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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 6

Logansport, Indiana
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FAIR HELPEE8. Mrs. Gougar to Organizs a Woman's National Silver League. Will Aid the White Metal Cause-Silver Convention Waits on the Populists. I STOP1 I The best reason in the world why some things sell so well is because they I are good.

That J-ope for the I great sales of "BATTLE AX. 's But good quality is only half the story. I The other half is the size of a 5 cent piece, 1 It is as big almost as a JO cent piece ot other and poorer kinds. Facts are facts. You can buy and see tor I yourself.


Tom of BlvM The death of Capt. "Tom" Leatihcrs--- "Old Pusluaraaha," as he liked to be after one, of his early friends Choctaw the last and of the old Mississippi steamboat captains and closes the finn in that part of the history of southwest, says Harper's Weekly. was 00 years ago, during the times of river boats, tlhat aethers went into the steamboat busi- era of big and fast steamers -and of gay life on the river, and the era, also! of river gamblers, and races, and explosions. From the very sUirt he was the bife' man" on the river, the builder of seven all named Xatchcz, and grander than its A believer that the Mississippi river the best means of trove ami for the entire "ae stuck to his boat, like to the vary end. It but very much like that the TjfucUy Texas bull put up the first locomotive that invaded the state.

Cant. Leathers ran his boats ag3.uist the railroads long after it was a forlorn hope and when it mearct a steady loss, season after season. He gave, the railroads a great deal of trouble, foug-ht evta-v proposition for a bridge oier, a navigable stream and every other franchise asked for by them, and sunk moat of his money in the struggle. And so, when he was lolled by a -scorcher" the other day there were 2 of pall-bearers at the funeral, Itor "very man who had ever, been -the river trade" turned out to honor THE KICK OF A RIFLE. point Sot Con.lderod lu Buying or In nn When man gets a rifle for -shooting he sometimes forgets to con- sjim'uuj, ruinous to tlie ate, and wen often get BO used to flinching that they dodge the Idck of a £2 short cartridge ns vigorously as they do a 50-110-000 one.

Men who flinch from their gun; do know it usually, until some time they are standing nicely balanced on a frsshly peeled hemlock log, or some other slippery place.and fire The man flinches and his at that, and down lie tumbles. Even then the chances are that he will not understand the reason of it. it Declines OF MAN. tne Thirty- Slowly After First Scar. The muscles, in common with, all other org-aus of the body, have their a'L ofdevelopment and decline, says the Springfield Union.

Our physical s'eSth increases up to a certain nge and then decreases. Icsts of the strength of several thousands of people ave been made by means of. a dynamometer (strength measurer) and the following are given os the average fijf urus for the race: The "lifting power" of a youth of 17 vea's IB 2SQ founds; in his 20th year Ihis increases to 380 pounds; and in the 30th and 31st years it reaches its height -330 pounds. At the end the Mrt year the strength begins to decbne, very slowly at first. BV the 40th year it has decreased ciirht pounds; and this diminution continues at a slightly increasing rote until the EOth year is reached, when the furure is 330 pounds.

After this period the strength tula more and more rapidly until the weak- cess of old age is reached. is not possible to give the statistics of the decline of strength after the 50th year, as it varies to a large extent in different individuals. Three of Figaro publishes this story, the truth of which is vouched, lor. The -shooting nc I mavo of a town, just elected to tms si dcr one of Midmost mayor 1ormm7 yen rs judfi tie kick. A gun wluch HMS ,0 gram.

tie(3 the first nuflti. inlnd mX: I knot in hi, new When tthc toh black and blue. If the man more pluck than sense, be continues-to use the biffffun in spite of the dis- -ooinfort, and thereby sometimes rums ns a shot. one of the big bore, cranks picks up a rifle an target, alive or dead, a pa twists his and just to ihn the butt shoulder SS.l^^^B'^on. knot in cis new the ordinary service be up by addressing the ncwly.married couple os follows; "You are now united in mar- rtage bY law.

You have three'days grace in which you may appeal against Ibis sentence." Inflammation of the knees is a dia- I agrceahle form of retribution for wear- inffhigh heels. Lifelong lameness sometimes results from overindulgence high heels. St. Louis, July strain of the past few days showed upon the delegates to the silver convention Friday morning. They were slow ill gathering in the hall Mid the somewhat diminished attendance showed that the fear expressed Thuraday by Mr.

Shinn, of Kansas, tlmt the do.ltgat.-t could not all be kept here, was well founded. The lenders of the party who were early on the Senator ot Nevada, expressed tlie opinion oeforc the proceedings began that this wouk be the day of tlie convention, ami this fxelins was shared by most of those present. Senator Stewart, of AVvudu, was early in thelinll.his first appearance in the convention. At 10:30, Chairman St. John on" the pint form, niM poured a glass of water out of a silver pitc.hor fin tlie c'lui-irnuin's desk.

It had apparently not boon Mib-ji-et. to the filu-ring process, and tit. concludi'd tn go dry. CoiivrntUm Ojuiiud. The.

chairman rapped n- order at iin(I introduced K. Covert, of the -Missouri openet. the proceeding's with tlv d's TYiiyer. Mr. P.iikor, of chairman o.

the on r-iVrcnce, nn- 'iiounceil that the two i-onimilu-es had met in the and would nieet ii-ain lit one oVlwk in the nflei'iioon. The silverilos assured, he that the- populists wen: now workinft 1 harmoniously aloivj the lines laid down by this convention. Ho believed that unanimous from the conference ooiiiiiiitU'cs of the two conveiilioiis wonlil no one ot tin: stroivi-st i-nmpiiitt'ii (lor.iiiiu'iits tnar nild cirtii.hited. In order thaMlmt mi'-ht, be successfully accomplished, hi- moved the further proct-crlings of the convention relni.iiiK' to The acloplioii of pliitfonn Mid noiuina-tions be ferred until the aftt'i-noon at o'clock. This was seconrtrd by tlelc- from Wiscons.ii;anO the mot ion carried with hut one dissenting 1 vote.

disti-ibiition of mnit and tolejrrams hv the secretary followed, and Senator Stewart's name evoked cheers and rlo- for a speech. 'Rut it passed without being pressed. The rest, of the national committee wms announced and ilu- members were, requested to meet immediately upin adjournment. A motion was made nnrl agreed to, the to fill The matter of counting the veterans of tlie late war, under the resolution offered Thursday by Mr. Strong; o.

Illinois, came up and Mr. W. Rhodes, of Washington, addressed the conven-. tion. The veteran resolution was lostsignt of temporarily in a second tumultuous demand for a speech from Senator Stewart, to which he responded.

The convention again took up the veteran soldier resolution, and it was tie-, elded to call the roll of states that the chairmen of delegations might an nounce the number of the veterans in each state delegation. The call resulted in showing 106 union soldiers 18 confederate nnd 4 Mexican soldiers represented in the convention. Outol the Tolleall grew a suggestion which into a motion, which was agreed to, that all soldiers and sailors of the union, confederate and Mexican wars form the basis of an organization within the party for campaign purposes save the union. Woinen'H National Silver tcrteue. Mrs, Helen M.

Gougar, of Indiana called a meeting of the ladies present ior the afternoon to form a woman national silver league. Miss Helen Hartnett Mitchell, of Alton was introduced and stated that being inspired by the nomination of Bryan, although she had never writr a poem, she had written one on "The Wail of William Whitney. She recited it to the convention, was semi-humorous, and the various at Whitney, Hill and Depew aroused intense enthusiasm. At the close of the many of the delegates arose and expressed their feelings by shout, iBg and waving hats, and flags. If was the most enthusiastic ovation of the convention.

Scott, of Omaha, a republican, said that he would work to bury the party he had left, Whitney had made the announcement that something should be done. He wished to inform Mr. Whitney that something would be done. Reference was made by a delegate on the floor to Cleveland. Ee- nlvinL' to this, Mr.

Scott said: God, give us cyclones If they war famine and pests, but, 0, God, in Thy mercy, save us from another four years of Grwer Cleveland." He crflled in conclusion for three cheers for Bryan, and they were given with a will. B. McAiver, introduced rebel general, addressed the convention, prefacing his remarks by a confession (hat he was a confederate captain only, not a general: An officeholder under Cleveland, hut heing a, he said, he left the-sen-ice because he could no.longer remain with one who had done so much to degrade, Tudge Thompson, of Washington, proposed three, cheers and a tiger for the patriotic sentiments of the speaker. Agreed to, and tie eheers and the tiger PIPE COLLECTIONS. BUmnrck'fi Hooritoliuum Forotold portunt EvonU of Life.

One of Llie two'greatest pipe collectors who ever Iiv 4 was Marquis de WatrcvUle, whoso smoking-room in Taris had the walls covered with costly types, some of them worth, it is claimed. ns much as $10,000, trad all arranged with great beauty of design. The other was the well-known Capt. of London, whose collection at $500,000, who had agents in every part of the known world, and whose collection was deemed in 1SS9 of being made a special exhibit during the summer season at the Crystal TaJace. prince Bismarck is a great pipe collector, and the gem of his collection has a curious history.

Many years ago. as Bismarck was strolling in the suburbs of Friedrichsrube with his two Jiounds, lie was accosted by a Bohemian peddler and asked to buy a plain meerschaum of the type that Bismarck most affected. At first Bismarck declined, but the peddler claimed for the pipe the power oC forecast, nnd tqld him he would serve three emperors as minis ter nnd that three important changes in his life would be foretold by acci dents 'befalling the pipe. Lay-king-, Bismarck bought tin pipe "lie has since served three em pcrors. Two days histori.

mouje-nt when he was refused an nndi cncc the stem oC his pipe separated an' came to pieces. Later he chipped piece from the side of the an within a month he was practically dis missed by the present emperor. Ih third sign lias yet to come. AUSTRIA'S GRIEF. ANOTHER TICKET.

Sound Money Democrats to Hold a Convention Before Sept. 2. Unhappy Country IJanct by tbo Voe of Her O'wn Household. The cruel humiliation Austria suffered in lUily was followed by tha crushing blow at Sadowa, and the noe less painful collapse a brother's ambitions in Mexico. If tha dignity of a Caesar wss to be saved for bui-n-s out oC the wreck, it seemed most to be achieved on the lines sug- "cslerl by CountBeust.

The choice once mi-de it was impossible (o turn back. Wlvit is Given as a boon to distressed, "nationalities in the name progress caiwot afterward be withdrawn on the plea of prudence. The result is pu- thetic, but there is no help font, We see Croats. Eutheuinns, 'Poles, Servians. Wallachs and the rest of the l-alf-barbarous horftes cutting- one an- nllier's throats wbcn they arc not combining to insult the civilized H-wgar, nns and Cf-rnians.

whose fate it to be ihcir neighbors; we SCL- Vienna itself in the hands of a fanatical anti-Semctu rabble, and wo sec the power of tho only capable parliamentary party in Austria broken by hopelessdissensions. Trulv. the domestic state of the empirJ nothing less than pitiable. Its m- i-uence in Europe is also thing of th. past.

The Balkan stales, wluch were Us props in the south, have pnbliclj jTonc over to Russia, and its solitary remainirg protection against TnejDberment is the nllinnce with which covets Dalmatia, and with Gcr mnr.v, which is moving heaven am earth to establish secret relations mth Kussia. THE BRAIN. OthOT nonce Docs Not Grow Old. There nre two parts of the human or- which, if wisely used, torge- escape the decay of old age. two are the brain and the heart.

Persons who think often wonder why brain-workers-great statesmen onl othc rs-should continue to work with almost unimpaired activity and energy unto period when most of the organs and functions of the body are in a condition of advanced decay. The normal brain remains vigorous to the last, because its nutrition is especially provided for. About middle life or" a little later, the general arteries of the body begin to lose their elasticity, and to weaken slowly but surely. They become, therefore, much less efficient carriers of the nutrient blood of the capillary areas. But this not the with the internal carotids, which supply the capillary areas of tha brain.

On the contrary, these large res- scls continue to retain their elasticity so that the blood pressure remains higher than within the capillary area of any othrir organ of the body. Tho blood paths of the brain being thus kept open, the brain tissue is better nourished than the other tissues of the body. Victoria's Gift Fountain. The German emperor has sent to Queen Victoria a fountain which represents a.n eagle napping its wings, while water issues in a spray from a vent in the hack, and so coneys the idea that the bird is flying through tream 9 of water. It is to be eet the near the ta which was presented to the queen by the late Emperor William I.

and which for some time stood in the conservatory at Windsor Castle. National Committee of Or.e from Each State to Meet August 7 and Issue the Call. Chicago, July committed of one from each of. the nine states represented nt the anti-silver democratic conference, with Gon. Bragg added as chairm'in, assembled at the Auditorium hoifl IViday morning.

The resolution adopted at the conference called for a report from the committee at 11 a.m., but it vas about that hour when ihe committee met. -Mr, Eckels, comptroller of the current, arrived in time to be with the. committee, and lie was doubly welcomed on account of a posed' confidential relationship to the president and his cabinet. The Kuport of Commltlen. 'Following is the report, made by the committee appointed at Thursday night's meeting, which was unanimously adopted: "To "the Conference-.

Your commutes recommends the adoption ot the followlns resolutions: In view oC the revolutionary actlo'is ot -Hie recent Chicago convention, Its Vciiudiallon of all democratic platforms ar.d principles and Its condemnation of Hie raUomil democratic administration, "Resolved: 1. That It Is the sense of this confurcncc, composed of democrats from the states of Illinois, Ohio. Indiana, Wisconsin, Kentucky, Missouri, Michigan, Tc-xns, Iowa, Minnesota nnd Nebraska, that a Uiorouch sound and patriotic iwallon democratic principles be enun- elated and that Candidas lor prc-s and vice nrfsldcnt in accord Je PICTURES FREE In exchange for with mail Pouch and Smoking" Beautiful Vonttian Works of Art. 20x30 inches, 4 tubjcctf. Maonificcnt Water Color Grivurei, mous artiste, size Mi4S inched, 4 OF THE ABOVE.

9 up, "it. Wth 10 cent Mail Pouch Tobacco It Empty Bag The Booh Bros. Tobacco Co, Va No exchanged July a hu mo democrats In the wveral -laces who are In sympaihy with this recommendation ami unalterably opposed to the declarations and u-iKloncies of theChi- cti-o platform bo requited to arrange to sclfct a member, or a. national democratic -riiat national committee thus sc- t'ed meet at tne city of Indianapolis l-ri- the 7th day of August, at two o'clock p. for the purpose of a call for a national democratic convention to be held not later ban the 2J day or September.

1SOC. at such place and .0 be constituted and convenou in such said national committee may That an executive committee of live be appointed by the chairman of this conference (OC which he shall he one), with ihority and directions to name a sult- bl? ineoch whore to take appropriate steps to cause state etincs to be held with all convenient rc-sont such state tempor o. BRAGG, Chairman. M. DA VIE, Secretary." Tlie KxecntlvC Committee.

oui the report the sound m0uey democrats proceeded to select the following executive committee: fctl- ward S. Briigg, Wisconsin; D. Bj- niim. Indiana; W. B.

Haldeman Kentucky; Henry S. Bobbins, Illinois; James 0. Broadhead, Missouri. On the call of states for the appoint, aent of members of a national committee, only a few states responded- Ihe others will appoint later. The appointments made were as llows: linois, John M.

Palmer; Indiana, John son; Wisconsin. Ellis B. Upebur. Minneapolis, Detroit and Indianapolis' tiirough their delegates announced that they were in the field to get the na. lional convention, and offers of halls and expenses were received.

Minnesota and Texas were represent, at the meeting, Dan Lawler being present for the former state. ed a complete state organization by counties and by state executive committee for sound mon y. The sentiment of delegrntes is that tlie eastern states will be forced into line for a no, tional convention, even if the machine leaders Homer, Mich! July Smith, supposed to be one of the oldest mhabi- of the United States and -el kcown to all the old residents of Cal- houu county, died at the age of 117 years. She was born near Aew Haven, Conn in 1779. She lived to take cara of the children of three generations, only two of whom are now living- Immediate Apology A.fced.

Washington, July United States has called on the government ot Colombia to apologize for the outrogo committed on the American vessel Wbitforcl, in March last. Minister Kinney is directed to say to the Co- lomblin government that it must lose no more time in making nn immediate disavowal and o-pology. THEllAEKETS. liralli, Etc. Chicago, July higher and S.

P- KI.OTZ. PASTOR CHUKCH. natenoo, Sept 8, Pepsin Syrup Pear have been afflicted over twenty years witu dyspepsia or sour rtomach. I Uave tried different remedies without much benefit Finally I bought a ID-cent bottle of Syrup PcP- sln and found that it benefitted me. I am convinced that It will do It is recommended when taken according to directions.

I have taken nearly one bottle and feel Hie a different person. S. P. KLOIZ. For sale by B.

F. Kecsling. The COAST LINE to MACKINAC MACKINAC DETROIT PETOSKEY CHICAGO 2 New Steel Passenger Steamers TO SAFEIV. FOUR.TWP* WttK BETWtEN Toledo, Detroit I3 80t EVERY EVENING Between Detroit and Cleveland Siwdty lum, JulK. 'JP 1 Toledo Warner, of Ohio, after calling at, tention to the fact that the silver 'How are Your tDoM Your Back Ache? niter all uric and other iv nub ty I-IIIW from blood.

Healtby nirtM ureW No. 2, No 2 White. moderately active and market Is ruling quiet. fth quotation, at lOfiMc for crcamerioi On moderate de- vears oco moved an adjournme 1:30 and declared carried at 12:32. dozen, Live Stock.

Chicago. July 24. stronp. ICc niRher. Palt to Best Stockers Lhd Feeders, mixed Cows and HOGS-Markit active and prices higher Light, J3.a5®3.60; Eough Pack ft Mixed-and Packing and Shipping, Figs, J2.90@3.60..

ONI4ULF OF POZZONlS tfk I COMPLEXION POWDER! I toon the for fortj roan popular than ever before. pozzoxrs.

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