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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 6

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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(il! SIX Boys In Macon and Even Surrounding Swamps lieve in Georgia Heavy. Editor's Vote: As a friend (if Willie Stribliiif. and a sports wrller In hit home town, Macon, Jimmy Jones knows a treat deal of Uie In. tinute the challenger for the world's heavywcighl i ship, his family life. In this' ffeccnd and rcncludinif of Ihe Jours en the Georgia Loy, Joner (elU tome more about lion- blands In home touu and his personal life.

BY JIMMY JONES Sports Edltur Maion Telegraph (Copyright, 1931, NEA Service, liu-) MACON. Jim? ih remote retreats of Georgia's swamp, the Okcfenokee. there an natives who nevc-r read newspapers and who still believe that, wilche- chase away tho fish. On a recent fishing trip, a Macon man asked one of tho swamp denizens who lives in a leg cabin on un island, whal he thought ol Strlbllng's chance to win itic big fight. The native looked blankly through shaggy he fightln'?" askpd Ilic Okefenokeean.

Scimiellnr. tlie German," replied the MaconHe. "Well," drawled tlie native, "don'l never worry 'bout Georgia Cracker nol Irlmmin' a German." Ttiat Is typical of the loyally for Strib down here, a ctuA! example. The city of Mncon 1ms thrown only two parades for homecoming hero. One was Willie Stribling aflev lie slopped Otto Von I'ornl in Chicago.

Strlb. riding in un auto. was cscorled nlong Macon's main llioroughtar; 1 Lindbergh-fashion, as ticker tape and paper fluttered from office wln- dows. Tlie parade was after lie stopped PiiU Scott. The Siriblintjs.

who live In cozy but Inexpensive little collage 0:1 Nottingham Drive, dwell nutcii after the fashion of solid citizens. There is miniature golf course in Uie yard where Willie's bay and girl, Willie III and Mnry Virginia, take recreation. Tlie children, like their dad, are being brought- up ns acrobats, the ilrc-ycar-old boy al; ready performing many. dlUlcull feats. There is complete understanding within Ihe domestic circle of the- heavyweight ciinltcnger.

Hi.s wife insists on reeling for him at 'all his fights. Just os she dirt when 'she was his boyhood sweetheart. And StribHng never yets jealous when her husband is away. serving as critic nt some bathing beauty revue or when lie poses with a singe star for a photo. "He earns tils living by serving the public," says Ihe boxer's wife.

"and I don't complain because I come second." ambling says of Ills wife: "The grcatcsl little sport in Ilic world." The Stribliiigs spend ninny quiet evenings together. Slrlb likes to play bridge with his wife and reac aviation magazines. He always has a couple of good hunting around home, his tastes running lo pointers and German pa- lice dogs. He can't bear tlie sight of a Pekingese or poodle. Once IK brought a Boston bull, a gift, al ths way from Grand Rapids in his plane.

Stribltag, Ihe father, helps his wife with the duties around house, says the blessing at meal. and puts the children to bed. The couple often go to movies dances together. I don't believe there ever will be any Reno for the Stiiblings. Mrs.

SU'ibling worries a lillle when her husband is away, knowing love for speed, but philosoplii- cally explains it like this: "He's big and strong and never loses his head and I know he wi3; take care of himself." Slrlb, himself, has one axiom. He may pass eveiythlng on the. road but when he comes to a railroad crossing he slops. "Train only has to hit you or.ce.' ht says. Speaking of safety first, the onrj sport Pa and Ma strlbling ever for bade their strapping offspring wa.

football. During Ihe first foolbal game ever saw, a husky fullback was knockekd cold and carried from the field on a strelcher. Later or when W. L. mentioned somelhin aboul going out for end on Ihe La nfer team, Pa lurncd a couple plump, pudgy thumbs down an.

saW nix. Is boxing rougher than football "To Pa Stribling It is. 1 Vt'f'f' WJt fAUK.l COUKIKK WKDNKSDAV. JUNK 10. 1931 GAMES TODAY Memphis at Birmingham.

Little Rock at Atlanta. New Orleans at Chattanooga Mobile at Nashville. Anxrkan T.ratae Chicago at New York. St. Louis at Philadelphia.

Oelrolt at Boston. Cleveland al Washington. National League Boston at. St. Louis.

Brooklyn at -Cincinnati. New York al Pittsburgh. 1 JEHU BRUSHING UP SPORTS Laufer Crowd of Season 1 urns Out for Good Card at Armory Tuesday Night GMI: rugged little Memphis banlam. won a popular decision over Kid I'rltcharcl of Ca- rtuhcr.svllir in tne hsr.dlhii: Ijom of Craig's Iminif show at th'. 1 jiinnury yym last night before Ihe largest niiil most cmliu-iiastic' crowd fans that has turned oul this season.

Tm 1 fanner Memphis nuiatcm- whoso real inline is UeMon- lievillp, but win) abbreviated it for Ihe convenience ol printers and light linn, exhibited considerable and al no time during I the fiulil was he In trouble. Prltch- iird, although slightly outclassed, ffiiixia with Ills usual Kanitness, carrying tin' fight lo UeMoiHre in nearly every round. I 'I'llIs atfeiKc nciied I'ritchard lit- itlc as ho was most oi the time 1111- Tliroc Renoraltons of Slriblln-s ire Ilicy arc labm-p) lefl lo HRlil rr, Mary Virginia; W. ami Illnl. llrlcM- is a llidurc nf W.

and Ilk IrilA luitlicard rarer. cinniirivi- om- happy family. 1'a: holilinr lii ilnujli- Ma, llnldhi- W. ilir 'oimully. Cliirf 'Ihe nthfr ifny Will Hp.iridiio, president of (lie American eague.

appointed Tommy Connolly hlsf of Tlr art of TEarrlcljir'K campaign lo lake the umpiring more efficient nd coiniteratl the lint nvc KOing up on all frrjnls his year. In his 33 years of Un For Birds and Down for Rncks: Baions Win An- olher Game. Tlie New II 1 Llule Ti.ivelcrs twice and tho two loams ex- rli'ini'ed plii-(s in I ho Dixie march with (lie i'cls moviiu; up lo three and Peliblr.s- fcinmy Connolly has faced some i df-ivn lo Ihn ex-roast at sixth ecullnr sitiiatiens. He slnrtcd ns lllacn Thai's inr.t IMU- close the arbiter in Ihu Nntionul Lcp.jue Sciilliprn lens'in? irire is. not in- c'ludlnn rf rom-sc (lu 1 Biimlngliam Barons, yesteiday, and Kinainod several alientl "of the ncuifM cunti niltra.

tlie Lookouts. The Tnivclnr, fulled lo score a run In nvo boin? blnnkril (n and 5 nt Now Orleans. In thn first Reive Bean npnllnl Hie iincl in the seccml n.ini.-- filnmcr pulled th." same Tho Lookouts had an etisv time uilli dip Atlanta Crackers to win 13 to 7. The Lookouts made (wo out nf Ihroe in the Serbs. Ryan nnd' Tnlu homers.

The Lo'ok- nut lo Huddy Ilearn for I The Mobile Marines broke up i lie in Hi? ninth inning In teat the Memphianx hiul previcuslv dead- Mrmphlnns had 'proTicusl deadlocked tho score" in the eighth. Oldlnim was (he winning and Cimvscr losing iur. ler. The league leading Barons the Nashville Vols Kame 8 lo 2. The nblc lo hit DcMontrc who kept htm in a mast respectful mood with his countei 1 imnciios.

In tlie fouvlli louiul DeMontrj piled up a substantial leatl which he lu-ld Ilic resl of the way. The cluhlli and nnal frame found Prilchnid on the floor, hurl from what he Inler said was DeMontre's lii'iid. Rofcrep Cliesler Daticliower tollwl oir Ihe count and apparently hud Just completed 'it when Priu-hard gained Ills feet and, sailed in for more. He was on his'-teel: at. Ihe finish bin to" be lieliwd from (he-ring.

Tom rtye Scalon; iho t.uxora liRhtie, galupti Hip decision ovpr Babe O'Brien of New Madrid. In six fairly fast rounds. Sealon rr.cked O'Urlen several limes and had him down for a count of in the fourth. The Missouri Irishman showed a willingness lo fight bul was unnblo lo land solidly with his much advertised right. The third was O'Brien's best round, but he was oulpolnled In the others.

Don nnvls. (he tough boy'from Stejlp. hammered oiil a bloody decision over Brick Austin of Mnnlin in a four rounder. Davis, who has fought hove on recent caids, was in better shape than Austin, Both flghtc-rs gave the cnsli customers and several of (he dcadh'pnds plen- ty of slugging for their money. tl' TO.M CONNOT.I.V the rowdy-rowdy days of 8C3.

switching to the Ampricaii snrue In 1301. They tell some BUDS BEIT I'Cciminals Right; Get Athletics and wcurs UllTIrV Fast. Blnek. dusky scrapper, knocked out Llllle In the second round of a scheduled four rounder lo slart (he show. Should a jolfer ever ease up on "Spare the rod and spoil Hits Barons child" is nil old proverb that- might Southern Birmingham Near the clcse of the season one with Cleveland out of the ace.

Bill Uradley dillerccl with one Connollys decisions. It was a bird strike, and ns Bradley tinned way from the hr threw his bat hiRh tin- air. giving vein I i Fhrill whoop. Tommy quickly saw what it ill about. He picked up a sttav inri tossctl it twice high as lirad had flung; his own mace "Beat that toss if you can." said i Connolly.

li-ai!" Whrn Tommy walks onto lekl he wears a most expression. Some of the baseball vrilsrs occasionally to rcler him as "Dead Pan" Connolly. After a double-header in Hosto. years as Tommy w.r walking olf (he field he was accosted by a fan in this wise: "Don't you ever smile. Connolly?" i Philadelphia Whereupon Connolly. the Washington squarely in the eye and rtv Yoll: nj an even more sorious i-xpres- Cleveland spake: Chicago Louis hard and timely while Rnr- be applied to this game ol golf. foot held tl-? in hand. HOW THEY STAND Walter Hagcn claims that many good golfer has been ruined by up" on a shot. "Always IM.P Ihe club for its proper distance." is an ancient golf IChallai lo th: iNi'iv Orleans serious' Memphis Allanta Little Reck Npshville l.oapup W. 38 20 23 21 27 National 2G 23 23 i .055 .507 .518 .491 .407 .411 W.

35 IF ONE 15 1(1 THE HABIT OF I 200 TO 225 A WOCDT-N CLUB IT IS PIDlCUUXJS to USE -ME SW CLUB FOP A SHOT OF 180 YARDS. "Did yon ever see a villain play do any Detroit 10 Son on lhc Job liostou Tommy is Ihe father of a large 7uli .301 i 11Y KI.EIN Science Editor. NEA Service Among (he provoking experiences encountered by motorists is that requiring the installation of new parts in an automobile that, lo Ihe owner, should be fool-proof ng.iiust breakdowns. The replacement of a rear axle shaft, for instance, or of a new flywheel or a new clulcli, seems lo be uncalled for in a car for which considerable money lias besn paid find which is supposed lo give goon service for some years. Yet the driver is more to- be blamed than th? 1 manufacturer of the car, in a great many instances.

Faulty -driving Hie breakdown. may have caused There's (he matter of (he nxle shaft. Here is a- sturdy casting Hint undergoes a constant, twisting slrain-every lime (he car is staged. The effort is slight, to be sure, hut consider the number of starts iu, twenty thousand miles of driving and even the sturdiest of parts may- Rive wav. The resulting action on the axle shaft is a crystallization of the pteel until the molecules hold no bushing of Ihe wheels.

If this is not done, the tires will wcnr more quickly than usual and there will be ths additional danger Ihat comes and wabbling from shimmying wheels. The steering system, loo, is a danger point after aboul two years of driving, unless this Is kept under inspection and is tightened up, greased and repaired if necessary at regular intervals. These are only a few of tlie I many important parts of a cat- thai, almost out of th2 driver's thoughts, can kick up suddenly to (he costly chagrin of lhc owner, i The way to avoid this is have the. car checked over thoroughly about every six months. Brinkley To Meet Red Sox The fast independent ball team of Brink-ley, will play the MWK VOULL SOME 6cop our OF Seiialors Going Fast.

leading Hc-d Birds of the Naj tional le.iKi.e held to their pac? a victory ovt-r the Dozers diiy while the Giants bounced b.ic-l: into cc.fond place by defeating Cubs. The Athletics defeated tin- Tigers and the Senators tile Whit? I Sox in the American loop, Tlie Cardinal the- I ollerhyjs of six Brooklyn i for eighteen hits and an 8 to 5 tri- I umpii. A line drive injured Hands' hand In tlie third inning and Ston! who replaced him was credited wiih the victory. Haley hit. a home run.

The Giants blasted Chicaj-i pitching for a 10 to 2 victory I th? Cubs. Monell liL-hl lhc Bruins in hand while his mates with Terry and Mel On showing the i w.iy. hit hard and timely. Benny r-Yey gave tr.e Braves bin five hits and thr Cincinnati ric-Js beat she Bostonlam. 7 tu '2.

Nick Cullop hit a home run. Hcndrick hit the ball hard. was Uie losing hurlei. Nn. II ChiLck Klein's 14tti put the Phillies ahead and they Ivat the Piitsburgh Pirates 7 lo 3.

Dudley, th? first of tluce Philly piidi- ers. was credited with the win. and Bramc with the lois. Scoring five runs in the seventh and five In the eighth innings the Philadelphia Athletics won over the Detroit Tigers at Philadelphia. George Earnsiiaw lei tho Tigers down with six hits.

Knrnshaw alvj hit a home run. one of four hits. The Washington Senators swept their series with the Chicago White Sox. 0 to 3. Tlie Senators got but 10 hits to the Sox' but bunched lliem successfully.

Bleuge of tlie Nats and Fonseca of the Sox led the hitters with Hirer apiece. Crowder was the winning hurler. gainu the rci.te. V. A.

CAMP SPRINGFIELD. (UP)- Dcvcloomeul of a 10-acre tract of land fronting on Nfassasoii Lnk'e. near hers, to be used ns slimmer training campby the International Young Men's Cluiitian Association College is under way. Several buildings will be erected lor commodation of students and instructors. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday' longer together and give way.

The jBlythcvillc Red So'x al Haley Field S0 1: .1 ILLU can Leaeue ar American St. Louis New York Chicago Boston Brooklyn W. SO 20 25 used to ask I 1 ll Ip hlil 20 for a rnlso. 20 25 "5 3' family. One of his sons umpired several of the scries games among bi? league teams in the south during Ihe spring and lalcr found an assignment for the summer in the Piedmont League.

They tell e. story of how Tommy Connolly every year President Ban Johnson sine? the family had grown and an addition to the house sary. Tommy will r.ot umpire now. I After finishing a series in Boston June 17. makes his office in American League in Cliicaso.

He's a supervisor, and v.ill srcut throne mnr.ire inntriial! Alter 33 years of umpiring Tommy dtscrici a bieak. This writer imports nearlv or-, nr one tt'fchcs him five kinds of I of ii, ronsumrillon luck, 1,11 nf Ihrm lMI.MO.nno board lisnilur axiom. If one is in the of selling from 200 to 225 yards wit 1 a wood ehib. it is ridiculous and nc-ivly always disastrous to us? fame rlub for shot of 180 yards diffkuUy Many players cannot hit a unless they put nil h.iv i 71,15 occurs when" ihe oval "or .468 into il. Once they ease up.

of-round part of the flj-wheel is on rhyJim of their swing is die side of the starter gear and so A '4 nj tiint it affords no free play TOMORROW: Can you nir for the starter lo work on the ily- twisting action has weakened the structural strength of the steel shaft. Add to that poor use of the clutch and Ibis will pul an additional strain on (he rear shaft every lime the car is started, resulting in an carlbr breakdown. If the clutch is let in slow'ly and KraduaUy. there will be no trouble at least from this source. Bul let il in suddenly, or lei it "grab" in its action, and the strain on th? rear shaft is much greater.

A grabbing clutch will finally re- miire replacement, also. If it slips, diallers or squeaks, it may be worn down almost to the danger point in driving. is a good irolicy to have the clutch inspected and repaired as scon as il shows the first sign of slipping or squeaking. If it Is neglected too long, it may need replacement. i Another parl Ihat might not be expected to break down is the fly- nrheel.

Yet motorists have met with a great deal of trouble here. in many cases not because of a iworly constructed part. When the slarler gear is mapped i inlo the tcelh of (he flywheel and i starting action begun, there is i tremendous strain on the contact- iitig metal. Chips are very linbb to break off. even teelh conic off.

and sometimes Hie flywheel works i slightly out of round. Is the that causes most for then It is that the when Ihrown in, may jam. at 3:30 here tomorrow afternoon o'clock. The game will be the first weekday contest played here since the Hose opened their season against Osceola in May. The Urinkley team come.s here with a reputation of having beat- en the Jonesboro Caterpillars, Helena Scanortors and the fast Forrest City club.

Blytheville plans to present another strong line-up against Ihe visitors, according lo Frank Thrasher, manager. I'mp's Son Makes Good Al Hildebraiul of San Francisco, 'brand, American League arbiter, won his letter in baseball at Ihe University of Southern California this season. Young Hildebrand is a sophomore 1 and inficlder. Courier News Want Ads Pay. RJTZ THEATER Tuesday-Wednesday Thursday Telephone girls in Berlin must spend a set time every day exercising (heir vocal chords.

five Sophomores Si-l Uie Tare Bill Mcllwee, sophomore paw. pitched four victories starts for the University ol Mnrv- l.inn varsity baseball team, whilr Hymlc Gorman, another second VC.T tTe "for man the hitlers average of .375. anv Rale? fnr playinc QUITS r.rx AUSTIN. (nnei- ncr Dan Mcotiy. wlios? trius enured considerable when he was, forpswpin gun.

rod vofl! Up he will not no apaln unlll he all 1-: owc3 a considerabl MIDM-CAL BLUtS piled up while he woiVcd slati- ilx yitars on wheel. Tlie resull is a locking of gears. Rocking the car forward and back, while the transmission Is in I gear, will throw the flywheel off lliis position and "unlock" tho wars. But if the flywheel is in that shape, this locking trouble occur quite oltoi. Tlie only remedy Is a new fly- t-U bill! or ih.i Lons wear.

altT many thousands of miles of driving, will entail re- adoration leaves Women's but he uses il for his mysler- ioiis purpose. With Carole Lombard Kay Francis PpWEU ladies Man 'jHiiin Also Comedy anrt ant! and -10c. The New Idol of the Screen in the Korrtnnce of World's Crawford in "LAUGHFNG A Production ROBERT 'ARMSTRONG and JEAN HARLOW with John Jw'iljan and Ned Sparks From the novel by W. R. BURNETT, author "Little Caesar." Presented by CARL LAEMMLE Produced by CARL I.AEMMLE.

JR. Added Attraction "01.A BOH HAKKIS DANCE HK- Xight ONLY Also Comedy and News and Me and 35c.

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