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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


20. of 1,891 pupils. Messra. Hurlhert, Hart and.BMger, the efficient Local Committee, and a goodly number of ladies were ia attendance, and tho Interest of the ooca Mon was materially enhanced by the unforseen circumstance that the farewell chanced to be coincidental with tho ninth anniversary of the organization of the school. The programme comprised singing, declamation and recitation, and was rendered in a dogreo of proficiency alike creditable to pupils and toachors.

No. 27, has now been in ohargo of its present principal, Miss Agnes S. Humphrey, for a period of nearly two years, daring which that lady, has manifested great executive ability and, by untiring energy, succooded, with the aid of a faithful corps oi femole assistants, and tho oncouage mont and hearty co operation of the Local Oommltee, in establishing a well merited and enviable reputation alike for herself and tho school. Miss Humphrey was an assistant teachor in No. 27, at its commencement, nino years age, since which time her' associate teachers hare, oho by one departed, and yesterday, she alone of the original staff was present.

There wero also ton pupils present whose names have remained upon tho roll and wha have attended the school during its entire existence but who are now near the timo for graduation. At the close of tho exercises, which were pleasingly varied, pertinent remarks were made by tho gentlemen composing tho Local Committee, and No. 27, after a successful career of well nigh a full decade, during which it has increased seven hundred per cent, in magnitude was dismissed to assemblo on Monday morning with ranks depleted thirty per oent. in number at a single draft. Dentistry Notice to the publio Oar pnr pooa in advertising this dental buslnoss, is to inform persons rcnuirinjt the aorvioos of flrat olass dontlsts, that there is a place in this city whore thoy oan bavo their work attended to in a most oomploto and satisfactory manner, and at a cost, to themselves, of a vary Blight advanoo ootnally paid dot for matorial usod.

It must also bo understood that these dontalopcrations aro porformod by thoroughly oducatod dontiflts, uf many yoarB praotioo in the bualnosa, and tho Principal himaolf a graduate of ono of tho celebrated medical schools of Philadelphia and of, twonty four yeara constant praotlco. Consequently, persons requiring deceased tooth or roots of tooth extraotod, white undor tho influencoof nitrous oiido or laughing mako pnro and frosh daily, or desire to go undor the tnuuouoo of chloroform or other, will bo in tho 'hands of a thoroughly educated and comptont physiolan aud dontist. It i tho determination of tbo propriotcr to poraistontly advartiaa this business, until tho publio fully appreciate tha fact that they can havo thoir dental work dono in a oomploto manner and at a most roasonnblo figure. PI0533 observe prices. Tho very beBfc work on rubber, boss teeth ani pur est material, embracing all tho latest improvements, with continuous gums and plumpers if necessary, $10.

Partial sote, por tooth, $1. Filling, with boat gold.bcst plating and bono cements, at vory low rates. In conoluaicn, all wo ask is a visit to our establishment before leaving your orders elsewhere. No ohargo for oxtraotlng toeth when work is orderod. J.

II. Lomqbmeoker, M. D. and Oporativo and Mechanical Dontist and Principal of tho Assooiatod Dan 261 Mod st, dirootly opposito Clinton Brooklyn. Cleabtno Out Clearing Out Heath Busn, 243 Fulton st, aro oloaring out tho balanoo of thoir fall and winter stock at vory groat rodnotions; noarly al goodB sold quito as low as boforo tho daya of nigh prlcos We have Indiaputedly tho finest and most oomploto stock of hoBiery and underwear this Bido of Broadway.

Our laoo and laco articles wcro carefully soleotod with roforonoo to fino city txado. Embroideries, filings and puffings in end less variety. Bibbons of the richest shades in all tho dosir ablo Btylesand widtm. Examine and prico our goods and satisfy yoursolvos that our roduotions aro not imaginary bu real. Atttx 334 Fulton st, have received, direct from Europo, three hundrod yards of silk plush of tho finest quality, manufactured exprossly for thoir Spring style of hats.

Gstlomon who go to Now York aud pay ton and fifteou dollars for hatB, will please mako a noto of tho faot. EDITION EAGliE OFFICE, 1 P. AaUEERCASE. Sl Sharper Beaten at ELis Otm Game. A Bomewhat fashionably attiied young German, uiving Ihe namo N.

Opponheim, which is. believed to bo fictitious, wag escorted' before Police Justice Walsh, yesterday afternoon, by Officer McNamara, of tho Forty first Precinct, and arralgnad upon a charge of petit larceny, in the alleged stealing of Hvo dollars from James Brogan, a gardener, hailing from the cornor of Court street and Hamilton avonue. The story of the case, as related by tbo oomplainnnt, was ludicrously illustrative of how a sharp may suddenly bo converted into a fiat, and made to appear ridiculous in the extreme. It appears that last Saturday Brogan advertised in the Herald for a situation as gardener, and tho eamo day Oppcnhcim called upon him, and, stating that he had been authorized by a New Haven gentleman to omploy a gardener, finally engaged Brogan, andstartcdwith him for Now York, en route for Ms now home in tho land of artificial nutmegs, Whilo passing through Conrt strcot Oppcnhcim handed Brogan a bogus check for (36, requesting him to retain it until he could havo it cashed. This Inspired tho confidence of Brogan who beliovod the Check genuine to a degree that when a loan of two dollars was subsequently eolioited by Opponheim tho credulous gardener generously launched out a tolling Opponheim to procure change.

OBtenBibly to obtain the change, Opponheim stepped into tho front'door of Brice's drug Btore, Falton stroet, near rork, and leaving Brogan waiting for him upon the sidewalk, he mado a hasty exit from the rear of the store and eBcaped. Discovering tho robbery, Brogan consulted his friend, Patrick Brady, of No. 72 Dufflold street, and caused the insertion of another, advertisement in the same journal yesterday, for a situation as coachman for Brady. This had the desired effect, for Oppenhoim called upon Brady yeatorday afternoon, and spinning the samo yarn that had misled the ambitious but over confiding Brogan, was promptly handed over to the officer, by whom he waa escorted to tho Police Court Oppenheim, who is of medium stature, with brown hair, eyes and whiskers, and of rathor inspiring pres ence, acknowledged his guilt when arraigned, and stated, by way of palliation, that ho had been indacod by designing men to play faro, and having boon thus reduced to a condition of the most dire impccunioslty, had been forced to resort to his little game in order to replenish his deploted exchequer. Justieo Walsh gavo the discomfittcd sharper somo good advice, after which ho sentenced him to pay a fino of fifty dollars, in default of which ho was sent to tho Penitentiary for six months.

WALL STUEET THIS MIINI3G. Walt, Sttveet, January 29. Tho stock market opened with considerablo animation, at about tho closing figures of lafct night. Gold opened this morning at and wont off to 0, and 6 per cent are paid for oarrving. LONDON, Jan.

2911 A. Sf. Consols, for monoy, 92; Consols, for account, S2, American Securities quiet and steady. 0 203, 1863, 87; 1807, 86; 10 40a, 84 Stocks quiot. Illinois, 103; Erie, IBM; Atlantic, 25.

LrvEnrooL, Jan. 29 11 A. M. Cotton oponB quiet. Salos estimated at 10,00 bal93, Middling Uplands.

Middling Orloans, Lokdoh, Jan, 29th 2 Consols for Money and for Account, 92)f. S. 5 2J's, 1S62, 67; 1865 87, 1867 SS 10 Illinois, 103. Erio, 18Ji. Atlantioi25.

Liverpool, Jan. 23th 2 P. M. Cotton dull and lower. Salos 10,000 bales; 2,000 ouport and speculation.

Uplands, 11U, Orleans, 115. Stock. Excliaiigo Sales First lioarrt. New YonK. January 23.

1870. 1000 US 6s 81 119. 200 do be 52V 6(MX) 6 20 65 1 15 6 Am Mor un lix. 37 lOONV CenAHRK KH, 200 do be rcono a 92 5000 do Sf3'i 100 Erie 23 25Mioh OenR 118 100 do 5H0US5 6CC0 do 114)v ECO do 114 1000 5 20 67 114K'1 10C0 do 114J EMHlUSCs Cur liOCOTenn St6sxcou. Tenn St 6s now.

49 6000 do bet call 200 84. 71 71 7t 500 Va St 6s new lenro do R0 do 100 do 200 do bt 200 do 700 do 120 do 1C0C0 Va State tie con lum'O at new Jan a July 80 ISCCOMoStCs 01 20X00 do 9Hi 100CO Cen Pao RR Cold bdB 95 lCOO Alton ilTH Inc. 74 SttKJ Mor liss 2d mtg IMC it KI4P.HR 7s 96 1G0CO St 7 3 10 cv HI 21(100 CC ct I Con 1st 74 do B'tiWI do 73M do 73 200 Chi AN 8ii 700 do. bo 8i'J zu Li uuina 100 do HWMilAStP 5 Mil A StP ft 200 do lOOTol 100 do 74M 'i'l 5lif 52! i 100 Hi St Jos R. 107 ii of Commerce 121 Vi 100 do lUtiM 100 do 108 204 do 45 do liK 6 Amer Exc 115 SO Tftnlli 107k' 21 Tenth Nat 107 li.oPhcnix Bk 107 SO Fourth 103 9 aai 11 ix est proi 120 Mor 4 Ess 87 400 Col Ind Con 19 100 do.

MKl do 100 Cum Coal pr. SIM 100 Pitta uo 200 19); 22PacMSSCo 39K no 70 do SV i 100 Dubuque A 100 St Louis A I 40A SOUS Ex 53 I SECOND EDITION FEOm WASHINGTON, rinco an Eavl ISisor IJtitteriioll Franhing 4notlicr Item of lispeiisc fjorlbin and tlie IV. 5T. 'X imes JSooks and Brains Old. Sorbin Xbe Spoaka er'a lScccyltoii.

Washinoion, Jan. 29. THE PRINCE AN EARLY RI8EB. As the Prince is to visit your city antl afford the bov eieign Democrats and Republicans of Brooklyn tho rare privilege of carrying to thoir graves tho exquisite rccolleoliou of basking in tho smiles of royalty a "sweet boon" Artotajis Ward would havo called it every fact relating to His Royal Highness will bo of interest to your readors. Among tho important announcements of tho bulletin of the British Legation is one to the effect that Arthur who loft Ibo ball room at three o'clock rose at ton "as fresh as a lark." So seven hours is a princely allowance of sleep, and when Arthur goes to lied nt a reasonable and undieeipatcd hour ho must be an early riser.

BUTTEItFEELD is expocted to appear to day as a witness in tho gold gambling investigation. Butterfield could a talo of some interest unfold if lie would. Ho ia a living example of the curiosities of investigation. Tho inquiry holly promised in his case was as promptly abandoned and he was permitted to resign an office fronr hich it was virtuously threatened that ho should bo expelled instead. Even earnest investigation so long deferred fails of efficiency, implicated partios knowing precisely what sort of a caso thoy havo to explain.

FRANKING. An enormous distribution of publio documents may bo expected the next few months should tho bill to abolish the franking bo passed. Tho measure does not tako effect until July 1st, and tho frankers will take care to improve the brief remaining timo. ANOTHER ITEM OF EXPENSE. Dawes is talking economy in tho Houso there is not much doing in praotical retrenchment.

Tho Judiciary Committee lias prepared a bill for a now judicia circuit which will make tho tenth, and be assigned to the South. COBB1N AND THE N. Y. TIMES. The money writer of tho N.

Y. Timex his "eamo is Norvell" testified before tho Gold Gambling Committee yesterday that no person connected with the Ad ministration had anything to do with tho article which appeared in the financial columns of the Times. This statement as to the "financial columns" is all right for Norvoll, but ho says nothiug about an article by Corbin which appeared in tho Times columns other than "financial." Tho effect of tho articlo was Bpoilod for Corbin's purposes by the alteration of a sentence, but people aro still puzzled to know how Corbin came so near to running the Times for his and Fisk's benofit. BOOKS AND BRAINS. Under the new scale adopted by tho Ways and Means foreign books must pay twenty five cents a pound duty and periodicals and pamphlets fifteen cents.

Meantime tho brains of foreign authors may be stolon by American publishers ns usuul. OLD COEBIN he may on his own showing bo thus described without disrespect soys ho is nearly seventy, nnd recalls sadly his visits here forty fivo years ago and tha mon then leaders who have aU disappeared from public life. Yesterday ho was more disposed to favor tho Committee with "recollections of a busy life" than to answer directly and satisfactorily tho questions addressed to him. A comparison of his and risk's evidence shows mistakes, and misunderstanding, and misreportinc which, woro the witnesses men of less clarified reputation, would indicate very hard swearing. THE SPEAKER'S RECEPTION.

Few if any receptions are moro numorouBly attended lhau the Speaker's. Everybody likes to stand well with tho Spcakor, and his official position in a largo meas ure exacts from him impartial courtesy to all. Mr. and Mrs. Blaine receive overy ovening.

There is always a largo attendance and last night it was increased by tho report that Princo Arthur would lio present. Rumor was ripht and. abont eleven o'clock he appeared. He was introduced to a numbor of porsons, behaved with a proprioly wbioh 6ome who aro anxious to bco him might emulate, and betrayed less consciousness of his lofty origin thin many poople who talk loudly of tho simplicity and equality of a democratic republic and at the first ohance run madly alter royalty. But upon tho whole thero has beon Uss of offensive fluukyism, tuft hunting and Jcnkinuism than might have been feared.

Peconic. PUBLIC SCHOOL NO. 27. interesting Reminiaconcos and Exercises. Publio Sohool No.

27, on Nelson street, near Hamilton avenue, was organized January 28, 1831, with a roll bearing tho names of only two hundred pupils. This number, however, in that thon sparsoly.populatod vicinity, was doomed a comparatively largo school. Consequent upon tho rapid improvement of South. Brooklyn, and its steady inorease'of permanent residents', No. 27 recolyed'such accessions of pupils that Its original building waa no longer of naeipiate accommodation for tho sohool, and the.

conjoint use of an adjacent structure waa necessitated. Continued augmentation of pupils engendered another and still more imperative demand for greater educational facilities in this section, and led to tho final erection of Publio Sohool No. 80, on Wnlcolt street, hetweon Van Brunt and Conovor streets. Designed for. the relief of No.

27, this school will open at nine o'olock on Monday morning with about fivo hundred pupils eelected from No. 27. In view of this fact interesting oxoroises transpired at No, 27, ycetorday, when iia roll recorded a membership FIRST TO LET IN A PRIVATE HOUSE, three rooms on tbo second floor; gas, hot and cold rater. BOHoyttt. T0 LET A PRIVATE FAMILY HAVE I rooms for a gontloman and wifo, ur for two single genilemon.

References exchanged. 68 West Warren, st. Fr0 LET A STORE, ON FULTON AVE. i Possession at onco. Apply toN.

COOPER, 81 Falton ovo, cor. Lawrence. 8t' LET A FURNISHED FRONT room to lot. for bouBokeeninir: rent S10 nor month. No.

15 Vino st, two blocks from Fnlton ferry'. mo LET TWO, THREE OR FOUR 1 roomB, suitable for housekeeping, or for gontlomon, without board. Apply at 196 Fnlton ave. ja292t' TO LET LARGE BRIOK BUILDING, offloe. ie 64 and 60 John street, for manufacturing purposes.

For terms, apply in the offloo. ja7 13f TO LET WITHOUT BOARD FUR nlfhed rooms, to singlo gontlemen, at 81 Hlnks st, References givon and required. a3i 2t TO LET TO MANUFAOTURERS with steam power, tno floors, 150x45 also, smaller rooms; all well lighted. Apply to H. W.

GREENE, 141 Plymouth st. jag) 6t LET IN NORTH OXFORD ST UP" Der nart: six rooms; water and gas; ront moderate. Apply to oao, llxVEtt, lo uaiuon bp, notweun rarit ana Flashing avoa. j29 Stw mo LET FROM MAY 1ST, ONE TF 1 those oiaht small stores and dwellings north sld of Fnlton ave, hotween Raymond and St. Felix sts.

Apply to JOHN NOBLE, 816 Fulton st, up Btairs. mi LET WATER FRONT PROPERTY, between south, t'lttn ana sontn aixtn sts, urooKtyn, ETD. Apply to OUTHBERT CUNNINGHAM. 33 Bur uug Olip, isow xurit, or uu mu premmoa. jmj ob "0" LET THE UPPER PART OF THE building (threo floors) over the storo, 35 Fnlton Bt, suitable for manufacturing or other purposes.

Inquire on Uio promisor jai)7 12tr LET SECOND FLOOR AND ONE don st, third brick house from Myrtle avo. Apply to JAS. SAMPLE, 119 Bridge Bt. mO LET A WELL FURNISHED ROOM, a for lighthouBekoopine; also, a largo hall room, for a gontleman. Apply at 41 Nassau Bt, botwoon Washington and Adams sts.

TO. LET A SMALL, HOUSE, EIGHT room, with improvomonts; ront $87 63 por month; care pass to all tho forrics. Apply to Mrs. MARK IT, Ninth tt, between Fourth and Fifth nves, oontro of block. TO LET FOUR GOOD ROOMS, ON first floor, with gas, water, at 101 Cranberry at, corner of Fulton.

Anply to JOS. B. HEN8HAW, 162 Fulton st. TO LET FOUR OR SIX ROOMS ON sooond and third floors, at 161 Degraw with water and gas, for light housekeeping, to a small family of adults. ja2l Bt TO LET HOUSE AND STORE NORTH west cor.

of Myrtle and Portland aves rant $50 por month. Inquire on the premises, or of J. WHEL AN. 213 State Bt. ja.23 3t" TO LET THE FIRST FLOOR, OON taining four rooms, in houBe cor.

Bodford avo and Jefferson stroot. Immediate possession. Inquiro on tbo premises. ja23 3t mO LET WITH IMMEDIATE POSSES sion, a neat frame cottago on Smith at, noar Wyckoff all improvements also, one in Raymond st contains wator and gas. Apply to ANDREW MAOKEY, 77 Fnlton avo.

jaast' mO LET A FINE TONED PIANO JL forte, on rcasonablo terms, to partios who will tako good care of it. Addross li. L. 256 Cumberland stroot, firniiklyn, or call between 5 and 7 o'clock at tno above placo. ja23 2t' TO LET ENTIRE UPPER PART Ol' No.

87 Fulton st; twelve rooms, gas, wutor nnd bath room. Inquiro on the promises. Also, lowor part of houso ou Graham st, first north of De Kalb avo; gas, wator, bith, Ac Incmiro on tbo promises. ioGf riio LET CLINTON AVE 75 PER JL etory month, furnished, to a small American family, a 3 honso, 33 xot)m3. ail modern improvomonts, and in ugh order.

For particulars addross E. F. Eaglo jaSaCt' ihorou. onice. mO LET THE BUILDING KNOWN AS Jt ItOXELL's Haloon, Fulton nve, tho hindaomast front on tho stroct: store Tvill bo let soparatoly if dosirod.

Inouiro of W. h. TUUXFjIiL, wner, tn Troxell Photograph Gallery, 3IS1 Fulton avo. ja356t' rf0 LET THE FARLR AND BASE mont floor of tho 3 story, brick house 77 Powers st, near Bergen, consisting of eight rooms; has bath room, beater and rango tho ball furnishod immediate possession; rent 40 por month. JOHN N.

BITEL, 217 Carlton avenue. ia29 fit TO LET FURNISHED ROOMS FOR lodgingB, $3 per weok; two rooms, front, unfurnished, $12; four rooms on second floor, unfurnished gas and water throughout; good location ten minutes of Fulton ferry. W. S. McILVAIiV, Koal Estate Broker, 4 Sands strcot J52L3'L TO LET A 2 STORY AND BASEMENT house, with all modern improvomonts, on Third st, south side, near Hoyt; also, on Hojt st, next to tbo cornor of Third.

Apply to JOHN J. TOWNSENO, 50 Wall St. N. or GEORGE H. HEATH, corner of Third place and bmithat ja3a 6l mO LET I ON THE JL Heights Two rooms, on second floor, conveniontly and pleaBantly located, second door from Clinton st, throo roinuttB' walk from City Hall.

Breakfast with tho family, if defired. All improvements; rooms wannod by heater. Address RALEIGH. Brooklyn P. O.

ja27 3ta TO LET BY A SMALL FAMILY OF adults, a second floor, of two furnishod rooms, singly, for lodcings, or to married partios, for light housekeeping moro room if desired; terms moderate; within five minutes' walk of South and Wall st. forrios. 18 Willow place. ja29 2t mO LET SECOND FLOOR, FUR Jl nisliod, on Adolphi st, near Groono ave. suitable for light housekeeping; twe large roomB and alcovo; bath reom nnd water closot on samo floor; hot and cold wator; rent, including gas, $35 por month but ono othor family ia the house; roferonco exchanged.

Address A. A. Box 4,797, New York Post Offlco. mo LET FACTORY EN JL tire brick building, 55x35, including a fino, polishod, 6c hor60 power engine, with boilers near northeast cornel of Bridge and John Bts ia two stories high, with dry collar, which can be entered with a cart; party adjoining will divide tbo expense of running the engine. Apply only to G.

H. BLISS, 66 South st, N. Y. ja'2l 12 mo LET NOS. 23 AND 25 VANDER 1 but avo, two new throe story Philadelphia brick front houses aro firfitclaas.

and havo all the modern imnrovo ments; can bo seen from 1 till 5 o'clock, by applying at tho houses, whore there will be a person to show them and givo information as to ront; or can apply to B. BLANCO. 13 South vi liliam bi, New lorK. jaMbt' mO LET NOS. 207, 215, 221 AND 223 1 Grand nvo.

between DeKalb and Lafayette avenues. These houses are brown Btono fronts, aro tirstrclassand havo all tno modern improvomonts. Can be soen irom fl to 12 nV.lock. hv annlvinn at 215. where there is a Derson to nhnw the bouses, and give information as to rent, or oan apply to ri, jtibAftuu.

i'looutu iviiuam st. nowjorn. y.ini tit mO LET ONE STORE, AND TWO I floors of five rooms, or less, each water, gas and stationary tubB rent very low to good tenants. Also, stablo if wanted. Ono largo loft, suitablo for licht manufacturinc nnrnoses or meotjng room.

Apply at ITilrd st, botween Hoyt and Bond. P. 'I hkhiau Lr, jaSSft TO LET HANDSOMELY FURNISHED rooms to lot, by a Private family, located from 5 to 10 minutes of tho tbroo principal ferries; the rooms are vory airy nna noaitny; jocauon vorj nanusomo ana private. Terms very moderate to rosncotablo parties; orcanaocom modalc a low young men with the best of board torms reasonable. Ploaso apply at 30 Cbeover placo, botween Hicks and Henryjrts.

ja27 Bt TO LET A LARGE FRONT PARLOR and bod room, with pnntrios, marble mantol pioco, gas on second story, and a largo front basomont, with gas, water, sink and wastc pipo connecting; ront $14. Also, a back parlor and bod room, with closets, marblo niantel picco on Bcoond Btory, water and gas, and a good basomont water, gas and sink in basomont. Apply on tho promisos, 1,233 Myrtlo avo. Ront $14. Possession immodiatolv, ja92t" mO LET IN THE VILLAGE OF NEW JL Utronht, a largo and handsomo new store and basn mcnt, 30x65 feet all fitted up with counters, eholves, and everything complete for any business; also, throe very nico cottage houses, suitable lor genteel families and summer residences also, a small store, suitable for a butchor or sh'io maker's shop.

Apply to DANfELL O'NEILL, on tho south west corner of Chambers and Oontro sts. over the engine house, or at tho Now Utrocht Hotel, in tho village. A Terrace), fronting Ptcspect Park, a desirablo residence witb eightcon lots of ground, plentifully supplied with all kinds of fruit trocs, Ac. tbo Iiduso contuins six slpki; rooms, tso parlors, dining and reception rooms, library, bath room and kitchen; all heated wifh botair; stablo and carriage houso; will bo rented to a good tenant at a mod ir ato rent possession given immediately. Apply to Mc NAUGHT.

at 151 West Twonty ninth st, or at Ward's Hotel, City line, Brooklyn. ja2S 3t mO LET FURNISHED DWELLINGS. Montague Bt, brown stono, 20 rooms, iinoly frosoood. jium et, urovrn srono, io rooms, irescooa, ovory imp 3,500 F.iSt brown Btone. 20x59, 18 rooms, overy iihp 3,000 DeKalb ave, brown stono, 25x50, 13 rooms, every imp.

Garden Bt. brick, 27x50, 12 rooms, all imp 2,500 Honry st, brown stone, 25x50, 13 rooms, evory imp 2,500 j.tenorrs sr, urics, zuxw, rooms, an imp DeKalb ave, briok. II rooms, all imus 1,500 UNFURNISHED DWELLINGS. Second pi, brown stono, 1G rooms, frescoed, ovory Henry st, brown Btono, 13 rooms, ovory imp 1,300 Myrtlo ave, corner, framo, all imp, extra ground 1,200 Carlton avo, brick, 12 rooms, all imp. marblo halls 1,000 Elliott pi, brick, 2Ix4012 rooms, all imp 1,003 First et, brick, 20x40, 12 rooms, all imp tsOI) Ninth Bt, ftame, 25x34, 12 rooms, all imp 700 Henry Bt, near Middagh, framo, 11 rooms 700 WYCKOFF LITTLE, Sole Agents, 161 Montague st, Brooklyn, ond 74 Cedar at, N.

Y. FOB SALE. FOR SALE THE LEASE AND Fixtures of the oorner Liquor Storo oorner of Smith and Warron Bts. Inquire on tno promises. ja29 3t FOR SALE THE STOCK, FIXTURES and aood will of a liquor storo, known as tho Ocean House, 34 West Warron Bt; doing a good business; reason for selling: death of thoproprioter.

FOR SALE A GOOD, THREE SEATED, shifting top Rockaway wagon, with shaft ana polo nearly new. Apply to FRED, tho butcher, in Third ave, near Twenty fourth st, Gowanus, near tho transfer omoe. FOR SALE HALF OR WHOLE OF A good carting businoss trucks, horses and oart. witb woik of four stores nnd good outside work. Inquire of cartman, 171 Front et, N.

Y. ja33 3t FOR SALE MANURE AT A. 4" f. POLHEMUS' Stable, 85 and 87 Division avo, Brooklyn, E. the manuro of b'5 horses will be for.

sale by tho FOR SALE PRICE 2,000 cash only, wanted ou a thrao 3tory brick, northwest cor. of Fourth ave, and Warren st. Apply at No. 104 Gates EOR SALE THE STOCK, FIXTURES and good will of the Dry Goods and Fonoy Store on avo, between Seventeenth and Eightoouth sts, South Brooklyn. ja27 3t TOR SALE ONE BURDON'S 15 A horse ongine; throo largo vacuum pumps, copper U900jono boiler Jron still, 1,000 gallons oapacity.

Apply to OUTHBERT A CUNNINGHAM, foot of South Fifth st, Brooklyu.Ji D. ja23 St" FOR SALE OHKAP 100 TO 1,000 feet of woodon drain or swill pips, 10 inch bore, 18 foot sections, and throo in thickness; oan bo u3od for distil lory, sugar houso, oto. Apply ot M. BOVLAN'S, Thirty third at. and Tenth ave, Now York oitv.

jqsg 3t tOR SALE GROCERY STORE, ON JL' Smith et, on account of sioknoss; also, moat stand, in Fulton market, milk depot and route, and other Btores, for sale. J. B. WENDELL, 269 Court st, one door from Union. ja29 6t iOR SALE A REAL ESTATE BUSI ness, well located, on ono of tho host business atroets in Brooklyn; office niooly fitted up; haling other business to attend to, will sell out.

Address REAL ESTATE BUSI NE8S. Eaglo offlco. ja99 3t FOR SALE A FIRST CLASS, GRO cory, in Brooklyn, well established and doing a good business. Tho businofswill be sold oomploto; goodwill, Btock, fixtures, homes, wagons, Ao. Address O.

Box 4,491, New York P. O. ja27 Stood iOR SALE TO BE SOLD BY A FAM ily who intend to leave tho States A full assortment of furniture, oomprising. two bod room sots, one kitchon and one parlor sot, carpets, Ac, in good order. Call for tiro dayB at 371 Bodford ave, near Myrtle.

ja28 2t FOR saLe a flour and feed storo, now doing a first class trado, on a loading street location unsurpassed terms easy; satisfactory reasons given for soiling. For partioulars, addross FEED STORK, Brooklyn P. O. Ja3j at EOR SALE THE GOOD WILL AND five years' lcaso of a first class Grocory Storo, now an oxoollent business; satisfactory reasons givon for soiling. Apply on tho promises, 17S Smith st, oornor of Warron.

THOMAS WALSH. Ja27 13t FOR SALE THE LEASE ANDTTIX turofl of an old ostsblishod grooery and bnttor store, in a. first rate bnsinnss Inn.alitv: nlsn. a nnt. nf hnlnlinnti tnroB, consisting of racks, blocks, tables and ioo bouso; will bo sold low if applied for within throB days.

Tho abova storo is a desirable looation for either a grooor or butohnr. iippiy at oan myrriie ave. ja34 bt FOR SALE SEWING MACHINES OF all lrlnln n. anAAn 1 mncbinOS takon in nart. nivmnnl.fiinnvnnn4.

chinos allowed towards purchasing any of tho differont umas; oiBo, snooiai attention nam to tne teaomng of operators. No. CO Myrtlo avo, near Bridge Bt. Jal2 lm MOUSES, CAnlAES, ELEGANT CARRIAGES CONSTANTLY onhasdtolot at M. MOWAJJS' LONG ISLAND STABLES.

Nos. 9 aud 11 Host Bt, near Fnlton ave. B. No carriages to lot on Sundays for Tiding. do28 8m ELEGANT CARRIAGES CONSTANTLY on hand to let at AM US M.

KOWAN'H CUMBERLAND STREET STABLES, No. 342 Cumberland Bt, near Fulton avo. N. B. No carriages to let on Sundays for ploasuro riding.

FOR SALE SEVERAL HORSES, JUST nirived from Canada, among thom'two heavy borsas and some suitablo for grooors, warranted sound and kind. Apply to or addross JOHN OUftRAN, No. 4.1Iittlo st, opposito Plymouth at, ja338t 1JOR SALE A BLACK MARE, 15 3 4 hands high, years old fine saddle inaro good sin Sle or double oan trot in and norfootly Bonud and genial also, anew BhlftJmr.toD bmrmr: never beon usnd nlf.v xuuuiiu ui u. if. it 1 1 ii ii (j, uur.

uuurt auaoouurmer. rfHUROH OF THE REDEEMER, COR. Fourth ave. onl Paoifio st. Rev.

BDW 1RD SWP, Rector Sunday BorviooB at 10X A. M. and VA P. M. Sunday School at 8 IP.

M. CHUROil OF THE HOLY TRINITY. Rev. MORGAN WX Will proaoh in ths morning, and Rev. FRANCIS VINTON, D.

in tho evening. CLINTON AVE. BAPTIST OHfJROH, Clinton ave, noar Myrtlo Rov. Dr. HISOOX, Pastor.

Fresrhingevory 8UNDAY, roormng and ovonlug. Sunday. Sohool and Bibio Olasaes )i P. M7 Prayer meeting every Friday ovening. Clinton avo, near Myrtle.

HITRQH OF THE REFORMATIOjfi Protestant Episcopal, avo. near Olaunn. Rnv, D. R. BREWER, Rootor.

Sermon TO MORROW EVENING by Rev. Dr. DILLER, of Bt Luko's Churoh. Morning Borvico at 10 crelook. rlHUROH OF THE SAVIOUR, CORNER of PJerropont st.

and Monroo nlaoe. Rsv. N. P. PUTNAM, Pastaf, will lecture TO MORROW EVENING, at tho usual hour of service, on "Tho Life, Oharaotor and Services of Gourgo Poabody." CENTRAL CONG.

CHURCH, CORNER "of Ormnnd nlaoo and Jefferson at The Pastor, Rev. J. CLEMENT FRENCH, nill proaoh in the lnornimr, ond tho Rov. Mr. BENTON, recently from Mt.

Lebanon, in tho evonfng. Pray or meetings Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday evenings of next week. CHURCH OF THE NEW JERUSALEM (Swedonborgian), nornor of Clark street and Monroo nlaoo Rov. J. C.

AGER. Pastor Morning Bervioo at 10 Evening servico, 1 o'olook. Snbjoot in tho Kvonin: "Tho Spiritual Rosurreotlon and the Spiritual Marriage." Bests free toalt COME TO THE LOVE FEAST AND Speaking Mfeeting TO MORROW, at 8 o'olook, in Onmborlnnd Bt. Ohapol, throo doors from Lafayotto avo. for Jesus has promised that whore, two or throo meet together in His name, there He is in tho midst of thom to bless thom.

IHUROH OF THE PILGRIMS THE Church of the Pilgrims, Rev. R. 8. 8TORRS, Pastor, will hold its sorvioos TO MORROW, and on succeeding Sundays, until further notice, iu tho Aoadomy of Muslo, at 10J4 A.M. and 754 P.M.

All who may desire to attend those sorvioes are cordially invited to do so. del88l'8 EAST BROOKLYN BAPTIST CHURCH. Bedford ave, noar Myrtlo. Preaching TO MORROW at lOfcs A. M.

and VA P. by tho Pastor. Rov. HIRAM HUTCHINS. Sabbath Sohool at 2 P.M.

Baptism iu tho evoning. TJIMMANUEL CHURCH, CORNER OF JCJ Presldont and Smith ste. Sunday sorvioes at lOJtf Stand IJi P. M. TO MORROW (Jan.

SO) EVENING the Rootor, Rov. will deliver the third in the coureo of expository discourses on the Book of Gonosis. Snuday School at 2M P. M. FRIENDS' MEETING I I G.

DORLAND, a Minister of tho Sooioty of Friends, has appointed a publio meotimr for Divine worship, at o'olock TO MORROW EVENING, 30th at Friends1 Mooting Houso, Lafayette ave, oor. of Washington. The publio are cordially invitod. THIRST UNIVERSALIST CHURCH, Groono avo, between Carlton avo. and Adelplil St.

Rev. E. O. BOLLES, Pastor. Sorvioos at 10X A.

M. and Hi P. Sunday Sohool at 2 5tf P. M. In Evening, sovonth lecture of tho course on Preachers and Preaohing." Sub joofc "Chalmers." iMRBENIC AVE.

METHODIST EPISCO PAL CHURCH, near Tomnkins avo. Rov. A. H. MEAD, Pastor, will preach at 10)4 A.

M. A Revival Mooting for experiouco and prayer at 3 o'olock P. M. Sunday School Monthly Missionary Meeting at 7 o'clock P. Addresses by layman.

Singing by children. Tho publio niado welcome. in RAND AVE. CHAPEL, GRAND AVE. XX near Myrtlo.

Preaching TO MORROW, by the Rov. Mr. NEWHALb, at 10X A.M. Sunday School Monthly Meeting, at 1U addrcBBoa by Rev. ALFRED TAYLOR, nf Now York, Edi'or "8 S.

Workman," and Rev. THOMAS J. BROWN, of Philadelphia. Boats free, and all weloomed to these sorvicoa. I LONG TO BEHOLD HIM ARRAYED with glory ond light from above.

Tbo King, in his beauty, displayed HiBboautyof holiest lovo. Thro will bo a Prayer and Speaking Meeting TO MORROW AFTERNOON; in Cumberland et. Chapel, throo doors from Lafay etfo avo, at 3 OHNSON ST. CHURCH, COR nerof Jay st. Preaching SUNDAY, by the Pastor, Rov.

J. K. SEARLES, at 10 A.M., and at 7 in tho ovening, a sermon by Bpectal P. S. Tho rovival moot ings having boon snccosssfnl during the past weok, will bo continued' next weok.

AH' who desiro religion aro 8peciBlly inviteo AF A YETTE AVE. CHURCH( REVi DR JLa' Cnyler's. Rev. Dr. JOF1N HALL, of Fifth twoum, Now York, will proaoh in Dr.

Cnvlcr's church TO MOR EOW EVENING. aH tfojook. TORAVIAN CHURCH, JAY STREET, iYH near Myrtlo avonue. Preachingon SUNDAY at HIM A. M.

and P. by tho Pastor, Rav. 'EDWARD RONDTHALER. Tho publio aro cordially invitod. "LDDLE REFORMED CHURCH, HAR rison street, near Court Tho Pastor eloct, Rov.

rARD P. INGERSOLL. of Indianapolis, will nroach TO MORRGW, (Sunday), at 10j; A. and 7Jj P. Al.

All are invited. NORTH REFORMED CHURCH, CLER mont ave, near Myrtlo Rev. W. T. ENYARD, Pastor.

Preaching by tho Pastor TO MORROW, at 10 A. M. Tho regular monthly mooting of tho children will bo hold in tho Churoh, oxoroises commencing at IU P. M. Interesting addresses may bo expected.

Sunday Sohool at P.M. OLD ST. ANN'S, CORNER OF WASH ington and Prospect sts, Brooklyn SUNDAY, Jan. 80th, morning service at 11, sermon by the Rov. HENRY V.

DEGEN. Evening service at 7 :30. Bermon by tho Rov. HUNTINGTON, Reotor of tho Church of tho Evan golists, Broqklym TiERREPONT ST. BAPTIST CHURCH, I corner of Pierrepont and Clinton sts.

Rov. W. W. HAMMOND, Pastor. Preaching TO MORROW, morning and ovening, at usual hours, by the Pastor.

Strangers al ways welcome ond Boats choerfuliy provided. REV. ALFRED TAYLOR. EDITOR OF Sunday School Workman," will address tho Grand avo. Sunday School, TO MORROW EVENING, services commencing at iy.

o'clock, in tho Chapel, Grand avo, near Myrtle. All tho friouds of tho Sunday Sohool cordially invited. REV. T. DEWITT TALMAGE WILL, on noxt SABBATH MORNING, Jaff 30th.

by ro quest of many citizens, repeat his sormon on The Biblo in the Public Schools," in the Contral ProBbytorian Ohurcb, Schermcrhorn 8t, near Novins st. SECOND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, corner of Fulton and Clinton Bts. Rov. Mr. NEVINS.

will occupy tho pulpit TO MORROW, morning and aftor noon. Services at 10J and o'clook. ST. LUKE'S FREE CHURCH REV. J.

W. DILLER, D. Rector. Sorvicos at 10 A. M.

and ly, P. M. Sunday School nt 3, Biblo Qlasa at i't P. M. Holy Communion every Sunday at 8 A.

M. TATE ST. CONG. CHURCH, STATE ST, I corner of Hovt Rov. M.

P. ADDIS. Pastor, will nroach TO MORROW, at 10 A. M. Subjoct: "My and at 7k; in tho ovening.

Subieot: "Gray Hairs." All are welcome. Revival services evory evening during tho woek, except Monday and Saturday. Sabbath School at M. and 2 P.M. ST.

JOHN'S PARISH REV. ROBERT E. TERRY, Rector: Rev, H. A. SPAFARD, Assistant Minister, Sorviccs at New Chapel, Sovonth avomio and Douglass street (St.

John's placo), at ll) A. M. and 1 P. M. Sunday School at 2M P.M.

OLD CHAPEL, Washington and Johnson sts. Seats freo. Services at! P.M. Sunday School at 3 P.M. riHE PURITAN CHURCH, CORNER OF Ja DeKalb avo.

and Walworth Preaohing TO MOR MOW, at 10 A.M., and VA P.M., by tho Pastor, Rov. C. II. EVEREST. Sunday School at 2M P.M.

THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM will bo proclaimed on SABBATH EVENING, at V. o'clock, in Steuben Hall, corner of Myrtlo avo. and Stouhon Bt. All ato cordially invited, Biblo in hand. Seats free.

No collection. THIRD UNITARIAN, UNITY CHAPEL, Classon ave, (botwoon Atlantio and Fultou Rov. STEPHEN H. CAMP, Pastor, will proaoh TOMORROW (Sunday) MORNING, Jan. 30th.

at lO.M o'olock. Tho children's meeting, for parents and children, at 3 P.M. Tho ovening sorvico will be omitted. All seats froe. mABERNXOLE BAPTIST CHURCHj cor.

Hicks and Rapolyoa Bts. Proaebing TO MORROW, ot 10M A. M. and VA P. by tho Rov.

A. C. OSUORNE, D. D. Sunday School and Church Biblo Class at VA P.

M. Tho ordinance of baptism nill bo administered at the oloso of tho evomng service. Strangers welcomed. WESLEY M. E.

CHURCH, TOMPKINS ave. Rov. J. W. BARNHART, Pastor, will preach TO MORROW, at 10k.

o'olock, and in tho ovoniug at 7. Sabbath School nt 2 P.M. After evening services, publio Prayer meeting. Strangers cordially invitod. "lASHINGTON ST.

M. E. CHURCH Rov. CHARLES E. HARRIS, Pastor, will preach TO MORROW at 10: A.

M. and at 7 P. M. Rovival sorvicos Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings at VA o'clock. Scats free.


Preaching TO MORROW, at VSM A. and 7 P. by tbo Pastor. Rev. O.

BACKMAN. In tho Evening Mr. Backman will closo his labors witb this Churoh. Revival sorviccs next week, on Tuesday, Wodnesday, Thursday and Friiay nights. Ail scats are free and strangers mado welcome.

lilJCITlJKKS. EV MATTHEW HALE SMITH Will dolivcr bij celebrated Lecture, "THE HUMOROUS SIDE OF PARIS," AT COMMONWEALTH HALL. 257 Washington Btreol. ovor the PoBt Office, WEDNESDAY EVENING. Fobruary 2d.

1870, For tho Benefit of the Brooklyn Eclectic Dispensary, 240 Myrtlo avenue. Tickets, 25c. Lecture to commonco at 8 o'clock. SPECIALi NOTICES. A LADY WHO IS A THOROUGH MU sicfan and good French soholar (educated abroad), wishes a few pupils, on modorato terras, or would givo throe hours daily instruction, in a private family, in exchange for board.

Address MUSICIAN, Box 112, Eagle office. A F. MILLS, PLUMBER, GAS AND XJLo Steam Fitter. 478 Atlantio st, botwoon Novins and Powers. All kinds of gas flxturcB on hand and for sale cheap.

Estimates givon and repairing promptly attended tO. ii17 1ml KELSEYS LOUGHLIN'S NEW ni nffi.A th ATHENEUM SEMINARY FOR YOUNG LADIES. Corner Clinton and Atlantio Btroots, will commonco its second half year session on WEDNESDAY, February 2d. GEO. N.

BIGELOW, A. ia29 12t Rev. JOHN F. BIGELOW, P.P., pnclpals. COLLEGE" GRAMMAR SCHOOLAND Gymnasium, noar City Hall, Court and Joraloraon sts.

Four private classes, twelve to fifteen boys in each. Rofcr to hundreds of former punils, now bankers, merchants and professional mon. Catalogue, with details, at book stores, or as above. Rooms to lot, evenings. ja29 2t 9J Fixtu AS FIXTURES WE WOULD ADVISE all persona who aro in want of an nlccrnnt Bet nf n.

uiui.l I1IVUIIIIIW IIILUD, HI UUII UUU lull IUU iieurimen at uumjxu l.uaa jf uicon avo, opno sito Gates ave. Also, Plumbing and Gas fitting, in all tbeir branohos, "a2B lyf HARDINGE'S PA'lENT PEARLETTA PICTURES. Solo proprietor for the City and County of Brooklyn. Br being submitted to bis now pnocoss any plain photograoh can bo convertod into a beautiful and life like picture. Tho Modalllou Porcelain Poirlottas are attracting much atton l.0Ij.

KSX 1 Particulars soe oirculars and speoimons at btudio, 216 1'ulton ave, noar tho junction of Flatbush ava. Artists, S. L. HARDINGE and H. D.

VAIL. ja2D Im INTEREST ALLOWED FROM FEBRU i "bich is equal to 8 por cent nor annum. Dimo ja27 2tT his' 8 5 Broadway' Williamsburgh. ISLAND BANK I GH TY NINTH piVIDEND. Tho Beard of Directors have gcciarea a semi annual dividond of FIVE Per Cent, free from lax, payable February 1st.

ja29 6t A. J. BEEKMAN. OaBhlor. RS.

WHITE, FIRST CLASS LADIES' TitSin ffirtlftr nt nnnn nt .1 TM.ll ji oitjroferonco. ja2g 2t 11. FISHER'S SCHOOL FOR YOUNG iaiii.vt.'Liu auu urcuuu avuo, nw next lorm hozins on MONDAYi February 7th, at a quartor beforo 9 o'clock. MR. WILLIAM DWYER, THE FAVOR ito tonor singer, and the (treat lady vocalists, Mrs fVWIN and Miss NEWMAN, at Prnannnt H.l DAY EVEN ING.

at 8 P. M. Reserved Boats CO oonts. ASTER J. SPAIGHT, THE BABY wnnrinr.

nt MnOANN'S Grand Saerari ffoni.Arf. in violin solo, Jan. 80th, at Proapoot Hall; only three years old. Admission 25 oonts. MR.

M. MULOARE, THE GREAT Boehm flute soloist, Sig. GARATAQUT, tho oornot virtuoso and tho Masters CORNU (8 and 10 years old ut Prospect Hall, fiacred Concert, junction of Fulton and Jb lat uuBn avo. unuoron's iicgeis, id cents. PARK THEATRE "SMITH, THE RA or Strop Man," woll knoivn by every body, will leo tho Park Theatre, on SUNDAY EVBNINO.

at o'olook. Admission free, PUPILS WANTED IN FRENCH AND German, at 18 Lafayette ave. Thorough instruction, on moderate terms, ia29 2t PIANO INSTRUCTION WANTED BY a lady of experienoo, another pupil: torms modorato: highest references. Address O. E.

Box 4,633, N. Y. jagg ot iCOTT'S COUGH LINOTUS IS THE remedy for Coughs. Golds, Hoarseness, 4o. Sold T.

Scott, oor. Court ana Degrawsts; Milne, 217 Falon cor. Adplphi t. and Myrtle avo; Hegeman Broadway, N. and by drag gists generally.

Prices 35 oonts arid n. la'jt) Hfinrnaa THE FRENCH REMEDIES ARE UN equalled for the onro of nervousness, depression of spirits, weakness of the constitution, flying pains, rbouma tism, and for purifying the blood they havo not their equal. Consult Dr. H. A.

BARROW, No. 82 Livingston st, from 11 to 9. and from i to 8. jagtlm WA. CAMPBELL, (LATE BALL Campbell), Dentist, will still oonlinno the business at the same place, oor.

Fulton ave, and Gold st; on trance on Gold st. ja23 6t fitlOO REWARD I WILL PAY $100 FOR VU7 Information 'hat will ensure oonviotion before a Court of justice, of the offloer of Metropolitan Police, who nob sonod one of my dogs on the ffth of November, 1869. T. GODFERY, at Anti humbug, Drug Store, Third ave, oorner of Twenty fiist st, South Brooklyn, jaS96t ANTED A COOK. CALL AT 15 Macon at.

ANTED A GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework, nt 78 Henry st. 2t ANTED A GOOD COOK, WASHEB and ironer, at No. 1 South Portland avo. ia892f WANTED A GOOD OOOK, WASHER and ironer; tho' boat of references. Apply at 179 Gates ave, second house from Hunter St.

'ANTED A GOOD DRESSMAKER, at 186 Livingston st. Askfor Mrs. PYHOUin. aS92t WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, In a private family. A pply at 816 Oleiv mont ave.

a392t WANTED A GIRL, TO DO GENERAL housowork; must bo a first rato oook, wabjr, an? ironor and hovo good pity referanoe. Apply at 80 Hloks Bt. Tisr ATJTTimOPW.w.ATmia and BAIS. tors on linen coats. Apply for two days at 1,290 Atlantio ave.

jaat' TN AN IMPORTING HOUSE A young man of 17 years of age, to assist at the desk, and make biUsolf usoful salary 86 a week. Addrass X. Y. office. j23 2t WANTED A COLORED GIRL.

FOR gonoral homework a good washer and Ironer. Apply atl5 Bt. Felix Bt, noar Lafayotto avo. ja36 Ct' ANTED A WELL RECOMMEND od girl, to do gonoral housework for a small private family. Call at U15 Washington ava.

jaiW St WANTED BY A WOMAN, WORK JSX tho day. Ploaso call in Dean et, sooond house Bontbeastof Classonavo. ja28 2t WANTED A NURSE, TO TAKE CARE of an Infant; she mnst be honest and reliable. Ap ply for two days ot281 State st. )a282t WANTED A GOOD COOK, WASHER and ironer, Jin a small family.

Call, at 8 o'clock In tno ovewng, at sa iitnani avo. ja "ANTED A CAPABLE GIRL, IN A prororrca. Apply in Myorson st, tnira aoor norm oi uaiuy otte avenue. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, A LAUN dress; only thoso fully competent to do a largo washing and ironing need apply. Apply, with rofereno93.

r. 1 unw luiur tuiu av uo tluuulJuuvnti wit, iwu.ji ANTED A YOUNG MAN, AS COL loctor: ono who can come well reoommended, and who can give good security. Apply in pioture store, 83 JHyrtloavo. iiuraat ANTED A GOOD GIRL TO DO the goneral housowork for a family of throo parsons; must be good cook, washer and ironer and bring good city roference. Apply in Hamilton st, fifth house southeast of Gatos avo.

ja28 3t WANTED A CHAMBERMAID AND laundress, two experienced nurses, ond several competent girlB as cooks, and to assist in washing. Also, plain cooks, washers and ironers, and for housework In gon, tlemon'B famllieson the Heights and all parts of Brooklyn, Apply on Monday, to Mr. MANNING, 16 Court st, oorner of Joralemon st. WANTED SERVANTS, ON MONDAY All first class servants and respootable girls, lately arrived, wanting situations In the very bost familios, should go to Mr. CHRISTOPHER, 10 Tillary Bt.

His agonoy (20 years established) is tho most seloot and rospoctahle in Brnoklyn. Fifty situations roady Monday morning without waiting; WANTED LADIES TO LEARN TO operato all kinds, of sowing maohinos; all brancbes taught perfectly, and recommended to wcrk. Machines for salo and to rant. Operators sent out byfaeday or weok, AH kinds of family sewing and quilting done. Cloaks stitched for the trade.

In the hat and cap store, Apply at 1B3 Bridge Bt do8 2mf 7" ANTED SITUATIONS, BV TWO vminur mon. to lnarn tvno sottinff. Address O. MARSTOH, No. 90 Ann stroenNewYork.

ANTED A SITUATION AN AMER ienn ladv wishna a situation as housokooDer. usoful companitm or Boainstress, in a respectable family. Can lurnisn best city reierenocs. Aaaressj. wagie oinco.

ja23 3t ANTED SITUATIONS BY TWO upn nent. nurl ntV.rifinf, whitn irirls nntt ono colored. as cooks, washers and ironers or to do general housowork; mako excollent bread and biscuit, and nro tu sl oiass laun dresse: good city references. Apply on Monday at WAL LACE'f K'S, 4 Sanaa st, near 1'ulton. 'AN TED SITUATIONS FOR SEV nn 1.

oral I ruietnnuv norYauia vuimf, uiiiiiuuu.iiii.ius. waitiesscs, nureeB; also, two Bistors (English), oook and chambermaid also, a largo numbor of othor oxcollont servants, at Mr. HENDERSON'S Servant, offlco, 18 Court st. near Montague ladies wanting good sorvnnts oan bo auitcd without delay. Jo23 21 WANTED SSiTUATIONS, FOR SEY; oral neat, reliable, iir6t class sorvants, with unox ceptionablo roforonces from their last employers, as moat and pastry cooks, laundresses, good thorough plain cooks and first class washers and irouors, goneral bousnworkers, waitrossca and children's nurses, at MANNING'S, cornor of Court and Joralemon sts.

ja27 3t JJIISOEIjIjANEOUS WANXfS. WANTED TO PURCHASE A NEWS paper route. Addrcs3 Eagle office. WANTED BY A YOUNG WOMAN, washing and ironing, to do at hor own or othors' house, or to go out to day's work. Good reforoncoa.

Apply at 276 Smith st, first floor. WANTED A BABY TO WET NURSE, by a respectable married woman, at hor own residence, No. 10 Van Brunt st, botwoon Tremont and William Bts, second floor tho back. WA NTED TO PURCHASE ATHREE Btory, high stoop, houso, on tho Heights or Hill, and convenient to ferries. Address G.

H. Eaglo office, with location and lowest price. ja29t" anWdto Turchase A GOOD houso and lot, on Brooklyn Heights. Address, with full description and lowest price, Mrs. 312 Carlton ave, up stairs.

NEAR CITY HALL AN unfurnished room, for Iodeinsr. with wator and con venient entrance. Price $6 or $8 por month; no boarding honso nocd apply. Address JOHN, Eagle office. ANTED BY A PROTESTANT widow, washing to do at her own house, or would go out, by the day, to wash or clean houso, at vory modorato price.

Apply at 308 Fulton ave, noar Elliott place, top floor, back room. WANTED BY STAATS FITZGERALD, cornor of Hoyt and Atlantio sts, bouses furnished and unfurnished; customers calling daily to rent; ploaso send description and tonus; also, houses of all de scriptions for sale. ja292t. WANTED FOR A SMALL FAMILY, a floor, of 4 or 5 rooms, for housekeeping must havo tho improvement sand be noar the ferries, and at low rent. Address, with terms, location, F.

T. Eaglo office. ja'Jj 2t WANTED INAHOUSE WITH MOD cm improvements, in a first class neighborhood, four to six rooms, for houMBkoeping, by a young couple, with the best of roforonces. Address S. A.

Eaglo offlco. ja256t ANTED A HOUSE, IN A GOOD neighborhood, with facilities and conveniencos for a first olass boarding house, to liny or biro. Address, with name of owner, location, and full description of premises, C. Eagle office jo28 tit" WANTED A FRENCH LADY7lATE" ly from Paris, dressmaker, cutter and fitter, wishes a few more customers sbo receives her own patterns directly from Paris; work first, class arid prices vory moderate. Call at 108 Myrtlo ave, top floor.

ja27 4t ANTED THE SUBSCRIBER would buv a small double house, with four or moro lots, on Clinton and Washington nves, terms being favora blc and property woll locatod and improved. Address J. M. Bex 475, N.Y. P.

O. ja23 6t 'ANTED TO PURCHASE, IN GOOD business nart of Fulton avo. Mvrtlo avo. Court st. Grand at, or Broadway, E.

a small storo property prico not to oxooed $10,000. Addrots, with particulars, STORE A NU DWELLING, Eaglo office WANTED BY A LADY PIANIST OF successful experience in teaching, a few more pupils. $20 two lessons, $10 one lesson a woek, por torni ton wooks. Allowance niado wbcro moro than ono pupil is received from eamo family. Address MUSIC, 411 Gatos ave.

ja81m ANTED TO LEASE OR PURCHASE A good elzod, well constructed throo story house, brick front, profcrrcd, ou the Hill, Bay between Oxford and Hall sts. Occupation not lator than 1st of May: earlier preforrod. Address, with full particulars, as to location, terms, Ac. J. C.

P. O. Box 5,687, N. Y. ja21 SKAilAiH "ANTED A SOLICITOR TO CAN 1 T.J....

varam utminiju.iui I'liu j.iiauiuuuu having an agency in New York. Capital, $1,000,000. A German, with a kuowledgo of tho business preferred. Address with particulars, FIRE INSURANCE, Brooklyn P. O.

ja28 2t WANTED TO PURCHASE A TWO story, basemont and sub collar bouse, convoniont to Fulton, Greene or Do Kalb ave cars. Possession to suit oooupants; would buy oarpot, furniture, Ac. Address, Blatingoxact location, size, prico, and what improvoinonts, F. Kaglo office. 'ANTED BY A LADY A PERSON without lnaubihrabrtA (norhans a soldier's widow).

who has somo in door ninlnvmont for hnrnolf. who would be willing to givo a litllo time each day about the house, as equivalent for her board. Any nieo porBon, whose heart is in tho right placo, may bear of a comfortable and pleasant homo, by calling in Rent avo, second house south of Myrtlo. Satisfactory reference required, ja24 et.M.WAS1 BOABOIHG. OARD VERY PLEASANT ROOMS, with good board, may bo obtained by applying at 174 Dean st.

av ac rnsa BOARD BROOKLYN HEIGHTS 8 7 Honry st Rooms to lot, with board, for single gentlemen. in29 2t OARD A SINGLE GENTLEMAN OAN bo accommodated with a hall room and iirat olasa oard, at 42 Willonghby at. ja276f J30ARD PLEASANT ROOMS TO LET, at 45 Concord st, on eecond floor, nicely furnished convoniont to forrios roferonoca exohanged. ja27 Bt BOARD TO LET, A NICELY FUR nishod front and baok parlor and hall bed or without hoard. Apply nt 199 Fnlton ave.

ja26 4t BOARD 44 NASSAU ST llomen can bo ncoommodated with pleasant rooms and board terms moderate. ia28 2t BOARD A FURNISHED rooms, for gentlemen and thoir wives or single gen tlemen. Call nt 78 Middagb Bt. ja23 3t BOARD TO LET, WITH BOARD, TWO largo rooms, to gentlemen, or gentlemen and their wives. Dmnor at 12 o'clock.

Apply at 2 Elm placo. jo25 BOARD TO LET, WITH OR WITHOUT board, a largo and well furnishod bed and sitting room, to a gontlcman, or to two gentlemen willing to room together; terms moderate. 137 Myrtle ave. ja29 2t BOARD AT 19lT BRIDGE ST TWO gontlomon can bo aooommodatod with board at $6 0Ja28' 2t CaCl1 a'3' 'W at Iler woe OARD A FEW SINGLE "GENTLE mon, or gontlomon and thoir wivos, oan tin accommodated with good board and pleasant rooms. Torms $6 por weok.

Apply at 65 Homy st. BOARD A LARGE FRONT ROOMTO lot, with board also, a hall room, with oloso connecting. Apply at 99 Laivronco Bt, noar Fulton avo. Ja29 2t OARD ON THE HILL THIRD StorV hack mom and hnrl rnnm n.rlinfnfnfr hrvntm bun modern improvements terms reasonable. Oallat 2W Adcl phi st.

ja3f 6tJ BOARD ON THE HEIGHTS GEN ilemen and their wivos or slnglo gontlomon oan bo accommodated with first olass board at 85 Hicks st. lo261m' OARD ROOM TO LET WITH bnnrrt fnr Rlnmln nnntlamnn tn (h. nlMasntacl. part of Bropklyn. Apply ou Paoiflo st, sixth houBe oast of Brooklyn avo.

jaffl 6t BOARD ON THE HEIGHTS 38 SYD noy plibo Handsomely furniabod front room, on second Btory, with Hrst oloss board; also, a oomfortable room, for a Binglo gontleman. Call for one woek. ja28 2t BOARD PLEASANT ROOMS ON third floor, to let. with boaid, at 93 Paoiflo st, botwoon Clinton and Henry sts; oonvoniunt to forrios ona oar routes; reforenoeB oxohango'd. Ja25 Ot OARD A NICELY FURNISHED rooms to let, with board, or two single gentlemen near Wall st, and Soutu forrios.

Apply at No. 3 Sydney placo. BOARD 36 PROSPECT ST SEV ertd singlo rooms, with board, for gentleraon also, room and board for a lady; five minutes frem Fulton and Catharine ferries. BOARD AT 35 50 PER WEEK GOOD board and nlnnannt rnnmn Tnnnlrn i.f stetwoeu Clinton and Oouxt; five minutes' walk from tho forrios. 4 or ot, BOARD A FEW GENTLEMEN OAN bo aopommodated with pleasant rooms, with or wuuout noaru.

a small private family, at 191 Cumberland UBMIJUIlOllllF. 10SSOT' I KWTIll d.1 HVnwnv tj a a room, suitable for a gentleman and wlfo, or Bingle gentlemen, to ront, with board also, a sinfilo room refor enoes exchanged. BOARD TO LET, WITH OR WITHOUT E'easBnt, Beoontl story, front room, with pantry, opposite Parker'B Dining Rooms: aU improvements; wmlnntos' walk from ferries. 28 Willonghby 6t, OARD TO LET, WITH BOARD, TWO pleasant rooms, to a gentleman and wife, or two Bingle gontlomon, oonvoniont to all tho oar routes; terms reasonable. Please call or addro'sa, J.

H. 218 Ashland place. BOARD 116 FIRST PLACE TO LET7 with board, to a gontleman and wife, or two single gentlemen, a large room on third floor; also, nice hall room, for single gentlemen oonvonlent to ferries; terms moderate. ja29 7t BOARD PLEASANT ROOMS, ON THE second floor, to let, to a gentleman and wife or single gentlemen, by applying at fil Sands st, in the iimnodlate vicinity of three ferries and Navy Yard; references ox obangedi OARD AT NO. 7 POPLAR ST, ON 1J tho Heights: three minutes to Fulton ferry, for gentlemen and their wives, or single gontlomon, with an American family, at reasonable rates good board and well tarnished, rooms.

jaSjSt BOARD 42 FOURTH PLACE, NEAR Clinton st Pleasant rooms to let, with hat and cold water, and good board, In a private Fronoh family. Looatlon delightful, with fine view of tho Bay. Terms from $7 to $9. Six minutes' walk from the Hamilton ferry. ja28 2t BOARD TO LET.

WITH BOARD, TWO largo and plonsantly furnished rooms, to single gentlemen, with fire and gas. hat and cold water, in a private family, at No. 63 Hemy si; oonvoniont io Fulton and Wall Bt. forrios. Jq282t' OARD LARGE PLEASANT for gentlemen and thoir wivos, or gentlemen, may id at 57 High st; honso In Ann oondition, modern Improvements; references given and required, Oan bo seen at any hour from 8 A.M.

tn 8 P.M. Ja28 lm BOARD 238 HENRY ST, FOURTH door from Amity st a large, handsomely furnished room, second floor; nlsot a singlo room, front; convenient to South and Wall st. forriea terms roisonablo rorbronoea exohanged. Ja26 6t TOARD BROOKLY HEIGHTS A JL handsome furnishod room to lot, with board, to gon. ueman and wife or two Bingle gentlomsn, tire' and gas houso modern; family small tbioo minutes' walk from the Ful ton ferry.

Apply at SI Hlok st ja24 6t OARD TO LET, A VERY PLEASANT V. 1. 1 1 1. .1 1 .1 I uunn. yui uuiuiiiibuou uu.

auu uuiu rranui iu. room also, a nicely fumiahed front room, alcove and baok room, on second floor. Torms moderate, and good board. Apply at 88 Fort Groene plaoo. ja248c TOOARD TWO LARGE ROOMS, NEAT ly furnishod, ono on sooond floor, tho othor on third, snitable for gentlomon and wife or two gontlomon; also, a ball room house contain! all modern improvements: terms moderate.

Apply at 35 Wllloughbyst. jalOSin OARD WITH OR WITHOUT ROOMS; JL terms from $3 to $10 nor wook; rooms handsomoly furnishod; marblo front building: piano, bath, gaa, and all modorn improvements. Apply at 187 Fnlton Bt, three doors above Nassau. jaSlm BOARD TO LET, WITH BOARD, A fine, large, front room, on second floor, with roomy cloact attached, to a gentleman and wifo, or two gentle, men; also, a single room; houso pleasantly located six minutes' walk from Fulton or Wall at. ferries; torms mod erate.

Apply at 196 Washington bU ja282t BOARD 70 WEST BALTIC ST, THIRD door from Henry st To let, with board, to gentlemen and thoir wivos, or Binglo gentlomon, nicoly furnishod rooms on the second or tpird floor; bonso is pleasantly lo oated, and has all tho improvements; hot and cold wator. ja29 Bt" OARD TO LET, WITH GOOD board, to singlo sontlomen. or to nentlomen nnd their wives, several largo and nowly furnishod roomB; houso has all the improvements: terms moderate. Thoso wishing the comiorts of a homo will ploaso call at 165 Adams st, ono door from Conoord. ja29 Hf OARD TO LET, WITH BOARD, A Dloaaabt second story room, suitable for a cmntlemati and wife, or two Binglo gODtlomon: the house has all modorn improvomonts; fa oonvenient to oars and forrios.

Inquire at 38 Cheever plaoo, between Degraw and Harrison Bts. JaS9Bt BOARD ON THE IN HAMIL tonst Four young gents, to board, eithor by tho day or woek, rooms both largo and small, at law rates. Those appreciating a good homo will do well to oali at Mrs. 's, Hamilton Buoot, first house northwest of Fnlton avo. ja28 2t" BOARD A PLEASANT BACK ROOM, on sooond floor, handsomely furnished, fo lot, with board, to two single gentlomon or ladies, or gentleman and wife all improvements location tho best in the city terms mado satisfactory.

Call at 99 Lafayette ave, third door west of Dr. Cuylor'B churchy ja23 2f BOTitDBWOKLYN HEIGHTS A noatly furnished room to lot, with board, to ono or two gontlemen houao first class; contuins all modern improvements dinner at 6H throo minutes' wtlk from Fulton terry. Call at 48 Middagh Bt. Roforoncos oxchangod. ju28 2t OARD A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE, JL3 or two or three sinttlo Keuttamen, cau be aooouimo dnted with pleasant rooms nna pood board, at 851 Brldgo st.

i.oarX'ulton ave; one hall block from turoo car routos, aud live minutoa' walk from City Hull all tho inodarn improvemonte. ja2 i 3V BOARD ONE OR TWO COMFORT able, furnishod rooms to let, together or Baparato, with large pnntries: suitable for a man and wifo: tho oom forts of a home, with a private Amorioan family within tivo minutes' of Fulton morinrnimproroinenta. Apply at 17 Nassau at, opposito Dr. Gallaher'H Church. ja23 2t ROOMSi" ONE tin second and ono on third floor, containing largo closets and hot and cold water; location pleasant; convenient to caro; ten minutes to forrios; terms modorato; references exchanged.

Apply at 95, cor. of Novins and Pacific sts. ja'27 St' BOARD 97 LAWRENCE ST, NEAR Fulton avo, ono or two nicely furnishod rooms, to let, with board; good table; houso has all modern improvements wonld accommodate two or three day bourdors. In iiuiro at CLARK'S Bookstore, 67 Fnlton ave, or ot 97 Law ronco St. ja25 6t OARD TWO GENTLEMEN, OR A gentleman and wife, looking for board, can bo ac commodated at 71 Second place; also, any party wishing a singlo room location) ton minutes' walk from Hamilton lorry, ana twenty minutes' nuo irom uuiton lorry; terms moderate rof orencos rcquirod.

ja2S 6t OARD A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE, 1 or en tie mon. board in a nrlvite fam ily, can be accommodated witb a nicely furnishod front room, with hot and cold water and Ras: honso with all tho improvements; location convenient to tho ferries; no moving in the spring. Paoifio Bt, fourth houso abovo Bond st. ja'iS 2t" OAIID A PRIVATE FA1VJILY WILL let, with board, a well furnishod front room, on sooond floor, warmed withheutor, and smaller roams, with clos ete, to singlo Kontlemcn, or gentlomon and their wivos; also, parlor; all improvomonta nnd walkins distance from tbo ferries. No.

49 Wyckoff st, botween Court and Smith Bts; temis modorato, ja25 6t BOAKfi THE ENTIRE SECOND" floor, alflo, a third story, front room to let, to gontlomon and their wives, or singlo gentlemen; house private, containing modorn improvements, cheerfully ana handsomely furnished throughout; all the comforts of a homo provided references exohanged. 410 Cumberland stroot. BOARH WAHT. BOARD WANTED BY A YOUNG MAN, in a strictly private family, where ho oan onjoy t'jj comforts of a home. Addroaa W.

H. Eagle office. FOR A GENTLE man and wife, within walking distance of fomoi. Stato termB and full particulars; nono others noticed. AddresB D.

Eaglo omco. BOARD WANTED IN A PRIVATE family, for a gentleman and wife: mnsOio first clas3. Address, btatin? accommodations and terma.U. IC 5,531, N. Y.

P. BOARD WANTED BY A GENTLE man, wife, dauRhter and child. 10 yoars of ago, in a genteel private family, where thcro are no other boar lorx Address BOARD. Brooklyn O. ja28 3t TLSOARD WANTED FOR A GENTLE JL man, wife, baby and nurso.

in a looation botwoan Fort Greono placo and Adelphi at, Atlantio and DeKalb aves. Addresa, stating torms, Ac, Brooklyn P. OARD WANTED A tlomnnrfonld'likoboardina private family, within ten minutes' walk of Fulton ferry. Address, with terms, INQUIRER, iiaglo office. OARD WANTED BY A FAMILY OF JP four.

A fair unco wul be paid for desirablo accom modationa and a good table An ontira sooond floor Preferred. Address C. H. V. Eaglo office.

REAL ESa'ATE FOB SALE. ffjOR SALE ON MYRTLE A YE 1,500 JL cash will purchase a storo property; 3 3tory frame building, containing 12 rooms. Easy terms; prico jiSM A.gL ROWLKV, 21o Fnlton avo. SALE 2,500 FOR A TWO STORY houso five rooms and basomont; lot 25xW0. Terms easy.

Apply to JOHN HDDINUTON, No. 4 Contro Btroot, South Brooklyn, or to WM. UUNNB, 96 Union st. ja25 Sf OOR SALE TWO "FRAMEThOUSES, B. nino and fivo rooms oacb.

on Wyokoff at, noar Vnn derbilt nve watei and sewore. Inuuiro of T. AEURA VE. ja2 il2y; FOR SALE A FIRST CLASSHREE stoiy, bascinont and Bub collar, brick dwollin', containing all tho modern improvomonte and boing in the best part ol Scbcrmerborn st. Address ft, 3,, Eagle olDco.

jnS lm "fijOR SALE CHEAP IP PURCHASED very soon The 3 story nnd basomont, high stoop, brick honso, brown Btono trimmings, 319 Honry st, Brooklyn; furnaco and all iu elegant ordor; sizo 22xjQ; lot 115dcop. Apply on tho promiaan. ja'i9 6t iORSALEERYCHEAP, IF SOLD at onco 6 lots, 25x100 oaoh, on Now York avo; pur chaser can doublo bis money in two years on thom. Apply to A. KNOWL'f ON'S SON, southeast oornor of Fulton and Portland avoB.

tpOR "SALE THE LEASE OF HOUSE and storo fixturou, established for many yeara as a first clasn family wino and liquor Blore, 479 Columbia st, third door from Sackott st. Inquire on the promisos. ja28 2t, T7IOR SALE AT A BARGAlN 9,500 i will bav a throo story and basomont. brick houso: sub collar; all improvomonts; tdtuatcd on Elliott ultc noar Hanson plaoo. For partioulars, apply at 1i riatbuah IjOR ALE HEAP FOUR 2 STORY, basement and Sttb collar brick liniisni! alHmnrovn.

jaonts two in Nelson st. and two in Luquoor st, noar Olin hiu aiBonve nousoa oi ino samo aoaonpuonin warron at, Apply to P. O. PROVOST, 13 Court Bt. jaH15t OR SALE A TWO STORY, GOTHIC 'atehen avos.

first honso from Pntnhon nvn. nn nnrth nida convenient to ferries by four lines of cars. A bargain, if ueiore iue isc oi reoruary. iippiy on cue premises. F5i oat.t!' el una wTT.t.

ott nnu of ihoso 2.storv and Knclish basement framo bouses on Iioxington ave. (lato Hickory st), near Marcy avo. Apply at NASH COrS Marbleworks, f23 Fulton ave, near Adol ptii st. A nice lot of marblo mantels to trade for a good mortgage. jaSS) Jit 5210R SALE ONE OF THE BEST throe story brtok houses, with storo, in Smith st, has been occupied for tho last five years as a grocery store, and good business dono; will bo sold roasonab'o and posBOasion given at onco.

Inuuiro of L. BLUA1ENAU. 151 Smith st. ja29 8t" FOR SALE VILLA, ON JERSEY CITY Heights, at South Bergen; grounds tastefully laid out; house about 40x40, modorn in every respect, and commands a view for milos of surroundings of Now York. Will esohangofordosfrabloBrooklynproDerty.

Address OHAS. BIBDLER, 16 and 18 Ohambor st, N. Y. ja2! 3t FOR SALE HATHAWAY MOORES, No. 411 Gates ave, have a special bargain for investment in five two story and attio, frame houses on Madison st, near Marcy ave; also, in two 3 atery, brick houses, white marblo fronts, on Sackett st, botwoon Henry and Hicks sts; nil modorn improvements in each house prices vory reasonable and more than half mortgage if deirod.

ja29 3t FOR SALE A FiRST OLASSi TWO story and basement framo houso, (filled is with brick to tho peak), containing nino rooms and nine closots, wator and gas, and all tho othor improvements put in if dosirod; the houae inbuilt in tho best maanor by day's work, and is within two minutea' walk from tho cars. Apply on the premises in Kosciusko st, first house east of Nostrand ave, south side. ja29Ct" FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN ON EASY terms, one houso with 11 rooms, ono with 12 rooms UvoJtJ4 Btory, baeement and auboellar, framo housss on Madison att cast of Marcy avo, with fivo marblo mantels and all tho improvements. Inquire on tho premises or of RULEF VAN BRUNT, Carpenter and Builder, 439 Fulton ave. noar Adolphi flt ja29 3t FOR SALE A NEW 4 STORY BROWN stono front houso, with Fronoh roof, 224SilO0 all tho modern convonlenooB and in perfect 'order, with carpets, mirrors, cornicosand shades, or all of the urnituro, if de firod, all now last Spring; fine billiard room, marblo tilod hall, walnut stairs ond doors, plate glass windows, oxfcra plumbing.

Twolve minutea' walk of the Wall st. ferry. Apply on promises, 130 Sohermerhorn at. ja39 6t' FOR SALE 51 FIRST THE first class, freeBtone 4 story ond nigh basement bouse, 2Ex62 courtyard in front, 33M toot doop. This houso ia delightfully situated, in ono of the most pleasant stroots in Brooklyn; Nicolson pavemont; ton minutes from Hamilton forry, and within half a blook of Court st.

oars. Furniture wonld be sold with tho houso. For partinulara, apply to JOHN NORTON, 116 Henry Bt, Brooklyn, or 90 Wall st, N. Y. ja23 FOR SALE 4 STORY BROWN STONE houso.

22x50 foot: lot 22x90: on Third nt. east nf Sixth ave, and near Prospcot Park; built in a superior manner; now, in porfoot order, with all the modorn improvements. The situation is high nnd healthy, commanding a flno view ot Now York Boy. Third st. is tho principal avonue and grand drivo to Prospect Park.

Fifth ave. oars pass near this property. This house, having boon takon on account wi" 00 "o'd muoh below regular prloo. Apply to W. 3.

MELDRUM.427 Fulton Bt, (WiUougtiby Buildings.) OR SALE THE THREE STORY AND hnflomnnt TJhUnl.lniln T.rt..BA trimmingfi, all modern improvomonts, No. 890 Paciflo at, between Bond and Nevins, Biooklyn; surrounding8 first olass; will bo sold low; part of tho purohaso money oan romain on morteago. If not sold by tho flrBt of March, will bo rented to a good tenant. Inquire of PARSONS, CAMPBELL 163 Montague st. Brooklyn, or address WM.

MKRIUOK, 171 Front sf, N. Y. ja28 lm FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE THE colebrated "Dodge" Farm, at Pomona, on tho Cum boriand Mountain, tn East Tonnnaqnn. nnranrlnlnir nnarlv 0,000 aoros of ohoioo land, and ono or tho tioalthloat looa tiona iu tho United States, on the immediate lino of tho contemplated railroad from Cincinnati to Nashville surveys for which wcro mado last foil. Thore ara 2.00U apple troosof the choicest kinds, all grafted, on the most of which are in full bearing.

Tho stock, farm utemdls (whioh are of the beat kind), will bo Bold with tho farm. For full partioulars, maps, apply to JOHN M. HOOD, No. 114 Wi ter Bt, Y. Ja23 8t3rT8' SALE BY STAATS FITZGER 1 ALD, corner of Hoyt and Atlantio ete.

yckoff Bt, 8 story, briok, b. and e. 14 rooms, price cash 81,500 Bergen Bt, 8 story, briok, corner house, I), ands. 0. oash 8,800 Livingston Bt, 2 Btory, framo, briok, b.

nds. oash 3,030 State Bt, story, stono frontnouse b. and a. v. cosh 4,000 Union st, 8 story, briok, 20x4 1, lot So xlOO, oor.

bonso oash 4,000 Saokett st, 8 story, stono front, b. fl. oash D.000 West Baltiost, 8 story, briok, near OUn ten cash 2.539 Two story, frame briok, b. and a. for.

8,000 EOR SALE L. BLUMENAU, NO. 151 SmitbBtreot io Bt, 3 Etory brick houso, with store. a nan uuivu Dv, unciL uuuao, vnin sior First atory and basement briok house. 11,000 6,303 7.6W nwiu, OMiry UTIUK pheevor plaoo, 8 story brick, alllmp attio and basoment, all imp iiT.

I JSSi nasamont, an imp awii mill BboiB, a lyj HocKett st, 3 tory and basement brown stone, all iinn 13 Mfl oyt a stery ana basement, all imp ojsoo QVn til TOR OTHEBFOR SAiEfl SEK I'IRSV PAQBp Accident to a Child. John tSmith, a lad aged four years, residing on Carltott avenue, near Flushing, was seriously injured by a pile of lumber lulling upon bun, wbilo playing in a lumber yard qn Flushing avenue, near his home. A Snow 'Wi'spow Expensively Illuminated. The show window of the dry goods store of Mra.Liw lor, No. 108 York street, watt expensively illuminated last evening by reason of tho ignition of goods from a gas jtt.

Damage $25, insured in tho Phonix. Fike IK A Fancy vStobe. A lighted match carelessly thrown among somo ootton at tho fancy store of Mrs. Ann Mooney, No. 441! Columbia street, abont six o'clock last ovening, causod an incipient conflagration, from which a damage to tho amount' of $30 resulted.

Insured iu IboPhcnix. AMCSFjreiVTS. The Amon in Opeka. The Arion Vocal Bccictyof New York gavo their promised performance of German Opera at Ibe Academy of Music last evening, presenting "Der Freischuotz," one of tho most familiar works of tho German repertoire. Wo havo had occasion more than once to remark that tho Oermans of this city do not maintain thoir national roputation as a music loving peoplo, as instanced in their scaut patronage of musical entertainments, eveu when Gorman opera was presented.

Whother from a foeling of personal interest in the Arion Society, curiosity (o see amateurs, or other special cause, tho Germau element was certainly aroused and turned out in strong forco last night We havo never before seen so thoroughly German an audience in the Addemy, which was crowded from parquelte to amphitheatre. The performance, considered as the effort of amateurs, was a great succcsb. Tho amateur soloist could hardly be expected to comparo with professionals, but tho chorus surpassed anything over hoard horo on tho regular operatic stage, whilo tho full orchestra of sixty pieces undor the lead of Carl Borgniann was equal to the best efforts of tho Grand Opera. To strengthen the cast Madame Frcderici Himmer, and Madame Rot ter Diffenbach wcro engaged for the roles of Agatha and Aennchen, and acquittal themsolves with their usual aecci ULility. All tho rest were amateurs, mom bers of the Arion s'ocioty.

Tbo important and dilHcult rolo of llax was undertaken by Mr. Win. Cnndidus. Iu hi6 caso tho value of professional training was strongly illustrated. Gilted with a tenor voice of rare purity, with ample volume mid compass, ho lacks nil power of expression, anil sings without dramatic force or foaling, and the ri: excellent qualities of his voice, its sweetness and fulness of tone mil of their effects.

Mr. Iteni inei'rv the apar of the occasion did much better; ho has a fine clear resonant basso, and he sang sad acted with a decided vim and the ease of a piMlcssional artist. Thcro was nothing noticeable in the pctf jrmunc of the ther parts. The chorus was the feature of tho pciforniance, and was alone worth going to hoar. The Cl orus," was waguilicciitly rendered and was of course tuevrcd.

The audieuce, much more gonial r.ud demonstrative ttiau our usual Operatic gatherings, gave tlie performers liberal encouragement, aud called them out at tho end of each act. Tlie coaipa'iy itj very handsomely costumed, and the were picturesque and effective. In tlie Wolfs Glcu scene tliero 'tho usual zonli'gical and pyrotechnic display. It is rumored that the Arions will visit us again iu Fobruary. Thoy have no reasou to complain of the reception luoy have met with in Brooklyn, aud if they will always do as well as they did last night we shall bo glad to see them often.

The Italian Opera. The sale of soafcs for the Italian Opera will commence at the Academy of Music on Monday morning. The opening performance on Thursday evening next will be "Crispino la Coniarc," with Miss Keilogg and ltoneom iu their original robs, supported Lotlt, Iteyna, and Barili, "Mas sauiehV' will be produced during tho Fahk Theatre. Litllo Emly" will be given apin to uight with all the oxccllont accessories aud liy the Fame cast. On Monday cveuing next Miss Jennie Carroll takes her benefit, presenting The Koso of aud 'Beauty aud the Beast." Hcoi.ey's Opera House.

Cool Burgess had a bumper last evening and tho performance wont off very handsomely. To night tho principal attriction in tho way of presents is the gold enameled diamond set watch. On Monday evening that great Brooklyn favorite, Archie Ilu'yhes, who has just returned from Europe, where he has played very successful engagements, iu Liverpool and Loudon especially, will mako his appearance. Thai his hosts of friends will crowd the theatro to give him a befitting reception and welcomo him back to his old and first love, there is but little doubt. Olympic To night is the last of the present excellent bill at this house, and tho las; night that Bastian aud Harry Gurr, the daring gymnasts, ill appear.

The other artists, John Denier, Dick Sands, and Maggie Willett, also nppcar, as well as MessrB. Duff and Donnelly and the star company in the "Dumb Man of Manchester." Miss Kato Raymond and Mr. 0. B. Collins are underlined to appear in Mazeppa" on Monday night.

Two Headed Girl. The Two Heailed Girl is to bo exhibited at the Athenoum this afternoon aud ovening and Mondiy afternoon and evening. Without doubt this girl is the greatest curiosity befora the public, and aside from this, she makes her ontortainmeuts agreeable by singing and playing duetts and danciug. LOXG ISLAND 1TMS. Attack by a Bull.

"Wednesday morning Samuel Poollej, nf North Haven, while feeding stock in the iarmyard of Benjamin C. Payne, was attacked by a bull and biully iiiju led. Hud it not been for the arrival of a second party, who felled the irate boast with a blow from a hatchet, ho would have been killed. Ilis injuries are so severe as to confine him to his bod. Accidents.

Jacob Osborn, of East Hampton, met wilh an accident Thursday that will probably tcrminato fatally. He fell the whole length of a flight of stairs, culling a gash in his head several inches iu length and lifting tho cntiro scalp. Ho is iu au unconscious condition. A man employed upon the railroad in Bridge Hampton was run over by a wagon on Thursday night receiving a ghastly cut iu his head aud tho breaking of a bone in his hip. BuiiGiAKS is Queers County, During the week burglars have commenced again in Queens County.

Two in Woodside woro entered on Wednesday night one occupied by H. Williams and one occupied by Mr. John Hicks. The barglars were heard in the hitler dwelling by Mrs. Ilicks, and her screams frightened them and saved to the occupants a largo amount of valuables which had been hoapod together silverware, ilk dresses, The next night burglars entered the dwelling of Mr.

A. Kaffs, at Noivtown vil. lage, carrying off a large quantity of provisions. Fatal Accident: at Seataukf.t. On Thursday afternoon John N.

Baylis, of Stony Brook, was in tantly killed at Hcataukct. Ho was at work on a ship which is boiug built there, and at tho time was helping to put in ceiling plank. He was standing inside of the vessel whilo others on tho outside were drawing tho planks to their place by means of a tackle, when a chain to which tho tacklo was fastened gavo way, lotting the plank fly back, throwing a clamp scrow weighing seventy five pounds, against tho breast of Baylis, knocking him backward, his head striking against the keelson of Ihe vessel, causing instant death. He was about forty livo years of age and leaves a large family. Light House Matters.

Charles Sherman, of Sag Harbor, has been appointed first assistant keeper at tho light houBe on Little Gull Island. Elias Wales, first assistant keeper of Montank, has vesignod. Dastardly Assault on a Little Girl. On Wednesday last, Miss Millie Noc, of Sayvillo, received a dangerous Blab in the side from a knife iu the hands of a notorious character named Huldah Swczoy, of I'atchogue. It is said that there was not the slightest provocation for the assault.

Tha assailant waa arrested on Thursday and committed by Justice I'rico to await tho action of tho Grand Jury. Outrageous Conduct op a Huseamd. Tho people of I'atchoguo are just now enjoying a sensation at the expense of Alvin Oaksmith and his wife. Alvin is a sou of Mrs. Elizabeth Oaksmith, tho authoress.

It appears that for some time difficulty has existed between Alvin aud his wife, who is an intelligent aud prepossessing Cuban lady. On Monday he assaulted her in a most brutal manner, beating her about the head and face, and inflicting such injuries as to cause her physician to fear for the Bafety of ono of her eyes. For some days previous the poor woman had not been permitted to leave the house of her mother in law, where she had been subjected to tho most heartless cruelties. She effected her escape about midnight by Ihe assistance of a servant girl, and made her way to the house of a friend, where she is at present stopping. Alvin was arrested and tried before Justice Price and a jury, who fined him 'jO, and placed him under bonds to keep the peace.

Human Remaisb Unearthed. Yesterday afternoon while romo men were engaged in dlina upon thfarm of Martin G. Johnson, in Jamaica, they unearthed two human They had been buried about three feet benealh the ground. Somo two months ago three forms were unearthed near thiB same placid. How I hey came here is a mystery, but arc supposed to have been buried there during the battles of the revolution.

Catarrh and Deaf.vess are exclusively treated and radically cured by Du. 100 Sohermor hom Bi, Brooklyn, fooxt door to Burnham's Aoademy of Physical Culturo). Brooklyn roforoncos by permission Rsv. A. M.

Wyhe, 231 Cumberland it; Rev. W. D. Harlow, Horns for tbo Aged and Orphans, Albany av, oor. Herkimer st; Mr.

C.HatchSmltti,2MStatost;P.P. Walling, Ba car. THird avo, and Fifteenth st, and No. 6 Coentlea Slip, N. V.

Cyrus V. Cook, S)l Btato st; Mr. 11. N. Fiah, Slovens' House, H.

Y. Mr. J. P. Louimon, Eaolb ofBcoj John Pauley, 37 Walkerst.N.Y.; Geo.

Rusher, 234 Olintanst; Dr. Craves, 38 Smith st: Joseph N. Woodhoad, Tironty lhird st. and Fourth avo, and numorous othors. Terms moderate.

Troatuiont prompt, effective and without pain or detention from ordinary pursuits. Consultation aud examination fuki! from A.M. to 8 P. M. A beautiful set oi Teeth, tho very host that can bo mado, with continuous gumB and plumpors, and all tbo latent real improvements, $10.

Warranted for years. Thfa work is iu all rcsoecU equal, and in many cases superior, to that for which you have been paying 812, I16, $25 and 430 for. Tho above sum Doing only a trifle more than tho actual cost of materials, which aro of tha vory bout Description, the humblest can now avail tbamaolvos of the services of a qnaliOsd ond rpspoctable doutiat of eight eon yours practical exporionoe. Tho roally poor attoniod to gratuitously every morning, botween 9 and 10 o'olook. Tho miafita of amateur donttsU remodalod at trilling ooBt.

Cement, Bono, and finoGold Ailing, from SO cents to $5 a cavity. Our Uno Gold filling! a specialty. All your old tooth and roots extracted without paip, under Nitrous Ox ido or Laughing Gas, puro and froah daily. No chargo whan othors aro to bo inserted. Dr.

HRsrcmsON, Surgeon and Moohanical Dentist, 895 Fulton opposite the (Clty Hall and County Court Hooso, Brooklyn. Cautioh Souio on. principled partios aro daily imitating my advortisemouta for the purpose of miiloadlng ths public Boware of them. P. McMahon Son, doalers in farniture and bedding, at WAtlantio at, between Henry and Uioks, aro soiling tho balanoo of their stook below oost; to olooo tho bublneea; must be sold by March 1st, 1870.

ji25 St' RD EDITION EAtiLK OFFICE, 3 P. 111. THE FUfiMAN STREET MURDER. Continuation of the Trial of Edwin Perry for the Alleged Murder of Thos. Hayes THE FOURTH BAY'S PKOCEEUIIVfiS.

The Defence. COURT OF OYEE AND TEBMINER jrryrjoXESA'rr and Justices Vooehees and Johkbox. Pursuant to adjournment the Court of Oyer and Terminer was opened shortly after nine o'clock this morning for the continuation of tho trial of Edwin Perry, on a chargo of having killed Thomas Hayes, ou the night cf the 28th of last month. Tho ease for the prosecution liaving been dcclsrod cloBed laBt evening Mr. John H.

Bergen mado tho opening address for THE DEFENCE this morning. Mr. Borgen 6aid it was important that the jury Bhould understand not only tho law but tho fact. In opening tho case for tho prosecution the District Attorney had stated that they would not be troubled with any of the degrees of manslaughter that it was cither murder in tho first degree or it was nothing. The defenco differed very widely with him on that point, for they claimed that there were no elements of murder in the first degree in tho case.

The statutes defining the different degrees of murder and of manslaughter in tbo third degrco wero read by Mr. Bergon. Tho prosecution had failed to bring forth any evidence that Porry had taken the lite of Hayes with a iremcditatcd deEipn, and that would have to be done before he could bo convicted of murder in the first decree. Where even waa the evidenco connecting Perry with tho shooting atall? The only evidenco of that liirid was the very unsatisfactorj aud contradictory testimony of tho boy Delaney, tho conductor. Fortunately, however, for the prosecution that witness had been on tho stand at the former trial, and the testimony given' them by him and that bo gavo on Thursday wore of so contradictory a nature that it was not entitled to the slightest credit The testimony given by Delaney on both occasions would bo read, and he felt convinced that no jury would convict a man of murdor in tho first degree on such testimony as that.

From tho confident tone assumed by the District Attorney in his opening addresB counsel had been led to beliove that fresh and more convincing testimony for tho prosecution wa3 to be. introduced, whereas tho caso was oven weaker than it was on the first trial. Mr. Bergen briefly reviewed the facts of the case tbo shooting of llayes on tho night of tho 28th and Perry delivering himsoir up on tho following morning at tho Jefferson Market Police Court, on finding that his name was connected with tho murder. AU tho evidence introduced for the prccecution wan circumstantinl, and cross examination had proved that the bullet produced in court could not be sworn to as tho ono.

which had been taken from the body of Hayes. Tiirco cartridges of tho sirnn size had been found in Perry's House. Six days lifter Perry had given himtelf up, and during all that lime, thehoiiED had been open to tho access of other partiex when thero was amplo opportunity for any person who uesireu tne uio oi to uavo placed them there. Then they had been treated to a display of gymnastics, several officers from tho District Attorney's Otlice had bein sent down to climb tbo fence between Robin's wharf and the Wall street ferry, but the question for the jury to determine was, not whether the fence could bo climbed over, but did Perry do it? None of Ihe testimony except that already spoken of connected perry with the sliootiiit! at all, aud oven if tho case should be submitted to tlie jury tho defeuco would be entitled to an acquittal. They should introduco evidence to show that a man wealing a long tailcel coat aud a round bat was seen in the vicinity of tho murder, and that that man was not Edwin Perry.

On tho night the murder was cimmitted thero was vessel lying at the wharf rl the Harbeck Stores, laden wilh collet1. It was the duty of Hayes to watch that vessel, aud a man was arrested charged with stealing nine bags of collcc from vessel. It was much more probablo to supposo that he was the man who committed the murder, than to Buppose that Edwin Perry did, who had not been proved to be within a thousand feet of tho spot. To find a verdict of murder in the first degree they must find that Perry had formed a deliberate de sign to take the life of Hayes. Tho prosecution had, however, failed to connect Perry with the Bhootiug al all.

On tho contrary, it had been provod that Perry aud Hayes were tho best of friends. If, however, they should find that he did kill Thomas Hayes, then where was ihe evidence to show that thero bad been a premeditated deBign. Tho evidence on that point was that of tho witneEB McCotmaok, who testified that Perry told him there had been a row; they fired at him and ho fired back. If that Was so thero had boen a row nnd a fight, nnri ivrr "1'1 uftt ucssibly bo oonyioted of a higher XcXn'nTanslaughter be foro thoy got so far as that ho believed they would lo able to say on their oathR that Porry was not guilty. THE ALLEGED LADGENT OF COFFSE, Mr.

CharksL. Colby, ono of tho proprietors of tho Haibeck stores, who had been called on the former trial by the District Attorney, was now called upon and examined by Mr, Spencer. Ho testified that ou the day tho murdor was committed thero was a vessel lying at the laden coffee, his attention was not eallod to tho alleged larceny of coifce until Thursday afternoon, two days after the murder. Mr; Morris objected to the testimony, v. hou Mr.

Spencer offered to prove that Mr. Dartlett. Mr. Colby partner had mado au affidavit that cofico was taken from that vessel on tho night of the murder. Mr.

Morris said no such thiDg had taken placo. By Mr. Spencer Q. Was there a complaint made iu your presence before Jut ice Walsh that on'lhe night of tho 28th of Docembcr nine bags of cofico rated the property of Arnold Sturgess was stolen from this vessel that Hayes was watching? Objected to, and the objection was allowed by tho Couit. To Mr.

MorriE There was a lantorn nt llio end of the archway witness knew of the fence logwood had been piled against it for a very long tuna; Hayea entered their employ about tho 1st of June. To Mr. Spencer I dem't know whether the gas was lighted that night the archway is ono hundred and sixty feet in length and very dark. A reflector has not been placed there since the murder. By a Juror Q.

Do I understand from Mr. Colby that thero was a theft committed from his wharf the niulit of the homicide A. No, sir, you do not so understand. Mr. Rpenci Never romd, wo will prove that directly.

By a juror Q. Do you know whether thoso gatos throughthe fence are closed at night? A. No sir, thoy areuot. By Mr. Spencer Q.

Aro you sure of that? A. Well, I have liOTer seen them closed. Q. How late havo you passed through those gates? A. As late as six o'clock.

Q. And that is all you know? A. sir. For the purpose of proving that a man had been arrested on a chargo of stealing coffeo from the vessel at the wharf of the nnrbeok Stores ou the night ot tho homicide, Mr. Spencer called to tho stand Mr.

Bartlett, a partner of tho former witness. Witness said On tbo morning of the 30th I was shown nice bags of coffee at Pier S. North River: it Java coffee, and resembled tbo cargo of that vesse1. V. uiu you at mat timo go ucioro Justice Hogau in N.

Y. and make a complaint Objected to on tbo ground that an alleged larceny could not ho proved in that manner. Mr. Spencer then asked witness to look at the affidavit made by him that a part of that coffeo had been stolen on the evening of tho homicide. Sir.

Mcrris again objected on the ground that tho witness being on the stand he could bc'aakod tho qnrstiona without going back to what he had said and dono ou some former occasion. Q. Where was that coffee? A. In possession of tho Harbor Police. Q.

Did you go and get some of that cargo as a sample? A. Yes Bir. Q. At the suggestion of Judge Morris did you subsequently come over to Brooklyn and mako a complaint on the supposition that it might 6erve to throw somo light on that homicide? Objected to, and the objection sustained by the Court. Q.

What was the name of tho bark lying at that wltari? A. Tho bark with the coffeo ou board was the bark Maria, Mr. Spencer I am not asking about any other bark, you know that well, Mr. Bartlett. Q.

"WaB thero any other cargo of coffee unloading iu Now Y'ork at that timo? A. No. fir. Q. Was tho cargo of tho Maria short A.

The cargo was short 4,000 pounds. Q. Is it a very difficult matter to identify or swear to a coffee berry 1 A. Very diliicult, indeed. Q.

When did that bark come to your wharf, was it prior to the 28th? A. Yes, sir. Q. When you wero shown this cofl'oc, was not a parly under arrest in relation to that alleged larceny A. Yes, sir.

Q. And ho was discharged in conseqnonco of your being unablo to identify tho coffee? A. Yos sir, in cou Beqtieuco of being unable to make out our case. By Mr. Morris Q.

Where was that coffeo found A. In a row boat at Pier No. 19 Kast Kivor. By Mr. Spencer Q.

Did you see tho man who was arrested on a chargo of stealing this coffee? A. I did. Q. Wsh he a tall man 1 Well about five feet eight or nino inches. Q.

Was he a Inrgo man. A. Ho would weigh about one hundred and sixty or ono hundred and pounds. the'testimony eead. Mr.

Wm. C. Bishop, official stenographer of the court, was placet! on the stand lo testify to tho correctness of tho minutes taken at tho two trials, of tho testimony of the conductor, Delaney and tho driver, Williams, of the Hamilton avenue car. 'The testimony of tho witness was read over to tho jury. Portions of tho testimony of Officer Smith woro road for the purpose of showing that Pony had beon asked while ou tho corner of Atlantio and Furnian stroets, whether ho had heard anything of "this muss," and that "Furmau street" had not boon mentioned on the occasion when Perry mot Officer Smith and the stavter Ennis.

ANOTHER MAN WITH A LONG COAT ON. Frank Dovell testified that he waa in Furman stropt, between the bridge and the Fulton ferry, on tho night of the murdor; ho mot a man with a long coat on, going towards tho ferry tho man had blnck chin whiBkora nnd moustache; it was not Perry, for on going down the street ho saw Perry em tho corner of Joralemon alreet, talking with a boy Porry had a long coat and a cap on; I heard somo ono caU out "Billy," at Keornan's liquor store Billy McCormack went out when "Billy" was called. HE IS SEEN BI THE WATCHMAN AT BOBIN'a STOKES. George W. Oswald, a watchman at Bobin's stores, testified that he beard the pistol shot fired on the night of tho murdor; he waa standing in tho archway at the time, and saw a man pass down towards the Wall strcot ferry.

The man wob taU and had black chin whiskers, it was not Porry. Crosa examination I was in the archway wlvon tha pistol wsb firod, he was walking up towards tbo gate. Ho stopped in tho archway when the shot was tired, it was fired from tho direction of Harbeck'a stores. Ho did not go down to the store, he wob Dot then on duty having bec relieved from night duty. Thero was a light in tho archway, he could sec the man distinctly, the man passed shortly after be got to tho mouth of the archway.

Knew Perry, and had talked with him several times, had not talked wifh any ono in reference to the number, ho had been subponaed by ChurchiU who had Been him three times about it. Had first seen him on Furman street, but was unablo to be suie about the time. I am supposed to bo tho day watofcmau; I relieve the night watchman at sevon o'clock I am a "Jack of all trados." To a Juior It fs not part of my duty to rcmaiu'aftcr bIx o'clock, although 1 sometimes do bo; I could not Bwetr that I heard more lhan ono pistol shot. Mi. Perry was thon called, hut ruled out by tho Court.

CONTINUED IK DUE FOUBIfl EDITION. Asthma. A spasmodic affection of the Bronchial tubes, which are oovorod with a dry, tenacious pbleghm. "Brown's Bronohial Troches" will in somo oasos givo immediate roliof. For oonghs, colds and throat diseases, tho Trochos havo provod thoir ofBcaoy.

"An old lady friond having triod many roniodios for asthma with no boneflt, found great roliof from tho Troches." Rev. D. LETTS, Ifronkfort, 111. Total destruction of the Spanish fleet, is nothing compared to tho loss oiporienoed by house ownors, in not having thoir roofs' niado tight during tho winter months; send your orders at onco, and lot tho PhonixOo ment Roofing Co. repair thom boforo thoy aro snored up.

Kstablished 1S39, 20 Court stoot, in trunk storo. Matiiew Davis, Manager. Emerald Ball. The grand Emerald Ball takes placo on Fobruarj tho 1st. This ball has boon for years ono of tbo most prominent and largely attondod of tho Benson.

Tbo purimao is the procuring of funds for charitiblo purposes, and this, with its splondid mamso mcnt, is tho secret of its groat suoooss. ja25 Ot Mason Hamlin Organ organs are hotter and lowor in prico than any organs manufactured, and are sold to Brooklyn peoplo on vory easy torms. Don't fail to call and see tho noir stylos at Mathews it Sunn's Agency, No. 2SI6 Fulton st, near Piorropont. ja25 6t Emerald Ball at the Academy of Music, Feb.

1st, 1870. td Tef, lungs aro strained and racked by a par sistont conph, tho general strength waatad, and an inoura blo complaint often established thoroby. Jayno's Kspeoto rant is an elfoctivo remedy for coughs and colds, aud oxsrts a boneficial effect on tbo pulmonary and bronchial organs. Sold everywhere. Church for Sale.

The property of tho Central Presbyterian Church, Itov. T. De Witt Talmago, Paa tor, located on Schcrmoihorn st, botwoon Novins aud Pow ors. Apply to Wat. H.

Marstoh, ot the office of Marston A Power, udjolning tbo Fulton Ferry. ja25 titeod a Singer's new Family Sewing Machine, the simplcat and bestin tho world. Brooklyn Agency. 325 Fulton stieot, near Pierrcpont. Thos.

CassIN, General Agont for Long Island. julO 4tood The Best in Use. The Adams and the Climax Fluting and Crimping Machines; now selling at reduced prices. 15. W.

NicHOna' Houao Furnishing Storo, No. 21B Fulton 8t, cor. Pinoapplo. j22 4ireod A large assortment of Tea trays, both in aots and singly, at gr.catly rcdacod pricos. K.

W. Nichols' House Furnishing Storo, No. 208 Fulton st, cor. Pineapple. ja22 4weod At the great cheap sale of S.

B. Jones, 270 Fulton etroet, ribbons, laco goods, gimps, fringes, buttons, eatins, silks, velvets, glovos, hosiery, fancy goods, and a full 'assortment of standard small wares. Unusual inducements in discounts on all purchases for ono month. ja37 2tT Interest allowed from February 1st, which la equal to 8 por cent por annum, at Dimo Savings' Bank, Nos. 3 and 5 Broadway, Williamsburgh.

ja27 Emerald Ball in aid of the orphans, at the Aoadomy of Music, Feb. 1st, 1870. jal9 td iTIAIlltlKU. Bejigen Lewis On Thursday, Jan. 27th, attlia rosi donce of tho bride's brother, Sing Sing, by tho Kov.

Wilson Phrancr, CoiiNEuns J. BEnGEK of Kliza Lew. IS, daughter of tho late Fzra Lewis of Brooklyn. No cards. ITjNMCHSROKKBF.nQ January 27th, 1870, at Christ Church, Rev.

Drs. Canfleld and Bancroft officiating, Al BEiix Theodoee HisnioHs to Annie M. Ronnueho. MED. Drew On January 26th, in tho 7Gth year of his ago, Aiiuui) u.

iiiKw, a naiivo oi ifngianu. His funeral will lako ytlaco on Sunday, tbo SOtb, nt B03 Flushing avo. His friends, and those of bis family, aro requested to attend the funeral, at 1 o'olock P. M. ja33 2t" IlAwmonN Suddenly, on Thursday, Jan.

27th, Samoed IlAWlHonN, in the 24th year of his ago. Tbo relatives and friends of tbo family aro respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from Johnson st. M. I'. Church, corner of Jay st, on Sunday afternoon, tho 3'Jth 2k; P.

M. also, tho officers and mombcrs of tbo Fourteenth Regiment, N. S. N. ate respectfully invited also, the members of the Grand Army of tbo to public.

ja2s 2t KELCIIER On Thursday, Jan, 27tb, at his rcFidonco in Walcott st. cor. Conovcr, of apoplexy, Michael Kelmeii, aped 52. Funeral will fake placo on Sunday, 30th inst, at 2 o'clock. The remains will bo interred in the Coniotorj of tho Holy Cross, Tho friends of tho family are invited to attend.

Mortal On January 28th, MAntr'Am? Funeral from bo rosidoooo of Patrick Curtain, corner of Henry street and Hamilton avenuo, on Sunday, Jan. SOtk. Her aunt, Catherine Curloy, is invitod to attend. MvnvnAY On Friday, January 23th, after a long and painful illness, Edward Murray, in tho 74th yoar of his a jjo Tho friends of tbo family, and also those of his son in law, Thomas McGunislo, are respoctfully invited to attond tho innoral, from his late residence, 1G2 Navy st, on Sunday, at 2 o'clock P. M.

Martin In this city, Wm. Henry Martin, son of James and Elizabeth Mertin, in the 3d year of bis aae. Tho friends and acquaintances of tho family aro requested to attend his funeral from tho reBidonco of his naronts. cucuui ul ut uuu iiuuty buj, un oaiurusy ut. 6 r.

iu. Parker On tho 2Elh at Mabbottsvillo, Dutoboss County, Henry C. PAnnES, agod 25 years, 1 month and 2 days, son of Lemuel W. Parkes. Tho relatives aud friends are rospoctfnlly invited to attond tho funeral, on Sunday, at o'clock, from tho residence of bis father in law, C.G.Morse, No.

77 North Portland avonue, Brooklyn. KanTH A this residence, in this city, suddenly, of disoaso the heart, Pbiiji' Ssrrrn, in tho 55tb year of his ao. Tho frici.nsimd acqunintancosof tho family, and also tho mmbcrs of St. Jaiuos It. U.

B. Sooioty, aro roqueatod to attend his funeral, from hid lato rcsldenco, Flushing avo, near Throop, at 1 P. M. on Sunday, and thouoo to St. John tho Baptist's H.

C. Church. Tho mombcrs of St. James C. B.

Society aro ronuostod to moot at 12 at tho schoolroom, with crape on left arm. Edwaiid Fiiayne, Proa. Ten BnoECK InHrooklyn, on Friday, 28th Sophia Bicker Ten Bkokck, widow of tho lato Richard Ten Biocck, of Albnny, in tho 86th year of her ago. Faithfully fulfilling tho duties of a mother and a christian, sbo has gone to receive her reward. Relatives and frlonds of tho family aro invitod to attend the funeral, from tho residenco ot nor daughter, No.

175 Carlton avonue, on Sunday, 30th at 2 o'clock P. M. IF THE YOUNG MAN WHO TOOK THE set of garnet jewelry and ladies' dressing caso, togotbor with othor valuable articles, on Jauuary 27fh, will loavo then, or the pawnbroker's ticket, at 31 Poplar st, he will bo liberally rewarded, and no questions asked. NOTICE WE SEE BY THE PAPERS tho authorities are taking tho swill milk businoss in thoir own hands, and while thoy aro dealing with tbo makora and vendors of that villainous compound, wo feol it our duty as woll as pleasure to notify tho citizonH of Brooklyn that thoy can bo supplied with pnro ennntry milk by leaving thair orders at THOMAS BROTHERS depot, 187 Court Stroot. Said milk comes ovory day from Quaker Hill, Dutchess iounty, ono of tho finest grazing localities in tho Stato.

Ploaso givo us a trial. THOMAS BROTHERS, 187 Court street, corner of Butlor. Brooklyn. jan23 6t" JLOST A3VJO FOVNB. OSTnFI? AV UYPniMSWAnrnr txt A .1.

a r. 'rrmwir "oar fcuu nanno uqck. a wiiu wiuto canvas, inounaorwiii ro ceivo a bandsomo reward, on its return to 4 Hamilton avo, Mrs. LOST 513 REWARD WILL BE PAID returning a Bold SLEEVE nre to 110 First placo near Court at, vjuunumimi ItlQniagUO SC. OST STRAY HI) b'RflMTH w.

of Court and Nelson Bts, a whitn nanny OOAT. with iiu.uuiiif iiij, iiuuniuuioa waMraiW IOO Samo Will UO rewarded by tha owner, I OST WILL THE LADY WITH THE green dress, who took a waterproof CLOAK from tho nun in bi, mioMiiu, uu vruuiiuuiy evening, oan. 20th, return the samo at tho ahoo store, cor. Myrtle avo and Adams bt, and receive bcr own Sho is known. OST GOING FROM OOR.

OF jUlT JlJ ton and Tillary sts. along Tillary to Gold st, a POOK ci auoa, concaining aoouc cairtoen iwia; aonars. 'rno finder will be suitably rowardod by leaving it at 108 Willow I OST FRIDAY EVENING, JAN. 28TH, A in the vicinity of Clinton, TieKalb or avo nuos, or Fort Greono placo, an Onyx (3LEEVK BUTTON, witb monogram Bol in small diamonds, A. M.

O. A suitabla reward will bo paid for its return to J. H. CUNNING. HAM, 4i South Oxford st.

UNION, NO. 26. WILL ilwi ruKiuur moniuiy meeting, iub, wnen llUHinrMU of 111 1 Memhcrs aro roqnoHod to bo proiont. By order of tho President, OEO. O.

VAN VOAST. OENERAL COMMIT tf ui mooting of tho Domocratio Gonoral nmilteo will bn hold on TUESDAY EVENING, FcTbru' orylst. half past 7 o'clook, at Hoadnuartcrs, No. 9 tiKm O. O.

Herman. SecrotaMKS RAIG' 0l5ag8f HEAD QUARTERS POST RANKIN, NO. V'Mi BrookIyn. Jan. 29th, I870.

Tho (Jom. rades of this Post art requested to moot at tbo Church, cor. Jay and Johnson ata, on SUNDAY, tho 30th at 2 o'clock P.M., for tho pnrnnBo of nttcndlnVthe funeral of our lato comtado. SAMtlEL HAWTHORNE By order nf 15. Commander.

Clark Smith, Post Adjutant. NOTICE. THE ANJSUMTmEETING OP tbe 8tockhnldoriof "The, Brooklyn, Groonwood and Bath Plank Road wil bo held at tho house of OAR RET G. BERGEN. Third avo.

and I Tblrty thfrd I at MONDAY, Feb. 7th, 1870. at 3 o'olook P. M. Brooklyn Jan loth, 1870.

J.V.B.MARTEN8E,Soc?otkrV. ja22 3w8 IHE MEMBERS OF THE WASHING ton Association, and also the mnrabnm nf ai. J' aTS to moot at 81 Falton Bt, on MONDAY next, at 8 o'clock. JOHN TURNER, Chairman. THE MEMBERS OF F.

M. T. A. SO eloty No. 2, of hereby notlBod to attend a Bpeolal meeting, in their Hal), on SUNDAY AFTE It NOON, at a o'clock, to tako final aotion on the report nf their Committee on Hall.

Absent members will bo fined, according to the constitution. By order of tho Sooioty. THOMAS COBRIGAN, PreBidont. HE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stockholders of The Kings County Manufacturing Company," will be hold at the offloe of James H. Fay, Es No.

9 Nassau st (room 6), New York City, on TUESDAY, tho 8th day of February, 1870, at 13 o'olock, noon, or that day, at which timo and placo thoro will bo an olootion of three Trustees of the Bald Co. Dated Brooklyn, January 28th, 1870. JAMES H. FAY, Beoretary of Tho Kings Co. Manufacturing Co;" TEMPERANCE FATHER MATHSW T.

B. Society No. 5. will hold a Grand Publio Tarn Bronklvn. JAMES J.

O'DONNRLT. Km will deliver an Address: snbjeot: "What Is Father Matliow ism OU3K1UM ana juumu. auiuibbiuu treo, DENNIS KERRIGAN, Prosidant. AMTHOHT Nbvin, Vise President. Paimok Onma, Reoording Soctotarr.

horn sts..

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