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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 6

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


1 is i CHARLES 8EABSV STATEMENT. Ilia Daughter Did No Eutdrtalw a Chinese Sunday School Clan. Mr. Charles Bears of 206 Hart atreot stated an Eagle reporter to day that there was no truth in the statement that his daughter, Miss Elsie Sears, tendered a reception around the hoi idoys at her residence to a Chinese Sunday school cla. s.

"My daughter," said Mr. Sears whs is a uiau of pocitiro character, "belonna to tlie Kind's daughters and is a Sunday sohool teacher. She did not tender Mongolian pupils or any other pupils a reception around the holidays, so the statement that tea was purchased by ns from Hency J. ltussell or any other person to the amount of $4.07 for snob mythical entertainment is of course false. Thostateinent that Harry Lee, a Chinese Snnday school pupil, or any other person, presented my daughter with a plush capo and a dinner Bet of delioafe china is false and malicious.

The fact is that Russell called at rny house to see my son in law, Mr. Gentry, with whom he had dealings three years ago. 1 never purohased tea or coffee from Russell and, consequently, owe him nettling, nor docs he claim I do. I was not sued In Justice Patterson's court, nor in any other court, by Kiueel), nor was any judgment given agaiust me. The false statements were prompted by enemies." An injustice has been done an estimable yeuug woman, as well as her father, who is a respected citizen.

Tho Big Hotel Uolnmbla Heights With a Park Attachment. Touching the suggestion made in tbe Eaole by a correspondent who Bigned himself H. of the blook bounded by Pineapple, Willow and Clark streets and Columbia heights for a hotel site, with the block in front of that running down to Furman street removed to make a park, Frank A. Barnaby said tins morning that the schome was his own and that the writer had canvassed the feasibility of it witb him. It was found, however, that the owner of the block in question wanted $250,000 for his property, and this being doomed too high the scheme was aban doned.

Leonard Moody, when shown a oopy of the let ter ref erred to, said: "That is a crazy scheme." Mr. Moody thinks that the best place for a big hotel would be in the neighborhood of Clinton and Bemeen streets. FOND OF BOOKS. The Peculiar Divinity Methods Student. of a Highly Recommended by Bev.

Charles Hall and Others, He Did Not Hesitate to Bob the Pratt Institute, and When Arrested Four Hundred Volumes Were Found iu His Booms. Freeman Harriott, a olerioal looking individual of nncertain age. was sent to Jail by Justice Connolly to day from the Gates avenue police court in default of $1,000 bail on a charge of larceny. Harriott, according to the statements of tbe police, has been snrreptiously carrying away valuable books from the library of Pratt's institute for over a year. A collection of volumes estimatod to be worth $2,000, all of wbiob have beea Identified as the property of the institute, was fouud iu the'apartmentB of tbe accused man, at 497 Myrtle avenne, after his arrest.

Since January, 1801, books bava boen mys. teriously disappearing from the reading room of the Institution. Finally the attention of the Fonrtb precinct police was called to the circumstances and Detective Sergeant Delehatity. after a rigid investigation, picked out Harriott as the thief. When the deteotlve's suspicions wero communicated to tho institute authorities, they ware given but little credence, in new ot the ro puted excellent character of the accused.

Harriott came to tbe institute strongly recommended by tha Rev. Charles Hall and other prominent Brooklyuites. He was spoken of as a candidate for future pulpit honors and was givon free access to any books in the library that he evinced an inclination to peruse. Dotective Del ehanty arrested Harriott as he was leaving the building and at the station bouse a val uable book, bearing the institute mark, was found concealed on 1 nei son. He broke down in tho atatlen fioviso cell and told the notice that all of the missing books oonld be found at his horns.

Four hundred volumes were subsequently transferred from the prisoners room to the police station. Harriott told Judge Connolly that he was studying for tha ministry and that ho had borrowed the alleged stolen bonks. He intended, be said, to have returned them eventually. EHJCB rr YV VT WW 8 WW IBM HN EEHS 883 TJ RRR A AA ira ooo fi HN sy NO NO iltl li fi BRB ass A A NC it AAA NO a NN 8 NN SS8 A OU KA A rtNU A nn ooo men ati ion nt wa hei bal a ti isi jet in on ter net rad in. 1 )ck rbj ml tv vs.


ORDINARY LIFE POLICIES ARE BETUENING The New Building of the Poly technic Institute. Dr. and the Mrs. Cochran Receive Friends 8picer Library Distinguished in Guests Inspect the Books and tho Chapel To night's Dance. Tho new building of the Polytechnic institnta waB opened thiB afternoon, at by a reception tendered to President aud Mi b.

David H. Cochran by the trustees, alnmni, scholars and friends of the institute. Tue if caption was held iu the beautiful new gift of the late) Uriah D. Spcicer. whioh was thrown open to tha public for tbe flr me.

The library, a lar. airy and light room, is furnished in polished quartered oak, with a floor of similar material. Tbe ceiling is of linci usta Walton, gold, white and mauve in color. Incandt vccnt lights furnish the necessary illumination. The mei morial mantel and fireplace is 1 0 i'eet wide, 6 feet high and is of variegated shell Tennessee marble, highly polished.

On the upper front piece is the inscription in large letters gilded bronze "The Uriah D. Spicer Memorial Library," while immediately beneath is a wieath of laurels' also of bronze. About eight thousand volumes constitute the contents of the library. Despite the unpleasant weather, streams of visitors quickly filled tho library and the adjoining chapel, where Stubb's orchestra whiled away the time, with musioal selections. Among Invited were Mayor and Mrs.

David A. Boody, ilr. and Mrs. J. 8.

T. Stranahau, Joaiah O. Low, Dr. and Mrs. Truman J.

Backus, General and Mrs. Alfred 0. Barnes, Mrs. Bicbard BarneB, John T. Martin, Mr.

and Mrs. Willard Bartlett, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Bellamy.

Mr. and Mrs. Tunis G. Bergen, Mrs. John Yan Yorst Booraem, Mr.

and Mrs George V. Brower. Mrs. W. G.

Carman, jr. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac H. Cary.

Mr. and Mrs. George f. Channoey, General and Mrs. C.

T. Christenseo, Mr. and Mrs. B. T.

Clayton, Mr. aud Mrs. N. H. dement, Mr.

and Mrs. Ethan Allan D.oty.Mrs. Theodore Drt ior, Mr. and Mrs. George E.

Fahys. Mr. and Mrs. Latham A. Fish.

Mr. and Mrs. John Gibb, Mr. and Mrs. W.

W. Goodrich, Mrs. Winston H. Hagan, Mr. aud Mrs.

A. Augustas healy, Mr. and Mrs. David H. Honghtaiing, Hmvy S.

Snow Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Woodruff, and Mrs. H.

E. Ide, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Martin, Mr.

and Mrs. J. Rogers Maxwell, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.

Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Moore, Mr. and Mrs.

James L. Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. 8. V.

White, Mr. and Mrs. Wiliiam H. Nichols, Mr. and Mrs.

Froderiok C. Truslow and Mr. and Mrs. William M. Van Auden.

The dance this evening will take place in the cymaainm, whioh has been beautifully decorated with flowers aud colored electric lights as told in yesterday'B Eaole. Supper will be served at 10 oVlook in the old chapel, and dancing will eoutinue until long after. rater Dunne, kerosene bureau, drunk and ab without leave, five days pay. POO BBKB 1 On KK 5 OB MI FPi't EKBS HI i Sir" Ilr. La ii fw EBB HUBS OK ft 000 Hit 'A IN NMPPP A lJ SIMP Oil MM OU UN AAA fi OM MP A AN A AN 0C00O 00 MP FROM 20 TO 53 PER OENT.

IN EXCESS OF HENRY TUCK, Vieo President. DEPARTMENT OF COLLECTION, Rooms '2. A. 6. 8 and 10.

Mnnicical Bntldlna Srookirn, January 15, 1892 Notice is hereby giren that the assessment rolls in the fellewins entitled matters hare been complotea and the warrants ror tne oonection of the rarious assessments mentioned therein bare ibis day boon delirered to the Collector of Taxes and Assessments, and all persons liable to par such assessrnentsare required to pair the same without delay, at his office, unitor the jpenaltyof the lawt Sewer Map O. Dlstriot 37. Loxiucton avenne, south, tide, from Stuyresant arenue, westerly, to crown of Lexington avenue. Serrer Map District 37. T.nitviEtofi avenue, north side, from Stuyvesant avenue, westerly, to crown of Lei inetou avenue.

Sower Map O. District 37. Lexington avenue, north side, between Broadway and Patchen avenue. Gas lampi and po tJ, Barbey street, between Arlington aud Jamaica avenuo. Gas lamps inj Baibey street, between Glonmoro oooco 0 8 MP MPPP MP RUDAT EVENING, JAJiUAHT 15, 1882.

FEANSIOLI. His Estate Sued by Dr. Pren dergast. Hedlcal Services for Fire Years, Iuclnd Ninety Visits iu One Hoiiili The Priest's Fnneral Expenses Still Unpaid. The Defense is art AUeg ed Custom of Catholic Physicians to Treat Their Clergymen Free of Charge.

A suit has slumbered for some months in tho seclusion of the 6Ies of tho city court which is likely to make somotliitiii of a sensation in St Polor'B Roman Catholic pariih wlicu it cornea up for trial next month, because it indicates that neither tho doctor' bill for the last illness of the late Father Joseph Franuioli nor his funeral expenses have been paid. Tho plaintiff is Dr. John J. Prendcrgast, whoso office is at tha corner of Clinton and Wan on streets, and who snes the exeoutor of Father Fransioli for an unpaid doctor's bill of $2,500 for his attendance on the venerable priest during the last four years of his life. Tha suit will cause surprise and comment for several reasons.

One of theie is the size of the bill for medical attendance for four years upon a man supposed to nave been in pretty sood health for a man of his years, except for a serious attack of puen moui in 1880. Other Father Fransioli was reasons are tint notably particular abont Dayius his bill and took pride In his spotless nuauuwi nuuu, priest was popularly supposed to have died wealthy. Those proceedings, however, show that tin latter inipressien bad no foundation in faot Augustus C. Frausioli, the priest's brother and executor, has Hied his inventory in the surrogate's office showing that the estate amounts to only $5,000, the greater part of which consists of notes Hives, by this biothr for money leaned to him by the priest. This brother ia the legatee under the will, and ir he winB in this suit will be relieves from the ncces sity of payiug some of his notes.

There is an other bill for the funeral expenses of $811 iu tuo hands of Jndce Durack, lawyers, on which suit has not yet been brought, because negotia tions for a settlement are peudinpr. lne nnaei taker is Frank J. Dougherty, whose shop is just opposite 8t. Peter's church in Hicks street, and who was for many years Father FranBioli'd accountant and iminiata associate. In tho Prendergast suit a bill of particulars and the defendant's answer to it are on file in the clerk's office, and both uncommonly interesting documents.

Tho bill of particulars sets np that Dr. Prenderctst was Father Frausioli' phyni cian from May, 1885, down to his death, October 18. 1890, and gives an itemized statement of his professional vihits to the priest during that time, for which tho doctor says ho haB not been paid. In May, 1885. acoordiug to this record, there were ten visits; in Juno 10, (a July 40, in October 15, in November 90, iu December 18, in January, 1880, 15; in February 12, iu March 18, in April 13, iu May 18, in June 1 1, in July 10, in September 3, iu October 12, in Novomber 23, in December 20; in January, 1887, 16; in February 12, in March 18, In April 15, in May 0, iu June 15, in July 8, in September 18, iu October 37, in November 15, In December 24, iu January, in February 13, iu March 18, in April 10, in May 10, in Juno 8, in September 11, in Ootober 17; in November 13, in Decembor 12, in Jan nary, 188f, 17, in February 14, iu March 12, in April 0, iu May 8, iu June 0, in July 0, in August 4, in September 9, iu Ootober 14, in November 12, in December 16, in January, 1890, 15, in February 10, in March 8, in September 7, in October 47.

The bill of specifications further sets out the various illnesses from which Futher Frausioli suffered during this time, beginning with intestinal calairh and extending through diarrhea, pneumonia, pleurisy and nervous prostration. Pneumonia accounts for tke most remarkable month in the above hut, November 1885, when Dr. Prendegast charged tor ninety visits. His bill has five visits a day attuis time from November 3 to November 15, and three visits daily for the bix days following. Two visits daily is a common occurrence in this record and in the October when Father Frausioli died he is oharged with three visits a day from the 1st to the 11th and two visits a day thereafter until the death on the 18tb.

The only long breaks in this almost continuous list of visits are in the snuinierd or 18S0, 1887, 1888 and 1800, when Father Frausioli went to Switzerland to visit relations there. The answer to this bill of partiiuiars denies that Dr. Prendergast's services were worth (2,500, denies that Father Frausioli did not pay any of the bill during bis lifotimo, and alleges that tho doctor was daring all this time a member of SL Peter's congregation and lured a pow there for himself and hia family. Then comes the most interesting point in thewhole defense, which is, in the language of tho answer, "that it was aud still is tho cujtom in Brooklyn and elsewhere for physicians to render services to priests aud to attend thorn professionally without making or intending to make any charge therefor, and without any expectation of receiving any compensation therefor; that said enstom was well known by the plaintiff aud adoptod and followed by him in hi alleged practice as a physician, aud especially in hiB relations, if any, professional or otherwise, with the said Joseph Fmnuioli aud the othor priests attached to said parish and otherwise." The answer further alloees that if Dr. Prendergast attended Father Fransioli, ho did it with this custom in mind and not with any idea of evtr being paid, and that Father Fransioli paid Dr.

Prendergast's pew ront of $60 a year for three years from February, 1880, to February, 1889, and that Dr. Piendert'ast accepted the payment as a full equivalent and discharge for his services as Father Frausioli's physician. An EAOliE reporter undertook, after readin theBe documents, to learn what the custom about doctoring the pneBts of St. Peter's is. Father Barry, however, is ill, and Father Hamilton wa not at home.

Father Slattery, one of the yonnger priests of tho parish, said, laughing! "I keep woll and have no dootor's bills. This iH the first time, however, that I ever heard of priests being doctored for nothing, aud I think if that was a in the churoh I should Knew it." Thomas Ryan, a merchant and old parishioner of St. Peter's, said he never hoard of any Buch custom. "The priests," he added, "get a salary ample for their needs, and there is no reatiou why they shouldn't ply their own way." Frank J. Dougherty, the undertaker, declined to talk about the doctor's bill at all, but admitted that his bill was iu tha hands of his lawyer.

He said the executor had offered to pay $500, but he wouldn't take that, as his expenses ia connection with the funeral were very large. Father Frnndioli kit many relatives in this city, but none of tbem take anything to speak of under his will, so that neither they nor St. Peter's parish are involved in tho litigatiou, the result concerning merely the brother, A. C. Fransiuli, aud Dr Prendergast.

MRS. AE1KAK. LOSES IiER FUKMl UliE. Nile Boiitrlit It in the Installment Plan and Defaulted iu I'Cjmciit The Cowperthwait corupunr obtained a Judg ment by default, in the supreme court this morning, against Mr. Ida E.

Abearn of 134 Amity street, in a suit to obtain possession of household furniture, sold to her on tho installment plan. On April 21, 1S01 Mr'. Abearu bought from the company $757 worth of inrnituro and paid 390 down. The company save her a lease for the furniture for ti' teen months, and she agreed to pay $25 a month, and was to obtain no title io the property till the whole amount was paid. If the property should be injured in any way, or if itshouldbe moved from the house iu which it was placed at the time the aao was execnted, or if there should be any default in the payments the company's a'ent couid enter anyplace where the furniture happened to bo and seize it, and all the payineutH which had been made should be forfeited.

Mrs. Ahi arn failed to reake the agreed payments, and tlie suit followed. TDK POLICE CU'TAIKS' BIXIEB. Preparations are being made for the annual dinner of the police captains, which takes place on the evening of Saturday, February 37, at the Academy assembly rooms. It is probable tha verv many prominent political persons wili take Dart in tho proceedings and a number ot invita tions will be sent out.

HilOIt UKAXI'S 11,1 KSS. Mayor Grant of New York was not at his office in the city hall this morning, and Willis Holly, his private secretary, Baid that be would not bo downtown to day. The mayor was in better health to day. THB WEATHEK. WA6U1X0TOX, D.

January 15. INPJC.VTIOirs TILL A. St. TO MORROW. For New York, tnow, clearing, to night, colder north iudj.

PBOBABILITrUi Know, cleariug to night, colder, brisk to high northwest winds, except northeast over Long Island; for Saturday aud Sunday, fair, colder, r.rxop.p or tbk thermometer. The following is the record of the thermometer as kept at the Bbooexyn daily aole oiace: 2 A. A A 43 39 10 A. 12 2 1. 3 P.

A. kl.M lo 33 Avenge temyiei aiure to AverAK0 leipoi jiture Bsmo uste lost year. limn VYATKR. Tha follo.Ting is the official announcement of tho time and duration of high water at New York and Baudy HooH lor to morrow, January io: to J0THE. BliEEPIft'P CAR HORROR.

Two Opera linger Burned to Death a Northern Pacific Roatl Smash Vp. Minneapolis, January id. A special from Brainard, to the Journal says a frightful railroad acoident occurred on the Northern Paolflo road Beven miles out of Bralnard at 4 o'olook this morning. Second section of No. 0.

with the Andrews opera oompany on board, left West Superior at midnight for Grand Forks. Near Jonesville the train struok a broken rail, the engine and baggage oar passing over in Bafety, but the Bleeptnir oar was derailed and ran soma three hundred feet on the ties, when toppled over, breaking loose from the train and went down an embankment some five feet bleb, lying on itB Bide. In a minute all was o'onfusion. Tho sleeping inmates realized tb6ir peril. The Pullman conductor, Herbert 0.

Scott, waB one of the first to get outside, and when he did no Are was visible; bnt aB soon as windows were brokon to liberate those luside, flaws shot out and in a very short time the oar wob enveloped In fire. Willing hands of traiu men soon liberated those who were unable to ex tricate themselvos, but none was able to save their olothes, and the night being the coldest of tho season the thermometer reaching 40 below the suffering was terrible. At this time it was discovered that Mrs. E. Andrews and Lillte Was, were missing, out.

no human efforts conld render them assistance aa the oar waB a mass of flames. The injured were placed in a baggage oar and brongbt to Bralnard and quartered at the Partington hotel. A list of tho dead and injured as far as obtainable is as follows Mrs. E. Andrews (known as Nannie Wilkinson), burned to death; Mrs.

Llllie Was of Indianapolis, burned to death: Florence Joy, severely burned on back and head, will probably die; May Dong. and arms, will probably rocov hands aud arms: Mrs. L. F. Barker, Iheulder dislooated; Miss Marie Boe, slightly burned and bruised; George AndrewB.

burned on anna; Miss Ella Harris, burned on neck and arms; J. 0. Taylor, out and bruised; H.Allen, burned on nook; Fred Allen bruised; Miss Jo Shearer, slightly burned: L. F. Barker, burned on hands and faoe.

Miss Douglas when she was brought from the car was literally enveloped in flames, her hair being on fire. Two men wore nearly nude, but ware wrapped up as they were taken. The bodies of the two wemon burned to death were oharred beyond all recognition, the heads, legs and arms being entirely gone. Mr. E.

Andrews rescued their little baby and supposed his wife was safe until a count was made. He is wild with grief. Tha oompany lost all they possessed, except stage clothes. YOU'RE A LIAR Is What Judge Tighe Said From the Bench To day. It Was to a Woman Who Tried to Lodgtt a Complaint Against Court Clerk Mc fiarrv's Son She Got a Warrant at Judge Walsh's Court.

A well dressed, middle aged woman applied this morning to Judge Tighe, in the Butler street court, for a warrant for the arrest of John Mc Garry and James Moore for assaulting her son Frederick on Saturday afternoon last. John Mo Garry is a boy of 12, and is tho sen of Joseph. McGarry, who is tb'a clerk of Judge Tighe's court. Mr. McGarry keeps a liquor store at the nnrner of Wvckoff and Bond streets, and ilnrivAa an additional income from that which" he receives for his clerkly duties.

James Moore is hia Dephew and also his bartender. During the conversation between Judge Tighe and Mrs. Mary Fed dan, who was the complainant and desired to get warrant, the iudge said to Mrs. Foddea 'Your'e a liar." The woman's response was "If I'm a liar von are lust aB much of a The end of the matter was that Judge Tighe refused to grant a warrant, but gave Mrs. Fedden a note to Judge Walsh requesting him to nston to ner complaint.

The facts of the case aro alleged to be as follow: On Saturday aftornoon last about 1:30 o'clock, Frederick Fedden. who is 17 years old. was nulling his brother, Frank, who is 9 years nd. a (deizh in Wyckoff street, near Bond. Frederick's right name is Froderiok Walther.

His mother has been married twice and her obildren ftrfl known bv the name of her present husband. The late Justioe Semler was an uncle of Fredor A hA 41. 10KB. mis uoy is au cpiioyuiu wm boat onoo a month for a lonz time past. He attended the Warren street school wnere youug John McGarry is also a pupil.

The two bnvs had bad a sohoolboy's quarrel pravions to Saturday last and whan Frederick was pulling his younger brother on the sleigh, the boy, Mc Garry, oame ont and renewed hostilities, it is alleged that Frederick, who is the larger and tronger boy of the two, as welt as tne oiaer, struck youns McGarry. The lattor ran into his father's saloon aud told the bartender, james Meore, about it. Mrs. Fedden swears and says he has plenty of witnesses to prove tne faot that Moore camo out ot tne sa loon, beat Frederick severely and then held while young McGarry jumped npon nis iaco and body. Two men, who wero shoveling snow in tho immediate vicinity, saw the oconrrence and threatened the bartender with their shovels.

Tbe bartender and the McGarry boy left, bnt the two snow shovelers took Frederick to hia lome. His mother, Mrs. Fedden, says: fcfe was all coverod with blood and I wanted a doctor. Some one called for an ambulance and tho ambulance surgeon from the Long Island collego hospital oame. He dressed iny son's wounds and save me directions for nis further treatment.

That day my son was uncon scious tor Boven noura anu mue uo from that condition he has been sick ever since. Up to this morniug he has had twenty four fits, whereas he never had them bofore more than once a montb. He is also vomiting blood and my doctor sars he is internally inlured. I went to Judge Tighe's court to B6eure a warrant, but 11 suppose I couldn't get it on aocouut of Alcuarry influenoe there. You Know the rest." This morning Mrs.

Fedden walked up to tuo bar dirootly in front of Judge Tighe. bne wouldn't go to the clerk's desk, although Mr. aio Garry was not there. He is siok at nome wnn the grip. She applied to the judgo ior a warrant for Moore and the boy McGarry.

Your boy wasn't hurt by McUarry," Judge Tigho said to her, after she stated what she wanted, "for I saw him myself in the ambulance aud he only had a bloody noBe." You didn't see hiin in any ambulance," re torted Mrs. Fedden. You're a liarl" Baid Judge Tighe in a most emDhatic manner. If I'm a you're just as much of a liar as am." said airs. X'euoen.

Why do you write to the papers and say that von can't get justice here?" Judge Tighe asked, Neither I cau," Mrs. Fedden said, "llie Juo Garry's rule this ward, and I can bring twenty witnesses who saw the assault on my boy." Judge Tighe considered a moment and decided that he wonld not try the oase, bnt wrote a note to Justioe Walih asking him to take oognizance of it. Mrs. Fedden went to tho Adams Btreot police court, but had to wait until 11:30 before Clorlt Quinn could take her complaint. In it she cbargea Moore and tho boy M.cliarry witn assault, xue complaint was sworn to and the warrant issued Coming out of the court room Mrs.

Fedden said to an Eaole reporter: "If Judge Semler was alive I'd got justice, and I guess I'll get it now; but I would get no show in Jadgo Tighe's court, Why. my washwoman, Mrs. Fnrmaii, saw tho barkeeper, Moore, and asked him why he would striko a boy who was worse than a cripple, and she says that Mooro answered her that there was no polioeman in tho Third preoiuct who would to arrest him. I have written to two naners. it is true, but I am bound to have Justice, If McGarry had even apologized to mo I would not hare minded it so much, but my son has been lying in this oondition for nearly a week now and McGarry has never evon Bent to inquire as to hia condition or as to the circumstances of the affair.

It was simply a brutal asBault on my bov and I have plenty of witnesses to prove The renorter aBked Judge Walsh to show him the note Judge Tighe wrote. Judge Walsh Baid "Oh, it was simply a personal note, asking mo to act, as tho parties for whom the warrants were asked were related to him. Hit. HEANBT'S SARCASTIC SUGGESTION. He Thinks It About Time to Abolish the Board of Aldernea, "I think H'b about time for Corporation Conn.

sal Jenks to Introduce a bill to abolish the board of aldermen," remarked Alderman Heauey this morning, while dwausslug with Alderman Mac Kellar aud some reporters the bills sent to Albany by General JenkB yesterday. These two aldermen expressed the opinion that the board had already been too muoh ignored in laws.rolating to' publio improvements, and that the bills for additional police stations and for granite block pavements should be amended so as to include the chairmen of the polioe and excise and the grading and paving committees in the board having control of the works. The members of the board of aldermen were the direot representatives of the people and should, have a voice in all matters of this kind. The city works and police commissioners who were named in tbe acts were simply appointees of tho mayor A UISTERY SOLVES. The Pretty Voting cashier Died From Nausral Caimos.

The funeral of Eva Blntu, tha pretty cashier of Beerman's saloon, at the corner of Pearl and Frankfort streots, New York, who died on Wednesday morning undor oirouinstanoeB whiob were for a tlmo thought to bo BUBpioious, took place thiB morning. Miss Blum, it will be remembered, was taken from tbe saloon where she was employed to tha house of the oook, Mrs. Heindl, at 244 Avenue where she died twenty four hours later, complaining of severe oramps. Dr. Sohen of 440 East Sixteenth street was oalled to attend her, but found her dying, and was not able to relieve her sufferings.

Her body was taken to an undertaking establishment at First avenue and Eighteenth street and there Deputy Coroner Jenkins performed an autopsy, deriding that death resulted from natural causes IM'tMIV riUHT WABsV BEKfeCtlATS. The recently organized twenty first ward Democratic elnb last night elected these officers: Ansustns Wiedshojd, president! J. Wledshold, Ties presidents E. Xrty secretary: Adolf: Soblfcn, treasurer, and sergeant THEIR CASH C03T, ACCORDING TO AGE OF INSURKD. (SEE EXAMPLE BELOW).



OA8H VALUE S8.238.45 (3.) POLIOY TAKEN AT AGE 37. 810,000. OOST 97,166. OASH VALUE 310,338.40 THESE RETURNS ARE MADE TO MEMBERS AFTER THE COMPANY HAS CARRIED THU INSUR A scheme to Expand BroolUri'" Public School Sytt m. Mayor Boody was to day visited by William Maxwell, superintendent of public sohools, who laid beforo liim the following draft act whioh be (Mr.

Maxwell) proposes to send to Albany: An aot to euoourage and promote the professional training of teaobers. Section l. The board of education or the public school authorities of any oity In this state or of any incorporated village in this Btate, employing a superintendent of sohools, may establish and maintain under their direction and control one or more schools or olasses for the professional instruction and train, ing of teacners. in which principles of eduoation and methods of instruction shall be taught and practioe in teaching shall be given during a period of not less than forty wbbkb in each school year. fiac.

2. The state superintendent of public instruction shall in each year set apart and apportion from the free school fund, for the mainten anoa and support of those schools or olasses established under the provisions of this act, or heretofore established for liko purposes and maintained ufter the passage of this act, whoso requirements for admission and whoso courses of study meet with bis approval, $1 for each week of instruction of each pupil, wbiob instruction shall be satisfactorily certified to him by tbe local superintendent of sohoolB, provided that suoh payments aball not in the aggregate exceed the sum of $100,000 in any one year. If the sum to which all of suoh schools olasses wonld, upon tho basis of apportionment as abovo defined, exceed the said sum of $100,000, he shall then apportion to eaoh school or class the pro rata of $100,000, to whioh npon the above basis of attendance, it shall be found to be entitled. Corporation Counsel Jenks looked over tha bill and suggested certain changes in tbe wording of it. Mr.

Maxwell said ho should like to have Mr. Jenks examine it closely at his leisure, and Mr. Jenks agreed to do so. HIS A KM WORTH $0,000. Verdict Acaioot a Brewer in a Suit for DamaE en.

Six year old Abraham Bulklre, a little tot Just out of dreBses, was standing on tbe curb of Chrystie street, near Hester, Now York, in June last, with his baok to the roadway, when one of George Ehret's beer wagons came dashing along and one of the wheel hubs struok the child, throwing him under the heavy vehicle, A stranger grabbed the little follow, but did not succeed in pulling him ont beforo his arm had been crushed. The injury was so serious that the arm had to be amputated at the shoulder that same day. Suit was begun against Ehret by Milton S. Goiterman and 8. 0.

Baldwin, counsel for the boy's father, and on the trial before Justice An drews in the supreme court to day the Jury gave tho boy a verdiot of $6,000. NOT FOR MONEY An Arrest in the Borchinsky Murder Case. The Husband is Now Suspected of Know ing Much Abont the Dual Crime Be cent DIscoreries by Detectives in New York and Brooklyn. The mystery surrounding the murder of Mrs. Frieda Borohinsky and her 4 year old boy, Iaaao, at 35 Moore street, eastern district, this oity, on Decembor 15, last, is iu a fair way to be cleared up.

Brooklyn detectives have been working strenuously, but silently on the oase. Two weeks ago they found a olew which promised to load to the principal of the horrible murder. Detective Sergeant Henry Miller of tbe Twen tieth precinot, and Detective Sergeant John Marks of the Fourteenth precinct, this oity, who are considered the two cleverest detect ives on the force, were selected to work up the case. Last Wednesday night they made an important arrest, and took their prisoner to headquarters. The arrest was kept a seorot, as the chain of evidence was not quite complete.

It is believed that the pris oner is the principal in the tragedy enacted in tho Borohinsky rooms in December. The evidence against the prisoner is almost complete The lacking link is a certain man for whom tbe deteotives are looking and his arrest is expected in a very short time. At 0 o'olock on the evening of December 15, Mrs. Borchinsky waB found in her room at 35 Moore street, horribly mangled and her little son lying on the floor near her dying, with his skull crushed in. Numerous cuts wore found on the head of Aire.

Uorohinsky and her sltall was oruBhed as though by a hammer. Her left arm was also broken and the fingers of both hands had a number of outs. The family lived on tho top floor of a three story house. A number of of Russians, who wero working on coats and dresses, worked in the building. Only a thin flooring separated tho scene of tbe murder from tho workiug people.

Mrs. Borchinsky was a mus cular woman of 28, and must have struggled hard bofore giving up her life, and the people on the floor below are supposed to have known very muoh more than they at first admitted about the murder. Although the murder was committed at 3 o'clook in the atternoon, in a house oooupiod by many families, the murderer van ished as completely as though tbe earth had opened and swallowed him. No information could be gained from th neighbors of the dead woman. The husband claimed at first that tbe motive of the crime was robbery and that $150, which were secreted in bureau, had been stolen.

It is now known that no such sum of money was there and that none whstover was stolen. Detectives Miller and Marks have been mak ing a quiet investigation for the past week on Ellis Island and looking up the records of Mrs. Borohinsky, her husband and some other people. They learned that Mrs. Borchinsky arrived here on the steamship State of Gearcia, July 16, last.

under her maiden of Frieda Lipofsky. Her husband had been in thin country for omo time. At the barge office she said she did not know whore her husband was. She said she wanted to go to her nephew at New Bedford Mass. General O'Beirne debarred her from landing.

as the huabaud could not be found, and she was taken back to the steamship. Her husband then suddenly appeared aud demanded his wife. Gen eral O'Beirne ordered tho woman to be released to her husbrnd, and tho two came to live in this city. It is said that the oon pie did not live happily together. Mr.

Borchinsky was rather handsome as well as mudcular. The husband Is small and The detectives claim to have much valuable information from tho immigration authori ties, but will not disclose the nature of it. They decline also to give the name of the pris oner locked up at police headquarters, New York, as it might hinder the line of inquiry they are pursuing. It is intimated that the husband knew more of the murder than he has acknowledged, BROOKLYN'S WASHINGTON COLONY, EHtcriainiue; Dr. and Sirs.

Carroll. Patruuagc for King County. Special to the Eagle. Washington. D.

0.. January 15. Congressman John M. Clanoy gavo a theater party last night at the Now National, in honor of Dr. aud Mrs.

Carroll. Thoy witnessed Sardou's "Thermidor" aud oconpied one of the lower pro scenium boxes. To tbe bridal party was giveu a dinner at tbe House restaurant yesterday by Congressmen Coombs and Clancy. Dr. Carroll and his wife xpoot to leave for Riohiaoud to morrow, but will spend a few days in Washing ton agaiu on their return from the South.

Ex Assemblyman George Nasou, who has just been elected second vioe president of the Kings county Republican general committee, arrived in Washington yesterday. He expects soon to re ceivo a foderal appointment. The Kings county congressmen have received but litte patronage from Speaker Crisp, but they do, however, get a few crumbs of oomfort. A man named Champion, from the Fourth ward, has been made a clerk in tbe dooument room; a boy namod Gasgoine, backed by Sixth ward Democrats, has been appointed a page, and the Bon of City Auditor Weber of the Ninth ward gets a position as messenger. ORGANIZED INTO A STOCK COMPANY, The Brighton Beach Itaciisg Aswociatioa (Jetting Ready for War.

Tbe Brighton Beaoh racing association is be ing organized into a stock oompany, and the meeting at Coney Island next season will be controlled by the Brighton Jockoy club with Will iam A. Engeman at its head. The association is a member of what is known as tbe "big four, whioh is opposed to tbe domination of the board of control. Tbe lattor proposerto wage a fierce warfare on Wio opposition tracks during the coming Beason, and the steps taken by the Engemans, it is hinted, is to be in better condition to protect its interests. Under the new order of things the property of the olnb will be capitalized at $500,000, which will be divided into 6,000 shares with a par value of $100 each.

William A. Engeman, who at present controls the track, will retain his interest and the romaining shares will be distributed among several well known turfmen. With these to depend upon it is expected that the battle with the board of control, if it becomes a battle, may be successfully carried on. Many improvements are to bo made on the property, including a new otand and betting shed. SQUATTED IX A VACANT HOVSH.

Policeman Hall got a whiff of tobaoco smoke that was wafted through a window from the vacant house 70 Graham avenue last night. He investigated and found that Daniel and Lottie Hertz had squatted there. Their only household utensils were two blankets, a bottle of whiBky and pipes and tobacoo. When asked what they were doing there they said they asually stopped where night overtook them. They appeared in oourt this morning oarrying their blankets.

Justice Goettlng committed tbem to the almshouse. ATUbKTlVS en M1PJJLE vit.Lior. The Maple athletio elob of Middle Village, Queens oounty, was incorporated yesterday with the secretary of state, to promote and encourage tho praotioe of athletio games aud among its members. Tho trustees for the first year ate Henry Walker, Henry Weasel, Philip WannemaoUer, George Mnger and Joseph Walter. A nAW(ISB sHHTPCKI.

Paduoah, January 16. Jess Brown was hanged at 7:37 this morning for the murder of John Lmy, bettor known as Baby Jphni at the Red cotte on the night of lanearya, 1891. The $600,000 tract Garbage Plum. Con Cbrporation Counsel Jcnhs Says Commis sioners Adams and Grifllu Hare the Bight to Make the Award and They Forthwith Give It to the Lowest Bid der, Who is a Well Known Resident of the Twenty sixth Ward. An important opinion was glvon by Corpora.

tion Counsel Jenks to Commissioner Adams of the public works department this morning, in auswer to a question submitted by the commissioner three days ago. The question related to the awarding of the contract for the removal of offal, from the oity. Bix bids had been received by the commissioner of health and the commissioner of publio works acting together, the lowest of whioh was $113,000 for 1892 or $18,000 above tho sum set aside for the purpose by the board of estimate and apportionment for the year. The, quest ion was whether under the statute the commissioners had the right to execute a contract so much in excess of the sum put down iu the budget. In getting at the answer the corporation counsel quotes section 7 of title 12 of chapter 683 of the laws of 1888, under whiok the two commissioners are empow ered to aot.

Then, after stating the principles of interpretation of statutory enactments, when general or conflicting in their different parts, ho examines the two provisions of the. charter which bear upon the making of contracts. He finds that title 18, section 1, has a general provision, which cannot be construed ts limit the specific provisions of seotion 7. The same conclusion is arrived at concerning section 3 of title 18, which provides for the procedure in animal contracts, when, acoordiug to section 7, the two commis sioners are empowered to make this contract for five years. Concluding the corporation counsel says: "In view of these considerations, and of tbe fact that tho matter concerns a contract for the preservation of the public health, I am of opinio that the conjoint board is not limited by the amount fixed by the board of estimate aud appropriated by tho common council.

Another question arises aB to how the money to meet any deficiency may be obtained, but that question is not now presented to me. inasmuch as tne taw is not definitely settled I would suggest legislation whioh would put this whole matter beyond a doubt. Upon tho receipt of this communication from Mr. JenkB City Works Commissioner Adams and Health Commissioner Griffin met aud decided to award the contract to Bartlej French, the lowest bidder. Mr.

French's figures for the five years during which the contract will run are as fol lows: 1802, $113,000: 000; 1895, 1806, $130,000. Total, $000,000. The contract for removing dead'animals, offal. was awarded to Andrew Wissoll. Bartley French, who has plucked the plum of (he garbage contract, is a brother of Police Captain French and Supervisor French.

He lives in the Twenty Bixtn ward. UIb bondsmen are William J. Bennett and James Murphy. The amount of the bend is $30,000. The tolal amount of the dead animal contract, which runs for five years, is $25,000.

The lowest bidder was John BriggB, at $22,500, but the conjoint board deemed tt advisable to givo the oontract to Mr. Wissell, who has had the job for tho past five years. U.NBY flARUBT CLOSISU KBPO'AT. Exchange Easter The Kailroad Trou ble 1st (he Soqikwcii Slocka Irregular and je Active. For ttrliir qnoitiom tes bthpzgi.

Wall Stuebt, Jauaary IB. Ameag the tales of bonds this afternoon ware: Alb A fins 7b 127 i Nor Pao Amor Dock 5S.107&&107H Nor Po 1st Uo AiohT Fe 43.8Ma8W Mt Derby 101 A i oh 4 t'o me QH Nor Pac 11 1st 102 Buff A Erie saw 114 CoutPaoL 1Q1V Ohattan'ga 1st 128b ChcB.t Oos 105a 10o i Chi 8 AQ conr 112 Ohi A Kill ino iHh Col Mid 4s 73Ka73l; Ou 88 A At 5a Ore Imp 5 iitiH Ohio oon 112 Ont AW 1st 1154 Peona Kd 70 Peoria Peoria 4 Bast lnc32H' KH Rich ds 82 Rich Term 5s 65H00H Boms WO Ac 113k Ksading 2d ioo 57H ReadtuE 83 Hook Island St Paul Lao 7s. 118H St Paul 4a mU StPaul 8s 121M SL4S St LA 2d 8oM Baran Scioto Val 1st 70 Et A Krlo 1st oon rie 2dt Ft WAD 1st Uous A ft 4s lucernat 1st Iron Moun tCantuckv 4s KkHflia con. 1 Kau Nor 1' Lehigh Val 4JtSa 101 Ltitli AT lt 93 no (Jarolina ino 21 Torre 2nd tno. 105 Lake Shore IJj Manitoba 4s UB Moat Cen 1st.

113Ml 13X Montana ds 100 Mob A 4s 07 filioh Cen con l'i'ZH Mo AT 2d 61fta514 Mo AT 43 ..80 NYOen dob 109 A St 4a. nti NY Bus WrmSs 8H Northwest dob 10S Nor Pao as 7SMa7M TAA Nai Toft A A Tol AO 1st. Ten Al 1st ....93 Tenn aet 3d Tex Pao 2d Utahext 100 Union Glo 1st Ill Pacific tr H7M Union Pao 1st Wabash 1st 103Ji Uhoro 4j WHY AP2d 31JC Exchange is easier at a decline of a cent per pound sterling, in consequence of a lighter demand. There doeB not appear to be any larger supply of bills. While no action will be taken until April by tbe Western traffic association in the matter of the charges of rate cutting against the Chicago, Burlington and Quinoy, tbe Atchison, Topeka and Saute Fe and ths Southern Pacific it is felt that when the matter comes up at the nest meeting of tbe advisory board tbe officials implicated will be prepared with a good defense and tbe most strenuous efforts will probably be made to save hese valuable officers from the penalty imposed by the rules of the association.

For this reason, as the time for tbe eting approaches a great doal of interest will be felt in the probable result and the stocks of all roads in the association wil be more or less affeotad. The advance in New York, Susquehanna and Western preferred has been caused by a contemplated arrangement by which a large saving will be mado in tbe amount now paid tbe Lacka wanna for traokage. The snow storm bas deranged the wires south of this city, and for this reason orders from southern points are light. Silver to the amount of 400,000 ounces will be shipped to Europe to morrow. Stocks were irregular early this afternoon, bnt the declines were only fractional until near 1, when New York Central was broken down and this was followed by a fall in sugar refinerB whioh bad an unsettling effect for a few moments after which there was an irregular recovery suc ceeded by a less active niaritet.

The tone was steadier after 1:30. Stocks were generally stronger in tbe late trade and irregular at tne close. Money loaned at 3 per oent. and at 2 and closed about 2. The followiug table shows tha course of the stoeK market this day; Higk est.

II 35M 43J U3H cost Lowest. 80 91H 34H 4M mU 00 Olos inc, 80 9W) Am. Refining Co 83 Am. Reining Go. ptd Am.

Cotton Oil 34J1 Atoh.To. A Santa Ke Uacadiao Pacific 93M Uanaaa Southern tJOM Centra New Jersey. Central Paoiilo CQattanoojra. Chesapeake A 27H ChcB. Ohio 1st ufi.

OHM Ones. A Ohio '3d ntd. 43 OnicasoA Alton Obic. Bur. 4 108 Ohio, uit I'rnst 7s56 Oier.O.

O. A S. 7294 (her. O. a.

8t L. oli. 95 OoloradoOoal H7M Usnsolidaced as 102 Uelsware 3 UoLLack sVestorn. 140 HSU COM 04 44 95" 3774 ioa IXoH 140W im 00M 63 43 107M 754 7U5i an 37 ioa 14U Uenr. A ttio UonT.AlUoUnfd....

Uis.AOat. IT. HaulTennoKaae liautTeiiE. int. EaVfon of.t Brio.

Kne ofd. tlookine Vaiier linnets Usottal Lake Shore Lone stand NaBhtUlo Manitoba 40 6tl 4(3H I7li 17l4 32 a 73 IDS" la.i 1CM 32W 7'JH 108" 80 108 12 IM 08 81K 108 wo 81 Mannauac Manhattan lil. Con. lOo MnriilA Ohio 10551 105 105M DM Mlohlsan Minn. A8t.

Uinn. A St. L. Mo. Kan.

A Texas pfd Missouri Nat. i.ead Trust OH 3lT 03 DM 3 2H 03 10H isi 32! 62! li Nat. Cordage Oo lof 1o Wat. coraaco uo nia. iuo: 114 Nn Vork tWtral llflli ice uo T)ia.

7..., N. Sr. Ohi. 4 St. 20K fi VOhAStL 1st old Ob A St ti 'ii old N.

Y. A Now Bnxlaai 49M N.Y. So. 1Z A. y.

8m. West, Dill 0H 20 49 115 HUM 53M 07J 4uW 103 MM 88 37W 21 ti 91M 80M 45M 03)4 ia 4S 14 30M 83 7 7 1JH 117M 34" (S8H iooII 'Mil 8S 38M ai 4'i" V2H 8ik 46M 94 I3i 48M 14 31 83M 78H 40 10 117! 24 NorttJ American llm Northwestern Nortnwefttarn pfd .117 Northern Northern Paoino pxd. Ohio 67M Omaha Omaaa ntd Ontario A Western. 47js .109 47 10D 20M aa Oreson PeoiaoUail Peoria. 8K Q2H 37M I'ieo Line Certificates 2 rallDUD Rsadine ttiohmomo: Rock iKliiad 40V4 AO 1 St.

L. A S. e. 1st ntd. Bt.Feml bt.Panl ntd 8t P.

A Dulutb. fiilrerBuhmu Texas A Pad So. UnionPacilio Wabash Wabash ofd Western Union 80M 80H 4 937 13 48H si 4SW 14 14 30! 83! Wheel. iS. 78k 78 The lUicairo lQaritet To day.

Opamns, A. 00H Closing 1:15 P. M. 90 Whsat Mar OOKlt January February Mar AIS aU, POBK May Lard Mar Urns Mar 38M 39W 41a ilH 31H 31M 11.55 0.50 5.80 11.40 6.40K 5.72a75 Oroosrs. A Hrilllasst Affair.

Sllrerworo polished with Kleotro Stlioon. Barry's Tricnplieroiis. Plcmaut to fine, Gives the hatr a peoultarly rich uIoss.prOTenting baldness. The Property Now occupied by nta BAOMe, near the Fultoo Ferry, and also the Anaetlsas Hotel adjotnlnr. tor sale, tbe Uansfer to Ds made if I ir therJAOLHoorparition has inirol iaioiti new bait lie.

now In course of oonstruotion, oornor of Waahlagloa and Johnson ats. Use adrartisomeat under "For All Beat Kstaki DIED. OLRIK After a short Illness, January 4. 1893 OuxttLES OlTO Olbie, in the 41st year of his ago. BelatUes and friends and members of Stella Oonnoll No.

400, A. H.i also members of the Washington BUI Oonnoll No. 101, N. P. are Invited to attend tb fanSral senleos, at his late residence, 171: Nostraud av.

Brooklyn, 4 Sunday, i January 17, InWraoutpmate, .8344 ORU 07 That is to Say, About Three Hundred Thousand Dollars. Colonel Partridse Explains Why the Tweuty third Regiment Wants an Additional Appropriation The New Armory as Originally Contemplated Would Not Furnish Sufficient Room. A bill was introduced in the assembly at Albany yesterday for an additional appropriation of $300,000 for the new armory of the Twenty, third regiment, in course of oonstmotion at Bedford and Atlantio avenues. The first appropriation of $300,000, granted by the legislature three years ago, having expired, was renewed one year ago, and the project has been poshed rapidly since that time. The plans were prepared by I.

G. Perry of Albany, arohitaot of the state capital. The site was presented to the regiment by the county of Kings, The oornerstone was laid with great pomp aud oeremony on November 14. 1801, in the proseuoe of the governor, his staff, aud military and oiTio dignitaries from all over the state. The administration building is now completed np to the first story.

John N. Partridge, colonel of the oompany, was Been by an Eaole roporter this morning in referenoe to the request for an additional appropriation. He Baid: "The new drill regulations recently adopted call for twelve company organizations and this formation requires more Bpaee for maneuvering men than was neoessary under tho old regulation whioh we had In mind when the original appropriation was asked for. When this change was mado in the regulations we deemed it wise and in faot it was absolutely necessary to occupy all of the spaoe our ample and excelleat Bite afforded. We consulted with the adjutant general, inspector general, Arohltect Perry, State Engineer Schenck, who surveyed the plot, and other authorities, and they all oonfirmed our opinion.

Tha work at present contracted for will oomplete the structure in a plain and substantial manner and provide for heating It and lighting it, so that it can be used. The additional appropriation would enable us to make tho building servicoable'and would not permit of ornate decorations. We dp not ask for furniture or decorations. Wo will provide thoBe. We have expended $50,000 for this purpose in our present quarters and we aro prepared to exceed this amount In the new armory.

"We ask for state funds because wo believe that the state should provide us with an armory. The most valuable service we have rendeied was to the state in the Hornollsville riots in 1B87. The Erie railroad management told ub on that occasion that our services prevented the destruction of several million dollars' worth of property." TBE COURTS ADJOURN Honor of tbe Memory Judge Riifer Chief Tho supreme and oity oourts this morning adjourned in honor to the memory of the late Chief Judge Rnger of the court of appeals, and by 11 o'clock the court rooms wore deserted. The oalendar in tho special term of the supreme oourt Wfcs a short one, so an early adjournment was taken. In the circuit court, Justioe Bart lett presiding, George H.

Fisher moved, in felioitous remarks, for an adjournment, which was ordered. There was nothing to oooupy the attention of Judge Osborne sitting in speoial term of the supreme oonrt and Chief Justice Clement presiding iu part II of the same court was engaged in trying a oase, bnt as soon as the evidenoe for both sides was completed tho court adjourned without closing the case. Ex Surrogate Abram H. Dailey moved for the adjournment. Judge Yan Wyck's court adjourned on the motion of Horace Graves.

HIS THROAT CUT Shocking Discovery in York To day. New The Body of a Baltimore Lawyer Found Lying in Front of a Stable The Sixth Victim ef the Knife or Razor in the Past Three Weehs. John Carson, formorly a well to do lawyer of Baltimore, where he was well oonnected, was found on tbe sidewalk in front of a stable Chrystie street, New York, this morning witb his throat cut nearly from car to ear. Whether he was murdered or oommitted suicide is a mystery whioh the police are trying to lolve. The faot that the weapon with which tha da ed was com mitted has not been fouud makes it look like a murder, though no motive for the crime ia yet apparent.

As far as could be learned this morning, the dead man came of a good family and has wealthy relatives living at Bultimore. It is said that he has two sisters who are married to judges. One lives at Baltimore and the other at Patorson, N. Carson has been drinking lately, and the police think that he committed suicsje in a fit of despondency. uaraon's body was discovered at about 4:30 o'olook this morniug by Policeman Samuel Hall of thaEldridge street station, who was on pos in Chrystie street.

It waB found lying in fron of a one story house next to the tenement bouse at 30 ChryBtie street. It was snowing at tho time and the snow iu front of the stable was stained with blood. The man was lying partly on his Bide, with his bead close to the stable door and the legs stretched ont across the sidewalk, The on said the man had been dead about half an hour. The out across his throat was at clean one and had evidently been made with a1 razor. After tbe body had been oarned to the statien house in Eldridge street the police searched for the knife or razor, but none could bo found.

The dead man was about 35 years old, had dark hair and complexion and a sandy mustache. He wore a black cloth doublo breasted pea jaoket and veBt, dark trousers and a light brown derbv bat. Ho had on a white shirt and collar and dark necktie. There was no money in the pookots. A lot of letters and papors were found which furnished a clew to tha dead man's identity.

There waB a pawn ticket in the name of John Chester. It was learned that Carson went undor that name, During the night the polioe arrested five persons who knew something concerning the deceased They wore held as witnesses, and this forenoon thoy wore examined by Captain McLanghtin Afterward they were let go. At 12:15 o'clock this morning Carson waB in theliauor store at 05 Bowery. He drank two milk punches. Michael Murtha.thebartender.says he was drunk and unable to take care of lnmseli.

Oai Bon had recently been employed as a book aeent. but had been unsuccessful in his voca, tion. He was the sixth man whose throat had been out by an undiuoovorod stranger in New York during tha oast three weeks, altbeugh he was tho first man killed. BAKKEU WASTEO. The Treasury Department 81a Nothing to iaf ot ttin Alleged Removal.

Special to the Eagle. Washington, D. January 15, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Spauldins, who has beon acting secretary during the illnesB of Secretary Foster, when aBked about the dis charge of Special Agent William H. Barker of Brooklyn, said: "The department does not wish to make any ntatement in reaard to the matter. We shall not even say that Barker has been discharged.

It is private offioial business, amd any announcement in reirard to the case must nave emanarea irom BnrVnrnrhlfl associates in New York. It never came from this end of the Una, for Barker has not been in Washington for some time." Politicians here are not at ail surprised to learn that Barker has been bounced. It has been known for soma time that Secretary Tracy and other prominent officials were against him. He was Dut in br means of a deal and iu order to allow Sebrotary FoBter to pay off a political debt by giving a friend the place formerly held by Barker in the pension office. The treasury department did not want Barker and he knew it.

BROOKLYN BASE BALL CLUB REPORT. It Shows That No DIvideHds) Were Declared lant Year. Albakv, N. January 15. The annual report of the Brooklyn base ball nlub.

limited, made by President Charles H. Byrne and Ferdinand A. Bell, Joseph J.Doyle, E. K. Ahderton.

W. Liddle aud 0. MoLean as trnstees and stockholders, was filed with the secrotary of state to dsy. It shows a capital of of whioh $4,350 has been naid in in oaBh, the remainder Doing in property nflcessary for the buslueBB of tho club. The assets of the company consist of a lease of Washington park, Brook lyn, valned at J1.500, and the rights aud privileges under a franchise front the National league, "the value of whioh," the report says, "is entirely speculative, and cannot be computed." The existing debts of the oompany do not exceed 3.430.

aud oonsiet of the running expenses. Tbe recaipts of tbe club last year were $117,801.35 and the expenditures were 117,615.68. No dividends were declared. MAiOlt BOCTo)T KKAPt TO) BAY. Mayor Boody was asked this morning what he thought about the proposed extension of the bridge to tbe oity ball He replied that he was not yet prepared to talk upon tha subjeot.

He needed mora information thau he yet possessed beforo he should be willing to disouss the question. He said he had not yet broached it to his cabinet. DO'X MKDPLK WITH THE PAuH BOAIID. President George Brower said to day that he thought there should not be any change in the nnmber of park commissioners for at least a year, because tha present board had muoh important work under way whioh might be Interfered "ib in thB event of a change. ITS CAPITAL PA IB PP.

A certificate has lU8t been with the state department al Albany announcing that the capi tal stock, $50,000, of Cbp, riouerts uo. oi AJrooitjynnMPBenpaiuBpittAiuj. Why Didn't cord With the Verdict Ac the Evidence? An Explanation From Mr. William C. Anderson, the Foreman of the Jury.

Personal Inycstigatioas Which Were Mado Other Jurors Coincide With tlie Opinion of JHr. Anderswi. The verdict of the coroner's Jury in the oonduit (jase has created a great deal of talk In Brooklyn because of the marked oontrast betwoeu findings and the general trend of tho evidenoe. In other words, the verdiot was not in accord with the oharaoter of the testimony submitted. It was for tho purpose of ascertaining bow they came to find a verdict of censure when the testimony was the other way that an Eagle reporter this morning saw several members of the jury.

The foreman, WtlHam O. Anderson, a well known Twenty sixth ward builder, and a man ef intelligence was found superintending a Job on Atlantic avenue. "Why did wo render such a verdict?" he said; "because, in our opinion, it was the only thing we oould do." "Do you consider that it is suitamed by the evidence?" "Certainly. I am sorry to, see, however, that the Eaole does not agree with us. Well, If the Eaole will consider two or three points which I have to offer I think it will look upon the matter very mnob as we do.

In the first place, and this is an importonfoonslderation we were not obliged to render a verdict based solely on the evidence submitted to us by the employes of the contractors of the oity. Ws were supposed to visit the scene of the accident, as we did many times, and draw npon all the souroes of Information possible. The information thus ob tained, iu conjunction with what was presented to us at the inanest, was to be considered in forming an opinion as to the oause of the. accident and as to the person or persons to blame. Now, let us take the evidenoe.

If we had had nothing else than that, it was so contradictory as to be in many particulars worthless. Soma one was oloarly responsible for the accident and the resulting loss of four lives. If in their attempt to clear their employers the witnesses told stories whioh were contradictory there was only one inference to be drawn that thoy were trying to bolster up a bad oase aud we would naturally form our opinions ac nnrdinulv. Now let us take the evidence such as it was. At the inquest the representative of the city testified that be hadn't examined the abutment of the conduit next the trench and didn't kuow whether it waB all right after the accident or not.

The contrac tors certainly had not con sidered this point and there we were. Now the whole queBtion at issue hinees right upon this point. As men and builders of experience, we jurors believe that the arch of the conduit fell in for the solo reason that the abutment next the trenoh gave way. And, to the best of our belief, it gave way because the walls of the trench were not propeny braced. The idea of a city engineer telling us Mm.

Vib didn't know whether there was weight upon the arch sufficient to break it, provided tho abutments stood firm. II he was reauy ignorant be was to be pitied, but every schoolboy Knows that a weight placed upon an aroh cannot break it under suoh circumstances, and the dirt from the trench piled upon tha top of the oondmt would have bad no eftect upon it naa not the abutment given way. But of that mil speak later. Now it was claimed that the arch of the conduit was in tho form oi a nan cireie. in that cB6 tho tendency to spread apart the abutments by unequal pressure would not have existed in the Bame degree that it did under the actual condition of affairs, for the aroh, instead of being a semicirole, with a two and a half foot rise, was an eclipse, with a rise of twenty inches.

Still, this latter could have resisted any pressure, Bhort of one great enough to crumble its material, to wnicn tha aroh was subjeoted. had tho abutments stood firm. What I want understood is this: That conduit was all right. It would have re mained intact for another generation If undisturbed. There was a crack in the aroh, but what of that.

It wasn't enough of one to endanger the structure and donbtiess had been there for years. As I said, the experts have examined the aroh ot tho conduit, but Dot the abutments, mat procedure is aB sensible as it tvould bo for me, in case I saw my house settling, to examine the coping instead of going down into tho cellar and looking at the foundation. Thore was a foot or so of earth between the wall of the abutment and the sheathing of the trouoh. If tha timbsrs used In this trench had been heavier they would have sustained the abutment and tlin accident would not have occurred. If that abutment sprung an inch that was sufficient to break the arch.

Such being the case who is to blame? Mr. Crantord acknowledges that the specifications require his personf.1 supervision of the work every day, yet he saTS that he was not there ior a ween previous to the accident. Mr. Valentine said that other contracts kept him away a largo part of the time. As a matter of fact the whole work waB in charge of Mr.

Cranford's son, a young man 22 years of This boy tentified that an old and experi enced employe, a man named wane, reauy was in charge, but the latter claims to have been employed there only as a caulker. He testified that he did jnBt what yonng urantora torn mm to do. Only eight years ago Crane, the man of many years experience in such important work. was sweeping out biutdiugs in Boutn uroomyn Cranford fc Valentino say tneir men were an experienced. Perhaps they were, but we did not believe such to be the faot.

The most difficult point in the whole work was reached here, and should have had the constant personal supervision of either Mr. Cranford or Mr. Valentine. The sheathing in mis mirty ioot trench was of two inch plank. It was testified that in a twelve foot trench thrco inch plank had been used.

Why should the lighter timber have been used in the deeper trench at this most critical omii wno was to blame for this 7 The men employed bv Cranford fc Valentine, for whom they wore re sponsible, beoame They had met with no accident up to ths 2lst ot wovemDer and saw no reason why the same good luok Bhould not continue. The carelessness was criminal, even if the aecident had not oeeurred as it did. But that was not all. Two hours before the break a cracking was heard in thn sheathing at tho bottom ot the trench. An investigation was made aud the report returned that everything was all right.

One of the con tractors' employes testified that the cross braces in the trench were seven foot apart I saw one place where there was a space of fonrteen feet between the braces. Here the gauges had bellied out seven iuches. At the time of the accident, the cross braoea at the bottom of the trench had been removed to make room for the nine, which was even then suspended upon the derriok ready to be lowered luto tne ditcu. rue planking undoubtedly gave way at this point. The abutment, only a foot distant, upon which the arch rested with unequal pressure did the same.

Except that some of the jurors were at raid ef overstepping their duty wo should have brought in a verdict of criminal negligence." (Jurors E. H. Richards, Arnold H. Bruhn and JameB I. Newman, who were also Been, were in substantial agreement with Mr.

Anderson. TO GIVE AN ACCOUNTING. jr. Br ice Martin Ordered by Jndse Clul ten lo Account for SI 0,000. Judge Edgar M.

Cullcn of tho supreme court has decidod that J. Bi lca Martin one of tho trus tees o' the Beard estate, must account to the es tate for $10,000 which he received from the Brooklyn grain warehouse company as a condi tion precedent to putting the money or tho estate in that corporation. Tho decision is made on a motion to confirm the report of Charles H. Otis, a referee appointed to examine the ac. counts, in a suit brought by William H.

Beard, J. Briee Martin aud Memok D. Lawrence, trus tees of tho estate, against Mary A. Beard, Francis D. Beard and Isabella Beard lliuman.

The referee finds that Mr. Martin obtained a salaryot $5,000 from the Empire warehouse company for managing tho Erie basin property and a salary of $10,000 from the warehouse company for niacins the trnst money in tbe corporation. Mar tin also reoeived irom tne jampire warehouse company as a condition of granting a lease to the Brooklpn grain vrehouse company. and $10,000 from the lattor company as a condition of obtaining the lease for it. In his decision Judge Cullen says that tho referee's finding that the compensation paid to Mr.

Martin by the Brooklyn grain warehouse oompany was exacted as a oondition of placing the property of tho es tato in tbe corporation, and that no services were rendered, therefore, is sustained by the evidence. From this it follows that Mr. Martin must ac count for the sum of $10,000 to the estate. TROUBLE OiN THE BRIDGE. Two TbotiHand People Wait and Five Slightly ftojiired.

There was a delay of twenty minutes on the bridge this morning, by which over two thous and people were delayed. It was caused by tha slipping of the cable from tbe winding drum and before it was put baok into the proper groove four women and one man were more or less inured. The platforms were wet aud slippery and the open space between them aud the cars made it decidedly dangerous for the front row of the struggling, pushing and Bhoving mass of humanity that was compelled to wait for tho resumption of traffic. Superintendent Martin's peculiarly provoking police displayed an amount of idiocy that was absolately astonishing, seemingly thinking the whole affair a joke. They stood about grinning like the lato lamented Mr.

Crowley of Central Park, New Yerk, and instead of asBistino those in need of aid referred to them as "a lot of sheep." When the trains wero started again tho crush was so great that many of the women were compelled to stand en the platform, despite the sleet and snow. HC KAKB TULL KKttOliL FIBST. The re enrollment of the Democrats of the town of Gravosond begins to day at 8 o'olook iu the town ball. It will not be neoesBary to use the six booths provided for the general election. Tho committee in charge are John Delmar, Bernard Lamb and John M.

Rank en. Chief MbKane promises to be tho first to re enroll under ths new order of things, The work will last until to night and continue to morrow from 8 to 8 o'clock P. after which there will be a big din ner witb spreohea at Coney Island. It will be a Democratic love feast, with MoKane again at the head of tha tabto, ANCE ON THE RESPECTIVE POLICIES FOR TWENTY YEARS. ANTI TROLLEY Protests the Keceived Mayor's TJ day Office.

at Mr. Beody Will Leare the Matter Open Until the Expiration of the Ten Days Allowed by the Charter Residents of tho Eastern District HaTe Something to Say. Mayor Boody has not yet received any replies, to his le tteis addresed lo mayors of other oities asking for information respecting the operation of the trolley system. He did receive to day, however, protests from twe sections of the city against tho introduction of tho trolley In Brooklyn. Hero is one of tbem: To Vie Honorable the.

Mayor of the City of Brooklyn ana to the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of the ViW of Brooklyn: The petition of the uudersigned. owners of real estate abutting on Third avenue, south ot Twenty fifth street, iu tho city of Brooklyn, respectfully Khoweth: That the present system of transit by the use of stream motors on the portion of Third avenue lying south of Twenty fourth street is cumbersome and extremely dangerous; That it is admitted on every hand, even by the president of tho Brooklyn city railroad company hlmsolf, that the sioam motors or dummies liayo outlived their usefulness in that section or the city That during the last few years the citizens residing iu that portion of the Eighth ward affected by the operation of the dummies have petitioned your honorable body on several occasions to have the use of the dummies discontinued. That on two occasions your honorable body ordered the removal of the dummies by certain given dates, but, for some unknown reason, en both occasions they were subsequently permitted to remains That tho Brooklyn City railroad company is now anxious to supersede the dummies by a system of trolley wire electric cars aud has petitioned si is about to petition your honorable body for leave to change. That after full consideration your petitioners believo that the said trolley oleotric system is even more dangerous to life aud limb and moro objectionable than the steam motors. That the petitioners consider that any system of transit on tho streets of a crowded city which travel faster than horso cars is dangerous to life ..,.1 I lnillA(L That your petitioners understand from reliable Chat your petitioners understand rromranapie irces that an elevated railroad is about to be astrnoted on Third avenue from Thirty eighth eel to the city line and thence to tort sou const street Hamilton.

That vour petitioners are of the opinion that with rapid transit overhead there would be no call for othor thau horse cars on the surfaoe and ar of the opinion that either steam or electric motors on the surface under the structure of the elevated road would destroy the avenue for all practical purposes aud would greatly depreciate Ihe valui" of property. That there already exists eu Second avenue, between Thirty ninth street and the city line, the system of trolley wiro electric cars now proposed to be Introduced on Third avenue. That it is true there was little objection made to its introduction on Second avenne because that avenue was wholly unimproved, there being but three houses in its whole length, but your petitioners submit that from the fact that Second avenue is already provided with the trolley system its operation on Third avenue, only one block distant, is wholly unnecessary and uncalled for; indeed the operation of the trolley system on Second avenue strengthens your petitioners' objections to its introduction on Third avenue. Your petitioners therefore pray that your honorable body will, at your earliest convenience, cause the removal from Third avenne of the present system of transit, and while earnestly pi otstijg ugaiust the substitution in lieu thereof of the troiley electric or any other similar system of bo called rapid transit, your pati tioHers prav that your honorable body will not permit the Brooklyn city railroad compsny, or any company, to introduce the trolley system of electrio cars on said avenue, the same being more dangerous to life than ovon the present system, which is universally condemned. Aud being convinced that the elevatepl railroad is tha mode of rapid ti auBit best suited to the needs of the neighborhood, your petitioners further prav that your honorable body will hasten the opening of Thirty eighth street, between Third and Fifth avenue, and thus euablo i.u tMvutnil rnilrnRr) nomDanvthe sooner to be (hn nnnstinotion of its proposed road from the present terminus to the city lino.

Attaohed to this paper were the signatures oi about seventy property owners. The other protest camo from the eastern dis trict aud was a3 follows: To the BonoraDte Mayor: The undersigned residents of North Second c.t,.,nt rnRnjtfnllv reDiesent: That, by reason oi misrepresentations, many us wore induced to sign a petition tor an im provement iu propelling street cars, with the assurance that no other than the cable or storage system electric Biiouia De useo. That we ueartuy approve your ybi.u ui mo pru nosed franchise for tho trolley system, being SSUrefl that in ciuwueu uiuiuusuintcn in uau erous, unreliable and uiiBigntiy. nn.kivelv Drotest against any fran chise being granted to any individual or corpo. ration for the introduction of Buch trolley sys fm in ni mir nroDorty.

There were about torty signatures auacnea to the second protest. Mayor Boody told the parties who presented he papers to him that he should leave the matter of action on the aldermauic resolution opeu until tho expiration of the ten days allowed by the barter, so that ail who wished to bo heard would have an opportunity to express: their views. He reminded them that if he should veto the resolutions to day the board of aldermen would nrobablv pass tliotn over hln veto Iminediittsly. It seemed to him that the most he could uo would be to keep the matter open for the full period allowed. Meanwhile he might receive replies to bis letters to mayors of other i ltieB, which wonld enable him to say something more about the than he had already said.

The nriynr te lay received a copy of the reso lutions adopted at a recent meeting of citizens of the Eighth ward, thanking him "for tho hu mane aud poitiou he toek in votoing tho trolley resolutions." The so called trolley bill, which has been intro duced by Assemblyman Kelly, is amendatory of snntlou 13 of title 10 of the charter, reading as follows: 'No railroad constructed or to be constructed on Ooean avenuo or on Franklin avenue, wester ly of the westerly limit of or upon or across the circle of the angle of Prospect park (said angles bonis respectively the easterly and i outherly boundaries of said park) shall at anvtime bemed or operated with any motive Dower than horses. The object of the Kelly bill is to permit the operation of the trolley system on Franklin avenue. OSE WAI OUT. How the Charities ComtnisMiiaaers may iet Hid of Their White Elephant. There has been a great deal of talk lately about the alleged mismanagement of Kiugs county's insane by the local board of charities and cor rections.

A movement has been under consi eration for some time past (not by the charities commissioners), which, if consummated, will take the entire care ot Kings county's uiBauo out of the hands of the local charities board and will transfer all the insnuo charges to the con trol of the state authorities, to be maintained at the expense of the state instead of the county. This can be done by application iu writing to tho governor by the respective county or local authorities to transfer any or all buildings, land, appurtenances and equipments as aro used by them as county insane asylums to tho Btate for the name purpose, upon such terms and condi tions as may be specified in such application, The governor shall thereupon transmit Buch ap plication to tha state board, consisting of the state commission era in lunaoy, the president of the state board of charities and the controller of the state, whereupon Baid board shall exam ine into tbe condition of such property and report its findings and conclusions to the governor. Whereupon tho governor shall trans mit to the legislature tho report of said board. with such recommendations, if any, as he may deem proper for the conversion of such county asylum into a state asylum for the insane. And the insane persons in said county asylums and those received thereafter shall bo provided for in accordance with the provisions of this aot.

BE MAI THY AGAIK. Captain WoodrlcK Free to Em bar It on the Matrimonial Sea. The Jury ib tbeWoodrick divorco case, which was tried before Judge Dykman in Long Maud City, handed in a sealed verdict to day. Mrs. Woodrlck wanted a limited divorce from her husband on the ground of alleged cruelty, and he asked for an absolute divorce on tbe statutory grounds, naming his ex stable boy, Alexander Phillips, as tho corespondent.

A number of witnesses testified to the evening rambles and waeon rides of Mrs. Woodrlck and Phillips while tbe gallant captain was in chargo of his good ship, plowing the ocean, The verdiot was in' favor of the husband, so he is free to embark on tbe matrimonial sea again. Foun piiovrKD in the ast bitbb. The nude body of a man, about 85 years of age, was picked up In ths East river, off the foot of Seventh street, Lang Island City, this morn ing. No marks were found npon tbe body which would lead to its identification.

SUIT SETTLED. The suit for $25,000 damagas for slander brought by William H. Eelsey, a South Brooklyn oeal dealer, against L. W. Willets, another coal deafer, has been settled by the payment of $300 toilr.








avenuo anu eastern pacnay. sf (las lamps and posts, Asuford street, betweenCUjjtav'" QBE AT 30 DAYS' CLEARING SALE. PRIOR TO STOOK TAKING. FEBRUARY SPECIAL LOTS OF NECKWEAR, UNDERWEAR, SUSPENDERS, HOSIERY. GLOVES.

BATH WRAPS AND SMOKING JACKETS, BELOW COST, TO CLOSE. 467 AND 400 FULTON 8TRBET. OOKS, PAMPHLETS, LAW BRIEFS, BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS, ET0, PRINTED IN THE BEST MANNER AT THE BROOKLYN DAILY EAGLE JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, 3 AND 30 FULTON bTRBl Harding MfgCq Uas laiuns and poAts, Atlantic avouue, between Rail rout atr nue and luueld stlrett. Oas, lamps ami post, Alabama avenue, between East ern parkvrar nuurr avenne. dan umiis aiui posts.

ate avenue, between vesta I tluttvUb slteo Has lamva a ntn ton avenne ueiween ouop hervl avenue and Vv bon atreet. Oas lamps aJ sKtst. Osbotn street, between blonmoro and Suitor avenues. Gut lamp.1 anu posts, uieveland atreoc, uoin laruya and posts, I.tnwood street, between Fallon ja street and Jamaica avenue rsov ana oamaica avenue. Gailamna aud costs.

Bunnystdo avenue from Barbo street oast one block. E.VlBAUtB ism Seotion 10. an.4 Aide IV, OBCUWU V. uii an Uias and on all assessment tor opening flsanlny or reflas srini sidewalk, fencing vacant Iota, of roflain sidewalks, (eiioiur vscant Iota, of vacant lots, which sbaRhorf after be paid diEffinff dans to the Oallectoi lector, before the expiration of one month from ths time the same span ubcuhio payable, mam n.ltlni oavments at the ral nwnMI OB mSUO shall son or V1 id throe tenths per centum per a I'll uu uui uuu 1" ,.1 iter rates nald alter ttt raivon oi ono aald Bw AN. lAO Ji UoUostor of 1'aem aod A.tent.

wa inSftnV IXSto aSd pari STV Sneo lax, asMssmeit or wster rate, interest at Of 0,109 per cent, per annua, to be tompuiod Jrom Lima tfie same became doe and pavabls, to the GtO A. SI. P. i nr'n oi nira ii nasi ilOTSKKMS OF OCKAJ YKSSKIiS. ASBIVEP F1 V.

JAUUABT 18. 0. rUAmA VAMr Votlt Mi SA. Avonnioutli. Now Vork.

AvonniOtttu, ow toHo Caballo and Oiirsoo, Wew York. fit i 1 i.

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