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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 4

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
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PLUGGED A PIPE FEW ESCAPED A CHARGE IN IT. SATl'ItDAY EVEXI.V3, CEJirtElt 10. 1887, Conamtaisiloner Emtio Denies Some Recent Statements. Pire Commissioner Ennis It seems to mo that 1 am belug honored with a good doal of attention at the hands of the Eagle. I never characterized the veterans as a pack ot loafers.

Two young ladlos called at my house aud asked mo for a contribution to purchase a standard of colors to bo prcsouted to tho Kxompt Flromou's Sons' Association. I replied "Dear madam, I don't know either of you, so it would not bo proper for mo tojglvo you a subscription Just if you will bring mo credentials of some kind from the officers of the association, establishing your identity, I will contribute as liberally as any man of my moans. As mattorsstand at present, young ladlos, I must docllno to respond to your request, but when you showmoapaper authorizing you to collect I will do. I moan no offense to you, ladles, but it is tiie only proper way to do business." The young girls departed without holding any further conversation. It Is all nonsense to suppose that I would so far forgot myself and Iu my own houso, too, as to address young ladlos in the man mer alleged.

I am ready at any moment to subscribe f25 to help purchase tho standard of colors. Principal Mickleborough, of Public School No. 9 Tho fresh water hydra, which Is a llttlo highor In tho scale of life than tho sponge, and which has no nervous systom, can he turned insido out without eufforiug inconvenience. John Wood Your paper says complaint Is mado that I am not carrying out my contract for work In the Special 'ferm Court room. Let mo explain: The janitor would not lot mo begin operations until he had sold tho old furniture and carpets, and that took six weeks.

This little expedlont provontod me from utilizing my men during tho dull season. Honest contractors always havo obstacles thrust in tholr way in tho Court House, but I am iu the busi ness lo stay, and tho Jobbers aro much mortiQod on that account. As to my employes, soiao aro union and somo not.7,Thoso who aro not receive more men money In tho year than thoso who aro. Thoy have a salary aud know what they can dopend on for support and are uovor called out on strikos. I did not sublet my contract.

A Thirteenth Heglment Voterau Tho active veterans and honorary mombors will moot at tho armory on Monday eveniug. Wo aro going to celebrate the gratifying absence of discord. Sheriff elect Clark D. Ithinehart I havo not yot docidod on my appointments. I shall eortuinly appoint an under shoriff, bocauso the law providos for one.

I havo never said otherwise What I did say was that tho undor sheriff would not run the ofllce. The Sheriff will run the office and no ono ol3e, and the Sheriff Intends to appoiut only competent mon. BOGUS VOTES With Which a Eepubliean Was Counted Out. Tlio Fourth Ward Republican Faction Fight Carried Into Court Fraud at a Pi imary. An application was mado in Judge Walsh's Court this morning by Lawyer Jerry A.

Wornberg and Wiley S.Garrabrant, tho Fourth Ward politician, for warrants for tho arrest of Caswell LoClalr aud Georgo P. Cochran ou a charge of having violatod tlio Primary law. In the Affidavits submlllod It was stated that Coclirau aud LoClalr woro inspectors of election at tho last itopublican primary in tho Fourth Ward, hohl at 35'J Fulton streot on Novembor 3D. Anothor Inspector was David McKennon. of 00 Willotighby streot.

Cochran and LeCTair favored the tickot Loaded by Honry Jonos for president ot tho ward association and McKonnon sided with tho Garrabraut party. McKonnon asserts that ho, Cochran and LeClair woro inspectors at the primary; that ho kept a poll list, aud that tho total of tho votes cast was 123, of which Garrabrant received 03, sufficient to insure him tho position of president. Ou six or eight tickets, ho says, the namo for president was erased, and these ballots woro counted by Cochran and LeCTair for Jones. Ho also allogos that Philip Franklin aud Jacob Martin, not connucted with tho association, voted for Jouos. Garrabrant alleges that ho, Iiornard Mulhollaud, Mike Dady and Frank M.

Craft watchod tho count, and that Jones received flfty flvo straight votos and ho himself fifty. Twolvo scratched tickets wore also put in for him (Garrabrant), giving him a majority. Cochran and LeCTair, after a recount, asserted that 138 votes had boon cast, instead of 133, and declared that Jones was elected. John Birkett, ho moreover states, was oloctod a member of tho Genoral Commitioo, but was counted out. Daily and iiirkott made affidavits of a similar nature.

William Scollay, 77 Myrtle avenue; Henry Taylor, 51 Lavvronco stroot; James p. Lokeman, 3til5 Pearl sireet; II. Goldsmith, U3 Myrtlo avmua; William Craft, 133 Sands stroet, and Frank il. Itoss of 158 Sands sireet, who wero creditod with at the primary, state that thoy did not vote. Judgo Walsh said lie would look up tho law on the" matter aud would take up the caso on Monday.

WILLIE DRYER'S EXPERIENCE Willi a Black Ifliistaclied nirin, Who Aslccd Him to Deliver a Letter. Through his desire to earn 20 cents last ulght, 9 year old Willie Dryor, of 153 Wyckoff street, is now minus his Wlntor overcoat. It is the story of tho insinuating black mustached man and the confiding boy over aguin. Willie was stopped by a man on tho corner of Atlantic avonuo aud Smith street, at about o'clock, and asked if ho wanted to earn 30 cents. The boy eald that he did.

The man theroupou lmndod Lira a lottor bearing au address In Smith street, aud telling him to dollvor It, gavo him 30 conts. As tho little follow started to go tho man called him back and said: "Holdou; you must loavo rao your overcoat as security." Willie at onco divo stod himself of the garment ana handed It over. Ho thon proceeded to the address given ou the onvolopo, but despite tho most diligout search ho was unablo to find the person indicated. Ho returnod to tho corner of Atlantic avenuo and Smith street to report his failure, but whon ho got thoro the man had disappeared. Ho waited for over an hour, and thou heglnnlug to feel that ho had lost his coat ho burst luto toars.

A policeman took him to tho Third Precinct Station House, whoro ho reported his experience. He said lhat tho man scorned to bo about 10 yoars of age and was about 5 foot 8 luches in height. He woro a black mustacho, a brown dorby hat and a brown sack coat. Tho police aro now busily looking for him. BARELY ESCAPED WITH THEIR LIVES.

A Gravcvcud Rlunaiioii and its Contents Destroyed by Fire. About 1 :30 o'clock this morning firo broke out in the largo houso on King's highway, between the lirighton and Manhattan Beach railways, in the Town of Gravosond, owned by J. M. Ceballas and occupied by tho family ef S. M.

Berry. The flames spread rapidly and tho b'uildiug was quickly dostroyod, togothor with tho contonts. The loss is about insurance unknown. Mrs. Horry aud one daughter wore alone iu tho houso whon tho fire occurred, Mr.

Berry being away from homo. Mrs. Berry had about $1,7011 in monoy in tho houso aud fully $5,000 worth of diamonds, which are lost. Mrs. Berry and hor daughtor had barely time to escape with tholr lives, nothing of valuo was savod.

The Aro startod In an extension of tho houso from an unknown cause. Mrs. Berry and hor daughtor took rofugo lu tho house or a neighbor, from the windows of which thoy watchod the destruction or their homo. Tho lire having occurred at a timo when tho neighborhood wero abed aud asleep, llttlo could bo dono to save Iho building, lu fact, tho houso was nearly consumed whon tho pooplo In tho Immediate viclu lty had fairly awakened and realized that there wa3 a firo. HE WORKED TIIE GAME SUCCESSFULLY, But Justice Maeher t'ul nn Kud to SI is TrickH for a Vetir.

John Lacodoro, ono of tho meanest thieves that evor graced tho prisoners' box in police court, stood in tho presence of Justico Naoher, sitting for Justico Konna, this morning. Yesterday afternoon a little boy was on bis way fj delivor a coat to B. Gumbrccht, on Sumaor avonuo, whon ho was accostod by Lacodore, who requested him to tako a letter to a mau living uoar, offering at the same tlmo to hold tho bundlo until tho lad returned. Tho boy complied, but whon ho came Dack a few momonts lator Lacodoro had disappeared with tho bundlo. He was arrested later on and positively identified by the boy.

VWsn arralgnod this morning ho askod for an lmmodlato hearing. This was granted, and from tho evidence Justico Naeher adjudged Lacodoro guilty and sontoucod him to the Peuitontinry for ono year. A THIEF PUT TO FLIGHT. He Jumpy From a Rear Window and IvNcrtiicii. There was quite a littlo excitement between 7 and 8 o'clock Thursday ovoulngj in front of 118 Mauhattan avonuo lu tho Sovouteouth Ward whoro Mrs.

Miller resldos. On making inquiry it was said that a thiof had beon found at work ou the socond lloor of tho houso aud to make his escapo had Jumped from tho roar window to tho extension of Mr. Dalton's residonce.a doiniug from thereof to tho yard and thence over tho fence and out of sight. It is said that tho sum ot $50 was stolen. The matter was brought to tho notlco of tho police but the per pertrator of tho thoft has not boon found.

HOUXTKn I'OLlCICMEJt Al'l'OlMED. Tho following policomon havo beon np polntod to tho Fourtoonth Precinct, mounted squad: Adolphus H. Wlnno, Eighth; Patrick Kearuoy, Tenth; W. Young, Eleventh; John D. Fullerton, Twelfth; W.

Evaus, Fourtoonth; Henry Bavoudam, Tenth. Bartloy F. Gray, of tho Tenth, will tak Bavondam's placo lu Sergeant Johusou'a squad. A SEPARATION URANTKD. Judge Van Wyok, in the City Court, this morniug granted Mary A.

WUdo a separation from her husband, George W. WUdo, aud ordered him to pay hor alimony at the rate of $8 pur week. Ho is an onglueer employed in Buchanan Lyall's tobacco factory aud abandoned his wifo six yoars ago. CHAKGKD WITH STKALIRQ LACE. Annie O'Brien, of 101 Fulton stroet, was arrested last evening lu tho storo of Llobmaun Bros.

Owings on suspicion of having stolon a piece of lace valuod at $2. A CHKAP SMOKE. A bale of tobacco valued at 90 was stolen yesterday from R. C. Landwehr's store, 931 Dedication of the Chapel of Oushvriclt Avenue Congregational Church.

The chapel of tho Bushwiok avonue Congregational Church, at the corner of Bushwick avenue and Cornelia street, of which tho Kov. Arthur Chester Is pastor, will be dedicated to morrow. Thero will be throe meotiugs in tho chapel during the day. In the morning at 10:30 o'clock a consideration of "How Churches Can Hotter Promote Public Morals" will be marked by brier uddrossos from Mayor Whitnoy, Justice Thomas J. Kennn.AId ermau J.

Jefferson Black, Rufus L. Scott, of tbe Board of Education, and Captaiu James Dunn, of tlio Fourtoonth Police Precinct. Iu the afternoon tho Dedication Sorvlce will bn; holl, at which tho Rev. K. R.

Meredith, I). will preach tho sermon and lu which the lievs. E. P. Ingersoll, D.

J. G. Roberts, D. H. K.

Burnes, D. S. Glffaru Nelson, W. J. Bridges, George D.

ilulsl and Frank Brown will tako part. In the eveniug at 7:30 o'clock will occur tho Post Dodleatiou service, when the address of the occasion, on "The Church and tho Press, Their Separate aud Mutual Work," will bo delivered by tho Hon. St. Clair Mc Kolway. Accos3 to this suburban church is supplied by the Brooklyn Elevate! Kailroad to Gates avenue or Halsey stroot station, by the Geoene and Gates or Halsey streot ears to Broadway or by the Broadway (Eastorn District) cars to Cornelia stroot.

MET HIS WIFE Who Did Not Believe He Was Under Arrest. A Settlement TYhich Juslieo Massey Will Probably Upet Is Mrs. Dunn an Insane Yoman 1 William W. Dunn, a clerk, 27 years of age, of 391 liorgen stteat, was arraigned boforo JustUo Massoy this morning on a charge of collecting i'ZJO during October for Walter IL Nelson, a coal dealer, at the foot of Dograw street, ou Gowauus Canal, by whom he was thou omployod, aud appropriating it to his own use. When asked how he pleaded he said: "This thing ha3 all been arranged botweon Mr.

Nelson and myself." Thon, taking a memorandum from his pocket, ho said 'Boside, tho amount is wrong. It should bo 5212." I know nothing of your arrangement with Nelson," said his lienor. 11 Ho makes this com plaint against you. How do you plea 1 to it 7" The prisoner pleaded not guilty aud was held for Irial. Dunn was arrested last night by Court Offi cer Campbell on a warrant issued by Justico Mas soy on Mr.

Nelson's complaint. Ho was found at French's Hotel, in Ncv York, where ho is employod as chief clerk. lie is a fine looking man, with hair prematurely streaked with silver. Onioor Campbell lockod him ut in tho Third Precinct Station House. On tho way thither, after crossing tno river, the two were by a small, very pretty aud neatly attired young wouiau.

Wbou sho saw Iltimi suo ran toward him, aud grasping him by the arm, sai 1 I havo got you at last, you flench I will hold you hero uutii au oiucor oomts." Sho then tried to dr.ig him away from Campbell, who was iu citizen's dress. Ho said: That is all right. 1 am an officer." You au officer, she said, scornfully. 11 Oh, no, you dou'luemc Ilia: on mo." But 1 replied Ca mpboll, and this man is my prisoner. 7 1 don't boliovo you," excitedly exclaimed tho young woman.

Ii you are, show me your shield." Officer Campbell unfortunately did not have his shield with hi.n. Wueu he told the youug woman this site bjeaius mure excited and intimated mat ho was a friend of Dunn and was trying to got him away from her. "I am his ivife," she cried," "and ho has abau doao I me and his two little children and I don't propose to let him escape me, now that I havo caught him." By this timo a crowd had assembled and things woro beginning to look rather unpleasant for the shieldloss oilicor. He suggested, however, tbat siie go with tliem to tho Butier street fttation houso, where ho would convince her that ho was what ho claimed to bo. Sue fiually consented aud the trio wore soon iu the station house.

Thoro she told this story: "I am this mail's wifo. Ho has abandoned mo and our two children. Wo were married several years ago, but never livod happily together. Tho trouble between us wat caused by his mother. She came to live with us and wanted to got rid of me, so thut sho could bo tuo boss of tho house.

She never liked mo and objected from the first to our marriage. I think she was opposod to me maittly bocauso I am a Roman Catholic. A third child was born to us last December. It died a few days after its birth. His mothor would not 1st mo sou it, aud hid my other children from mo.

She worried mo iu every way she could, aud theu said that 1 was Insane. Thoy had mo seut to tho Flatbush Asylum on the 32nd of last Docomber on a chargo of lunacy. I don't thiuk I look or am insane now, and I was uo moro thon. Thoy did all in their power, however, to drive mo crazy. My husband when ho had mo sont to Flatbush had 13.000 lu bank, but ho never paid a coat toward my comfort whilo I was dolaiuod thore.

I was reloased iu the following April aud wont back to live with him. I roniainod thoro until last July, when I was compelled to leave him, owing to tho way I was treated. 1 took my two children with me and engaged a room from Hoe, at 37 Sauds streot, and did what work I could get to keep my littlo ones from starving. I had moro troublo thore. Threo weeks ago, on returning from my work ono night, I found my children crying on tho street.

Mrs. Boo hail ejected ihem because I wa6 in arrears with my rent. She would uot surrender my trunks until I got an officer to go and com pel hor to do so. When told tho uuture of the chargo against hor husband Mrs. Dunn said: "Why, I thought he settled that with Mr.

Nelson. It was much more than t'2J0 that ho took, but 1 suppose he paid tho rest back. While ho was omployod by Mr. Nelson ho only paid mo if! a week." She mado a chargo of abandoumont against Dunn beforo Justico Massoy this morning. Sho had her children two protty little girls with her.

Sho told them to kiss thoii father, but ho turned away from them and ho told a reporter that his arrest was nil a mistake. As to tho charge of abandonment ho sail: "My wife is wholly to blame. Sho abandoned mo voluntarily last July. While she livod with mc sho made my life a perfect ll. Sho was iusano when I had her seut to Flatbush, and that is what is troubling hor now." THE CLli'TON RACES.

Monday's KntrieH for the Five Different Events. The following aro the entries tor tho Clifton racos on Monday: Fikst Hack Purso i200, for 3 year olds, maidens allowed 7 pounds, three quarters of a mile. Slumbor. Spring Eagle, St. Clare, Carrie 112; Itokoic, Glen Qjoon, Feu Follot Gelding, HO.

Seconp Rack Purse i2T0, for beaten horses, selling allowance, sovea eigluhs of a mile. Lute Arnold, Vludex, 105: B. illl tat, Bishop, 101; lioysteur, 97; Caw Driver, Zampa, 115; Dizzy Brunette. 90. Tiiikd HACK Purse 1300, fcr leaders.

3 year obis, soiling allowance, three quarters of a mile. String Ban, Alva, Geonrie I0ii; lticholiou, formerly Ardre, 103; J. J. liealy, 01; Comas, 7(1. Forum Race Purse handicap, one mile and a sixteenth.

El Trinidad, 11 1 Suitor, Change, Big Heal, 105; Pegasus, 101; Bright Eyes, Nellie Van, 103: Gold Bond, Silver Star, Fifth Hack Purse $2)0, 10 lbs. above scale, soling allowauco seven eighths of a mile. Anarchy, 115; Truouoru, 114: liass Vial, 111; Mitchell, 111; Glondon, 111; Tunis, 107; Summer, 105; I.itila Emily, 101; Count Luna, 105; Marguerite, Souvenir, 105. HE USED A CLUB. Why a Saloon Keeper Must Face Justice JXachcr.

Neil JIcElroy, a saloon keeper at 305 Oakland street, was arreste 1 this morning on warrant charging him with assault In tho second degree. The complainant is Patrick Trainer, who lives at 197 Dupimt street. On Thursday night Trainer, whilo iu saloon, got in an argument with tho proprietor, which resulted in several blowi being struck. McElroy theu seized a club and felled Trainer to the lloor wiih a blow on the head. The injured man was takon to his home, where ho Las since been confined.

The prisoner was takeu before Justico Naeher and hell for examination. I'OLONKL HOY'S MEf.TI.ILS. Tho Gospel temperance meetings inaugurated by Colonel John F. Hoy lu this city at tho l'ark avonuo Church, corner North Elliott place, have boon attended with substantial result. Somo have signed tho pledge at every meeting.

Colonel Hoy will speak to morrow on "lliblo Views." Hon. Alexauder S. Bacou will also speak and Mrs. Hoy will sing. AYlNO FOR DAMAGING FURNlTIjilK.

Miss Emma J. Kellogg, the amateur actress, of Grand avenue, who brought suit in Justice Courtney's Court a few days ago against David Long, a cartman, to rocovor i 73, the amount to which she claimed ho damaged her furniture lu moving it, was grantgd a Judgment this morning of f23. TilK NKiY PITTSIIL'RU STRIKE, PlTTsnuitd, Docomber 1012:30 P. M. Tbo genoral striko of glass workers went into effect at noon.

All fuctories in this district except Atterhury's is now Idle. P. Rarniua Writes a story The opening counters of a splendid st ny fur tho ynunK by the fnuv us showlnm, P. T. Hnrn ira, sppo irs tliisiveok in tlio columns oi I'm: New Y.uiii K.oin.v Sxonv P.U'BH.

Tlio st try ftdventures of nn Amerie.iu bey, nlrjni lisrinini calls "Alv Plucky ttoy Turn," nn! wlioe.i ho sent InJiv in of ivitd. fierce and rnro ivnim lis to reiilave tlio jo by ttm Uis itstr.nis at last in 'iitll. The rovler is thriiied by the liuirlirea Itli ertpe i of this daunt less American hey when tidnrin the ilsrcest and wildest animnls ever seen in any traveling show. Thk New Youk Family Siokv Papku is for salo at ah news stands. Champagne of ISS1.

Connoisseurs and scientists pronounce Mumm'r Fx rnA Dn' vintage, 1B84, superior to their colobrated vintnuo of 18S0. Mr. J. II. Brcalin, of the Gtlaey House, Now York, says "It is the best lie ever tasted," and Dr.

R. Ogden Doremus pl.ices It at the hoad of champagues for purity, dryness tmd bouquet. Rochester Lamp Co. for Brooklyn people, 25 Warren st, opposito the bridge, N. Y.

Children Cry for l'i teller's Casforitt. A perfect preparation for children's complaints. For the ('nro of a Cotijrh or Sore Throat Bnowti's BnoxcniAL Tnocnxs are a simple remedy. 25c. If Vou Would Use tbo Boat, Try Vmura LKAf Tobaqoo, A ifevr move Uy the Promoters ot tbe Cablo Itiiad.

The flght for tho possession of Central avenue for a cablo road has como boforo the courts ngaln, this time in a now form. It will bo remembered that ihe combination of roads in which Mr. William HIehardsou Is Interested attempted to lay down a branch of their routos through Central avenue, but wore defeated In the attempt by the Broad way liailroad Company of tho Eastern District, who claimed a prior occupation of tho thoroughfare under their charter. Tho claim was uphold by the courts, and tho result was to atop tho operation of the cable cars. In the now procoodlug Attorney General O'Brien comes Into court, stating that a petition has beon presented to him by property owners on Central avenue asking him to hogln proceedings to annul tho charter of tho Uroadway Company so far as Central avouuo is concerned, for it failure to operate a lino of care on that thoroughfare.

It is in obedience to that petition that the Attorney General acts. He asks leave to begiu'ault against tho company for tho purpose indicated. The application was made beforo Judgo Cullon to dny, Johnson Lamb appearing for tho Attorney General. Doeision was reserved. Attached to tho application were a number of afrldavits to tho effect that Central avenue properly owners nro opposed to tho laying of tracks on that street by tho Broadway company, as it would only convoy passengers to tho Grand street and rwenty third streot ferries in the Eastern District, whereas if tho cablo company Is allowed to construct its ronlo it will enablo them to reach tho bridge.

WHILE IN BED A Woman's Skull Split Open With an Ax. Her Unfaithful Husband Sar That Bur glars Committed the Crime, but No bod in Itiilfrotrocd Uelir yej Him. fSpecial to tho Eagle. IltiXiKWOOI), N. December 10.

I'll be murdered in my bod some said Mrs. Sarah Ann Ilrower, of Hogshead, near this place, to her neighbor, Mrs. Hpntz, on Tnuiu lay. ier prediction ha, almost come true. At about 3 'clock this morning, as she lay some person ppltt her hea iu two with au ax.

i hero is compound fracture ol the skull laying" baro tho brain, and tno woman's tle.itli is only ti matter of few hours. Site lio3 in bod this afternoon bathed bh.oJ. Tho motive for tho crime may have been robbery, Brewer, the woniau'e hiuhtn'l, stty: thai i'V2 wa stolen. one believes bun. 1 1,0 mj.lo had not live I hripnily, although they are each past (JO years of age au have children and grahdehil Ilrower Inn not been doing well wUh bis farm.

He is carrying a igo is in debt, on account oi bis cattle, lie has laltcrly, it is said, bsemio murg tnatic husband ef Jane Lewi who Is 1 to have t.vo husljauds. He lias provn lo I her witn cattle, niliry au.l the uoe iries of life, while lie has en u't' riy negleetful of bis wife. Brown has a sen, Parntonas, in Prison. The y.iuog man chiiifd wiih the wife of ileiilbto Smith and shot at Smith when lie tried to overtake them. TUo tvotuau with whom Parmenus fell in lovo is tee i USw of the woman with whom hit father has fallen in lwvo.

Lruwer says ho was a wakened by his wife utter lug a cry and that saw tu men ia Hie ro n. Ii 1 not know whether they wore while or bl men. There was not time enough fur him lo tite Ui h. He sal up iu bed after hi i wile ha I I iio ack siruck. but the robbers di 1 uot undo .1 hi a ts iif lv out of ihe ho.i The hoy eh lie ays th, stole van kept iu a hat tx iu au old closet in the kit' 'hen.

Tno a i lo of II: kitehon tloor bears ma le by au axe. This door was never securely locko i. A tloor in tho east si lo of the house is als 1 locked on the otilsi le. The ax which was used to brain jirs. Brewer was found iu tho house, washed clean except t.

nere tho bleed had run ah ho handle through tie eye of the ax. The bed steo 1 near a v. inaoft ami when the blow wits struck Mrs. Brewer's bbs oyer drenched tho glass, but Ilroiver vva hed it clean, lie says ho was not out of the ouse last nVht aud retired about 10 o'clo. k.

If tho crime was committed at 3 o'clock, Browor was in no hurry to alarm tho neighbors. lie went first to his sou in law's house, a mile away, and returning at about o'clock, he aroused Barney Powers aud his threo stalwart sous, by saying, "Thlovoi haro murdered my wife and mo. They aro in tho houso Tho Powers went to tho house armed, but found only Mrs. Drawer weltering iu her blood. Droiver had reeeiroJ no injury.

No person believes that, ilrower had any monoy iu the house. Tho general impression is that ho wished to bo rid of his wife so that ho might install Mrs. Warren In her placo. This woman has disappeared. It was impossible to get tho injured woman's anto morlem etatemont.

Sho never spoke after sho was hit Brower sayH ho slept in tho back part of the bed. It hail nut been slept in at all. Ho did not make au outcry, ho says, because ho was afraid tho burglars would kill him. Ho kept qulot until they had gono out. Latterly he had carried carpets, furniture and milk paus to Mra.

Warren's house, and had also ffiveu thorn a cow. Tho furniture In tho houso was upset in the wrong directions for thlovos to have entered as ilrower says they did. He has not been arrested, because neither coroner nor constable has taken charge of tho case. ELOPED WITH HliU TEACH. K.

IStirriNun's Love ot Music Causes Her to Forget Iffer Iff ttsba.iitf. Henry J. Harris oil, an employe of Brad strett's Agency, who rosidoa at iltiil Tenlh stroot, wa3 gransed an absolute dlvorco from his wife Ada S. Harrison, because of her misconduct with William H. Kussell, by Judgo Augustus Van yck, in the City Court, this morning.

Tho parties wero married in 181 at West Camp, Lister County, N. aud came to this city shortly afterward, taking up their resilience at 22S Pulaski street. Mrs. Harrison was anxious to learn music and Mr. WUliara H.

Kussell was hired lo teach her. Mr. Harrison be camo suspicious of his wifo about a yaar ago, and one day in September last 011 his return home unexpectedly had bis suspicions conllrmod. A quarrel resulted and music teaehor Kussell wati told never to show himself in the neighborhood On October 2 Mr. Harrison was called out of town on business, and taking advantage of Ins absonco his wife packed up tho housolwld effects and loinoi Kussell al Pamrapo, N.

where they lived together as aud Mrs. liussell. THEY WAXT HARMONY. Tlio Jclfernoii ol iUs Firtccntli Ward. The Jefferson Club of the Eiyhlh District of tho Fifteenth Ward held a larg.dy attended meeting last night, at tho Globe Hotel, corner of Leonard, street and Skillinati avenue, for tho purpose of colebratlng tho recout victory ami harmonizing things as much as possible between tho warring elements in tho Democratio Ward Asso la tlon.

Walter II. F.dgar, tho president, occupied tho chair. Garrett Mills recorded. Among others In nllcii'lanco wero Commissioner John Funis, William .1. Murphy, Cauleo Cassin and John I.

Joyco. A few sociable hours wero whlled away taikiuglover poliiies and matters affecting the interests of the parly in the'wu'd. Commissi nor Funis counseled harmony and dwelt on tho importan af presenting a soiid front at tho uoxt elecliuu. William J. Murphy and others spoKe in favor of harmony am jug Democrats.

DEVI.N POST OFFICERS Elected at IIM Amu tl Deviu Post, 5. A. 11., at its regain. meeting last eveniug ele do I tho following ofllctri: Commander, M. J.

Cummings; senior vice commander, George J. Hardy; junior vice comtn Livf tr, diaries A. Scott; surgeon, Thomas White; chaplain, jiou ben Keilly; quartermaster, Kiehar 1 MeUsahtn; officer of day, William L. Eigtiey; officer of guard, Jiimes Barry; delegates, Thomas il. Kiernan, Reuben Iloilly; alternates, Georgo J.

Hardy, David Doty. Board of Trustees Aloxan ler Johnson. Jamos Cunuing iam, llernard Callaglian, John Wis tancos. Memorial Committee J. L.

Follott, E. K. Baruura, Joseph Qtilgloy, Hotiban lioilly. IT WAS HIS 0W.V PISTOL, And He Did Nol Seo Why lie Could Not Diicliargo It. Michael Fogarty is a teamster in Turrytown.

Ho was in New York yosterday aud bought hinitolf a pistol. Whllo in CTarkson street at 10 o'clock la night he tried the weapon by discharging two shots. Ofllcer liroderick heard thorn and approaching found Fogarty rooly examining tho barrel. Iu the Jefferson Markot Polics Court Ibis morniug he was charged with violating a corporation ordinance. He said, "1 was only trying tho old thing.

did not know I was jing any harm. It was my own." Uo wa3 held in flOO ballfor trial. DR. PARKKH SAILS AWAY. The Rev.

Dr. Joseph Parker, accompanied by his wifo, sailed for Liverpool this afternoon on the steamer Etrnria. Ho was drlron to tho steamship pier from tho Everett Home, where ho had boon stopping, In a closed carriage. Major Pond and soveral prouilueut pooplo of Plymouth Church mot the clergyman at tho wharf and present ed him with a handsome Uornl offering. JACK DKMI'SUY HAM) TO HAVK WON.

II It's Point, I December 10. It Is reported here that Dempsey and Iteagan fought a prize fight at a point somewhere down tho Island early this morning ami that DompBey knocked his opponent out in twolvo rounds. No aro obtainable. DR0PPK1 DEAD. An unknown man, about 45 years old, five feet six inch03 tall, with light hair and dyed whiskers, dropped doad In the College Point liailroad Station at 1 :20 1'.

JL to day. Tho Coronor will hold and inquest. A SAFK CKACIK1. It was roportod to tho police this morning that tho safo in tho office of Josoph M. Bacon, lumber dcalor, 633 Kent avenue, was blown opon by burglars at an early hour this morning.

The amount of tho loss is not stated. MB. ULADSTONK'S MOVKMKNTS. London, December. 10.

It is stated that Mr. Gladstone will go to Naple Januftxy. A Victim of tlio opium Habit Grows Tired of Life. Ernest Kosenkranz, who committed suicide at the Central Hotel, 273 West stroet. Now York, on Tuesday, was a resident of this city and for the past two months manager of the drug store at 374 Court street, while it was owned by Adolph Arnoud.

Tho establishment eliaugod ownership Docomber 2, tho prosont proprietor boing Carl Dutnmor. Tho latter gentleman says: On last Friday week when I took possosslon of the premlsos I saw that liosenkranz, with whom I had no previous acquaintance, was not a fit man for tho position heboid. Ho looked tired and terribly eloepy, but I allowed him to remain in charge while I went away for a short time ou business and when I returned Tiosenkrauz was asleep, with his head on tho counter, I Bent him to his bod upstairs and he slept eotindly until uoon, when I discharged him and he wont away after saying he would leave hia trunk iu my care until he sent an expressman for It. Ho left directions with mo to seo that hl3 baggage wn forwarded to the roaidence of Mrs. Sophia Nonuencamp.

at 201 East Eighty ninth stroot. Tho trunk is still here iu my possession and I don't know what to do with It. I have nevor soeu him since he loft here, but after he had gone I discovered two empty morphine bottles and my impression Is that ho was ad dlctod to lhat droadful habit. In fact, Rosonkranz was an opium floiid, and while I am sorry ho has diod by his own hand I am glad ho lias loft my drug storo, for a man with tho30 habits is uot a fit persou to dispense a prescription. Miss Auule Nounoneamp, who was engaged to be man led to him, came overbore yostorday inquiring about him, but I could glvo hor no inlormntlon and she seemed to bo sadly depressed.

Sho said that sho received a lottor from Itoaonkranz Monday lash It was dated Hoboken, and In it he stated that he would oithor go West or commit suicide. Uo chose tho latter mode of ending his troubles, a3 I see 'by the morning pa pers, and tho funeral took place yesterday from the houso of Mrs. Nounoneamp, whoro ho dirocted mo to send his luggage." ROBBED A BROOKLYN FIRM. James Stanley, of 48 Spring street, New York, was arraigned In tho Essex Market Police Court this morniug. charged with selling ten ompty oil barrels belouglug to Jamos Donald of Brooklyn.

Ho got Thomas Kiernan, a truck driver, of 255 Front streot, to cart them to Jamos Dwyor, of 530 Wator street, by showing him an ordor pur porting to bo siguod by ouo of tho firm, authorizing him lo tako tho barrels. Stanley admlttod that ho got $7.50 for the barrels, but said that Kiernan, tho drivor, got tho money, Ho was hold iu 5D0 ball for trial. M. FEERY SHOT By One of an Alleged Band of Conspirators, Tho Wound a Slight One and the Would Be Assassin Under Arrest He Had Ako Been Assigned to Kill tJoblet. Paris, December 10.

Tiireo shots wore flrod at M. Jules Ferry whllo he was walklug iu tho lobby of tho Chamber of Deputies to day. A scouo of confusion ensued and tho police immediately formed a cordon iu tho vicinity, proventiug oven reporters from gaiutug uucess to whoro tho attempted assassination took place. It is reported that M. Ferry is eoriously wounded, but further information at present is unobtainable.

Lateii 3 P. M. M. Forry was shot by a man named Aubortin. Aubertln appeared lu tho hall ol the Chamber of Deputies and asked to seo both M.

Ferry and M. Goblot. M. fjoblet did not rospond lo Aubortiu's request for an lntorviow, but M. Ferry did, and ou his appearanco Aubortin drow a rovolv or and flrod threo times at him.

It is reported that one of tho balls struck M. Forry la tho chest. This wound, howovor, Is ap paroutly uot sorious, as M. Forry was ablo to proceed to hospital supportod by his friends, in reply lo inquiries by friends ai to Iho sovority of his wound, ho responded: "Jt is nothing." Aubortin has boon arrested. 4 P.

M. It has been ascertained that M. Forry's wounds are slight. Tho shots only grazod tho skin after plateiug his clothes. Tho bystanders tried to lynch Aubortin aftor ho had flrod tho shots, but woro provontod with difficulty from currying out tholr intention.

4:30 P. M.M. Forry was struck by two of his would bo assassin's bullots. Tho first passod around tho chost, slightly penetrating tho flosh. Tho second struck him on the right side noar tho lowost ribs, causing a contusion.

Tho wounds aro vory slight. Tho assailant's real name Is fiorekoiu. Ho states that ho is ono of a band of twonly revolutionists who drow lots to select who should bo tho first to attempt tho livos of MM. Ferry and Goblot and that tho lot fell to him. M.

Ferry was ablo to walk from tho hospital to his homo aftor his wounds wero dressed. THE C0XE DIVORCE CASE. Anking for 8501) monthly Alimony and Counsel Fee. Tho celebrated Coxo divorce case came boforo Judgo Cullou this morning, on a motion for counsol foo and nlimony. Tlio plaintiff is Mrs.

Alice C. Coxe, who sues her husband, Franklin Coxo, for absoluto divoroo. oho charges him with criminal intimacy with one Emily Bayard and with Emily aervillo. Mr. Coxo resides at Bayside, L.

and is roportod to be worth ovor half a million. The parties to tho suit aro of high social position. Alexaudor II. Groou appeared for Mrs. Coxo and Counselor Kllno for Mr.

Coxo. Tho main facts iu tho case have alroady beou published, and the statements made lo dny by Mrs. Coxo's counsel wero an amplification of tho details already given. Coxe confessed to his wife that he had formed a relationship with Emily Bayard, and sent her a lottor iu which he told her that "he had a painful duty to perform," that ho lovod Emily (Boyard) and cannot givo her up; you must take the money I send you." He begged her to try not to think too hard of poor Frank," and told her to go ahead aud get her dlvorco nud ''try to get somo ono who will be truer to you than 1 havo boon." Tho proceedings to day wore mainly directed to tho question of tho defendant's ability to pay alimony. Mr Green asked for $500 per month alimony and $10,000 counsol fee.

Ho submitted affidavits to show that tho defendant is worth over 1500,000, and hns a yearly income of ovor $15,000. Decision was reserved. TIIK NAVY YARD INVESTIGATION. Thin ITlornins'n Testimony lloncerninjr Alleged Crooked Sales. Tho Court of Inquiry into tho methods followed at the Navy Yard iu tho conduct of cortaln sales bogau work in oarnost this morning.

Pay Inspector Stevenson was summonod to attend, and Captain of tho Yard Cooke was callod as a wituoss. Tho Judge Advocato Lomlly road the record of the procoedings of previous sessions from which ft Is evident that plans have beon laid for a thorough investigation. Pay Inspector Stevenson told an Eaole reporter that ho wished It stated that ho is not especially on trial, as tho investigation will take in tho whole yard and tho commandant is just us much on trial us ho Is. Captain Cuoko's trstimony was of comparatively trivial Importance, ft doalt largoly with tho customary methods of tho Yard. His instructions as to the salo of old material wero generally carried out, but ho was awaro of somo deviation's.

In some cuses whore nrlicles woro sold by weight tlio weight was estimated instead of boing actually dotermitiod by tlio Yard scales a tho orders directed, lu most of such cases, howovor, it was Impracticable to weigh tho articles. As to alloged private salo of four boilers without impotltion, it occurred whilo ho was not commandant and ho had no personal knowlodgo of it. Tho examination was continued this nltornoon. 9 JIRS. TWICHELL EXAMINED.

The Judgment Againut Her for aiUUll ion Oollurs. Mrs. Sophronia Twichell appeared in tho Supremo Court to day in obedioneo to an ordor in supplementary proceedings to bo examiuod In rotation lo her property. Tho order was issued upon the million dollar Judgmout obtained against hor by dotault some days ago by a Now York brokor, who claims that sho holds a largo amount of stock and bonds in some mining company. The examination did not disclose that Mrs.

Twichell possossed anything ot that was value. ARRESTED AS A SUSPICIOUS CHARACTER. Late last night Detective Price, of tho Fourth Proclnct, arrestod a man ou Myrtlo avonuo whom ho found acting in a suspicious manner. At tho pollco station tho prisoner desei lbod himself as Charles Ttoilly, butrofusod to give his address. This morning ho was hold by Justice Niiohor iu Justice Kenna's Court on a technical charge of vagrancy pending au examination as to his character.

A MISTAKE CORRECTED. Charles Armstrong was convicted on a charge of burglary in Queens County on Monday and seutoncod to throe years and six months In Slug Sing. By a mistake tho shorifr of Qucons sent Armstrong to tho Kings County Ponltoutlary. He was brought before Judge Moore this morning on a writ of habeas corpus and discharged, but was Immediately roarreBtod aud sout to Sing Sing. THE UNION ELEVATED ROAD.

Tho order in tho Myrtlo avonuo injunction suits against the Unlou Elevated lioad was entorod this morniug. It allows tho company to proceed with the work, on condition that within thirty days it begins proceedings for tho appointment of commissioners to coudomn the proporty in suit. If the proceedings are not begun In that time an absolute Injunction is to issue. Till BANEFUL BEAM BHOOTKlt. Matthew llogers, a small boy, wns this morning fined $10 by Justice Naohor, on complaint of Mrs.

Sarah K. Foulks, of 54 Norman avenue, charging him with discharging stonos from a bean shootor la the public thoroughfare. FATAL RESULT OF BURNS. Mrs. 'Paulino Birk, of 104 McRibbon street, died yesterday foronoon in St.

Catharine's Hospital from bums of the limbs aud body caused by the breaking ot a lorosouo lamp on Tuosday evening. The Revolver Lawyer To Tarns Flourished in Court. He Told ihe Jnd it Was Nut loadei aad There VTa a Shudder rTh; tha lVitneia Said it Wa. For three days Chief Judge Clement and a Jury in the City Court have been listening to unsavory testimony In tho sun of Sarah Brown, of 33 Filnt streot, against sirs. Aues Sehleifer, of 288 Tnirteonth street, for JIO.OOO damages for slandor.

The suit, as has already been stated in tho Eaulb, is iho outgrowth of a similar action breught by Mrs. Annie M. Pollock agaiust Mrs. Schleifer. Robert Pollock, the man who accidenially shot aud killed Captain Bourne, of tho Second Precinct, is the husband of Mrs.

Pollock, aud it is due merely lo good fortune lhat tho present slander suit did not terminate iu a tragedy. On Thursday Mrs. Brown was asked by Lawyer George F. Elliott, who appears for tho defendant, if she had uot sold Mrs. Sclileifer a pistol.

Sho answered that sho had not. Mr. Elliott then turned Mrs. Sebleifor and obtained from her a pistol, which he handed to tho witness, poiutlug it directly at her. Sho said she never saw tho weapon before.

Judgo Cloment, who remembered the killing of Captain Dourno and the connection of Pollock with tbe pre. unt suit, said: "Is that pistol loaded, Mr. "No. your Honoi said the lawyer. "tVeil, you should handle it moro carefully, v.hother it is loaded or not," sai tuo Judge, and tha weapon was returned to Mrs.

Schleifer. Yosterday aftoruoou Mrs. Schleifer was ou tho witness stand aud Lawyer M. L. Towns, who appears for Brown, knowing that Sirs.

Schleifer hal the pistol and apparently to create a sensation, said to hor: "Have you a pistol secreted iu your saouol Yes, 1 have," said Mrs. Schleifer, taking it out and handing it to Mr. Towns, i'liat geutleman, who is always dramatic, flourished the weapon above his head. His hand was on tho triggor and as ho proceeded to cross oxaniiuo the witness ho pointed tho pistol in all directions, now covering tho witness with it, then the judge and Jury. Judgo Clement watched him for a moment and asked: Is that pistol loaded, Mr.

"No, your Honor," said tho lawyer. is loaded, Judge," said Schlelfor. "There is a charge in it." At thK announcement thoro was something like a general ohudder. Chief Judgo Clem. mi ordered the pistol to be given lo Ofllcer and thou commented severely on the carelessness of lawyers who allow their clients to briug loaded pistols luto court The case was then proceeded with, and will be given to the Jury this afternoon.

Mr. Henry R. Van Kenren, who is superintendent of tolls on the Brooklyn Bridge, and has full charge of tho tickets, was seeu by an Eaole reporter this morning. Ho said: "1 believe there is absolutely nothtug in Mrs. letter's story.

About four months ago sho told tiie woman iu chargo of the laiios' waiting room on tho bridge that Brown was engaged in selling counterfeit bri lgo tickets. At that tiu.o wo fully investigaied the manor aid found notning. Our ticket system is exactly similar to that iu use ou tho Now Y'ork Elevated liailroad. i'uon you will remember a nuuio ,4 counterfeit ti. us had been printed, but t.

criminals wero detected and punished, end tne pre eut system adopted. Wo have different ets of daily tickets tr oin A to and to counterfeit th on it would be necessary for the ountereiier to know too number ou ich tickot. Tho fact tbere is no market for bridge tickets is the best tara tiiat they will not bo counterfeited. People ii in iim bones theater chocks, roller skating ticiiets aud other lrah, and in the rush pass on. b.u that is tho only fraud, ever attempted ou the bii.

i i a i A it i i rs. KIN TOllTUliCS THAT ivFV ALL OTHER REMKfHIvS SPEEDILY CUitliD BY CLTiL'CliA. Humiliating eruptions, itehmir 1 I'uruin; skin tor. tures, loittUsimti sores anil every ef itching, scaly, pimply, inherited, scnu'ulous ceittiititeis of tile blued, se.iip. isith i.s hair, trem infmcy to ell age.

are p.isitively i tr by CL" TICL'itA, tiie trren: slnn cure, tmd S. )Al an skin beaiititiei extoi nalty, :Uv.l i'PJ it A ItESOL VKNT, the uev, biuud pm jucr, imein.illy. COVERED WITH SOKKS. I hsve heen afflicted since List March with a skin disease the declers called oe.ema. My bue was covered with scabs and sores, and tho itching leu ninir were almost unbearable.

Seeing your UKMKIHKS so recommended, concluded le 'ive ihem a trial, usiiiK and SOAP externally and KESOLVKXT internally, fcr f.r. 1,1 tilths. I call my sell' cured, ingratitude for which 1 make tin uiblic statement. Mrs. CLAiSA A.

1 ilKD tlKtUK. BltoOK, Conn. SOALP, FACE EARS AN!) Ni X'K. I wns afflicted with eczema on the se face, ears and neck, which the druggist, where I got eer remedies, pronounced one of the worst cases that bad come under his notice. He advised me to try your REMEDIES, and after five days' uso my s.

alp and part oi my face wore entirely cured, and 1 liooe 1:1 another week tc, have my ears, neck and ilie other part, face cured. SLADE. 120 East Fourth Stueet, Vow York. TKTTER FINALLY CURED. Having us id your CLU'ICCRA it EMM 1 1 ICS lor eighteen moiiMis for Tetter and dually iroTt ir, I am auxioaa to to sell oa commission.

I an rectim it beyond any reme lies I havo ever use I f.jrTert'r, Burns Cuts, etc. In fact, it is the best uiedtcnie I havo ever triod for anything. 11. s. HORTON.

MvilTIUt, Miss. Sold everywhere. Price: cents: SOAP, 23 cents: RESOLVENT, 31.00. Piv. ired by iho POTTER DRUG AND CHEMICAL 11, Send ftir "Huw to ire Skin Di ea el p.tjtos, 50 illustrations and 100 testimonial i.

PIMPLES, blackheads, chapped and oily bkin pre ventea by CL'TlL'URA MEDIL'Al iil) JTSTOFSTHE PAIN ACHI NU MlLTSS Back, Hips and Sides, and all in Inllammation and VAe. tknefs relieved in one minute Sv tile C'f'Tf'JL'RA AN IT PA IN PLASTER, The first and only pain subduing plaster. 2o cents. A. SSSSS ATIN SSSSS GLOSS SSSSS OAP.




MAKE NONE ARE GENUINE WIT lOtT OUR AT SB ABOVE ENTEI) SPRINGS IN l'HE STIC ICS A MARK ON THE TIES. BELKNAP, JOHNSON NEW YORK AND PHIL LOW ELL, A DEL PHIA. JOYAL BAIvING POWDKR. ABSOLUTELY PURE This powder never varies. A marvel o' purity, vtrenttt'l and wholosomonoss. oc norni al than tho or.lin try kind, an i bm sold in coinpotiti with rho multitude of low tost, s'aort weight, alter, or ptiovuhate powders. Sold only iu cans. Royal Bakinu Pownsit 100 Wall st. Now York, PEN KIKES AXD i.JUATKS. BRASS GOODS.

WILLIAM JAOIvSON 4 SON, Establish 1S27. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Warerooms. itp; (. RON I' T'lt i P.

a.r Felto i Ferrr. Factory, 2t3r WA l'KR STREE 1'. Now York City. ACKER MAN, BICKER .1 DIAMONDS, Jewelry, Watches, Solid Sir. ei ware.

SIX MAIDEN LANE, N. Y. oiroN nr. grotty a KINK t) AND l'J HiiEKUM Manufactory. 2ts ami J.e' W.


stale ses.aon, Telay, November tho folio was pra Ke'ol'vel, That fe uvue ot K.v.m 1 str from. Be. Kalb avonuo to Hanson placo. 1 I same is Hereby chanced to As.dan.l place. tie sj! nar ot tha llBU ii tmont of City Workl l.a an I neroby author Led sl directed to make tit ncc.xvary and propat ohauitos on the maps an i roeor is in nop irtmant.

Adopted inUomm Goancil November CS, lob7. Approve! by tho Mayorcnli.v Oirv Onuns's Ob'Ficu. Oirf llvm, B.i.ioki.yn, Decern, ber 10, 13371 do hereby o. that ta foregoing is a true copy of the orialnai ur Jinan to on Die in this offlca aud of tho wliolo ot lid 0rtKc1.1l. lOt JOHJi SUAKLKY, Oity Clorlc.

And Filled the School With Sewor Gas. The Cass Against number Armstrong Hoping to Assume a Serious Aspect Imperiling the Lives of Pupils. The tide of battle still surges fiercely in and around the young ladioa' school of tho Mlssos Ely, 142 Columbia heights. Four of tho young ladies wero attacked by typhoid fevor. Sanitary Engineer Charles F.

Win, 'ate tlirow oil on tho flamo by declaring that the sieknoss was duo to defective plumbing and that tho dofectlYO plumbing was duo to Mr. James Armstrong, a well known local plumber. Yesterday the Board of Health took a hand In the dispute. Mr. William J.

Kocho, a sanitary inspector, declared that Armstrong was a good plumber and Wingate a mere thoorlst In sanitary matters. Ho oxprossod a preference for tho word of Armstrong and said that the circular of tho Misses Ely explaining tho closing of the snhool told an unmitigated falsehood when It declared that tho Board of Health had mado an examination of the plumbing in tho Ely school and had pronounce It good and safo. Commissioner Ottoraon then emphatically supported Mr. Rocho's statement on this point. Plumber Armstrong also had his say, declaring that the Ely's wero after cheap work and got it, but that what ho did for them was 30und and safo.

He laughed at any proposition that ho should stand the expenso the Ely sl3ters had him put to. Whatever defective plumbing there was did not, ho said, occur in his work. To day tho conflict intensified and the Ely's and W'lngate and tiie Health Department and Pturabor Armstrong raity safely bo etid to have fairly met in the shock of battle. Messrs. Wiagato and Ely took on innings aud both visited tho Eaglk offlco armed and ready for the fray, Mr.

WTngate brought with him a design showing Just what he claims Plum' er Armstrong did with the pipus to make people sick. If his statement is correct and ho is willing lo make affidavit to it, thon the plumber did a job much better calculated to 1111 tho houso with than to free it from foul odors. Mr. Winate's diagram showed that a plpo had been deliberately plucked whoro, by repairing tt would have been as sorrieeahlo as over, the plugging saving expense but literally shutting off all outlet for foul odors. Iu a letter to tho Kaii.k Mr.

Wingate among other things says "If a scoundrel gains access to a dwolling and conceals a dynamite bomb in it so as to explodo aud maim or destroy tho inmates, tho occupant of the houso would naturally soek redress from thopropor authorities and ask an investigation of tho facts with a view toarrostiug and punishing the culprit. Iu the present instance tho bomb has been found niter tho injury has boen committed. There aro not only four innocent victims, but tho indirect 103s to tho Misses Ely is incalculable. The muKor of tho bomb acknowledge; lhat it is his handiwork and tlio bomb itself has been preserved and can bo reon aud tosted. 1 have the pipes at my offlco In Now York.

Tho defects which aro alleged to have caused tho sickness wore all found In connection with the new work, which Armstrong alleges ho performed. I have charged that tlio worst was criminally bad, but is it not tho duty of tho Board of Health to settle tho disputed point by an investigation before publishing private communications and in lulging iu personalities and angry recrimination? All of Iho defective portions of tho plumbing taken out of the house aro now at my ofllco and everyone to whom they have been shown pronounce them unexampled specimens of botching. Perhaps when our Health Commissioner reflects upon tho matter he may come to the samo opluiou. Dr. Ottcrsou snys no smoke test was evor mado by tlio department, but Ely paid Mr.

Hyau to make such a tet aud saw it douo. I make no comment on this singular discrepancy." Lawyer Ely in au interview with an Kaoi.b reporter this morning, said that Armstrong's statement that the Kl sisters or that ho himsolf insisted on cheap plumbing, as tho landlord would not bear the expense, was a lio. There was no limit put on the Armstrong was to charge, and he was lob to put Ihe plumbing of iho houso in Iho very best order. Mr.

Eiy reiterated and emphasized tho statement of Mr. Wingato that the Hoard of Health had mado a smoko tost of the plumbing at 142 Columbia heights, and that ho had paid James Jiyan ami another man from tho Board f5 for the inspection. DESTRUCTIVE FLAMES. Aroiison'a I'jiiiil More on Broadway Consumed. About i5 o'clock last evening tt fire, cause unascertained, broke ut in tho collar, uudor tho paint storo of Josoph Aronsou, in tho four story frame building 412 Broadway, and sproad with great rapidity to tho sloro aud tho uudor portion of tho staircase leading to tho socond story.

Philip Levien, aged 19, a clerk iu tho paint store, made an attouipt to extinguish it In tho collar, but was caught by the flames aud narrowly oscapod. Ho was badly burned about tho nock and hands and was taken to St. Catharlno's Hospital. Tho alarm was quickly given and tho tenants in tho upper part of tho building lost no lime in reaching the Bidowalk with what valuables they could pick up without impending tholr flight. It was supposed that all had roached the sidewalk, whon John Scheck, aged about 25 years, remembering that a lone man named John Topping, aged GO years, an invalid and helpless, was still upstairs, rushed up, though tho woodwork at the head of the stairs was alroady on fire, and presently returned bearing the old man iu his The act was recogni.od approciatively by a spontaneous choar from tho crowd.

Neither th old man nor his presorvor was injured. Tho Fire Department wero promptly on tho scene and succeeded in confining the flames to the lower part of tho houses 112 and 141, also a four story frame building. The llames, howovor, wore not thoroughly subdued till about 9 o'clock. Tho damage to tho buildings, which aro sail to belong to William T. Stokes, of Court streot, estimated at about SHE WOULD GIVE UP TUB CHILD, But Wanted to J'uKe Possession of Its Clothes.

Michael J. Ryan brought suit in tho City Court beforo Judge Van Wyck for tho custody of his infant daughter, who, slnco tho death of his wifo, has boon iu the custody of her grandmother, Bridget Kioruan. Tho Ju Iga decided that tho father should havo the child and ordered Mrs. Kicruati to give her up. That lady theroupou bogau lo Urip tho child in opon court, saying, "These clothes aro miuo.

Sho carao to mo naked and ho can tako her as 1 got her." Ceurt Officer Malloy, who is a vory courtly old gentleman, seized Mrs. Kiernan by tho and told her that sho was doing an inhuman act Whilo ho was exerting on Mrs. Kiernan all tho powers of persuasion a kiss of tho blarney stouo has glvon him Mr. ltyan took tho child and lod it out of court before tho graudmothor shook horsolf loose from OfQcor Malley's grasp. Whon sho did darted out of court after Kyau, not noglocllug to inform Mr.

Malloy that ho wa3 something more than a humbug. HE GOT HI i TURKEY Aisd tiie City iSrtilroad Avoided a aae Suit. Tho suit of Jliclmol Hock against the Brooklyn City Hailr tad for So, 000 damagos was discontinued this morning in tho City Court. Hock was injured by falling from a Myrtlo avenue car, near Kent avenuo, early in Novomber. Having been thrown out of employment aftor tho accident ho was without monoy with which to buy his Thanksgiving turkey.

He wont to President Lewis and lold that gentlemen that ho would have to go hungry on Thanksgiving day as no ono would lend him cash on a damago suit as security. Mr. Lowis gave him a ehech for i2s aud Hock agreed to discontinue the suit aud had his turkey for Thanksgiving. TIIK BUSINESS Hit. FLYNK FOLLOWS.

John Flynu, ot 15 State street, picks up a procnrlous living iu a rather desultory way. Tho business is one in which thoro aro few competitors, aud in which tho profits are uot dazziugly large. All it requires is an anarchical contempt for government. It consists in hanging around liqunr saloons and relieving drunken men of their sparo cash. Last week one of Fly tin's victims mado a somewhat rickety objection to being so rolloved, and was knocked down.

Mr. FTynn was nrrosted and sout to tho Penitentiary this morning by Justioo Massoy for six months. A.VNUiL KEPOUT OF THE EXCISE BUREAU. Tho annual report of the Excise Bureau, sent to tho Mayor to day, shows that thoro woro on December 1 last 3,295 licensed drinking saloons, for which $319,025 was paid luto the treasury. Of this number 2.1HH woro (list class, at flOO; 103 second class, at and 115 third class, at 50.

During tho preceding twelve months tho number of licensed places was in 1835, 2.S71; in 1831, 2,810, and In 1HS3, 2.T0I. Of tho 71 complaints mado, (16 were tried; 15 licenses woro rovokod and 51 complaints were dismissed. Five complaints are slill ponding. KKSI05ATIOS OF JTSTICE IUH3KII ART. Clark D.

Ithinehart, Sheriff Elect, called upon Mayor Whitney to day aud handed in his resignation as Justice of tho Peace for tho Third District, to tako effect at once. Tho Mayor will appoint Mo bos Euglo to serve tho balance of tho terra for which Khinehart was clootod, or until May 1, 18S8. Englo, who is an Alderman, was choson as Juslico of tho Third District at tlio recont eloctiou, so that ho will sorvo about four years and four months with tho ad iutorim appointment by tho Mayor. MOXTGOMERY'S COMHTIOS IMPROVING. Tho condition of Alexander Montgomery, who was etabbod in tho abdomen by his young wife Moggie during a heated discussion In tholr apartments at 7li Nassau avonuo, on Thursday night, was somewhat improved this morning, and tho physician in charge expresses great hopes of his recovery unless inflammation sots In.

Mrs. is now confined In tho Raymond stroolJall. BROKE HIS THUMB. Patrick Welsh, 21 yenrs of age, living at 131 East Broadway, Now York, fell on Manhattan avonuo last orouins, breaking the thumb of Mb loft hand and Injuring hlmaolf about the body. Ho wa9 attended by Ambulance Surgeon Kennedy and removed to St.

Catharlno's Hospital. While nt work in Havermeyors Elder's sugar roflnery at the foot of South Third stroet last evening Arise Gabsr, aged 39 years, ot 46 South Third street, fell and sustained a Bevere injury ol tho back, He was taken to St Catharine's HospltaL Because the Scholten Crew Disobeyed Orders. Arriral of Some of the Survivors of the III Fated Slcaiuor A Lous Islaad City Man's Experience. The pnssengors of tho ill fatod steamer Scholten, of the Netherlaiidj Amoriean Steamship Company's lino, arrived at the wharf at the foot of York street, Jorsoy City, this morniug, ou board of the steamer Calaud, of the samo line. Thore wero twouty seven steerage aud threo cabin passengers.

Agent Van den Toorn was on the dock to receive the people. Whllo the ship was being moored the rescued oue3 Btood by tho sldo of tho rail and talked with their friouds, who had como to moet them. Artist Henry It. Konyon, ef Providence, If. stood near the companionway with Ins brother, and whon tho reporters woro allowed to go on board he told the story of tho wreck In a dramatic manner.

He said: I was In my bunk at tho tlmo tho collision occurred and did not fool the shock. I was aroused by seme one crying: "Arouse Arouso 1 Tho vessel is sinking I got out of my bunk in a hurry, und, dressing as best I could during the swaying of tho ship back and forth, I was soon on deck. There a eceue of confusion met my gaze. Men were rushing about lu a wild manner. Women woro crying aud wringing their hand3 in anguish.

Tho crow woro panic strlckon and did not seem to bo oboyiug the orders of tho captain and officers, who wero all at their posts and doing all that thoy could to help tho passengers. About tho crow 1 cannot say much. Ono boat was lowered and tho passengers made such a mad rush for it that I concluded that the safest plau would be to stay ou the ship. I remained ou tho sldo until tho Scholten weul down, whon I was thrown into tho water. I had succeeded In getting a lifo presorvor.

I was drawn dowu with tho vossol, but the suction was very slight and I soon eamb to tho top. 1 Immediately swam away and kept afloat by catching ou to portions of the wreck. I was In tho water for about nn hour. Every llttlo whilo I was compelled to swim rapidly to keep cloar of people who wore coming up out of tho water, Jumping on my back aud trying to drag me down, sv can tell you tho experience was a fearful one anil I thought that every minute I would go down as my strength was glviug out. Onco I got between tho Ebro and a small boat aud camo near being crushed, as tho current was very strong, bill 1 managed to escapo.

Tho Ebro was lumbor ladonod and her captain ana officers throw tho lumber overboard so that the people could get hold of it. Alter coming up from my berth ou to tbe dock of tho Scholten a remarkablo tight mot my eyes. A tall German was standing iu tho center of the deck, tiring oft a revolver and shouting in stentorian tones. "Trust lu mo and bo saved." Tho poor follow was crazod with fright. Ho lost his life.

Auothor pitiful and heartrending sight was tho loss of a young lady named Anua DeYijver. Sho was about l'J years of ago and was vory handsome. Ono of the stewards wa holding hor over the aide of tho vessel and trying to lower her by means of a ropo around hor waist into a boat. Just as sho was about to roach tho boat it was carried away by tho swell, aud sho and tho steward went down. Another passenger was Baron Fernando Do C'les.

Ho was rescued au.l returned to his hnmo iu Italy. Ho had a sachel in hi3 hand which contained X5U0, and was standing near me on the Scholten. One of tho crow rusbe I up. Jerked tlio sachel from his hand and tlirow it overboard. 1 losl sight of tho baron and did uot see him again until wo reached the shore.

At Duvor 1 was taken to the Sailors' Home, and remained there uutll wo wero taken to Rotterdam. There people met us ami wo wero given an ovation. I am glad to got homo aud hope that I will never havo such an experiouco again. I go direct to Providence today. Mr.

C. D. omouivsky, a carvor, who resides ac 155 Twelfth street, Lcug Island City, was also ou board the Sclioiten aud arrived to day. His wifo and two littlo girls woro ou the wharf to greet him. When tbo children caught sight of their father sfiudiug near tho rail of tho Calaud thoy danced with gleo, clapped their hands audcriod out with Joy: "There's my papa." The minute tho gang plank was run on board Mr.

Hromouvvsky was the first one to roach the wharf. The reunion of the littlo family was auJifTecting sight. As soon as no had had his baggage examined by tlio Custom House officer he told tlio following story: On the night of tho collislou I was in my berth aud did uot feel tiie shock. I was awakuued by tho crlo3 of the passengers. When I got ou dock tho Seuolten was leaning to one side and tno people woro struggling to get tho life preservers.

1 succeeded in getting a lit'o preserver, but it had no buckle on it. One of the officers told mo to put it on. Tho vessel com monced to tink rapidly and lwas soon thrown in to tne water. Knowing tbo result of a vessel sinking and fearing that 1 would be drawn down with it. I swam rapidly away from tho wreck, aud managed to Keep anoat until I was nicked uii by the Ebro.

Tho wator was very cold aud I was quite numb when i was rescued. 1 saw people go dowu all around me. Somo had life preservers whilo others had none, and did not keep afloat very long. Tho crew carol only for Ihoinsolvos aud did nothing for tho passengers. The captain of tho Ebro, after I had been picked up by one of hor boats, gavo mo a blanket and a placo to rest In his cabin.

1 lost overythiug I had with me. Charlos Miles, a young Englishman, from Rod Hill, Surrey, England, was rescued by tho Ebro. When ho lauded this morning ho had no one to greet him. After somo littlo questioning ho finally told tho following story: I whs in the saloon reading whon I was startled by a shock, which throw mo from my seat to tho floor; it seemed as if the vessel had been cut into pieces; she commoncod to sluk beforo I was ablo to reach tho deck; I could uot socuro a life presorvor, and after I got luto tho water I kept afloat by clinging to tho parts of tho wreck until I was picked up by tho Ebro; tho Scholten's crow acted in a boaJtly manner: one boat was lowered and got off without any ot the passengers; women wore treatod brutally, and if tho sailors had obeyed orders moro people would have been savod. Tho stoorago pa3sengors of tho Sclioltou woro takon to Castle Garden by the company's ogent.

They will bo paid a sum of mouoy aud will bo sent to their friends. A CASE OF ALLEIiED RRUTALITY. Officers Searching for Thomas Kelly'u Wife and Child. A caso of extreme cruelty of a brutal husband and fathor toward wifo and 8 yoar old child has boen reported to Officor Falks, of the Society for the Provoutlon of Cruelty to Children. Living on tho first fleor of the tenement 13 Kichardsou streot Is Thomas Kelly, a worthless Individual, with his wife aud child.

Night aftor night Kolly is said to have returned to his humble apartments grossly intoxicated and pennll033, having squandered his earnings for liquor whllo his family wero in need of food aud llr. On Mon lay night ho wont homo In his usual state of intoxication aud at onco began to quarrel with his wife, who tried to pacify him. Iu return tho brute seized a lighted kerosono lamp which stood on a email table iu ono cornor of the room aud was about to hurl it at tho woman whon her screams attracted a watchman iu Moffort's factory adjoining, who took the lamp from Kelly after a hard struggle. This only scorned to increase tho man's anger. Ho rushed to the stovo and taking a pot of hot ton, which had been pro pared by his wifo for his suppor, throw thocoutonu at hor.

Tho scalding tea, instead of striking tho terrorized woman, covored tho limbs of tholr child, who was sleeping iu ono corner of the room. When Officor Falks went to tho house ho found that mother and child had boon spirited away by Kelly lu ordor to prevent his arrest, as thoro was no other evidence thon to warrant his conviction. Efforts aro being made, howovor, to learn their whereabouts. THE HIGHWAYMAN AND THE SIREN. Detectives ISnatinir for the lilan Who Itobbed Pawnbroker Racli.

Tho waylaying of Adolph Bach, tho pawnbroker, of U3 Grand streot, New York, beforo it was fully dark last evening, opposito tho Mott stroot outranco to tlio Contral Pollco Office, and the wresting from him of his $500 diamond pin aftor ho had beou decoyed thero by a young woman, has caused a stir among tho New York police to day. Tho officor lu cbargo of the Mott stroot entraneo of tho Contral Offlco said to day that ho thought tho rob bory had occurred shortly after ho wont off duty last night. At auy rate, be said, as ho Is stationed lnsidtt of two sots of storm doors, it would havo beou difficult for him to have hoard outcrlos. Tho detectives of tho Tonth Proclnct, which covors that district, have beon hard at work to capture tho robhor and tho siren. It was said nt tho station tc day that the detectives boliovo thoy know tho parties and expect to have them In tho colls beforo night.

FOUSU BEHIND THE BAR. Frank O'JCcefo Took a Fancy to Mr. Callen' Sllrcr When Patrick Cullen, who keeps a liijuor saloon at 3S3 Columbia stroot, began to closo his place at 13 o'clock last night the only other person iu tho store was Frank O'Koofe, of 3'J Socond street. Six sliver dollars wore exposed to vlow ou a marblo slab behind tho bar. Mr.

Cullen, without transferring thom to his pocket, went into a back room to socuro tho fastenings on a window. Upon returning to tho storo he saw O'Keofo behind tho bar helping himsolf to tho raouoy. Tho lattor tried lo escapo, but was Intercepted and handed over to Officor Byrne, of the Eleventh Product. This morning ho was arraigned boforo Justico Massoy. Uo ploadod not guilty aud was held for trial.

Ho Is 22 years ct age. RAILROAD MEN ASK AN ADJOURNMENT. No Action Taken at the Meeting With the ity Hoad Authorities The Executive Committee of the Empire Protoolivo Association met President Lowis, of the Brooklyn City Kailroad, yosterday aftornooii, tho timo appointed for tho submission of un answor to tho offer of the company to ronew Its present contract with tho employos of the rond for tho coming year. The committee statod that the men wero not yot ready to givo a final answer, owing to delay in assembling of some of tho local organizations. They askod for an adjournment uutll noxt Wodnesday morniug at 11 o'clock, when thoy will mako their reply.

Thore was no discussion as to tho possible changes in the terms of the contract. KEXXV WILL NOT KUKP SOBER. George Kenny, of 421 Baltic street, is a painter, who when sober can earn between $1 aud $5 a day. He is rarely sobor except whon stopping at a well known resort at Crow IIUl, whoro ho has sojourned ou many occasions. Ho was found Intoxicated last ulght, by Sorgeant Caddon, of tho Third Product, on Bnltic stroot.

This morning, at tho re quost of his mother, Justico Massey gave him a pass to Crow Hill, which is good until Spring opens aud tho painting business picks up. LITTLE JERRY KI1.RM AM DISCHARGED. The ease of little Jorry Kiernan, tho 8 year old boy who is charged with stealing tho $34 tar rior" of Mrs. Christina Kulm, of 11 Skillmau avouuo, aud Belling him for 20 conts, culminated Iu his dismissal this morulug by Justice Naeher. Mrs.

Kulm fallod to appear. A liAt) PIKATB. Joseph Vasso, of James street, New York, was held by Judgo Walsh this mornlna to await examination on a charge of stealing raga from Antonio GardeUo's place, at tl Washington streot. It is ullogod that Mr. Vasso has been In the rag pirate business for some tlmo.

The Distinguished Penman Cannot Be Found, Dr. Krotzsehmnr Admits That Othnr Frauds May Have Boon Perpetrated Is the Contmtgsion a Mill for (Mudlng Oat Incapabic3 Mr. Patrick Stanton, formerly of Wythe, but now of Kent aveuuo.the 97; per cent, civil serv lco crack who can neither road nor write, did not appear before Commissioner Krotzschmar's Fire Department CommUtee last night. Of course ho did not. No one with the brains of a peasant thought ho would.

What is worse, he completely snubbed tho commlttoa, bocause bo sent no notlco that he should not nttend, although, according to the secretory, he had promised to send word If ho docldcd not to como. This morning tbo committee had hoard nothing from him. The socretary will notify him to appear next Wodnesday evening. Should he fail then to appear the full Commission will strlko his name from the ollglble list. Whether or not legal proceedings shall bo instituted against him will at that tlmo bo decided.

Mcanwhllo the mystery surrounding the whole business continuos. Dr. Krotischmar is indiguant because of the editorial lu tho Eaoi.e of yesterday upon tho case, and particularly those portions of tho article reflecting upon himsolf. Ho says ho certainly Is not to blame for Stanton'a non appearand or for any irregularities that there may be In the transaction. There woro 120 men oxaminod by the committee, aud he could not remember irhethor Patrick Stanton was one of thom.

Ho did know that the man who made out tho examination papors bearing Stanton's name was entitled to tho percentage credited to him. Any Intelligent persou could soo this by looking at tho papora. Ho admlttod that if fraud had boen practiced In this case 1c might havo boen practiced In connection with other cases before tho Commission, and ho suggested as a romedy that hereafter in all such proceedings the applicants be compelled to sign their names to the roports of tho surgeons' examination. This precaution could be takon in all cuses of applications for the Fire and Pollco departments. As Dr.

Krotscumar says, there is possibility of fraud in the past, and tho probability that It has beon practiced In other cases than that of Stanton is Btrong. The Civ)) Service authorities say they know nothing of thom. Where candidates are examined in largo numbers It ia not difficult for somo of thom to havo dummies, and tho simpler tho examination the easier to practice tho fraud. In this case, the competitive oxnminntlon was confined to penmanship, elomentary arithmetic and knowledge of Brooklyn's stroot3, buildings, etc Tho I candidato.whoovor ho was, mado one mlslako under tlio last hoad, iu locating the Central Grammar school at Court and Sehormerhorn streets. Olhor wise his percentage would havo been oven higher than It appoars now.

Tho handwriting Is the samo in all parts of tho examination papors, showing that tho mau who wrote tho signature "Patrick Stanton" It is a round, clerkly hand, and if Patrick Stanton, of Kout avonuo, Is caimblo of it ho has no business to bo wrestling with planks over lu Cross Austin's lumbor yard or auywhero else. It is boyond qunstion that Slanton can neitbor read nor write. Not ono of his companions In tho neighborhood whoro ho resides ovor saw him exor clso olther of those accomplishments. Soveral mouths ago ho was in compauy with a party of drivers, in I'.

McCleary's saloon, on liont avetiuo, near Washington. Ono of tho party wroto the namos of all prosont along tho marglu of a noivs papor. btauton, whoso name was among tho rest and who was boastiug that ho was soon going to become a flroman, was chaffed on his ignorance, and tlio man who wrote tho names hold up tho paper beforo him aud ehnllougod him lo pick out his own imnio. Stanton could not toll ono namo from another, although ho mado soveral offorts to pick it out. Whon the bartender in McCleary's related this Incident to au E.uir.i; roporlor this morning he added: "I havo known Stanton for years and I am sure ho cannot read nor write.

County Clerk Kanken paid for his tuition at Wright's Business Collego, but he stayod thoro ouly a few nights. He has got himsolf luto troublo by oponlug his mouth and blowing too much. If he had kept quiot and hadn't boasted so much about becoming a fireman ho'd have gotten in all right. But when tho boys hoard about how elogautly he pnssod the examination thoy got to wondering how It was, seoing that ho could nolthor read uor writo, and somo of tlio other taction horo that is opposod to Kidgway aud Kankon let tho thing out." Stanton bears the reputation of a mild bragger and also as a slugger. Ho has fought on sevoral occasions lu Temperance Hall on Kout avetiuo.

The identity of tho person who Impersonated Sinn ton iu tho Civil Sorvlce examination romulns a mystery. Freo Couguod as ho Is about most things, on this matter Stanton has kopt his mouth closed, and It Is doubtful if oven his intimate friouds knew of his sohomo. A LIVELY BRIDGE RUNAWAY. It Conies Wilkin an Ace ol Killlntr a and Ilreaku Two Vehicles. A runaway horse attached to a coupo nud driven by William Strong dashed madly along tho south roadway of the bridge toward tho Sands stroot ontrahco at 12:30 o'clock to day.

Tho drivers of sevoral vehicles in advance, sooing the approach of tho frightened animal, wero enabled to draw out of tho way Just In tlmo, and tho gates boing opon at Sands street tho horse ran without obstruction and at full spoed out upon that thoroughfare Tho usually large number of vehicles aud persons wero passing tho bridge entrance at tho timo, but miraculously avoidotl tho rushing steed until the opposite side of tho streot was reached, where a collision of tho coupo with tho whoels of a coach, driven by William Dougherty, simultaneously tore a wheel from each of Iho vehicles, hurled tho drivor of tho runaway toam to tho ground and frood his horso Just iu tlmo to prevent a fatal accident, as Strong's legs had both bocomo eulangled In tho spokes of tho coupo wheol. Tho horse disappeared at full gallop up Sands stroet, and was followod Bhorlly afterward by his drivor, who quickly recovered from hia fall. At last accounts ho was being anxiously sought by Dougherty, who says his coach has boon seriously damaged. CAN NOW REMOVE THE CORPSES. The Troublo iCeirarditi Ike Railroad SltLblu Fire Atljilwtod.

The differences existing between tho twenty lnsuranco companies and the Atlantic avenue Hail road Compauy ovor tho adjustment of policlos on tho horses, cars and building of tho lattor company dostroyod by Are ou tho night of Novembor 14, at Ninth avenue and Twontioth stroot, have boon amicably settled. Ex President Hazzard, of the Brooklyn City Hallroad.and President White, of tho Broadway surfaco road, wero asked by all parties Interested to act as arbitrators In tho caso. Tho proporty cousumod by fire was valued at $100,000 and was insured for $05,000. Messrs. Hazzard and White rendered their declslou last Thursday.

Thoy first arbltratod on the horses, which gave so much, satisfaction to all concerned that thoy wero requested to act la tho same capacity in regard to tho cars and building. Tho arbitrators docidod on 103,000 as the round sum to bo paid tho Atlantic Hailroatl Company by tho lnsuranco companies. hls was agreed to. BEATEN BY HER BOARDER. 'i'lio Treatment Mrs.

Stvenion Received from bailor Iviioclinon. Mrs. Annie Swonsou, a Swedo, who keops a hoarding houso at tiS Dograw streot, charged Christopher Enochson, a sailor, In Justice Massoy's Court this morning with brutally assaulting hor. Enoch son ploudod not guilty and was hold for trial. Mrs.

Swouson told this story: vvEnoch8on formerly boarded with me. no left rather suddenly somo tlmo ago, owing mo $3. From my houso ho wout to live at tho foot of Prosldeut stroot. On tho 3l3t of Novembor I mot him on President streot and asked him when ho was going to pay mo tho $3. For an answor he knocked lao down, Jumpod on mo, poundod me In tho taeo, gavo me a parting kick aud walkod away.

I was picked up for dead and was ooullnod to my bod until yostorday uudor the caro of a doctor." Mrs. Swonsou was In a dollcnto condition at tho timo of tho assault. JOHN G.VDDEN'S WILD LAUUH. It Was Heard Th i IHomin? Yestorday He Insulted I.itlle Uirls. John Qadden, of 155 Twenty first street, was arrested by Officer Dully, of tho Eighth Product, on Twouty flrst streot, for insulting a number of little girls.

Gadden, who 'was Intoxicated, was pushing a baud cart. A ho procooded along ho bockonod overy llttlo girl he saw toward him and mado an impropor remark to her. He was arraigned before Justice Massey this morning on a charge of intoxication. When askod if he was drunk last night ho gave vout to a wild and weird laugh and made reply: About as druuk as I am now." Woll, that's protty druuk," said his Honor, as ho sontonccd him to five days in jail. JACK MC AULIKFK'S BKNSF1T.

John McAuliffo, tho champion pugilist, will bo tonderoi a benefit performance noxt Monday evening in tho Grand streot Palaeo Kink, near Wythe avonuo. Jack was not financially successful In his recent flght with Jim Carney, and bis friouds boing awaro of this adopted tho prosout moausof ralslug a pur. for him. A varied programme will bo presented. NICK" BERGKil CONVICTED OF ASSAULT.

Nicholas Bergen, tho broken do'ssi feed merchant, who was charged somo days ago by his wife, Harriet, of HI Jackson Btreot, with violoutly assaulting hor, as already reported, was this morning committed for soutonco by Justico Naeher. KX ASSKSSOR KAUBEL ROBBED. Some timo yosterday aftornoonasneak thief entered tho saloon of George Faubel, at the corner of Now Joraoy ayonuo and Jamaica plank road, aud Btole $25 from the money drawer whlla tho proprietor was abaont for a moment. A BIRD THAT SIJIUS IN iVIXTCB." Eot. Itobort Collyer will proach nt Unity Church, cornor of Gatos avenuo and Irving placo, to morrow, at 7:30 P.

M. Subjoot: "A Bird that 8ing in Wintor. A VAGRANT STOWED AWAY. Anthony Kelly, ft vagrant, was sent to jail this morning by Justice Massey lor twenty nln days. A BIG BOLT By Members of the Young Democratic Club.

Edward M. Shoiiard Loads a Grrat J)ofnr (ion Into Pastures President Lee's rroe'auiation in Own nt fciue The rumblings of revolt in the Young Men's Democratic Club rosulied to day iu tho unloading upon President Frederick H. of tlio ft.illo select assortment of resignations, in company with these reasons liuooKLYN, December 1S7. To Frederick Jl Lec, T.v., i'srM'M 'lie Young Men's Civb of Ilrcok'rn Sir Wo Leg to tender our re. ijnation i as member of the Young Deiiijcrntte flub.

'I thin step resrot to Lo com tralucd by a oonvu'tiou that the usefulness of tbe elub for the Democratic purposes cherished by us tvns tei'iiuiiatel by tbe successful broach of Rood faith which resulted in tlio recent defeat of Mr. F.uody for tin pr. si loaey of tbe elub. This defeat was lished after ft general understanding liiitl been reached that If Mr. lioody would consent serve, th.i MiouM cure In Its enkf placo the invaluable ai alitl dignity wliieli Ills distinguiMicd inwi ioii i ISrojklyn, Ins con picucus ability, au.l his big); enarneior bring to lite orgaul.

li on for tlie lliii o. wni year fore tlio Ftcsi teuliul Ml I in tlio more urgency on our part tea; Ihfiius: ot tbe nia icanim eild tie had exhibited in aerviiu iho club during barrasio.ients of tt.e I ast ear, and Generous MiMiurt lie bad accorded yiv A tlio Uld t') which you ovi' your i iee ion la Having viol let! to a procure which roi.i"eeilo i the ncral wish of the club, was supp so I tint tlio un mous choice of Mr. lioody by a nominating committee appelate entirely by your. If, weald meet with no 01 positluu. L'pon this untlt 1 stand ing, we believe that many of the oi ler members ot tlio eiub ventured to be absent.

Through an aeti ity, whose source 1, entirely clear, a largo usmUr oi sfiitt'. wero enrolled iu tuc club on the night el the election, and the vote for yourself rather twin Mr. it" 'dy representor, wo believe, in chiel part, the uufa iniiiariiv of the members thus i.ealr tat lie I. uilh the history and affairs of the elub a prio secretly pr. pere au entirely ole intent with the honorable u.

ajes the lub. We me relu luetic to belief that norter li I'ilvilllhlHll CsWCsllilf I L' sel VC toe Democratic party iu ii i Mipport of tl uud the Governor of our by aclm, l'r. leiit hcneclerlh without the club. ir.i M. Shf iKtrd.

ex or. si. lent II liulw bard, Al nzo Siote, jltratio f. Lewis 11. Leonard, vice Fergus.

,11, corresponding seereta Page, ex treasurer; S. r. lings, ins secielaiy ele William illiam 1'. Ii. )iTt tS't )tel ttle, William Schssat.wa'ddef, Jouh J.

mend. William L. Harris, William lhee. I f. Mo piiii, et.r, Mariiu botrt'c Hani.

James A. rubt.i HnTinj'ton 1 1 1 i 'Il i'aul bchinan, exeetitlve coma.itte.:: ilt tire il John it. NoveS M'. l.lien C. i.ilb I.

Sydney V. l.o,eil, 1 11. Kiv IV 10 I re 1 ly. (ih'ei'h! inn, 1. II.

Helte iilbUilel, TheO'lef 'ebter, .1. I i), l'arris K. l'rescetl. i "r.r.i A.

V. ristit lrisK. ear! t3 el.s, 11. ham II. 1.

i r.n Ml i lllo'HOo ill 1): I l.i Charles rni! Ii i 11. JlOoi Ki. I'tierlmiii, A. Mutl Ansel 1 1 ii'', 1 h' ou. 1'ee Samuet I'ltftanci John Jacjut t.

I'ascal C. mar. Albert liab y. H. iyae.

Ari.iiir v. a Kuward t1. ickhte l. i J. Refuel, Oe.n'tsie Aalte: le.

lile.l arli re, 1 il.iali! Ult V. f.rili.i. N. 11. A.

J. Kv.i'i. lar ilhai. J. liar aniiciitato this avn at tie; iitioii 1 this ctjini 'l tin J.

tllyun, l'r. I'residptit Lec did net lac first St lar.cle', after was over he ts eiit ivorl: and )ll i.reteitiiti.iii f.i, rttfutalion ami defence: To II: of It, i'teue) Cill vf v.t In reply 0 a st.vt' it pre eV I me ami by juiiibt. A litis, club and beg to say: 'i hat iT'im tiie cc controversy .10 'Ui the re. eat ni'. i lr retnt 'nati my ha ni tlt of I is uafortuint't id ney ol I I It i I i 1 1 bain th.e st cellar.

the future 1 hall has been no bre part to the club 01 co: Uilil't ot any iim ed nil 1 h. re 1 1 mil erst on nu on my of it; there was no general or 1 13 tUtlOliff ion ulL iit. nv ltnowl tbe gentlemei for Tie. that Mr. Jb'o jy nas ed'e not ony of them matter.

The stateine on elecliou nigUt, as IN'o one to my knotvl her of the club since tlli '1 in re.inl Hie jmbers i re ear He 1 a mailer of fact, is nol tr. ha. been 1 a uiciu Ihe ball meelilii ol Iho Lxecu tive coUiP tlttee before the N'ore elt cli ill. hen er ib siro to en all hands neemed to jeia in a pr laree the nieiiibe. olnp, run 1 1 10 tj 'h a lacit of activity on tbe part of tho club.

Such persons were elected ll eni lves aiid.Kmiy Itnowl eilge, a very lar'e nuinljt of them tsere very active in the Full campaign, I fh at tho meeting of tlio club iu the ceininitteo an 1 at the palls iu election day. A very iar0'e number of v.hal miht bo called the old Cleveland were present that night and assur me afi rwartl that they bad voted lor me. I reeollerl distinctly that several gentlemen on the lbier at the mecliiitr and said they wtra netv members vvho hail voted for lioody, but wanted to make, mr election nam mous. The collection of dues to the club lias always been difllcuU, and, nlons with ibn notice of this meeting for iho eb ction of nict'is, was sent a fipecial notice tiiat tho treasurer would bo present to collect dues from 7:3 3 i'. uu.l that 110 member would be admitted unless his dues were pai 1.

'1 bis noticw was no; sent by mo or after any con.iultation with me, but vsa the uualono. The members elected this are now on the; roll booh of the club who Mlij they are, wnat they are, and haancial taudicr; can ea. ily be ascei talni'd. I believe Hint they compare favorably v. lib any other pnil nuin ber of gentlemen elected, at any time tbe existence of the elub.

Cel miii if is that any iinpliei tion that the dues of any persuu wero eilbcr j.aitl by mo or by one friendly to is aluur Ily false. This last is iu auswer to cuts heretofore initio iu the press lo lhal In regard to the Committee I would Bay Uitit there was expressed last year, when the first vote iu the presidency was a tie, lhal her atflor no uornine.tihf,' commineu should be appoiuie 1 by tho Chair or that iu any event no report sh aiil 1 bo considered binding ou tho elub or any inembci' of it. With that idea iu view 1 appolutul a uon partisan committee, three of whom, it inudo it their busluesa to consult everyono in the club desirous of a change and no one in favor of my reelection. Certain it is that two members of the committee wore requested to call r.t a place which had no existence, and iu their absence such agreement as took place was carried out. The chairman of the commiiteo informed me ihut tht ro would bo another meeting, and there was on tho same uiplit that the club met to celebrate tno Demoeratie victories.

Also, tho chairman at sured mo that he would find another date, when mure time would be Eiven to the matter. Tnis was not done, and such unanimity as took, place was the ie ult. The first time that a pi eminent member of tho club, who Bluce heltl thu ofllce for three suce'ssivo i iu ran for tho olTlce I nominated him, with his cou Be.ut and the cttiiiiuittee nominal! an au 1 bo came within two votes of btiiu el. 1 d. I do not think under these bailees and many others that or any member ol a lieuio.

ratio bede, is bound by a nominating commUtee. Certainly, if 1 bad wished it, 1 would have 11pp. tinted a committee among my friends iu tho club, gentlemen who have been active and present at tho club meetings during the year ami entirely familiar Kith Its needs and de ires. The charge that 1 agreed or implied a consent to Mr. 11 ly's nomination by tho committee is a mistake; I expressly refused that request ma le 1110 by the chairman ef the COlnmltloo beforo its final isl't nud I refused (Several members of tho club, each of whom ma le the pame request; at each Interview I staled my reasons very distinctly and could not have le en ml understood by any 0110; I staled on the Hem of the club on election night that I had been ri quested to decline to run.

but 1 had refused. it has been BUggastct to me that So mi miaippro neiibiou or mistak' has been male, and such may Do the case, but I knoiv of 110110 0:1 my part. f'KnbUKICK ii. I.KK. Koyond this, Mr.

Lee would nol talk, lie sai 1 ho Has satisfied with that tlio club would sur Ive and that he wasn't afraid of auybody. LIEUTENANT FISiihR IN'f'EU AltREST. His Detachment IHvidcmi iiia '5 litit He Has Keen found ii i v. Washington, Ij. December 10.

An erder has been issued by the Navy Department delaching First Lieutenant 11. C. Fi. I', s. M.

from command of tlio marine, gaard on the United States steamer Nip ic and ordering him to roport In arrest to tbe commandant of tho Now York Navy Yard. Lieutenant Fi'slier was recently Iried by court martial for conduct ii'ibfc miug an officer and a gentleman and iho lin lings of the rourt are now atvaitiug tho action of the Navy Department. AJ OLD ABOUITOXIST DKAD. Gaj.Ve. T0V, Deoombfr in.

Hon. Benjamin Hush ITumley, ono oi the early Abolitionists of t10 Xorth, died at his homo In till city yesterday, aged 77. Iu his yuuuu'cr days tho deceased was au assoeiato of William Lloyd Garrison, Wendell Phillips and Lucretia Mott, and took 1 prominent part in tho ilret agitation against liavery. Ho was a native of Philadelphia and de Kended from ono of tho oldest Quaker families. A IIAXGINO IS TKXAS.

St. Lous, 1(1. At L'valJe, at So'clock yosterday afternoon, Crusoo Hodriguez was hanged by Sheriff llaylor Tor murder of Pancho Garca. who was called to his loar early ono mornlitg iu ISSuand was shot down in cold blood. HoJriguoz aslteJ to be Jiiot, as ho tnd been a srldier.

This being denied lie rotusoJ Jo wear the black cap. THIIKL IIOKSK TIIIKVKS KII.I.KD. St. Louis, Docomber 10. Apaityofmcn near Ucar chased a party of horse thieves inlo tho I'au liaudle, Thur3 iay, aud killed throo of them.

A relallro of liob Farnsworth, the desporado, was among tho pursuing party, and was injure 1. Others wero wounded liightly. This breaks up tho gang. TIIE WKATHKIt JM'icA'I IONS. Wapiungton, D.

December 10. For Eastflrrt New York, warmer; rain light to fresh; variable winds, generally southeasterly, followed on Sunday by col for northerly winds, increasing in force. RECOIID Or THE TIIBItMOWHTKO. The following is tho record of the thermometer as kept at the Biiooklyn Daily Kaui omoo: i a '2 Sam BA HV.U temperature to day AvtratfO tftinporatnre frame date last year 62 niGIi WATER. The foliovring is the offioitl annouuooinnut nf the tlmo and duration of high water at Now YorJs Sandv Hook for to morroivV3ooember 11: U.

I P. M. Ac i'Wnol Tim. Hoijiit.l Tima 'Hei? iCv! Km. i B.

I l' H. M. I ro.v. U.S rs.1l 2:3 i ii ml cM HOTKJIKSTs OF OCZAS rK.SSEiS. ABBIVED BATDnDAT, DStCEMBSTi 10.

a 1 neayna, fee OUandernapor, Mo literrantian ports, Now norm ort Aaautiae. jayan uta ijniau, flaw ion,.

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