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The Courier News du lieu suivant : Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 5

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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Texte d’article extrait (OCR)

VTOXESDAY, JUN'E 10, 1531 BLYTHEVILLE, COURIER NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS Two word first iMcttlon aud oue cent v-ord 'or tubsequent Insertion. No advertisement taken for less than 50c. Count the words aud seed the Phone 306 Oit KliM FOR. 3 room fiat. 1013 West walnut.

OC-'ir PAGE FlVl FURNISHER Apartment lor mil. L505 Uouijan. P-KH ROOM AND Homo cooked meals, clean airy rooms. Mrs. T.

R. Watson, 112 Eosi Cherry SI. Phone C02. 10p-kl8 WANTED POULTRY prl- ITS, uny Marilyn HHI- Oiery, 210 S. Fourth St.

8C-TF Family washings or general housework. Mrs. Dora irJzaU, 2207 18th Bt. TF WANTED Hay lo bale. C.

G. Smith, Phone 827 or 0-SC-TF school girl, 1C years old, white, neat and capable, desires employment as nurse girl or for general housework. Write Box Courier News, or Phone Mrs. Joseph at J04. 10P-KH LOST AND FOUND police dog auoul 8 months old, without collar.

Notify Pat O'Bryant at 37 before 0 P. M. or Hotel Noble aiter G. 10C-K11 Kappa Alpha pin, set in pearls with ruby point. Reward.

Call 47. P-K-13 JIKI1K TODAY IIEI1VI, UOIIUEN Jovcn TOMMY WII.SUX iniJ hi, cluiir- mt'lil Hllli Lrr IHKM: miicr furiuui fcfat- fallM nud Her)I radio tuntrnrl. Itcrj I crtcV lu'r JiapHcu lovi' hy going 10 tilth G.iy- lAllll). Irene Ir.nrin I Ml iinil (He. iu ulu Urrjl, Ti.iuni>'« aunt and he Tuitb ar.d inenr)- UirauKh her Tummr Irene nnl biciiku (Uelr enaruenierX, IVIieu I'ttiulM tukw her lo marry Siliu i.l'c listen, lii Jf.ialr 'I'ouimr ilrlnlu liruvlly.

tltifl fiuila him and lo eUeor him Kepr- Ir.K ITer)l rcvnm- tier deceil. Iri-iu 1 kUiiK auar nnil dcvclui" IliriMt malady Eind a uoled speelnlUt nj- vljca rent nnd cnuflun, She. dUti- Jivj.i tlml Tummy uf Sin- MUiii OLII In iventJier to IJCK tcj then. Her ISirriat ruiil ic told Ihnt her t-ari-er It over. thU nnd renl- fFiat make- tho I you can OKDINANCE AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING CERTAIN LICENSES, FIXING TIME OF PAYMENT AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AND OTHER PURPOSES.

BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP BLYTHEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation in the City of Blytheville to engage in, exercise or pursue any of the following lines of business, vocation or profession without having obtained and paid for a City License therefor from the City Collector the uniotmt of which licenses are hereby fixed in this ordinance. Section "2. The licenses as provided in this ordinance are hereby fixed, defined and established under the several Items as follows, Item 1. Abstract business, $25.00 ptr annum.

Item 2. Accountant-or Auditor, er 520.00 per annum each. Item 3. Attorneys, 528.00 per annum for each Attorney. Item 4.

Brokers, agents or sellers of Fire Insurance, $20.00 per on- num. Item 5. Advertising by vehicle and music, $5.00 day. Item 6. Advertising by billboard, $3.00 per billboard per annum.

Item 7. Blacksmith $15.00 per annum. Hem 8. Brokers or buyers of Cotton or Cotton Seed, $25.00 per annum. Item 9.

Building Loan Associations, $50.00 per annum. Item 10. Bottlers of Soft Drinks. (A) Each person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of manufacturing, and talc of carbonated or mineral water, Coca Coin. Root.

Beer, and other or various kinds of soft drinks and having a place of business iu the City of Blytheville, Arkaknsas, 550.00 per annum. (B) Each person, linn or corporation engaged in In cbusiness of manufacturing, bottling or sale of electrified treated watw, Var- bonatcd or mineral water. Coca Cola, Root Beer, and various other flavored soil drinks and having no regular place of business in the City of Blytlicvilie, but ottering llicir products lor sale in the City of Blytheville as direct from wagon, truck, $50.00 per annum. Hem 11. Manufacturers of canned products, S25.CO annum.

Hem 12. Dentisls, each $20.60 per annum. Item 13. News paper publishers 100.00 per annum. Item 14.

News paper asents, $12.00 per annum. Item 15. Meat market, meats, $15.00 per annum. if to BIIVI; tu tn rnilrKC. He night elniiKtM.

vnrklnR ill iT.iraKL' during tttr tlnj. lie anil JlerjJ mnnr ln- Ktthrr. 'Ini-n Irene ulrcv Ikui IK L-umlnc iit'rne. SOW CO ON Til'' STOHY CHAPTER XXXVll TirnS. EVBKKTT'S face wa; beaming wben she handed Hie telegram to Beryl.

On Ihe sliorl journey from the front door to Beryl's room she had built magic plans for the near fuiure. Heryl read flic message at a glance anil handed it liaek. "There!" her mother dcclarr-d triumphantly. "Ireno is coming home to UE. I knew sho would do something!" "She only snirl Klic'si coming home," Beryl veiiturcil.

"Now you needn't start talking like Mrs. Everett rcturncii. "I won't have you 'picking on her while she's hero. You and her father have said enough about her. Ami I should think you'd look little happier, since you've been so anxious to have her help us." do tho cooking.

I'll make an oyster omelet for Irono when 1 KCI home, lie suro to set somo mushrooms. 1 don't Eupposo (lie poor child has lind one.of those- omelols slnco sho left homo. It's my own recipe." 'Toor child lieryl was repealing In her mind. "Aud we ought lo Imve pineapple mous'io. You'd belter Bet and help me.

There are a thousand things to do." "I'll get the dinner ready and leave It," Ucvyl said, getting out of bi-il. "What do you mean?" "I've promised lo clrivo Tommy to Long Islaml City," she explained, "ilo can't uso lits commutation ticket until lomoirow. Wo planned lo have dinner together before lie goes lo Ills "Well!" MIR. Everett halted and stood arms akimbo. "That would 1)0 pro-US' way to acl.

Uut I won'l liavo il! You shan't treat your sla- ter BO shamefully. I'll just call Tommy up anil tell him you're stay- lug home." "Irene could have let us know sooner." Ueiyl declared. "I'm not going to biT.i! a ilato Tommy just liecruiae sho wails uutil tho il. "Ho was In lovo wllli Irene, liut JIG'S llo'u urown up now. I don't bellovo ho could lurn hack it lio wauled to." "Well." lier mother E.ilii, "I cor- latnly hopo ho won't bo Interested in married woman.

Hut he's an old friend of Irene's Just Iho samo and ho Isn't going to aiiprovo of your sliKlilitii; her." "I'll take a chance," fieryl announced nud lied Immediately. Sho couldu'l slam! another word of her mother's harangue. Tho besl way to escape- It would ho to do some. thing lo appease hor, nnd tbnl meant ilolug Eomotlilug for Ircno. set 1 room last minute to telephone she's coming home." KVKRKTT, knr, It wouhl do no good lo argue wltli her, turned angrily way.

But when wont down to breakfast her mother felt constrained to voice her opinion of a who cared more for an outsider than for a member of the family. "An outsider," lieryl repealed the wcrJ. hail an ocli! sound to her in connection with Tommy. Tommy an outsider! "You needn't smile like that," her mother toll! her. "I know you cloii'l care what 1 say uml maylje you think other people won't criticize you but yon cnii't convince me that Tommy will think any the better of you for putting him before your sister." Swiftly tho smile uoil from herself to turning out with a vigor Hint her mother bear downslrilrs.

The ruga camo up nm! wero thrown out tho window. Tho matti'CKs was hauled up on tho foot of tho licil tu air nnd the furniture was piled In iho middle of tho room when Mrs. Everett camo In to In- Iho work. Sho was satisfied. She did no! see Dcryl'd fncc 1 for when Beryl heard her footsteps on tho'ctalvs she hastily upplleu htisclt lo polishing thu panes.

"I think you might make the hcd up Iho pink sheets," Mrs. Everclt satil pleasantly enough "All right," lieryl muttered, "I'll see to it." Her mother went on to her own room nml Dcryl uttered a prayer of gratitude. Sho couliln't have saitl much just then. lieryl's licurt was heavy. Her mother apparcutly expected Irene to pay them a prolonged visit nml Iroiio coalil ilo so ihucli in one short week.

"She'd oren tin old wound with no moio compimclioii than slie'tl iuLve isi stepping on spider," Heryl whlsnc-ral (o the glistening glass. Her wrist was tired ivlth rubbing but sho did not know It. Everything depended upon how far Tommy had succeeded in tor- Beryl's Her mother wiu 1 pleased to PCO the change to help you nnd Dad," Beryl ness, hut when Beryl spoke siie corrected. "Please don't give Irene the impression that I wauled her lo ilo anything for me," sho added Her mother dropped, tho subject then and took up the matter of preparing a fitting reception for Irene. "We must sot her room ready," said, "and I think I'll go into tho city In her.

to dinner hnck gave her no further satisfaction. "Tommy will understand," she fair! Quietly. Perhaps her molher sensed that sho was lishlins a ilecy-reoteil tear fo, Elio rcnuirkcd, "You seem lo forget that Tommy wns in lore with Irene." Consternation showed iu Beryl's eyes in spilo o( her effort to face her mother calmly. "That's why can 11 believe he will understand," she getting Irene. "What will I do?" she ashed of tho parent who had never lived for her except in fancy.

"What to tmnflno him succumbing Irene':) Miles should a lit bo niorcil to aiimso herself wllli him. 'Tommy," sho Bute! us Ley drove along at a rallllng pace, "I'm about lo turn sentimental ou you. I might oven grow nuuvklsh, I've got to say It's not i It's measles," Tommy simscsled. "Well, shoot, 1'vo had Vin." "It's this," licryl Bald, and a hand on his arm, "Ihls going hack lo achool. If I never luivo auotlior big moment In my llto I'm sallullcd only Tommy uhuicci! at her from Iho corner of his eye.

Ho coulO molstura on her lashes as for a second she lowered hor Ihls. "I didn't know yon lind such nlco cyelnshoj," ho remarked, "Don't laugh lit mo, Tommy." lie reached over nud put a hand "Only he Invited. ladders break." Tommy's lips wenl loKethcr Iu firm line. "Yea, I know," ho Enid soberly, "hut we'll fasten this ono well at Iho lop, and If It breaks I'll htmg ou to tho part that slaya up. 1 won't fnll again." Heryl was templed to tell Mm then that was coining, but this wns their hour, bho could not share It with Site made a valiant effort nud was her own merry self during dinner.

Tommy was truly Interested In his inline. They talked about it at tho table. Later, when they dnnceii, Deryl wns certain lie thinking of It. Ucryl was forced to bolicvo In Platonic friendship. Sho laughed ut herself for her vain fancies, but tho tears were never far behind her laughter.

More than ever tild they well up when suddenly Tommy mild with touch of boyish yearning, "You Ucryi; I'm through with tho rough stuff but It isn't quilo tho Starting out again with uo OUR BOARDING HOUSE By Ahcrn one to Ueryl pitied him, hut sho nn- anyone ilo when something swcrcd with a traco of linpnticnce, they've built with all tho love aiiil Tommy, can't you Iwltovo faith you have io iu danger of hc-j 'cre will be a girl some day? Ami ins kicked over by a brainless litlb i tllcro pride. Just supposo you idiol?" Sho found nolhiug to allay her fears uutil she went for Tommy in her bright aud fhliiing car. Tommy and her gang had lately paiuted it anew. 'PHEFIE wis something about, him that was reassuriiiK to Beryi. Iu Tounuy's prcseuco it was less wero with.

Pol now!" She had spoken hastily, lint when Tommy asked, "Why now?" she decided in a Hash to tell him that Ircno was comlug home. "Aud I suspect," elio added as he sat tightlipped over tho new, "that she'll bo crazy to sec how you've taken her 'marriage!" (To Ilfl THATi 1 CALLED IF -THA-fS- -TH HAP -fisucri ALL HIS 1 LIFE' -TH' MAlToR HAS? SGMErTfdr IM -flMES EMORMOU5 AP pen-re -THE CRISIS IS ONi -THE SIXTH WILL EAT ALL PAV I SEEMS- ALL EXCEPT -THAT Me LQQK5 Like A SPECKLED -mauff HIS 1 APPBtlTe IS OVER 300j IM FILL TH'TUB UP VUrfH CAki WALLOVvi l-T 9 BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES WO'lTA MAN'! By Martit 3 City Collector, stating the kind and character of business, vocation or profession engaged in and such oth- information as will enable the City Collector to classify such business, vocation or profession and issue license therefor in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance; such application shall be sworn'to by the person, member of firm or proper officer of a corporation making application for license, before the City Collector, and at the time of making and filins such application with the City Collator, each applicant shall deiwsil with the City Collector an amount New Orleans Cotton Stock Prices NEW ORLEANS. June 10 Coiton closed steady. open low close' Uiy 830 8-17 32S 811 H5C 852 8o'2 817 )cc 880 OC5 885 893 an 83G 911 806 000 larcll 020 93C 920 D31U 036 950 947b Spots quiet at 817, up '2(1. 1'ork Cotton fresh Item 1C.

Miniature Golf Courses, $15.00 per annum. Item 17. Machine Shop. $25.00 per annum; combined with blacksmith shop SliO.OO per annum. Item 18.

Garages, repairing and storing automobiles only. $25.00 per annum. Item ID. Games of Skill. $5.00 per day, Item 20.

Physicians, niigcanp. $20.00 per annum for eacli perscn. llem 21. Veterinary Physician ur iurceon. $20.00 per annum.

noiu 22. in iccurifies. or buyers of commercial S25.00 per annum. Item 23. Soft drinks.

S6.00 per annum; No license written under tills item for less than $6.00. Item 24. Osteopathtc physician, $20.00 per annum. Item 25. Chiropractor per annum.

I Section 3. Applications for es undtr this ordinance shall be made to the City Collector, In writing, upon blanks furnished by the of money, in cash, sufficient, to for license applied for. i Section 4. The licenses provided Jaly for under this ordinance shall be Oc'. issued by the City Collector for a six months period, such licenses shall be paid for in full and due and payable January 1st anl July 1st of each year respectively; pro- vided.

Items No. Eight and Twenty-three (23) shall not be written for less than the per annum rate, and provided further that items with a per day rale shall be written for that period where ItiB per day rate is paid. Section 5. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of tills ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor nnd upon conviction shall be fined In any sum not less than $5.00 and not more than double the amount of the fee provided tor tlie license that the offender should have paid; and each day the violation is continued shall constitute a separate oflensc. Section C.

Should any section, provision or Iteai of this Ordinance be declared invalid, such section, piovislon or Item only shall bs void, and the Ordinance otherwise remain in full force and effect. Section 7. All Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in direct conflict with this Ordinance are hire- YORK. June 10 Cotton closed steady. oprn low close Dec 887 KG 38 Jan 000 912 60 J.iurch 018 935 01 May 937 OJ'J 03 Spots dcietl 813, up 20 A.

T. Aiiiicciulu Copper Auburn Caterpillcr Tractor Chrysier Cities Service Continental Baking General Electric General Motors Montgomery Hew York; Central Packard Radio Corp Simmcns Standard of N. J. Texas Corp U. S.

Steel 1C8 22 3-8 1C7 23 3-8 1G 7-0 II 5-8 Coca Cola HI 1-4 10 1-2 35 7-8 18 3-1 84 1-2 (j 7-8 IU 1-8 13 1-4 35 1-2 20 1-2 91 1-4 city ordinance prohibiting trucks from passing through business or residential districts- One highway, circling the town, may be used. Mother Lowers Son to Save Sister in Well 16HT uwet CCOHT VKSKX) OT WYiVt ft CRffflBV, VKRIOT1C OLD BOU. CUK3.6K) UPoM THE 6CEVit Of CQKSGHK.SV fsKT) 6WTO TViE COOW Vnsna liars 'trucks YUMA. Arizona. (UI 1 Rumbling freight trr.cks no lonccr disturb Ymna citizi-ns due to a new KTN5TON, N.

IUP) Mrs Peter Robinson, a farm woman risked the life of her young son lo rescue her llirce-ycar-old daughter who fell in a well. The son, lowered by a bucket into the well In which the water was six feel deep placed his sister in the buctel and clung to the side of Ihc shaft while the little was hoisted lo the top. Then the bucket was dropped down again nnd lie was lifted to safely by his mother. Courier News Want Ads Pay. wax, vt TO TA' MOUND Mt --HOW WJ tMtR 91CK OP ON tMO 6WORO Wi' TOSS A NO HIS FRTEN'DS HIS 1'UICE! BK8MI by repealed; provided Ordinance does not repeal or revoke any Ordinance requiring a license tec not herein provided Section 8.

Is necessary lo rais" additional funds to provide attcmiate police force and fire protection inn Ordinance Ts necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and an emergency is hereby declared to exist, and the same -shall lake cflcct and be In lull torce from and atlcr its passage. 1'asscd and approved this June 0. 1031. NEILL RKEU, Allcsl: S. C.


tips from the bats of boys cnaii In a sandlot baseball name killed three of his fowls, William IvaiiO' vltch, poultry raiser, protested lo police. Or SOU PAWSON'S CONf tREMCE OF SKi RAOKETEeRS. ND W.MM CROWO TrttY KKel TOUCM OOMWEN, POLITiOlMS, SOC1AUS PROMISED 6AMKER.S, rEJvJee.Ai SHOTS, 6.V£RY ONE CA.9TWNS, OF MWE, CORRUPTION!.

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