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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 5

Brooklyn, New York
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pastor, irtl preach at 1O A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sunday school at 2 P.

M. Christ Episcopal 'church: Tbe Rev, Gordon T. Lewis, rector. Services at 10:30 A. M.

and 7:30 P. M. Sunday school at 2 o'clock P. M. St.

Andrews' Romtui Catholic church: The Rev. Father L. J. Gucrin will say mut at 7:30 and 10 A. A.

M. E. Zlon church: The Dr. E. J.

Miller, pastor, will conduct services at 10:30 A. M. and 7:15 p. M. Sunday school alt 2 o'clock P.

M. Christian Endeavor prayer meeting at 6:30 P. M. Southampton Presbyterian church: The Rev. R.

8. Campbell, paetor, will preach both morning and evening. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor prayer meeting at :15 P. topic, "How to Got Good Out of Our leader, Miss Clara Foster. Methodlit Episcopal clKF: The Rev.

Folrbank B. Stockdale, pastor, will' officiate. Epworth league prayer meeting at 6:15 P. M. topic, "Tho Benediction of Testimony and leader, Miss Sarah H.

Bennetrt. Sacred Heart Roman Catholic church: The Rev. William Klrby in charge. Maes at 7 and 10:30 A. M.

vespers at 4 P. Brldgohampton Presbyterian church: The Rev. Arthur Newman, pastor, will preach at 10:30 A. M. In the evening a home mission praise service will be held.

Methodist Episcopal church: The Rev. J. D. Shackleton, pastor. Evangelistic services will be held under tbe charge of Misses Simpson and Frost.

Port Jefferson Miss L. Kettering of China'' will speak In the M. E. church to morrow evening, under the auspices of the Woman's Foreign Missionary society. Presiding Elder Van Alstvne will hold the third quarterly conference in the M.

E. church Monday evening. Pastor Peck of the Port Jefferson Presbyterian church will preach to morrow evening on "Inger soltlsm." At St. Lawrence's Roman Catholic church the Rev. Thomas Duhlgg.

pastor, mass will be cele brated at 10 o'clock. Evening services at 7:30. consisting of rosary, followed by a sermon and benediction. Special music will be rendered during morning and evening services. At the M.

E. church the Rev. A. W. Byot of hold fishing privilogos in tho pond under their Surohasos.

Tho case will bo hoard before uatico Wilmot M. Smith at Patchoguo, on December 12. John L. Hill of Now York and Ex Jndgo Thomas Young of Huntington aro counsel for the plaintiff, and Ackorly and Mil os of Northport represent the defendant. SUFFOLK SCHOOL PRINCIPALS.

Islip, L. November 28 The Suffolk Principals' council will bo held in tho Islip high school building, on Saturday, December 5, at 10 o'clock A. The topics to bo disousaod aro at follows: Should grados be divided Into sections? Teachers meetings how beBt conducted? Ia an Eastor vacation dosirable? Promotions annual, seml nnminl. irregular? Incentives to regularity of attendance. Tho amended Ainsworth law, how inado least objectionable? G.

P. Armstrong is prcsidont of the council and M. I. Hunt, principal of tho Islip high sohool, secretary. FAIR OF THE MERCURY CLUB.

Flushing, L. November 28 Tho members of tho Mercury Wheel club are arranging for a big fair to be held in the club'B headquarters on December 16 and 17. Tho women who have volunteered to assist at the fair are Mrs. C. S.

West. Mrs. O. J. Griffin, Mrs.

H. M. Duncan. Mrs. E.

Androws, Mrs. G. T. Finohout, Mrs. J.

E. Master. Mrs. G. W.

Haviland, Mrs. G. D. Brown, Misses Bertha Rijnynn, Mvrtle E. Thompson, Edith lioullior.

Gussio Roullier. Claudmo Hepburn, Miss Crooks. WORK OF CHURCH SOCIETIES. Bay Shore, L. November 28 The Christian Endeavor society, of the First Con grogntionalist church of Bay Shore, is Sow prepared to cancel its pledge toward tho building fund of tho ehnrch.

The society is noiv in a very prosperous condition. Tho Ladies' Social Aid society of the church paid 3198 on tho piano fund and plodged S500 on tho bnilding fund. They aro now cleared from this debt, all but a little more than $50. VICTORIOUS BASHORE KICKERS. Bay Shore, L.

November 28 The Bay You think of Scott's Emulsion as only for those who have consumption or who have inherited a tendency to it. Almost its greatest use is for those whose condition is so impaired as not to be able to get good they should out of their ordinary food. In nearly every case with these, Scott's Emulsion of Cod liver Oil brings back appetite, stimulates digestion, restores color and plumpness, and controls the diseases of thinness. Book about it, free, 50 cts. ind 3 oo, at all druggists.

SCOTT BOWNE, Chemists, New York. LATEST 101 ISLAND NEWS, Has the City Tapped the Sources of Lake' Eonkonkoma? WATER, NEVER WAS SO LOW. The Farmers' Wells for Miles Around Have Gone Dry and They Have to Water Great Distances Some Blame the City, but It Is Probably a Recession of the Waters of the Strange Lake (Special to the Eagle.) Sayvllle, L. November 28 The residents of Ronkonkoma, hava been much alarmed during the week by reason of many of 'their wells having run dry. Mr.

Hawkins, a farmer living at that place, says that the waters of Lake Ronkonkoma were never known to be as low as at the present time and thinks that is the cause of the wells running dry. The country is very high about the lake and many of the wells are dug to the depth of 120 feet. The farmers having no other water supply than their wells are much alarmed at the present outlook. Many of them are compelled at the present time to drive miles to the shores of Lake' Ronkonkoma with a wagon load of barrels to secure water for their stock and household purposes. Three years ago the Brooklyn Water company wanted to lay pipes through the Island and secure water from 'Lake Ronkonkoma for city use, but failed to do so.

Some of the farmers seem to think that the company ha tapped the water" by reaching ft in a round about way, and that is why its waters have fallen so low. The present outlook la very serious, and should the scarcity of water continue, tho farmers will suffer great loss. Lake Ronkonkoma Is pear shaped, three miles around; and' is supplied, by springs that well' up from, the bottom, of Its basin, which In places is over 60 feet in depth. It is the largest body fr.esh on the island, and is 55 feet above the sea level. For some reason it has periods of recession and refilling that cannot possibly be connected with the tides and this may be one explanation of the present low water.

The meaning of the name is "sand pond." SUFFOLK COUNTYTAX LEVY. iiems of the Several To wtis as Fbced by the Board' of Supervisors. Riverhead, L. November 28 Tho follow ing is a list of the various items entering into iho tax levy of tho several towns of Suffolk county as fixed by resolution: of tho board of supervisors at tneir mooting neio this week TOWli OF ISlip. Hydrant rentals.

Dulkheadiug foot of Eaton's road. 8C.0C0 S00 .200 2,000 COO H.650 300 Ijoara pit at Bayport Bnlkheadtng, Falrview avenue, Bay Shore fire Working of highways, contract systom Assisting Indigent Grand Army men TOWN OF EA8THASLPTON. Bills anditod lloads and bridge Town poor Town trustees toprotect Contingent TOWN OF RIVERHEAD. Roads and bridges (new) Highways Board or hoaltn. Macadamizing road.

Peconlc Bay boulevard Bulkhead at Jaraespbrt Audited hills FiroSdepartuieiit Lighting district TOWN OF HUNTINGTON. 81.5M.80 .600.00 1,200.00 500.00 600.00 85C.96 500.00 750.00 500.00 250.00 200.00 200.00 1.140.80 982.43 1.068.39 Highways $12,000.00 Northuort lire district Northport hydrant rental Huntington ore department Huntington hydrant rental Northport electric light Huntington V. gas light TOWN OF SMITHTOWN. Highways and bridges Interest on railroad doht. Sinking fund debt Contingent Bills audited 630.00 402.00 870.00 1.C00.00 2.310.00 $200.00 3,503.00 500.00 800.00 ll.Gu7.94 VAN CLE AF WALES.

Morris Park, L. November 28 A very pretty wedding took place Thanksgiving evening at the home of Mrs. James R. Wheeler sister of the bride, when Miss Emily Wale3 and Mr. Henry C.

Van Cleat of For Hamilton were united in marriage. The Rev. Dr. J. L.

Campbell, pastor of tbe. Lexington avenue Baptist church, New York city, officiated. The bride was given away by Mr. James R. Wheeler, and Grace B.

Wheeler was maid of honor. The presents were handsome and numerous. After the ceremony a very pleas ant evening was spent, when the bride and groom left for their home, in Ballston Spa. N. Y.

BABYLON REAL ESTATE. Babylon, L. November 28 Local real estate is in great demand and many transfers aro being made. Tho following are recorded this wook: Mm. Dennorer to Theodore JP.

Weeks, ex chief of police, a building lot on the east side of Carll avenue. P. J. Kahler of New York to Francis McLaughlin of Babylon, lot on the west side of upper Carll avonue. William M.

Spragne to Angustns Place, plot of gronnd, with house, stable, at North Babv lon. Holrs of AlanFon Weeks, decoased, to Mrs. Sarah Held, house and lot on Prospect street. NORTHPORT' FIREMEN. Northport, L.

November 28 The North port Are department has been reorganized and now oomes. under tho jurisdiction of the village. Through this change many improvements aro to bo made. The new officers aro: Chief, Henry H. ueuton; llrst assistant chief, Charles A.

Bonner; second assistant, D. S. B. Rn; foroman.of the hook and ladder, Albert 8. Lewis: assistant foreman, Edward Bishop; secretary, W.

H. Barto ioi'omnn of the hose, William Jenklnsnn; assistant, Charles Vox; secretary, William F. Drescher. SENT TO 'lHE POOR HOUSE. Great Nock, L.

November 28 Jerbmus W. Rapelyej. a life long resident of Great Neck, was taken to tho poor farm yesterday by Overseer Chestor. Rapelye was born and orougnt up ai wis piace, ana is an own cousin to one of tho retired local merchants kand a second cousin to many othor well to 3o people here. He Is nearly 70 years of age.

RON TEST ABOUT t'lSHING RIGHTS ntohogno, L. Novombor 28 ThoWyan boh Gun club of Sraithtown has brought I against Captain Lewis w. Pa vis of that to tost tne who or tho proportv richts i "Willow pond at Simithtown. Captain runs a iw mm on ino Danes and lays claim to tho ownor lif tho bottom by a long record of traces. Tho wyandanou olub claims to Evangelists Remsen and Weeden Leading a Remarkable Revival in Three Island Hamlets.

Tho villages of Lake Grove. St. James and Stony Brooke are onjoying a religious revival such as was never known before in tho history ijfA any of theso hamlets. Tho Revivalists, 1 .1. 1 1 1 ic7iuuull ttuu iv uuueu, Degan meetings tne Lake Grove M.

E. church recently. Both aro noted evangilists on Long Island and their meetings, which wore small at first, kept on increasing until now the church cannot hold tho congregations that flock from Miles around to listen to the revivalists. At the meetings the church is alwayB crowded to tho doors, and scores of pooplo who havo driven many miles, sit in their wagons and join in tho hymns sung in the church. Many con versiona arc mane overv night.

Dr. Crowdor. the pastor of St. Mark's church Eockvillo Centor, has prepared a feast of good things for his people in a serios of sermons in nis church next wook by tho following minis on tne following subjects: Monday JKcv. George It.

Peck of Bay Shore, "The Qiuost of Tuesday Rov. David O. Downey of Stamford oi spiritual culture. Wednesday Rev. Thoo.

S. Henderson of Flushing "The Life of Complete Surrender." Thursday The Rev. Richard Bell of New York, "Christians, Carnal and Spiritual." Friday The Rev. Hubert B. Munson of Amityville, ''Orderly Development," The reputation of these ministers for power anu neipiuinoss merits large appreciation on me part or tne people or this village.

Much interest has alraadv been axn.itnri. number of business men will close their stores at 8 clock in order to be present at these Stony Brook lodge No. 730, I. O. O.

will attend services to morrow at the EdIbcoduI chapol at Stony Brook. The llev. J. Q. Arch ueacon will preach the sermon.

Bishop McDonnell will administer confirma tion to a large class in the Catholic church at Hyde Park to morrow afternoon. The church at this place is a mission of the West bury church and Is attended by the Rev. Her bert Faxrell or that place. flushing John V. Vroomaif New York city win atuver a lecture Deiore tne loung aien Ohrtetlan association to morrow afternoon.

Mr. rooman will he tho guest of Frederick P. Morris, rue ae: Joan AbDott i rench win preach In th Congregational church to morrow morning, a 10:30. The Christian Endeavor society meets a 7:45. 'At St.

Michael's, the Rev. Fathr Donnellv wll otliciate at low muss at 7:30 and high maus at 10:30, In the Reformed church, the Rev. James Dema rest will prtoch in the morning and evening. The Society of Christian Endeavor meets at 7. At St.

George's ohurch, there will be holy com munion at morning prayer, litany and sermon at Sunday school at evening prayer and sermon at 7:40. In the Methodist church, there will be preaching In the, morning ven by the the Rav. Theodore S. Henderson. A Young Men's Christian association pew has been designated for young men.

Epworth League prayer at In the Baptist church, the Mr. Knowles will olficiate. The Christian Endeavor society meeting will be held In the evening, bunduy school at 6 elocK. The Rev. Richard Mekler will preach his custo mary sermon at o'clock In the Lutheran church.

College Point There will be low ami high mass in 3t. Fidells church In 'the morning and vespers in the evening. Th Rev. Father Schu mack will officiate. The Rev.

John Bnumeister wll? preach in the Reformed church, both morning and evening. The Rev. William A. Barnes will pneach In St. Paul's chapel and the Rev.

Augus Efoendlck will officiate at the services in the Lutlheran church. The usual Sunday cervices will be hold In the Goiroel mission, on Fourth avenue. W'hitestone The Rev. Mr. Stewart will preach in the Protestant Episcopal church.

There will be morning services at 10; evening prayer at 7:30 and Sunday school at 3 P. M. In the Methodist Episcopal church there will be preaching in the morning at 10:30 and 7:45 "in the evening. The pastor, the Rev. E.

G. Campbell, will officiate at the services In the morning and Mrs. Rapelje will preach in the evening on the "Marys of the Church." The Rev. Mr. Floyd will officiate at the services in the Presbyterian church.

Sunday school at 9:30 A. M. The Society of Christian Endeavor meets at 0:45. The Rev. Father O'Hara will officiate at low and high mass at St.

Luke's church. Services will be held in the Lutheran church at 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 P. M.

Sunday school at 9:30 A. M. The Rev. Mr. Kroenckc will officiate.

"Ve8thampton The Rev. Egbert C. Lawrence, Ph. of the Presbyterian church will, at the morning service, preach a sermon on The Im portance of Early Conversion." In the evening tne services win De at union cnapei; suntiay school In the chapel at 3 o'clock. The Rev.

B. C. Miller. of the "W'esthnmDton Methodist Episcopal church will occupy his pulpit morning and evening; Sunday school immediately after the morning sermon and at 3 o'clock In Good Templars' halL The Barney Reeve of the Westhampton Beach Methodist Episcopal church will preach morning and evening, the evening sermon to be preceded by the weekly prayer meeting or tne jspwortn league, sunaay scnool at 3 o'clock, Babylon At the First Baptist church to morrow morninx tne nastor. tne Kev.

Walter Barnes I'imm, win preach on "The Mission of the Holy spirit, in tne evening nis subject win be, "The lxtn uommanament protection ror the Person. Methodist Eplsconal church The Rev. H. E. Wing, pastor.

At the mornlns: service the Rev. Mr. Wing will officiate aB usual. In the evening the Rev. George C.

Peck of Bay Shore will preach in exenange witn tne pastor. Christ Episcopal church The Rev. Isaac Newton Phelsn minister in charge. Morning prayer and iWCh (parish church), 11 A. M.

evening Draver anu auuress tcnapeij, cao p. ax. sunaay scnool. f. in.

Northport St. Paul's M. E. church: the Rev George Adams, nastor. Preachinir at 10:30 A.

preceded at 9 A. M. with class meetinc James F. nartt. leutfer, bunday school at 2:30 P.

M. young people's nrayer at P. M. Evenlntr service bpeciai sermon to young men; sublect, Jacob's Treachery." Presbyterian church Rev. Charles G.

Ellis. Das tor. Preaching at 10:30 A. M. Sunday school at 2:30 f.

ju. xoung peome prayer meeting at 6:30 P. M. Evening service nt 7:30 P. M.

Trinity Episcopal church The Rev. Wllllnm Holden, rector. First Sunday In Advent Sunday Huiiuoi at a. ju. Morning prayer, noiv com munion and sermon, 10:30.

Evening prayer and sermon Boy Shore The Rev. Georire Clarke Peck will conduct the usual services in the morning at the Bay Shore Methodist Episcopal church and In the evening will preacn In exchange with the Rev. H. E. Wlj of the Babylon Methodist Episcopal church.

The Rev. Charles E. Granger of thd Bar Shore congregational cnurcn win preacn anotner sermon on "Mormonism" Sunday evening, this being the fourth In the series of "Chrlstlnn Citizenship" sermons. The usual services will take place In tne morning. The Rev.

John C. Stephenson of St. Peter's Prot estant Episcopal church at Bay Shore will tak for the text of his morning sermon St. Luke xvin Father James B. Robier will conduct the serv ices at St.

Patrick's Roman Catholic church at A. M. Miss Mvrtie Van Cott will lead the Epworth league prayer meeting at 6:30 P. M. in the Methodist Episcopal church.

The topic Is "The Benediction of Testimony and Thanksgiving." Rockville Center At the Church of the Ascension. P. there will he morning prayer and address by the rector, the Rev. W. E.

Nles. Sunday school at 2:30 P. M. Evening prayer at 7:30. The Rev.

Father Carroll will celebrate mass at 8 and 10 A. M. In St. Agnes' Roman Catholic church. Sunday school at 2:30 P.

M. Vesper service at 7:30. In the First Baptist church there will be, preach ing by the pastor, the Rev. DImer E. Loux at 10:30 A.

M. and 7:30 P. M. Sunday school at 2:30 P. M.

The Rev. F. Osten Sncken will preach in the Congregational church morning and evening. Sun day scnool at p. m.

Special services will be held in St. Mark's M. E. church next week. The meetings will be con ducted by the following pastors: The Rev.

George D. pecK or Bay snore, tne ev. avia Q. Downey of Stamford, the Rev. T.

Henderson of Flushing; the Rev. Richard Bell of New York. and the Rov. Hubert B. Munson of Amltyvillo.

To morrow morning the pastor, the Rev. Dr. Crowder, will preach; In the evening he will talk about "Unconquered Territory." Freepart In the morning at 10:45 the pastor, the Rev. W. W.

W. Wilson, D. will preach to the Bond of Hope on "Sainson's at 2:30 the regular Sumlay school session will be held, followed In the evening at 6:45 by the Epworth league prayer meeting. Leader, Carman PeaseCl. Subject, "The Benediction of Testimony and Thanksgiving." At 7:45 the pastor will preach to Independent Order of Good Templars, on "Temperance Parapet or Temperance Structure Completed." Wontagh Memorial church sen ices on Sunday will be as follows: Morning theme, "The Christian's evening theme, "Say What You Mean." The following anthems will he rendered by the dholr: "Happy Day," "Lift Up Your Heads," "Sweet Sabbath Eve." Seaford The trustees of the Methodist Eplsoo Sa.1 church have decided to engage the Rev.

Mr. oMenbach. a stude n't of Drew Theological sem inary, as minister in charge of the church In this village. smlthtown Brancn Aietnoalst Episcopal emtren: Morning. Sunday school.

9:45. followed by class meeting. Evening, Epworth league prayer meet ing, 0:30. The Kev. J.

w. Simpson win preacn from Hebrews "Indestructibility of Influ ence." Landing Methodist Episcopal churah: Morning, class meeting. 10 o'clock; afternoon, Sunday school, 2 o'clock, followed by preaching by the Rev. J. W.

Simpson from Isaiah tbs Establishment oi tne uoerai. Great Neck The Rev. K. Huske will preach at All Saints' church to morrow at 11 A. M.

arid at P. M. Sunday school at 2:45 jr. advent Bervices will be announced. At St.

Aloyslus" church the Rev. Father E. J. Smith will make an address upon the gospel of the day and sayi mass at 9 and 11 A. M.

At the union chapel there will be Sunday sohool service at 2:45 P. led by A. LeCluso. The, Rev. A.

Duncomb of the North Hempstead Re formed church will preacn at p. M. froi And He Sent His Disciples Unto All the World. At tho Methodist Bplscopal church the Rev. Di George H.

Goodsell will preach at 10:30 A. M. on: at 7:30 p. Immediately succeeding tne Ej: worth league meeting. Mnnhassett The Rev.

Mr. Peck of Corona wl occupy the pulpit of the North Hempstead R) formed church, exchanging with the Rev. Duncomb. Sag Harbor Presbyterian church: The Re Clarence H. Wilson, pastor, will preach at 10: A.

M. and 7:30 P. M. Sunday school nt 2 P. M.

Methodist Episcopal church: The Rov. JoserS Aiairu, pastor, will preacn at a. na. ana P. M.

Sunday whool at 2 o'clock P. M. Ej! worxn league service. r. jm.

Baptist church: The Rev. Charle H. Edward Double Celebration in Their Handsome Flatbusb. Home. MISS YOUNG'S COMING OUT.

Silver Wedding Anniversary tho Occasion for Congratulations to the Parents, While the Young Debutante Shared the Honors in Being Formally Presented to Brooklyn Society A Brilliant Social Event Which Was Largely Attended, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Young held a reception yesterday afternoon and evening at their beautiful home, 7 Lincoln road, Flatbusb, tho occasion being the twenty fifth anniversary of their wedding and the introduction to society of their only daughter. A great many well known called to pay their respects, and tho occasion proved a notable social event. Others, who lived too far away to attend in person sent congratulatory messages, and among the many dispatches on a table in the library wero cablegrams from various parts of Europe.

Among the presents was a silver salad dish and tray of exquisite workmanship, sent by the directors of tho Hide and Leather National bank in New YsB'k. Miss Young was assisted iu receiving her friends by tho Misses Jane "Walker, May Roberts, Gertrude Ingalls, Carrie Teale ard Mary Rogers. The floral decorations were in perfect taste, emphasizing rather than hiding the artistic interior ot the house. In the which is distinctly oriental in character, the most strik Jng feature was a floral design combining the designs "istt ana "lsiib, in wane pinks on a background" of smllax and asparagus. Tho recoptlon room was furnished in the style of Louis XIV, and decorated with palms and pink, white and yellow roses and chrysanthemums.

The art room was arranged in truo Louis XVI style. The decorations consisted of palms, ferns, trailing vines and smllax, distributed in an effective manner, the whole enhancing the effect of the valuable paintings, with which the walls were hung. In the dining room, where luncheon was served, the decorations were in yellow. In the centor of the table stood a great bunch of yellow roses, nanKea on eitner siae Dy yellow chrysanthemums. This room was greatly admired by the guests.

It is finished in quartered oak and is fitted up in old English style. The walls are embellished with artistic tapestries, all being Mrs. Young's own paintings. Tho decorations were equally effective in the upper rooms, which were thrown open to the guests. Sweet music was furnished by a string quartet.

The company included: Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward Swanstrom, Mr. and Mrs.

G. L. Shearer of New York, Lrfrander Shearer, Edward Shearer of York. Pa. the Misses Shearer of New York, Mr.

and Mrs. Charles A. Schieren, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schieren Mr.

and Mrs. Henry P. Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. I.

S. Sampson, Mr. and Mrs. George Schenek, Mr. and Mrs.

John H. Scott of Philadelphia, r. and Mrs. Henry I. Scott.

William Scott. Miss Scott, Miss Squler, Frank Squler, Miss Strong, Miss I. F. Simpson! Miss Spier, Frank SchencK, Mrs. R.

G. Strung, Mr. and Mrs. Steadman, Mr. and Mrs.

Smith. Mr. and Mrs. X. V.

Sullivan, Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Skene.

Dr. and Mrs. Wllllara Skene Mr. and Mrs. .1.

L. "Williams. Mr. and Mrs. I o.

Williams, Mr. and Mrs. James Weir, Mr. and Mrs. W.

L. Whltaker, Mr. and Mrs. E. Wlngert, Mr.

and Mrs. Charles ells. Miss Watt Mr. and Mrs. Jesse C.

Woodhull, Mr. and Mrs. E. Z. Walloner.

Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Wells rr and Mrs.

C. L. Wells, Mr. and Jlrs. T.

L. Woodruff, Mies Waldron. Mrs. Waldron, Mr. and Mrs C.

H. Wheeler. Tunis Williamson. Mr. and lira Robert 8.

Walker. Mrs. Lionel Wilbur, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard R.

Wells. Mr. and Mrs. J. a Welles, Miss Adeline Wells, Dr.

and Mrs. John V. zntnskie. ttov. ana Airs.

x. Im. aabrlskle. Miss Zubrlskle. Mr.

and Mrs. John F. ni Dr. A. W.

Sheppard. Mr. and Mrs. H. w.

Mr. and Mrs. John E. Sankey, Mr. and Mrs.

John BrootaK, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Steers, Mr.

and Mrs WU'. lom O. SchwaxzwaeWer. Sir John Turnez of isoatinfrnam, cJiginna; irs. i.

Turnez of Great Garmouth, England: Mr. and Mrs. vf Mr. and Mrs. Wlfbur of Freeport.

1. Air. ana airs. vv. j.reuwe.i, Mrs.

Frederick rredwen. juoire ana juries r. tii u. and Mrs. Jeremiah TownJend.

Mr. ami Mrs xt. fred E. Tavlor. Mr.

and Mrs. J'oCin L. TavVir Mr and Mrs. L. B.

Thomas, Charles H. Thomas, Miss lYTOTTJe, M'JBU xixmer, niw John Thompson, Mayor ami Mrs. Frederick A. Wur ster. Mr.

ana Mrs. A.ireci t. White. Mr. an.

i Mrs. a. li. vanaerveer, vandenver, Miss Charlotte Vanderveer, Mrs. John Vanderbllt Mrs.

Lefferts Vanderhllt. Mr. and Mrs. Dick s' Ramsey, Mr. and Mrs.

M. A. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Remsen, Clarence Ityder.

Mrs. Clar ence i tyaer, narry meter, iiss KoMns. Mr. and Mrs. Ryder, Mr.

and Mrs. E.iwa.n.1 Rowe. Miss Miller, Mr. and Mrs. E.

McDonald. Miss Madge Miller, Mrs. J. U.Xorris, Mr. and Mrs.

Walter H. Nelson, Alfred Korris, Mr. and Mrs. George O. Price, MrR.

Emma F. Pettenglll. Dr. and Mrs. H.

W. B. Pratt. Dr. and Mrs.

J. M. Powell, Mr. and Mrs. J.

D. Prince, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur M. Palmer.

Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Tprm Mr.

and Mrs. A. Pearson. Misses Peartion, Mr. and Mrs.

Albert E. Paxfltt, Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Parsons, Miss Minnie J. Plummer, Miss Plummer, Air.

ana ueorge erKins or New York, Dr. and Mrs. John E. Richardson, Mr. and Mrs.

C. E. Rogers, Dr. Alexander Rae, Miss Rae, Mr. and Mrs.

W. H. Rogers. Charles E. Robertson.

Mr. and Mrs. De Van Dyke Riley, Mr. and "Mm Afr" ATfs T3 1 gule, Misses Mitchell. Misses Morrill, Mr.

and Mrs. A. Mackenzie. Mr. and Mrs.

Merriam. Mr. and Mrs. Willis SIcDnaId, Christopher Prince, Mr. and Mrs.

Thomas E. Pearsall. Mr. and Mrs. Charles lerrlll.

Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Montgomery, Archibald Montgomery, Jr Mr. and Mrsi J. M.

Montgomery, Henrv Montgomery, Miss Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. E. Maynoxd.Ir. and Mrs.

William H. Maxwell. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.

Moore. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. G.

McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Meyer.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Moorhead, Mr. and Mrs.

Edward r. Maynara, miss aiaynaru. Air. and Mrs. John McNTamee, Mr.

and Mrs. S. Phillips Mendel of New York. Mr. and Mrs.

Cornelius Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Manney, the Rev. and Mrs. R.

R. Meredith, Miss McElroy of Yonkers, Miss Moody. Mr. and Mrs. E.

R. Laden of New York. Mr. and Mrs. John Lapham of New York, Mr.

and Mrs. W. A. LlpplWott of Philadelphia. Mr.

nnd Mrs. J. Z. Lott. Mr.

and Mrs. Jeremiah Lott. Henry Lott, Mr. and Mrs. Lee, Mr.

and Mrs. George Lucas, Mr. and Mrs. J. M.

Leavitt. Miss Lyon, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.

Lyon, Mr. and Mrs. Lyon, Mr. and Mrs. W.

G. Longmire. Mr. and Mrs. C.

L. Langford, Mr. and Mrs. R. Lefferts.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Lefferts, Mr. and Mrs.

John Lefferts, Mrs. John Lefferts, Mr. and Mrs, C. Miller, Mr. and Mrs.

J. R. Maxwell. A. V.

Mnr tense, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Moodv, Mr. and Mrs. George Maynard, Mr.

and Mrs. Theodore Mnynard, Henry Maxwell. Mrs. William Matthews, Mr. and Mrs.

Isaac Mason. Miss Mason. Charles Mason, Mrs. Eliza Martense, Mr. and Mrs.

William Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. Harris of New York, Mr.

and Mrs. William Hark ness, Mr. and Mrs. G. Harman, Mr.

nnd Mrs. Joseph C. Hacker, Mr. and Mrs. William G.

Hoople, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Hendrlx. Harry Hodgklna.

Miss Mary Hodgkins. Mrs and Mrs. Hall, Timothy Hubbard, Ellas Hubbard, the Rev. and Mrs. T.

L. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jacobs, Major and Mrs. O.

A. Jahn, Mr. and Mrs. H. Johnson, Mr.

and Mrs. Johnson, Miss Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. James Johnston. Mr.

and Mrs. J. Sylvester Jones. Mr. and Mrs.

T. L. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Korber.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Keck, Mr. and Mrs. W.

L. Keese, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Klendl, Sir. and Mr.

Elllah R. Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. V. M.

Kannnrd, Peter Kowenhoven. Miss Kono rlnskl. Mr. and Mrs. Jules Kutner.

Mrs. C. B. Jennings, Mr. and Mrs.

H. P. Gleusun. of Newark, Mr. and Mrs.

A. Augustus Healy, Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hays.

Mr. and Mrs. B. Hewitt. Mr.

and Mrs. Milton Haxton. Misses Ilax tun, Mr. and Mrs. George D.

Hamlin. Mr. and Mrs. William Howell, Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Healy. the Rev. and Mrs. G. F.

G. Hoyt. Miss M. W. Hawley.

Mr. and Mrs. Morrison Hoyt. Mr. and Mrs.

Edward G. Hagedorn, Mr. and Mrs. Hoover of Wellsville, Mrs. Edward Hoopes of Philadelphia, Mr.

and Mrs. J. H. Haviland, the Rev. Andrew Hunter of Bryant, Mr.

and Mrs. George Le3. Hammond. ir Mrs. Joseph Hussins, Mr.

and Mrs. James Hamlin, Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hanan, Miss Hanan, Mr.

and Mrs. Helsenbuttle. Dr. and Mrs. Alex.

Hutchlns. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Hanan, Mr.

and Mrs. A. S. Higglns, Mr. and Mrs.

Edward Drlggs, the Rev. and Mrs. Drowne, Mr. and Mrs. J.

Ditmos, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. DeSeldlng, Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Dlmon, Mrs. Davis, Mr. and Mrs John Emmons. Mr.

and Mrs. William P. Earle Mr. and Mrs. George Elliott.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert B. Easton, Mr. and Mrs.

E. I. Denker, Mr. and Mrs. W.

C. Estes, the Rev. and Mrs. I. M.

Ferris, MlsseB Ferris, Dr. nnd Mrs. G. N. Ferris Charles B.

Fosdick, Mrs. Charles Fosdlck, Mr! and Mrs. Herbert V. Gunnison, Mr. and Mrs.

Walter B. Gunnl6on, Mr. and Mrs. C. R.

Guerln, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis German. Mr. and Mrs.

Nelson 6 Gates, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Oulloney Mr" and Mrs. W.

H. Garrison. Mr. and Mrs. H.

Gage, Miss Gage. Mrs. Edward Glbb Mr. and Mrs. W.

H. Alirre. Mr. and xfu v' Appenzeller of Chambersburg, Pa. Professor "and Mrs.

Peter T. Austen, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. f.

Acker man, Miss Ackeb man, Mr. and Mrs. A. r. Arm strong, Mr.

and" Mrs. H. Ahlers. Mr. and Mrs Frank Armstrong of Philadelphia, Mr ami Mrs.

H. M. Adams. Mr. and Mrs.

J. H. Bene uici, sur. una airs. u.

isrewsier or New York Mrs. A. L. Blonchard of New York, Mr. and axtru.

a. xmuck, mr. aim c. Li. UlacKfurd Mr.

and Mrs. Beardsley. R. Blonchard, N. Y.

Mr' and Mrs. R. J. Belt of Wellsville. Mr' and Mrs.

F. A. Barrett of Wellsville. Pa Mr. and Mrs.

J. K. Barton of Philadelphia, Miss Linda Bergen, Miss Annie Bridge Miss Bartlett, Mrs. I. T.

Butler, Mr. nnd Mrs e' P. Barrett, Mr. and Mrs. Pomeroy Burton Miss Boocock, the Rev.

W. H. Boocock. Mrs. Alison Bryan, Mr.

and Mrs. R. Brandt. Mr. and Mrs G.

C. Blanks, Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Bobbott.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Buttrlck. Mr.

Burnett Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. M. Burroll, Mr.

and Mrs. David A. Boody, Mr. and Mrs. William Cul len Bryant.

Mr. and Mrs. William Berrl, Mr. and Mrs. E.

H. Oonklln. New York; Mr. and Mrs. N.

Colver, Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Bartlett, Mr.

and Mrs. Max Brill. Mr. and Mrs. F.

L. Backus, Mrs. Theodore Bulkley, Mr. and Mrs. Bunker of Yonkero, Mr.

and Mrs. Charles N. Chad wlok, Mrs. Connell, W. D.

Chase. Mr. and ui iiionoguc win exenange puipits with tne Kev. m. k.

x.epiey, pastor or the church, during the morning services. Sunday evenlnri the pastor will be gin a series of sermons on "Sin." His first subject will be. "What Is Sin?" At the Congregational church, the Rev. Gregory ruwen. uuiTLor.

win preacn on tw Fmn son hofitiwi iown. TWE NTT SIXTH WARD CHURCHES The Rev. F. G. Howell nontnr nf the Inilrnn' M.

E. church, will speak to morrow at the men's meeting in tne rooms or the loung Men's Chris tian association. Pennsylvania and Liberty avenues, at 4:15 o'clock. At the Arlington avenue Presbyterian church the Rev. A.

B. Prlchard will preach at both the morning and evening services. The first in a series of sermons on "The Life and Times of ujnn win oe delivered by the pastor In the evening, beginning at 7:30 o'clock. The Rev. P.

J. Reeves will preach in Ladd'B hall, 2,065 Fulton street, at 4 o'clock to morrow afternoon. His subject will be "The Beautiful Garden of God." The evangelistic work will be continued in the Wesley M. E. church to morrow.

The Rev. George W. Servls will preach at the morning service and the pastor, the Rev. Dr. Nathan Hub bell.

In the evening. The Rev. George H. Home, the pastor, will preach In the East End Baptist church to morrow evening from the text, "Is the Bible the Word of God7" In the morning "The Life and Ministry or Christ series will be continued, the pastor's subject being "The Crucifixion." At the Reformed church the Rev. Dr.

J. M. Dixon's theme for the evening service Is "The Child That Knew the Scriptures and What Came of It." The Rev. Dr. Huhbell, pastor of the Wesley M.

E. church and the Rev. George W. Servls of the Goodsell M. E.

church will exchange pulpits. The Rev. W. E. Blandy will preach In the Mlz pah church, at Schenek and Atlantic avenues, to morrow at 11 o'clock in the morning and again In the evening at 7:30 o'clock.

"A Man's Foe Is His Best Friend" is the subject of the Rev. P. J. Reeves' momlng discourse in the Union tabernacle. In the evening the pastor will have for a subject "The Girl Who Lost Her Way and the Man Who Found Her." DEATH OF MISS C0ENELIA KING She Was a Daughter of the Late Governor King and Well Known for Her Charities.

Jamaica, L. November 28 Miss Cornelia King, youngest, daughter of the late John A. King, who was governor of this state in 1856. died yesterday at the residence of her brother, John A. King, 38 West Twenty first street, New Her death was the result of a stroke of apoplexy, during which sho fell down stairs.

receiving fatal injuries. She was president of St. Pheobe's mission of this city and president of the board of managers of the church charily foundation of the Episcopal church, and was also a momber of the visitinf? board of the state association of charity. In addition to this she was interested in other oharitable works. Sho was a life long member of Grace Episcopal church of Jamaica.

Her brothers. Dr. Charles King of Philadelphia and John A. King, at whoso home she died, and her sisters, Mrs. Henry Van Bensaeller and Mrs.

James King, survive her. The funeral arrangements have not been matin, bnt it. is probable that sho will be buried at Jnmaie.n. in the graveyard of Grace church, the old la miiy Durying ground. Sea Cliff.

L. November 28 William r. Birmingham died at his home here yes Kjruay aitemuon arier several weeks Illness. Mr. Birmingham lived with his sister, Mrs.

K. I. Bilev. He has rosided at Sea Cliff six years and owned some valuable property here, among it being tho Bichardson and the Plaza Park hotels. Mr.

Birmingham was for many years in tho dry goods business on Sixth avenne, New York, and had manv friends and aaquaintances in that city. Ho was a bachelor ana fiO venm of Th v. is in charge of his brother, James BifWng ham, of Hartford. will take place from St. Patricks church at Glen Cove on Monday morning at 10:30 o'clock.

Train leaves Long Island City at 9 A. M. FLAGMAN COLLIGAN KILLED. Jamaica, L. November" 28 Christopher Colllgan, a flagmaa'at the way road crossing of the hong Island railroad, was struck and instantly killed by the east bound southern division train which left Jamaica at 6:50 o'clock last o'clock last eveninE nn der the charge oi Conductor Squlers.

The tram is switcneu over to me old southern tracks at Jamaica, being one of the two or turee trains tnat are run over that road dailv. The switch is right near the Rockawav road crossing, and it has been Collisraa's habit to put down nis gates at the maiin line of tracks ana tnen to cross over to the old south track to warn drivers and pedestrians. In some unaccountable way as he crossed ihe tracks he stepped directly in front of the approaching ain and was Instantly killed. (jolligan was 22 years of age and unmar ried. He lived with his father and mother on Douglas street, Jamaica.

His father and Brother are both railroad men. He was an industrious, conscientious man and was well liked by all his associates. The funeral will be held to morrow. JAMAICA'S NEW STREET. Jamaica, L.

November 28 Tho Jamaica trustees last night decided to award Aaron A. Degrauw $500 for tho property belonging to him to be used in gtho extension of Carleton avenue from Grove to Fulton street. In addition to thiB the colonel's property on each side of the street will not be assessed by the village Tho new street will be a great convenience to people living in tho neiehborhood as thov havo heretofore been foroed to make a long detour to roach Fulton street, the depot and umer importune points. MISTOOK A DOG FOR A RABBIT 8oyville, L. Novombor 38 Town Clerk Julius Hauser shot and seriously wounded a valuable bunting dog belonging to Wilmon Overton yesterday Mr.

Hauser was out with hiB own dog after game and strted a rabbit.t As bis hound dashed through the underbrush in chase he got ready to shoot and in the mean time uverton doe Btarted another rabbit and as he dashed through the woods Hauser, mis taking tno animal lor the game, filled him with shot. TROLLEY MEETING TO NIGHT. Rockville Center, L. Novembor 28 There will be a meeting in Library hall this evening to oousider matters in connection with the nroonsod trollnv railroad from Long Beach. The committee has assurance that lyaO.OOU toward the necesBary capital stock win oo taken at onoe.

HUBBELL AS HAMLET. Riohmond Hill, L. November 28 Walter Hubbcll, tho tragodian, who opened the Bioh i mond Hill Opera house with Othello, will appear hero as Hamlet on December 1st. FIRE ELECTION. Cold Spring Harbor, L.I., No vember 28 At an kleotion for officers of tho flro distriots hold osterday in tho Teal building, I.

'JV. Valcn fe, J. T. Jones nna v. n.

Bingham were loted flro commissioners, and W. T. Lock iod, treasurer. Dr. Storm' Jubilee.

report of all the proceedings relating to Iorrs' OoKlen Jubilee will be published in cember number of the Brooklyn Eagle IA tissued next Monday. Prioe, 6 cents. Good Ltlono. Shore foot hall team has overwhelmed itself with glory during the week just past. On Thanksgiving day the Bay Shores plaved against tho Patohogues at tho latter place, "the core being 28 to 0 in favor of Bay Shores.

Yesterday thoy played against their heretofore doughty neighbors, the Mips, and defeated mum wiut a score oi to u. WOMEN'S CLUB ENTERTAINS. Port Jefferson, L. November 28 An en tertainment waB given in Athena hall Thurs day evening by the Women's club. Selections wero given by Miss Florence Wheeler.

Mrs. Lavinia Wilson Greone and Will Rohbinn Tim Edison projectivescope was received with wonder and admiration and the songs and dances dv jxr. htuz ismmett were heartily encored. A Winter' Night Cinme. Sam Loyd's new Tournament Game given away with next Sunday's Eagle.

JAMAICA'S HIGH SCHOOL Dedicated Yesterday With Appropri ate Ceremonies, Addresses and Singing Jamaica, L. November 28 The dedlca tian of the Jamaica High school took place last night. The large auditorium of the building, one of the largest of any school in the tate, was crowded, over six hundred being present. Tbe walls and ceilings of tbe rooms were decorated with American flags. W.

Ballard, superintendent of schools. yva s' chairman of the meeting and Miss Hescer Boyd presided at the piano. The singing by the glee club of the school was very fine. Tho exercises were opened with the singing oi me aoxoiogy Dy the audience and prayer by the Rev. Harry H.

Beattys, paetor of "the Methodist church. This was followed by the address of welcome, deliverd by G. P. B. Hoyt, president of tne Doara.

He said that the money entrusted to the board had been spent in what the board considered the most economical manner. In a very few years, he said, the building would have to be used as a hlirh school exersivelv. the increase in enrollment and attendance during the five or sjIx years being fully fifty per cent, tie closed by bidding the people a nearcy welcome. Congressman R. responded ior me people.

Among ottier things he said: Tnls is the day of the new woman anfl new schools. One of the most Dromlsine slen: of our times is the number of new Rchools going up everywhere. Next to our houses of worsnip scnools should be our greatest pride, and Long Island has a goodly number of excellent schools. We have read of great scholars who learned in oia, tumble down buildings. poony ugntea ana poorly ventilated, but they became great in spite of this and not because of it.

Education is the great safeguard of ireeaom ana tne school is the nursery of It. After singing by the glee club Mr. Danforth E. Ainsworth, deputy state superintendent, made an excellent address. He had great reluctance in coming to Jamaica, he said, be cause Superintendent Skinner himself had hoped to come but had been unable to arrange matters.

"The public school system of America is the great force tending to preserve peace and freedom in the nation," said the speaker. "Germany has two soldiers to every square mile, and the United States one to every 250, uuo miles, Dut tne schools have more influence for freedom than any standine armv." Mr. Ainsworth praised the school building in unqualified terms. Other addresses were made by Dr. James S.

Cooley, school commissioner of the district; Dr. Edgar D. Shimer, assistant superintendent of New York city schools; William Dykes, former president of the school board, all making brief but very interesting addresses. The exercises closed with singing of "America" by the audience. THANKSGIVING MUSICALE.

Roslyn, L. November 28 A very enjoya ble musicale was held on Thanksgiving evening at the home of John S. Charters of Brookville. in honor of Miss Nellie G. Bavlls of Huntington and Miss Carrie L.

Charters of Brookville. A fine programme was rendered and later in the evening there was dancing. The guests present wore: Albert E. Steveni of tho St. George Hotol, Brooklyn; Mios Alma Cox, Mr.

and Mrs. Thorno, Miss Mamie Thome. Mr. Crab, Mr. Weeks of Locust Valley; Mr.

and Mrs. Jackson Hoagland, Miss Beatrice Hoagland of Brookville Mr. ana Mrs. Joseph West, Miss West of Wheatley Hills: Mr. and Mrs.

John Miss Lncv Charters of Bav Shore: Miss Nellie G. BayliB of Huntington, R. R. Chnud9 and F. V.

D. Charters of Now York city; Mr. and Mrs" j. v. juiyster.

Alias Carrie L. Charters, Mr. aad Mrs. John S. Charters of Brookville.

AN ALIEN MADE JANITOR. Hollis, L. November 28 There is considerable dissatisfaction here over the fact that Vincent Glasor, janitor of the new public school here, is not a citizen of the United Statos. A number of citizens were applicants for the posfRon and they feel particularly aggrieved that an alien should have been appointed. Glnser has posted a notice in the town clerk's office of hiB intention to become a citizen.

FLEMING ARRESTED. Richmond Hill, L. Novembor 28 Fred erick Fleming, who olaims to ho a son of the late Mary Agnos Fleming, the authoress, 1b detained at this place on a chargo of being drunk and disorderly. At his request his trial hag been adjourned for two wooks. There is but one That is C.

C. PARSONS'. It not only gives perfect cleanliness, but removes all the invisible particles of dry skin, and, owing to its gaseous nature, it enters the thousands of pores which cover the body, thoroughly removing all secretions, thus destrovino absolutely, the odor of perspiration. (This preparation of Ammonia is entirely different from ordinary alkaline Ammonia, as it makes the skin soft and white.) INTRODUCED 1876. (Trade Mark.) The essential difference between Paine's celery compound and the bewildering number of sarsaparillas and nervines that its success bas brought into existence is that Paine's celery compound furnishes Just the appropriate nutriment to the exhausted nerves, and securely builds up the system against dis ease.

While the unseicntlfio mnfira and add to the derangement of the organs. Paine's celery compound not only relieves, but effectively and permanently cures. The most permanent and direct cure for debility, nervous weakness, languor and a PaTnVr turn ct3R Ti "U4i when this medicine is used. Paine's celery compound is tbe most advanced nerve and brain strengthener and restorer known to medical science. The tired, worn out sufferer who Is not advancing toward health, is falling back.

There is no standstill in bad health. One can endure a headache or a backache once: one can endure it twice, but the repeated sick headache and the constant pain Inhe back and In the region of the heart must be got rid of. For the permanent and posit cure of these unhealthy states of the body, as evinced by repeated attacks of rheumatism, neuralgia, Miss Comer. Mr. and Mrs.

W. H. Coster. Tlfrs. Farnle Crawford.

General and Mrs.C. F.Chrlstier. sen, iir. and Mrs. Theodore Conrow, Mr.

and Ifm. Charles O. H. Craigie, Mr. and Mrs.WU'.lam Cronl.

Miss Con row. Miss Dltmas, Mr. and Mrs. Josep 'n de Seldlng. Miss Clarkson.

Mr. and Mrs. William felson Cromwell, Mrs. H. S.

Christians, J. Bruce Chittenden. Mr. and Mrs. John Casilear, Mr.

and airs. R. J. Con Mr. and Mrs.

Henrv OmTT son, iir. and Mrs. Freeman Clark Mr. an 1 Mrs. J.

W. Croxson. Mr. and K. Clorkson.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crook. Miss Crook. Miss Ada Dwlght.

Mr. and Mrs. Ellhu th' Misses Dwipht, Mr. and Mrs. H.

Miss Dickinson. Mr. and Mrs. H. B.

Davenp.ct. Miss Drowm Mrs. Doig, Richard Walker. Miss Robert. MIssrEoyd Prince, Miss Annie WiTbur.

Lyles Zi briskie. Miss Jean WaKter. Edwin Zabriskle, the Misses Upplneort of Philadelphia. Edwin Garvin, Miss raoe Simmons. Miss Mary McKean, Miss Lila Bkwdgood.

Miss Laura Zabrirkle, the Misses Brown. Elliot BlgeVm Miss Healv, the Misses Rogers, MIS Grace Benedict. George Che Misses Woodhull. Miss May Schieren, Miss Mifs Florence Suvdvun. Mtssjrarion SfTord.

Burt Woodhull. Frf rterlck LanOKjrd.Cormvia Harter, Arthur Foster. T.Silpo?r. Seymour Fuller. Miss Sadie Crawford.

Miss "Es telle Reeve, Howard Bill of the University of New York, University heights; Miss Belle ShlelOs. Wilbur Tredwell. Mis Minnie Behr, the Misses Bigelow, Abrnm Hoover, Miss Chase, the Misses Langford. Leftert Lefferts. Dwlght Lefferts.

Maurice Davenport. Harry Davenport. Alex Walker, Miss Walker, Fred Walker, the Misses Longmlre. Harry Robert. Leonard Hoover of Dickinson college, Carlisle.

Charles Morris, Miss Blanche Morrison. A. Dlnsmore Belt. Miss Carrie Teale, R. W.

Abbott of the University of New York, University heights; Miss Ruth Madden, Miss Florence Lee. Mortimer O' Brian, Mis Limns Johnson. Miss Florence loorty, Miss Ella Marston, Perry Hill. Paul Appfhzellar. Miss De freer, Harry Landfear, Miss Porta Jahn, Charles Putnam, Miss King.

Miss Daisv Donald Appenzellar, Miss Louise Maxwell, Miss Ingalls, Fred Jahn, Ml Agnes Dver. Miss Florence Knnpp, Miss Es' O'Meara. Miss Prank ard. Miss Addle Dean, William Pranknnl, Gustavo Hagedorn. Eldrlch, the Misses Olds Ray Hunt.

Howanto' Newman, Mward Hinken' Charles Sllpperi EHot Eldrlch. Frank Saunders Schenek Remsen. Erskine Lott. Miss Louise Banker. Miss Efllle Blupt.

Miss Marie Brasher ot Jjw York. Sterling Beardsley, Miss Genevieve Wymour. Robert Boyd. Miss Elizabeth Chauin Miss Neal Shaw of Pittsburg, Miss Llda Pearson. Ralph Underhlll.

the Misses Towner Miss Gertrude Willis, the Misses Putnam the Misses Walker, Miss Agnes Wheeler. Miss Man Spier of Pittsburg, Mr. and Mrs. E. Congdon.

Morris Holman. Ralph Perrv. Frank Cristfiold. Philip Wheeler. Miss Agnes Calhoun Walter W.

Hoover, Miss Florence Merrill, Miss Llla McLeod. Miss Mav Robinson. Miss Ruth Barrett of Dickinson college, Carlisle. Miss Lott. Miss Bertha Sullivan.

Miss Ia Lefferts Miss Gertrude Lott, the Misses Stoothoff the Misses Scott of Philadelphia, the Misses Mc Konzte, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. MoCluer of France.

Iss Carrie Stevens. Allen Towner. Gporp A win. Miss Agema Wheeler, rhe Misses Putnam, jaies Jiagainaes of Hampton. and Morris Strong.

FOE HAMPTON" INSTITUTE. Public Meeting in Its Behalf in the Chapel of the Flatbusb. Reformed Dutch Church. A public meeting in the interest ot the Hampton, Normal and Agricultural Institute for Negroes and Ildians was held last evening in the chapel of the Reformed Dutch church, at the corner of Flatbush avenue and Grant street, Flatbush. Beside interesting calks by three graduates of the institution.

an Indian and two negroes, tbe feature of tbe evening, was the plantation songs, rendered by the Hampton quartet. The Rev. Dr. Cor nollim WoIIr ViHoflv miMlnorl tYin wnwl wwV being done by the institute. The Rev.

Dr. H. B. Frissell, principal of the Hampton in stltute, then gave a short history of the school, which was founded by General Samuel Chauman Armstrong, in 186S, and two years later chartered by special act of the general assembly of Virginia. R.

b. Abbott, a negro graduate of the institute, made a short address. He spoke of the future of tho colored race, and declared that its actual emancipation could only be accomplished by equaling the white man's skill In the handling of carpenters' and mechanics' tools. The next speaker was Benjamin Brave, a Sioux Indian, and he was followed by Thomas Walker, another negro graduate of tho institute. Dr.

Frassell said, in conclusion, that the Hampton school needed about $80,000 a year from friends of the negro and the Indian to pay its current expenses, in addition to the public appropriations, and at the request of the Rev. Dr. "Wells a collection was taken up. FLATBUSH NOTE a Mr. and Mrs.

J. Ca (rougher have taken possession of their new home on East Thirty second street. Arrangements are being modo by the entertainment committee of the Cortelyou club to hold a children's partv on Christmas eve. Henry A. Meyer has rolled tbe highest seoro yet reached on the Cortelyou alleys, namely 236.

Mr. and Mrs. Rufus O. Catlln havo taken up iA iwwwHw ga west uiarttson street. A conoert for th ieiprtt of Hin o.aI sleeplessness or kidney trouble, there Is sotk Ing to be compared for a moment with th great discovery oi Prof.

Edward E. Phelps, M. IX. LL.D., of Dartmouth medical school Paine's celery compound. If you are out cf health or despondent be cause of repeated trials of other tal a fresh start.

The bracing weather is.Jtt our 'avor. Here is the experience like that of hun dreds of others of Mrs. Lydia M. Haydea. or ina.

"Before commencing the use of Painq celery compound I was treated by many do tors, and trd many remedies, but did nit uj heeintju iu ue on uruae I tired all the time, and my cent seemei giving out. i weighed om' 115 pounds last fall whei I commence' two months I weighed 124 pounds, an unusual weight for me. I have had better health ever since, and have felt better this summer than I have for years. "My little daughter was away from homa on a visit, and came home looking as if she had had a hard sickness. I went right away and got her a bottle of Paine's celery compound, and she has had better health since than she ever had in her life, eats hearty and! is growing fat." There is no who, in Justice to herself, can fail to take Paine's celery compound under similar circumstances.

SUB CUBAN TRANSIT. Shuttle Car Service Now in Operation on theBensonhurst and Fort Hamilton Lines. Fort Hamilton and Bensonhurst have tt shuttle car trolley service to Sixty fifth, street. It went into effect this morning and it promises to be an improvement on the old service. Cars are run oftener and mora' regularly to the suburban points.

The tim table to Bensonhurst varies from eight to, twelve minutes during tbe day, every minutes from midnight to 1:30 A. M. every hour thereafter until 5 o'clock. Fort' Hamilton is even better treated. Morning andj evening cars are run every seven minutes and during the day ten and twelve.

Besid during the business hours Thirty ninth street ferry cars are run regularly, the same as oa" the Bensonhurst line. It is thought many abuses will be abolished by the new system and travel facilitated between the suburban points and the bridge. xtl street ls now the terminus for alf the Third avenue cars as well as the elevated; railroad. Transfers are there given to th1 suburban points. The time table is so ar ranged as to have a Fort Hamilton and Bea, sonhurst car waiting and there will be unnecessary waiting at the station.

The terminus for tripper cars at Fltty eighth street has been abolished altogether. Every there were mistakes by people getting on ono of these trippers and not being able to get a transfer to complete tho journey. The delaya or the regular Fort Hamilton and Bensonhurst cars down town often kept passengers waiting at the old city line twenty minutes. Tha main and only objection to the new system is the transferring at Sixty fifth street, but with the time table promised this is greatly; overcome by the many advantages What pleases the surbanites most ls the improved night service. The early morning cars leave Sixty fifth street for Bensonhurst at 12:10, 12:23, 12:50, 1:10, 1:30, 2:30.

3:30 and The service to Fort Hamilton is better. The cars leave at 1:60. 1:24, 1:36, 2:08. 2:24, 2:32, 2:55, 3:02, 3:24. A wheeless car has been moved to th platform at Sixty fifth street to fill the' capacity of a waiting room.

The old waiting; ouuicwuat uiiapiaatea ana tne company has promised to put it in repair. SMALL. KT'S BAIL INCREASED. The case of Louis Smalley, who was arrested several days ago on a warrant issued in March, last year, came up for trial before Justice Steers In the Flatbush police court yesterday. Smalloy is charged with making and forging a check for $9 on the Market and Fulton National bank, in New Tork.

He indorsed the check and got Henry Christoffer of 1,014 Bergen street, this city, to cash it fo him. The check was returned to Mr. Chris toner marxea no good. Assistant District At ernfiy P1awe11 apeared tor the prosecution Smalley admitted on the stand that he served murccou nionias on aiecKwell's Island rot! getting a fraudulent draft cashed at the Pomeroy hotel, in New York, and that he had forged tbe name of Charles H. Dunham on the check which was cashed by Mr.

Christoffer. He said that he had formerly been employed as salesman by the Dunham Manufacturing company of New York. He was held for the grand jury, and on motion of Mr. Pladwell the prisoner's ball was increased from 51,000 to $2,500. the prosecution claiming that here were two other warrants out for Smalley'a arrest on similar charges.

STRUCK BY A TROLLEY. A wagon driven by Adolf Burn sen, 26 year old, of 23 Myrtle avenue, while crossing Flatbush avenue, near Tulip street, Flatbush, at, 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon, was run Inta by trolley car No. 1,003, in charge of Con 1' ductor James Tabor and Edward Hoaie. Burneen landed on the pavement, head first, and was seriously Injured. He was attended by Surgeon Smith of St, John's hospital and taken to his home in an ambulance.

Subsequently he was removed to the Long Island College hospital. The wagon, which belonged to E. Zimmerll of 23 Myrtle avonue, wa completely wrecked. Tlie Tournament Osme. A tree copy given away with each copy, ot BH a m.

orxen, air. nna Airs, x. uuiyer. and Mm B.1t. Cory.

Mr. and Mrs? CheileKneit uVsdaV eveomgr Sunday's Eoele.

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