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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 4

Brooklyn, New York
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Rumors of a Change in the BIanas meni off That Nefvupaper In local political oirolcs to day there was considerable talk about a contemplated change In tho management of the Brooklyn Union, It Is understood that negotiations have been going forward for several days with a view to transferring the control of that journal to a number of prominent gentlemen Identified with the regular Republican party in Kings County. If these negotiations are consummated the Union will become, it Is Bald, an aggroBsive Republican newspaper, which will sustain Republican principles and candidates and oppose the Democratic administrations of the National, State and city governments. Several well known Republicans who are associated with the enterprise expressed the opinion to an Eaqxb reporter to day that tho transfer would be effected as soon as the necessary business details could bo attended to. They added that the editorial dlrectlohof the Union, as soon as the negotiations were completed, would pass Into the hands of Mr. Major E.

Page, for many years a Republican Journalist of this city. HENRY M. STANLEY A Veteran Who Will Not Die a Pamper. He Gets Hill IflOHey at Last The happiest man in the city this morning was John Rabbit, of 1,075) Myrtle avonue. He has received an order from Washington directing that he be paid, tho sum of due hlra for services rendered as a soldier during the war.

He Is 64 years of age. In 1863 he enlisted as a private In Company Captain W. A. Fury, of the One Hundred and fifty eighth Regiment, Colonel James Jourdan. At Fort Harrison, in front of Richmond, Rabbit was Btruok by a rebel Bhell.

He would not go to a hospital, but stayed 'with his regiment, doing odd lobs around the camp until the war ended and came back to this city with them. From lack of proper treatment his wound resulted in atrophy of the thigh. Ho then became an Inmate of the Soldiers Home at Bath, but feeling homesick be returned' to thlB olty and was cared for by the Little Suiters of tho Poor, at Bushwlck and DoKalb avenues. He was about to give up all hope of getting his claim and had made up hls.uilnd to die a pauper, when the Memorial and isxecutlvo Committee, G. A of this county, took hold of his case.

The missing link In the evidence was found. This morning the old veteran said: "The money will bo of great assistance to me in my old age, and as Brooklyn Is good enough for me I propose Co remain here with my friends until the last call Is made and Lam carried out to Evergreens CemAtery by my comrades. I tell you If it were not for the Grand Army men In Brooklyn, backed by Congressman James, I would have been euchered out of my Just dues." DSLIflQURXT POLlOBHEff. Officers M. J.

tynan and Owen Rooney, of the Fourth Precinct, wero fined two days' pay this morning tor drinking in a saloon when on duty. Charlea M. Brown, of the Eighth sub Precinct, was fined three days' pay for appearing in tho station house drunk and abusing Captain Barr, and James Mulcahey, of the Eighth, patd two days' wages for failing to be on post at relieving time. A MINOR ROLE Which Did Not Suit a German Actress. The Part of the Fare In Nanen Was Not What She Wanted and Her Husband Threatened to Kick the Manager Down Stairs.

A dispute which oconrred on the stage of the Thalia Theater, New York, on the afternoon ot Ootober 11, last, between Manager Gustav Amberg and two of the members of his company, Herr Emll Marks and hla wife, Frau Marks, during the rehearsal of the opera "Nanon," has caused considerable litigation for all parties. One phase of the trouble has Just been tried before Judge Alfred Sleekier, in the Fourth District Court, N. Y. Herr Marks and his wife, in August last, made a contract at Berlin, through Manager Amberg's agent, to perform In the lattor's German opera company dur Ing the present season. They arrived in this coun try on September 86, last Frau Marks was given the role of tho Page, In Nanon," which she considered was only a part that should have been given to a chorus girl, and as she had been engaged as first songstress Bhe refused to accept the part She had some words with the manager, when her husband appeared on the stage and took part in the dispute He called Manager Amborg a coward aud a villalu, and threatened to kick him down stairs.

Police officers were called In and Actor Marks and his wifo were arrested, but subsequently die charged. The following day the manager brought a civil suit against Marks, for defamation of character, and had hlra arrested and sent to Ludlow street JaU. The manager then discharged Marks from the company and tho latter ued him to recover a balance of his salary upon tho ground that his discharge was Illegal aud caused a broach of contract It is this feature of the trouble that has Just been tried before Judge Stockier. Manager Amborg testified that he was Justified In discharging Marks, as he bad misbehave! himself and bad not conducted himself as a gentlemun which his contract required; ho declared that the role of the page was the second Important part In the opera, and that In any event, by hla contract with Frau Marks sho was employod as an actress aud songstress even In ohorue. He stated that tho rules of tho stage forbid the presenoe of Mr.

Marks there, as he was to take no part in the rehearsal at that time. Mr. Marks and his wife both declared tbat the part assigned her was an Inferior one, and that tho manager had not treated them as he should. Judge Steckler reserved his decision. HOW BETS MAY BE MADE.

Oral Wagers Not 1 1 lentil When No Record ot Tticm in made. Corporation Counsel Lncombe to day wrote to tbe New York Police Board, and, in replying to tbeir roquest, as to what action should bo taken by the police in view of the fact that the Court of Special Sessions, New York, had discharged from custody three men who had been orreBtod for betting at Jeromo Park, said: It appears that an offor to bet on Royal Aroh was publicly made by Loveoraft, and the bet was accepted by Baretto. No evidence of any recording or registering of the bet, nor of tho occupying of a place at Jeromo Park with 'books apparatus or paraphernalia for tho purpose, nor of tho becoming the custodian or depository for hire or reward of money wagered appears to have been presented in this case. Some evidence of the commission of the offense proscribed by the Penal Code must, of courso. bo produood In these cases or the persons arrested will be discharged, and the decision of the JustlceB is, of courso, authoritative aa to that point Insure conviction, tho fact either of the payment of the com mlRSlon or fee for stakoholdlng, or of the recording or registering a bet, must affirmatively shown." CORBIN AND CULVER'S ROAD.

Ilia Addition to the Executive Committee a Result of tbe Election. The animal election of the Prospect Park and Coney Island Railroad Company, hold yesterday aftoruoon. In tho Phonlx Building office, resulted In choosing Andrew R. Culver, president; A. C.

Washington, treasurer; H. A. Faron, secretary; executive committee, Andrew R. Culver, Austin Corbin, A.C. Washington; finance committee, Sidney Wobstor, Thoodore B.

Moore, F. C. Niebuhr. The addition of Mr. Corbln's name was said at the company's office this morning to have no special significance other than giving to Mr.

Corbin that representation duo him through the connections with his Bay Ridge and Long Island Cltv and Manhattan Beach lines. He has long been a stockholder in the Culver company. The connections noted havo proved mutually ndvontngeous. THE TWENTY THIRD REGIMENT. How It Will Celebrate Its Twenty if tb Anniversary.

The Twenty third Kegiment has decided to celebrate the twenty fifth anniversary of Its organization, on January 20, 1887, by a reception at the Academy ot Muslo on that date. It will be kuown as the Twenty third Regiment Silver Reception. The regiment has not attempted anything In the way of a reception on such a large scale for some years. Their last great effort In that line was In 3878, and the active and veteran members of tho regiment propose that the coming event shall eclipse anything of tho kind ever given In this city. The balcony of the Acadomy will be divided into forty boxes, each holding six persons.

Colonel C. L. Flncke Is chairman of the committee and Lieutenant G. W. Hamlin Is secretary.

A COLLECTOR IN TROUBLE. Cbarsed With Appropriating Money Paid by a Sister ot mtorcy. Michael Conklin, employed about a year as collector by George H. Alnslle, of 203 Ross street, In the spring mattress business, was arrested last evening at 47 Taylor streot by Detective Holland, of the Sixteenth Precinct, on a charge of appropriating $226, which he had received on his employers ac count, from tho Sisters ot the Convent of Mercy, on Willoughby avenue, on November 8. The acoused was held In $500 ball by Justice Naeher to appear and answor ou Tuesday next R.

Alnslle, a relative ot the complainant, ottered to go on Conklln's bond, but was rejeotod as being Insufficient. JPMTEP in T1HE. A horse driven by Andrew Anderson, who Is employed by Rashkamp produce dealers, of Wallabout Market, took fright at a rapid transit train on Classon avenue, near Atlantlo, yesterday, and dashed across the track. Anderson Jumped Just in time and escaped, but the wagon was struck by the engine and demolished. The hone was not hurt HB.

WALLS WAS HOT AT I10HB. Mr. Andrew Walls, of 77 Degraw street, whose wife was beaten by Robert McCaffrey, of 176 Columbia street, last Wednesday, stated to day that he was not at homo when the assault occurred. ''If I had been home," he added significantly, "McCaffrey might not be in Jail now." McCaffrey, Mr. Walls also said, struck one of his six children.

ACCUSED OF BURGLARY. Casper Saie, a stupid looking young fellow of 24, was charged with burglary before Justice Eenna this morning. Frederick BItnor, of 47 Hop kins street, the complainant, alleges that Saxe broke Into his shop yesterday afternoon and stole property valued at 1.60. Casper denied the charge when arraigned and was held for examination. BTJODBK DEATH OF D8.

L1EBOLD. Dr. Carl T. Liobold, one of the best known homeopathic specialists In Now York, was found dead this morning in his room in the Union Dime Savings Bank building, that city, where he had an office and baohelor apartments. The Coroner decided that hla doath had been caused by a stroke of apoplexy.

THE T1CIIBORNE CLAIMANT. United States Assistant District Attorney Dovenny denies the statement that the Department at Washington has ordered' Charles Ogden Ferris, the Tichbomo claimant, to be token to San Francisco. No such order has beon received, and there Is some doubt that any will be issued. TO BUILD A HKW CHURCH. Fatbor Dowd, of Brooklyn, who hog charge of the Roman Catholic mission at Patchoguo, Is going to build a now church, and subscriptions to the fund ore Invited.

Frank; Otis, brother oi Senator Otis, has donated a handsome site for the edifice. 1 Thirty fOen to bo Put to WorK on Them at Once. The Executive Committee of the Park Commission to day Instructed Superintendent Hamilton to employ thirty men at onoe for tho purpose of cleaning and beautifying the park lakes and their banks. Superintendent Harrington was ordered to pro euro white pebbles to be distributed on the banks and at the bottoms of the lakes. A blacksmith and horse shoer is to be employed to attend to the park work.

The following letter rocolvod by the commlsalou may be taken as indlcativo of tho general publlo sentiment In regard to park Improvements: To the Park Commiisioners Gentlemen Somo years slnco, when the city authorities or the Park Commissioners purchased the Litchfield mansion, ft was proposed to use part of It for a museum. 1 am not aware of the plan ever being carried out Can you inform me, as I wish to present to tho city my cabinet of shells, provided thoy havo suitable glass cases to put them In. I do not wish to bestow ihem where they will He away In boxes for years merely from the prospect of some day baving a proper place to put thorn, but doslro they may be displayed where thoy will give Inftruo tlon or be useful In somo other way. I will be pleased to hear from you whether they would bo an acceptable gift Thoy would occupy about 100 square feet of Bholf or case room. Vory truly yours, C.

B. Nichols. Brooklyn, November 18, 1880. MUNICIPAL. The Annual Distribution of Excise Moneys.

Institutions Which Are Entitled to a Share The Appeals of Bewildered Taxpayers New Schoolhouses to be Built. Acting Secretary of the Board of Estimato Georgo G. Brown this morning notified the various charitable Institutions of tho city to send in their returns as a preliminary to the distribution of the excise moneys. All responses must be received not later than December 6. Tbe total excise revenue last year was $279,150.

Of this the Police Pension Fund received 20 per cent, or $55,500, and the Inebriates' Homo $41,752.50. These and a number of smaller sums disposed of, the Board apportions the balance among the Institutions. In 1891 these got $60,000 and In 1885 $70,000. The estimated number of beneficiaries la fifty five. All must be engaged In purely charitable work.

Their returns, to be available, are required to state the number of day's support given each Inmate and the annual Incomo from other official sources, as it is upon this that the distribution is based. According to the most accurate estimate the total excise Incomo for tho year terminating to day will be $290,000, a very noticeable Increase over tho preceding twelvemonth. THE CORPORATION COUNSEL ILL. Corporation Counsel Jenks has been confined to his houso by Illness since Saturday, the result of overwork, complicated by a slight attack of congestion. ASKING THE MAYOR'S HELP.

This Is the time of year when anxious citizens fight for places at the head of the long procession ending at the bill clerk's window in the tax ofllce. Not a few of them try to utilize such official acquaintance as they possess to push them near the bead and about every man and woman In town, enjoying tho pleasure of his Honor the Mayor's acquaintance, has called during the few days past to plead for aid. Many people come as well who do not know him, with the general idea that tho Mayor's ofilce is the place where department Idiosyncrasies are straightened out The terrors of the tax ofilce bewilder many, but the Mayor cannot suppress them. TAXES DDE NOW. People who pay their taxes to raorrow will be allowed a discount of 62 cunts on each $100, and this percentage will decrease at the rate of two cents a day during December.

Tho last day of the mouth will leave, therefore, but a two oent margin. After January 1 interest at the rate of 9 per cent begins to acaumulate. FIVE NEW SCHOOL HOUSES. The Building Commissioner to day granted por mtts to the Board of Education for tho construction ot five now school houses, plans for which were approved by the Board many months ago. They are Meeker avonue and Humboldt street, three story brick, 83x120, cost Starr Btreet, near Control avenne, three story brick, 100x108, cost Mauer street, noar Graham avenuo, four story brick, 100x100, cost Throop and Putnam avenues, four story brick, 170x180, coat Fourth avenue and Twontieth streot, three story brick, 153x100, cost $50,000.

The structures are already well underway. HONEY. MARKET. The Annual Reportu of Erie Export for tbe Week Stoctw Irregular. Wall Street, November 303 P.

M. Among the sales of bonds this afternoon were: olass A 10a 'ST Sua 4 Wist 8SM Al A Su Oim 6s. 119M Sua dob 64 'i'JSj Northwest 135alW At A Pacific 1st 8a Nor Pcin: Balti A Ohio 5s Ill Paotr 106 Col 0 Us lU0alOiy Faoiiio Jnd Ilia Dan A 4s. 81)i 81 A Pao lit 85a DotMifk A Mist 100 Omahacon 11 1J4 Det A Mar A West 1st. Den A West lab SilklOrogon Cs 1U1U Kiat TouaSs IWilOrogon Imp 98 Krio iai oon ex Short Line lst.lu6J4 Erlo ino 75 Po.ria income 82 Fort A Don 1st 01! P.ioiBo of i 1st 1U4JJ Gnl.

Ool tSi? 2nd 103 iKioll A Dan ls.t..lUKaI14 Uteou Bay ino 37a 3Httich 4 Dan deb 112 Val oon S7M Rich 4 AUe 1st. Tl inn uinora a vt anu o. lonj.osjtiu. A Nnah 10 40 1U0 aa. 64 St Ark A South ir ino '20 Terre II into 2nd Tenn Sottlem't 33.

79a 7 i A Wilkas Ill Lou 19 A Chi 1st Ill Lou A A Ohi con 93 Minn 4 St rao Ex ibUi lexis rao ino DJAS i Kan4TRm.l01tl04a'exPao 77 Mot Elevated 'Id 110JS ,1 Ann Arbor 94J4 Union 8 85WIU 8 con UUi Mid 1st lUSIU a 43 oou "a Mohilo AO 1st 115 Cent 6s 104 Cant dob 10 Viririni'i afirl inn 99 Wabash Chi 91 Wabash 2nd M'i NY Ohi 4 St List West Shore 43. The annual report of tho Erlo shows a surplus of $14,010. The gross earnings, including tho New York, Pennsylvania aud Ohio, show a salti of $3, 585,475, and not earnings an Increase of $1,531,353. The result ot tho operations of tho New York, Pennsylvania aud Ohio from the commonceraont of tho lease shows a noi loss of $830,310. It Is said taat about 500,000 shares of Roadlng havo been lwkod up by the parties In tho proseut deal and that thls'wlll be hold for voting purposes.

Tho floating stock Is light not only hero but in London. Professional traders havo ceased to operate in It a they fear either to buy to sell it short. Railroad carninis: Ino. lllino'a Onntr il, third week Sovombor Wisconsin Central, third weok Novem ber $1,877 NorthoVn Paoiflc, Ootobur net 6,047 Oresrou Rlrerand Navigation, third nook November 336 There wore only two changos In tho Erie tloket, Joelah Belden and Joseph Ogden bolng elected In placo of C. D.

Lowe and Jacob Hayes. Exports, exclusive of specie, tor the week, $6,015, 201, making $395,815,277 since January 1, against $291,727,046 to the same tlmo last year and $280,228, 510 to tho corresponding date lu 1884. Tho reported withdrawal of the Wabash from the Central Traffic Association Is officially denied. Bar silver Is reported unsettled In London at 46 pence per ounce. Stocks were generally strong early this afternoon! when the feature was a rise In Reading and in Union Paclflc, while tho othor stocks were simply steady.

About 1 o'clock the market became a little Irregular, owing to realisations and higher mouey, and the tendency was downward until near o'clock, when there was a partial recovery. Stooks were unsettled lu the late trade and steadier at tho close. Money loaned at 10 per cenv and at 5, and closod at about 5. The following table shows the course ot the stock markot for this day: Opening. Hlrhest.

Lowest. Oloain BiiS B9 69! Canadian Paoiflo, Canada Soutnern 69: 65 S3 19 Central Now Jersey B'4 M54 52 48j 10 Ontral Pacific. iSS 9t Unattmooga. vin i Chesapeake OK Ones. 4 Ohio 1st 10 10 Ones.

4 Ohio 2nd old GhtoapoAAHon Chic Bur. ft Quinoy 138 Oiev. Ool. O. 4 lnd 73 74 Colorado Coal 40tt Consolidated Oas B0 Si 80M Delaware Hudson lOSg lOOJf Del.

Laok. H2i 1423 Denver A Bio 35 35S Dnlnth 63 68 Kant Tonnoasee 1st 77 138 73 80 79 104 34S 6'i; 77 31 41 y. ii'ii 18 90J4 63 119 163 85 96 22 8 lP 28 S4 GHH 2(5jJ 119)1 140tf 29 53 36 190 68 Ifast Tennessee 2nd pfd. 32: Erie Hooking Valley Illinois Central lnd. Bloom.

4 LakoBneA Lake 8horo Lonfr island Louisville 4 Mani.oDA. 87 78J1 43l 17 Mannattan Beaoh Manhattan Ele. Oon 164 Memphis 65 Mtonigan Central 973 Uinn. 4 St. 32 Minn 4 St, L.

8 Mo. Kan 4 Texas. 37 Missouri New York Central lltfc N. Y. Ohio.

4 St. Loui. 15 Y. Ohio. A St.

U8 N. Y. A New KoslancL. N.Y.SUS.AW 10 N. Y.

Sus. 4.W. ptd 2j Northwestern 11? Northwestern pra Nirtnern 29 Nortaern racujo piu. Ohio Omana Omaha Dfd Ont 4 (lreflron Nav 34)2 53X 107 Oroson Trans. Pa.irto Mail 65H rvoruk.

Pullman Reading Hiohmond A RiohmondTerminal. Rook Island Bt L. Et.L. 4 San Fran. 844; 142 61 a 190 73 09 60)i 69 93.V: 120 265i Bt.Paul St.

Paul ptd 120tf Texas 4 PsoiOo Union Pacific 64 9'3 120 26M 63 20S 37 782 Wabaah 20 W. 3S Western 79: ONLY FOB THROWING SHOWBILLS. Emil Serlter, a German, 42 years old, pleaded guilty In the Court of Sosslons this morning to stealing a watch and chain and $180 In money. When asked if he had ever been arrested before he said, "Only for throwing snowballs." The Court thought him a pretty old boy to bo arrested for snowballing and remanded him for sentence. I.imdbora's Perrutueis Lnndborfc8 Perfume, Edsnla.

Lundborg's Pormme, Marechal Nlal Ross. Lundbors'a Perfume, Alpine Violst. Lundborg's Perfume, Lily of the Vallsr 910 Montlily Buys First Class Plaaoa This month st Andeiison A 398 Fulton it. If You Prefer n. Putro Soap, TwOsaltuu S.

Uiaows' German Laundrr." 1 Thousand of Waffs 8gil)ttl. W. JSjtRtTfi Son, Fnlton s. ji "IV i 11' 9iH mil 88 808 Tbo Administrative Tariff Bill Introduced by Mr. Hewitt Special to the Washington, D.

November 80. Whether or not Mr. Hewitt will reintroduce his administrative tariff bUI at the approaching session Is not definitely known. It Is thought that he will. This measure is of mate concern to Brooklyn than any other likely to come before Congress this Winter.

It baa direct reference to the warehouse interest along the water front in its simplification of tbe methods of collecting customs dutlos and the' facilities which It attords to warehouse owners Jeremiah P. Robinson Henry E. Plerrepont and other Influential resldonts of Brooklyn are urgently advocating tho passage of the measure. LasJ Winter it was Introduced separately, but was subsequently Incorporated in the Morrison tariff bill. This notion very much angerod Mr.

Hewitt and partly explains the estrangement between the two leaders ou tho Democratic side. The main reason why Darwin H. James voted for the Morrison bill was because it contained the Hewitt administrative clauses, clauses which In his Judgmont wero of paramount importance to his city. It Is not thought probable that tho measure can be passed this session owing to the few working days whioh Congress hap at Its disposal and tbe opposition which wilt havo to be encountered In the Senate. FULL POCKETS.

Burglar John Johnson and His Plunder. A Chase and a Wrestling Mateh Ofllcsr MorgAn's Pistol Brings a Marauder to Terms. Offlcor Morgan, of the York street police, was on duty at Catharine Ferry last night, and as he was looking around Just before going off duty at 12 o'clock he thought he hoard a nolso as of break lug glass somewhere in the neighborhood. He ran upMalu street and saw a man standing In front of No. 49, Davii 8zansa's shoo store.

As soon as he perceived the officer he started on a brisk run and turned Into Howard's court Morgan soon overhauled him and was about to place his hand on his collar when the fugitivo rondo a vicious blow at him. A catch as catch can contest followed which lasted for about Are minutes, when the policeman, thinking he had had enough of such exercise, drew his pistol and threatened to end the procoediugs summarily. This action had tho desired effect and the man who, although powerfully built was about tired out, surrendered. He was marched to the station house, and in answer to the usual questions, said, that his name was John Johnson, that he was a paintor, 42 yoara old and that ho lived at 30 Main street When the order wa3 given to soarch him, the first discovory that Officer Morgan made was that his prisoner had on two suits of clothes. Tho collection of articles turned out of Mr.

Johnson's pockots and fouud hidden in tbe lining of his garments gave rise to the idea that he was a kind of peripatetic Jewelry store. Tho following is a complete list of tho property found on him: Eloven brass keys, four skeleton keys, ono silver hunting caso watch, ouo lady a gold watch and chain, ono gold lockot and chain' and compass, one gold chain and charm, two pairs of gold bracelets and two odd bracelets, ono gold match box, three gold collar buttons, throe gold anger rings, three pairs of gold oarriugs, three gold breastpins, one gold piu. throe gold shirt studs, one gold badge on which Is engraved "Ad. Cahll, best gent waltzor;" one pair infant's red leather shoes, two loather purses, one containing $15.07 and the other nine small clippings from newspapers aud books, one new wood chisel, one new pocket knife, two silk handkerchiefs, one now rod, white and green scarf, one pair brown kid gloves, one seven chambered revolver, small, and loaded, and marked "Blue Jacket and two of Wechsler Abraham's busl ucea cards. After Johnson bad been locked up Roundsman Maude and Officer Morgan went back to Szausa's store and made an examination of the promises.

They found a pane of glass had been broken in the side of the show window, near the lock of the door. In the street a few foot away they found ono shoe which had formed part of Szausa's show stock. Tho proprietor of the store said this morning that $1.50 bad been taken from the till, but Johueon could not have been the thief, as he had no time to get into the place. Some blood was on tbe window pane and a cut on the prisoners wrist showed that he had cut himself in his attompt to pusb bock the the lock of the door. A visit was mado to day to Johuson's room, which Is on tho second door of 36 Malu street In a truuk was found the following property: One fancy brown leather workbox, with red velvet lining, containing throo handbags made of brown loather and red and purple velvet: nvo new carvod picture frames aud a photograph of Rev.

Job Bass, chaplain at the Penitentiary. The prisoner when arraigned this moraine pleaded not guilty "and was remanded until Thursday next for examination. There are two complaints of burglary against him, one mado by Szansa, the shoemaker, and another by Poter Carr, of 511 Main street who Identifies as his a quantity of the property fouud on the prisoner. Mrs. McGuluness, of Front streot, near Main, says that Johnson called at her house last week, representing himself ns a poddlor and that after ho left she missed two overcoats.

This is not the first time that he has been in trouble. He was arrested two years ago last Summer by Officer Roddou, of the Congress street station, for robbery and nsaault, and on May 18, 1SSH, wo3 sent to tbe Penitentiary for two years. The number of his picture In the Rogues' Gallery is 175. EDWARD II. SCHLKPTEIt'3 DENIAL.

He Never UNed tho Uroccru' Association for Political Purpose. The Retail Merchants' Association of Brooklyn, held a meeting last night In tho hall at 80 Grand street Henry Meyors presided and A. Koor nor recorded. Eight candidates wero proposed. The delegates to the Central Association of this State Robinson, Tribckon and Hulsberg reported that they were admitted on the credentials presented.

It was announced that a hall had oeou secured on Bedford avenuo, near South Fifth etreet, which would bo ready for ocoupancy by 1st of January next, a id that the officers to be elected on tbe 13lh prox. would be Installed iu January. Edward II. Sonleutor stated that ho would mail 1,000 copies of tho Market Journal containing his reply to certain allegations made against him by Henry Eggers in the Urocert' Advocate. Mr.

Schleuter asserted that he did all he could to havo the oil license abolished, and denied that he had ever attempted to UBe the old association, while Its president, or the' new one for political purposes. INSA Ji IN A STRANGE! LAND. A Girl Who Left the Fatherlaud Two months Ago, Augusta Hoffman, a young German domestic, arrived here alone from Celzc, Thurlngla, about eight weeks ago and obtainted a situation in the family of a Mrs. Miller, at 347 Willoughby avenue. While there she showed evidence of insanity.

Leaving the family she went to the house of George Zotz mann, 304 Graham avenue, a relative. He last evening gave her in charge of the Sixth Precinct police as a lunatic. The Charities Commissioners wore notified. The girl is musical in her madness, like Ophelia, and while waiting la Justice Naeher's Court this morning kept up a continual carol. It Is said that a young man whom she met on the ocean steamer, and who deserted her after her arrival In New York, is the indirect cause of her Insanity.

HE WANTS THE INCREASE. A Case ia lite Supremo Court That TOU1 Interest Policemen. Frank W. Edwards was appointed a patrolman on the police force August 1, 1879, at a salary ol $750 per annum under the act which authorized an annual Increase of $50 In patrolmen's pay until the salary ehould reach $1,000 a year. After serving four years ho resigned.

Twenty months later he applied for reappointment and after pass ing tbe Civil Service examination was reinstated at a salary of $750. When he bad completed five years of sorvlce, exclusive of his absence of twenty months, he was ordered to wear a servlcestrlpe and did so. Then Edwards, claiming that he was entitled to the Increased salary under the code, placed the matter in the hands of a lawyer. Tho cose was submitted to the Supremo Court to day. DISRESPECTFUL KAVAL OFFICERS.

Commodore Ghernrdi has issued the following order: "The attention of officers on duty here to called to the ordor of the Honorable Seoretary of the Navy, requiring the mourning badge to be worn for a period of thirty days, which order has not ben generally observed. Heads of departments will pleaso see that this is carried out." This is signed by the commandant and all the heads of departments and Is the result of the appearance of many of the officers without the badge on their swords. If the order Is again disobeyed there promises to be a court martial Immediately. CHARGE AHD COUNTER CHARGE. Otto Fraiik, of 119 Hancock street, and Henry Ihne, of 821 Park avenue, were drinking together yesterday morning, In Tom Brown's place, on Washington street, when the latter suddenly accused his companion of stealing $2 from him.

Frank and, before Judge Walsh today, pleaded not guilty. In addition, he accused Ihne of having stolen $1 from him. Both cases will be heard to FATHER MC GLIKCUKT'S GOOD WORK When tho Eev. P. J.

McGlinehey went from Brooklyn to Riverhead to become pastor of the Roman Catholic Church, he found the property burdened with a debt of over $5,000. In less than two. years the debt has been reduced to $1,00, L0HG1SI.AKD DIVORCE SUITS. Mary Agnes Hallock, of Jamosport, has obtained an absolute divorce from her husband, 7rank T. Hallock, who Is well known as a camp meeting oxhortor.

Emma Bouton, of Breslau, has been granted an absolute divorce from her husband Augustus Bouton. B1TTKS BY A DOG. Patrick Dillon, 51 years of age, of 190 Gold street, was severely bitten on tbe leg this morning by a d9g owned by Charles McDonald, of 188 York street Tho dog was afterward killed. JUDGHEST AGAINST FORESTERS. Justice Courtney thiB morning rendered a decision In favor of Joseph W.

Pearce, a bulldar, who sued Court Myrtle, of the A. O. to recorer the sum of $127.10 for unpaid sick benefit. BEOOKMB INCORPORATORS. Richard Clay Sibley, of Now York, and William T.

Chittenden and Charles Cooper, both of Brooklyn, are tho corporators and trustees of the; Universal Gas Fuel Company, having a capital stock of $1,000,000. But Has an Unaccountable Hatred for His Home. Why an Eastern District Woman, After Thirty Years of Happy Married life, leaves Her Husband and Cliildren A Board Suit and a Counter Claim tha Res iIt. Mrs. Mary Ellis, of 119 Suffolk street.

New York, has commenced a civil suit in Justice Rhino hart's Court, against Joseph Lewis, of 131 Deroa street, for t46, claimed for board for hU wife. Mr. Lewis makes a counter claim for $250, for the loss ol his wife's services. It appears that Mr. and Mrs.

Lowls were married thirty two years ago, and have a family of four children, the youngost of whom la 6 years old. Husband and wife lived happily together for thlr. ty years and their separation seems to havo been caused entirely because of Mrs. Lewis' prejudice against the pretty two story dwelling where she lived for thirteen years. Mr.

Lewis is a cattle buyer for a Bushwlck drover.and three years ago decided on renting his house and moving Into a building nearer his placo of business in Bushwlck. The two tenants who occupied his dwelling neglected It, and at the end of a year he found that he was considerably out of pocket In making repairs and by the failure of a tenant to pay rent He then decided on again occupying tho building. He had It ronovatod and was about sending his furniture to it when his wife informed him that she would never CO back to it. He pointed out to her that tho house was their own and that It was a much nicer one and In a more desirable location than where they lived, but sbe waa obdurate and said that she was willing to live jvtth him In three rooms In a tenement, but back to" the Devoo street houso sho would never go. Mr.

Lewis aud his two boys moved, but his wife and two daughters, aged 22 years and 8 years respectively, remained behind. Two months later the eldest daughter called upon her father and told him that sho had been married la the meantime, and that her husband, who had Informed her before the nuptials that ho was In receipt of 120 a week, only got $6 a week, and after a month deserted hor. Mr. Lewis gave her a home. His youngest daughter deserted her mother later and Is now living with her father.

He is ready to receive his wife with open arms, and sho is willing to live with him, but not la his present abode. Tbe caso will be called for trial at an early day. TOOLS STOLEN. On Sunday last carpenters' tools valued at $25 wero stolen from James Campbell's shop at 233 State street SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENTS. OLTRNEAY BURN HAM, IMPORTERS OF AND DEALERS I FINE DRY GOODS, 104, 126 AND 128 ATLANTIC AVENUB, Haro now opened their season's importation of Antnmn and Winter goods, comprising the largest and choicest stock of plain and fancy fabrics they have ever shown.

SILKS, SATINS, PLUSHES, VELVETS, SILK and WOOL and WOOLEN MATERIALS in novel and exclusive effeots. BLAOK GOODS ot every description and in new anS choice weaves. CAMELS' HAIR SHAWLS, the choicest and cheapest stuck to be found. LADIES' and CHILDREN'S CLOAKS, SAOQUE3 and WRAPS. LINENS, DAMASKS and HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, MORLEy celebrated HOSIERY and UNDERWEAR a specialty.


JOURNEAY A BURNHAM call special attention to the following lines of SILK GOODS: GUINETS FAILLE IfRANCAIS, in all tha ohoics oolors, at $1.25. BLAOK SATIN RH AD AMES and DUOHESSB a 1.00 and 81.25 regular pnoes $1.25 and $1.60. 24 inch SATIN RHADAMES, S1.60; nover buforosold inder 82.00. GUINET'S and BONNET'S celebrated oaohemire fin isnel GROS GRAINS, and GOURD'S caohemira ROYALS all guaranteed, and at 25 per cent, under regular prices. TAPISSIER'S caohemire finished SU.KS in original qualities only.

J. A B. offor the choicest and best stock of goods to be found and at prices invariably as low as cau be obtained anywhero. A. HIGH NOVELTIES IN 03SS II KBS3 II KKg 3 SSSSQ II KK SSSS 3 II I KK SbsS8 II LLLI SsSS8 AND EEB LLIi EEB rTTT gSSSg S8S8 i EE KK KBfl JAMES MoOREERY A CO.



TRIAL WILL CONVINCE. For Gont, Dyspepsia, Bilious Fevers, Diseases of tha Liver and Kidneys, Dr. Ttttt'e Pilla have beon wonderfully sacceisfal. Theso diseases are the result of Torpid Liver, Impaired Digestion arid Impnro Blood. A QUAKER'S OPINION.

An honest Quaker writes from Floy, Ala.1 "Dr Tntt: Respected Sir Having taken thy pills, 1 find they havo done me good. I write this card to know haw they can be obtained. 1 don't think I oan do withont them Thoy are a great blossing to tha slok and thou wilt hare tby reward. W. H.

ELROD." TUTT'S LIVER PILLS, PURIFY THE BLOOD. 41 HURRAY htrkkT. NEW YOBS OYAIi BAKING POWDER. ABSOLUTELY PURtt yhlapowdar nsver varies. A marvel of parity, straugtA and whoiosomenoss.

Moro economloal than the dint? kinds, and cannot be sold ic competition with tho mnltl tuJo of Ion test short weight, alum or phosphate pov dors. Sold only iu cans. roxai. BAKCta Powdku 10 Wall K. 'JL Piles, Kstola, ItebJbut, ote onrod witUoalenUtnj llsatlftg OhloroYorm.

Sond for circular to .1 Wasf Twenty.Uth at. New Yotk, Brookktifficfi 5Vf tS? ton CeVwyThartd. ttranooa; consultation free. Dm. MILLER A JAMISON.

Three Hundred.Men Discharged from the Navy Yard. Rumors that the Ax Has Not Ceased Fiill insf Construction Department Laborers Who Were Appointed for Political Reasons the Present Victims. There was unusual excitement in the Navy Yard this morning because of the contemplated discharge of laborers from the Construction Department Numerous politicians of this city and New York wero worrying Constructor Pook and Chief Clerk 8utolIffe in tho interest of porsonal proteges and endeavoring to save them. Falling to learn the names on the black lists the politicians besieged the other departments in hopes of securing vacancies, but were again disappointed by learning that there was no money to Increase the force in any manner. The politicians we're all tho more active when they were given to understand that the discharges would be principally among the men who were employed Just before eloctlon, no because they were skilled workmen, but as a matter of patronage.

Theso mon have done no work since they have been In the yard, but have had an Idea thoy were put there to draw their salary Constructor Pook said this morning that ho coufd not tell positively whether the discharges would take place or not. If no letter came from Washington before night three hundred men could not return to work to morrow. It was learned, however, that discharge lists had boen prepared immediately after tho department had Informally but positively refused to grant an oxtra appropriation. The excitement developed Into general consternation when it was rumored just before noon that nearly all the departments would lose part of their force and the number of men thrown out would exceed 500. Inquiry failed to verify the rumor although several officials said no one could tell what would come next Only eighty men remained In the Equip ment Department It wlU tako $6,000 to keep them through December, but Captain Whiting thinks he will get the money.

James McCartney, who Is chairman of the Patronage Committee of the County Democracy, and who Is known to be well informed concerning affairs at very busy among the departments to day. It Is said he has over 100 men offected by tho discharges. He said: The whole trouble has been caused by overdoing the thing. The officers In the yard took on entirely too many men Just before election. Hod they kept up the force three months longer they would have used up the entire appropriation which must last till July.

Their action must cripplo the whole business of the yard until then. They have attracted the unfavorable attention of the Department The recent discharge of forty three men in the Yards and Dooks Department, with tbe attendant circumstances, showing that it cost tbat department $4 to do sixty cents' worth ol work, has materially weakened the confidence of the Government in the management of this Navy Yard. It has proved that the mon put in before election do not do olght hours' work. The only romedy I can 600 Is for the lobar unions to look into the matter and sop that their members do some work for their pay. The restoration of the confidence of the Department rests with tho laborers.

The local hoads of departments can not force work out of men who are put in for political reaaoua and they can only discharge wben tho appropriation gives out Some thing should be done at once or tho new steel cruiser will be built elsewhere. If the men want employment to continue and if more men noed employ ment, confidence must be restored at once." The list of the mon discharged from the Con struction Department, numbering about 300, was posted in tho yard this afternoon, the discharges to take place at 5:30 P. M. Enough men have been retained to finish the Richmond before Christmas as ordored by the Department at Washington. A NURSE COMMITS SUICIDE, And Ilcqueatlis a Small Fortune to tbe Girl Who Rejected Him.

Morris Van Damm, a Hollander, about 21 years old, was for several month prior to Maroh last, a nurso In the Brooklyn City Hospital. He owned property In Holland valued at (15,000, but became a nurse so that he would always bo near medical assistance, as he was subject to epilepsy. In March he went to Newark and secured a position In the German Hospital. In July, Annie Braun, a pretty brunette, was admitted to tho hospital. Van Damm was hor nurse, and falling In lovo with her, proposed marriage.

She refused the offer, but after she loft tho institution be visited her regularly. Sunday afternoon he called on her, and after chatting pleasantly for about two houra left He took the train for Jersey Olty, and while en route swallowed halt an ounce of corrosive sublimate. Then he wrote this note: To whom it may concern I am subject to fits. If anything happens to mo please send word at oni'e to Miss Annie Braun, care of Miss Cohen, aveuue and wluan's avenue, Newark, N. and oblige.

When he arrived in Jersey City he fell In convulsions. After preliminary treatment la a drug store ho was taken to the City Hospital. He died an hour later In groat agony. Mlsa Braun was communicated with and aeut an undertaker after the body. It was taken to Newark last night Before leaving Newark the lost time Van Damm loft a will and somo papers with Undertaker George Brueoknor and told htm that he Intended to commit suicide on account of trouble.

By hla will Van Damm loft Miss Braun 4,500, and the balance ot hla property to charitios. THE JOUNSOX CASE. Testimony Offered to show the Defendant's! Infidelity. The Johnson divorce case, whioh has been before the Supreme Court at least a dozen times lately, came on for trial this morning beforo Justice Brown. Teresa Murray, a servant formerly employed by the Johnsons, at 134 Floyd street, testified that the corespondent, Freeman, frequently visited Mrs.

Johnson during her husband's absence. On her cross examination tho witness admittod that Mr. Johnson had driven her away from the house bocauso sho had too many young men there. Gustavo Cooub, of 121 Hopkins street, testified to renting rooms to a Mr. and Mrs.

Armstrong, whom he believed to be Mr. Freeman and Mrs. Johnson. Severe other witnesses were called to the same offeot, and the cose Is still on. Mrs.

Pros man Is relyiug upon the testimony In this case in a suit for absolute divorce from ber husbaud. ROBDED BY HIS BROTHER. A Workman Who Lost 8 100 by Care lCHSIIfcHS Stanislaus Cielski, a workman in Haver meyers' sugar refinery, had saved several hundred dollars and placed the money In the Willlamsburgh and Bowery savings banks. While he was at work, his brother Joseph took the bank book whioh had not been looked up, and by representing that his brother was sick, drew $350 from the Wllltamsburgh bank and $150 from tho New York one. Stanislaus noticed the changes on tbe book and investigating discovered what bis brother had done.

The latter was arrested to day and taken to the Market Police Court, New York. A WORTHLESS ELECTION CERTIFICATE Whlcb Oot Mr. Obcriy Into Very Serious Trouble. J. J.

E. Oborly, of 176 Huntington Btreet, was arrested last evening charged with the larceny of $3 from Michael 518 Court street Oberly was appointed a canvasser of elections on tho 1st of November and received a duly authorized certificate from the Board of Elootlone to act On this certificate It Is charged that he obtained J3 from Mr. Lahey, representing that It was worth $5. Lahoy advanced the money and learned later that another man had actod in Oberly's place and had received the $5. Oborly refused to return the money, hence the arrest He gavo bond in the sum of $200 for appearance Friday next before Justice Mossey.

COURT CALENDAR. Cases Set Down (or Trial on To morrow. OrhOTJiT Cotjbt Nos. 180, Wigmore vs. Cordes; 444 Jf, Beeket M'f'g Co.

vs. 8ea Beach R. 447. Carlson vs. Fischer; 182, Prince vs.

Schleeh tuer; 64 Patton vs. Royal Powder 705 to 797, Bullock vs. Ansonla Co. 454, Brown, N. D.

2, vs. Farley; 455, Whlttam vs. TIemann; 458, Smith vs. McCailum; 459jtf. RItman vs.

Union Ferry 404, Sutter vs. Vanderveer; 123, Monoghan vs. Todd; 230, Dickson vs. W. U.

T. Co. 819, Jones vs. Harding; 440, Whitman vs. L.

I. R. 468, Lowltz vs. Roberts; 469, Bornsee vs. Roberta; 470, Whalen vs.

Baxter; 471, Brown vs. Sutton; 472, Clark vs. Leary; 478, Hoar vs. Hoar. Highest number reached, 478.

BBIilBVED TO BE I.NSASK. Kate Leary, a prepossessing young woman of 24, who Is supposed to be demonted, was arraigned before Justice Eenna this morning on a charge of having threatened the life Milton H. Hoyt, of 228 Qulncy street 8he started to tell a rambling story to the magistrate but was romanded to be examined as to her sanity. When taken from the court room to tho prison van Bhe screamed at the top of her voice and fought the officer. COMPENSATION FOB A IiBfi.

A. boy named Martin J. McOarragher in the Supreme Court this afternoon recovered a verdict of $5,000 damages from William H. Rogers for the loss of a leg. The defendant Is a Now York printer, who employed tbe plaintiff at a press.

The plaintiff, by Baldwin F. Strauss, his counsel, proved negligence on the part of the employer, which resulted in the loss of his leg. Robertson Robertson for the defendant A HEW 8IHBISO SOCIETY. The certificate of incorporation of the Orpheus Oesang Vereiu, a German singing society, was filed In tho County Clerk's office to day. Charles Doerschuck, Henry Schmidt, Fedor Helnltz, Louis Stelnkraus, Henry Caus, Gustav Doerschuck and George Blank are the Incorporators.

Jl'DQE RAVAKAOn BOBBKD. Judge Kavanagh, of Long Island Oity, went to bed at 11 o'clock last night He left a new suit ot clothes, a gold watch and $78 on a table In his room. When he awoke this morning theso articles were missing. A thief had entered his room through a window. AN HABITUAL STEALER OF DOOR HATS.

Patriok Lynch, an old tramp, has has beon In the habit of getting drunk and stealing door mats from the stops of Mr. John K. Flannogan's rosldonce, 230 West Twonty afth. street, New York, Mr. Flannogan haa 'bad Lynch arrested sevora times, but allowed htm to go when ho promised not to do it agata.

Last nigh Lypoa sSol ttta door mat and was arrested. And Outwitted an Unwilling Father. A Brooklyn PhysJclan'a Secret Marriage. The Husband a Son of a Well Known Bank President An Affair Which Will Cause a Flutter in Social Circles. A novelty in the form of an elojjement by parties fa high social position occurred in a Long Island village yesterday afternoon.

The lovers are Dr. Warren C. Sneden, of 131 Prospect place, and Miss Mary Dlm'on, of Jamestown, L. Dr. Sheden Is the son of Warren Bneden, president of the Metropolitan Savincs Bank In New York City.

Miss Dtmon is the daughter of Mr. Franklin Dlmon. The Sneden family have a Summer residence In Riverhead. It Is the handsomest place In the village and was formerly owned by Assemblyman Morey. Tbe Dimon family have an elaborate establishment at Jamosport, on Feconio Bay, where they live throughout the year.

Dr. Sneden left the Flatbush avenue Depot yes terday morning, at 8 :30 o'clock. He bought a tloket for Riverhead. He did not In the least look like a gentleman contemplating matrimony. The mall train on which he was a passenger arrived at Riverhead a little before coon, and, alighting, the doctor registered at the Griffins House, whioh Is directly opposite the County Jail.

He lunched on wild dock, mince pie and milk while a messenger hurried to tho Snellen Homestead to order the family carriage. It arrived In good season, the man on the box appeal log somewhat distinguished In a livery of olive green cloth. "To Jamosport," said Dr. Sneden as he Jumped nimbly In and drew a wolf robe up ovor his knees. Down at Jamesport, which Is six miles east from Riverhead, a really beautiful lady was expecting a gentleman visitor, and he did not disappoint her.

At the usual time, after lunch, Miss Mary Dlmon tripped lightly from the house and took her usual course to the post office. She did not return home by tho same route, nor at oll, in fact She took from the office but a single letter and that was for herself. It bore the Brooklyn postmark and the superscription was in a scrawling hand. She broke the seal hurriedly and scanning the letter as she walked took the footpath along the Bandy highway and proceeded rapidly in the direction of Riverhead. Five mlnutos or so later Dr.

Sneden's carriage drove up and the coachman turned the horses suddenly. The doctor alighted and after embracing Miss Dlmon mosKalnsotlonately assisted her Into the vehicle The to Riverhead occupied less than half an hf uri The lovers were receive In the parlors of the Griffin House, without inviting the scrutiny of tho bystanders. Friends of Dr. Sneden were summoned to the hotel and from thence the party proceeded to the residence of the Episcopal clergyman, who tied the silken knot that makes two hearts as one. It was 8:15 o'clock when the minister pronounced Dr.

Sneden and Miss Mary Dimon man and wife. The little company returned to the hotel, where an Informal reception took place. Later in the day Dr. Sneden telegraphed the fact of hia marriage to his father in Brooklyn, and a letter was dispatched to Jamosport to Inform the Dlmon family of tho important event At 6 o'clock Mr. and Mrs.

Dr. Sneden traveled by rail to Green port and were guests at the Clark House last night This afternoon tho bride and groom went to New London, by the steamer Manhanset, and thoy expect to reach Brooklyn Friday or Saturday. A friend, referring to the newly married couple, said this morning: "They were stunningly handsome." Dr. Sneden lsast 30 years of age. He has hlaok hair and whiskers aud, with his gold rlbbod glasses adjusted, looks a thorough professional man.

Miss Dimon is a beautiful bruuetto, of the purest type, and scarcely 20 years of age. A wod dlug under the rather romantic clrcumstmces narrated Is said to havo been rendered unavoidable by the obstinate attitude of Mr. Dlmon, who restricted all of hla daughters in the matter ot male companionship and disliked extremely to see young gentlemen visitors at his house. "Miss Dlmon and my brother have been acquainted since tbolr ohlldhood," said a sister of Dr. Sneden to an Eagle reporter this afternoon, at 131 Prospect place.

"They had tho same governess, aud you might say that we were all brought up together. We always spent our Summers at Riverhead and keep our horses there now. My brother has bees engaged to Miss Dimon since last July, and everybody know it Mrs. Dlmon was porleotly willing that the marriage should tako placo, but the father is rather eccentrlo and opposed it His principal objection was tbat he did not want his daughter to leave him, which she would do if she married. Ho had no porsonal objection to my brothor and was always very fond of him.

He has another daughter, and he will not allow any young man to visit her. We all knew that thoy were to be married, but did not know Just where the ceremony would take place. They will be home tho latter port of tho weok and will meet a warm welcomo here. Miss Dlmou'a mother knew all about it and gave her consent to the secret marriage. She said that the young couple were fond of each othor and that they might aa well be married now as at any time." TOO CLOSE TO IHS MOTHER IN LAW.

Justice Nachcr I'kittka a Mile Away 1 Near Enough. Justice Nueher, this morning, tried the case of Margaret Sullivan against hor husband Jeffry, for abandomdnt It appeared that on June 23, of this year, Mrs. Sullivan left the house of her husband and Blnco then they have boon living apart. Defendant called witnesses to prove that Mrs. Sullivan bod frequently been intoxicated, and that for weeks after she left the houso he remained there Ashe could not be obliged to support his wife while she refused to live with him, the Justice discharged him.

Then Mrs. Sullivan's mothercamo forward and wished to show to tho Court that Sullivan bad a right to live at her house. "You see, Judgo," she said, "I can let them nice rooms for $7 a month." "Madame," said his Honor, putting on a stern expression, "It would bo much better for Sullivan and his wife to move a mile away from you. If you had not harbored your daugbtor when she went away from her husband, this trouble would not have occurred." TOOK THE WRONG MEDICINE, And Wants to Recover 62,500 Because Of it. Miss Mary Callahan, of Flatbush, has, through her counsel, Charles J.

Patterson, commenced on action against William H. Douglass, druggist of the, same place, for $2,600 damages for Injuries received through the carelessness of his clerk, G. McGregor, In preparing a proscription. Four weeks ago the plaintiff, who was suffering from rheumatism, gave McGregor two prescriptions, written by Dr. Ingraham.

One was for a medicine and the other for an external application. Miss Callahan claims tbat she took tbe medicine In accordance with the directions on the label, soon became so 111 that she hastened' to her physician, who told her there had been some mistake in preparing tbe proscription. McGregor has not since noted as clerk for Mr. Douglass. Miss Callahan claims that she is still 111 and unable to work because of the effects of tbe medicine.

The answer is a general denial. The case Is set down for trial in January. CONVINCING ARGUMENTS Which Were Ved to Persuade Jamee Grady ot His Slstcr'u Marriage. A man, bleeding from a half dozen small cuts on his head, entered the Fifth Preolnot Station at a late hour last night and Informed Sergeant Burford, who was at the desk, that his name was James Grady and that he resided at Wythe avenue and North Tenth street, with his brother In law. He stated that a short time before, during an altercation, ho expressed his doubt whether a marriage ceremony had been performed between his Bister and her husband, and In order to convince him of his mistake his brother in law belabored him with chairs and household utensils.

Mr. Grady was advised to apply to Justice Naeher for a warrant ATTACHING HAYIIAK'S FROPKRTlf. Jugtice Wallace, of Rookville Center, was kept busy yesterday Issuing attachments against the property of Freeman F. Mayhan. It was discovered on Saturday that Mayhan had assigned his property for the consideration of $1,100 to a man of very small means, and this transaction aroused the suspicion of Mayhan's many creditors, some of whom had the magistrate out of bed at 5 o'clock in the mo rnlng.

p. J. HCTIEBSEY WA5TS FOB A FIKOBB. A enit for $20,000 damages has been commenced In the Supreme Court by Francis J. Mc Tlerney against the White, Potter Paige Manufacturing Company for the loss of an Index finger.

In January the flrm employed the plaintiff to a oircular saw in their factory, without making him aware of the dangers of the buzzer, and he Incautiously placed his Anger in such a position' that he 108tlt InBtanlly. A BOW AT A BALL. Andrew Kirag and Philip Wills were clubbed last evening by Special Offlcerl'homas Oram, at a ball in Union Hall, corner of Meserole and Ewen streets, the officer alleging that thoy had first assaulted him. Wills says that the difficulty was broughtytbout. by the officer Insulting hia slater.

Justice Naeher held the ocoused to appear on December 7. OBSTRUCTED A STREET CAR. William Greene, of 426 West Thirty first street, New York, was driving along Ninth avenue, that city, yesterday, in the center of tho car track. A cor was behind him and Greene refused to get out of the way, Charles Coppersmith, the driver of the car, had Smith arrested, and this morning at Jefferson Market Court, he was fined $10. ANOTHER CASE OF BJ1ALLPOX.

Another case of smallpox was discovered today at the Flatbush Insane Asylum, whore a case was discovered last Friday. The nurse who was attacked with the disease to day was employed in a different part of the building, a fact which causes considerable surprise among tho physicians in charge of the and others at Flatbush. STOLE A BL ASSET. Patrick Hurley, of 156 Went Thirtieth street, Now York, stole a horso blanket from a buggy owhod by Mr. K.

of 832 WeBt Thlrty second street, that city yesterday and was arresten In Sixth avenue saloon. At Jefferson Market Court to day h9 was hW for trial lnKS0oatl. His Mind Unhinged by His Defeat. The Competitor of Chairman Ice, of the Yonng Men's Democratic Taken to Bloomlnsrdale His Case Not Incarahle. A week ago to day the Young Men's Demo cratlo Club held Its meeting for the election of offl cora and Frederick Ji.

Lee was ohosoh president Tho only prominent opponent to Mr: Leo was Kloh ardLacey, of 147 Amity street, who has long been identified with tbe club and was ono of Its strongest workers. Mr. Lacey received but eight votes less than Mr. Lee. This defeat seemed to prey upon his mind and Wednesday he began to oot queerly.

His wife did all she could to soothe him, but her efforts were of no avail aud he finally became so excited that It was necessary to send for outside assistance. 8ome of Jir. Lacey's neighbors were summoned and two. attendants from the Long Island College Hospital at tho corner of Amity and Henry streets, were engaged to watch tho patient, who had by this time become very violent He soemed to think that ho was pursued by the devil, and the mania took tho form of a religious craze. Duriug the attacks he would deliver long homilies on the subject and Anally work hlrasolf up Into a paroxysm.

Several physicians were callod and after examining Mr. Lacey pronounced him temporarily Insane. Both tho physicians and friends of Mr. Lacey advised his wife to send him to an asylum, and finally she was prevailed upon to allow him to bo removed. Thursday evening ho was taken to Bloomlngdale.

Mrs. Lacey was very reluctant to pursue this course, as she thought If her husband came out again cured he would never forgive her. Mr. Lacey Is a heavily built man, woighlng about 230 pounds, and for this reason was more difficult to manage. For years he has betn prominently connected with Domooratlo politlos In Brooklyn.

He was a leading member of the St Patrick's Society, and was upon the Fifth Rapid Transit Commission, which was recently dissolved. This is not the first time he has boen seized with a similar attack. During the Hancock campaign he was a very active worker and nearly wore himself out stumping for Hancock. The Democratic defeat was a groat disappointment to htm, and he became insane and Jumped out of a second story window. Ho was confined In Bloomlngdale for a weok and then brought home and nursed, by hla wife until his recovery was apparently perfect Since that recovery he has lived most happily with his family, and attended to his business of commission salesman for Calcutta goods.

Mr. Lacy is a very popular man and has a host of friends, who will sympathize warmly with his wife In her affliction. His cose Is not considered incurable, and a few weeks of rest and quiet will probably entirely restore him. He has three children. TESTING NEW FI11E ENGINES.

Comparing Their merits Willi Those Now in Hue in Brooklyn. A distinguished party of firemen and city officials assembled near the dry dock In the Navy Yard to witness a comparative test of new Are engines lately purchased by the city. Hitherto the onglnes have all been bought from tho Amoskoag Company, but some time ago the La France Company furnished one of their mako to Engine Company No. IS, aud the Clapp Jones Company to No. 4.

The two new engines, with tbe two year old Amoskeag belonging to Engine Company No. 21, played streams into tho river through 500 feet of hoao to the satisfaction of tho spectators, among whom were Commissioner John Ennls, Chief Engineer Nevlns, Assistant Chief Smith, Chief Oscar Shea, of Now York; Chief Charles Mason, of Canar sle; Superintendent Lynch, District Engiueor James Dale and many others, including all the officers of the Navy Yard. SHE GATE HIM BACR TALK. James Gilkey Again Charged With Striking Hist Stepmother. James Gilkey, 20 years old, of 22 Clinton avenue, mado his second appearance within a year before Justlco Kenna this morning and for tho second time upon complaint of his stepmother, Mrs.

Mary Gilkey, who chargos that James struck her in tho faco with bis closod flst "It 8eom you can't koep your bands oft your mother," said Justice Kenna. "8he ain't me mudder," replied Gllkoy, "she's mo stepmudder." "Well, what did you strike her for 7" "I didn't strike her," was the ready answer. "She be's givin mo back talk all day." A plea of not guilty was entered for James and he was held for trial. MADE HIS MARK. A Brooklyn Italian Accueu Brother of Forging (Sis Name.

Joseph Ciesleski, 21 years old, of 148 Du pont streot, this olty, who works in a sugar refinery, was Drought to Essex Market Court, Now York, today by Officer Weis, on a warrant obtained by his brother, Stanislaus Olesleskl, of 881 Oakland avenue, this city, for having forged his signature to a check for $150 on tho Bowery Savings Bank, on August 18, luae.and received payment for tbe same, according to tbe statement of Walter Coggeshall, assistant secretary. The defendant Isanlguoraut man and does not road or write; however, tho amount paid was found erased on the bank book, wben tbe complainant went to draw $30 on September 10. It is clalmod that the accused merely made his mark to the ohook. Justice Gorman remanded the prisoner till the oftornoon to enable complainant to produce tbe bank clerk. NOT ACCEPTED IN THIS COUNTRY.

Tho Scotch of Deciding a Case Which is 41 Not Proven." The divorce suit of John W. Ottmana against Mary McQuado Ottmans, which was sent to a Jury by Justice Bartlott, was concluded yesterday afteruoou. The plaintiff Is a carpentor, who took a trip to California which extended over four years. During his absence tho various acta with which ho chorged his wife were alleged to have beon commits ted. The case was given to the Jury yesterday afternoon.

and they returnod into court with avordlctfor the defendant On being polled, one of the Jurors, a Swede, was found to dissent from the verdict, not bocauso ho bollevod the defendant guilty, but be. cause her guilt was "not proven." Justice Bartlett Informed the Juror that the Scotoh euslom of deciding a case by the verdict of not proven was not accepted in this The Jury again retired and returned with a verdict for the defendant. LEGACY TAXES. The First Rulintr Under tbe low In Kfnet Coamy. Surrogate Lott handed down this morning a decision which la tho Orat yet given in Kings County on the subject of legacy tares.

The decision was upon the Smith case and the questions dealt with In it were first, whether a nieoe can be considered a lineal descendant; and second, whether the niece's share (lees than $600) was subject to the 5 percent. Inheritance tax, under Chipter 483, of the Laws of 1883. Surrogate Lott declares that tbe words "llnoal descendant" rofer only to descendants of the ancestors, and that a niece Is not a "lineal descendant" In relation to the second question Surrogate Lott declares that the legacy to the niece cannot be taxed. There will be no appeal. NEW TITLES FOR JUDGE WALSH.

He Is Called "Your Excellency and a "Fine Gentlemen." Last Friday Frederick Lee, an old German, who lives on Henry street, went into William Boeder's restaurant, 66 and 68 Fulton street, and called for a cup of coffee and a rolL He drank the coffee, but after breaking the roll, and not finding It to his liking, he refused to pay for It Mr. Koeder refused to let him leave the place until ho settled his bill and a struggle was the result The old man was finally arrested on a charge of assault and was lookod up. He told Judge Walsh to day, with tears In bis eyes, that he was a peaceable man aud had never been arrested In his life before. Ho addressed his Honor as Your Excellency and Kind Gentleman," and was profuse In his thanks when he was off with a fine of $1. KNIETON WILL NOT FIGHT.

An English Pugilistic Affair Xteclared Off. London, November 80. Pnlflon, who was to have fought a prize flght with bare knuokles to a finish with Jem Smith In Paris to day for the heavy weight championship of England and heavy stakes, backed out at the last moment and refused to go to tho battle ground. The men had been In active and close training for the encounter for several weeks and the interest In the event was widespread and intense. IK AID OF THE BBOOKLVK KCBSBBY.

The ladies of tho Brooklyn Nursery expect a large attendance at their entertainment tomorrow night in the Atheneum, Clinton street and Atlantic avenue. The performances will consist of vocal and Instrumental music and charades. The object of the night's amusement Is to raise funds for the benoflt of the children. IBBNB JKFFBKT'B C1IAB0K. Nicholas Scholl, of 267 Chauncey fltreet, was arraigned before Justice Kenna thls morning, on complaint of Irene Jeffrey, of 284 Sumpter street, who claims that she is about to become a burden on the county, and that Scholl Is the cause of her trouble.

Tbe accused denied the charge and wa held for trial. A PBKBEKTATIOS CUP STOLES. Between midnight and 8 o'clock this morning some one broke into the Brooklyn Athletic Club House, at the corner of DoKalb and Claeson avenuos, and stole a large silver plated cup on which was the foUowing inscription: "Presented to the Dauntless Base Ball Club, by the Coney Island Club, 1884." A HOTEL KSEPEB F1HKD. "William B. Thorns, a hotel keeper on Ocean was tried before Judge Cox on complaint of Officer John Brew, who charged him with keeping his hotel open on Sunday, November 31.

He was found guilty and fined $15. FHACTUKBP IH8 SKULL. John "Walsh, of 6 Catharine slip, New York, while at work on the steamship St Reuans, at Dow Stores, yastorday, accidentally fell Into the hold of the vessel and fraoturod his skull. He is at St Peter's TUESDAY EVEiVLVfl. NOVEMBSS 80, 1888.

HE MAY RESIGN, But Not Because of Dr. McLean's Attack. Popnty Otterson Will Take no Notice of the Charee His Accuser So gests that He Ought to go West. The contiovcrsy between Dr. McLean and the Departmout or lloalth is growing warm.

Com Otterson tbls morning again refused to be Interviewed on tho subject of the former health ln sTpeotOt's charges. Doputy Commissioner Ottorson. boVbVer, said that until Dr. McLean's charges were put la writing no action would be taken by tho Board of Health. Continuing, Dr.

Ottorson said: "There Is always moro or less disease among cat tie in Brooklyn. The class of people who own Itabloa lire among their cows, and would take It aa good Joko if they were asked to oloan them. There Is not a stable in Brooklyn which Dr. Bell, our vet ornary Inspector, has not visited at one time CT another during the past few months. He Is a competent man In every respect for the place.

Since the present administration came into power It has broken up several establishments whore cows wero afflicted wlih contagious disease. It Commissioner Ottorson thought the present stall three health Inspectors were not sufficient he would no doubt appoint more. Theso mon are on the go all the tlmo. Dr. McLean is prejudiced agatast the Health Department.

When he was dismissed ho made mighty efforts to retain the place. Much Inflceuoe was brought to bear in his behalf, hut it availed him nothing. The Board of Health has nothing personal against McLean, who at smart as a whip, and were he less peppery ho would have more frlonds. That the gentleman has never felt happy since he got out of the Board of Health Is apparent He would, I have no doubt, like to got the 'bulgo' on the Department." In a morning paper it was stated that Deputy Commissioner Otterson intended shortly to resign. When asked concerning the matter the gentleman "I can't now toll whother I shall resign or not If 1 do reBlgn It will not be because of auythlng said by Dr.

McLean. I suppose that 1 have the same prlvilogo of resigning as anyone else." Former Moat Inspector Hobday wished to correct the statement made in last night's Eagle in regard to Moat Inspectors MoElroy and May. These gen tlomen wero called a prize flghtor and a convict respectively. Mr. Hobday, when he made the above allegations had roforenco to Dr.

J. Frod Moore, a physician attached to the Health Department, and Dr Grotho, a chemist, also of the Board. The formor gontloman was convicted on 8oturday of assaulting a bakor on Court street, while testimony was recently advanced tondlng to show that Dr. Grotho was onco an Inmate of a penitentiary. It was Mr.

Hobday opinion that the Board of Health had become thoroughly aroused to the bad sanitary condition of certain Brooklyn cow stables, and that it would shortly take some decided action In the matter. Dr. L. McLoan was callod upon by a reporter today and asked what he had to say in relation to the charges made against him by Doputy Health Commissioner Otterson. He said: "I am exceedingly sorry that Dr.

Otterson has Introduced any porsonal feeling In trying to insinuate that I want notoriety and cheap advertising. My charges are tpetiinc and pointed, and none of them have boon squarely met I know tho seriousness of these chargos, their Injurious otfoct upon this community, and would not make them lightly. Dr Otterson claims that I nover reported a single taao to the Board of Health. On March 5 Pre. Griffith and Bartley, of the Department Health oxamlned diseased specimens of five car jasos thon hanging in Johnson avenue slaughter houses and wero convinced of the highly unsuitablo Character of the moat for human food, and were sakotl by mo to report the same to the Commissioner The gontlomen wore also roquosted to ask Commissioner Ottorson to examine the diseased epeoimons at my office.

This Dr. Ottorson declined to do and tho diseased carcases were permitted to bo sold as human food. On tho 21st of March I wrote Dr. Otterson a letter drawing bis attention to the prevalence of contagious disease among oattle, but received no reply. Some timo during March last Offlcor Clark, of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, reported a case of contagious pluro pneumonia iu a milk cow.

This morning I received the following letter from Officer Clark: Officp of TDK Society for tiie "1 Prevention of Cruelty to BltoOKl.YN, November 30, 1888. 1 Dr. Ji. McLean, Veterinary Inspector for the 8. P.

C. Dear Sir In roforonce to your controversy with the Doputy Commissioner of Health, Dr. W. C. Ottorson, allow rao to romlnd you of a cow offected with acute contagious plouro pneumonia In a stable on Myrtle avenuo, and condemned by you on the 17th of March, which caso I reported to tho Health Department, expecting It to take action in the matter, and the curt reception I received from the deputy and I was told to givo them (the owners of the oow), as none knew bettor how to do It than Henry Bergh.

This reception did not encourage me to repeat my visit, although many such niin hhTfrfi nturh nnmounder our notice. Wo prose cuted the owner ot tne aiseaaeu ww ueiuro ouujjo Maener, had him fined 25 and tho cow destroyed. Yours truly, F. Clark, Offlcor. "Is it necessary for the Socloty for the Prevention Of Cruelty to AnlmalB to report cases of contagious fnooa tn fh nf Rfinlth." Dr.

MiT.flftn WAR asked. "Decidedly no. Mr. Bergh's instructions of the 25th of November, as printod In tho Eagle of yesterday, were issued under a misapprehension of the situation, and have since boen withdrawn. The fact is that tho Department of Uealth wants officers of the Society to Instruct the Board how to perform its duty.

To substantiate the abovo statement 1 must draw your attention to tho following letter: Office of the Commissioner of Health. 1 Brooklyn, Novomber 17, 1880. Eupvrlntendent J. R. Pye, of the S.

P. C. DEAR Sir In making up my annual report to the Board of Health you will greatly oblige and render the report more complete by giving me the number of glaudered horses coming under your Jurisdiction within the city lor tho present year of 1886. Very rospeatfully, Ltjcien M. Bell, M.

Yeteeary Inspector Department of Health. I have made," continued Dr. McLean in conclusion, the foUowIng specific chargos, namely That the present Board of Health has pormltted the mtlk of diseased cows to be used as an article of diet without restriction; that tho sanitary condition of the cow stables has been allowed to become so defective that tho milk exposed to the contaminated atmosphere becomes a medium for conveying a disease, particularly typhus fever, to those who use It In addition, I am ready and willing to prove my statements to any competent and impartial Judge, and I trust that the Board of Health trill not endeavor to dodge this vital issue which effects the health of the Innocent children and others of Brooklyn to such an alarming extent If milk was in every Instance boiled its bad effects would be largely neutralized. If Dr. Otterson finds that he can't treat Brooklyn people civilly he should go West." THE FINANCIAL SITUATION.

CoiaBTreFmraien Awaiting the Recoui mcndatlona of (be President. Speoiol to the Eagle. Washington, D. November 30. Arriving Congressmen are much Interested In the ebaracter of tho financial recommendations to be made to Congress by the President and Secretary of the Treasury.

The Proaldent seems to realize tho momentous importance of the situation and In his way extract the views of such of tho public men calling upon him as he supposes may have Ideas worthy of consideration. Among other suggestions recently made to him Is sue to recommend the immediate refunding of the t)4 per cents, which will expire In 1891, with a thirty year 3 per cent bond. It Is thought that all, or atleast tho very large majority of the holders of the percents, would be glad to change them for a long bond at the reduced rate of Interest THE HEW YORK DELEGATION. Congresaniao Felix Campbell to Be tbe Democratic Chairman. Special to the Eagle.

Washington, D. November 30. Felix CampbeU will bo Chairman of the New York Democratic dolegatlon in the Fiftieth Congress. His term of continuous service is longer ihanthat of any other New York Democrat Sun let Cor has been in Congress a good deal longer than Mr. Campbell, but the break he made in continuous service when he went to Turkey gives him leeondary place now.

According to talk here the telegatlon will vote as a unit In the organization of the House. ILLSESS OF THE PBESIDKHT. Special to the Eagle. Washington, November SO. The President has shut himself up in his room to jay arid declines to see anyone.

It Is announced that he Is suffering seriously from a heavy cold and jverwork. A PRIEST IS HIS LATER TEARS. London, November 30. His Eminence, Cardinal Manning, to day ordained as a prlost Lord Charles Thynne, aged 73 years, and formorly a canon of the Protestant Church. IHE WEATHER.

INDICATIONS. Washington, D. c. November 3a Por Eastern New York, light rains, stationary temperature, variable winds, gonorally easterly. record of the thermometer.

The following Is the rocord of tho thermometer aa Kept at tne Brooklyn Daily Eaqlb office: 10 A.M. 1uM a ou IS.M i p.m ATeraffatemooratura to day ATrfi8 t9mpertaru some do last roar A i r. ni uy 45k HIGH WATER. The following is the official announcement Of thetPnoand duration of high water at Nw "Tor lad Sandy Hook for to morrow, December 1: A. M.

1 Tlmo.IIIoighU In. M. I liooL I. P. M.

Dura'nof Rise. FslL E.jtln.iA 5:6 16:31" Time, unignt. H. M. I Feot, 0:01, 8.8 0:00 4.1 cm HOVEHKSTB OF OCBAS VBS8BLS.

AUBTVEO TUESDAY, K0VEHBS8 89. Ohlctgo, Hull, Nbiv York. abbived at. roaa'aa rou 8 Fnrneasiav New York, Momllo. 0a Wielaud, Now York, Hamburg.

To Lecture at the Academy and Be Entertained by tbe Brooklyn CInb. Mr. Henry M. Stanley, the famous African explorer, will lecture this evening at the Aoademy of Music, in this city, under the auspices of the Long Island Historical 8oclety. The meeting of the society will also take place this evening.

After the lecture Mr. Stanley will be entertained by the Brooklyn Club. He lectured in Now York last evening on "Through the Dark Continent" He was introduced to a scholarly and fashionable audience by tho Rev. Henry Ward Beeoher. He talked about his trip through Central Africa In search of Livingstone.

A committee of the Transit and Building Fund Society asked Mr. Stanley's advice yesterday regarding a Methodist missionary steamboat to run on the upper Congo for the benefit of missionaries. STRIKING HARD. Quintard's Veto of a Flagrant Sinecure. He Sayi that Engineer Arnistronfc Has Been Drawing a Salary for Merely Nom inal and Superfluous Duties.

The Supervisor at Large, this morning filed with Clerk Cadley his disapproval of the action of the Board In rescinding on Wednesday last the resolution abolishing Ventilating Engineer George J. Armstrong's sinecure. The text of the veto Is as follows To the Honorable the Board of Supervitort of Kingt County Gkntlbsiek At the meeting of the Board held November 18, a resolution was adopted, by the termB ot which the position of engineer to the ventilating apparatus at the Court House was abolished, and the services of the engineer In charge dispensed with, and at the same meeting It was resolved by unanimous vote to omit tbe purchase of any coai supply for this superfluous apparatus. These resolutions being in acoord with the recommendations I had previously made to the Board were approved by me In due course. At the meeting held November 24 the resolution first uanioil, by which the position was abolished, was reconsidered by a vote ot the Board, and I have now to decide whether I shall br my approval glvo otfoct to this vote, reconstitute the position and re lustate the engineer.

I am unable to see any reasons to change tbe position I have already taken In regard to tbls matter, whioh is fully set forth In my communication to tho Board, read September 23, and I therefore disapprove the resolution and file objections, as requlrod by law. Thojo I will agalu brletly state: The position has become a slnocure, but its maintenance costs the county about $1,500 a year. The apparatus Ib not needod for the purpose of ventilating the room of the Board. This much is admitted, and I am of the opinion, moreover, that we Bbail get all the ventilation that is bealtbful from the watchful press of the city and from publia opinion, now more than usually alert and sensitive to the doings of public officials. Nor is the apparatus needed, as is claimed, to heat tho rooms of the Board.

Thexe rooms wero properly heated before tho apparatus was put In, and I havo beon Informed by the Superintendent of Construction and Repairs that it will cost but a few hundred dollars to reconnect with the regular pipes whlcb heat the Court House, so inat our rooms and the ones about them can be bealed the samo as before tbe so called ventilating apparatus was introduced. Since, therefore, tho machine is not needed either for heat or ventilation, the only object of lis continuance will be hold by tho putlic to bo to enable an engineer to draw a salary for morely nominal and certainly superfluous services. I appreciate and respect the motives whioh have influenced tbe vote of some members of tho Board in relation to tbls matter; but mere persoual or party obligations must yield to tho publlo Interests, aud, as I am unable to look upon thlB position as other than a flagrant slneoure, opon and practically confessed, 1 can rccoguizo no duty but that of assisting the Board In suppressing It and doing It now. Itospectfully, JOHN A. QOINTAHD, Supervisor at Large.

Brooklyn, Novomber 30. The majority forrescindlng was too small toadmlt of overriding. Aud Mr. Qulntard said this morning that the resolution appoiuting Armstrong, passed In February, 1886, though fixing the terra for one year, was unauthorized by law and was subject to termination any time. Just as it was created, by resolution of the Board.

Therefore Mr. Armstrong Is gone. A FLATBUSM OYSTER CASE Which is Regarded with Great Deal of Interest. The trial of William Vreeland, Adam Arnold, Jac.os Grocn and Stanley Mosher, charged on the complaint of Judge John Wilson with stealing oysters from his oyster beds in Canorsle Channel, took place before Justlco Cox at tbe Town Hall, Flatbush, yesterday afternoon. Counselor W.

J. Gaynor appeared for Wilson, and Judge Rausoh for tbe defendants. The trial occupied about two hours and a half. Wilson look the Btand and testified that ho represented the firm of Wilson, Biggs Jfckort Ho saw Vroeland's men taking oysters and warned them off. They left but returued, and he then had them arrested.

Willlum Biggs corroborated ibis tCBtlmouy, and William Vreeland, being sworn, donlod that ho had taken any oysters from Wilson's bed, claiming tbat they were taken from tho bed of I. R. Sammis. His testimony was corroborated by his workmen, Arnold, Mosher and Greon. Thoy all admitted tbat they were notified by Wilson to leave the oyster beds.

Judgo Cox reserved decision. Considerable interest is taken in this caso, very much being involved In It GALL'S HOUSEKEEPER HURRIED. Developmental Which Havo tbe Effect of Sitxtniralnar the Will. The eBtate of Joseph Gall, the aged optician of tbls city, who died In May last, leaving a wlU by which his adopted son, Charles F. Fuuken steln or Gall, was given the chief portion of the estate, valued at $200,000, was before Surrogate Rollins, of New York, to day, upon a motion made in behalf of the adopted son for the appointment of a temporary administrator of the estate.

Mr. Gall's will is being contested by Amelia Steeelo, bis formor housekeeper, who claims was his wife and that ho was the father of her ohild. In support of the motion to day an affidavit of John Jermann was presented, In which be said that on the 24th of August, 1871, he was married to Miss Steele by Rev. Francis J. Schneider, and he has never been divorced from her.

The affidavit was corroborated by one made by Emll Wllbret, who witnessed the marriage ceremony. The Surrogate gave the contestant's counsel a few days to put in opposing affidavits. FELL ASLEEP ON THE BOAT, And liost rata (Sold Watch and Chain and New ISnt. Mr. W.

H. Schaeffer, who resides at 596 Lorlmor street, after spending a social evening last night with some friends In Now York boarded tbe boat leaving the foot of Twenty third street for Greenpoint 11:20. He had not been seated many minutes in the cabin wben ho fell asleep. He was aroused by a deck hand upon the boat reaching Its slip on this Bide and went home. He Is positive that before disembarking at Now York he had a handsome gold watch and chain and a new dorby hat When he left tho boat both wore missing.

In the place of his handsome Imt he found an old, dilapidated, greasy derby, which he was almost afraid to touch. No trace has been discovered of the thief or of the stolen articles. A HABD IHTTIKG REAL ESTATE AOBNT. Solomon Jacob, real estate dealer, 195 East Broadway, New York, was held In examination in $500 ball to day at Essex Market Police Court on a charge ot assaulting Louis D. Howes, of 18 Park row, that city, by striking him violent blows on the face with his fists in an altercation arising out of money matters.

It Is alleged that Howes is now laid up under treatment for erysipelas at his brother's house, 314 Decatur street, this city. The offense occurred' on November 25. HE WILL SERVE SIX HOHTHS. William H. Canfield who, while intoxicated last week, was arrested by Roundsman Lees, of the Ninth Precinct, and afterward charged with burglary by 16 year old Herman Rlchter, of 26 Ormond place, was arraigned for examination before Justice Kenna this morning.

The charge of burglary could not be substantiated but to the charge of Intoxication Canfleld pleaded guilty. As he was unable to pay a One of $10 and costs of court he will spend six months in the Penitentiary. PURSUED BY A BARD OF DYNAMITERS. Late lost night William Strong cavorted around tho Sands street entrance of the bridge declaring that ue was pursued by a band of dynamiters who took him for an English Bpy. Ambulance Surgeon Cooke called it a case of delirium tremens and took the sufferer to the Cumberland street Hospital.

MART LSKEHAK AGAIN. Mary Lenehan, of Hicks and Harrison streets, who has been a pretty regular patron at Judge Massey's bar of Justice, took twenty five cents from an 8 year old child named Delia Davis, in Court street, yesterday afternoon. Mary was drunk and was looked up. Tho stolen quarter was found in her pocket Twenty nine days In JaU was her en tenet. FATHER HCCMISKEI BOBBED.

A set of harness and a blanket, valued together at $80, were stolen, on Sunday from Rev. Father MoCloskey's stable on St Nicholas avenuo, near Linden BtrSet, Queens County. A HAT BACK THIEF. F. O.

Fitchie, of 216 Sohormerhorn street, paid a Visit last night to 6 friend lives at 880 on the samo thoroughftro. While he was there a tmeigot lntoineuouseanaeme vv.uvnv..

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