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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 3

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
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BOARD A IjARGE BACK PARLOR, with extension, also a large room on second floor, hoard; situation firs! class. Call at 86 Con Pitreet my214t BOARDro LET, TWO LARGE SE oond story back and front rooms, with hoard; bath hot and cold water, at 110 First place. MOARDON THE HEIGHTS A VERY with board, suitable for two single with be obtained by applying at 153 Henry st, niyS! wall: of Wall and South ferries. 4 IftOARD TWQ gentlemen and unSrrK.i with llrst class i nk'00? wiLh toard Tort Cirocne place, all Hfflnson place; house has references eiclianged. BOARD A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE can obtain board In a private family, no other T)oarder8, a handsomely fprnlshed room, at C18 per weofc, or unfurnished, nt $16; location good; ton minntes' walk the ferrlca.

Address QUIET, Eagle offlcgjtty 'tl BOARD A THIRD STORY HALL BED room to let, with board, to a single gentleman; references required. Grand avenue, 8(h honso soutn.or Gates. BOARD A WIDOW LADY WOULD like one or two young ladies to board; those that are employed during the day preferred. Inquiro at 233 Navy street. BOARD A LADY OR A WIDOW AND child can nnd board and a pleasant homo by inqur.

ing at 15 Enst Warren street, Brooklyn; references required. inr it BOARD A PRIVATE FAMILY WILL let, with board a ncutlv furnisbed room on id tloor to a gentleman and wife or two single gentlemen; dinner at terms moderate. Apply at 25 Bond street, mya it BOARDA VERY PLEASANT, LARGE front ropm on second tloor, with ciosets. to let, witii boird, to two gentlemen or gentleman and wlfj; also Iisll room adjoining. Apply at 191 Dufiield street; references required.

my21 Jit BOARDTO LET, WITH BO ABD HaucLom'ely furnished rooms on second lloor to Kntlemanaud wife, or single gentlemen; bath and iis at S01 Jay st, next door to Sawyei music store. myilSt BID ard to'lstT with boardTfor gentlemen and their wives or Binglo gentlemen; iwo large rooms and one small one; honse has all modern Improvements. Inquire at 141 Elliott place. myil 2t BOARD 4 PARTY OF GENTLEMEN; or a family, may obtain pleasant rooms, with tli'dt olass board; location unsurpassed and accessible by cveral linen of cars. Apply at No.

1 13 Fort Greene place, between, i'ulton avenue md Hanson place. Keferences. B13ARWANTEDVIEALS ONLY7BY a gentleman, In the viclnitv of Elm place and Fat ton avenue; breakfast and ten, arid breakfast and dinner on Sundays. Address ELM, Eagle olilce, stain terms, (which must be time of meals, mylC BOARD A'PRIVATE FIILY7R siding at Tl Second place, would rene at a moderate price, with board, a pleasant front room; also, alumd Bome bacii parlor; references required. my21 4t "OARD TWO GENTLEMEN" ORA gentleman and wife' cau obtain good board and a well furnished front room on the story, in a private family by applying at 179 LiYingston street.

Dinner at6. myjflJH BOARD A SMALL FAMILY, OR A few gentlemen wishing to make arrangements for board for the summer, in a pleasant flrst class brown stone house, convenient to Wall street and Fulton can be accommodated on moderate terms, by applying at 836 Bridge street, one door from Willoiigliby; ro'onia ore handsomely furniBhcd; house replete with modern improvements. myil 3t BOARD IN BROWN STONIiH6lJSE, ST Wyckoff street, aer Courfcet ek'santly furnished rooms, for gentlemen and their wives, with hoard; ou" hull bedroom for a single gentleman. All Improvement, te. myil ts BOARD TOTET, WTH GOOr BOARD, one Ir.rge pleasant room, on 'nd floor, front able for young gentlemen, or a family; location one of the best in the city, being both pleacunt and convenient; terms reasonable; dinner at 0 o'clock.

45 Nassau street, 3 re'imtea'from Ful'on Ferry. "OARD TO LET, TWO OR THREE large rooms, with ample closets attached; also, single rooms; honse has all the modorn improvements; convenient to "Wall street and South fcrrieH. Inquire at 7 1 Paciflc St. tuy21 3t' BOARD TO iiETV WITH large pleasant rooms, for gentlemen' aud theii wives, furnished or unfurnished; also, largo sized hall rooms for single gentlemen; location llrst class; within minutes' wait ofwall street and South ferries; terms moderate. Apply at 183 Clinton st.

myil St" BOARD GENTLEMEN ORGENTLE niun and their wives, can find very dcelrablc rooms, with or without hoard; house with all improvements, and convenient to three car routes; also, haet parlor and extension to let, unfurnished. Apply at 9(1 Dean street. 2t BOARD A SSlALL with hoard, to a gentleman; dinner attiJi o'clock. Apply at 1)9 Lawrence street. BOAR ROOMS TO LETWITH Iward, at 106 Clinton street, Brooklrn; t.onse hai 21 improvements: convenient to South or 'Wall street f.

ries; dlnnerat 6K. my21 2t BOARD A SINGLE GENTLEMAN CAN be accommodated with a pleasant room and board, in a private family, by applying at 293 State street, mvm 2t" BOARD A LARGE ROOM, NEATLY, furnlslicd, with hoard, for lady and gentleman, or would let to a party of single cents. 6.) state street, myaiat BOARD PLEASANT ROOMS, WITH hoard, for gentleman and wife or two single gentlemen, at 181 Klllott place BOARDROOMS TO LET, WITH board, to two gentlemen, or gentleman aud wife; tlie house is pleasantly located, with modern improvements nnd convenient to three car routes. Apply at I'tl Dean street, near Bond. niyil 21 OARDROOMS TO LET, WITH board, to gents and wives or single gents; also, a lew day boarders wanted.

Apply at willoughby st. rniil 2t BOARD A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE can be accommodated with board and a large handsomely furnlslicd room, over parlor; also four l.andsome lv furnished rooms on Sd iloor for gentlemen. Inquire at 8'; Sands street for Mrs. M. Jiiyal 4 1' BOARD A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE or a few single gentlemen can be accommodated with good board and pleasant rooms, fnrnished or unfurnished or unfurnished.

In a small private family; terms moderate. Apply in Hamilton street, lth house nort'i ast Fulton avenue. BOARD TWO VERY DESIRABLE rooms to let, furnished or unfurnished, with or without board; have gas, hot and cold water and ample closet room; family small and nelcct: table first class; location 5 minutes from Knlton ferry; terms reasonable; reforence.s exchanged. Address X.X, liaglc olilce. my20 iteod BOARD PLEASANT ROOM AND GOOD boardfortwo gentlemen, can be obtained bv addressing Eagle ofllce; house has all modern Improvements; tcrmsnoderate.

myi02t BOARD FURNISHED ROOMS FOR single gentlemen, or gentlemen aud their wives, with or without board. Apply at 207 State street, four doors East of Court. Gab, water and bath. myJO OARD A PRIVATEAMTlY WOULD like to tnke a few respectable boarders. Ii.ith in the house.

Five minutes' walk from South Forrv, 10 minutes from Hamilton Ferry. Apply at 111 Harrison street, bc twcenjlenryjind Hicks streets. myiO 7t5 BO ARD PLEAS AWROMIS, NEATLY nnd newly furnished, or unfurnished, with good board for a few gentlemen, or a gentleman and wife, can be had at No.UrS Pacific street, between Bond and Xerins; bouse 1ms all modern improvements; Iocationhighly pleasant and central; within live minutes' walk of Citv Hall, and convenient to Wall, South, or Fulton ferries. Terms moderate mylH 7t BOARD A FEW YOUNG MEN" CAN be nceonimodatert with board and sln jle rooms; also a )arc bnek parlor with alcove, and room" on second lloor. nicely furnished, suitable for a gentleman ami wife, or party of single men.

aIpo accommodations for two Elr.gTo ladies. Good table. Terms reasonable. Bath, and fins throughout. Convenient to the ferries.

Call at 134 York streo near Bridge. my20 Gt F1 OR SALEAND WARRANTED A smltinjr ton wason. rim onlvufew limits: will hf sold cheap, the owner is oinij to Europe; Inquire at mudics, ana uovt street, near niton av eane. my2l 2t FO SALEA BA RN A FINE bred young sorrel horse, 16 bands high, 5 ycar old; very scLylisli. sound and kind, wlLliout fault and bleml.sli: sired by a thoroughbred, his dam a blooded mure: hns good ai'ticn and promises speed.

Inquire So. oG Fulton wtreeL, Brooklyn. "BOR SALE 6 WPAIROF TG HANDS 3. hi; (li hordes, coarh nnd open cnrrlr.L'c. bc Um lug lo the estate of Y.

P. UEIJIilMAN. Ajiply at the Stable rear of Xo. 70 IJem. cn street.

uiy2l5t SALE A PONY BUTLT" BAY JL1 Horse, Uy, iiands high, 0 years old, sound r.nd kind, In tpli'iuiid coiidition, and a food traveler. Also, a light Kxpress TVagon and Harness. Will be sold ctieap as the owner has no use for them. Apply at 1VZ Sands street. TJTi KS ALB A FllOirXEAM OFOUNG jL carriage horses, 15 hands, perfeetlv sound and kind in single or douhle harness.

These horses have been raised hy the present owner, who sells them forthewantof furtherjise Inquire at U7G Atlantic avenue. "BOU SALE A CANADIAN MARE; 7 JL years old, sound and kind, and two wagons; to bo sold cheap at No. SJ3 Columbia street, South Brooklyn. my20at FOR SALE A SPEEDY BROWN HORSE, liKhl wnjion and harness; sold for want of use. Inquire at the StalJeNoJjn3oerum street.

mylS It' "icsor" sale a light two seat JL phaeton, with top on back seat; been used six months only and is as (rood as new. Prlee SS75. Can be seen at JJ AliTIN Wood's stable, 20 Fulton st myl8 7f I OR SALE A HALF SPRING DUBOIS wuon: weight 1B0 $150; but little used. Apply at private stable, Hamilton street, 'midway between Gates and (jreeno avenues. mylS3l' FOB SAL A PAIR OF BLACK horses from Vermont; own brothers; Hamiltonlan blood; are an exceedingly flue, stylish, family eoaeh team.

1 a 1 "amnion street, oetween liutes uuu ureeue avs. (inylSSt') GEO. C. HALL. FOR SALE LIGHT WAGONS LIGHT "WAGONS I JAMES M.

ROWAN, Nos. 9 and 11 Hoyt street, haB now in stock and in process of manufacture, an assortment of llrst class light wagons, finished In the most elegant manner, and warranted equal in every respect to any vrork made, which will bo sold at greatly reduced prices. myb liu (CARRIAGES, BUGGIES AND PHEA 'IONS, of our own make, together with an assortment of Kockaways, Buggies, new and second hand, with and without topB; new single and double Harness; all at reasonable priceB. Call and see, at TOOKEIt'S CAR HIAGE FACTORY. 157 Fulton avenue.

anM lm' CARRIAGES A FINE ASSORTMENT of new and second hand city made carriages and wagons for sale cheap, consisting of phaetons, rockaways, lop bngglcs, road wagons, Stc, at the Repository, 37i Adams street, near Myrtle avenue. FRAJJC1S BIGGS. "Wagons bought and exchanged. mhSO 2inB AKRIAGES. R.

31. STIVERS, (late Stivers ft Smith), nns now In stock and process of manufacture, a tine assortment of Top Buirgies, Trotting and Road Waqons, Dog Carls, Phaetons, First class only. Those wishing carriages ave invited to call and examine the work, which is all made on the premises, under hia own supervision, at 94 to 102 Eaat 31st street, between 3d and 4tb avenues. N. T.

mhlSm LOST AUD FOTJWP. REWARD LOST, ON SUNDAY vTSO' night, In Bergen street, between Bond andNevlns, a small gold extension case fENCIL and PEN. The above reward will be paid on leaving it at 217 Bergen street. REWARD LOST, ON SUNDAY evening, in a Greene avenne car, a POCKET BOOK containing money and papers, the last of which aIonc ci' returning the above to HARRY .1 DORRIEN. 112 South street, li; the above reward ill be paid.

OSTA BROWN SILK UMBRELLA, ii be'ween Orange and Pineapple streots. Tho finder wlllbc liberally rewardcyjeavingitat ITS Fulton st LOST NOTICE IF THE PERSON who picked up a small white French riXri answering to the Dame of Pink In or near Carroll nine" on Thursaay last, tvill return him to No. 8 cSSoU See' he or sho wfll be suitably reworded for tn? JSiS. Pmce' my21 Ti a small sum of money supposed to be lost between Fulton and StyrHe avenue' 204 jy street! rewarded leavmglt at SIO: REWARD STRAYED FROM iSHDKltL. Gates av near Lot's lane, two new, milk COWS; one a grayUihcov' iiu a i uiuuiiu uoi iictt; ie ower a rea cow without horns and a rope around her neck.

Any one returnlnV either will receive 3 and the thanks of he owner? 8 5REWAED LOST ON THE MORN lntr of the 17th a amall Rr.ntoh tf fin nnn with a black leather collar round hia neck. Any person returning the same to hisowner, C. lOTCourt street, near Schermerhorn, in the butcher store, will re ceive the above reward. myift 8t OOUND A FOX DOG. THE OWNER JL can nave tnc same oy nrovingnroperty and paying inquire 01 uunri ui'it uituvis, loth street.

between 2d and 3d avenues, W. r. myaj FOUND GAME TO THE UNDER slgned on the a black Tho owner can have the same by proving property and paying expenses. JAMES BRESSILL, Flatbuah. myl8 St BOUSES FOB.

SALE. FOR SALE, CHEAP 2 STORY HOUSE and 2 lots, 50 by 100 feet, in Marlon Btreet, between Ralph and Hr ward avenues, 9th "Ward; nice garden, witb summer honse and 100 feet of grape vine; cedar posts all around the premises; In first class order; price 33.S00 cash; title warranted; no incumbrances. Apply to JOHN SMITH, Bookbinder, No. 21 Ann street, New York, or on the premises. Can be seen any time.

my21 4t SPECIAL NOTICES. DRESS AND CLOAK MAKING MISS E. J. MAOKIN begs to inform her customers that sue haB moved from 183 Atlantic Btreet to 2133 Fulton st where she has superlorfaclliiles for her business of Dress and Cloak making. All kinds of Sowing Machine Stitching promptly attended to.

ECHANics bank, Brooklyn: 1667. EI.ECTI0The annual election ror Thirteen Directors of tn Is Bank, and Three lnsnectorf, at heBtogPHoe sd of Jme neit. between tho hours GEORGE W. "vTIUTE. Tny20Ut cashier.

I A JL LA UNDRY BLUE FOR FAMILY TJSE. This blue Is manufactured by the old estahlUriod ana well known manufacturers of fine colors, J. F. TIEMANN tt CO. It Is perfectly pnro.

and needs Vint to bo med to bo an prvctajed. SoldTiy gtooers and. drugglsta ttronghout Uu TJnltcd States. J. H.

TIEMANN, myll lm Solo Agent, Pearl street, T. "ANTED A YOUNG GIRL WHO RB sldcH vitl, hprnnrnntu f.n take Care of tVVO Small "nucji. inquire at aau a uiion sueuu WANTED AtfRENCH OR IRISH EM brolderer on linen and cotton; none but a suiarc and experienced hand need apply to Mme. GKALN, 40 West Baltic street, near Clinton, up stairs. WANTED A GIRL TO DO GENERAL a housework: must ben rood cook nnd laundress.

Apply, wjthjilyjctoence, atToa State street. "17" ANTED A GIRL TO DO GENERAL good washer and ironer; one willing tn cSn summer; Oerniuu girl preened. 1 L. RICHARDSON, SQ1 South 3rd st, Brooklyn, my213t ANTED AN TNTF.T.T.TroiywT WO wash and Iron for a family of four: gh Itrlitf0 teroac9B required. Call for one day atlSS WANTEDOWOPERATORS, TAIL foV oo fV' cmls best prices paid.

Call for one ecjarigortcjitreet. SAMUELS. WANTED HOUSE PAINTERS TVO cn class painters, graining Included, will tako per day for city work; country extra: references "tvrii AodrcES liOSS PAINTElt, Hart slrjct, Brookfyn. a ANTEDAN ENGLISH OR GER el lato WANTED AN EXPERIENCEDCOOlT: one willing to assist in washing and Ad ply at Fl Columbia street, "Wednesday and Thursday, my21 at WANTED AN EXPERIENCED OPE racor on Wheeler nnd Wilson's machine wants to pec work by the day or month, or to take in family ae wing. Inquire at 15 Enst Warren street, Brooklyn.

my2l 21 ANTED A RETAIL DRY GOODS salesman by JOUKNEAif BuRNHAM. 161 At lanuu tiireet. WANTED A NEAT YOUNG GIRlTlN family of two persons, to do lbc housework; must be a Protesttiut; Enirlish preferred. Apply in IStU street, first cottage beyond 5th avenne, right hand side. WANTED AEXraRiEN6EDDRY goods salesman.

Apply to K. McK EXNA, 673 Myrtle avenue, cor, Kent. my41 it ANTED A GOOD GOOK, WASHER and ironer: must be willintr to do some ceneral housework and have good city references; waes 12. Apply at Carlton avenue, my21 2t WANTEDS GOOD at o.ll Hickn street. CARPENTERS "ANTED A STEADY GIRL, TO DO general liouseivork In a small famllv: must have good reference from her last place.

Apply at drug store Sd avenue, corner 21pt street, lirooklyn. WANTED SILK HAT TRIMMERS AT CLINTON'S, 05 Cranberry street. ANTED A YOtJNG GIRL ACOUS loined to the cam of lilhlrpn? willfny. p.anahlfl girl will find a good place. Apply at No.

7 Greeno avenue, between Oxford and Cumberland ets ANTED A GIRL TO HELP DO GEN oral housework, in a small family; a Protestant. preferred. Apply at 420 Hudson avenue; wages per mom n. ANTED A NEAT, TIDY GIRL, TO cook, wash and Iron: must have the best city re iorcnecs; wages per munm. in i vjuurutia street.

WANTED IN A SMALL FAMILY, A middle aged person, thorouuhly acquainted with general housework; one that is Ktiietiy temperate, good deposition and willing to do any work usually required cl servants; the best recommendations required. Cill only from 10 to VI A. M. at E. C.

PHELPS', No. 0 Greene avenue. ANTED TWO SMART, CAPABLE vouiiir uirlp; one lor Ereueral bon.sework.tlHi other as nurse and scam stress; be willing and obliging nnd conic well recommended. Apply at 210 Raymond street. ANTED A GIRL AS CHAMBER iisuid and waitress: none need annlv unless com petent and well recommended, and willing to go Into the country during the slimmer.

Call at N. 118 Hicks street. WANTED A GIRL FORUP STAIRS work and to assist in the eare of children; one is willing and obliging, and can give good city rcfr veference, may apply at. No. 3 "West Baltic street, near Court street.

Also, a woman to assist in family sewing, for a few weeks. "STANTED A GOOD ASHE ana ironer, eniier German or English; must have ood references. Apply at 3 Pands street. my21 2t ANTED A WELL RECOMMENDED ntil'son. nriiHiinnlIv Jn rnnlc.

wash jind iron must be willing to make herself generally useful and agreeable to her employer; an American preferred. Apply at 21 Harrison street, between 'JO and 22. ANTED A EIRST CLASS DRESS maker: a so a irlrl to learn the trade. Annlv at i3 Rands street. my20 2t ANTED A BOY 14 YEARS OP AGE in a hardware store.

Address, statinir in 1at place. II AMI) WARE. Hox IKS P. P. myiO St WANTED A GIRL FROM 8 TO 12 years old.

(an orphan preferred) whocan be placed in rliartci' "nd imdcr the control of the subscriber for a term of years. Hie will be well trained and properly taken care of. Mason, Elliott Place Drug Store, Atlantic ave. iny2D2l ANTED A MiHTAL SPINNER, ONE accustomed to work in copper and brass. Apply H.

Darby Ki Waterstrcct. my'02t ANTED A EAT, TIDY PROTES lai.t trirl. of mild as nursu for a child one year old and to do light chamber work and make hor self generally useful. One that can do tine washing and ironintf preferred. Applv with good references iu flyer son ctroc t.

liftli house; Isoi'thwest of Gates ave. mv'il 2t "ANTED 40 GOOD COOKS FOR EX cellenr families Itoth in eitv arid countrv. Also. wanted, a middU' Protestant woman as eoo'k for countrv. The jiiven, and without fefuv.

for experienced servants at HEXDKUSON'S Old Established Servants' Olllce, Court street, Brooklyn. inv20 2t WANTED AGENTS FOR I I'. S. MEKOAVriLE REGISTER; KELLOGG'S Kill I U'l'll iiimmI ed by all business men; has uo competition; see advertisement of book in this paper. T.

1). KELLOGG, llii Nassau street, N. T. mvlSSt ANTED GIRLS TO WORK AT dre. sniakinir and onerate on GroverA Raker's sewing machine; none but good Hewers need apply at 937 luyrue avenue near nmuuru si.

myn 'if WANTED IMMEDIATELY, SEVERAL good dressmakers, at Mo. 13 Grcenu avenue, corner of Cumberland street mylfiGt AN TED LADIES TO LEARN TO OP crate on Ringer's and Wheeler and Wilson's sewing machines; all branches taught and recommended to work; also all of family switching and quilting done by an experienced operator. Apply at 1S2 Fulton street, up Etaire. apili lm ANTED A SiTUATlON BY A respectable young girl, as chambermaid nnd waitress or to tr.kc care of children; would go In the country; has good eitv references. Call for two days at lib Harrison street, 3d door from Htcksst 17 ANTED "SITUATION, BY A young girl, to do light housework in a small family; is willinG and obliging; reference if Can bo seen for two days at 117 Havrlon street, WANTED A SITUATION BirTA RE spcctablu vouni; woman, to Jo cnerivl housework; or as good cook, washer and ironer; has good city in ferences; city or country.

Call for two days at 123 Atlantic street ANTED A SITUATION, BY A RE sneetable woman, to do general housework In a small family; is a good plain cook, good washer and ironer; lias goou cav reiv rences. an lor two uays in Pari fif. street, door from Washington ay, east side. ANTED A SITUATION, BY A RE spectable young girl to do chamber work and wait or general iiouscwul ucsl ol reiuicuce iveu. luu at 1 J5 Pacific si reel, between Clinton audConrt sts.

ANTED A SITUATION BY A RE irirh is a (rood cook, excellent v. ct ironer. and thoroughly understands her business; ihe lust of eitv reference jxlven. Inquire in Pacittc sLreet, lirt 1101150" north of Classon av. ANTED A SITUATION BY A RE speetanle young married woman, as wet nurse; is strong and heulliiv.

inquire in llergen house enst of Washington avenue, north side of street. m21 2t WANTED A SITUATION BY A RE spcrtablc young woman, to do genera) housework in a small family; is a good cook, washer and ironer; would go a snort tiisuincc in me country; nas gooa city references. Call for two days at 7G5 Pacific street. ANTE A SITUATION BY A voumr woman, in a private family, to do trencral housework; is a good plain cook, llrst rate washer and ivoner; has good reference. Call for two days at the Jth House in pencer sireei norm suic 01 1 tie avenue.

ANTEDA SITUATIONYTARE spcetablc family as seamstress; can cut and fit ladies and children's drteses all kinds of plain sewing; lias good Call at 20o Gold street, Brooklyn, front room, second Hour. ANTED A SITUATION BY A RE sncctanlc vountr airl to do chamberwork and wait ing, and Ib willing to maKo, herself generally useful; has gouu city reicrence. can oe seen at idu jay street, in mc rear the upper iloor, for two days. ANTED A SITUATION, BY A RE snectnbln vountr irirl.

to do irencval housework or kitchen work, in a small private lamily; is an excellent wasner ana ironer, ana a gooa cook; iius city reierence. Please call at 118 Columbia corner of Degraw. ANTED A SITUATION, BY A RE and ironer; lias good cfty references. Call for two daya, at 98 Curl! near Wllloughby. ANTED BY A GIRL, A SITUATION to do chamberwork and waiting; would do house work in a small family.

Call for two daya, at 111 Harrison St. ITSrANTED SITUATION, BY A BE spcrtablc young girl, to do chamberwork and, waiting, at. ihi i tnary street, opposite earn st. ANTED A SITUATION, BY A RE sneetable married woman, as wet nurse: has got a full breast of milk; her own baby only three weeks old; has good reference as to character, with doctor's recommendation. Can he seen for two days at 110 Fulton corner of Middagh street, under segar store.

ANTED A SITUATION, BY A RE sncctablc girl, as chambermaid and waitress: best of reference. Apply in Tivan street, fourth house from Vanderbilt avenue, lirooklyn. WANTED SITUATIONS BY TWO young girls one as chambermaid and the other as waitress in a private fjinily: good city reference Jf required. Call for two days at Miss Kelly's millinery store, 101 Atlantic street ANTED A SITUATION BY AMID die aged girl, as good plain cook, washer and ironer; has good ciiy reference from her last place. I'lease can lor two aaysat (ti uumeiu hireei.

ANTED A SITUATION BY A BE cnoftnliln vniinr nflish WOniOTL US first cliawliermaM nnd wftitrcss, or will take a coofe's place in a snmll fnmilv; I fond of children; can do nlain seivins and operate, oil machine. To be seen this afternoon and on "Wednesday, at 140 t'ulton, corner of Middagh street, under uisnr store. ANTED PLAIN SEWING, BEAID inir nnd eniDroiaerme. uy a mioi lau.v. jiii kinds of sewinjr attended to promptly, at 221 Columbia st, between State and Joralemon.

WANTED A SITUATION BY A SMART capable girl, to do cooking, washing and Ironing, or as general servant; will be found a good plain cook. an excellent asner unu lrouur uuu iumuiwiutu, Apply nt 121 Atlantic street. WANTE SITUATION Eftl FliU ers in want of neat, respectable and reliable servants, will And a desirable selection, nearly 200 every day. OI UlC nest CinSS Ol C.XUCriCUCUU bui uu wages, at HENDRICKSON'S Felect and Old Established Agency. 121 Atlantic, near Henry si.

ioiuce uiu largest, best conducted and most reliable in Brooklyn. iny.ii WANTED A SITUATION BY AN Efficient ar.d well recommended girl as first class cook; is an excellent cook; understands soups, pastries, game, will also assist at washing and ironing; has five years reference from her last place: city or country. Apply at 4 Sands street, near Fulton; basement. WANTED A SITUATION BY A GIRL as chambermaid, or to do Housework in a small family; has four years city reference. Can be seen at 76 uiion street, uroouiyn, umii huilcu TTTTlwmrn A CJTmTT A mmW If A 1 I.1 spectable girl, to do cenernl housework in a small, private iamny; or woum line iu(o oui ui uw j.

to take care of children and do Bowing. Can be seen at ltu Amity street, urooKiyn. WANTKD A SITUATION. BY If young jjirl, as cootc, washer and ironer; tho very rest oi cuy reiercnco cau uu kivujj. vyuu uudbuu uu 5fi East "Warren street.

A SITUATION BY A RE YV spectable youns American girl to do light chamberwork; has no objection to tako care of children in a small private family; she is neat, tidy, willing and obliging; can give the best of city reference from her last piaeu. iease eati ui. rnuuu pllh, mu ctm "ANTED A SITUATION BY A vninif irirl flR chambermaid In a small familv. or would take care of baby; reference given. Can be seen for two days at 7 Prospect street.

X5T ANTED A SITUATION BY A RE waiter, or In any capacity where he can make himself generally useiai; can wrue a iair nauu anu uas goou rai crcncc. Please address J. York i3trcet. Brooklyn. ior two aays.

ANTED A SITUATION, BY A RE knpetahle pirl. as laundress or waitress, or linn waeJiiDC; linn the best of cily references. Please call for two days nt C9 Atlantic 8t, Brooklyn. WANTED A SITUATION, BY A RE speclablc woman nB cook; and to assist in the washing; has no objection to cook, wash and Iron in a small private family: Is a good bread and biscuit maker. Lmn ue Been aci i oluv i 'j i wvj ou, Brooklyn, AXTFT A SITUATION, BY A RE iunmnn na first class cook: tinder ctlniia her l.ntlncES In ull Us branches.

Call at 43 Atlan tic street. In the tailor's Btore, for two flays. mjtl if xmr ANTED A SITUATION BY A (ho rarn nf young man uu euauniuuui Ldrseai will go In tlie country; city reference. 0g" gFolton avenue. assist in washlnsand ironing, or to do general hoUBBWOiK In email family; bis good city references.

Call, tpt two days at No. 8 Stanton street. WANT Elf5 SITUATION, BY A young girl, as chambermaid and nurse. Plcaso call at 520Myrtrc avenue. ANTED BY A RESPECTABLE Youim womon no eniimsi rpss.ln a pri vate family: can opera'ts on "Wheeler Yllson's machine.

ippiy ai one street. ANTED BY A RESPECTABLE woman' nniv ni tr tin general housework; beet of city references iven. Inquire at 113 lluller street WANTED A SITUATIfJN, BY ArBE spectable younn 'irl to do general lionacworli; a pood plain cook, washer and Ironer; references given. Inquire at 11)8 Pearl street. "ANTED A HEALTHY MARRIED ii'lwi lina Incl Imp

1.1... tivn Wi'L'K'S old, wishes to take a baby to wet nnrso at her own real deuce; can refer to Dr. Gilnilnn. l'lnase call at No. 20 Amity street, opposite Willow, South Brooklyn.

"ANTED A SITUATION, BY A RE; tpectauie rrotesainc as cnamoenuam seamstrefc no objection to oins the country' for ute sunnner uml to tacinj: care of children; canivo the usst cily references. Ko. CoSMyrtlc avenue, near Gibson. ANTED A SITUATION, BY a. Crtf a rri rl in liortn Jl'lfl Will I TOSS.

OV Bl.ttJt, clniHutcn. fin till tnrlu ilf eHl is willing and obJi hns rcfr enceR from her last place. Can be seen at 2G3 Fulton avenue, iutUe store, near St. Felix st. "ANTED A SITUATION BY A Rfc Knfiffililo TOnnifln tn tin (ri.ncr;ll hhnqfUVOrk.

la Bmall tamlly; is a good plain cook, washer and Iroaer; has good cityiveferencea. Call for two daya at ISO Butler Bireet, oeiween jtoyi ann iiona. WANTED XSiTUATION, BY A RE spectable young woman, as plain cook, waslKr and ironer, or would do general housework, in a email family. Please call for two days at 153 Butler street, near Bond, Brooklyn. WANTEDfUATfONS FOR 200 OF the neatest, most espricnecd nnd respectable class of servants to be found at any agency in th.3 city or New York.

Terms 50 cents, for nurses, BC ims treFses, waitresses and general servants: also small and the most respectable class of girls lately arrived. MANNING'S, 15 Court street, opposite the City Uall. mv21 Gt "ANTED A SITUATION BY A RE OTM ntnlil vniinir wnmnn Jn nrivnln fnmilv tO cook, wa sJi and iron; the best of city reference can he jilven from her last place. Call for two days at 23 Dau BtrecL ANTED A SITUATION BY A RE sectable young woman as plain cook, washer and ironer; ood cltyreferunce. Call for 2 days at 53 t'nlary street, in rear.

ANTED A DRESSMAKER WOULD like to ftsw mnrn e.nsi.nmtM to out by apd cliildrena' dresses. Callat 13 Prospect street! WANTED SITUATIONS BY TWO young girls one as cook, washer and ard the other as chambermaid nnd waitress, and assist wllu the washing: and ironing; has the bst of city reference. Call at IS Carrol street, South Uroolclyn. ANTED A SITUATION BY A BF eneCtnblfi "irl tn fin linr.n,r lino best of city referenco from last place. Apply at 53 Bei (ten street.

1 1 WTED SITUATION BY A BE spectable young woman aa chambermaid and waitress, or to do general housework in a small private family; lias good city Call for two days at 95'Cran berry street, 1n the Shoe ttore. ANTED TO PHOTOGRAPHERS A VOUmr Ulan Wishes t.O li urn thr. ml. himself generally useful. Address N.

II. Eagle oillce. my21 81 WANTMTA ISllfUATiONi BY A yonujr girl, to do houaework or chamberworK; can do plain hewing; has no objection to go in the country for the summer; has four and a half years' city reference from last place. Cun be seen at house Church South Brooklyn. WANTED BY A EESPECTABLE WO man; with Iter own machine, woi'k in families by the day or week; she does nil kinds of f.t'iiily sewing.

Call at 12G Smith street, near Dean, in the caudy store. ANTED A SITUATION, BY A RE snectalile nnrl rcss; will take eare of children, and assist in washing and ironingjlias good city references. Call for two days at East Warren street. WANTED A SITUATION, BY A young girl, to do general housewoik, cook, wash and iron; has jrood city reference. Please call at No.

IJi street, Tlrooklyn. WANTED A SITUATIONTaS COOK: washer and ironer, by a thoroimhly eMlelent woman; she is an excellent oakcr and a good washer and ironer; city or Apply at 1 Pands street, near Fulton, Ijtisement. N.B;Jsn good pastry cook. ANTED A SITU AT I ON, ATrB tpectable girl, to do chamberwork and waiting, or the kitchenwork of a small lamily; best of references from her last place. Please call at 5S Union street, top lloor, backroom.

"AN TED A ITUATION BY AN American trirl as seamstress: fs wlllintr to assist in liglit chamberwork; cau operate, on the sewing nucliine; Is willing to to the country. Cull at No. 1 Checver place, ir uth Brooklyn, for two days. myXS '4t WANTED A SITUATION BY A younu man who has worked in a carpenter shop for two years, witli a boss builder or boss carpenter for two vonrs under instruction. Address or call on WILLIAM WAG Eli, No.

51 Hudson avenue, iirst lloor. niyiiO Ct ANTED SITUATIONS LADIES IN and its vieinltv desirous of nrnn.iir in" tiie iieaiA'M, in osi. retpt eiaoiu anu renauic Class Ol ser vnxtfi will find the largct selection (Protestant and Cath at moderate wages, at. CJiniSTOl'HKIi'S Select Atrency. 10 Tillarv street.

N. 11. This tlie most respectable and reliable Agency in Rrookiyu. is years estab liPbed. ANTED A SITUATION, BY A RE siifcei.ahle fziri.

as eliarilicrinaid and niti rwr lunf. oi reierenee. Appiy ai Miiun street. myjuyt" WANTED LADY DESIRES" SOME hewing, by thedav or week. Can be ecdn ut Carll Ptrcet.

my2Q2t WAN TEDA HE ALTII WET NUHSE, for a child one month old; she must be a respectable married woman, with a good fresh breast of mil tt; the best references must be Kiven. Apply on Mond.iv and Tuesday, between 12 and 3 o'clock, at ID Union street, South lirooklyn. my IS 3L" ANTED TO HOUSE CARPENTERS Wanted, bv a lad from the ennnt.i v. nn int eighteen years of wh. has worked at carpentering nearly two years, a situation to learn the trade; a place where the business maj be acquired thoroughly, is more desired than high wages.

Address W. (i. Jingle ofllce. mvk'O ot ANTED A SITUATION BY AN American man. as foreman in a railroad atnhlvt inririMtiiwwiwiiuiumiiwt iniiiiirt je'iro, auu understands bis business.

Address M. S. 1,313 Atlantic avenue, Brooklyn. myrrit WAIVITS. WANTED A COTTAGE HOUSE OR two story brlek, or eight to ton rooms, in good location, ior a desirable tenant.

Address, with full particulars, TENANT, Eagle olllce. my21 2t ANTED BY A GENTLEMAN AND wife. only, one furnished room. Address, statlna locntion, F. A.

Katrle olllce. njy20 2t ANTED TO RENT A NEAT STORE, with suitable lor a drui; store, at a iuoj ate rent. Address IilJAA'DIS, care ol CJi. 470 PiiciHc street. myjQ 2t WANTED A HOUSE IN SOUTH lirooklyn; will pay $1200 for furnished, or 1,00 for unfurnished.

Address, Box Post oiliee, N. Y. mvCOSt AN TED BY A RESPONSIBLE party, on easy terms, ti full sized three or four story, tilonc or brick hoiiFe, within one mile of tlie City Half towards Bedford; immediate possession is required. AddiTsa V. Kanie ofllce.

iny20 it A.NTED BY A GENTLEMAN AND wife, four orllvc rooms, furnished or unfurnishe.d. in a respectable locality, anil where there arc no other tenants nut the family occupants. Address J. Ka'ile otlice. i my'0 St WANTED A ROOM, NEAR WALL st.

ferry, without board, by a single gentleman of (luiet habits, doing business in New York. Address A. TauOv. olhee. my JO Jt S7S7 AKTED A 3" STORY BRICK HOUSE witli modern improvements, in locality in Urooklvn.

Inquire of UlLUEHT BAKEll, WhUehnll WANTED TO RENT A NEAT COT tagc for a small family, (ffcntlcmnn, wife and one child) convenient to l'ulton or Wall street ferries; ifsult abte would be taken lor a permanency. Address, stating loc ation and terms, Kaijle oiliee. myl6 6t ANTED BY A GENTLEMAN AND wife onJv. two or three rooms, with nnd cm. within ten minutes of Fulton ferry; terms not to exceed $1S.

Address lor one week HOME, EaIc office, mylli (It JEOUSES '0 1LET. PAKT OF A MODERN BUILT, Ihrce slory. brlek house. In Sctitlt lirooklyn; all the lr.pio veiucnts. Addvess IS.

Eaulo olHce. TO LET TWO OR THREE ROOMS, suitable for Uuiiulre at 15 Eat Wnr rjn street. my21 3t TO LET 3 ROOMS, AT 42 BOND between Schcrmerhoru and State Rinsill family only. LET A HANDSOME FURNISHED front parlor, with bedroom adioininw. Tnnnlrr nt Jay street.

mvil 2t' 7iO LET WITHOUT BOARD, 2 NICELY i furnished rooms. For further navtinnWt nnnii luParKaYenue. between Hamilton street and Washing ton avenue, only house on the block. my21 it mo LET IN BROOKLYN, A SPLENDID JL rosewood piano lorte; rent very moderate. Anply lo or auuress tjii.ur.ft, i wunetiall street, N.

mo LET ROOMS AND BEDROOMS, JL furnished, without board; house has all Improvements. Inquire at JSi I ultou opposite Pearl St. myaiiit rtno LET A STORE AND HOUSE CON JL tainint: four rooms, in Myrtle avenue, north side, between Washington avenue and Houston st. Annlv at 112 Carlton avenue, near Myrtle. my'l lit HO LET PART OP A FURNISHED house in a ccnte nelzhhorhoocl.

iirat nmi third floors, everything in eompleto order, with piano, three adults in family. Inquire at 4J Johnson 6t. mvkst' LET A BUTTER POT 1 NV A JL old established market; lease and fixtures complete, for sale very cheap; a (rood chance for a smart, attentive and obliirmjr young man. Inquire 'of W. M.

SMITH. James street, Brooklyn. my21 it TO LET FURNISHED cenllemen. without honrri tr th xrr. 27 "Willow street, five minutes walk from "Wall or jTnl ton ferry; private family.

niyaiat TO LET FURNISHED HOUSEWELL fltteo and furnished in every respect. Apply at 155 niy'i TO LET FURNISHED, A NICE THIRD floor front room, suitable for one or two gentlemen; located near tort Greene; family small and (inlet. Pleasoaddrcts C. JJEagle Ofllce. my212t TO LET SINGLEGENTLEMEN" CAN nt 2SJ Adams: street, one block from the City Hall square, 10 or fi minutpi from Fulton, Wall and Soufii ferries.

The rooms ar we airy and clean. Gentlemen wishing to room tocotBo'r can also bo accommodated. Terms moderate. LET A FRAME house, contain lug rooms; has heater. Btatlouarv gi8 alJ modern improvernonts; good neighborhood, location, Houston street, between to B.

BALDWIN SON. 368 Washington street. v21 St npO LET AT 420 SACKETTSTREETi aa Bon1' 3 roon'3 ua basement, to a small family of adults; waterjmd gas. TO LET A COTTAGE HOUSE7bN avenue, first honse from Atlantic street, with eight rooms, gas, water, and waler closet, to a amall family. Apply to E.

WELCfVnext door. mylS 2f TOnLET A FURNISHED HOUSE, TO he lit.f 5 VaM family; location pleasant; within live minutes' of tho City Hafl u30 of piano, Ac; a rare opportunity for a young married connle to try oat RoAon of the rent wil? be taS 'HlA 1 Call at S39 Gold street, near Fulton mya.SC FOB SAIj15. 9.HDTA AND SHEEP, ON of thf lsth lnst: th0 owner oan have FOE. AT A SACRIFICE WOQD en still, In complete working order. Inquire at V.S York street.

IOR SALE A VERY FINE ROSEWOOD of th; Popular makers, 7 octave, carved legs, scroirbottom, suspension bridge overstrung bass and tine tone, nearly new; will sell.very cheap, the owner having no further use for it. Can be Been at 50 Carroll street. mylT4t' IfOR SALEGRAY'S SWIMMINGBATH 111 good repair. Inquire of E. GRAY, No.

09 Adams street. myl83t FOR" SALE FOUR MAGNIFICENT e. vloi. 55! n.e Bonuine two gonutneT. bteiner, sco each; one genuine Witholin.

Each Violin is furnished witli bow nnd case. These instruments are played by the greatest European artists; also proved and secured as real genuine from the best anil most oxpsrt tus country. Mr. FR. MOLLEN IIAUEK recommends them as lnnKnillcent in every re be seen at the music store of WM SCHUITZ, Sto Fulton Btreet, Brooklyn.

my20St OR SALE AT A SACRIFICE THE stock, fixtures ana good will of a millinery and fancy goods store, located at No. Sll Fulton avenue, now doing a goad business. Apply between 1 and 9 P. SI. myl6 8t IjOR SALE A NEW DRUG STORE NOW A ieilln8 in 'raP'dly growiug neighborhood; unusu a Iy f.0S? RrosPec'i fine location for practising physician.

Apply on tho premises. Fulton, next door to Schenectady Tbo Punishment for Playing Tfflooliey A Widow's Complaint. To ihe Editor of the Brooklyn Eagle Mr. Editor, as you are always ready to answer a question and expose a wrong, I would respoc fully ask il'a teacher iu public school is authorizedto hand over a little boy nine years old to a policeman, and that policeman to take him to the Truant Home merely for playing hookey from school, without the knowledge or consent ofhis parents? If this boy was the son of one of onr bnsiness men I think those kidnappers would not dare to spirit him away in that manner. But he is only the'son of a widow who earns a decent living for herself and her little one by the labor of her own hands, and who is entitled to the respect and of the public for how well she docs it.

Whiit matter then if those teachers and inetroijolitnns did wring the poor mothers heart when, in the "evening alter returning home from her day's toil, she found Ucr child removed from under her protection, she knew not where. But I would slate for the information of such kidnappers that the widow and the orphan have friends in this community that will not permit such an outrage to be repeated. of Tumi. Tcackcrs' Salaries. To the Editor of the lirooldyn Eagle In behalf of a suffering sisterhood, of which yon will quickly observe I am a member, I am going to beg the favor of a word or two.

I wish you to inquire why it is that in this flourishing city of Brooklyn the people are too poor to support their public institutions as they should Why is it that the female teachers of our public schools, those who do the real work, should be so poorly recompensed, while the male principals, many of whom do little more than keep their chairs warm, should be paid the handsome sum of two thousand dollars ($2,000) Many of the female teachers receive only thirty four dollars a month, and even this small sum but for eleven monfhs. Out of this there is a board bill of seven dollars a week to be paid, and a washingbill of a dollar and a quarter, so you perceive that in the clothing line we have to strictly "consider the lilies of the field." As for vacation, that season which we ought to look forward to with joy as giving us an opportunity to recruit our exhausted energies and refresh our minds and bodies, that we may resume our task of instructing the young with more patient power, is rather dieaded by us than otherwise for it is something to be able to pay our board; but during the month of vacation we lose even that independence and we luust either find work to do or depend wholly on our friends. Respectfully, A Teacher. "A Seini Savago Colony." To (fin. Editor of the Brooldyn Eagle I noticed in your edition of this evening, an article headed "A Semi Savage Colony," purporting to have been written by a cm respondent dated Fortress Monroe, May 18, which I pronounce a vile slander upon the inhabitants of Chincoteague Island, which forms a part of the Eastern shore of Virginia.

Your correspondent states that a party of strangers from Norfolk recently visited Chincoteagne Island on a gunning and fishing expedition, and they found a remarkable state of society existing among the inhabitants. Without stating in what particular that remarkable state or society, leaving the public to infer that it is very bad. Seeing that he has failed to state the same, I will do it for him, by informing you and the public what ffie state of society is, which tells well for the people of Chincoteagne there are about l. lllu inhabitants, financed no "policemen," no "constables," no "justices of the peace," nor no "lawyers," as they have no use for them but have their 'churches," their "schools," their "physicians," and live iu harmony and peace with one another find with maiildnd generally, fiillill their contracts and pay their debts, which is a great deal more than your correspondent and his party of strangers from "Fortress Monroe" and "Norfolk" cau boast ol. Your correspondent, likewise, tells the world that the people of Chincoteague Island" are ignorant, and arc exceedingly jealous ofstraugera and manifest their aversion in a very decided manner, "which is not true." One would suppose by reading the article referred to.

that they were not in the'habit of teeing any one Dut tnoir own people, and hence not civilized. 1 will now inform your correspondent of the character of the people of Chincoteague and their occupations and means of subsistence. A portion of them follow the water, running vessels from Chincoteague to Philadelphia and New York another portion follow farming; another portion prosecute the business cf planting and growing oysters; another portion follow wrecking for a living, and all find employment, and are an honest, enterprising and industrious people, instead of being almost in savage ignorance as stated by your correspondence. I do assert without tear of cont radic tion from any people that knew them, that tliev can cope any tiny in the week with your correspondent or any of he parties from the city of Norfolk, who lately visited tl in intclli ct and capacity for self ivern ment and they no doubt were recipients of their hospitality to strangers. I would further state to show the ignoianco of your correspondent or his informers from the city of A'ur folk.

as to the people of Chincoteague bum" ignorant for (be want of means of communications with the world generally; that Chincoteague Island is a "Port of entree," with a Custom House and Inspectors, ami have their arrivals and departures daily from and to New York and Philadelphia, so von will perceive that they cannot be so ignorant of what is going on in oilier places witn their facilities from abroad so much for the limited means of communications of the people of nincmeague Willi the civilized world generally. A' ul I will further state that there are from A00 to people who visit Chincoleague Island every year for excursions, parties and gleasure. and the people of Chincoteagne are pleased to see them and receive their hospitably. Yours respectfully, X. 2T.

The correspondence to which D. D. refers came through the Associated Press, and passed tor "news" from that body. AinnsementA. The Park Ttieathe.

The well worn but always agreeable play of "Tho Lady of Lyons" was presented here last evening. Mrs. Conway the J'at'llnc, a role in which she has before commended her. elf to popular favor. Mr.

Duff played dmi le, and gave an efficient impersonation of that romantic young person. Chippendale did the bluff and hcarly Dumas to the life, and Davis and Mesfayer wore equally good as lleonscunt and Claris. The afterpiece of "Tho Good for Nothing" was given, with Mrs. Henri as, which is one of her best performances. To night's comedy of "Much Ado about Nothing," will lie given with Mr.

and Mrs. Conway as Benetl'a'li and L'euirice, supported by Dull', Chippendale, Davis, Mcstaycr, Lamb, Laura Queen, IIooLEy's Opera House. There was quite a revival audience at Ilooley's last evening, nnd the performance, was one of the best given in a long time. Three new new songs were introduced by Dave Feed, Church and Ncvers, a new piece by Leavitl. called "Somebody's, Coat," a very amusing uflair, nnd the burlesque "Flying Scud," Willi the great hr.rsc racc.

Mulligan is the jockey who gets hocussed, and the race is very live ly. A performance not set down in the programme was pleasantly introduced in the opening part. Dave. Itecd and Archy Hughes were brought to the front, and Cool White, in behalf of a number of citizens, presented Iteed with a silver tipped set of bones, and Archy with a silver mounted tambourine. Both recipients made suitable acknowledgements, and the audience testified their approval ol'the proceedings by hcartv applause.

The Menagerie. Forepaugh's Jlcnage ric epenod for exhibition here yesterday on Fulton avenue am! had a big house last night It is the largest and best collection of animals ever exhibited in this city. Davidge and Sedgwick give their select cn nalnmcnl at lbc Athencuin this evening. They will be arsistcd by Madame Poiizoni and Mr. George Lingard.

The Assumption School, corner of York and Pearl streets, will give an exhibition of the Female Department to morrow evening. Diamond Lodge No. 33, A. P. will live a Concert at Latimer nail to morrow evening, with an address by Mr.

William li. Donald. St. Fr.AKCir,' Academy. The annual exhibition of the pupils of St.

Francis' Academy will take glace this evening at the Academy of Music. Ice Pitchers, Coffee Urns, Tea Sets, Salrers, Table and Wine rasters, Gobfots, Cnka and Card flaskets; also. Knives, Forks, Spoons, and other goods inthuliuc of Flao Silver Plated Waro, of tho best materials and workmanship. For sale by tho J. L.

Hablem Maxufao TtfBTSG CoupiKY. Salesrooms No. 74 Maiden Lane, New Tort. ai10 lOt.eodW JKAKIJJIil. MfLHAi.T. On Wednesday, Mav irth, bv llev. H.M. Gallaber, Nicuolas Mut.uat.l to" Miss Franchs A. Walsh. Wiiitsey SniPMAir On Mondav, 20th inat.

bv llio Ecv. Henry Ward Deecher, Dr. Edwakd J. Wuitsey to Miss Maiiy L. nii iiAN.

ItAi.pir WntTjrAX On Mondav, Slav SC'th. at the residence of the bride's father, Suitthiown, L. bv tiie Rev. Flisha Bands, assisted by the Uev. John IT.

Staasburv. Philip A Halpii, of East New York, to Fkances D. WillTil. daughter of ltichard "Whitman, Esq. mm Bt TCnEr.

On Tuesday, May 21st, William BcTcnsn, born in Canada, Noveniner 18ih, lKsi. The relatives and friends are rcsptctfullv invited to attend the funeral, fiom his late residence, 5'o. lXi Tillary street, cn Thursday, at 2 o'clock. my21Ut Campbell In lirooklyn, May t9th, Ass Campbkll, of Bermuda, wife of the Uev. J.

U. Campbell, of Norfolk, England, aged 19 veers. The friends of the family, and those of her brother. Thomas D. Middlcton, are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from Christ Church, Clinton and Harrison sts.

South Brooklyn, on Tuesday, 21st Inst, at 4 o'efock P. M. At Whitehall N. on Saturday night, Emma K. IIalsey.

wife of Charles U. Clarendon, and daughter of the late Abraham Halsey, of Brooklyn. The funeral will take place from the residence of Jas. li. Halsey, 208 Carlton avenue, on Weducsday, u' li o'clock noon.

Fakiiell On Monday, 20th inst, Michael W. I akrejx, aecd 34 vears, of consumption. The relatives nnd friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, Ko. 205 1' rout street, on eancsuay, the 2'inu, at 2J4 P. M.

Hickey On Monday, May 20th, Elizabeth Agnes, uurhter of the late Hirsrh and Anne Smith, of I.eifrim, Ireland, and belovedwifc of James Hicjey, in the 20th year cf tier aire. 'flic relatfves and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend tlie funeral, from lier fate residence. No. .2 lioerum street, on Wednesday afternoon, at 2s o'clock McCeas Mrs. MoCeax.

The funeral of ttic late Mrs. Jano Mc.Cean will take place from the Chapel of the Church Charity Foundation, to morrow morning, at 10 o'clock. McCce In this city, on Sunday morning, May 19th, after a long illness, Doloiies li. McCue. Motlax Suddenly, of disease of the heart, Micuael Moylan, aged 07 years, a native of the County Clare, Ireland.

His relatives, and those of his friends, are most respect fully invited to attend bis funeral, to morrow, (Weunes dnj), May 22d, from his late residence. No. Main street Brooklyn, from thence to the Cemetery of the Holy Cross Flatbusu. ONS OE TEMPERANCE. DIVISION No.

13, "WILL HOLD THEIR BEGULAR MEETING, THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING, IN THEIR NEW HALL, 112 nnd 114 MYRTLE AVENUE, At 7J o'clock P.M. At which It is important every member should be present. By order. ROBERT G. SOUTER.

Bee. Scribe. TEFFEKSONIAN. DEBATING SOCIETY 00 mce.ts on THURSDAY EVENING, at the residence of F. T.

FEET, 220 Dean street, ut 8 o'clock. WM. M. IVISS, Secretary. TrVAVTD C.

AITKIN MUSKETEERS A 'neclnl mcctlne of the above military Company takes place THIS KVENlNG, at 8 o'clock at No. SO Fulton BtreetT Our Pic Nic Tickets will be ready for distribution. Punctual attendance is requcstcu. ay oraer. GEO.

Al. SMITH, Captain. Jos. H. "Winters.

Secretary. SPECIAL NOTICE. THE ANNUAL mcclins of the Brooklyn Orphan Asylum Society will ne he (I at the Asyiuin, tuuiui iimm miccj if Jlnmhi.rn of thn Sni: ntv. lit fi and the public generally are Invited tobe present. fllrs.J.G.

"Weld, Cor. Secretary. niyow rSHE MEiViBERS OF THE BROOKLYN 1 YOUNG MEN'S ROMAN CATHOLIC BENEVO I E'T ASSOCIATION arc herebv notllled to attend a mcr InBto bP lK'ld at GARIHALDI HALL, TUESDAY EVi NING, May aist, at IMo'clock, Punctual attendance is re'iiuirod as business of Importance Is to be tratisactod. an mn ue Ior p. J.

GORMAN, President. A. .1. IlTFKE. Rec.

See. my 20 2t rHE MEMBERS OE COSMOPOLITAN JL Lodec No. 585 V. and A. M.

are hereby summoned to M.o nuvl rmral.r rnmmiinicntlon TIIESDAY EVE NING, March 21, 1E07, for the purpose of revising the Bylaws. Attest. Ilirnm lilooincr, Secretary. my202t' A SSOCIATE CHOIRS OF BROOKLYN. XjEl All members, and also all who have ever been members, of this organization, arc respectfully Invited to attend the rehearsal, on WEDNESDAY EVENING NEXT, May 2'2d, at PAYWER'S ASSEMBLY ROOMS, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of making arrangements for umyiimmiiBrj iuuceri to AittD.

tnylg HORROR PILED ON HORROR. A Desperado Caught In tlie Act of Assassination Ee Is Pursued, Taken aud Identified An Air Gan and Otlicr Bur glarlous Implements Found The Vll lain an Ex Scrgeaut of Police His Victim must Die Full Details of tlio Darfc Transaction. A desperate assasination occurred at about ono o'clock this morning, near the corner of Gold aud Johnson streets, In the Fourth "Ward, which revives ail the thrilling incidents connected with tho career aud death of Jlouzani, the Eastern District desperado. It comes upon the public mind with double force just after the mnrder in Hudson avenue, recorded yester yay, and will add to the general feeling of uncertainty which pervades the mind of the boldest as he walks tho streets at darkened as they now are by tho absence of any lighted gas lamps. The assassination of this morning is one of the boldest and most desperate which has yet been bro to in onr city, and roveals a system, coolness and courage which in any other walk than that of crime should coimaand entire success.

The perpetrator, Wm. T. Skidmoro bv name ia an Es Sergeant of Police, havintr served in and formaly been discharged from the Forty fourth precinct, Captain Waddy. His experience upon the force, enabled him to avail himself of many points which common villains might bo easily learn, aud time the movements of respective policemen to most of whom he was personally known, with un exactness that gave him great advantages. How well he availed himself of these points in his favor, how he prepared, disguised and conducted himself will be seen by tho following account ofhis capture and murderous deed this morning THE SCENE OF ASSASSINATION.

At one o'clock thi. i morning, Officer Edwin Dyer, patrolman of the Forty llrst Precinct, (Captain Smith,) found himself at the corner of Gold and Johnson streets, which is a portion of the territory ho i expected to cover while on patrol at night. Iu the dim darkness Dyer discovered a man standing on tho north, cast corner, and, thinking his movements somewhit peculiar, ho kept an eye upon the man, himself unobserved. The stranger soon crossed over to tho southeast corner of tho street, and there stood as if awaiting the arrival ol' some one expected. At abont tho same time footsteps were heard on the east side of Gold street, in the direction of Myrtle avenne, and a mini came on unsuspecting the fate in store for him.

He readied the corner of Johnson street, Dyer on the opposite fide of tlie street watching' and Skidmore laying low for his coming on the casj side of Gold, beyond Dyer. Skidmore made sure of his prey by waiting until the man had advanced to within two yards, when a report, not loud enough for a pistol, was beard, and Instantly the unsuspecting pe destrian fell to the flagging. THE rCRSTJIT ANT) CAPTURE. Then Officer Dyer jumped from his place of conceal, ment and run for the assassin, who, in turn.fonnd himself ill a very dangcrons locality. Those who know Officer Dyer, need not be told that he has speed as well as determination, but ho little expected he had a trained policeman to overtake.

Dyer was about seventy five feet or bo behind Skidmore as the latter dashed np Gold street In the direction of Myrtle avenue. Across Myr. tie avenue went pursuer and pursued, Dyer keeping bis man well In sight, and when near "vVillonghby street the assassin looked around at the coming oulcer. Preferring to become a Scott rather than a Ilipwell, he drew his revolver and Drcd. Fortunately, or unfortunately, as the reader may conclude, he missed his aim, if be took one, and the two turned the next cur ner into Willoughby street, the officer evidently gaining.

Away they both went to. wards Prince street, and down Prince lo Fleet street. At the corner of Priuce Oflicer Nash, who had heard the report of Dyer's revolver, joined in the chase, aud the pursued gave up. and was captured at the corner of Fleet and Prince streets. II0W HE WAS ARMED AND The officers took the panl ing prisoner to the Forty" First Precinct Station house, where he wa recorded as Wm.

Skidmore, aged 35 years, and a carpenter by occupation. Upon bis person was found a pair cf false whiskers, and a small cap. lie had on a black slouch hat, and had lie been able to get out of siht i'oi a moment he could have disguised himself as ho ran, and perhaps by that means avoided arrest. As soon as Skidmore had been placed in a strong cell, officers went over tlie route of his flight and Oflicer Livingston picked up an air gun, the weapon with which the assassinated party was shot, in the front yard of No. 277 Gold slreet.

Oflicer Nash found an old Sergeant's overcoat in the ar. a of a hou. at the corner of Prince und Willoughby streets. THE WOUNDED MAN. Meantime Sergeant Boyd and Patrolman McLaughlin conveyed the injured man lo Ihe City Hospital where a medical examination was made, and it wa ascertained that il ball had entered the brain, just above (he left eye and lodged there.

The wound was pronounced mortal. On examination of the pockets of Ibe unfortunate man, it was found that his name was William Bishop Carr, an Englishman, aged 43 years, and residing at No. i7 Gold street. He was evidently on Ins way home, and bad almost reached his own door when so wickedly stricken down. Mr.

Carr has a wife and family of Ave children, at the number named; he is the inventor of the wooden ball to which is attached an elastic cord, known as tho rebounding ball, with which our juveniles have had so much fun for Ihe past year. Undoubtedly, the attack upon him was made by Skidmore for tho purpose of highway robbery but he would have been sadly disappointed had ho not been disturbed iu his nefarious scheme, as Mr. Carr had only $7 upon his person. ANTECEDENTS OF THE ASSS.VSSIK. Wm.

T. Skidmore ia an ex meniber of the police, ruder the old municipal force he rose to the grade of an assistant captain, and was subsequently made Sergeant in the present Metropolitan force. He remained on the police until the Uth of August, when the charge of drunkeness was proven against him and he was allowed to resign to save expul iou. He has since canted the reputation of a perfistent loafer but no one thought him the desperate character which he shower, himself to be this morning, tin the second of January, lftil, hy good recommendations, he received a re appointment on the police, and was assigned to the Forty first Precinct, but Inspector Folk, who knew the man, nsed his personal influence against him on the ground that he was an inebriate and a licentious man. and he was again allowed to resign, having done no duty during the fonr days ho was counted as upon the force.

A bunch of skeleton keys was found on Skidmore. He is a widower and resides in Flushing avenue, near Broadway. The honse was visited this morning, and a pump by which the air gun found is HI led with air, was discovered. Some three years ago thcro was a story to the effect that Skidmorc wife, who died very suddenly, had been poisoned by him, but the afl'air blew over, aud since then lie has run on from bad to worse, year by year, until now he Is compelled to face a murderer's doom. The air gnn is now at tho Forty flrst Precinct, as is also the man who flred it.

It resembles a heavy cane, and can bo carried without oven tho remotest suspicion being excited. A tine rifle bore ensures accuracy of aim, and it can be loaded at home, leisurely, so as to lire several balls, either of which possess sullicieut force to break through the skull, as in this case. CARR'S CONDITION AT NOON. At noon to day Carr was still alive at although no hopes are entertained of HI, recovery From the nusightly wound over the left eye, the brains' protrude to the quantity of half a teacup full, and the unhappy man seems all unconscious of the fact that be still lives. When Officer Scott shot Monzani, in the istorn District, of this city, he did good thing and was rewarded by promotion to a Roundsman and received over $1,000 in money.

This morning, Oflicer Dyer performed his duty iu a manner equally praiseworthy energetic and courageous. He too secured without killing, a man dangerous to society upon whose person the evidences of a long career of crime were found and whose quietus wi' measurably relieve society at large. It remains to be Eeen how Dyer will fare at the bands of those whom he has protected. The Forty first police protect the central portion of our city, and have been very prompt in securing all possible evidence of this midnight assassination. SECOND EDITION.

EAGLE OFFICE, 2 1 2 P. Itl. WVSIIINGTON ITEMS. "TfABnTXtiTON, May '20. stjbeatt's case.

Over forty witnesses have been subptunacd to attend Snrrat'8 trial, bntn proposition will be made to let him out on bail any amount of which can be hid, and eminent and SouUl' rMdy to nnlte upoa KomtBTAioCs paiuxik SnKnr governor Fcnton, are said to i ba VorSd Eih that a boast was made last winter bv a nartv ceeded in getting the pardon thr" CtpfC tte way 6 ltB0E0na8 Cncas The story that he had gone at once to Enrone to cape further prosecutions, and tho plunder, is saTd by one or tho aetectivbfwItoiSrked the case, to be incorrect, but that he ig now in. New bVstaess ff6afC' aDd WflI 6ll0rtIy open ont largely to 1KPEACTJMEKT. It is positively certain that several members of the Jndic ary Commi tee are earnestly pressing for a re? port in favor of impachment. and it ia nSt by anv means certain that they will be baffled In their it tempt, they deeming the evidence ample to convict. NO EXT1U SESSION.

Statements afloat that there is a financial reason for oy SurMcCulh53 iaJa contradicted TOT WHITES AND BLACKS vntOtSIA AGED TWEK1 ONE AND OVER. The report of the Auditor of Public Accounts of vir rrinia for the fiscal year ending September 33 isob" contains the statement of the number of male httJ and blacks who have attained the age that State. It was complied from returns of tlf, misBioners of Revenue, and shows an aecate of 124.792 white men, and 73,004 colored men A cnniH nAKKBETT REGISTERS. Chief Justice Chaso still declines to riTB oat tho names of the newly appointed registers Tho EAGLE OFFICE 3 O'CLOCK. Convicted of BlaHcIouH iOischier.

Lev, istos, May 20. prenVe a bcon convicted before the Sn 'la QomV maliciously mutilating lam where ttD ln Ihe town of Dur tiaiedfor teen frequently perpc i. oninn i lioRhE. A. man named a table An ln his horso Reuben street, his fractured.

Olie l.KGAI, WOTliCIiS. CORPORATION I asskk JIENTS CONFIRMED. Grading and paving lUcharcls street, from Itapclyca to Van Dyke St. Elapsing Hudson avenue, between Tillary ana Concord sis. Elagalng Lafayette avenue, between "Washington aventic and HnJIEt.

Flagging Fifth avenue, wS, between Flatbush avenue and First st. Flatrglng Van Buren st, between Bedford avenne, and Hall st. Flagging Grand avenue, between Pacific aud Ber inaiitiing Putnam avenue. between Classon and. Franklin avenues.

FlaL'King North 7th st, between 2d and 3d sts. Flap ring Clermont av, between Greene and Fnl iielng Madison st, between Franklin and Bedford avs. Flagcing Twentieth st, between sth and 6th avs. Flagging Canton st, between Tillary st and Myrtle av. Flogging Brooklyn av, between Fulton av and Paciflc st.

Flag ring 2 st. S. between Sd and 5th avB. Flagging Vanderbilt av, between Dean and "War "Fiagglng Hamilton av, between Smith and Coles sts. Flagging Union st.

s. between Bond and Hoyt street. Calyer between Franklin ana Orchard streets. Flagging Hall st, 5, between Greeac and Lafayette avenues. Flaeging Twenty fourth st, between 3d and 5tf avenues.

Fourth st, between North 7th and North. Sth streets. Flagalng Columbia st.E between Baltic and narrUoa. streets. I'lagglng Fulton ave, 3, between Bedford and Sara toirn aves.

Flagging Canton st, bctweon Tillary st and Mjrrtlt avenue. Flap ring Middagh st, between Willow and Colombia streets. The Assessment in the above entitled matters were anir confirmed on the Sth day ofAprll, 1SC7, and the original Assessment Kolis or fair copies thereof, will Uo dellyereil to the Collector of Taxes and Assessments on the Stn Uar of Mav l' tn h'otle'e is hereby given to all parties Interested, that paving their Bevcral Assessments to Isaac Badeau, Col leetor or Taxes and Assessments, at his Office in the City Hall, within thirty days after the dellvcryjif 'said Asses tnent Rolls to him, they can pay the tame without any ad tiollal charee. All Assessments not so paid, will bo by hl.ii or one of his Deputy Collectors, with additional cbarscs thereon provided by law. Dated rnyT! 5W4wyR6olV Bounty court, kings county A.inowu nnlnat KlUhA M.

Staatrt and othpra In oursiianco of a Judgment order of foreclosure and sale, made in tho above entitled action, on thn nfteontli dav of April, 1B67, notice Is hereby given that oa the sixth day of May, 1S67, at 10 o'clock noon, I will sell at public auction, at tho vestibule of the County Court building, in the City of Brooklyn, All that certain lot, piece or purccl of land, with tlie Improvements thereon, situated In the Etsh'h ward of the City of Brooklyn, In block lionaded bv t'ifth and Sixth avenues. Seventeenth and Kihtoenth afreets, and cominenclns; nt a point on the southerly aids of Seventeenth street, distant two hundred feet tho corner of Sixth avenue and Seventeet strcel: iheutus running southerly and parallel with Sixth avenue ono hundred feet; thence westerly and parallel with ven teenth street twenty flve feet; thence nnrtherlv and parallel with Sixth avenue one hundred fivt; th nc east erlv alonsr the line of Seventeenth street twrritT are feet to the point or place of beginning. April lj Hi7 opl62aw3wTu WALl'Elt 1 he above sale is adjourned to May at iatue hoar aud place May 6th, 1S57. WALTER riTTFiACK, Referee. 1 he sale of tho above property is further adjourned May IGth, at same place and Inter.

myUSawtsTu W.Ul'KP. Dl'BACK, P.ffcrcc The above sale Is adjourned to tl. at place and hour. I mylS 'JawtSi WALTER' DUIiACKliefore "fN PURSUANCE AN ORDER OF il yyiI.UA.Vl I. VKEIJEK.

Surrogate of the County of hinrrs: Notice is herebv lvi n. aceonlimr lo la to all persons hamisr claims airnlhst DAVID B. AI.1.KN late of the City of llrooi. lyn, deceased, that thev are required to exhibit ihe ani Willi the vouch, rs thereof, to the hub senuers, the executors, at the otfk of I. It.

Allen, Sr 7(1 South street. In the city of fork. or. or before the Sid day of October next. Dated April 1.1th.

1 SAKAll V. ALLI 'N, npl.7IawlTii!jr TI.t.IAM If. Al.I.KS'. SUPREME COURT, COUNTY OF KINGS. TU" Arctic I 'ire lusuranee Co.

ae ihiit lloitart Kord oilier. II. A. Booekt, PUT. Att'y.

In pursuance of a judsment order of tins Court ids ln th" r.bove 'l action, on thei'th dav of 1867, will he hold al public auction, bv or under the dlrcutlou of the inal.T. Kef. ree. the t' iiu rn'Ti lal Exchange So.SS'.i Fulton street, (opposite the Citv Hall) in the CltT of on the day of May, at l'J o'clock, noou of that (lav the following described premise All tint certain lot or land, il. hi the cilv of Brooklvn, County of Kinrs and of New VdiK.

bounded fiillo Ueirinnia at tlie olltli vett corner of Itetnsetl ami Hicks streets, and riuiuiae tin lice i utith aton the we side of Hicks street, one liendre. aiiil eii. Jity feel to the north vest corner ol (ifiiee Coiirt aie! llieV.s slre. thence west ulons tho north of crace Court tw entv ix feet; thence north parallel Illek one liuiidrej and eighty feet to the oalli M.e of llenisen street, and thence can along Ihe south iile of en street twentv slx feet to the point of bt together with all and singular the teneniep.ts. mi nts and a jpurtenauccs thereunto beloiiin.

or In an wise appert. il iinir. Dated M'iv 9, 1S 37. mys j.m.MV A. ll'Alip, Keferee.

IN URoUANCB OF AN ORDER OF WILLIAM D. VI EI) Kit, Surrogate of the Couiily of 1. lierebv riven, according to law. thai all liei i having el ihns against ABUAM W. late cf tiie Citv fT (li ceaseil.

that they are retiuli't'fi to xhihil the same, with the vonch'TS then of. to tho sub i i ilicrs. tlie executors, at thD oiliee ol S. D. Lev.

Ik, Knlton street. In the Citv of Brooklvn, oa or before the 20th uav of September next. Dated March oi ei.t eneiei ne.L. uuieu ruaruy DANIEL MABTIN. NEHKMIAH KNKIIIT, WCxecntors.


Surrogi.i. of the Couit tv of Kines: Notice i hi rein given, aeeording to law, to nil having rlaln ligain CAItCET li. IIK.V DIIlCIvSOX, late of the town of Now Utrecht, deceased, that they are required lo exhibit the same, with the vouchci thereof, to the subscriber, th" ex cutrlx, at her residence, Ilav the County of Kings, on or before the "list day of September next. Dated March 15th, 1S5.7. AN'N HEX DKICKSON.

Executrix. XN CIS OK AN OliDEK OF WILLIAM IJ. I Surrogate of the Count of Kings: Xotlct? is herebv given, according to law. to all persons having claims against EDMUND late of the City of Brooklyn, deceased, that thev arc required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, the exeentor. nt hlsolilCL, No.

Front in the of Xe York, on or before the lOili dav of next. Dated lth, 1SG7. Ja7 la'n O.M' SMITH T. IfAKKli, Secretary. IN PURSUANCE OP AN ORDER OP WILLIAM 1).

VEKIIER, Surrogate of the. Coun tv of Kile Soiiee fs hereby given, according to to a'll pcrfor.s havlt.g rlaiuis against MAliTlN ALI'EUS, late of the Cily of Lrooklyn, deceased, that thev are reipiirca to exhibit liie nii.i'. ith the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber. niinii'iisinitrlx, at her residence, corner ot Du'lieb! tree: am 'niton avenne. In the of Ilrook lvn, on or before the lsth dav of September xt.

Dated March iilsl. CATHARINE ALPKRS. Liv.Cm'Th Administratrix. "TN PURSUANUE OF AN ORDER OF JL WILLIAM D. VEEDER, Surrogate of the County of Mags: Notice Is hereby given, aeeording to i iiii, in.

.1.11111.1 lltriOil 1. ll.lilAl JCiNKf, late of the City of Brooklvn. dec. ased, that they are uiicired to exhibit the with the theivof. to the sub enhcrs.

ihe ai nt ltii of Saimii 1 S. Jones. 13 Fulton Iu the City of Brooklvn, on Lof.ira the day of Novciuber nexL Dated May Dili, r.7. r). M)M SAMUEL S.

JONES, Administrators. myO lawfimTh" SUPKtiWK COUH 1'. COUNTY OV 'HlU'Od Anne Eiinbeth Ri nedict. bv Tohias 'ioelich, her puardiart, Ineui, and "i'liabetfl Uenftdic' Cntha rtno M.Benedict and otlnits la uirtitioi. Geo.

TuoMiaox. piffs' In pursmurcoof judgment tntereo in ihi abvoenmled action, tn aring dale tlie second day of Aon', 16S7, nitic) is Uircb (riven that 1. tbo sobderibor. tho ru'erea Ltterein can cd.will sell by nublio auction, at the Frinkhn llonio. on ttiB corner of Broa twrty and Myrtle avema.

in tbii Oil of Brookln, on TouTsdav. tlUij 23a dv ol Miy, 1SS7. at 12 o'clock neonof (hat dav. all the tol'owi' described lands and pre'iiifes. to wit: Ail those cettaiu lot.

Diece3 or parcels of lend, situate in tho )8th "Waro ol hs OHi ot Broolc Ijn. oi Kieg? and State of pw York, bonnded and described as fellows: Beginning at, the corner formed tbejunrtion uf tho northerly lino ot Myn ovenno nilb tlie wetiterly line oi Charles plo ind running tbenoe erlyalone the northerb lineof Mvttio nvenus ono handrnd andsevertet feet eight inebei: theoco H3rthiy at rUht angles to Miitle areoUbSixtj.Eaven feot two tniihea: thetioe westerly in a linowbico. if ext necd eaiterlr, would strlks Ctailes placi at rigit anelr thereto, fortv sven feoteiftbt inrhes; thence fOuthcTly oarat'ol with Charjfs place foity beven if et ftcht inthe to (bo northerly liae ot Uyrtle arg nue: thence weiU ry tho northerly line of Hrrtla avenne sixty two feet three and one half inchet to Ibo tnt erl.v line cl uehhwck avennu aa widened; theme northetlv along the lin i ot Buhwlck aveuaii, as widonorf fort rine leet Miven and one half inohes; tbenoe eistarlr in line wbkh if continued would strike Charles pUceat npht anples thereto stxlj nvfe feet two and one half tnchs thence northerly parallel witn ch rlej place niiaty eiht lett one inch to the fnrm lino now or late of Abriham Vaa detvooit; tDence ca tetlr a'ong said farm lin on hundrtel snd sixteen leet three inches the wciierlyline of Charlos place: and thencf southerly slong th.t s.tid tresterlr line of Cbaile ubco two bnrdr and twenty one feet aeren inchrs to tt) place of beef nDtng. Also, all that other ortAin lot of K'oand, situate fn th lfito Waraof tho raid Oityol BronWyn, kmwn anddisun cuished on aceitain mapentatled "Mapol part a' the farm ofHendnck Scjdnm. ot Bu3hrick.

tiled April 13, 1852. KiDga County Clerk's (now Eon.ter'sl otnea by tho number two hundred snd twenty five (2'5, bounded and ue crioed follows: Boirinningat a point on the eonthorir sideof Myrtle ieet, diitant thteo hundred and jevon" feet easterly from tho sontheas erly corner of Willow and My ttlo sticets, and running thencoara'herly at right analos "ne'r Bvo leot; thonco easterly ptrjlhl wilt Myrtle sirt tweaty Sva feet; thonos northerlr at right aDElea to StjT'leMreet ninou dvo feet: and thanoa westerly alonir i nesontheriy line of Myttlo strost tifon five leet to the place of beginning. Also, a thit certain other lot situate in the 13th War! cf the said City of Brooklyn, and bounded and noio as follows: BeDinDinc at tho north westerly corner of South Kourtb and Second street. and runuiatr tooncu northerly alone the westtrly aide cf Second street ninoty fivo fast: Iheacc westerly par.ittel with South Fourth s'ami twontr feet; ttonce south, rly narallol with tSecord Mteft uinots fivo feet the northerly eioo of South F.rattn atroet; thence eaterlv alnnr tha nnlldA nf xr "tr'ttenty leet to the ptaco of begmning. Ditod April spltmtveww H.

B. H11DBARU. Referee STJPREME COURT, KINGS COUNTY Daniel S.Vall against The Brooklyn Central and Jamaica Ballroad Company and others. J. fc.

Luddeh. I'lafntirs Attornoy. In pursuance of a Judgment of foreclosure and salo. made ln this action on the fifteenth day of May 13(17 I hereby give notice lhat on the third day or the hour of l'l o'clock, noon, at the Conlmerctal Hxchsa number 509 Fulton street. In tho City of Brooklyn and said County of King I will sell ct public auction, to tho highest bidder, the lands aud premises in said Judgment mentioned and therein described as follows, All those certain lot of land, situate, and bi.lng la tho Town of New Lots, ia said County of Kings, known and distinguished on a certain map, entitled Jlap A of East New York Lots, surveyed by J.

11. Hacon, April, 1853, and tiled ln Kings County BegisLcr's otlice. by tlie number. live hundred and thirty. (531) five hundred and thirty one.

(5S2) five hundred and thirtv two, (511) five hundred, and tblrty three. (sl) Ave hundred and thirty four, (5:3) live hundred and thirty live. 153) live hundred and thlrty slx. (5.17) live hundred and thirty seven, Ave hundred and slitf slx (506), live hundred and slxtj scven (5C7). Ave hundred and sixty eight (5iS).

live hundred and slxtv nlac (5G9), five hundred and seventy (570) tlvo hundred ana seventy one (071), five hundred and Bevcnty two five hundred and seventy three (573) five hundred and seventy four (j71), live hundred aad 6eventy flve (575). five hundred and seventv slx (5711). and Are hundred and seventy seven (577J oh block which taken together are bounded and described as allows, to veil: Beginning at the southeasterly corner or Butler avenue and Atlantic avenue as laid down on said map, and running thence southerly along Butler avcoue two hundred and flftv (250 feet; thence easterlr at rtght anglcs tvlth Butler avenue two hundred (200) feit to Miller arenue; thence northerly along Miller aveuuo two hundred and fifty feet and seven Inches, more or less. to Atlantlc avenne, and thence westerly uloag Atlantic avenue two hnndrcd feet to the place nf beginning. May 17, 16JJ.

GERARD M. STEVENS, Ifeforee. my20 lanCwM IN AN" ORDER OF VEEDER, Surrogate of the Coun nss: given, nrcordlng to Ixw, stLt'CILS P. STARII. JinR Brooklyn, (icccased.

that thev are re qxilrcd to exhibit the same, with the vouchers ihcreorto iVJ.6ibsrlbeI',ne administratrix, at the office of Bcac dlct it Boardman, Kg Broad wav, in the Citv ot Now li J. before the27th day nf Novemlier next. Dated nH UARlflET W. myil lawCmTn Administratrix. yPFICE OF THE ST14BKT PIONER No.

6 City IlalL GIiADIXCi 7tii SI REF.T, FROM 3i TO ITU A VEX rtfiMMISt AND i'AV 1 Ji i i. II 1 ihlrt mc eruywias tlon on file In the olllce of tho Street Proposals to state the price per running pot the centre of said street for the wtiole n'pZ Blanks for EsUroaUng tarnished at tje Oftee or lia Btreet Commissioner. anTi none other II te Proposals will not be considered unles) accompanlsa with a consent In writing of two sure tics douty tha refuse iefecTthe uTraei, If fo arded. then that thor wlM nav to the City of Brootlyn Uw dlfferenca bc twcn thepftco so propod and the price of tho next UehMt bfter to whoai the contract tnay be mwardod. Ttobo endorsed.

V'Tc the Common CcuatUV mjU lot BOBKBI FUBSY, Street CvoalitiQQtr, "in oc received by mo comaio. OUce. "ntll Monday. Juno P. for irraolng and paving 7th street, from 3d te tttt avenncs, paving fonrfeet on either side Clan nnvi mrint nrt, nrt tittcr Stone and Utjlll to the specine Corporation Tax Sale.

A list of property in the city of Brooklyn to fcc sold for unpaid taxes is now being published iu the Eagle, and vrill be continued every Monday until the ltb day of Jivnc, 1S07. Copies can be obtained Firar.or chaiige by applying at the counting rooms of the Eagle This evening Brooklyn Division No. 18, S. of T. will hold thair meeting in their new hall, which is belter known as Granada Hall, Myrtle avenue near Bridge treet.

The Hall has been refitted and furnished, in handsome style, and will be found pleasant quarters for the Temperance folks, and give them more room than they had before. Kesvlt of Carelessness A vender of newspapers named Adam J. Smith, while hurrying along Grand street, near Fourth street, E. yeste day morning with a bundle of papers, accidentally tripped his foot, and in gaining an upright position, struck his coat pocket with his hand, thereby throwing a pistol from it, which fell to the pavement near big feet and exploded. The ball parsed through one of his feet, causing a painful but slight wound, and it is to be hoped he will be more careful in future when he carries the arm.

Celebration op St. Mary's Ciiuncn, Eastern District. The children attached to this church, to the number of 1 Sunday afternoon assembled in the school room in the basement at the academy in Grand street, and at four o'clock were marched into the auditorium, all bearing flowers, and filing past the grand aliar, presented their floral tribute as a token of affection and veneration of the patroness of the church. The children were all neatly attired, and under the direction of brothers Cyprian ami Ambrose, and prioress Austin and sifter Dc Sales. Father McDonald, the pastor, with the assistance or Father McCInskey, accepted the children's tribute, placing the same upon the altar.

These ceremonies over, the assemblage was addressed by Father McDonald, and at its conclusion, announced it as bis intention to establish two additional parish schools, one in whr.t is commonly known as Bughwitk. and the other in the vicinity of Calvary cemetery. In both localities the want of such advantages has long been felt, but lor lack of interest has been suffered to exist nutil now. The Anniversary Meeting of the Young Men's Christrian Association, takes place this evening at Plymouth Church. The public will, doubtless, appreciate by their attendance, the efforts put forth by this institution to render this occasion attractive and interesting.

This anniversary meeting is always looked forward to by the and members of the Association with much hopeful interest, as that which evidences Ihe degree of interest the public takem their efforts. Not only because of the attraction which Bitch speakers as the Itev. Mr. Boecher and the Rev. Dr.

Tyng, and tmch music as Mr. Muller and his choir offer, should there be a good attendance, but because of the encouragement and stimulus which that would bring to the young men who are laboring diligently to make (heir Association worthy of public confidence. Let them not be disappointed by a want of interest. long Island Items. Burglars broke into the house of Mr.

Christopher Lowerre, on Ailanthus Place, Flushing, a fen nights since. Their operations alarmed the family, and Mr. Lowerre discharging a gun the thieves retreatl ed without plunder. On the same evening the house of Mr. Edward Pen "ham, on Union street, Flushing, was entered and ransacked, while the family was absent at the circus.

A few dollars in coin were carried Donglastou is iho name of a now depot erected by "Win. P. Douglas at Little Neck, on the North Shore Itailroad. The health of Flushing is indicated by the fact that there were no burials in the cemetery for four weeks previous to last week. A burglar visited Mr.

Patrick Crowley's house at "vVhitestonc last week. Mr. Crowley returning to his residence discovered the robber at his work and detained h'm until assistance was procured and the man. Thos. W.

Boyd, of Xtw York, was lodged in jail. Companies are organized for establishing a College Point and Wfcitesronc Horse railroad, but for some reason the work is delayed. The Woodsidc Kailroud Commissioners are progres. sing with the business of acquiring the right of way for the road. Aralentine Kirby's place, near Whitestonc, has been sold for $30,000.

The visit of the revenuo cutter Campbell to Sag IIar bor, is made the occasion of a report that the Govern mcnt intends stationing a steamer in those waters to prevent smuggling. Last week a Sag Harbor farmer delivered a load bay weighing 3, pounds. FCI ECE Violating Pr.oi'itiLTY. Henry Knout, a voiilli aged about 17 years, was arrested hr Officer itarabcr. nf the Forty sixth Precinct, charged with standing en corners and catching hold of voung girls passing am! kissing them.

He was lined Justice "Walter, yesterday morning, tor his amusement. Stoj.f. a Path of Pants. A pair of pants, valued al ijii. were seen to leave their proper position from in front of the store of Peter Delap, 12; Grand street, F.

yesterday morning, slolen by a woman. A citizen who observed the theft escorted "her and the property to the Forty Precinct Station house Sergeant Hunt took charge of her until disposed of by Justice Bailey. Ai.i.Kt:'.i Assault by a Shoe Dealer. On Saturday night a man in want of a sole to his foot named U. M.

Genuhym. visited the store of McKay. 181 Grand street, and wanting a pair of shoes for less money than asked, was told they could not be Lad tor the amount offered, and he had belter look further lor a bargain. Becoming riled at the answer, lie made an inipe. iinent rejoinder, when he was ordered from the lore, and not being in a hurrr, was put out.

Adiourned for a week. AssACTrs. During; the progress tof the shove, a the circus, on Saturday evening, ayoungman named Daniel Moore, amused himself with pullmg.ihj dress of a young lady, in company with Joseph Br est, and on being told to desist commenced to abuse the.n and kicked violently at them both. He was sec lrcd fv Officer h'eheflelin, of the Foriy fll'ih Precinct, and locked up. Not being ready for trial yesterday morning, Justice Dailey the hearing till Wednesday.

Ann Collins on complaint i her 1ms 'mud, 'James Collin 1 vlng iu Noit.i Second, near Second street, cnaijitiigkerwtta throwing a tea pot. filled with hot tea. and a cup and saucer at him. while in bed on Satu tiay i ight. wss nrrcHecl by Officer lSrower, of the Foriv fii'th i reciuet.

James says his spouse! spends all the money sue lays her hands on for drink and does not take proper care of her family. Case adjourned for a week. Bitotvx's Bko.n ciiial Tjioches. Your Troches are too well and favorably known to need commendation," Hon. Chas.

A. President Mass. Senate. "Sty communication with the world lias been very much enlarged by the Lo.enge which I now carry always in my pocket: that trouble in my throat (for which the Trochee are a specific) having made me often a mere N. P.

"Willis. ArtT Piiotogiiaphy It is proposed to remove tfic studios of our artists to the country (luring tho months of July and August. A hundred or nmrc portraits may tic finely executed by them during this vacation. "We solicit orders (sittings from life or copies), such work to be delivered in September. my'1 5t Chas.

II. "Williamson. Novelties in Household Embellish. a gentleman of wealth has built or bought a fine mansion in one of the grand avenues ot New York Brooklyn, the next thing is to furnish it appropriately. Old Bays to himself, like the late Daniel Webster In hfs political perplexity, "Where shall I ko?" Perhaps we can him some useful advice on this head.

"Without wish ing to narrow his Add of observation by directing Ills attention exclusively to one establishment, we nevertheless advise him not to make his selections or give tits orders until he seen the varied and splcudid stock of cabinet furniture at the show rooms of Messrs. J. F. Wmctrii, 172 and 17 1 Fulton street, Brooklyn We only echo the opinion of many of our leading citizens, whose dwellings have been furnished by the firm, when we say that such an array of rare and beautiful styles for every department of a first class residence is not to be found elsewhere in tills country. 'Would space i.

jrinit, we might go into particulars and de scribe seriatim, the peculiar features in which the stock of the house excels that of anj other fn the fame line witli which we are acquainted. Originality of design, and perfection of workmanship and finish, are its specialities. We should tie sorry to disparage or undervalue the ingenuity and skill of other prominent cabinet makers in lirooklyn and New York, but we think a fair comparison of their stocks (taken collecti vcly) with the superb ex position of the Messrs Werner, will fully bear us out in the opinion wc have expressed. The Anniversary Exercises of the Brooklyn Universalis! Sunday Schools will take place on Wednesday, S3nd, ir plcajant, at 2 P. if stormy, on the first fair day thereafter.

SmrLLS of Ocean The splendid display of Shells and Oriental Curiosities at Backus IIood''s Auction lloonis.otl 'ulton street, i.till continues, and notwithstanding the great quantities disposed of. every day omcUiiu' appears new and more attractive. A mnir nillcent lot of Chinese and workmanship to be to night merits attention. Go and see. Our friend JonN Hinersciiit is somewhat of a poet, lie keeps the best house in Brooklyn, and he desires that the public should know it.

The best of Fliine Wine, Weiss Ilcer, anu Lager that can't So call nnd'gct a glass and you'll enjoy a pleasant treat. He has Hum, Cheese and Botoiina Sandwiches, and the best of home made pies, Juid to please all Ids customers Ofd John is the boy who Htsei" Tiller bv the gallon, the bottle or the cask. Ami delivering orders" to customers is to John a pleasant So ff you want a nice glass of Lager and good Sandwich The place get the best article is No. 48 Fulton street. There is something he forgot which he desires tho public He win have on hand this week a good supply of Buck nisBccr is supplied bv the best Brewer In this country, Jacob Wxbee, corner Hudson av.

and Prospect 6t. To Dleacli linens and muslins beautifully, with red Inccd labor and expense, nnd wit ic, use Pi le's Soap. Sold by Wlvnout injuij lo the fabric. grocers evcry where. Invalid, whose lack lustre eyes, sallow cheeks and crft ebled frame betray a lamentable condition of tlie digestive, secretive and discharging organs, lose not an hour In resorting to Tarrant's seltzer Aperient, whkli will inevitably restore their natural functions, anu rcinvigorate the entire system.

Sold by all druggists. niy21 lw Piako Players admit that Mathews' newly improved Pianos are unsurpassed in touch and tone. 9DG Fnltnn strcnt. llrnnklvn. MATHEWS SLADE.

would respectfully Stfi iW' ,0 tllcir assortment o'f Tn italion i Guipure, Cheenv, and i bonsf Buttons, Watered Trln.iiiii.ia. Ornaments. WlnSP Ml" and colored, rbi st quality), Alpaca ctngs, Scwlnn and Uix Mne 'silt AUa lrt 1 few corsels, the best articles at a U.S aS" consignment, N. Fringes, Pultons, Tasscla and 'Clinton. apbi tf Robert Luckey, formerly tiea.ier in toys' and youth' clothing, Informs hia friends and form customers that be Is now located with s.

F. WhitlncoS Pulton street, where ho will be pleased to exhibit a ver uperior stock of men and boys' clothing; also a TorflX assortment of piece goods for custom work, at greatly I8. prices. apl6 Tu.Th&Salai T0ARB GENTLEMEN AND THEIR WiVCH. Or cil gentlemen, willing to room togetuer, can be nccommortati wbrrn tl.iTnnUtiv.

i La eoaru and pleasant rooms, VSboI tfi hmf inodern mrn cold wator' turms very, moderate: BOARD MAY BE OBTAINED. WITH urns moTrntr in a durable iteaTion iouse com V.y at 3Greene2av. TJOARD IN BROOKLYN A FAMILY' FtmonW rautrk ot Jr" from foul to woulu tak: 11 tew board nar'tli housbo mee K'lth 'loslrabla this Snrin noVn i.0,1! and furniture new "toesS pBinnSfffPslaasa, torms moderate. Address Eagle ofllce, for tyo days. royal 2t "DOARDA NEW HOUSE OPENED A wvi can b0 accommodated with good fiSSSS Eenem wives.

OA.RD AT 31 WOODHULL STREET FurnlEhed rooms to let, to single gentlemen or to gentlemen and their wives, In a very reSS SftS? i 'fie best reference OAED A PRIVATE GERMAN FAMI 9 ly would like to take wT: COmySl th Co" at 100 "arr3on street. BOARD A "VERYICBNPUNiSH ed front room to let to a gentleman and wife, with board also a furnished front room', suitable for a gentleman and wife or single gents. Location verv Terms rcnsouable. Call at Gold reSt, beTween Wil." loughby and Myrtle ayenucB, my04t BOARD ONE GENTLEMAN (JAN FIND board and a very well furnished room in a French private family by calling at 184 Clinton street, within 8 minutes' walk from South Ferry. Dlnner at6i.

nvi0 5t IfJOARD 383 CARLTON AVENUE, BE JL twi.en Fulton and Atlantic avenues Two furnished rooms for gentlemen, with or without Sunday meals; location pleasant and healthy. Kcferences required. my20 2t BOARD THE LADY WHO KEPT THE Boarding House at 06 Pacific street, corner of Henry street, is now ready to receive boarders gentlemen and their wives or single gents. Furnished or unfurnished rooms to stilt. Terms reasonable.

Convenient to ferries, cars. Dinner at 6. 85 Amity street, between Henry and Hicks streets. mySOot BOARD 290 BRIDGE STRElIlT AND somely furnished rooms for single and married gentlemen, witii private table if desired. Also accommodations for a few day hoarder.

Terms liberal. uiyiOet" BOARD 164 WASHINGTON STREET A few gentlemen or gentleman and wife can be accommodated with neat, pleasant rooms and board, In a private family, five minutes' walk from Fulton Ferry. Location desirable. mrio 6t" BOARD FINE AIRY ROOMS FOR gentlemen; also for a gentleman and wife. In a flue location, near City Hail; also a few gentlemen can be accommodated with table board; dinner at 6.

Applv at S5 Willoiigliby slreet. corner Jay. myjiSJt BOARD TO LET, WITH FIRST CLASS board; a nicely furnished or unfurnished front room (jicove) on second floor, to a gentleman and wife; 3 or 4 Flugle" gentlemen can ve accommodated with pleu sant rooms in a private family; in good location, convenient to all the car routes; o'd house from 5th avenue, Warren street. I lease address H. Eagle office.

mygQSt' "fOARD THREE OR FOUR GENTLE JLP men, or a gentleman and his wife can bo accommodated with very pleasant rooms and good board (u a private family In Carlton avenue, near Fultou. Call at Grocery store on corner of Carlton and Fulton aveuues. myM Ct" BOARD A FEW SINGLE YOUNG MEN can be accommodated with board; also a gentleman aiul wife: near the South and Wall street ferries. Apply atTSPaeiflostreet my20tit BOARD WA NTED BY A YOUNG GEN llemaii, in a private family, on the Heights, or vicinity of Dr. Cuyler's Church.

Address, with full particulars, S. Box 5,898 Xow York P. O. myjO 2t BOARD A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE or two single gentlemen, can obtain a pleasant room, with good at lr Clinton between Amity and Congress. Dinner atsbr.

myOt BO ARD A FEW GENTLEMEN CAN be accommodated with board and very pleasant rooms at Atlantic Btreet, Convenient to all the car routes. Terms moderate; single beds. Also, a back parlor, furnished or uufumisucd, to gentleman and wife or two gentlemen. my20fit TO OAED SOUTII J3ROOKLYN JO Very handsomely furnished rooms, overlooking the Bay, with tirst class board, can be obtained by married couples or single gentlemen by applying at No. 64 Second place.

Iliy20 3t BOARD WANTED, FOR A GENTLE man, board on Brooklyn Heights; dinner at 0. Address Box N. Y. City P. statins location and terms.

niyaoat BOARD A YOUNG LADY OF RE spectabilily wishes to engage board in a respectable private family, where there are no other boarders; tt'rms must be moderate, and convenient to Fulton or Wall street ferries. Address J. M. Eagle Office. nijaoaf OARD LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS JLP suitable for two single gentlemen wno woum nae to loom together, with or without board.

Inquire at 45 High street, between Washington and Adams streets, niyaoat BOARD A PRIVATE FAMILY HAS A (bird story front and back room, with large closets, furnished or unfurnished, to let with board to gentleman and wife or gentlemen. House has all improvements. Convenient to four routes of cars and 15 minutes' time from' the ferries. Terms moderate. Apply at 145 Pacific street my2D 2t nOOAED A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE, JO or two or three single gentlemen can be accommodated with board in a first class house, No.

63 Court street, near Livingston, within live minutes' walk of all the ferries; dinner nt 6 o'clock. my20 2t "OOARD A LADY AND GENTLEMAN, or two voting ec itlemen, ora widower, with two or three children, can be accommodated with board in a small but handsomely furnished house in' one of the best parts of Brooklyn. Apply at 98 Hall street, near Gates av. myM at i BOARDING HANDSOMELY FUK nished rooms to let, at Ko. 83 State street, within seven minutes' walk of South or Wall st.

ferries, suitable for scntlomon or a family. Terms moderate. my20 it BOARD TO LET, WITH BORDTa lage. ury front room. urifarniBhud, to a Ktmclumau and wile or lady and daughter; also a handsome back pnr lor, dclicntfully situated; the house is new, and has all the modern con voniences; pleasant healfcfiy location: live lilocks from Prospect Park; twenty minutes1 rida by via Fifth av." cars from Fulton, Wall st.

or fionth Address TYARKISN STIiKET, bcUvcen Fourth and Fifth avenues, the seventh house from Fourth avenue. myJO 3t BOAKD 9 MOKROB PLACE FTJ finished rooms, with first class hoard, for gentleman nd wife and two single sontlcwcn; tortus itiodeniW; references required. my 17 'it BOARD FAMILY HAY iiiK a very airy and pleasant summer residence, newly furnished, will take two persons as hoarderd for the summer. Inquire at Money Order Desk, Brooklyn Post Oiliee. my IS tt BOARD A FEW YOUNG MEN GANBB accommodated with good board and pleasant rooms, also a large back parlor for a party of vouu men willing to room together at 118 Sands st; house lias all tiie modern improvements.

mylS St BOARD WITH SUITE ORTSi'nGLE rooms, newly furnished, for gentleman ami wife or eiiiijU' centlemen, at 203 Court street, opposite Douglass; bath A 1 my 17 4 1 BOARD IK A PRIVATE FAMILY A large second story unfurnished alcove room to let, with board, to gentleman and wife; also third story front room, furnished, to two gentlemen, on St. Felix street, near Hanson place; has all improvements and terms rea sonable. Address J. M. Post Office Box 955, N.

Y. my7rit BOARD PARTIES DESIRING BOARD, can be accommodated with pleasant and nicely fur u. shed rooms and first class board, where the comforts of a home are promised. In a house with modern conveniences, plensantlv located and convenient to ferries, bv applying atTC Union street. South Brooklyn.

api6 4wv OARD A LADY FROM DENMARK. experienced in teaching? music, wautd board anu lodging with a family, in compensation for which she will give instruction in slnaing and on the nlano: satisfactory references given. Apply to Mr. JAMES LENT, S59 Ful ton street, opposite ine vi Oily Hall. lit' BOABD FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, with board, in a pleasant locality, half a block from Fulton avenue cars, and 20 minutes' walk from st.

ferry; house has modern Improvements; terms moderate. Please call at No. Livingston st, opposite Hanover place. uiyl7 4t BOARD AT UI FULTON STREET, ONE. door below Sands Boardinfr for gentlemen nt moderate terms.

atechnnlC6 or clerks preferred. mylT Gt Tp OARD THREE OR FOUR GENTLE JLS nice can be accommodated with pleasant rooms and good board at SB7 Cumberland street, convenient to either Fulton or Atlantic avenue cars. myl7 2teod, BOARD A SMALL FAMILY OF adults, living in a large house on the Heights, newly, painted and furnished, three minutes' from Fulton ferry and containing modern improvements: would like to let two double and two single rooms, with board, to gentlemen and their wives and 6lnglc gentlemen. Those wishing to obtain a pleasant home will please call at No. 5 Cranberry street.

myl7(it BOARD GENTLEMEN AND THEIR wives, or single genttomen, can be accommodated with hoard by applying at No. 260 Cumberland street, between Lafayette and DcKalb avenues, immediate vicinity of Jjr. Cuyler's Church. mylTGt. BOARD TO LET.

WITH FIRST CLASS board, a handsomely famished room, with alcove, on second floor; house brown stone front, with all modern improvements; also a large furnished room on third lloor; SPS Degraw street, near Court, nf teen minutes from l'Ulton, Wall and South ferries. my20 6t BOARD TO LET, AT 197 FULTON avenue; to one or tivo single gentlemen, a handsomely furnlfilicd large joom, with closet; house has all modern improvements, not and cold water, bath cji the same floor; also ahall bedroom; partial board if required; references given and required. my So st BOARD HANDSOMELY FURNISHED rooms, with or without hoard, in a first class brown stone houae with all modern Family private. Call at 119 Schermerhorn street, between Smith and Hoyt streets. References exchanged.

my2Q3t BOARD TO LET TO A GENTLEMAN and lady or single gentlemen, two largo rooms, front und back, with small room adjoining on 2d tloor or a suite of three rooms' if required, furnished or unfurnished, with lirst class board, convenient to ferries and on most moderate terms. Dinner from 1 to 2 o'clock If preferred. Pleasant, airy location. Apply at 15 Court street, ono door from Joralemon, for terms, particulars, my20 2f BOARD FURNISHED ROOMS TCTLET with partial board, in a private American family, oecnpying a agood location, having all the improvements, parties desiring the comforts of a homo would do well to npplyt Please address Mrs. F.

A. HAK OLP, Brooklyn Post Office. mv20 61 BOARD A SMALL ROOM TO LET with board, suitable for one gentleman; house pleasantly located on tho Helgfits, and within a few minutes' walk of Fulton and "Wall street ferries. Apply atW Pine applc Btreet, Sd door from Henry at. rny20 2t BOARD NICE ROOMS FOR FAMILIES or single gentlemen, with or without board; meals served in rooms if desired; day boarders taken; at 56 Court street, corner Livingston; references given and re quircd.

ray202t' A LARGE HANDSOMELY furnished front room, suitable for two or three gen lif men; also, a hacfc room, in a private family; excellent beard; terms 5H to GX: dinner at OH. Apply at No. 838 Jlicks street, five minutes' walk from Hamilton avenue ferry. myl56t OARD FURNISHED OR UNFUE JI3 nished rooms to let, with first class board, to gentlemen nnd their wives or single gentlomeu; house has all modern improvements: location very desirable; throe minutes' walk from City Hall, and ten minutes' from Fulton or "Vall street ferries. Apply at 88 Lawrence st.

my20 Ct TiOARD ONE OR TWO SINGLE GEN JO tlemen, or a gentleman and wife, can ba accommodated at 184 Adams street, with board and pleasant room; convenient to the ferries. mvl5 6t BOARD A VERY PLEASANT, LARGE, front room, with.two closets, to let, with board, to two gentlemen, or gentleman and wife. Inquire at 30 Harrison street, between Clinton' aad Court; references reoulred. 6t OARD IN A PRIVATE FAMILY.A ND JL in a very pleasant neighborhood in south urooaiyu, In a newly furnlBhcd house, for a few gentlemen. Apply atlso.

MS Hicks gt, corner of myl5jf BOARD TO LET. FURNISHED, AIRY, pleasant rooms, with best of clean board, or without. Applyjit 57 Hoyt street. myla 6t BOARD PLEASANT ROOMS AND good board for gentlemen, at No 45 Myrtle avenue; house hns all the modern improvements; also aceommo datlon for one yonng lady; dinner at 6H myis nt BOARD GENTLEMEN AND THEIR wives or singlo gentlemen wishing to and pleasant nnd comfortably furnlslicd rooms and a well supplied table, can apply at No. 10 Paciflc street, convenient to the ferries.

Keferences given and required. "OOARD A FEW LADIES AND GEN JLP tlemen can bo accommodated with comfortable board and pleasant rooms, at 128 Butler street; torma very reasonable. aPJ 30..

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