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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I I JLy iiiuiiiii lib In fiat MB "TyjJulp lUr'I AL Sig 'AT BE "WntjiVWl" Dross Mnita n. rrc.i QTTT SAFES' BOOWR of ZJsw.Toric, for tln.9Xld9l7 their hats in' ouraty. OwnaaauIIWtaHfTft ijOiir. HU bid friends are toyltei to the Rlore, where they will re Haraby wmounc that ther an pKosred to ramfra c1oekpr.v'THlsWlt: TBB IDIOT WJTESS: THK DE8CTANTB. MoB.

Acnllle Mr. F. 8. Ohanfrau. 1' SHANDY HdGUIBE.

Diok Kelly Maria Barton. n. DOCTOK O'TOOLB. Dr. O'Toore JIaat.

Alfred Stewt. WARTS. WANTED A GENTLEMAN AND HIS iiho ,0 Board, or two single gentlemen. There are no ADprv at 73 Tuiary au Jyiost' WANTED IN TBE CENTRAL PART OF BroOkiVQ. thewhalA or nart nf AhiliMtntf.

nnf. liaaa ihnn u. 8. Mall Station A. New Yori.

Jy92t FIWAHCIAI. QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE MECHAN ICS' BANK, BROOKLYN, on Saturday, the nineteenth ui una, lfcss, RESOURCES. OverdXU'SC0UnU' mi 6. Duo from Brokers, nana on demand .116.000 00 7 Specie M.824 40 opecie irfooo 37,899 74 mm Tll: thor Banks all duly oi 17,693 23 sr. dluuks.

4ElRi tvtn 10. Bonda nrt M.r.. Promissory Notes 1 104,001 Ul 12. Bills of Suspended Banks' 8,378 VS. Loss and Expense Account uoc 81,327,687 93 i LIABILITIES.

t. v.apital nan 2. circulation do. not Registered Total 8114193 LessNotesou 9844 8. Profit, 4.

Due to tsJ and CorPoraUoM olher ihan 6. Due Treasurer or the State of New 7. Due Depositors on demand. 837.071 61 Amount Due, not Included under either of the above heads, unpaid dividends. 126 00 Stat nr BRUSH, President, and GEORGE W.

WUTTE, Cashier, of the Meebaniraa' Rnnl h.yn bustoess at Brooklyn, hi said county, being duly and severally sworn, each lor hhnsolf salth, that tho foregoing Is, In all' a true statement of the condition of tho sold Bank, oetoreuie transaction of any business on the morning of Sat urday, thennatfenmday of Jane, in tne year onethousand eight hundred and flftyelgot, in respect to each and every Uems and particulars above specltled, according to the best of his knowledge and beUefj and that the business of the said Bank has been and is transacted at the location aforesaid. CONKL1N BRUSH, President. GEO. W. WHITE, Cashier.

day of JuiV, 1858. WawjTr nThol, Jj1u 1 CoDamlssioner of Deeds. "TMTECHANICS BANK, BROOKLYN, JULY JJX. 10th, 1858. Hi VIDEND.

The Board of Directors have declared a aeml annua) Dividend of FIVE (P) per ceni on the capital stook.out or the i Iastslxmonihs earnings, payable to the Stockholders on and after Tuesday, 13tk J' GEORGE W. WHITE, Cashier. rVO BROOKLYN CAPITALISTS. A SPE clal Capital of 6 or 10,000 is wanted by a party who baa la oomplete operation Manufacturing facilities of sufflolont capacity to produce 00 000 worth of goods per annum buainess already established tv 1th a set of flrst class customers, and intimately connected with Brooklyn and other water works the ana larSe alvldend guaranteed. Address box 293 Brooklyn post ohlce.

jy8 lw" DIVIDEND OFFICE OF THE WILLI AMS a.oBTl?Gl 0ITr FIEE I8 CO. Brooklyn, E. July i. 18S8 Tbo Board of Directors have this day declared a semiannual dividend of Ten (10) per payable on and af tar Inursday, 8 iiie transier books will be closed until that date. Jy36f h.

GUODX, Secrelary. 80UTH BROOKLYN SAVINGS' IN8TITU 17H AtlflTltrrt clroolTlnnno)lftM ijJ that a eeml annuil Dividend at the rate of a'x per cent, per annum, on all sums of from $5 to $500, and or five per cent, on sums over $500 wlU bo oald to deposltota entliled thereto on and a'ter 20ih Inst Interest not called for will be plaoed to credit of epoBhors as principal. Deposits made on or beroretbe 10th will draw Interest flrom 1st of July. nana; open aaiiy rrom 10 to 2, and on Monday and Saturday evening from 6 to 8. C.

DUNNIHG, Secretary. jmy 1st, 1858. jyl2w BROOKLYN SAVINGS' BANK, JULY 1st, 1858 interest at the rato of b1x per cent per annum, on accounts not etceedlng i ive Hundred Dollars, and five per i.i.uw yoi uiuuw uu auius oi greater umount, naR mia aay ueen credited to such dopoliors In this Bank, as were by Us By Lawn uuu uDuiuiuua uiiLiueu tu toe same. Interest pajable after he 19th lust and when not withdraw will draw lntereut uuon the sam conditions as deposits. iwiuiuututtuj ii vux iu ji.

ol. mi ju. Aiiio every iion day evening from 5 to 7 o'clock. By order, JJt uodrjA WrJUSIEB, President. OW TBS! TlKHl TiT.llm TATOTTii a iDUA ri? "c' "flira.

no 4t n'uuon street, Brooklyn. Jone 24, 858, IiIVlDEND Th Board of Director's have thla dal and after the test dSy or July neir lm WM. W. HENS HAW, Secretarv. BURGH SAVINGS BANK, COB.

Third and Fourth streets, Brooklyn. E. DlVlDENi" NOTfCE. Deposl.ora are hereby noufied thata semi annual dividend, at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum, on all sums of three dollars and upwards, lhat shall hive been de posltai thre months on ihe first day of July next, will be oald to depositors on and after Monday, July 19ih. Interest not called for, will bo passed to depositors as principal.

Deposits made on or belote the 10th day of July next will draw Interest from the 1st. The fnnds of Hub Institution are securely tnvestei in bends andmottgages on real estate worth double the amount loaned and In City, County and Slate bonds. The Bankl3 open for business daily, (Sundays and holidays excepted,) from 3 to 7 o'clcck P. M. WILLIAM WALL, President NAiSisiEL Baidos, Vice Presidents.

je23 till jy 19 Bamuei. W. Tkdslow, Secretarv. "TVIVIDBND NOTICE BROOKLYN MBE ing tf the Board oi Directors held on Saturday. 19th at their office.

No. lti Merchants' Exchai se, it was Heaulyed, That application be made to the Legislature for if capital stock of the Company, the sum of fifty thousand dollars, w2lTfd' periods for the payment of dividends be nary aBd JiSy ebraary ani August, to the 1st of Jan (10 per cent, on ihe capital stock be deolared payable to the stockholders on and after the nesk at 018 o1' the Company, No. 16 Merchants Exchange, Wall street, New York. Ihe transfer books will be olosed until that date. By order, le2 lm wit.

i.kimtp TMVTDRNT) TRW. TtrtaTm mu ii r'Vj too JLJ ol iheMontankFIre Insurance Co. havo deolared adlvi jWim June 16, 186 EDWIN BEERS, Sect'y. LOAN OFFICE ESTABLISHED 1842 Licensed by the Governor of the Stale, and Mayor and common Council of the City of New York Money lent to any large andama.ll Bums at legal rates of interest, on all iludsor personal property, as Diamonds, Gold and Silver, Jewelry, Dry Goods, Segora, Clothing, 4o. mi A ADOLPHCd, 423 Pearl street, mv27 ly Corner of New York City.

HOUSE FUENI8HIflrG. DON'T SPOIL ANY MORE BREAD. BY UBtog sour yeast, or make It ln'urlous by using saleratus, soon or other deleterious drugs. You can, just as eaay as not, ye sweet and wholesome bread In warm weather as in cold. Ask your grooer for the 'WHAT CHKEt." YEAT OAKbS.

lbey are made of pure bops, are always ready and good, and cheaper than any yeast powder or drugs In other jrms. After trying a package. of one dozen cakeB, every family will, for economy buy a gross box They are for sale by all theprlncl pal grocers, and to the trade by 8. W. SMITH, 634 Broadway.

3 HO HOUSE KEEPERS. HOUSE FURNISH ING gooda of every desorlplibn Wood ond Willow Articles fable Cutlery Tin, Britannia and Plated Ware Refrigerators MeatSafes, 4c, 4c, good and C. 4 W. HEDGE 4 mh313m st opposite City Hall. A T9 HOUSEKEEPERS, HOTEI XV and Steamboat owners.

Furniture and Upholster Uooda to amdles at Wholesale Prices during tho Spring 188' The oldest, la rgeit, cheapest, and most varied Furnltui and Upholstery establishment in the United States, whei everyrequisltemay be found, from a pall to the rlohest article Rlch ljnameled Chamber Suits, Rich Mahogany, Rosewood, Oak and Walnut suits, Extension Tables, Neednam and other Patent Sola Beds, every variety and Btyle or Chairs, Sofas, Tete a Tetes, Carpets, Oil Cioths, Window Shades, Looking Glasses, aud everything in the line got up for cash, during the panic and will be sola at unusually low prices. Call and see. iSJ Manufacturer and Importer of Watches jc22 8m R. J. TODD, 88 Fulton COOKING RANGES.

BEEBE 8 CELEB RAT Kitchen Baages set, cleaned and repaired. Other ranges also cleaned and repaired, and sheet Iron ware manufactured. C. 4 G. W.

HEDGtfi 4 mb313m 357 Fulton street, opposite City Hall. IpDWARD D. WHITE 208 FOLTON stbeet, con. PnrurrLE have now In store a com pieio assortment of House furnishing Goods, consisting In part of Table Cutlery, Britannia Ware, Plated Urns, Japanned Tea Trare Plated Tea aetts, Spoons, Forks, Wood and Willow Ware, Japanned and Tin Waro Whioh are offorine at low prices, and to which tho attention of ijuiuiuwara juviiea. my im ENGLISH PLATE POWDER THIS JUSTLY JJJ celebrated composldon Imparts to all kinds of plate a brilliant and permanent lustre.

It has long been used in England in preference to any other artlole. Manufactured ana for sale "3 r. u. litis, Druggist and unemlst, Cor. Main and York streets, Brooklyn.

25 cents par box. jeS ly ROCKERY. GLASS AND CUTLERYSEF ling off at 30 per cent less than cost, tn consequence of uwmflB saie ana no numoag, at yt atain street, one door from Fulton, leading to Catherine Ferry. uu, rroprietor. GEO.

W. MUMBY, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In FLOUB AND GRAIN, Ko, 19 FcLToif BiBaiT, near Atlantic Bank, nl4t wmbel14Pry.) on lfondtr jiextrthe 12th uut. 'Theproom Eton wUl form at the old ohbreh pnOlaiaon Imtnedtetely ahvenlng.irayerat so'oodc," i.7 The Clergy (with their urplIoe and the friends of the eanrch are Invited to atHhd. As thesattitn thla chhroh are deilgned to be free, there will oe a collection on tne ground for the building fund. D.

V. M. JOHNSON, Eeotor. and. Chairman of Com.

of The Bev. S. Putnam, late of Wallingford Ct has accepted the pastoral charge of Ike Church of the Be. denmsr, Paoulo street and Fourth avenue, Brooklyn, enter upon the duties of the" Beotorabi? on jBunday next; the nth Instant. Panama Methodist Chueoh, Bridge street, near Tillary.

Preaching every Sabbath' at ioji o'clock A. M. and Sand '1)6 P. M. Class Meetings Monday and Tuesday evenings Singing Mass Wednesday evening Prayer Meeting Thursday even ng mhM tf In Litchfield, at St Michael's Church, on Wednesday July 7th.

bvKov. J. M. WlUevand Bev. Sr.

LbwIb. John V. Lewis, of Brooklsn, to Amelia daughter of the late uempueaa, oi juuouneia. DIED. JulrlDth.

1868. Teresa. Infant dauahter of Tlmollir and Mar garei a lggHl, Bgeu uiuuuis ana io uas. The funeral win take plane on Sunday, July 11th, at 2H P. from 19 Stanton street.

This mornlnz. Ju'v 101b. Mr. Jakes Boqert. In the 9Sd tau ui uia use, The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral from hla late residence No.

S30 Fulton street, on Monday, 12th instant, at 10 o'clock, A without On Frldav mornlnff. Jnlv Qlb' of RrnifmmnHnn fl'iiiiir BEOWN. wife of Jeremiah B. BoirarL 28 vrara and 9 1UUUUU. Tho relatives and friends of the fam11vn.rA rARnnntrnllv tnvlt fd to attend her iuneral on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, from OnFrldar.

July 9th. Mabt E. Bmiih. wife of Wm. Dovle.

The fiienda and relatives ot the tamilvare invited to attend neriuueruiirom no. oi xsast warren ctan je rancisco ana Liverpool papers please copy. SPECIA1, JffritTES. FOR SALE, CHEsP 4. GOOD 8ECOND hand OBGAN.

Pilitable fop a nmall nhnwh nra room. Inquire of WALKEB, No. 60 Murray street. New York. Jyl02t TjlOB BALE.

A MAGNIFICENT 7 OOT4.VE JL Rosewood PIANO FO round corner, carved moldings, scolloped keys two months In use, made to order by J. tt C. Fischer, of Broadway, New York, rich brilliant tone, fully warranted in every respect. Cost $350, price J225, a perfect sacrifice. Can be fully examined at 66 High street, near Pearl, Brooklyn, from 7 A.

till 8 P. for four days. jyl03t 171IR5T PREMIUM ENAMELED FUBNITTJBK JT' EN AMFLED AND GRAINED COTTAGE OH AMBEB FURNITURE, IN ALL COLORS ANO STYLES; Of superior and warranted manufacture at tu fAttiunuxurrB warerooms, Jel8 3m' 368 Canal oppoaita Woeater st, New York. BUTCHER 8HOP AND P1XTTJBES FOR ALB. An old established Butcher Shop, located in a netgADornooa, ot Jtmary st one door rrom Adams Btreot.

Vlll be sold on reasonable terms, aa the nrnfwnt nRr.nnn.nt. fa going Into the country. rTYHE CO PARTNERSHIP HEBETOFOBEEX J. litlng between GEORGE MoMAHON. of Brooklyn, and JAMES H.

McKEE, of Hazleton.Luzeine bounty. trading under the firm of GEuBGE MoMAHON Is thla day dls EOlved. The subscriber will ecntlnue the Coal business as heretofore at the old stand corner of Van Brunt st. Hamilton avenue. urooKlyn, uly 185a.

jy8 6t GEORGE MoMAHON. T7A8HIONABLE AND GRACEFUL STYLE of DANCIN f. The public are respeotfully Informed that I shall commence a Dancing School In the Fail, and those who are favorable to a graceful and easy style ot fashionable dancing, something entirely new, are invtied to atteni the two reheanals Intake placs at the Gothic Hall, Adams st, Brooklyn, jn Wednesday, tho 14th, and Saturday, 17th July, at3 o'clock p. m. There will also be given at the above pla'e several Exhibition SolreeB, to commence on Wednesday Evening, July 21st, at9o'clock The programme of which Includes alitheCaablon' able dances of the present day, and can be seen at 260 Court treot or at ian aa.ii.

ne uckbcs are iree, ana can do oDtamea respectable nartiea by aoolyuiz at the above laces. bjy8 2w C. F. BARNES, Teacher of Donolng. TO THE PUBLIC AS OUR AGENTS AND myself are repeatedly annoyed by parties claiming to buve paid for advertisements tbat do not appear In the General iureciory, pooi'aiieu oy xjiia ana company, i aeem it my datv tostate thus Ddbllcly that we collected no monev in ad.

vancc of our publication, except for CAP1T 4L LETTERS and extra lines. We have understood that some pact? In New York promised a Business Dlroctory. It may be that some of our patrons have paldnrney hi the wrong direcdon I know nothing of the party except by report. If a Business Directory is published a'ter this date, for this year, I think it will be made up from the Geneial Directory, lor I can not believe that the city has been canvassed Tor any such purpoie. J.

LAIN, Compiler. Brooklyn, July 7, jj'8 6t TO LOT OWNERS IN THE EVSRG REEN CEMETEBY The undersigned Committee appointed at a public meeting of lot owners lu the Cemetery or tte Evergreens, held at Hie City Hall. Brooklyn May 30th, to Inquire iDto the causes of the then exit ting diffloultlea between the lot owherd and the actlDg odlcers la said Cemetery, feel It lncum bent upon them, in vlewol recent developments, which Involve the rights as well as the Interests of each lot owner, to respect faUyandearnestlyrcqaest.allowner80f plots, bondholders, and other persona Interested in the prosperity tbu Institution, to attend aPUBUl! MEETING, to be held at WASHINGTON HALL, corner of jUth 7thand 4th streets. Brooklyn, B. on FRIDAY, July 9 at 8 P.

when the Committee will make a full report of their Investigation. WM. P. ESTERBROOK, 18th street, near 6th N. Y.

O. H. SMITH, 73 Fourth Btreet, Brooklyn. JOHN MA RETT, 338 Pearl street, New York. G.

WILLIAMSON, New Lotta. TDNis H. DUaYEA, 295 Fifth street. New York. N.

GRAFTON, 301 Third street New York. jy7 3t PECIAL NOTICE. MY LATE PARTNER fltill TenresentlnE! to the public that I have clvenuo bust nsn. and that he Ib contlnulmr the business ol the late S. N.

Bukbul I take this method to inform the pnbllo thai such representations are falac, and if longer persisted in I ball deem it necessary to inform the publlo why and wherefore he was expelled trom my establishment. My warehouse 1b al No. 132Plerrepont, near Fulton where can be had everything requisite tor the burial of the dead. Thankful for past preferences, I hope, by attention to bualneas, to merit a cod unuance of the same, .8, N. BURRILL, Undertaker, fa2) tf 132 Pfarrnnnnt strait OFFICE OF THE NASSAU FIRR INSURANCE COMPANY OF BBOOKLYN DIVIDEND The boardof Directors have this day declared a semi annual Dlyi.

dend of ten (10) per oenL. payable on and after the first day of JuJy. JezD lm A. J. BEEKMAN, Secretary.

KOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN election or Trustees of the FOREST AND AGRICUL mn.AL STEAM ENGINE OOMPaisY wIU be had on toe third Monday of July 1858, at 10 o'clock A.M., at the office of said Company, No. 18 Water street, Brooklyn. Dated July 7th, 1858. jy? lOt B. OONKLIN, Secretary.

JM. a date of) 8, N. BURRILL 4 Uhpebtaiees, Would respectfully inform 'the public that he has opened his Ware room at No. 18 COURT STREET, corner of Joralemon, opposite the City Hall, wnere can be had everything requisite for the Burial of the Dead. J.

M. HOPPER having had much experience for the last ten years as an Undertaker, will give his personal attention to Fu nerals in all cases. N. B. Can be found at all hours of the night at No.

18 Court street. SHIRTS, BOSOMS AND COLLARS IN great variety. Marseilles and Linen Bosoms stitched, 2s. and upwards, at A. M.

BUNNEI'S, 244 Fulton my 13 3m Globe Hotel. LOST ASD FOUND. GNrtK REWARD. THE ABOVE REWARD XiDmlfJt will be paid to any person who will give informa tlou mat shall lead to the arrest and conviction the person who destroyed the large FIGURE OF CHRIST, standing In ihe Marble Yardof the subscr ber. R.

I. BROWN, cor. Sd ave. and 24th st Brooklyn, jylO 2t near Greeenwood Cemetery. SEY GOODS.

T7DJTY CENTS A PAIR ffOR LADIES' J. O. COTTBELL'S, ELL'S, Fulton st, Brooklyn. mhistr ALEXANDER'S KID GLOVES SILK, LIN en an Lisle, at A.M. BENNET'S, myl3 3m Fulton st.

ALF PRICE. LADLES' KID GLOVES AT Thirty seven cents a pair. 274Fulton opposite Tillary Brooklyn, C. COTTBELL. mlilS tf Gr; ENTS' CR03S PLAIT LINEN SHIRT Bosenu, at J.

COTTRElL'S, MIS If rax raltoa etreet. CORSETS, CORSET8, CORSETS AND SKIRTS, both French, English and German, at Miss MORROWS, HA Fulton street. Ladles can be fitted perfectly for either DresieB or Corsets in the most fashionable style, ana on the most reasonable terms. Imported Extension Skirts. French costumes for Millinery and Drecsmaklng received monthly.

Remember the number 284Fulum street, Brooklyn ap93m Mtr QUMMER SCARFS, TIES AND SI0CKS. Buk lies at m. ana upwarns, at NNET'S, 244 Fulton sL, my 13 3m noiei. CHILDREN'S HOSIERY. PARTICULAR attention given to this part of my stock, which la now very lull.

J. O. COTTRELL, mhl8tf Opposite Tillary at 72 Fulton Bl, Brooklyn. BLACK SILKS, CHEAPER THAN EVER KNOWN BEFORE H. P.

MORGAN, No. 285 Fulton Btreet, has just added to hts heretofore large stock, a full assortment of BLACK SILKS, much under, in price, and Buperior in Snalltyto any ever belore offered. Also late addllons to the IOCRNING GOODS DEPARTMENT, lnoludlng many novel Hob, to which be would Invite special attention. B. Bombazines, Crape Marets, and Bareges, received the late auotloo sales, at greatly reduced price.

SATURDAY EVENISG, JUDY 10, MaceVerr of iholiReBiBina of Anolher Mn todon. Yesterday the entire remains of a Mastodon were discovered by the laborers engaged in.ex cavating Cornell's Fond, in connection with the Water works. Cornsll's Pond is only three miles from Baisley's Pond, fhere a portion of the relics of a similar fossil were recently discovered. It is supposed that the entire remains of the pre Adamite animal are in a state of pres ervation, and a watch has been placed upon it, in order to prevent any portion being surreptitiously carried off until the whole can be prop erly removed. It was discovered in a bed of quicksand, and although only a small portion is visible from soundings made around the placet it is supposed the.

whole skeleton is there. A communication of Mr. Bedell, on sewerage, will appear on Monday. Eobbeet. A few days since the house of Mrs, Nftwten.

No. 19 South Fifth, street, JH. was robbed of a quantify of silver ware worth $50. The servant having suddenly disappeared is suspected to be the thief. Sudden Death.

Yesterday, a man named Price, a shoemaker by occupation, took board at 89 South 7tfi street. In the middle of the night he was taken very sick, vomiting bipod, and died about 1 o'clock this morning. Coroner Snell was notified, and will hold an inquest. Buruxary. The residence of Mr, Edward Jay, 99 Adams street, was feloniously entered between the hours of 12 and 5 this morning, and some articles, worth about $16, stolen.

The thief exchanged his cap for a straw hat, which was the only equivalent he gave for what he took. Accident. A driver for Bemsen Burroughs, at the foot of South Eighth street, while unloading brick from a cart, yesterday morning, fell off the cart into the dock, and was severely injured by striking against the canal boat at the dock He was taken to his residence, and medical aid called to New Base Bail Club ne has recently been formed in Greenpoint, called the Oriental Base Ball Club. The officers are Wm.B. Overton, President; Wm.

W. Vandetbilt, Yica President; F. Tiebout, Treasurer Walter Holmes, Secretary. Their play days are Tuesdays and Fridays, on Union avenue, bounded by and sts. The Odeon.

This great institution of Wil lismsburgh is now in full blase of glory. Tne new proprietor, Mr. Samuel Lewis, has made some extensive improvements added a splendid billiard room and embelished the ice cream "garden. It is now one of the pleasantest resorts of a summer evening for ladies and gentlemen in the city of Brooklyn. It is a pleasant ride from from the Western District, and only four blocks from the cars, up South Fourth street, corner of Fifth.

Weekly Death Bepoet. The total number of deaths last week were 96, of which 20 were men, 16 women, 30 boys and 30 girls. Of males there were 60 and females 46. The diseases were, consumption 6, infantile convulsions 9, infantile marasma 6, equalities 3, congestion of brain 6, diarrhoea 5, dropsy in head 7, small, pox 3, premature birth 5, measles 2, scarlet fever 2, There were natives of the United States 70, of Iceland 12, England 6, Germany 5. British.

America 1, Scotland 1. Infected Matebials. Infected vessels detain, ed at Quarantine, instead of burning up their bedding and other materials that are likely to retain the infection, frequently throw them overboard, and the tide carries them the shores of Biy Bidge and Gowanus. Bag pickers often gather these things and bring them into the city, at the risk of commurdcating an epidemic. There is a provision in the health ordinance making this an offence and prescribing a penalty, and at the present time when we are that most terrible of scourges, the yellow faver, this ordinance should be vigi: lantly enforced.

Yesterday Capt. McClane of the 8ihward, arrested two men named Fred'k Wertger and Seaman Thump, who had dragged out of the water some beddiDg and a barrel of beef that had been cast overboard from an infected vessel at Quarantine. They were taken before the Mayor this morning, who discharged them with a reprimand. Geand Base Ball Demonstration. At a meeting of the Presidents ot all the Base Ball Clubs belonging to the National Association of base ball players, it was resolved to play a grand match on me uaBnion nace uourse, island, it being neutral ground and sufficiently large to afford room to 60,000 spectators, of whom 10,000 at least can be supplied with seats, and all can see the players.

'(gJThere baa been a special provision made for ladies accompanied by gentlemen, for whom a large awn lng will be spread in front of the ladies' stand, un ijder which, there will be room for several thousand Ideate. No intoxioatiug liquors or gambling will be J(BJlow6d on the ground. Arrangements have been with the Superintendent of the Flushing sMBailroad to run extra cars, if necessary, to and from the Course, and extra stages will also be furnished 'at the Williamsburgh ferries. Esoh olub belonging H'ilto the Association has been requested to famish ten Jmembers, making 250 men as special force to attend guests and preserve order, who will ho under lthe immediate charge and direction of the Sheriff of the County, and be designated by a badge. The Mayors and Common Councilmen of New York and Brooklyn, together with other specially invited guests, will occapy the large stand usually appropriated to the Judges of the Course.

A suitable place has been provided for those who may wish to remain in their vehicles. There will be a nominal charge of ten cents for each person entering the ground, and an additional tfee of twenty cents for one horse and forty oents for two horse vehioles, to defray expenses. The surplus funds will be equally divided between the New York and Brook I lyn Clubs, and by them presented to the Widows jj and Orphans Fond of the Fire Departmenta of the two cities. The match will commence at 2 o'olock P. on Tuesday, the 13th inst, between nine seleoted players of New York and nine from Brook's lyn members of the National Association.

Should the day prove stormy, due notice will be given by tha committee, through the press, when it will take Mrs. Pabkeb having recently returned from Europe, will give a aeries of interesting "IllustrallonB on the Soienoe ot Memory" a Polish system, which has not been taught before in this country by any other individual. The exercises will commence at 8 o'clock on Monday evening, July 12Ui, at Ihelluekal Brooklyn. The eltlzens are invited to attend. AdmUslon Fau, oeivo all attention froni warns, W4S .114 Fulton opposite sat The Militaby Gabdbh.

This splendid place of Summer resort, on Jerolemon street, In the rear of City Hall, will be doubly attractive to night. The trees and groves; and fresh fanning breezes can here he enjoyed, if anywhere within the confines or the City, while cooling beverages add to the enjoyments. In addition there will be a splendid performance of the Carlo this evening, whose astonishing feats are the most wondrous to behold; and excite the admiration of all who witness them. Go and see them, and be delighted with their performances and enchanted with the grand music. NEW YORK CITY THEWS.

Canoxmi nr Court fob Judgment. By order of mooupreme uourc juicnaei uancemt was brought up before the General Term this morning to receive sentence. The court room was crowded to excess. Attorney General Treinaine and Acting District A Tr i aiwruo ju.uo.eou appeared ior tne people and jjieuora. ABDmeaa ana jiiansman ior tne prisoner.

At about 12 o'olock Mr. MoEeon moved for judg ment. Mr. Ashmead said there were some points and reasons which they would present in argument for iu arrest oi judgment. The first was that there' was no Daner before the Court upon which a judgement could be passed; the second was mac me oiu oi exceptions, as printed, contained more matter than belonged there.

After some consultation the Court decided that that was not the proper place to consider or amend a bill of exceptions, and that that point might be considered as disposed of. Mr. Blaniman then presented his reasons for asking an arrest or judgment. He claimed that it did not appear by the justeri that any. verdiot had been found by a jury; nor.

that a verdict (if any) had been rendered whan the prisoner was present in his own proper person. When our reporter left (1, P. he was still arguing for an arrest of judgment Attempted Inobhdiabism. At 8 o'olook this morning two officers of the 22nd Ward saw a light burnine in the cabinet shop of John Odner, No. 163 West 41st street.

On entering the place they found a box. of charcoal burning in close proximity to which was a pile of shavings and some furniture. The furniture had just commences to bum, but by a few pails of water was extinguished. The place was insured, but h6 the incendiary was or what his motive is a mystery. The matter has been referred to the Fire Marshal for investigation.

Capture of a Bdbglab. About 2 o'clock Hub morning, Mr. Geo. Gregory, residing at the comer of 8lst street and Sd avenue, was awakened by hearing footsteps in his house. Jnmnlno ant of bed he attempted to arrest the Intruder.

The fellow managed to get out of the house, but had hardly reached the bidowalk when officer Lowry of the 19 th precinct, seized hold of him. On searching mm a lull set or burglars implements was found in his possession. He was taken before Justice Rrnw nell, when he gave his name as Alex. Anderson, and was fully oommitted. He was recognized by the police as an old offender.

Funs. About 8 1 2 o'clook a fire was discovered in the blacksmith's shop of Messrs. Taylor McDonald, rear of No. 220 Cherry street, which was soon extinguished with trifling damage. A collision occurred on the North river last eve ning between tha tow boats Sarah E.

Brown and the E. McDonald. The first vessel sunk before Bhe could arrive at any pier, but her crew escaped in jury, and the other vessel being damaged little, i .1 I. i itwuuau uwr prcr Ha uiuugu uuuuiug naa OCOUriea. Both steamers are damaged by the shock, the E.

McDonald slightly, and the other to the amount of $1,000 or over. Shamejol Outbade on a oman Abrert ov Some of ike Offenders. About three o'olock yesterday afternoon, a party qf six youog ruf nans met a respectaDie woman, named Sophia, Murray, in the neighborhood of Fourth street and the Sonthwark Canal, and after dragging ner on to a mvoraoie spot, outraged ncr person. While the btutes were gratifying their passion, their victim was kept quiet by holding knives and pistols over her. The villains not only violated her person, but they cut out her pecket and carried it off, with its contents.

After the woman had escaped she met Offacer No. 37. who accompanied her in the pursuit of the scoun drels. The officer succeeded in capturing one of the party, a fellow named Jacob Bryan; be was tak en before Alderman Carter, and upon the positive evidence of the woman he was held to bail to answer. Barney McAnaulty, another of the gang, was afterwards arrested and held in $5, 000 bail by Alderman Tittermary This morning a third one of the party was captured.

This fellow's name is Lowry. He confesses his share of the crime. The police are in hot pursuit of the other three ruffians. The victim of this most shameful outrage is a respectable young Irishwoman, who has recently come to the city from Lancaster. The perpetrator of the crime are young fellows of about 21 or 22 ears of age They lead dissolute lives, and live by plunder.

Such crimes as that committed yesterday form their pastime. The law will not award them the gallows, which is their due, but they should receive the benefit of the longest possible term of Im prisonment. Lowry was taken before Alderman Tittermary to day and held in $10,000 bail to answer. The victim testified that after the party had outraged her, this outlaw proposed to cut her throat and throw her into a pond. Phil, Bulletin.

Felice. Me. Editor la your edition of the 7 thinst.Capt. ghaur man of the 3d Precinct, publishes a statement with the apparent purpose of convincing the public that the Police of the city are not inefficient and useless, as asserted In the Board ot Aldermen at least so tar as it effects the officers of the 3d Precinct. And in proof of the efficiency of the officers of the 3d Precinct, the Captain states that llrom Feb.

1st to July 1st, the whole number of arrests was 1,5071,371 were for of lences less than felonies, 20 for violations of city ordinances, 110 for felonies. Will, the Captain please to tell the public what the 37 arrests were for What number for being drunk i And also what number of children wore arrested for ofTences loss than felonies What number of children accompanied their drunken parents to the Station House, and were put on the books as arrested to the credit of an efficient officer How many of tne whole number ol persons arrested were brought in by constables, whose fees were charged to the county Is it not a custom with constables to replenish their pockets by making a few arrests of drunken persons, and docs not the efficient officer of the 3d Precinct know the fact Will the Captain please state how much or the $1,952 of stolen property recovered belouged to Mr. Barber, the pork dealer at Bed Hook Point 1 In conclusion, will the Captain be so kind as to ascertain what amount of stolen property was recovered during the same period under the old Police 1 Brooklyn, July 9, 1868. A. D.

Q. Laoee asd Patbioibh A convivial party of young gen tlemon of German persuasion celebrated the 4th of July by devotions to Gambrtnus and after taking lager in a garden in Grana avenue, pitched into the proprietor Henry Faust, raised a general row with all who were in the establishment. Mr. Faust took legal measures, and Constable Price caught four of the convivial gentlemen, namely Augustus and Otto Eotthaus, Francis Bredingnaus and Francis Rauhaus, who wore hold by the Polico Justico for examination on Wednesday next. Counterfeit Biixs, This morning a Gorman hoy or ro spoctablo appearanco tried to pass a counterfeit $2 bill on tho ferry mastor at Fulton Ferry.

The bill was one on tho Merchant's Exchange Bank of Anacostla, D. altered to Now York, ouo dollar bill of similar character, and a bill on a broken bank of Nashville, were found In his possession. Also a purse full of small change, which he may have got in change by passing the same kind of bills. He was arrested by officer Fox of the 2nd precinct and taken to the office of tho Doputy Superintendent, where ho may be seen by any person who has taken such bills. Ho gives his name as Jacob Matthews, Down on Chickens.

Mr. Henry Wright is horticultural in his.tastes and cultivates geraniums and string beans in in his back yard. His neighbor, Mr. Johnson's ideas run to live stock, and he devotes his time and promises to poul try. Game chickens and flower gardens can't flourish In contiguity, and Mr.

Johnson's p'ullots play old scratch with Mr. Wright's fancy borders and spring onions. Mr. Wright naiurauy pruieaieu uuu uuvuiuujui ouiiason to restrain the liherty of his dorklngs. "But Mr.

Johnson kept nover minding him, and his rooster crowed deflanoe on the fence until Mr. Wright's feelings could hold out no longer. He resolved thereupon to take summary vengeance on tha fowl invaders. He procured a shot gun and went to the ex pense ol powder and caps, and at a iavoraoie opportunity he blazod away. Tho list of casualties show one rooster killed instantly and two pullets so mortally wounded that tney nan io nave tnoir nocks twisted to save tnetr lives Mr.

Johnson resorted to legal proceedings and had Mr. Wright arrested but subsequently the matter was satis. adjusted on payment of damages J4, SBOOKLYH DAILY EAGLK OFFIOl, 1J. p. By Telegraph to the Daily Eagle, BX AMERICAN TELEGRAPH COMPANY'S UN, orricas.

2 Wall New York. Montague, comer Court its. Brooklyn from Uexico. New Orlka vs, July 9. Tho bark Brilliant bringa advicca Iroui.

Vora Cruz to the 6th instant. Business there waa still prostrate. The health of the cN 'tlzons was good, but the.voinlto waa prevalent among the troops. A violent earthquake occurred at the City of Mexico on the 18th Juno, killing 50 persona. The British and French bad ddvlsod their countrrmoi, pay tho forced loan under protest, but the American win.

later opposes tho demand, and asked for his passports while awaiting instructions. Generals Vidaurrl and Garza. woro marchinir unon tho capital. Echeagary had retreated to Jalappa, and Osollos shut up in San LulsJPotosI. General Salas had been recilled from nrlln hv Gennrnl Zuloaga.

ine aeoreo ior tne forced contributions was being rigidly enforced Advices from Yucatan aro to the 30th of June. Govern. ment had Imposed a duty of 60 conts per barrel on foreign1 uyuirauu iruiu Aug. i. An oaruquaKe naa oc ourred at Minltlan.

No New of the Atlantic Cnble. Tbihitt BiT, July 10, 10 A. M. There are vet no Indications nf thn with the Atlnntlo telograph. Weather clear and beautiful.

Wind ir. Joans, N. July 10, 10 A. M. Wind northeast.

Weather nlnni anri ship Is due off Cape Race, but has not yot been hoard of. Eaglb Office, 3 1 2. P. From WnahingtOD. Washington, July 10.

Tho Secretary of tho Interior, on an appeal Involving tho titles of Monticello, Lower Montlcollo and Morltlon Minnesota, has decided that under tho law tho only honeflciarii of the trust aro tho occupants of the towns. No other proprietors are recognized, nor can the Department pro'ect tho claims or interests of non resident shareholders or lot owners. The quantity of land for town purposes cannot ox coed three hundred and twotty acres undor the law regulating that subject. Samuel Hippell has been appointed Postmaster of Lea venworth, vice Clarkson resigned'. Olovenicnta of the 7th Besimeut.

Philadelphij, July 10. It is reported that the train with the Seventh Regiment on board broke down between Baltimore and Washington, this mornlog. The train from Baltimore for this city failed to make a connection. The troops are not due here until 4 o'clock this afternoon. Tho National Guards of this oity aro at the dopot waiting to escort tho regiment, and if possible will 'entertain them at the Armory.

Washc cton, July 10. The trainomveylng the 7th Regiment was detained here two hours this morning from 6 to 8 o'clock. No accident occurred, as was reported. Senator Donglm at Chicago. Chicago, July 9.

Senator Douglas was received this evening with great display. At one o'clock a committee of 400 from Chicago and the adjoining counties proceeded to Michigan City, and thore met Judge Douglas and escortod him to this oity Tho arrival of tho train was greeted with the firing of cannon and the cheers ol the people. A precession was formed, and conducted him to Uio Tremont ho was' welcomed in a brief speech in behalf of the citizons by Charles Walker, President of tho Board of Trado. Judge Douglas replied at great length. The number of porsons in attendance iB variously cstl mated at 16,000 to 26,000.

Ijynch in HLentnchy. Lexisgxon, July 10. City Marshall Board was murdcrod by a man named Barker, whllo ondeavoring to arrest him. A crowd collected and hung tho murderer a few hours afterwards. Departure of ike Ariel.

Nirw Yoiik, July 10 1858. The steamship Ariel sailed from this port at noon today for Southampton and Bromon, with 140 possongers and S53.000 in Bpecie. For Iiircrpool. Halifax, July 10. Tho steamship City of Baltimore will sail at noon to morrow for Liverpool.

Despatches to bo forwarded by her, loft at 21 Wall street, N. before tho hour of closing this evening will be duly forwarded. Sew I'oi Sr Miirkr.u July 10 12 1 ts. jplour iteceipis ugui. Sales Western bbls.

Superfine State $3 803 85 Extra State S3 05. Round Hoop $4 60(34 70 Common to good Enra Western $3 95(g)4 48. Southern, steady. Sales 600 bla at $44Sa) 4 J5 for common ttr good, and $4 806 00 for fancy and extra. Canadian, superfine, nominal.

Extra $4 20. Wheat Dolt and lower Sales 2 200 bush. Chicago Spring, 6880 Milwaukle ClubEO 90o. for Common to prime; western Bed $1 01X 03. Cokit Mixed lower.

Salea 12.000 bush. Mixed Western 657(i; WhIe8C8'. yellow 88c Oats Dull. Sales Southern and Jersey 36(344. Northern and Western Pork steady.

Pales 2aj bbl.i. Meua, S16 65. Prime $13 70 3 75. Ukef. steady.

Sales small. Lied Firm. Sties 300 packages at Ucll for bbls. WaisKKT Quiet. Sales at 24c.

New Yortt. Stock rtjarkel nIw Yoitic. JulvlO. Stocks Tho market Is without any activity, but prices aro bettor. Mos ir Is offered freely aud rates are easv at Star, nnr cent on all.

Exchance Holders of best banker bills at 109, Chicago and 11. 1. ft. 3.. Y.

Central 84J Otave. Toledo R. It 34Ji, La Ooss 4 MHwauaeelVR tt Harlem 9 VIrgiala 6's 93 Miasouri6's: 86 Brio a. Ve Oslena ano Chicago 87X Milwaukle 21) N.Y.Stato.7S Mlcbtaan Central K. A 59 New Jersey Zinc Canton Co Its, miason 14 Oeiaware Mich.

98 Illlnoi Central A. It 77 ivcw Jersey a. Indiana S's. fin Tennesaee 6 9IJ Mich. Mo.

R.K 22K uuuayivuuiu uui vai. io Vjiuiiueriiina voat LO. SaaaiuE 4HK N. Y. Central 7 1C0 Oaltfornla7's St'ii LaCroaseLind 33 Panama 104, Paclfio Mall 78 Ohio 6's 8S 10.iK Clev.

Col. and Cin 92i Michigan guaranteed Brooklyn 6's 97 New Haven and tlartfora. 119 Erieods71 32 Illinois Central bds 87 U. 8, 6's 82 106 Haimonlatbd Mich. So.

preferred 44J Hudson 3d Harlem 2d bda 7o4 FOB, SALE TOiLET. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. THE fcUB ecrlber offers for silo a Ana farm of 400 acres, Smiles from CrossviUe, the county seat of Ccmborland Couniy, Tennessee, and on the tanle of the Comberland mouniafn. 140 acres cleared, of which 70 acres are rich prairie. Good or ohirds of apple, peach, cherry, and p'um tres.

Comfortable dwelling, large barn, 4c. bealihy climate, and pur water. Tne line of the Cential Kail Boad passes through the tract Also 1200 acres of UBOu'tlvated land, In the same county. Titles perfect. Prices very low.

For particulars, call at No. 77 Fulton street, Brooklyn. WM. H. DODGE.

JylO lw nnOLET SUITABLE FOR JL Grocers, Druggists, Plumbers, Stoves 4 Tinware, Crocery, House arnlshlng Hatters, Dry Gooas, Boots and shoes. Tea Dealers, Ac. The five storrs now building at the junction of Fulton and Fla'bush ays. They are surrounded by a denre population, in a growing neighborhood, and will at once command a good business. The Bwres will be ready lor occupation by tho first of Sopumber.

For further uartlcularf, apply to GEO. A. JAR Y1S. 337 Henry cor. of Degrtw or at tne Atlantic Fire Insurance uo 14 Wall street, New York, from 12 to 1 o'clock.

le28codtmTu OTORE TO LET IN MONTAGU El PLACE, Lj adjoining Court etreet, Shakspeare Hotel Building. Rent $300 per annum, lnqulro of JAMES W. dMITH, jci9 tt Corner Court and Montague. SALE. THE BAR AND FIXTURES of the Liquor and Billiard Saloon, corner Myrtle avenue andPearlst; is a desirable location for a Lager ilier Salmon, and can be purchased at a bargain.

For particulars enquire of T. Lockltt, 105 Atlantic iyS LODGE ROOM TO LET ON THE CORNER of Myrtle we Steuben st. from tha 1st of May next: nnt low. Enqmrof SAMITKL GRAHAM tnhO it PIC NIC THE CARLTON AVE. METflO dint.

EnUcooal Sabbath School. Will an nn ihrtr nnmml xlC NIC, to Morris Grove, on TUESDAY. July 13 h. Cars of Long lBiana obu aohu icuyo corner 01 vanaerDui areaue ana a. iu.

JnoKoiaouoia eaon. jylu a METAMORA GUARD. A MEETING OF this company will be held corner of Hamilton avenue ana Btreet on MONDAY EVENING, July Mih, for mo purpose 01 MmuBaunu ior me Hixtn annual tar get IiJtouriiton. All memberBarereques'ea to attend. By order of PaTKICK F.

FOX, Captain. jjlOlt" i' ARB REDUCED TO FIFTY CENTS FROM 1 NEW YOBK TO NEW HAVEN, by steamer But CitT, every day, at 3 P. M. by steamer Taavelbr, every night at U. No oharge for Berths.

jieun? BIOHAKD PECK, Agent, OB Whftfl Mflnlittr) WID2TFSDAY, July 14th. iM'A ,1.1 1 tin ii uiiuioviuiouoDB romifoBiufr a israe and cteaA is tnnna in drat olats bote's. TUO l. MUBPHY, Att'yforMortgtgeev B0ASBIN6. BOARDING.

FOUR SINGLE GENTLEMEN, or two Genllexoa and thflr Wives, can be ao ommodauM in full or partial Board, and vtry pleasant rooms.1 In an agri oable location, with a private lamily, at 257 convenient to the ttrrln. Teimi moderate. Jyl03t BOARD WANTED IN BROOKLYN. A 8LN gle Gent'emn dodraa Board In a private family wher mui are no other boarders ed. LtxwUon a short distance of Scmh or Himllton Ferrlea.

Addreaa A W. lirooklyn, P. o. JyU)lr BOARD IN BBOCKLYN A PRIVATE FAM lly having a new at.dcoTmodlous house In the most de liito.rul anrt heahty ptrt or tne city, aro de lrcus of hatla a lew boardora. Tne tuatlon cnuot bo surpss ed in this Itj, tho air bem as pure ai la tho country.

Petaons deaUtog1 board are requested 10 ojll at tho aeooud home in ihe row in Hampdtn street, south of Fu.ton avenue, name on the door S.otield. j98r GK0CKEQE3. IMPORTANT TO FftMlLIES, AND ALL WHO wish genuine TEA. COFFKEind SPICKS, and at price" to suit the times, should call Ha.DINU A Cornerof Fulton nd 5Iln etrets. BestOovernmeni Java, 18 cts or six lb j.

for one dollar. Maracaibo, 16 or live ibs. for '6 ot). Laeusyrn, 14 65 St. Domingo, 12 65 10 SO TEAS.

U'e have reoelred bv tha late arrivals the most choloe assort mom of new eas, which we Oder twenty five per cent obaayer than usnally chnrged by Sew Xork dealera jb. in a tva rouo I50ZI ok baqbt ritioos. bPICBS. Wfl have fltterf nn llu.mnflt Imnrrtved machuiArv nunn facturlng MusTAan, Ccoui, Ouocourfi and whlch.wo warrant puru and of the best quality, and at a oneaper rata tban ever before offered. HABDLNQ4C0, Tex Corrsn ad Srioc DEA1EE3, Cornor of Fulton and atam streets, Brooklyn Goods delivered to ail parts ot city.

mySS Sax iJOiSINESS 50TI0EB. LARGE VLLOW HAMPER BASKETS, FOB travelling. J. BUNOE, JU 1 im ARDEN HOES. JUST RECEIVED, A large quantity, selling at 12 cents eaon, 1 per aoz.

j. unncB. Ty' 2m CVir. Fnlton nndHenrv atreeut. OIHERS MOTHERS I 1 MOTHERS I I I Dont fall to procure MRS.

WINFLOKTM SOOTHIKO b.TUP for Children Teeihmg. It baa no equal on oartn. It gready facilitates the process of teeihing, by toftening the gums reducing all inflammation will allay all pain, ana Is sure io regulate tne bowels. Depend upen it, mothers, It will give rest to yourselves, and relief and hoalih to yonr inlanta, Ferfeotly sale In all cases. mlnnhla nrannntllnn In fhff nreSOrintlOU 01006 01 the mosterperiencedandskiiliuKemilo physicians in new Eng lana.

ana naa oeen nseu wjui uovcr huik auw.aa u. www. of cases. It is an old and well tried remed. TWUNTY 'AVIS UlSNTt A 1SU1 lliC.

Sold bv Druirclsts throushjut ihe world. Office No. 13 Cedar street Hew York. Jo43mI CHAPMAN, DEALER IN BUTTER, I CHES8E, EQGS, LARD, 4o No, Jew Fulton Mar ko', corner of Concord and Fulton leels, Brook'yn F.mtllcs supolledand waited regularly, dally or weekly Cleaailaesa, Puuctual.ty DiHpatch J. C.

beg to Inform the lchibltan's of Brooklyn that he still oont'nuesat tho above stand and that by dealing only In a tew articles he is atle todevota the whole ol hisaitemloa selecting the same, bo that those destroys of ootalnlng a good Bttiole at a reasontuio uricecau oesuppi cu uaunaui age be ha recelvi for the past three years, he solicits a con tlnnansu of the name Cho ce Butler fi om selacted dairies; rich old Cheeaf mild do; fresh Kggs three umos a week; imroliird; Nor.hern Hone. J151W PATENT ICE CREAM FBEEZSRB, AND the new Patent Ico Pick, at loll lm Cor. lit nry and Fulton streets. UTTA PERCHA 0B MENT ROOFING CO. OT The beat, cheapest and mos' durable materia! lor coating, auo repairing new and old Tin Roofs, lumisbed and a iplioa.

Alti'j Roodng In rolls, to bo UBed place of any other roonng at baif thu coil fciptclmena of the mxlcrial and Its application can bo ee'nat the BttAN.lH OFFICE, Mil FULTO OOKLYS. je22 lm B. W. Joa7. BILLS OB' EXCHANGE ON ENGLAND, Ireland, Scotland ami Waka, in of ona found aad Viiw.irds, for sale at J.

S. jyAClCrVY'tf my 11 Kxcbaaire OtUna. ti Brooklyn LOSING OUT SALE Oi1 DRY GOODS H. vnftfiAV vim Pnitnn R'PHGt. ciYpt.

on and after the lifth Inst his entire slocfc oi' priDg aud summer Dry Qooda at greatly reduced prices io, wblcli bo 'itee iho attention of me puuiic. jjj BLACKING FOB, LADIES AND CHILDREN'S SHOES Kid and Vorocco hoo3 weir a Quarter Jjugor. besides olwaya belo bright aud oean by aaiug tha leaves a bruifunt gloai. It is a superior article forlndiarubber, or clotb; for hai iuis, trunks and crrifg'; tops; for iron Roodsasd ia Unor mttala. Fut up ia es, wiih sponge attachcQ to tticork, price 115 cenn.

For the usde, it Is putldcz boitleaia abyx, or by th yalion barrel, foraalo by jj71ni' d. W. 6M1TH, 534 SPANISH OUCVE3 IN SMALL KEGS jtist.recelved and for Bale by JUUKSON, SMITH 193 Waehlngtcn, cor. street, New xork. JJ22W fipHE BBOOKLYN DIEE0TORY FOE 1859, a can bo procured at die destof the EAGLB OFFICE; lliooalyn.

PnceSJ Je25tl U8T KE'JKlVED A FbEBS BOPPLY OF Barry's Tricopherous. Price 12 ccotH per bottie 10a. per uozjn. For by jolily V. D.

LEW, cor Main and Tot eta. COFFIN GA.1ES, BOOKS, STATIONERY, NEWsPAPEKS, FANCY G00D8. jy33t" Cor, nf Conn and Sacketnta Brooklyn, THOS. A. Ji EOME, BPOOKLYK COAX.

YAE7, Foot of Fulton sitreet, cor Furman, and 171 Joralemon st. Families fciuppLin ttith the tkbt beut QOAUzr or ALL KINDS OF lOAL. deMverod In cood orderfrom the Boat or ford, at tbn Lovyest Caalt pricea. jy3tr LEGAL. SDPREME COURT, COUNTY OF "WEST CaEsTR, TheodosiU3 P.

Secor agiinst Carl A. Bub and bis wife, wheai flt Btuamolsnot tnuwn, and who surd by tne nmeof Mary, and iMarun Goimby Summons for relief, (Cm. not aer To ibe above nam Defendaata You aro hereby summoned aud required to anawer the complaint In actlun which was tiled In the ofiUie of tho Clorkof the coumy of Wdtehesier, at WbLte flafns, Marchla, 1858, and to serve a oopyof your answer lo thd said complain" an the subscriber at hi office. No. 39 Wail Now York city, within twnty days after tho Bervico of this summons on you, exclusive of the day of such service i and if you fall to answer the said complaint within the time aforesaid, tho plaintiff in this action will apply to the Courtrbr the relief demanded in the complaint Dated arch 11, lSfB ia jylO law9wS K.

MORE, Vlaintm'a Attorney. UPREME COUET, RICHMOND" OONTT Charles Cornish plintlil agln Uibn Levi, SyUeater Lay Cbarlea H. Cough Ian, Na.hun ilichellana Mitchell, bis wife, K. c. Eaten, defendants.

tiiimmoQ3 lor relief. (Oom, not served.) io the defendants John Lrvi, Charlts H. Cougbbn, Nathan Mitchell and ML obeli, h's wiiu You are hereby summoned and required to answer the com pUintinthls action, which mil be filed in the ufllco of the 'Clerk ot the Cuuniy of Kcbmoud, uud to servo a copy of your answer to the said complaint on tho subscriber, ath'S afllco. No. 23 Ob ambers street, in the city orwewYork, within twenty days aP.or tho service of ibis summons on yuu, exclusive of the day or such service; and if youmil toanswei the said complaint wnhin the time aforesaid, the plalniilHn this aotioawidftp plv to ihe Court for the rbef demanded in the complaint.

Dated January lltb, 185S. JuttN F. OR AY, Plaintiff's At'orney, i3 Chamber street. New York City. The complaint In tbis action was hied In the oSLm ot tho Clrb nt tfiHi mint, of Richmond In the State of New York.

on day of February, 1658. N. B. Joun P. Okay, the Attoroev fbr tha Dlatuliffm the above action, hs removed to the limes Buildings, No.

41 Paik Kowinineuuy ot atw icrs. jiu lawuiva C0RP0RAT10K K0TICES, WlUilaJtttjBDKG IMPKOVi.aLBNl8. IMO TICE. In the matter if the aoDlioatlon of the Common Council or the city of Brooklyn, in relation to tee opening; regulating, curbing and guttcrlDg of Iwontrose avenue, 118 entiro leng In the lato city of WiulamBburgh, To all whom It may concern ine on wuuamsDurgn improvements, appointed uuder ana by virtuo of an act of the Legialature of me M'ate of New York, paBsed Mrch 2Uib, 1857, onuUed, "An Act relative to tho payment ol expenses for local Improvements In the hro Village and City of Wil lamaburgb, an i to aotioa and to actions ana proceodings In repect thereto," hive completed their report the above entitled matter, and filed the the olllco ol tho Clerk of thj County of Kings, whore it Is open for tho inspection of all parties Interested. At plica.ion will ne made in behalf of the said Common Council, to the Ouunty Court or Kings County, at a teim be held on the 26th oay or July Instant, at hi o'olook, A.

or aa soon thereafter as Counsel can be heard, to have said report confirmed. Dated Brooklyn Jnl' jjgtH. SiVMUKt. a. JQHKsON, Attorney.

ASSES8MENT NOTICE. IN THE MA.TTKB XjL of Keap street, openlue lrom Lee avenue to Dlvlilon "lNo3ce Is hereby given that the following Assessments, In th( above matter remain unpaid, and that the Warrant lor colleci Inc Bald Assessments wuierplro on the 16th day of July neit, and that unless said ussesamenis. togetner with ihe expense and per ceniaKe allowea by law, are paid on or beforo said date, I shall Drooeedtoadvenlse and sell the promises tn the manner pointed out by sections 21 and 26 of title 5ih, ol the present Charter of, the city of Brooklyn. v. Coruel a and Jane Bemsen, children of P.

T. BeuiBon. S179 21 Albert Brown 7S 08; S.muel ulo45 id: Krcdenclt Scboles 11 John a. Cross 24 63; Abaliher Harrtaon 11 38; AO. Underhlll 1 57; Wm H.

Mailer 1 Chas. W. Copoiaad 5 Bobt. MoKemtlo 1 00. Brooklyn, Juno th, 1858.

A. M. WOOD. Jefi lawGwS Coileotor of laxea and Aaaoaamontt, a.

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