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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 1

Brooklyn, New York
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VOL. o5. NO. 108. BROOKLYN, FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1885.

FOURTEEN PA( CENTS, FOUR O'CLOCK EDITION. EE LOME ARRIVES IN HAVANA BID WELL GOES TO PERRY'S AID. Pilot Baulsir's Yarn of the Ferryboat THUGS ATTACK MRS. PARNELL TBE DUEL WAS a physical impossibility to comply with tho terms of the governor's proclamation within the time specified, as in order to abate tin nuisances an intercepting sewer would have to be constructed. Governor Morton did not express any opinion In tho matter, but announced that he would ask Attorney General Hancock to pass upon tho mayor's request.

Governor Morton this afternoon signed the following Brooklyn bills: Mr. Wray's. prohibiting the construction of any railroad on Hancock street, Brooklyn, between Franklin avenuo and Broadway uniess with the consent of a majority of tho owners of property, also Mr. Wray's bill prohibiting the construction of railroads upon Jefferson avenuo, Brooklyn, between Nostrand avenue and Broadway except with the consent of a majority of property owners. The Worth ring is also getting in lt3 work and sending up petitions from tbe ward associations and others In favor of the bill.

If it should by any chance be signed by the governor the next move of the Worth pooplo would bo to amend the bill for the ennsnli Wyoming. A meteor with a lllac colorod tail startled riiot Nimrod Bauisir, who wa at the wheel 9r the ferryboat Wyoming ol the Itoosevelt stre lino at 2 p'elock yostorday morning. nil of his forty five years experience, on tho Hooso volt street ferry. Pilot llnulslr says' ho navtr saw sucli a peculiar meteor as the one which illuminated tho Fast river yesterday moraine. II ha soon a good many meteors in that time, too, but the species with tho lilac colored ap powdage is now to him.

Tho pilot spun hl ynrn to nn Kagle reporter this morula In this way: was doing nn extra trip 0:1 the Wyoming. Tho boat loft tiio foot of Broadway ot 'J o'clock. Wo hud one or two sloopy passengers aboard and a good load of milk wngons. Tim stars were twinkling tie hind a light mist. What little wind there was camn from tho northwost.

We wire moTine I along at a fair rate of speed and all nround us everything was as quiet ns a ehurob When we cot about half way down th.i troam. over toward tho northwest, as if it was coming witu me breer.o. I saw a ions strciiK of lilac colored light. Before I eould think twice tho lewor end of the lignt opened ui into a bright ball, no brilliant as nstronc: calcium light. The ball swelled to what seemed to a foot or a foot and a half in diameter.

When at lis height the ball burst with a renort like rlllo shot apparently one hundred yards awav. Thfl lilac colored tall wiunlod in tho darkntss ns soon ns tbe hoad shuttered, ami after cavorting around for a Besond or two It dove straight into the "When we roached tho slip I hod a talk with tho deck hands. They all saw th mot ior anil notod Its peculiar culur. Next fall I shall hnvo ben on tne Itoosereit forrv forty fl ve years. I have son a good many ot these ordinary shooting stars and all the comets that the newspapers have told about during thesn yonrs, but when I sair this 6irenk of light coming clown from the northwest I concluded right away what it was, and kept my eyes right on it until it burst.

The deck hands say tliey saw it just as I did." BAKER CASE KT0T READY. The National Shoe and Leather Bank's Suit Delayed. The case of the N'ationnl Shoe and Leather bank against Frederick Baker came up in the supreme court this morning in Now York before Judge Lawrence, bin there was no response when the title was called. The bank seeks to recover par; of the money alleged to have ben received by Baker through the connivance of Samuel C. Seely, the dofaiiitins; bookkeeper, who is now serving Ms term in the Kings county penitentiary.

Scaly, when captured, declared that tvjth the exception of $12,000, which he got himself, the entire sum taken from the bank, went to r.aknr and on November 2S, the day Mr. Baker wa buried, the bank brought suit as creditor of Mr. Oaker tn set. aside the alleged "fraudulent transfers" of property, amounting in valuo to over flOO.000. These transfers were of property in this city to Florence A.

IJaker and Robert It. Merrltt. The bank wants a receiver appointed, who shall sell the property and apply the proceeds to tbe payment of the debt which the bank claims Itakor owed it on account of Seely's embezzlements. Inepiiry at the bank and at the office of Lawyer James L. Bishop, counsel for the bank, after tho case went over, was fruitless.

Mr. Bishop was said to be in Brooklyn and the clerk would answer no Questions. SIXTY HOUSES BURNED. Families Are Camping in the Streets of Ardmore, I. T.

Ardmore, I. April 10 The main huRiness portion of Ardmore. for six blocks on Caddo street, north and south nf Main street, was destroyed by fire about 3 o'clock this morning. Sixty business houses wero entirely destroyed. The loss will aggregate The United States courts and jail were also destroyed.

Tho prisoners were transferred to the Baptist church, where they are now under guard. The heat was so intense that the vault and safe in the court houso were cracked and the court records partly destroyed. Tho masonic temple was also burned. Families are camping in the streets. A.

Neil was sq badly burned in the face, hands, neck and breast that he cannot recover. TWO FRACTURED SKULLS. Little Ruth Bo wen Died and Catharine Hughes Will Recover. Ruth Bowon. aged 1)4 yoars.

died lata last night in the Homeopathic hospital from a fractured skull. The child accidentally fell at o'clock last night from the first fleor window of her parents' house, at 143 Tlllary et. Catharine Hughes foil backward down the high stoop in tho roar of nor house at 3i2 Hudson avenue nt 5:50 o'clock last nigbt and fractured hor sknll. Catharine is 2 years old. She was not removed from her home.

The ambulance surgeon who attended hor thinks her chan cos for recovery are good. Soarch For a Missing Heir. banta Cru. April 10 A relative of Ansel White is here lnnuiring for his whereabouts, having coming from the East. White is heir to nn estate in New York valued nt 4,000.000.

He came to California in its early days and settled on a ranch near this city. In lsfiij he disappeared and has not sinco ben beard of. Pioneers who knew White are boing interviewed to ascertain if thoy Knew whore ho weat when be left this elty. They believe White is dead, as one ot them have seen or hoard of aim for 1 hirty years. Mrs.

Cutting's Counsel Fee. Judge Giidersleevo in tho New York superior court spoeial term this morning handed down an order allowing Mr. Christine Luhrs Catting counsol fee in her action tor si separation from her husband, ex Congressman John T. Cutting of San Francisco, tho president of 'le Jouu T. Cutting cempauy.

He la the Man Who Eobbed the Eank of England. THINKS THE TBAIN ROBBEB SANE Perry in Jersey City Courts Thi Morning Case Postponed Till Monday for Proof of Identification The Prisoner Writes a Poem Gives Out a Statement for Publication More Allegation of Cruelty at Ilatteawan. Oliver Curtis Forry, tho young man who ef fectod a sensational escape from the Mnttenwan Asylum for Insane Criminal'! with four of his i companions, was taken before Judge Lippln cott at the Hudson county eourt In Jersoy City this morning, at 10 o'clock, on a writ ot habeas eorpus. There was unusual Intorest in tho case, from tho fact that there was a bare possibility of Perry being discharged on a technicality. In making the commitment Justico Ityor of Weclinuken used his title of justice of the peace and roeord' nnd ox Judgu William T.

Hoffmann and Lawyor Simpson, who had been retained to defend IWrv. mw oneo that then was a small holn which might bo big enough for their client to cnnvl through. Tin; proceedings this morning scarcely lasted Ave rnfnufj. Perry was takon into court handcuffed to Constable Locke and trunnlod liv another ofllcor. no looked well and healthy and regaraea tno proceedings witn trie utmost unconcern, lio was dressed neatly in blade, wore a summer negliges shirt, was clean shaven e.vcept for a slight, brown moustacho, struggling to make its appearance.

Ho wore a pair of soft shoes with the toes cut out of them to give free play to the feet ho bad injured in making his escape. Ex Judge Hoffman, Ferry's leaaing eonnpol. without preliminaries, asked ler an extension ot time in order thnt furthor evidence might bo adduced in rgard to his client's identity. The court granted an extension till Monday mornins nnd then Perry was romovoi to the Jail close by. It was In the jail corridor a little later that an Eajle reporter had a ehat with the prisoner.

Meantime, howevr. the reporter stumbled across that most audacious of all forgers George 11. Bidwell, the man who robbed the Bank of En land of 1,000.000 and i au talk feelingly of fifteen years' experience Ik English jails. Mr. Biiwoll has reformed since his release on a ticket of leave a few years ago.

He has written a book, given public lectures and supplied other evidences of a new born morality which are indisputable. To the Eagle reporter Mr. Bidwell said that ho had eoneeivod such a warm interest in Perry's case that ne had come on. from Boston to see what could be done for the youug man. He gave a knot of curious reporter some ot his interesting experiences when he served her Kracious majesty nt Great Britain for nothing with nn iron ball nt his feet, oppressed his Arm conviction that terry had takon with him little property was as sane as nnvbody, and that in any oase solitary conflne iti' nt was enough to drive men of Perrv's tem pvrament insane.

"I probably know as muoh about these things," laughed Mr. Bidwoll, "as any doctor, because I havo soon so many cases like Perrv's. Ho is not a criminal of tho ordinary kind, and his mind is all right. Perry is a poot. Early this forenoon before ho was summoned into court the sun beat warmly through the grated windows nnd swept along the great corridor which faced Perry's coll.

A merry biara or two sparkled and danced through the forbidding bars ot Oliver's cell and his heart was glad. He sprang from, his hard cot, called for pencil and paoer, and forthwith bubbled into song. "I wrote a poem this morning," he confessed with boyish pride to the Eagle reporter, as he handed the prooious sheet of paper headed "Hudson County Jail," to his visitor. It was thus that Perry sanff: Solitude and drug's since Jim" the third. in mo Christian era eighteen hundred four: ninety And or complaints they I was ab sura Thf made me eat my meals upon the door.

These four lines, inelegant as thoy may appear, simply the whole motive for Perry's daring escape from the Matteawan asylum. Ho was holding a sort of informal reception when the representative of the Eaglo popped in upon him. Ho sat in a comfortable arm chair nnd a shoe black's box formed a foot stool lor his jured feet. A friend of Stove Brodle's had been, admitted behind tho heavy iron gate and was tolling Perry that if he wnated anything to drink smoKe he had only to say the word, while elos" by in another arm chair sat Keeper Edward H. Martin, with his gun in his pocket and a pipe in liis mouth, over which Perry cracked a joke or twe.

The prisoner was willing enough to talk. In deod in common with most distinguished fiublic characters he was prepared for pub Ication. He had his notes la his band and the ODly stipnlation. ho made was that he should not be misrepresented. Ho explained that reporters of other papers had cot told the truth about mm.

This is what he told the Eaglo reporter, rending from his notes "I wish to say there is in Matteawan asylum a poor darkey of the name of Morris miller, a life man. This particular morning, referring to the escape, he began to swear at the lieutenant and told him ho wos to blame ror being in the asylum. The lieutenant told him to get out or he would knock him down. The darkey kept on ana he was knocked down by an attendnnt, an Irishman, named Pat Ward, who has been only two years In this country. The darky was very weak.

Half a man ceuld whip him. In spite of that other three attacked him. One stood on each arm and the ether trnmpoii on his stomach. I did not see it, but I could hear him grunt. He was also struck over tho eye and still carries the scar.

"There was another man, a Hungarian, who would bite himself and plaster things around his room, but instead of putting hltn in a straight Jacket they allowed him to do as he pleased. But ho was 11 powerful man, six faot high, and no attention was paid to him whatever. "I hnVO been locked Tin innr. in crttttnr conllnemont thnt I can't xpress myself satis He T. Iks of the AlUnnca Affair and of tlio Hebellion.

I lav April 10 Tho how minis tile 1'nlted States. liupuy do here yo. tci iay Inna Xnntiag 1 by ilio vitamer Kelna Mari tor Lor Cub: A Sautiugo Scnor do Lome pers mally Investigated stories told of tue upon th" American steamship Allianea by a Spanish gunboat, all the important, facts la the ease for transmission government, and In order to guide hltn In bis negot with the Stat. l. ig to a settlement of the complication which grow out of that affair the t'nlted Stat.

and Spain. Stnor do was ree. h. iv by many distinguished per: ops. who welcomed him to Cuba.

The minister, almost immediately after landing, had a long interview with Conoral Ardenlus, the acting enptahi general, and two officials will have anothe I conference to morrow. The Spanish minister, sr. r.n after srrlval here, accorded r.n interview to a or correspondent. He received his visitor it. the most courte iUM manner possible.

questioned regarding the result of his investigation Into tho firing the AllU.tica. Svu ir do Lome smiled, bowe 1 an. I In kindest, man ner po slbie expressed his regrets at his Inability to oblige In tills mat In fore having himself in Culled Suites government, lie remark, hallo had 110 doubt that, the negotiations bctwe. tho two governments in regard to tie Alllanea affair would have tn outcome sat Isr both countries. In this mect ion said: "The government of Senor C.movas del Castillo has already given tdio assurane" to the government of tho States that Spain has no idea of in any way hindering the commercial trade of the I do not know how the press of the Stains ha: treated the question.

Having been four times In the I'uited States, the last time upon the occasion of my visit to Chicago In connection the world fair. I hnvo a most high opinion of th. American people. I also recognize from experience the good and honorable feeling of the American people and the elevated standard of education attained there. Consequently shall endeavor to uni1e more and more tho friendly rela tions which have existed between the I' ntted States and Spain." Referring to the in surrection in the Island of Cuba.

Senor I'upuy do Lome remarked: "I find that, tho uprising is much less serious than I thought It was. The rebels aro without ammunition and without leaders. Tho government Is ready to senr Cuba promptly all the troops necessary to suppress tho rebellion. By May reinforcements amounting to 24.O0O troops will have arrived here. Marshal do Campos is actively at.

work directing the operations." Th" explosion of the bomb yesterday in the artillery park at Santiago de Cuba was entirely accidental. In spite of sensational reports to the contrary Only one man was killed by th explosion, although several others were wounded. DID THE MONKEY An Organ Grinder Accused of Teaching His Assistant Bad Habits. Joseph Lavleo, an Italian organ grindw, was sent to Jail for twenty five days by Justice Harrlmnn In the Clares avtmp court this morning ..11 a charge of exhibiting a monkey without a permit. ThU was the technical charge, hut.

Officer Urockman who arrested Lavleo expressed his belief that the monkey had boon trained to steal by Its owner. A number of people havo complained to the police, that after Lavico's monkey has visited their apartments thoy have mlsscil small articles of jewelry and never have fntnd thorn again. When sentence was pn notinervi Lavleo wanted to compromise the case by giving the monkey to Justice Har rlman, but without success. MANY DOORMATS STOLEN. Opening of a Spring Industry on the Heights.

A number of door mats were stolon last night from houses on the heights'. An ofllcer of the Sneond precinct saw two lads with door mats yesterday and wbon be tried to stop i hem to Investigate they dropped the property tmd ran off. One of the mat, it was subs" pieetly learned, had ben taken from Mr. njamln Webb's house, at Columbia helL hip. Lute last nigbt John Von Dolnn, agod 'JO.

of I'ros puet strenf, was nrrostd for being tipsy. Ho had a door mat which ba 1 been stoli If' Willow street, but he proved that h. was not tlo thief. He was held on a charge of Intoxie.itlon. Milling Association Assitrns.

Grand Forks. N. April The North Dakota Milling association wlch betid quarters in this city has made an assignment which was precipitate'. 1 by attachments levied on tho property of the association by the First National bank of Mandan and tho Mandan Poller company, tho former on a claim for and the lattor for claims of Similar attachments wore served on all mills of the association iu other towui. Crossed in the Normannia.

Among the passengors arriving to day per tho steamer Normnuniu from Hamburg via Southampton, wero Werner Von ergen, tier man Ambassador to Guatamalii and family; Captain Henry 1'nwson, i'rancls A. Alexander C. Humphreys, Augustus T. Thorn dyke and II. De la Camp.

Beard Held for Foreery. William Board, who Is charged with attempt ing to pass a bogus chock for fi; uponGsmar Klopscbe, to which the name of Uaylor 1 S. White, pastor of the. lcohor Memorial "chur. b.

had been forged, pleaded noi guilty in th Myrtle avenuo police court to a elmrge'of forgery made by Mr. White and e.xa.ninn tion. Justice Haggorty committed to await the action of the grand jury. Disappearance of Daniel Tho police wero to day lo aid ia a search for Daniel Ii'ynes who has been missing frem his homo at IKnlS avncii.

for several days, lie is years onl.o foot inches in height, aa has dark eompW iion. hair and austache. Tiix inbnrs of his family aa assign no reason for his absence from home. Work of Robbers. Peru, April s.

Hannah Iinrhy, aged si, who lived alone at Converse, this county, was found dead yestoraay with h. eyes ijiiruoil out and iicr body badly burned. The supposition is that she was tortured ler her monov. Phot by Hors" Kingwood, April in Shaw was dangerously shet whilfe urres i. four 1'ennsvi vatu.i hor' thievs near hero at midnight.

Tha thieves are in jail. Gritnn ChnrifKl With Nathaniel F. who was jirrostod by Chief of Poh Vibar in Albany vosterdav. will be sar.t complain, of Cari N'i York aad tried oa the of EtiM i ourlh street, who charges out of ni with swmdhzg him Strike Against Sweating System. St.

Louis, April 19 ive hundred garment makers will strike to day ag. the sweating system. They demand better quarters, eleanor shops and more sanitary I I 1 1 i I I I I I THERE WILL BE NO RECESS. Leaders in Both Legislative Branches Certain of This Fact. DOUBT AS TO ADTOTJBSTIHEKT.

Speaker Fish Is Sure the End Will Come Jftay Tenth, While Ainsworth Puts His Date a Week Later Committees Beported to Have Work Well in Hand The Mayors' Veto Problem. (Special to the Eagle.) Albany, N. April 19 There is considerable conflict of opinion among the Republican leaders of the legislature as to the probable date of the adjournment cf that body, but they are all agreed that there will be no recess, and that when the legislature separates it will be upon a sine die adjournment. The new constitution is responsible for the doubts that have arisen, and the reports that have been circulated to the effect" that the lejrisla ture will be compelled to take a recess of ten or fifteen days to permit the mayors of various cities to act upon bills sent to them for approval or disapproval. The provision that all bills affecting cities passed by the legislature must bo sent to the mayors has caused a great deal of discussion, and it lias been pointed out that if the legislature should pass a city bill, say on May 9, and should adjourn oil the 10th, that the mayor of that city would have the power of the governor practically to veto that bill by disapproving It, unless the legislature should return fifteen days later the length of time the mayor has for consideration and repass the bill in accordance with the new constitution which would.

send it to the governor. The supposable case Is exactly correct. Such would be the course of events if such a bill was passed within less than fifteen days before the flaal adjournment but it is not the intent of the leaders that any such thing will be done. Mr. Ainswortb.

the Republican loader on the floor of the assembly, said to the Eagle correspondent this morning: "There will be no recess, and, in my opinion, it would be a very bad thing to attempt such a thing. The idea is that all the important city bills will be hustled out of committee and passed more than fifteen davs before the date fixed for adjournment. Of course, there are some bills that will be left upon the files of tbe committee, but there will be measures of minor iniportanco which will not get through. It is possible that come important bill may be delayed in the senate, but the deia of adjournment would be more serious than the failure to pass the bill. It is thought by some of the members that wo can adjourn by the 10th of May, but I am not so certain that we can get away before the 15th or lGth." Speaker Fish said: "I think we can get away by the 10th.

There is no thought of a recess. It will be possible to get the important city bills through in time to avoid the necessity for a recess. Our work here is well along and progressing in good shape." Chairman O'Grady of the cities committee Eaid that the work la his committee was very well advanced and all the important bills would be reported out In time. Some will be left on the calendar that have not been moved. Lieutenant Governor Saxton said to the Eagle correspondent that there was no talk in the senate about a recess and it was not contemplated.

All the important city bills could bo disposed of in time for action, by the mayors of the cities affected, and returned to the legislature before the date of final adjournment. He thought a recess would be a very unwiso thing. Senator Mullln. chairman of the finance committee of the. upper branch, said it would havo to be a city bill of supremo importance which would induce Mm to vote for a recess.

He did not see how they could get through IheiT work before the 16th of May. Senator Parsons, chairman of the cities com ttnitteo, said the work in his commli'tteo was fairly well advanced. This means that good progress has been made with administration business bills. Those of a political comolex 8on must take the chances which the political situation entails. Some measure, about which there has been a good deal of talk, will be found among the "dead ducks" when the lieutenant governor's gavel falls for the last time.

Cleric John Konyon of the senate was pessimistic. He said one never knows what would happen. He knew," nothing about the date of adjournment. They ought to get through by May 1. This much was certain, there Will be do recess.

In the senate this morning Senator Stapleton inoved to discharge the cities committee from further consideration of A. R. Conkling's bill lor the registration of lodgers in the tenemnt lodging houses. The intent of the bill Is to prevent crooked registration from those places at election time. It 13 claimed that they are perrect hotbeds of fraud upon the registry lists and the regular hotel registration of the lodgers, with some description of the men, will help to prevent such frauds.

There wero only nineteen senators in their seats, and nearly all tbe members of tie minority wero absent, including Senators Cantor and Guy. Senator Lexow claimed it was unfair to make euch a motion, and Senator Parsons said the bill had only been in the hands of the cities committee since Tuesday. The matter, he eaid, should bo allowed to go over. While the debate was In progress several of the senators slipped out, and when the vote was taken only fourteen senators wore present. The point of no quoram was made and Stapleton withdreav the motion.

Then Lexow moved a call of the house, but after a half hour's search the sergeant at arms reported that he could not And any of the missing solons and tbe senate adjourned. In the assembly the senate amendments to the Tobin dressed stone bill to exempt crushed stone as well as paving blocks was concurred in. and the bill goes to tho governor. If signed it will permit the use of crushed stone as well as paving blocks from quarries outside the state. YVleman's bill to exempt the agents of the Industrial and prudential Insurance companies from the yearly tax of S2 has been favorably reported from the insurance committee.

It affects about 1,100 men in Brooklyn alone. The minority Teports from tho committee on privileges and elections on the McKeown "Wagstaff contest In the First district of Kings and the Blake Marcy contest In the Twenty fifth New York district were handed in to day by Assemblyman Finn. They report In favor of the sitting members. In the McKeov. VVagstaff ca? the minority claims that after the counting of the Third election district ballot box in the Fourth ward, which was found to be against McKeown.

the committee refused to allow him to present evidence as to other districts on the ground that he had not set up any claim regarding them in his answer. The reports have been ordered printed and tho time of the committee for a final report has been extended until next Thursday. There is no doubt that the sitting members will be unseated. Tho bill from the statutory revision commission codifying tho laws relative to the fra ternal Insurance societies was defeated in the assembly this mornlnir. It camn on nn ni, i reading, but failed to get the requisite number of votes for passage.

This kills the bill Many of the members Were apprehensive that there was some clause which would affect I these societies unfavorably. Dr. Brush so cured from Governor Moi ton thl an assurance that the opponents of the Worth charities bill would be given ample time la which to present their objections and protests. It is expected that a train load of people will come up next week to oppose the bill. Long Island City's mayor appeared before Governor Morton late yesterday afternoon to urge that the ten days' time accorded the local authorities in which to abate the New tuv.

creek nuisance be extended, as it was Old Vein JLchlgk Coal t.20 Delivered; Other trades Si. Kelset 4 LocoHLts.yT AtlaaticaT. The Aeed Mother of the Irish Lsader i FoUnd UnCOHSClOUS NEAR HER BORDENTOWN HOME. She Has Not Yet Recovered the Use of Her Faculties Her Head Had Been Cut and Her Snchel Rifled of Its Contents Probably Fntal Attack Upon a "Woman of Jinny Misfortunes. Bnrdontown N.

April Mrs. Eliza T. 3. I Parnell. mother of the late Charles Stewart I Par noli, who livc 3 at Ironsides overlooking the Delaware river, near hero, was found bleeding and unconscious last night by Charles Casoy, son of the farmer who has charge rf tho farm at Ironsides.

While de reondln a hill which marks the. boundary of tire property formerly occupied by Mrs. Par ncll's father, young Casey hoard moans. Hurrying to the spot from whih tho sound Issued he found Mrs. Parnell lyir.g beside tho fence with her face covered with blood.

By her Fide were two small pieces of board, a ploc of fence paling about thrrv feet long a brick. Holp was obtained and she was carried to tl house, of Farmer Casey. Dr. W. SI.

Skipps, vhn vraj hat 'tily ir.onctl made an examination and found that beside several bruises about the face the woman had a lacerated wound (m the right ride of the bead which the blood flowed frooly. At noun Mrs. Parnell war still ir. r.n unconscious condition. The authorities are convinced that she was assaulted and robbed and havo sent telegrams to all the near by cities and towns asking that a look out be kept for a man of medium heiijht with smooth face, wearing a light overcoat and derby hat, who was seen In the vicinity about the time the assault Is believed to have been committed.

Ho was observed by Daniel Grlflln. the night switrhtonder on the railroad. Mrs. 1'arnell's hand bag was found alongside the railroad track near by, with her pocket bonk missing and papers scattered in all Tho aged woman's bouse stands on a hill, a mile from Bordentown. It Is a big one story fKamo structure and was built by her father.

Commodore Stewart, many years ago. It Is as dreary a place as one could Imagine. Tho aged woman has no closo acquaintances In Bordentown and previous to 18H0 had been living in destitution, in that year the attention of congress was called to her straightened circumstances and tho United States government granted her a pension of JH0 per month. At that time she lived alono in tho bleak house, the only other person about her 300 aero farm being a gardcneV. The rooms of the dreary old building aro most desolate.

During im and 1SS9 in a fit of desperation tho aged woman stripped the house of its furniture in order to obtain food, and tho rooms have nover been entirely refurnished. The paper In the walls bangs in shreds. Mrs. Parnell had often expressed a desire to go abroad before the death of her favorite son, Charles Stewart Parnell. but she never appealed to him for assistance.

She was once asked why she did not auk her son to aid her and replied: "Ho is at the end of his means." Hens well she told the truth Is history. She never talked of situation and no one ever heard her utter a complaint. At one time she wrote to Mrs. Carlisle of Trenton, saying she would have to leave her homo because she was unable to pay the rapidly accumulating taxes, but friends came to her assistance and later the pension was obtained for her. UNLUCKY ENGINE THIRTEEN.

A Horse Killed While Helping to Hani It to the Bridge. Bridge locomotive No. 13 was moved from Atlantic avenue to Washington street to day. ADout 1 clock, When it was being dragged Into Washington street from Nassau, a trolley wire came In contact with the smokestack, one of the wheel horses sprang into the air two or three times and dropped dead. A second horso was knocked out for the time being and the other fourteen of the team pranced around wildly.

There was considerable excitement for a few moments until the wire was lifted from the engine, and the horses became quieted. Then when the truck was started down the hill, It got beyond control an Instant, and, running Into the sidewalk, broke the curbstone. Both engines will be placed on the bridge track at 1 o'clock to morrow morning. Discussing Armenian Rumors. London, April 10 The newspapers of this eity doubt the Armoniaa story of the proposed revolution, but they give it as a prominent sensation.

The Globe, referring to the reported preparations for nn uprising in Armenia, says ot the announcement: "It Is valuable as showing what most sensible pooplo suspoctod. that thrfre are two sides to the Armenian question. It may well bo doubted whether tho Armenian Is quite so harmless and so loyal a fiul.jeet of the sultan as ho has utnn painted. It will bo well for Europe to suspend judgment on the controversy antll tho commission reports." Two Killed, Five Injured. Chtcatre, April 19 Two men wore killed and five injnrod by tbe collapse of a large derrick in tho Chicago ship yards at South Chicago to day.

While hoisting some heavy timbers a portion of the base of tbe derrick gave way, burying a crew of workingmen under tho ruins. Tho delid are Pntriek Harvry and Henry Blake. Miehaol Cuslc was probably fatally injured, but tne other four men. although suffering from bd bruises and broken boaes, will probably recover. How a Sick Man Benched the Hospital.

Arthur Tucker, aged 30 years, a motorman, was takon to Si. Catherine's hospital vestordav. uiiu, wiio lives in tne nouse asKeu the p. 10 summon tno ninouianfe ana wnen tne call came in that way tho hospital authorities iok the sick man roadilv enough. Edward Vollmer Made Guardian.

This morning Justice li'irtlott ol the snpromo i court appointed Kdward li. Vollmer gnardiaa I ad lit mi of Schuyler V. C. Hamilton, Gertrude Kav llamil on and Violot L. Hamilton, named as defendants in tho suit of lieatricn Kay 1 against the estate of the late Itobert Hay Ham ikon.

Tne proceeding is takon to secure the payment or an annuity of provided for in Mr, Hamilton's will. Suit Against Richard K. This nrternoon th suit of Clark ngnlnst Illnhnrd K. ox. Christopher Fox, pro prletor of the Police Gazetto, to recoTer i.OOO damages for alleged eic.ndor, was called at circuit for trial by Justice Gaynor.

Clark al 1 leges that he was employee; as Fox's privnlo secretary and manager and that, in Fox snld, in the presence of several persons, that ua a Wen robbing mm I OX I right and left. The answer is in tho nature ol a general denial. I Because tbe Firing Might Have Disturbed Mi McGrath's Father. TWO BOYS WITH REVOLVERS. When the Idea of Mortal Combat Was Abandoned in Compliance With the Fair One's Entreaty, the Boys Pitched In and Had a First Class Fist Fight The Girl Watched the Fray From a Window.

I John Farrell and Jamas Lrndy would prob nhly have fought a duel witn rovolvors in front of Atlantic Hveauo at a lato hour last night nad not Miss Meiirath objected on tno ground thnt tho nois would disturb her father. rndor the circumstances. nnd James hud f. IWt and to day all the neighbor aro laikin: ai.out iu 1 To them it appears very serious, but to tut uninterested outsider, the eutiro nTair is ridiculous in the The facts the case aro these: Mamie MeGrath js a pretty giri of 17 wilh black hair, a good figure and plenty or assurance. Gariick.

about Mamie's ago, 1 is a brunette, with brovru oyoe, a pretty faoe and demure expression. 'Ihe two girls live with tle ir pnr. nts iu the Hat hous, :i.js Atlaatlo avenue, an.l ns both nr. employed in Lieb and to and from work together, they have very last friends. Lik most pretty girls, who are allowed to go out nights, Mamio auJ Agnes havo bwuux, nnd among tin? number, none wero so persist i ant as the before mentioned John Farrwll nnd .1:111108 Lra.Iy.

John does not work, his father being comfortably situated, and Iirady is eui ployed in Liebmunn's as a delivery wagon driver. Each youug man expects to cast hhj ilrst vote next fall, i John and Jiiuw? wero close friends and boro good reputations, perhaps from the fact that I Christian mimes are tho same as thoso usually assigned to the heroes of Sunday school books, sight after nigiii they would meet the two young girls and walk arouud the block with them, in this way getting pluntv of good hoalthy e.NroUe. It is a question," however. which giri was the special attraction, for Agues say was Mamie and guuerously asserts was Last areuiug the two girls were taken homo about 10 o'clock by their escorts, but llm bovs Instead of going nway, staid down at the door ami quarreled. a neighbor who saw them, says that John told lie must keep away from the house in future or ho would get Into trouble.

James defied John and then tho sai There is only one way to settle this matter. You have your tvolverand I havo mine. An eioliange of shots will satisfy u.i." "The other young fellow 'pulled out his re vol rcr, too," mid the Kaglo reporter's Infor mant, 1 was about to make trucks for home when an upstairs window was raised, a hnd stuck out, an I hoard a woman's to. 00 say: Don't do anything like that, boys, or ycu will awake lather." "This seemed to havo some effect on tho young men. for Farroll put his revolver in his pocket and refused to go on with tho duel.

Tills angered IJrady an.l he pitched into other feiiow and gave him a sound beating. All the time the girl was looking out of the win dew. For goodness sske don't let my nnme get In tho papers, because old man McGratb would kill The MoGruth's live on thn eond floor front, and Mami adtuiis tliat she saw the Qgnt from tho wlndoy. but elaioied that she did not say a w. "1 didn't know those fellows very well," sho said, "tb.

wen A gi. 's friends, and I simply went alone 10 fill up th" partv. I've 0t beaux of my own, and they aro all better than Furrell or lirady." on tin other hand savs that the two boi 3 r.i frn nd ot Mamie's, "and when they made calls, would always drop into the apartments In tho front, before visiting the Gtirlioks, who have the roar rooms. "I can't for tho II fo of mo thick what they fought about." she said. "I nie it was Mntnio, but sho could lmvo for all I are.

Noither of thorn could support .1 wife unless she lived on uir and slept iu the park." The mothers of the tw girls had a reat deal to say aud wonud up by announcing that tlmy would inform the girls' fathers. Kach mother was confident that her husband would use the rod with rigor, and if they ar urroet, there will probably bo morw ei lantic avanuc to night than there wis last night. HEAVY ATTACHMENTS. Secured Against the John Good Cord and Machine Company. Some heavy attach: day against the prop.

Cordage nnd Machine etlt.K Wore Securer tO rty of the John Good oinpany. One was for secured I. other for The attachments Smith, Hell and an favor of Warner a Co. are against the company's 1 end Park avenues. property on Wash Ingtoi Ihe writs of at i.

icb.ment wore ulb gatioi: that hte company is Miration. Th. wore placed in Hie hen IT here, at otu. tatdirni nt 0:1 tJ pr. rty al.uv.

No ailldavits bare be. a us ye forth detail! the matter. ecurc nthe a loreign oor the hands of made tho at located t. filed setting Cochran Will Press tho Charge. Isaac Cochran, the vt York real estat de.

il. who was hot by ilessio Fairbanks in a saloon nt Si ty swvrnth street aad Third avenue, New York, on tin eveniug of April ap P' nrod in the llo i.o".... court to day for the Urn tlK Mioetiug occurred. He chared the woman with felonious assault, but the aring was Hiijouruiol for one weok. Cochran says he wiK press the Charge.

American Engineer Murdered. as, Mt, April l'1 Thomas P. fo. an American civil engineer, who has been lc for several months, was killed oa Wednesday a few Wit of here, bvanother American name I Gordon, with wlmrr' lm was making a jirc prcting esenped lifter mg 1 he Lad. all tho monov and Windfall for the Bindtess Family.

Nw London, April Hi Thomas Tal mur r.imlte. the oldest cf three brothers and five si tors, all hard working persons residing in this vicmity. was yesterday that by tf.e r.ud.len death "I Wi. iain lliodtens, mayor of Kendal. WestmorBlan.Ishire, England, on April li, they were huir to John N.

Stearns Critically 111. John N. Stearns, th veteran temperance advocate aud publisher of temperance books, who has been ill at lbs homo 1 11 Nobio street for a long time, and who recently went Florida in th hope, of improving bis is now critically i.l iiuiae. Ho is gradually sinking aii'l his doctors say there is no bop of rceoTcry. Kausrert Himself in His Barn.

Lyons, N. April lb Abnor Catchell, farmer living near Alton, was hanging Irom a rafter in hi barn this morninjf at o'clock by his family. Ho got up a uual.weut to tile barn to do hi chorea, and then bungou liimiolf with a milter. Ke was well to do and no cause is known for Ids act. Died While Lecturing.

Gainesville, April in lr. John I'. Wall of Tumpa. while rea ling a paper yesterday on "Pubilc Hygiene, before tho Florida state medical association, suddenly gasped and feil back I in the arms of Dr. Sweeting.

Heart failure was the datise of death. datlou of the city and county by taking out tno enalrtles department from too consolidation scheme. Dr. Brush's veterans' bill has been signed by the governor. As it has been claimed that the bill was an attack upon the civil service principle Dr.

Brush made the following statement as to what the law Is Intended to accomplish and as to his position upon tho matter. He said: I wish to correct the erroneous Ilea, thnt ban retained with reference to my bill, signed by the governor yesterday, jdvlng preference to veterans of the war of the rebellion. The. Impression seems to be fjenerai that ft exempts this elans of applicants from civil service examination In certain cases. This Is not so.

but It does exempt them from competitive examination In such ruses nnd makes the examination apply to tho question uf practical fitness for the position to be tllle.l. object being to avoid asking men of 50 or 7jf, years of to compete with boys and yonnp men fresh from school or college uiion questions or subjects which do not pertain directly to the position and which ai only to ascertain the general knowledge of the applicant. Naturally these subjects, which huve lain dormant for years In the mind of the man of 5 would place him at preat in competing with the fresh fitU'lent. It I.hs been charged that Inferior men will ml public positions under tills bill. This deny.

Xo patriotic veteran wantf to see hl3 com rado fill any position fur which ho Is not fitted and if such Is the result of my bill It win be the fault of the civil service commissioners themselves. If the law Is Justly administered It will result In frreat benefit to the state and bo of InvaJuablo service to a class of men who ore fa paIris oft the stage of active life to whom we owe a deep and lastlnir debt of ftratilucle. I ciftlm to be a friend and advocate of civil pet vice reform, but ILs friends must remember that It Is in Its crude state ami Its manner of administration, has been oim to much criticism. For Instance, it has occurred that In a certain class of cases not under civil servlco rules after they have been filled by the adherents of the party in power they are put under civil service rules, and by this means the Incumbents retained. This was done In the City of Hroolclyn Just before the retirement of the last mayor.

To avoid this, when a certain class of positions ore placed under the civil service rules all occupants of positions in that class should be ordered for examination. Again, a certain position in one of the departments of the state service in Schedule and a man applied for this position. passeO the examination and was on the eligible list, but the head of tho department wanted another man and had the position placed In Schedule which made the position conlldentlal and the applicant was thrown out Such Juggling as this Is calculated to throw discredit, upon the whole system and disgust thoso who believe In civil service reform honestly administered. The power should not reside in local officers or boards to change the. schedules, but should be fixed by law and administered by a non partisan board.

Until some of these evils are remedied the system will not have the confidence of many good men of both political parties who are anxious to see the day some when civil positions will be divorced from politics. That this time will come I fully believe and shall be triad to join hands with honest men to this end. MOKE lYITTBE.A"x'S SENTENCE. He Gets Three Years and Three Months for Xarceny. George, alias Moke, Murray, who was convicted before Judge Fitzgerald, in New York, on Monday of stealing a seventy five dollar diamond pin from Henry H.

Rothkof, a merchant, of 477 Broadway, was to day sentenced to Sing Sing prison for a term of three years and three months. A letter which Murray had written to Dr. Parkhurst had been sent by the clergyman to Judge Fitzgerald, and was read by the latter from the bench. In It Murray expressed a desire to llvo a better life. He added that he was innocent of the charge on which he is now under arrest, but his past record, he said, was against him and ho must suffer for that.

T. D. Kennesoa of counsel for the Parkhurst society, who appeared on behalf of the prisoner, begged for leniency. The sentence was then passed. Upon tho recommendation of the district attorney t'he two indictments which wero pending against Murray were dismissed.

FRIDAY IS A WORK DAY "When Justice Gaynor Sits on the Circuit Court Bench. The near approach of tho nd ot tho woek coming with the Friday calendars, has, as a rule, resulted la the requests by many lawyers, to have their eases set over ontll the early part of tbe succeeding week. That was changed today by Justice Gaynor, presiding at circuit, when his honor said to the lawyere: 'Gentlemen of the bar must not imagine that, becauso this is Friday, no other ease will bo called to day. I shall sit all day and, if neees sary, earry a caso over until to morrow. Friday is not now a day on whioh business trlli not bo transacted fa this A Missing Man Heard From.

Fort Wayne, April ID Threo moaths ago Daniel W. Souder, ex county clerk of Allen county, mysteriously disappeared. Sinco then notnine has been hoard from him until last night, when a letter was received by his wife from him dated Capetown, South Afrlea. In this letter Soudor says his mind was a total blank until ho was far out on the ocean, when he recovered his senses. He snya ho will return by first steamer.

For Divulging Lodge Secrets. Milwaukee, April If Mrs. Edward May, past chief of the Milwaukee tomplo. Itathbone Sisters i Knights of Pythias was on trial last night before the lodgo, accused of divulging the secrets of the organization. Mrs.

May declared before the meeting that no matter how the trial came out she would "dtbdraw, and it Is said a strong faction will follow her, making the future of tho body very doabtfuL A Corean Minister Under Arrest. Yokohama, April 19 A dispatch received here from Seoul, tho capital of Corea, says that Li YoshuD, the Coreaa mfnigtor to Japan, who resigned on Wednesday last was arrested yesterday. Tho charge made against him is not stated. Michael Loughran's Fall. Miehael Loughran, who keeps a saloon at 1 Willoughby street, was running from his plaeo of business nt 9:30 o'clock last night to catch a passing crosstown car, when ho stumbled and fell on his head.

Ho was picked up and re moved to his homo at Gsiii Wllloughby avenuo Buffering from a severe scalp wound. Hew Lone Island Railroad Tup April IS Tho big tugboat vjhich the Jackson A Sharp company of tbKS bailt Sor tbe Ij8n Island Kallroad eorarany, was launched yesterday morning. wlU be useJ towing ear float, in New lOUt narOOr. Davitt's Eldest Daughter Dead. London, April 19 Knthleen, tho eldest daughter of Mr.

Michael Davitt, tho Irish leader, is dead. Mr. Davitt has just arrived In I Australia from England. Niagara Theater Burned. I Niagara Falls, N.

April 19 Tho Park the ntf was totally destroyed by Are at midnight: last night. The loss a about with in I suraneo of 14,000. Tho origin of tho lire is jt knewn. faetorily. I ant willing to bo examined bv any attorney as to tno truth of what I say.

I'havo Addressed hy a Brooklyn Minister. been in solitary confinement dince Juno tji.iio j.i Perry declared that his mother and other in I 1 hiIadcIP a AP" The Atlanti. eon fluontlal relatives in Troy, N. bad been re fernco of the Evangelical association, which fused admission to the asylum during tho last embraces the states of New York, Now Jersey, live months to seo him, although, according to 1 Pennsylvania and Maryland began its annual his own accounts, they hntl made frequent ap session in this city yesterday. A largo number plication.

of clergymen from York aad Maryland aro "How did yon learn this, if you wero in in attendance. The F. Kutz of Brooklyn, solitary confinement asked tue rcporfr. and delivered a svrmoa last night. Perry replied that it hud come to through I a friend in a roundabout way.

Ho tire ad i Chicatro Sued for DaiInK dross of Miss Amelia Has well, citv missionary. inicago uea ror damages. Philadelphia. April 19 Tho Pennsyl suffering from pneumonia. Thero was some vauia Itallroad company has sued the eity of i cireutnloeution surrounding his removal there.

Chicago for the recovery of damages in the de i He had boon slek for some time in a furnished struction and Injur3 of its property during the room at 8:1 Nostrand avenue, but the hospital strike of last July. The mit was brought yes authorities refused to take him in, unless th terday for ilC.010, the actual damages sustained police interfered. Yesterday nfternoon, Henry Fifth avenue, Troy, as one of the friends no nan tried vain to see him the asylum il'erry declined to go into tho details of his daring escnpo frem Matteawan asylum. He simply said: 'There were five of us. I go; away in my stocking feet aad traveled through the Peekgkill I had no money and tho next day I picked up somo second band clothes.

I did not steal anything because I wantsd to be honest. I am not a dangerous lunatic. I nave proved that I wont out. I Bimply wanted to jet away or, at least, draw tho attention of tho authoritias to tho asylum." Shannon Wanted to Smoke. Justice TIgho fined Samuel Shannon, a marine engineer of Smith street, to day for assaulting Benjamin Gayssr, a conductor on tho Court street trclley line.

last night. Gnyser says Shannon persisted in smoking insido car and when ordered to doslst struck him in tho face. The conductor had Shannon arrested. Tho latter pleadud that lie bad been drinking and added that ne hnd offered to give the conductor as a balm to bis wounded feelings, but It was no use. Shaunoa paid hi3 fine.

Six Months for St' alin Gin. Elmer Nlbbs. who was arrested on Monday last ebarced with stealing a demijohn gin from the liquor store of Harry o. Woiil', nt Park avenne, pleaded guilty to tbe charge iu the Myrtle avenuo police court to day and was sentenced to six months" imprisonment in tho penitentiary. ne iwai mjuiv lu piupwriv.

ami exemplary damages, tho total demand being Quakers to Meet Harvard Men. Philadelphia, April IS The university i of Pennsylvania will meet Harvard in the mllo relay raeo on Snturduy at tho oponin? of tho Franklia Field. The two teams, with theirordor of running, are as follows: Harvard Brewer, Vincent, Bingham ami Hollister. Pennsylvania Warren, Freeman, Orton and Kansdeil. Tho men are all veterans of iho track and vorv evenly matched.

Negro Hantred in Virginia. Winchester, April 19 Thornton Parkor, the negro who lately attempted an assault on Mrs. Melton nt Middlctown, Va waa hanged this morning In tho jail yard here. throo hundred persons witnessed tho icuiion. Ivjisiia liailroad C'oiiip.

uiy Announced that, after Sntcrdar. April L'O, tlie So Kailway luuvin e.v York P. will bo withdrawn, connuotion for Florida, via Southern I Kauvcay, toinic mate thereafter by train No. Of, leaving New York at p. M.

daily. 'J. 1 I.

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