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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 5

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

IALHAGE OH THE NOBTH POIiB, by Gonoral Jonrdan for mtioonduot and grosa breaohes SHEEPSHEAD BAY. allow hfmaolf tnah harmless: delight aa hhj oonditlfjBv; BOARDnn BOARD A LARGE DOUBLE AND 8IN gle room, with board table boarders can do nocom teodated. Apply at 90 Willow at. QUESTIONS ANSWERED. may place within his reach?" To tht Editor of thi Brooklyn Baale i $1 Witft'' WAirrHP MKijy rim.

AN l'BD LADIES AND YOUNO Mis' to learn to'sgrapby. Those smploysd during the dsj and dssirous of bettering their condition by 'learning a good business' can attond erenlng aea.lon in our Brooklyn Sfflce oommonsing 3d of January. UNION TELEGRAPH INSTRUCTION COMPANY, 8 Park row, Now York, 308 Fnlton Brooklyn. CooKs, Washer anil ironori. Will yon Jdndly inform xna ttdrieh MJ i0fflcer PPt' Ml? tmrftttMpfiaA on what per value the tax calculated 7 If my meaning lrosr sufficiently cloar, orif it would occupy too lnttcu ot'W ji yon.

win xiuuiy refor matoiDpfeXv books at wi II rrfva rrm h. t.mW.A I informattoityou' viitt; oouge The City Assessors appraise the value of reMtyS personalty for toiablo and the bo laid on an average, appraised value reDreieJtttioar 6 vHi percent, of the real value. least, wlWn2'" said, tllniiffh ci a nha i'k. r' AltTmwnt .1 xius 11 jon aeaire paraaruar formation on this subjostfyon should riiutil.UsKV assessors' book, and the utdasora. 'fc fc Barton.Company tbt Ao fly of.

Mario dim prewnt week, beginning with a Otetotnu day mat inee to morrovr afternoon, In an ore at which the muaio loveraandamu8amentaertera of Brooklyn may woll look forward to with th Uraltflil pleasure Iu aeoar inc tnle charming attraotlon the dnly Torsion author aed by Mauri, ailbsrk and SulIWan Mr. David Taylor hu the. Brooklyn public under rone wad obligation, and hi i enterprise ahould reoolvo, as it doseryes, iubitfcntlal reoognltlon and aupporr. "Patianca" will ba presented In tho moat complete manner, tho cob tumoB bolng exact roprofluoHono of theie employed in the London and Now York reprasentatlonf, and with Arthur 8u.liYn'fl own orcheitration and W. 8.

Gilbert'a BtipJ hualneas. No prattler holiday apeotaola can well imagined lhan tho long flowing gowna of the es (bdtio maidens, profusely trimmed with HUes and aun flowera, In atrlklng contrast with the brilliant and dashing uniforms of the military offlcoro. The stage in the eoond act will bo elaborately decorated with flowors, while baskets and festoons of leYergreen will ornament the auditorium of the Academy, nothing being left undone on the part of tha management to constitute the OTont a gala ocaasion The ComUy Bertan "Patience" company ia very strong, and includoa Lltbgow JameB, the admirable baritone who last season waa with tho Emma Abbott Opora Company, aud Madamo Julie de Byther, who haB appeared aeoeptably in grand opera. Miss Maris Janeon (PatUnoe) needs no introduction to Brooklyn, having won boats of frlenda aa Vilontine and the Countee in "Olivette," as also ia her artlelio personation of Suianne in "Mme, ITavart." Oharlso J. Campbell is ap exoellont tonor, aa ia Louis Ffau.

Georga Gaston, who plays Bunthorne, 1b a comedian in every sense of the word. The eooontrio Major is assumed by Fred Dixon, who makes this email part excruciatingly funny. The orohoatra, which will be un uaually large, will be directed by that able composer and conductor, Mr. Alfred Collier. Tbe eftming week at the Academy promise to bt ono long to, be remembered.

The Prikcx6s A now style of front piece. A iarge and fine aasortmenfc of switches in gray, blondo and all sbftdos at moderate prices. Wigs, half wigs and toupaea. Kephalia aud botania oroam todresi and preserve the LWr and preront it from falling; out. Tbe largest and oldest eBtabliBninentin Brooklyn.

W. MfiTELSKX, aucces Bor to YV. li. Oaiuron, 327 Fulton st. Our Wamfluttft Dress Shiets with bosoms three ply, made of heavy.

Irish linen, and romforoed. are guaranteed to bo the best erer offered at tbe price. Ready made, with different tonstlh bIqoyqs to each eixo neck, aii for6; to order, alx for Harping MANUifACTUlUHQ 47tJ Fulton at. Ik one of the windows of tho Baldwin Building) is a phu.oirraph of Genera) Garfield in uniform, which was taken by Iirady, at D. 0., iu 1804.

Tbe picture isintorosting. Bismarck flavors his ohampagne with Angostura Bitters, the world renowned Appetizer. Have it on your table for Nkw caLLbrb. Auk your Krocor or druKffist for the ire nu in article, manufactured by Dr. J.

0. B. Sikgkkt Sons. To tho Editor of the Brooklyn Eagle Oau you tell me which, will bear the grats strain, wood, iron or attel 7UA. experiments by Eaton Hodgkinson show that tka weight whloh piece 6t wooif rinohin diameter anot inohes high will bear averaged CjOOO though It th pleoo is 30 times as high as It Is broad oriWok it tfouia probably not bear a greater weight than 800 to oWib.

per square inch. The tensUe or cohesive attength' 1 nearly double this, but does not change. Wto the lengtia of the piece. Cast iron wlll bear a welbSfcriabout I tons per square inch, end its tenslla stre'ijgvb. is abois Bore tons.

will bear strain of 4 ton; per square inch, but would not bt erotlife ijfif. by at) tone, though it would be fiteoiha. a strength' of about 8 times Ont'Vl'Tirongart iron. Bnt iron and thongh able to bear as atea a strata inwaid as la warm weather, theU 'reslBV ance to sudden loroe muoh reduced, by eoloV Tfc transverse strength; or iho weight roqulred. ta breaks' Bquare beams supported horizontally at 't'oxSiajlds also muoh greater in the metals than in the 'i.

will bear a atraln of 780 lbspar oak, pine, 530. Cast iron will bear 3,100 lba. wrought ironj (which bonds but does not break), hammered ateel, 6,000. 'V If you dostre further information on this snbjeot, oonsult some engineering manual. To tht Editor of the Brooklyn Eayle Ia thore auy means of getting to knov wliiillier Lord Brougham ever aaid that In order to bs, an orutnr a poruon tnuat be familiar with tho work 0 Deiuoethonen I ask thlB question so as to obtain, II possible, tha real truth in regard to an authority eo grat as Brougham, booaune I sm doairous of iufornV lug myself fully oa this general subject oratory.

w. Lord Brougham addressol a letter to Zachary jBacait lay, father of tho hlatorlau, whllo the latter waa a Cambridge, under date of Nowoastle, Maroh 19, 1839) in vrUloh lie took oocasion to glvo cortaln counsel a. to' young Macaulay acquiring the art of oratory. Hft aaid: "I do earnestly ontroat your son to set dally anfly nightly before film the Greek models. First ot ail ha may look to tho beat modern speeches (a.

he probably has alroady) Burke's best compositions, aa tha 'Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents 'Hpeech ou tha Amerioan and 'On fl Nabob of Aroot's Debt Fox'e 'Speech on the West minster 8crutity (the first part of which he enonhx pore over until he ha. It by heart); 'On the Bustlair and On the War, 1B03 with oh or two? of Wyadham'a best, and very few, or rather noMOt Sheridan'. but he must by no mean, atop here If ho would ba a great orator he muat go at onbo to' tfua fountain head, and be familiar with every ou. of thV 1 groat orationa of DemoBthenea. I take for granted.

he knows thoaa of Olcero by heart." We have quoteot enough for your purpose, a. this roferenee to Dsmoa thenos appoars to be nearly what you asked to hava produced. Tothe Editor of thi Brooklin Kagle Will you kindly inform ine wher Bt JohnlaudlH? I mean where Mr. Vanderbilt is putting up those I would also like to know tha far by tbe Long Island Railroad (if that is tho road.) William Speab. St.

Jounlnnd Is forty five miles from Brooklyn, anS the timo dlatanco from Long Island City, by tho Long Island Hailroad, on the Bwithtown and Port Jefferson i branch. There is a station called St. Johnland, ths uoit after 9m'lthtown, aud the settlement I. about two hi. let from the station.

Ou each Tuesday and Than day an omnibus connects with the trains to oarry visitors to and from the settlement, without oo.t. Tha train for Ht, Johuland loavei the Flatbush a venae do pot at 9:35 A. M. aud 4:23 P. the running timo IA two Uoum and nine mtnut and the excursion fare fs.

$1.76. The trains from St. Johnland for Drooklyn leave at 7.3 1 A. aud 8:09 P. IT.

Tho 8unday train. to HI. Johnland leaver Brooklyn at 9:30 A. an loaves St. Johnland at P.

11., for Brooklyn, Mr. Cornelius Vauderbilt, sou of William H. Vanderbilti exponded $17,001) in erecting a large building at Bt. Johuland, whioh he donated to the corporation. Itisa splondid structuro, ayd, contains dormltorloa for tepn ty orphans.

P.ecoutly Sir. William H. Vanderbilt palyV. a to tho place, and'expressod pleasure at hia son' praclio al charity. Bt.

JoUnlaud Is an Episcopal atlon, beautifully looated on fcong Island Bound. 'It. yr was founded by the Muhlenberg, author, 'I Would Not Live and his remains are tuere. auoraa aomo so agou people uu ufjjuwuv. and furnishes the latter with'tradea and fits tm'rtjajfgg Tho Now, ttae Arctic Explorer.

Tha Leuona to ba Drawn From Their 31 florin ir. Dr. Tftlmagaleoturedasuaual Friday eren Tw 'i ri'rn, Ar" He said SSSfe ZTJSit iiJirlbla nvow; hardship, of the rescued and of 0f times three for bravo De Long Vui I hi. SI all the particulars come they will mika btu. chapter, of Arctic The J.annetU ground up in the millstone of eternal Winte? thrift take to three cutters upon whloh th.

Ses lPwn tempest. Two boats arrive at the Coast of Siberia, fh! other boat with passengers for whom father anr? mother, brothers and slstere and children wait in arta ialng euapanse. Ood only knows lta fate. WhauS. llm opectaolo I The Governmente of the United Btates bndlng together to alleviate the suffering, or the resoued, and to and the fate of tbe lost.

Think i VhrM "ouths iu an open boat on a polar uAii. flJu0' the lM iose who have landed are EE hSl! mUl" from complete reliof, as far feat fh.t.9mo"tS'.ih8 Think of tho fact 2 tht JrHf KPro.D,blllty tbat those who. were noma. wlu "urn to their mk.ind",'5 Th a 4Mon that springs to my mind, and I the flr.t question that sprang to your mluS; was Ia it worth the saorificot Are there gain, enough to compensate for the suffering and the lost 7 Every man of Christian ask. that as tho very flr.t question.

My an.wer is, Tee, nothing great waa ever accomplished without struggle, without suffering without saorlfice, without doatb. Qod never intended tbo human race to be satisfied until It discovered every foot of tho earth's territory and voyaged every league of the sea. It pays a thousand fold in the ooorage demonstrated, in the aympathles aroused, in the increased Intelligence of all nations, and in the advancement of the world's sdenoe. Ever since 1498 the world baa been trying to find ths northwest passage of the Paolflo. John Cabot, Norden.kjold, sir John Franklin, Dr.

Kaue, Dr. Hayes this week burled Osptaio Hall, Sir John Nares battlod with'the ice and perished, or, after awful exposure, esoaped to tell us a story that fairly congeals the blood. Who has forgotten tbe sufferings of the franklin party as revealed byLloutenantBchwat ka Sarcophagi of ice, graves of ice, monnments of ioe, temples of ico, Westminster Abbeys of ice. How terribly and overwhelmingly sublime I The world waa determined to know how to cross from oosan to opean at the North Polo oM save a long voyage around Cape Horn. The passage hag proved to bo ubbIoib, so far as the practical serrioes of navigation are concernod, for since we have out this continent in two by the Union Paclflo Railroad, we no more have to make clrault of Cape Horn, aud if the north paasago were possible it would not be takon.

Nevertheless, we have increased appre olation of the OOPTtAOB AND ENDURANCE of these explorers, who, on errand of solonce or commerce or mercy, have urn against the Bharp spear of Arctio ice. And now wo have moro freezing revelations as DoLong and a portion of his orew land on the Siberian ooaat. It is the tragedy of Icebergs. It is the canto of eternal Wintor. It ia this kind of mon theDeLongs and tho Franklins and tbe Dr.

Kanes and tho Llvingatouea aud the Stanleys who do honor to the human raoe. More now than ever before there are giants among men. Great force of human will conquering fatlgne and hunger and physical woe that they may present the round earth to the cause of geographical discovery. We have found out at last how the world is bounded, on tbe north, on the south, on the east, on tho west, by the ooursge of man and the goodness of God. It is not more what such explorers discover of the features of the globe than what they show of tbe oapaolty of man when ho sets out for great enterprise.

The influence of such an example la moat salutary. We want more men of that kind to work the reforms of state and churoh. Knduranee that cannot be frozen out by tbe world's frigidity. If De Long and Franklin and Livingstone can endure so much for aolence, how much ought we to be willing to endure for God I A thousand miles did De Long push through polar seas; but how many of us turn back at the first mile of tho voyage If it bo rough, if it be chilling, if it be Arctio, We want iu church aud state more enduranoe, more heroes, more backbone, more brawn. wo say, "if wo only had some groat ship to Ball, or some great expedition to command, we, too, would do wonders." Use what matorial you have, put your resourcos to full stretch.

Do not cry out for a man of war when Do Long's greatest viotory waB in an Arotio outter. If we do not use the one talent we alroady possess, we would do nothing though we had ten talents. He who is not good in a skirmish would not bo good in a general engagement. What la detaining the Church of God in our day la its namby pamby membership. We have plenty of Christians to sit down in the vineyards and eat grapes, but few De Longs who push out a thousand mllts into the eold, God is fitting out oxpedltiouB on all sides, and men and women are wanting who caro littlo for thoir own comfort and everything for that which thoy can do for othors.

Paul oommaudod Riioh an expedition, lrrlederioh Oberlin anothor, Florence Nightingale another, Aloxaudor Duff another, John Howard another, Utahop Aabury another. If wo oanuot command an expedition, we oau join one. Today nil Christendom iy looking in sympathy upon the suffering of the humble men who followed DoLoug. Tho anxiety ie not about their leader he is safe; but, alas I for the poor men that followed him, tho men who paood tbe slushy decks of Arotio seas, the men who climbed the ratlines before they took to tho email boats, oiiio of them never to be hoard from, I fear. When we honor the explorer we rnuat not forgot the suffering asmstauts.

When we welcomo the general we muat not disregard the private. When we honor renowned Christian workers, wo muat uot despise the widow with two tultes, the doorkeeper of the Lord's house, tbo men and women who autTer iu Bilence for Christ's sake. WHAT A TIME IT WILL BU whon next SprinK or next Summor DoLong and Ills surviving men get home, and the nation gooa out to greet them. But tho day vflll arrive whon all tho great Christian expeditions shall come back in tho presouoe of many worlds. Not only tho leaders, but the led, not only the oommander but the commanded, uot only the oolebrated but tbe shall get celestial and divine reoognition.

As Christ introduces, amid tbe raptures of heaven, His friends, and the question Is asked, "Who aro these Thou lutroduceat into our imperial oompany7" Christ will say: "This is the woman who gave tbo oup of cold water to tho thirsty traveler thla is the child who read the Scriptures to her blind niotbor this Is tha nurse who rocked the sick child's cradle this is the female clerk of the store who patiently endurod vtbe insolence of cus touiere: this is the mother who brought up her children for God this is the mau who forsook not hla religion amid the ridicule of hat fBStory this 1b the firomsr, ln 'i get jid out ot the third story of a burning building this iB the sailor of the Arotio oxplorlng party who, kneeling In the storm, prayed that his sins might be whiter than the falling snow." Aud thon Christ, waving His hand over a groat multitude that no man can number, will ay, "They wore sick, they were poor, they were despised, thoy were wronged, they oame out of great tribulation and had thslr rnbos washed and mads white ln the blood of tho Lamb." That day will be the pootod ioflio Unoik Beats la heavou will tt otUed to the'' rront ana tnose wno woum nave Dsen sansnoa 10 occupy a footstool will be awarded a throne. Those who had uo ambition except to get inside the shining gates will be made rulers over many cities. DISSATISFIED HEIRS. The Will of (he JLate SetD Chapman Before ihe Surrogate of ilueens County. Both Cliapmau died in Jamaica recently.

He was a prominent business man ln the Eighteenth Ward of Brooklyn. He began life very poor, and died worth about a quarter of a million. Ha raBldad in Jamaica for a number of years. His will was presented for probate before. the surrogate of Queens County last Tuesday, but one of the heirs, Mrs.

Eirby, obtained a postponement of action until Friday, proposing to contest tbe will, as she was not treated as liberally as her brothers and sisters. Friday, Judgo Armstrong, tounsol for Mrs, Kirby, asked for a judicial construction of the eighth aestlon of the will, and pending the construction of the question of contesting tho will is held ln abeyance. Juggp Armstrong examined the witnesses to tho execution of tho will William Sayres aud George Skidmore at considerable length. Counsel for the executors asked that the will be admitted to probate at once, but the surrogate denied the motion, and will hear oounsel on the point next Thursday. Section eight of ths will, to which objection is mado, provides tbat the testator's son Theodore and Robert E.

Brady shall be permitted to carry on the business iu which tbe testator was engaged, and have the use of the eapltal inveated, for a period of eighteen months, they to have two thirds of the profits, and the other third to be paid Into tho estate. Fredorlok Fries is permitted to use the capital belonging to the testator aud invested in tbo coal business for the period of eighteen months, on payment to tho estate of a legal rate of Interest, The deceased left two sons and three daughters. Cornelius Chapman la given five houses on Fulton atreet, Brooklyn, and four acres of woodland ln Jamaica, The Brooklyn property is incumbered for $3,600, and that liability Cornelius must assume, Annie E. Klrby is given two vacaut lots on Fulton and Chauncey streets, and some vacaut lots on Fulton and Sumner streets, Brooklyn, free from any inoumbranco, and also a farm of two hundred and soven acres st Tuokaboe, New Jersey, with the dook and a email piece of property on Tuokaboo River. Matilda C.

Smith receives tbe homestead and twenty four acrei of land in Jamaloa, with the stock, utensils and household goods and eight acre, of meadow. Theodore, Matilda and Emma Augusta; aro bequeathed ln equal parts the do.k property in the Eighteenth Ward of Brooklyn, on both sides of the canal, together with the eteam engines, ears and fixtures, and a one eighth interest in the tugboat Sarah O. Hagar. Thoodore re celves all the toBtator's proporty on Metropolitan avenue, ln the Blghteenth Ward, adjoining the proposed bridge. The residue of tho estate is to bo divided equally between Theodore, Matilda aud Emma.

The estate la estimated to bo worth (250,000, or more. The oxecutore named are Theodore R. Chapman, Daniol H. Carpenter and Matilda C. Smith.

The will waa made last Novomber. Fending settlement of the legal issues, Daniel H. Carpenter will act as temporary administrator. TO EUROPE BI WAY OF 1,030 ISLAXD. lo the JZditor of the BrooUyn Eagle: Your remarks in a recent number of the Eaolx about the proposed oxtenslon of the Long Island Railroad to a deep and oapaolous harbor on tbe North side of Montauk and tbe new line of ateel steamers to connect Milford Haven, Wales, with New York, via.

Long Island, are very pertinent. In looking over tho flies of your papor I find under date of September 10, 1872, an alluBion to thla very harbor (an arm of Gardiner's Bay) and calling attention at that time to it. facilities, etc The father of this writer was the author of that letter. He is now deceased, but during the last ten years of bis Hfo he was a firm advocate of something Ilka this very scheme now about to be attempted by the Long Island Improvement Company, as represented by Austin Corbin and Jaoob Lorlllard. Well do we all romember how visionary it wos then '72) thought to be by very many.

Tbe prediction then made "of the Infants of that time" living to see such schemes of Long Island's future do velopmonl will be muoh sooner realized than any of the most sanguine of that decade thought. Tor It ia no fiction nor is it an "unheard of rapidity" for locomotives, with heavy trains attached, to run a mile a minute. They do bo on schedule time on the railroad from London to Brighton, England. There are no heavy grades on Long Island, and thore is no doubt that all the Long Island Improvement Company promise the pabllo in regard to this sew route to England may be accomplished. Fogs and delays at Sandy Hook and Quarantine wlU be avoided, and ISO miles on land can be muoh sooner traveled (twelve or fourteen hours at least) than by coasting ths south aide and crossing the bar of New York Harbor (only at high tide).

Pleaso write np this project, and help the natlvoB develop the east end of Long Island. The Eaqlb always ba. been staunch in IU support of looal enterprise. Convince the doubting Thomases and stir up the Rip Van Winkles who aro so Intensely conservative as to be denominated old fogy. 0.

H. Q. BRisQEnauf ton, Deoember VI, 1881. A FOUKD OF SOHRTHMG. Thote will bo Ohristmaa muslo and Christ ma.

sermons at ths Church of Christian Bndeavor to day, and tho Christmas festival will be to moK. venlng, every memnor iu duuubj uuvyj expected to contribute a pouno or "omeigu noor. The rule under tno miuiairy appears to be "Glvo aa well aa 'P Nb. 7,. The Fatly South Wghth Dramatl th.0 auspices of tho of the TranBflgura atreot'I Young Mi Uon inv cot.

The "Peep Day" was nraaetel carofully Boloctod cast. The principal i AtoDoiuld, W. H. itiaraoters wero euetatued by Jamoa Oo.iry aud Jamas Klllorlu. nnhu If q1 'with supplement.

SUNDAY HOKNIN'G, DECEJ1BRR 25, 1881. EVENT8 IN BROOKLYN. ffiummary of tlio Week's Local Ncys. Mohdat, December, 10 Tho Commission 9rs of Charities end Correotton held meeting to day sad transacted oonalderablo routine business. Bills aggregating $18,001.98 were passed for payment.

OontroUor Bemler has bcon lit for a week. Tho Grand Jury has heard the testimony of Dr. Crane, proaldeut of the Board of Health, and of Dr.Rey mono, sanitary superintendent, lu regard to tbe sault su condition of the new Jail in Raymond street. The atruor irecosta quarter of a million dollari and hai been In USO a year and a hair. It baa been deolarod on abao Into uuIsauos by rsaaon of defective sewerage.

TU Board of Aldermen held a meeting end laid over tbe vett from Mayor Howell of the Ihufl elevated railroad resolution. Tho veto from tbe Moyor In relation to the fire limits was recoived Mid laid over tinder tbe rule. The opinion of tho Corporation Counsel In re gard to the first mooting of tho new board was read and filed. Ho doctdos that it will have to meet Monday next, the legal Christmas day. The buC cloth uied on thepublio bulldlngB during the a mourning for President Garfield, whleh it ahould be eon to tho Michigan sufferer" nd wUlcn for some unexplained reason was no flent' or' dered to be given to tbe poor women The 8ooioty for tho Supprosslo' of Vice has broken up two more policy ahops in Son" Brooklyn.

a. gang of thieves all of twont ms of age. whose headquarters were in a oave near the Ja males woods, has boon abated in the Eastern District. A long list of rouble" boon commuted by the ai'g. Tusarm December 20.

A delegation vop uo temuoranco leagues of King County, tailed on Mayor eleot Low to request him to exorciso the greatest care in the appointment of Excise Commis moaere. Thoy asserted thot tho Exciao law la universally violated on Sundays ami erlmo is thereby increased. Mr. Low promised to rei.ioily tho abuses now minting aa far aa lay in bis power, and to appoint good men as Excise Cominissiouorc. Tho proporty owners along Hie line i tbe proposad railway, have raised tnouey and will appeal to the Qenoral Tbrm, If noct Fisry, the matter will be Ukeh to the Court of Appeals "1 from lhonc to the Legislature.

Mayor Howell is bitturly itonouneod for Saving approveJ the Culver rapldt rniit scnome, when he bad promised delegation of property owners that Je wonldwt.) it CroSuet parties are dally la the t'lrkonjoviiif? thoir uniM. The warm Bunshluo and balmy air make the I'ark moro attractive than it was in and August. Mr. Charles T. Aldrich.

of resident atreat, mysteriously disoppoarsd in Olmrlcston, Smith Carolina, a month ago, and It 1b feared ho wr.5 drowned. On his wav to Charleston he was Belied, for tho first timo lu his life, with an apopleotio fit. which greatly prostrated him, and ho reached that i tly til. He wut thoro 4o open a branch of his Broadway, Sew York, house, and It la thought he.may have bvou drowned while wandering tho streots lu a lit. The police have been marching without success for nemo slue which will lead i an explanation of his fate.

The Itopublican wem'. jra of tus nctt Board of Aldermen met in caucus for th) purp of taking preliminary action in regard tho of the and the apportionment and dutribtttl of tho p'ltrnnac. The meeting wa3 sjcret, and lasted but an lioir. iUc Hpscial Comtcttteo appoint! for tho purpose of 1'eultcmiary irn juUritra, held a nuellng Monday and received the tcs'imony that atr. reen and his counsel bad to present iu t.stlon of the report that was luado thobabiaof the inquiry.

The testimony of alauiiro lleiierati, a prisoner who kept the record boolt, was dauujjliij; to Mr. No changes will take plsc? amoi.g the organizations rl the local military, and tbe only alteration will bo L'ae numerical deiiguationa of two brigade tbe Fifth becoming the Second, and the tbu Fourth The fiecond Divieicu loiaains u.iac:. Tile auuual sale of pews in the Central t'ong. sa iional Church (Dr. SciidaorVi tool place Monday eveu ng.

Tha niomium uaid amounted to aim tne veutal reached liltla over out of debt and in a prvapor. TUo cbarch ij v.s condition. Wediiesday, DMombcv Th Arreftrs Sommlssiou held metting Tucs'lay a'ad discu5.otl llio aubjoct of tha vacancy caused by the death if Anrtrow Cunningham. Ko person was agreed upon. Tho dls Dosltiou is to oocept a man whom fiouator Jacobs shall rjame aa he seleoted Mr, Cunningham, aud it is doomod Tavisable lo allow him to name the successor.

Mr. E. A. lVeir, janitor of tho Academy of Music, wa robbed In tbe BtreeU of $160, which ho was carry tog In hla outside coat pocket, lie had 100 in his bank book and had his pocket picked of a part of the cooney by a man who called his attention to the fact thot he had lost his money, which was lying on tho pavement. In plekios UP found ulmwoli Ihort 1W.

A now company la forming to construct three treason! Immediately upon improved models, whloh aro to ply between eastern Long Ialand and Wales. A member of tbe firm of John Elder A the famous British shipbuilders, has been in Brooklyn for soma time perfecting arrangements for title enterprise The vessels will not be iu readiness before tbe early Spring of 186. A 'petition Is being circulated, and la receiving Haany signatures, aeklng the appointmont of ex 8upor viaoi William 11. Fleeman by Mayor elect Low a C'oia nleslonor Pf City Works, rSs'aiteratlonS and improvements on the Long 'Island College Hospital building npproacho comple 'ilon. By the opening of the Winter term, February 1, 1882, the Htudonta will find an almost entirely new Ouildlng, kn adlourned meeting the Board of Educa tion was held on Tuesday, and among other things the dangor of fire and panic in the public schools was dlaoussed.

Additional exit" from school building Ho. 23 waa ordered. A resolution was passed the paymont of $21,200.8 to the several orphan aaylnma aud Industrial schools entitled thereto. Tho Christmas holidays in the schools begin December 33 and. end Wednesday, January 4, 1B3S.

Thubbday, December 22 The New Eng Society of Brooklyn celebrated its second annual fostlval iu commemoration of tho 2flst auutversary of tho landing of the Pilgrims, in the Assembly Rooms of Academy of Music, on Wednesday evening. A distinguished company of eentlemen enjoyed the dinner. 8peeohe were made by President SiUiman, Genera a rant, Hon. Honry O. Murphy.

Mr. lieechcr, Mayor Low, Hon. George B. Loring and others. Tho Park Commissioners authorized President Stranahan to draft a bill to bo presented to the Legii ilatnre, providing for the sale of a strip of the east side lands, which wat originally reserved for public buildings.

Tha aixty flfth anniversary cf the wadding of Central Abram Dally was colebrated last evening by hla friends, who presented him with a purse of $203. Thirty veterans marched in lino to hla bouse, and wore received by him In full uniform, as they filed Into the hallway. Mrs. Sally, who Is 81 years of age, received the company indoors. General Dally was a commauder of tbe war vetorana of 1812, and the members of Mansfield Post, G.

A. and others, learning that he was poor, Inau unrated a movement to make him a present on the anniversary of Ills marriage. The Democratic members of the Board of Supervisors held a caucus last evening.and considered the patronage of the board another year. It waa decided to present the xumo of Supervisor at Large Meyenborg, as counsel, tn place of Winchester Britton. Engineer Shannon, of the Court House, was renominated, as was also Me) nger Doyle.

The Arrears CommlssUneri hive appointed E. W. Van Vranken, of the Thirteenth Ward, to the position made vacant by tbe death of Mr. Cunningham. Mr.

Von Vraadcen Is a lawyer and a Democrat. President Trnelow, of the Board of Assessors, has mads bis report to the Mayor, It shows an increase In taxable values over but year of $20,429,874. Fbidat, Dacomber 23 The Board of Supervisors bald a regular mooting Thursday at tho Court House, and received a communication from the Charities Commluloners regarding the dangerous condition if the lodge attached totbe Flatbush Insane Asylum. Mr. Chauuooy 8haffcr' bill of $500 for prosecuting Dunne was ordered to be paid.

Mr. John B. Meyenborg was appointed oounsel aid legal adviser to the board, In place of Mr, Wlnohtster Britton. A resolution to psy Mr. Mundell, the architect, the sum of $1,600 for servltes rendered in preparation of plana and spctftoatlous, for pavilions proposed to be erected at Flatbush, was referred to the Law Committee.

Tho New England Congregational Society celebrated Forefathers' day last evening In the New England Church, In South Kinth atroet, D. Three hundred persona were present. A fair in aid of tho Manner's Fatally Asylum was opened In the Assembly Rooms of the Academy of Muslo. A mass meeting of carpentors and joiners was held fn Wllliatnsburgh for the purposo of organizing a branch of tho United Order of American Carpenters and Joiners. The Farmers' Protective Union of Queens County has been declared bankrupt and proceedings have been begun to wind the concern up.

Mrs. John Lott, widow of Judge John A. Lott, died at tho family homestead lu Flatbmh to day at the age of 75 years. Tho tax on real and personal estate of corporations in this city is $421,020.01. Tbe tbrt.

richest corporations are the Brooklyn city Itnilroad Company, whose property ia Valued at $1,1:51,715, the Atlantic Dock Com. Sn'y, which ownes $1,313,650, and the Brooklyn Gas light Company, which paya taxes on $1,801,780. Satihidat, December 24 The alderinanio ommlUeo on Law held a meeting Friday evening to liear parties Interested in the proposed repeal were made of an ordinance in reference to cartmen. Arguments for and against the repealof tho ordinance which or dalna that "no public cart (except a dirt cart) shall bo driven or naed within the city of Brooklyn except by a duly llconeoi cartmao, and no person shall be so lloWBMl unless be be the actual and bono ylie owner thireof, aad driver of the tame, under tbe penalty of twonty flvo dollars for eaeh offence." No flual action was taken. Permits for twenty six new buildings were granted by Commissioner Thomas during tho woek.

Tha Peutfiitlry Investigating Committee closed tha cross examination of Warden Green yeBtordsy. doanasl for Bhsviin examined Mr. Green for nearly an hour as to tho preolse sources from whloh he obtained tha Information upon which he based hla report to the commissioners. Ths Inquiry will be re sumed on Tuesday next. Tour msaibers of the police foros were dismissed of trust Boveral policemen woro ueavu Simeon King, a colored eltlMU of Brooklyn, has applied for mauimH to oompol SmUlon of hi.

daughter into Public Bouool No. 8. There la ool ored school In the same district, and on this ground tho principal rotund htr. Th. Board of Eiuoation will consider the caae at its next mooting.

The authorltlei har deoided not to hv tha body of Carlln dislntorred, they being latlafled that ih died from natural causes, she died on the cars whllo nuti to Hrooklyn from Montreal, Canada. She received modicine at tha hands of Mrs. Bmllh, a distant relative who accompanied her, and died Immediately afterward. A verdict of death from apoplexy waa re turned, but ber family woro dissatisfied and tho Investigation has boon made at thoir request. Dr.

Loouard Bacon died to day of apoplexy at in ago of sovonty nlne years. DRAMATIC ASD MUSICAL. Maverlyu'SoouTrii Tiioa' Baciimins with to morrow RftO'UOOU the extra Cbrlstma. Day matinee BacW superb play of American life, My will bo p. at naverly'e Brooklyn Thr.

8Vry evening and the regular nd Saturday matinees. "Myl aaWianow i' "lri 'oa ui tho electric which its original produc Hon continues undimlnlsh'J. popularity being even greater, If that were when It flrat appoaled to the appreciative thoalor golng public. Interesting in P. woh la work.d out with a aeries of etic offecttvo ecenea and racy dialogue that the attention of tho audience i maintained till tao ourkln oa act M' Prtner" baa become a Arm and abi'linp'Torite ltt tuo hands of so capable aotors jyJis Aldrloh and Charles T.

Paraloo the leading fp.tiiraa oro brought Into prominent lntorest. The of tho play ia laid in 8iarizon County, Northorn California, and tho plot turua upon tho rlTal Ioyos of "tho oAn Satimto and Xci Singleton, for the heroine Uary Brandon. They are fast frlenda until Saundors has a suspioion that 8ingleton' rola tloua with Hary aro uot of honorable character, and a breach of the friendship Is the rosult. They part compouy, and Singleton talseB with him hla share of tho gold they have obtained, but meets with foul play at the bands of the villain of tho play, Joiiah Scraggs, whoso cupidity is tempted by the chance of securing possession of tho precious metal, and Singloton Is murdorod and robbed. So; njy's shirt is atalued with blood in the performance of tho foul deed, and to avoid suspicion and tha possibility of dlsoovery he takes off tho garment and throws it Into a deserted shaft The fact that SaHMltrt and Singltton parted in auger naturally loide to tho former belug suspucted of tho crime, aa It is known that he had knowledge of tbe gold which hla former partner carnod with him.

He is accordingly arrested on suspioion, tried, and tho circumstantial ovidenco la so conclusive that tho Jury convict him, and he is sentenood to doath. While awaiting execution, a Chinaman, If in? Lu, of "handy man" on the digging, takes up his quarters one night In the deserted shaft, where he lluda Scrayg' shirt, with the villain' name plaluly marked upon It. Thla fact cornea to tho knowledge of Major BritC, a local celebrity, who traoes the crime to Scrayys, and Snnnilirs is exonerated amid genera! rejololng. Saundtrt and Hary Brandon are united, the guilty punished, the Innocent vindicated and suitably rewarded, and all onda happily. My Partner" will be presented at the Brooklyn with the following cut: Iim SmnilnM Louis Aldrioh MnSletS.

I i Walter L. Oennis to tne Lotfimiuro Mdtthoor tirandon. Mr. Ceo. D.

Chaplin A mail who has aot'n botUr Mr. J. V. Dean dnji A'uiVu "whonovor forgot or for Mr. J.

W. Hague uii'uer, formerly of Ilia oir. avo Sam Kuwlor, cus lYaitor iineliah nor John B. Atwn'l i ii tlm cwmu P. J.

KeynuM HrJiJoii. "Who twl no nuy.liT to Hindi lorit t.oM(lm!tu 'lVrand'lii! bn'rVoii'iig tlstcr Mws Louise Fuller M. i'iisi'3 Peutlaiiil, boasokeuper at Lanr Wiui' Cti iie. 7ant Chas. T.

Irbt lu addition to attraction of the play itsolf, Udy attendant upon Chr.atinaa nistiuea will wresstited with an wxiir "lly I'artuer" Brooklyn furit Theuler. ilirtii i lilt ui'nlioine of life," wo avo to.1. and tho secret of ulo is to bo happy." lr the f'lristmas day matin at 'be Brooklyn Park Theater, aftevno.mi, nel Stun has provided a ban met of mirth" in Drcami, or Fun iu a Photograph Oallory," aud there will doubtloss be fow touud among our pleauro. seeking pnblto who wiil fail to r.vail thoniholi'c ol tho of oiijoyiiig tha feast of good Ibinji which will set before thorn at this favorite piayhouao durlug tho holiday week, Dreams," as unf.vdod by the Willie Bdoutn, host described us a delightful uttt stcii conceit, diicovciing iu its epiritod action a wealth of mirth, music, pathos, folly auo fnnoy. It ia essautlally a play for Christmas, when mirth and jollity should, and do, bold sway In tho hearts of all good people.

It opens iu the houie of John Antonio aud litby liinka with a Christmas day visit to "Iho old folks" by their autiCul offspring. Fun and feasting tfisua, furnishing food for dreams. A vlsltto a photograph gallery is determined upon, end it is in the exposition of the vagaries of tha old man's dream of what happened in tho artist's studio that the extravagant fun of tho play dwotW Jty 22.6i1Lt!!5$ attractive feature ot 'Droeuia" la the introduction iu the second aofof new and Ingenious revolving Die chauioal scenes, by which Vie photograph gallery is transformed into the parlor of tho Biuks' homestead in full vlow of tho audieuoo. Mr. John A.

Mackay, tho Fhntograiiher of tho play, will be remembered as an old lime favorite member of tho stock company of the late Mrs. F. B. Conway's theater, Apart from his moril otor, Mr. M.ok.r will bo w.lcc bb a Btnoklynite, since the cardinal virtue" or Brooklyn plavgoora oonaleta in being good to their own.

The Dompiny is very atrong la oomio talent, the play boing prosenWtl with this cast: aci I AT QOUK. Antono BmXS. a roureu laruwr, aaed 70 Thomas Binks, hu eon. agod 40 Fred. aged '22, Thomas son.

Bob Bitibity, ollice boy to the Binks Binks. John's wife, KilliB Binks, her nioco Crane Binks, Thomas' second wife. Maud Binks. Fred's wife Uattie, nor iiWr ACT II AUItUAD. John Antcnio Binks, aged 31 Ralph Ilnberson.

a villain Mr. Chillinirton. Pi. kloback Uranitall, photograolwr. Charles Miiouin A.

Mackey W. Smitn Jas. T. Powers Klmoro Cerrish f.utta Belton Parker Sylvia Ottiriab Willie ffdoain A. MAOkiiy W.

Smitn T. Powers F. B. White Elmore Chip Choaky Policeman 12S Portor Clullinston. arcl 1 Mary, the child of misfortune The Citj rjwell MB Brinies, our uiwter Jtck Sliivi riiiythnbers Mrf.

fshillinatinl I.iilie SucrottSh Violit Parachute, with songs. Pnii. linuBeuiatd .:.:.) El Oerriah Parker Ixitta Helton (Jcrri.ill Dreams" will bo ropoatod every evening durlug tho week, as also at tho matinee performances on Wednesday aud Saturday. i Grand Opera House. The Grand Opeift House is rapidly and surely demonstrating itself a popular placo of amusement.

Its plays aro handsomely put upon tbo stage, the selection of aetors and vooalists commends the management to popular appreciation, while the playhouse itself in appointments, comfort, convenience of aeocsa and safety of exit, is all that could bo desired. Tomorrow, at the extra Christmas day matinee, and oa Tuesday aud Triday afternoons and evory evoning throughout ths week, the grand operatic spectacle "Cinderella," will be given with the followlug oast Coi I'nifa, Mr. George K. Fortessue Prince Paraxon, Miss Lizzie KolBoy Thitoe, MIsb Jennie Hughes Fail Qveen, Miss Lizzie Bradley; Page, Miss Belle Arnott Cinderella, MIbs Hattle Delaro'; DMnciom', Mr. W.

H. Stanley nvon Pompolmo, Mr. W. II. Stanley A liilora, Mr.

Harry Blandish, aud chorus of forly voices. Miss flattie Delaro, who sings the part of VimtertHa. Is a young Brooklyn vocalist of much promise. Tho other attractions aro Mr. E.

D. Davis ventriloqniBt, who will make his first appearance In the sketch "Anecdotes and Adventures of the Funniest of Folks;" Mile. Ellse, danseuese Moore and Daly iu "Humpty Dunipty," Little Millie, tho child vocalist and for Ihe little folks especially, tho Lilliputian ponios and Cinderella's chariot, and tho Thirteenth Regiment and Naval Cadots, represented by forty littlo children in marcheB, manual of arms, etc This array should crowd the house. Standard Theater. The new sensational drama, Counterfeit," and the first production or Blohard Oorman's comedy, "Booms to Let," will hold the boarda at the Standard Theater during this week, the Arst performance occurring to morrow aftornoon, at the extra Christmas day matinee.

Tho former will enlist tho services of the favorite actors, Harry Amlar. Mr. i'rank Roohe and Mias Annie Ward Tiffany, the full cast of ths play being aa follows: Peter O. Washinrton Oraon. a culled boy don't want to no mouwitive Harry Amlir George Hilton, United States Dntoetmi Frank Roche Jjiura Thoin, vory muoh in love with Walters Annie Ward Tiffany Philip Cray, ehief of counterfoitora, a bad man generally CharloB Jordan Burton, vory poouliflr in hisway Diok Gorman Fri Waltara, puor but honest, Hilton's friend Bd.

F.Barnes Richard Thorn, bio moan a man lor so good a daughter T. B. Jackson Kntb gjgj, Joe Allen, keeper of a hangup hotel Otto Burbank Vnnu K.nMrt. in her namo imoliej. nobody's f00j Kdith Sinclair Hero iB certainly promieo of sonsatlon sufficient to satisfy the most exaoting, and as "popular prlcea" will continue to prevail, notwithstanding the inereased attractions, and all the Standard favorites, including Dick Gorman, Otto Burbank, Charles Jordan, Horace Durand, Bd.

T. Barnes, T. K. Jackson, Edith Sinclair and Coral Leigh, are to appear, tbe volumo of business at this house for Christmas week is likely to prove enormous. Hyde 6c Bohninn'sj Tbcator.

A dimple enumeration of the attraetiong underlined by Messrs. Hyde Bobman for holiday week is ample to demonstrate the claim of thlB theater to a leading position among playhouses devoted to variety and that of the best clans of variety. Besides the nsnal afternoon performances on Tuesday and Thursday, an extra matinee wilt usher in the week on Christmas day, at which tho following bill will bo presented: Tbe Fieldlngs (John and Maggie) in the musical and comedy entertainment, "The Cardan Wall the Four Emeralds (Gibson, Itussel, Konnedy and Oouway), rhetoricians, comedians, vocalists, dancsre and character artists; Charles Dlatuoad, Milanese minstrel and harpist; Charles and Carrie Moora, roller skaters; Williams aud Pickett, clog dancers Crosslsy and Sldar in exhibitions or Boottlsh games; Ihe Hogan Brothers In "Happy Boys" from Bornao; Hlnes and Blossom, black specialists In lightning like changes of oharaotsr George If. Wood, E. flooding and Vogler'a orchestra.

This bill will bs repeated every evening of tho week. Novel ty Taaoiiter. Tony Ponier's "Hnmpty Dumpty" Co.n lnatloll neads no Introduction to the Brooklyn public. This favorite pantomime will be seen at the Kovolty Theater, lantern District, this wook. A special niati nee will be glvon on Christmas day, and tho regular evening and matinee performauoos as usual, i "Pntiencu" at tho Acadcmr.

Patience" bns been aptly characterized as ono of the very best satires over written. Musically I It possesses intrinsic merits beyond either "Pluaforo," I Tho Pirates of Penzance," Chimes of Normandy" or Fatlnltia," aud its presentation by tho Cumloy it1 Correspondent! miuidMUt faf rthin their question) art not amuitrtd immediately, at tnt information solMUd frequtntly rtquirtt contiierablt research, for which ample be allowed. Bbown. We hare no information on the subject you mention. Applications should bo addressed to the company you name, at Its office in New York.

To the Sditor of tht Brooklyn Eagle Will ths 26th of Dacamhfir. this vnr ha a. legal holiday will tho Eaolk be leaned ou that day 7 answering the above you will greatly oblige a Constant Kzadeb. To morrow will be a legal holiday, and no Eaolb bo issued, to thi BdUor Bf the Drooklyn agU; YVliore was pll(Jdy Kyan, the pugilist, born? aA. of age 7 year.

Tothe Kditor of tht Brooklyn BasU: Will you ploass inform tin oia reader of tha Eaoi, when and where Dean Richmond ak oauso of his death 7 a' th" Dean Rlohmond died in New York City, August vi 1808. We remember that he was sick only a few day's previous to hla death, but havo no recolleotion of the cause of his taking off. To the Editor of the Brooklyn Eagle Will you pleasa inform one of your readers In next Sunday's Eagle how President Arthur rooeived the title of general 7 It has been eald that he went all through the lato war, and received his title there. ItEADKn, Ho received it as nn officer of tbo National duard, 8. N.

when on the staff of the Governor some years ago, but he waa not an officer in tha army, volunteer or otherYrfso, during the war. To the Mditor of tht Brooklyn Eaglt Did Mr. and Mrs. W. J.

Florence ever perform a "Million Dollars and if so, did they play it on New Year'a day, I860, in MoVicker'a Theater, in Chl oago 1 Play. The new three aet comedy entitled "A Million," written by B. E. Woolf for Mr. and W.

J. Florence, was played by them at MoYlcker's Theater, Chioago, January 1, 1880. To the Editor of the Brooklyn Kagie Please state iu your issuo of Sunday next If there is in existence an institution for epileptlos, and whore. It. M.

There is no institution here for the exclusive treatment of epileptics, tbat we are aware of but they are received at tho various hospitals. To the Editor of the Brooklyn Eagls: Please to publish the dates of the opeufng and closing of Taylor's saloon, corner of Franklin street and Broadway, Now York, and who succeeded to the occupancy of the premises, in next Sunday's Eaqlb 7 Diiaoon. It was closed after the Rebellion, probably in 1383, whan the Merchants' Express and others began to occupy tho building. To thi Editor of the Brooklyn Eagle Would you kindly answor throuch the columns of your valuable papor whother Congress has made an award to the constructor of a power to propel canal boats without causing a well 7 If so, what amount, and to whom Hhould I wrlto in order to got full particulars By auswertug you win corner a great favor on An Old Readicb. Congress has not, but if you dosira to be fully informed on this matter, Peter Cooper, who has speut money on suoh an invention, might enlighten you.

To ihe Editor of thi Brooklyn Baglt Will you kindly favor me by saying whore the followlug llneo aro to ba fouud, aud who is their author 7 "Art is long, and time Is Hosting, And our hearts, though stout and brave, mm, uxe mumed drums are beating Funeral marohoa to the grave," In Longfellow's "Psalm of Life. Uulwk, To the Editor of the Brooklyn Eagle Who is tho author of tha versa beginning "Art ia long and timo is fleeting." Also of tbo lino "He sleeps tho sleep whioh knows no waking here." And the hue "After llfo's fitful fever he sleepa well." IlHSunHiiOTLON. The first line is from Longfellow's "Psalm of Life." The second is possibly amiaquotation of Boott's lines iu tha Lady of the Lake "Hloap tho sleep that knows not breaking, morn of toil or night of and tho third is from Macbeth. Act scene 3. To tht Editor of the Brooklyn Eagle In making application for lotters of adinin iatration cau tho applicant be hlB own oanh socority 7 When is a bond lu the Uurrogate's Court illsuhargrd FitiSNnr.ui.

Tho answer to the first question ia no, tho bond must be double tho amouut the personal estato named in the petition. The other is as follows One year after lettera are granted, provided tho admiuiatrator'a settlomant of his accounts is satisfactory wheu the Surrogate makes decree of dietrlbutiou. To the Editor of the Brooklyn Eagle Please state in the Eaole, next Sunday, name of the French Commander ln the battlo of Fort' Duquosne, fought on tbe 9th of July, 1755, during tho Frenoh and Indian War, By doing this you pill confor a great favor on Am Ikquikhr. Fort Duqnesne was orootod by Captain Contreeoowr, the previous year, and he was probably in oommanuoi tho Freneh and. Indians whsn Braddock attaokeii It and was slain, To tht Editor of the Brooklyn Eagle Is it correct to say "an historical," as so many apparently well informod writers constantly do 7 Aspirate.

No. This fs one of the literary afrootationa whioh are observable in writers who, "aw, pweforh tha quill ot the last century," tothe steel pen of this, It Is no more correct than it would be to say "an hen ran around an houso," If the aspirate 1) soanded, the form of the Indefinite article should be used, beoanso tbe form "an" is properly used only beforo worda beginning with a vowel or a vowel sound, and the aspirate is not a Yowel, nor has it a vowel sound. To the Editor of (As Brooiiyn bogle Will you kindly inform me whether there Is a book for teaching stenography, by whom written, and where to be had 7 There have been about two hundred systoni3 of short hand Invented ln England within the past three hundred years, and all may bs called stenography except that Invented by Issaa Pitman, in 1837, whloh is called phonography or phonetie short band. Ot the many systama of stenography, that published by Fanoutt, ln 1840, is spoken of ss very Ingenious but no stenographic systom is as complete aud perfect as phonography. fo the Editor of tht Brooklyn Eaglt I noticed in a recent issue of.

the Eagle a very sensible question mado by "A Header," ooncernlng a question of law. Ab he may not hare a disciple' of Black stone, Kent, et as an adviser, I send you the following points, which I think will cover bis oase: A having leased to certain real estate, and having performed tbe oonditions of the contract on bis part up to tho time of A's death, and there remaining an unexpired part of tho term, tho hoirs of A would take the eBtate, charged with the veatod rlghte of B. The contracts a party makes bind by implication those coming after him. I base this anBwer upou the supposition that the lease is a valid one and that there has bean no breach of any of the oondltlone. O.

B. M. To he Editor of the Brooklyn Eagle I often, in fact, generally, fiud the plural of money Bpelt "monlea," and of whisky, "whiskies." Now, If thi. right, why don't they spell tho plural of key, PusMina. The rule learned by all sohool children is that a final i'y," not preceded by a vowel, is changed into on taking a suffix beginning with a vowel but they ap poar to forget it as they grow up.

Therefore, tbe plural of money should be spelled moneye. The next article mentioned may bs spelled either whiskey or whisky. If you prefer whiskey long your plural should be 'whiskeys if you take it short, your plural will be "whlsklos." This Is as straight as we oan give It to you. To the Editor of the Hrooklyn Eagle Is it correct to spoak of a large number of whales as a herd, or a sohool of whales 7 A herd Is used to describe a number ot animals, and especially of the larger species, when collected together; a sohool, or a Bhoal, refers to a largo oolleottou of fiahea only. If whales are regarded as fishes, a collection of them may be of a.

a school. But the whalyj is not a fish ln tha full of the term. He la exclusively aquatic but he does not, as do tha true fishes, breathe tbroujh tho medium of the water by mean of gills. Ho is, therefore, generally regarded as an animal, aud the sexes are distinguished as the bull and )he cow, and their young as the calf and In speaking of a large number swimming together, it would be Just as correot to call them a herd as a eohool. To tht Editor of the Brooklyn Eagle: I am a regular reador of your paper, and have noticed that many pooplo apply to jou for infor mation and thBt you kindly give it.

And as there are somo things I would like to know the rule or law. about which I think you oan inform me, I write to you as the easiest way to get it The facts are these We bava a back room in ths third atory ot a tenement bouse, and the peoplo oconpying tbe front room insist upon locking tbe door leading to tbe ecuttle, and although we have requeated them to unlock it they will nni rir, hut keen it looked and take the key out. Ia thero not a law that It shall be kept open 7 If bo, will yon not ploaae atate wnat it la in tne uauy hauls ana oblige. Plat. Seotion 36, title 13, of the oity eharter that "All souttles and stairwayB or ladders leading tatta roof" of houses such aa la described ia i "shall be kept In readiness for uso at aU You ehould notify tha landlord, and If thsn the authorities.

To tht Editor of le Brooklyn Eaglt! Will you kindly inform us whether thero are loan and building associations similar to those iin Philadelphia, In operation in this section of, Mew York State 7 If there are. what are tbo names and locationa of anj 'of them and are they successful ganer.Uy Wa hear of eome at Port Jervla. Buffalo and O.wegO., Is thre any impediment In the way of orgtnlrXng in Brooklyh 7 The Philadelphia plan appears to obnform to The general law of New York on the subject. What taxes and what method of assesament of taxea would euobaooiatlone be subject to? Notices. There Is none in thin city preeUeJy on the Philadel.

delphla plan, but there are societies tboobjeot of which nearly similar. Those in Philadelphia have been iblghiy successful ln the main, and many a meohanio who Joined them years ago now na. a comioriui: homestead. The only impediment in way of thla formation here tbat we know) of ofdesfr smono the neovjle to form tu inoy i taxed would be liable, Ilka ot for what property! wen In tne worm is ooiriuu mAnHtArf I am informed n.h bnt have Marched shall watch tha Kaolb on Sunday for Isabella. i.

na.aa.e you quote is to befound in "TU History of BasBolae, Prince of Abyssinia," by Samuel Johnson Li about the middle of the XI.VII. ohapler, and it is part of tha answer to tha questious whioh precede it as follows "Do you thjakhat ths monastic rule is a'moroholy and Iobb irdporteot state than other 7 May not equally hop tor future happiness who convenes openly with 'mankind; who auccora tho tfis h. ht nharlt'v. iuatruot tlio iguorapt by hla leAtnlug, aud contributes oyma iuuuy vM.siwiwsHWf Uatodlift.BmshOTBh tuorliaoatiouawUloliaroy aotlcaaia tho oloUttgtrl OARD TO LET, WITH BOARD, A I 1atcb room Hud fistenaion on sonnrirl flwirl with vrata lm ftlnn rnmn nn tlifrrl floor! convrtninnf. tn n.v.

min. ntes' waix irom uity llall. appiy ac ltt Kim plana VOARD TWO LAROB OONHBOTINO JL rooms, newly papered and famished, with hot and cold water and large closets; convenient to ferry; terme inoderato roferoncel eichanged, 841 Union st, between Court and Smith. BOARD CHOICE LOCALITY NO. 256 Olinton ar, near DeKalb, front alcove room and two aqaare rooms, furnished or nnf urnishea house brown stone, with all moderaiimprorements good table terms moderate, 130ARD 52 WiLLOUOHBY ST TO J3 let with board, to two persons, one vory nicety fur nitttied stiuare room, in bla'ck neat and olean: all newly famished and new earpetS throughout; good home oooktng; home com forte with Eastern people; very central, near Oity Hall and all ferries.

OARD ON THE HILL 211 LAFAY Ma av. to let with first class board, to oounles. or single gentlemen Willing to occupy a largo room together; square room with connecting hall room on parlor floor; an elegant room with alaore, second floor, front also square room with ball room on third floor; all improvements possession after January 1. HOAKV IT ANTES. OARD WANTED A GENTLEMAN, Jtj with two children, joungeat a boy of 9, desires board in oultured private family.with no children, the lady will.

Ins to look to the ohjldren'e interest. Address H. Eagle oftloe. gl'UItlSHKn BOOM. lURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, NICELY furnished, oomfortable, with open Ure, (as, to rent low.

Apply at 77 Joralemon at. TO I.ET MOUSBS. TT0 LET HOUSES THE NEW, FIRST olaaa brown atone front model houses, 16.8x50, with all modern improvements, also with parlor and hall mirrors and hatracks complete situated on the aouth eido of Oar. roll at between Court and Clinton ate, near Carroll Park. Apply to JAMKS B.

aw Carroll at. TO I.BT rtiATflf. LET FLAT AND FURNITURE for sale A Bpltmdid fiftt, Ure room, all improvements, in two story and bnsoment, brown atone houso; only three adults in house will self furniture ohonp par tios goinff to leave the oity. Apply 23 fourth place, bg mo lkt fl at in com cord JL apartment house, suite of eifrht rooms with priTato hulls th imDroyemeuts; cabinet finish five minutes' want rrom too lorriea. Anwly to THOMAS H.

BRUSH. on pretmtei, Fourth ar. corner of Concord and Adams sts, or 74 TO jrET 3TOME. riO LET STORE SUITABLE FOR A JL butchor, barber or shoemaker; near stables of tho Coney Island hone railroad atoro and two rooms, $. pur month.

For furthor particulam, apply to BUltUILL'S real estate office, 45SFifth av. mijLET STORES bN 'ATLANTIC near the ferry, now listitHtorea from ffi IS to 6 0 per month alao, litcht Atlantic av; also, rocond iloor between Ilenry aud (Jlinton nt, suitable for light l'Uaiueaa; also floor Mid npurtmunti. Apply to A. Ii. liOV real estato agent.

B3 Atlantic niO LET ROOMS WITH STEAM POW A poly comer Front end Pearl bU, Brooltly, and nt 204 and 'Jfoa xu; rweiii.y.miru ac. ievr i BUItDON. roil 8AMI 2fOI7SfiS. I7OK SALE HOUSES ONE OF THIS Blrtgant modern browu Ktono houses in now row on Maeon st, between '1'hroop aad Sumner atH alBO, okhor hooGCB, well routed, to exchange, or soil ono at a bargain. ALBERT WILKINSON, builder, dill Maoon street.

SjXOR SALE HOUSE ON GREENE AV, near Bedford, a three fttory and basement, brown stono house, juflt finiflUHd; hits cabinet trimmiiiKB.cornicflH and mirror; parlor and din ins room walnut; halls pnnnelod extra well built; cheap; tyrms to duit. J. II. TUVVJJS KNI, builder, on promises, or at yo Putnana ar EjlOR" BALE HOUSES FIRST CLASS new brown atono houees. with all latot im provomeota, two in cabinet liuish, 3 story basement and mibctjllar; price roaaonabJo and torma to suit: onoShtory brown stone oa Loffrts placo will bo sold very low.

Ap on promises, 3)2 tit. Jdiuoa pltco, or 835 17OR SALE HOUSE ON PROSPECT JO hoirhtfl, throe story, basement and subcollar Ptoue trout houses fnewj, ou iVintlt Bt, withio. fiTS iniuutos' walk of Prospect these home aro eoual in finish and enr rouudiuKS to any on the Ueitfiits, and only ativenteeu iniu ntea to foiTy finest location in tlia vicinity of Now York; nrioo torms to Buit. UUiiHILL'ti real t.ato of lice, 15a Fifth av. houses halskv st FonrnBw, full sized, oUanfc firt claaa throe rtory, basement and suboo'lfir, with brick furnace, brown atone hoi.Bi'H, with cabinet licish basements and halls trimmed and polishrid in walnut throushout first cIuhb conveniont to three csr rouU)t) to ferries; partios desiring to purchnse will do wolt to examine before purchasing olr'etvhorn open Christmas, Apply on tho promises to IT.

PHILLIPS. Ho. tifi UaJjyyst. botween aN'ostraud and liod ford am. 8' 7OK OHOUSKS ON EIOHTa AV, betwean Linooln und Borliolor plaoon, fronting Pros nnct Park; throo of the hftn.lioomo three atory and nosumont brown st jne fronts, size of each 20x31); lota fuot doop; t.lieito hauaes contain every modern con ventenoe, built in thu vory host iiiannur; two flights of hurtt wood utairs in each houso; parlors finishod with cnbi fint trimmiiiar: bahoment and uarlor lulls watntootted ia woorl outlfli's p.mlrj' in back For partioulars HMply to owner, on prumUus, or at om 'I 'J80 Flatbuali av, curnbr of ProMp ot j.

li, peut ptaci FOR SAB.E REAI, ESTATE. iOIt SALE LOTH THE "REST BROOK iyn extraordmnry bareain: IBO lots in onn pircol, between (Jatn3, Pulton, Iowis and Mnrcy in fnmt of fine improvemenia. and ready for immodiato u3vt. prolit caji be reulired in ono ynar capilaliats only naod appfy, JJCHK JOIIN.iON, a Pine at, New due. Jiigutn ana nintii ars.

uttar tne nneat now resiuencof ILooklyu, at a doctiiod bargnin aluo other chojoe plots all tha loading streets aud avenues. JERE JOIINSC 'J Pino st, Nsw York. NSON, SALE LOT9 5.000 BSGOKLlfS Sj tots in all looations, at all prices and suitable for all Suruuses: many at decided bs.rca.ins. Apply to Klltt. OKNSON, 0 Pine Rt, New York.

siiT FOR SALE PIANOS. ScC. fjOR SALE PI AN OS A GOOD PIANO JC for $90. Ohtckering for $05. Something new, White's Patent Ottoman and Pin in Stools.

splendid holiday ineient. Piioo.i tunod and repaired in the bast manner. neit to AIubic Hull. i iilOR SALE 1'IANOS ORGANS $5, $10, jP $15 oacb montb untU fully paid, rontod. xoijxd.

ii3. uawa otra f.iflnn. nfAd lts. oveiBtrunEpftsB, SiB extra olTors tms month' for holiday. SON'S warsroonu, 323 Waahujittim at.

an it to roat Office. FOR SALE PjANOS rA FEW NEW uiiuarojand uprighiaiianosQf bojt rpiality, with Diukorfl' Kuarauieus, at lowest wholesale factory prices, for holiday presents; poMtWe bargains; also a soven octnve secondhand piano, in finrt order, tow, THOMPSOiN'S, C78 Full on at, near Portland av; open evonings. fTToR SALE PIANOS Jfi.B ER'S Jl Having taken the agency for theso unrivaled pianos, wo aim iffnrina tlmm jt low nricos for cash or installments, durinr the balance. of this month. Those contoiu platinc pnrcbasinr aro invited to call at the Weber mfl.

BUNCfi BENEDICT, 5G Court 8t. waroroonm FOR SALE PIANOS THE ADOPTION of the Kranioh A Haoh pianos by our best musicians and Biners is the bost fuaranteo of their sterling merit. After Butting all others, oall and examine these instruments, at HELD'S PIANO WAKEHOOHS, IU Livlnft ton Bt, oorner Boerum place. Prices and terms reason abloj i ITtOR SALE PIANO HARD MAN'S aquare and uDrinat piano; it ta declared by the most competent juageB that this piano is tUe most powerful toned in the world, with a Binaing quality never obtained in any other. Please call, aftor trying elsewhere, at MUL LRHS warerooms.

No. 310 IiMiton Bt, opposite Jo union. Open eveniuss this month. irtOR" ALE 3200 CHICKEH: ing piano forte, four round cornnrs, 7 octave, in perfect order, bargain pianos and organs to rent and for sulo, vory low; oligant organ, $30; any ono wiahine a good instrument at a low fleure will save money by calling at BID DLE'8 PI AH FORTB WAKHOOMS. Wo, WiHon street.

FORSAtL TIf.Sr'EI.aLAXKOUS. IOliS ALB FURNITURE GREAT SALE of furniture in oonsoquence of intended alterations in my buitdinjr about January 1, I intend olfcrinx tu thoe duairin bargains in furnituro and carpets the grandest ohanoe they will 6Ter have. 50 parlor suits from $15 to each; 23 bodrooln suits, wood top and marble top, $20 and upward fiOO carpets, body Brussels and tapestry, from SOo. to 75e. per yara.

It would bo impossible to statu prices for everything offered, but it will boa roenlar slaughter. P. McHAHON, 101 Court st. cornor or Schermer horn opening eTenin.B till 10 o'clock. HORSES.

CARrtlAGES. c. THRBB GOOO WORK HORSES FOR sale; eleven to twelve owt. will trade or buy beavior ones, P. KENNBY, 217 Van Brunt st.

UPERIOR HOKSfiS FOR THE KOAD, carriage or coupe for sale at 18d Fort Greene place; also, a first clau road rrazon and a Brackett it Tuttle open wag on, with pole and shafts. FINE BLACK ROAD HORSE FOR SALE, 17 hands, 7 years old, Tory fast; also fast brown pacer, 6 years, 10 hands, and several other trotters, cheap all warranted sound. P. IHNJK, 321 Park place, between Glasaon and Franklin avs. DARK CHESTNUT HORSE FOR salo, 10 hands high, suitable for ootipo or aarriagn trial given.


1881 82,5 2.21 The aaseta of the Phenix are larger than tboue of any tber Brooklyn Coinoany, and it continueB to insure against loasor damace by Fire or against Inland and Ooean Marias Lessee on the moat faioraUrrne. NO. 16 COURT 8 TRKEXl BKOOKLTM. NO. SB BROADWAY, BROOKLYN, U.

O. And in tha City of New York, WKBTKRN UNION BUILDING Broadway, earner Deyst. STBPHKN OROWliLL, President. PHILANDER SHAW, Vice President and Secretary. EmvAKD HaaLEHUBBT.

Seo'y Brooklyn Department. iIDELITY AND CASUALTY COMPANY, 187 BROADWAY. NBW YORK. Cash capital $250,000.00 Deponit with New York Insurance Department U. S.

Govornment bonds 100,000.00 FIDELITY DBPARTMBNT. Bonds iMUed Huaranteoing the fldelity of porsonB holfling positions of pecuniarj' trust and responsibility alao euar dian's bonds in Surrogate's Court, indemnity bonds to NheriffB, and guarantoo all bonds and nndertakinga retjuired by the oonrts of this Htate in civil aotions and proceedings. CASUALTY DEPARTMENT. Policies issued against acoidents causing doath or totally disabling injuries. Form of application and full particulars can be obtainod at the ottico of the company WILLIAM M.

RICHARDS, President John M. Ciunk, Sooretary. DIRKCTORS George T. Hope, O. G.

Williams, J. S. T. Stranalian. A.

Hull, H. B. Ciaflin, David Dows, A. 8. Barnes H.

A. Hurlburt, W. G. Low, Charles Deunia, S. B.

(Jhitlunden, (leorgo 8. Ooe, J. D. Vermilye, William M. Richards.

Connsel Mopre Low. FINANCIAL. fi E. STAPLES, 208 MONTAGUE dealer in Brooklyn investment securities and miscellaneous bonds and etook. Orders solicited for the pur ctiHse and salo of all securities doalt in at the New York i.

thmati urr.r.K 17 it ovuck niuuuK, Advances made en ap proved collateral. A LARGE AMOUNT OF MONEY TO loan on bond and mortgage on New York and Brooklyn property, at 5 and 6 per cent. JEltK JOHNSON. No. JJ Pine at, New Torfc.

piviiDENm. RoOKtYN TRUST TTolVI PAN l9 Brooklyn, Deeember SI, 1881. The Board of Trustees have this flay i declared a dividend of FOUR PER CBNT. on the capital stook, out of tho earnings of the current six months, payable January 8, tSS'J. The transfer books will be eloied front December 24 to the day et BUlggtaa SAT1WG8 BA1VKH.

WILLI AMSBURWH 8AVINOS BANK Notice Depoaitorfl ara heroby notified tbat aaomi annual interest at the rat of FOUR OIINT. per annum on all auma of SS and upward, and not exceeding that shall have been deposited three months on the tint day of January next, will be paid to depositors on and after MONDAY, January 10, ltey. Deposits made on nr before the 3rd day.ot January will draw Itntorest from January t. SAMUKL President. JOHN BnoaCB, Oaahier.

IME SAVINGS BANK OF BROOKLYN. .107 and .100 Fulton at. Brooklyn. Docembsr 12. 1SS1.

The trustees of this bank have directed that on the tirat day of January, 1882, interest at the rate of KOIJlt l'Klt CKNT. per annum for the six mouths ending Ducuntixu ul, 1881, bo carried tothe credit of Alt dcuofiitors entitled thereto, payable ou and after January 10. 1K8G. All interest, when declared, is carried at once to the oredit uf o.ngli dopositor ou the hooka of tho bank, where it stuuds exactly as a deposit, and ia entltlud tu interest, the same as a deposit of oanh. H.

L. UDSTUU, Prusideut. J. W.HuNTltH, Treasurer. U.

11. IIxmiwoiON, Bocietarj, A Building Boom, and How it Came to Pass. A Cheap Rival of Manhattan Beach and the Orient The Location or the Coney Iriand Jockey Club Tract and the Drlrtao Across tho Bay Maklns; it a Place of Importance winter Trains this Year for the First Who are BuildingReal Estate Transactions. While the Winter has been coming on and tbo frequenter, of the bssob. and Its adjacent attraj tlohs have been dovotlnK themselves to the delights of metropolitan eooisty, forgetful of tbe tawny saade and shelves where trip the pert fairies and the dapper elves, as CromweU'a Latin secretary would doubtleii put it, the r.gular Inhabitants along or near tho ocean's edge, the olam eating autoothone of the beaoh have bson ab busy a.

beavers getting ready for tho boom of next season. The Summor beaoh frequenter Imagine, tbat vrhtn ha turns his baok on tho surf and Its surroundings ho leaves nothing bat a desolation behind him. When ho goes everything and he shivers In bis mind vrhen he thinks of tho solitude of tha wintry shore. Ho la mistaken in hla The good bonl faces who got fat off his purse are far seeing fellows. They know that the beaoh frequenter having tasted of their fatal fare will oome again and others with him.

They spend the muter, not In moroly counting their gains and, Uko tho hibernating bear, In suoklng the paws of their satisfaction, but In shrewdly putting up further Jobs by whloh they may aequlro more of the beaoh frequenter'a coin another season. The great big isolated and forever completed caravansaries, Uko the Manhattan and tha Orient and ths Brighton, which could not be mads any larger or nearer ptrfeotton without falling down through the superabundance of flielrown oxcellenop aC0, of coarse, shut up with nobody permanently about them excepting tne watohmon, who lookout that they do not spontaneously oombust but the man who imagines that these overgrown hotel monsters do all the boarding business in the Summer would miss his stays. From the dilapidated wooden pier on the west to Sheepshaad Bay oa the east, (very little or big houso of respectability snrt their number Is many has Us quota of well to do, unfashionable, but nevertheless, eo far as the world's goods and common sense go, well ondowed family people, who go to the beach to enjoy ooolness and salt air. and bathing at a reasonable figure. It 1.

for such as these that the Winter along tbe b.aoh Is made busy in the extension of uoardiug house borders, the putting up of new hash houeos and the origination of now gin Bheeps hoad Bay HAD A NiMH AND TAME before Culver discovered Coney Island. It was a resort before the idea of an East River Bridge was born In Ibo brain of an oaglneer. It might have puzzled a Brooklynite of the later Importations to And out how to get to Shdopshoad Bay, but a great many learned the road and wout and went again. The name of tho place was then pretty muohjall that tha place Implied. There ie a legend that away back at a time whloh the memory of man runneth not against to use the legal language of Justice John McMahon, of that Ilk the neh, now extlnet, com which the village takes Its name were caught lu tho little cove on the borders of which tbo village stands.

That, of oourae, was many aeons before the combined sewers of the Manhattan Beach and Oriental hotols omptled their tides of filth into Bheepshead Bay. Thore were then, sa there are now sllegod to be, multitudes of elams of tho soft degree to be found there. Likewise then, as now, many and largo mosquitoes. And it wss ths delight of the anolent Brooklynite to drive down thither and enjoy the olama aud the mosquitoes aforesaid. He generally did not remain long, seldom over night, and did not, ns a rule, go baok again Boon, or, at least, not until he had reoovored.

Still, it was a dead aud alive sort of a qaaint littlo holo where tho liquor was bad and the sos breezes good. Tho advent of Culver aud Corbin and Dreclin at flrat did not do ShoepBhead Bay any good. It waa quite tho reverse. Evorybody, evou tho ancient Brooklynite, gave it tho go by, and the burly burly and Vanity air business that arOBS on the Island proper, tho Levys, tho Ar bucklos and all that sort of thing, Including the eewera of Corbln'a two mammoth hotala, made it look for a while as though Shoopaboad Bay would be glvon over to the foxes and tho owle aud the deaolatlou spokon of by tho prophet. Then TWO TIILVOS UAPPSNflD which, like thu discovery of the passage around the Cape of Oood Hope or the construction of the Suez Usual, or fray of thono blstorioo oomiaoroial events which occur once in four or Ave hundred years two thtugs happanod, elthor one of which would have made the fortune of bheopshead Hay.

One was the location of the track of the Couey Ialaud Jockey Club near the village. The otbor was the brilliant stroke of genius which couocivad the idea of building a bridge across he bay aud of connecting Sheepehead Day with aud making It ajpsrt ofiUanhattan Beach. Thelooatlon of the track there brought vaatorowds within viewing distance of the village on race days and kept a population of Joekeys, trainora and stable attendants near there during the racing meetings. Horses and Jookey and trainer, and attendants all had to bavo their grub, their amuiemeuts and, all but the horses, their rum and their lth) sproes, Jhoa greatjeag EiiSawuilm SliiopBhoaJ Day. But it is doubtful If the race track would been the everlasting making of the plaee per se.

Per it was not enough. It wanted the bridge to fix that thing. Now it is doubtful, imagining aa we do what the East River Suspension Bridge is booked to acoomplish for Brooklyn it is doubtful if it will ever stand, though it may for ten thousand years, do for tho Oity of Ohnrohes what that bridge acrosa tho bay la krown to have done for Bheepabead Day. Where the far seeing Oorbin was to let It be done Is not imaginable. Where the far seeing geniue of the metropolis was to let tho East River Bridge bs swung serosa Is likewise not imaginable.

Both are accomplished facts one, the BHXBPSKEAD BAT BIUDQB, mora so than the other. Corbin awoke to his mistake too late. When it was too late he found what it meant. See the astuteness of the genius of Sheepehead Day. Corbin or hi.

hotel man charges large prices for the pleasures of his enohanted grounds, beash and music Nobody likes to pay large prices for any blessing, no matter how much it Is worth. By means of that bridge the Sheepehead Bay landlord, having acquired guests, could say to them after their frugal supper of clams "Go to I walk across thla bridge and enjoy the bathing, the promenade, the flreworkB, the muaio, the seats on the big piazza of Corbin aud pay not a eont, returning to these comfortablo tabernsoles as the evening wsn eth." And they did it. And the fame of the chcapnos. of the Qheopshead Bay second hand watering place arrangement, went throughout all the land, and last season there were no rooms to be had. Then began tbe boom in building.

Near tho Manhattan Beaoh 'railroad station two pr three boardinghoMseB went up like Jonah's gourd, in a night, and they were no sooner up than thoy were full. The boom went nn, and now no less than a score of new buildingB have been erected or are in courie of erection real estate la on the rampage, and unless there Is a measure of moderation taken hold of, another season will find the little village overstocked, and prices higher in proportion than on tho beach, where ono can walk along and weep, if he chooses, and listen to the loud resounding waves. Of course Corbin did not submit to this bridge without a struggle. There waB a fight almost equaling that on Tiber's basks, when THE BTBTJSOAH HOBOEB OAME DCnYN ind Horatiu. kept the bridge so bravely.

The fight over the Sheepshead Bay bridge has gone into history, but as no Sheepehead Bay lay has been written about it, the name of the modern Horatlus is forgotten. It is believed to have been Justloe John MoMahon. In a resent conversation with this marine Rkada manthus, the beauties of Sheepshead Bay as a port of entry were measurably dwelt upon. During tho present Winter the entry has been by way of the Brighton Beaoh Railroad, which hoB had in force a Winter sohedulo of four or live traine each way each day. This 1b the first time in Its exlstonce that Sheepshead Bay ever was a port of entry In ths Winter time.

Heretofore, In the Winter, communication with the outer world has boen by means of snow shoes and dog sleds. Justice MoMahon was alive to tbe advantages of this Winter traffic He believed tbat it was due to the inereased importance ShoepBhead Bay had grown to in the eyes of that railroad magnate, Heury C. Murphy. Another railroad man, belonging to a rival line, of course, to whom this suggestion was made, intimated tbat Mr. Murphy was a shrewd man and knew what ho waa about that he never would have kept his trains on during the Winter but for fear that it he once stopped running with them down to Flatbush avenue, over the Long Island track, Corbin would never let him pnt then on again.

But Jnatice Mo Mahou's idea is probably the right one. Justice McMahon also called attention to the followlug IMPBOVIMKNTS going on. He thought ho might possibly in time remember more but these were eertaln Colorel linger, a Brooklyn man, has recently put up and is putting up eeveral houses. A Summer residense for Justice Naeher, of abont ten rooms, la going up, built to face the bay. It ia a pretty cottage in the Swiss style.

Mr. Ray, who is connasted with tho house of A. T. Stewart has built a cottage facing the bay. Alouao C.

Treadwell, of Now York, baa another one. James B. Voorhies has put up four, Supervisor Mc Kane being the builder, Robert Yoorhies has built two and has begun another one. Mr. Tonl Dougan, once tho well known keeper of the Home Rule House on Fulton street, and last year In charge of the whisky privilege, at the Shoepshosd Bay track, is building a fine large hotel on the corner of the Depot road and the Bay road, faoing the bay.

It is being built on the grounds ot Mrs. Gilbert, and will be first class in all it. appointments. Mrs. Clutejhas finished a nice oottage on the road near the dopot.

Mrs, Fell is putting up a largo boarding house on the same street. James B. Voorhies has begun patting up a cottage on Ocean avenue. Mr. Teets has purohased four acres on the Depot road, nearly opposite tbe new boarding houseB and near the Manhattan Railroad Depot, for $8,000.

There are other improvements in contemplation, and there are many scheme. In the process of lnoubatlon, the originators of which are anxious to have nothing said about any improvement, at all, because they have not completed their contracts for real estate or ground rents, and are afraid of a farther boom. Ono of the advantages ol Sbeopihead Bay, forgotten above, is eels, BUNSBLL'S MUSEUM. The sudoess of Bunnell's Maasum siuoe it was opened in tlio building corner of Court and Bern sen streote shows that the so oalled IU hick which was popularly supposed to attend that house was not duo to its location, and that a variety performance of tha right eort ia certain to meet with favor among Brooklyn theater During tha past week, which has been a poor ono for publla exhibitions in general, tha enug little theater has been constantly and largoly patronized by respectable and appreciative audiences, and the bill presented was so favorably received that the managers resolved to'mske hoobauge in it tor the coming week. There 1b no space to go over tha performance iu detail, but those who have enjoyed tho on ticlug music of the Roman Students or tne foloroa Troubadours will agreo that the performance oreuuer troupe is worth far mors than the prioo of adraiaBiou to tho whole.

Ola aud young enjoy the muBlc, ana, jn thnnrh thore Is a part ot it whloh is Bpootally pleasing to tho Jn tho inii funny aonae and sayings o(. WUtaiW, and other, gpod, WANTED TO COOK, WASH AND iron, in a small priyato family, a woman. Oall with city references, between 10 and 13 A. at 428 Seventh StlQOt. WANTED WASHinB, Bt.

VlTAN'TED WOnK BY A RESPECT TT able woman, to go out tho iirat two days of the week as a good lanndreaa. Pleasa call all the week at 517 Franklin ar. (rsar house), top floor, front rooms, WAWTKP PsorESSIOITAf. WANTED ENGINEER A fRAOTI cal engineer wiahea a situation at moderate wages. ANTED aaperlor muBical culture anci rare toico, win encase in a first eltas ouuroh eholr for 1H82 aa leading or as eiitant aoprano recently reinored to this oity experience and nigh testimonial Address BTILLMJLN, 276 Oar It on eiitant aoprano recently reinored to this oity experience and nigh testimonial Address BTILLMJLN, 276 Oar It on nr.

Sflrtond floor. WANTED HOUSE BY A CLRROY man and wife, without ohiidren. small home or part o( home, nnfurnlshod: stats location of rooms and prioo. Address J. D.

8 Box Eagle office. WANTED FLiATB. ANTED FLAT A SMALL FLAT; OR apartments for light bousekcoping, Mint be ae Ioct. State price and particulars, R. Eagle oflico.

WANTEB ItOOIIH. ANTED ROOMS FOR GENTLE man inJ wtM. nnfitrnlHIlfiO rnnmB fur liffhfc housekeeping, within fifteen minutes walk of ferry. Rent must be aodorato. Address O.

Eagle "STTANTiSD ROOMS TWO, THREE OR (our unfurnished rooms, oounooting, ir poasioie. fnr UoM. hniittAtnAmnff immediate and nerma nency deiired; referenoe. Address office, ruaiii nagie WaNTED KGaL ESTATE. WANTED LOTS TO PURCHASE OR lease, 10 to 15 lota on eanal or bay, with about 100 foot, at least, of dock front buildings preferred, Adurosf Tllird av and Siith at.

IIEHiilOIW tVOTlCES. A THE TEMPLE, DR. FULTON, PAS J. tor Sorvicea at 10:30 and 7:30. MORNING sub.

jSot. "How to una Christmas." EVEN1NU subjeot: "1881 aud Its I.enaona, CORDIAL INVITATION IS EXTEND ed to former members of tho SANDS STREET M. UHUKCH and congregation to bo present with tm at onr missionary loMirai on mufuay, ueooni ber 26. Serricos in the ohurch at A. M.

ACADEMY OF MUSICFREE GOSPEL aervloo for the people at 3 P. M. Praino BRrvicni M. R07. OKOROIC F.

trill preach a Cbristmas surmoo. Mr. and Mre. STRB1UNS will sirisz. Tho neve Gospel llymna, No.

4, will be used. Coma and wolcome, all. 17 UREBNE AV, MEET inr on i itw ma ac a v. m. 'j'nuuonAi VKNirvti nait.

December 2U. Grand ToiUDBranoo Mass Meeting tho tla nson olsce M. M. corner ht. Felix at, at 7 Mr.

and Mrs. STICBBrNrt wit! sine Ad druses by Uot. T. L. CUTLER.

D. Rev. GKOKdB li. II KD and Father MisNaMARA, of tha Reformed Oath olio Ohurch. MiaftOUFJONWOOD will preside.

Friday, mothor'ft nioflinu at l7 a av. Under auayioea I IC tt AN SIO NG TI1K HI IX. BEDFORD CONGKE" NATIONAL CHUUOH. Pacilio st. oast of Bedford av Proach ina TO DAY by the pastor, Rot.


Sabbath school at M. CHRIHT MAS DAY Dr. TALMAGK wiil preach at 10:80 A. M. on tho "Gladoat Rvont of the.Oonturwa." Mrs.

Flor enoe HicH Knox, Oeorgo W. Morgan and Profosior Ali will render tho mimiR. Voluntary Orau "For unto ub a child iu born" (HnnJIi solo oornet Ohrintinas OITer tory (organ) Guilmftut; Holo Mrs. Knox, "Hark! the Ilorald aonoln siijt" written jy Goorgo Y. Alorcan O.7ortorio Mrj.

Kiioi lUhristmai Hymn Ado! Dti Adam: Holn Mr. Kn tx. "Naxarotli." Gunod: Voluntary, "(ilaiui" also at 7:30 P. M. run (JHUUtJH, (JlasBon av.

corner Monroe at He v. D. H. FKAZIvIi. D.D..

pastor, will pro.ioh ou SABBATH, Do eombtir hb lu :30 A. M. and7 P. M.i aUo, ono inn it Dnryoa IMinsion, Olurmont av, near Atlimtio, at 7 :.:) P.M. VENT! AT, () GR fiGATl ONAL CIILirUMf, on iiancoek el The paslor.

Rev. Dr. II, M. SOUDDKR, will preach a OhristmaH aerinon SUNDAY morning, Dei omlwr at o'clock. In thooTPninc, 7 oi'li)ck.

ho will duliwr tho fourth lecture on the Book ot Subject: "iCIiphar. and Job, tho Fint Kn counter." AVV ME II RC EAR Jg Franklin, J. PAHKRH, paslor Christmas Bf.r vifnAI 1. DAY. On Hnbbatb Jiioiniiiff, 7:30, prayer and praiao moettnjr ono hour, Morninif normon by tho pnator.

Kvoolnn, y. Dr. HIC.MI.N'GTON will nmaoh and help the pastor in applyitiK the dostrhiti of Christmas. Soati all free. Prayar meeting bef and after ovwiin? wormon.

MANUEL APTIST KGIT, PUB tpj lie snrvio. i in tho II ALI, OK ADBI.PHI AC ALK1V, Ijufayutto nv, oornnr nf St. placo, TODAY A. M. Hurt 7.

1. H. SunJnv ot P. M. J.

MMI l'H, I). of will priiacll both morning anrl evening. BjMKST KBKOKMKO DUTCH CHUROIt, al. mar t'ily Kor. N.

VANIIlilt BKK. riaor SorvicejT( IMY. at 10: o'clock A. M. ami 7 .3 1 P.

M. s. liool P.M. C'mristuiai fftst.iir&i 1 iHiiniii. jfj A PL A OEM.

E. OHUROHrcOK" VIHIRS.MAY I'A'hMNC. noit, Dccorolior M. Mr. iivd STKHBINS wlllainu.

AillUumifa by U07. t. r.A;i; o. ckouur k. and Falber MuNAMAKA, of tho ltntoimiul (Jatbolic Ohuroli.

Mias ill pruniils. NEW YORK AV MKTOOiHST J0PI.SCO l'AI, IHUrilCH. Kav. L. S.

WEr'D. I. uaator. BerstcM TO DAY at A. kn 1 P.

(Jbrif.tnia norioou and umnio in th. moiTiiup, una in 1110 Hvoniasr a flhristmRS Hrvi, "Thb Maei and tho Messiah" b.v tha Sunday flcbool. All volconw, PACIFIC t7 'mbtTiodlst J6 pisoop al, CiftilOlI, cornor of Clinton and P. veirie ats, ltv. MBI.IA'IM.B B.

CHAPMAN, pastor Serrires TO. DAY TiiorMinR. at 10:30 o'clock nrpnmg o'clock. Prcncliinjr liy tho paator "Christmas," Sunday school at 2 p. M.

You aro lnritod. rilfTTOH ON THE a Ou HH1UU I Piwrepout st, usar Uoiiroe plaoo Hot. irUTTOS. will praacl in this church TO DAY (Sunday). ninrninK aDd oronius.

Serrioes eoDimBiioo at A. M. aiidT P. M. ebU'iH OONGItEGATIONAIi OHURCH, Ikl cor.

Court and President, Key. AI.BRET J. LYMAN. imator Serficais TO DAY, at 10:30 A. M.

anil 7 S10P. M. Pracliin morniui: and oveninji by Unv. 3AM Y. DUFKlKt.D.

rtabbnth school and biblo olasa at P. M. All are oorilinlly invitiid. AV. JON(JUBUAKNAL JL OHIJKCH, TonvjUiiK av.

no ir tuiton at Preaohine hy tlM paator. Rov. OKOKO F. PBNTKOOHT, at 10:30 A. M.

and 7:30 P. M. Oouyrnl prayor mooting: on Wednesday aroniUR at 8. Sf rontfors aro oordinlly invited TTNITY OHAP1SI CLASiSON AV, iJ near plaoo Mornina: aorvioo at. Ki .30 sermon bytUu uaator, Hsv.

S. H. CAMP: aubjoct, "Art thou ho that ahould coins, or do wo look for anothor At 7 .30, Sunday school concert and Christmas carols. WESTMINSTER PRESBYT BRIAN CHITRCH, ooruer Clinton st.and First placo, Rev. Dr.

I.TJDt.OSV. pastor Christmas sermon and muaio at 10 :30 A. M. Service appropriate to the oioso of tho yoar at 7:30 P. M.

SPECIAL NOTICES. 125 DIAMOND EARRINGS, TWO AND v39 a half carats absolutely perfect round sproad stonos very brilliant: a great bargain; unredeemed toan. T. II. SHAMAN, Myrtle av, cor.




WATCHES. JEWELRY, 8TKRLINO SILVKR And FINEST SILVER PLATED WARE. Only tho host iiualitr Kept and evory article a uarantood and all at low prloos. Old cold and silver bought for oash or taken In ex. change.

Open evenings in Deeembor. HART 313 and 310 Fulton at, cor. Johnson. S1 ilPKClAli BAKGAINS To bo had fn DIAMOND LAOK PINS, From S25 to .00, Of the In lei designs and finest workmanship. Also, din mond ou rrinftfl, all styles, at lower prices than to by found olaowbure in the oity.

SATISFACTION GUARANTKKD. AT FKANK FICIK'S, 340 FU1VTON STREKT, Room 6, up flUira. aQRATfiFUL COMFORTING. EPPS'8 OOOOA BKBAKFAST. "Br a tboronph knowledge of Ibo natural lawawWcb goTwrn the operations of direation and nutrition, and bjr a direful application of the fine properties of well selected Cocoa.

Mr. KPPS has prorided our breakfast tables mtb a delioatolr flarored beveraco which may aire us many hoary doctors' bills. It ia by the judicious ubq of audi article.4 of diet that a constitution may bo gradual? built up until fltroug enough to realst eTery tendency to disease. Hun droda of nubtle maladies are floatiiiR around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal Bhaft by keeping oursnlvee well fortified with puie blood and a properly nourished frame." 0 it il Kerrice Qaxette.

MA DK SIMPLY WITH BOILING ATKR OR MILK. Sold in tins only (M lb. And lb.) labeled; JAMES KPPS 4 HOMOSOPATHIO OHKMISTS, LONDON. ENGLAND. OOD COFFEE GOOD OOFFEH Roasted and packed in Pound Packages aa a guarantee ot genuineness (in ths Bsau, nob ground).

your Grooer for TIIURBER'S No. 11, Price 30 Cents per Pound. Good Coffee is often spollsd in the making, therefore an approved Iiacips is placed in ever Package. If you oannotgot No. 41 Coffee at your Grocer's and desire to try it, send us a Postal Card and we ivill see that it is supplied.

II. K. ft F. B. TIIURBIIR 4 West Broadway and Beads at, N.

Y. LADIES I NEUTRO PILI.ENB, ONLY HAIR SOLVENT KNOWN. Permanently dissolves superfluous hair, root and branoh, in livu minutes, vritbont pain, discoloration or injury. tvro stamps for particulars. THE WILCOX CHEMICAL PREPARATION NO.

002 SPRUCE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, P. SCENTS WILL BUlT A BOTTLE OF PURE TWO YEAR OLD CALIFORNIA WINE, Sherry, Port, Angelica or Catawba. $2.00 per gallon. Bond postal to OLAPP BROTH MRS, 979 Fulton st, Qrooers and Wine Morohants. HN.

SQUIRE, 97 FULTON NBW YORK. 'I'lnrty flvoyoirs in same store. Tbo best plus to bny fino diamonds, ariistio jewelry, reliable watohes, Aterling siiror and Rogera' plated ware, Ohristmaa, New Year's and holiday gifts great variety. Elegant wedding presents. Cheapest boorstoke in the WORLD New caulogne free.

LKGUAI' 81 Chambers street, third door west of Broadway, hen ftrli. STOHE ENLAHGEO, NEW GOODS AT low prices. A choice selection of diamonds, watches, jewelry and sjjTtrware. WISH, 230 FULTON 8T, EALTH is wealth. DR.

B. U. WBHT'H NERVB AND BRAIN TKEATMUNT. A ansoifla for Hysteria, Diszfneia, a.rfflnha. af.ntal Dehrfllsihn.

Ixlvl of Memorv. Pr.mi turo Old Age, oausod by over exertion, eel! abuse over indulgence, which leads to mlsory, decay and death. One box will cure reoent oases, Kacn dox oemtams one raimw. treatment. One dollar a box, or six boxos for 85 sent by mail prepaid on reoeipl of price.

I guarantee six boxea to cure any oase. With each order received by me for aix lieies, accompanied with $5, 1 will send the purchaser our written guarantee to return tne money if the treatment doea not effect oure. A. J. HITMAN.

Drugglat, Solo Agent, BROADWAY AND BARCLAY 8TB NgW YORK. LOST AMD FOCflD. OST IN OR NEAR THE ACADEMY JLi of Music, a pair ofblaok bound OPKRA GLASSES. 1 no finder will confer a favor by communicating with Mrs. 132 Montsgue at.

1 OST ON WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, In going from Franklin ar. through Fulton st. and raud av. to Paoitlo at. and return, a lady's amull cold 'A'A7'Clf, huntiui; oase, black enameled, atom winding.

reward will bo paid upon return to W. O. LUCKS, l.UJ at. a OST OR STOLEN. A MALTESE GAT, i with white breast; bad on a metal collar marked "Dan." Any onu rotiirnlnit him to 10O' Lafayette y.

vll be suitably rewardoiL v.erft I SATmde Lyon dolmana, quilted and elegantly brimmed with fur, at $20, by S. WaCHSLEB A 293 and 393 Fulton at. MAUU IE. BLUSSOM OAIIBUTT On Wednoaday. December 21, 1H31.

at the Washington av. BaptiHt Ghuroh, hy Rot. Heury Ward Beocher. Hknry O. Blobhom and Miss K.

IiVALL.K GARnrjTT, youujfeat daughter of Elmor II. Gar butt, all of Brooklyn. HOLT DKORAUW On Wednesday, Dpcnmbor 21, lSl, at tho redidencu of tlio hrido'a inthr, iiV Burton st, by the Rov. N. KreriLt rimilh, JCpwakuT.

IIoi.t, or Troy, to Mauy AuutifiTA Dkokauw, daughter of Mrs. Mary Dograuw, o' Brooklyn. No cards. aOIKI RAYLIS On 'ridny morning, Daoember 23, Pheuf. Ann.

widow or ThQinag Baylia. ni hor late rfnidonco. No, 91 Jorabaion on Tuosd.iy 27, at 'Z o'clocac, Fncnda of tlio r'uniiiy aro invited to attend without furthur uoctce. I5KI.LI5W At bis late reeideuce. 57H Kent Alhert balovod sou of aud Amid Beliuvr, iu bid 'Sinl year.

Ki)lfttivB3 and triynds are rospoctfiiUy invited to attend hinnral, on Monduy, Dticumhur A. fiom bt. Fat rick's Ohuroh, Kent and Wdloiiajhby va. Situ FraiicUju papers uopy.l BLAKK Ai.Kuri 3. Haknkm Bt.aki:, son uf Fred D.

and Funny Barnes Blaky, of iufli.nimii.tioQ tlio brain, ttuii 3 yearn. 'tmorM nt o'clock Tuesday. Deoomber J7, at No. 53J Olinton av. Frienda iimrod.

BROWN At Flatlands, h. December 24. 18S1, Sxm eon tf. Bfftid 'H yoars. month and I si days.

Kolatives an.l fru ncls aro reaptfcifully invitod to attend tho tun jrnl, from Rofrmod Chureb, ou after noun, Uoceralier "i7, at o'clook M. BHO'vVN Decembor I8H1, CLARA F. BROWKB wifoot l.yman Ij. Browu. KelaLivos mid frienlj of the familr ure ropootfully in vltid to attond the funeral from Twelfth at.

church, at 1 V. M. DAWSON ()n Sidurday, Docsmhor 'M, Grace only da.i; ot Robert and t'atharint! Dawson, aod Funeral EervictM at tin rt tiidenco of her paients, IM Union at, on Mond'vy, at '2 1. M. FITsFA'J'HICIC Friday, Docembor 23, 08KPH FiTZi'ATltlcK.

aed 24 yoiua. tuner! from the rnsidnnco of his father, Potor Patrick, No. 3ua Myrtle av, on Sunday, December 20, at 2 o'clock. HAORDOJtNOn December 23, of pneumonia. Anka.

oldoit daughter vl Herman and Auna Ilugedorn, in the nth yoar of hnr aito. Funeral private. HOKFilAN Doi'embnr 21, Ann HoFFAIAW, lalo of 01 DeKalbav, and widow John Hoffman. Funoral to takw place on Mondny, Dooemher 20, nt 2 o'clock I. from iato reaidonoe, Navy near Fulton.

Relatives and friends are invited to attend. HUBBARD On Thursday, Docembor 22, Sa'JURL W. Ili7UAiii, aged yours. service from tho houso of hie fatnor, O. D.

Hubbard. Koap nt, K. on Sunday, Dpcomhi 25, at 2 P. M. Mumher.

i of Altn.r huAgo, No. GDI, V. and A. and Oonslellation Chaptar, No. K.

are partiou taily r3qu6Ited to ha pvoaiut, KBttV15? 6ri WiiMy, deoomber U), 1 3B1, Mrs AMOK Kkkvin. aaed years. te Zunoral wiJI take place on Sunday, DitpBtnbor 25, at 2 o'clock, P. from her ijitn residfMice. Columbia corner Bush at, thence to Gomctory of the If oir Cross, LAWLOR On Satuiday, December 24, IS81, Thomas Jmwlor, aged 40 years.

Funeral from hia late residence 327 Hudson av, ou Monday, December 2i. Momborti of St. James and lit. Pat rtck'a societies are respectfully invited to attend in a body, The Scr3 and members of St. James R.

C. B. Society am riAfiiitaLetl to iuat on JUojidaa. liar 'JO. A.

M.i i lale bftithnr By order. ui AT UMia wi lunorai or our jahks aii. a max, rrosiuent. Patrick Baoan, Becordins Soorotary. I.KALRD Oo Saturday morning, Docembftr 24, at tho residence of hnr brother, William Alsop, No.

6 West Fifty flrat st, Now Yorlt, Eliza, widow of tbo lato Alexander LeAird and daughter of the late Thomas Alaop. The relatires and friends of the family aro roftpnctfulW fnrited to attend tbe funeral aerricos, at St, Thorns Ohurch, Fifty third st and Fifth av, Now York, on Tuo iday morinnp, the 27th at, 11 o'clock interment at the family burying ground, Nowtvown Urook, Long Island. LOTT At Flatbush, L. Friday. December 33.KWI, Oathahink L.

Lott, widow of the late John A. Lott. iu tlm 7 lth Bar of ber aue. Koiatiyea and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral from her late residence, on bunday, Deoomber 2r, 18HJ, at 2:30 P. without further no tic o.

LOW On I'riday. Deoember 23, lflflJ, at West Now Brighton, S. 1. (Sailors' Snuff Harbor landing), James Hash rll, infant son of Honry O. and L'aroline fC, Low, agod I year and 2 months.

Funeral services at nis Daront31 reaidonoe, Da7fi ar S. on Monday, tho atfth nt 1 1 A. M. UUKUBAU Suddenly on the morning of Friday, 23rd Hap.ah V. Quebkau.

Relatives aud friends of the family are respectfully requested to attend the funeral services at tho houie of lior broth'T. Abram Quoreau, No. 11 South Portland av.on Sunday, tti at 2 P. M. KAMP80N On Saturday, December 24, Wit 8.

Samp bos, at 105 Clinton street. Remains to be taken to rid ro water. Monday, DdueinbBr 2, vhern eorvicea will be held. Hatttern papers pleasa copy. SHARPK On Friday.

Decombor 23, Mh. HKLEK 0. in her HOtb oir. Friende inrited to attoud tho funeral, at tho residence of hereon in law, Thomas Little, 624 Wilioughby Sunday. 3 P.

M. SMALL On Friday, Dooember 28, An nib 12., wife of thrt John F. Small. Tho relative and friendi of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from bor late residuuee. No.

10 Lnfaydtto at, on Monday, Dooember 2tt, at 2 o'clock P. M. HPKAU In Brooklyn, December 28, IflSl, Neli.te II PnoTuruo, wife of Calvin F. Spear, in the 27th year of her ago. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend her funeral from her late rnsidunoo.

No. 325 Madiaon on Tuesday, 27th at 2 o'clock P. M. VAN BUREN At JacltBouvillo, Fla Pocomber 23, Harry P. Van Buren, youngest son of the lato Alexander L.

Van Buren, of this city, In the 23rd year of his age. Albany papers please copy. WEAVKR Benjamix II. Weaver, aged 31 yoaw. Funeral will take placo from tho residence of tus mother.

No. 05 Flaot placo, on Monday, December 2ti, at 2 o'clock. WOODBURYIn Brooklyn, on Friday evening, December 2X Hknuy WoonuOHY, eon in law of tho lato Charles Parker, aared 39 roars. Relatives and friends are respectfully inrifd to attend his funeral, from his late residence, f07 Oar! ton av, at 4 o'clock P. Tuesday.

27th in st. itlEISTING. OFFICE OF THE FIDELITY AM) CASUALTY COMPANY OF NICW YORK. Do cemherS'), 1HSI The stockholders of this company are hereby notified that the annual mooting for olfiction of diroctors for tho ensuing year and also for tho transaction of such otDer bustneas as may conio beforo them will bo held at tho office of the company, No. 187 Broadway, on TUKSDAY, the 3rd of January, 1882.

at 11 o'clock A. M. The polls will ho open from II to 12 o'clock. Transfer books will be closed from December 27, 1881, to January 4, 1882. M.


C. B. 8001 FT will be hold at the OOL ROOM. Jay st. om SUNDAY RVRNINO.

De comber 25, at 7:0 o'olock, to take aotion on the death of oar lata brother mamber, THOMAS LAWLOR. Byordea, JAMBS B. MoNAMBE, President. P. Kaoan, Recording Secretary.

COIlOiVKHS' NOTICES. THE BODY OF AN UNK OWN WOMAN in now lying at Morgue awaiting identification. She is about SO yoars of age, ft feet 4 inches in height, wore when found black dreai. brown sack, buttou shoes, white stockings, gold bra4tuiu and black rubbor earrings. JOHN T.

PARKER, Coroners. rnoFosALN. SEALED PKOPOSALS WILL BE BE oeived at the oQice of the BOARD OF EDUCATION until Tuesday, January 3, 1882, at 4 o'olock P. for con eying books and supplies from the depot in Red Hook lanu to and from the various achoo d. Information can be obtained at tho office of the board.

Names of two responsible persona will bo required for the faithful performance of tho contract. Tbo hoard resprroa tbo right to reject any irregular bids, or any which may not be for the interest ot the hoard. OHARLtS U. TEALK. Chairman Committee on Libraries.

FFICB OF THE CITY RAILROAD and 10 Fulton st Brooklyn, Da umbo 1881. Undor and by authority of a reHolution of the Board of Directors, for tue purpose of retiring its funded dobt, and for eitendingita lines and other improvements, the ftxeoutive OommtTtee of the Brooklyn City Railroad Company invito proposals for eight hundred thousand dollars of its flrat mortgage bonds, scoured by a mortgage or trust deed. to the Brooklyn Trust Company, on tho franchises, licenses and 44 miles of double track and appurtenances and when issued will bo the ouly bonded indebtedness of the company. They are in denominations of one thousand dollars each will boar interest at tbe rat of five (5) per payable semi annually, on tho first day of Jul and January duo in twonty years, but redeemable at the option of the company any time after ten yoars: are ooupon or may be registered. Proposals, indoreod as suob, for all or any part of these bonds, will be received until noon of January 3, 1882, when said proposals will be opened.

No bids at lose than par and accrued interest will be considered. Tho right is reserved to reject any and all bids nob deemed for tho best intoreut of the company. Further information may be obtained on application at the oompany's office. WILLIAM LB WlS.Jsctotary. DENTISTRY.

EAUTIFUIj SET OV GUM T3ETH, from (8 to $19 extracting with or without latmhlaic 8aa included; extracting 2.1 canta; vuth gas, SU conta; ilinc, SO oants to cleaning tooth. 50 oents to 41; laugmns: gas ireah daily all work warranted. Dr. L. J.

UOVT, dentist, 85 Faiton st, opposite Oitj Uall. near Park Theater. cfcAiRvoyAwra. XOOB MAHAL, WONOEKFUL AND Xl world renowned Indian astrologl.t, cauies speedy marriage with one yon lore unites the aooarated give, lack remoTBS all ovil influences reatorea lost affection works Porsian and Hindoo magic; a ires Ugyptian talia. mans: euros ererjthini, Fat from 25 conti.


Great bargains for caau. Parlor and chamber eulta In great Tarioty. BRYANT STRATTOM COMMHK01AL KOHOOL PENH MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 0. O. Pr.nclual.

BHOWNH'B BU3INKS9 COL LEGE 30 1 r'ulton at. onnoaito Johnson 2i yoara Writing, ting biHikkeoplnir, arithmetic, correRponUelicB, ao biiHuiex. practice, oro tho Spociul attention to grown pofjons. unit ur tt lo futare ot ivts a cuanty aeaarrinjt oral support; Editor of lKt t'prtillyn Eagle: 'mi if tha experiment ha ever'lrSjjwialad of brloging up infants where fjMjt'trjy human language, with a view to as certaln MSXauguage they would converse as tboy become abTAIvikrlieulsto. If the experiment has beea, tried uioate telllnni wherr, whore aud by whom and with rfuirt iesujta.

A lady friend, to whom I suggested the) has informed me that the experiment haB bee inJroHd that the babies conversed with eaoh Other ini flUra Oroek. Olio of tho first words, which a baby ten, she says, is "Abba," according to her, Greek for father. D. B. T.

An exierimant of tha sort yon apeak of woold not be toloratod in elvfllaed, at least notin OhtlstUn.eom muultieS but It Is said to havo been onoa made by monarch of ancient Lybla who Liarf two babies placed 1st! a cave and fed by than whoiaxtkey never saw thoy spoke thoir flrat fwc nruau, auu wniOB uiey uiiorea lutu uiaub in to them. Ta Is substantlaliith atory. It may be' true but if we had tht identical bread handed to youngsters in the oaro, it would not prove (aa tbav rnonaroh in question patriotlcaUy oonoladod) thataJa. language wa. the original one among all the tongues of the earth.

A great many learned minds have beeny" in different ages engaged on the aonslderation of tha probablo origin of human language and while 'soraa. have argued that it is a result of gradual meet, the greater number have, with that reverence oZ things not comprehensible which scemB natural to Uta human mind, asonbed its origin to Divinity itself and Ure world generally accepts that easy explanation to li may, however, bo obiervod, tbat tha theory that man ta tho only animal that thinks or has a Ian. guage in which to clothe bis thoughts is not now aa copted. Animals are seen to argue from oauso to) effect, and from effect to cause. If you doubt thiav.

give an able.bodled dog a hot pan, nicely greased, to lick, and see what he will do with you the sooond UpMr you offer It, even If it be week, afterward, lou WiU; then be convinced that a dog has other mental fsottl ties beside that of memory. You will also find that tw is able to oxpresB himself ln a language that has. differ ent Bound, for the different feelings of pain andt shame aa well as of lovo and pride and although yon. cannot speak his language, perhaps, you can undar stand it. And you will probably, draw the conolnoai that one roaBon wby an anknal's language is so limited.

is because hli thoughts are 'Knitted to' bis wants, another la that hia organs of speeeh are eapablaof pxa ducing Just (hose sounds that arj necessary to express his thoughts, Apply this ded notion to the humans how unnoowsary a Divine Ia terpoSitTSn is in the sense already referred to Jra order that a man may speak a) finite and oomprahti etve language snoh as we'ueo day. His organaol speech are floxlbbj and oapattaot' producing mattlfoIsT eo'unflW whlchi Joy fixed rules, express his manlloia thoughta. MONEY HAKKET. A Sharp JDecliue In StocU Flnetan lion for ttae Week. Wall Street, Saturday Evening, December 3.

The bearish demonstrations whioh ops menced lost week were renewed on Monday and tiuued durlug the week, until Friday, when the market was temporarily turned upward. Tho tone waa ttVa settlod to day, although the tendency was generally upward. The movement of tbe last ten days suited in jhe' liquidation of large numbers of.jloiatf. f. accounts, and.

is outsiders generally operate oni jhjaB Bide of the market the losses havo boeu dlstrifyrtMf pretty freely among this olas. of speculators. Thav professionals who bave been persistent beara atnoa, July have reaped the benefit "of the decline. The Indications now point to a moro active nisrkot in the near, future, and as there ha. been good buying of atocloa within the past few day.

then may be sharp ria early ln January. The following table shows the hlgbeBt and sales of Government bonds and lsading etbcki xob day during tbe week. The blank, in the table Ih'dieaUiHs there were no transactions: Title. 9 a U.S. 6s.

i83i. ex U.S. 5s, 1881, ex I 102 IO, hh Hs, taet.r i m4 um u.b..'891. 0 A. At 1007.

i 1H 117H I 1I7VC W. U. 8. 4s of 1007, jwmi uwir. Jisji lig.K' liaii ni.i,;.,'a U.S.s,1007.sml U.

S.cuvrenoy 6a Omaha S7X, HI, S7 3d Omaha preiened gjl 01 Wab.8t I.AP". gg W.St LAPpfd PUla. A Reading. Mo. Kan.

Texas Canada Southern Miaacuri Pacific, Oen. A Hudron Louisville Erie. 4W Northw estem p'd KokVlaland .00 A Mis. Ifw Jeraey Han. A St." Ban.

4 St J. prfd' Western OnlottM Pacific Illinois. fixdi'ideud. it sii't mx, so i awe 1st' 4 mi Wlkl 1U1M JOlfl I ast Sii j(LjflK mMHmmn i tt i LaHHtKrSSi n3. ne i iwfii mi li ill ill I1l li .1....:.

I.VO iniH: a 1 134 1) lJf 18SX tmt i wi? ssh' SJ: om 4tSV' '3' k3sS; iwft vm w'i rjta 4 CgJ tef I I mi.

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