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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

AMUSEMENTS. THE COURTS. FIRST EDITION. THIRD EDITION. and Children's Fancy Furs, in great variety and low prices, on street.

Hill's Hair Dye, 50 cents. Black and brown best in use, warranted for color and durability. Depot No. 1 Barclay street, N. and sold by all Druggists.

Amusements, Meetings, this Evening. ATHENF.UM. Atlantic street. Madame Ernestine De Tilliers' Concert. POLKTEOnNIO INSTITUTE, Livingston st.

SwIss Bell Ringers. MUSICAL HALL, corner Fulton and Orange sts. The Bohemian Trouve of Glass Blowers. BUBTTB" VA3IBTIE3. oor.

Rolton and Pineapple ato, Hare Man, the areat Hestoprestodlg atater. MONDAY EVENING, NOV. 25. The Ladies' Home Missioxaet Society. The next anniversary of the Ladies' Home Missionary Society nf Brooklyn will be held in the Washington street M.

E. Churcli this evening a'. o'clock. Addresses will be delivered by the Kev. B.

H. Nadal, the Rev. F. S. De Hass, and the Rev.

R. M. Hatfield. ATBENEUM, BROOKLYN. immfvhe sucoicas.


TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY SATURDAY, November 'i6tb, 27th. lith and Cn "which occasion they will introduce a variety of NEW SON SB, A IX ADS, NEW BELL MUSIC, Upon the TWO HUNDRED rILVER BELTS. The only Silver Hells ever manufactuted, the largest weigh idp the smallest two ounjes. Forluitt er pa' t'cularaseeproKrammes.

TW 0 GRAND MATINEES WILL BE GIVEN. UKtDAX AND hAl'UKDAY AFIERNO0X3. Commencing at 3 o'clock. Tickets 2 cents; Children 15 cents. Tickets for sale at Grul i Adltr's.

A GltArvI) CONCERT will be Riven on THANKS GIVING for the accommodation of children, when cliilflu'ii will be admitted for Ten Cents. TbeMiv.r Metis wilfbe on exhibition In front of the Hill tfcrcucb the day. n'ib if 0. C. CHASE.




4c. ON TCE3DAY AND FRIDAY EVENINSS, Will be a grand 5 1 A HOP. A GRAND MATINEE ON Vr'KDN T.SDAY AND SATURDAY AFTERNOONS. Af'niissioD 10 cents for Children. Ana every child with a present, THANKSGIVING DAY.


DON'T FORGET! THE LAST WEcK BUT ONE AilmisBion 15 cents No half price. d25 lw MEETINGS. BKOOKLVN HORTICULTCIiAL SQCIETT ill hold their nixt Conversational and Exhibition Meeting? on TUESDAY EVENING. Nov in, at their rooms, ntthe ATHENEU.M. corner of Clinton and Atlantic strc at 1 r)'t Iock.

fubiect "Propagatlntt Cattinart," will be full illnttrfcted by several of the moat eminent Horticulturists. Mdnbers and their families are Invited to be present Terms of njembenUiii 33 (Dper year. adniittloRa member and to all the meetlr K9 exbibitiuns, use of lbrary, n2o BBOOKLTN IIOIiTIC LT It A I. SOCIETY The repular monthlv mrennu the Soci ty vill be In then cms at the ENEOM. corner of Alhnilc and Clint, street, on TUF3DAY EVENING, Dec.

2d, at 7 o'clock. In j'ursuanre of By Laws. the Annual Election nf Officers Tor thi will take place, for the year, and every member of the hociety is respectfully Invited to attend. Dii3 II' K. II.

SCO I' e. Secretary. SECTION, No." 10, CADETS LTJ OF TEMPI It AN'CE The officers and members of the above Hectb.n are particularlv request ed to iittend the ineet )nc t.p i.ext. TUESDAY, as uruent bufines, v. hich requires a full attendance, will be brought forwani GEO.

C. CHANDLER, Seer, tary. PUBLIC NOTICE THB UNDERSIGNED Commissioners appointed by the Supreme Court, nur to an ct passed April 18611. to estimate the dam aK' to buildines caused bv tbe reeradlott and repatvinit of Fli.tbnsh avenue, in the City of Hrooklyn. and to assesi the bepefits arising from the said will meet daily at No.

345 Fulton between the hours of one and two o'clock P. take proofs in rt btion to same. JOHN G. SCHOMiiKEll, JOHN McNAMEE. Commissioners.

WILLIAM G. LAWF.ENCE. ol5 tf BOA. RUING. A SINGLE GENTLEMAN OK GENTLEMAN and wife can obtain good board, with fine loin and bath room in connection, in a private family, by addressing W.

II, HARVEY, liroiKlyn P. O. n32 8t A DLslKABLE HOME FOR A FAMILY Oil iu a few plnple fe'entlemen: also simile rooms, with full or jibrtlftl board, wiere there are no other hoarders; terms moderate; id' asantly located at 23 Myrtle avenue, opposite WiuhlnK on Park. n2 3t IjOAKIiING A (iENTLLMAN ANTD WWE, 5 or a few 5 1 11 jrle pentlettien can be accommodated rlth (rood bonic, a Iro: room on 2d llfi and b.icic iiirlor, both, lirn'slied. in a urlvjitc raii)ily.

House 1ms all the modern imniovemeLts. Relerences Riven and reiiuired. Apply at 352 Adjiiia nciii Concord ttrett. Convenient to all the territ s. n21 OlJAKDING.rTEVV" GENTL fiMAN SD their wives can be accommodated with pood board t.lHO aincle centleroen, wittx simple room3.

Terms very rea Bu.ialjle. Tliis bouse has been newly fitted up nnd furnished rt ii Kas and water. A njjly at 97 Middiwh, three doora from yiilion itreet near Fulton Kerry. sel9 tf VCLTON FIRE INSUKaNCE COMPANVT CAPITAL 1.WKK. Oflice, No.

AVmII street, riew York. An 'rew Ji llodses John Kverett A Purkoe Frlward Strong I ivennore Wmte (iruhanif Jus li Klmore A ,7 Allaire Tuof Moore John Cntne Win Mulli an es ft He.irDS Getj I'r nee 1 3 Kdwaids FiHke A C'. bh li Illancaard Pfiliiii Crooke John Moore Seyiuou' Hasted (sen Cobb Jftvetl Sitarbs Cnns KSniiih Furman Jftg Morjia i () Brennan 11 Godwin yrhoomaker Uvthurt Siitnoion W. A. CDltll.

rre.irient A. U. Vice President. CtiAS. M.

Bank in. Secretary. John Cashow. Surveyor. ApiJlicatiota may be made to J.

3. ICKAY, No. .1 street. fe'i') KINGS COUNTY COURT Richard C. Un derhl Ac.

inr Horpfield. acrainst. Ado'iiLus M. JJart, Constari'. Hurt md L'vi Dodst1' R.

O. UMi'ftUiix, i'HT In prop, Co street, Broaklyn. In nurauance and by virtue of ajudjrment of thii Court, rend' red in the above entitled action, on the twenty fifth day of iNovLMnbt 1:, A. I80I, will be sold at public auction, at the Commercial So. Fulton street 'opposite the Oly Hall) In the City of Brooklyn, in the County of Kir.trs, and Si te of York, on 'I'i uisday.

the ninelr nh day of Deceinoer t. 2o'cUck noon of that day, by or under the direction of Henry Murphy. tlieuiideraiiintjd Iteeree, for thiit purpose, the mortfiaffeil premiics in said judxinent. dtsenhed ft follou tn nit All thoe tvvo cert tin lots of lano. on theweMery side ot atrt et, in the treventh Ward cf tsaid city of prooklyn, and known and sicnattd on a map niude by RoaweUi Graves, City i urvtyor.

datfd Hrookhn, Jaruary, 18:5, and entitled Map of valuable jiroijeity tuate In the Seventh Vanl oi the Citv of rooVlyn, lately betotpinKt John fckdlraan, now on file in the Resiater's uilice of Kings County, as undly the i mnber Fti2 (three Lu: rred and xry tw0 and (three hundred and sixty together Beginning at a poiir. on the vetsterly eldt of street, dhtant two hundrd and thirty six feet iind ten inches (li.ll'): southerly fnnu the southwesterly corner of Skillman s'reet and Mvrtle 11 ue) street, as kid dort ri cn said rimr.iQL' tht nce est riy alons; lotnunibt 'three hundred and sixty onej on Findniap onehundred feet, to lornuinbt (three Mmd ed and fUdiiy three) on map; thence roiitherly al iu lotj nuiubers and on sala ma and para'M kidmim a et. fifty ft e': ihoace ensttrly hit number iU (tiirt undred and sixty four) on eald map. one hundr id tet tto Pkilln an street; nd nonhn ly aloni? in Mrcet, fifty feet to the place or lieR nninii. Toeether will all an! singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurten unc thereunto belonping or in any wLse appertaining.

Dated Brooklyn. November 55tb. lfclil. HENKY C. ML'Kf'fTv, Uefere 1, ri25 Say'jwM" Court Htret Brooklyn, fSHE CITY CCHUrToK JillOOKLYV, KIND'S 1 COUNTY.

X. Y. The Montauk Insurance Company of Mrc oklyn, Plaiatitt'5, uaiu ('atheilue Ujwliny aad othtrs, Deftmiants. punlic auction, at the Coincierciid rxrhnnne, Nn. Fulton stiect, (opposite tlie City Hall in the Chy of Brooklyn, on the lth day of December, lMil.

at 12 o'clock noon, the fol lowit. described land and premises All those two certa'ti htj, pieces or parcels of 1 md, with tlm buildings thereon erected, situate in the Seventh ard oftiieOityof Brook and County of Kinss and State of New York, bounded and (lefcribed as follows, ti wit: Beiriuuintr on the southerly ide oi Flushing avenue, at a point, distant seventy vo feet, or thereabuuts, westerly from the southwesterly corner of F'u hinpand Franklin avenues; thence runuinjr southerly alonp the ilivlsion line between iots numbered one hundred aiidthirtv one and on hundred and thirty, on a certain taan maie by Howell Graves. City Survvur, tfr jakUu, JiUitiary, one th.u94t dtiii' hmnird mil thirty i'ive, ivm tied 'Map of valuuble pmi.riv iu th deendi Ward of the II of I' rookUn. Ihw.iv lit'liiTHinif t.n Skill tn I 'j i otthe ly tl iv i'ie .1: lot nti'ir Jim liv iiuii thirty Ao or 1 u.iip h'ty an 1 (ii thi ruatiouts. to iiu: ihi Fi; tl.enre trafteiN 1 i avenue, to the pUtv hvi.r fit'.

1 'tc known on UtU mmt' i nut fn nd Iritt i.f iiltty and i.e Hi 1 t'i' v. sn 01 FlosiilnK tn iii; Me pr hy John i'r, llorfon, Aihti i i.t nnd FvU'tV A'MniTi'Hlriit (.. of 11. r.j ti firtid Tho nas l)o dti dte1 ik'h i.i i t'i tweaf.f i.y of KT'temlK i i two, jinn recorded in me otli. i' t'i if o' Ki i pime TJo, on thf tweniv av is.

To titiier with nil the in li un 'nn mi appurteriRnCert tht reunto Ndi 10." iu a i ptriatt inc. Dated l. Diw3wM is. NK BKuW NK, iteferee. Court of Oyer and Terminer.

before judue emott and justices 8tillwzll and noyt the peisonee ouetis. In the endeavor to prepare the report of the sentence of the Court in the ease of Curtis In time for Saturday's Sfue, the sentence was not pronounced until noon the details were necessarily imperfect. urtia is evidently a crimiuul of the nie'o dramatic school and desired to create that eort of sensation in which that sort of people like indulge. But the days of last speeches are of the past. On the morning of Saturday before being sentenced he beguiled his leisure in the jail by playing on the flute and seemed jovial and jocular.

The colored man Thompson, whose case will be found below, was the object of Mr Curlis's faceliousness. He informed Thompson that the man he (Thompson) had killed would haunt him surely, and the poor darkey not being so philosophically inclined as Curtis was, frightened him almost out of his senses. Curtis did not, as would seem by ourreport of his speech, cast any implied censure on his counsel but said that they bad overruled his original intention to combat the evidence ogainst him and in doing so were right. The only touch of real feeling ho seemed to exhibit was in thanking the counsel for their etTortB in his behalf which he did with an appearance of real sincerity. His case, and that of Donnelly sent to Slate Prison for fifteen years last week by the sentence imposed by Judge Garrison, illustrate Ibo impolicy of the ill judged clemency which it is the tenth ncy of the tinii to drsplay towards hardened criminals.

Curtis had been pardoned out of the State Prison to which he had been committed for grand larceny by the Court of General Sessions of New York. Don" nelly was under sentence for a robbery and was at large under a stay of proceedings when he committed tho outrage for which he is now undergoing the sentence of the law. The colored who killed another man of color at J'latbush last fall, pleaded guilty of manslaughter in the 3d degree, was sentenced to two years and six months in the slate prison. The deceased had cominenc ed ibe qu 'irel and the killing was done in the heat of passion and without premeditation. City Court.

J1EFOKE JUlKiE REYNOLDS. LANDLORD AND TENANT. E. Sanderson sued Emily Henderson for $175, being a quartei's rent of premises situated at 314 Fulton street. The defense was that water had fl iwed into the collar by which the store up stairs became damn and unwholesome bv reason of which the detendam became sick.

She had niilirleil the agent and he neglected to remedy the evil and she accordingly vacated the premises. law or li 0 it is provided that il premises become untenable by reason of fire or any other cause the tenant is not liable the rent, and the jury found from the facts presented by the testimony that the store had been rendered uninhabitable, and found a a crd ct for the defendant. For plaintiff, Win. A. Greene, (JJ lefendant, I.

I Barnard. County Court. BEFORE fiAKRISON. WRIT OF ERROR. Joseph Kane was charged upon the complaint of Mar ga.

ct Keepers, who resides in Fulton avenue, with having sedueeil her in the winter of 1SC0, under promise of marriage. She had a child born in July last. Joseph was culled upon for fulfillment of his promise, but Joseph denied the snft impeachment, whereupon Margaret bad him arrested: he demanded an examination before the magistrate, and there his counsel insisted on his being discharged upon certain points raised by him, but the magistrate held him, whereup a certiorari was obtained in his behalf and tho pro eedings brought before the County Judge for review; the County Judge refused to discharge him except on ball. He was indicted by the Grand Jury, and was tried a the present term of the Court of Sessions, and convie oil, and on Tuesday last was sentenced to inii risonment in the Penitentiary, at hard labor, for 12 months, but was remanded to the Jail until Saturday, tin Saturday a motion was made to the Supreme Court upon exceptions taken at the trial, and a writ of error was granted, together with a stay of proceedings. Mr.

John 1'. Troy, his counsel, then obtained a writ of habeus corpus, and he was brought before the County Judge and bailed out, and so became free of the Keepers. OUT DOOR SPORTS. Vase Ball. MATCHES TO BE PLAYED.

Nov. 25 Star "First Kine'' vs. Second For two club pins. Game to be called at 1 P. JI.

on the Carrol Park grounds. To Correspondents. J. P. book received: much obliged; will do as requested.

MoNMou'rn of ITobokex vs. Picked Nine of South Irooki.yn. A match will be plnved on Thanksgiving Day, between the Monmouth, ot New York, and il Picked JJine of South Brooklyn. Match to he played on Carrol Park, and to commence precisely at 10 o'clock A. M.

The members of the Picked Nine a respcct'ollv requested to meet at Mr. liruce's, Chilton iihi, Atlantic street, near Court, on YVodnesdnv evening, at Imir past P.M. To the Editor of the Brooklyn Knile Deatc Sir, In your notice of the intended match between the Kesolute and Constellation on the 2Sth, I observe a few errors, which allow me if you please to correct. You state that the Constellation challenged the Itesolute. There has been no formal challenge by either parly.

A game has been mutually agreed on, each club paying half for the ball. The challege issued by the Constellation to any picked nine could be accepted inly by a picked nine, and of course has nothing to do with the intended game. The honor which you award to the Kesolute in calling them the champion of the Juniors, as the last game played between them and the Constellation wns to say the least a drawn game, does not yet fairly belong to them, and will not tilfafier tho perhaps not then. At any rale we shall see what we shall see We should like to see their title to ttie championship made out by anything they have yet done. Again, you do unintentionally a little injustice to the Constellation nine in slating that they have been defeated about three times this season.

Kow their record shows that they have been beaten but once, and that a return game. Yours very respectfully, A Muff of the Tuff Champions of the Jt'Nr rs. In regard to the errors made by us which our correspondent charges us with we would answer, that meern ing the challenge, we did not mention that it was sent by eiihcr side, but was put forth by the Constellations accepted by the liesolutes. We were not aware of the terms of the match, or anything relating to it except what appeared in the article in question. The Eesolutes are generally designated by the appellation of the champions of the Jnniors, which our correspondent seems to think ought and probably will belong to the Constellations.

Ourbopes are that Hie best club may winnd which that will lie, will be proven on the Kill. Concerning the mis statement matte by us. about the defeats of the Constellations, we are indebted to the writer for correcting us however, wi made no positive statement of the fact, but said they had lost only ubout three games, and not having our lib at hand, nor possessing a good memory was the cause of lhc mistake. St'HFEKFJtS FROM Sl'INAI. WEAKNESS AND Ctllt VATniK.

General Debility and Uterine Derangements. Yool, and Pulmonary Affections, Djspepda and Hernia, are in formed that. K. P. Banmsg, (founder of a netvani agreeable treatment.) has opened an Institute at 25 Livingston street, for the prevention and cure of tne above and kindred maladies, to which he has devoted the study of his life.

Consultations free. Saojests are Invited to send for his gratuitous Esay. References given to some of the old estphjfcielcns of Brooklyn andNew York. Fins French Coiisets, to at one doiiar efh.atW. A.

Corr'o. "4r' "on street Abo the best and cheapest Skirts 'a the Felt Hats, Cloth its, and Youth's cap In all (he new styles at Biglow's, Hatter, 185 Fulton ttrcet. Read the opinion of the Prince and Prince's Xapoleon of tkLe Bouquet an exquisite per of matchless delicacy and permanence. This fragrant extract is the result of long continued experiments and is now for the first time introduced to public notice with the flattering endorsement of a Princ from the rellned Court of France and a Princess irotnthe fragrant Plains of Savoy, to whose judgment In the ap preeiatlon of sweet odors all must yield tho palm. i (Translated from the French.) i Sir, T.

Highness the Princess Marie Clotilde'N'apole on, has received the boltle of perfume you have been so kind to send her; She has found it so delightful, that she requests you to supply her with a few bottles, which I beg you to send to New York Hotel. Accept my distinguished compliments, DrcitKss Lady of Houor. ni Reynolds, 200 Court st Brooklyn. On Board tue Jerome Xafolkon, I 2lllh ISfil. Monsiecr i.e CoNst'L Gereral, I have the honor to request you on the part of Prince Napoteon to have the kindness ot giving an order to Mr.

George Iieynolds, of 2CU Court, street. Brooklyn, for ten bottles of Perfume similar to that which be has supplied to the Princess as 2o franc (o dollars) per bottle', and to have thein sent to II. 1. 11. Prince Napoleon to the "Palais Uoyal" in Paris 1 take the opportunitj, (Signed) A.

T.aoon, Lieut. Col. Abide Camp, M. le Mis. ii: Montiioi.on, Consul General uf France in New York.

I.e Bouquet Imperial, prepared by George Reynold chemist, L'OO Court street, Brooklyn. and sold by Dm and Perfumers generally. Price 0'' cts. per bottle. Report of the Brooklyn City HuspilJ Ar Hi week ending; Nov.

20, 1SIII Admitted 17 Births Hisehargcd i Died lieiiiaining Tht he Visiting Committee meet every Saturday arte naon at o'clock. FOUR O'CLOCK, P.M. LATEST FROM WASHINGTON. nmm arrested ix mawd. ANOTHER ARREST.

REINFORCEMENiS FOR PORT ROYAL, S.C WAnih r.TOX, Nov. 25. Four prisoners were arrested last week as spies in St. Mary's county, Maiylaad. They were taken to Fort Mellenry on Saturday, when General Dix refused to receive them and they were brought lo this city.

lion. J. K. Giddings, Consnl General for Canada, is here and in consultation with members of the government. The ftovernment has given a permit for Ibe reopening of trade between Port Tobacco and Baltimore by water.

Arrest of the Adjuiaiit ol tho Sixth U. S. Infantry. New York, Nov. 25.

On the anival of the North Star this moruing. Mr. Skiddy, a passenger by the vessel, made a ensrge to the police that Adjutant Robert Scott, ol the Sixth infantry, was a secessionist, and had used treasonable language on the passage. The police arrested and conveyed him to the Police head Col. Buchanan was informed of the arre.

a'jd applied to Superintend ent KeDedy for hi. release, promising to be re sponsible for his deliver to the proper ties at Washington. Air. Kenedy had not ejm. plied with the request at noon.

Acjulant Scott is a son of Rev. Dr. Scott, Of San Francisco, who was recently compelled to resign his charge and went to Uurope. The charges of treason against Adjutant Scott are continued by some of the passengers, while Lieut. Col.

Buchanan denies them and alleges that the Adjutant is a loyal ollicer. Recnlbrcemeut of Port Royal. New 1'okk, Nov. 25. The U.S.

steam transports Boston, Delaware, and C'OEmopolitaD, sailed at noon this day for Fortress Monroe, where they will receive troops and proceed to Port Royal. These three steamers will carry about eleven hundred men; also a foil cargo ot provisions and ammunition. FINANCIAL. Nkw York, Nov. 25, 1861.

Slocks are better with a fair business, at the market tbia morning. Money ia quoted in eooa supply at Ca7 per cent on call. Sterli ng Exchange is quoted very lOSij'aNMKtor bankers bills. Stock exchange Sales First Board. lrOOO TJS6's 12J10 8 6's 1000 2510 Oiilo H's till ll'in III lul two Mich rtti'f 24H 0 MHsourl Bt 0 do do 11KU California 7's 5C0 ian Francisco c's payable in NY 1000 Hud Itiv 1st ci.

100U Mich Cenp.cent olilhils 1000 II 0 rr Sn ct llillll Midi So 1st in lul. Uiill 111 LVn rr 1 2011) LErie b. 93 iW 01 Si 1 42 40a: SIX 105 120 do 50 do I15 111) do b30 50 do 030 225 Erie pref. 20 do loo do bio 125 do b30 50 do 20 Hurt ttivrr 50 go 150 do b30 150 do loo Keadlntr rr 300 Mich Cen rr 200 do 275 do 5 1 do sfiO 3054 30 30X 53 53 63X 53 52 3T 37 37 MX 34 4: 49K 4'.) 40 VK 45K 17K IS 37 my, 12 am 70X 70)4 70 34X 34 MH 54 a oiy, 54K MY, 54K do do b30 do IllOO Gal 4 Chi 1st in. 50 5 1000 ao 4100 loo Mich a If TlfinL ini.ri.

WI do 50 544 do 2.10 111 Cen rit, 100 Clevi Pitts' nh rr. ID Ciev Col Cin 50 i Obi rr 101) do 50 do 200 do 110 do s30 4ill Olev 1030 do 115 eniiania do lu Am F.x Hunk 10'rllank.. 20 Hanover Ualik. .11 fim.h rnnn 111 1133, F.l. 'btinC tl VC do do 112 SO 250 50 I'D I do do Fin 3( 0 r.Oenrr.

Uol A if I rr. 10U ao do do do do do 200 250 .30 100 60 50 do 5:15 lion 2(11 ,11 do s30 do do M0 do do iO 15U 100 Erie rr WiO do 25 do ti3U SUM 50 do s30 HIS 31 00 Mil i Chcne 20 JAMES COLE'S SON, Auctioneer, No. 300 Fl'LTON Ktbef.t. Com.mkrcial Exchangk. oppobitxtm Citv Hall.

Bkookltn. JAMKS COI E'P SON, will Kive his personal attention to Bales of Household Furniture, and outdoor sales Also to sales of Real Estate. Stocks. Ac, at the Exchange. New York.

Tt EDAV, Nov. At 10M o'clock A. at the stable, corner of Carlton av. uml IJerpen street, HrooklyD. Horses.

Cows. Bull, Ac 10 heifers, 1 2 and 3 years old, 1 splendid lievonshiie Bull, 2i years old; also li.rses, tVaKons. Harness, 'I't rms cash. n25 It JAMES M. MILLER, Auctioneer.

FOR SALE AT AUCTION, (Under a Decree of the Supreme Court,) THE FIRST CLASS HOLE AND LOT No. 25J HICKS STREET, BUOOKLYN, ON" Wednesday, Nov. 7, At 12 o'clock noon, at the Franklin House, opposite the tulton Ferry, Brooklyn. This Hfiute is a first class brown Btone front, three stories and ante, wiih sub cellar, built In the best manner, by days' work, Willi all the modern conveniences. The Bituutlon ia unsuriuisseo for a genteel anil pleasant residence.

The lot is 25 fett front and rear, by half the Mock in depth. The terms will be intide favorable, and 70 per cent of the purchase money may remain on bond and mortgage. n2l ot COLE, Auctioneers, I I 8 ALE Sc. 343 FULTON STREET. BROOKLYN.

OPPOSITE JOHN R. WiLDS, Auctioneer. Sales Room No. 2 Court street Brooklyn. A W1LD8, Will sell at auction on JOSEPH HKCEM AN, Auctioneer.



Will sell op JOHN K. OAtvi Bl, Auctioneer. IIT JOHN K. OAKLEY AT'ilLTON SALESROOM, No. 18 Court St.

eornar Jor alemon. opposite the Oity Hail. ASSIGNEE SALE THE SALE OP THE RE Ax. Kstate heloninnp to the estate of the late Jacob iloeruru. or a full description of (Thick, haa heretofore beeu published In the Wednesday and Friday issues of the Brooklyn Kairle.

commencing with anil since Mayblli. Itol. ami which was to take place May 30th, ISril. at one o'clock 1'. at th City Hall, in the City of Brook Ivn is Htljniirne'1 to tbe 15th day of June nexf, at the same time nl.

ice. Maylffl. S. LAW, m30 2Hwld I'bAS Assignee of J. Boeruin The iale of the property referred to in the forecoim; adver tlsi ment is postponed to the 2Sth day of Jane inst, at tha name hour and place.

a S. tt The sale of the above property Is adjourned to tlie btudar or July next, at the same hour and places June 23, 1861. Jeifi Assinn'ee of J. Boerom The ale of the above refe red to property Is adjourned to July 13th, at 1 o'clock P. M.

at the same place. JalyUUl. ivtV''awtscVTh uf J. B. Boerura.

'he to ia adjourned to July 27tb. at the 3.hd;c time and ilace June ia 1861. a. u. LAW, ivV! "rmtSATIi Aasifrnee of J.

B. Boerum, t. tht alKtro referretl to premises is ad'ournedto tlie Mnh i))iy of August, next, at the same time and place. jnjv 7 l'l. a' LAW, AssUnee of .1 II.

Boerum. 'flcrtool above reierred to premises Is further ad on" to if 'UlU day of Auuust ut the Batne tlina 'hl 6 j.biev New York. An mist 10th. lgrtl tinVi 'JawtP Apsicnoe of J. B.

Boerum. 'Ihealf ol tlie above referred to pmnites is further ad loijirit ii to tli' li'lli eiteniber next, at ttie siine time uud Ul. ire. 8. I).

LAW. au2a Assignee of J. It. Boerum. 'Hit mU ot th above referreUi jiruperty is further ad i 1 tiist at tae same time and idin'i i' i't.

hOl, 3. D. LAW, fi'ttiSa' Asiunee of J. B. Boerum.

1 in; bd: nf tbe pbovo referred to premises is further ad to i be ltd day of November next, at the same time sm. pl. it .1. 2 1 iil. 9.

D. LAW, in is Assik'i ee of J. B. Bnerum. 'i hr Mt' i'f the nbove ref'Tred pre nised is further ad iouir.i i iy Novtiiilvr inn at tbe same time ar I 1, tf.

H. LAW. i.l Asaim of J.B. Boctucq. IN T'VKSUANCE Ot AN OF KOS 'r Li.

C. BHAINAlUb rsQ urrt ate of tbe County ot Kinpe: ii l.trtby Mvtn, rdjn to luw. to aH portions h'i i.l' ib.b' HLain JOHN VaNIKKVKIL Uie of the. Town of Ntw T.i'M' fHif l. tliatthey an required to ex liU'it.

tlie miiii i wnb tbrr vuuebfta tbereuf, to the suVncrib' cis. the execut. rf, ki tbetr residence the Town or Ne 1 oi tte I'uli day of Mas next Dated OcU ber2ith. 1861. JOHN ft.llhw 30UwymW Fy Telegraph to Brooklyn Daily Eagle EAGLK OFFICE 2 P.


Hews from South America, The Rebel Congress. Bei.timoke, Nov. 25. The jiichmond Inquirer says that the Confederate Congress have passed a bill for the removal of the Capital from Richmond to Nashville, and that the Congress will soon assemble there. From Old Point.

Baltimore, Nov. 55. The boat from Old Point has arrived, but Drinirs no news. Commodore Wilkes. Boston, Nov.

25. The reception of Commander Wilkes will take place this afternoon in Faneuil Hall. The oDieers of the San Jacinto will be received at Long Wharf at two o'clock by a body of citizens with music and escorted to the hall, weere congratulations and hand shaking by the public generally will constitute the proceedings, The galleries are reserved for ladies. There is a thick snow storm morniDg. From California.

New 1'oiiK, Nov. 25. The steamship North Star has arrived herefrom Aspinwall, with in treasure. She brings some U. S.

troops under Col. Buchanan, and the following officers Surgeon Mc Cormick, Major Ketchum, Capts. Wallen, Russe Davidson, Davis, Assistant Surgeons Letterman and Pollum, Lieuts. Genty, Scott, Turner, Carlton and Geary. The sloop of war Cyane had arrived at Panama, and the Lancaster was to go to San Francisco.

LATEST INTELLIGENCE PER STEAMSHIP NORTH STAR, Panama, Nov. 14. Since the sailing of tho last steamer there have been no arrivals either from the South or Central America. The British gun boat Cygnet arrived at Aspinwall ori the 12th with dates from California to the 8th of November. She reports that the mails from Bogota just arrived, prior to her sailing broxtght no important news.

GeDerol Jones is expected down by the next steamer. The S. sloop of war Cyanc, has arrived in this port from Mexico. All well. Tbe Lancaster will probably leave here soon for San Franckco to have a new shaft put in which is uow on board.

Tbe Governor of the State has officially iDform. ed the foreign consuls here of the change of the title of the Republic of New Grenada to that of the United States of Combia. Our wet season appears to be fast drawing to a close. The last British steamer from St. Thomas brought no news of the Sumter, but it is highly probable she isnear the coast of Vinzuela.

There is no news of importance to report by this steamer. SECOND EDITION, THREE O'CLOCK V. IU FROM WASHINGTON. FROM COLUMBIA, MO. THE REBEL From Washington.

Wasainoton, Nov. 25. Jcslma R. Giddings. Consul General for the British North American provinces, has accomplished the oblect of his visit to Washington, namely the removal of the delays and inconvenience attending passports to British subjects on taking passage for Europe, at Portland, Maine.

Heretofore passports were required to be countersigned at the State Department, but that business is now to be performed by a government agent. The goveinmentof Italy has adopted the strin. gent rule of France in regard to piratical vessels engaged in depredating our American commerce. The American Consuls are keeping a sharp lookout for the suspicious vessels lately seen at Malta. Thomas Adamson, of Pennsylvania, has been appointed Consul at Peraambuco, Brazil.

From Columbia, Mo. The Rebel Legislature. Colcmiiia, Nov. 22. Tbe Statesman published here has information from Neosho that the rump Legislature of this State after obtaining a quorum by the appointment of proxies, elected John B.

Clark, formerly member of Congress from Howard county, and K. V. Fey ton, of Cass county, Senators to the rtbel Congress. The Legislature also appointed members to the rebel House of Representatives from the dilferent Congressional districts of the State, among whom areEmanuei Macdownel, of St. Louis, of habeas corpus notiriety; L.

JI. Mcllueuy, of Addan county, and James J. Kaims, of Jasper county all of whom are in the army of General Price. From St. Limis The Morlar Fleet.

St. Lot is, Nov. 25. The work on the morter licet an this point Ins not been stopped as stated in the Cincinnati Examiner, but is progressiug rapidly. The boats are expected to be finished this week.

The mortar are being already cast and waitijg shipmen at Pittsburgh, Pa. Serious Gas Boston, Nov, 25. A serious explosion of gas took pljce last night at the residence ol" Lincoln on Commonwealth avenue, damaging th basement and the walls of the building live to eight thousand dollars. Mr. and Mrs.

Lincoln were coasidera. bly injured, but not snnously injured. Fire. Alton, Nov. 25.

engine house of tbe S. Louis and ra'dn ad was destroyed by lire yesierdai. Tlir mes are in the ruins. Loss partly Sew York Markets. Nov.

Cotton Ibe Is very firm; Bales I' ilos; Mill' dlii.r l4bil. e.V Fl.ii: li Hrri lins. uoia sniff iu A. t'rmtr; Mr, f. cut.

iA'af 70 oliio IK Oommon cc uUirn FHlc o' '( (i'KHj HtuI Si;" qnii aaV! oi to tin" 5i I' OluK 41 liii'i MinoK. 1 I An.l'.'r "I rV.M Mil: vp' j.Tt. 15 Xonr.Kb psicn ipii. i 1 a Ws: 'D; ill. i qnli it": i mm iit .,1 t.el7.

it: 'JubK 111 M(n si ri' or i Bisiiy (i)lel nt iOKo. Question. Why do ladies purchase Mm. Suebmak's Sk'jts in preference to sny other? Ahswxb because they have been tested, and endure the test. No, 264 and 266 Street.

Tt surprises the public to find the best quality of Black SewmgSUks, selling st four shillings per 01., at Weixb, 363 Falton street, Brooklyn, Brooklyn Juvenile High School, Washington Street, near Concord. The Winter Term will commence on Monday Nov. ISth, 1861. This School was organized in May, 1S54, and has been in successful operation since that period. It is especially designed tor Boys under twelve years of age, and is preparatory to the Collegiate and Polytechnic Institute.

Circulars containing references, terms, may be obtained at the store of P. Milne, 217 Fulton street; nd also of Dr. J. H. Hay mend, President of the Poly clinic Institute.

Dominick Coloas 's new establishment at 291 Pierrepont street. Is doing a good business. The newly Opened Saloon for Ladles and Families, la well attended ery evening. GarrlsoD'fl Mill I'ond Oysters are great deb les whether eaten frore the shell, fried or masted. DID.

Pllas On Sunday, the2tth Inst, Jons Palas, ased 33 yCTl relatlvei and friends of the family are raipectfullv invited to attend bis fun ral from bis Ute residence, corner of t'nion and Smith stretts, bouth Brooklyn, on Tue. day, Nov, ikitb, at o'clock P. M. WANTS. ANTED BOARD, BY A LADY, IN THE vicinity of the City Hall.

Terms not to exceed 12 rronlh. Hltthly resectable references. Address 176 A dams street. n25 P. TX ANTED A SITUATION, BY A RESPKOT able young woman, to do cener.d housework in a small nrivate fandly, or chamberwork and waiting; would take care of children and sew; Is a (tood sewer aod understands cuttinR children's dresses.

The best of city refe ence from the Places where she has lived for over 3 years. Cm be seen at 1S4 Myrtle avenue, top lloor, front room, for two days. Wares no object to a pood home. n25 It ANTED AT THE BROOKLYN EMPLOY; TT MENT CFCIPK 11 DeKalb nver.ue, situations for a number of excellent girls, with good citv references, for any situations. Apply in the Gents' Fun.isb.ios tore, Xo lt.t Fulton aver ue.

n2)2t WANTED SI 1UATIONS FOK TWO GOOD, honest cirls; one Is a good plain coott, first rite wisher and ironer, kind aDd obliging; the other is a eood chambermaid and curse, is kind and affectionate to children, would 00 some plain sewing or assist with the washing ana Ironiug if necessary, and make herself generally ouliglng. They would like to live together or seerate; have no objection to fo a short distance in the country. Ttiey have satisfactory reference from their last employer. ApDly at 43 Tidiry street, Brooklyn. n25 tt WANTED A SITUATION FOR A GIRL TO do chamberwork and waiting, or the housework for a small family.

Enquire at312 Cumberland Btreet.her present employer's. n35 It "VST AN TED A SITUATION, BY A RKSl'EGT TT able, well recommended plrl to do geaeral housework, chamterwork and waiting, or pi iin cooking; good washer and ironer: is a quiet girl, willing and obliging. Apple at 115 Cot cord s'ret. n'2i 3t la ANIEl 1 A SUIT OF ROOMS, IN BROOK., suitable for the Photoerapldc business.

AddreB s'ati locality. Kaeleoltice for three days. nJj3'Ti IV ANTED TAILORS WANTED, UN MILI tary Clothir g. Apply at 81 and 66 Atlantic street, Drool'lyr. n' 'sat AN TED A GENTLEMAN AND II IS vine, with servant, cirl, wish to lure a part of a house in a centtel neighborhood Apply at 257 Livingston strett.

n5? 31 TLOST AND FOTJNO OOX 1 W'J SI 1C A OK STOLES, A TWO YEAR OLD COLT: has bn a little broken tii tt hartiLds. bay color. 9aut ImUt. Whoever will return fcjiid colt to me, or pive in formation whers it can a found, will rei'f ivi' the above regard. d2 3t ROOKR CLAN'CT, WeeksviHe, L.

I. HSWARD LUbT, A LADV'S GOLD BREASTPIN, Or. SmitVi 's Church. Harri sou Tfr efinder wiU receive ttv bove reward bv re n2o It' tunurftit to I'rt'sideiit street. 0T OR STOLF.N FfiOM MiT WAJMN, IN" IJ front of 1 Gold street, TWO ACCOUNT HOOKS, con the sales of fish, Ttie linder, on returning them, will receive $2 reward, and no questions uskeil r.25 TUPS.

5f; UT7Re. oaton SATUKDAY EVKNING LIST, IN XJ sroins from the Church nf the Pi'tirims, enrner of HenTy and Remsen stre 1 to the Cfmivh ni the Holy Trinity, corner of CUr ton anil Momnpue ami th nee to corner rfMcn tncue and Court streets, a MINK VK'TOlilNK. The finrter will th thanks ot the owner ana be suit bly rew ird hy the same at street. ni" It LOST REWARiriTOTl Fiiday, Nov. 'd, TWO MKMOU ANDUM HOOKS, con tiihjiijs notes on lectures by Mr.

Dwiidtt, were lei i on one of the Catherine Ferry boats. The finder will a Kient favor by leaving these books at the Thrkrit flice of Ue said Ferry, on the Brooklyn side, and receive the above reward. n25 't BE WARD LOST, ON" THUK3DAY, 4 Nr.v. ISth. Atlantic Ptreet.

near South Ferry. RuinMjn. a PAPB.H PARCEL, containing memorandum boopp an iron sato with pome papers. Anv rson hrirpinpThe same to GERE L'Y, 8 Old slip, Sew York, will the ah ve reward n20 tit fTFiE VOTERS OF KINGS COUNT I. the imdersiened.

have read and seen the report of the Board tjf I find by their report th it I have received 4,0411 votos for SiiDerititendant of the Po of the 4tb district while Mr. Ditmas Jeel! received higher number of voteB for no particular district. Theref re; I claim the office haviiiK ceiveU the h'shest number of votes for the 4th district is the law of '58 declares that all Suiter hi ten dents of Puor are elected to dhttrhiTs. li UANIdL GILLEN. VKaCE CHUKOT, BROOKLYN.

THE LAVA es and gentlemen who have volunteered to assist In the Choir for '1 hanVMivhiK dai, are requested ti met 1 in tho htirclithis evenhip for rehears il at o'clock, punctually. CHARLES WEIS1IKIT. l2 If Org luibtuf the Ciurch mo THE LADIES OF HHOOKLYN THE place to Ret your Machine nnd other Sewlnp done, is at No. 1 iiilr'nQ street. Louies Garments of every rte scription nittde to ord'T.

Call aid satls'v yourself. Work doi for the F. Remember. Xo. 1PJ street.

n25ii p'lLtAKDS AND VLf NG SIX itURBLE TOP TAHLF.S. with invent.e.3 cu.Mon9 and fuar 'riowttrj: Alleys st. Ill nnd 1 Pacific strret. klyn. Hil HHrdp 15 cents per game, iiowlln? 1J cents per ame.

lw A tiUVD A M. 1 SLOOP.OF WAtt LEVANT i The Wfdfvws. Orphans and Heirs at Law. nf the Penmsn an Nervine on board ihe U. ship hs vatit.

cm receive kforirutinn of gre it importance, by ad dresiinR S. V. (late of the General Land Office.) n' 'S bt Mil'tary D. CElVER'iS ALE THE Hon. Garrison, Coun'y of Kins County, tii' iu tierficned wid ee at public auction, at the salesrooms ot Cole's Sod, Auctioneer.

No. 3tW Fultnn stref, in the Citj of llrooklyn. on the sixth day of December, lsol, at lio'clock ot that day, all the claims, detninds. risiii.3 in action, evidences of debt, due or beloncinsto Lee andjnhn F. Lee, or In whica they had any interest on the first day of April, 18t1.

or at any time afterwards, i lif which debts, claims, demands, rights in action, nre now in the possf ssion of the undersigned as Receiver, Full particulars in reference to the said Assets can (ri'l to the Receiver, at his office, No. o'L Will street, at any time before the sale. New York, November 23d, ISM. 112510. C.

A. PEABODY, Receiver. I7M SALE AT A REASONABLE PRICE, A octave PI ANO, by one of the best makers, of a nwet tne and In cood sttte generally, by a ortvafe fa illy breaking up lioust keepinc; also a Reneral assortment of Ijmti and nood household furniture, nearly new, tbii bci'ic a noodchHnco for a lut' ndinp to commence housekeeo wr. Please apply assoon as possible at 3(j Clermont a 2d brick house below Park avenue. A DIES' HOME MISSIONARY SOCIETY, JJOFHIIOOKLYN The Anniversary of the Ladies I me Mi dionary Society, of Jlrooklvn.

will be held in the II INGTON 8THKRT M. E. CHUItCd. on MOVDW EVKX 1NG r.e.xt. 25th inst, 7K o'clock.

Addresses will be delivered by Rev. Ii. Nadal. D. Rev.

R. M. HatiieM Ktv. F. S.

Pellass, and a collection tnken. n3 2r, tfAriT 1ROM CHIMNEY COPING. At.SO CAST IRON SMOKE JACK. One kind for another for VKSSELS, at TUMPKINS1. '3tf No.

7 Front street, Hrooklyn. EKCANTILE L1BUAHY. BROOKLYN This Library, the onlv one of it3 kind in Brooklyn, offers to Its n.embers nearly vclum s. selct ed from the Literature of nil countries anil including a larpe proportion of Standard Works, old and new. AllNr.w Books of permanent or aeneral interest are added as porn as putilhhed.

in numbers to suit ihn (Icmmui. 3ii0 volumes of recent English publication have just been placed on he shelves. The Readlnc Room Is well sunp'ierl with the principal Papers, iViiazlne and Reviews, Il iim aod Foreign, ir'or L.mhks. a feperate KeadinK R'omis ita'dnucs, Bulletins uf New Honks, and a i.Ut of Popular r.rkt withdrawn from circulation, for sale jt very low ratee. can be procured at ttie Library.

Connected with the Association are Classes In lh; Lat.uaja DrwlriK. Musx anil liymnasrhs, open t'i timiii t.s on ihenioist favorable terms. For particulars inquire at the Library. Terms of Suhpcription Initiation 'e sl. and duos 2 per am urn, payable tmarierly, II deaired; received at uuy time.

nt ly ATV 0 HOKSE VLoUfl AN KKEO O.l GliOCEKV WAGON FOR S.M OK N'eirly ntw, very ahiftinir JideH. suhable or carii i)f bale bav te. to Ah. L. MOORE, Fultju street, Brookiyi.

ulltf r' I V. IN A IT A AVEM 'L, NEAIi ar, the upper part oT a two sfor uu von ti irpL' pleasiint'y situated; ieiu i li 4 t.i ir.fjuire niilhe preu.i. ''s. ft LET ') DWELLING' HtUSK NT TI .1 th strcft, TTrookljn, TorTr.erly I bv T'eV. I) n.

on very reasoiult! nus. t.i C. i I A I1. E. 115 if sua street, twk.

t'" IIaHI IKUNAN, UKOKKR IN LIQUOltH AND SEGAIU, 2'l WATER N. W. cor.i of Ful ou street. New Vork. Calb tin; tntectiun of the truae the urt variety ot tiiuple.i la Ida ottice and the lQduoemjutahe olierj, oj ly Mercantile Library Association AuDrtEss by Henry Winter Davis.

The Brooklyn Mercantile Library Association have invited this distinguished gentleman to address thein at the Academy of Music, next Tuesday evening, on "The Southern Insurrection, and the Constitutional Powers of the Republic for its Suppression." Grand Concert To night. Madame Ernestine De Villiers' concert at the Atheneutn tonight, in which the lady will be sustained by several distinguished artists, will present a high musical treat, of wbich no doubt our citizens will be glad to avail themselves. A crowded house may be set down as a foregone conclusion. On Dit. His Honor Mnyor Kalbfleisch his signified bis intention to sit lor one of Willnui son's matchless impeiial photographs, in a few days.

We believe Mr. Wiiliniuson has hid the honor of sittings lor portraits from every Mayor of Brooklyn. Inquest. Coroner Ilorton held an inquest upon lhc body of Mr. Pjtriek Kelly, proprietor of a wood yard in Jay Etreet, who was deprived of life while sitting in his own office on Saturday afternoon, during the rain storm.

A pile of wood came down upon the office, crushed the roof in and crushed Mr. Kelly almost to death. He was conveyed to the 2d Precinct station house, and from thence taken home, 30 Lawrence street, where he expired in a short time. Verdict accordingly. The Peak.

Family. This celebrated company Of Bell Ringers re open at the Athemvum. tomorrow evening. Notwithstanding the stormy state of the weather on Saturday, large audiences Tvere present to listen to the sweet music on the hells as rendered by this family. They are the pioneers in this peculiarstyle of music, and the only company in the United States.

Those who de Eire to witness them will now have an opportunity. They give an afternoOD performance on Thanksgiving Day; also one every evening this week. Go and hear them. A good flace to go to. An excellent place to obtain a good bath is at the establishment of Mr.

JamiB D. Cornelias, No. 100 Orange street, near Fulton. It is, we believe, the only place in the city where bathing accommodations are connected with the barber shop. Every thing about the establishment is excellently arranged, and there is a neatness every where observable which makes it attractive.

Ladies, as well as gentlemen can piocurc theluxury of a bath, there being a separate entrance for the former. The estab" Ushment is worthy the support of the communi. ty. Mr. Cornelias is a young man trying to ge' along.

Give him a lift. Church Dedication Yesterday. The new edifice of St. Paul's Free Episcopal Church, situ, atcd on the corner of Penn street md Marcy avenue, was yesterday dedicated to the service of God. The exercises were conducted by the Right Eev.

Bishop Potter, assisted by the Rev. T. T. Guion, Dr. Morgan, and the Rev.

Mr. Maybio, Rector of the Parish of St. Paul. The new edifice is one of the finest in the city, of strictly Gothic architecture, and a great improvement to that pai of the city where It is located. It wil! comfortably seat about 1,000 persons, though a much larger number attended each service yesterday, the building being filled in every part to its titmo6t capacity.

At the conclusion of each service yesterday, a collection for the church was made, and a handsome sum was realized. Evacuation Day. This lime honored anniversary will be observed to day after the usual custom, though with something less than the it3ual in the military line. So many of our sol diers are now engaged iu preserving the liberties achieved by our fathers, that we shall be obliged to forego, as we can easily afford to do, the large military parade which we Jwere wont to celebrate the departure from the city of our earlier enemies. Nevertheless, there will be a respectable martial display, aDd one of sufficient serve as a memento of the olden time, and as areminder to ourancient enemy that wehave men enough left to preserve our streets free from the hosiile tread of British soldiers should they seek to renew their occupuiou of onrcitj! The entire First Divisiou has been or.

tiered out by Gen. Sandlord, and the "Veterans of 1S12" will juin in the par.ide, and fight overaijaio, in ittfiinuiion, the thc are supposed to have lought of yore. The Glass Blowers. It will be seen by advertisement in another column that the 13 jheciian troupe of Glass Biuwera are to remain in Brooklyn lor short time longer. To night there will be sinking by the Glee Club.

Police. Death of ax Oftiot Patrolman Edward C. Ilaisor ty, who for the last twelve months has been suffering under disease of the liver, breathed his lust yesterday afternoon. Laiu knv. A man named Morrissey is held for examination ou a charge of stealing wearing apparel from the residenee of Jacob Brown, No.

16 DeKalb avenue. Tile property was recovered. Gone Elias B. Freeman, a colored man, arrested by officer John Barr on Saturday night, ou a charge of intoxication, died yesterday evening at the let precinct station house.

His family are said to reside in Vil liamsburgh. The body remains at the dead house for identification. est. Iticiiard Bower was arrested by Constable Colgan of the 2il ward and taken before Jn sllce Adams for examination on the charge oi breaking into Tarn nvmy Ball on the night of Sunday, 10th of October, and abstracting therefrom three boxes of segars, wo boxes tobacco, and twelve shillings in eiiauge. Mr.

Bower was enjoying himself alBurtis's Varieties last Friday evening when the Constable loomed up and cried, "York, you're wanted." A Close MorTii Catches xo Ki.iks. Emma resides in Tenth st, South Brooklyn, and Louisa ilpM and Mrs. Mcl'arlland locale under the same roof. Mrs. Jones come down stairs to call on Mrs.

Mae, and on takinir leave, remarked upon the stairs as being of not very cleanly habits, and delivered a short discourse on the text "cleanliness is next to godliness." Mrs. lialnli did not want to be lectured in that sort of way, and ealled Emma a hussy, and an unsavory one at that, and then struck ler upon the face. Lmmn, on being struck, "put her hand in Mrs lialph's face." The deteadaul was convicted and adjudged to pay a line or2 or 5 days. Beavty is TEABS. Satur.iay last the feeling of the reporters received a shock which limy will not milv over, on Sf eing a well dressed German lajv in (' "like Niobe, all tears." lttlnil Ko she gave, and the charge against her was pasTiner counterfeit bill of the II nadllla Slate Bank itnte M'New York.

Another lady wus seen in oonina'nionshin will, Hosina shortly before her arrest, and some particulars of her, llos ina was remanded. The absent llldy turned UJ at No. 140 i leventh street, yesterday, and the charge against her is tho passing ofa 'lo counterfeit hill ol the Waterbury liank, Conn. The two ladies ill be examined together. 6eiiivr Worsted, The cheapest store in the city for all kinds and colors, at P.

T. Wslls, 263 Falton Eftreet, opposite CUntoD street. Dhkss Trimmings A large stock selling off below cost, at P. T. IV'eixb, S63 Fulton, opposite Clinton trset.

Brooklyn. CoRSETSFreueh Voveu Mechanicals, only SI pe' pair; Domestic, cents per pain all other kinds euuallj ow At P. T. Wells, 263 i 'ultou. oroesite Olinton St..

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