, September 1. School 12 Miss Hope, vice Wilkins, promoted, September 1.

School 12 Miss Moorhousc, vice Hope, promoted, Sept. 1. School 12 Miss D'Estranville, vice Morehouse, promoted, Sept. 1. School 12 Miss Weeks, vice D'Estranville, promoted, Sept.

1. School 12 MiflB AdamB, vice Weeks, promoted, September 1. School 12 MIbb Averill, vice Keeee, resigned, September 1. School 18 MIbb J. J.

Jones, vice Averill, promoted, Sept. 1. School 13 Misa Tush, vice JoneB, promoted, September 1. School 18 Misa Walker, vice Tuah, promoted, September 1. School IS Miaa Maine, vice Walker, promoted, September 1.

School 13 Miss MUbnrn, vice Mains, pramotedt Sept. 1. School 18 Mias L. Wood, vice Lawrence, reaigned. Sept, 1.

School 13 Miss J. A. Jones, vice Wood, promoted, Sept. 1. School 18 Mlsa M.

Taylor, vice Jones, promoted, Sept. 1. School 18 Miaa Smith, vice Taylor, promoted, September 1. School 14 MIbb Phipard, to third class, girls' gram roar department. School 14 Miss H.

B. Wilson, vice Phipard, promoted, Sept. 1. School 14 Misa M. C.

Wilson, vice H. B. Wilaon, promoted, Sept. 1. School 14 Mias Farley, vice M.

E. Wilaon, promoted, Sept. 1. School 14 Misa M. J.

Ferguson, vice Dunn, promoted, Sept. 1. School 14 Misa F. M. Wllllame, vice Ferguson, pro moled, Sept.

1. Schools Miss Dunkley, vice Daman, resigned, September 1. School 8 Miss Gomp, vice Dunkley, promoted, 8chool8 Miss Moore, vice Merritt, resigned, September 1. School 8 Miss McGulre, vice Moore, promoted, 8ep tember 1. School 8 MIbs Hunter, vice McGulre, promoted, eepi.

1. 8c iChool 8 Miss Cragley, vice Hunter, promoted, SeDt. 1 Schools Misa Smith, vice Hitchcock, resigned, October 1. School 8 Miss McQuirc. vice Smith, promoted, October 1.

School 15 Miss Ives, vice Dcwcll, resigned, Sept. 1. School 16 Miss Hughes, vice Ives, promoted, Sep tember 1 School 15 MIbs Bcdlow, vice HugheB, promoted, Sept. 1. School 15 Misa Hadden, vice Bedlow, promoted, Sept.

1. School 15 Miss Bennett, vice Hadden, promoted, Sept. 1. School 15 Mlsa Whllaker, vice Bennett, promoted, Sept.l. School 15 Miss M.

Moore, to sixth class of girls, Sept. 1. School 10 MiBB Goodrich, vice Shea, reaigned. September 1. School IS Mias Cunniogton, vice Goodrich, promoted, Sept.

1. School 19 Miaa A. L. Thomaa, vlco Cnnnington, promoted, Sept. 1.

School 19 Miss McCllncby, vice Thomas, promoted, Sept.l. School 19 MIbb Fuller, vice McClinchy, promoted. Sept.l. 8chool 19 Misa Moriarty, vice Fullci, promoted. Sept.

1. School 19 MiBa Cherry, vice Moriarty, promoted, Sept.l. School 19 Miss Martin, vice Cherry, promoted. September 1. School 19 MIbb Klhgler, vlco Martin, promoted.

Sept 1. School 27 Mias L. Wilson, vice Lowis, resigned, Sept. 1. School 29 Misa Austin, vice Lynes, resigned, September 19.

School 29 Miss Doherty, vice Austin, promoted, Sept. 19, School 29 Misa Fogarly, vice Doherty, promoted, Sept. 10. School 29 Miss Wtllius, vlco Fogarty, promoted, Sept. 19.

School 29 MIbs Rockwood, vlco WIlIIus, promoted, Sep 19 School 29 Miaa Smith, nee naynes, resigned. September 19. AivrorarMKNTS. Schools Margaret Nernay, to second class boys, School 8 Miss Rosetta Knight, to second class girls, Sept. 1, Bchool 4 MIbb Lizzie Camberson, vice Mrs.

Wallace, rcsicned, SeDt. 1. Mcnooi 1 Ansa jmihu jjavcupun, tiuu promoted, Sept. 1 School 4 Miss Lizzie Klrkner, vice Dill, promoted, 8eskh School Mlea Sarah K. Moore, vice Barber.

Dro moted, Oct. 1. School 6 Miss S. A. Damon, vice Scott, reaigned, Sept.

1. School 6 Miss HayeB, vice Ford, resigned, Sept. 1. School 6 Miaa Bliss, vlco Palmerjiromoted, Bent. 1 School 6 MIbs Ithell, lu Primary Department, September 1.

School 7 Misa L' Hommedleu, vice Miss Beck, promoted, Sept. 1. School 7 Mlsa M. L. Moufort, vice Faggcrt, resigned, Oct.

1. School 7 Mlsa Mneterson, in Primary Deportment, Seot. 1. School 11 Mias Helen Warner, vice Alwood, resigned, Sept. 1.

School 18 Miss Mattie Carman, vice Smith, promoted, Sept. 1. School 14 Mlsa Kate Taggart, to first class girls, German Department, Sept. 1. School 14 Mias Fanny C.

Borer, to lowest close boys, Primary Department, Sept. 1. School 14 Miaa Mattie W. Andrews, to lowest dags elrls. Primary Department, Sept 1.

School 14 Mias Lottie A. Pratt, vice F. M. Williams, promoted Sept. 80.

No. 8 MIbs D. Gllea, vice Miss Dayton, resigned, $0. 8 Mias M. L.

Miss Gongs, promoted, 8So.V Mlss C. Kempehall, vice Mlsa tigned, Sept. 1. No. 8 MIbs M.

Lunan, vice Misa Cratly, promoted, Se0.1i6 Miss E. E. Shcpley, vice MIbb Snattuck, resinned, Sept. 1. No.

19 Miss WiUdnson, vice Miss Elngler, promoted, Sept. 15. N. 19 Miss Emma Johnson, to new class, Sept. 1BPrlm.

4 Miss Adelaide Lockwood, to new class, 15f3chool 20 Mlsa Mary C. Hempstead, vlco Hill, re "'ffchool IS Mr. James E. Ryan, to bo principal, at a salary or $1,200, Sept. 80.

School 26 Miss F. A. CoggBwell, to be first assistant Grammar Department, SeptTl, $C25. Bchool 26 Mies Elliott, to be second assistant nun mar Department. Sept.

1, $450. 8chool6 Miss C. Ottrogtte, to be third assistant Grammar Department, Sept. 1. $100 School at Mias Slocum.

to be Ont us la taut Primary Department, Sept. 1, $426. DEMOCRATIC GENERAL COMMITTEE. Sleeting Last Evening Tho Proposed Union wltb the NationalsReport of the Conference Committee on the Subject The Judiciary Convention Appointment of Standing Committees. A regular meeting of the Democratic General Committee of Kings County was held last evening at the rooms of the Committee, No.

847 Pulton Btrcet. Tho President, Jas. B. Craig, occupied the chair, and the Secretary, G. G.

Herman waa also present. There was a large attendance of members. The meeting was called te order at SO minutes past eicht o'clock, and the minutes of tho last meetine were read and approved. THE JUDICIARY CONVENTION. The report of tho committee to whom was referred the matter of appointing delegates to the Judiciary Convention to assemble at Newberg, being called for Mr.

McLoughlln, of tho Ponrth Ward, reported the following named gentlemen aa having been choBon delegates First DiBtrict H. P. Whitney. Second District J. B.

Craig. Third District Pnrhnv. Fourth DiBtrict Edward Doyle. Fifth DiBtrict Thomas Murphy. sixth District Luke O'Reilly.

Seventh District George L.Fox. Elebth District F. PWe. Ninth DiBtrict James Buckley. The report was, on motion, adopted.

REPORT OF THE CONFERENCE COMMITTEE. Mr. JamcB Troy, from the Committee of Conferonco with tho National Committee, reported that the two committees bad met, and on the part of the Nationals it had been proposed that two Nationals from each Ward and county townB be admitted Into the regular commillee, and that therenpon tho National Democratic General would be disbanded. A i esolution to that effect und a list of persons proposed to be admitted had been furnished by the other committee. Mr.

Troy said the Conference Committee had decided to recommend such a measure, and he therefore moved Ita adoption. The motion was seconded. Mr. Fox, from the Thirteenth Ward, inquired If the admission of two more members from each ward and county town, would not conflict with the Constitution. He thought it would, and if not, It would require one month to amend the Constitution.

The chairman thought Mr. Fox was right. Mr. McLoughlin, of the Second Ward, proposed to refer the motion to a to ascertain what would be the best conrae to pursue. Mr.

Robert Furey said the proposition to admit two Nationals from each ward end town might appear all right to verdant politicians, but it should be more fully considered. It was a rather cheeky proposal on the part of the Nationals, who already had managed to get a number into this committee, to aak for two members, and he (Furey) was flat footed in his opposition to such a proposition. He would be willing to admit one from each ward and town, but not two. There were men In the National Committee, such as Moms. Corboy and others, who were entitled to consideration, but there were also othors, who wero not.

He (Furey) moved to amend Mr. Troy's motion, by agreeing to admit one member from each ward and town, and appointing a committee to ascertain if it would be necessary 10 alter the Constitution to suit the case, and to report at the next meeting of tho committee what action would be requisite in the case. Mr. xroy saia oe wouia accept the amendment Mr. McLoughlln, of the Fourth Ward, thought that ir it was round neceasary to alter the Constitution, Mr.

Troy's notice to that effect, given three weeks ago might be allowed. Mr. T. G. Bergen said that would not hold good if said notice was not properly given, and he would inquire If the minutes showed such notice as given.

The Chairman Bald that Mr. Troy's notice had beon ruled out or order at tho time, as that meeting was not a regular one. The Secretary, on referring to the minutes, found such to be the case. Mr. Troy said that in case such notice Bhould be found necessary, be would give it, and did so.

Mr. Furey's motion waa then put and carried. The Chairman appointed the following named gentlemen as the committee to whom was referred the subject, said committee to report at the next meeting Mr. Robert Furey, of the Fifth Ward; Mr. T.

Bergen, of New Utrecht; Mr. P. Ennis, of the Fifteenth Ward; Mr. G. L.

Fox, of the Thirteenth Ward, and Mr. James Boyle, of the Ninth. THE NEXT MEETING. Mr. Furey moved that when the committee adjourn it bo to meet again on Wednesday, the 3th, for the purpose of ratifying the nominations of the State Convention, and calling primaries to nominate local officers.

The motion was carried. STANDING COMMITTEES. The Chairman announced the Standing Committees as follows Executive Committee Thomas Klnsella, B. J. Lowber, Robert Furey, Jacob I.

Bergen, T. G. Bergen. Finance Committee Timothy Desmond, W. A Fowler, George Thompson, F.

G. Quevedo, M. J. Allen, W. I.

Livingston, W. H. Powell. Printing Committee G. Herman, C.

E. Pratt, Jas. Murphy, A. Fries, Hugh McLoughlln, Scjond Ward. Auditing Committee Geo.

L. Fox, Jas. A. Duffy Owen Hanovan. Naturalization Committee Owen Hanovan, T.

Far rcll, W. A. Fowler, W. H. Powell, Thomas Kunis, Chas.

O'Neil, W. Murray, John Delmer, James Boyle James McCauley, Thos. Martin, Thos. Foran, G. l'.

Fox, D. Smith, P. Ennis, H. L. Guck, Chas.

B. Elliott" F. W. Kalblleiach, H. M.

Bearnes, John Bronnan, Benj. S. Nelson, Jas. 8. Cooper, S.

J. Voorhles, W. B. Howard, C. Ferguson.

NATURALIZATION. On motion of Mr. McLoughlln, of the Second Ward, the Secretory, Mr. G. G.

Herman, was authorized to sign orders for the procuring of naturalization papers. It was announced that all other necessary arrangements had been made for that purpose. The meeting then adjourned time, 9 o'clock. RADICAL GENERAL COMMITTEE. The Sheridan Disappointment Endors ing Nominees.

The Radical General Committee met last evening at their rooms, No. 9 Court street, E. L. San. dcrson, President, In the chair.

After the reading of the minutes, the Executive Committee present, ed a resolution recommending the holding of meetings in each ward and town by the Associations, for regis tration and correcting the rolls, Before Weduesday evening next, which was adopted. Tho committee decided to adjourn for one week. Mr. Colt, of the Sixth, who came all nritnnri with resolutions In his pocket, here rose and said that soma of the members bad wltneBBed yesterday tho reception of Sheridan. (Cheers.) There are some circumstances connected with the action of the Common Council which seem to deserve attention.

He therefore moved that a committee of three be appointed to report a set of resolutions to the committee for adoption, if they saw lit to do so. rno motion prevailed, ana tne cnair ac pomtca as such committee Messrs. Colt. Third Ward: Holt. Third Ward, and Reeve, Fourth Ward.

uunne itieir anBence, mr. anas a. uutcuer, or the Eighth Ward, addressed the persons Dreaent on call. He said that as yet be had hardly got into working oraor ne naa not oeen to toe convention, out an unexceptionable ticket bad been placed in the Arid. He was sure that the party would, this foil, by ita votes reserve the liberties which the soldiers in the Seld avo so nobly won.

Locally, the party was disap pointed in the large majority of the Democracy, a majority which was unexpected to thoir opponents, and thlB fall he believed that the Democrats, In their turn, would be similarly disappointed. A voice TeB, by four thousand votes. It must be remembered that tho contest will be decided by close work in each locality, in seeing your neighbor, and also tbat he votes. Mr. Dutcher was jnBt warming up to his subject, when the committee returned and he Bat down.

THE RESOLUTIONS. Mr. Colt presented the following resolutions, which were received with prolonged cheers Resolved, That In General Philip H. Sheridan, who has this day honored tho City of Brooklyn with hiB presence, we recognize not only the brilliant and distinguished soldier, but also the lofty patriot, whose eminent characteristic it haa ever been to discharge the duties of the positions he has been called npon to fill, with sole reference to a faithful execution of the lawa of the land. Resolved, That we heartily approve and hereby endorse and adopt the resolution offered yesterday by Alderman Bliss in the Board of Aldermen, and rejected bv the Democratic majority of that Board, which resolution is in the following words "Whereas, Major General Philip H.

Sheridan Is expected to visit this city to morrow (Tuesday, October the requestor several prominent military and other gentlemen of the city and. wncreaa, it is duo to tne gatiant military services of the distinguished General that bis reception be public in character, and that he be welcomed officially in behalf of tho citizens of Brooklyn therefore, "Resolved, That the hospitalities of the city be tendered to him, and that be be invited to occupy the Governor's room for the reception of such friends as he may desire to meet him on his brier sojourn with and further, that the whole subject be referred to a committee to take such further action in the matter aa may bo deemed advisable to show honor and respect to General Sheridan by the citizens of Brooklyn for the gallant and heroic services he has rendered to the country." ReEOlved, Tbat in common with the citizens of Brooklyn generally, we feel oppressed with shame and humiliation that the constituted authorities of Brooklyn should have re. used to offer the bospitalties of the city to thiB scarred veteran of a hundred battles this great hero of the Shenandoah, especially when they were asked to extend that hospitality upon tho ground or his military services alone. Eesolved, That if this action of tho Democratic majority in the Board of Alderman correctly represents the sentimentsand feelings of tho Democratic party of the County of Kings, we, aa Republicans, accept (he Issue. None but the enemies of the country have ever treated Phil.

Sheridan with disrespect, and what they have made bv it, let history recora. Resolved, That the thanks of the citizens of Brooklyn are due to the citizen soldiors, who have to day given so splendid a reception to one of tue greatest chieltains of the age. THE ADOPTION. In supporting the above Mr. Colt eaid that he would content himself with the resolutions, and leave to others to resent the outrage perpetrated In their name by the Democratic Aldermen or the city.

He knew General Sheridan as a soldier who had served his country, and had not been Identified with politics If he was more of a Democrat than a Republican it was because he loved bis fellow men. He could find no reason why the doors of thiB city had been abut against this gallant soldier, unless It be that the victories won by him are distasteful to them. Some member, said to be Mr. Dixon, of the Eleventh Ward, here rose, and In a series of contortions which evinced the peculiar construction of the human frame lor gymnastic possibilities, attempted to express Mb opposition to Mi. Colt's harangue.

Not meetln the endorsement of the Committee, he was promptly plunped into outer darkness, where (as subsequently Been) he wandered about with great confidence in the wall, very little control over his legs, and an aimlessness quite spirituous in character. In short he had Sheridan on the brain and was bent on "wulrl ing" down stairs. After tbo hasty, tortuous exodus of thiB uncommonly Republican Republican, the resolution was adopted ENDORSEMENT. The President, Mr. E.

L. Sanderson, then presented the following, which was adopted, and he Committee went into executive BeBBion Resolved, That this General Committee do heartily approve and endorse the nominations of the State Convention we approve of the men and the principles on which their election Is asked, and we pledge ourselves to sustain the ticket and ask tor It the support of the Republicans of Kings County; and wo call npon them at the polls to remember the compliment paid ub in the nomination of Joshua M. Van Cott for the office of Attorney General of the State Long Island Items. The Flushing Band of Hope will he lectured on Friday evening by Susannah Evans, the celebrated temperance speaker. John Tracy's barn in Jamaica was robbed lost week of a bay cutter, tools, and other property.

John McClunda had his arm broken by the crank of a hand car at Babylon last Saturday. The Fourteenth Annual Exhibition of the Suffolk County Agricultural Society opens to day at Greenport, and will be continued to morrow and the day following. Over $1,000 win be awarded In premiums. Baseball playing and horse races will be features of the affair. A supply of gas will soon be furnished the public of Sag Harbor, Messrs.

Tooker and Fordism having leased the gae works for that purpose. WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 2. Tbla paper baa tbe liurgcMt Clrcalatlon or Bar Erenlng paper pabliabed Id the Halted States. Ita value aa an Advertising medium Is therefore apparent. A Chance for the Politicians.

The following ycry singular paragraph appears on the editorial page of to day's Tribune: "In compliance with Mrs. Abraham Lincoln's re qneat, Mr. William H. Brady publishes the nnwelcome' fact that her income $1,700 a rear is insufficient for her proper support, and tint she has been eompellod to oiler for Balo many costly articles which Bhe would otherwise gladly keep. She desires to return to Sprinefleld: but to dwell there, and entertain the hosts of visitors that would descend upon her, would require a larger outlay than she can afford.

Hence ehe has resolved to sell, through Mr. Brady, about worth of choice jewels and costly apparel, and the gooilB are on exhibition in his roomB Mob. 4, 5, 6 and 7, No. 609 Broadway." We presume the Tribune is fully justified in referring to what would seem to be a purely private matter. If, as is stated, Mrs.

Lincoln finds it impossible to. live on her income of we must assume that she has been eminently successful in preventing fie fact from becoming public up to this time, for surely there are many blatant and wealthy admirers of the late President who would gladly save his widow from the melancholy necessity of parting with the momentoes of happier times and adornments so dear to the feminine mind. Possibly we are crediting Mrs. Lincoln with reticence, touching her private affairs hitherto at the expenso of the liberality of those who are so ardent in their admiration of her late husband. While the memory of Mr.

Lincoln is still fresh, and while a political party is attempting to trade on his reputation it is not creditable to our politicians that tis relict should be compelled to offer a portion of her wardrobe for sale in the New York market One of Mr. Lincoln's friends saw fit after his death to give the public an inventory of his effects. According to this statement Mr. Lincoln was worth ton thousand dollars when nominated lor the Presidency the first time. He never was charged with prodigality in personal expenditure while office, notwithstanding it was afHrirKfcd that he saved but $25,000 during hi9 term.

Mrs. Lincoln, seems to have been more liberal in gratifying her tastes. Jewels can readily be converted mto money and possibly the good lady was enabled to gratify the feminine desire for personal adornments and at the same time lay by, indirectly, provision for a rainy day. "We were never classed among Mr. Lincoln's personal admirers, but we would like to have the opportunity of contributing our mite towards taking Mrs.

Lincoln's jewely out of the market, and handing them back to that lady, if only to save the politicians from the disgrace reflected apou them by the facts stated by the Tribune, Terrible Consequence of the Back sliding of the City Fathers. "It is an ill wind:" says the proverb, "which blows nobody good," and it has another illustration in the difficulty between the Aldermen over the Sheridan reception. In consequence of the disagrement, the expense attending the affair must be paid by the getters up of it, and will not come from the City Treasury. The aggregate amount will probably reach four thousand dollars, and although the champagne flowed freely at the City Hall yesterday, there is no doubt but that twice the quantity would have been consumed, or made away with, if the city had undertaken to foot the bills. As soon as the bottom of the last basket of Hiedsieck" on hand was seen, all who participated were loud in their condemnation of the evidently unpatriotic" conduct of the City Fathers, who are usually so liberal when authorized to draw on the City Comptroller.

The political hangers on arc always willing to take advantage of any excuse that presents itself for a feed and a "reception." Their tastes are of the most catholic sort, and they arc just as willing to drink to the health of Barnum's gorilla as to any general or statesman in the land, providing the property holders pay the liquor bill. Yesterday's ceremonies fell far short of those got up in honor of the soldiers about a year ago, when every veteran was presented with a composition medal, worth about ten cents, while every politician had a bottle or two of wine to drink to the health of the brave boys in blue," every one of whose medals cost the city about four dollars and fifteen cents fifteen cents for the medal and four dollars for arousing the patrolemen of the political interlopers. There is no worse dessert to a feast on a public occasion than is presented in the melancholy reflection that those who consume it will have to pay for it. The City Fathers will never be forgiven for yesterday's tergiversation by those who will have to foot yesterday's champagne and sandwich bill. The tax payers will be able to stand it, however, if the political manipulators can.

The Expenses of the City Government. The Joint Board of Aldermen and Supervisors met last evening and passed upon the appropriations for the expenses of the City Government for the ensuing year. The total of the estimates in the Mayor's Budget was $8,422,410 G8 the amount voted by the Board $3,289,413 14. This reduction was not due to any economical intentions on the part of the Board, but to the discovery by Supervisor Scholes that a portion of the Excise money, amounting to $187,943 49, was applicable to the Sinking Fund, reducing the estimate for that item Finding they had so much margin, the members of the Board increased the amount by several items. The Board cannot exceed the total of the Mayor's estimates, but they may change the figures of the various items, economize on one to increase another.

It was perhaps fortunate that Supervisor Scholes did not make his discovery earlier, or the amount placed to the credit of the account miglit have been fully balanced by appropriations for various little jobs which might have been thought of if there had been time. The expenses of the City Government are increasing yearly at a ratio discouraging to the taxpayers. The amount raised last year was $2,501,549 34, showing an increase for the present year of $787,863 80, an advance of over thirty per and in spite of the large increase in the assessed value of property will add nearly one per cent, to the rate of taxation. Educatiomal. The Board of Edncation last evening increased the salary of the lady principal of Public School No.

15 (Mrs. Dunkley) to one thousand dollars per annum. Due mainly to her ability, tact, and energy No. 15 has acquired more than a local reputation. While we do not desire that the case should not be accepted as a precedent, it will serve to show that we are willing to remunerate conspicuous talent in our teach: ers whenever we find it It is a curious commentary on the labor problem that there is no reason in the world why Mrs.

Dunkley should not have the same pay as the male principals except the fact that she is a woman. Mayor Booth has filled the vacancy in the Board of Education, occasioned by the resignation of Mr. Brinkerhoff, by the appointment of Mr Abram B. Baylis, who has served before in that body. We congratulate the Board on the accession of a very useful member and the Mayor in making a very excellent appointment The Tribune wishes that General Sheridan could make it convenient to go through Pennsylvania and Ohio before the elections In these States, which take place next week. is no objection, but would it not be somewhat unfair to ask both parties to join in promoting: tbo success of the trip if, as the Tribune believes, it is in the interest of this party our cotemporary adheres to Let us be fair in this matter. If the Tribune would only do bv others as it would wish to be done by, it would cease its clamor about the attempts of the Democrats to give Sheridan's tour a political twist The Republican General Committee last night Dassed resolutions conuemnuig me manner in which General onenuan .1 was treated by the City Fathers. The resolutions passed by the Committee denunciatory of the Political. The Republican National Committee have decided to hold the next Presidential Convention of their party at Chicago. The first Convention of the party was held at Philadelphia in 1856; the second at Chicago in 1860; and the last at Baltimore in 1864.

Since the formation of the Democratic party, that organization has elected eight Presidents, four of whom served two terms. The same party has been opposed at successive times by four distinctive political organizations: the first was known as the Federalists, which sought to break down the power reserved to the States. The very name of this organization became so odious that the descendents of the Federalist regarded it as an insult to be called by the name which their fathers were once proud to bear. The Whig party next entered the arena, as advocates of protection to special interests, and of liberal favors to what were termed internal improvements, at the hands of the general government. On these issues, after a long struggle, the American people almost unanimously sided against the Whigs, and in 1852 that party, despairing of success, virtually abandoned its organization.

The "Know Knothing" party next made their appearance as the advocates of imposing disabilities on foreign bora citizens. After a short career it died, leaving a memory only a little less odious than its predecessor, the Federal party. The reopening of the slavery issue afforded an opportunity for the conglomeration of all the elements of opposition to the Democracy, and we need hardly add that as to the result to the country of the success of the combination there is a wide difference of opinion. A peculiar fatality appears to attend Presidents elected in opposition to the older organization. Of the four Presidents elected by other than Democrats, two have died in office, and one, to the sore discomfiture of every man who is at heart a lover of popular government, was assassinated while in office.

In the selection of vice Presidents, the opposition have been equally unfortunate as a party. Mr. Tyler was elected Vice President by the Whigs, and was executed by him after he succeeded to the Presidency. If we are not mistaken the inevitable John M. Botts, of "Virginia, introduced a resolution looking to his impeachment Of the relations between Mr.

Johnson and his party which elected him it is needless to speak. It is not clear whether Vice Presidents or the anti Democrats have the more reason to dread each other. The Democratic State Convention will meet at Albany to morrow. The following are the delegates elected from this County Robert Furey, Wm. A.

Fowler, Jas. O'Brien, Frank A. Mallison, Timothy Desmond, John T. Runcie, Abraham Lott. Upon the whole rather light timber.

The delegation in understood to be unpledged for candidates for for State offices. Mr. Parks, it is understood, does not desire to serve again on the State Central Committee from this District. James B. Craig and Wm.

A. Fowler are named for the position. The former gentleman has filled the place, and his re election would add an energy to the body which it sadly needs. The Democratic Convention for the selection of a candidate for Justice of the Supreme Court for the Second District, will meet at Newburg on the 8th inst. The delegates from this county is a strong one, and is made up as follows First District, H.

P. Whitney Second District, J. B. Craig; Third District, James Corboy; Fourth District, Edward Doyle Fifth District, Thomas Murphy; Sixth District, Luke O'Riley; Seventh District, Geo. L.

Fox; Eighth District, James V. Pierce; Ninth District, James Buckley. The gentlemen named in connection with the position are Mr. Tappan, of Westchester, and Mr. Winfield, of Orange.

Mr. I'appan is a hard working lawyer, a close student, and is claimed to be an eminently safe man to whom to entrust judicial duties. Mr. Winfield has secured by his great oratorical talents a very wide reputation. He has served two terms in Congress and was acknowledged to be, intellectually, the foremost man of his party in the House of Representatives.

It is believed that the Kings County, delegation prefer Mr. Tappan, and their weight in a Convention, of which they constitute nearly one half, can hardly fail in be ing decisive. The following candidates were yesterday presented by the Democrats of Queens County for Sheriff George Durland, of North nempstead. For County (Jlerk Eobcrt Burroughs, of Middle Village. For Justice of Sessions Walter Franklin, of Oyster Bay.

for Coroners Christian Seibs, of Middle Villaze: John It. Hicks, of Hempstead A. B. Hondrickson, of Jamaica, and George Downing, of Oystor Bay. Superintendent of Poor James M.

Montford, of oyster Bay. Mr. Durland is son of the present Sheriff. The Democrats lose a man whose election did them credit by discarding Dr. Aubach, for Coroner in the Hempstead District Mr.

Justice John B. Madden was nominated for Assembly against Mr. E. O. Pen in.

Mr, Madden was one of the Justices before whom the liquor dealers of the county were brought His nomination may be regarded as an endorsement of opposition to extending the sway of the Metropolitan Commissioners over Queens County. The farmers here have an old fashioned prejudice in favor, of managing their own business, Mr. Perrin was selected as one of the delegates to the State Convention, and may consider himself elected as its chief Secretary. We publish in another column the monthly bulletin of Professor Nelson, about what is going to happen in October. We regret to learn that the planetary conjunctions are not favorable to virtue and happiness in all cases.

Connubial felicity is at a slight discount; we may account for this through the change of season and temperature. As the weather gets colder there come domestic disputes as to who shall get up first and light the fire, the domestic wants of winter, too, provoke controversy and the troubles may be simply set down as seasonable. The light fingered gentry are expected to be particularly active, and up to burglaries and robberies of all sorts. It is gratifying to know that the planet Herschell is down on this fraternity, but it will be well for the Police to keep an eye on them also, as however good our neighboring planet's intention may be, he is too far removed to render any efficient detective service in this sphere. The Professor mentions more bank and postal defalcations this is bad for those who put their faith and money in banks, and trust remittances in greenbacks to the mail.

He says nothing about whisky, and we are led to hope, that there will be no more evasions of the tax, that the Internal Revenue officers have seen the error of their ways, and distillers have become honest under the influence of Professor Watson's new planet, in conjunction of District Attorney Tracy. The horoscope promises the usual allowance of fires, murders, and miscellaneous crimes and outrages which make newspapere readable, and life interesting. The Professor seems to have given up the weather in disgust and confined his observations to the more important affairs of life. The Board of Education held its regular monthly meeting yesterday afternoon, and devoted the session to routine business. The Normal School matter was laid over for discussion at a special meeting to be held on Monday next.

Nothing was done about the evening schools, which ought to have been opened by this time. Does the Board intend to dispense with the evening schools this winter? According to the reports made every year these schools have accomplished a great amount of good, benefitting large numbers of the youth of both sexes who are unable to attend the day schools, and enabling older pupils to remedy the educa tional neglect of early years. The Evening Schools have hitherto been regarded as an important feature of school system, and we have no reasons assigned for their dlscontin uance, orfor the noa action of the Board of Education in this matter. The Herald, referring to the Jews sava To no people do we Christians emh Jl theworldoweaomucb." ITSttTtaf 7er, this Mtaowledgmeat we ChriatUa." Ugool The present weather is as admirably adapted to racing purposes as any within the memory of sportsmen. The attendance at the Pateraon opening yesterday was good, and the arrangements promotive or general satisfaction.

The popular interest in horseflesh and fast time is unabated, and American turfmen are so active in encouraging this interest that England cannot loner hold her position In advance or this country aa a breeder of fine horses and an Illustrator of equine speed and endurance, although she has the aid of the Atlantic Cable and the Associated Press. Yesterday the St. Lcger race was won by De Courcey, the mile heat by Dolaware, the hurdle race by Tarquln, and the selling race by Clara Clarita. American racing has secured now a position that should enable It to dispense with each names as St. Leger, and all others borrowed from the British turf.

Railroad conductors went into uniform on Monday, on the Hudson River Railroad, according to a law recently passed. A morning paper says the dreBB consists of a navy cap and a blue coat. Wo presume, however, that pantaloons are also worn, and perhaps a vest. Conductors may now without much dlfllculty be mistaken Tor Army officers, Navy officers, or Police officers, and have in consequence a largo accession of dignity. Our lively friends of the New York Par mere' Club met again yesterday and offered new evidence of enterprise and versatility.

Their discussions included a wide range of topic, from raising cherry trees to stretching carpets, from infesting insects to a Bbrewd device for making animals pump the water they drink, and from farming to land spec tions. A committee reported a thrilling: narrative of an adventurous journey to South Jersey, Including many "moving accidents by flood and field." The Club ought to issue monthly pamphlets like those poor old Mr. Newton, the late Commissioner of Agriculture, who used to amuse himself by publishing his views of the weather and diseases of pigs. If any well connected gentleman should conduct himself in this country aa Garibaldi has behaved lately in Europe his friends would take measures for his personal restraint, and apply to a court for the appointment of a committee to take charge of hiB properly. He might perhaps exchange a red Bhirt for a straight jacket.

HiB inconsistent action in engineering a Peace Congress while making arrangements for a war that was criminal because it had not the most remote chance of Buccess is not more indicative of madness than his vagaries on the subject of religion. Under bis system all existing ecclesiastical establishments are to be disbanded, and their places supplied by the "universal religion ot the Deity" whatever that may bo. Uaribaidl believes tne measuro may be compassed with entire ease, as he has believed of all his impracticable schemes. Probably the Italian hero has been insane for years. His hasty and extraordinary marriage with a doubtful young person was the act of a madman, and was excused by his best friends on the pica that he was lunatic.

Late events confirm this theory, and suggest wheth er a man mentally deranged should be suffered to go at large to Im peril the peaco of a country and the lives of thoughtless persona by hlB viBionary exploits. The "intellectual drama" is little better off in England than In America. The materialistic achievements of several Now York theatresare eclipsed by the late triumph of the London Surrey, on the stage of which a stage coach and a pair of live horses are introduced. There seems to be no relief for the amusement seeker who tires of this dramatic trickery but to go and see that newly revived specimen of artificiality and snobbiBhncsB, "The Lady of Lyons" perhaps a jump from the frying pan to the Are. The Supreme Court of Ohio has decided, In a case involving the validity of a mortgage by the late Stephen A.

Douglas and wife, that the omission of the statement in the notarial certificate that Mrs. Douglas was known to tho notary was immaterial, since the fact that she was known was established. In this particular case the ends ot justice may be promoted by the deciaion.bnt its principle, if generally adopted, would prepare the way for frequent fraud. The World is Blot's blower. The progress of the French cook from place to placo is recorded with scrupulous regularity in one line paragraphs.

At the meeting of the New York Historical Society last cvenine Colonel Meline read a report on the "Exploration of Red River." He referred to enterprises in 116T, 1819, and 1852, but made no mention of the later and more brilliant expedition of General Banks. The late Captain General of Cuba died recently of eating too many oystere and other things, and drinking freely at a ball. At least these are the avowed causes of death. Other reports say he fell among doctors. A Spanish physician bled him the worst possible treatment, it appears.

Cuban medical men refused to do anything for him, and permitted him to die, leat their remedies should kill him. The doctors arc not always so considerate. Amusements, RiSToni. Madame Ristori gave her second performance this season at the Academy of Music last evening, when the tragedy of Myrrha" was produced here for tho first time. The story of "Myrrha" ib gioomy and repulsive, revolting legends seem to have had an attraction for the Italian poets and dra matists, and Alfieri has embalmed this classical hor ror in inspired poetry, and Ristori has vivified it with her histrionic genius.

In Europe the role of Myrrha has been regarded as one of Bistort's greatest dramatic triumphs, and we can from last night's performance appreciate this judgment. In this character she has the fullest opportunities for the display of her won derful powers of depicting the struggle of contending emotions in the strife between the instincts of a pure and noble woman, and the fierce, unholy passions implanted in her bosom by the vengeful Goddess, The effect on tho audience is decpandawe insplrlng; they are not electrified into any bursts of enthusiasm, as in other performances. The gathering last eve ning was select and not bo numerous aa on former occasions. On Tuesday next the new play of "Marie Antionette" will be presented here. The Park Theatre.

Mr. E. L. Daren port, who as an actor in legitimate roles has bad few equals on the American stage, will commence hiB en gagemcnl hero this eveDlng Id Othello," snpported by Mr. Conway as lago.

Hooley's Opera House. The current bill opens, with a new selection of songs and freBh jokea in which there la a amart rivalry between Arcby Hughes and Cool Burgess, the rival momuBses of the party. The Medea burlesque, with Cool Burgess as Histori McDear, Archy Hughes as Jason, and Dave Beed and Joe Mack aa the Sentinels 1b intensely funny, especially the sanguinary tableau. The Dramatic Agency is another now alde Bplittlng absurdity, in which the whole company participate, and Archy Hughes develops in a new phase of humor. Of all the great stars of minstrelsy, who have ahone at this establishment, noun have eclipsed the old favorites, and we have yet to aee the man who, for gen uine Irresistible humor, can match Archy Hughes, who It funny at all times and in everything.

Of the new comers Gibson is a good clog dancer, and Mack plays a good bone solo. The whole performance is fresh and good, the house 1b filled every evening, and no other place of amusement ever sends Its patrons home better satisfied. The Atheneum. The panoramic illustra tiona of the visions of St. John will be on exhibition at the Athencnm for a few nights more, closing this week.

It la an instructive and entertaining exhibi tion, and continues to be well patronized. Matinees will be given this and Saturday afternoons. The Opera. On Thursday evening the second subscription performance of Italian Opera wUl be given, the work will be "I with Peralta, Anaataal, Bellini and Antonuccl in the cast. A ballet divertlsement will introduce the new Parisian artists.

On Monday next Bateman's French opera troupe will make their bow to a Brooklyn audience with the "Grand DucbesB of Gerolstein," of whom so much has reached our ears that we await her grace's arrival with much Interest. The Long Island Historical Society. The regular monthly meeting of the Long Island Historical Society, will be held to morrow evening In the Chapel of the Packer Institute. A paper will be read by the Rev. Leonard W.

Bacon, in "Admiral Foote's Campaign In the Western States." The foUowing announcement respecting the Society Is male: Since the last regular meeting there have be on added to the LIbraryolS volumeB and 675 pamphlets, the greater part of wfiich were gifts from members of" the Society A considerable number of BanMCripU, maps, curiosities and relics have ate? been received, which, with the books and pamphlets, are fully described Vtl the Record of Additions, accompanied by the names of the donore, eluhtv two In number The rooms have been renovated and re arranged, additional periodiclaa nave been placed In the Beading Booms, and they tie opeau evening. An Example Worthy of Imitation. An affair which reflects the higbeat credit on the principal party concerned, took place last evening at the residence of Phillip H. Grogan, tye well known and popular caterer. No.

82 Wllloughby street. During the day a number of prominent citizens received Invitations to bo present at Mr. Oregon's residence in tbe evcnlne, and Phil's well known hospitality Insured a general acceptance, so that about eleven o'clock there were a largo number of prominent citizens present, all of wbome were in blissful Ignorance of the object of tbe gathering until about an hour had been passed in pleasant social Intercourse, when It leaked out, somehow, tbat "Phil" had Invited all hia employee to abare his hospitality, and tbe diatlr gulshed gentlemen aforesaid were expected to don tho apron for the nonce, and serve those who ao Industriously wait upon tbe pstrona of Phil's establishment. All went into the affair with the utmost zest, and shortly after twelve o'clock, when the guests arrived, and were ushered Into the dining room, they found a moat gorgeous entertainment awaiting them, an Immense table loaded wltb all the delicacies and substantial of the season, and on each side arrayed In while aprons about eighteen of tbe most extraordinary waiters tbat ever mustered to tbe wants of hungry humanity. There was an ex Sutte Treasurer, a City Comptroller, merchants, bankers, tobacconists, bakers, editors, reporters, etc.

To tell how the plcaaed guceta enjoyed the affair, how "Hnghey" woold call for another plate or "frizzled chicken," how "Maggie," with bcr face all beaming with fun, would puzzle the waiters with multifarious orders. bow the green waiters In their efforts to make themselves useful, eot in each others' way, and made eonfuslka worse confounded, how tbe fair hostess of tho hoavo with a host of female Mends did the honors of tha kitchen, and finally how "Hughcy" and partner got an and In the moat grandiloquent manner proposed thai health of the boat and hoetear. would require tbe pen ojf a Dkkeui. Suffice It to say that tho aSalr pused ovev In the moat pleasant manner, and vlll long be remembered hy tboae wbo participated In it aa moat enllojahra enter ttiomsnl..

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