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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 19

Brooklyn, New York
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19 THE BROOKLYN DAILY EAGLE SUNDAY, APRIL 19, 1891. TWEOTY PAGES. POINTS ABOUT POLICEMEN SOME' MILITARY GOSSIP. NOTES OF THE COLLEGES. BROOKLYN MARINERS passing through them must be treated courteously and tho movement explained to them, so that tbey will not construe it to be an improper interference; that under no circumstances and at no time should they be fired at, nor should, their dwellings be entered or their avocations interfered with.

Furthermore, that ontpoBts, advanced and rear guards and patrolB pay no honors, whioh is, however, not to be constrned that hand or rifle salutes should bo omittod or the presence of an officer ignored when the same do not lead to exposure, and that in tho execution of these duties, as well as in all other military duties, absolute obedience to orders is required; that under no oircumstances can disobedience of orders be justified unless tho orders are illegal, and that the subordinate who questions the legality of an order does so at bis peril. LOCAL ARTISTS. Arksuk fjord, where the kryolite is found; thom senito, named after Professor Thompson, the Chemist who first found nut the properties of kryolite; and hagemanito, named after Gustav A. Hagoman, assistant chemist of the Pennsylvania company. It is an interesting faot that tho iron found in middle Greenland, in combination with other the purest natural iron, with tho Exception of that in meteors.

When the Danish discoverer Nordouskjold found iron in Greenland it was in hugo blocks. He thought theso blocks must be moteorB, but discovered his error when ho found similar specimens embedded in the basalt rocks. Extracting tho kryolite from tho primitive rook is done by blasting. It is then cut into blocks, which can easily be handled. By means of hand mallots tho impurities are chipped off an the kryolito is obtained nearly pure.

When first found there is about 40 per cent, of foreign, matter, which can bo rodncod by chipping to 5 percent. Unless the kryolite is 95 per cent, pure, it is uot transported. Should there bo only 1 per cent, of impurity, the kryolito is snipped to Europo and used in the manufacture of porcelain. Tho foreign matter has been put to uso by making a wharf out of it. Whon tho impurities have beeu thus eliminated tho kryolite is Btackod up on the quay, ready to be transported by tho boats of Captain McKay and Caotain Dix.

It has boon first of all carefully weighed, as tho Danish government requires an accurate statement of the total output, exacting a royalty of one fifth. From ten to twelve thousand tons are minod every year, tho greater part of which goes to America. Upon reaching Philadelphia tho kryolite is sent to Natrona by rail, whoro it is used to mako various useful substances. Among theso aro soda, alum, bicarbonate of soda, concentrated ley, sapouifia, out of which Boap is made, and many others. In all probability kryolite will bo used in large quantities for the manufacture of aluminum, of which it contains a considerable amount.

During the winter there is no raining. The mines aro flooded with water from the sea. Tho reason of this is that there are heavy snow storms during the winter in Greenland, and if filled np with snow the mines would be difficult to empty. As it is the pumps aro at work for three weeks before the mines aro finally emptied. The men employed in the work aro chiefly Danes.

The Eskimos engage in other pursuits, chiefly huntiug and fishing. The Danish gover ment oxereiseB an almost paternal rulo over them, which ia without a parallel in the world It looks after thoir health, education and goneral material comfort. No pssongers who havo any contagious disease or any likely to become contagious are allowod to land in Greenland. Sailors are medically examined before they leave their ship. Thu Danish governors are a genial, pleasant of men, interested in tho work they have to do.

Most of thom are retired army officers. They generally know English and Gorman and aro eager to give information to visitors. The Eskimos, with tho exception of a few favored families, are not permitted to live at Ivigtut. They have, however, a village quite near there. In the villages there aro largo boarding houses and government stores, where clothing and implements for fishing and hunting areTtept for the benofit of the natives.

In return the Eskimos supply tho govornmont with a largo quantity of furs of the reindeer, musk ox, bear seal and whito fox. Evory village has ita champion hunter and fisher. In case there is no fishing or hunting, the Eskimos always have a resource to fall back upon. The cliffs swarm with millions of btrda, inoluding ducks, geese and auks. Eggs can be obtaiued in bnBhels.

It is a pretty sight to boo a cloud of birds flying upward, uttering clamorous cries, when startled by tho report of a gun or tho shrill whistlo of a steamer. Besides birds the fjords or inland baya furnish salmon in abuudance. There are no largo trees to furnish fUBl, but a good supply of driftwood can always bo had, as tho sea throws up plenty of it. A mistaken view provaila that Greenland is nothing but a hugo ico bound country, whore cold and hunger reign supromo. Such is not tho case.

The olimato is varied. Greenland oxtends to tho north a distance equal to the breadth of tho United States, and exhibits a diversity of tem peratnro equal to that betwoen Maine and Florida. Tho summer lasts a short time, bnt it covers the valleys with a pleasant verdure. Tho doer graze on good grass. There is a profuse growth of huckle berrios.

In fact Greonland derives ita name from ita exuberant vegetation, or rather because its first discoverers wished to exaggerate its fertility, in order to stimulate furthor colonization. Tlio discovery of Greonland by tho old Norse viking who while sailing to Iceland was caught in a current and thrown on to tho weat coast of Greenland led to the further discovery of the continent of America by Leif, tho sou of Erik, in the year 1000. Leif visited Nova Scotia aud a part of Massachusetts, which he named Vinland, on account of the quantity of vinos which he found there. Tho truth of those discoveries has been established, and remains of a Norso settlement havo been found west Greenland. But those attempts at settlement wero frustrated by tho new colonists being slaughtered by the aborigines.

The Eskimos aro gradually dying out. Tho hard life they lead, the suddea change from tho hot, impure air of the igloo or hut to the biting cold without, by degrees utidormiiio thoir constitution. It is estimated that two thirds of tho Eskimos havo Danish blood in their veins, tho ancient Mongolian, to which family they belong, not prevailing so much as the Caucasian, with which they have become imbued in latter times. The Eskimos accommodate themselves to civilized lifo. They livo in wooden huts with glass windows.

They have Connecticut clooks and stoves from Detroit They publish a newspaper. Occasionally thoy bring out abook in tho Eskimo tongue with illustrations by native artiBts. Thoy have a map carved on." of wood, showing all tho fjords and other geographical features. Thoy aro au excoodiugl tractable raco, their principal vico being petty thieving. Within the last thirty or forty years thoro has boon only ono murder among thom, and that under extenuating circumstances.

Tho country in which they live furnishes the artist with many beautiful scenes and taxes hia skill in coloring by its wealth of beautiful aud inimitable tints. Tho white glaro of the far distant ico iB scon in the skios, as if lighted up from beneath by electric lamps, and when tho clouds pass over it a weird and spectral effect is produced. The beautiful tints in tho sky when tho sun is sotting are seen nowhere else. Tho interior of Greenland is buried by an ice cap, which gives off" hugo tongues of ico in tho ravines separating the mountains of the coast range. Largo masses of ice, worn off by tho attrition caused by tho currents, are hurled into tho sea with tho noiso of an explosion, and drift down into tho Atlantic.

They carry with thom large quantities of rook which, when tho ice melts, sinks to tho bottom of the ocean and form the banks of Newfoundland, a good anchorage for ships. Tho has already stated sleeve acting as judges: First prize, E. P. Smith, '02, his selection boing from Tennyson; second prize, a tie between Messrs. Chosobroueh and Johnson; third prize, Mr.

Stein, '91. At the eighth annual dinner of the Barnard literary association, which took place at the Arena, the following toasts were responded to: "Address of Welcome," J. F. Patnam, proside lit; "Columbia," Charles Barlow; "Barnard Past," Henry E. Gregory; "Fhilolexia," W.

C. Camman ny; "Peithologia," Richard Collins; "Barnard Presont," J. H. Shaffer; "Graduates," Hammond Odell; "Barnard Fotnre," Bidnoy H. Treat.

Through tho efforts of the committee, consisting of Yiotor Mapes, who was also toast master; Jacob H. Shaffer, E. S. Brownson, Sidney H. Treat, and Georgo 8.

Cornell, the dinner proved to be one of tho most successful over held in tho history of tho association. MesRrs. Munoz of tho class of '88 and Welch of tho class of '90, the winners of the McKim scholarship prizes awarded last week, will spend tlio monoy in a tour abroad, according to tho conditions governing tho scholarships. During the trip, which will occupy several years, most of the time will bo spent in tho ateliers of Paris connected with tho Eeolo dos Beaux Arts and in roaming about Fiance, Italy, Germany and England studying the architecture of anoiont and modern times. Professor Henry F.

Osborn of Princeton has been called to Columbia. Professor Munroe has been unable to moot his classes for tho past fow weeks on account of Bick ness which has confined him to his homo. Ho hopos soon, howover, to resume charge again. Mr. Russell Sturgis will lecture every Friday evening this month in Room 10, law school building.

His subject is "Sources of Modern Art." The lecturo ia open to all. PRINCETON NOTES. Work on tho now dormitory, David Brown hall, is well under way, and though uo idea as yet can be gained of how it wiil look whon completed the plans on exhibition at the superintendent's oflico show that it will bo one of the finest dormitories on tho campus. Tho building will be four stories in height in the shape of a hollow square. As far as the third story window sills the dormitory will bo built of Cape Aun granito laid in the Florontino Ashler style, while all above will bo built of Pompeiian brick, adorned with Pompeiian terra cotta work.

A massivo archway at the northern front will bo tho only entranco to the hollow sqnare, tho ontrance to tho building itself being from tho courtyard. All the bedrooms with the exception of eight will face north. The roems proper will be in both single and double suites similar to those in Dod hall, and will bo provided with all tho modern conveniences. It is not known just when the building will bo finished. This evening (Thursday) tho Scottish MacLen nan compatiy will give a concert in University hall.

This is tho same company that was hero during tho past winter and wIioko performanooa wcro so much enjoyed by all who hoard them. Tho object of the concert is not to make money for our college organization, but merely for tho pleasure of tho students. The programme will include, among othor selections, "The Lost Chord," song, by Miss Ross: "Tell Me, My Heart," song, by Miss Steel; "Maiden Fair," male trio; "Annie Laurie," quartet. Beside theso attractions Mr. MacLennan has been induced to do some native dances, in character.

Ho will also play on tho bagpipes. May 9 has been fixed upon as the dato for tho annual soring games, which will be held ou the university grounds. Tho meeting is open to all amateurs and a large delegation from tho different athletic clubs is expected, as the events are all handicap ones, Mr. E. C.

Carter, official handi cappor of the A. A. officiating. The entrance fee will bo 50 cents and gold and silver medals will bo given the winners of the iirat and second places in each evont. All desiring to compete aro requested to send their names to C.

Wentworth, 17, W. W. Princeton, N. on or before Saturday, May 2. Below is a list of the events: One hundred yards dash, 220 yards dash, handicaps; 440 yards run (novice), Hcratch; 000 yards run, one mile run, one mile walk, 220 yards hurdle raco, two milo bicycle race, broad jump, high jump, all handicaps.

Professor Young delivered the second lecture of tho astronomy courso of the univorsity and school extension in New York last Saturday ovenine. His subject was "The Moon." Professor Brackott and Professor Libbo.v, who divide with Professor Young tho departments of physics, astronomy and physical geography in tho work of university extension, havo already prepared syllabi in these subjects, as has Professor l'oung himself. The sophomores have organized a base ball league, with tho following olubs as members: Camera, Mascots, Birds of a Feather, Pigs in Clovor and Oliver Twists. Tho winner of tho leneue will play tho oiiamphn of tho 1801 league. E.

D. HalBoy has been elected temporary captain of the freshmen lacrosso toam. Wednesday of this week Professor Sloano loc tured on the "State of Europe at the Ontbreak of the Revolution." To day'B looturo was on tho "Effect of Organization and tho Conduct of tho War on Constitutional Questions." Professor Fiuo will sail for Germany on the 29th of this month. He will not retnrn until next fall. Wallace, Meyers and Wasson have been chosen as the Lyude debate contestants from Whig.

FOIA'TEOIINlO NOTES The formal organization of the class of '91 has taken place. Walter C. Kimball, son of Professor Kimball, has been elected president; William L. Bliss, secretary and treasurer, and DoWitt Baily, historian. Kimball aud Bailey aro candidates for the degree of A.

Bliss for tho degree of E. E. Ninoty two, not to bo outdone by its senior class, held its meeting in Professor Plympton's room and elected the following officers: II. T. MncConnell, president; M.

B. Dutoher. vice president; T. J. Arms, secrotarj', and J.

J. Rooney, treasurer. A committeo consisting of Potts, Anns and Rooney was appointed to select a class pin and to confer with '01 as to joint class day oxereiseB. Professor J. Dongla3 Andrews of tho Y.

M.C.A. has been invited by tho alumni to submit specifications and estimate the cost of fitting up tho new gymnasium. If the contract is awarded to him the Polytechnic may rest assured that the equipment of its "gym" will bo socoud to that of no other institute. From the thirty candidates who began field practice lor the nine, the baBe ball committee has selected tho following to represent the institute with the bat aud ball: Pitcher, Wicht (captain); catcher. Carter; first base, Shattuck; second base, Siraos; third base, Morian; short stop, Sankey; loft field, II.

H. Bergen; center field, Russell; right field, Dunne. ith this nino the Polytechnic hopes to meot tho Princeton freshmen on tho 23th of this month. Eastern park haa been securod aud tho gamo has been well advertised, so that tho gats receipts are expected to be quite considerable. Tho action of Stevens higli school and Columbia grammar school in resigning from the intor scboiastic leaguo leaves tho base ball nine with a large number of dates to be filled.

The committee has endeavored to arrange a Belies of five games with the Adelphi, but without success. Tho Adelphi is unwillinc to play more than tho two games already arranged. Next year tho Polytechnic hopes to enter an intercollegiate leaguo. A competition was held at the close of the last term among the commercial students in bookkeeping for tho best balance sheets. Mathews, Eggers aud Simmouds presented tho most creditable work, and their sheets will bo framed and bung in the bookkeoping department.

The physical colloquium had their picturo taken last week in Dr. Sheldon's lecture room. W. R. Gheiardi, '94, was tho photographer.

Tho base ball nine played the Pratt institute at Washington park Saturday morning. Things Talked About by the Brooklyn Guardsmen. Next Week Will be a Busy Ono for the Soldiers. Two Oat of Town Reviews hy General Mc Leer and Staff New Work for the Guard. Other Notes.

Tho greater part of the past week has been spent in talking about what will transpire during the week to come in the various armories. It will be an important week in many respects and will, perhaps, be the real closing splurge of tho seasou. The inspections begin to morrow evening with the Thirteenth regiment. The Fourteenth will bo inspected Tuesday, tho Twenty third Wednes day, tho Thirty second Thursday and tho Forty sevonth Friday. Tho Third gatliug battery.

Captain Henry S. Rasquiu, and tho Seoond brigade signal corps will be inspectod Friday evening. May 8. The signal corps, by the way, has been considerably hampered during the past year because of a laok of room and accommoda tions for carrying ou the regular work, but. nevertheless, under Captain Frederick T.

Loigh'B management, it has attained a oreditable stand ard, and will show up well at inspection. Tho corpB had pistol practice at the Fourteenth rogi mont armory last Tuesday ovening. Beginning Thursday ovening a series of eight mounted drills will bo given at the Bedford riding acad emy. Thursday night will be a busy ono for the soldiers of Brooklyn. In the first place tho Thirty second, Colonel Clark's command, will be inspected by Assistant Inspector General McGrath.

Colonel McGratb's last report on this rogiment was not calculated to canso any overflow of joy on the part of those anxious for tho welfare of tho Thirty second, but thoro has been such a renovation inside tho little Stagg street armory since then that all who anticipate a repetition of tho verdict will bo greatly disappointed. Colonel Clark has not boon asleep since he took hold of tho waning Thirty second, and the weeding and recruiting and drilling, together with tho amiable adjustment of tho janitor muddle, whioh threatened at one time to develop seriously, have brought about a transformation which will surprise many outsiders wheu the inspeotion is over. Tho regiment is now in really good condition and another year's work will brash the rawness from tho many recruits who have been mustered in in place of dead wood which has been cut adrift First Lieutenant RusboII was olected captain of Major Steers' old company Friday evening. Thursday night, too, iB the timo set for tho big celebration of the Thirteenth regiment. It is in.

commemoration of tho departure of the mother of regimentH for the front, just thirty yoars ago. A paraue and review will be tendered tho votor ans' association, followed by a danco at 10 o'clock. Inuca' baud will give a concert and also play for the doncers. Tho affair will attract many prominent military mon who were in tho ranks whon tho regiment marched out of town on important business thirty yoars ago. The joy will be thicker Thursday night than tho sorrow was then, and to cap tho climax of a rousing celobra tion a dinner will bo given to something more than one hundred gnests by Colonel Ansten and tho officers at the Clarendon hotel, after the military display.

Tho Brooklyn city guard, which is now Company of the Twenty third rogiment, but whioh was iu tho old days Company of tho Thirteenth, will have soveral roproaentativoB presont, among them General Robert Ii. Woodward. The members of tho city guard will havo their annual dinner at the Union league next Saturday evening. On tho samo ovoning, Thursday, the 8th, Now York will have a similar celebration and General McLccr and staff will bo the honored guests of the evening. The parade and review will bo followed by a supper and reception.

Tuesday night Captain Thomas Miller, commander of tho Seventeenth separate company of Flushing, will claim General McLoer and the brigade staff as his guests and will make the best of his opportunity to show what his company is made of and what the Flushing soldiors cati do in tho way of drilling. If tho evening proves fine, quite a number of Brooklyn officers will go down to see the Bhow and pay thoir respects to Captain Miller, who is well aud favorably known hero. The new armory fund of the Tirenty third rogiment was considerably swelled last ovouing by the proceeds of a first class concert and reception by Fobs' band, given under tho auspioes of Com pany K. The soloists wero Althea Sandford Rudd and Edgar F. Giraud.

The sensational story which appeared in a leading mnrninc paper a fow days aeo regarding alloged mutiny in the Forty seventh regiment was written by a Brooklyn man who iB in no way connected with that journal and who is old enough to have known better. Not only was the article almost devoid of truth, but pains had evidently been taken to place cortain livo offioers of tho regiment in a falso position before the public. Captain Libboy, Captain MoElvaine, Captain Alvah G. Brown, Lieutenant John B. Liddle and several others wero namod hb kiokers against tho new administration of Colonel John G.

Eddy, while in reality he has their unitod Btipport, together with that of tho othor officers of tho regiment. A distinct line has boon drawn between tho enlisted men, tho "non corns" and tho line officers, but as this lino existB in every other regiment iu the land and should have always existed in tho Forty seventh no hardship has been imposed on any one, and the regiment as a whole is better satisfied thau it was under tho old regime. Another change in the Forty seventh under Colonel Eddy administration is tho elimination of all intoxicating liquors at tho regimental receptions. The rule now is "No liqnor in the armory under any oircumstanoos," and in this matter, too. Colonel Eddy is upheld by all but a few members of tho regiment.

The onea who constitute that few are uot the same ones who form the flower of tho regiment. The Forty seventh will benofit by all such rults a this. It is uot safe to make any predictions in regard to the futuro lieutenant colonel of tho Fortv sov enth." No election this year has stirred up more real activity on the msido than this ouo. The committeo to select a suitable candidate will not report for a couplo of weeks yet, and in that time somo ono may drop out of the raco. Thore havo been several hints of a deal floating around during tho weok, aud of course a deulis among the possibilities.

It is to tlio effect that Captain William E. Eddy aspires to the majorshlp aud that Adjutant Hubbell, who has his eyo on the lieutenant colonelcy, will bo sacrificed in order that Captain Eddy's aspirations may be realized. In order to do this Major Pettigrow would have to be promoted to the lientenant colonoloy. Captain Frauk J. Lo Count is the senior line officer.

Captain Alvah G.Btown, tho regimental inspector of" riilo practice, intends leaving the regiment next week. Captain Le Count will bo appointed as his sucoesBor and as Captain Eddy is next in rank it would be a comparatively easy matter for his friends to lead him np to tho major's chair and hand him the glistening new shoulder straps which were so bocoming to Major Pettigrow before the last upward leap was taken. This is only one of the stories which float on tho military breezes about the coming oleotion. Thoro aro Beveralof them. Tho cornerstone of the now Thirteenth regiment armory will be laid ou Decoration day June 24 the Beeober statue will bo uuvailed in city hall park.

The Thirteenth will turn out on that occasion to do honor to the memory of tho chaplain who served it bo well and who did so much toward bringing nood material into tho regiment at a critical period of its oxistenco. Tho Thirteenth is tho mother ot regiments aud tho regiment of chaplains. Captain Joseph R. R. Barlow, commander of Company Fourteenth rogiment, has sent in his resignation.

He has been a soldior since 1872, when he joined the Twenty third regiment as a private. In March, 1878, ho was elected second lieutenaut of Company Fourteenth, and in September of tho samo year ho was promoted first lieutenant. He was elected oaptaiu in March, 1 880, aud is now the senior captain of tho regiment. Captain Barlow is known as an industrious officer and a hard worker for the interests of his company. Ho leaves many friends in the regiment.

Adjutaut General Porter has issued au order outlining tho duties of advaueed guards, recon noitering parties, flankers, rear guards, outposts and patrolB for the instruction of the guard of the state. In referenco to thia now feature of guard work Gonoral Porter says, among othor things: It wiil bo carefully studied in the schools of instruction by officers and non commissioned officers, bo that all may become familiar with the general rules orescri bed. Attention ii called to tho fact thiit sound jndgmont must apply tho general principle set forth to each particular situation: that officers should bo provided with good field giniiaes and be ablo to prepare plain topographical sketches of the country in whioh they aro operating: that oaoh officer and non commissioned officer should poswosb a compass: that whon tho described duties are practiced for instruction civilians living within the lines or "Who Are Engaged in Trade With Greenland. The Enterprise of Captains Lauchllu McKay and Charles B. Dix now Rryolite Is Conveyed From tho Arctic Regions to Oar Home Harkcts.

Captain Lanehlin MoKay of 277 Vandorbilt avonne and Captain Charles B. Dix of 877 Union street are both old sea captains, who iu their time havo had many a hard battle with tho watery element. Captain McKay is a native of Nova Scotia and came to this country wheu he was quite young. Ho served in tho navy for seven years, whore he learned to be skillful sailor. Ho engaged afterward in the Californian trade, and commanded Bomo of the finest clipper ships, among which woro the Great Republic and the Sovereign of the Seas.

He has also commanded vessels sailing to Indian and Enropeau ports, such as the Jenny Lind, the Indian empire and the Nagasaka. While commanding the Sovereign of the Seas, sailing from Now York to San Francisco, an accident happened which served only to bring Captain McKay's skill and intrepidity moro to the front than it had been brought before. Whpn a little to the northwest of Valparaiso the vessel encountered a fierco storm, which so CAPTAIN IAUCnXIS MCKAY. dismantled her that nothing was left of tho rig gins but a few yards. This mishap did not daunt the captain.

Tho vessel was rigged up at sea and reached San Francisco without further danger. As a reward for tho skill displayed by tho captain a complete silver dinner set was presented to him by the underwriters of tho ship. Thirteen year3 ago ho was ongaged by tho Pennsylvania salt manufacturing company to transport kryolite from Ivigtut, Greenland, to Philadelphia. Ho became associated with Captain Dix. who had been actively engagod in tho shipping business before, and together they do all tho transporting for tho Philadelphia company.

Captain Dix has commanded several ships sailing between Amorican ports, tho West Indies and Europe. Among these aro tho Alice, the Mira and tho Don Enrique. Captain McKay and Captain Dix have residod in Brooklyn many yours and take a great interest in all affairs connected with the city. They own considerable property hero and in New York.whero their offices are. The trado with which they aro connected is unique.

Their ships are tho only ones which ply regularly between Greenland and any other port in tho wholo world. They havo already built twelve ships, which, being speoially adaptod to the ice fields and floes of tho Northern seas, are among tho stoutest craft afloat. Their timbers are Btrong oak and thoir bows are plated with steel to cut through the ice. Tho ships, most of which aro named after the various constituents of tho mineral kryolite, form what is known as tho chemical fleet. Thoy are the Ivigtut, tho Silicon, the Platina, tho Salina, the Alumina, tho Silica, the Argenta, tho Sodium, tho Fluorine, tho Iodine, tho Cryolite and tho Natrona.

Twice a year, generally about the besiu CAPTAIN CUARLES E. DIX. ning of April and in the fall, those boats start from Philadelphia to Ivigtut. Sometimes threo voyages aro made in tho year. Tho boats aro away from two to throo months at a time.

When not engaged iu transporting kryolite the ships aro doing other business, though thoy are generally at hand to moot any sudden call on hem. At present there aro three boats in the West Indies, one on its way to Seville, another going to Londonderry and two sailing to Oporto with a cargo of whoat. Whon tho boats Bail to Ivigtut thoy are laden with meat, vegetables and livo animals for tho nativos. Thoy stay at Ivigtut about ten days, while they ari receiviug their cargo of kryolite, and then set sail again for Philadelphia. What with the storms, currents and largo masses of floating ice, the vessels meet with many perils in their voyages which thoir strong build only enables them to withstand.

Tho discovery of kryolite in Greenland wao attended with many peculiar circumstances. In 1800, a German, thinking that many valuabkj minerals might exist in Greenland, applied to the Danish government for permission to oxptore that country. Ho traveled iu many parts of Greenland and made many important discoveries. Ho happened to au intelligent Eskimo, who told him that in the neighborhood, of tho ArKsnk fjord there were large masses of ico that novo melted. Anxious to witness this singular phenomenon, ho examined the ico and found it to bo a mineral with whoso nature ho was entirely unacquainted.

Tho mineral was none other than Kryolite, a soft, whito stone, which when wetted looks oxactly liko half melted ico. For this reason it iu called, in the Eskimo langnago, the ice that uover melts. Giesecke sent home some specimens of tho uow ly found mineral, but tho vessel containing them was captured by au English frigate, as at that time Denmark and Great Britain were at war. Tho specimens were sent to London and analyzed. They received the name of kryolite, which means, in Greek, ico stone.

Professor Thomson, a distinguished chemist, noticing that kryolito contained soda and bicarbonate of soda, substances applied to a variety of useB, thought that tho mineral might become valuable for manufacturing purposes. Eventually a company was started, called tho Danish mining and trading company, and many thousands of dollars were snnk, without much benefit accruing to anyone from the outlay. At length the Pennsylvania Bait manufacturing company, whoso works aro situated at Natrona, and aro among the largest in this country, finding its profita very unsatisfactory, thought of making uso of kryolito instead of Bait for the manufacture of soda ash. It arranged with the Danish company to take two thirds of the total output of the mines. Captain Adam Smith made several voyages from Philadelphia to Ivigtut, much to tho advantage of the company and himself.

Thirteen yeai ago Captain McKay and Captain Dix became connected with the Philadelphia company, aud since that timo they have transported all tho kryolite from Ivigtut to Philadelphia. Captain Dix has made iu all thirteen voyages to Greenland, in command of tho bark Silica. Kryolite is found in large quantities at Iviglut. It is not met with in any other part of the globe savo at Miask iu the Ural mountains and at Pike'B peak iu the Rockies, and in these parts it is only found in minute quantities. Ita presence in Greenland is probably duo to volcanic action.

Thcjmines at Ivigtut aro surface mines, that is, without Bhafts or subterranean tunnols. Tho mine is simply a largo hole, elliptical in shape, 400 feot in length hy 200 in breadth. Already moro than two hundred and forty feet havo been dug, and tho supply of kryolite still remains unexhausted. Kryolite when first found is mixed with many impurities. The chief ones aro lend (galeuite), silver, platiuum and iron.

The latter exists only in tho forms of sidorito aud pyritc, which ia not easily molted. Beside these kryolite contains three minerals which havo not beeu met with anywhere else. Theso aro ark sukite and ceoarsukite, named after the "What is Going On in Prominent Educational Institutions. A 'Big Gap In the Corps of Yolo Professors. Harravd's University Crew The Astronomy Course at Princeton Other News.

New Haven, April 18. This moraine the prospectus of elective combes offered to tho senior ami Junior for the next academic year was distributed. A careful perusal of ita gap is made in the corps of professors, though new ones have been encased to fill the vacated placoi. Professor Summer, who has only just returned from a six weeks' trip abroad for his health, will fleam be oblised to give no work, and for th next year, at leant, endeavor to recover his strength sufficiently to go on with his courses. It is hoped that by an absence of a year he will be fully able to return to actlvo work.

Meanwhile his olasses will be taken by Professor Hadley and Dr. Schwab. Ex Proeidont Porter will be oblitred to give np his course in psychology and philosophy, limitiux his timo to but one subject, that of advanced ethics. Professor William 11. Harper will take hi biothor.

Dr. Robert F. Harper, and Mr. Albor, instructor in Latin, to the new Chicago university, all of whose placeB it will bo execodinsly difficult to All. Pro.

feesor Roynolds, the popular professor of Greok, will bo absent on leavo during the next academic year, oo that altogether there will bo many now men on the faculty to greet the students npon their rotnrn to college noxt fall. The additions include Dr. Sneath in ethics and pedagogics, Dr. Schwab and Sir. Fisher in political economy, Professor Palmer and Mr.

Oertol in Gorman literature and Prof ossor Clapp, assistant in Greok. Tho other vacant positions will bo filled later iu tho year. L9t evening a meeting of tho university boat club was held in alumni hall for tho election of officers for tho next academic year 1.SU1 9S. The following men woro elected: President, E. H.

Floyd Jones, '02; vico president, A. E. Graves, '02 S. treasurer, Professor A. M.

Wheeler: auditing committee, Professor E. L. Richards and E. Ryle, 'flu. Resolutions to tho following effect woro then unanimously adopted: "That, iu consideration of tho kindness and hospitality shown by the Bachelors bargo club to tho Yale university crow during their recent visit to Philadelphia, we desire to express tho thanks of tho university by forwarding these resolutions to tho Bachelors' bargo club and by inserting a copy in the Yale Daily At a meeting of the committee of women in charge of tho infirmary fund in New York it was decided not te prodnco the "Antigone" again this season, at least New York or vicinity.

The I reasou for this decision is the short time in which to make preparations for tho performance, oven if it wore possible to secure a theater so lale in the year. Next fall, however, they hopo to secure the Garden theater, where everything harmonizes with tho selling of the "Antigone," so thafcthescenic effects will be the very host possible. Tuesday eroning Professor Coo); lectured on "Alfred tho Groat." The lecture was under the auspices of the Yale union, being tho second one offered by that organization. Captain Brewstor of tho univorsity crew has once inoro resumod activo training after an ill ness of several weeks. Saturday tho crew was coached by Captam Bob Cook, assisted byF.

A. Sherman, '88; George Adee, '07: L. K. Hull, '83, and Mr. Francklyn, a mombor of this year's Oxford crew.

For the first time in its history the university will be taxed, paying for $4:2,140 worth of property. Bylaw property exceeding $0,000 which is not used by tho university is subject to a tax. HARVARD NOTKS. Owing to the absence of Captain Perkins, who has boon in Now York on account of tho death of Adelbert Shaw, tho university crew has not been at all regular. in its work.

Last Saturday, however, ho returned aud the candidates are once more rowing on the rivor. The loss of Shaw has necessitated a change in the arrangement of the men, so that the crew is made up as follows: Stroko, Perkins, '01; No. 7, Kelton, '03; No. 0, Vail, '03; No. fl, Cummings, '93; No.

4, Powers, '92; No. 3, Rantoul, '02; No. 2, Lyman, M. bow, Newell, '04. On Monday the university launch was overturned by a largo which had drifted across its path.

Tho launch filled with water and sank and it was not until the following day that it was ready again for use The accident would have been of no great moment had uot Porkins. the captain of tho '84 crew, just com from New York for the purpose of coaching tho crew. Without ttie aid of the launch be could of course accomplish nothing, so that tho beneti'j of his instruction has been greatly lessened. A new dormiiory is soon to bo erected on the corner of Main and Bow streets. J.

H. II. McNa mec is the man who will build it. Tho cost will he about $22,000, oxclusive of tho land. Tlio building will lio of brick, with a frontage of 74 feet on Main street and 87 feet on Bow street, the ontrance being on Main street.

There will be twelve suits of rooms, of which nine will be single and three double, with a bathroom and open fireplace in each Buit. Tho main building, however, will bo heated by hot water; 1450 will be the price asked for all thu rooms, except the two corner ones, which receive light from three sides and will consequently rent for each. Tho rant in all cases includes the hot water heating and electric lighting in tho halls. The creotion of the new darmitory will fill a long felt want, though tho college itself will, in all probability, add still another as soon as tho necessary funds are available. For tho present, however, the proposed building of Mr.

MeNamee is the only one about which anything definite can bo snid. Tuesday ovenine of this week the gleo club, assisted by the banjo and mandolin club, gava a concert at Music hall for tho benefit of tho university crew. Tho hall was filled, aud the majority of the selections were encored. Tho solos were especially popular, thoso by Mr. Wendell being particularly good.

The proceeds of the concert, which, as was said, was for tho benefit of the crew, were quite large. The samo evening the seventeenth college conference on tho study of tho Bible wat held in room 11 at 7:30 o'clock. Tho meeting, which was open to members of the university only, was addressed by Professor Goodwin, who spoke on "Paul at Athens." Rev. Reubeu Kidner of St. Andrew's church, Boston, addressed tho St.

Paul society Wednesday evening. "The Rains of Troy" was tho snbjecf. of Professor Goodwin's illustrated lecture, which was open to the public. Rev. Thillips Brooks, D.

will preach in Ap pleton chapel to day. The freshmen havo refused Cornell's challenge to an eight oared raco this June. COMJMMA NOTES. At the April meeting of the trustees last wool; the vacant positions iu the law school faculty were filled by tho appointment of tho following nieu: Professor Francis M. Burdick of Cornell university, Mr.

George W. Kirchnoy, dean of the Albany law school, and Mr. George M. Camming. The appointments do uot imply anything more than simDlo professorships of law, no specific chair beiug assigned to cither of tho three.

Tho gentlemen soleoted are all mon o'C high reputation. Professor Burdick, a graduate of Hamilton colloge, taneht lawthore until his call to a position on the Cornell faculty, which ho had filled with such distinction as to rondor him pre eminently qualified for his new duties at Columbia Mr. Kirchney is a graduate of Yalo university and until a few years ago was engaged in prac tico in Albany, giving up this more activo work to assume ohargo of the Albany law school which under his care has greatly enlarged its course of study. His appointment therefore wm no surprise, for both iu theory and practice he was equally successful. Mr.

Gumming, after graduating at Harvard, spent several years at Gottiugon, Harvard and Columbia law schools, so that his legal education is beyond question. Beside these throo appointments John B. Moore, third assistant secretary of state, was chosen to fill the new chair of international law and diplomacy. It was decided at this saino meeting to fonnd a department of biology, using for the purposo a part of tho bequest by tho late Mr. DeCosta, the remainder of the monoy going toward the erection of a laboratory and the establishment of a chair of biology, both of which are to be named in honor of tho donor.

After inviting E. C. Stcduian to deliver a course of lectnres on poetry early noxt autumn and selecting Urandcr Matthews as a substitute for Professor Price, who is to bo absent during tho next academio year, the meeting of the trustees adjourned. At tho annual oratorical contest of the Philo lexiau literary sdbioty the prizes were awarded as follows, Messrs. Mcllvalne, Whiting and Gilder What is Going On Among th Guardians of the Peace.

Truo Sorrow for tlio Loss of a Comrade Who Was Everybody's Friend Would Like a Little Honey as Well as Fame Took Oft Uis Whiskers and Passed Out of SiRUt Get All They Ask For, and More Share and Share Alike. To say in the stereotyped fashion that tho death of Dotectivo Seraennt Lowery was sincerely regretted by his formsr comrades would give but a faint idea of tbbgenuino Borrow occasioned by his untimely taking off. Ho had no onomies among his associates and not one of them be grudged him the koxkI fortune represented by his Bomowhat rapid promotion. By all classes of tho pubho ho wasvmoro than well liked. Of a plain, unassuming, thorough and kindly disposi.

tion, he mode a life friend of everyone with whom he was in any way intimately associated. Ho was oheerful under all circumstances aud ho had over a warm place, in his heart for the poor and unfortunate. 'It mattered not to him whether a man's troubles wero duo to his own folly or to unavoidable circumstances. It sufficed that he was in ueefl. What John Lowory had was always at of anyone in whom lie had the slightest vcShfidouco and time and again it lias been said'o'fm that nndor no imaginable conditions would possiblo for him to leave a fortune for heirs ito wrangle over.

As a police officer ho made no claim to Bpeoial brilliauoy. He was tho equal of any of his fellows in ability, and was never known to Bhirk anything in the way of duty, however, hazardous it might be. Tho last timo tho writcrawjh'in was about two weeks bo iore nis ucatna a question rogaraing nis health he repliedifeflt he had never felt better. What more forofolh instance of tho uncertainty of life could bo cited? ArtiBt Wondel, tho official photographer of the polico department, tho man who "mugs the criminals," in tho vernacular of tho profession, thinks that his work should command a Btated salary instead of being paid for by tho piece, as iB tho proBont custom. Soveral of thoso holding authority agree with him in his ideas, but thore seems to be Bomo troublo to get tho aldormon to take tho samo view of tho matter.

He is sup posed to bo recompousod for what he does, but as a matter of fact he ia out of pocket by tho job. Liko many another ho ia jiiBt holding on, in the hope that something satisfactory will event nally tnrn np. "Mugging" refractory prisoners is no picnic. They Bquirm and twist, contort their features and hurl vile epithets at tho engineer, all of which is galling to tho soul of the true artist and should be balanced by a proper monoy consideration. UnloBs somo snoh plan ia adaptod pretty Boon ibo department will havo to buy and opei ato its own kodak.

Patrolman Mackoy of tho First took great pleas ure in the thought that a fair minded jnry would grant him permission to re enlist under the banner of bachelorhood, and during a part of the proceedings instituted by him against tho sharer of bis joys aud sorrows it looked as though things would eventually go his way. But the rebutting evidenco was too strong and Mackey waa compelled to listen to tho unpleasant ultimatum that he must continue to woar the silver chains. It is the general opinion that he was ill advised iu bringing the case, and likely enough ho now sides with tho majority. Deteotivo Sorgoaut William Strong of tho con tral offico by taking off his beard haa insulted himself most grievously. He owes an apology to bis own personality, and if thero is a spark of honor auywhoro about him ho will cast hia raz ors, brush and cup into tho doep sea and give his County Antrims and goatee another start in life.

As now oxhibited, ho lookB liko a boy whose growth ought to be stopped by a special act, and no ono would imagine that the fair fresh young faco with tho exterior of a cling stono peach was but a few short weeks ago thatched liko tho jowls of tho ravenous pard. If ho applied tho scythe with the idea of effecting a disguise, ho has succeeded most effectually, for a good doal of his time recently has been taken up in introducing himself to bis most intiuiato friends, one of whom refused to pay him $1 ho had borrowed two months before, until he produced his baptismal certificate. Ah a patrolman attaohed to tho health department Mr. Zimmerman, by hiu strict attention to duty and week in and week out exhibition of general intelligence, soenred for himself tho approbation of his immediate superior, Dr. Baker.

Now among other things on which ho sets great value the genial doctor is tho possessor of a full grown and lusty "pull," which, when tho proper timo oame, ho placed in commission iu Mr. Zimmerman's behalf. Mr. Zimmerman huBtled, too, to the best of his ability, aud tho result was that he was mado a roundsman. This is but one instance ont of many which go to show what sterling ability supplemented by "inflooence" can accomplish.

Another instance Hashes up in tho oaso of Patrolman EaBon, also of tho health department, and who has also recently been placed in tho same class as hia comrade Zimmerman. Eason waa too modest and unassuming to push forward his claim to promotion himself, but ho has a big brother who know what he deserved and saw that he got it too. It seems as though tho old saying, "Save mo from my friends," ought to bo retired from circulation. Telegraph Operator James Malloy, whose initiation into tho Brotherhood of grangorswas noted a yoar or so ago, is beginning to tftlU quito glibly of beets, onions, lettuce aud sprouts ami othor delicacies on tho proper raising of which the farmer with advanced ideas depends for a living. Twenty five ablebodiod men aro kept steadily at work on his 100 acres in tho most fertile part of Pennsylvania, and lie expects that when ho starts in to wield tho bootand swing the scythe, which will bo about two.y9rs hence, ho will havo an out and out garden spot; to eo at.

Ho proposes to. mako a specialty of crowing celery salads for the Brooklyn markot. Chiof Clerk and Statistician Frederick Jenkins put in a requisition a short time ago for a tin box suitable for tho preservation of the secret archives of the department. Imagine IiIb surprise whon instead of a $10 box thoro waa delivered unto him at his oflico a $100 safe with a beautifully painted landscapo on tho front door. Brooklyn is generous to the police where requisitions aro concerned.

Instances in which a man has asked for bread and has had a stono passed out to him are extremely rare. If two plain chairs aro callod for: along como half a dozen of the most comfortable and artistic variety. Roller top desks of the latest design are foisted on backward individuals who would like a iittlo table to writoat, and he who whispers that a triflo of oilcloth would not bo out of place, knows full well that ho will have to walk on Brussels carpet. Tho officers in Judge Walsh's court appear to havo fallen into too grievous error that thoy and tbey alono aro tho people. Thero was a time when they conducted themselves in a fairly decent manner but of lato'thoy have taken to putting on altogether too much "side," and tho long suffering public is beginning to "kick." They treat the lawyers with scant courtesy, hustlo tho witnesses around as if thoy wero villains who ought to be boiled iu oil, aud as for the poor prisoners thoy consider thomsolvos lucky if thoy get away from tho placo with thoir lives.

Judge Walsh Bees but very little of what ia going on, at least it is to bo presumed that such is the case, for if ho were aware of the gross incivility (to put it mildly) of his oflicora there is no donbt that ho would bring them up with a round turn. People as a. rule do not go to polico courts for fun, and when they are there they expect and have a right to be treated properly. Even tho prisoners have somo rights which the bailiff ia bound to resnoct, and the sooner those attached to tho Adams street bnild ipg take this truth to themselves tho bettor it will be for them. Of thu eight new patrolmen appointed last week four were Irish or of Irish descent aud four were Germans or of German descent, that is if thore is anything in names.

This is as it should be. Even up and share and share alike is a golden rulo which commends itsolf to evory right thinking person. But where do tho Italians com in They don't como iu at all np to date. The colored man is in tho field, one of him anyway, and more aro Baid to bo studying up their algo bra, ancient history and local geography, but tho mock's best friend, and the'gooda fella that sell the banau, havo to stick to their organs and stands. To tho average citizen it matters but little by whom ho iB clubbed, so the commissioner should give all comers a show.

A man who was arrested in tbe Tenth precinct last week was pronounced oy Officer McMahon, who took him in, to bo hopelessly and defiantly drunk. The Bergeant and doorman agreed in tliB diagnosis, aud it was not until an ambulance surgeon said that the caso was one of apoplexy, and that was next morning, that theso three astute individuals rathor inclined to the belief that a mistake had boon made. Sush lamentable ignorance, especially iu a policeman, is YThat They Aro Doing and Proposing to Do. A visit to Mr. Thomas H.

Jensen's studio, at 435 Fulton street, lately, fonnd him busily engaged in putting on oanvaa a fine likeness of ex Mayor Whitney. Mr. Jensen haa been doing recently soveral portraits of eminent Brooklynites. One of Judgo Teedor is particularly good, tho fleah tints being marvolonsly rloh and tranaparent. Mr.

Jansen handles his subject with crispness and greatvivacity, giving muoh life and power to Mb work. An ideal head of a beautiful blonde was exquisite iu color, a real Saxon face, yellow golden hair, the delicate complexion and deep blue oyes a fitting complement of such a tout ensemble. Another attractive study, rich in grays, was a comer of a medieval castle in Rothenbnrg on tbe Tauber Bavaria; a bridge leading to tho half ruined tower, the clinging vinos olamboring up the sides of the wall, tho cliff upon which tho castle Btood, showing a preoipitous doscent, with a glimpse of the Tauber flowing at its base. "Taffy for Taffy" also was a Bubjeot quite odd representing a boy and girl sitting upon a door step, the littlo girl holding soveral bunches of oherries in her pinatore, the lad longing, evidently, for some of them, and saying sweet nothings to her, with eyes fixed wistfully upon tho tempting frnit. Sho has partially detached a cluster from the bunch and holds it in a hesitating manner, while sho looks askance at the boy to' seo if ho means all ho is saying.

The expressions upon both of tho children's facos tell tbe whole story at a glance. Miss Bunkor of the bank building is an indefatigable worker. Sho has finished threo fine water colors for the Boston Boring exhibition, aud they are well hung. Ono csneoially good was called "When I Was a Lad," representing an old man with silver locks, Bitting in an old colonial chair, his dress silken hose, dark green velvet ooat and waistcoat. Tho attitudo ia one of interest, as ho grow3 enthusiastic in his recital of boyiah pranks and escapades.

A portrait of a child in wator color, a very correct likouosa of tho little one, will soon be finished and sout to its owner. Every momont of this busy and skilltiil young artist'B time is employed to most excellent purpose. Her room was odorous with spring flow and the fragile bluetts, which proved her a seeker aftor the oarly flowerets, and richly rewarded, too, in finding tho dainty things. A portrait of a young man without a country, with a bright, intelligent face, is interesting. The father ia a Poliah gontlemen, tho mother an American, tho young man was oducated in France and is a thorough Parisian in manner, as well as a Frenchman politically.

Miss Sawyer showed in progress a picturo of a sweet young girl seated in a wide window seat, arranging some flowerB jnat gathored from hor garden. Hor light hair, braided in a long Mar guerito braid, falling gracefully over the right shouldor, tied with a broad blue ribbon, ia particularly girlish; Jxor dress is of a thin whito texture, with broad belt aud full largo sleeves. Tho picture is paiutod in tho light gray tones so pleasing. Miss Hawyer will, before manyweoks find hor way to Conneotiout, where sho sponds her Bummers generally. A novel and interesting molango iB within the four walla of tho studio of Mr.

J. Stecnks, a native of tho Hague. In a quaint corner cup board, made of mahogany, ia a rare set of old Dutoh poroclain, made in tho first Dutch republic, two centuries ago. The net is as thin as an ogg shell and delightfully transparent, deco rated aftor tho style of the Chinoso ware, iu gold and delicate colors, representing the queer Chinese figures and flowers. On another shelf was some dolft china, ovor a contury old, and in thoopnosito cornor of tho room was a clock, beantifully carved, containing figures that announced tho hour, tho quarter and half hours; a Bible, also very Interesting, bearing dato of 1041, and tho Amsterdam arms ongraved upon the title pago.

The book was filled with very lino copper ploto engravings. Altogether this room iB quite a curiosity shop. A still lif study of oranges was very natural, also somo rosy applos in a green oarthonwaro dish, tho bowl itself a quaint piece from Holland. One of his best pictures is now in the Now York academy exhibition. Miss M.

U. Whitlock of 123 Willow street is very busy with her classeB, both here and in New York. Bhe goes three days in tho week to her New York studio and alternate days and somo evenings, too, sho dovotoa to her pupils in Brooklyn. She was formerly in Paris at thoJu lien school and hor work shows strength and character. A peasant girl's head, from Brit tany, with its poouliar high cap and deep iinon collar at tho girl's neck, was strong and of excel lent color.

Another, a Breton woman, was also good. Miss Whitlock was represented in the late exhibition on Montague street. Sho has just completed a fine portrait aud sent it to its destination. Miss Sittig is so busy illustrating that she finds littlo time for her pastel work. She illustrates for Beveral magazines and is filling orders con stantly.

Sho has in tho studio a family heirloom, a colonial stylo ohair, over hundred yean old, in which Governor Clinton, it said, Bat many times. MiSB Sittig will Join her friond and co worker, Miss Sawyor, at Columbia, this summer. Miss Mary A. Wood, 183 Montaguo street, has a fine picture started called "Surprise." It is a half length figure of a golden haired with tho ueep purple blue eyes mat appear so dark, the shadows lie so deep in them; her flesh tints aro exquisitely soft and luminous. Sho is a very industrioiiB littlo woman and has done some excolleut worn within tho past yoar.

Mr. Frederick J. Boston iB quite Rettled in his fine new studio, 203 Montague street It is a largo and well lighted room and peculiarly adapt ed for hia workshop. Mr. Boston haa quito a large class, and his pupils are doing some oxcellent work and grow very enthusiastic over their prog ress.

Mr. Boston is a very thorough teacher and leads his pupils from the foundation principles up and onward as fast as they aro capable of going forward. Ho has many fine studies, which makes it a real pleasure to visit his studio. Ono callod "Induatry" ia an interior of a room in an old fashioned country bonBe, with a young girl seated near a window, sewing dihgontly; tho rest of the room is in shadow, tho light from the casement falling upon hor half turned face, giving a softened beauty to tho girlish profile. It is a very harmonious and well finished composition.

A large oauvas of a young womau was very oharra ing in color; tho hair betwoen tho dark chestnut and golden brown shade; dark blue eyes, fringed with darker lashes; hor poso is erect and graco. fill; her head is covered with a largo brimmed hat, faced with blue velvet and trimmed with ostrich feathers to match; hor robe is of velvet, dark blue, like the hat, and fits her lithe and willowy form to perfection; tho background ia made subservient to tho schome of color, lending to tho whole picturo a charm indescribable "Early Autumn," too, was a picture upon his walL A French landscape, containing the subtle qualities that tho Freuoh atmosphere generally suggests; a lane, leading by the end of a country house, with its gabled, rod tiled roof and tho gray stone of tho walls, giving distance and richness to the trees, just touched by nature's glow ing colors. Dame Nature uses her palette with lavish recklessness, but her humblo dovotoeB dare not follow too cloaoly hor lead in brilliant colors; tbey know not when and where to stop as she does. Mr. Harry Rosoland has been suffering with the grip and was unable, in consequence, to finish tho picturo he intended for tho last exhibition of the season in tho American art associa tion.

It ia callod "Romancing" a young girl seated with back toward tho spectator, looking absently at a atatuotte of a Yonetian troubadour. who is posed with lute in hand serenading somo fair lady love. Sho has just closed her book and is resting hor loft arm upon tho odge of it, while tho forefinger of the right hand is marking, cvi dently, tho place between tbe leaves of the inter esting chapter; tho girl's ronndod arm is very finely drawn and tho whole poso of tho body is graceful. Sho is no doubt building njt a romance of her own while contemplating tho graceful fig ure before her. Another picturo, rioh in values was "Early Autumn," tho sky full of floating clouds, the waters of the sound sparkling in the sunlight and the trees in the middle distanco touched with thoso reddish brown and golden autumnal tints that add so much to a picturo.

Mr. Rosoland works very rapidly, and his walls aro filled with charming studies. Somobody bus said "that a room full of good pictures iB a room full of good thoughts," and a glance at hia walls proves the truth of the saying. K. that this ice cap will bo used as a highway during tho coming snmmor by Liontonant It.

E. Peary of tho United States nary in his attempt to roach tho most northerly part of Greenland. A few yoars ago Mr. Poary traversed moro than a hundred miies of lee cap, and believos that it will furnish a solid footing for sledges. These will be so constructed" ua to combino strength and lightness to a maximum degree.

By following the odgo of the Ice cap Mr. Peary will bo able to look down on tho indented shores, which other explorers havo wastod thoir timo in coasting. Much good is expected from this journey, as Greenland, without doubt, contains many of groat value. Possibly moro deposits of kryolito will bo found and the industry, now comparatively restricted, will expand. There are at present not more than seventy minors omployod in tho summer, andbetweou thirty and forty in the winter.

During tho winter those who remain iu Greenland are employed iu arranging tho machinery for noxt year's uso and doing sundry othor jobs. Iu tho Bpring tho Fox arrivos with Us complement of men, ready to begiu work again. Many of the men go to Denmark and America for tho wiutor, receiving a free passage in Captain McKay's and Captain Dix'a boats, the mining company supplying tho food. The Fox is a stoamboat and has an iuterestiue history. It was originally built by Lady Fraukliu and went on several expeditions in Bearch of Sir John Franklin.

When finally persuaded of the fruit lessnoss of her efforts, Lady Franklin sold tho boat to tho Danish mining company. It runs now between Copenhagen and Ivigtut. Thia steamer is tho only boat which plios between Greonland and Europe. There ia no great market for kryolite iu Europe, as tho numerous salt minoH in Cheshire, England; at Wielioska, near Cracow, in Austria, and in many othor parts, yield all the ualt necessary for the manufacture of soda. Tho kryolito scut to the Pennsylvania company ia mainly used by thom.

They soli very little of it to any other companies. Much of the vast output of the salt mines in New York state ia used for the manufacture of soda, although not containing such a large proportion of it as kryolite. Should oiner oxtousivn deposits of kryolito bo found in any parti of Greonland accessible to shipB, tho industry will oxpmd, and, containing, as it does, such valuable subitances, kryolito may become in lime one of the moat important minerals which nature has given us. (JUESTIOJIS AS TO CITlZSSSllll'. To the Editor Qftlie lirooKlyn Eagle: The recent embroilment between the United States and Spain has suegontod tho following questions: What constitutes a citizen of tho United States Is dual citizenship applicable to tho citizen of anyStato? Is ho a citizon of a state and of tho Unitod States both at the same time, or js he a resident of the state ami a citizen of the United States, or vioe versa? If ho 'lias become a citizen of the District of Columbia is ho not a citizen of any state? Are tho citizens of the District of Columbia tho only citizens of the United States in this country 7 If a citizen of any stato ij iu a foreigu country ii a citizen of tlio state iu which he resided when in thia couutry, or is he a citizou of tho United StatOB only? Is he only a citizen of tho United States when in a foreign land? Is tho government of tho United States a covernmeut of the people, by tho people and for the people, or is it a government of tho states, by tho stales and for tho states Is the President President of the people, or of the states If the latter, is our government a democritio government? If not asking too much, I would liko to bo informed ou the foregoing qaostiona in tho columns of your valuable papor.

d. c. K. Brooklyn, April 11, 1801..

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