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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 2

Brooklyn, New York
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THE NATIONAL EXPENDITUfiE. OUB EDUCATION. on towards his two hundred and fiftieth night and the house is as crowded as ever. Hayes la devising new Bcenio attractions. Fox is up to new tricks and Tayleoro Is managing things In front and waging war on tho this kind which figures under the name of the "Brooklyn Steamship and Emigration Company," which has been disposing of a large amount of bonds at the South and West, said bonds being worth their weight in waste paper.

The only connection Brooklyn has with the concern lies in the use of its name, the offices and agencies were in New York and other oities. MONDAY EVENING, SEPT. 28. A NEW DRY GOODS STOBB. O'SOLLIVAN A GREIG, 771 BKOADWAY, COBNEB NINTH STEEET, take pleasure in announcing to their numerous friends and the public, that they will open on MONDAY, 8EPTEMBEB 83, (in connection with their present business) A NEW AND GENEBAL STOCK OP DBYGOOD8.


CLOTHS, 0L0AKD5GS, Ac HOUSEKEEPING GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Ac, Ac, Ac. have undertaken to forestall it by casting thoelooton1 vote themselves for Grant Tho Democrats ore confident of polling a clean majority of the registered voters forSeymour, a number of the negroes having gono back on the carpet baggers. Campaign Songs. A good many campaign songs are sent to us with tho request "please insert" They aro orthodox in political sentiment, but of qnos. Honable merit in a poetical point of view, and on the whole we don't care to go largely into that species of publication.

We fear the reader would pronouueo them prosier than the campaign speeches. Colob Blindness. One of the most remark ablf instances of color blindness we have in tho Tribune, it reports an incident from New Orleans in which three negroes armed with pistols attacked a white man in the street He shot ono of them and the other two ran away. The Trilruite heads the paragraph "Murder of a Negro." The Bepublican Tent. The perambulating tent of the Republicans was pitched on Saturday evening at the corner of Myrtle avenue and Claremont.

But at tho hour of meeting it rained so hard, that the leaders dismissed the "band," "doused the glim," and 'left the tent alone in it3 glory. About forty or fifty persons wero in attendance and they vainly endeavor od while in the tent to keep themselves out.of,the wator, that dripped through the canvass. THE GAMBLE POISONING CASE. again on the ohanoes of battle fields, rather than yield this point, and it may be that in its final accomplishment we have a compensation for the loss of the two hundred thousand lives sacrificed by the prolongation of the war thus occasioned, but the partyin power dared not then present themselves to the people on this issue, and by making a hullabaloo over the Chicago platform they succeeded in diverting attention from it. Nay more, a month after Mr.Lincoln's re election, in December 1864, he himself in company with two of his Secretaries met high rebel authorities among them the Vioe Pres ident of the Confederacy at Hampton Roads, and endeavored to make peace, and again failed as is kriown because he still adhered to the abolision of slavery, although he intimated very direotly that the government would be willing to pay a money compensation for the slaves emancipated.

In other words, he did in December what the Democrats were denounced and villified for intimating in August that they would they were entrusted with power, the Maroh following. In the present campaign the misrepresentation so successfully resorted to in the last is continued with even greater audacity, and the strongest points on the side of their opponents are almost invariably those which are selected for assault. In the existing contest the Democrats have a great advantage over their antagonists in the oharacter of their standard bearer, Mr Seymour. His supporters are especially proud of the unstained purity of his private life, and of his marked ability as a public man. The first oharaoteristio of the roan is attempted to be offset by charging him with being the abettor and friend of rioters, robbers, incendiaries and assassins.

Assault on Seymour's mental ability is more difficult, but a Radical journal so respeotable as the Evening Post, has written several articles to show that Mr. Seymour is exposed to insanity, and that if elected President he will be unable to serve out his term. This unmanly and cruel assault, based on a domestic bereavement to which no man but a scoundrel would allude, to injure a gentleman who scorns the use of such weapons in party warfare as are used against him, is intended for the use of the weaker and less reputable organs of the party, and they attempt to improve on the Post by reversing the relations of the candidates and discussing the claims of "Blair andSeymour." If we could accurately estimate how far popular credulity and ignorance can be relied upon now that the passion and hate engendered in civil war are subsiding wo could form an opinion as to the value of his style of warfare. It is perhaps fortunate for Gen. Grant that his present supporters are not opposed to him, for if it could be said of Seymour as it has been Baid of Grant by his adherents, that he could not stand before a whisky bottle without falling down and worshipping it, every reader of the Tribune, at all events, would by this time be in position to believe that Grant is better fitted to serve in the capacity of an "awful example" for John B.

Gough, when he chooses to give an illustrated temperance lecture, than to be President of the United States. Official the Bureau of Statistics. The, Current Yearly Expenses, 6473,000,000, Ijeavinir Deficiency on the Twelve months of 9154, 000,000 to be Added to the National Debt. The recent incredible statements put forth by Mr. Atkinson, of Boston, to the effeot that most of tho revenue of the Government since the war had boen used In payment of the publio debt, and that the balance applied to tho current expenses of carrying on the Government was even less than the administration cost in the period prior to the war, induced Messrs.

Henry GrinneU, Boyal Phelps, Wilson O. Hunt and others of the leading merchants of Ne York, to lay the matter before the Bureau of Statistics and request from the official records a clear and definite statement of receipts and expenditures for each of the three last yearB, and also of what will be the financial Btate of the Government at the close of the current year. This request has been complied with by Hon. Alex, under Delmar, Director of the Bureau of Statistics. His report is clear and distinct in regard to each year.

He shows the sources from which the money came, and what it amounted toi each year. He gives the amounts appropriated, the sums received, and the moneys expended. In a word, he makes an exhibit so intelligible and conclusive that no mystification can be hereafter praotlsed on this subject, upon any tatelllgent man who peruses Mr. Del mar's report. Mr.

Delmar states, there are some receipts in the War Department, I believe, which aro never conveyed into the Treasury at all, and concerning which I have consequently no Information. This matter has been made the subject of official communication now on file' in the War Department. "The "total receipts and expenditures of the Government during the past three fiscal years," omitting the above mentioned un. known items, have been as follows:" Year 1868 8 1866 7 1867 3 Beceipts. ..8613,768,783,20 $536,349,172,28 8450,212,663,64 $576,477,103.62 8382,444,291.34 $414,931,004.19 The present Congress, in order that its "appropriations" might be kept low, and Bhow an apparent reduc tion of publio burdens, remitted sundry taxes, and, appropriated for the expenses of the Government much less money than the estimates called for.

Mr. Delmar stateB that where the Treasury asked for 8182,183,730. 92. Congress granted but and on. He states: EXPENDITURES OT THE OUBBBNT FISCAL 7EAB.

The expenditures of this 'fiscal year, if none aro deferred, will amount to $475,959,202.28, as follows: Ordinary Expenditures, 1868 '9 8398,317,183.95 Alaska, 1868 '9 7,200,000.00 Private Appropriations, 1868 '9 583,669.81 Deficiencies, 1867 '8 19,275,700.97 Principal of Loans, 1847 '8 1808 '9 8,582,641.80 Treasurer's 1808 '9, Est 42,000,000.00 Total .8475,959,201.23 Without including the Post ofllco Deflenoy, which will amount to 86,100,000. ESTIMATED REVENUE OF THE CTDBBENT ITSOAIi TEAS. To meet the 8475,959,202 23 of expenditures for 1868 '9, we snan give the rouowmg receipts: Begtster's Beceipts. Customst 8150,000,000 Internal Revenue 122,120,000 Public Lands 1,000,000 Direct Tax 1,600,000 Miscellaneous (excluding gold oremium 5.000.000 $279,620,003 Treasurer's Beceipts 42,000,000 Total 8321,020,000 Thus if the Treasury endeavors to moot its ourrent expenditures thia year (to Bay nothing of matured claims deferred, or of the Post offlce deficiency), it will Bhow a deficit of $164,339,202 25 at the end of the year, to be obtained from increased taxes or loans. Mr.

Delmar states that this enormous deficiency on the present year was foreseen by Secretary McCulloch, when he saw Congress cutting down the gross totals of appropriations without taking any Bteps to lesson the expenses which those appropriations were intended to meet. Director Delmar says that while Congress was thus lessening tho appropriations, "the public service instead of being cut down was'inoreasedby the creation of new functions, and the appointment of additional officers." Seeing that government bankruptcy and stoppage payment at the Treasury would result if tho expenses remained while the appropriations were reduced, Con gress gave the Secretary of the Treasury power to increase the national debt so as to raise money to cover the deficiency, Mr. Delmar states that the power given to the Treasury is to issue more bonds until the whole sum of the public debt amounts to 82,827,000,000 about three hundred millions more than the debt was at the close of the war, and fully two hundred millions beyond the highest estimate of what the funded debt is at this moment. Mr. Delmar closes his report by saying: Against the course of legislation, which is responsible for this state of affairs, the President has never ceased to protest, even to tho degree of risking a verdict that would have consigned his name that of one of the purest and bravest of men, to ignominy.

The reconstruction measures and Tenure of Office law are the main cause of all the extravagant expenditures, which under economical management, 1 think could be diminished within a year to 8200.000.000 per annum. Includina irold interest on the public debt. Without a total change of policy, however, such retrenchment is impossible. A continuance of presont measures means a continued heavy expenditure, and this can only be met by increasing the public debt. AMPSEIIIEN'rS.

The amusement season is now fully under way, all the theatres are open, the plans of the managers developed. Dramatically the prospect is bright enough, on both Bides of the river. Managers have found out that in the close competition foi public patronage that liberality on the stage ia the surest way to success. Some of the theatres find profit in good noting much as the popular taste run to spectacles and the sensational drama. Indulging in jeremiads over the decline of the drama is not our purpose it Is rather too trite a topic.

In Brooklyn we have cause only for congratulation, the drama Is doing very well here. At our only permanent dramatio temple, Mrs. Conway has this season the best oompany she has ever had; good in each and every de. partment, and well harmonized as a whole. Mr.

Hooley keeps up to the high standard he set out wijjfc and Btili has tho field to himself. In Now York, WaUack'B retains its pre eminence as the conservatory of dramatio talent. Edwin Booth promises to match it with a theatre where the legitimate drama shall find a home, and the works of the great dramatiBt shall be fittingly presented. Gonial John Brougham is fitting up the Fifth Avenue Opera House, and intends to make it a model of tho Vaudeville theatre. Niblo's, so long given to the frivolty of lega and scenic rhapsodies, will soon return to the legitimate drama.

All of which looks more like a revival than a decline of the drama. Oporatically the look out is not BO good. 01 Italian opera there is no prospeot at all. Mapleson did not come to time; Maretzek haB deBerted us; Strakosch disclaims any operatic designs Grau has gone over to the French, and unless some new impressario shall arise and come to our relief, we shall have no Italian opera this winter. An impressario ever so enterprising could do nothing without a company and what few good Italian artists there wore here Maretzek has secured for his western tour.

The case, therefore, looks utterly hopeless. Our musical reliance is on Opera Bouffe, for which we may depend on General Bateman, who has at his command a double column, one of whioh will rest on New York, while the other skirmishes all over the country, and will periodically advance on Brooklyn, as soon as the operatic season sets in. Now to particularize the coming events of the week. Maggie Mitchell at the Academy op Music Tho charming little cricket, Maggie Mitchell, appears at the Academy of Music to night, fresh from new triumphs In New York. There is an irresistible charm about Maggie Mitohell's acting, which has given her a place on the American stage that no other actress could fill.

She has created certain roles, with which she will always be identified. She is the first and only Fanchon on the stage. Her engagement is limited to the orthodox two nights, and she will give her first and last pieces, "Fanchon" and Lorle," the firat tonight, the second to morrow. MIbb Mitchell will be supported by a well selected company, comprising among others suoh well known favorites as J. W.

Collier, John Nunan, W. L. Jamison, Mrs. Hind, Mrs. Monell and Miss Newton The Park Theatre.

This week Mr. E. L. Davenport will play his farewell engagement here. He has concluded to make California his future home, and has undertaken the management of one of the SanFran cIbco theatres.

Before his final departure he will play a few brief engagements in the' Eastern cities, beginning with Brooklyn. He needs no introduction here nor should it be necessary to ask for him a cheering welcome and a hearty Godspeed on his final parting. Nowhere has he warmer admirers than in Brooklyn, and Mr. Davenport's scholarly interpretations of Shakespeare have ever found appreciative audiences here. In his present brief engagement Mr.

Davenport will have the advantage of good support, and every effort will be put forth by the management to make eaoh performance as perfect aB possible. Between Mr. Conway and Mr. Davenpor there subsists the closest friendship' the mutual appreciation of true artists and enthusiasts In their art, unalloyed by any feeling of rivalry, and Mr. Conway is interested in making his friend's closing engagement a brilliant success.

The programme for tho week is as follows: Monday, "Hamlet;" Tuesday, "Richard IIL;" Wednesday, "Richelieu;" Thursday, "Hamlet;" Friday, Mr. Davenport's benefit, "Pizarxo" and "Black eyed Susan;" Saturday, "Damon and Pythias" and "Tho Scalp Hunters." Hoolex's Opeba House. Four new artisg appear here to night Hughey Dougherty, George Los lie, the tenor, and Sheridan and Mack, from Philadelphia. There Is also an entire change of bill, tho leading features being, The Intelligence Office, Funny Sam, Brigadier Bralligan, with a variety of songs, dances, The visitor to Hooley's is always sure of a good entertainment, the chief ingredient of which is fun. Sanderson's Conoebt.

Harry Sanderson will give his first concert this season at tho Academy of Music on Thursday evening next. He will bo supported by Miss Jenny Eompton, the much admired contralto, Mr. W. H. DaviB, a new basso, and other artists.

The Oabtoons op the Bible. This artistio and instructive exhibition will be continued at the Brooklyn Instituto every evening this week. NEW YOKE. Wallaces. The two pieces selected for the opening nights of the season, "Simon Bernard" and "Dearer than been so well received by the audiences that have filled the houso each night they will bo continued for the present.

They are placed on the stage with all the perfection of detail for which this house is noted, and in the hands of such artists as J. W. John Gilbert, Chaa. Fisher, Miss Mestayer and Mrs. Jennings, the performance is as naar perfection aa we can expect in these days.

Niblo's. Barbe Bleue has entered upon his last nights at Niblo's. Next week General Bateman takes possession of Pikos Opera House, and the boards at the Garden will resound beneath the weighty tread of the great Forrest. Barbe Bleue has been the most successful of the Offenbaebian productions here, and but for the necessity of ajromoval, it might have run till Christina b. At Pike's Bateman will revive the Grand Duchesae, and those who wish to see Barbe Bleue must go to Niblo's this week.

The Oltmpio. Humpty Dumpty still gits on the wall and refuses to dismount, He is now running Opening of the Evening Schools. Wliat Brooklyn does Cor the Education of her Children. Eow they axe to be managed, and by whom Location, Names of Teachers, A Chance for All to be EducmtoiK On the evening of the fifth of October next the free evening schools, for the Instruction of those who have not had time or opportunity to instruot themselves in their youth, as well as all those who may wish to refresh their minds with the almost forgotten Btudies of early years, and these youths who, from the nature of their employment are not able to attend a day school. In order that all interested msybe able to derive as much benefit as possible, we publish below the locations of the various school houses, the names of the teachers, and other useful facts in connection with the matter, while at the same time a few words as to our general school system may not be out of place.

To its title of "the City of Ohutches," our fair oity may odd "the City of Schools," for In no oity in the Union Is there such a wealth of opportunity for all to be educated as there is in this. Outside of our publio schools of which we shall speak anon, we have about twenty seven Boman Catholio schools and seminaries, many of which, more especially those under the direction of the Christian Brothers a religious order of men devoted entirely to the education of youth are of a very high grade. The Packer Institute, the Adelphi Academy, 1 the High School in Joralemon street, are all well for the extent of the line of studies pursued in them, while for the education of females exclusively, there are the Packer Institute, the Brooklyn Heights Seminary, two Roman Catholic Convent Schools, one In Johnson street and the other in Couxtstreet, besides a Urge number of private catered all over the city. This number of places of education, from itsnagnitnde, would almost seam largo enough for the accommodation of all the youth of the city. All of them are well attended, suoh schools as the Packer Institute and Polytechnic Institute, being usually so crowded that pupils are required to wait sometimes for months after making application before they can get admitted, but these educational 'facilities, large as ihey are, sink into insigniflcanee in comparison with the magnitude of our common school system.

The Publio Schools of Brooklyn occupy no less than forty separata houses, embracing a great variety of structure and of claBS room accommodations. Of these houses twenty five are built of brick and fifteen of wood, four of which are hired houses, not owned by the city, as is likewise with one of the above enumerated briok houses, formerly each school had a library for the use of the pupils, to which contributions were made by liberal persons from time to time, but some time Binca it was determined to consolidate the various libraries, and this has resulted beneficially for the pupils. In these forty school nooses, under the charge of the Board of Education, there are engaged five hundred and eighty nine teachers, of whom only twenty seven are males, and the remaining five hundred and sixty two are females a faot which, more than all else, speaks volumes of hope and trust for the rising generation. It is a fact within the memory of moat grown people, that not a quarter of a century since, the idea of femaleB as teachers to boys, anywhere except in an infant school, would have been looked upon as absurd in the extreme, for it was argued after the old system that education could only be made to take root in the mind of a boy by the daily and vigorous application of a stout rattan or cowhide. Experience has proved that this idea ia erroneous, and the experience of the principals our publio.

schools Is, that tho femalo assistants are by far the most useful in imparting knowledge, for while a male teacher is apt to got angry and excited, and bo create in the mind of the pupil (similar emotions by the sudden infliction of an unlooked for chastisement, the gentleness and patience of the female teacher wins the regard of the pupil and createB a fipirit of chivalry and respect for the sex in tho boy, which is one of the best safeguards in after life against his falling into brutal habits. Ac cording to the last census taken in this city, it appears that there were in Brooklyn, one hundred and eight thousand and ninety nine children, of ago to attend Bchool. Of these there were enrolled last year, as pupils In the publio schools fifty six thousand four hundred and thirteen' or more than one half, and it may reasonably be presumed, that nearly if not all of the remainder aro taught at the various other institutions of learning enumerated above, so that tho proportion of ignorant children who are being brought up among us is very small. In addition to the number of sohool houses enumerated above under charge of the Board of Education, there are a number of new ones soon to be In course of construction to meet the increasing wants of the community. The management of all these schools is entrusted to tho charge of the Board of Education, which consists of forty five members, who are nominated by the Mayor and confirmed by the Common Council.

None of them receive any salary, and among their number are found many of our most enlightened citizens. The entire cost of the maintenance of the publio schools of Brooklyn last year, was 858,255.01, of which amount, $89,598.91,1 was paid from the State government as our share of the general State tax, and $322,259.00 was raised by taxation. The remainder accrued from interest and tho Bale of materials disused in the schools. The management of THE EVENING SOHOOLS has been entrusted to a committee consisting of Messrs. Henry B.

Pierson, T. Perry, Thomas Kinsolla, J. H. Frothingbam, A. Suydam, D.

D. Winant, Danibl L. Northup, Garret P. Bergen, John H. Rhodes, D.

Manger, James Hall and James McGee, These gentlemen after maturo deliberation have divided the city into seven districts, choosing in eaeh distrlot the school building best adapted for the purpose, and they have also selected from the different schools in the city, the teachers who In their judgment are the most competent for the work. It will be noticed in tho list of teachers at the various schools given before, that at tho day schools there is a large preponderance of females, and this fact alone speaks volumeB for the class of grown persons who attend the evening sohools. Nolboundaries have been defined for the districts, and each person deBirous to attend tho schools is at liberty tc select the one which is nearest to his or her residence, as the case may be. The opening will take place on Monday evening, a week from to day, and on the Thursday and Friday evenings of this week the principals of the schools will be in attendance at the school rooms in the districts specified below for the purpose of issuing tickets of admission to the schools to applicants, from 7 p. m.

until 9. The following is the form of the ticket of admission: ADMISSION to EVENING SOHOOIi NO. In public School building No. From October 5th to Decomber 25th, 1868. Principal.

Children under age making admission will be required to bring their parents or guardians, to answer for their good behavior in the schools, while adults will be taken on their own recognisance. The sessions of tho school will last each evening from seven till nine in the female department, and from seven till a quarter past nine in the male departments, and the course of study will embrace all tho necessary branches of a thorough English education. The following is a list of the districts, with the location of tho schools, names of teachers so far as they have been appointed, THE SCHOOL OF DISTRICT NO. 1 will be held in School house No. 8, which is situated in Middagh street, near Fulton.

This ia a fine three story brick building, having ample accommodations for all who will attend, It was enlarged and improved about seven yearB since, and considering the closeness with which it is surrounded by other buildings and the small neBs of the grounds, it is tolerably well ventilated. No selections for teachers have as yet been made. The school selected for DISTEIOT no. 2 is school house No. 6, situated in Warren 'street, near Smith.

It is a three story brick house, capable of accommodating 1,200 pupils. Four years ago the interior was entirely altered and improved, and It is now considered a well ventilated building. Mr. Boalo, principal of the school, has been appointed as principal of that district, but no other selections of teachers have as yet been made. For DISTBIGT NO.

School House, No. 17, a three story building, situated an the corner of Fifth and North Fifth streets, has boon selected. This house was also improvod some four years since by the building of an addition to the rear, while the entire interior was remodelled on an improved plan and suuplied with entirely new furniture. The teachers appointed for this Sohool are as follows Male Department Principal Mr. of School No.

20. Teachers Misses. Howell, Seaman, Burko and Fanler. Female Department Trinoipal Miss Josephine Mo Namare, of Primary No. 4.

Teachers Misses. Mo Olurcby, Bertrand, Comstock and Mrs. Mitchell. DISTEIOT NO. 4.

This school will be held in school house No. 18, which is situated on Bemsen street near Etren. It is a three story brick building, in good repair, having been enlarged, remodelled and famished with new furniture eight years since. The following are the names of the teachers: Male department Principal Edward Bush, principal of School No. 18.

Tbachers, Mr. Hawkins, Misses McWilliam, Fendall, Fentz, Falconer, Pinkham and Ut ley, and Mr. Lehman aid Mr. Baurman. Femalo department Miss E.

Ford, of No. IS, Principal. Teachers Mr. McGuire, and Mrs. LindBay, Franklin and Smith.

DISTEIOT NO. 5 will be held in school house No. 25, in Walworth street near Myrtle avenue. This is a two story building in which at present there are about twelve hundred pupils taught, but which has accommodations for only about eight hundrod pupils. Tbe teachers appointed, are as follows.

Male Department Principal E. 8. Adams of Sohool No. 12 Teachers Mr. Sand, Mr.

Spefford and Misses Good oil, Thornton, Evans, Benton, Althouse and El iott. Female department Principal Miss Adams of School No. 22. Teachers Miss Biley and Miss Herriok. DISTEIOT NO.

6. will bo held in School house, No. 22, a two story briok house on Java street Greenpoint The following are the names of the teachers. Male Department Principal Mr. Hanford, of Sohool No.

22. Teachers. Mr. Ogilvlo, Miss Coohen and Miss Morehouse. Female Department.

Miss Ford, Principal, and Miss Wilson assistant. DISTEIOT NO. 7. will bo held In School House No. 27, a' two story briok building on Nelson street near Hamilton avenue.

This is comparatively a new building having been created only ten years sinoe, and has the most Improved system of ventilation. The teachers appointed are as follows: Male Department Mr. Lewis of Sohool No. 11, principal. Teachers Mr.

Wilson, Mr. Miss Hemstteet and Miss Gutter. Female Department Principal Miss Humphreys. Teachers, Miss Wilson and Miss Lynns. TEE COLORED SCHOOL.

Will be held in colored School house No. on Will oughby street near Raymond, with the same teachers as are there at present. ticket speculators. The Beoadwat. To night the Florence's commence their engagement here, and produce a dramatization of Dickens' "No Thoroughfare," translated from the French.

It is a little singular that we Bhould be indebted to the French for a dramatization of an English story; but both the English and American stage versions wcrt rBiures, while the Parisian adaptor produced a play thatas run for over a hundred nights. The trouble probably was that the English and American dramatists were in too great a hurry each to get ahead of the other, and the work was done carelessly. Dickons himself superintended the getting up of the piece in Paris, giving his approval of this stage version of his Btory as the best one written. The play Is well cast at the Broadway, and the scenic requirements will be fully met. The Boweey Theater The new Irish drama "The Dark Hour before the Day" has met with great success at tho Bowery and will be repeated tonight together with the sterling drama of "The Forest of Bondy" in which the trained dogs appear.

Theatbe Comiqtje. The dramatio company here is one of the best of its size ia tho city, composed of such artists as Baymond, McKoeJ Bankin, Lizzie Wilmore and others. Lingard continues the bright particular star of the introductory entertainment He has added the Grecian Bend tchls other accomplishments. Tony Pastobs Opeba House. Tony Pastor is the wide awakest manager in New York, he keeps up with current events and serves them up In all sorts of comical shapes.

For general variety the entertainment at his Opera House cannot be beat, and for passing a a pleasant evening it is just the place to drop into. THE CAMPAIGN. ITonng Badical meeting Latimer fill till. The Sixth Ward Young Men's Bepublican Club held its first publio meeting on Saturday evening at Latimer Hall. The veritable speakers who had been previously announced were present, bnt, in consequence of tho moisture of the atmosphere, tho attendanoo of hearers was rather more limited than might have been desired by the young men who run tha club.

At an early hour In the evening a small corps of musicians took a position in front of the building, where between the drops they discoursed "CapL Jinks," in a manner thaf beguiled several benighted men and boys into the hall. At eight o'clock the band climbed into the orchestral cock loft and indulged in a little blowing, preliminary to the opening of the services. When the final note of the preliminary bugle had ceased to echo. Brevet Colonel J. A.

Slippor, of the Army and Navy Journal, who is President of the olub, and who filled the chair on this occasion, called the numerically brief meeting to order and proceeded with a somewhat extended address. Among other things, he remarked, in substance, that tho "great Captain" of the armies endorses those who fought in the Bebellion that old Democrats aro rallying around Grant, and that the soldiers will vote as they fought. He referred to the ITreedman's Bureau, and declared that Grant is in favor of it He stated that when the Confederate armies surrendered, the people of the South were satisfied, and anxious for restoration, and that If the Presidont had not usurped the prerogatives of Congress tha South would have been restorod and represented long ago. He Baid that Grant's polioy means poace, and (ignoring Seymour) that Blair's policy controlling the Democratic party means war, and he declared that nothing but war can ever undo what has been done by Congress in tho matter of reconstruction. He eulogized the course of Gen.

Grant, and complimented Sheridan, Baying, "as he will whip the Indians upon the frontier, so will we defeat Grand Sachem Hoffman and the big IndianB of Tammany Hah." He drew comparison between Seymour and Grant, and alluded to a caricature of Grant that had been published in a comic periodical. It portrayed Grant with a long red nose, donkey'B ears, drunk, with a cigar in his mouth, and with a long dagger dripping with human gore. Ho said that the artist who drew the picture had been whipped by Grant and "didn't want to paint him pretty," and that the Democrats don't want to be beaten and therefore will not "paint him but revile him. Grant, he said, was in favor of the Monroe doctrine and by sending an army to the Rio Grande had prevented the establishment of a dynasty in a Bister ropublio. He censured Gov.

Seymour for having no United StateB bondB. when ho was so abundantly able to buy them and help the government. He assumed that our country is pledged to pay the debt in gold and that it will be bo paid. He said that in the Fourth of July convention there were more rebels than union men, and more members of the Bebel Congress than of the Union Congress and when Gen. Blair was nominated a deafening sound that waB recognized by men who had been at the front as the "rebel yoll," filled Tammany HalL He spoke of the K.

in Jersey and in the lower part of the Sixth Ward in Brooklyn. He wanted to "carry the war into Africa and reform the Ku Kluxes of this city by preaohlng good, sound Republican doctrine." In closing he said, "If the people will unite in inaugurating a victorious campaign it will be carried to a successful issue." A httle more music by the band here ensued, af ter which, Assistant District Attorney Ethan Allen was Introduced by the chairman who bestowed the highest encomiums upon him. Mr. Allen spoke at considerable length. His address was mainly of the retrospective order; the following is its brief synopsis: The "red hand of rebellion" caused an expenditure of two billions of dollars, yet rebellion is not subdued, but only changed from the bullet to tho ballot No man dare stand on Southern soil and express Northern opinion.

The spirit of reDellion crushed by Grant is rife again, and as defiant as ever. Bebols dictated to its July Convention. such men as Vallandigham, Wade Hampton, andevfcn Forrest, with 'hairas stiU red from the butchery at Fort Pillow. Forrest should be on the gallows. Through the usurpations of Andrew Johnson Northern men have been hung and Northorn women driven helpless, homeless refugees into swamps to be hunted down.

The speaker would "never consent that any whose names are linked with rebellion shall sit in the legislative balls at Washington to make laws." He referred to the second inauguration of Lincoln and said that Andrew Johnson's conduct on that day should bring the blush of shame to every American brow; Johnson should have been impeached, and remarked that probably why he is so hard to get out of office is because he went in so tight" Congress had ueen ever reaay to receive tue rioutn witn open arms, but they wanted a pledge the 14th amendment was one but it was rejected. He said tue negro is either a man or a chattel and muet vote or be unrepresented." The rebel debt will never be paid unless the Democratic party comes Into power. The same rebel spirit that roj ected the overtures tf Congress slamming the door in its face is still rife. At tho Now Orleans "maasaore" Union people were shot down, and but for UlyBaoB S. Grant the rebel nag would have been Haunting over ub here to day.

If the Southern white io disloyal and the black loyal, then the black men shall organizo the government CongresB has been too lonient; it has cot forced negro suffrage on the Southern people, but they must have it of their own free wiltin order to secure representation, and then we will rejoice that in accordance with the statement of the Declaration of Independence "All men are born free and equal." He said that tho Democratic party was the northern wing of the Southern army, and that all who were loyal to the flag were read out of that party. In speaking of the Democratic nominees he didn't think it nocessary to "call hard names" and would "speak kindly of sinners." In reference to Gen. Blair he asserted that the hand that held the sword that flashed across our country from Atlanta to the sea belongs to no disunion man ho is only in bad company, and it is unfortunate for the Democratic party that the conflict Is not botweon Blair and Grant. Although Seymour did not "raise a hand but in sympathy with the rebellion, he is courteous, cultivated, scholarly, polished and is a gentleman." In closing, the speaker said in substance, Grant is arrayed for country; Seymour against country; despondency followed Grant's nomination, but now tho line ia forming; Maine and Vermont have taken their positions, Pennsylvania and Ohio will wheel into line. The Boys in Blue" aro rallying; tho orJor forward march" will soon be given, and when the conflict comes, and the old flag emerges from the sinoko of battle, It will proclaim our country Btill ta be Tho land of the free and the home of the brave." The speakers were frequently applauded, and three cheers were given for Mr.

Allen when he had concluded his address, after which the band played while the congregation made its exit POLITICAL. Me. Bomnson's Congbessional Eecobd. Our attention has been called by Mr. Boblnson's friends to the record of his share in the business of Congress as it nppears upon the index of tho Congressional Qlobe.

The imputation has been made against him that he is a man of one idea, and has said and done nothing in Congress except in regBTaTto Fenianism and the protection of American citizens abroad. Such an impression Is unjust to Mr. BoMnion, for the record shows that the word Fenian, never occurs in the Globe in connection with his name. The doctrine of protecting our naturalized citizens abroad, precisely on the same footing as we would protect native Americans, is not only true, as Mr. Robinson has advocated it, but it is one of essential importanoo which a representative may well be justified in having urged npon Congress In season and out of season.

While Mr. Bobinson has done this, he has not omitted other matters of local and national concern. The Congressional index, as It regards his name, Is too lengthy for entire transfer to our columns, but we may Btate, in general terms, that it shows Mr. Bobinson to havo kApt a vigilant eye on Internal revenue matters, local interests and national questions, as well as on the question with which his name has become more conspicuously identified. In this conneotion we may quote a passage from a letter to a friend, in reply to a newspaper artlole advising him to "stop wrestling with the British lion and give over making Fenian speeches." Mr.

Bobinson replies: I have never made a Fenian speech, nor indeed made any reference to Fenianism, in Congreai. Fenians want no speeches in Congress or elsewhere. They can take care of themselves and will yet lift up their country to a proud position In the faces of her enemies on either Bide of tbe Atlantic. What I have done Is to advocate the protection of Amerjcan citizens abroad, of this all true Americana and every Fenian approve. My Fenianism in Congress hath this extent, no more.

When I first took my seat in jails were crowded with American citizens arrested and Imprisoned for words and acts spoken and done beneath the starry banner for which they fought and bled on a hundred battlefields. British judges trampled on the seal of the United States and refused to acknowledge the force and authority offour naturalization laws. No American was allowed to land on British soil without having his footsteps clogged with spios, himself arrested and thrown into loathsome prisons without any Just ground of suspicion or sworn information against him. That had con tinned for many years. I brought this matter before Congress, amid ridloule, misrepresentation and falsehood from the press, and no seconding voice, on its introduction, from Congress.

I kept urging it on publio attention. Soon, however, the great heart of the American people began to throb with the impulse of pride in American citizenship, and rage at the insults offered to it Mass meetings, such as the world never saw, were held in all the large oities of our country. Congress in a few weeks caught the inspiration. Dozens were on their feet clamoring for the floor, to be heard in favor of this measure, whenever it came before Congress. Tens of thousands of copies of my own and other's speeches were published, eagerly sought for and circulated.

State Legislatures endorsed the and instructed their representatives in uoncreBS to vote for it. It passed both houses of Congress (badly amended, however, by the Senate, and yet to bo restored to its vigor as it left the House). Prussia jumped at our offer to negotiate a treaty acknowledging it; and England through her Foreign Secretary and her Press, has come to hor knees npon it, despite of tbe recent adverse rulingBof her judges; and fiaaUxboth political parties in our country have enibtKBed it as prominent planks in tneir platforms, and thus I have wrestled and shall continue to wrestle with the Brittsh Lion in spite of its jackals here, till every American citizen now unjustly detained in Germany, Great Britain, or elsewhere, is free, and the dignity of American citizenship and right of expatriation is secured from insultfind acknowledged in every land." Among the measures which owe their authorship to Mr. Bobinson, we may name the bill making appropriation (or a United States building in Brooklyn, which was printed, and is now before the Committee on Appropriations, and which he hopes to have passed into a law. Among his miscellaneous remarks were his advocacy of the appropriation for improving East Biver (Hurl gate), on striking out the tax on pawnbroker's tickets, so oppressive to the poor, (which he had carried by the unanimous consent of the House), on striking out the double tax on Moisten, and on the principal reduction of taxes first proposed by him, (which was carried.) We do not desire to be understood as in any way interfering with Mr.

Boblnson's aspiration; bnt it is only Just to say that he hu not in Congress restricted his words and efforts to one single subject, as is fro quently assumed. Flobida. The Demoorats in Florida intend to hold an election, though the carpet bag legislature Tills paper lias the Largest Circulation of amy Evening paper published in the (Tiiitcu States. Its valne as an Advertising medium is therefore apparent. misrepresetation as a Weapon of Party Warfare.

That very important and by no means inconsiderable class of voters who cannot be claimed as party men, in the strict sense of the term, and whose votes virtually decide between the two parties, as they are won over by one or the other, can hardly fail to be Struck with the advantage the Badical spokesmen and journals have over their Democratic opponents in their superior talent for misrepresentation. Their is a dash and daring in the manner in which the Radicals attack the very strongtest points of their assailants' lines whi oh com jnands a certain sort of admiration, as intrepidity and courage ever do, even when shown in a cause which men who applaud these characteristics admit to be questionable. Every man has a respeot for pluck in whatever causa it is displayed. Prize fighting, for instance, is unanimously condemned by decent people, but there are few men who read th accounts of jragilistio encounters who do not envy the principals in them the strength, endurance and courage they show in their ignoble business for if these qualities could be confined to lovers of order, peace and social and in publics life, the right side would always be the winning one. No story is heard with so much relish as that which records the discomfiture of a reckless and insulting bully, who venturing on superior physical powers insults a crowd of decent people, until finally one of the number, not suspected even of being the bully's equal on his own ground, Bteps out, throws his ooat off, "goes for" the ruffian, and gives him a good, Bound thrashing.

More than one modern novelist has availed himself of this inherent respect for courage, and by artfully concealing the appearances of it, brings out its value in bolder relief, until the most sentimental young ladies learn to applaud Musoular Christianity." Opinions differ, of course, as to the merits of the cause in which the Badioal Bpokesmen are displaying so much hardihood, but that they exhibit this quality can hardly be denied. In the art of audacious misrepresentation, we are bound to confess the Democrats are no match for their antagonists. It may be that the habit of resorting to it on the part of the Radicals has given them a mastery in the use of it, to which their opponents can lay no claim, or it may be that the faot that a single defeat of Radicalism involves its Bpires its adherents with a courage which is shown frequently by the timid even under the conviction that the conflict in which they are engaged involves the issue of life or death. Perhaps a better explanation might be found in the truism that revolutions never go backward, and die even if arrested, so that those engaged in them must ever be on the aggressive, and must attack their opponents under the accepted laws of warfare if they can, but in disregard of them, if they must. The have been so successful in the past through this plan of attack it is not at all surprising that they adhere to it persistently.

Their success in it in the last Presidential contest was regarded with amazement iiot merely by the Democrats but by the Radicals themselves. Napoleon's plan was to mass his troops against the weak point of the enemy's lines and risk all on oarrying it. The Radicals adhere to the same tactics with this difference, that they seleot the very strongest point of their opponent' works for the assault, and when successful their success is in exact proportion to the daring they exhibit and the risk of failure they run. To carry out the comparison, it may be added that Napoleon relied on the implicit devotion of his soldiers, and on the faith they bad in him that whatever he commanded them to do they must be able to do, while the Radicals base their hope of success on their own audacity and on the ignorance and credulity of their fellow citizens. Let us select as an illustration an instance which involves a statement of facts that may be said to have passed into history, and may therefore be discussed in a spirit reasonably impartial.

When the representatives of the Democratic party met in Chicago in 1864, the late civil war had been waged for nearly four years and its final result was admitted on all hands to be still doubtful. Great armies were afterward raised under a threat of resorting to conscription; great battleB were afterwards fought; on the most important of them the integrity of the Republics was hazarded. It is within bounds to say that between the time the Democratic Convention met at Chicago and the close of the war, two hundred thousand of the best and bravest men in the country were either killed or disabled. The people of the North were divided on one supreme issue, and it may be thus stated, the Democrats contended that their trusted with the control of the government, were not honestly waging war for the purpose for which the war was commenced for the vindication of the supremacy of the Federal Constitution and the restoration of the Union. They claimed that the then Republican party would not content with attainment of these objects as the legitimate result of the war, and on this issue they went before the people.

The first resolution in what is known as the Chicago platform, stated their purpose as fairly as it was possible to Btate it. Prom the temper of the South, from the division of opinions among its leaders, from what that section had suffered, and from the disappointment of the hopes on which it based its chances for success, the Democrats believed that the time had come when a successful effort could be made for the restoration of peace, on the basis of the attainment of all the Republican party claimed as the objects of the war. In drawing up that resolution its author believed to be Mr. Guthrie, of Kentucky, a pronounoed "War Democrat commenced by stating what was self evidently true, that after bur years of trial "we had failed to restore the Union by the experiment of war." The phrase was taken up by the Radical journals, and by an ingenious use, abuse and misrepresentation of it, the platform itself was distorted that, in all probability, two Republicans in thre believe to day that the Democrats met at Chicago in 1864, and simply resolved that "the war was a failure," and ought to be at once abandoned. The resolution from which this fragment of a sentence was selected was the strongest plank in the Chicago platform, and when it was reported to the Convention, the representatives of the element of the party known distinctively as "War Democrats" were especially well satisfied with it.for while it opened by stating a faot which was not open to dispute "that after four yearsof failure to restore the Union by the experiment of war," the Democrats if intrusted with power pledged themselves "in the interest of humanity and the public liberties, to make immediate efforts to restore peace "on the basis of the Federal Union of the States." In other words, while the party in power relied" on force alone for Success, the Democracy favored the alliance of statesmanship with arms.

A catch word was furnished for the rank and file of the Republicans, a convenient pretext was afforded for weak kneed Demoorats who desired to enlist in the ranks of a party which was dispensing public patronage at the rate of five million a day, and which had virtually seized the power of perpetuating itself. Pair minded Republicans, who joined in the clamor, were kept in ignorance of the fact that the same platform which was alleged to have declared that the war was a failure, eulogized the soldiers and sailors of the Union for the courage they displayed in it, and in the clamor which was raised they forget that in June, 1864, Mr. Lincoln commanded Mr. Greeley to meet rebel commissioners on the Canada side of Niagara Falls, to seeif peace could not be secured on the basis of the Federal Union of the States." He made an additional stipulation, however, that slavery should be abolished, and because of this addition to the of the war, the negotiation fell through. It may be that the people of the North were willing, in 1864, to prolong the war until slavery was abolished, and tohaz fcard the integrity of the Republic again and TOPICS OF lO DAli The New York Tribune doubts that Peter Cooper's long and frequent letters are reaTy worth the fifteen or twenty thousand dollars annually contributed by citizens to the maintenance of the Association in whose name they are written.

The sudden and remarkable conversion of John Allen is at last explained. He wants to be eleoted to the Assembly, and to that end devoted Sunday after prayer meeting hours, to political wirepulling. John thinks and facts seem to sustain his theory that he can make more money by jobs at Albany than by whisky and debauchery in his dance house. Loud cries of shame shame went up the other day when it was reported that the family of naturalist Audubon was destitute and solicited charitable aid. The indignation was gratuitous, for a member of the family denies that it asks or needs assistance.

If its establishment be as princely as the signature to its newspaper oard simply Audubon" sympathy is at least premature. The restless earth is announcing its disquietude in the Sandwich Islands as well as elsewhere. Earthquake shocks were felt daily about the time of the Peruvian disturbance, the shore in various places sank from eight inches to six feet, and violent oscillations of the sea occurred. Hawaiian affairs are remarkably unsettled, and it would not be very surprising if the islands suddenly and wholly disappeared beneath the waves. Shepard A.

Mount, the well known artist, died at Stony Brook, L. on the 18th at the age of sixty four. Born in Setauket, he early developed artistio taste and capacity, and while a carriage maker's apprentice found time to pursue Btudies which later resulted in a ripe culture. At length he was enabled to adopt the profession of his choice, and became a member of the National Academy. His specialty was portrait painting in which he gained a rare and well deserved reputation.

Near home election returns sometimes need delicate manipulation. Not so abroad. The most stupendous numerical blunders are' published and accepted with unquestioning stolidity. Thus the London papers report that the Republican majority in Maine is 78,000. Not one of the able editorial gentlemen who dispose of American affairs with Buch largeness, and at the same time graceful ease of treatment, took the trouble to inquire into the enormous Badical gain implied in these figures, but innocently put it down, at 11,000.

The can can, a dance which had its birth in Paris, and was discountenanced by the London public as conventionally improper, haB been naturalized in Florence, and improved to a point of recklessness to which even ambitious French men and women had not attained. The theatre going Italians seem to have taken to it kindly enough, but the police authorities thought it wasn't nice and it had to be stopped. Dress fashions are not the only Parisian products which gain in folly, something worse by exportation. The London Times has again turned its attention to Mexico and the United States, and has no objection to tbe absorption of the former country by the latter provided Mexican peace can be Becured and Mexican debts paid. The consent of the Times to such an arrangement is something for which it is impossible to be sufficiently grateful, but the convenience of the United States is deserving of some slight consideration It is perhaps asking too much of one nation to keep the peace in Mexico in the interest of all other nations.

As to the debt, we have quite enough to do at present in paying our own. While' men of science have been observing in the far East the solar eclipse, the nature of which is familiar, and while a South American region haB been overtaken by an earthquake, the cause of which is at least proximately understood) the inhabitants of Warsaw have been startled by a phenomenon which is inexplicable. On a clear, bright night a fiery body, supposed to have a surface of some two thousand acres, was seen ap proaohing the earth at a rapid rate, and finally buret with tremendous noise into millions of fragments, many of which have been secured as curiosities. They oall it a bolide, but what it was, how it was formed, where it came from, and why it burBt are yet mysteries. Madame Bachel's customers, who had expeoted to be beautiful forever," must consent to be ugly for five years.

That is the term of imprisonment to which the beautifier has been sen; tenced on the adverse conclusion of her second trial. During that time she will be kept at hard labor a great deal harder than contriving magic baths and selling mysterious cosmetics at enormous prices. Such is the strength, or weakness, of human credulity, as developed in feminine vanity, that probably when Bachel comes out of jail she will find all her old dupes grown still older but not wiser waiting for the marvellous renewing and perpetuation of their charms. The friends of Queen Isabella and sympathizers with Spanish insurgents will alike find comfort in the Cable telegrams. The irresistible force of the rebellion and the immovable strength of the government are set forth with.conspicuous impartiality.

It is said that "the movement against the government is abortive," and it is as positively asserted that the revolution is carrying everything before it. It is simultaneously announced that the Queen has abdicated in favor of her son, and that she refuses to abdicate or permit the Prince to "rule a people of robbers and assassins." The news receives a royal tone as it passes through Paris, and a revolutionary coloring in London. The Madrid official newspaper concedes that there are disturbances in half a dozen provinces, while on popular authority twenty are reported in revolt. The papers give place to animated protests against the treatment of unfortunate persons who fall into the hands of the police. Not long ago a wretched woman arrested for "disorderly conduct" a phrase which ooncedes a liberal margin to official discretion, or indiscretion under an impulse of shame, or remorse, or whatever, attempted suicide.

She was cut down when nearly hanged, and the lazy prevent at the least cost of personal trouble a repetition of the attempt, handcuffed her. The other day an insane man tried to kill himself, and the policemen, to avoid the inconvenience of watching, ironed him with his hands ehind his back. The policemen, have a habit of easily disposing of drunken or otherwise impracticable prisoners by knocking them on the head with a club. These are very serious outrages, and funny Tom Acton ought to suspend joking long enough to inquire into them. Disgusted by frequent imitations Dickens has resolved to discontinue the Christmas number of the periodical edited by him, justly concluding that the holiday extras are so numerous as to be "in great danger of becoming tiresome." The imitators are not alone to bTame for this.

Their works pretend to be nothing more than what they really are. In the Dickens ChriBtmaB stories of late years there has been a large admixture of fraud. In the earlier time when one was announced we knew we should have a "Carol," or a "Cricket," or something else taking rank with the author's best efforts. Now a Dickens Christmas story means a few pages and those perhaps the dullest by Dickens, and the balance by one or more inferior writers who aro pushed upon the public under a sort of false pretence. It is time there was an end of this speculative book making.

There is living in Paris an ootogenarian who served for twenty years as "apple core employe" of one of the theatres and who was the last incumbent of that office. His function it was to prevent people in the upper tiers throwing apple cores and nutshells on people in the boxes below. As the apple core corps is now abolished it may be assumed that Parisian audiences are better behaved to that extent. Yet human impulses do not change greatly, and it would not be difficult to instance deliberate disregard of the comfort and convenience of others, manifested indeed in a different way. Members of a well dressed crowd in our Academy of Musio, for example, hold themselves too well bred to eat apples ornnts in the auditorium, still less to scatter the refuse over their neighbors.

But they will laugh and talk during the performance of a musical gem, or comment audibly on indifferent matters at a dramatic crisis, or rush noisily out of the house before the curtain falls, or otherwise makethem selves as positive nuisances as if they pelted defenceless persons with discarded remnants of fruit. The apple core has disappeared but its spirit remains. This Barbel was Stolen." Circular and square receptacles for ashes and other refuse are often protected by meana of a roughly scrawled inscription, informing the wondering publio that they have been stolen from the premiseB opposite which they are then standing. This device, is found to be of no avail during an exciting political campaign, for young America muct have bonfires, and consequently the owners of ash barrels in the Forty second Precinct have complained of the disappearance of those Uflof ul articles. Last Saturday several officers were detaohed to hunt up the missing property, and by night had gathered upwards of one hundred and twenty barrels and boxes which they removed to the Station house, where" the owners can have them by proving property, In connection with this advertisement O'SULUVAN A GEEIG take occasion to state that they will offer thoir stock at such prices as will coaunand a popular and active trade.

Due notice will be given of tho Fall Opening of their ParU Novelties in Cloaks, Suits, and Ladles' and Children'. Pnr niahlng Goods. aeMMWAJM JOUKNEAY BURN HAM, 164 ATLANTIC STREET exhibition the most macnificent stock of Autumn and Winter Fabrics ever offered in thia city, and at veir low jpincoBa COLORED SILKS, Black Silks, Bonnetts and other celebrated nukes. Irish Poplins, Pim Bros. A Co.

Lyons Poplins, Silk Ondnle and Eplngllna Poplins, Veloar Ottoman and Wool OndoJb. ROMAN SERGES. Chene Epingllnea, Ac. Black Goods of all deiirable kinds. IMPERIAL SERGE.

Veloar, Ottomans and Empress Cloths. Cretannes, Australian Crapes. Cpnrtauld's Crape and Crape Veil. Cloths, Gassuneres ahd Cloakings. Frenoh and Bngliah Prints, Ac, Ac.


OFFICE, UNITED STATES BRANCH, No. 0 PINE NEW YORK. RESOURCES: Capital stock (invested in 3 percent Consols Xndon City Bonds, Mersey Dock Bonds and other Securities) 1,800,000 00 0 Best viz: Government Securities, East India 5 g)r cent. Debentures, London Sity Bonds, onda and Uortcages, and other Securities. 445,117 14 4 Total liabilities, including an amount 14 4 sufficient to reinsure all outstanding naks .0141.266 UNVESTED IN THE UNITED STATES: Deposited with Snpt.

Ins. Dcpt at Albany, N. 4210,000 Deposited in other 170,001 Net assets New York office. Sept 1st 83,000 LOCAL DIRECTORS. E.

M. ARCHIBALD, H. B. M. Consul, Chairman; A.

A. w' 4 AJ 4 Bro8 i 8 Jaffrsy, of E. S. Jalrray A go Richard Irrin 4 Co. David Silomon, o.

11 West 88th st J. Boorman Johnston, of J. Boorman Johnston A Co. Jas. Stuart, of J.

A J. Stnart. Company, having recently established a branch in tne United States for the pnrposo of transacting therein a Genoral Fire Business, would respectfully solicit the patronage of the insuring public. The business of the company, extending over a period of 06 years, having been uniformly prosperous, has won for them a high roputation thronghont the world, for oareful management and financial strongth. The company limits itself entirely to a Fire Business, All losses of the United States Branch adjusted and paid inrew York EDGAR W.

OROWELL, Late Vice President Phenix Ins. Brooklyn, tt.Y., Resident Manager. Office of tho Brooklyn Agency, 159 Montague st seB4 6t2dpA12tQ8 R. L. DELL183ER, Agent.

GAS FIXTURES AND LAMPS. A most extensive assortment of now styles. Manufactured expressly for the Fall Trade. JOHN TRIGGE, 706 Broadway (up stairs), bet Fourth st and Aster place, N. Y.

S0l44w2awMATh ERRING, BUT NOBLE: SELF HELP FOB YOUNG MEN, who having erred, desire a better manhood. Soot in letter envelopes, free of charge. If benefitted, return ths postage. Address PHILANTHROS, Box Philadelphia, se21 3m ood WECHSLER ABRAHAM, 285 FULTON STREET, Respectfully beg leave to inform their patrons and tho pub. lio that their CLOAK, DRESS AND SUIT MAKING DEPARTMENT is now open for 'the Fall and Winter season.

Bridal, Travelling and Mourning otuhts mado to order the shortest notice. WECHSLER A ABRAHAM, Bet Tillary and Johnson, 285 Fulton street, ft? No connection with any other store. so23 6 A VERY LARGE Attn FINE 8TOCK OF MODERN GA8 FIXTURES, ABB OFFERED AT VERY LOW PRICES, sr ARMSTRONG A BLAOKLIN, au281m Corner of Court and Union streets. THE BEST FLOUR IN THE COUNTRY JAMES 8. WELCH (brand), FOR SALE AT NEW YORK PRICES.

AI.SO, OTHER CHOICE BRANDS oV FAMILY FLOUR AT LOW HATES. For sale by JOSEPH H. MUMBY, successor to D. Jones 4 Denier in Flour, Grain and Feed, Fulton st adjoining the Eagle office. sola Im USE JEWELL BROTHER'S Favorite Brands of FAMILY FLOUR, "PASTRY" AND "NASSAU;" Also their PREPARED FLOUR.

Flour guaranteed and delivered to any part of tbe Oity. For sale br all Grocers. BROOKLYN CITY MILLS. se3 lm 3, 4 and 6 Fulton st fuORSXlS ATiU CARItlAUES. CARRIAGES, CARRIAGES, CARRIAGES.

MINER, STEVENS A 658 Hhoadwat, N. 8o long and favorably known as first class CARRIAGE A LIGHT WAGON BUILDERS, Offer for salo at their Warcrooms, a superior assort inent of CARRIAGES AND LIGHT WAGONS, Of every description of tbeir own manufacture, to which they invite the inspection of purchasers. se25 2m FOR SALE A HANDSOME BLACK Pony, six years old, fourteen and a hMf hands high, sound, kind and gentle, aaf for ladies1 or children's use for saddle or Park Phaeton. Apply to the owner, before 9 A. or after 6M P.

22 St. frVlix st, bet, avenno and Hanson place, so28 3t IjlOR SALE A NUMBER OF BUiNESS wagons, unch aa procery, butctaer'a, milk, plumber's and expresa; light or heavy, to suit any business; some socond hand in good order Inquire cor. Dufficld and Johnson sU. ae22 6tf OR SALE A' BEAUTIFUL AND STY lish Bay Canadian Pony, seven yenrs old1 MX hands warranted sound and kind and to stand without tying. Inquire at Fulton Hotel 138 Fulton ave.

so28 3tf IjOR SALE AT GREAT BARGAINS several top vragons, used hut little, of the best city make. Inquire at 9 Iloyt st, near Fulton ae. geSW 2t I7IOR SALE CHBAPA SPLENDID black horse, hands hk'h. kind in all harness En. quire 201 and I'acino street.


LOOK HERE. GREATEST COMBINATION OF MINSTREL TALENT Ever offered to the citizens of Srookim. WONDERFUL ENTERPRISE, The combined first class Ethiopian Artists of New York, Boston, Philsdelphia and Brooklyn in a eeries cf MONSTER ENTERTAINMEN T8. First appearance of HUGHEY DOUGHERTY, tho celebrated Ethiopian Comedian, by kind permission of Lon. Morris of Morris Brothers Opera house Boston Messrs.

SHERIDAN and MACK, the great Double Clogista and Song, and Dance Performers, from Hooley's Opera House Philadelphia. Ro appearanco of Mr. GEO. LESLIE, the unrivalled Tenor of Hooley's Opera House. Philadel Shia.

John MnUizan, Diek Carroll. J. K. Campbell, Georeo McDonald, andall the established favorites, every oven ing this week, in a new novel and brilliant proirramuie. Doom open at 7 commences ate precisely.

se23 6t JTIEKi'IAG. REGULAR MEETING OP THE KraushaarOnardawill be heldat the Pavilion. 133 liid 6t inrt. ODDosito WvckofI street, on TUESDAY the 29th of Depiemoer, at a o'cioca r.m. ah ino memoers, ana too to to enroll their names, are requested to attend, as business of importance will be transacted.

By order of FRED. KRAUSHAAR. Cspt. Wm. C.

BnADLEY. Secretary. se3S 2t" Notice the annual meeting of JLvl the Stockholders of the Brooklyn Collegiate and Poly tecnio Instituto nil be held on TUESDAY EVENING, October 6, 1868, at the Institute Building (In Livingston st, between Court and Bocrum), at 8 P. for the election of Six Trustees to fill tho place, of those whose terms of office will then expire, and for thb transaction of such other business as may be regularly hrouaht before them. se23 toco JOSIAH O.


A meeting of the Conservative Soldiers' and Sailors' Veteran Clnh of these wards will be held at the above wiirwaxn on TUESDAY Evening, Sept. 2Sth. at 8 o'clock. Utnsivo arrangements for a grand procession will be msde. Ma).

R. R. WEST, Pres. Capt. Ouvra Cotteb.

Sec'y. so28 2t IONSTiTUTIONAL UNION GUARD. js tj a adionrned meetmir of this battalion will be held at their headquarters! in the Wigwam of the CONSTITUTIONAL UNION ASSOCIATION, on Wednesday evening, Sept. 80th, at 8 o'clock. 1 Tbe Secretary will bo in attendance on this eroning to receive the names of those who may wish to join.

Uniforms nrulshed to members free of expense. ax. rj.K COLE. u. a.

bcuddeb, tsec'y Chairman. CONSTITUTIONAL UNION ASSOCIATION, Fulton are, near Hoyt st, will hold meetings aud be addressed aa follows 1 IJ fUJ A I EMnv.jsnn. HON. LEVI S. HATFIELD, ol new xoi iTork, and others.

THUR8DAY EVENING. Oct. 1st, Ex Gov. JOEL PARKER, of New Jersey, and others, TUESDAY, Oct. 6th.


TUESDAY, Oct. 13th. That sterling young orator, EDWARD K. APGAR, and others. sclotillocl TINETEENTH WARD 8EYMOUB AND BLAIR CAMPAIGN CLUB.

A GRAND MA88 MEETING AND BANNER RAISING BY THE NINETEENTH WARD SEYMOUR AND BLAIR CLUB, will beheld at their He adquarters, UNION HALL, ooiurra Division avekue at ctvnrgn flTjurrr, on WEDNESDAY EVENING. September 30 The Ward clubs and all favorable to tho election of Seymour and Blair are invited to attend. The following eminent speakers have promise! to bo present and address the roocuug. Hon. A.

J. Lawrence, Jr. Hon. A. S.

Rogers. C. Do Witt, Esq, John Hurt, Km Hon.W.D.Veeder. Hon. Samuel D.

Moras, O. O. Eagen, Esq, Hon. J. D.

Jr. J. E. Palmer. Eiq A others.

The meeting win be enlivened by a band of musio. Sing, ing by tho Glee Club and Mr. Kmfgfo NICHOLAS tL. xam aucmmxj. BC33 SI C3IXTH WAKU UiSMUUKATIC OONSTI TUTIONAL CLUB will meet this evening at thtir iZlZiwmm ttm corner of Hicks and Pra.lrinntaa Mem bers of the Finanoe Committee ars jttrtioajarly requested to sttond.

CHARIiKH FBNKBTChalrmjn. TWENTY FIRbT WARD CONSTITtJ lional Democratic Crab. Speakers for Tuesday even in.SSth8epL, A. J. Spencer, H.

B. BUurolt and others. OoL JOHNDTSNEDIKBB, President. N. H.

STEELE. Chairman Ex. Committee. PIRST WARD CENTRAL DEMOCRATIC ASSOCIATION. The regular meeting of the Twenty ant Ward Central Democratic Association will beheld at the Wigwam on Myrtle are, near Bpenoer st, on THIS (Monday) EVENING, at 8 o'clock.

Delegates from Uia ditTertDtWani Clubs ora pectod to bo punctual in attendanoo. GEO. A. KEEPER, President. Panucit UitPL.

Secretary. OB OTHER POLITIC ill MKKTUtQB BBS 1ST FAGS. Continuation of the examination TestsmonY of miss Julia, raagrnire a Friend of Mrs. Gamble Ninth Day's Proceedings. The examination in the Gamble Poisoning Caso was cafiHtir on Saturday last, at the rosi deuoe of Justice JAu A.

Bogort, Orangetown, Bockland Countr On tut lecaston, Henry Dally, had the assist! advice of Chauncey behalf of the prosecution. The defense was cared for by C. P. Hoffman and H. L.

Clinton Esq. It was supposed that Professor Doremus, the chemist who made the analysis of the stomaoh and its be put on the Btand. But, although the Professor was on hand with his learned and weighty evidence, the entire day was consumed in the examination of MissMa guire. In fact the prosecution had not finished when the hour of adjournment arrived. Tho examination, draws its weary length along and there are still to be examined, the witnesses Prof.

Doremus and Dr. Shepard, and the teBtimony of Mrs. Stoffel and Miss Maguire has not yet been completed. Tha following is the testimony ta. ken on the ninth day of the proceedings TESTIMONY OS MTBB JULIA 1IAQDTB1I.

I reside In Eighty fourth Btreet, between Second and Third avenues, New York I know Robert J. Gamble have known him two years; I also knew Mrs. Margaret J. Gamble about tho same length of timo she lived at No. 60 East Twelfth street, New York, when I first became acquainted with her I knew her one week before she married Mr.

Gamble was in the habit of visiting her; after becoming acquainted with her I saw her every week or certainly every two weeks; Mr. Gamble during tho time of their residence in East Twelfth street treated Mrs. Gamble very hard sometimes at the birth of her child I was there, and there was also a young girl, a Mies Louisa Bauer, whom Mr. and MrB. Gamble brought there when they roturnod from tho country; I was then taking care of Mrs.

Gamble; was engaged about one week in this capacity; I saw Mr. Gamble one night during that time take his wife and pitch her on the feather bod this was after the birth of her child in throwing her on tne bed he tore the bed also saw him throw hor in hor bedroom ono night from tho parlor, and I picked hor up after he threw her on the floor he did not assist me in picking her up after he threw her on the bed at the time alluded to Mr. Gamble called his wife an "old prostitute he also said to hor that she was not fit to live with any decent man he also Bald that tho property she had was not her own, and that she was a dirty that is all I remember as happening on that occasion thin was about three weeks after tho birth of hor child after Mr. Gomble threw his wife on tho bod she when she got off the bed sat In a faint for some time Mr. at this time went down in tho kitchon I took care of Mrs.

Gamble while Bhe waB in the fainting state I fixod the bed and put her into it Mrs. Gamble did not lose any blood after being thrown on tho bed both of these occurrences of ill usage were on the'samo day; Mr. Gamble's condition at the timo ho throw his wife on the bed was a Bober ono, aud when ne threw hor on the floor he waB also sober in relation to tho urthor treatment of Air. Gamble to his wife during the time I was with her, why, two weeks after what I havo just narrated occurred, Mrs. Gamble was ill again aud I was with her: Mr.

Gamble then wanted MiSB Bauer to take care of his wife at this lime he was in tho room Mr. Gamble told his wife that Miss Bauor "should come thero and take care of her;" his wife objected tothl3, saying "she should not come, she should bare mo or her eister Cronin;" Mr. Gamble was lying in the parlor on the sofa; I asked him to go for "Sistor Cronin;" ho said that she (his wife) "should die and be without the sister;" he said nothing further; I wont for Mrs. Gamble's sister to New Brighton, S. her sister came to the house I was there at the timo and remained four days after Mrs.

Gambia's lister came there in the morning about seven o'clock, and went home the same day about four o'clock; Mr. Gamble did not treat his wife badly any more while I was there Mrs. Gamble's child wob born, I think, in October, 186T; the child is not living to the beet of my knowlodge he lived but five weeks I did not observe any particular con dnct on the part of Mr. Gamble toward this child during his wife's presence, nor during hor absence. Yes, I do recolloot about the baby on tho floor Sistor Cronin and 1 were in the room at tho time Mr.

Gamble came in and the baby waB lying on a lonngo in the bedroom ho took it and throw it on the floor tho othor lady that came with Sister Cronin picked it up and said, "Is the baby killed 7" the baby at that timo was about two weeks old Mrs. Gamble was in her bill when thia occurred the lounge was in the same room as she was after he had thrown the baby on the floor Gamble did not do or say anything he left the room in a few minutes and went down into the kitchen I havo heard conversations between Mr. and Mrs. Gamble relating to Miss Bauer; it was before the baby was born, and after they came from the country. This was about a month before the child was born.

Mrs. Gamblo then forbade Mr. Gamble to go down to Bauers, because sho was the instigation of trouble between her and Mr. Gamble dnring the visit in tho country. Mr.

Gamble said he would go there as often sb ho liked. While I knew Mra. Gamble I never Baw her take anything to hurt her in the way of liquor, except what the doctor proscribed for hor while she was in the city. Mrs. Gamblo teld mo in tbe presence of her husband that "Louisa Bauer slapped her face in her own parlor." Mr.

Gamble, at this remark, said nothing, but laughed. No one else was present when she teld me this. It was about one week after thoy came from the country. nave been at Mrs. uamDie'B noue In lloosianu iunty it was on the 6th of August last, after hor eath I first saw MK Gamble after arrival he came to the door and shook hands with me I asked him "How were all tho folks?" he said, "Do you not know that Maggio is dead?" I told him "No" ho thon asked me if I did not see it in the paper; I told him no, that I did not often take the paper I asked him why he had not Bent word down to New York he said that sho was taken so suddenly that he did not have time asked him what she died of, and he said that she died of inflammation of the bowels Mr.

Gamble then went out of tho parlor, and I was alone he Boon returned with Mrs. Hnjos; I asked him to Introduce me to her; he did bo she asked me if I was the godmother of Mrs. Gamble'B child that died, and I said yes; I asked her how long MrB. Gamble was sick, and she replied, "Off and on for five weeks I asked her if she said anything about her people before she died Bho answered that Mrs. Gamblo wanted to write; but that Bhe was unable; she also said that she asked Mrs.

Gamble should Bhe (Mrs. not write, but she said no Mrs. Hujus then asked me if I was the young lady that Mrs. Gamblo talked bo much about; I an Bwercd, "I suppose bo;" I also asked her when Mrs. Gamble died Mr.

Gamble and Mrs. Hujus both replied that Mrs. Gamble slept from about eight o'clock in the evening (the night previous to her death) and awoke between twelve and one o'clock, and then turned on her side and gave a siph Mr. Gamblo said he asked her it' sho wanted anything he said sho turned over on her other Bide, and, giving one or two moans, died without speaking of anyono belonging to her; both he and Mrs. Bujus also said that they did not think that Mrs.

Gamblo thought of death thoy told mo that both were present whou Bhe died; in Mr. Gamble's manner at this time there didn't seem to be nrach grief or Borrow at her death I was at the houso from Saturday afternoon, a little after four o'clock, until Monday morning, about six o'clock I left to go home in the seven o'clock train during that time, Mr. Gamble and Mrs. Hujus were not doing anything; the first night I was thero I asked Mrs. Hujus if sho should sloop up stairs she said that Bhe would sleep in the next room to the ono in which Mrs.

Gamble died she did not say anything more; Mr. Gamble was then in tho parlor; I found that Mrs. Hujus did not come up in that room where Bhe said that sho was going to sleep, bnt tho servant girl occupied it tho room was reached by the front stairs; the room in which I slept that night was the second room from where Mrs. Hujus sold she was going to tho other sido of the hall, and at tho head of the stairs Mrs. Hujus, in going to that room, would pass by the door where I slept after entering my room I only half closed the door; I didn't Bleep that night, and only dosed a little between four and five o'clock in the morning I got up in the morning ten minutes or so past five o'clock I went into Mrs.

Gamble's room just after I got up after some soup when I went into that room there wore no clothes on tbe bed the bed tick was there that's all I noticed the servant girl that I referred to that went into tho room where Mrs. Hujus Bald Bhe meant to rest, I did not see her go up stairs, but I saw her going down in the morning; the servant girl went to bed before I did; I was in my bedroom some time before I undressed; I went downstairs that morning about seven o'clock: so soon as breakfast was ready I didn't go down before tho first person I saw when I got down was Mr. Gamble, standing in the middle of the hall, dressed; I Btood there also a few minutes until the bell was rung, when we went into breakfast; I was In the parlor bofore breakfast there was no bed there I saw Mrs. Hujus that morning before breakfast as she came out of the dining room into the hall where I was Bho said "Good morning Mr. Gamble was there his manner towards Mrs.

Hujus embraced the salutation "Good morning," and the question "Had you a good night's rest?" to which Mrs. H. responded "Yes." At this state of the proceedings the further hearing of the case was postponed. The prisoners were present, as previously, and sat quietly listening to the testimony, except when that portion was given that touched upon the testament of the deceased. Mr.

Gamble especially seemed to be annoyed and embarrassed. The examination was adjourned until Wednesday next when it is expected that the case will be closed before the Justice. VIEWS OF GOBBESPONOENT, Tbe Danger of a. military Despotism. To the Editor of the Brooklyn Eaqlei Every good citizen at the present time is anxiously solicitous for tho election of Seymour and Blair.

No good citizen has lived long enough to wish to see the last President of the United States, it is tho wish the hearty hope of every patriot that the eleotlon of Presidont of these United States shall recur for ages to come, and that this "Home of the free" as it was once termed, may again as in years gone by, be the refnge and homo of the persecutor and down trodden of foreign lands and that our old flag whioh once gave protection to all who chose to rally under it, may be again thrown forth to tho breeze with all its starry beacons of light and safety, newly emblazoned, shining forth with intensified lustre, dissipating the clouds that now lower on the darkened horizon of our beloved country, and by their brilliancy showing up to an outraged people, the Badical demagogues, who aro ruling us with rods stool and robbing ns of our means of living, depriving us of the last remnants of manliness, and with tho iron heel of military train bonds pressing us into the very dirt with their iron shod feet upon our necks. Tfte lost president I aye the last president, is it too much, is it ridiculous to anticipate, to fear, that if Grant is elected President ho will be the last president Truly, as a good Democrat, I fear and believe he wllL Why because he is a military chieftain, and every one knows that soldiers, from tho private to the lieutenant general, love to lord it over white trash civilians whore ever they have tho power and opportunity to do so, so with the drummer boy up to the drum major, with what a lordly air and sovereign contempt they move among the rabble called civiUans. Such is the case tbe world over, and so it will be hero in a measure it is so here at present when God so forsakes' this repubUc as to put us at the mercies of a military chieftain, when was thero such a one, who voluntarily gave up the sword and its power, never bnt one in our generation Washington.nono other no not one, and we on't want another's name on the same page with Washington. George Washington and Hiram Ulyesea Grant God forgive na for the outrageous parallelism, there is no truth.notbing In one bade you beware of standing armies, the other one thinks tho whites of thiscounlry should be keptjunder the military control of his satraps, and made to face right and left by his bay onettcd machines, who know nothing save obeying his commands, and God help us many of theso bipeds being negroes with bloody suns and beastly doaires, intent on supporting negroes at the expense of the whites, whom at the same time by all possible means they and their Badical legislators, fry to debase, and drive to desperation In hope the time may ogam come when they can let loose the dogs of war upon thorn. Elect Grant president and again win "freedom shriek." A SxcoKD Waju Democjut.

The Vermont farmers aro reported to be changing the breed of their sheep from Spanish merino to Southdown, The Radical journals are parading ficticious accounts of the recent conflict between the whites and negroes in Georgia, as if it was the proudest proof which could be adduced of the wisdom of Republican statesmanship. They were told that their blundering, selfish and fanatical legislation would result in bringing on a contest between the two races. It was characterized as treason to Bay so, but when the conflict comes the men who ridiculed the idea that it ever would come, boast of it, as if it were the very blossom and fruit of the very highest kind of statecraft. The statement of the facts which led to the recent conflict in Georgia, furnished by the white citizens of the place, is apparently so fair on its face that no honest man can decline to credit it. It is admitted that several hundred armed negroes under the lead of two wretched white political adventurers were marched into a quiet village inhabited by less than the same number of white men, women and children.

What followed is thus related At the request of (the citizens, M. J. Poore, Sheriff, with a committee of six other citizens, went out to meet Bald procession ana to protest against armed negroes being matched in procession in our town, and to state to them distinctly that if they would put down their arms no objection would be made to their entering the torn and holding their political meeting. The Sheriff delivered this message to Murphy and Pierce, the leaders of the procession, and they replied they had nothing to do with those armed men the guns belonged to them, and they were in the habit of carrying them wherever they went. The Sheriff replied that as a peace officer it wsb his duty, under the law, to forbid the asse mblage of armed men at political meetings, and assured them that they entered the town with their muBic and banners, followed by armed men, aB they then were, that there would be a breach of the peace, and ho would not be responsible for the oonsequences.

Now if it were proposed to take from us the control of our affairs under like circumstances, precisely a like result would follow, and if any party hopes to govern country on the assumption that the white race living in it are not moved by similar feelings of race and manhood, it may through the folly of the people keep this country in turmoil for a generation, and at the end of that time the people will be compelled to do what we can with so much more advantage do now, hurl a party from power which has an interest in strife. The National and State Committees. The Democrats are beginning to think that the campaign in this State is left to run itself. The National Committee nobody expected much from, and it is not known even by well informed Democrats whether they have a Washington committee room open or not. But the State Committee were expected to be doing something in the way of printing and circulating campaign documents.

There never was a campaign in which the evidence against a party was so overwhelming asihat which the resolutions and admissions of Radicals furnish against them. But people who go to the State Committee room in New York say they can get nothing in the shape of a campaign document except a speech or two of Sanford Church's. Fortunately for the country, however, Pennsylvania has a live State Committee, and if the Keystone State stands firm in October, all the rest of the arch will hold in November. A Boston Sebmon. a very elastic term, in Boston.

In the Commonwealth, a paper of that city, we find reported a sermon on Women's Rights, preaohed by a Rev. Mr. Collyer, who toward the close thereof remarks: Pardon me, if I have not seemed to speak to yon of religion "in this sermon; and let mo say that in religion, to day, I know no more urgent doctrine to be received for our salvation than this recognition of the new claim of the woman to hor own no wickedness much worse in the wholo effect of it than to make her the inferior we do." And then the Rev. orator goes on to discuss the employment of female teachers in publio schools, the salaries they ought to receive and the policy the Board of Education ought to pur sue in regard to them. It is not strange that people should be willing to hear an able man lecture on Women's Rights and school policies; but it is marvellous that they should bestow their Sunday leisure upon such matters and imagine that they are therein attending to their spiritual devotions and not to their weekday worldly concerns.

Those Scholarships. The offer of scholarships in the Cornell University to nine graduates from our publio schools looks very much like a cheap advertising dodge, The offer is simply for free tuition, the pupil has to board The charge for this tuition is thirty dollars a year, and to obtain this liberal concession a boy has to be sent three hundred miles from home among strangers, and pay for everything but instruction. The hotel and boarding house keepers in Ithaca could afford to maintain any number of free scholarships on these terms. There are better opportunities thae this for obtaining a liberal education to be had nearer home, and we are not surprised that the rush of applicants for these scholarships has not been overwhelming. The Street Numbering Committee of the Common Council appears to have gone to sleep over Alderman CJunningham's computations for a plan of Brooklyn and a style of domestic architecture for 1968.

There is something mystifying about this street numbering business it always proves too much for the alder manic mind, which, after muddling itself over maps and figures, gives it up as a hopeless job. It has been handed over from one board to another for several years and the present Common Council seems to be incapable of elaborating a practical plan for this much needed improvement. Some speculators have been taking advantage of the good name and good credit of Brooklyn, to foist swindling schemes upon the publio elsewhere. The Government detectives have unearthed a big undertaking of.

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