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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 10

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


SMITH'S HYPNOTIC POWER, SECRET CARRIAGE OF A KXOXVILLE BELLE Wedded Since itlnrch, and A'ovr SUo Is a Widow. HOW THE NEW TAX IS LEVIED. LONG ISLAND CITY CERTIFICATES. Another Suit in ICrfcrence to Their Tender for Actinncnw. City Treasurer F.

W. Blcekwonn cf Long Island City has been served with an injunction In direct contradiction to tho docision of the court of appeals in relation to tbc old First ward improvement certificates. Litigation arising from tho r.ssessments levied in connection with the improvement, owinu to cortaiu properties being reverted to tho city by reason, of the uon payment of assessments, lias been earrio.l on in tho courts for yoars. William Nelson carried a test caso to tho court of appeals and that tribunal handed down ft decision to tho effect that property taken by tho city for unpaid assessments could be redeemed by improvement certilicates, whieh some yoars ago went begging at 40 cents on tho dollar. Elias C.

Benedict Home time since commenced an action in tho Unitod States courts to decido tho question whether tho property can A CHECK OS THE DRIVEWAY PLAX. The TJmler Which the Comniiiuilon Acted Declared tiitionnl. The scheme of a driveway along the Bay Bidgo shoro front, about which was heard so much last yoar, has received a serious check. It was given out months ngo "that tho commissioners, General Woodward, Colonel Brower, George Degraw and E. Konnedy would mako a report to the mayor.

Commissioner Kennedy kopt saying from wook to week thai tbo report would soon be forthcoming. It has never been presented and never will ba unless the legislature shall validate the work. The corporation counsel gave it ns his opinion that the law uudor whieh the commission has been acting is unconstitutional in thnt whilo the commissioners wero appointed by tha mayor, the 3lidro road is beyond the city limits and tho Jurisdiction of tho mayor. At the lato session of tlie legislature an effort was mado to pass an act giving to tho city power to acquire land under water along tho shore and to prevent the encroachment ot manufacturing intorests. Tho effort failed.

Application will bo mado tit the next session for legislative straightening ot tho wholo driveway business. 21 It. SHIELDS A5D GENERAL PARKER BETTER. Assemblsman Shields of this city, and General Ely Parker, who havo been very ill at the Now York hospital, wero both said to be considerably improved this morning. Ir.

Lyon's Perfect Tooth Powder Whitens thctoetn mid parlfioi tho breatlt. 'Jo conte. It is Thought 7ir. ClevUtitd Jlay Hare Started for rvcw Tori. BczzAnrs Hay, July 17 Tho stonm yacht Oneida arrived oft Monument Kocit nt 2.i0 o'clock tills morning with Oou.modoro Benedict on board, lie imc ashore soon after in his steam launch.

When a reporter ho i was onjoyiug pleasant clint with President Cleveland on rim qourh veranda. AU th.ut 1 nld be learned Cray Gables ro mis arrival oi too Onolda was tlmt Mr. lionodict was enjoying a eruiso and had In to pay) his respects to Sir. and Mrs. Cleveland.

It was also learned that I J)r. Dr.vant had not returned. Inasmuch a3 Dr. Bryant is e.vpoctod to return this vroeU, it Is presumed tlmt ho will accompany Mr. Benedict back to New York.

Soon after loavlng Gray Gables tho stonm launched returned for a second time, ami Commodore Benedict and President Cleveland boarding the launch, wore soon on tho duck of the Oneida, Tito steam yacht left 're yesterday precisely at lu: o'clock, bound down the ony. The President may be taking a short cruise, though it is possible that ho may bo bound for New York. Ho was attired in a dark suit and wore a derby bat, and as ho left Clray Gables ho bndo Mrs. Cleveland an affectlonata larowoll. INSPIEED BY THE MAYOR He "Was Mainly Responsible for the Inebriates' Home Suit.

His Honor Has Been Opposed to the Payment of 60 Hindi Money Without Knowing What Is Being Done With It A Reply to Alfred T. White's Letter Sent to the Ex Congressman. The action brought In tho name of Alfred T. Whito and General C. T.

straining the city authorities from paying any further money to tho Inebriates' home at Fort Uamil ton and to compel tho latter to refund 027, DOl.Wj, paid to its officers since 1S77, has attracted wide attention. Although it is a friendly suit, brought at the instigation of Mayor Boody, a determined effort is to bo made to cut off tne homo from any further benefits from the city. For years tho institution has boon run at an enormous profit to tho direelore, and the city au thorities, although annually contributing over 00,000 to its support, had no voice in tho man agement of its affairs and were even kopt in the dark as to what was being done for tho money esponded. Mayor Boody has been opposed right along to any further contribution lroai tuo excise fund. Mr.

unite and Boody had a conversation about excise affairs and finally tho former sent Mr. Boody a letter culling attention to tne law under which tee home was recoiving tho money, and advising that further paymont bo stopped. The mayor answered tho lettor, but by a mistake of the stenographer the letter was sont to ex Congressman S. V. White.

air. Aitrea r. vtnito, lor wuom it was intonaea. called at tho mayor's office subsequently and read it. Tie expressed himself as entirely satis fled with what tho mayor contemplated doing.

Corporation Counsel Jsnks was told to look into tho laws of 1S77 and M3S and later ad vised that there was some doubt as to the legality of tho act under whloh tho money was being paid. From the time that Mr. Jeuks expressed doubt all further payment to the home was Btoppod. and tho suit loliowed. Mayor Doody, when seen to day.

said that Mr. White had read nis Boody's i reply to the letter sent to him and that as soon as Corporation Counsel gave an opinion it was deter mined that tho legality of the law be tested. oontroiler Corwm said to day that bad he known tho mayor had received a letter from Sir. Whito last April, questioning the legality of the act ordering payment of excise funds to tbo Inebriates' home, lie shall probably have withhold tho moneys for April and May. Mr.

Cor win knew nothing whatevor of tho' maltor until ho read the Sunday Eaolc Tho temporary injunction proceedings are returnable on July 24 before Judge Cu'den. WESTERS BASKS GO UXDER. wo Institution)! in Kansas City and Three in Dourer Collnpic, Kansas City, July 17 Tho Missouri National bank suspended payment and closed its doors at 11:45 oclock this morning. The Grand avenue bank, a private institution, as signod this morning to James B. Ittckfct, who immediately took charge.

The assets arc placed at 200.000 and tho liabilities at 140,000. Tho Grand avenue bank hoids ample giit edged securities to meet obligations it is claimed and the officials say they expect to resume business shortly. tt was rumored Saturday that this bank had closed, but. it appears the officials secured money sufficient to tido them over till to day, whori it wus hoped some of their securities could be realized on. On account of the scarcity of money, however, this is impossible.

Confidence "in the ability of the bank to pay dollar lor doilar is expressed by other bankers here, and no excitement ror tho temporary suspension is manifested. A. Lambert Is president, il. Stubeuraugh vice president, and H. C.

Lambert cashier of the Grand avenue bank., July 17 The People's Savings, the Bocky Mountain Dime and Dollar and the Colorado Savings banks failed to open their doors for business this morning. The assots of tho I'eopb 's Savings bank are liabilities fri, USD, ''Oil. President Lawrence of the People's National bank says tho failure of the savings institution will In no wav affo tbo reopio iMitiona; oanlt. MfrslC AT THE WOKLD FAIit.

Atevattive for'i'iiis WcclJ. 'Che Swedish 2 Cnn 111., July 17 The world fair receipts of yesterday the donations of concessionaires has swelled the totnltoobout 130, Hi and still tho work of charity continues. Another attra'tive bulletin of concerts is announced for this week by the bureau of music. On Tuesday, r.t Music Mr. Thomas will again resume iiis symphony concerts, and on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, at festival hail, the American union of Swedish singers, representing ilie Swdish singing so: ietios.

of this country, will hoid a grand musical festival. Them will he a chorus of between 700 and voices, and with the assistance of the exposition orchestra throe pron'rauimos of selections from tho best Swedish composers will bo rendered. Throo noted Swedish soloists have been engaged, two of thorn coming to America for this occasion. The soprano. Mme.

Caroline Oster ber although heard once before in this city, was secured i specially for the festival. C. I'. Lundqiiist, a baritone from the Opera house, Stockholm, will mako his Americun debut at tho Coneertr. COLLIDED AT THE PARK.

Smash up 5J, eeu ot a I' I VS'agoui la nawny. A collision occurred at the park last uight be twscu two light wattons, which resulted in the smashing of both vohicles and the shaking up of their occupants. Joshua Miller of Wythe avenue was out driving in a dog cart, accoia panisd by young woman. As ho about to enter the pnrk by gate No. 3 a horse nm.1 carriage came tearing down the East drive and collided with Miller's carriaire.

Tiio Litter an.l his companion were thrown to I the ground and bruised The buggy was o. eu I pied by James Chillers of 24e West Twenty sixth street, New York, and his wife. of the wheels on tne dog cart was broken and the top of the liturgy vjs torn olf. Chillers said that his horse was by a nicy, lo rider and became unmanageable. Ho vr.i:.

hack at the park this morning looking for wife's cape and parasol. KAISliH WII.MAE TAKES A July 17 Emperor William, accompa nied by tho German empress, sailed from Kiel to day on the imperial yacht Hoiii nzollorn. Their majesties will visit Borniiolm. an island belonging to Denmark, iu tho Baltic sea.

Gothenburg in Sweden and other places in that country. Emperor Wiiliam and the empress will also go to Stockholm, where they will meet Kins Oscar and tho other members of the Swedish royal family. 20 Honrs Itccivecn Sew "yorlc and Chicago is tm achievement worthy of tbo Columbian year and of tho Yonu CKSrilAl, "America's oi 14: oi a on his La is iie will ing Miss Lizzie Byram, a Nineteen Year Old Girl, the Victim, HSPPHOBM, AFTER A LAPSE OF MONTHS. When tbc Wound Was Kiule It Was so Slight Thnt Little Attention Was raid to It Last Friday Jloming the Young Woman Was Taken 111 and the Doctor She Consulted Prescribed for a Heavy Cold The Following IJay the Case Developed Into Genuine Hydrophobia In Her Delirium Byraru Scratched the Face of the Man to Whom She Was En ragei: tc Be JIarried Death Cam a Eariy This Morning. Miss Lizzio Byram, 19 years old, tho daughter Ol A.

J. Byram, a manufacturer of patent modi' cinesnt Newark, died at her home, 707 Fourth aveuuo, Asbury park, this morning, of hydrophobia, the result of a bito roceived from a pet dog in April last. At tho time that she was bitten the wound was so slight that scarcely any attontiou was paid to tho matter, but early on Friday morning last Miss Bryam was 'takon ill and oeting on tho advice of her mother called on Dr. Bryan of Asbury Park, who proscribed medicine for a heavy cold, thesymp toms of scorned to bo marked in tho caso ol tho invalid. Tho young girl did not improve, however, and on Friday afternoon her condition became eo alarming that Mrs.

Hvram summoned Ur. CBryan, who, on calling, was quite puzzled regarding tbo nature of her disorder. On Satur day morning lie pronounced her caso to be ono of genuine hydrophobia. lie based hia oniu 'ion partly on the fact that the sight of liquid moaicino caused nor tno greatest ugony. oho iWas seized with convulsions, and in order to re lieve her sufferings she was given hypodermic ejections, siio wouiu uarlc ana snap at nurses, ana on several occasions when conscious expressed hor fear that she might bito or mjuro mo uocior.

Among tnose at nor Douslue "Was her lover, Matthew Applegate, tho sou of "William Applegate, proprietor of the Atlanta house. Miss Byrum had become engaged to the young man and the couple wcie to have been married ear.y in the fall. While in her do dirium she threw up her hand ami scratchud the side ot Jir. Applegate face. On Saturday nigiit Miss Byram rapidly grow worse, ono wus unuoiu to taiiu any nourish ment, either in solid or liquid form, and in her to spoak to her father and mother the sound emitted was more liko that of a subdued growl from a whining dog rather than that of a human being.

At Sunday noon she was seized with spasms and was in groat agony dur the afternoon and evening. Her sullerlngs ended with death at this morning. ARCHITECT EASTMAN'S PROOFS. He Writes Xhat He Them and Demand a. Shearing.

It. B. Eastman, supervising architect at the county farm at St. Johnlancl. requested tho 32aole to day to publish this open letter: To tlie Commisrtcmers of Charities ana Corrections of tlie County of Ktnai: Oentlejien On June 18i)3, I prepared a statement of balance due mo by your honorable uoard.

This has been delivered and vers evidently received. If we look in the pubiio'pross we shall be certain of that ract. I have no other evidence. It is ranch to be regretted that the information given to the press from your office should have neither been full nor accurate, 'the following statement wilt, I believe, throw some hunt upon the question of my employment by our honorable board, the Tightness of the maini presented lor your consideration and approval, if you will carefully reread mi statement you will plainly see that I expressed a willingness to appear before yonr honorable board and make any explanation that wouid give any light upon tne accuracy of the statement presented, i'ou did not avail yourself of this oiYor, utterly ignored it. and instead have cone to the puoiic press Bans disappointed not an invitition to appear before you, and also not knowing whether you desired or intended to extend that common courtesy to me.

in ordar that I iniirht explain, as I am ubuuuuntly nble to do. any question that your hoiioriUHo board may wisn to I am very reluctantly driven to that last resort, an open letter. I most earnestly request that yonr honorably board give me tho opportunity of appearing before you at the earliest nossible moment. For the information of Commissioners Oeo. gc H.

Mnrphv and Jraneis Nolan, who were not commissioners at Jhe time these plans were ordered and delivered. I would respectiul'y soy that these mans and specilieations wore ordered by and dedvored to the board of charities in l.sss r.uii the ears fol lowing. That thoy i the plans) were frilly exam uieu ana mseusse! vy Tiie enure uoaru of enari ties and myself. In order to be certain that tho plans of the proposed buildings were desirable jLud suitable lor the various purposes for whieb they were designed, the cnarities commissioners. Colonel Gott included, determined to make a visit to the various stato insane asylums.

This they die I accompanying them. We visited the asylums in Utiea. Binuhamiou and Morristoivn. N.J.

tuis latter asylum Loionel Gott visit. After their return tho commissioners re exam and disenssed my plans and in the jight of tiit ir increased kmv.vVdijo decided to lunkc no changes in the plans they bail uirceted mo to make. Thee and sent some oi them to the board of supervi. iors to be erected. The Paiaaee of are in your hands it i for the inuk'ng of these ai of some oilo rs mode since that I ask paviueut.

If you will again carefully reread niy statement you see that not claim that ih" plans wore made in issn, the fuer is thev w. re ijnade in 3SSS and after. IXK't was the date that entered into the of tho board of charities, and I have so un to the s. mere is no reero nt' of my dismissal. There is int a I le i.i wine a uav" a roiree f.

toard that ha nor order" 1 by the board. tor eacii and ail of which I hold an order to an order to deliver, aiid a receipt for the same. 'This work was done in ood faith and as direei'ed Ty tho board ot eir.ivnt'' and it 'loes sur.ire r.r.d verynmeli annoy nu hat 1 subject to the treatment that I have received on act ount of the half truths or wholly urseeur'ite statements t'ne ores It is tve. ithat the press shotinl work upon the statement iciven them, but in this e. t'oev had no 'facts.

In Saturday there anpenreti the fol I lowing: "Tin: a search minn; cs of I tho board of charities in i 1 a lire tin the of a record of the alleged nerlon of the cor.imir.s; o.ier is accurate stale I Bent to my own tlge. orhors lob'ow of I xny own. and u. I firmly believe thorn to ibe. Not oiny im re this tra I in tiie minutes of your uoard in ISSd, our there 1.

i have lo beli ve. no i record of my ever been cjuicoved or of anv est bl nave no empK oy a.di and every i one of the board' oi cl from up to ilnd including the iTes And I aieve, me same lc architects and r.eers wl relation to ail i vc i employed I fa is there not a 1)" the several boards. The eiiutie record m.iiii; transactions. It wss that made very i ar' in own records jnstf nd if rvlv: V. records tii H2011 ir It wouid he a very sort i fniled to my i the records may be mIchi and part tody idd.

The stntemeut thi't Iplmis is mildly nrpri. iic were tacic 1 myself in order ricii hev en examineil uhen uieler AW Itucked to the wall in I land werestili rest ot 'h. nt v. bl cl'ife neeir the bnnrd the ll Jit" of "ply ro an open letter, but It seemed il should ever have.

has been forced unon of anv of these ledge i this keep'nj of mv I the absence )ard or trusting rfor mv now bad I I roofs; I have been em i.n wn the s.ene of by aiiy were oniee, little re form of your No on' evn toe with no native, i on v.ill very manridiy nnpleasnntuess of my an 1 ecinr. felt upon reading the accounts the IHioyaii. pers, I irf ro eiti'r curate, and expecting each dav a requjst fr yonv lionoranie i.nare, to r.pp.. aji'i expb; waif in an i can v.ait no lory most earnestly rt 'i iiesr a lie Trustin; I shall hear frotn your hnr.r.rable l. oard.

iairan early day of meeting. I am. vei fill ly yours, j. Kast n. I Mr.

has many documents in his jiossession plans were ordered. and other prove that the to ATTEMPTED SUICIDI Oy A LU.TIItKIl PILE. BtjFFai O. N. July IT W.

K. Buck of Portage jCreck. McKeau county. shot himself in the breast in this city yesterday and is iu a Iserious condition. A year ago Buck was a prosperous lumber merchant iu Portaa Creek, jtiat by an accident lost a log.

and this was followed by failure iu business and a neri of misfortunes, which drove him to desperation and in the attempt on his iife. Ho had been Bnffalo several days drinking heavily and isleepinjr at night in a lambor pile, where the shooting was done. Ho is a brotuor of J. C. gucit of tho firm of J.

C. Buck Co. of. Liberty i i I Meoteis, Tonn. July 17 A secret marriage several months ago, in which a young Knos Tillo bollo and a Momphis man were tho principals, has just come to light owing to tho death of the husband.

Tho young lady is Miss Eddie Collins ol Knoxvillo and tho husband John T. I I'fliiiips of Memphis. Miss Collins first mot '11 Tennessee depot at Knox Old somo Knoxville soldier boy friends goodby, when by accident sho mot Phillips, who waa'a member of tho Chickasaw guru da of Memphis, which organization accompanied the Knox vllle soldiers and other leaders of tho stato militia to tho troubled mining districts. Mutual admiration grow inlo a violent and undying love, and after correspondence tho young peoplo woro soon betrothed. Leaving the militia, Phillips wont to Macon, to socure employment.

It was there that ho and Miss Collins wore secretly married in March, and after living several days happily together t3 husband and wife Miss Collins returned home without divulging to any one her secrot, which she has since carefully kept and guarded. Phillips loft Macon and went to Cleveland. where ho became eritioallv sick last wook. The first of last week he telegraphed his wifo to como to him, and sho was ui, ms smo wnen uoatn separated them. Airs.

Phillips returned to tho c.ty and is with her brother and hor mother. THE PREMIUM WAS HIGH, But TVolS Cohen Tliinks SIo Was Swindled. A well dressod, oldish man, who had gray hair, a gray mustache and dressod woll, pre tended on Friday last to lnsuro Wolf Cohen's household furniture, at 103 John street, for SI, 000. He charged 4 as a premium and wrote out the policy on a sheet of note paper having inu neauing niew lone laorno and iiro insurance Company of Now York and Brooklyn." Tho man was a fraud and last night Mr. Cohen reported the facts of his experience to tho police oi ino ouconu precinct.

DICK WILL PROSECUTE. He Refuses to Show Mercy to Rudolph Woebberking. The Jittirs Wife Geis Down oa Her Knees and Pleads for Another Chance for Her Husband. Several Members or the Dlclc Family Are En' (leavorliig to Estimate Their Loss. Hudolph Woobberking, tho trustor! employe who pawned valuable property bolonging to J.

H. and William Dick, the sugar refiners, made no attempt at dofonso when arraignod before ustico Gootting in tho Loo avenuo police court to day and was held to tho grand jury. William Dick appeared to prosocuto tho man and told an Eagle reporter that Woebberking's misconduct greatly surprised him. "Ho has boon in our employ for over 'our years," romarkod Mr. Dick, "and we never know him to take a penny that did not belong to him.

Ho has had chances boforo to bo dishonest if ho wantod to. but he never took ad vantage of them and wo would trust him to any oaiKai. oovtrrai oi me women oi our family came in from Islip with mo to dav and thev are now making a careful examination of tho house tor the purpose of discovering how much my father and 1 are out. From what wo know of alroady. it appears that 4,000 will hardly covor tho amount of our loss." Wiiou Woobberkiuir was broucrht into court ho tried to speak to Mr.

Dick, but his former employer would not listo to him. 'When tho caso had boon disposod of Mrs. Woebberking rushed forward from her place among the spec tators. Sho had a baby about 4 months old in her arms, and running over to Mr. Dick, fell on her knees before him.

"Let my husband go." she vdeaded. "He hna been bad, I know, but it will kill mo and mv child if ho is sent fo jail. Have mercy, for you can uiu soss. oven no snouia never pny you, while I will lose a husband if you insist on punishing him." Mr. Diok told her gently that her husband would havo to pay the penalty ot hia crime, and for moment it seemed as if Mrs.

Woebberking was going to havo hysterics. She recovered herself, howevor, and wont into tho pen to soa her husband and give him some little delicacies before he was taken to police headquarters. Detectives Holland and Dolan, who made tho capture, were warmly complimented by Mr. Diek to day for tho clover work they had done in tho case. Later Justice Goetting reconsidered his action and held Woebberking until to morrow, remanding him in tho meantime to the custody of tho police.

JOHNSON WANTED A WRIT But Justice Cullen Decided Not to Grant It. Ilie District Attorney Continues to Cbject to the lloapportionnicnt Decided on by flic Hoard of and Maintains That Wards Mioni Sot Be Separated Outline or Argument on Both Sides. This afternoon Jesse Johnson movo boforo Justice Culien, sitting in special term of tho supremo court, for another writ of mandamus in the assembly apportionment ease. Somo time ago a writ of mandamus was asked for to compel the supervisors to reapportion tho county. It was denied by tho special and the genera: terms.

Tnu court of appeals granted it, howevor. Then the supervisors met and reapportioned tho assembly districts. The present writ was sought on the aliagatloa that thoy have not obeyed the court's icanuate. Oa tho argument to day Mr. Johnson dordnred that the assembly districts should be' as nearly equal as possible in the matter of population and tiiat they should be convenient and contiguous.

Iu their apportionment tho supervisors had divided the wards. Mr. maintained that they had no right to do this, as a ward should be considered iu the iia ht of a town. In short, counsel said the board had not complied with the order of the court. They hnu not made tho districts equal aj to population as the writ required.

Mr. Johnson said tho nvorago for ear of tho eighteen districts would be 55.1:12, yet tho Sixth ward was mado one assembly district, wkh a population of Ji. Tho Twentv ilrst ward had a population 57,000 and yet portion of the Seventh ward had been lopped off and added to it in order to mako a district with a population of 01,000 or ii.000 more, than the proper average. The Sixteenth uistnct consisted oi Gravcsend. Fiatlands, Part of the 1 wenty sixth ward and most ol tho 'I'wsutv Hith.

'ibis in all gave the district 5,000 more than it should have. Course! then went oa at groat Ifmjth te point out similar alleged improper divisions of liie districts. In tlie return to tiia writ maudnn i'js run by lie supervisors in the Andrew I. Baird ease, the issuance of writ is admitted am', tiio turu 1hers Jr is aiso ndmlttad that the board civi ied the county into assembly districts. They say, farther, that thny have no knowledge upon to belief as to tho allegation that crtcin of tiio inhauitnuts returned 'in the districts as being inhabitants of the eountv at large are inmates of institutions.

As to the allegation that the total numbor of citizens is and thnt 1 18 of that is i they claim the llguros are incorrect. Ail tho other allegations are denied. Thev dony that the assembly districts havo not been earri dd out on liie theory ol contiguous territory and they maintain that tho county was divided in a 'eordnuce with tho constitution and the decision ot the court of appeals. They den moroovor, that they had any intention of disregarding the oruer of tho court. Tito return sets out that the population of tho county, according to the last census, taken in l.S!i2, was From this was tatcon 5,203 for tho number of Inhabitants of charitable institutions, leaving Thn supervisors say they gave tho llguro of 937,874 in tl previous return because tbe.y wore unabio 'fMftscor taiu the exact number in tho varioussection districts.

'jr Corporation Counsel Jeuks anpeaiM in opposition to Mr. Johnson, argumdSja: tho apportionment had lon made uccontcag to tho constitution and the mandate of thrf jfjurt. Justice Cullon denied Mr. Johnsou's application. On tho other motion, whieh is practically for a now writ in tho name ol diaries Whitney and oinors, an aujournment was taken to allow Mr.

JJcnks to prepare aflldavits. Mrs. Delauey Avers That He Influences Her From Bhode Island. SHE SAYS HE OAS MADE HEP. LIFE MISERABLE A Weird Story Told to Lawyer A.

Anderson This The Woman Endeavored to Interview President Cleveland Reccnlly in Regard to Her Trimble, but an Unsympathetic Trlvare Secretary Turned Her Over to the Police The Atmosphere From SmiJli's Is Also Itynamlc, Hie Claims, for It Sirs. Delancy Where It Her. A tall, clump, handsomely dressed woman, of distinguished appearance and wearing a profusion of diamonds, entered Lawyer John A. Anderson's office in tho Eagle building this morning and asked lor a privato interviow with him. Mr.

Anderson was Busy with a client and tho visitor was shown into the wotting room. Tho card that sho sent in to tho lawyer bore this inscription: Ml8. Asxie Delaxzt, Providence 11. 1. When at length tho lawyer was disengagod the woman said "Mr.

Anderson, my caso is of so unique, and dolicate a naturo that I cannot permit you to undortako it without insisting that your fee is considerably in excess of that paid you by tho majority ot your clients. Mr. Anderson offered no objection to this. Mrs. Belaney resumed "I am a widow and livo at Providence.

My moans are such as enable mo to live comfort, my health is excellent and I have hosts of friends, but my life is made miserable by a friend who has tho gift of pneumatic hypnot ism. "What?" said tho lawyer. 'Pneumatic hypnotism," repeated tho visitor. "I suffer agonies in conseciueneo. Tho scoun drel who is responsible for my sufferings is a fellow towr.smon of mine.

Ho is Michael Smith of 10 South Main street, Providence. lie has known mo for years, but It is only within tho past few mouths that he has begun to exorcise this baleful over me." Mr. Anderson looked tho woman in tho eyes. Sho bore his gaze without flinching, and wont on: "He has a breath that acts as a carrier of his dread power. If he breathes on mo he gots me so entirely under his iniluenco thnt I "am absolutely powerless in his hands.

I am a creature of his wtd. I do all sorts of things, just as ho wishes." And horo she put her hands over her face, and shudderod at tho remombrnnco of the baleful breath of Smith. "Last week," she resumed, "I went to Washington and had an interview with Presidont Cleveland on the subject. Ho was very kind, but turned tne over to his privato secretary. The result you see here," At this point she handed Mr.

Anderson a recent copy of tho Washington J'ost wherein was described her call on the President. The privato secretary turned her over to the police, but tho result was not toid by tho Po.s 'The worst remains to be told," she then said. "Smith exorcisos his breath power over mo nt all distances. I have been right through New England in tho hopo of escap.m; fiom his influence, but in vain. No matter what dlstanoo I am from Providnen Smith has only to breatho when thumpi" hero Mrs.

Deiauey struck herself a resounding whack on the breast. "There, the breath strikes mo like that. I am black and blue with tho force of those breath blows. My body and limbs are covered with tho signs tuo power of ms breath. "1 refuse to furnish lurther proofs until that man leaves your office." she said to Mr.

Anderson. This was just what tho lawyer wanted and so llogau stayed. After more talk during which Mrs. Oelaney averred that sho could show throe teeth that weru loosened by Smith's long distance lungs, tho woman left. She oft'orod a good round sum as feo.

which was, of cotirso, declined. She says that she livo3 at 228 Tiilarv street, this city, and that J. M. Brennan of Providonco can confirm ail ol her statements. Mr.

Anderson is trying to find out who she roully is. HER LOVER RETURNED THE JEWELRY. Romance 'JTIiat Rcsnlled in Trouble ax the Tombs. Philomena Galorda. an unattractive looking woman between 45 and 50 years old, ventilated her troubles boforo Judge Martin in tho Tombs poiieo court.

New York, this morning. She wus there as complainant against Giovanni Bruiei, charging him with tho larceny oi about t'150 worth oi jowalry and clothing. The two live at Twenty first street, this city. Pliilomena's husband left herabout ten year's ago, leaving her with four children to care for. lie.

it is said, is living with another woman in Pouu by whom be has throo children. I'hiiomena has since evinced a liking for Giovanni, and last Friday she gave him two suits clothes, two rings, a gold watch and chain and other things. They had planned to bo married at the city hall on Saturday. Giovanni is about half the ago of his intended spouse and rather than oe wedded to hor he left rather suddenly after te oiving 10r wont to New York city. She followod "him.

and yesterday aw.iug him on Hester street, called Policeman Granville of the Eiiznbetli street station to arrest hor recreant lover. Martin decided that it wns a case for civi. action and discharged the prisoner upon tho return ol the woman's property. PRATT IXSTITl'TE PROPERTY. Tryiiijr Earo St From tlac AsMncnt EEolin.

Jesse Johnson this afternoon applied to Justice Cullon of tho supremo court for writ of mandamus to take tho assessment against the Pratt institute property from the assessor's rolls. Under tho laws of bS89 Mr. Johnson claimed the prop rty was oxempt from taxation, it being charitable institution and of benefit to the public of tho city. Tho property involved Is valued at Mr. Mathias.

on behalf of the city, denied that the institute was a charitable one. He 5iid that all the instruetion given there and the materials used wore mi id for by tho students and at exorbitant rate's at thi't. The niy fsatures of the institution, ha said, were tho looture room and the library. Ho said the proceeding was really tc exempt front taxation six blocks in flic Seventh ward owned bv tho institute and that the present proeoedln'g was a Ige, the ultimate object ing to exempt jute mills and other properties owned and operated by the institute in various Darts of tho city. Decision was reserved.

bb.ui:t:u m.Tm.f ro work. Toxawasda. N. July 17 About local lumber shovers were put to work this morning the ten iumber laden boats arrived since Saturday. An effort was made ves terday by some of rho officers of tho union to hold th men together and induco then to rein iin out longer, but it failed, the men they must work now or stnrvo next winter.

ASSAILED BY A IX.VATJC HUSBAND. Utica. N. July 17 John Meyers escaped from the state hospital for the insane in this city this morning, and proceeding to his wife's Uoiai' murderously assaulted her with a dub. Her screams attracted the attontion of a neighbor who bravely tackled Meyers and the wife escaped.

Meyers thou rushed back into the house and cut throat with a razor. It is not believed that injuries to either will prnvo fatal. Meyers been insane for twelve years and while he incurable, he was considered so harmless that bus been allowed tho privilege of tho hospital grounds. CATHOLIC RELIGIOUS OltDEltS IS OEBMAXV. F.oaiE, July 17 It is stated here by good authority that the German aovermnent lias intimated to the Vatican, that no official opposition bo made iu tho roichstag to tlio centrists' proposals looking to the adoption of a law allow the return to Germany of the mombors of Catholic religious.

ordora. What Presidents Flynn and Lewis Have to Say About It. THE BROOKLYN CITY OFFERED A GUARANTEE. There Is Jio Intention on the Part of (lie Com panics to Avoid Payment of the Tax on the Cross Receipts The Trolley Xow Has Enll Swing Aborc the City Hall and Cars Arc 11 lining To day on the Seventh Avenue and Put nam and Ifalsey Ilcutes Horses are Reir.g Used on Comparatively Few Lines and the Officials Who Have Had the Cliansing of Mo tive Povrcr in Send Begin to See Daylight Ahead. Prosident Lewis, speaking in relation to tho tax which tho common council imposed upon the company when it granted tho Iranchiscs for additional mileage, said.

"It seems that somo people will not understand that the tax is levied upon the actual earnings of tho Brooklyn City railroad from operation; that is, from the faros collected on the entire route. There is no at tempt upon tho part of this company to evnde the paymont of tho tax, and it has boon made very clear that tho wording of tho resolution does not moan a tax upon tho rental which tho company receives from tho Brooklyn Hoights Cable rai.road. By law that company is compelled to take upon itself all of this company's obligations. The payment of that tax will be made without cpjestion just as has been agreed upon. I havo offered to secure the payment of it in tho manner intended by a bond of the Brooklyn city railroad, bat it was not thought necessary by tho city authorities.

Of course it is not possible to Ugure oxaotly tho amount which we will have to pay to tho city, but it will be, as nearly as wo can estimate, $12,000, possibly a littlo less if tho earnings of tho railroad vary from tho estimate, or if tho increase in the miioage makes a difference in the percentage we are to pay." P. H. Flynn the Nassau Electric railroad said that it was an easy thing for people to say the railroad companies would not pay tho tax as they had agreed to do or that there was any intention to take advantage of the city by uncertain wording in tho resolution. It was sufficient, ho thought, that tho citv was satisfied with tho arrnngoment after having tho taxation clause carefully examined by the city's counsel. Tho tax which his company will pay to the city ho thinks will be between 15,000 and 620,000.

The Putnam avenue line of the Brooklyn City raiirond was operated for the first this morning by the trolley system. President Lewis said that for somo time he has boen receiving letters from people who use that lino of cars, asking how much longer they would bo compelled to Wait before thev OOuld Secure thn rf tho trolley. A few more curs are bein'' ouer atod to day than woro in use when horses were tho motive power and the trips are made a together. AU of the ears seem to be carrying a groat many people. The opening of Putnam avenuo as a trolley road makes it now so that the Urooklvn Citv railroad has not a single oar drawn by horses above tho city hall.

Fulton stroet has all the benefits of the trolley and all its disadvantages as woll from tho intersection of Washington stroot and Myrtle avenue. The next line which Win bo turned into a trollev road is the Mvrtlo avenue one. It is expected that it will he com pieieiy cnangou Dy August 1. 1 ho Atlantic avenuo railroad nnmnnnv hnran tho operation on Saturday of tho Seventh avenuo trolley cars. The eompany has b9en do layod by tho Citizens' Electric Light company's wires, which crossed the nvnnun below thr.

trolley wires, making it impossible to operate the cars. Tne Atlantic avenue company has its noritsnops lined with old horse ears which are being changed into open trolley ears. Two aro completed, on the averago, each day. JAMES It. BOUCIC WILL BE DINED By the OCiiccn and Memiicra ESonrd of K.licctition.

of the James B. Bouck, the nowly elected president of tho board of education, is to bo dined by tho members and officers of tho board, us will appear from tho following: BnooKr.ra, July 14, 1S03. Hon. James B. Bouck: Deau Sih Tne undersigned committee representing lorty ihe members and officers of the board oi education who desire to testify their appreciation of your services as a member of the board, respectfully asked you to designate such as may be convenient to aeeapt tho tender ot a complimentary dinner at their hands.

Very truly yours, j. Sinus, II. A. Black. Samuel GoonsxErN, J.

L. DKUSIStOSD. William M. Davis. Hon.

C. Stmts una others. Committee. irEXTLEMEy Witli a realizing senso of tho great honor you do ine in tendering mo a complimentary dmnor on behalf of the members aud omoers of the board of education. I bei to name any day between the 30th and 7t instant that may be tho most ayreeabie to von.

Very truly yours. James B. Borjcic. BouKl.vs. July 17, 3 SOii.

The date and place of tho dinner havo not yet been announced. XO EECEIVEII YET SETTLED UPOX 5.isi oi contractor reel Agrainst IHiN Partner, till lies. To day General Tracy and Edward JI. Grout, representing the plaintiff and defendant in tho suit brought by Edward Freel against John over tno contract for the building of a ury dock in tho navy yard appeared boforo Judgo Van Wyck of tho city court for a settle ment oi ine oruer. Juugo Van Wyek granted on Saturday tha motion for an injunction and receiver, jsreoi, under an agreement, was to furnish the capital for the work and Gillies was to superintend it.

Tho moneys were paid to Gillies and Freel claimed they should havo been turned ovor to him. After some argum nt to av counsel agreed upon Thomas E. Pearsall as" rocoiver, with a bond ot $50,000. Later, however, counsel ennie into court and stated that they had come to the conclusion thut carry on tho work in hand a practical builder should bo appointod. Judgo Van Wyck withdrew tho appointment of Mr.

Pearsall and counsel sont word to T. A V. Walsh, dock builders, at 114 Wall street. New lont, to see if one of them would servo. ISIiOKE THE FIVE JilUl UKCOItC.

Chicago, 111., July 17 The five mile road race of tlie Calumet cycling club Saturday afternoon resulted in breaking tho American road record for tho distance. Al. Leon hart did the trick in lij beating the former record by seconds. The run was over the new Lakeview course. Charles Alsop, with a handicap of a won the race and tlie gold medal.

The first eight riders crossed tho tape in the following order: Charles Alsop. handicap time Al. Leonhart, scratch, time Charles Finki, time It. C. Jacob.

1 :30, time C. Klag, 1 time 1.1:07; William Lmuebail, ls4u, tiiau l. George Herman, 1:30, time E. Tre blug, a time THE aiOXO.XKAKKI.A TO SAIL SiTCUDAY. The training ship Mononitahela which has boen dry docked and overhauled at the navy yard will probably sail next Saturday to give tho apprentices their summer cruise.

It may over, that Captnin Timothy A. Lyons, wholdias commanded the ship for the Past year, wili be relieved, as a court of inquiry appointed to inquire into ids ellieieiiey as a commanding officer has just forwarded report to Secretary Herbert. The court was composed of Civptain Mout comery Sicard of the Miantonomoh, Captain W. E. Bridgman of the Baltimore, and Commander Frank Wildes of the Yorktown.

HELPS THE DUPFAI.O HACK.MES. Buffalo. N. July 17 Judgo Lambert has crautod the injunction nsked for by tho Niagara Fails hackman, restraining the New York Contral rood from giving tlie exclusive privileges of its yard at tho Niagara. Fails station to tho Miller Brundago company.

The Judge decides that all haclcmen must bo admitted thero and have equal privileges. The basis of tho action is a state law. wuich provides that a railroad company shall not show any favoritism to any particular hackman or companies in tho matter of depot yard privileges. SGTKE DAHE'S PitKSIPr.XT DEAD. Sotrm Bexd, July 17 Thomas E.

Walsh president cf here to dr. the university of Notre Dame, died no I' uo.aiiou in or wnetbor it must be redeemed in monoy. Tho city was not prepared to arguo the question when It came up on uno 30 and it was postponed, with tho understanding that a temporary Injunction would bo issued. ROUGH ON DR. POTTER.

Talk of Boarders, Diamonds and a Fifth Mortgage. The Preacher's Former Counsel Testified gainst Kim To ilay in the Snit Wherein He is Charged With Running Cottages in Connection With His Gospel Work. The Bev. Dr. Putnam, tho ex pastor of tho Baptist Tabernacle, New York, and tho antagonist of the Bev.

Dr. Potter, testified again today in tho supplementary proceedings brought by Henkol coal dealers, against P.ov. Dr. Potter. P.

Elder, Dr. Potter's former lawyer, also testified to his late client's worldly possessions. Ho made somo surprising statements, and Mr. Hatton asked Dr. Putnam what source of income Dr.

Potter has outside his salary. "Boarding girls." "Bo more explicit," said counsel. "Dr. Potter ran the Young Women's homo at 225 East Eleventh street. To avoid paying rent he movod it to quarters iu the parish house.

He received 54 a week from the young women. Last May thoro were sixteen, but at present there aro only six boarders." "What do you estimate hi3 profit to havo been?" "Ho cleared S25 a woek and probably more, as ho failed to pay tho iceman and milkman." xno witness then told of Dr. Potter's nronertv at Shippewan Point, Conn. lie said the hotel brouuht in S2.200 vnnr and 31,200 was received for three other cottages. "Does Dr.

Potter collect tho rent "His wifo occupied a handsome ooitao Dr Potter proposed that she rent it and ocennv smaller cottage herself and collect the rent for hor own. Potter collected that rent and his wife never saw it." "You say Dr. Potter began counsel. "No, I said Potter. That's "cood enough for him." answered the witness.

'I. I'. Elder was then sworn. He testified that Dr. Potter wore diamonds.

Since the trouble in the church ho did not believo lir Potter had received his full salarv. "Who pays tho salary?" ''Oh, some benevolent gentlemon." He said Mrs. Potter had not boen in tho city ior three years and that Dr. Potter, he understood, ran the cottages in. Connecticut.

"Would you bolievo Dr. Potter under oath?" "I refuse to answer, on the ground as his former counsel ii would be a broach of professional etiquette." In explaining about the mortgages on the Shippewan property tho witness said: "Elder Abraham Donlko loft a legacy of SS.OOO to bo known as tho DeniKe Fund for tho Dr. Potter in 18H0 applied this fund to his porsona'l use, and Chairman of tho Board of Trustees John IL Kayser demanded the monov. Dr. Potter satd he would give him a first mortgago on the Shippewan property.

Then President Kayser found out that it was a fifth mortgage. The property was alroadv mort gaged for $20,900, and a fifth mortgago was practically worthless. President Kayser is still very angry at Dr. Potter and has threatened to prosecute him criminally for misappropriating tho fund." Tho proceedings wero adjourned until tomorrow at 10 o'clock. T.

E. MORTOS'S WILL. Estate of 675,000 ILcft Widow ami Children. The to the Tho will of Theodore 1C Horton, tho late Fulton stroet dry goods merchant, was filed for probate to day. The ostato is valued at 575,000, 50,000 in real and S25.000 in porsonalty.

The will bears tho date of April 20, 1S90. The testator leaves to oach of the followin" children: Franklin Philip Tallmadge Benjamin Grnco and Howard Horton. The residue of the estate goes to the widow, Martha A. Horton. until hor death, when it is to bo divided betweonthe living cnilaroD.

The firm of T. K. Horton A Co. is to bo continued during the life time oi the widow. Tho oxecutors aro tho widow and Tallmadgo Baker.

FLOOD IS THE JlOl.LIK GinsOS MIXE. Aspev, July 17 An immense flow of water has boen struck in pump No. 10 of the Gibson mine, and at present it looks as though tho mine will bo flooded beyond redemption. The water has risen in tho main shaft about fifty feet, and if it goes much higher all tho pumps will bo drowned out. C03I3IISSIOVEU BBEX.NAX'S SOS DTI.VO.

Thomas S. Bronnan, IS yoars old, the son of the struet cleaning commissioner of Now York, is lying ot tho point of death at his father's nouio. West iifty sixth street. The young man is suffering from a decline due to outgrow ing lus strength. The commissioner's daughter died last winter of a similar complaint.

A. 3. imEXEVS ItEMAIXS OS THE STEAMSHIP. It was stated at tho office of Droxol Morgan, New York, this morning that the body of A. J.

Drex.d, who died at Carlsbad, Juno 30, was on tho North German Lloyd steamship Kaiser Wilholm II. Tho Kaiser Wilhelm sailed from Bremen July 8 and is due at Now York today. The remains will probably bo removed to Philadelphia for interment. THE WEATHER. Wasiiixqton, D.


For Eastern New York, local showers to night; probably generally fair on Tuesday; westerly winds, shifting to northerly; slightly cooler Tuesday evening. local rnor.Ar:rrTiK3. For Southeastern New York, including Long Island, also for Connecticut and Northern New Jersey, generally fair, with conditions favorablo for thunder showers; stationery temperature to day: slight! cooler during Tuesday, winds becoming southwesterly. The following is the rocord of tho thermometer knt at the Beookltv Daii.t. Eaole offico: A A.

a. m. p. i. A.

t)() Average lenipyrnture to dir piL; Aerauol.eaitM3rAtaro same iat.s last je. 7ift mini water. The following ii tho official announcement oi tho time and duration of high water at Now York andSandy Hook for to morrow, July IS: A. SI. 1( T.

M. 1 Dnra'n of nna.iIieisbt.,Time. Mis. Fail. B.

M. tcJt. II U. SI. I Feet, i I n.

M.i New York Siudj Hooit, 11:17 4.S i jlii.s; 4.3 5:. 0:31 4.a 1. 11 ro; 4.5 0:17 MOVEMENTS Or OCKAS VESSELS. miTED arosAT. july 37 Sb El find, Sow Orleans.

Nw York. Plata. Palermo. Now York. flmauA, NVv lorlc.

tia Alert. Kulfzo, No York. Ss inmu DautoU, Boco il Toro. Py.v York. Sa AniHtertiam.

Rottord ici, So.v York. Uovic, Now York. ap Fuiirj.v Ss Lord Gonffb, Phi 1 Ad ol phi n. QiiOODetown. He Sic ilia, Montreal, Avomnoath.

Si Laujrhton, Is'ow York. Hrcmen. fcu Numidlan, Now York. Movillc, Ss Utie. iXovr York, Brrmiernvrea.

Benin. YorJupuaud ScU. specul EMPTY IS THE KITCHEN BRIDGET'S GONE. Because they did not use SOLD Made only by K. FAIEBANK Cliicago, St.

Louis, New York, Philadelplua, Boston, Montreal. None SO GOOD GOES SO FAR XT RACY; when tested v. ith others shows its superiority. Bsing Stronger, It goes farther. Being Purer, it is wholesome.

Bsing Delicious, it is fascinating. How the little ones love it, and how much good it does them in warm weather. AH Grocers end Druggists. 25 cents a bottle. Special India Silk This Week.

Sale. I "THE BASEMENT. Your attention is invited to oar Figured India and Washable Silks, at 35 cents and 50 cents a yard. ON' THE MAIN FLOOR. To our 45 inch, double width, Fancy Taffetas, with satin borders, for Petticoats and Empire Gowns, at $1.75 and 2.00 a yard; and to our Firriired India Silks, at 60 cents per yard.

JAMES MoCREEEY Broadwav and Eleventh NEW YORK. IN THE SPRING Many jwoplo nro troahtod with dizzineBB, dullness, un ploiumnt twin ht the mornftiK, and that "tlrod fal in." PLmpimi, boila nad otuer ot impure blood also ppoar, miiiojIdjc and To all sqch Hnirrpf r. vro raetiy uro a trial of H001'3 fiAlUaAlMUIILA, No preparation over rt. c.ji red euch unnuiinoit praUa for ItA euccosa as a Spring xnedlclno. HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA CarcM ocrofnla, ftalt rheum and orery other ovidmc of irapura bloo.1.

It overcomes that 'tired feeline" and all other dob ill ty. HOOD'S PILLS onro liver ills. ick hadih, jena dice. Indigestion. Trj.boi.

"fflashfna TTyvrcLer EVERYWHERE. One bottle makes 6 gallons. creatent Itouroad." adc. I biuications mailtmis..

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