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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 2

Brooklyn, New York
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Superintendent Campbell Ordortt Arrests HENRY ENDOWS PLAINT. ltimor street hova taken up thoir residence for unssip About tho State for Violating ThcNe Knlcs the anmmor in thoir villa, at Arverne by the Sea. Department Portfolio. WAsnrs aTos. C.

Jnnoll. xuis interesting document uss oeen ptaoou in Mr. and Mrs. J. Parker and Mr.

aud Mrs, The Veteran Leader Confers With Something About a Strange Tribe tho hands of every polioBman in the city wh B. Q. Moran of 08 Hancook street havo started A Vigilance Committee to Hunt luegoneral impression prevails hero that tbo Grave has Instructions from Superintendent Campbell Mayor Boody. St. Martins.

Now Biunwiek, Canada, wbera Now in This City. Charges Against New Utrecht Officials. xrumuont win oner tno position of secretary to arrest persons found guilty of any violation for the Offenders. they will remain for the summor. siato to wiauncey M.

Denaw of of the ordmauoes namod. Tho list was distrib Mr. B. Gonzales of Galveston, is spend tho dpmion is equally strong that Mr. Dcpew will uted yesterday; ing a fow week with hi old ohool friends, tho AH Aro (Jorseonaly Arrayed and Very Iland OEuTAlX YIOLATIOKB (W OBD1NASCE9 OP Till; CITY They Talked About Forthcoming Appoint not euro to tana tno place; not that the honor is not a great one, but that he could not afford to sacrifico his extensive finanoial interest to aocept i reparations for tho Onpnns Conntv Fnir.

OF BBOOKLTX WIIIOU IT 18 THE DUTY OF POMCEMES TO TUEVENT. Edgorley of 183 DeKalb avenue, prior to hit departure for Europe, whoro he will spend several months. Upon hisroturn, in November, ments Women In llic Hoard of Education Featnrcs Promised for tho Track Talk of Throwing or sweeping into auy atroot or public a position 01 ss.doo a year, where hp would Romc They Can Bnnce nnd Sins nnd Do Wonderful Tricks, and They Can be Been at St. Hnry's Hospital This Week. The Successor to the Iate Blilldlnjjs Commis Mr.

Oscar M. Edgorloy will aocoinpany him Place aanes, dirt, paper or rnbbitdi of any kind. oa practically flmt out from payimz anv Chnntrinp; the Namo of AmityvlIIe Other sioner Plntt Polico Justices Soon to lio Ap i iaoini: aslics on sidewalk in other than ves South for a xhort visit, before making his tour iu private atiairs. True Long Island Sews. Bels of convouient dimensions to bo handled, or Oil Other thnn tha rtj.4tK,l flnro through tho West Indies.

pointed An Adventure In a Coaah. Excise Commlsslonor Werner Accused of Ex. acting; Bribes for Licenses and Justice Cow enhoven of Malicious Persecution Saloonkeeper Emlom Tells of Attempts to Forca Him Out of the Business In thn Interest ee the Bay Kldjre Park Compauy. Bnpert Weroor, chairman of tha Now Utrnoht is. mat to bo premier of tbo cabinet for four years nnd nine mouths, in ease Mr.

Hnr Mnch indignation prevails at Pnmn nr. nnmnni FilllnE naid vessels to within four inches of the Ex Mayor Hunter is to oacupr Mr. Jacob Hugh McLaughlin visited Mayor Boody ycBtor An interesting band of gypsies arrived iu Brooklyn tha othor day. Thoy nro ontirely unique in the way of gypsies, thore being among thorn no old people, while the malority aro nnder beautiful oottago at Argylo park, Baby. rison is re elected, is an honor seldom vouch.

opor putting any waste paper in the samo. (Wfisle paoer may ba placed beside tmch ves. day at tlio city hall and the two wero elosoted in ui mo nequency of incendiary fires in that local ity. During the past few wppI.r rlno Ion, for the season. sarea to a man, yot from all qnarters supposed sels if seenrolv tied in bundles so as to prevent Ma honor's private oiYioe for nearly half an honr.

havo been discovered in tiontteRnnil to 00 informed the bolief la entertained that Mr thoir eattine In years ot ago. Their raiment is so gorgeous Mr. and Mrs. F. L.

Millpn and Master Lin wood It was supposed that thoy talked about thr? com Unletting or breakme voasola containing ashes Dopew would decline, as ho is practically nseura that tho Queen of Shoba would havo thrown up of Dean street will go to Orra Mills, on tho Hud Fires were discovered in the woods and several attempts were made to flro the burn nt H.nrr inc edncaiional appointments and the scleetien or garbage or digging and picking among tho of being the "dispenser of patronage in New tho ponga after one glance at it. nnd tho lilies of son. of a successor to the. late buildings commissioner, lorn state (a tho event of Mr. Harrison's aucees, loiiients oi tne samo.

Sifting or agitating in street any matter liable the Hold would havo fainted dead awayif brought Mr. anil Mrs. Georgo W. Blauvelt of Doatt Joseph jfiarr. The appointment of tho cotnmis.

Conklin. Two weoks ago tha hay mow was ablaze and bnrnt matches wero fonnd on tho barp floor. Tho fires were dicovorad bfifnm excue board and roprcsontlug Bay Ridge in that erratic peculiar body, is accused by Henry iuidom of having exacted money for obtuiniiu for Endom a liquor llosmse for his beer gar. den in Eleventh avenue, near Bay Bidga avenno. Ju3ticoorthn Pnacn desideratnta from a oolitleal nolnt of via street will go to Orrs Mills, on ih Hudson.

Hioner was to liave been made yesterday, so one to a comparison. Evon tulips and hollyhocks would havo boen put to thoir trumps to match which will carry with It more nawor than tin mg any mat, carpet or cloth in or over any public Mr. JaoibKlinek and family will Bummer at treat or square, or on any hoiiso top. position of seoretary of state. While, of cenraa, much damage waB done.

A few nights ago tho the display of brilliant oolors. ooatieriug riirt or snow, by means ot any Lake George. briru of Willard Wicks was totallv destrovnd. tn. Tho patronesses of St.

Mary's hospital woro tha Dotninjtdefinito is known hcra of Mr. Depow'a sweeper or othorwuo, over gntter, Bidewalk, step Georga F. Demarost and his family of Greono gether with four horses and many farming im first to hoar of thoremarknblo poonlo. With com Blythebourno ta acoiued by the same man ot malicious persecution, with a view to ruining his bU3ines and driving him frnm thn uiiontiou in the mattor, this is the general drift Of gOSSlp tn adminiatrntinr, p'lrplol, nn thn ,,1 anr Person not in tuo carriageway. Carrying any ashes, dirt, sand, gravel, limo or avenue are occupying tho Booth cottage at of the candidates Baid, but was, for soma reason unknown on tho outside, withheld.

It. may ba made along with tho educational appointments this Mayor Boody said ho should name members of the.board of education boforo tho SSth an ho intended en that day to leave town for ten days. Ho will go to Maine to visit his aged mothor, and that will be the plements. I ho insurance noliev inut pt. mendable onterpriso thoy determined to givo the Shelter Island.

plred and Mr. Wieks' loss is considerable. Watch JCCt. ipo namo Of Sllnlstpp T.lnpnln lo nrnml. whole public an opportunity of seeing tho gyp hood of Bay Hidge nark, whom iT, ip i otnof loese material whatever in any vehicle so constructed or loaded as to allow ony part of its contents to drop upon the street.

nently montionod as a successor to Mr. Blaine in Mr. Tonnio B. Morse of thlgcltrond his consm sies and seeing them at their very best, so they These vory sorions allegations urn plnl men are employed to guard the stable and barns on the extensive traininir 'farm of Cnrll Mr. B.

G. Tiffany of New York, sailed yesterday for tho tribo to oncamp at the hospital, tuc event or nr. Dopow declining. Carrying through tho streets tho contents of oonnoctod as to render it ueunm tn Burr, which is locatod at Comae. A vigilance privy, vault, sink or cesspool, or any gar.

on La Bonrgognb for Havre. wnoro thoy aro to bo soon on Tuesday, ouiies taem aa one, but bafora doiugso a littln nf th only vacation ho will take this sum committee 13 to bo formed to hunt down tha PLU118 FOR THE FAITHFUL. offal or other offensive matter, withont a sufficiently tight covering to prevent tho eBoape Among those who received the dogroo of mis mer. It is civen ont that the mayor will day and Thursday of next week between tho hours of 4 and 5 iu tho af tornoon and 0 and 10 past history of ho parties oonoirned may elucidate many points. Incendiary; trose of pedagogy from tho Hew York university announce all of tho appointments this week be mpnrtn.nt Pfinni ui Biicn matter or pad oriars tnererrom.

(No parsons, except those actinir nndar the de. Ml.ll,U, in tho evening. last weok was Mls Isabel Camp, teacher of the Henry Endom, who oommonly known hr thn cause moat of the party leaders will start for TROTTINU AT THE QDEBSS COUNTY FAIR. parturient of city works, can carry such matter BcBide heir prismatic appearance thoir wealth graduating class in public school No. 5, a woman Chicago next Saturday, and will not return be.

Awaiting Occnpanii, i D. Juna 11. A natch of Important nmuininnnt. .1.. Paradoxical nickname of tho "Kerry Duton man," arrived at his present home some eight EijroiiEit tne streets withont a permit from tho board of hoahViA Amboy May bo Entered In (ho Frco fore his departure for Maiuo.

The general be of 'spangles, gold ornamonts and bright colored sillis, satins and velvet the gypsies are exceed Occnnatinn nt mn fii of raro Intelligence and cnltare and a representative of the highest and best in hor profession. Miss Camp is one a committee in tho pedagogio or All Piirtfcsfor Bunnen. lief in city hull circles Booms to bo that nearly, if ingly handsome. Many of the girls are fair as years ago and prooaadod at onoo to build a bona fldo German bser garden, with pretty arborj and riageway of any street, or beyond the front ot TT iiuui lilt) hlta Honso may bo looksd fr not all of tho fifteen members whoso terms ex premises tn ho hnllt. nnnn.

with hmlrlnrd1 The summer meeting of the Queens conntv the most bine blooded Caucasians, and they all now that the convention mElmmMti, department of the Brooklyn institute summer honsos, a bowling alloy, a swimmincr torials nnder builders' pormit fromdepartmiint of agricultural society will be held on the grounds. pire, will be retainod. A now candidate has appeared in the person of Hngh MoOrossin of tho Twenty third ward. Nelson J. Qatos, a retiring tank and a shooting gallery.

On Saturday oven. Signor de Stefani. who is at the head of the at Mitiaola, on Wodnosday and Thursdav next. ony worua or any such oDstructiou whatever without such permit. Leaving street sweepings piled np for more ag.

April 23. 1803, there was a row and Endoaa Brooklyn conservatory of music, has concluded havo long' flowing hair, short skirts and bare arms. True brunettes, to, aro there with jetty hair, clustering in masses of curls abont graoofnl heads, and black ey03 filled with mysterious 1 lie race track, aa usual, will ba the cantor of at The moBt important, of conrso, will be the 'nam ingot a secretary of stato. This mnst ba dona within a fow weoks, for under a law a vaoanoy in tbo cabinet occasioned by resignation or death cannot bo filled temporarily by an acting socre. member, who is a Republican, was a residont of not to olose its doom for the summer.

In reaolv Ulan lour noilm in t.hrt rlmr nmA nr nflvrnmiiirf traction. Thore will bo a largo display of flowers wai held In il.300 bail by Judge Cow'enliovon for tho grand Jury ou a charge of haviug hK Barbara Silby on the head with a billiard ouo. I ing thi determination he la responding to a very genoral demand from the pnpila of that institu that ward when he wa3 apooiuted, but ho has moved to the Twenty fourth. Mr. McCros flros.

and vegetiDlos. uii ur rnoDisn to remain on smewaiK or in gutter for mori than four hours aftor notification to But the agrooablo personal appearance of the Rogular premiums for homes are offered as tary for a period longer than thirty days, remove tno same. tion. Some voices of most unusnal promise are Slay 3 ho w.v acquitted. Ha is a Jolly Goa.

1. who aooms greatly worried at thn (sweeping or washing into a sowor basin any 1U snecci to govern. J13, xne rrestdent also has two coveted prizes in fin is a pronounced Domoorat and was a candidate for appointment as assessor a short time since. He was supported by tho wird nnder the professor's pccial charge, and they gypsy girls can hardly bo called strongest attraction. Thoughtful and practical parents substance that can be taken up and carted ior au purposes, sio: foals of 1860, speed to tho army nnd one in the navy bestow at this iy of being driven from his nnuni.

in, will bo heard to much purpose in thts city when atrav. whom they left behind in some far distant city govern, $15, for all purposed, $15; foals of 1888 grounds. uiuo uy tno appointment of a bnirad ar Allowing water or other liquid to ran from another enterrainmont soaBon is hero. speed to govern, $15, for all pnrp030s. $15; foals have instructed thorn in various ways of oaming Buport Werner, tho nrln Mrs.

E. H. WUlard A.nnie Hyde) has gone to uiiumng or ground across pulowalK. Permitting snow to remain nn sidewalk or in organization ami it i.t said that Register Kenna, the leader of the ward, is behind him in his candidacy for tho hoard of education. Tho politicians havo coino to the conclusion that tho an honest living.

Some dance like Carraon thogovernorof the soidtors homo and the jndgo advooato general of the navy. Tho vacancy in tho office of controller of thn pnPPPnPi' rinmlr. 01 ism, speed to govern, lod ta halter, i23. All lias been, ao thoroughly doscriliH.l in glitter mor than fnnr himris th ill thATo. Norwich, to spend tho summor aud fall.

of. Of two linnrR af Iap Rtinrinp. nr inn tn romnin nn entries in those classes must bo owned or bred in Queens county. Mr. John S.

Gnffney, of Clinton street is at columns that further words uro unnecessary. Justico Uowenhoven is moro commonly known cita. Some sing like Patti. Some tlttilate the gentlo mandolin or mild guitar and somo agitato to frenzy tho excitable guitar. siuewniK ior moro tnan two nours atter forming tho Pavilion hotel, Staten Island.

Special premiums are as follows: For able position will also have to bo filled. The President will alio ba asked to spare a little attention to the ponding two court martial orarter snnnse, without sprinkling Bame onnovcr, tor tha samo reason, prob that Leicester is pronounce Lesinr. ITn Whatever thoy do they do well and under all alr Mr. and Mrs. Henry J.

Eskuohe of Clermont road horseti, owned or bred in Ouoons conntv. ii a auu or asnes. Placing nnw. lp nr nihar nnulriinttnn nrjnn enmstancos they aro a comely sight used to bo a Republican, but was read out nf that. between or within three feot of any city railroad avenno loft on Friday for Denver, to attend tho marriago of their son.

Georgo to Miss $75; for 3 0 road, owned or bred in tha county, $75; for foals of 1887, owned or bred in It ib the eusiom of this remarkoble tribs to party and promptly accepted tho nomination of justice at tho hands of tho iintc r. ifi.ul Democracy. Railroad COmnanv llRlAAtlnrr tn lrA if tr.alr BolloZernc, which will o'oonronthe 14th. Mr. tno county, speed to govern, $75: tor tho 3 njin cases in the navy.

Final aotion tn those cases is vory mnch desired, as the aotion may result In removing a bar to a number of promotions, and the officers who aro in lino are naturally Inter, ested In tba outcome. amuse itself oaoh afternoon and evening. First ono specialist, then another, strolls ont iu front George Ir a Brooklyn boy. bnfc booansa nte class, opon to all, S3. for tho 2:4 els ss, An Eaolb reporter called mon Mr.

V.rwlm,, i anu t.vo leet ontside tuoreof clear of snow, or piling ice or snow on nidewalkor in gutters within one foot of the cttrhstonA. nr lutneitn of ill health was obliged to seek the mild olimate 2 :40 class, odou to all. tonlay afternoon and recoivoj tha following of the spiok and span oncamument and sings or dancas; at other times all dance together or all Colorado, and tho ohaugo haa proved very ioO; for the 2:35 ola, open to all, S200: for tatement: ami gutter wuere owner lias cleared said space in front of his preniiuos, or at the intersection of eticflolal. sing. row and then a noted gynsy humorist tho 2:45 stallion class, opon to all.

si 50. ALADA.HA DEMOCRATS FOR CLEVELAND. "Judge Connover want 4 me to laav hum William B. Greeu feels called, upon to come lhere will also bo running races, one for ponieB mayor will not appoint any woman. Ilis honor's remarks to tho delegation in behalf of female representation which visited him on Friday have lioeii oonstriied by thorn as meaning asmueh; but Mt llaody aaid yesterday that he had not yet fully mado up his mind in rogard to the matter.

Friends of Thomas B. Butan, ex city auditor, were confidant last, evening that he would bo appointed buildings commissioner. Mr. Itutan has been engaged in tho' building business in Brooklyn for many years. TIo is an aotivo Dain.

oevatio worker nnd a liberal contributor to tho party. He lives in the Twonty third ward. There are two other candidates for tho position, namely, John Guilfoylo of tho Fifth ward and hn D. Anderson of the Eleventh ward both v. ill known Democrats and builders.

Mr. Guilfoylo was at one time superintendent of construction of tho federal building and now ha aid he. "and is uslnt every means to cnnini.l Mr. Anthony Higglns of Nsw York and Miss any street or avenue so an to prevent carriages, slejgiia or foot travelem from crossina traok. rbo Platform Cn.Ha f.iv TnHli ont of his tent nnd toll how ha eniovs Ufa 14.1 aud under, to carry not less than 125 to do so.

Tha lUy Hideo nark onln rtnn'r. Obstructing Btre'et corner or pnblio place by Maggie Knox will united in marriago at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. when the flower is on tho punkin and tha fod. pounds, lialf mile heats, parse $100.

Another saloon near them, and that is the ionu ami thn lounging. Any obstruction of sidewalks or cutters, ax der's in the shook" and sharo with tho public tho win be for all comers, to carry not less thau 123 Jamo. A. Knox. 180 Eighteenth 6treet.

on a Sound Currency. MoxraoMEnv, June 11. Tho work oi the Democratic state convention ebortof it. In March, 1801. the judgo offered me for my place for a frinulof his.

and othor sacred yearnings of his inmost bosom, peunds. half mile heats, purso $100. Wednesday evening, the 29th inst. Tho tribe had no chiefs when it first came to cept that merchandise offered for Bale may bo displayed for a space not exceeding throe feet from building line. All occupation of streets with steam hoisting Die society also offered a purse of $400.

an fterwardsent a man with a similar story. It is W. S. Taylor, chairman of tho Oxford clnb art was completed last night. JusodIi D.

P.kI ran irnd Brooklyn, so Henry G. 8omborn and 0. H. Eivors ticipating another meeting between Amboy and ortn S12.000, aud I refused. I told bim to imv and library committee, sailed with hi wife last were appointed to form a responsible govern nominated for secretary of state, J.

Craig Smith for treasurer, J. V. Pnrlferf fnr uavid Jones and a repetition of the event at tho me a fair price and I would got out, but $4,500 Tliucaday by the steamship Augusta Victoria for apparatus wituout permit from department of OHV wnrlra. ment among tha beautiful wanderers and tho Huntington fair last weok. It is stated, however.

four months' tour of Groat Britain and tho Unscrewing or opening public hvdrant without stalwart boys who accompany tbera. Lano for commissioner of agriculture, and J. 6. Harris for flnperlutendent of luoation. mat AniDoy'H owner will not enter for tho race.

continont. Dnring hie absence Mr. Taylor will visit various art confers of Europe, and it would losteiiday afternoon at 2:30 o'oloek Mr. Som. and it is donbtfnl if tho purse has filled.

Tho permit irom uaparnnoii ot city worlts denignat inz the name, excopt by the mayor or an oldor Ulftn nr flrflmn. L. W. Pittiis, J. B.

Knox. R. N. lllmdn. 1 born and Mr.

Bivera up their tribe at entries closed last evening, but tho list will not G. Smith were annoinled daWiiA. nt. Obstruetiiig passage of water in or obstructing the Cn.erion theater on Fulton street, near the be mado public until Tuesday. the contract for mason work on tho Thirteenth regimont armory.

He is a member of tho board of education. Mr. Anderson has novor held any offlca iu Brooklyn, but lias boon a candidate for places in tho gift of the mayor. He has been at corner of Grand avenue. There the gyoBV to the National Democratic convention at Chicago.

It is likely that tha whnlft vnA 50 INDIAN NA35K FOX AKITrmi.R. youths and maidens displayod their talents to a Amityvlllo people are aroused over a ir.ovnr.pnt very large and admiring audionce. It was called a full dress rehearsal. It was the first glimpse to eiiange tho name of the villaso as soon as ot Alabama will bo cast for Cleveland. The platform adopted by the convontlon do nonncos the force bill and the logi datlon of tho Benublican party; favors tho collection ot reve nuo for necessary axpensos and no morn: de.

the mayor's offlco recently, and some people havo argued from this that the mayor must have sent for him becauso ho is an infrequent viBitor to tho that anyone the city, exoept St. Mary'B uccrss iu uytiranis, siopcooss, mannoles, sewers or drams with auy material. in of opening or disturbing any Btreet without permit from department of city work. (In case of accidont to water service pipes or sewer connections during hours when department is dsed, licensed plumber may open tore pair, but permit must in that caBo be taken onr upon the opening of department offices at 0 A. Excavations in streets nndar na'rmtt for ranlis.

an Indian namo can bs determined upon. Plain not be surprising if ha bronght back in October Bomo flue specimens as a valuable addition to tho Oxford olnb art collection. Dr. W. J.

Corcoran of 301 Clinton street and one of the hoalth department inspectors is at prosont in Europe, spending tho Bnmmor vacation with his brother, Bev. Joseph Corcoran, who has been studying in the American collego Dr. Corcoran proposos, with his brother, to make a tour of Italy, Germany, Switzerland and France, and will return to Brooklyn iu August or September. Frank Stnnloigh Angoll received honorablo nospitai patronesses nnd thoir immediate friends Amltyvitle huus the majority, as has been ascer city had. aud allies, havo had of tho wonderful trfbc, tained by a thorough canv.iBS of tho villarre nounces subsidies and bounties and demands the ureas enterprise tne reporter sue mayor, controller and auditor will soon fopoal of the MeKinlay act.

It calls for tn oooded iulearning tho names of mast of Those who would have another namo aro city" people, who, tha Amityvillo Dispatch Bays, would chango tho name of the Deity if an Iud'ian nama have to appoint four polico justices In the places be enacted to secure tha issue of a "safe, sound andolastic currency sufficient to meek all il. of John J. Wulbh, Jains O. Tighe. Robort Con those in tha encampment.

Thoy are the Misses Bita OTieofo, May Weruor. Anmo cesspools, ovens or cisterns must not exceed the width of the sidowalk. nelly and Adolph Goetting, whose tonus will unij auivium. Mi'jy ever 0111. iviien 1 ro fused tho troublo startod.

The iu iio met mo onco and said that I had not vote,) for him. I asanrcd him that I had, aud ha abused mo nod called me a liar. Since then I have been sub. jected to all sorts of annoyances and many traps havo boen laid for mo. On April a 3 W.

Silby and hie Wife Barbara came to my placo. They wore both sobor. They wera thun an! aro now employed by Judge Connovcr. Silby said to me: 'I am going ti start a beer tialooii In my I said: 'I wish yon Then he said: 'Mr. Endom, I am going to oroak your I said: 'You have 1111 cauiio to do Ho tihow you very soon.

1) you know you are a 1 said: 'It is tho llr.1t time I am callod so.1 Tbo bartender thou said: Endom never steals a Mr. Silby B.iid: 'You're a Than Silby grabbed a stona match box and fired it with powerful foreo at tbo head of the bartender, who do.Isdd tliu nlut and tho box struck an oak woo 1 barrel making a quarter liiolt'doap dent in the wood. At almost the same moment Silby swung 1 chair ovur his head, smashing it over the bar toward our head and breaking my chiudelior lamp. Ho cried: Til kill Myself aud tho bir. tender ran from behind the bar to protect my property, while Silby w.v; hitting furioujly with tno chair at us.

At last wo caught the chair and fired Silby outside on tlio street aud clo tod our door. About six 111011 witiiesjo.l thid terrible could be found which dated further back. The changing of the name of Baldwins to Milbnrn on tho schodiilo of tho Long Island railroad com Lxcavations not properly protected. Laying sidewalk withont nermit from ripnart. mands of the people, aud the repeal of all federal taxation oh tho circulation of Btata banks.

Hartnott, Agglo Cook, Bsll Harrison, Boslo Courtnoy. Kittle Konthor. Ratio Cummines. mont of city worka and enunternicrnnd hr in. expire on May 1, The law says the appointing board shall meet on the second Tuesday of July.

All of tho incumbents ore candi mention for the oxcellenco of his essay dalivorod at the first annual commencement oxorcisos of the Now York law school, hold in Carnegie hall Juanita Huttor, Dixie Brooks, Crystal Brooks pany has caused much discontont and tho real spector. FIRED OS THE MOB. Jonniet Moj nahau, Henrietta Lambert, Bell or steam pipes, telephone or electrical dents aro determined to stick to tho old name. On dates for reappointment. Jiistico Walsh Is the last Tuesday ovoning.

Lambert, Alice Fnirclnld, Anna Caswell, Gertie the depot the sign says and on the A Itlot Provoked by An Attack, on Non youngest of the four. lie was appointed upon wires, railroad sidings, switches and turnouts without permit. Backilll? or letidini7 hnrsn nr Vftltfplfl nn aMp Cone, Paulino Gill, Juliette Hanlan, Kathloen post office, immediately adjotnlnt, tho postmaster Mr. and Mrs. Henry of Chicago aro visitin the death of his father, Andrew Walsh, who for Poulson, May Smith, Jennie Smith, Florence has displayed a moro conspicuous sign which Mrs.

Henry's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Boy twenty years or looser waa an aula and hon Union Workmen. LocKPoivr. N.

Juno 11. A special from Tonawanda. X. rennrtu rlt except under permit of department of city works to cross sidewalk for tho purposa of filling in or excavatintr anv lot? nr PvenDt. wiffn.

reads "Baldwins." i tliel irwim Gouovra Gubbms. May Carlin, May nolds, of 273 Hancoak street. In July thoy will oica police magistrate ot this city. Tho son go to Lake Spoffoard, N. H.

is worthy of his sire. Ho has made an Euhn, Lottia. Booth. May Murphy, Albertine Woil. Cecil Weil, Maud Loulso Barber, Ethel FlUUmG OVER A GIFT BKIDQB.

larly constructed oronaings. Injuring or cutting down any trees withont Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 3. Johnston and family thero this morning.

As the non union men were on their way to work thoy wero intercentnri hv oxccllent record, and no one about tho public Plnmmor, Floronco L. Vermilyoa and Bell Low The Shinnocock oanal Is in tho town of South permit rrom tne aepartinent or city worka. buildings has any doubt abont his rotontion. or liancocic street will go to Bellport. L.

I. crowd of 500 union mon. wh attcmntpd tn Masters victor Sutter, Joe Dnnno. Charlos Me uonatrnciiu" anv awninrr nthpr thnn nnn ampton and connects the bay of tho same name Sio candidate has yot appeared againBt CailVaB Or Which nrHtartfcs frnm tlin hniiftinn. mnrp Mr.

Gardiner D. Matthews of Washington Carthy. Hnlsay Warren, Joseph Bamoe and Her either liglio or Connolly, but thoro is talk of prevent their going to work, bns failed. About 10:30 A. M.

the union mon want to tha Wnstnn than the distance allowed for stoepB; nnleas said with Peoonlo bay. The opening of th canal made a drawbridge nocossary at a point where park and his son, John A. Matthews, will gall for bert Harrison. opposition to Goetting. It doos not worry Goet Europe on tho steamship City of New York Aftor tha opening chorus Gertio Code, aged 10 lnmber yards far the pnrpoio of inducing the tne main turnpika ordsses.

This the stale will ting or his fr ionds. Tho law provides that la on tno loth inst. Thoy will bo absent two' Aiming 00 siipporieu Dy poBts Btanding just in jlde the curb, when said awning may ba of wood for four feet fro'm the building and oanvas stretched on iron bars to the curb, or maintaining any awning loss than sevon feet above or build at a cost of $10,000, providing the town or case the mayor, controller and auditor shall fail non nnion man to qnit work. Tha foreman of the yard stopped ont to remonstrate and was struck years, appeared in "A Gypsy Danoe;" Charles MeCarty, aged 8 yoara, sang a soprano solo and months. county agree to maintain it.

The town officials to agree within ilvo days aftor they or a majority Mrs. James Matthews and Mastor Gorga W. on tho hoad with a. stone. He drew his revolver danced; Miss Gouevra Gnbbins and Frank V.

ask that the county assume this responsibility on affair. I havo known Mr. Silby siuoo about tin yoara aud we never bad a Pa 1 word together. I said tomyaaif; 'This is a put up jib. SUby's of thorn shall have met, then oaoh of thorn shall mat nancs tiown loosoly ovor tno iidewalli.

Displaying any jign across the sidewalk, ex. Bnssell next appeared. Thay are only 3 years of aiattuews sauon on tne steamship Btato of No tho ground that it is a county improvement. appoint a justioe, and a majority of tho appoint and fired into the mob. Eight officers, who were defending tho non nnion men.

also draw re. cepting canvas or ooen wire siens, or at a less orasita. They will remain in Sootlaud for age, yet thoy danced a tareutella like true artists. lha board of supervisors look at it in another ing board shall namo tho fourth. The police wife works most always in CowonhovonM house and Mrs.

Barbara Silby had neignt inan ten reet above the flagging. month and then tak a tour through the contl light. Thoy have considered tho mattor and Little Miss Era McKoan followed, reoiting J. justices are paid a year and give bonds in volvers and firod into tha mob. It is reported several were Bhot, tho number cannot be ascer nent, returning In October.

i astiug. printing, painting nailing hand, bill, roster ar advertisement nnon anv pnrh flni. WluteombB ltiley's "Orphant than oarae Joined her husband on the street and Middonly eacu. Aucro are six ponce jQStices in fully believe that the town of Southampton must maintain its own bridges. Tha bridge will ba of tained.

1'wo policemen, one Frank Klna slev. The wedding of Miss Alice Green to Mr. Thomas pretty little blonde Balla Harrison, aged 8 yoara, both rnshod up my porch. Silby busted my Brooklyn, tne two additional, Haggerty and Wat. stone, tree, lamp post, awning post, hor post talegrnph oast, barrel, box or hvdrant.

fPiut.iiw: iron and will bo built as soon as tho town offiolals 1. Boyle is to take place on tho 15th inst. and wno uancBd mo zranona; jins Ada Burt sang son, having boon appointed last year under an was shot in tho stomach and is liable ta die, tlio other, John Miller, shot in the knee, not naoan. advertiment by iicensed bill posters is permit door with his shouldor and both rushed inside, crying: 'Kill In a moment Mr. Silby lha Gypsy Maiden," a contralto eolo, and then win sail on the 10th for Bermuda, tha natw act af tho legislature of 1801.

Tho term is four teu on iencos, Dunnings or otner structures no ontilda of the bnilding Una of stsaets with nnn. agree to keep It in order. qOEKNS COOHTY CDD8T. sarily dangerons. The riotous union mon then homo of tho groom.

Thoy will return tho latter followed tho T'lirtation Danoa" onsemblo. Miss years, want to lonawanda island and to the lnmbor Fannie C. Sanford, who rocentlyobtained a free part of July. sent of owner, but every bill postar must remova all papor posted by him. If he permits it scholarhip from the Now York conservatory of inc circuit court and oonrt of oyer and tor Mr.

William Adams attended the State 8unda.v It all occurred a coach on tho way homo from the McCarren dinner at Arion hall, a few yards In fcouth Tonawanda and nucceeded in chasing the non union mon home. Tha sheriff anii remain npon mo sirteta or in iotii nls license music, eloctrihod tho audience. She is only 12 miner win convens at cue yuaens county court Bonooi convention at Saratoga and was one will oe revoitea.) (Members Of tho fnren mnat. tmn inflintol ir pln weeks since. It was considerably past tho mid with a posa from Lookport, has bean Boat to tho house, Long Island City, to morrow.

There are yearn of age, but she dances with fire, the most energetic delegates from tho Brooklyn night hour. Tho story is that Sheriff Courtney scene of tho riot grace, abandon aud skill, and her sing one hundred cases on the civil calendar and district. phone from tho nearest station house, or otherwise; to the denartmnnt of citv worts, nnv Krplr ing is as remarkablo as hor dancing. plenty of worlc for tho grand jury. Among other expressed himself too freely about, one of tlvo inmates of tho coach, a voteran Domocrat of tho iuiou nraam waa rendered eon or leak in water or Rawer pipes, hydrants or any things thoy will investigate the charca against Lx Jndgo Green was to have appeared ERU OF THE RDSSUS FAJHJfB.

spicnous in hr connection with the Brooklyn iwentioth ward and a man twenty years oldor Hamilton for tho murderiof hla wlfo at Wlntlold. next, but the gypsy drew whioh had baan prom. opiiurteuaucus 01 tne water or soworngo svstoni! (Telephone call Western district. "174 Brook 1V11 Tfafltnrn dUtl int. "90n Willlatneknx met dispensary garden party, by being tho nn.

Sudden Fall In the Price of Grain. than tho sheriff, alio voteran resented tho He is now in Jail. ised him was not forthcoming. A Spanish danca mentioned fortune toner in tho gyp3y onoamD Penalty for neglect of duty in this instance, by Miss Gan evra Gubbini, soprano solo by Miss mont. DISSOLUTION OF IIKBPSTEAD I'll! If COJIPAXY, Nellie J.

Smith, violin solo by Miss Aunlo Lam Speculators' Hoards Disclosed. WAaniseTON, D. June 1 1. The department of stata has been informed Bev. 0.

W. Gatos, pastor of tha First Methodist bert, aged 3 yeara; Omen of Night" danca by The Hempstead farm oompany Is to bo dissolved, and the president, Thomas H. Torry, will iiPiscopal cnureh, Sarotoga, in which the Aim tfAKKNKS.H anAi. Miss josie jaawarus, aged tnmDloronleon sola that this nkaso was lsiiued by tha Russian govern day school epnverition was held last week, iB tako tltlo to the property and ront it to tha by Miss Annie Lambert, agod 17; danoe by Miss awung a chair, over tils head dealing tcrriblo blows on mo and the bartunder. Mra.

Silby rushed past us to the pool tible and grabbod a cue while wo iriod to pnt Mr. Silby aut of the house. Mrs. Silby dealt blow after blow with tha butt end of tho ctio from bohind on our hoadu. From a Urrible blow on my head I fell senaolojs to tho flour near tlio pool table." Whilo Silby and a frioud of his woro knocking tho prostrate man out in tho most approved fashion, some of tho spectators interfered and walked Silby and his wlfo and thoir ally out of the house at tho point of a revolver.

"But this affair in nothing compared to the trouble I havo had about my license," resumed Mr. Endom. "If I do not get it I am ruiiird and an old man like mo has not much ambition to bei'in life all over again. In May Iaat I went to the oxcuo board and applied for a licence. Chairman Weruor called mo aside and asked ma how much it wonld bo worth to mo to get my license I told him a groat deal and gavohim $10." "And did ho accept it? asked tlio reporter.

"Yes, ami it i not the first time either. He got $10 out of mo last yar. I did not get liconua and went again this morning, bsaring with mo a petition in my favor signed by every ono of my neighbors. Werner tooli tho petition, thraw it Tho marriage of Mr. William Grant Harkness Meadow Brook hunt club.

Tho hunt regarded oromer to J. Gates of this citv. Th Jeanette Moynahan. aged 7, and "3carf Dance," as too thoroughly English to interest more than Saratoga brother seoms to have the advantage of to Miss Sadie Elizabeth Gray took placo at tho onsembia with solo by Miss Fanuie 0. Sanford ment on the 13th "In view of tho favorable result obtained from the measures taken by imperial order to assure food for tha people and seeds for the hoWs, it is jndged useful for tha sako of the national commerce to authorize: tne isroomyn obo as to Droadnosi in reunions a select fow in Queens county and the sport was rasidonca of tho bride paronts, 55 Adelph: brought the on tertainmeut down to the dosing lief, stroet, Wednesday afternoon, Bov.

Dr. Edward chorus from Tionomian Ulrl." There was plenty too expensive as an incorporated company, qiJKESSCOUMTV TO UACR. Braislin, pastor of the Washington avenuo Bap Miss Jessie Mason of this citv. sister of itr of it and all was good. tist enuron, nnstnngton and Greene avenues, W.

Dietor, proprietor of Cayuga lake, park and The wise and ontorprislne women of St. A pumber of Qacens county wheelmon, resi officiating. Tho wodding was private, onlv im First, Tha free exportation of the stock of In store at Archangel, Libon, Beval and fliga, the ministry of finance being chargod to make proper arrangements in detail of tfee control of tha cus rauroau, is spending the summer Sonoca Falls Mary's hospttal, to whom Brooklyn is Indebted dents of Jamaica, WooJhavan and Richmond mediate relatives of tho brido and groom being for tho disoovory of tho wondarf ul gypsy ohil. iue Doom, me i'rooertv Han's Sbirn" nnk Hill, will race from Sag Harbor to Jamaica on dren, are as follows: iisnemn lattsnnaay's attracted oonsid. toms institutions.

present. The liouso was prettily decorated with forns and cut flower and a collation was served during tho evoning. The bride ware a beautiful umj j.jie atari, win us ruaue at a A. j. and a JJiraotoresses Mosdames Charlos H.

Hovt arable attention and has sinco boen tho snhtnnt It is understood to Indicate that (ho famine is banquet will be given at Pottit's hotal, Jamaica. Hugh McLaughlin, iX. McCann. Patronesses of discussion to an extont quite complimentary drawing to a closo. It is believed that 1 nkaso on tho arrival of tha wmncr.

It is expected that Mesdames E. L. Lowe. H. N.

Sloonm. Thomas to its author. Mr. Samuel Frcedman, who has for costume of India silk, trimmed with pearls and a handsome diamond brooch, presented to hor by will be IsSnod on July 1. possibly before that Fearsal), F.

A. Ward, Jamas F. Pierca, Calvin E. some lime been attached to ths Park theater. abusive talk in a manner which Courtney and tho witnesses will never forgot, and tho sheriff wont into rotiremont for several days.

Another wordy politician and offlco holder of prom inoneo was done up in artistic shapo not long sinco. Ho also retlrod for repairs several days, and became a comparatively so datp citizon. Ho isn't looking for fight any more. Singularly enough, tho affair is unknown to most of his intimate friends, and lie isn't saying a word. SUGGESTIONS RAILROAD WISE.

How Travel iUlglU be Improved In tho City and Travelers fgclpod. To the Kaitor or Brooklvn Eagle: Now that the Long Island railroad company runs express trains botweou Long Island City and Manhattan Beach depot within thirty minutes, why cannot tho other roads bo as progressive and run, say, altemato express trains, as follows: On tho Brighton Beaoh railroad, beUveon Atlantic avenue and Brighton Beach, connecting with elevated express trains between tht bridge and Franklin avenue, stopping at city hall. On the Manhattan Beach railroad, between Franklin avenue and Manhattan Beach, connecting with elevated express trains between tho bridge and Flatbush avenue, Btopping at Bridgo Btreet. On the Prospect park and Coney Island and Bath Beach railroads, betweon Thirty sixth street and West Brighton, connecting with elevated exprois trains between the bridge and Thirty sixth street, stopping at Bridge street and Flatbush avenue. On tho Sea Boach railroad, betweon the run will be made in eight hours.

i.oso isi.asd suns tbo groom. Her bridal boquot was la France roses, dato, ponnittiug tho exportation of all grain copt rye. Pratt, Felix Campbell, James F. Bidgway, A. C.

xne story was won told, Mr. Freodman'a touch Chapin, Thomas Navins, Jamea Murtha, Stewart Doing wanting in neither daintiness nor vIcgi Miss Ida H.Gray, the ristor of tho bride, acted bridesmaid. She woro a gown of nilo green silk A oollapso in tho prloo of grain has taken olaco. Fire island lodge Nb. 330, 1.

0. O. was dulv on the floor and ntampod on it. 'That's what that is worth. What is it worth to you to get your li, L.

Woodfordi B. Caetwood, A. Pouoh, M. Gum. He has been called upon to aoknowlotlgo many instituted at Arcanum ball.

Bay Shore, on Thurs tho fall being betweon 80 and 100 per nnd the existence of vast quantities hoardod by spec mings, James F. Herbert, Dr. John Byrne, Dr. warm congratulations. trimmed with white lace and she carriod buu qnot ol Amorican boauty roses.

Mr. Hanford day evening. The grand officers of tho order John Griffin. Dr. George B.

Huhn, Dr. Joseph ceuaa at onco he asked. 1 told him that I had only $2 with me, and he said that was not enough and that I ceuld not havo my license. I I'ranciB ii. tiagadorn, once a mombr nt ulators has thus boon devoloped.

were present. Bartow, cousin of tho groom, actod as host man Council, J. J. Kiornan. iioratio heymour's staff, and founder of tho Tho wedding presents woro numerous and cost Tho orection of a memorial building to fallen Syracuse uourter during tha Buchanan and Fro ly them several exquisite pieces of Bilver.

soldierB and sailors of tho civil war will bo com UER "ADOXIS" IS OSE. FBOH A 1AM, BITBB BOAT. Fall IlivEn. Juno 13. montcampign, is a visitor to friends in this Among those that offorod their congratulations menood at Huntington this week.

Tho building IJnt it wai Only an Opera aud SNover city, having Just arrived from a trip along the to the young couple were Mr. and Mrs. Georce is to cost SIO, 000 and will ba occupied by the At 1 o'clock this morning, while tho steamer coast. Mr. Hagadorn contemplates mat Will bo mcd.

Harkness, Mr. and Mr3. William 3. Gray, public library John A. King of Great Nock has donated $100 ing his liotae one move in this state.

His cousin, Francis Hogadorn, is a resident of the eastern William Harkness of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Price of Bntavia, N. Mr. and Mrs.

Price Camlllo Cleveland is a songstress engaged with Plymouth of tho Fall lino was rounding Watoh Hill, en routo to this city, a woman stumbled out of a door on tho starboard aide and tried to grasp the guard rail to prevent a fall. A col to the new St, Lake's church building fnnd at the company in whioh Pngiiist Corbett has ap district. Soa Cliff. 0 Akron, N. Mr.

and Mrs. John B. Bates of peared at tlie Bijou theater, In New York. Whan air. tiowara seely of 281 Hicks strast Im Trnmansburg, N.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel District Attornoy Fleming of Queens couuty ored porter saw her and ran to assist her, but tha aetross returned from a year's sojourn in again favored the Htorary world with a new book Gray, George Gray, Mrs. Charles Carponter, when sho saw bim she recoverod herself, quickly will be one of the survivors of the "storming column of Port Hudson In 18G3 to recolvo a gold nutiea me oonan ofLuoky Taller, and Othsr William Carpenter. Mr.

and Mrs. M. F. Gray, climbed upon the rail and Jumped overboard. Tho BrnssoU lst June, upon tho completion of her musical studies there, sho brought with hor the manuscript of a new opera, entitled "Adonis," Stories." Miss Anmo Gray, Daniel W.

Gray, Mr. and medal voted by congress. Colonid Flaming was boat was stopped and a boat was lowered, but in the foremost rank. Mrs. Samnel Barnes, the Misses Emily and Edfth bixty tltth street and Wost Brighton.

The con the woman could not be found. She was Mary purohased from a composer in Berlin. Tropar. Barnes, Mr. and Mrs.

John Gray of Whito J. Burt Tims and Fletcher Willis, two residents jiir agon a resilient 01 uoston, weok then told him that I would apply to the supremo court for holp. Tho members of the board thou put their heads togotlior and Werner then told me that if Judge Connover would give me a uota saying I was to have a licenso, I would get it. I went to him and pat the case before him. Ont ho paid that he wonld have nothins to do with it and refused me the note.

So now I am going to appeal to tha supreme court." Justice Cowouhoven laughed when told of Endom'. plaint and said that as far as he was concerned thoro was not a wordot truth in it. He Aid: "I never offered bim a penny for his property, as I do not want it. Iam not interested in tho Bay Bidga park company, nor anyof my relatives. Tlio reason I rofnsed Endom a ar.

rant for the Silbys was became them had boen fivo Bimilar rows at his place, and, although ha made a complaint in osch yet ha refused to proseouto when it came to tha point. As ragardi his license, I told him that I had nothing to do with the excise board. I do not believa his allegations of bribery, as I do not think Mr. Wernor foolish enough to run any such risks." Tnr.ATEU DUBN'EI) IX DESTEB, Plaint, Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Gray, Mr. and Mrs. of East Wilhston, are making a tonrof North tory to the Inauguration of an all aummor tour of tho new work to be entorod upon Immediately after the termination of her New York engage necting elevated exprosa trains would also better servo local travel to and from city hall, tha bridge and Now York, and by running as way trains abovo Franklin avenuo and a part of them hor husband dlod and Tnosday night she accompanied tho body to New York, whero It was In George Harkness. MUs Lottie Harkness, Mr. and MrB.

John Quigley, Mr. and Mrs. America. They woro last heard from in California en route for Alaska. They will include terred.

Sho was returning, and It Is supposod DELAYED Br THE GRANITE STRIKE. Wark on ik Now Yonc Criminal Com ISoavo at a Standstill. The granite cutters and pavars' strike, which grew out of the trouble betweon the quarrymen aud tho contractors in the East, has boon a nori otts blow to tbo public works in New York. There Andrew Brown, Mr. and Mrs.

John Harlow, Mr. that griof was the causo of the snlcido. Mexico aud Central America in their Journeying. They left bomo about three weeks ago. ment last night, Miss Cleveland had bean quietly rehearsing a company aacured for the prefenta tmu of the opara.

After a rehearsal following along jurtn. avenue. Other elevated express trains could bo run betweon Fulton ferry and and Mrs. B. Price, Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Norton, Mr. and Mrs. H. Starin Moore of Boston, William The commencement exercises of the Union hall flElTIRS BEADY FOIl CHICAGO.

yesterday's matinee, the wonld be star sanght seminary at Jamaica will ba held on Wednesday Julian, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Julian, Mlts Nellie Jnlian, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Sangers, Miss for the hand saehal containing score, libretto Chicago, 111., June 1 1 evening, Jnne 15.

Thero aro but two graduates. and parts but conld not find it. Miss Cleveland 10 utaui.u ftui iu uo aone on tne now S. P. Shaxln, secretary of tha Democratic Nellie Smith, Frank Smith, Misses Lelia and Abigail do Uardenas and Katharine Wood Washington avenno and between Broadway ferry and Gatos avenue, stopping at Myrtle ava.nue.

Tho express time between tha bridge and the Brooklyn depots could probably be made within fifteen minutes and between tho Brooklyn and Coney Island depots within fifteen minutes. Bhookltn, June 10, 1892. H. B. L.

is a sister in law of tho aotor, Fred de Belleville. Hattio Donaldson. Harry Donaldson, Miss May Tho Presbyterians of Slanor hara bacome dis tional committee, together with National Committeemen E. C. Wall of Wisoonsin and John She has on her hands an organization nnxiaus Carr, Abraham Courlns, John Courliss, George satisfied with their pastor aud called a mectin" to sing and a route that oan not ba filled.

The of tho preabytory which requested his Wallace of Oftlahoma, arrived here to day and You got. opened their headquarters at the Palmer honso. tlon. work has not yat been copyrighted in this conn try and the aotress is fearful of tha permanent Sargeant at Arms B. J.

Briggs is also present. A BIRTHDAY SUBPRISE. FISHTiB. jne duiioik county volunteer uremenB' asso lose of her property should It fall into unprinci All are hero for tho purpose of arranging the de ciation will hold a special meeting at Bivorhead. pled hands.

on Tuesday, to arrange for the annual tourna At the Chnreh of tho Saviour, Pierrepont ment irr September. street and Monroe place, at o'clock in tho even OSBORNE HELD FOR FORGERY. tails lu connection with the coming convention. Mr. Sherln doclinod to balievo that Hill had withdrawn from tho presidential race.

B. F. Havlns, ex mayor of Terra Haute, who Is tn tha city, claims to havo personal knowledgu The Broaklyn gun club has issnod invitations ing, Mr. Charles B. uilmotof Orasge, N.

was criminal caurt house, on Center street; still, the strike has mado it a sort of doomsday Job. It is now eighteen days since the contract for the finishing of the building was up and th contractors areundor a tax cf $100 a day until tho work is completed. They njdestly estimated tbat it would least nine months more to finish the eonrt house. To add to the delay the architectural irn workers have been ordered out and thowork is at a standntlll. Tho striking pavers aro very indignant at the work which is being done br Contractor Kelly on Third ava nue.

New York. They 0 eolare that tha paving is not In accordance with the specifications, and that most of it will have to bo torn up Their offer to relay old blocks has not boon ad copted and a very, small portion of the pavement has been laid by tha tweuty men hired by Contractor Kelly, who states that it would bother bim if the paving occupied until next vn.r. Confidential clorK Wba itt Charged for its ibird annual lawn roceptlon, to be given married to Miss Hettle Fisher. Bev. H.

Price nt tha Willow ponds club house at Smithtown, on With KiviHdliug. Collier, assisted by Bev. Charles H. Hall of Trinity Episcopal chnreh, performed the ceremony. that Hill has not withdrawn.

the oveningof June 17. Denver. Juno 11. Shortly after midnight the People's theater, a three story stone building, caught flro and is a total loss. Tho flames startod in the scenery on the Htagoaad soon spread to tho entire building, ht efforts of tho firemen to top them bains fruitless.

The ('heater was owned by ex Senator Tabor and valued at till), 000. with an insurance of about $25,000. Had the firs started an hoar carlior thero would doubtless have been many fatalities. THE CESHUS IX YKHTKJ ATIO.Y. Guernsey Osborne, confidential clerk and book The Long Island railroad company has oroatad lha chnreh was handsomely decorated by DBATJI JOD.f C.

keeper for A. Morrison silk impsrtcrs at 803 Broadway, New York, was arrested Friday a new office, that of superintendent of tho Man. hattan Beach division. To this position Con Phillips. There were about three hundred people prasant at the wedding and one hundred and tgnt tor swindling the firm out of $10,000.

Ha John 0. Elliott of 1 71 Adelphi street diod ye dttctor John Clemmous of tha Boston train has was arraigned in Jefferson market polios court terdny of cerebro spinal meningitis. His ill been appointed. Albert Squires tha Atlantic yesterday, charged by Edward A. Morrison, fifty al the reception, which taok placo atcly after the ceremony, at the house of Edward Williams, tha bride's aunt, 208 Scher merhorn street.

Daisies and roses prevailed in ness began with a sovorc cold eantracted on division haB boen assigned to tha Boston 01. with forgery In tha third degree. Osborne made memorial day. Mr. Elliott was bnsinoss man.

press. falso entries in his books. rer of tho Now York Vallv Ketcs, a positlan Warhisotos, I). June 11. The census investigation committee failed to the decorations in tho house as well as in Thora has not been a ohanga in the situation in a On Friday evoning Inst.

Mr. Godfrey M. Gilbort of Bcbormorliorn street was tendered a surprise by his many friends, tho occasion being bis birthday. The donkoy party to of the features of the ovoning, for which prizos woro awarded. Tho first prize was given to Miss B.

Jackson and tho booby prize to Mrs. L. Z. Murray, the other prizes to J. G.

Bono and J. 0. 8tayner. Some of those attending woro Miss E. L.

Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. B. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs.

L. Z. Mr. and Mrs. T.

H. Eaton, Miss A. Miss IC. Gilbert. Miss G.

Mallotte, Miss L. Jackson. Mi'ss X. Smith. Miss L.

Howitt, Miso J. Garlichs, G. Gilbert, J. G. Beno, J.

0. Stnynev, F. Gilbert. A. Osterheld.

W. P. Brandon, F. Garhchs, X. Noiss, P.

U. Mitchell, B. Holly and J. Hannlug, WATCHIXG A irilUliD BE SUICIDK. Thomas Pallisoy, alias Ktlly, the slayer of Probationary Policeman Adam Kano, who attomptod suioide in tha Tombs, New York, is still very weak.

Dr. Chetwood, the pruon surgeon, said yesterday that the prisoner will recover from his Injuries. Warden Fallon has specially detailed a lcesper to watch Pallisoy, so as to prevent tny further attempt upon his life. choir nors ox rat irirt snips. Tlio Hempstead bay yacht clnb held thoir first iqutta ou Thursday, in a downpour of rain.

On January 11, 1801, he mado tho entrr: which ho has held since 1883. He was only 33 church. Bills par check, $0,884.35, and Deraorest The bride was dressed in pearl white bengalino years old and has betn In tha pflica of tha Sewn Blnce he was 15. He wes unmarried and lived rai3o a quorum this morning nnd aiijournou to meet Tuesday next at 10 o'clock. Chairman The Brooklyn, Henrietta and Elslo won tho first prizes in their respective olasses.

Asoher, dnt.r, $1,117.30." The items pretended trimmed with eal lace and garlanded with bridal Fithian leavos to morrow for Chicago, to attend with his mother and sister. Mr. Elliatt will be ba sums of money paid out. Mr. Morrison weec time.

THE KITED. A50 HA It BOH BILL. Wabhixoton. D. Juno 11.

Chairman Fryo of tho senate commefeo com. roses and buds. Tho main ef honor was Miss bnried on Tuesday next, in the family plot in tho Democratic Thero will not Colton. Sho was dressed iu pala uile green silk. Messrs.

Thoraaa P. Vallatte, John N. Hazard. said that he paid tho $1,117.33 by check. Osborne marked tha payment in the check book Mid also outornd the payment twice, thereby de.

frauding tha firm out of that 1. 117.30. Osborne very mnch done by this conrmittoo nntil the convention adjourns, after which Chairman Fithian Greenwood. Fnneral services will be hold at St. Jnhn's chspol, on Tuesday, by tho rector, Iter.

Philip Brown. HIG FIGtlT OS llAJtn, SATS TflURSTO.I. Cikcaoo, 111., Juno 11. "Republicans all ovor tho country want to mako Ed win E. Fisher and Martin B.

Fishor weru tho ushers. nays he intond to pmh tho investigation through to a finish iu short order. pleaded not guilty and demanded an examination. Ho was placed under $5,000 bail. Among the guests were Mr.

and Mrf. F. B. up their tmudi right now that ihey havo a big SKTKBE ACCIDE.VT TO JOBS IT. rOTTLEO.

Butts, Miss Butts, Mrs. aud Miss Armington. THE SKW KSUI.tSD TJIAUI.T 31EBTI5Q. mittee and Chairman Blanehard of tho house river and harbor commlttoo havo roturnod to Washington and aro proparod to begin tho work of arranging tho points of difference botwoen the two housos on tho river and harbor appropriation bill. Tho first eonforonco was to bo hold today, but was postponed until Monday, owing to tho absence of Representative Catchlngs, one of tho house conforoes.

Chairman Blaneb.ird siva John W. Fowlor, presldant of the Lowit Fow TITESTr SSOOXD WARD BEHOCttATS. fight on their bands. Wo will pull tho ticket through, but it will bo no cast task, I can tell you." Thus spoko John M. Thurston of Omaha at the Grand Paciflcthis morning.

Tha Nebraska Newvokt, II. June 11. At tbl3 morning session of the Now England Tho Twonty econd ward Democratic assocla. General and Mrs. Jamoa Shaw, nil of Prov ldonce, R.

Mr. and Mist Fray and Mr. Pile, all of Philadelphia; Mr. and Mr.i. J.

Lings, Mr. and Mrs. K. C. King.

Mrs. Charles Daly, Miss Stevens, Mr. and Mm. F. C.

Jfrsher. ler manufacturing company, Walworth street, Brooklyn, who owns a fine country residence in Noribpnrt, L. was thrown from his carrlago while driving from tho noonday train to dar. tlon mot last night at Prospct hall, cornor of orator was tho first of the bis Blaine contingent yearly meeting of the Sacietv of mends a propo. Fifth avenne and Ninth street.

Ex Aldarman to arrive, having Jef last night immediately after Harrison's nomination. Mr. Theophilns Olena presided and Joseph W. Dnffy he oxpects to present tho eonforonco report to mo nouso aoout tne middl of next week. all of New York; Mr.

and Mr. Harry Stetson. Mrs. Bobbini, Mr. Booth and Mr.

Glazier, all of Orango: Miss Graco J. Flint, Mies Addie Hoyt, Bichard Booth and Frederick Fayorwoather. all Both bones of ono leg were broken at the ankle, and ho sustained other injuries. Several women and otic child, who were in the wagon wero also tnrown out, but were only slightly injurod. recorded, ine investigating committee roported favorably upon 204 namsSi whioh wore ordered enrolled.

This i the largest number ever ad Thurston was greatly dissauointed at Blaiua's defeat aud his every word indicated it, "With Blaina as our candidate wo conld havo won with Orgauist Henry E. Dnncan of Graco church on tho heights g3vo his choir boys an outing Friday at the navy yard. On tho invitation of Commodore lirben thoy visitedho Philodelphia and tho Chicago and wound up tho day by a call at Uie marine barracks. sition was discussed at lougtti to build a new meeting Honso nt Lynn. for tho yearly meeting.

No definite conclusion wai reached, but a suggestion now under consideration will probably bo adopted that the yearly niL eting be hold in Lynn next year as an experiment, if un angeinen.tti can be nude, instead of at Port land. Owe Thonntiail mitted to tho association atone maetme. Four of Danbury, Mr. aud Mrs. Sebastian Hoilth nd plsaoaro rssorta (o tho F.rapiro Stale reachod Tho accident was caused by a colt, driven by John Donohue, a tailor of Brooklyn, balking aud teen propositions for mombrrship were roeeived.

ease," ho said, "but Mr. Harrison will not get by many thousands the votes Mr. Blaino would havo received." br tao Nuw Yotk Central. Duncan, MUs Dnncan, Mwa Bennett and Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Dodge. Wnto for iolormatlon. Adv. Tho meeting then adjourned until September. backing iu front of Mr.

Fowler's team..

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