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The Iola Register from Iola, Kansas • Page 7

The Iola Registeri
Iola, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


R. O. Smith. BREEDERS TO tliat Prince Edward Ing at the Fair Grounds. Dr.

F. S. Beattle, owner. FOR FIRST- class brand new motorcycle worth $2.50 sell cheap for cash or on time. See T.

B. Shannon today. BUY CALVES. ALL ages. Address particulars to A.

care Register. WA FARM HAND AT im'K 1.1. T. Allen. Phono 979-3.

Good time to get Furniture, Stores, OLD EATERS Rugs. Unolcuma, Shades. Lace Cur- and I 'ook stoves. ILM. tains.

Scwlnic Organs. Trunks. Suit Cases and Baga. Every- BY thing goos. Bonneil Famitare Co.

N. Jeffersoa Phone ISN. WORK younp Phone AND MULES to pasture. Frank Bale, west of river. Phone 987-23.

TEAMS WA.NTED—CAN USE 4 teams: levee work; good wages. Apply to Allen County Investment Co. I i Kelley Hotel lola, Kans. FOR BRED BDFF Rock Eggs for to for 15. Phone 256.

836 X. Jefferson. CARPET AND; Rug Chas. Francis. 427 South First.

Phone 902. BOY MUST i be 16 years old and live at hopie. New York Store. FOR SALE i FOR 1. RED BABY rhicks Jl.Ofl for or I2.2S for 2.5; and i R.

I. Red eggs J3.00 per 100. Mrs. C. WA.VTED-SIX TO EIGHT ROOM i France.

Colony. KacH. cottacp. State location and price C. care Register.

FOR HORSES AND .1 at the lola Feed Yard. 224 ROOM GIRL with some experience; at once; at Krauzes Cafe. Frank White. IN STORE OR OFfice: competent as clerk or bookkeeper. M.

F. Stone. 8 Bruner St. CHEAPE.ST FARM IX ALLEX CO. 120 miles LaHarpc; room house; larsf red bam; good orchard; level land, no rock.

Price $40 per I acre if sold within ten days. Good terms. Its a snap. See us quick. lOLA LAND COMPANY.

POSITION AS BOOK- "Si: FOR SALE-BLISS NATIVE HERBS eral otficf work. A. B. C. care Reg- 'at the Peter residence on South ister office.

i street. LaHarpe. FOR PEDIGREED Poland China Bears, a months old; extra good. J. J.

Wllenburg, Humboldt. FOR ONE light, open delivery car; one five-passenger Ford; one Mitchell. These cars In excellent con- i dition and can be seen at the Palace Garage, phone S93. FOR IM'N P'ire fawn whito Egcs for hatrhinc $1 oo tnr Roiitp 1. Gas.

Kans Phone Frank Watson. VOR I'all phone the A Chicago. April cables re- I fleeted in irregular wheal -market KENT-NICELT fi-St modern house; close In opening lower to FOR MILCH i phone 3S1. cows. Phone FOR low prices.

Ed Hennlnger, West Madison. FOR 9x12 RUG some linoleum. Phone 417.1 high school will give their annual din- 1 to 92 lie. FOR EXCHANGE AMERICA'S GREATEST FLOOD AUSO Place your order now for one of the memorial paRi's, full story of America's greatest flood and cyclone. The demand is great and the supply limited.

So don't delay. See big FOR SALE AND Chicken ranches, to 10 acres; farms and city property. H. Chaney. Phone 78, Gas.

Kansas. FOR AT ELEC trie Park. Phone 975F12. FOR. potted 1066.

AND FOR A weight SO to 223 4th. FOR GAS COOK stoves. Hennlnger. West Madison. TO E.KCHA.NGE^—N 1 1- ad with full particulars to Regis- dcnrc property in lola to exchange for team of liiules or horses.

K. S. Slough STRAYED OR STOLEN. tor readers. Address Cirrnlalion lola Register CUrago WHE.AT—Mar July 913j; Sept.

July ScpL 57. O.VTS—May Sept. $1967; July $19 82; Sept. July. $10 97.

MOXEY TO LOAJri Will lend on household goods; pianos, organs, sewing chines, diamonds and jewelry. J. W. COFFET a Office, Serth Street a I i Heed.the That Hangs On. seeds of consumption may be HUMBOLDT, boidt.

weakens the system. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound checks the cough. heals the inflamed membranes and J. C. KEIM, PHONE 1316.

INSURES strengthens the Inngs. E. D. Round- good cattle and horses against tree. Stillmore.

disease or death from any cause; also me in a deep seated, harking, pain represent Farmers' Alliance. Fire, (ul rough which Foley's Honey and lightning, tornado, wind and hail at I Tar completely Drug actual cost. I Store. NEWS FDR TODkY MISS MR. STIXNETT rXlTED IX MARRIAGE.

for thr of the -Xewn It Con. a Lot of Little Items Ton Shnald Read. GROCERY BAROAIXS TH.VT ARE BARGAIXS. LAHARPE. APRIL Adfia Dean, daughter of Mr and Mrs W.

Dean Mr. Will Stinnett, of Kiin-; 4. sas City were united In marriage 9 o'clock Saturday evening by Rev. A. J.

Morton. Miss Dean has been tmploycd as central at the telephone exchange for some time and is very popular among the younger set. Stinnett formerly resided here buf is now employed In the: bridge department of the Metropolitan in Kansas City. A host of friends here wish the young couple a and prosperous future. Tlwy will leave late this week for Kansas City to reside.

Marr's Sanitary Bread at W. S. Fresh every day. Mr. hnd R.

Mitchell were guests of and Mrs. George Anderson, of Moran, Sunday. Mrs Smock of Moran, was in LaHarpe Saturday on business A uirion prayer service will be at the Christian church tomorrow evening. The subject will be "Unity. 20 pounds Sugar Toy Oats, per Kellogg's Corn Flages per package Pot half bushel Crackers, pound

three blp lonves. Washinc Powder, fi Highest market prire pnid for prtjdnce. DEPOT GHOCEBY At the end of the streft car line. LuHarpe. Kaniias.

.00 i THE Dirs DOINGS IT ens 6in LADIES AID MEKTS WITH MR.S. FEXIMORE THURSDAY P. M. Gas I'irnlr Parties XoHre With prmal that Klertrir Park is Re. iug Put in Cnndilinn.

-4- Mrs John Moules h-is to Moran after an extended visit v.ith her daughter. Mrs H. USE RED STAR FLOUR. J. J.

Smith and family niovinc Urro from Wrst Plains. Mr. and Mrs. D. H.

Morrison iiave from wli 'hoy were called by the drath of Morrison's sister. J. Hanson was guest of Mr. and -orgo Sun day. D.

F. GrM-n formerly of l.aHarp<». GAS CITY. APRIL -The Aid society of Ihe rhurrh I will meet Thursday afivmoon with G. W.

Feniniorr in firange. The ladirs am planning for entertainment to given In the future. Roy Foster of Burlington, Sunday and Monday with liis parents, and Mrs J. H. Mrs.

Mcllhaney and daiight'-r. Mary, of lola, wprp puss's of Mrs. Wm. Livingston Sunday. and rame in Stmday from for a short visit at thi- J.

W. Haikney home on tlieirj way to Altoona. The diamond north of town will of a conHirt M'tv xbf Bible. hut now residing in Deorinc was in eu shaking hands with old friends Everyone is requested to bring their I J. W.

Sims, of Gas City, is vis'ting his daughter Mrs. D. H. Morrison. Harry Kessinger Is moving today to tho S.

M. Martin property on ley street. S. Bowman, of Kansas City, visited J. A.

Brown Sunday. Herbert Wilson folks at Moran Sunday. W. H. Harris is in Bronson on busi ness.

Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wood have gone to Gamett to visit their son.

J. F. Armstrong of Toronto, was a visitor here yesterday. F. A.

Cooksey and family visited his mother in Ida Sunday. W. S. Ford is building a new kitchen and making other improvements on ihs restaurant. Miss Edith Riley and I.u« ky were guests of tht Brown Sun day.

WATCH OCR WIXDOW.S. HIXTEB. Tel. GB.S, Kans. Miss Grac Shawver.

of Kincaid. visited her Sophia Shawver here yesterday. The report ctrds will be givm out at srhool today for the last time before I ho riose of tho term. Tom Anderson had a pxoi 'e- ment yesterday whilo returning from he farm A part of iho harness horses at- CaS LLXE COMPLETED. Pipeline Completed to LeHnnt day and 6as Toraed Oik The Independence Mining Trans portation company completed their pipeline to the Portland Cement plant at LeHunt last Saturday afternoon from their wells in the vicinity of ble Mound.

This win give this big roment plant an supply of cheap fuel. marks the beginning of a new era in the industrial history of this locality The Mining ft Transportation company is rapidly bringing their plpriino from the gaa fields of Independence, which will furnish an adequate, supply to thn manufacturing conrems of this cit.i-. Coincident with tho piping of zns In the Portland cement romiwny at was th" bringinc in of ilip Troy -Ciondenin well north of 'Pablo Mound on Saturday well is good for one million feet and comes Kansas City Grain. Kansa City. April Wheat, market unchanged.

So. 2 liard, 90: 3. No. 2 red, 1.04; 3, July half cent higher. No.

2 mixed. 3, No. 2 white. No. 3, Close- May July O.ATS—Market unchanged.

2 white. 2 mi.xed, Receipts of wheat, 42 cars Kansas'Citr Lire Kansas City. CATTLE, receipts 10.000. Market steady. steers cows and heifers stockers and feeders bulls calves 15.000.

Market ten lower. Heavy packers and butchers $8.60 light S.S5. F. L. B.

LEATELL, B. BpaclalUet. DUeaaea of the CkaaL Diaeaaes of Cblldraa X-RAY Sea. loU Bute Bank Bide FMILLIF HZIOILl KASmSS SAOBLZXT fiaaeral Bepairiag UOH South Kasj ChiniKo LiTeslork. Chicago.

April CATTLE, re- rripts Market steady. Beeves $7 9 sforkers and feeders $6.10 ffS rows heifers 12.000. ten lower. Light mixed $8.70 1'); heavy pigs ff 9 OK. C.

a. BUSS Seatlst Sxtraetton without xialn by thi nae of Nltroua Oxlda Gaa BMB Ha; Xortfenp BUg SS3; MS broke and of courso the tempird a quirk 'got-away," but Mr. i at a time to give encouragement to Anderson had them under control bo- project of the public spirited cit- fore any groat, amoiinl of damago was who are preparinc to furnish our factories and plants with gas for manufacturing purposes. means a great doal to locality and insures a fuel supply liiat wilr moot the neods of our industrial time to ALABASTIXE makes .1 beantifaL sanitary w.tli finish. All tlals for sale by A.

COOKSEY Drofgist. Me loaa ateacih free. ICY DBIXKS We have opened our Soda Fountain and are now ready to serve you to a good, cold, refreshing drink. We also handle that celebrated Ice Cream made by the lola Creamery. DAXFOBTfl Dnsi aa4 Jewelry.

as a result of kidney, stiff and aching joints, back- and tiore kidneys will all yield to the use of Foley Kidney Pills. They are tonic in action, quick In reanlts, curative always, w. a Bkelton, Stanley. Ind, says: "I would not tjake 1100.00 for the relief from kidney trouble I received from one single hot ot KoleT Kidney Pills." Burrell's riruK Found a Cure for Rhenroallsra. siiffored with rheumatism for Gas City ai.fl lola has- ball on i my right Wodnosday aftmio-m A mnuth for that length of plants for some tir writes Chapman, Maple- I ryvale Republican.

Ion. Iowa. "I suffered terrible pain so I rould not sleep or lie still at nicht. ago 1 becan using boMain's l.inlmont and in two months I was well and have suffered with rheumatism since" For sale by all dealers. be charged, be adniittod for llvo mission will children will rents.

and Mrs. A Volmfr, of I5rnn- son spent Sunday with and Fred McKoan. OrifTith. of lola, was over yosforday and said that year-old son, Clyde way in thestreel car wreck SJiturday and rcjofved two large iilts his faro A C. Sinrlair is in Kansas City making mrnis for an Alrdome show.

Bollon, Gas Phones and 78. lola, The Ladies of thr Christian rliurrh are dinnor today in one of the bank buildings Anna Barker and Livingston from Parsons yesterday -USE RFD HUXTEIL Numerous are made at Electric Park preparatory for the spring opening. Manager l.annigan is having the swings and iKiards installed and will cater to school picnics until June Foster Porter, of Humboldt, vls'tod Floyd Carmain yesit-rday J. W. Sims is visiting his daughter in l.aHarpe.

Glen Phillips of Chanule, WHS a business visitor here yesterday. Miss Jessie Holcomb, of Yates Center, was a Sunday guest of Alma Clark. Mr. and Mrs. George Ftizsimmons, of Chanute visited Mrs.

A C. Sinclair Sunday. EIGHTY (ANE FROM lOLA. Rernmmended for a Good Reason. -C II Grant.

Waverly St, I 'ooria. says: "Backache and congpstod kidneys made me suffer intense Was always tired and floating specks bothered me. Took Koloy Kidney Pills and saw big improvement after third day. I kept on until entirely freed of all Biifforing Thai's why 1 recommended Foley Kidney PIM.s They cured me" Drue Store. Channle Sons and nf tier Entertained Elchty menil of the lola ril of the Sons and Daughters of ins-' tire wero guests of the Chanuto couti- i ell Saturday evening.

TTiey ramo in on the fvening Katy train and and Churches met at the station by President A. i There. Elliott of the Chanute liKige, and mom All s( hools. churches and theatres hers of the eniertalnmont rommitiee. were rlo8o in Collinsville yesterday on account of an epidemic of small AT COLLIXSVILLt ('losrd-22 Kansas City Produre.

Kansas City April Croamory 34r: firsts 32: seconds 30; parking stock 23. ISc; firsts 13. unchanged. Lead and Spelter. St Louis.

April market sioadv at $4 25; spelter, market steady at and conducted to ih" Mercantile hail After the initiation of a class of nlno randldatea. entertainment and dancing was provided and a ban'iiioi was served in the rlub dining i 'I'tarantine will not be lifted until the ned to lola 1 rity council deftms it advisable. News pox In city. The action was taken by the rilj council at a special meeting yesterday Anorning and ihe rooms. Tho party returned to lola on the Santa Fo at 1 a ni.

nuto Tribune. A CARD. Is ro rertify that all dnicgl.sis are authorized to refund your money if Honey and Tar Compound fails to cure your cough or cojd. John Bernet, Tell, states: used Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for five years, and It always gives the best of satisfaction and always cures a cough or cold." Refuse substltntea Burrell's Drux Store. Trucking Phone $58.

'ity of Ihe quarantine was brought here last night by W. Cope, city noy of Collinsvillo, who is visiting friends In this '-ify. Thore arv now TZ of small- liox in There have been no deaths and only a few of the are roubidered serious. of the cases are in a section of the town where the smelter employes Bartlesvllle Enterprise, FABM LOAXS! Loans are made by O. Bollinger at low Interest and easy Local Markets.

Produce quotations furnished dally by Coghlll Commission Company. per pound. per dozen. 12c; cocks, IH-; F. F.

F. F. F. geese. 8c; lurkoj-s, 11c; old toms.

lOc; guineas, 20c each. HORSE I. $3 to $3 25. GREEN Laat OppertunKlaa. misa a.

good, many opporttrattlaa becauso wa tfo not raeo thaai. Thay do not coma at tlaiia expected; nor in the way wa look tor them. A great many of them ara diacaiaad. becansa tliaC la tha only way they eaa erer get Inside gate of our prejo- dicea. A great.many coma and go.

holding out handa'tair df good thlngi to us. but we ahnt oar eyea until thay are gone. We a notloa that dbir chief bnalaaaa ia to. get away from care, or keep care away from ua. and yet nndar the name and face of cara many of oaf beat life-hoildtnc oppor- tanitlea come to 'tTatrataal- lat Leader.

Higher Mathamatlea. "Dad, you're pretty good at mathe. matica. alat aakad' tha hope (and deapalr) of Camilr. oaed to ooatafMd old Bm Payer, aceating danger.

Well, where a aidetrack and a main track Jota thaf an anglati doB 't thayr -Taa." "WelL If a wreek ahookl tew np tha track right there voaM ft be a reet- CECIL PAYNE STAXDARD BRED STALLIOLif Xa. Weighs a sure foal gMljt Will stand at my place 7 miles Bitiitb- west of lola, miles northwest HumboIdL for living colL D. C. ELLIS, Mgr. er b- of Pare Bred StalUoo Will make the season of 1913 my farm miles west and 3 miles south of lola.

and miles north miles weal of Humboldt and nillaa east and 3 miles south of Pi qua. TEBMS for living colt i W. B. McSinney, Owner.

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