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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

r. g. a BOARD WAMTBB. WAM''KP 8ITt'A'''lWM gElttAI.E). 2 O'CLOCK EDfflOE Cttg Dittos Spcnieh Government cannot or will not put a to h.bomin Uon.then let the hand of jMlioo JH.

Let it so feU as to Blve safety, knowledge and freedom to tto long wffrring islond but let it ot bo in pas sion, nor in tne miS riot of on excited pwpfe. Wtot evcr in done, let it bo done with deUberotlon nd vnth cut cruelty. May tt be for America to qnenoh the fire. of war, not to kindle them; If God has pot into Colnro bio hand the bitter medicine for the notions, may it not be administered with wrath, fury and revenge." AN APPROPBXATB Another burst of applause followed Mr. Bsncbert last words, snd then he read with much emphasis and feeling this closing hymn God, the all terrible 1 Thoa who ordolneet Thunder olarion and Ughtning Thy swprfl, Show forth Thy pity on hwhi where Thon relgnost Giro to us peace In our time, Lord I God, the omnipotent mighty avenger, Watching invisible, judging nnhe rd, Save us, in mercy, save us from danger Give to us peace In our time, Lord.

So will Thy people with tbankfnl devotion Praise Him who saved them from peril and sword, Shouting in chorus, from ocean to ocean, Peace to the nations and praiso to the Lord 1 EET. HENRI POWERS. I NOTIt)S. UNION FOR CHRISTIAN WORK THE next annnal mroiing of tho Union will bo he at tho rooms, No. 631 Fulton st.on TUESDAY EY1SNISG, novemperie, iee.

at oiook. xtoiioru, oy oiuuw, ll hn aubmittod and addresses may bo exDeotoa from several speakars. AU are oordially Invited to bo presont. aEEGTINQ THE COMMITTEE ON EXAMINATION OF CITY ACCOUNTS will most in the Control lor's Offioo on TUESDAY, Novembor 18, 1873, at 3 o'olook, P. M.

By order of u. Tr A. Ljyj, majut. Wm. O.

BTR Toy. QltrOt'n'V. iiiitl Oj XxllS liiixNity TTAWFR AHFOOi ATION arn rnnnnstAil tn mnat. nt their CLUB BOOM i. in Bergen St.

on TUESDAY EVENING, November 18, at 8 o'olock, P. TA. Bharp. All memners ore pnri nyi hnfln "6 w'll f.i,..t.'l. IfOlilXICAIi ItlKIJ'i'liXJS.

4 wilTb RPRCTAT, MT3F.TING OF THE TWEN TV.TTTTlHT WATin REPUBLICAN ASSOCIATION be hold at HIOKOOK Lafayette av, near tpilEn)iV kVUNIKO. 18tb at o'clock, for appointmont of a committee to name can datforte.en.UlnprimfAN O. J. COICTS, beoretary. COBOHEB'S IV OI ICES.

CORONER'S OFFICE KINGS COUNTY, County Court House, Room No. 6, Brooklyn. Fonnd drowned, Novomber 17, 1878, at Prentice's Dook, Punnan street, an unknown bpy, about 12 years of ago, long light hair, ploidahirt, black pants, no ooat or shoes tho nody now ot the Morguo for identification. A. VlTl.Hn,L.

6t unx ajv rovyM. LOST STRAYED OR STOLEN ON gray GOAT, with brown baok, dlsdg ured foot. liberal reward, ac 645 Bedford aveaao, coraoe of Lafayette. 1 OST A GOLD LOCKET, COSTAIN li ing tho photograph of a gentleman and throe ladloi ondthoreforo of great value to the loser. A good reward, will be givonat 181 State st, near Court.

OST ON SATURDAY EVENING IN Mvttlo av, bet Franklin and Classen avs, a mliA A. Tho finder will bs suitably rewarded by retnrninj it to 94 Loo av, VTllliarasbnrgb. OST LAST WMDNKSDAY, A BLACK and tan DOG (not fall bread), with short tail and oars; answers to the namoof Carlo; allboral reward will be given on restoring him to the owner, at 83! Brldgo Bt, near Myrtle av. OST OR STOLEN CERTIFICATE Bl number 82,108 of twelvo shares of Boston and Maine Kailioad stock, hearing date Ootober 1, 1873, and standing in subsoriber'sname. The pnbUo arooautlonod alnsl no ntlatlon of same.

HANNAH N. OST A GRAY AWJ LAU' Li woolen SHAWL, on Sunday oveplng, in Fourth av, betweon Twentieth and Twenty seventh sts, belonring to a poor girl, who will reward tho finder on returning it to aaa Ob' 1 of also, Oot OST SUNDAY, NOVEAtbHiR 10, PART Ot a WUIte scone Kt, vuaiu Ootober 99, a jot and pearl ABRING By ho moto8POONEB WKLOH, 85 Myrtle a white stone Artltinu. witn onain awioneu; return av, the flndur will bo suitably rewsrdod. I OST 51U0 RKVVAKU FOK THhl RE nf tiksn fromf Putnam av. October 23, and no qnestlooB aBkcd.

Address Box lis. 1. Kagle omce. LOST A liAKUlS OUD tlOUiXU White and mouao colored, mixed; answors to the namoof Leo. Any information of him will be liberally rewarded by J.

0. MAUBAND, 51 Main st, corner of Front. 1 OST ON SUNDAY 14V1.M IG, HO li vember 18, about 1 o'clock, either in a Coney Island car. or dropped on tho sidewalk In I'altou at, bet. Jay and Pearl a lady's long mink BOA.

The finder will bo re wSrdodbyig Kat W. B. PERKINS'S Store. 3 Ful ton st, opposite Bond, LOST ON SUNDAY, THIS JLUXH between tho Unitarian Olaason av, (going tbrongh Classon av. and Fulton st,) and the corner of Whfngn, of gold bowod EYEGLASSES.

Asuitablo reward willbo given upon tholrraturn to 77 Hanson place. I OST ON THE 13TH INSTANT, CER TIFIOATE OF STOCK OF THB BROOKLYN CITY R. R. No. 13 for 1KI snares.

Any parson returning tho same to the undersigned No. 431 Gold atroet, Brooklyn, or to the Sooretary of the Company, No. 10 rulton street, will bo liberally rewarded. AU jantioned against negotiating tbe same. GAUALIEL iCINO.

SPECKAI, rVOTICCM. riREATSALE OF LEAF TOBACCO, OOMMEHOIHO WEDNESDAY, November 19, AT 203 CHATHAM SQUARE, K. Y. Having received positive ordors to close out a number of consignments, without regard to cost, I Bhall offer to buyers several lots of fine and ohoaper grades of CONNECTICUT AND STATE SEED WRAPPER AND SECONDS. At prices very much below the present value.

Also a number of bales of FINE HAVANA, AT $1 PER POUND. irunan nnn na im nil nn.nArl fnr the insnootlon of buVOrS by the case or lot, who will Ha this a raro opportunity to bu, good tobacco a panic prioes. Chithim St. OYSTER BAY, LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S OYSTER and DINING ROOMS, JUNCTION FULTON ST. AND 1B KALB AV.

FURNISHED ROOMS FOR GENTLEMEN. FIFTH ANNUAL JAU1S' A CHURCH OF THIS MEDIATOR, cor. Ormond pi, and jVfiorson st, TUESDAY and WriNKSDAY after. nion aiiu iif" cents. 4 vedle BEAUTIFUL PIANO, ONLY S100 A Weber Pianoforte, bovou octave, roundcornera, oar unnriftnari fnr nash.


Washington and Concord ON WEDNESDAY EVENING, Novomber 19. Curtain rises at Dancing at 10 o'clock. Tlokots, 50 cents. NAVIGATION CAPT. J.

R. M.ALCOM, at i Adelphi nautloal scionoe Inalllte n.l tnr TI R. Nvv. rovonuo outter or morohanf service; oaptalno and mates ot BtBam ships prepared to pass the U.S. Board of Examination yjchtmen will flndlt to their advantage to take lessons in vigatlou; private and evening lessons given; terms roasonaojo.

rTVEETH A TOOTH I A SET 810 I Best rubber pinto, with gums and plumpers, war suted. Extracting undor gaa and all charges laoluded. ftelrl and platlna work equally reasonable. uom jwu "irg jtjNDER80N, Practical Dentist, iOl Clinton oorner Paolfio. 1 OHN A.

VANDEVEER, AUCTIONEER. Sale of trotting stook, farm horses, crops, DAY. Novembor 18, at 11 A. at the farm of WILLIAM BENNETT, Olarkson Bt, near Rookaway av, llatlanda iVerl A lour year old by Ledger dam, although, bred by Arlington, he by Boston boy maro 6 yoars old, by Privateer, oam Barshaw, bay horse Mystery, by Old Hamble tontan, dam Trustee, four farm horses, 1 oow, wagons, harness, ond all farm tools. The Btook Is in good oondltlcn and doing well, ond will be sold in spite of the panic.

VERHALFA MILLION MINISTERS, Parmors, Knhonl FOUNTAIN PEN. All urn nlnansfl and more wanted. This pen resemoies Dare goiu: win no. uurruue, lines with one dipping, and wiH outwear two dozen bost steel pens mado. No.

I is for ladles nse; No. 2 for gon (lemen. Put up in neotgilt boxos, prioe, by mail, one box, 13 pens, 36 cents: fonr boieB. 81: two sample pins, 10 oonti. Address.

GOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN City of Cleveland, unio. IiiXTRA PIANOS $15, MUHi'li ly until paid: elegant Instruments; fully warranted; prices and forms to suit tho times pianos rented low nd the rent ollowed if pnrchoacd. PHELPS SON, 808 Fat ten Bt, opposite uonnson. MAYOR'S OFFICE, BROOKLYW, OU tober 3, 1873. By vbrtue of a resolution of the Common OounoU.

passed Ootober 18, 1873, 1 hereby offer a re a UnnAmA Anip.rt in nnv nn.raon or Dersons who shaB furnish snob m'ormatlon, as shall lead to and result In tho arrest, detection nnd conviction of the person or nerBons. who caused tho death, by violence, of ohrist; vuv uwv IAN WOLBERT, of this city, on Soptomber S. S. POWELL, Mayor. 1873.

MARSHALL'S CHEAP FUK 8TOS. 683 FULTON STREET. Rt. Tfalix flU. Jura cleaned, altered and repaired.

Old faded fnrs mado dork to look like new. A large assortment oi laoies and misses' furs oonstantiy on nai EVOLUTION IN CHAIR SEATS. "TVe wish to oall attention to Gardener's Patent Per. 5mt: i Rnntji. Oar, ha annlled to Wn thn stmnirost roakors a orsiu the market.

GEO. WOOD tS Court stroct wnT3TTS WTT.T. RR GIVEN FOR 3) the use ol $W0f or six months best of seourlty. Ad drors MERCHANT, Bagie omce. CAR1' TIKCS, C.


nndnrslirned koeps constantly, on hand APPT.KH From NORTHERN NEW YORK, and Aril I tM them jt rossonable pricoe. Also, bost quality 8WEET POfA TOEH, by the Darrel or DasKot. inis is ioh iii Hies to boy their wlntsr snpplies. Goods delivered froo It any part of the city. F.

MEYER. TT wnni.Ti RESPECTFULLY OALL THE A attention tho public to the act thit now Is io proper time for laying in Potatoes for Winter's use also to tho faots about my stock of Potatoos. 1st. Thoy ore grown in thB Northern and Western part of IhisStoto, thereby being Superior to Long Island Potatoes. 2nd.

They aro placed bags at tho I arm, thwoby saving tnem iromaamaBo iu u. u. aro seiecteaior muwi wwi 1 Groi nd, as I have found that they koop the best. 4th. I At.nn.

tmm thn thereby savins to mv ous y.a mnrln bv snoculators and marketmen. JSih I sell ot nrioas that oannot bo undersold. Hth. I do liver uototocs ony roasonnble dfstanco rreo of o.argo. UTorpowiotio Early Rose, 8M7X per bbl.

White Peaon Blovrs a.8IV5 per bbl. Red Peach Blows 8.19)4 per bbl. Jsokeon Whites i. ii per pni. Frfnco Aicerts porum.

Ono trial will oonvtnoo yon that tho Wbolesolo Potato uepol, ATLANTIC AVRNHE. Is the best and oheopostplacetnrjroutjbviy your Pottoa FRANK BANNEKMAN. 8TOBAGE. OTORAGE FOR CARRIAGES OF ALL descriptions can be had ot the Rink from Novembor 1 to April 1, on roasooobis tonnSLby applying at tbo Bin orto it. u.

rresinont, si nan st. lOOI SESs VAHUIAtSHS, iec. A PRTVATK TURNOUT. CONSISTING of a handeome bay mare 8 yoars old, ily 15 hind liigb; toiy strong and liiod, and irill bo giiirantiodla overy rospeot, for solo for want of uso; a tup high wniol IillI.OIOU in ROIH1 uruer; wiiii.oB.,1 tujui ly. jL'nHjit 43 South Oxford Bt.

A PAIR OF DAPPLE GRAY HORSES n. y.tnn ..) nn lnd In all hav r.ofs. stylish 'drivers. No, 1.1 Carroll Bt, botweoa Honry and Hicks. IVERY FOR ONE HORSE OAN BE JLi onnd ot privato Btobles, No.

Mlddagh st. ALL AND WINTER CLOTHING. FREEMAN BURR, 188 AND M0 PULTON NEW YORK. W71 REE MAN BURR'S Ji IMMENSE STOCK FOR THE present and approaching season embraoes all the popular Styles and FABRICS IrTsUITS, 6VBR00A 8, and CLOTHING of every description for ell classes and oo oasloni, pREEMAN. BURil'S tensive facilities for exoontlng orders to measure enable them to pleaso the most exacting, execute ordere at very short notice and MODBRATB PRICES.

OVERCOATS, 85, OVERCOATS, $16, OVERCOATS, 825, OVERCOATS. 80. $10. $80. $30.

850. Xi REE MAN BURR'S BOYS' CLOTHING HAVE benn for years celebrated for their durability and gaut fitting. From the large stock, little time is required to make satisfactory selections; or any garment oan be mude to order, if prefoxrod. BOYS' BOYS' BOYS' BOYS' SUITS, $5, $10. SUITS, $30, 830.

OVERCOATS, OVERCOATS, $4, $13. $30, $30. ORDERS BY LETTER, COUNTRY ORDERS. attended to with care and punctuality. Directions for ordoring BY MAIL FREE, ON APPLICATION.


5,000 worth of cast off clothing and carpets wanted; bought in small quantities, and oompelled to pay the highest prloeB, aa we are fllled with orders from Southern and Western markets. Please coll on or address HANOVER i SON, noar City Hall, Brooklyn; private entrance BM tiocrum piaoo. TJEILIG'S MERCHANT TAILORING, No. 284 MYRTLE AVENUE, opposite Fort Greene. The subscrlborhas alorge stookof goodsj for the Fall and Winter season, oonslattng of French, English and Do mestlo Cloths and Casaimeres.

Ho will devote his personal attention to his business, and gentlemen may rely on having their garments made up in good taste. All work done to order, and satis Taction guaranteed. COAL AND WOOD, IOKE THE CHEAPEST FUEL IN THB MARKET. FOUR DOLLARS CHALDRON, DELIVERED. BROOKLYN GAS LIGHT lBoREMSENST.

AEOHTERNAOHT, HVr lirci 17 JTlfW ntC A Tt AMR RT. TtvnnklTn. Offiooe Nos. 11 and 1,103 Fnlton ot, ond 67 Jobn st, No York. Manufoct rers.

lamlllea and stoomers snppuel, with diapatoh. BE8T VARIETIES OF SELECTED COALS. Prices per 2,000 lbs. at yard: Broken. Egg.

Stove. Chestnu Bxeo burning white ash. $8.50 $5.75 Hard white ash 6.85 8,25 8.50 6.75 Shamokin 8.50 6.75 6.76 North Franklin 7.00 7.00 Redosb ftW 8 75 67B Actual cost of cartage added when delivered. Coal de Itvored any part of New York City, below Canal St. COAL AND WOOD.

KEL8EY8 LOUGHLCT: Established leiT, Or YARD, 13 ATLANTIC AV. 5Tew Depot, Gowanns Canal, oernor Nevuu ona Douglass Streets. Branoh Offices Oorner Fnlton and Lawrence stsj cor. Fnlton st. and Njl.

Rranoh offices connected by telegraph with main Our cool is all undercover. PIANOS, OBCAWS AMP IffPSIC. EADY FOR A LIVELY FALL BUSINESS! I PIANOS TO BENT Eur SS, 84, 85, $8, $7, 88. $, $10, $11, or PER MONTH. ORGANS RENTED tTrom $2.50 upward, according to sire, NEW CHIOKERING PIANOS For sale by Installments.

dEOOND HAND CHIOKERING PIANOS, FOR CASH, AT A BARGAIN. SHECTMUSIQ, BOOKS, AT THE OHICKERIN PIANO ROOMS, OHANSLKR BROTUKRS, 172 Montaguoet. OIANO FOR SALE A BEAUTIFUI, rosewood Piano, $100; a 7rootave, carved logs, pat nt agrano improvement: a mnntR t.ukon of 1 montuiv. New uiano manufactory, takon and to rent. R.

CABLE, 107 yyoBfiwenty tmru at. cor oixtu av. ei. 175 PIPE ORGAN A GREAT INDUCEMBNT. MUST BE SOLD IMMEDIATELY.

AT BLADE'S AGENOY OF MASON 4 HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS, 606 FULTON STREET, Junction Fiatbush or. ULLER'S GREAT PIANO EMPORIUM Pianos sold and routed 10 poroout. less than in any other house. Tho tine Muller piano la warranted for seven years, and sold by monthly payments from $10, $15, In exchange: also tuning and re pairing. HENRY MULLER, 307 Myrtle av, near Oxford street.

PIANOS AND ORGANS, NEW HnA nnnnnd hnnd. nf fir nlass makers will be sold at lower prices for oash, or on InstallmentB, or for' rent, in city or country, during financial crisis, by HORACE WATERS 4 SON.No. 481 Broadway, than ever before offered in New Yorir. Agents wanted to sell IVatera celebrated concerto and orchestral organs and pianos. Illustrated catalogues mailed.



and 118 Court St. p6uRY7 APPLES, POTATOES, BUTTER, CHEESE, BEANS, CRANBERRIES, At wholesale market rates at WILLIAMG RAY'S 96 and 97 Fulton Bt. and 113 Conrt at. RAISINS, i.Tri svi 1 riTTpTrW liuan a APPLES, 3Z PEACHES, LEMON ORANGE PEEL, DRIED CIIERRIftS, At Y. Wholesale Rates, at WILLIAM GRAY'S 95 and 97 Fulton Bt.

and 118 Court at. rfONSUMERS OR PURCHASERS OF ARTICLES IN THE ABOVE LINE, In either large or small quantities, WILL BE LIBERALLY DEALT WITH AT WILLIAM GRAY'S 95 and 97 Fnlton at. and 118 Court Bt. ATCH FOOTE. BANKKRS.


ANKING HOUSE OF F. R. SHERWIN A so Broadway, New York. Having survived tnd nvnntn nf thn Itn nanln with unftnnairod facilities, wo Invito new acoouuts, subjeot to ohook at Bight also, spooulatlvo accounts, for wmcli wo will oariy stocks on margins. Syndicates are forming according to our usual plan for thoso who desire to take limited risks.

Explanatory circulars on application. Ulaims on tho Union Trust Company tmrohssed for cash. F. R. 8HERWTN A OO.

wines, C. I.D MO CLASKY, No. 98 FULTON ST, Third door below Henry, Brooklyn. WINES, LIQUORS AND CORDIALS, The very best and oldest, EMVORTED AND DOMK TIO, WHOLES ALKATAND RETAIL. Established 1850 SUKHOGATE'S NOTICES.

li rimSUANCE OF an order of William D. feeder. Sarrocato of tbe County of aoiive is uvtvur owuiuium iaj iv mi BersonB Having ciaima against maky muijJjUX, lano oi is Oity of Brooklyn, deooAaod, tbat thoy aro required to exmotc me Bfune, wa uis vouoaors inoreoi, nuuauu r. tha miii vT iU nifinn Id VnrV ar.rftAt in ttlD Oity of Brooklyn, on or before the twentieth day of May next. Dated November; no to ono HARPER, Executor.

PURSUANCE OE AN ORDER Off Willlom D. Voedor, Surrogate of the County of ni notlco is horebv lvc according to law, wall Per sons having olaflnaogainst GERTRUDE ZOL iHUKK, lato of the City of Brooklyn, uocensea, tnjt tnoy ro I fh thn nnohora therAof. to the subscribsr, tho executor, ot his place of tranaaottag bnelnosa at the oflloo of James Bsobwege, 77 Oodar street In. the City of New York, on orbRre the 10th day of rc roary Bi81iNBERG, Execute. n86mH PURSUANCi Oif AJS UKUEK OF TFiiiinms.

veener. rn Burrocateox tno ountvsl frfii nntlnn Isherobv slven. occordln. to law. to alln'sr wns avlng claims agalnat OHRIBTINAOANFIELD.lata of tbe City of Brooklyn, deceased, that thoy are roauired to exninit UW tli sencorr, at tuo univ vui mnnt avcnu in tho City of Brooklyn, on or bsforo thirteenth duy of January nt.Dated July 7, 1813.

WTO HERBKRT ltRARN, 1 ROBINSON D. Exooutors. jyl8fmS C1IARLICS PARKS, PURSUANCE Off AN ORDER OB 8 Willloin D. Voodor, Surrorta'o of tbo County ol Kinrs, notito is hereby given, nooordin to law, to all por sons baving claime against DEBORAH U. BO VI), lateol the Oily oi Brooklyn, doceasod, that thov aro Knulrod tc OJUlclt too mo, wuu tno vouenors vnoruoi, nuu arTll.nrn.lho nd minl.trntnn nt thf, otllco ot Goarro llcnncy, ono of tho administrators, No.

St Wall'. is tbo Oily of Now York, on or before tbo 8th day of Novaax tor noxt. tai on ay iojb. fOYlAamlnistr.tor SUITS, 810, Burrs, 915. BUTTS, 886.

BUITS, 830. SUITS. 810. BUTTS, $80. SUITS, $60.

BOARD BKOOJiljyJN JlJUlUllTa Booms on. eecond floor. nulUblo for trontlomon nn1 tbelr ivos or two single gentlemon, at 62 Willow at, throe doors jromurangw. OAR TO LET WITH BOARD A) itnrw YilAftRnnt a BOOand storr room. Dontalnlnir hnt yA gnid wfifr alao a roam for a slncla rantlflman.

I 836 CHnton at, new Harrtoon. hn OARD ON COLUM IA HEIGHTS I i Pfoj rooms, with hot and cold wator and sooi i board nnl fnr ivrn SrthreA ffinelo contlomon. Annlratllui Columbia heights, oor. of Pineapple. OARD ON THE HEIGHTS IN A Frenob famllr pleasant, well turnisuod rooms, and I mMfi uvallr rha IfValnn nv UT1 1 UIB )OBt tlt tD UIO iiiuiUTO; nnaaa.

lay Vuv tgwu H. Bt ferrios. Apply at Wr. 8" Orabgest, TOARD 4N THE HEIGHTS AT NO. i3 Poplar st, pleasant rooms with good board at moderate prices; three minutes from Fulton Ferry.

Din 1 TP OARD ON THE HILL AT 20Q Mm Rnnfh nrrVirvl Wft7r fnrriimhnA niA At winmn on first floor, suitable for a family, or gentlemon and their wivca; tooawon ansumssaea. BOARD TO LET, WITH BOARD, A front room on the second floor; hot and cold water In the room family small also, a hall bedroom to let. No. 4SEondst. OAED AT 154 MONTAGUE ST A pleasant suit or rooms on xne seoonanoor; sonny erpoanre; all modern improromenW; reiorences oi ohanged.

BOABD ON THE HILL PRIVATE family A large front room anl table for two gentlemen willing to room together; terms reasonable. At 411 Auelpm sr. ronr aoora nurui oi uiwn. BOARD ON THE HILL PLEASANT rooms in ft new hoase, newly famished, for gentlemen and their wives or single gentlemen; references oz ena ngea. Appfy at uoramg sr.

OARD TWO GENTLEMBN WILUNG obtain boara a privaio Apply at 374 Gold Bt, near family; referencea requlro WUionirnny. 0 294 LIVINGSTON ST ROOMS yi nd wtfe. MM to let. with first claaa board, to gentleman and wife, or single gentlemen. BtroetTopposlta Han over piace.

OARD ONE OR TWO GENTLEMEN, home, with every accommodation, with a private family, can find auoh at No. 83 State street, four doors bBlow Henry. OARD ON THE HILL A LARGE ln fni ntaYinfl nr nnf nrnlh(1 in first alua nn with'iiil TTinrtfim nnnVpninnoeR. 15 Cumberland st. seoond brown stone honse from the DeKalb avenue ear aortp JIDO.

BOARD A FAMILY OP ADULTS would let a largo and small room, with or without board the location is very desirable; within five minutes walk of Wall and Atlsntio ferries referenoes rermired, 296 Hicks St. TJOARD ON THE HEIGHTS FIRST 1 aUm flurti nmi inrfatinns. rooms SDlendldly furnished, laUIB UDfC I)lIUII IP, uiuuci I 11 lmnmmilnf able fr gentlemen and their wives or singio gonuemen rererepces regnireu. a at owm bv. BOARD A PRIVATE J.

AMILx UUUU pylngtbclr own house, would like to take a gentleman and wife or two single gontlemon to board; oonven ten 1 to three ra routes reterenoes required. Call at 5 Fflrijjo rsr ouirn ayenne, HOARD 313 SOHERMBRHORN ST second door from Nevlns, a large sunny front room, with hall room adjoining: very convenient to cars and ferries and but few boarders taken; loeation good and terms moueraio. i OARD ON COLUMBIA HEIGHTS I ris nflotriAri anrl tTinfr wivAK nrnlnorla rflntloiiAn can bo accommodated with largo nfeasant rooms, within Ave minutes waiKOl niron ana au av. remes. w.

tu 1 aroma beighta, near lerrepon at. BOAm TWO LARGE AIRY AND nicely furnished rooms to let to yonng or (rentlemen ana tneir wives ac ao uaaoauu iiu uvui noose has all the modern improvements. TermB to suit all parties. riOAim A LARGE FKOliTROOM. ON S5 the second floor, with hot and oold water, hand somely forni.uecii largo oiosers, awo iwo large ujmi forfienUemanand wi orainffi'ff gontiemati; good table; terms moderates.

Apply at am lOARD 101 HENRY ST, BROOKLYN jtjP Hoigbtfl Handsomely famished rooms, largo and small, on second andtblrd rloora. with first olaas table and attendance best of references given and roqnlroa. Terms rePFonoblo. OARD NO. 207 CLINTON ONE LP dnnmnrtlinf Amftv st.

fnrnled rooms mth board. a.ntnm,ii jtnil nr Rinffln aontlomo all tho oon vonrenros one of the finest looations in the city convenient to Wall st. or South ferries. OARD ROOMS FURNISHED OR SB yi.rtinllv fnrnlshRd. with board, at rednced nrloos home comforts more than stylo; house baa all improvements' and has changed hands.

371 Bridge st; pleasant BOARD ON THE HILL 380 CUMBEU land efc, between Fulton stand Atlantlo av, pleasant rooms on first and second floors, furnished or unfurnished; suitablo for gentlemon and wives, or single gentle tnr n. rOARD PRIVATE FAMILY WILL MJ lota nicely farnlBhed room, to a couple at $14, over back parlor; a good table and pleasant homo entry room, to a gontleman. at SB. Particulars by addressing Mrs. COMSTOOK, Sox 110, Bagla office.

BljARB TO LET, WITH BOARD, A largo front room, handsomely turnishod; also, small rooms, suitablo for single gentlemen; the house has all modern improvements and heated with farnaco. Apply at 20i Washington st. BOARD ONE OR TWO GENTLEMEN deslilng strictly first class accommodations with a small private family, living genteelly in their own house, within easy acoess of ferries, and in a neighborhood un snrpssseo, may appiy tni unuwu BOARD 148 WILLOW ST A VISRY nicely furnished third floor room for elngU gentlemen or gentleman and wife: house first olass, contralN located, within tbreo minutes of Wall at. Ferry andseaond anor irom rwrrepani m. 13 OARD 120 THIRD PL, HEAR COURT st; terms ijb to per woeic; oxcenonc ooaru.o.ftu, Ac; very convenient to cam and ferries: desirable ncatlon for tne Winter or year.

References reiuir cd. T.OART7 (15 LIVINGSTON ST. 65 BE JT3 twoen Clinton and Conrt A second story, front alcove room also, a suite of rooms on third floor, froat: hotandcold water, large olosets, and handsomely fur nuned terms mouerato. BOARD 185 HARRISON ST, OPPO alto Strong place, noar Clinton at: vary large, elegantly furnished second story rooms, hot and oold wator, class accommodations for one or or throe or fonr single persons; terms moaoratro. BOARD ON THE HILL FOR SINGLE gentlemen or a family, front room and hall rom adjoining, with pantry: both handsomely fnrnished; first class board; references Apply at 67 Hanson place.

OARD ON THE HILL 213 CUMBER Isnd st, cor. Do Kalb ar, overlooking Washington Park; most desirable location in Brooklyn: a fine alcove room on second floor, also second ana third floor book rooms; very desirable for gentlomun and their wives or Blnglo gentlemen tablo first olass. TIOARD AGENCY BOARDJ ROOMS! rr 1. tTl, Wnlotito" flan ersl Agenoy, Pineapple st, T. llXIJB AJBEOBB, Prp i nrl(n? Fnrd without rooms.

Boom famiaEe and umurniBnea, wiwi ot iui.ii uuii i in all localities. Rooms and board wanted. Fnrnished i. ill. X.v.n.

ln nt 11 rirlnai nnrl houses. OARD LARGE ROOM ON SECOND flfifif front, furnished or nnfnrnlabed. withJT S. hentor and two largo closets; aaltablo for gentleman fiYtri nrlfnf in mirromri famisnnd for fflB: house has all improvemente PlessanUy located convenient to terrloa. ua.l ac voj woiQ.

near niton, BOARD TO LET. WITH OR WITH out board, a largo, nsndsomoly fnrnished alcove room and baok room, second floor, hot and oold water in rooms; house has every convenience, hot air fmraace, bath, Ac. Also, hall room: terms moderate. 408 Bridge st, near all the ferries. BOARD FURNISHED OR UNFUK nlsbed, with or without board or for light housekeeping, alcove room, to gentleman and wife or two gen tiemen; also froat rtom on thjrd floor; gas, bath and heater; terms reasonable.

Apply at 57 Joralemon st. within nve minutes' waist oi nonin or wan st iernea, BOARD A FRONT ALCOVE AND square back on seoond and two rooms on third floor; hot and cold water; neater, gas, natn, to let xo gentlemen or gentlemen and their wives tablo first ow furniture entirely new street. terms moderate. 408 Paolfio OOARD TWO LARGE CONNECTING JUF rooms, wim not ana com cr, ouu nicely furnished, suitable for a family or a party of single enuemen; nonsa nos ail mo iroprovemenui iw uun Mfrtlnns within tan mlnnbut1 wnlV nf thn ferries, terms moderate. 1E6 Scherroerhorn st, nrar Smith.

Tn OA RT) FTTRNISHED ROOMS TO LET. JrwltlLor without boardecond floor, with folding door, suitable for light housekeeping house has all modern im provements in a quiet noignnornooa wumn nvo mravw oruitymjl, oruuiton jrerry. lnquireiuo naosau uou reari ana uay. OOARD 227 CLINTON ST, BETWEEN ani I a iarn rrnnr, rrvom on HBnonn fJnft nrifh Intll rnnm aA inininv alan. bAofe mom And 01.

tAti inn nit jtriln fnr thrAn tfftntlftmen all newlv furnlsh od. to let, with firat olass board also a few table boarders five minutes' walk of South ad Wall Bt ferries. Apply above. BOARD TWO GENTLEMEN CAN FIND good "inter board, with large pleasant furnished front room, replete with conveniences, gas, hotandcold water, registerr, closets, in private family; delight ful location on uealora av twenty nve minutes irom iar t. rn trt fnnr Trilnntn from fonr oar lines terms moder.

ate: also, small furnished front room. No. 544 Bedford OARD AT 128 LIVINGSTON STREET. Wy between Boernm place and Smith st; handsomely iurxuBneu rooms on seoona uoor ior gentleman ana wire, alnarln nnt If man nlfin ttincla rflfimR hnUSO flrafc cliiflS with all modern improvements, and where home comforts can be on joyed within five minutes of City Hall and ten or lemon. HOARD A FINE ALCOVE ROOM.

ON second floor, having large olosets, hot ana cold f.l.l ti V. A water, sns, mruiruuu mivu miwit viniuutj un uu by a gentleman and wifo, for $20 per wesk; brown stone front house small private family. Apply at 137 St. Marks av, between Flatbush and Carlton avs. A third story front room cin te naa ueBirea.

OOARD AT63 LIVINGSTON STREET. XZ betweon Clinton and Conrt three desirable rooms, nicely fnrn.Bbod, olot to gentlemen and their wives, or gontfemen who will room togethor; houso has all modern improvements; splendidly located near City Hall oars and lorrjes; rorroavury ronsonaDio. BOARD TO LET, A NICELY FUR nlnhMd boc rtarlor na bedroom, to one or two Eton tlemen, with or without board; all improvements; very dcslrabln five minutes' walk from Citv Hall; easv dis tance to all the ferries, and family strictly private. Ad dress with reference, FA HllVY, Eagle office. OARD 304 HICKS ST, BETWEEN JJP State and Joralemon Large Hon aro room, with small room attached, on seoond floor, with all anoommo at Ions; marble basin, water, gas, heat, otc, etc bath room on samo uoor: gooa iodio, ana au nomo com ions; terms very rsaaQpapie; nve minutBs irom lernea.

OARD TO LET, WITH BOARD, ON the Hill, to gentleman and wifo, large, front, alcove room, on second floor; tine location; noar Drs. Daryoa nod Hondders churches; terms. Including tiro and gas, $13 per work oJpo. a hall room, for $7. Inimlro at No.

58 Irving piace, law jqwnter sc. OARD TO LET, WITH BOARD, A nlrn )arfa front room for two sen tie man or iron tin. mfin Rtirf wlfn Ti iiHA is v.rv central has all mnrinrn Im, twovomonts ts 16 minutes' walk from ferries and one blook fretn nnri. orftiit nalns tAlron to make icanl aunfc home, and not seoin like a boarding honso; reerenoe given ana regmrea. Appiyat aa ow or.

oi nm iai. OARD FOR A GENTLEMAN AND wife, (young couple preferred) tn a privato family of two. tho third story front and baok room (hot and oold water in each) together or separately, furalBhod or unfurnished, in ono of tho best locations in South Brooklyn; positively no other boarders taken; house brown stone front, ana newly furnlshod this Fall only those willing to pay a fair puce neea anawor. dui iuo cagin ouiqo. BOARD WANTED f)AHT) WANTED BY SINGLE GEN Ip tloman.

sitting room and, bedroom adjoining on first floor, in arttlvate family in South Brooklyn. Address r.L.Tl UU iA i egtBOinu HOARD WANTED BY TWO YOUNG MJ men board and rooms In a private family, nar Wail st. and Fulton forries. Address stating location aud prtoo. which most bemoaeraw.

v. a tcagie omoe. HOARD WANTED FOR A YOUNG JD lady who Is employed during tho day, where thoro avonoo.nor uoaraors. Aaaress, sbaiiuiirus, tj. i a.

Kagle office. BOARD ANTED BY A GENTLEMAN, a room with fire breakfast at 7, dinnor at BH tsrms not. til ATfiivd Bio per weok best of referenoes given. Ad drets E. B.

L. fcftg.g omce. 3 OARD WANTED ON THE HILL ft for irentleman and nifA. nn nhlldrnn farmM mnt). erate; sooond etery front deslrad.

Address for two days. 6Him IUIBUUU wiu wilU i u. JiBKiB OUIUO) HOARD WANTED UNFITRNTS JT9 rooms wanted, either for light housekeeping or witn a. nuuu tuuauu i ujr a nun woman ana wne. ot moaoraw uroBooii.w xunr.

OARD WANTED IN A PRIVATE famUy. by a gentleman desiring of Improving his English, and where Be may nnd oomrortaDie home; be low Court st ana near ono oi tno rorrios. Auaross M. r. it.

tiox "ow XI OARD WANTED BY TWO PERSONS, Kn.pH mnnt. iritnin flfteon mlnutoB' walk nf Wnlt Btreet Ferry; will pay $85 a month. Address ADVEE "OOARD WAN USD A UUUU FRONT nn anAnrl floor, wltb first olass board and j.11 modorn conveniences, In a privato familv. where there aro no other boarders, by a gentloman and wife; good location on tne Hill or Heigbla! oosssssion about Christmas. please address O.

u. Jtagm omoe. 57TAn WANT13D BY A LADY. nWiorinaprlv.tto family orwhoro thora are a fow c5 T.wuired nd given. Address TEACHES, Eaglo omco.

nn A PJ'I KI) A UlSn iLHMftB. wife. twocWIdren agod 8 and 5 rain and nnrso girl. nloolr furnished, on aeAonrl alll iTlv.t57amiiy7 rehrenoos oxehiod: terms; a BOARD WANTKD OJv J'tltS nmtiUTS In a private family, by a gentleman and wifo front rooms or entire floor, for vbloh a fair piles will be paid. BOARD WANTED BREAKi Aijl' SUiJ ner and lodging five days per week; A.

terms not to exooed $4.60, Address J. liiglo ofnoe. OOAftl) WANTED A SliiOijlS GlfiiM li mom. with nro. on or nsarClln tenet, and south 'of Atlantlo un xoeptionablo references given, and would bo permanent If suited.

Address, stating loeAtion a tAtma, which, should be in accordance With IPO OS, O. IbOAUD WANTilJD Hx TWO YOUiSbr 5 gentlemen one largo brtwd adioining rooms well far nlshod. with breakfast and tea. in strictly prtvsta family. Ssands, High, or Dufflold ate.

between Gold: and Bridge streota; moderate terms. Address Eaglo nfPce. FUHKSllE Bomnis. EDlRNISHED ROOMS TO LET, TO sentlemen, or for housekeeping, on reasonable is. tflI Sands st, near Jay.

FURBISHED TV JUBT, A SEC ond floor and basement, with the privilege of a room on the top floor; house has all modern improvements. Apply at No. 478 Henry Btreet, Degraw and Harrison. Burnished rooms to let, a nice, cosey room, with fire, suitable for to gentlemen, for 3.60 a week also, sleeping rooms, for $2 and 81.60 per week. Applvat ilSLswrenooet.

ROOMS TO LET, ORUN I1 furnished Second floor, throe or fonr rooms, with alt modern improvements, to a small family, at a moder. rent; live minutes' walk 0 HamUton Ferry. No. 118 Carroll st, near Henry, DRNISHED ROOM TWO RESPECT able young men can bo eooonimdjteJ with pleasant fnrnlslied front rcoro. or gentlomjn ond wife, for housekeeping on reasonable termB.

No. 89 Cranborry st. corner ot tr ton. URNISHED ROOMS TO LET, A handsomely furnished parlor floor far gentleman and wife or it la suitablo for a dootor a or dontlst'a ofBco also other rooms throughout the npnse two minutes Irom City Ifiill. ten minutes' walk from ferries.

Apply for ono week at 66 Wlllonghby st. Burnished rooms neatly fur BP nisbed apartments for gontleman end wife, with every reouudte for housekeeping; nous baa modem im orovemonts pleasant looation lominutos' walk from fer ilcs rent modoratc. Apply for one weok at Canton st, bet Park and Flashing avs. FURNISHED ROOM A LARGE HAND somo second story front room; heated with furnaoe; gas and bath room adjoining: to one or two goatlOTnoo, without board, in a private family; very ploasant looa Son. Apply at ICS Johnson st; afew minutes to tho principal ferries.

TjiURNISHED ROOMS TO LET ON the Hill A part, upper or lower, of a very pleasant neatly fnrnished 8 story houso, containing all Improvements and in good order: located in one of the most pleasant and healthy parte ot tho olty: pwnor will rotain one SartT tenSs rary low. Please call ot 4K l'ranklln avenue, ueor Fulton. iURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, HAND somely fnrnisuBa tor nousu looping, a sooonu uoor with bathrotim nrllrtlntn fnnr oloeets. two morble bsina. eeparato gas; prioo vorvreasonabletoa small family, without children four mfiuUa from Wall at.

Iferry. Apply at No. Wlllow door from Joralemon st. 71URNISHED ROOMS XU LIST, A large, handsome, second story front room, with ball bedroom oonnootlng, bathroom on satni floor, suitable for gontlomen or for llgnt housekeeping; house has nil im.

nrovoments and IsmOBt conveniently locatod within five mTonS? walk of Ilton Ferry and Olty HalL Call at 168 Adams st, norwoen msu FURNISHED KOOMS a snvuxu STO ry front room aud bedroom, oonnectlng, to lot, sopa ratfy or together, without board; not and oold water in rooms, with bath adioining olass looation, ton minutes' walk from Couth or TrV all st. ferrlOB. Have also large boll mom, Oall at 246 Clir ton st. TO JLEX HOUSKS. TO LET HOUSE OR FOR SALE A two Btory snd basemeut house on 434 jontur st, between Ralph snd Patoben avs.

Rent 14 per month, or will sell, terms oasy. CaB or address 454JS Decatur Btreer, rno LET HOUSE A TWO STORY. I basement home, all mproremen ti, ton rcspeotaWe German or American family, by a young man, who Is willing to tako his board in exohange for rent. Apply on the premises, S2 Sixteenth at. South Brooklyn.

HOUSE A NICE, NEW 3 story, brown stone house. 195 avonue, to lot fifty dollars per month; all improvements: Immellstf possession Apply In grocery store, or to LONGLBY TRBMERB, Krondwny, nearForrv. rt6 LET HOUSE CHEAP $35 PER month, to a 'small and respectablo family, fram house. nine rooms; convenlontly arranged; fiftaen inln nto'B from City Halt: good neighborhood. Oall at W3 Kent av.

rTW) LET HOUSE A THREE STORY I and basement brick lionse, 13 rooms, in thorough repair, Etuffiold st, noar Myrtle av: fiftoon minutoV wall, irom Fulton Ferry: immediate possession rent par month Apply tSoHNF. HENNESSY, 8U Bridge st, near Myrtle av. lO Jti ET FOlt BUSINESS PUICPOSES. LET ROOMS STEAM POWER Tjtrfffl and small rooms, with or without power; woll lighted; steam heat: steam olsvators; Bteady power: convenient to forrlea. No.

B6 Atlantic av, near the South Ferry. mn LET STORE WITH 3 ROOMS JL suitable for a barber, tailor, or Hhoestoro, in a first av; also floor of 3 rooms with improvemants on reasona nmca TKvfinnrnnnn. near rjo, r. uiiu ua ble terras, at em I ilt in i rteai huj uuruci I latousn qv, ana norgen at. TO tiE'l' AA'4'flXKf mo LET ROOMS SECOND FLOOR OF JL hi linnsoNo.Sa? Tjulfioldst.

to gontloman and wifo; suitable for light housekeeping referenoos rouulrad. TO LET ROOMS THE LOWER PART of house 179 Park av; five rooms, wator and gas: ront $2S per month. Apply at tho houso. fOTiET ROOMS THREE OR FOUR pleasant rooms to a small family. A.

party of throe adulta would tako table hoard if aereaable; roferenco re qnired. Address BROOKLYN. Eaglo offico. LET ROOMS 2 UPPISH FLOORS tn a fir nf o.lacit brink and brown stoni hoiiao. No.

2(5 RNi ki. uof nVCd floor ft 18 month: third all lm provcm ma; on no prmm a. mo LET ROOMS PART OF A BROWN atnnn frnnt hnnse. with all luiurovouients, at 39 Oheever place, be twoen Ifatrison and Degraw sts; ront low also ono inri ruuiu. THO LET ROOMS THE LOWER PART nf tirmsn.

US seven rooms: fitteen min utes' walk from Fulton Ferry, Apply at 145 Johnson street. LET ROOMS FOUR ROOMS IN a new house, with water gfl, marmo man i a irood looation; twenty ruinates fpmall the Tt wnn. (Oil tn All Ann TH JAlAo 1. BRUSH, 83 Carlton avenue, sixth house north of Park avenue. TO LET ROOMS 70 SANDS ST, FIVE minutes' walk from Fulton and Main st ferries Liowcr pars or toe nonso, conoiauoK oi, rnn Imslf hatmanr In fmnt (ITIT.

ran ETC In back: hot and cold water, gas if roauired; rent low toa gooa tenant; appiy ac onco. ffVO LET ROOMS TO A SMALL RE I nAotnr.1n fMmliT. unnor Dart of house 41 Irviott nlooo use or oamroom ana mmiivnarir uuu miiuui from Fnlton Fony; a small fomDy can rent apartmente low; lower part oocupiod by gentleman, wife ana baby; references given and roqnirea. TO LET ROOMS HAND SOMi floors of six rooms; water and gas on each floor; houses now and clean, and In tho bealt lest part ox Brooklyn cars pass the door rent 815; also, suites of three and four rooms each, very desirable bouses new and rent low Quineyst. FOK ALKS MODSIS.

T7IOR SALE HOUSE OR EXCHANGE i tn inf. en nt nil RcnnnArnnntA and other Incum brances, a i wo story and brick basement frame house, sub cellar, marble mantels, and all the improvements; good location onn near uinw it iuuvcu oii.vj, Address JUBU, Bagle omce. TTIOR SAT.F HOTTSE A TWO STORY Br nri Krlnlr bnnr mniit framo house )x3l(W with In. 90110. hn unld terms euit: inst the place ror a live oarman or peouiu o.vv,y uu iu.

nilSfS, ot iliugwjn av. Ynn. SAT.K HOUSE OR TO low Elegant small, new brick honss.237 Monroe Kiumn Mrnv RTCQllentlv deslffnod and finely built; no rmit reouired. Con be seen at any time; Gatosavoars. b.

OR SALE HOUSE OR XOHAOJ for ono or two lots and oash, a neat two story and ment brick houBe 20i8tt0 all improvements, furnished, in Twenty third Ward, Brooklyn forty five min from corner Canal nnd Grand eta, ana Broadway, i Address Jf a. r. y. ma TJTOR SALE HOUSE CORNER STORE, D1 nmnllt nnA atuMn Ml PnltOn et BH old establish fui grocery busiress, will be sold on easy terms, together with stock: nrare ohanoe to Beonre an esUbHshed, sore naying business. Apply to S.

HONDLOW, Real Estate luonuiguu a FOR SALE HOUSES THREE SMALL brown stone frant houses, jmit oompletod. situated on Strong place, near HarriBon Bt; hnlahec, in tlrst claaa i tylo, with all of the most modorn improvements, and will bo sold at rednced prices, and upon easy forms. Inquire on the promisee, or at No. Strong plaoo, for further par ticulars. fitt SAT.K HOUSE OR EXCHANGE 1" For a dwelling houso, in a good locality, or lots well located, a ilrat olaas throo story and finished, basement, oory.

doing a ood "business; property free and clear: will tako mortgago back.lf necessary. Apply to JOHN OAMP DKL.MJ I'UIIUU av. IjVOR SALE HOUSES UfclAP, AMD OJN easy terms, ono of tho completest throe story high nnA f.nm ntnnn front honsss on the Hill contains all modorn improvements; front plate glass, baUtfor 4ndoccnpioa Dy mo owner ouju p9 i nnnnA oStRS. tiflAfl as a aarnAn nnntAlnn a choice selection if young grapevines, fruit and flowers immediate possoBslon given. tuuy ua vo yuio, ia neipni st.

stoop. brownstonoront houses, SSOiiJilOO, 28 ft courtyard in front flno, high colllngs thronchont: blaok walnut stairs and casinga of Bnperlor design: bestBmall plate, charcoal tin on roofs; extra heavy plumbing all through; hot nlr nrnaces in faot replete with all modern Imnrovo ments will sell cheap and on easy termB: immediate pos. BesBfon those wtahlng to buy a substantially bntlt bouse will do well to oall and examine: 30 mlnut ob by DeKalb or Grene av cars from Fulton Ferry. Apply on promisos or of T. PAUAM, nniiaer, no T70R iLE HOUS15 TrLK HAS JP somothree storybrown stone dwelling, No.

21 Gil tatln place, near Livingston st; within a fow moments' waigor trail ur provomont, and is in perfect ordor; the situation very pleasant and convenient; none more so in Brooklyn; the furniture orsny portion of it, oau bo purchased if desired, and nosaession at short notlco house is SS feet wide by 66 deep lot 96: three fourths of pnrchaso money oan remain on mortgage. Can bo seen at any reasonablo hour, day or fuller nartlonlars by applying to WM. OA LHNDEK, im liroaunay, a. lings, at 183 St. James place, Brooklyn, OR SALE HOUSES WE NOW OFFER nf the lato Ethelbert R.

Mills. tors sale great Indacomonts will bo extended topnrohasors oa we aro prepared to sen tno viuyaniui a taw ueuniiur cash tho estate oomprises number of small two story and. basement briokhonsos In the most central loootlons in the city; to thoso wfabing to nurohaso a small oomfort ablo homo at a very low prlco, this is a rare ohanoe thire are ao belonging to the estate, several vory elegant brown Btone fronts, rcuioaeipuia otedonthofcl wtagetreote andfavennes, vis: Clinton st, tv will be sold upon the most advantageous terms to the purchar. For further partienlars with reaord to the ilno esUte. or permits to vlow tho premises, apply at tho offlce of MOODY 4 HAOKL Moutagno st, bet.

Court and Clbiton sts. FOR 8A BEAL ESTATE. EOR SALE REAL ESTATE OR EX ohange At reasonable rates Houses, lots and is Money prooured on bond and mortgage; lnsur nnnn nffectcd with boat oompanloo bjslno is, store and financial igents. WM. H.

MAY A No. 31 Myrtle avenue FOB SAIiE M8CCI AJ.EO8. OR SALE MACHINE A HORSE PBsoirdMv? wl OBTDenter BhOP, Btlrllnn ay, FOR SALE BUSlXi iSO Arvarii jno thltnhpd five yeare: flno looation twenty flve per cent. kf than SSt of ftxturos. 8.

h. ROWLAND, 7 MyrUoov. OR SALE BUSINESS A WELL LO cated drug store in Now York, for sslo cheap for ea.h.orwlll iohanga f6r real estate ln Brooklyn, Address DRUGGIST, Eagle offlo ORlSAE CUBTAINS A HANU Boroe suit (for two windows) otrloh.orlmsoD, damask orts heavily trlmmod, at holf oost, too oash ous tome" quite now. Apply im Borgen street, off Flatbusb avonue, OR SALE CARPETS UOOO SKUON JL' hand and misnt oorpaw A Brussels and Ingrain, ultoble tor Plm, oedreorreolngroomito very ohoap, at 113 Fulton Bt, Now TrkT boftreenWllliom and Nassau ts. Sant to Brooklyn froe of charge.

"EOR SALE DRY GOODS OR EX chsnco Torprodnotivoptoportyin this city or yi cmityriTvaluable Btook of staple dry goodB, (about lr1i) agood honso in a good looation, proforrjd; in oonlty, some oash or first mortgages if be Iv on. For an intorviow, prlnolpaU only, oan address OOXFl DENTIAL, Eagle olBco. FOSl 8A l' AWO.S, Etc. nnt HT.TfPUNOS 85. 810.

15 1' monthly unUl paid fori rented low and the rent Mid oKcd ii I Duror osod: nricoj and torms to, anlt tho times. PHBLPS k.BON,98 truiton ss, opposite uoua on, 1 ,1 A iM'BP HMJ l'y lHI'' TTANTED TO WASH AND Iron, for two In family, an American girl. Apply t'cfl Fulton st, flrsUlnnr, from 4 till 8 P. M. VI ANTKi l'OK U.m i.i nuuou W.anhonotldy capablogirii a Gorman or iTtfARTbib TO DO HOUSE work in a email family, a girl; must havo good relore r.i....j WANTBl1 a uuuu nasniift and ironer; must have good reference.

Call at IV EIHet Tl. TO MAri.l!i itfciKSlslil! UtS orally ucoful In a small family, and mind a baby, niir, 1 Vai elrl about or 15. Apply at 43) vandsrbllt av, cor of W) AJSTKD Al AAUalKlOAJS tllKL. Tv Now Bngland preferred, naat, eoonomloal. kind iamlly small.

Apply at 1115 Adams at. A AilTKL) TO COOK AND ASSIST IN TT In general housework, an agreeable gtel; man hw eood cw references. Apply at onoe at 231 Lafayotto avenue. X) AJSTBU AS 0001 COOK, WASU1SK and ironer. In a small family, a reJjK.otable girl rrnflr nara rwst oiry rererenno.

ANTED A NUKSB FOH A BABY. with tho bust, of recommendations from last plaoe. Apply Immediately at izo wmow ac W' ANTED AS FIRST GLASS COOK, washer and lronor. Apply to 862 Bti I Skate st, on Mon day and Tuonday. between, 13 and 2 o'olook, ANTED TO DO GENERAL! HUUau work, a Protestant girl; mnat be a good eook, waahor and ironer, and have good reference, uau on i uonaay at tso jort ureeno piaoo.

ANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, a woman; family small, modnrii Improve mend A iy to jura vjuv.v Livit wuuii6 fourth brict house oast ot Bcid av. WANTED A FIRST UliAtss vuun, ono willing to assist wlthiho washing none i nood apply without city rotercnee. Oillthis afternoon and to mn.momnmlnffntlSAWlllQV&t 1 iMT CLASS rcfisT App" boCflvo and nix this afternoon and nine and ten to morrow mornlnfr at 2B5 Honry hi ANTED TO COOK. WASH AND iron, and willing to assist in general housework, a esnsbln lrl in a good sized family, at Piainfleld, W. J.

Appi thu evening Tuesday, during thoday or evening. at 34 HarrlFon plaoo. TfANTED COOK AND CHAMBER in small famliv on tho Holihts7also genteel girl for ehlld's nurao, and several small families. Apply at MAN NING'S, (t Court st. WANTED TO DO Trlra vvurvrx uie A nrivata family, two competent servants; one as rook, and tho other as unsUirs girt and to assist with washing anC ironing roferouoes roauired.

Apply at 114 Second place. turANTED TO DO GENERAL HOUSE in ft nriv.A tfimllv. a aolorod woman: Ibo a youngoolored girl as nurse: ono aiod to the oaro cblldrou. Apply at JAo. 9 Cambridge plaoa, aar TV work for a small prirata famllr.

a campotont trl mustbo a good plain cook, oni wash and Iron woll. t'ono neod apply withoat good rooommendations. Call VV ICBIPLOYMENT Concord Bt, near Fnlton. liustnesa coadaoted by ladies. The meet respeotable girls (o ns lor all situations, and many apply who havo upver been at an omoe before, net nones wantea WANTKU UElil'r JaAljES.

TIT AWED RET AIL DRYGOODS salesman by JODBNBAY 4 BUBNH AM, 123 and I a Atlsnticnv. WANTED SITUATION IN AN OF Hco or store bya good, smart boy; best roferonoe. .1, nlr rt Tin WTrVnn ST. a (va'UU WANTED SITUATfOiY TO TAKE core of a baby and help in upstairs work, byare onngplrl. Call for two days 55 Atlantloav.

AN'i'ED SITUATION TO DO GEN cral housework, by a rospootablo girl; best of no full for two iluys nt AH7 Warren st. farm's AATikD bl'TUATluW TO DO GBN eral housowork. by a young girl; in a Binall Call st W4 Grand sr. foenno floor. ANXriD SITUATION 'X'O DO GEN eral honsowork in a private family, by a respectable Slrl.

Call nt 179 Van Bitrnn st. ANTED SITUATION FOK G14NK ral housework in a small private family, by a re fl In ai 1. plpnon osll fnr fwn navs nt 9 Snencer st. A JSU SIX AXIOM TO DO oral honsoworlc. by a respactablo girl In a smill tinVflffl famllr at AdeTphi st.

WAlsXED S1XU A'i'ION AS NURSE IN a private family, by a German girl; good city refor cocep. PJ oflflp call nt hS Flatbnt nv. 7ANTED SITUATION AS WET nurse, by a young woman, witb. a broaBt of milk fivo vcekfl old. Call ai 48 Conoord at.

WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral boxiiework. in a Bmall family, by a tho city. Adorer SERVANT, Kaslooffico. WANTED SITUATION TO DO LIGHT nbamberwork and take oare of a ohtld, by a young girl. Apply at her last place, S3 Soaormerhorn street.

WANTED SITUATION AS WET nuret, by a bonltby young woman, with a frash breast of milk. Oall for two dnys at M6 East Warren at, botwo' Third av. and Novinsat. W' ANTED SITUATIONTO DO CHAM borwork.or take care of children and do plain eewinp, by a tidy, yonns: (tlrl. Apply at hor prjsant em plorer'a (to whom she rpforB), l5 AnelphI nt.

WANTED SITUATION AS PLAIN cook, waaher and Ironer, by a rospootablo i tl or to do upstairs work and asatet in the washing and beat of city roferonco. Gail for two days at 119 Wyakotf at. ANTED SITUATION AS CHAiVI ftnti waitress, in a small family, by a rc Epoctoblo young girl lately landed. Call lor three days at OT YTlllOW piUtW. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral housework, by a respectable yotinT woman: is a (rood cook, washer and ironer; has good city rofor onccs.

Call for two dnys at 36 Adelphist. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework, by a respectable youn womm; la a good cook, waahor and lronor; has good olty references. Call for two daya at B99 Warren at. ANTED SITUATION AS FIRST class cook ond laundrosf. by a com potent porson thn hpRtnf refnrenooH.

Ploase call or address for two dVyH at JVo. fifl Bond st, near Btnto. WANTED SITUATION TO DO THE! )iAiiih( irwnrk and sBwinc or care children and make horse! generniJy nsoiuj, by respeotablo youn? giri or xoi is ogoou Main at, scoona floor. ood operator on tho machiae, CaU TXTANTED SITUATION A CHA VcnilMd nndaurie, hy a rBpootable colored woman: had good city rcferenses. Oall for two days at 917 Atlantic ar, first floor, front.

ANTED SITUATION AS OH AM bei miild and waltmss or nurse, bya Protofttanf girl is a good Bower, or would do light hmtsework. Please; call for two dayB at 90 Wyokoff tt, second floor. WANTED SITUATION TO COOK, wnsh and iron in a small family, by a rAspootablo; Pro(ctanfc woinn; references if required. Please call for two days at 72 Hands At. 1 MT ANTED SITUATION TAKE caro of a baby, by a respoctable yoang girl ijood: refereneo.

vjau xor iwo aaya irom a. ra. uatu ir, at 804 Clermont ay. WANTED SITUATION BY A FTRST class cook, waahor and ironer; best of references Bvtven from present employer. Can be aaen for two days at 312 Clinton Bt.

ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN era! housework In a small familr. bv a resneotsblai Kir I or woold do upstairs work and take oaro of children gcod city reference. Ploaae oall at 256 Scaormerhorn at. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework, in a small family by a roapectable vounff girl has Rood city references. Call for two days at 105 Van Buron nt, bet.

Bedford and Franklin ava. WANTED SITUATION AS COOK, washer and Ironer.or to cook and assist ia washing; tbobestof refcroncos from ber last place. Call for two days at 191 Court al, opr. CongreM. WANTED SITUATION A GOOD cook, waaher and ironer, or to do general hoase work, by a respectable yonng English woman: has good city references.

Call for two days at 83 Wyokoff st. WANTED SITUATION AS LAUN drofis, by a respectable yonng woman willing to with the chamborwork. Call for two days at fi3 Vh'ot place. "ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN ftrnl hmiRiwnrlc. bv a rAsnnntahlo vnnnir la a good cook, washer and ironer: has good city references.

Call for two days at 475 Adelphi st. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN rral bonsowork. or would do upstairs work, bv young pir), Americm no objoorion to the country. Call for two day at 21P Stat st, near Court, WANTED SITUATION AS COOK, or fenoral housework, in a small private family, bya resnoctabloyounp uirl: good city reference. Please call for two days at STB Gold st.

WANTED SITUATION AS OHAM bormmd and waitress, by a respoctable Protestant girl city reference. Flease call for two days at 710 Dean st. a NTED SITUATION TAKE ruTfl of children and do TtUtn sowinir. by a re pnrct nble young German girl. Call for two days at 29 Dopn st.

WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral lionsewnrk in a Bmall private family by a re snoctrble young girl, itf would do upstairs work. Pleaso call for two dayB at 2C1 St. MarkB av, between Vandorbllt arrt ava. WANTED SITU ATTON TO DO GEN orsl nousework, in a small family, bya raspnetv bloyonrgwomnn: isa good ceok, washer and ironer; haB good city references. Cah for two days at 97 Butlor st.

WANTED SI TU ATION TO DO GEN oral housework or kitchen work, in a small family, bv nirirl: host olty refnronoe. Can be seen for two days at IKS 1'flolhc st. near Hoyt. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN oral bonsowork by a young woman; Is a ttoid plain cook, washer and ironer; hits good city references. Call for two days at 520 Vanderbllt av.

WantedsituXtio "gen" cral housework, in a small private family, bya respectable Protostant girl; good city reference Ploaso call at 50 North Itlllott pi. WANTED SITUATION TO ASSIST IN houeowork and would make horsolf generally nsa nl, bv a young girl, latelv landed. Can bo seon at No. 650 Atlantic av, opposite Klllott pi, AKTED SITUATIONS ONE AS cook, washer and lronor, tho other at chamber maid and waitress, by two suiters have good oity references. Apply nt 102 Cojord XMf ANTED SITUATION TO DO THE corking and general housework of a small iamlly bv a respectable girl.

Will bosoon at 64 Bergen stroet.nsar Sm.tbj WANTED SITUATION TO ASSIST UN liirht houaowork in a smnll, private family, by a young American girl. Oall at 650 Kent avonue, near De Kolb avtnnc YMJNTED SITUATION AS Pt AfN cook, washer and lronor, by a respoctable girl, In aprlvnto family; best of reference. Oall for two days at 6A Clinton av. near Park. WANTED SITU ATION AS GOOD cook, washer and lronor, by a respectable young woman hsa good olty references, Call for two days at 260 Navy st.

noar DoKalb av, in store. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework, by a respoctablo young woman; 11 a plnln cook, washor and Ironer good oity roloronoos. Call for two days at 60 Bond st. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral bonacwork, by a respeotablo yonng womn; Is (rood cook, washer and ironor: has good cityrofor oncrs. CaU for two daya ataiRPenrl wt.

WANED rral ow SITUATION TO DO GEN oral how nwork In a stwyII famiW, by a roanootablo. young (rir) is vriUing and obll iing. dnya at 6U Iionn st, abovo Vanderbllt av. riuaso oau lor wo ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework in sml! itTaf. younn; cook, wash and Iron; good city roforunco for Iwo days to Mr.

CROAK, 1,069 Fulton st, bet. Ormond plR fe aud Claeaon av. WANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN eral housework, bya rospeotable girl; In a smnll prlvste fnm'ly: nonobjection to living whoro thoro is snotherglrlkcpt: has good reference. Pleaso oall for two dnys ar ti vinos 17 ANTED SITUATION A PER SON wi.hnfl a comfortable home for the Wfntnr. whnrn shewou'd betrentod like ono of the family; would do so for her board; can do all kinds of family sowing; jrood cltv reference.

IKS Aliannc av, TTTTT ANTED SIT A Tl JH TO UO THK nf nmftll nrlvnto fa.nlW. Vv nrtnhlo vnnnggirl; has good city reference from her "est Ple se call for wo daya at 72 Nassau st, top uoor. TTTj WTWn STT1JAT1U 4 AS ri A bermslrt and seamstress, or nurse udsoamstrcss. by a respectable yonng woman has W. 4 W.

maohlno and nndots'ands dressmaking: ra for wo class at 81 Carroll near nioo. rT citTTT ATTON Ao vw with tho washin and Ironing or to do gonoral honsowork in a smiU private fninllr. byn respoctablo Protostant girl. Pioiso call at ynonTT nvr nne, onposiro iiiintt pw TXTANTED STTTTATION TODO CHAM' brwork and waiting, bya resnootsblo young woman willing and obMirlrig: no objootion to a privato bonrdlng house: roioronoos from last employer. Please cell or address for one wo No.

283 A tlantlo av. first fl ior. TTANTED SITUATION AS PORTER Ty or take care of horses, drlvo a trnck or make hlm soir npini ju nuj ihwu, ru.puotioie mai, sndebliging; has good city referenoos. Address WOBK, Eaglo office. WANTED SITUATION TO TAKE oaro of a baby and do chamborwork, by a rospeot nblovonng cirl ciwr loioruncu ii mjuhum.

Tctrvina av. cor. KosoiUSKO sc, over grocery awto, two gays ANTJiD JslTUAXlOll Ab WAllUIWO nr general housework, in a private family, by a respectable yonng gu 1, that thoroughly unaoratonds hor work best of city reforenoes. Np. 07 SviUh asia ITovt.

i irt CiOiV 111 AxNlf OA annnVtalninir to houaokeeplbg, by a re Bnectable middle agea woman; tne nt AhtMrAn 1h wlfline and obliging. Please call olass conk, and oxoelleatbakor, in a mall private family; understands all kinds of fowls, andplaln cooVfnloe washer and ironer: oity reeroncee. Please, f4ii rV.H wnT nvt ASSXBHJ SlX'OATlON AS Dj nlaln cook. wosher and ironer, or would do gsn. oral housoXk!" aTuSll private famUy, to respeetable i.m..nnd iitv Mferenco.

Please call at loaueKilDi Sv. uosr Ravmnnd first Honr. back room. VV washer and ironer, or general housework; good Minnit makor: boat of referenoosin every par tlculai inffl aHBrbOT80Z'8, 111 Atlantfo av, tmii dfv.rtiplow tTonrvs. WAliTED SlTUATION AS A GOOD nlaln cook; makes excellent bread and gooa wasnor uu uwdmw," V't nonost.

fslthfnl girl. CTall for two. days at her present place, mi ueanci. WANTED SITUATION TO ur stairs work and take cam of children, or would do housework tn a small private family, by a respectablo girt good references from her last place. Please call at S31 Msdiaon at, near xompKins av.

XXJ ANTED SITUATION A8 NUKSE YT and to do plain sewing, by a resneetabla yonng Please call for two days at 118 Wyokoff at, between Smith and rioyt bt.s. AKTBD SITUATION AS GOOD, nlaincook. waaher and ironer. by a respectable you op woman can tnvo ooa cny rDieurencB. three aars at oo avenno, vm.

uvthvu uiu Wyokoff ete. "STiTAKTBD SITUATION AS GQOK, washer and Ironer, or to do general housework, bv a respeetaoie yonxg woman; woum go a smaii uuu in the country; has goadreferenoes. OaB for two dayB at tx aiiduaga st. TTITANTED SITUATION TO DO Uiy stairs work aud mind children, by a respsotable girl, one that good and kind to children, or housework in a small family. Pleasj oall for two days at89 0ran borry st, near gultoa st nana reioronce.

VXT ANTED SITUATION TO DO THE chamborwork and take oare of growing ohlldren and plain sewing, bya competent girl; will do walling if remit red; has over two years' refsrenoe. Please oall at 214 Gold st. W7 ANTED SITUATION TO DO GJ oral housework, by a respectable young girl in a striotly private family good plain cook.and first rate wash, or and ironer; can bo highly reoommondBd from hor last employer; run be spen for two davw at B75 Stat.o wrroot. WAITED SITUATIONS Jf 2L perionced servants of all nations and for all oa nacl Irs tho best in the olty at low wages for tho Winter. MANNING'S, 48 Oonrtat.

Little girls from a month for I'ont worr. WAITED SITUATION BY A FXKaX class cook understands all kinds ot oooklng has no objeotlon to do the plain wasldng, in a private family; good city or country roloronoo. Please call for two dnyB WANTiSD SITU AT'lOiS TO DO UHAM berwork or mind ohildron, and do plain sowiug, or do a small lamiy, bya, youns girl, not i. (...., nuil MfurfliiMI. Plnssn oul fortwr, days at 167 Smith st, the comer of Wyokoff, entrance on wyCKpn.

I A N'l'WlI SITU ATION TO DO GEjM eral housework, tn a nice family, by i iGd famtlv. hv a first olass American Proteetsnt woman; understands all kinds of oooklng also pie cake, broad and bisonlt masmg pleasant, obliging, anf reliable; oau ve alx years' referenoo Ploaso address for two days Mrs. CONKLIn, Eagle ofHr. TXr ANTED SITUATIOJN TO DO GEN a irood nlaln cook, washer and lronor; or as ohambomiali) and waitress, and would assist In washing and ironing, by a rospectiblo i woman; a small fnmllv, nas gooa oity reiHtBnu. bhw.

of Alia ntlo av, and Adeipaist moanav sto e. XMJ ANTED SITUATION TO COOK, wash and iron, by a middle aged woman, or wsala do general housework in a small private family; Is a good broil ond bisonlt baker; has the best of oity reference. Please call for two days at 837 Gold st, bet, Oonoord and Nassau. ANTED SITUATION AS WET nnrn wHh ribt eiiat of milk fiva weeks old. by a vnnng mcrrlfd woman, Protestant; is a good operator on Wheeler Wilson and other machines can give the beet of references.

Pleaso call at, or address 67 Franklin av, between Pak and glnfhlng avs. ANTED SITUATION TO DO GEN cral nbnsowork, by a respoctablo Protest int middle aged woman: in a email private family; isa good plain cook, waahor would do upstairs work; good city forenceif renuirea, Pleaso call for two days at iu munroe wjiu. mr ANTED SITUATIONS BY 200 Vy hiehly recommended girls: tho best cooks, washers and Ironers, ohambermafds and waitresses, experl nn sn. frltt fnr ornnarnl housework and small girls: 25 girls for housework would like to go to the country atmoneTarowaaas; no uuiuu icq hcbh. ply at OBBIi'S, lie Atlantic av.

WANTED SITUATIONS OU CAN procure servants at the BROOKLYN EM PLOYMENT BUBEAXJ. 29 Concord at, near Fulton; managed by dies. nearly three years fu successful opsr. ntlon. Many families apply here who havo never been at an office bofore.

Servants' references folly investigated. B. Wet nurses, invalid and monthly nursea. WArTJB SITUATIONS MAE9. ATJTKT) STTTTATION TO LEARN tho wholosalo provision trnoo, oy a roapsciaoie bo.v!7yearB of ago: is willing ond obliging.

Address or apply J. a oKiTKiKK, a Aoeipni st. WANEI ANTED MILK ROUTE, OP ABOUT irt 'nnsrtii Arlrtrsm Station M. If. stating price and when aa interview may db naa.

ANTED WORK BY A RESPEOTA ble woman washing and Ironing to tako homo, or would go out. flease can ax. a nuoaon a.v. ANTED WORK A GERMAN WO man rir.lwm tn irnntncf and Iatin in hor own houpp, at ,5 centa per dozen, or would go one by the nay. unu at ax facing op our.

VtTED WASHING AND IRONING; hi first class washer and ironer; can be highly recommended. Please call 162 Butlor Bt; please stop at tho first floor. WANTED WORK A RESPECTABLE married woman would like a few gentlemen's or a few families' washing done In the boat of order, at B98 Kent av. XXT ANTED WORK BY AN AMERICAN woman, washing and ironing; also nonse meaning new JLSJ2 WANTED WORK BY A SWEDISH go out by tha day to do washing and ironing, would be willing to do housocleanlng. Tleaso coll or oaareBB ou n.oy v.

WANTED WORK BY THE DAY OR week, by a respeotablo yonng woman. Apply nt 221 Tompkins cor. Kosciusko at, over grocery store. Call for two days. WANTED WORK BY A RE3PECTA ble woman, a few families' or gentlemen's wash fng at her own house; or would like the oftro of a baby, to tako to her own house: the best of treatment; good oity, reference.

Please call at 71 DnfBeld st, In the haaomgnt. jANT ORK AN EXPERI enced laundreea; ladles', gentlemen's aud lam Hies' washing done in the noatest manner, at 75 oenta per doxen: fluting and poUMhlng dose: post references. Ap Sly at No. 573 Fulton fit, opposite Haneyer plaoo. Becond oc r.

ANTED THE entire furalturo ana ontnc ox large aweuing. ctitrnhlfl for lMAritP hoUSO will exohange eqnlty of a orood farm ot acres, wmiies rrora ew xora. auui 'oodtarra ot tin acres, ou miiea froni If. care C. H.

OUver, No. 1 Park pi, IS. Y. WANTED WASHING A RE epeotablo woman, who understands pnlfing and fluting, washing nnd ironing, by the dozen or by the mom if. r'ieaseeaijatoze vanuerom, ay.

in tho grocery storo. T57ANTED WORK BY A RESPECTA blo woman washlna to do at hor own house or would go ont by the day as cook in a hotol, saloon, or boarding house, whero Bhe could go home at night; has good city reference. Gall for two days, at Amity st, bet. Hioks and Willow. WAMTS PKOFESSlOKAIi.

WANTED DRESSMAKING A FASH ionable dressmaker will go ont by the day or take work at home. Address 1W Carlton avenue near Myrtle, WANTED TEACHER GOOD TEACH er and player on piano, by a lady of some experience, at conservatory pricoB gentleman preferred. Apply at 161 Monroe st. WANTED COMPANION A POSITION as companion to an invalid lady, by an American girl; or do light housework. Address O.

MILLER, 39 LAlayoue st. WANTED HOUSEKEEPING BYA respectable Scotch woman and her daughter, agod nineteen are oxperlonoed In everything tho best of olty reference can he given. Please oall for a week at a Co iumoia st, near uarrau. ANTED DRESSMAKING AN TT YYiAY iAnneii rtt Aiiarri altar, a fnw mora onsraGTOmonts In fAmiHna. hv the duv can ant and fit children's dresses.

Call or address 803 Fulton st, near Cumberland, in tho fancy store, WANTED DRESSMAKING 3.6 FUL ton ft, betweon Yonderbllt and Clinton avs. lya dioB' suits, cloaks, ball dresses, orenlng dresses, wedding dresses, mado in the latest andf most fashionable stylo, at moderate prices; cutter late of Lord Taylor's large capacity to execute oruura prm nivr. WT ANTED BOOKKEEPING A young man, 23 years of ago, who has a good knowledge of bookkeeping, drawing, insurance business, and a general business tact; would iike a situation with plenty of twork: salary according to tho times; references A. 1. Address THOMAS, Box Ml, Eaglo oHloo.

WANTED DRESSMAKING MRS. L. DAY'S Fashionable Dress and Cloak Making, UT Court st, two doors from State st. Cldldron's suits, ball and evening dresses mndo attbe shortest notlo9. We nl.ilm tirncedence In fit.

style and make. N. B. Cutting and hasting a specialty. Patterns cut from measurement snd for sale, warranted to fit.

We' have for sale the most Bimploandcnmnlowjohartfor mothors and dressmakers: prleo livo dollars, with lessons this should be a household word for all who wish to practice economy. WAlV'rEP HO SKS AMI UOOiTlS. WANTED HOUSE BUY A small houBe, with all improvements: convenient to wan Bt. or jruiton rernos. tauuw, lu" tlculars, A.

Eagle office. "ST TANTED ROOMS FURNISHED, A room and bedroom for house teep mj for a lady and son. Address, stating terms, H. Brooklyn B. D.

P.O. WANTED HOUSE IN BROOKLYN or Williamsburg, a small, frame oDttagehonse, of onsy accoes to ferries rrat rnimt be verv low. Address. grating locution ana rent, a. a.

tcnglo wnoo. KT ANTED ROOM FURNISHED A gentleman dosircs a fnrnlBhed room, with fire, wiib on board, in a good nolghborhooi, tn a pleas nt, social family, where good society oau bo enjoyed; best of roferenco given. Address, with full particulars and terms, whloh must bo reasonable, Box 107, Itagle offioo. BOAKJlVt BOARD ON THE HILL A THIRD stnnr baok room with all conveniences, for ono or two gontlem en. Address X.

offico. i BOARD ON HE HEIGHT A bright sunny room tolet wi th 53 Cranberry Bt Fccon ddoor from Mr. Boooher's Chnrob. 1L OARD NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS Kb lot triih first nlaaa board: reference reanlrodtl Ollnton st, second aoor irom a.ariiouu. Ci A TlD ON THK HILL A SECOND hunV room to let.

with cood board. Apply at 884 Jariion av, noar xjihyo ij. tr i a TfTiOnoi) BOARD AND PLEA Jr sent rooms at low rateii, few boarders kept; private house; gas, bath, ete. 05 Park av. OARD A PLEASANT ROOM TO LET to a sioarle gentleman wrnwiuwi oiotot cd.

Apply at 22 Adams st. UOARD t71 DKfiTlAW ST. ROOMS f.9 tol i. i.nut (th AY without board: house has wren all modern improvomenw. TT tf AUT.

TO LET. WITH, ty third story, front ball room. Apply Oranborry St. second door from CJolnmbia heights. ikiu on a nitw UK, tan find good board and lodgings at liberal tarms.

Call at 213 Degrow st OARD ON THE HILL A LARGE ALs forgentlemanandwifoortwo s'inglo gentlemen, covoroora on seoond floor, also room on tujruvuuui. BOARD A CHEERFUL ROOM FAOUjlf ttt AT' P. vw nwn ingio (jon ionicn, fa nuutiwin oppomw iqo now BOARD TOLET, WITH PIRST CLASS board, a ohploo of throe largo rooms also, one hall room lapis ooaraers aooomraoaato d. 88 and 0 Oonoord street. TO LET, MEATLY FURNISH With OOOd bnard hrtnn hna all mnAt improvements, Call at 31 Sohormorhorn st, bet, Bond and Hoyt "lOARD VERY HANDSOMR wm.

jr nlshrd rooms, suitablo for gentleman and wifo or slngl? KentlPtnon; tablo first class dlnnor at AdoIy atS.TVestWarronst OARD ON THE HILL A GENTf.R. man and wifo. or two trontlomnn nn ii uainiBuiuujy luiuiriiiuii iui'iju un nuuunu uoor, W1(Q Jtrst HOARD AT 107 HENRY ST. CORNER Olark Slnglo rooms, large and well fnrnished, to genUomnn or ladies and $7 weok; also table beard era aecommoaai'ou. EAGLE OFFICE, NOVEMBER 17.

BY TELEGRAPH. The Spanish Difficulty and the State Department. WAITING FOE HEWS EVERYTHING UNSETTLED. Wabhikoton, November 16. There haB been no further communication from Havana to theDepartment of 8iate to doy, and there iB no change in the situation.

The British Legation here is in receipt of dispatches stating that seventeen British subjects ore understood to hove been omonglhe people on the Virginius who were put to deoth, and that there were on the v3eeel in oil twenty three British subjects. Great Britain, like the United Btates, is ir. pursuit of accurate information, and has thus far obtained but very little. The telegraph from Havana to Santiago is still down. The Spaniards claim that it was demolished by a hurricane on the S3d of October, and thero is some confirmation of this tn a telegram from Consul Hal) that be had no communication with Santiago since th( 24th, by telegraph.

Tho State Department has not received conflrmotion of the additional executions reported since the 8th, but sevoral reasons make it undoubted that some execuuons were done on the 11th and Mttt. There is a discrepancy in regard to the numbers. Including tho executions on the 8th there had been, ao cordsog to State Department advices, fifty seven executions. The despatches referring to the later murderi speak of fifty seven additional a oarlons coinoldeno in number indicating some mistake. Then It is said that only eighteen have been Bpared and tbe aU up before given makes 114 deaths, whloh would tifty one tho humber saved, as there were 163 on board.

It will be seen that this information is in great con fusion and untrustworthy, but it is believed thero were not seventeen British subjects among those executed ap to tho 8th, and the dispatches to Minister Thornton would tend to establish tho faot of further mnrder. after the time when, accounting for all probable delays, the promptory orders to stay proceedings from the Madrid Government ought to havo reached Santiago. Thore is very little doubt that Great Britain wiU have quite as much cause aa the United States to make demands upon Spain for reparation for the horrible outrages following the capture of the Virginus. HELP FOR CUBA. Ber.

Justin B. Fulton's Remedy for an Oppressed People Christianity and a SabBtb His Sympathy Cor the Spanish Republic. Yesterday morninR Rev. Justin D. Fulton Pastor of the Hanson place Baptist Church, preached on the Bubject "How can Cnba for his text Matthew 15, 36, "And he took the seven loaves and the fishes and gave thanks and brake them and gave to his disciples, and the diaciples to the multitude." The preacher after briefly commenting on the words of tbe text drew from it that those who have, should give to those who have not, and then passed to what, he said, was tho question at this hour what can be Qono to help Cuba 7 An acquaintance with her oondition, ha thought, would better enable us to understand the help that Cuba needs, and he proceeded to give the geography, history, climate and morals of the Island.

He afoke nt length of tho oruelties which had marked the slave and coolie system of Cuba, and then came to the present dsy. The Cuban insurgents, he aaid, we fighting for tho suppression of slavery and their own liber ties. weajrcaKot tnemaa uiuugu i vy wv muiucr, era much has been said aboqt them for the viaaiKice massache. Let us seek to do them justice. They are loyal to the dag of Spain and they see in the ascendancy of the ro bcllioufl population In Cuba to day, the perpetuation of slavery; they have no faith in nllibuBteriiig aud believe in Cfistellar whom every lover of slavery hates.

Are tucy not correct, do they not need our sympathies; would not Christ if he was here to day say to us that these i.cople have been bruised, crushed and beaten for centuries and oak us to Bpeak for them, and rsise up a cry in their behalf. The liberty of the slaves in Cuba to day is at stake, and they call for our tympathy and; our help. Let us thank God that the keen mind of our President perceives the emergency, und may wo trust that a helping hand will be stretched out to Castellax in putting down slavery, treason and rebellion. Let ns remember that Castellar 1b worthy of our love, for there is no clearer brained, warmer hearted inau ever lived. To day he needs oar sympathy and help.

Let us remember that it ia our duty to help put dowD slavery everywhere, 8pd that the people of Cuba deserve on opportunity under a free government, to i merge from darkuess into ngnt, rrom slavery to iree dom, from superstition to the liberty of the gospel. First then and foremost. CUBA. NEEDS CHRISTIANITY. and nothing ao much as Christianity Nature has done verytuing to maxe uuoa a neaven on cu, Romanism and the carnal nature has succeeded in changing it into a scene of contentions strife, cruelty, robbery and vrong.

The slave trade Dad as it ever was, Daa as can oe, ia mitigated Dy anything that has been done by Christianity and it pours on its stream of suffering under the very shadow of the cross. Tho slave or the coolie dies and gives no sign and there ib no one to write or pioture their griefs, out they havo nursed their great wrongs and they arc icaay Binao uc uuy uiu vj auw Nobody thinks of tho. poor slave who is driven to nineteen hours' work a day, without compensation, without home, wife or children, ond almost without bread. Thus the coolies die and give no Blgn. but their olaoes are filled with fresh victims, who live like beasts ana ate uce orutee.

ROMANISM CURSES CUBA as it curses Mexico and Peru, as it curses Europe, and what, nv tne biesBmo oi uospei uoerty, nugut nave been made a Paradise, Romanism, has made almost lieu. Second. Cuba needs a Sabbath, for God oannot safe Iv be voted out of a community. In Cuba there is no Sabbath worthy of the name, as there would be none here if Romanism had its way. In the morning people go to moss or business according as tncy aro ucr vout or not, and the evening is unscrupulously aacxificed bv all classes on the altar of pleasure.

The command, ''Remember tho Sabbath day. and pnn IE noiv IB as Ultsny izuureu ao 11 a noverbcen writton. Why this barbarity in Cuba to day? Why are these remote soenes Deingenaoteow It 1b because thero is no Christ thore. The murderous conduct of the capturers of the few adventurers lm nt out in the ViruiniuB. now fills the world with thought, and I find reason for gratitude to God, that tUOUgnts on tue questions vuiveu are ui njuuu.

to aay, uy tno eiaugutor ui tun tiuuu nnr attention is turned to the great interests looked on in that, country, then God be praised, then th blood of tho martyr shall not only be the seed of the church but THB BLOOD OF THE FILLIBUBTBB wlU become the Beed of liberty. Dr. Fulton went on to sav Cuba needs Ohrist Bray for Cuba let us lift Christ ud there that the lovim? sympathies of tho w.rm aud southern nature may be bound about him. Cuba neede a government of the peoplo used for the people. na reinlne that she will have an ODDOrtuuily to at tain this in tho trhunph of the Republic of Spain.

Lot us remember that wo cannot safely, os a nation, hide our light uuder a bushel, ond that we owe it to God and humanity, and to our own safety as a people, to dissemin ate tno principles oi our xts ieuut. Bro light that kisses the mountain tops of Cuba, and I see to dav that thjre is to be a ucw reifmc there, that liberty is to triumph and Christianity to find a foothold. I would to God that a petition, could go'from this congregation to the President of tho Tinltjfl states, askins him to secure a euorautee of lib erty for Cuba ond then we would help the Republic of Hpoin to reuu me leitcru ui B.ay. THOSE BLACK ME to day who wear the uniform of Spain in Cuba, aro fightkiH for the liberty of themselves and of their children. By a right action of the President aud Secretary of Htate we mav dissipate the cloud that hangs over Cuba and bring down the sunshine that hovers over the throne.

Here ia one great opportunity for this great nation, nnu may uuu ueip iui tune BEECHEB ON SPAIN. The Virginias Massacre Characterized is" "A JBrnte Love for Blood" Blod gar tion VrgcA "Tho Cnbans De serve Liberty." An immense crowd filled riyroouth Church and overflowed into the vestibules last night. It was believed that Mr. Beeober would say something on th Cuban question, and owing to this fact, perhaps, th) audience was larger than usual. Expectation was to aliaed.

Mr. Beechcr took his sermon from Acto xvii, 26 and 27, and GalatianB Ui, 28. He commenced by speaking of the necessity for tho cultivation of national amenities, and for the spread of Christian influence throughout the world; he thou came to the pill i of the sermon. "How natural it is to add," he said, "that all nations should labor for tho destruction of tLose passions which lead to war. If war must continue, take it out of the hands of lust, of greed, of ambition, and put it in the hands of justice.

The extent ofthoiovoof war iB appalling. Men have brought up with them, through all their progress, the brute a ppe titts. There is as much love of blood iu man as iu the wild beast, and the extent to which ho exhibits the destroying iuslinct is appalling. Twenty years ago I thought there had danued an era of peace. I preached and heralded it.

Since (hen wo havo had tho GVimjau war, the Franco Italian, the Austrian, our own great rebellion, the Prussian aud AuBtrlan war, and the France German. Is tho world, tutn, ripe for peace 7 lias Christian aity exerted its influence) The mountains which crush the lands are war debts. The war debts of Christian uulicns amount to twenty one thousand millions of dollars. For all this thsre is no substance to show. If men are brothers, is it not tinio that Cain and Abel should be reconciled If men ore united by tho ligaments of their higher natures is it not thud that mvu should study the duty of peace?" BTtTJTB LOVE OP BLOOD.

Coming at last to a direct consideration of tho Cuban outrage, Mr. Beccher said "There is no questiou of the horrible nature of Did outrage. Had it been done in the heat of battle it would have been horrible, but it wob coolly, deliberately iufomous. Xt was a brute love of blood. It is as bad a thing as hae happened in my day.

If such things are to bo permitted, then the devil i is etrongi on the tarth than Ohrist. In our great struggle a party of soldiers were ambushed in a creek, and their boat was beached. They lay flat in the bottom of the little craft, and tbo bullets of tho enemy whistlod over ihrm. One was a black. Comprehending the need of their condiiion, he esid 'Somebody tmU9t die and leaped out.

It was the work of moment to push the boat Into the stream tho next he fell pierced with a score of bullets. His namo is even unknoivntbut his noble dd belongs to all mankind. So also, deeds of horror bj long not solely to the plaoo of their perpetration." Mr. Beechcr driw attention to and glorified the fact that none of the outrages of tho rebilliou were committed by the Northern troops, although the dastardly plots of the rebelB were provocative of retaliation, and continued: ''This Spanish outrage throws light upon the condition of things in Cuba. These patriots need relief and eynipatliy.

They ore a handful they are poor; all the more they neod succor. When Washington with his tattered army lay camp at Valley Foro, was he not more glorious than when he had gaiued the victory They dcoervo liberty, and the help of honest man on the globe to achieve it," At this the congregation applauded long and vigorously. TBE BITTER MEDIOINE. "Deeply as I BympotM with this cause," continued Mr. Beccher, "and I havo had my heart in it since its inception, still I do not think that our Government should be driven into notion by the disorganized climer of the people.

It is bound to act rosp ict to the relotio of this counlry with every other oouutry. It Btiould df crfc such wlBe things that it Bhall bo considered lradir among nations. Wo must not seek' tho gratification of a moment Sanger. Bpoln liaabasn thj victor and the violira of ages. It is a laud full of nobl i influences and of debasing passions.

This great nation is now herself to If, now, wo oau punlch the monsters of Cuba in Buch a way as to strengthen tho hands of the Bopublloana iu Snath, lot us do it," Again the Bpeuker was interrupted with en tbuswislio applause. 'Bnt, he added, "if we flni that our flag has been insulted in Cuba, and the responsible MONDAY EVENING. NOVEMBEK 17. a ehts this btbhimo. BROOKLYN THBATBB Paulino Charles the Twelfth.


OPBBA HOUSE. Minstrol Entertain meat. 4 BROOKLYN ATHKHKUM DuStlftu glfort. Br. PETER'S SUNDAY SCHOOL BUl WNG Lec tare Aorou Amonoft on ACADEMY OP MDJIO.

N. Y. I Ubu Opera Los Haxnonots. ROOTH'S THBATBB. N.

Y. Brotns, or tho Full of Taxqnin. WALLAOK'B THBATBB. N. OLYMPIC laRArrtK.

N. Y. R'P Van riiiiii9iliHnlt Y. Tae Blalt Crook. 'SAND OPERA HOU3B, H.

Y. A Flash of Light "noWRTiv THKATRK. W. Y. Wfck of the Woods LniFreSh 4o.

Ti.e Giant's Causeway. BROADWAY Y. Tho Now Megda 'WOOD'S MU81CUM. It. Y.

Performance every after Boon and ovonlng Vic Jims Solon Shingle. BRYANT'S OPERA HOU N. Y. Nozro Minstrelsy, etc. THKATBE OOMIQUK.N.

Variety Entertainment. METKOPO IrAN THBATBB, N. Varlety Enter tatnmout GBRMANIA THBATBB, N. Y. Hans and Henna, etc, TONV PA TOR'S OPISKA llOUolS, M.

V. Variety COOPER INSTITUTE. N. Y. Langbing Ga anl Magioal Entertainment.

BAIN HALL, N. Y. Tho Pilgrim. P. T.

BARNUM'? WORLD'3 FAIR Tweuty seventh t. and Fourth av, N. Y. BUBINSON HALL, N. Y.

Charity Oonoert. THB EAGLE BT MAIL. We havo extended the facilities of our mail department, and subscribers can have the Eao sen to any point, either in this country or in Europe, for 73c per month. To a Brooklynite abroad the Eaolb Is welcomed as "letter from homo." Under the new Postal law the rale of newspaper postage is reduced to one cent tor each two ounces or fraction thereof. The Eaol irn'ona just 1 ounoes, and therefore comes within the law.

The poBlage may be paid in advance at the post ouloa throughout the United 8t, at the rate of H.20 ir yrar, a Baving over the one cent sys tem ot auuuiiliy. While the Eagle's interests aro mainly local, anil while we claim for it the position of tho best local neuspuper in the Union, it has won for iteelf a high place among the independent joui nals of the country. The Eagle is now read universally in Brooklyn, lis circulation outside of Brooklyn is very rabidly lucreasing, and was Mover so large as at present. THE EAGLE IN NKW YORK CITT. Wo have established agencies for the sale of.

t'jp Eaolk at wmie of tho principal business points in New Voi City, as follows Astor House etc e. 0. P. Bockwi od. Grand street Ferry.

South. Ride Riilrosd. James slip. Wnodniff Brothrre, Brio Railway Ferry Toot of Cham' street. Dunn Case, New Jersey Central Railroad, foot of Liberty street.

BUFFALO BILL. Charles McOoomb's and Yilliaui Meaerole, alius "Buffalo BUI," wero arrested last night. They had been hovering about hallways in Warren Btreet, aoling Buspiciouilyj CABUIAGE SALE. At Cole Murphy's carriage sale, on Saturday last, tho followinK articles were disposed of Top buggies, $167 8D. $127.60, $110, $91 phtetoua, $155, $225, BociawBys, $143, f80, $112 business wagons, $81, $100 sleighs, $116.60, $35, $50 several horseB, and a large quantity of turuess, robes and blankets at proportionate figures, POOR PAYNE.

Last night Kohert Payne rescued a prisoner from an officer in Court Btreet. During the evening he was arrested and given cruarters in the Butler street Police Station. WUOSE SOW This morning, Officer Denhaui, found the body of a boy abjut twelvo years in tho river, at Prentice's dock, foot of Montague street. Light long hair. Dm sjd in j.

laid shirt, black pants, and no shoes. 1EA table tkifles. Last night "William Thompson threw a teacup at his wife, at supper, at his residence No. i Provident street. It struck her on the head and infliot ed a severe wound.

TOO FAT. Saturday night, Mr. David McConnell, of the Police Telegraph Bureau, bbw a thief take a bun dle of cloth from the btoro No. 198 Fulton street. He gave chase and succeeded in recovering the cloth by tumbling over the fellow, who doubled about aud escaped.

The goods were valued at $100. This morning Mr. McConuell was complimented by his Superintendent, Mr. George Flanley. Dave was too fat to run fast.

HALIiOKAN'S III! 11 BAIL John Holloran was arrested this morning, lor ycBiDg and kicking at tlie sido door of Madden's liquor store. He wanted a drink and he wants one worse than ever now. HOW HAJtY MOBE 1 Yesterday morning a lamp exploded in lira. Margaret Connelly's residence, No. 464 Butler street.

Damage $25. Saturday night Mrs. Joseph Kane was severely burned by the explosion of a kerosene lamp, at her residence No. 154 Columbia Btreet. VEU MYSTERIOUS DISAPPEARANCE.

The Loat One is Discovered in Front of a Beef Steak and Wheat Cakes. An advertisement appeared in the "personal" column of tho Herald of Saturday morning, to tho effect that Mr.Dan.Dean,late of Montague street had mysteriously disappeared that he was last seen orosslng the Fulton Ferry in company with a cash box, and that any nowB of him would bo gladly received Tjy his friends at the Belmont Hotel, Fulton street, New York. Mr. Dean is an old Brooklynite, and the disappearance of an old Brooklynite is always a matter of moment to the Eagle, which can also fairly claim to be an old Brooklynite. A reporter of this paper, therefore, was promptly despatehed to learn the particulars of Mr.

Dean's disappearance. btabtliho humous were prevalent about it. Some declared that Dean had committed suicide, and that his body was now floating in tho East Biver, a personal friend having recognized it from the ladles' cabin of a Fulton ferryboat. Others swore that he had been tarred and feathered because he had won twenty dollars from Joe Colgate at billiards. A few bold spirits, however, declared that Mr.

Dean had not disappeared at all, and this was found to be the case, for the irat person the reporter met on entering the Belmont Hotel was Captain Dean himseU', seated in front of a very healthy breakfast and a plate of wheat cakeB (brown). Btjy your coal of Nathan Co. Coal wharf foot of Jay street. Efrg, store, nat, $5.75. Actual costlof cartage oddod to above prices.

I 4 Bead the advertisement headed Half a Million." You are Interested. 'Over Gboss Bbo'b Crayon Photos for the Holidays, unequalled as works of art. Improved ivorytypos, Bembrandt portraits etc. First class work at moderate prices, Photo Art Gaixeuy, 170 Atlantlo av. Bboka'w Bbos.

Largest store, largest stock tn the world, of Gents', Boys' and Children's flno onstom ready made clothing. Fourth av, opposite Cooper Inatl tnto; Lafayette place, opposite ABtor place. Caution to House Owners. Examine your roofs before Winter comes, and if thoy neod repairing, scndtothoofllcoof tho AKEnioAN BriJBEn Paist 65 I'nlton st, N. Y.

Boofs repaired and guaranteed to last five years. A Baltimore physician writes: "I havo known serious and pormanont injnry to delicate females from tho uso of rowing machines this was caused by tho intonso labor roguired to run thorn. Tho WlLLCOX A Gross Machine Is ontlrolyfrsu from snchfanlt. I think tho most delicate female may uso it without dotrlmont to bealtn, therefore I most cordially recommend It to all PnoTo Ar.T pon the Holidays. Chas.

S. Rawson requests his friends and patrons not to defer their ordors iyr work to late In tho seasen. Call and make your appointments curly. 330 Fulton Bt, two doors from Piorrepont. Invalids are recommended to purchase tbelr tea of Th FinoBt Grades of all kinds of Tea in pickets, at $1 per pound.

A list of drugcials who sell this tea appaais in our advertising columns every Satnr lay. Forewarned is Forearmed. Keep Hen BY'b OAnnoLlc Sat.vE always in the house. Bewaro of worthless imitations. It is indorsod by tho leading physi.

clans and pharmucoutfetg, Tho genuine has tho pri7ate stamp of JOHN F. Heshv, Nob. 8 and9 College place, N.Y. ttAtCltlED. OT.A.BKE BYflER In Brooklyn, on Thursday, Nov.

6, 1103 by Bcv. ,1. K. Sonrli'S, ALEX. Fjiaskb ClAUKK to ANNA VAN t'LEEF, oldest daughter of Bichard Byder, Esq.

No cards. RWALM KL7NB A Plainficld, N. on Wodnosiav, October 29, by ho Rov. Dr. N.

R. Smith, ALBKBTUS SwAi.M,to MAoaiEM. KriME, both of Plainliold, 0n Sstnrrlav MAnGABKT BEOLEY.daugh. ti Tticlinrd Brny. agod 29 years, 4 months, 1 days.

Relalivea and filands of the family are inritod to attend 1, Wnvnmbnr 18. at 2 clock, from the rosldrnro of fothor, Si9 Hamilton avenue, near uourt slreot, Sunlb Brooklyn. CONLON On tho 17th Maboela, only child of Jolin and Mary Cordon, aged lyear, 4 months and lb days. Thn tmcril vriw tno placo on Wndnasday, tho W'h the residence of her parents. No.

IS Filth St. Soulh Brooklj n. BU JSOH ln BjooVlfn, KoTomber is. I8T3, after a short illness, Auxui lxiAto widow of uiohard Elllsen aged 69 years. Bolatlvns and friends of tho family are rcBpoctfnlly Invited to attend tho funcrol from hor lato rosideu' 16 Vandorbllt avenvr, on Tuesday at halt psBtone o'olook.

Georgetown, D. papers pleuBocopy. HENNEESY On SJonday, I7th Maboauht L. daughter oi B. and tho late TUos.

J. Bennessy, aged tBrpntv ono months. MaUres and friends aro respoctfutly inviUd to attend tlunora) from tba losldcnoe of her mother, S33 Putnam avenue, on Tnosday, at 3 o'clock. ATTpn. On Saturday, November 15, at ber residence.

No: reflet of the late Mr'. Sno iiuM, day. FLnornl ill toko place from tho German Luthora i Obnrob. Honry street, noar Clark, on Tnosday afternoon in 2 o'clock. MtCANN On Sundsy Nov.

16, Bahtholojiew J. Mc Cann, in tho Kih jo of his age. Fii ndsa idacqu. iulanros aro rospeotfullj Invited to ntie'd rm his late rosfdeoce, 160 Sands st, on Tuesday Nov. IP, nt hslf past o'clock.

BOBINS On Friday November H. of oronp, yonngeit of Charles and Mary Boblns, agod 4 Soars, 2 months nnd 1 1 dars. The reliuivce fnri frlonds of the family are Invited to attend tho fnnoral, from the residence of her a Mcllonongh st, cor. Beld av, on Tuesday, the 18th inst, 3J4P. M.

a Orthodoxy Crashed by Science Ghost ly ff atth a Fraud. At the Second Unitarian Church, oorner of Clinfon and C6ngris streets, yesterday morning, Rev. Henry Power preabhed upon "Material aud Heavenly Science." spefiker; said thai the greatest need oi the times is a growlng'faith. the practicability of the utha of religion. Donbt is the fruit of supersUtion, and the want of a digherlife knowledge, the cause of irreligfon.

Faith one of the essentials ot life, but the masses dlstroct with fear and doubt, have broken away from tho formu ated conceptions of the past. Their eouls ora embittered beconse when they loo about them no man mlds out to them thehope of eternal life. The question was then asked Is there no woy of connecting spiritual and scientific life Must faith in invlflble things orcaso aa we grow familiar tho material world 7 Rather let us exclaim, Lord, increase our laith 1" Away with all truBt of ghostly faith the problem wo must then EOlve, if we would be in lasting peace of soul, Ls must we put our FAITH IS THE BASE OF ALL THINGS, science and of business alike, for the universe is not a piece of mechanism colely. It has grown by its internal force, with only a still pwsenoe among the atoms, ietit is in obedienoe to that impulse that it oiists. History will bear evidence to the a isettton that whonav science and orthodoxy have come in contaot, the latter uad to retire, dhished, from the lists.

But thsse soien Usts have, neverthsleaa, implicit confidence the Creator. Their expressions may not suit us, butthoir reverence of God is still eloquent with true devotion. The reasons for telieTing in spiritual things are, after all, as good as in material things. MONEY MARKET. Bold and Exchange Wealc toefca.

Rapidly Moving Upward. WiU. Stubs November IT. Gold opened strong this morning, bat subsequently fell ofT, being influenced first by the dcoline in Exchange to 106X for 60 day, and for Eight. The price opened at I09 and went up to Then come a decline to 109, aided by the cable new, iit American securities were off in London.

Tha carrying rate was heavy, ranging from 1 32 to 1 16, and assisted the decline. Governments were steady at the following bid quotations: ffl'a, 114; coupons, 1UX; 62 108X; lc5 06 110; new, 113; OTs, 113; 68's, USK; lO.tO's, 107X: coupons, 108f; 's of 1831; 1D9X; correnoy sixes. 110 The Btook market opened very atrong and fully up to the closing figures of Saturday. The advance wa most marked in Lake Shore, Rock Island, Western Union, Central, 8t. Paul, Union Pacifle ond Honnibal, and St.

JOBeph whioh moved up, 1 a 4 par cent, before noon. Opening prioee of leading Btoeks, were as fallows Erie, Pociflo Mail, Lake Shore, 68; Northwest, Rook Island, 88)4; Western Union, 68; Central, 83V, 8t. Paul, Union Pacific, 31; C. O. 4 I.

19; Ohio, Wabash, 40.V. Harlem, 10; Hannibal and St. Joe, 21. The Chronicle of Saturday baa a list of fifty five railroad corporations, defaulters in the payment of interest upon bonds or dividends upon Block. These are as follows: Alabama Central; Alabama and Chattanooga Atchison and Nelraaka BOBton, Hartford and Erie Burlington, Cedar Uapida and Minnesota Bur ii glon and Southwestern central oi iowa; nee peake and Ohio; Chicago and Canada Southern Chicago.

Danville and Vincennes Chicago and Michigan. Lake Shore; Chicago and Southwestern Des Moine Valley; Detroit, Hillsdale ond Indiana; Ducnesaano Columbia; Fort Wayne, Mnnoie and Cinoiuuau; GreenviUe and Columbia Kansas Ciiy, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs; Kansas Pacifie; Leavenworth, Lawrence and Galveston Little Rock and Fort Smith Little Rock, Pine Bluff and Now Orleans; LDiana port, Crawfordavilio and Southwestern; Macon and Brunswick; Maysville and Lexington; Memphis and Little Rock Minnesota and Northwestern Mis sissippi, Ouachita and Red River Mobile ond Mont gomery; Montclair; Montgomery ondEufalo; New Havtn, Middletown and Wilhmantic; New jersey Southern; New Orleans, Mobile and lexas now York and Oswego Midland Oregon and Coufor nia Peninsular; Pittsburgh, Washington and Baltimore; Port Huron and Lake Michigan Plymouth, Kankakso aud Pacific; Rockford, Rock Maud and St. Louis; St. Joeoih and Denver Cily St.

Louis and southeastern; 8t. Louis oud St. JOBeph; SIFaul and Pacific; Selma, Marlon and Memphis; Selma, Rome and Dalton; south Side of Long Island Southern Minnesota Sul livan and Erie Sunbury and Lewiston Union Pacific Central Branch Western Alabama IWUmmgton ana Western of Delaware Monticelio and Port jervis. This is a formidable list, but some of the rds have been in default for somo years, and the bonds of very few cf these have been aotively dealt in. STOCK EXCHANGE SALES FIRST BOARD.

New Yobk, November 17. 20C0U S6 6.., S6tUU S5 20C fin. 100LOU 86 S0r 67... 500 do loxo ao MX) 8 6's 10 40 r. 119 113 300 Lk Sh A So a (3 113X 113 I be H3t 1U7 I 100 100 2U0 200 loo 100 4co an Sco 6Hh Hi.

tBX fi 68I 6j sait tSjf 63.. 68K 68V 63 68 6UW a 5'B HMD O. 1U3W 6OO0US5's Blr 1U8 irnn 11 Sn'sfil c. 1W8XI COCO Missouri do I0OO Mo 6's A St Jo aoo do 400 do 100 do 200 do 100 do 600 do 1700 do 100 do blO 106 do 200 do 400 do 200 do 200 do 200 do IPS do 406 Erie Railway is 2C00 Brooklyn b's J4J bo 8WI EOOOChi 6 I DOU0 do 1UW 11X0 Mich So 2d 81 teCOMicbSoSP 99 9t 10(W Lk Shore con rog W) 100U do coup 90 inMLskeShDIvbds. 87 6i 68 Si tBSX 68 tag mi 4000 Cen Pacific GB.

90 i 500U OO 90.S; 1000 do 9JW 11000 do bo SXW; 2U0 ao. rln. 5000 union racrno rt. 451 7J SOU Harlem R. iOM 17000 6000 ao 14000 Un Pacinc 7s LG 7000 Vn Pacliia 10's In vn rtn inn Panama R.

Too dn bo 8i 70 53 10U do 87 800 union facmc it bob 600 do won do 1100 do Soo do 900 do bs 3001) Groat West'n 1st I 90 1 1 21 2tW Sl ax do nflm A Essex Vrj TV A lsl 101 lOOOPtaKtW AO 2d. 98 awClev 86 oHMClo APtaconSP 83 6CC0 Ohio A Miss con. 88 4000 St Louis A Iron 1st in .90 4000 Chi 4 Alton 1st. 103 SJC0T4 Wlstm StL Div 81 M00 Mfl 4 St 8's 1st ho 101 200 do 83 J00 00 ilfi SOU HH 400 do 21)4 300 do 30 do SJK SOO do bS SU 300 do Sftf 400 do Sift 20, Clove API guar ex dlv 'S 10 do 1H 8 do be II 400 do 76 60 Ohloago thUK be 100 do 40! 2300 do 100 do MX 40 Ohio 4S urld ho 65 60 New Ocntxal 9tK 100 do bl 100 do OHIO do 10 Chicago 4 1 K. 8'J 100 do oo tiK 100 do 83S4 6.1:::.

100 do 811. 60 do ipo 50 50 do lot! uo I CO Del Lack A VV 91 144 do bo 91 SOO Mil 4 St Panl 5000 West Un Tel 7'a. 10 Park li pu SO Am Exchange Bk 103 25 4th Nat Bk 83 E3 do 90 11MI An bo 90 Motropol Bk 1W. 100 Wostorn Un TO. arc, 200 do sou (I0O 400 200 4CU 200 1SKXI KM ICO 600 WO 60U SCO ICCtl 200 aw 700 200 ltt soro 800 2SM 500 S00 600 1500 100 00 300 4T0 600 6U0 300 E200 1700 201) do do.

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400 400 do do do do do do do do do. ICO 2VII 400 700 sno 200 UhtO A HlBO'ppU 2SX 100 S6S, 96 es' 2S i 35H ao 100 100 fjffWells Fargo Exp zy Adams press. BEAL ESTATE TRANSFEBS. Madison st, 120 Throop av, 100i8.9:Madison st, a. 5t a Throop or.

8010x.l. 1x69.4, J. Lynch to Edwin Crampton Myrtle av, cor Elm St. 60x to Elm Bridget O'Connor to Ellia, wife of Edward P. Johnson Same property, Johnson to Bridget Connor, foracloaare, RH Onderhill to Henry Lee.

Bsltln st, 2M.6 ft Fourth avOxlOO, Bobbins MfSSSi Iils to Peter Comorford, cag ThlaceVs of Court at, 20x133.6, b41 IK fofvoslor to William MerrU) 14S10ft of Blevontb aT.ai3; np Cunninghom tto Sarah Dixon, East Bruns 4.0M 4,000 6,65 1.0t nn. iSS9 90 16,00 18,09 3,937 1,160 6.00) 765 S.00 1.61) 1,140 15.9C4 8U 4.80J 7,001 W.304 ritio tj VVlio' t's oi Smith it5iobV Annie', If of Firllng to Annie wifo of William Cook, Locust Valloy, ust vaiioy, Same property. Annie wife of WH Cook to Uoth. eppert Dean at, a. 204.10 ft Classon av, H.

delto Robert Banner, Astoria, L. port St. Waits av, 160 ft Franklin av, 4Uxl3t.6 J. C. Brevoott to John Wood Yates av, cor Madison st, J.

D. Lynch to John H. Lit tell Balsey 6, 830 ft Nostrond ov, 95x85.6,0. W. Mehoney to James ond William Sfalrden Bedford av, ob, 20 ft River st, )x67, hAl: Julia Emmons, widow to Thomas J.

Moore Bergen at, a 140 ft Franklin av, 4x128.6; J. C. Biovoortto Jobn B. B. Sheridan Sat atoga Marlon st, th to Marion st, xw lfxn, Kflxloo to Saratoga ar.xsJJ; Winana to Georgo Goodwin, New Hiirt Boifo'n ieoi nUioov, i Broi oort Mory Johnson Birgenst, SWfte Franklin av, 40xlt.b; 0 BrcvoorttoAlexandor Bo.

ParfPc, cor. Frtuklin av, WOVJai to Dean Bt; Linoh to Kdvdn BeiicnttTB 600 ft of Franklin av, 12S.0,J i fffliiloMtr and RIoh'd Berg Madison st 40,100, inch to GeoB Lewis and John Patterson B. 18.9x100. A viiooi 0 Undmann to George.

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