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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


JANUARY 20, 1S75. pUOF! GEORGE L. GOODALE, Of ifarv.ard li'nivoriLy, Will doltvo ill Rt of four on HOTANY, Unclothe nmpic 's Mff'o llrooljyn '1 iiMc; f'itrintian Asncin(ion, nt tiinir Ii ll Corner FVI SC. 'r' THL'KSOAV J.iuui,. tjulijoct: THE SUED: DISSEMINATION AXD GKP.MIS.vriON.

Socond 2: THK LEAF AS AN Olttl 1VI.S.M i'Ult IHIODrOIXf riiou. TJtini I.Ttiiro Folinnrv i TiJK h'hOWEll ITU WOHK IS HF.yilODVClSG Till; SPKOIH. i. Fourth LectMro 11 MOVKMKNTS Utf TllH VRUKTAULU WOHI.D. Those Iooture3 will be bnauiifnlly tho STRR.

F.OPTIOOS nnd OXY HVDKOtilSS MIUIIOSOOPK, iithI will bo a mo3t oihiustivo and attiactivo troatmoat oi tbo reraarkablo foat'ircs or tho vegetable world. TioKJiTd si.rn K1KOLR TICKETS 60 nlombors of the IJ. Y. M. V.

A. will be udmittod ou preain tation of thoir membership tickets. her a'i'l Iiw hor down. When Hi1, nlrl half W'ty slipped froui roj)1: and fell to lb ive Ik I'Jtr. 11 full forlunally broken by t)m jioplf, who slr.i;;gl.

lo cateb her, and ebe naoap with slight injuri a few uU b' nnd sliJiiM'T I this time the crowd bid nbt. tlurd a ntdghlnririg paint a ladiler. pla vl a lin Ibe building, and tbo bravo woman, Inworimr brr.i It' by rope, reached If art lo tlm gr riu .1 in si If i broth ir Tim t' by foiio ved. tb rr. 1 th,l they w.M tiki' ti to mis" opp QU.l 1 fir.

O.i from the Hh.k wbi Ii hia htiit.oi.t for liff cuvl br v.r M. ''ormack ImpUre for hr father. Nn gi any Informal i The huiM inc, aud lhat pan of It from which Mrs, Mo GiH ick li.i wai in llavies. Purine I'm sir. i glo to th iirr.

the firmnen Pir 1. i to and rw wliom Ihj people said worn yt lu tb" building. When tliey BUccifded In est in Ibe flauieii Kevins and Ilrrman (Vmnori outi red the building one the windows. lan 111.: ro.r..n to Mrs. MeCoriuai'k'H apart nv' iS.

a tiUTible Hi prosenloil to (bom. Ht: ed th'i ll was l) ily of Palrtch: Mel jruiii aud nNr.ruNit at itis mnr, i'h his band. i.i p. w.ih fatb. i bo ly.

Th; mn b.a.I I. The un min's f.n only bii.nrd. bodie! wero mil 'liaried loncr.p ii due to Lhc f.i.'t wert in tint pirl of th' ro un 1 tb il: nn 1 in that p.irM ui of i' wb 'ro from ihe w.vs Wh ni 1 1. bndie were thn street they were removed to tho street I'niien Stalion. A.i:.

lining tbir. building is tbo residence of Mi eteu tb JUII'JRS I TIIF, UEIXnEU TRIAL. Tb" fimtuan, in or ler to proveul tbo flr.ii nmirtiinl with this building, Bt niched tbeir hose tbr mli the hallway and up the Btairs ti tlio roof. Tbo to tin: b.niHo uud furniture, caus id by tire and water, nine nut to over I'W. it impiriaible to ascertain tbo oxaet Ioph fn the imibiiug wbon: th2 tiro originated.

Mr. Kdward Van Urunt Kissam, tbo own or of tbo building, i. in 1 biropo on bis wedding tour. Mr. McGarry, ono of tbe tenants, fuya that i thinks tho building wan not insured.

however, will cover tbo loss sustained by Mr. Kissam. Nouo of tho tenants wero insured. Thoy lost all they had, those of them who were in the building baring lime only to ejeape with tho clothing on them. Au Klk reporter endeavored to obtain from Mr.

Bocdocker particulars of bis 1or, but further than Hay in," that bo was Insured for In tbo Oormauia Insurance Company he refused lo givo any information, lie was e'jually reticent when questioned by the police. Tiro Mar.dul Tuorno was prosnut and obtained tbo fa. ts related above concerning this terrible and di vae calamity, no will begin an examination thin evening concerning Us origin. Mr. Tborno nays that Uic lire originafed in tbo cellar.

Plumbem bad been work there fixing tho water plpcB and they may hav carelessly allowed flra to fall iuto some crack or crevice. Notwithstanding the existence of a law in relation bi firo escapee there were none on this building. Uud thero been tbe life of the father and brother of tho heroic Mra. McCormack would have been saved. Aa it wan they by a most horriblo death a poor woman likewise lost her lifo, and several persons wero seriously injured.

Up to tho Umo of tho extinguishment of tho firo poor Mra. McOormack labored under tbe delusion that bur father and brotbor woro safe, alio talked freely with tho rcporlor of tho Taule, and fervently thanked God thai tboy and Fbe had escaped. Tho poor woman did not Eoem to think fhat her conduct bad been the caul, heroic act of a brave woman, and was pvofiue iu her acknowledgment of the kindness of h.u. toward and Sho deserves a elvlu erj y.ud E'ibsiaiit ial public recognition. rot AL ltKEVITIDH.

A'orI morning oloiilroKe uvenito rnr b'MMnie unnrinaeable owing to tlio giving way of tbo brakfl chain ami ran with great velocity down tbo bill i'l )(roidvay from street. A Nostrand avenun car was run into, tbe tim attached to whh wont off nt a rapid trot and ran into another ear standing on tho tracks near by, smashing daehboard and front wlndowH of tho latter, Tho driver of tho Montrose avenuo car only (nightly Injured. August Stroch was on Monday hy 'MTieer Mullen, and admitted having htulen from Kuekbeiscr and i pbotog from Jacob Miner. Jus ties Kauirs n' ntencftd the prisoner for threo inonthn. 'lliroe IiuIh named Ang ist Uaas, Chan.

Mfz oud Ed. Smithman, arrested upon a warrant Monday charged with having kicked aud abused Mrs. ChrbHiiiu i'roy, of No. K'7 liwen slreet, were sent b. furo Seller to day.

The husband of the woman in paid to be the uuu: irom whom 1,000 waa reccutly recovered for kicking a boy, and Smith BayH tho accusation agaiust bim aud bin comrades is founded iu spite. An alarm of firo wns floundod last night, for th stalion at Dikeman street, during the progrens of the lire in rueiUc rtroet. Tho firo was in tho two story frame building No. Uu Dikeman stroet, occupied by ime O'l'rien. It was extinguished with slight damage.

It originated from a defective fluo. B0XEY MARKET. Ciohi stsT acS The Lake Shore tiou Tho Stock IVIttrket Aclivc Ag ulii Wall Januaj 20. lold at tins morning, nnd ve.y little business was done beforo noon, tbo l.on in lii.iili.' being flttady and tbo Exebange market not very active. Governments are strong, npr higher this morning than tho cloae oF ye.Hh.rd.vy and a fair business was done at tbo flrst cail.

'i'bu Lake Shore injunction carlo before Judge Toppan was tbo topic of tho Btroet yesterday and is again lo d.iv. It was hoped by the frlemLi of tba road that tbo court would promptly dissolve tbe injunction after tho arguinout, and that this was not done regarded an i Biguificant of an Inlontion to continue tlio decree. All i in a slate of suspense while the court has tbo papers, and as soon as thiH etalo of uncertainty is removed it ia probable that tho stock will take tbo lean" of tbe market. ANTED AS CHAMBERMADD AND Waitress, a Swedish girl at 14 Lafayette av. WANTED A FIRST CLASS COOK, who lias good city references.

Apply at 102 Remaen st, from 6 to 6 P. 9 to HI A.M. ANTED AS CHAMBERMAID AND to take care of crowing children, a good girl. Call and to morrow at ttJ First place. WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work in a small family, a girl; reforonce requirod.

306 Maoon at, near Yatos av. WANTED TO MIND A CIULD, A NEAT tldygirl, 15 year old. Call Thursday morning at H. M. WINTER.

489Fulton at. WANTEDTO COOK, WASH AND lion, a girl; well recommended. Apply at 197 Greeno av. ANTED A GOOD COOK, WASHER and ironor. Abnlv at No.

88 Cambrldgo pi, near Groene av. W' ANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, a good willing elrl. Apply atsei ruicon in the afternoon. J. E.

SKA iv ah. ANTED TO DO GENERL HOUSE work in a small family, a good, capable girl must be a good cook, washer a and lroner. Apply at alb ist. ANTED DRESSMAKERS ALSO, apprentices; none but good hands need apply. 103 Hanson pi ANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE Siii.

Apply at uambriage place, petoro oxiocKjr. ai. "ANTED TO DO WASHING AND Ironinjr and attend a furnace, a woman one that has good city reforence, may apply at 273 Adolnhl at. WANTmDOPERA'rOR, HAVING A Wheeler A TVflaon machine to bring with her, on white vests. At 163 Calyer st, Groenpoiut.

ANTED ON FINEiSHIUT FRONTS, operators also a corder and folder, at 965 Putnam WANTED A FIRST CLASS LAUN dress, one who is willing to assist with the cham bcrwork; must have good references; good wages will bo given. Apply at 1B9 Cumberland jfc. WANTED AS CHAMBERMAID AND to assist In washing and Ironing, a competent girl; Protestant preferred and reforoncos required. Apply at 238 Carroll st, opposite the park. XTANTED A GOOD PLAIN COOK, and (Irfltelana washnr and Irnner: flood vraeifl to a competent person; city references required.

Apply at 59 DKtiiman so, ono diock rrom myriie av. ANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE work, an Eneliah. Scotch or German woman, who understands English. Apply, with references, at 400 Cler mont ay, noar ureene. ANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE work, in a very small familv.

a vouni? cirl muBt hare tho best of references. Apply at 81 Piew York i ar, near facittc st. WANTEDTO DO GENERAL HOUSE work. a girl; one who la kind to children; steady nnd easy place to a good girl. Apply, wltb references, at 266 Schormethorn st, near Bond.

WANTED TO DO GENERAL "HOUSE work in a small family, a sensible and faithful orson; reforence required. Call at 455 Ninth st, Boath Brooklyn. ANTED TO DOmERAlTHOUSE work In a (Small family a smart, tidy girl must be a good, plain oook, wash and iron well, and have good reference. Apply at 247. Clinton st, near Congress.

WANTED TO ATTEND A GROWING child and to make herself generally useful, a neat tidy girl, 14 to 17 vears of ago. Apply to day at 177 Gates ovenne, WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, an American, German or Swode Protestant girl, in a small private family. Apply at 179 Livingston street WANTED A GOOTCWk7WASHER and Iron er; must be a neat, tidy. Industrious girl; none otbors need apply; wngos Also, a first class waitress and boaso girl; wages $12. Apply at S40 Clinton ay, cor.

Lafayette. inrANTiED TO DO THE WORK FOR A family of six, ono aa cook, washer and ironor and the other as chambermaid and waitress, two competent Protestant servants. Call at 886 WiUoughby av, between Taroop and Yates. WANTED GmiOOOKS, CHAM berraaids, waitresses, nurses, plain cooks, washers and ironers, and general housework servants oxcollont situations evory day, and tho bfst wages, at MANNING'S, 199 Joralotnon at, two doors from Court at. ANTED SERVANTS OF ALL KINDS at.

thn nffieo mnatrnd hv Indian KMPT.OVMRWT BUREAU, 29 Concord at, noar Fulton, three blocks from the Citv Hall: thn in oat rfYtnrtclshlnwnmnn irntnn riAro fnr situations, and many apply who havo never been at on office before. N. I Situations for wot nurses. WANTED" SKKVA NT chambarmnlds, and girls for housework, at Mr. HKNDERSON'S Servants' Ofiice, 18 Court alao, girls will notice that they can get drafts and passage tfckyts on tbe Inman, Cunara and National linos, at lowest ratea, at my office.

WANTTED MXVATIOIVS FKrttAJLKS. ANTED SITUATION IN A SMALL family, by a respectable girl. li7 Navy st. WANTED SITUATION AS II A bormnid or watf resH, by a Scotch girl. Please call at 97 Douglass st, ono Btairs up.

WANTED SITUATION AS I class cook; would washlngin a sraatl family best of ref erencea.OaJl Tnnrsday at 10 Verandah pi. WANTED SITUATION TO TAKE care of a baby or to do light upBUirs work, by a little girl. Please call at 146 Lafayette av. ANTED SITUATION AS CHAM berraald nnd WftltrrtRfl: irnnn rnfnrAnfin. fntniiro WANTED SITUATION AS NUUSK and assist in chamt'Orwork.

and do plain sowing, by a respectable Protestant girl. Call at 113 Atlantio av. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework by an American Protestant girl. Call at presont employer's, 9a Hamilton st. WANTED SITUATIONTO DO GEN eral housework in a small family, by a good gir1 good references.

Call at 66 Bolivar Bt, Canton. ANTED SITUATION TO DO LIGHT housework, bv a vountr ulrl: cood rofftrenoe srivan. Call at 5Sl Vandorbilt av, noar Dean st. VP ANTED SITUATION AS A COOK, washer and fronT. b.v a resneotabla vnnnir irirl has good city reforencos.

Call for two days at Hudson av. "RT ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral houBework, by a respectable Protestant girl. Apply for two days at 41 Bridge st. ANTED SITUATION AS SRAM stress, hv ft rnsnne.f nbin vntiner Rwp.ltah uirl iinriwr. Stands dressmaking.

Call at 49 Main at, top floor. ANTED SITUATION AS NURSE housework. Cull at 115 ilicke st. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral honsowork or unstaics work in a stnull nrivailfl family, by a respectable girl lately landed. Call for two day3 atB 19 Washin gton av, THtr ANTED SITUATION TO 30 GEN eral housework In a small private family, by a re spectacle young girl willing.

na obi liglng; good city refer once. Call for two days at 62 WANTED ITU ATION A FIRST class cook, by a competent Swedish girl reforencos as to honesty and capability unexceptionable. Apply to 265 Pacific st. WANTED SITUATION AS A GOOD cook, washer and ironer. In a private family, by a respectable young woman bos good city rofereuces.

Call for two days at 131 Hudson av. WANTED SITUATION AS GOOD plain cook, washer and ironor, by a respectable Protestant girl; baa good city references. Apply for two days at 41 Bridge si. ANTED SITUATION TO TAKE caro of children and do light upstairs work, by a young Protestant girl 16 years of ago. Please call for two dajB fttlOB Wjokofl st, top floor, baok room.

ANTED SITUATION TO DOGEN oral housework In a small family, for a respectable girl. Please call at present employers, to night ana to morrow morning, 132 South Oxford st. WANTED SltUATIOTCTfTEN eral bona work, by respectable young woman is a good cook, washor and ironor; has good reference. Call for two days at 363 Hicks at, Congress, basement. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN an American girl has good reference.

Please call for two day at 113 Atlantic av, Becond floor, back room. WANTED SITUATION TO DO lTghT housework, or to do cbambnrwork or waiting; will naibi.u iu niuumjj uuu Jruutug. xriBUtiu can OS II AIlOJ no av. AJN xHiU oil A 1UJN TU UU CHAM berwork and waiting, by a competent girl, who haa good city roferonce from hor last place. Call for two days at 163 Atlantic av, between Clinton and Henry sts.

ANTED SlYuION ilLSGHf upstairs work and take caro of baby, or would do light housework, by a young girl. Call for three days at corner of Union and Court sts, 315, top floor, front rooms. WANTED SITUATION AS A WAIT ress, or to take care of children, by a respeotable young girl, 16 years of ago; has good city references. Call for two days at 252 Pacific at. WANTED SITUATiON 6DOUP stairs work or housework for a small family, by a rnspectablo young girl good city reforence.

Call for two ri. iy. it6M DeKalb av. WANTED SITUATION A COOK, washer and lroner by a rv'Speot iblo young woman 1ms good oity referonoeB. Call for two days at No.

4 Flushing av. WANT SlflTTON AWCHAW bermaid and waitress, by a young girl would ha willing to help with plain sewing. Coil for two days at 539 IlickB at. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework, by a respectable young woman In a good cook, washer ana ironer; has good oity references. Call for two days at38 llieks st, In tha storo.

ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN via uuuoohui iv, nauDiiwiiiu juuDg woman is a good cook, washer and ironer; has goon oity references. Call for two days at 481 Adelphi st, noar Atlantic av. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral llfinsoworff. hv a rnqrinnt ibln nimiT Amnn4n the best of city reference. Call for two days at 33 Prince at.

WANTED SrCUATION A OH AM bormald and to do pbtia sowing, by a respecfable youHg girl; has good oity ruferoncea. Call for two days at 18 Tiliory stin tho basamont. WANTED SITUATION A GOOD cook, washer ond ironer; tbo best city reforenco from her lost employer's. Pleaso cull for two daya at 653 Washington av, near St, Marks av. ANTED SITUATION AS NURSE TO an invalid ladv.

bv a mJildln iurr.d Amorimn ronrv, ihe best of reforences given. Can be seen for two days at 293 Washington st.threedoors from Johnson. ANTED SITUATION AS CHa bermald and waitress, or (o do general housework, by a young girl: hr.s good city reference. Call at No. I Mnthst, corof Smith.

WANTED SITUATION eral housework, by a respectable young woman is a good plain cook, washer and Ironer; bus good city references. Call for two days at 73 liorgon st. WANTED SITUATION TO MIND A child and mako herself generally nsoful, by a young girl, 16 yoara of age. Call for two days at No. 174 Navy street.

ITANTED SITUATION TO DO eral honsowork. by a rospectiblo young woman is a good cook, washer and ironor; bus good city references. Call for two days at 465 Carroll st, first floor, baok room. WANTED SITUATION eral housework, or as good cook washer and ironer, has fnuryears1 reference frnni last placo. Call for two days 17 Fleet at, back room, socoad story.

WANTED SITUATION TO DO LIGHT housework, or take care of ohlldren, by a respectable German girl. Call for two days at No. 56 Bartlett at, E. D. "VXT ANTEDSITU ATION AS CHAlT bormaid and waitress or to do general housework in a small private family, by a respeotablo young girl.

Call for two days at 485 Hicks st, fancy storo. WANTED SITUATION AS NURSE7 by a respootable Protestant girl fully capable of tho caro of a baby. Pleaao call for two days at 593 Washing too. av. WANTED SITUATION T6DOTHE housework lu a small family ia a plain coom, good waetier and Ironor.

Please call at 171 Smith st, between Wyckoff and WANTED SITUATION AS A GOOD plain cook, washer and ironer. In 9privato family, by a Protestant woman. Call for two daya at No. 67 Dof Oeld Bt, near Tillary. VXTANTED SITUATION TO DO LTGHT upstairs work or wait on table, by a yonng girl, aged 16 has good oity reference.

Call for two diys at Hi) Canton third floor. WANTED SITUATION DO GEN eral housework, by a respectable young woman Is a good oook, washer and ironer; has good city references. Call for two days at 239 Johnson Bt, anted sXtuationo do gen: eral housework in a small private family, hy a re pectaDle girl; hoa good city references. Can be seen at 282 Faclfio st. WANTED SITUATION A ohusa oook, washer and Ironer, by a respeotable young woman; Is an excellent bakor; baa good city refer ences la willing and obliging no objections to housework CaUaiMa LAfferbj plaoo.

WANTED SITUATION TO oral housework, by a respectable young woman, not long Iu this country is agood washer and ironer. Con bo seen for two days at 211 Pacific Bt, near Court, opposite the marble yard ANTED SITUATION AS OO K7 washer and Ironor, or do general housework in a small family, by a respectable young woman bas good city references. Call fur two days at 765 Atlantio av, bet, Clermont av, and Adelphi st. WANT ITU ATION TO 1)6 GEN7 oral housework, by a reauoctublo yomg woman; is a good cook, washer and irouor; has goad city rotoronces. Cull for two days at 830 Bergen at, botwoen Grand and Classon avs.

ANTED SITUATION AS CHAM berniLiil. or nurae. or lirht housework, bv a rnnocr woman: bas throo vears' ruforanco: ia wilHni? ohliirinrr. Oan bo seen for three days at HI Pacific street, near WasG gton av. too duor ANTED SITUATION AS COOK, OH to ao general nouseworK, oy a rospectaoio young girl: willing and obliging; haa three years' references Irom her last employer.

Pleaso call for two days at 613 Myrtle av, corner rranwiu, nrei ur. ANTEDSITUATION AS CHATaI bormaid and waitress, by a respoctablo young woman is willing and obliging and kind to children; bas best of references from last place. Please call for two daya at 168 Columbia at, second floor, back room. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework in a small private family, by a young girl; is agood washer and Ironer; has good reference from her last place. Pleaso call for two daya at 818 Atlantic av, between Clermont and Vanderbilt.

ANTED SITUATIONS AS oook. washer and Ironer. the othnr nnn irhnin. bormaid and waitress, by two resuectablo young women togethor; good city reference. Call for two days at 66 Union st.

ANTEDITUATION ASA CHAM7 bermnid and waitress, by a rospectablo girl; can do plain sowinj: no obiootion to obildrau best of city reforonce. Can bo seen for two days at 749 Myrtle av, near Nostrand. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral housework, by a reBpcctable young woman is a good cook, washer and Ironer; has good city ref.u oncei Call for two days at 140 Johnson st, batwoon Bridgo and Dullield. ANTED SITUATION AS SEAM ot Wholer and Wilson and SlDger machines; ro nrenro given at the pines. Call or address Miss C.

88iracilic st, cor. Bond at, first floor. WANTED SITUATION tCTGEN eral homework, by a rospectablo young woman is a good cook. waBhor and ironer; bns good citv roferencoa. Call for two days at 683 Borgen st, Let.

Vanderbilt and Underbill avs. WANTEDTUATIONA ChIM bermald and waitrees or to do general housework in a small family has good references. Please call fir two days at No. 1S6 North Portland av, near Myrtle, rear house. 'ANTED SITUATION AS GOOD hand at broad and biscuit; is a good hriudreps or would do general housework; has good city releronce.

Ploaso call at 93 Atlantic av, ovor tho pork storo. WANTED SITUATION TO TAKE care of children, by a rospeclable young girl 18 years old; a good homo moro desirable than wages; has good city references. Call for two days at 517 Borgon Bt. bt. Sixth and Carlton avs.

WANTED SITU A1TONT oral bousowork, or chamber work and waiting, by a rospectabb) srirl is a good washer and ironer hB3 city reference. Coll corner of Manhassat place. In to grocery storo, between Hicks aud Henry sts, near Hamilton av. 'ANTED SITUATION A FIRST class cook, woshor and ironer. bv a rnnnpetahln Woman understands pastry, and fa a good bread and bis ouit baker is a first clasa laundress has tho best of city references.

Please call for two days at 80 Butler st. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral hmisawnrk and make herjftlf mvinrxliv nanfnl in a small private family, by a young American girl. Call for two days at 121 Raymond st, botwoea Willoughby and Bolivar. WANTED SITUATION TODOTHE ohamborwork and waiting, or would do the house work, in a private family, by a respectable young girl; has tbo best of city reference. Please apply for two days at No.

828 Navy street, corner of Fulton, second floor, baok room. ANTED SITUATION A II A bermnid and waitress, or would crmm ml linnoo. work in a small private family, by a young girl will bo fonnd willing and obliging, ana enn Rive good references from hor last situation. PleaBe call at 003 Flushing av, cor. Sandford WANTED SITUATIONS TO DO GEN eral housework In a small private family, by a nioo oung German woman; is good cook, and first class reB; oanbesaen at present employers; also a German girl as nurse; no objection to go to the countrv; a good home preferred before wages.

Apply at LOHR1CS', 178 Atlantic av. ANTED SITUATIONS MANAGED by ladles EMPLOYMENT RIIRRAIT. 90 nonnnrd near ruiton. aorvanw nil capacities constantly on hand; wo do not promise perfection, but try to seloct only tbo best women from boso who apply here for situations, N. B.

Wet nurses supplied. WANTED SITUATION housework of a sraa 1 fami'y. or to do plain sewing and chamborwork, hy a respeciabto gicl a willhig and has no objections ti go on tho avonuea. Please cr 11 forthrje dayB at Si4 Honry st, cornur of Atlantic av. top floor, over the drug store.

ANTED SITUATION AS A FIRST class cook, washer and Irori'ir. bv a rennnnti. hfn woman; understands cooking It all I's branches, and is a first clauft washer nnd ironer; has the best of oity refeien oo3. Please call for two days at 213 I'oarl at, bet. Concord and Nassau.

WANTED SlTUATTONi FOR COOKS, chambermaids, laundresses, uud gsuer'il houae Fer vants and small girls all nations and colors, highly rocom mendod. At LOGAN'S CENTRAJj AGENCY, Atlantio av. Tbe ladies of tho Hill, JJe iford uv, aud vicinity of the Park will find this and reliable ANTED SITUATION AS A OOOK, waflhnr nnd irormr. oi In do i.rnl limiamcnrl. in n.

Bin a 11 private family, by a respost ji young woman Ib a g.wd plain cook, a first class waAher and ironer, and a splendid bread and biscuit bakor: js tlr; he of tif reforence. Ple.iso cnil for two days at 343 Bait in it, near Smith. WANTED SITUATION AS COOK, washer and ironor, by a respectable girl; is competent cook and first class laundress; understands pastry and baking of any kind; Is willing and obliaing, and has the best of references from bar last place. Ploaso call for two days at 24 Douglass at. WAIV'ffED SI'ffCJATfOXS iVIAI.KS.

ANTED SITUATION AS LIGHT rmrtnr or hw otitic nnn Vint air tinnri reference from last employer. Address, JAMES RORK.B, w. iBbington one door from Pacihv. Bt. WANXS PKOt'KSSaOKAL.

WANTED GOVERNESS A YOUNG woman, oduoatod and reft nod, wisbos a position aa governess or companion; Is a good musician; no objection to tho country or to travel. (Jail or address for two days, MTSS STUART, 680 Warren st. ANTED DRESSMAKING AN perioncon dressmaker wishes a few more eniraire ment to ro out by tbo day in private families, or would oka work homo; Is a good tutor, cutter and trimmer of ladies' and children's cloaks and dresses no objection io making over old garments charge moderate. Pious call or addrosa 824 Hudson av, bet Myrtle av and Johnson st. WANTED WANTEDBLACKSMITH'S TOOLS A cheap second band sot of blacksmith's tools, bellows, anvil and vice.

Inquire at 338 Atlantic av. WANTED BABY A RESPECTABLE married woman wishes a baby to wet nurse, at bar own home; has one babe six weeks old. Call all the week at 67 Gold corner of Wator Mrs. DIXON. ANTED WASHING BY ARESPECT able woman, to take in gentlemen's and families' washing; good references.

Call at 126 Portland av, noar Myrtle. ANTED MORTGAGES A FEW first morbraces of about each, at a reasonable diacouut. Address YYMAN, EaqIq office, with full particulars. 1 WAILWlNBY" ablo yonng girl, a first clasa operator, to go out to work by the day or wok can work on any kind of machine. Can be soon tor two dsys at 418 Hamilton st, bet.

Greene and Gates avs. WANTED WASHlWA rsPECT ablo woman wisboB to go out to work by tho day or take it home: is a first class washer and ironer; can give tbe best of city reference. Please call at 60 twoon Statejand Sohermerhorn st. ANTED SEWrNG BY AN AMERI can young woman, to go out by the day or week to a few families, to do plain sowing or to assist in dressmaking Is a good operator on the Domestic and Willcox A Gibbs sowing machines; good reference given; terms low. Address B.

JACOBS, Brooklyn Post Olfioe. WANTED WASHING BY A FIRST olaas laundress, who Is reliable and (hornnghly understands her business gentlemen's and families' washing to do at her own hoi'se, or would go out by tbo day boB first class city references. Call or address HANNAH, 35 Atlantio av. WANTED ISO USES AND ROOMS. "ANTED ROOMS BY GENTLEMAN.

Yf wife and infant, lower part of house; respectable looallty. Address H. A. Ragle office. WANTED HOUSE FURITOH ED A completely furnished houso by a careful tenant, best of reference givoni Address Eagle olfloo, giving full particulars root inust bft low, Si AH 1 lyJ HO USE FURNISHED IN Hmwjn av.

or viomity, luiuioueu unuso wilu an fail particulars, J. Box 2,315, N. P. O. WANTED ROOMS OR lOHT honsokoeping, by a small family, In the upper part of a private houso.

Address, giving torms, location, Ac. RETRENCHMENT, Eagle otuoo. WAN'fSB HOUSE BY GENTLEMAN, wife and infant, a small bouse; if satisfactory will become permanent tenants. Address A. L.

Eagle otflce. WANTED ROOMS AT ONCE A seoond or third floor, four or fire rooms, with a private family, by a young man and wife house must be In good location, aud with modorn improvements; rent not over $20 per mouth. Address J. OSBOK.N, Broadway. N.

T. ANTED HOUSE FURNISHED A small, furnished house, in comnlntn nrdur suitable for immodlata occupancy located on tho Hill by a small family, consisting of gentleman, wife and infant; njustbeat a low r.ito to a responsible tenaaK Address, statiag location, ront, Ac, S.D.J3ox 21, N. Y. P. O.

WANTED HOUSE I WOULDLIKE to buy a throo story brick or frame house, on the Hill, noar the Myrtle av. or Fulton st. oar routes; the house to bo well built and In good order, with all tho modern Improvements, and in a good neighborhood, for which I am willing to pay about $5,000 cash any one having a houso as above described can find a cash customer. Address C. A.

Efiglo oillce. stating size of house, lot, where located, Ac. Agonts need not answer. BOARDING. BOARD 195 WEST BALTIC STREET handsomely fnrnishorf, Bocond story front alcovo and otherroom; torms from $li to $8 per woek.

BOARD 383' PEARL STWOCON nootlng rooms no objection to chlldrou torms mod or.ito. rOOARD AT NO 27 ELM PLACE A I area hall room looatloLi convenient to ferries and car liars. BOARD A FURNISHED ItOOM, I'O lo, and board for two young meu, in aprivato family hoino comfortable and best of fare, at 89 Nassau 8t HOABD 18T AMITY ST, BET. OLINTON 9 anii Hnrt. third fltorv front rnrim.

with firitAo. oard suitable for gentleman and wife, or BhigTe neotle tnen. orms reasonable. BOARD A LARGE, WBLlTFITRNISHBD second atory front room xribh beat board, for two (jon tlemon also a largo ball room, in a German family. 48 CheorornL ARD ON THE HILL A PLEASANT front ball room on third floor, wjlh i.irgo cJosefc; also a hack ball room on flame floor; pleasant location.

Aonly atO South Oxfordat OARD A PRIVATE GERMAN FASt Hy can acoommodato two or three gentlemen with good rooms and hoard. Apply at 182 "West Baltic st, be twoen Honry and Clinton. BOARDS COLUMBIA HEIGHTSFINE suite of rooms, unexpectedly vacatod, mitabl.i for srontJeman and wife, with peimanent board. 55 Wiliyw i 6 1 root. BOARD 170 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS largo, well furnished rooms, en suito or separately, overlooking New fork and harbor; hot and cold watarTa each room largoloseta termj rooaonblo referonces.

BOARD ON THE HEIGHTS NO. 94 Henry stA noatly furnlshod room on aaoond floor, Tfith oicollontcloieta; also front ball room; terms very reasonable bouse boated throughontand good table. BOARDGTLElN AND WIFE or two single gentlemen, on procure a pioasant front room and first olussboard with an agreeable, quiet family, 850 Bobennerbom st, opposite the Tabernacle, WITH BOARD INA private family, to a gentleman and wife, a nicely fur nishod alcove room bouse bas all modern improvements. Inquire at 483 Cumberland st. BO ARD HANDSOMELY FURMS HEI) rooms to let with a small private family withtu Bcvnn mlnntea' walk of Wall st.

and Fulton ferries; house neat; table excellent. 116 Henry at, bet Clark and Piorropont SOARDON THE HILL 138 I7AFAY etteav, corner of Carlton A handsomoly furnishod room on third floor, to lot, with first olass board; terms reasonable. Best of references given and re quired. OARD 324 LIVINGSTON ST NICELY furnished room, southern exposure, hot and cold water and gas also oxtoaefon parlor for ono or two gentlemen houBe haa all modern convemenoos uso of parlor and piano OARD 107 HENRY STREET, CORNER Olark Ono large room to Jet, with board, to a party of gentlemen; also one small room to gentleman; only five minutes' walk from Fulton or wall at. fcrrloa; references required.

BOARD TO LET, WITH BOARD, A handsome, large front alcove room, on second floor also, third story front room and hall bedroom: soutnorn exposure; house has all modern Improvements, in the vicinity of several oar routos. No. 7 Lafayette ay. OARD 15 WILLOW ST. BROOKLYN 1 Helghta A large front room and small room adjoin ern exposure; will be let together or separately to gentle ap ana wue or single genuemnu xytma remuaame.

OARD ON THE HILL A GENTLE 13 man and hia wife or two singlo gentleman, with board, in. a private family having a large front and hall bedroom, connecting, on second floor, bathroom adjoining neatly furnished terms reasonable; all modern improvements. 83 North Portland av, between Myrtle and Park avs, near Fort ureeno. OARD TO LET. FURNISHED.

THREE J3 blocks from City Hall, with or without board, to adults only, large and small bedroom in extension, parlor floor, with back parlorfor private parlor, if desired private family; roferonoas required. Addroaa LAWYER, 15ox 129, uruuuiyn sr. is. OARD TO LET, WITH BOARD, NICE Iv furnished rooms on second nnd third floors, with hot and cold water and ample closet room also.hall rooms good substantial board; location pleasant, within easy cwr nt thnfnrrlna tnrniR vorv rOftSOnftblo hum ft niftfffi tractive a few day boardocB desirad. PJotuo call at 129 Willoughby at.

BOARD BROOKLYN HEIGHTS, NO. 44 Willow st Largo, neatly furnished front room on tho I story; grate tiro and ample closets; within rivo minutes of Fnlton aud Wall st, ferries tonos very aatiflfactory references given and required; also ball room on Becond strory front. SI PLEASANT rooms for two or three persons, will bo let, with eellont board, in a qnlet family having a refined homo all conveniences and overy attention pila to comfort; location ono of thobBsfcon tha Hill; ono bhvk flora Orrano and Gales, Franklin and Nostrand av. can. BOARD 169 "SCHERMERtlOKN ST, five mtnutos to City Hall, ono block from Fnlt on at nowly and elegantly furnished heated by urnaoi or grate every comfort or convenience, with oxcellent tAblrs; torms reasonable house ia brown stono.

and on tho boBt street in Brooklyn, SOARDON CLINTON ST A LARGE cheerful socond story room, front or biok; haa hot cold water; would rent togethor or separately location pleasant and desirable, convenient to ferries. Clinton stroet, near Harrison. BOARD ON THE HILL AT fayette ar, three doora from Dr. Cuylor's Church: handsomely furnished rooms, at raasonablo rates, on second and third floors for gontlemoQ and their wivas, on suit or singly. The bouse haa all Improvements; delightfully lo cated; family small.

Keforeaoes oxohangei. i BOARD 197 FULTON ST FOUR MW utes' walk from ferries marblo front ho.up. containing all modern improvements board with uoatly mrnishod room $4 per week and upward, according to locatlun and fnrnlturo; four doors from Nassau Bt, ovor tbo hat store. Neatly furnished rooms upward. BOARD ON THE HILL HANDSOlvlE rooms, well furnished, table liberally Bupplind, at reasonable prices; house has all modern hot and cold writer and ample closets nearCnyler's, Talmugc's and other prominent churchos.

No. 15 Greeno av, noar Fulton at. BoardtwoHgentleaYe tleman and wife can bo accommodated with nicely fnrnisbod rooms, with good bo ird and home comfort, In a private family, iu a nice brick house with all Improvomonts, Ibreo minutes' walk from Fulton Ferry; terms moderate. Apply at a3 ProHpcct st. BOARD 141 LAWRENOXST BETT Willoughby and Fulton nta A largo third story front room, furnished or unfurnished, suitable for a gentleman and wife oreinglogcutlemen; alsn b.uidsonj'j ball rooms for s7.fiO per week; central location tablo and attendance first class dinner at BOARD TO" LET, WTOOAUI handsomely furnished rooms, suitable for gontleuiun or gontlomon and wives; the hous 3 bas beon nowly fur nlsned, and has all tho modern iruprovomonts, and convo ninnt to cars and ferries.

Please apply to 180 Baltic stroot, bet. Henry and Clinton. BOARD ON THE HILL TVO ELE: gant, large and handsomely fnrnlslied rooms, thoroughly boated, containing hot and cold wator; will lib let separately or togethor. Mth good board, on vory roisonablo terms; house and neighborhood first class. Apply at 233 Clermont av, between DeKalb and Willoughby.

BOARD WATYimi). BOARD WANTED BY A FAMILY OP three adults; two rooms rouuirod; first class references given aud requirod. Address, with particulars, L. Eagle office. BOARD WAOTED OWfi a tamily, for eentlomnn, wffo and Infant; would alsu like accommodations for a nnrso If possil.ln.

or tako part of a furaisnod bouso for light lioosDitoop lng roioronco eivon and renuircd, Address lilKIJ, Kagle 9D)fS. E'UlrISlSI31 ltOHS. "BURNISHED ROOMS TWO ROOMS TO JD lot, completely furnished for housekeeping; private house. 76 Schormoriiorn st. EURNISHED ROOM tLEtTA LARGE handsome front room, to ono or two single gontlomon io has all improvements; within fivo minutes' walk of ulton or Wall st.

terrisa. Apply at SI Hoary st, near Pineapple. FURNISHED ROOMS A FULLY AND comfortably furnished third story front room, with nro and gas, to two gentlemen moderate term? to a permanent party. Also, ball bearoom at $2 a week; first class brown Btono bouse private family, 132 Dean at. FURNISHED ROOM.S TO IjET, OR unfurnished The second floor, throo with three large olaBOts all conveniences; five minutes from Wall st, and South ferries; also one largo room furnished with or without board will rent them vory low.

Pleaso call at No. 1 Willow ploco corner of Jurqlomou Bt, all tbo wo ok. EURNISHED ROOMSTO LET, WITH out board, very pioasant socond story roomp, woil isbed, with bathroom oonnectlng and all the improvements or will be let, for housekeeping, to a quiet couple without children, at modorato terms location very pioasant, and few minutes' walk to tbo principal forrios. Apply at lot. ohnson st.

FURNISHED ROOMS tboso wishing to economize for tbo Win tor a floor through, handsomely furnished, for light housekeeping, at $4 por week or $15 per month, in a quint neighborhood, at 1.3 Bayard st, afow doors from Graham av; within 15 minutes' walk of Tenth st ferry, and 35 mluute3 from Fulton Furry via Graham av cars. TO LET APAKTM EKTS. mo LET FLATS FRENCH FLATS, jL with all improvements a few more left location unsurpassed. Apply on premises, cornor of Hatbuah and Seventh avB. TO LET ROOMS THiTOT of the three story and basement house, No.

769 Lafayette av four or fivo rooms, to suit paitios with all improvements. TO LET HOOMS TWO ROOMS $8 two rooms throe rooms $10; all light; halls fur ni3hod and lighted with caa also a cnoap atora. Apply at No. JS29 IJrlngstonat. JOS.

F. BRUSH. rfllO LET ROOMS WITH STEAM JL power, at the Burdon Iron Works, corner Front and Pearl sts, Brooklyn also rooma with powor nt tho Factory 2013 and 208 East Twenty third st. New York also a building with machinists lathes and tools. TO LET ROOMS SECOND FLOOR and two rooms on third floor, in all, four rooms, with use of bath room nnd stationary wash tubs excellent closet room all Improvements other portions of the house occupied by owner.

location 209 Hall et, noar Willoughby av rent, $20 por month. TTO LET FOR BUSINESS PWBPWSES. mO LET WHARF PROPERTY ON A Gowanus Canal, snitable for yards, factories, ware houses, otc. for sale or loase. on long or Rhort terms.

A ply at oflico of BROOKLYN IMPROVEMENT Third st, cor. Fifth ay. TO LET BOOMS "wfi'H TE AM power, entire bnlldingB, and rooms of every description; reliablo po.ver furaisnod to any extent; onpluea 51 horso power. Apply to II. W.

GBEfSNIS, Flnioutb ei roet. TO LET HALLS BROOKLYN LYCE um two I bill first itoor for concerts, church fairs, locturos or o'. .10 Sitciid entertainments; second floor suitable for scboo), da vicing aoa lemy, or forinanufacturina where much light ii inquired. Apply to J. A.

cor. Court and Montague sts. TO LET STORE AN OLD "ESTAB Hshod niiUinory store, In a good location, and which has done good business for years; tho store is very handsomely Uttod up tbo fixtures and a Bin all stock will be sold very reasonably po38033f on will be givou iminediatoly. Apply in tho storo 115 Court st. kuiton street stores, new block bet.

Verona pi. and Maroy av; to tbe right parties nominal rent to May house furnishing, boot and shoo, and othor Btoroa needed. Apply on promises. No. 1,366, to K.

W. SANDFORD, or to WM. TUTTLE, 83 Bookman st, N. Y. TO LET BROOKLYN LYCEUM 221 3 WASHINGTON ST HALL First floor, for concerts, fairs, dramatic or othor social ontertainraents: Second boor, a largo hall, well adapted for school, dancing ball or lodge, or for manufacturing, whoro much light Is needed; also rooms with powor, at Bowdon Iron Works, cor.

Front and Pearl sts. Apply to J. A. COLE cor. Court and Moa tague sts! FOR SALE HOUSES.

TjIOR SALE HOUSE A HANDSOME 3 story brick store, with baker's oven, situate few minutes from City Hall suitable for any business: price will pay clear ten per cent. W. P. COOK, 285 Washlugton street. sale house a very nice two story framo houto, Nostrand avo.

neor Herkimer; oompleto order all improvements will sell low terms very easy would exchange on oaah basis for brick or lumber. D. II. FOWLER, 377 Fulton at. XjOR SALE HOUSE ON LAFAYETTE A1 av, cor.

of Grand Some of thatolegantblock of 3 story, nigh stoop, brown stone front houses, including splendid coruer; 16 rooms, bay window, replete with all inodorn Improvements immodlate possession. Apply on tbo promises or afD. 4 M. OHAUCEY.lontagueSt: F' orsale hoWSaiTprospect Park First olass, double, frame houso, on Prosneot place, between Carlton and Vanderbilt avs 37M foot frout, 21 fQaSBj Suitable for a largo family or a boarding houso will be sold cheap. Also fine business corner.

cor er yf DeKalb av. ana Dsuovoiso at. Apply to u. INOK ug piRio ay. FOR SALE HOUSE CORNER HOUSE, high stoop, brown Btono front, with bay window, on the northwest corner of Clinton st and Socond place; JnUnted and put in complete order throughout last season mmedlato possession.

Apply on tbopremlaea, or of D. A M. CHAUNCEY, or of Mr. WEBSTER, corner of Clinton and DdgTaw atreete. FOR SALE HOUSES FOUR 2 STORY and basement Philadelphia brick dwellings, brown Btono trimmings, well built; nil the conveniences noar throe lines of cars and first class location terms oaay.

Apply on tho premises, 230, 234, 1136' aud 238 Madison at, noar NoBtrand av, "POR" SALE HOUSE OR EXCHANGE JC1 for other property Largo doublo houso, brick, beautifully located, convenient to several oar routos, a short distance from Prospect Pi.rk, aud within 80 minutes of Now York; Iot44xll0. Address, S. Box 21, New York PoBt Office. FOR SALE HOUSE CHEAP 55500 cash Two storv and basement frame, 9 rooms, wntor, gas, heater, elevated oven rango, tubs, sawur, courtyard, piazza, marble mantels, tin roof, fillotl in with brick, lu good order 310 minutes to all Brooklyn and Williamsburgh lurries location; price $5,000. Inquire of owner, J.

van. til, UB iJort.aiu av, near roany. FOR BKAL ESTA'l'l'ii FOR SALE REAL ESTATEA FULL lot of ground. 25ilW) on Bedford avonno, neir Myrtle must bo eoM to close an estate. Apply to WM.

A.XlT TKLL, 883 Bedfoni ot, or 539Mrrtle av. TjlOR SALE REAL ESTATE A VERY Bj desirable property, eight full lots, two housos, stublo, hnnnery, vory nice garden full of grape vinos, fruit troos, very little cash required will bo sold at a groat sacrifice. Gdfl at J. DAVENPORT SON, 9 Greono av, or C. T.

169 Bloockorst, N. 7OK SALE FARMS OR EXCHANGE For Brooklvn nrooorty. a Ilr3t clasa farm of 6J corns. lniinn and out.huitdiriM.tiRar Villncre. K.

one choice farm of 12l acres, cplondid bnjlding3, 3 miles weat of Plaiufild, one small fannof 10 ncras, with ouo story and attic irarao Uou3o, fruit, Ac, on premlsoa, 2 milos south of IJodford, Vostchnator County, N. part caaliwillbo p. in fttchringe. For particulars apply toT. EDWARDS, K3DuffifJd st.

fi 'OU Jl3XCBffAlVli. I' "jlOR EXCHANGE LOTS, FOR A GOOD dwolliog in a choice louulion lots 75xliftt oa tbo north Bide of Putnam avnnuo, botwonu Franklin and 13od ford avenues. Call and Bee tbo owner, No. 134 Oatos av, before 9 or after 4 P. M.

TCVOR EXCHANGE BUILDING LOTS, 1 vory desirably located in Patoraou and a mort back, will bo en changed for a bouaoln Iii ots oichangod for equity in house in Brooklyn. Brooklyn, or m. Address vrith full particular. PATERS ON, llui 106 Kaflle oiace. FOR SAEE PIANOS, tOR SALE PIANOLA BEAUTIFUL rosowood piano, with carved oase, of elegant finish and extra brilliant tone will be syld very cheap if sold im modiat.dy for cash.

Apply at residence. No. 1U2 Adelphi st, near Myrtle av. EOR SALE PIANOS WEBER, 5 PER montb, to rent; or will be Bold for $250: being loss i half cost; 7 octavo, rosewood, rich carved logs pianos Sato $20; organs $Hio $10, monthly, until paid tor; pianos exchanged. PHELPS SON, BUS Fulton st, opposite Johnson, over Btove store.

tfOH SAIiE, MISCELLANEOUS. OK SALE FIXTURES OFFICE Fixtures, desks counter. Ac. AddIv at tho Cagle offico. W.

HESTiCR. OR SALE BUSINES.S THE STOCK JL and fixturos of a first olass grocery store In Brooklyn, on main avenue, and doing a business of noarly $80,000 por year. Ararechanoe. Apply between 10 and 3 o'clock, to A. H.

NEFJP, 239 Wator at, N. Y. OR SALE CARPETS GOOD. SEOOND fiatterns and nno qualities, English, Brussels, throB ply and ngrain.vory clieap, at tjba old place, 112" Fulton st, New York, between William and Nassau sts. Sent to Brooklyn free of charge.

HORSES, CAKttaAfiliS, Etc, GOOD, SOUND YOUNG HORSE. 15 io io nouns, wonton, ior a provision wagou. Apply Columbia fit. Also, a Bioirio horse truck, iu good order. ORSE, WAGON.

TWO BODIES, AND naraess lor sale price $ria. utw Bona st. kNE SEAT SINGLE SEIGHL WANTED for S10 or 315: would hlrO for tboTWlnter. Address SlTSIGU. ISaglootfico.

DOWN TOWN TRUCKS. JL as good as new, with polo and shafts, Sebastian i Sails make, for sale; also, a small Canadian pony, with a nice, light top wagon, fit for butcher or light grocery, nowly fainted and striped; also, two cheap, large size horses, at 12 KMt Baltic st. A CHESTNUT HORSE, FOR SALE, x.oheap kind, gentle andstyllsh driver; can trot in threo minutes. Also dark hay hoiSe, 16 hands 3 inches high, 6 years old, sound and kind and suitable for any work. One bay horse.

15 hands Zbich high, 8 rears old. Jrind and gentlo; good driver and can trot in 83. Tbe above horses can be seen at the Hiawatha Stables, 162 and 161 Carlton av. WALTER H.PJKCK, Proprietor. A WITTY'S CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY AND STABLES, Carriages and Sleighs, for sale, and to let by tho day oraoaiou.

Wo have the largest assortment in the city; quality aud style un inirpaESsd, and prices 20 per. cent less than New York. Pony phaetons a speotalty, Top buggies, rockaways, ooupos, Victorias, oxteusion and half tup brctts, largo as Borfment of second hand coaches and wagons of all kinds; old carriages taken In exchange also, to let, fino coaches, rode turuoats, and ponies and phaetons for lodioa1 Park driving. H. B.

WITTY A Nevins Bt, oor. Fulton. 10 OR 12 GOOD WORKING HORSES, weighing from 1,200 to l.aOO pounds, for sale sold for wantof ub9: havo been worked all Summer and Fall; will bo sold ru asonsble. Apply at D. W.

L. MOOKU'S Stabled, 126 E. 1 An Act Prepared, Giving tuo Power to Continue tho Terms from One iUontn to Another. The recent agitation of the question aa to whether the City Court had tho power to continue its terms from one month to another, has borne fruit in tho draft of an act which was forwarded to the Legislature this morning. Thero has been a difference of opinion among the members of the bar, as to tho powers of the City Court in this respect.

Some lawyers have maintained that the Court held the power of oxtending Us terms, while others supported the contrary opinion. Tho matter never came up for serious consideration until tho opening of the Beecher case, when tho question was brought up by Mr. Evarts, who inquired how far the powers of the Olty Court extended, in relation to tbe extension of a term from one month to another. Early in tho caBo, it became evident that tho trial could not bo completed within one month, and therefore it was rosolvod to remove all doubt by the passage of a spacial act by tho Legislature, giving the required power the samo that 1b held by the Court of Common Ploaa and tho Superior Court of tho City of New York. Tbo act waa drawn up by Chief Judge Neil son, and by bim submitted to Mr.

Evarts and Mr. Beach, and wns approved by them. The text of tbe document is as follows TI1E AOT. An Act to enabln the City Court of Brooklyn to continue its Terms. The People of tbc State of New Torlc, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows suction 1.

The City Court of Brooklyn, or any of tho Judges thereof, shall bnvo power and authority to continue tho trial or hearing of any action or proceeding not fully ho.ird or determined at the end of the term at which the samo has been or shall have been commenced until tbo final determination of the same with tbo samo effect as if such action or proceeding were fully heard or detormlnod within the said term, and the jurors Un panoled in any such action shall continue their service until tho close or determination thereof, or until dihcbarRed by tbo Court. Sec. 2. This act shall tasc effect immediately, Tho act will probably be brought up in the House immediately and in caso thero is no opposition, and none ia apprehended, it will bo passed through both Houses at once, and receive the signature of the Govornor. Thero aro only twelve days remaining in tho month and unless the Legislature works rapidly It may he too late.

W0RKINGMEN. JXeotlng in tlto Twelfth Ward, In Favor of Local Improvements. Tho "Workingmen's and Taxpayers Association, of tho Twelfth Ward, held a meeting last ovening, at No. 537 Court street. Mr.

Wm. O. Mahonoy, President, occupied the chair, and Mr. Gerald GriCQn acted as Secretary. There was a very largo attendance of wortingmen and taxpayers.

Mr. Bald they bad met to learn how far they bad succeeded in organizing similar associations in the Ninth and First Wards. Meetings were to be held very toon in those wards, which showed how the movement was spreading. In tho Twelfth Ward Association, the roll oontainod four hundred names. He hoped that soon they should bo able to go down en masss to the City Hall, and show their force.

The speaker then introduced Dr. Bowes. Dr. Bowes said It they performed their duties as citizens, the nation wSB bound to give them their rights. He was always opposed to strikes because thoy resulted In damage to the poor.

He had mingled among rich and poor but he found the poor man was more honest, he paid his bills, when at times he was obliged to go to law to obtain his just due a from the rich. In his visits to tbe poor, ho found tho poor man suffering for want of employment. This wo aid not be so i) all tho parsons in tbe country were honest toward ona anothor in all their relations. The Mayor of the city was to bis constituents as tho father toward tho family. Now what would thoy say of tho fathor who Bhould say to bbi children "Vou want bread, you cannot have it, although there is money in the treasury." He accused tbe Board of Health of a great crime In not remedying Iho foul air in tenant houses.

But when tho poor men wont down to tbo City Hall and aaked for work to support thoir families, thoy were told thoy could not have it, although the men in office were getting "fat" eaia r(v. He counseled them to combine together to get thoir rights. Mr. PrjscoU, the Treasurer, reported that tho property owners In the ward were in favor of having streets cut through and sewora made to give work to the work ingmen of tho ward. At tbo present time there was a gruat deal of suffering among tho worliingiuen.

The qm ation then was this how shall they be relieved It was tbe duty of tho authorities of tho city to sea that I be laboring man got fair wages to support himself and family. IT ho got fair wage in Summer time, thero would be no necessity to distribute alms in tbo Winter time. They thought about abolishing tho Nursery at Flatbusb. If they continued refusing work to the pnnr man, they would have to establish more nurseries. Xbo workinmen wanted work and not charity.

Mr. OiifQn fiiid they should protest against the importation of ItaUanB from New York to do work in Brooklyn when so many Brooklyn workingmen were wanting something to do. One or tbo gentlemou in the audience remarked that tbo Italians wero not to be blamed for seeking employment, but the contractor who employed them for sel tioh purpoaoa wero consurable. Thn mooting was adjourned to meet In two necks' time. Dr.

War. II all's Balsam for the Lungs our tbe worst casta of cougbs, colds and all diseases of the (iiuks thront aud chest. For whoopiaecoinjh and croup iLUaeuHclflc. Dh.Townley'b Toothache Anodyne euros in niinitto. JuHN F.

1IENH2. UUHHA 4 8 and 9 Col leeo pi, N. Y. For coughs, colds, honrseiiess or croup, use at odch Wjstah'b Balsam of Wild Chebdy, cU. ond $1 a bottle, largo buttlrs much the cheaper.

See the powerful cartoon, by Matt Morgan, iu tins wok's Frank Leslie's Illustrated Nkwspapeb, vrhicti iiIbu contains numerous illustrations of tbo Beecher icanaal. It is a splendid number. "Why suffer from that cough when Adam eon's Botanic Couoh Balsam will speedily and surely cure you? Sold by druggists. Sample froo. HI Alt It I ED.

VOfrr COULTE9 On Tuesday, January 19. at St. Ann's on tbf nbfhte, by tho Rev. Noah Hunt Srhenck, I. asdistod by tbo Wov.

Thaddaus A. Snivoly, Sallhc, daughter of K. w. Corlies. of Brooklyn, to Fbauk Mills Youd, of Shanghai, China.

DIED. ARNOLD On Tuesday. January 19, Nettie oldest dauglitor of S. U. and K.

L. Ajrnold, aged 6 years, 2 mouths and tf days. Tho relit ires and friends of tho family, also the Infant clfiBs of the first Baptist Churoh, are roapoctfully invited to attend the funeral from the residence other pareata, 100 Washington on Thursday, January 31. BAfSLKV Suddenly, at Jamafoa, South L. daj.tho 19th David Baisley, lu the 83d year of his afio.

The relatives and friends of the family are In ted to attend the funeral ou Friday afternoon, 22d at one o'clock, from his lata cosldaace. Carriages will he hi attendance on the antral of oars at Jamaica. ART LETT At Flatbusb, L. on Tuesday evening, January lit, Ma no AtiST Strong, second daughter of Dr. and Margaret Bartlett, in tho 11th year of her age.

Relatives and friends of tho family are respectfully Invited to attend tho funeral from tho residence of her parent on Friday afternoon, January 22, at2 o'clock. BERRY At Flatbusb, L. January 19, WaLTEB J. Berry, In the 27th year of hia age. UIs relatives and frionds are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, at tho rosldenoe of his brother, Richard J.

Beny, Flatbusb, L. January 21, at 2 P. M. BRIG HAM In Brooklyn, January 18, DEHNIS BRIG. Dam.

in the 81st year of his ago. Relatives andfrlends are Invited to attend the funersl box vices from the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Maxwell, (ft first pi, on Thursday, at 2 P. M. Frances Karl, joop child of William li.

and Hattte L. barl, aged. 1 aar, 6 months and 16 days. Funeral take placo from residence, 278 Court at, on ThArtay. January 21, at 2 P.

M. GOODRTDGE On tho 18th Instant, at the residence of his father S. Goodridxe, Bellows Falls. Geohgk S. Goodridqe, in the 83rd year of his age.

HOTCHKISS On Wednesday, 20th Inst, In the 69th year of bis age. GtnrO. Hotchkibs, of the firm of Guy C. Hotchktss, Field A of Brooklyn. Funeral will take place from his late reaidonco.

42 New York avenue, on Saturday, 23J Inat.t at two o'clock P. M. Friends and relatives are resp sot fully invited. KKLLY. On tho 20th inst, Mr.

Jeremiah Kelly, aged 5o rears. The relatives and friend" of the family are respectfully In. vitod to attond his fuuoral from his late residence, B9 Cranberry st, oornor of Fulton, on Friday at 1 o'clock. LUIfT On Wednesday, the 20th of pneumonia, Bknj. P.

Litnt, In the 4Cth year of bis afje. Tho relatlvos mid frionds of the family are respectfully iuvitod to attoud the funernl from his late residence. No. 163 hebermerhorn Bt, on Friday, tbe 22d at 11 o'clock A. M.

MYERS On Wednesday morning, January 20, Jambs eldest son of George A. and Mary E. Myors, age 2 imd 5 monthB. The relatives and friends, also tbe membora of Atlantio Lodtfo, No. 5U.

I. O. O. aro respectfully invited to attund the funeral, from thn residence of his parents. 338 South Second street, oa Friday, Juauary 22, at 1 (one; o'clock, sharp.

8KIDMORK On Tuesday, January 19. 1875, at his residence in New Utrocbt, L. of heart aiseaao, Peteb V. Skidmoke. aged 69 years.

10 months and 1 clny. The relatives and friends oltlie family ure invited to attend the funeral on Friday, January 22, at 2 o'clock P. at the Congregational Churoh at Parkvllle, without further notice. LOST AND LOST JANUARY 19, ABOUT 6 1 2 P. a large fur GLOVE, In Montajcuo st, near Dickiri.

son's drug storo. Tbo findor will be suitably rewarded by returning tbe same to the abovo place. LOST LAST EVENING, IN THE Vicinity of Prospect Park, a fur GLOVE. The finder will ploaso leave it in Wilson's drug storo, corner of Court and sts, and receive tbo reward and thanks of tbe owner. IOST ON THE AFTERNOON OF THE I9th either on Fulton at, or in a Greene and Gates ar.

car, a CUFF, with a gold sloove button with a garnet stone cuff marked W. A. MIX. Finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving it at No. 891 Gates av.

TITIOUNP ONE HORSE, OWNER CAN have by proving prqporty and paying all expenses. Call atFKNN A BENNKTT, audW Fdlton at. flblS jREVVARD IF THE PERSON WHO ffl took tho dark brown roiiEh OVERCOAT from No. 14a Jornlamon Friday, will return It, tho above reward will bo paid. IHEETIIVKS.

fMEltAIiD BENEVOLENT ASSOCIA JCi TION Thora will bo a meeting of tho Association at 2i Conrt at. on THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, at 8 o'clock. Important bnalnesa will bo transacted, and the Erivata boxes will be disposed of by nuotion to tho highest Idder. A. P.

GILLOON, President. Thob. CARnoLL, Recording Secretary. THE FINANCE COMMlTTEEl)F THE COMMON COUNCIL will meet in iho Common Council Chamber, on THURSDAY EVENING, January 21, at lit o'clock P.M. RIPLEY ROPES, Chairman.

THE LAW COMMITTEE OF THE COMMON COUNCIL will meet in thn Common Council Cuambor. on WEDNESDAY EVENING, January 20, at o'clock. JACOB I. BERGEN, Chairman. NOTICE.

THE COMMITTEE ON LAMPS AND GAS OF THK COMMON COUNCIL will mret in tlio Common Council Chamber, City. Hall, on TUURSD A January 21, 1375, at 74 o'olock P. M. By order, fPNJ EL O'REILLY, Chairman. MASONIC.

HOHENLINDEN LODGE, NO 56, F. A. M. You are hereby summoned to attend the regular communication of abova named on THURS. DAY EVENING, January 21, at7)tf P.

M. Business of im. portauce. By ordor, IRA L. BRACKET, Master.


G. O. Herman, n. j. G.

R. COPARTNERSHIPS. DISSOLUTfON THE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between 150. W. APPELQ ATE and JOHN OjCIJAPM AN, in the kindling wood business, fos.

163 and 165 Washington av, Brooklyn, is this day (15th bs mutual eonsont. JOHN O. CHAPMAN will continue tbe business, pay all debts, and recelvo all mouay due the Arm. Brooklyn, January 19, 1876. J.

C. CHAPMAN, j. v. ArrrtLUAiC, PROPOSALS. kjecived at tho oiSaa of the Board of Education until Tuesday, Fobruarv 5 oti o'clock P.

for furnishing blanks to lake a census of the school ohildronof Brooklyn, and foriivo dozen portfolios. Specimens can bo Boon ut the ofHce of the Board of F.ducatlon. Names of two responsible parsons will bo required for the faithful performance of tho contract. Tbo Board reserves the right to reject any irregular bitls, or any which tany not be for tha interest of tho Hoard rjatnplos of tho papor must be furnished with the estimates C. H.

SG'HAPPM, Chairman of Committee on Attendoaoo. John Xt HayinonU. Wc aro not at all astonished at the success I Mr. Raymond Is meeting at the Brooklyn Theatre. Hit I failure of nuccefls would have been the matter to wonder at.

The exquisite portrayal of Colonel Sellers is one eo I naturally adapted to American appreciation, that if John T. Raymond had failed to evoke It, he would haro justified the belief of the VTaUacks that American plays, however good, are not wanted by tbe American people. Raymond's performance of the eanguino Sellers is one that will not be criticized, for it offers almost nothing to censure, and it is the true office of criticism to find out fttulte. In acting the good secures recognition for It might be thought, perhaps, that in the trial scene which ends tbo play Mr. Raymond exaggerates tho amusing interference of Sellers with tho Jury; but all who have attended strongly interesting trials in the Far West know well onougb that feeling often take the place of form even in the most solemn court; and It Is impossible to deny that tbe charactor of Sellers, as developed in the earlier parts of the play, is just tbe character that would prompt Selkra to cxtrav agance of action, for ho is extravagant in all hia idoaB.

Tho man who could see millions In an American eye salve to bo sold throughout Asia, and who, with turnips and water for dinner, intends to forco Congress to mako fortuues for all his friends in not tbo man to pause lu bis expressions to a jury when a woman's life lt at stalie. Tho gestures aro oxtravagant; but they aro extragnnt beeaiiss tbo preFauro of ideas they soeli to cmpbrize itself oxtravagant. Ilia hand is ever printing upward, because his amusing visions are all poarina ones. Tbe action suits tho word, and the word fudts tbo action to a T. The objection made that Sellers not being a fool cannot believe In his own Chateaux en A'tjKZfjiie will not hold, for within three or four doors of the theatre in which Sr.Uera speculates Is a man who has uiado hundreds or thousands of dollars out of oyo salves or patented bitters and on tbo strength of dys 1 popsla hna become, HkB Sellers, a politician, and bought a unwupapor Setters, with all his fjin, is natural, and hu exaggerations aro natural, for thoy grow out of a I me 10 intensification of the natural characteristics of I his countrymen.

Mr. Raymond will remain with us but till Saturday. Between now and then he must bo 6een hy Brooklyn, for his engagements will precludo hbt pbylng here or in New York for a very long time to coino. If (boy get him over to tho Haymarliet in London they'll beep bim two or three years. Park Theatre.

Uncle Tom's Cabin" was produced at the Pari; Theatre last evening. The over popular play was very fairly cast and acted throughout. ItwaBwollput upon tho stage, which It will occupy till next Saturday ovonlng, when Mr. Frank Evans, the loading man of tho theatre, 1 til bo the recipient of his first benefit. I Mr.

Kvans brfs worked bard and faithfully all tbe sea son. lie is a gentlemen of excellent personal qualities, I and has made a host of friends In Brooklyn during the present theatrical season, who should not miss tbe op portnnityto mark the esteem in which they bold him. I The bill for this Bbcneut bos not boen announced as yet. On aronday ovonlng tbe very popular scinr, Ollrer I Doud Byron, will common co a short engagement at this house. I Olympic Xliciitro.

Alexander Davis, tho ventriloquist, MoAn 1 drows, the delineator of thn plantation nogro. Mias Terea St. John, the vocalist, tho Winneta joined to I the regular oomp.iny of thn Olympic Thoatro have kept the honao full and the FatfltafUan managor in good humor throughout tbe week. A "startling drama" i entitled "Home frnm Sen" concludes each night's I performance to thfl great delight of tbo audience. It i 11 be continued all tbe eck, Tho rintrc Noun Reception I Brooklyn society circle would sadly rains the attractive rcceptioua given by the faahiouablft ama tenr dramatic associations of tbo city, were anything to occur to stop their monthly entertainments.

Each eea fion'b ffiperience bo matoriaUy improves the performance! of tboae oaraatie corps that they aro now begin uiug to rival those of tbe professional stage. An Instance Illustrative of this maxhod improvement occurred Ust night on the occasion of tho third reception of tbo Fsaf on given by the Bntre Nous Draraatlu Society at the Athoneum, in tbo case of tbe really admirable pcr 1 formance of tho one aot comedietta, entitled A Happy i Pair," in which tbo characters of the play Mr. and Mrs. 2fnion wnro so artistically by Mr. C.

T. Catlia and Mra. F. L. Perot.

Tho literary, merits of the play aro such as to call for an unusually Intelligent reading of the lines of each part, and a bettor interpretation oould not have been given, tho two cbarao tets represented than was dune last night by those taionted members of tbe Bodety. The pioco abounds in smart repartee and every poiot was made in the moat I telling manner. Nothing ennsling tho performance of the bttle play has ever been seen at tho Athoneum. The roaring faroo of "Slasher and Craahor," which followed It, Introduced Uossn. Peters, ParHoad, Barlow and Thompson, with Mrs.

Maroeno Junes and Mrs. I W. Van Sidle as the corp dramtitiijus, and loud laugh I ter and applause greeted their excellent performance of tho farce. In every rospot wm tho cntortalnmonJ oua o.ceptional In Its oxcellcnoo. Tbe flour at tho reception prcaontcd an elegant appearance, tho rul of full drenB being strictly observed.

The fourth reception of the Society will tafcu placo on the 'J3d of JTobriury. The Betlicl Seuefit KntertHinmenti The amateur minstrels of the Holghta, who are to nionnw night to a benefit performance for tbe Bothel at tho Athene urn, have preparod a perfectly Btunning progranima for tfau entertainment. and as nearly all tbe seats lu the bouao are reserved, tictiets are already difficult to obtain. Tho prima donna of the occasion will perfectly astound tbo audience, not only with her vocal powers, hut with tho immensity of her "get up." Professor Hatch Tyndall has also pro pared a brilliantly lustrous looturo on light, and Maestro Mcrlyn Thomas Bergman will conduct tho Philharmonic concert In a style that will mako Theodore not that man bat another man fol blue with envy. Then, too, 1 Professor West frentico is to keep school with that Crittenden regard to Packer proprieties which Is quite of the Polytechnic order.

It is understood that tho Georgia Minstrels, at Hooley's, have petitioned Mayor Hunter to veto this performance, as it beats their professional programme hollow, and they don't bb It. notes. The Soldone Opera Troupe gave their final performance of "Madame L'Arcbiduo," at the Acad emy of Music, last evening. Dubufc's "Prodigal Son" protlta by the clear weather. This really fine work of art is now attracting increasing crowds, and those desirous of seeing it properly will do well to visit it soon.

The less tbe crowd the better tho view and the opportunity for that study, without which no great work of art like this can bo thoroughly appro elated. 1 'The Two Orphans," in Now York, continues to attract larger audiences than the houe can well accom modate. Messrs. Shoos and rainier have reason to I 'congratulate themselves on tho fact that the uniform euccese of their management is due to the exercise of sound taste in not only tho selection, but in the produc tion of good playB. The exciting races at tbo Hippodrome continue to preserve its popularity, a popularity heightened by ihe admlrablo scale of urlcas which brliiga equally good seats within the reach of all.

GIPSV QUEEX ASSOCIATION CALL. The Masonic Temple, on Grand and Seventh streets, was well filled last night with tho members and gueats of the Gj psy Queen Association. Tho occasion was their first annual masquerade ball. Tho variety which the masks lent to tho event showed that even dress can make a man look a prince or a clown. It was early morning before the last dance on tho programme had been gone through with.

Tho guests present included Mr. James McCullom and the handsome Miss McEIroy, Miss Rebecca Appleby, as D. Hudson and Miss Emma Roberts, Adam Reiser and Miss S. Moane, C. Walters and Miss Gable, Mr.

Dougan and Miss Garrett, Edward Foley and Mies Garrett, Samuel Cornell and Miss Anne Wallace, Jubn Cellars and Miss Sheridan, W. Hughes and wife, Richard Mooro and wiro, Ed. Reed and Miss Minute Gable, Harry Beales and Miss Minnie Beckwith, J. D. Griffiths and Miss Hyland, M.

S. Voohecs and Miss Pritchard, Jas. H. Chadwicfc, Chas. Butler, J.

B. Chad wick and Miss K. McKinuey, Mr. Waudloss and Miss Wallace, Henry Dougan and Miss Sarah Basch, John McCellar and Miss E. Maoef Robert Tucker and MI33 RoynolJs, Charles Graham and Mias Lizzie Cof je, Williams and wife, E.

and Miss M. McDonald, P. Conway, Wm. Corcoran and Miss Mary Gr. tham, William J.

McCarten and Miss Ella Graham, 3. C. Butcher and MIbs Hunter, Wm. Clark and Mias If. McEIroy, S.

O. Ranson and Mies Annie Kengan, Henry :3 and Miss Katlo Corcoran, Oeo. Herring, snt. and Miss Longatroet, Frederick Borthworth, Wm. Longetreet and Miss Bennett, tbe MiBscs Ida FeareaUaud Pauline Mary Herring, liismark Baker and J.

Merrick and Miss Fannie Graham. The management of the floor waa under the direction of a Committee consisting of Wm. D. Hudson, Scely C. Grant, Wm.

H. Db Estorro, Charles Reese aud C. W. Walt era. A SUIU'lUSE PARTY.

Tho congregation of the Westminster Pres I'jterinn Church, South Brooklyn, surprised thoir pastor, Ite J. Clement French, last evening, by calling in a body at hia home, and Bpcndiag the evening in a most enjoyable way. The pastor and family wero dining with a friend, when news came to them that they were wanted at Uume. The members or the congregation, who, mean time, had gathered In the lecture room of the churoh, and conveyed thithor oil the basicts of good things for tho table, left tho latter in tho hands of the Committee who had the supper arrangements in chargo, and met tho pastor on his return. The repast, hastily improvised, proved to bo perfectly satisfactory to all, and the music, social oonvorse and reunion of frionds, all combined to render it an evening long to be remembered by those present.

At a lato hour the festivities concluded, and tho pastor's family was lert to talk over tho glad surprise and the pleasuro it had them. SEW TOST OFFICE OKDIjlt. By recent order of the Post Office Department at Washington, Postmaster Talbot, of this city, has been directed to furnish a weekly report of the number of pieces, with their weight, sent out from tho Brooklyn office. Tho mail matter is divided into three classes, namely First class, letters seoond clasp, publishers' newspapers third class, transient circulars, Sic. Tor tba week ending January 16 (sii days), the number and weight of mail matter sent out was as follows letters, 101,178, wefghiag 1,752 newspapers, 22, SJ, weighing 280 transient papers, circulars, 30,888, weighing 3,231 lbs.

Total number of pieces, total weight, 5,263 or something over two Ioqb and a quarter. E. D. LIBRARY ASSOCIATION Officers of the Eastern District Library, also of the Building Fund Association, were elected at the annual meeting held Monday foil owe Tbe Library President, George H. Fisher.

Directors ChM, h. Fellows, S. M. Beard. George Mabon, Benj.

H. Howoll, John Fellows, Jos. B. Thomas, Oscar Uawb y. Inspectors of Election W.

H. H. James, Cha. Beard, Fred H. HowelL Building Fund Trustees Daniel Maujer, C.

If. Fellowa, T. F. JacliEOn, S. M.

Beard, If. C. J. It. Thomas, Wm.

Lamb, loawjctors ft. H. Fiahw, A. Y. Davis.

W. S. Uotrott. I offior, jaxitauv so. is; TELEGRAPHIC.

TIae fuban Patsaotffj ami tint Movement of Troops Arrest of the aterford Burglars. Havanm, January 2t). Im bo.l in the the iK ntii MasimoClrnnaz rcfiwl an vn: nrwrnt near MarcjJ, and retired darln.T th" i ht. Throo baitalior.8 of Spanish tio.ip.i started in pur Mm. Coiucs.ouutj.iilI, and scuta poriionoi' tb i.

Im; l(UT tb at They mrf a npulse from Spa iivb dot i Ci nn 1 in: miiately tbo 1. 1 kila: i. Tho HpnninrdK loa! nix io in i': rht. Tbo movemenlH of the Sp i'j. by General a W.

i penU to diviJo two hn(u i (V: ond tbo ofh.ii thn'lYiuidud it i ver, hth di iuto The authorities ay that Ibe nuniber of (roos in tw Ciuco Yi.Ia Di ti iol eontiMU fi (.) iici ml i i aftivity will not biavo thn il a t. until difoalnd or foiv.vl to lvcross Cm Tnv. in. nv.p.i in this direction may so.m be impoi. ibi for tbi; Tbo of tbe elojicly all places when expCiiiUoUri fror.i abroad can laud.

The 't ui' Culm nays: "Gomez bclievod be could onter tbo Cinco YiUan region and burn plantations with impunity. Ho expected no rcsi stance on our part, and horjod that iij" uieu would join him. lb1 finds na tbo contrary, that he hai to ily boforo ei jhteen battalions, which are in hot pursuit, and will route his force completely unless it aaeeeeJn in recrodjiuij tba Trncba." Contrary reports of military in tba Villas are in circulation, hut a rigorous couiirship prevents their publication. 'S'hc Wa terSorcl Biirfrlar.s Arrosteil. PiiiMDi.rniA, N.

Janur.ry ThrR prisoncre who havo been arrest here, charged vritb briny imjillcated in tha bursbfry at Wnterford, near Albany, N. now await the niquihiUon of Governor Tilden for i heir return. A clock found in tho poaaeHslon of one of them, has breu idontiilod by Ui. hard P. II.

WaU of Wat N. The prUoncra are said to be old Sing NJnr cunvlcts. IigUt if Iicriiaeii in a Snowstorm Pouts siouxti, January '30. Tho capfain and men of tho ii fdri' ficbooiior, Fred Bbnor, of Province town, while off this harbor on Monday morning went out hi a boat to ant thoir trawla, A blinding bjiov, storm citmo up, and nothing bo.i boen hiird or them Binuo. It ia feared they uro drowned or frozen to death.

Court off Ajjeala Z)ceasi Ai.e:y, N'. January ln. The fnllowinfj dedr iuns weio basiled down to day in tbo Court of I iininncd with cop is Cnrnfl vr. Plait: At wi 11 s. Brown; Niivininton n.

Ayiv i tl i Hkinnr vj. fine; vf. Nu ih Oi Mnvor, etc Tivy; tb" Ontario vb. iU" iy C. mj iiny: winyu v.

A ri' ultiiiMl 1 iiifjiieo inpauj Kiu otiid v.s. Diwjiollc; I 'nolo K' rmit. Tinlcri'iontK 'Jvr r.iul nw trial 1, ros' i to abide the SfjUwcH vh. farini Thn NVw Yojv. JUtval I'nd'iuii Ki Kaihond puny; Diim nbury vh.;n. Judgni'Mit reMTfed, and rdtnnlnint ilirunisEed wilb co. jt." Van Sebnyler Mili'ovd." Jud'Tuent anirninl, with cot4 payaM'1 out rf th juwwds of tlr of (lie "Mat snydrr. .1 i 'ri Mid anew ti inl orh i, ifnl." idaintills tn reduce the by lljwiiij; there in thv. mi of f'ir, an'i UW.

tram l.Vs'j, ar.i it noredu ''d, judgment, uttlrmed witbont cor.U cither i parly in tin Omrt Baib 'iibs v. Hn ktirj. Ht favor of tin 1 Vmale Po. lctv reversed, and of tlie Iwhtw in other rc KpoetH lu'xlii to nn 't dtt in ae' iia. ni with tb" nphiiiin of Alh.Ti, J.

in Cie il (ho other pfirtios, with costs of ail the parties to im paid out of tho fund. lu'limnnl to bo settled by Allen, r.efeore vb. Lof enre and olh'. Order of General Term nflinii' 'd nnd judu'inent ah lut for plaiutill" on (stipulation with Kiin; va. Knap p.

absolute for reapondont ou stipulation with en.tH Tatlt vr. Wriht. Order of General reversed and judiiient nf Kpccii'l 'iVrci aPlrmfd, with cwtfi Kbij.s vn. Tho Buw ry National of New York. JudKiifiit abonlniit for MHponde'ot on for nnd inli r.T, from Dec mber ill.

171, ivjl.h couLb Giieiuibt H. Tuo Brooklyn Gvucrra' Atiociaiiuji. Order of Genoral Two roverprtd, and judjpnen. nn report of rcfi.ite p.lur;uc:;i with llreuiiau vij. linlbniok.

"VIo'nn 'Jcnid vith aetata drp.vrp ri. i Motion t'nr re denied, with i'A) cu.dH Tbo Marino Uuiik vh. Tii;) National t'ity Bank, ICntiip v.i. built). lo diim.

ajipnat granted, with cnli: i ap pc al to tini" of untie motion, and SlU eonta of m.i tiun. i'uiuo vh. MuCuriuy. HORROR. Hui'mrig of a I5rooklyi 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 xj No Fire Escnpc Tlirce Liven Lost and Several Persons Injured Heroism of a Toor Irish WomanLoaping1 f01.

Life and Meeting Death Suffocation of a Father and Son, etc. A fire, most disantroug i results, oc currod Iar.t, io tbo four Btory louoinint house, corner of lloyt and strati. BtwKIo the threo lives which were lost, threo iioopln were evoroly i if not Injured. Tho fire was not discovered Until a few mlnutoa after bit. o'clock, and bo great was i tho headway it had Rained beforo its di ioovcry, that tl.o inmates of tho building" were to leap from thuir windows to tho street an the rnnoko and ihimes lillcd tbo hall way and rolling up tho ttaira, cut oil' ull egress in that direction.

When tbo police and flrrmrm nrrivod nt tbo burn i no; building, they with di dignity forced tb jir way through tbo oxcitcd crowd gathered about tho place. All sorts of rumori coueoniinjr tbe fata of some of tho tenants, who, it was said, wero iinr.blo to (jot from the building, were Hying about, adding to tlm great and intenao oxcitomcnt which prevailed. It waa with tho greatest difllculty that tho police, under crtmm.iDd Captain Ferry and Serjeants Leary and Cadden, forced baok tho excited crowd, and rodtrainod them from pushing tbe Lines and interferinp; with tbo firemon. Chief Nevins diroctcd hia men to ctntlne tbo firo lo tho building. According to hia diruetioo and tboso of i 1 his assistants, tho doora and windows in tbo lower part of tbe houso wero doaed, and lad rs, on whii vi ro Rtretcbod lerigthfi of Uore, were pliuiott at thu aidec ami rear of the building, to tho top floor.

After a two bourn hard struggle and fight tho firo i was extinguished. During" this dpcrat Blrngglo for tbi mastery tbo cxeKoment va i i'TiKf. 'ojiU'. hurrying to and fro, anrJotisIy hiq'iiring (or thir frieuda the tenants aud, UNABLE TO DtSCOVEB TIIFir, WHErKADOUTS, rushing away to st e'i them at the bo ia Iho borhood. Thbf building was a four Kory briclt nrc, fronting on Pacific stroet and cxLoudiug fdonir ITojl rtrort over fifty feet.

Tbo first floor was occupied by Sir. John T1t decker aa a grocery Btore. The floor uii'i ctly over tba storo was vacant. On the noxt floor the flood and docker, tho grocera', familici rcMffc i. 1'hc the top floor, waa occupied by Mr.

Johu flr. 1 "(Jiotrich end Mrs. Tho Are wag first discovered by brother of Mr. Boedeclier, bis clerk, who was in the front part of tho store. This young mnn, on giving na account of tho riro, said that bo bo irJ a riiMbliarr, ping noise, and thinking that the wabir pipM bad lmist again in tbo cellar, ho wnt to tbe dnor and looked out in tbe ball.

Tbo pjaca, hy said, was full t.f emoto and fire coming from tbo eebar. ihut tbo door, ami saw firo bursting through Iho floor at tho roar of the nt ore. It all cam no nnd icn I bid jump right out," Vhn asUod if b. kuew anything of tbo origin of the fire ha sai.l, plumber. Mr.

O'Brion'a men, were at in tbo collar fixing pipp, end may bo some nf them let a bo, coal drop in bcstwcmi tbopartifionp." According to his (bore was I nothing in tho cohar of a combustible or inllauti iblo i nature belonging to his brother or any of hia tenants. The suddenness and great force with which thbi fire swopt through the building ia surprising. There wer.j no indications of its exintenco until it burat forth in all its fury. Among tbo first to escape from tha houso i was Mr. McGarry and bis sister.

Thoy wore soa tod at their supper tabic. As they down the staira through tbo smoke and llama they mui Mrn. on tbe lower landing HOLDING TIER CHILD IN TIE1 AT.tS. i Tbh woman in bcr fright and blinded by tbo moolrn had tumbled down tho stairs. In tbe full tbo child was cut.

On Tilr, McOarry tba street some citizens ruahod into tbo hallway and Mr. Bor: docker out. Mra. Dietrich an i hor child al30Q3capod by the stairs. While thjsc jiaople wore bittliag witu the smoko and fiam js Mra.

Flood and her sons John andTbomac, ruahod to their window and sprang from it to tbe walk. Iu their descent they slruok tbo awn ing and crushing through it rolled on to the pavement, Tho affrighted crowd as thay witnessed their fall bur i ried to them. They presented a terrible Mra. Flojd was covered wilb. blood from a HOBUIDLE CUT OS IIEU HEAD.

The back of her head waa crushed in. With ai littln dolay as po3aibio, this old lady, who is ovor C5 years old, and hor cons, wero takon to tbe Long Island Colleen Hospital. She died a half hour after her entrance. On examination it waa discovered that John Flood, "ifl years old, had his spino Injured; bis brother Thomas, yeara old, bewldo receiving internal injuries, had hia Bhouldor dislocated. At tbo window on tbo fourth floor in tha rear, Mrs.

McCoruiacU, who occupies apartmouta on thltt lioor, Btood 80HEASI7KG AKD 8HOrJTrfr FOR HELP. Tbo crowd heard her cries and hastened to render all the assistance in tbeir jwr. As they looked toward ber thoemoke aud flame bii issue from tho vm dow. At her Bido were group i her family. Her aged father John McComiacL by bis Patrick, leaned againit the wall.;o tVjni leaning ovr Mr. McComiack, bis oiinr bju Timothy, holding his cbildr 'n, a joun; hoy, a irl uamo I KIbn, 13 years old, by tbo nd. Aa tha crowd rushed about, idnutin'j tho wDmnn. she cut the line which raochoi from wiudovr tan fastening it about tbe boy L'JWEUED HIM TO THE YARD and thou taking tbo girl sho foateuoi th rjpa around AMUSEMENTS THIS ETENING. BROOKLYN TIIEATRB Gildmi Ajca.

PAKK I'M K. ATRK lTnclo 'Pun's Cabin. OLYMPIC TMKATRE Vhih dy Kntortr.inmenl. BOOLKY'S OPEKA 1IOTS1C i Minsm ART ASSOCIATION OALLKUY Tho Pr xIIrI Son ELM PLACE CHUUCU Vjti! Instimmtal Con wrt. J5T.

PETER'S ACADEMY CromwUd Entertainment. CENTRAL CUL'KOU Lecture: India: 11b Raoesand CITY ASSEMBLY ROthUS Ball of tbe Caledonian Club. BROOKLYN LYOEUM Payehnloioiil KnCerf alomeiil. TCVKKKTT HALL Mufiic, Magm ami ReclUitiopi. UNION SQUARE T1IEATRK.

N. Y. The Oiphaui. PARK THEATRE. Y.

Lo Voyage Clitna ROMAN HIPPODROME Tweuty sixth i'refct ind Tourtb, avonuo, N. Y. THE EAGLE DELIVERY. THE EAGLE IN NEW YORK CITY We hive eiUhHthed iqrencles tor ft de the Karli at some of tho principal buaiuoBS points 111 York ity, as follows: Astor House stops. CP Rockwupd.tinni street Ferry.

8 mth Si.le iip. Woodruff Hnthrti, Krto lUi.nj Forry Biiildmjrs. loot Chnmbers street. Dodd A C.isu, New JerEoy Central Railroad, toot ul Lib ert street.

THK RAGLF IN THE EASTERN DISTRICT. The line incrripo In the cJrfiul.itlnn and tho Fiiil.K within thn wards known as the District (old ban imposed upon or tins npeeti'. nl t'Ftub ILtbfni; .1 Branch Ortiro for tho Eagle in that district. Tho Eastern District Branch Office of the KauleIb located at 6S Through this office the rruulersnf tho Kaoi.k can be supplied with their papers within twenty minutes from tho time the paper la printed at our oniro. Advertisements will bo roeeived at the above addrouno later than 11 Sfl A.M.

The Kaolk it ill bn dnliterod to adj part of tho Eaitern OUtrict by IortUu: tho ordor al the Branch Office. IMPORTANT TO SURSCRIOERS. On and aft er January 1, the F.atlb WlD be seat to all points in the UiUtMl SUtcs, free ol postage. SIDEWALK ACCIDENT. John Tucker, a coachman einployo by Mr.

lobn Currer, of No. 506 Washington avpnnn, fall upon the alduwolk at Fulton atrce.t and Grand BVcriuo.Moi.rifij Bight, and dislocated bis right knee. He removed (0 the City Hospital. SROT nniSELK. Rudolph Rhinholtz.

last nigh, shot and initially killed himself at blw boarding house. No. 130 Ireutj eeveuth atrent. Shortly after Ycinr Jc a ffiember of Mr. Ashley's family, with whuiu be boardr went to hia room and hot receiving no answer to tbo kuock, burst open tbe door.

Ithiuholtst was lying on hia bed dressed In Ids best suit. In bis tight baud wo ft revolver pressed against bis temple. 111b left band vaa extended on his bosom. The suicide's death must have bean instantaneout. He appeared as If in quiet 0ep.

RhmhoItE by occupation was a tailor, employed hy a Mr. and had plenty of work. Mr. Atthley, accounting for the cause which led to kill tolmsrlf. Bays that be received a letter lat Saturday, from Germany, in which It waa stated that his wife had married.

RhlnboHz wa3 4j years old. Thn Ooiouri waft notified. An imiuei will he held this atcrnuun. A SNEAK THIEF LOOKED AFIEfl. On the 14th of lust July the rosliUiicB of Mr.

John T4 Bairy, Xo. 402 Olisson avenue, wati entered by a sneak thief named John Itarinc and robbed ofallverwaie vaiiu at Subarquontly Llm atulen property was rccocred by He.ryoant Cbarlos Frotit, of the Police Headquarters D'toL tli: Sijiuui, who found that Povine had ''placed it in huca" in a pawn hop iu Olivor strpct, Now York. Nutbln, bowevt tva heard 0t the thief uutU last evening, when the ramn ofUcer friarned that ho was about to be duchartwl fiuin thu feultc ntlary, where be had Lccn ecrvmR a t. i in cf tui piifionmout for a ihuilar robbery but undi au a uuied iamt'. Ho tin.

Si iv.VtUf waited until hid I oin froiu thr irlsor. an 1 ibrn arrcsted li: oj arralgueJ before Justice Walsh. FESTIVE SCENES IN THE E. To night the Boss Jiukcra Assot iaiioo of the District rlve tbeir aaiiUal ball at Military Hall, 3c holes and Lvonard etieets, and a rtyht Jolly time is aulicipateiL Mr. Anton is tbo txecutivt or tho organization.

Tbe Ellsworth Association (ci membcr of entertain at the Apollo Rooms on tho niyht thu Instant. A concert is av.iin.incMl for tu ntqht Apollo Boouin, oi'd ir tuo uirection of lie v. lt.U;:n, a frp ular Rabbi. ATTE31PTE0 ARSON. Aji apparently deliberate attempt was mnde pf Pomfl poTEon unknown, last nlfibt, tu burn iho frame dwalUug of Mr.

Augustus lielsun, No. II Columbia place. In thn Twelfth Precinct. Shortly after 7 o'clock Mrs. Kelson found that fhe house was full cl emote, and whn an investigation was mado it was found that a ipiautity of old lunterUL nnder tht; second tloor Etaire had hct set on Are.

Tbe family procured pails of water and speedily put out tbo Haines, and tbe damage to tbe premises will not exceed S'ij. It evidently the design of tho lureu diary to have the conflagration occur tbo dead of night when tbe family would be asleep iu their ieds. Captain Lcicb in making eflorte to discover tbe perpetrator of the crime, and an investigation will alFo bo made by Fire Marshal Thorn. REPUBLICAN WARD 3IEETIXG. Mr.

George Bungay presided at ft meeting of the Nineteenth Ward Republican Association, held laetnlgbtat No, 152 Clymer street, and R. C. Btearns officiated as Secretary. Action was deferrod upon the name3 of new members proposed at tho previous meeting, and tboy with fresh propositions read last night were left la the hands of tho appropriate Committee. The only agitating subject introduced related to tbe financial status of tbe body.

Numerous email bills for transparencies, fireworks and other election expenses yet remain unsettled. At the motion of Mr. Hodgkinson tbo whole matter was referred to tbe Treasurer and Chairman of (ho Financial Commit tue, who were directed to report for a final disposition at tbe enKuiug meeting. Thereupon tho meeting adjourned for one month. E.

D. liURXS SOCIETY. The annual dinner of the Bums Society, of the EaBtern District, will again be given at tba Walt blouse, as has been the custom for several years past. It is quite needless to slate that this event will occur on the night of tho 25th inst. Of tbe various guests invited to grace the occasion by their presence tbe following naxard have accepted: Hia Honor Mayor Hunter, JKer.

G. B. Portecua, Kev. Nrwlaud Maynard, llov. Id.

liaenian, Alderman Demas Strong, Mr. Vetera and Mr. John Saxe. PROF. GEOKGE L.

GOODALE. Goodale, of Harvard University, Tvill deliver tbe first 0 four lectures on popular botany tomorrow evening at Association Hall. The science of botany has been, until lately, so embalmed in technical scientific language as io be repulsive to most people, but tbe subject is in itself highly interesting when popularly treated, as it deals with things lamiliar to tha sight, and yet not understood by tho mind. Prof. Guodale'a flrst lecture will deal with tho structure of the seel, with its microscopic anatomy and chemical compo iition.

The means by which dissemination takes placs will bo also dweribed. Germination, or tho springing of the seed from tho soil, 13 to bo then examined, and the changes which take place in tbo minute structure of the seed will be fully illustrated. The curious waya in which plants thus begin t3 grow fire to be described in detail. The condition under which germination takes place will be very fully treated ana ibe subject of vitality of seeds 13 to be quite carefully iuveethjatc and tho question of the sprouting of uncalled "mummy" wheat is to be alluded to. The study oft he nnimer in which plants begin to grotv will prepare the way for tbe examination of tho work of tho leaf and the blossom.

These lectures will be beautifully illusLratd by tbo etereopticon and oxy bydrogen microscope, oud will bo a most exhaustive and attractive treatment 01 tho remarkable features of the vegetable wurld. MUNICIPAL. The Vacancies in the Hoard of Assessors The Treasurer's Weekly Statement Brooklyn's Public iHarkci The German citizens of th: Sixteenth Ward are pressing Mr. Charles Kiehl fu i.Mp vacancy In the Board of Assessors occasioned by luo demise of John McDiannid. Mr.

Kiehl has served tbe public in two capacities as an assessor of the Sixteenth Ward, b.fu' consolidation of Williamsburgh with Brooklyn, aod uh a member of the Common Council, in 18r.o. During the war, he was Captain of the Twenty eighth Kegimcut. His supporters say he is a good Democrat, and qualified for the position which they ask for bim. They appear to bs sanguine of tbe Mayor's good will indeed, according to them, Mr. Hunter is pledged to nominate Mr.

Kiehl, for, as they say, he believes that the Gorman mro entitled to a representative in tbe Assessment Department, and Mr. Kiehl would answer that purpose. But, the Seventeenth Ward, from which Mr. McDi jrmid hailed, claims the right of having hU successor selected from that locality. It la said, however, that none of the parties who might be named by the Mayor would bo acceptible to a majoiity of the City Fathors, and that recourse will bo had to tbe Legislature to settle the difficulty by placing he nominating and ejecting power to fill the vacancies In the Board of Assessors In the hands of the Mayor Controller and City Auditor.

THE TEEASUEEIi'S STATEMENT. The following 1b the weekly statement of City Treasurer Cunningham of money3 received, paid out and banked by bim in tbe city depositories tbeascbek's weekly statement. Office Citt Tkeabueer, January 16. 1975. Balance on hand, Ja lum jS1 a 1,1.43 Rocetved during the wect ToUl Warrants paid papodltad Wd.XSM Brooklyn Hank $89,947.60 City Bank Ju.4lf2 5S Ixiog Wand 13 First National Hank U7.P1 Mechanics1 Bank 7y'66ft Kaaaa National Bank Trost Company 7a.4p3.js Fulton Bank 38.KW.7t feteobauios' and Traders' Bank National Bulk 113.487.811 Commercial Bank Atlantic State Bank Bbooklin's M4eeet.

Aid. Strong is engaged in drafting a 1.111 whose ob iecl 1b to give power to tho Secretary of the Navy to nrgotiatc the transfer of United states property in thlfl city which will be an available Bite for Brooklyn' public market. The bill will be introduced iuto the HuU6e of Representatives hy Genoral Crooke. THE GABBAGE CONTRACT. The Citlz.nB' Association of the Twenty second Ward bavc written to the Mayor, to complain that the contractor has failed to remove br gc from several atrtete in the Ward, for an entire month.

BALE OF I'BOPEKTl' fOU TAXES. The IiegiPtrar of Arrears at.cti'.ned off, yesterday BeveraJ parcels of property or unpaid Uxea. The yiujd huxara wure maaent. AUiilCE V. PLATE, WILL LEAVH for Kurona.

Fobruarv 4. and s.imnl" ordora carnfully exoi ututl and connections opone with parties in Holland, Belgium, Gorniany and Francf pixtnen years1 busiuesa optriouco A 1 rofiiroQcos. Addnvs itanBc iau place, until Janunry LS; I U. 5,483, Now York, imtil 3, and Hot bmdj until Fobruary 28. Roturn to tbo United States in March.

fFIVv'O SITTINGS WANTED IN l'IAr JL inoufh Church. A.ivire. Y. A. IvikJ JIGGS' DETECTIVE AG lINUl, Ol'FIOR, WAriiuSCTO.V ST, So.

klj V. All legll, divorce and dnotie iranMv 1 edto. Otlico hours tnun A. ist to fi I M. QT1TCH IN THE V.

pioce ids from ir.nv bo lull :i.i eur by ISAMl'ITOllISK. Koryoars this IMton has not only bi 1.1 its ni vri.loly pulfcd but has iu iivvor dddy It id a attacks. BURDON IRON FOlTSbUY, PK Alt YOItlv ANU ADAMS STS. CARTINGS OF KYKKY nKSCaiPTION" Ma Jo at til') niiLiot' anil 1 jl piicjg. BOLAX, tiKVWOOD iiltOiJIK.

A tT' WHO DlUlli I A At t. )7s Oil JLvl. oT nuy or every dosGripll'm. ni 1 rfr. ni.

lncudoii visit tbe old established ntoro of H. N. Li'Ufl l. wuaroa (nil stock of al! jiilh iu.i in bis Ihu; are kept at the very lo.voal. marltot ratos.

Kve. article guaranteed. A OVERDUE judgments, rents, morUraues and other ohims collected promptly wilhnnt charce unloes u' inline Into roturua: can suo claims In iny Court or in nny Statnf the Union IfneceRsary. THOMAS' (JOLLEUTION liURICAU, Hooms 1 and fi, No. 510 Fulton t.

TTERVOtJrf DEBIIilTYTWO TOSIX Xn boxes of WINCIIFSTFIVS SPECIFIC PIT.I will promptly euro any and every case of noivous dobillly and wnaknoss brought on by oxcoSdos or ovonvork of tho brain and nervous system. This famous flpocllio PiUispuroly vcotablo, perfect h.irmloss, and lias beon tested and used fur ovor thirty yoara with perfect aiicccsn. Prices: $1 pur box: sir boxes for by mn 11, aoalod, willi full directions. Prepared mid sold only by WINCHESTER A Cbomlsts, No. John slrout.

Now York. rglAKE CARE OF THE EYES Prosorvo your eyes by wearing Hi? HltAZIIJAX PiiC BLFS, which wo wiirrant to suit and last. d. 1). UllAiiK A SOX, Jewelers and Opticians, 491 Fulton st.

THE NASSAU FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF BROOKLYN KLKCTION'. The annual election for directors will be held nt th' Oifico of ths Company, No. 'i8 and Court at, on TUKSDAY, Febmsry 2, 1875. Polls open from 9 to 10 A. M.

Brooklyn, lanuary 19, 1H75. WILTJAM T. LAN Kecretary. THE GRKAT TRIAL. VERY ONE rotds about it.

and many complain of thoir eves burling whilo thoy road, li you wear the CEiiEBHATKD BRAZILIAN PliRULl'S you can work all iy and road In tho araning with case nnd comfort. D. CHABri 4 SON, Jewelors and Opticians, JS'i Fulton St. THERE IS NO J2D FOR" HEUN wiuldy grand piano for the irl jr. wbon tbo vol unio of music may he had from vVATKUS sqtinro frr in 'I, which co3t much less numoy, ncctijiy Iosj ruoui aro more sightly.

Mosrd. II. VATKit'i SO I'il Ur.iaJivay, N. aro turning out Iari! nnntbfrR of th. lr iscu Miule.

pt snna, as they nmkn mich nucointiiri iat inr witu alitueir custoiuiirs. fi CAREFUL 7 'i'l I 'ISK WATi'llBS, I OlCJW AND Itv'patrod ia tbo yrvtKMt nnnT, bv j. D. J1ASE miLRS. OlJR DUTCH (JKAN fiL never thought, their nropliicm cnniploto they wT.T ortitrnonti' with BiLlu tr ills on their childron by Ihisti and in Holland, to this lirplicps am h'is nib rnoil.

Thorc i fur sale alJAS. No. 5w KulMti at, td bandonicly ornaui' nt.vl, u' iiti tlv 'r lin whidi are ti uaod as pi! or pot reflia for tim tahl'i. 'tHy are to vury itiipulnr in a sii'ii tiniy. 'J'jjfy era strong and Iiennlihil nnd cost mmlerdtcly.

"NNUAL REPOR't' OF THI'VlVOX FELLOWS MANUI 'AC'lLRINi; UOMFANY. Oapitil Stock of tho Company Stock issued tor iho pun base of machinery, to uatunt and roul 03Uto H.0iW Rto iasiifl ftr tsli lH) Amount of Glinting di'bt duos not Brooklyn, January 18, W. LYON, President. O. II.

FALLOWS. Pruoldorit auJ majority of 1 rustoos. Statr of NKW YOlUv, tJon.NTT OK KlJlOS, ES. JOHN FELLOWS, bi iiiK dy sworn, tvivs that ho la ary t)f tho abovf! named mip.iuy, and that iho foroKoing sialn meut Ia true, to the bust of his knowledge, information and belief. FELLOWS, Secretary.

Subsonbod and sworn i boforo mo, Id, Slgnedl ALL itKD E. MClMilC. Publfr. 4 NNUAL REPORT" OF THE GRAVEL ROOFING AND PAVEMENl CUM January 19 Kn. Tin atnnunt of tbo capital Eto 'k is bve thoujind dollars, which was issued for tho payment of ho pro jer'y jrary iho Company.

Tno ix(yling of tbe Company do not ti cejil the sum of onu tboui ind ilollare. OSC VRV. IIOI.C'MR, Secretary. TUXLS Q. HOLCO.MIf, OSCAR V.

HtJLCOAllt. A i. ity of trnsfonf. COUXTTOF KlHOfl, ss. OSCAR V.

HOLCOMB, UAne duly tiwurn, says that ho is Socrutary of the Empbo (ravrl Ivoritiut; and Pivt uKjr.t i.v, rod tint the iri liiport is a ju3t uud truo acjount of the co kImim: nf ine euld Company. OSCAIt V. Uol.COMii. to tie tore me thi IPtb dy of January, 175. U.

A. Notarj Public, Kins Couuty. 6,000 WANTED, IMMEDIATELY, ON iirat bond and ff' on prop 3d wwrLli Q'i), bondsiunn worth i'J. 'i will aU iwt and exponsos; no aiiunls need apply. L.

II. Kaglo ollice. fEPARTMENT" OF CITY aJf Commibsjokkub' Office, City Hat pTinumnU i)r furnishing blinks and stationery. Soal'. uvopois.ilb will bo receivod by tho Board of City Woms at Mi air oifico.

on Saturday, January 30, 1875, at or boiore o'clock, for furnishing blanks and stationery for tho vjriniis dupart mouts of iho City Oovornment for tho ywir in accortl dncowlththospoclfioatlons on fdo iu tho Department, of CityWork3: Class blanks Class statbuury. Proposals will be received separately for each clasa. Blanks for estimating iurnlsiiod at tho Dopartment of City Works, and noio other will bo condda: eu. Proponls willuot be considered unless accompanied with consent in wriiing of two sureties of iSl.OuO oa'ih for Claaa A. and 3,500 each for Class on oaoh oronnsid, (who shall qualify na to thetr reaponaibflily.) that IF tho contract be awarded to tbo p.irly proposing, tho will become bound as his ninety for ua laltut 'ul por.ormauco and in caao ho shall neglect or refuso lo oxeoute tho contract, 'f Bo awarded, Uieu that they will pay to tho City of iirooklyu thn difference bolwocn thoprico B.

proposed and tho urioe of tho next highest, biddar, to whom wm contract may ho award 'd. Proposals bo imiorsoU To the Board of City (BpoMfying ivnik, nirb name or blddir By order of tho Common Council. Brooklyn. Jnnuary 18: LOltlN PALMER, WM. A.

FOWUCR, K. M. wh vvimt, Commbgion jrs of City Works. Attsut: D. L.


Raring enlarged and improvod our RJom, and OllEAXLY INOUr.ASKU f.TOOK. Wu aro now prenarod to soil to thn traJo ALL GOObS IN OUIt LINK At as favorablu prtcus as llio samo urliclcs can bo obtained Brooklyn Aconts BRILLIANT OIL 'i'O LOAN. TO LOAN ON BOND AND MORTGAGE On Improved nroporty In this citv. In Bums nf 5,. and ni'tnoy ro.

uly no bon.i iiK uts nt'od nutniiiily. JOSKPil :7 Fiilt'in OIAnEILE WORKS. rro nuir.ii ers and oTinsns cnoicK 'i of riTle mantels nf lirut id.isa wnrkmnnshin and design, t.wouty emit, discount (omdnr priuea. ST. JAMKS WCttKy.

EoirniAiT sr. vl. ii AUK 'SON. Affonf. The most wondi'rful romwly ever dUoovsretl.

Caution andadricuto i ivalids: ll'iw. ini of ii Imltathjus of DR. .1. CULLliS The and only tniiu'r, is 'Gt, sirost BndrnostolTnctu.TlnMnedvfi.rCOU(:'LS. COLDS.

tJKON CHITIS, CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, DiAltUUKA, COLIC, CRAMP, NEL'UAIAjT DR. J. COLLIS BROW NK'S CUXOUODTNE, Is publicly acknoljtitrod by tho m. st ondno.ii tihy.siciana of London, to be tho ri'raedy over discovnrod. To prevont tbo Oiivernnient huve aut iiori.ud agtaiup with tho v.crd3 "Dr.

J. Brownri's ChLirodyiiu" eii gmvod thoroon, witliout which nom. can ho ccnnliie. Sold In bottles at fji cinta, $1.4,1 atid $2.15. by all cbcmiKts.

T. DAVKNPUitT, S3 Kuwll Rf, I'loomshnrv, Londo Annnfs in New York, V. fl. HOllIElFkLiN 4C0. and J.

C. Wlibb' CTEftES, JLBQUOKS, CHAiSIBETTAZ; CHATELAN ALLIS: SON, Imj)oriers of Winns. Br mdies and Tiosorvos, tio. 122 I' UbTON fiTRKKT. New York, HOIJSK.

No. 38 Court Ht, ojip site City llull, Brooklyn. Tha finest eoudri for family use kenb JPlANttS, OKtUANS AKO MUSIC TEINWAY STKINWAY groat bargains, of different stylos; pianos to rent, ty'i to $10 por month, and tbo rent paid applied toward pur c.liKSO If desired: extra inducements in and terras to suit all. PH KLV6 A SON, 303 Pulton st, opposite Johnson. CLOTHTIN Notice.

no. 7 bo'eruri 'pl. worth of cast off and carpeffl w.infcd bought bi small quantities, and compelled to pay tue highest prices, BH we nrc tilled with orders fnnu SouLSht.i uafwrn markets. Please call on or addrosa ANOVKlt SON near City Hall, Brooklyn; private ouUuoca Jloorum placo. HAIR! HAIR! SHAW'S PAT KNT HAIR, equal to human hair; can bo combed and brushed; awitchea, fKlo.

human hair cheapest and host la the market; solid switches, ono yard lung, French switches, $1 nnd np'vard: ladtoa' orn hair dressed over, 25c latest styles always oa baud, 364 BOWERY, corner of Fourth Now Vork. LEGAL NOTICES. TtTEW YORK SUPREME COURT; KINGS Xy COUNT Y. Nathaniel Jarvia Junior against Ellen L. Mills, widow of Etholhort S.

Mills dic iased.and otbers.da fundants. No. 1. Inpursu iuce of a judgment of aud Bale made and ontored in the abovo ontit led actlon.dated tbo soventh day of December, 187 the roi ereo therein named, will Bell at public auction, at tbo city salesroom, No. 373 Walton Btroet, in the City or Brooklyn, on tho thirteenth day of Fobruary, nt twelve o'clock (noon), the following described lands and prenitsss, to wit All tboso certain lots, pioc5 or parcels of bind situite, lying and being in tho Twenty st (lato Ninth) Ward of the City of Brooklyn, County of Kings, and State of Now York, which tnkm together are bounded und do scribed A3 follows, to wit; Boginuiag at a point formed by the Intersection the easterly line or Bid9 of Lewis avenue with the northerly has or side of MdLsoa sirooii.

runmag cnonce norcnony along tno Ristorly ilnoor side of Lewis avenue one hundred (MO) foet to tho contra of I tho block botweon Madison andMoaroa streeta; tbance eoiteny along soia contro line ana oa aline parallel with Monroo straet six hundred and ninety two (632) teoi eight inches; tboaco southeastorlT forty sir (46) feottendO) bichos; thence southwoitorly Bit hundred aud sixty (6W) feottothe northerly line or lido of Madison street, and thonco westerly along the northerly lino or aide ot Madison street sixty nine (59) loot four (4) inches to tho easterly Hue or sldo of Lewis avenue, tho point or placo of beginning. Dated Brooklyn, January 19, 1876 im WAS 3 STEPHBN OSTBANDBB, Roferoe, (BOUNTY COURT, COUNTY, OF KINGS WUUam Crane, plalntlll, against Kli.s J. Beach and Mary E. Beaoh, his wife, and others, defendants. Pur suaotto a judgment of foroclofuro and flsilomade Tjd entered in tbe above entitled action, boorins date the eleventh day of January, 1875, 1 will boII at public auction, at tho Commercial Exchange.

No. 389 Fulton street, in tbe City of Brooklyn, in the County of Kings, on tho fifteenth day of Pnbruarv, 1875, at 12 o'clock noon, tbe following desoribod laad and premises, viz; All that certalo lot, piece or parcel'' of laud with the buildings tberoon orecton, sltuafo, lying and being in tho Oity of Brooklyn, County or Kings and of Now York, bounded and described ai follows; Beginning at a point on tbo southerly sldo of Athntic avenue, distant one hundred feet westerly from the southwioterly cornor of Orand avenuo and Atlantio avenue, runnbag tUt 'nee southerly and parallel with Grand avenue, hundred fofit thoncu wostorly and parallel with Atlintio avenuo, twenty rn ining nott horly and parallel with Grand avomiet and partly through tiio conti of a party wall, oao hundred ct to Siiid sou; hmly sldo ol" Atlantic avenue, and thenco easterly and alon? the soulbeily side of umuus, twom iobi uio point or place oi bogiQ I umg. Datod Brooklyn Junu try 20, 1875, HENItV LOYRJOY, i i William II. Ouekne, Esq PUTa Att'y. ixX 3wWJtS Tho mnana employed to obtain Ibis injunction aro regarded as not very creditable to the parties who orn engineering tbo movement.

It is clearly a stoi jobbing trick in th Inferos', of speculator who are largely short of tbe Block, It was said aflcr the Hoard doped yesterday, that two operators had banded togother to carry tbe point on Lake Shore, and that it was discovered during tho day yesterday that ona of them had gouo back on tbo the other, and had been buying largely of the fitnek in the course of tlio afternoon. Hnch breaches of promiHfl are not unfrequent in IVaJJ street. Thifi morning the Block market rpenod strong but soon weakt nod, and then became active. Lake shore, Western Union and Wabash taking tbo lead In Ihcapec ulalion. It if, now pretty well understood that Iho recent proposition of tbo ib directors to place tbo balance of the mortgage bonds, will not bo adopted.

Tin next best thing to do is to let tho fntrrcst duo on tbe Is, pros, go by default nnd then fund the coupons, wipe out tbe leases and reorganize tho Company. J'rie opened at tlS', Pacific Mail opened at 31, and flold down to 03 i early in the first call. Jake JSlioro opened rt 73, sold up (o and then went off to 73.V, going into the Uoard weak at and fluctuating there alter between that figure and North dull and weak, opening at 4 and moving belweou that Jlgure and Kyck Island steady nt Western Union at soil at 71, and then went off to 73 if, long in th liiBt call. Cornral sold at 101 HI. Paul opened at 37, aud fluctuated before tho call between that figure and 7i.

Uiii Paciftc opened at U6, anl fell to Ilf.j at tho loard. Ohico were active, opening at 2HV, and moving thereafter between and Wa was weak, opening at 15Ja', and selling down to the board. ry littie done in Atlcntic Pat ific un tbe sales of tbe morning were at 22 v.i No lva ion waa aligned for tbe Ftrenpth of the tiinr.U. Tbo maaket was dull toward tlio cIohc of ilia BaaM nml pri' were quite at.T.dy. Oold moved up to 112' a in con e'ffjenco ut reports of shipments by steamer Jiiug laVr i the week.

Tb Hank of KnglanJ 1 nl JClO.OOn balance to dnv, a money rate in on don is 3 15 below tbe bank rjiie. of Houthjrn securities Alabama 41 bid; Arkansas, 21 bid; Georgia, H2 bid; ditto 7'b H'J bid; I.oui: i ii.a levers 25' bid: Missouri, bid; ditto H. fc St. Io i ue, 94 bid; jforth (Ian Una, 'itC; bid; ner, in bid; South ('arolina, 34 bid; Tennessee ro ip Ti bin; ditto i efmpnri. GiaOH; ditto uew seiiea Virginia consols, fi'j bidj Uxchanc Sales Board.

New V'oriK, January 21. lo souSP Wc 61. ...13 1I6J.C fUrfi i'U li' iv JO i.l 0 ') 6 I 117' lceu 1 1 I XI lH ft ''?) 6 ii.l law) do 12 I I rr r. j.i 1 IJ nz ftUuy Te nnc isut: tis Old ei coup 53 1 A Ohio lbt Cri'is l'n1 1U0 Pa ilir M'l HS 3t 4t) K.U 4 liU ml 00 Ml do UM to 4.1) Eriu Ui I do do 4U) it. do leu do llnrlitiii Mi rniiinn in 1 fri a Ohio 1st ei oiip 35 I ri 111 A 1 1'JiA: y.JLJ Now L'untrl 1 bn 109 New "I 1st eun3ol If)) 1 flfoo do hyd Amur Jjock Imp Gu'sTs ay Km Milwk A tit I'rtiiJ.

7S IM lri lf')0 do i. ll.UU Milwk it rit I'aul. 'I lsila0dw i a jiy. leCO A cm cuu I gold bonds 81 81' UWUGCCbi A Indp'd 1st IGol liiOO 7fdiria A Iisaei It 1 1st 1')oV 1V Sh ior 1st 1(12 awm Contrnl 6s H3 121 0 Ohio A Misi con. I SI' 100 I in 11 w.y w'w ....5 i 73; 73'1 7:1 ...13 r', nn ray i Bi 1 TfH 1i.y, PunnjiiK 300 I.nke Sh A be do do do (lu ihi do do ill il) do too im in iui IM J) IWJ Illinoia Conlral II 2L0 L'nijn Paclljc 11 be 26 do "JW Clov Pius be tKi 600 Chicago A IV be 4j'c 700 do Wm do 4H M'J Chi 4 pi be mx 21 Jersey K.

be I07J tUlt bo SCO do IWi VM Chi i Ht 1' be ani 200 do e3 do IfrJ.) do o3 ax) Chi Mil A St I or be 63'4 250 Toi Wnb.tW 83 1SS' WO do s.1 15 100 do 03 im do 11 i 11 ju3s a o.j fH Wcntoni Pac 1'acitic 1st 9ie ftisirt do 91 '3 I'Jihji Un I'ac Sinkflc I'M Louis A Iron 1 31 9.j 1000 Kt Iui3 4 Iron id 731 1 01 au au bo 8 vw 101 1st rt' lj Iiv be 66 Kit Ut. IK) hj Con Nit luo IW Atlautb; A Tel be 2V. 1()0 do 25 P'J tU 24 ii' i.m do 25 i KH) do b2U do 2yWi dd n80 2H1 d.j 2o I 8 do fit) do 1(KJ do b.i 26ia' I'M lo leu do 2a i im do 2 i4') 'W do 2 1 I lUO do 21V' 70 United States Ex U3 I 4i) do bo til im do 15 Wella Fiirgo Em be nh ion do 82 I 55 American Eip'da be 641 im tin is do im ao ii? di 3 UK do UH rfo Hi? do S3 do Hi do i oi a osi in be 26 100 Now Soatb'a It 3 600 Morris 4 Esjoi 11 Si'i 60 do 83 95W Pit Ft iCctd bo 900 wiiht'n umon 101 OU A MISSISSIPPI 201 200 111 11)0 Sill I '10 Iss llin 60.) 14 7'SI i'lW I'D do do do do do do do do do do do 73'jl 28; 300 100 100 do do do do Uo do do do do do do do do do i do do 0 28 if. 28 5 iSk, 3 24 KS ifl sIO 2fcS 18 (4 V'i 7XJ.I 73 '4 3 b3 sj S3 7: Si ion 2') In) 10O I'M 201 do dn 100 Con A Kit (10 101' 1 110 I'M Clo IM I.

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