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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 13

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


At OXFjN HAM'S, 070 FULTON Near Brooklyn Furniture Company. UallreatU. EST SHORE BAOiBOA H. Y. O.

AND R. R. R. Lessee. ww re rvmT MIf IMPORTANT SaLS.

U(3 RUHR A a AA ft It A A RRRR AAA OLLAND SHADES 200. A WINDOW, is NN GO A A A OR GGQ complete wim linen inngo anu spring roiiers av oxis'nham's, 579 fulton st. 430 CHOICE BUILDHMJ SITES. TEN NEW, ELEGANT QUEEN ANNE COTTAGES NN DDB a a Gossip Concerning the Guardians of the Peace. Hteamborua.

ON AND AFTER OOTOBER 1, 1886, ALL FARES REDUCED VIA STONINGTON LINE, Tho favorite INSIDE ROUTE loi BOSTON, PROVIDENCE and all New England points. First class faro, $3 TO BOSTON; 82.25 TO PROVIDENCE. Pas3ericera via this lino oan havo a lull night's rest by taking 7:65 A. M. express train from stoamor'a landing for Providonoo or Boston.

Reclining ahsir parlor cars betwoon steamer's landing and Boston WITHOUT CHARGE. Elegant steamers RHODE ISLAND and MASSACHUSETTS will leave pier, now. No. 36, North River, ono block abovo Canal st, at 6 M. daily, except SundayB.

W. POTPLE, Ooneral Passenger Agent, Box 3,011, Now York. NOTE Steamers Nashua and Psquot will run on Providence Line from Pier 29, North River, for freight only. KNOWLE8 MORRIS, Loasoos REAL TURCOMAN PORTIERE OUR tains, 83.98 a pair. Plenty of pattern to select from, all colorst Ao, rom, OXKNHAM'S, 679 Fulton st.

On Fort Hamilton aud Twelfth ava, Fortieth, Forty first, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND WEDNESDAY MATH Tho distinguished Irish Comedian at Forty second ana orty tnira eta, ami Druoy and Went End R.R. SSS I I. I V. By order of the JO OS Bl PPP JO SooqB ioqavj Agent. WEST BROOKLYN jjj ooo sss Trains leave West Forty ec and at.

station, New York, follows, and 20 minuteo earlie from tho foot of N. Detroit and ChiC co, 9:30 A. 6:00, M. Buffalo, Rccheuter, SnBoension Bridge. Niacar Falls.

3:10, "9:30 a. e.00 P. M. Utioa and Syraoaao. 3:10, A.

M.t "8:10 P. M. "3:10, SiJiO. 11:25 A. Saugerties, Catskills and Albany, 3:10, 7:10.

11:25 A. :15, 8:10 P. M. CranBtoa'a, West Point, Cornwall. Newburgh, 3:10, 10:10.

11:25, A. 4:15. T.M. and 6:00 P. M.

Cranston's Cornwall. jJewburah. For Montreal and Canada East, (i :00 P. M. i Hamilton, London, 9:30 A.

M. Toronto, A. 16:00, 8:10 P. Klogaut aleopirifr cars for Buffalo, Niagara Falls. Detroit, Ohlcaco and St.

Louis on all through trains. Daily. Other trains daily except Sunday. For tickets, timetables, parlor or sleeping caraccomiro datlons, or information, apply at offices: Brooklyn Washington Bt; 730 Fulton st; Annex office, foot of Fulton st. New York City 363, 785.

942 Broadway; 153)tf Bowery, and West Shore stations, foot of West Forty second st, foot of Jay Bt, North River. HENRY MONETT, General Passenger Agent, 5 Vanderbilt bt. 88 to 14 Court it, opposite Olty Ball, This Is the only institution in tho olty doTotaoi oxoln aivolyto BUSINESS IndlWdnal instruction. Students DW ontor at any time. Call or send for catalogue.

OLAOHORN, Principal and Proprietor. A DELPHI ACAUEMY ART DEPARTMENT, In Chargo of Professor J. B. WHITTAKER. Glasses In Drawing and Painting from antiquo and life, two sessions daily.

From 9 to 12 A.M. and :1 to 4 IP. M. Sketch class Tuesday evenings from 7:30 to 9:30. Terms: $1(1 per quartorf or one daily session, $15 lor Potn.

MISSSMITH'S SELECT SCHOOL Kor Young Ladies and Children, 99 Socond plscp. Ml 8MWI hss ssoured thoservloos of a first class Frenoh teacher (craduato of Paris), besides having languages taught in school. Classes aro forming forofter noon and evening. Correct pronunciation and Durelar isian accent a specialty. An early application should bo mado, as classes will be limited to ton.



O. Box 153, Brooklyn. LTDSON RIVER BY DAYLIGHT. EEB PPPP ft Land and Improvement Company, AY LINK STEAMERS ALBANY or O. VIBBARD KRRB IT RRRR PPPP HH MM MM MM MM MM At Auction on the promisaa.

ft It Officers Who are Nothing if Not Ingenious. The Characteristics of Some Members of the Force. The Eleventh and Ninth Precincts are at present, as every one connoctod directly or indirectly Wth the Police Department knows, without captains. Speculation Is rife, very rlfo, as to who will succeed Messrs. Eoilly and McLaughlin.

Suffice It to say that Commissioner Carroll has not yet picked out two gentlemen to whom ho proposes to award the cast oE shoes of tho two lately appointed Inspectors. About the beginning of noxt January the long felt wants will bo filled and not before then. Patrolman McMahon, of tho Fifteenth, who is UDU Iu Frod. Marsden'a greatest of all IriaU (Daily, except Sunday.) Leavo Brooklyn. Folton st.

(by Annex) 8:00 A. M. New York. Vestry st. pier 8:40 A.

M. And West 22nd st pior promptly at 9:00 A.M. For Albany, landing at Nyack and Tarrytown (by ferry). West Point, Newburgh, Pougbkoepsie. Rhinebeck, 0a kill and Hudson.

Returning, leave Albany at 8:30 A. M. Conneotmg at Albany with N. Y. O.

and H. R. R. for Utioa, Buffalo, iagara Falls and tho West. Last trip of the soason from Now York October 15, from Albany.

Ootobor 10. TVTEW YORK SUPREME COURT, KINGS ji COUNTY In the motter of the application of the Union Elevated Railroad Company of Brooklyn for the appointment of three commissi oners The undersigned, Thomas S. Moore, Walter L. Livingston and Hiram W. Hunt, who wore, by an order of tho General Term of the Supremo Court, hold in and for the Second Judicial Department at the City of Brooklyn, on the 20th day of September, 18S6, made in the abovo entitled matter, appointed ns commissioners under and in pursuance of th provisions of an act of the Legislature of the State of New York, eutitlod'An ActtoproWdefortho conistruotion and operation of a steam railway or railways in tho counties or this State," passed June 18, 1875, andthoactsnmendatory theroof and supplemental thereto, to determine whether tho railways mentioned and described in the articles of nssooiation annexed to the petition of the Union leva tod Railroad Company in Bsid matter ought to be constructed nnd operated by said company over, through and along tno Btreotsand avenues specified in the articles of association in said potition referred to, whioh Baid poti tion duly veriiled, together with Bald order, was filed in the office of the clerk of the County of Kings, on September 20, do hereby appoint "Wednesday, the sixth day of October, 1886, at eight o'clock in the evening on that day at Room 19.

in tho County Court House, in the City of Brooklyn, as tho place where and tbo timo whon thoy will hold their first meeting and will hear all persons interested in said matter. Dated Brooklyn, September 24, 18G. THOSIAS S. MOORE, WALTER L. LIVINGSTON, OommiS3ioners.


c.u nn aoanD Tiflo i narantnad and doedB doliverod Supported by the tolontod young ioadj BEr.i.n MEr.vrr.T.E. without oxponso to purohosers by tho Title Guarantee and Trust Company of Now York. Terms ooBy. 00 por cent, on bond mortgage, payable on or bofore five years And a PoworfulDromatio Com THURSDAY, FRIDAY. SATURDAY ONG ISLAND EALLROAD.

AND SATURDAY MATIN He will appear in the great companion II TRAINS LEAVE Morsaon, autnor or "orry mow, at per cent, aim leumiuivm to suit tho convenience of purchasers. No oxpenBe or trouble will bo spared by this company in co operation with the Railroad, to render thiB charming, healthy, and ncesiblo location ona of the moat desirable near Now SHAUN RHUE. I York and Brooklyn. FLATBUSH AVENUE DEPOT FOR THE FOLLOWING POINTS AND WAY STATIONS: FALL RIVER LINE. FARES REDUCED.

Boston, 83; Newport, Fall River, $2. First Class Limited Tickots. Corresponding reduction to all Eastern points. Steamers PILGRIM and BRISTOL leavo New York on alternate days. Snndays includod, at 6 P.

M. from Pier 28, N. foot of Murray st. Oonnootion via Annox Boat from Brooklyn 4:30 P. Jersey City 4:00 P.

M. Lon Woter Routo. Full night's rest. Tickets and staterooms may be seourod in Nuw York at 207, 261. 944, 957 and 1,323 Broadway, 1S4 East Ono Hundred ond Twenty fifth st, 204 Woat Ono Hundred and Twenty fifth st, Aator Houso and Windsor Hotol, Lino office, Pier 28, N.

and on Btoamers. In Brooklyn 4 Court at, BC0 Fulton st, 107 Broadway, E. and Annex office, foot of Fulton st.rGEO. L. CONNOR.

Gen. Pass. Agent, N. Y. BORDENT; LOVELL, Agents.


MINER Solo Lessd jjEDUOTION OF FARES VIA NORWICH LINE, known to the vulgar and irreveront as has lately cast In bis lot with tho Young Mod's Prohibition Club. He la hand in glovo in with all the shining lights of this cold wator coterie, and is rapidly gaining celebrity as a prosolytlst. Ho Is now working on Brother ConUUng, and hopes to get him Into the fold bofore many moons havo passed. A word to the wise, as tho old adage says, Is enough. Apostle McMahon should take in his sign.

Policemen are nothing If not Ingenious. Sorgoaut McCullough, of tho Fifteenth, comos to tho front with a story of "coppers' caution, which, if not true, reflects great credit on the originator. He Bays that during the recent strikes on tho rivor front he had charge of platoon of men. Four of his gentlomanly subordinates he stationed on tho roof of a storehouse, so that thoy could keop a gou eral supervision of things In genoral. Ho vlsitod these men frequently, and was very much surprised to find that they gave evident signs of having looked upon tho whisky when there was a bead on it.

He could not imagine In what mannor thoy obtained the stimulants, and was complololy non BROOKLYN'S FOREMOST FIRI FOR FIRST CLASS RESIDENTS. Streets aro graded, limps supplied and water sorvico provided. Tho buildings are piped for gs and water. Upon the early completion of the Thirty ninth Streot Ferry time of transit will be TWENTY MINUTES FROM NEW YORK by boat from Whitehall st. to Thirty ninth st, thence by steam oar to new handsonio depot on tho grounds, The usual agreeable accompanimonts of FREU COLLATION UNDER COLOSSAL TENT AND MUSIC BY THE TWENTY THIRD REGIMENT BAND.

Examine tho property before the day of salo. Maps and excursion tioketaby the Brooklyn, Bath and Wost nd Railroad furnished free at depot on Fifth av. and Twonty soTenth at for any day. Trains overy forty minutes. Also mapa.

information and free tickets for the day of sale (Tuesday, October 12, 1 o'clock 'P. by the 11:05 A. M. and 12:05 P. M.

bgata from Whitehall to Hav Kldgc. thonco by steam cars to tno 600. A GOOD RESERVED BEA THE POPULAR INSIDE ROUTE. TO BOSTON, 83.00: WORCESTER, 92.60. CORRESPONDING REDUCTION TO ALL POINTS Btnanjors CITY OF WORCESTER and CITY OF NEW YORK leavo Pjor 40 (old number), North River, foot of Watts st.

(next pior abovo DeBbrosses st. ferry), DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY, at 5 P. M. G. W.

BRADY, Agent THE B'HIESIDB FAVORTC mROY BOATS, CITIZENS' LINE. Jl For Troy and the North. TROY Exouraion tickets, 82T50. Steamers City of Troy ana Saratoga, leave daily, except Saturday, foot or Christophor st, 6 P. M.

Sunday steamers touch at Albany. MONDAY Ootober 4. Coastwise Niemiterg. spot, at the offlce of tno Company, No. 23 William at, New York, or Kaitroaa uepot, nun k.

rau at, Brooklyn, or at tho office of Luonard Moody, 20 Court st, 26 Flatbuah ov. and 763 Bodiord av, Brooklyn, or at office of the auctioneer, Matinees WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY JERE JOHNSON, 62 LIBERTY ST, NEW YORK. "A PERMANENT HIT." N. Y. Journal plussod.

Long after tho strike was over, oue 01 me festive four unbosomed hlmBOlt. Ho and his companions in crime had picked the stripes from thoir trowsers, tied them togothor, and had thus mado a rope. To tho end of this rope thoy attached a bottle, which they Iowored to tho street, and which was filled with benzine at frequent lntorvala by a man who could bo relied upon. Thus did tho vigilant custodians of tho peaco procure the whore withal to keep away tho chilU and draughts. In tho Twelfth Precinct Is a planing mill.

In this planing mill is a nice cosy otQco. A private watchman guards the promises at night and to softon his labors ho has enllstod in his Bervico an officer of Captain Folk's command whose boat embraces the aforesaid mill. Tho pollcoman is not abovo taking a quiet nap when the opportunity Is affordod, and he more than often drops In to see bis friend the watchman. The office is always at his service and he says that it sorves hla purpose admirably woll. Ho had a good deal of trouble at first on ac JERE.


Primary. Preparatory, Academic, Collegiate Department. NO EXTRAS 25TH YEAR. Mnio. STASIM'S.


TiLASS AND PRIVATE INSTRUCTION in French for children and adnlls. SW Marcy ay. near Hoyward st. Fall term BEGINS SEPTEMBER 15, 18811. Mllo.

Paulino A. Van Cautoren, formerly toaohor of French at Wellesley College. Massachusetts, and at Packer Instituto, Brooklyn; Mllo. Charlotte, A. Van Oau teron, teacher of Frenoh at Nassau Institute, Brook "mAINING SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS JL in Klndergarlon and Primary Bcliool Methods removed from 118 bt.

Felii st. to 155 Montague st; tuition to each department, $50; liberal discount to clubs; students can enter any time and charged from tlluo of entrance; morning, afternoon and evening sessions to accommodate all; situations guarantood to graduates. Call at or address TRAINING SCHOOL, 155 Montague stroef. TVJTEISTERSCHjFT SCHOOL OF LAN IvA GUAGES. Professor ESHER, just returned from Europe, toadies German, French and Spanish, in shortest time possible, at 387 Jay St.

Terms very moderate. Free trialle3son.Tuesday at 3 and 7 P. CHRISTIANSEN "iNSTlTUTE, I19SIXTH AV, NEAR PARK PLACE. Gorman, English and French school for young ladies and children. Private class in German.

Private class in dancing begins Tuesday, Oct'iber 12. Two boarding pupils would find a pleasant home. ERACTICAL FRENCH 53 TWELVE lessons; popular classes forming now; also private mB; panoramic instructor: new systom; freo tna lesson next Tuesday at 2 and 7:45 pvoclsoly, by Professor BERGER, of Pails, at Brooklyn Library, 199 Montagno st. Circular mailed on application. K0lLANDCOLLEGE.

ACK ON TH HUDSON. GRADUATING COURSE I UNIV WISITY PMPARA Fon TORY and BUSINESS YOUNG LADIES. I For Boys and Young Men. Successful Sohool at Popular Rates. Special Teaoning for Backward Pupils.

Art, Music, Modern Languages and Telegraphy. Send lor New Catalogue. Next Year OPENS Sept. W.H. BANNISTER M.

Principal COLLEGIATE GRAMMAR SCHOOL, L. W. HART, A. ii Court st, near Packer Institute Small classes well drilled in msthomatics. English, for Polytechnic, etc.

consnlt Professors Cochran, Seymour, Backus and Rev. T. DeWitt Taluiago, whose son I have just prepared for college. Miss'roX'KrHiNDs, 310 CLINTON ST, pleased to bbo her frmar punas ia olooution, and thoao wishing to study before 12 or by appointment. Classes fonniair this month.

GHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING taught individually and in a practical and thorough manner by an expert stenographer; dioation from com ruoncomout; terms moderate. 144 Honry at. TORENCHCONVEKSAt ION AND LITER ature, third yoar. Professor Fillion having returned from his scientific mission for the United States Government will resume his lessons at once; discount to teachors. 184 South Elliott place.

ISS WmTCOMBTS SCHOOL FOR young ladies and children. 191 Clinton at, RE S8 Septombor 22. The school offors a thorough graded counae of study, and aims to corobino general culture with text book work. French, German, Latin and art without extra charge. Circulars on application.

rttHETBEDFORD SCHOOL, CORNER OF JL Fulton st. and Bedford av. Boys andyounc men Sreparad for business or oollogo. Evening school OPENS ctolwr 11. at 7:15 o'clock.

H. 0. TALMAGE, A. M. tt P.

THOMBSAJll; TOVENiNG DRAWING CLASS CROOK lyn Instituto. Washington St. onrnor Concord, under Professor FERDINAND T. LEE BOYLE, will COMMENCE MONDAY, 1886. For further particulars apply iu tho library, between 9 A.


at 3 P. M. From Pior 29, ut Riier, between Roosevelt and Chambers streets. DELAWARE, Capt. Winnott Oct 6 YEM ASSF.K, Cant.

Pratt Oot. 9 JAMK8 W. QUIN1 ARD Agonts. 165 West at. WILLIAM P.

CLYDE 4 General Agonts, 35 Broadway. Via 8AVANNAH. at 3 P. M. From Pier 35.

North River, foot of Spring st. CITY Of SAVANNAh.Oapt.H.O.Doggott...TueB., Oot. 5 CHATTAHOOCHEK. Oapt. Catherine Oot.

7 NACOOCHEE. Capt. Kompton Oct. 9 H. YON OK, Agent.

All these Bteamera aro provldod with first class passen Cer accommodations. Insurance 5 of ono per cent. Premium can bo collected at destination if inBuranco is effected by two o'clock at union office, or by tbreo o'clook at piers, on or before day of sailing; otnorwise itmustbo paid by shipper. For further Information apply to the agonts of tho respective linesas above, omco ou pier, or H. RHETT, General Age nt, Groat Southorn Freight and PassoDgox Lines, Union Otfice, 317 Broadway, New York City, Tho Work! GREENPORT.

8:30 A. M. 8:25 P. M. AG HARBOR, 8:30 A.

M. 3:25, P. Sunday, PATOHOGUE, 8:30, 11:00 A. M. 3:25,4:20, 5:20 P.

M. Sundays, 8.55 A. M. BABYLON, :45. 8.00, 8:30.

11:00, 4:20, 5:20, 0:00, U. (12:16 Wed. and Sat. nijhts only); Sundays, 8:15.8:55 A. M.

0:30 P. M. PORT 8 :50 A.M., 4:20 P. M. Sundays, A.

M. NORTHPORT, HUNTINGTON, 8:50 A. 4:20, 0:30 P.M. Sundays, 8:55 A. M.

LOCUST VALLEY, GLEN COVE, SEA CLIFF, 8:50. 11:00 A. 3:25, 4:20. 5:20, 7:00 P. (12:15 Wed.

und Sat. cichts only); Sundays, 9:30 A. M. 6:30, 9:00 P.M. FAR ROOKAWAY.

6:45. 8:00,11:00 A. 1:00, 3:25, 4:20. 5:20. 6:00, 7:00, 8:05, 10:10 P.

12:15 nigbt; Sun days, 8:15. 11:00 A. 2:00. 6:30 P. M.

GARDEN OITY, HEMPSTEAD, 0:46, 8:30, 11:00 2:00, 3:25, 4:20, 5:20, 6 30, 7 00, 8:05, 12:16 night; Sundays, 8 (9 ,30 Gsrdon Oity only) A.M.; 2:00,6:30 P.M. MANHATTAN BEAOH AND SHEEPSHEAD BAY 6:46,9 30 A. 1.10, 3:20, 45 P. (11:55 P. M.

Saturday nights only). Sundays 9:30, 11 :30 A. 2:20. 4:00 P. M.

Connects atEastport with trains for Greenport. TwnTY RIVER RAILROAD Commencing: June 21, 1886. TrainB loave Grand Central Depot: 8:00 A. M. Rochester Ej pross, with through drawing room cars to Albany, Troy, Moi tral, SyracuBO and Rooh 9:50 A.

M. "The with dining cars, stopping at Albany, Utlca, Syracuse. Roobeater, Niagara Falls. Buffalo, trie, Cleveland and Toledo, arrivinff at Chicago at 9 '60 A. M.

and St. Louis 7:40 P. M. next day. 10:30 A.

M. Cnicago Kxprpss Drawing room cars to Oanandaigua, Rocheator, and Buffalo. 11 :30 A. M. Western New York and Northern Express, with drawing room cars.

3:30 P. M. Albany, Troy, Saratoga and Utica Express, with drawing room and Buffet cars to Troy and Saratoga. 0:00 P. M.

Chioago and St. Louis Express, with sleeping cars to Niagara alls, Buffalo. Cincinnati, Tolodo, Detroit, Chicago and St. Louis. Dining cars NewYork to Albany.

30 P. Montreal Express, with sleeping cars, to Syracuse and to Auburn road and to Saratoga; also to Mou 9:00 P.M. For Rochester only throucb sleeping can. 9:15 P. M.

Pacific Express, with slooping enrs, for Rochester. Niapara Falls, Buffalo, Cleveland. Toledo. Cincinnati, Detroit, Obi capo; also to Clayton and Ogdens ourg daily except Saturday. 11 :15 P.

M. Nigiit Express for the North and "West, with Bleeping cars lor Al Jaiiy and Troy. For rfshkill and vrbargh, :15. 8.00, 10:30 and 11:30 A. 2:30, 3:30 .00.

and P. M. or 1 ishkill only and 11. P. M.

For PouB'opsi 7 :15, 10:30 and A. :30. 3 30. "0:00,6:30. 9:15 and Ji.

15 P. M. For Rhinobpck Rondout, 8:00, 11:30 A. 3:30 "4 OOP For KhinebocK C.tskill. 8.00 and 11.30 A.

3:30 and M. Hudson. 8:00, 10 30 and 11:30 A. 3:30. 4 .00, 3:30 nd 11:15 P.

M. Albany, '9 10 30 and 11:30 A. 30. .00. 3:15 and 11:15 P.

M. Troy.h:00 and 11:30 A. 3:30, 4 00, 6:30 and 11:15 P. trains run daily, all others daily except Sunday. For trains for intermediate tat ions see timo table.

Tickets on salo at Grand Contral Depot, 7 Battery place, 413 Broadway and tt We tcott's Express offices, 3 Park place, near Broadway, 185 and Oi'l Broadway, Now Vrk: 333 WauhinKton st. and 730 Fulton nt, Brooklyn, and 79 Fourth bt, Williamsburgh. Accommodations in drawing room and sleeping ars oan bo procured at 333 Washington fit, Brooklyn. Uapgago callod for and checked Irom rosidonco. Brooklyn paPSonRors can reaoh Grand Central Depot ln about thirty minutes by latins bridge care land iTbird it.

Elevated Railroad. D. M. KKNDRICK, Passenger Agent. J.

M. TOUCEY, General Supf nntondent. jrsw 6ai43 lake R. R. Daily, cpt For Arlington, Bloom fiold.

Montclair and sli tionB on Orange Branch, 0:00, 8:0 A. 12:00 noon, 1:45, 3:40, 4:40, 5:40, 6:20 nnd 8:00 P. M. Little Falls nnd intermediate st it ion 8:20 1 8:00 P.M. Pompton and intermediate stations, A.

:40 and 8:00 P.M. Greenwood Lake and intermediate stations, 0:00 A. 4:20 P.M. Sunday, 9.00 A. M.

SUPREME COURT, KINGS COUNTY Frederick W. Kalbfleisch against Oharles H. Kalb floisch and others Thy executors of the last will of Martin Kalbfleisch, deceased, by virtue of the authority conferred upon thorn by tho will of said decedent and pursuant to the order, direction and judgment contained in tho do cre or judgment in the above entitled action made and granted the 10th day of July, 188G, at a Special Torm of the Supreme Court, held at Newburgh in ana for the Second Judicial District, and duly entered in the office of the County Clerk of Kinpe County the 13th day of July. 188C, and which said order, direction and judgment is in tho language following, to wit: "it is further adjudged that the said executors of Martin Kalbtleisch. deceased, be and thoy hereby are directed to forthwith sell all tho roal eatftto of their testntor remaining unsold not specifically devised, and also all the real ostato remaining in their possession which has been purchased for the protection of the estate in tho course of administration, at public auction, and they aro hereby permitted to purchase at such sale if thoy so desire, provided, however, that before any purchase by them shall bo consummated they shall make report thereof under oath to this court, and this court, upon notice to all the attorneys and guardians ad litem who havo appeared in this action by an order at thB foot of this docree.

shall have approved and confirmed aoch salo." Will sell at public auction by Thomas A. Kerrigan, ouctionoor, at the auction salesrooms, No. 35 Willoughby stroot, in tho City of Brooklyn, on Wednesday, tho twontieth day of Octohor. 1880, at lii o'clock, noon, tho following described lands and premises, to wit; Alt those certain lots, pieces or parcels of lands. Ritu.ite, lying and being in the Eighteenth Ward of the City of Brooklyn, and bounded and described as follows: Commencing at a point on tho northerly side of Grand street, throe hundred and twenty six feet one inch easterly from the northeasterly corner of Grand street and Morgan avenue; running thonco northerly and parallel with Morgan avenue Hixty nino feot five inchos; running thence northwesterly and at right angles or nearly so to the easterly sido of Catherine street as the same is laid down between Powers Btroot and Devoo strtet, two hundred and thirty four feet nine and three quarters inches; thence southerly and at right angles or nearly so to Grand street fifty teet and one inch; thence northwesterly and again right angles or nearly bo to the easterly tldo of Catherinu Btreet aB aforesaid, twenty six feet oight and a half inches; thence southerly and ogain at right angles or nearly so to Grand street, twenty two feet, five and one qunrter inches; thence again northwesterly and again parallel, or nearly so, with the oaatorly flido of Catherine street as foresaid, fifty three" feet, five inches; thonco southerly, and again at right angles to Grand street, or nearly so, eighty eight feet nino and one qunrter inchos to tho nortnerly aide of Grand street, to tho point or place of beginning.

Tho abovo described premises will be offered for salo in twelvo different lots, varying in depth from sixty nine feet, five inches, to one hundred and thirty three feet, one and one half inches. Diagrams of tho premises will be exhibited at the time and place of salo and furnishod upon application to tho undersigned. No chargo whatever, oither for auctioneer's fees or deed or bond or mortgage, will be made to tho purchneer. Tho terms of ssle will be ten per cent, in cash of tho amount bid to bo paid at the timo and place of sale; twonty per cent, in cash at the time of the delivery of the deod, and seventy per cent, may remain on mortgage at five per cent, for three years, thomortgago to bo executed and delivered at tho time nnd placo ol closing. Deeds and bonds and mortgages will be ready for execution and 'Tlelivory respectively at tho offlco of the attorneys for tie executors, 189 Montague street, thirty days atter tho day of the sale.

In aocordanco with tho tonus of tbo judgment above mentioned, said sale will be mado subject to the approval of tho Supremo Court, and if the sale of any portion of said premises ifl not approved and confirmed by id court, the teu per emit, paid to the executors at the time and place of salo will be refunded to the bidder. By bidding at and aigning the memorandum of said sale, fill persons bo bidding will bo held to agree and consent that if sid sale be not approved by the Court, but be disapproved, the said Halo shall bo and be considered void, vauntt'd nnd set ssido without claim to the bidder, his successors in interest or assigns, for damages against the said executors, or against the estate of Martin Kalbfleisch, deceased. (Signed CHAULKS II KALBFLEISCH, ALUKRT M. KALBFLKIHCH. Executors.

VRANKLIN H. KALBFLEISCH, BERGEN Jc DVKMAN, 189 Montague street, Brooklyn, attornoys for executors. o3 5 7 10 13 10 17 10 TO CLOSE OUT THE MALLORY ESTATE, AT MONDAY, October 11, LILIAN OLCOTT in Sardou's "THBOB pRITERION THEATER, FRANK L. BIXBY MA8PETH, L. I.

TWO HUNDRED VALUABLE LOTS, On tho promises, at 2 o'clock P. THURSDAY, Ootobor .7. WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY MATIB Kale positively without reserve, by order of trustee. guaranteed. 76 per cent of purchase money in 10 EVKNDla MATINEES ATfenthly WORKING MEN AND WOMEN TO THE FRONT.

TO MORROW NIGHT Bat ohance yon ever had to secure cheap, pleasant homos. TAKE HALF A DAY OFF. Tho Talented Emotional Actress, REE COLLATION UNDER THE BIG TENT AND MUSIC BY THE TVVENl TilIK uulMnx BAND. count of the ticking of the tolograph instrument but the Judicious placing of a piece of blotting paper deadened the sound and now tho knowing officer sleeps the sleep of a man who has carried bricks to tho top of a four Btory building for ten long hours. Officer James Francis Devoy, one of the ornaments of Judge Massoy's court; has been continually threatening to get married.

Last Saturday he presented himself before Captain Loavy attired In a "reach me down" frock coat, a checker board vest and a pair of thunder and lightning trowssrs, and asked to be excusod from duty for that night. He was down for a Salvation Army meeting, but as he convinced tho captain that he had more Important busluess'on hand his requost was grantod. It is alleged that ho was at a wedding that night, but wnothor he was tho bridegroom or aomo one olaa la not yet definitely Bottled. Officer David Hollorani, of the FIftoonth, who MISS LOUISE RIAL, iP'rne excursion ticketsbv tile Grand Bt. horso cars from froadwav.

Brnaklvn. connecting with Roosevelt, Hous Andaa Excollent Company in the 4 Act Melon, (irand and Twonty tbird Bt, Now York, snaps ana jniormaiion oj. nujuiaat Comedy, Fourth at. (now Bodford av, Williamsburgh) Brooklyn; VI 1'VJIVVI T. VJVJ 11.3, luauiu uuu nakuiia tt.o., ui USEN, Maspeth av, Maaneth, or JERE.


LLOYD STEAMSHIP LINE Now York. Southampton and Bremen. Fast Express Stoainors. Elbe, Oct. 2, 8:30 A.

MlTrnve, A.M Allor, Oot. 6, NooniEros. Oct. l(i. 7 A.

Fulda, Oct. 9, 2:30 P. MIEidor, Oct. 20, 10 A. Stoamers roareked thus sail for Bremon direct.

Rates of passage to Havre or Bremen, First cabin. 875 to $150 acoording to location: socond, $55; Steerage at lower rates; return tiokels at red. ced rates. Pier between Socond and Third sts, Hoboken. N.


BETWEEN NEW YORK AND HAVRE COMPANY'S PIER, No. 42, NORTH RIVER, Foot of Morton st s.j Oct. 2,2.30 P.M. LA EOURGOGNE Frangoul t. A.

M. Chocks payable at sight in amounts to smu on ths Banque Transatlantique, of Paris. LOUIS DE BEBIAN, Agent, No. 6 Bowling Green, N. Y.


ru, 2 P. CITY OS BERLIN Saturday. October 10. BALTIC SATURDAY. 'oto 23, p.

From Inman Pior. foot of Grand Bt, Jerpey City. Cabin passage 850 and upward; intermediate, S3U; steerage 20. PETER WRIGHT SONS, Gonerol Agents, No. 1 Brdadway, New York.


GLASGOW AND BELFAST 1LARNE). With through tickets at leducod rates to LIVERPOOL. LONDON, DUBLIN, 4c. From Pier 42. North River, foot of Loroy st.

Passenger accommodations unsurpassed. Cabin passage $35 and 340, according to location of statoroom. Stoerogo to nnd from Europe at lowest rates. Excursion tickets at reduced rates. AUSTIN.

BALDWIN 4 Agonts, No. 53 Broadway. N. Y. BERNARD BOGAN.

Agont, B5 Court st, Brooklyn. PsrcolB forwarded to all parts of Europo by Baldwin's European ExpresH. Qi a ad a TT RT NtPAU TTI.TfW R'P N1UV YORK. wnll nf ntihlic nurrinii PRICES. NIGHT, $1, 75, 5U eta.

76, 60, a ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25. AT 12 O'CLOCK, claims Milan as his place of birth, prides hlmsolf on account of hi3 more or loss line voice. Ho Is known as the "Bweot singor of whlloa flE RICH AND ELEGANT HOUSEHOLD tfUKNI iiph ni THE r.ATK HOWARD W. MEEKER. nionnn rtl aft 1 ntl.

n'if'tnilU UnIpR. away tho weary watchos of the night by trilling to PlTlJi. JKDMOND ARRY Comedy CoiTm TO'm his mansion on Brooklyn Iloights, consisting A CURE FOR THE BLUES'" part of himself odd verses of song he picked up when a ndLONTii7SiNN'SPARK THBAlMAGNIFipENT DRAWW RIE RAILWAY. ELEVENTH EAK. ind cocobolo cabinets, lady's carved writing desks, child among thojgrape fields of sunny Italy.

Ou his beat there is no crime, for the criminals are afraid of Ills voice, and floe from it as Irom a pestilence. Tills is duo to their lack of culture. It is rumored that Signor Hollorani has branchod out THIS WEEK, FOR SIX NIGHTS, rains leave Chambers st. station. Now York, as follows: 9 00 A.

dailv exc.nt Sundavs. Dav KxDross. Buffot WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY Mn A wpp wnw larTQd frames, upuoiatorea in mo ncnosi, materials, ui MU, JjAWKHWUH Inn Tfrnnnh nfnnka. fainnpH lamns. Dedeata B.

VUSHS. TOSO for himself, and has knocked together a ballad which he 1b sotting lo music. What has South lood upright Pianoforte, stool and covur. 1 BYnu new i. no WITT TOW Mrs.

GOODWIN REOPENS her sohool atl54 Montagno st, OCTOBER4: application may be made at the school building from 9 to 1 A. M. Residence, 20 Sldnoy place. mHEMISSES HADDEN'S SCHOOL JL FOR YOUNG LADIES AND CHILDREN HAS REMO VED TO 121 PARK. FLACK, BETWEEN SIXTH AND SEVENTH AVS.


Brooklyn done that she should bo bo punlshod 1 I BARRETT. fwnMir nnrvad mahoizanv and antiuuo oak bedroom lis, with chairs to mntoh: cherry and walnut aots, curl'id "Old man" Van Brunt, of tho Fourth has at last resigned. He was a roundsman, and a very ripe MONDAY RVRVTNfj. a xftnutfi mattresses, enay cuairs, wuk TUESDAY EVENING and WEDNESDAY MR? euf ueu8' wiiuunw, wwu OctObor 5 and fi. FRANOKSfJA Il A RIMf DB3' ni.Tivn nnmr r.

nvTfrim, The Misses SHARPE can ho Boon al the above address RIGHTON BEACH RAILWAY. HOTEL BRIGHTON AND ALL THE RACE TRACKS, CONEY ISLAND. Commencing MONDAY, September 20. Trains leavo Bedford Station 0:30, 7:30 8:30, 0:30, 10:30 It A. 12:30, 1 P.M..

and every 0 minutes there aflor until 3:00 then every H0 minutes until P. M. thon 7:30 P. leave Bergen, Butler and Prospect Park Stations a tow minutes later. Trains lenve HotolBrighton 7 :00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 A.

12:0. 1:00. 1:30 P. and every 20 minutes there after until I. then 30 minutes nntil 7:00 P.

then 8:00 P. M. Unpleasant, days trains will bo run hourly. SUNDAYS. First train leaves Bedford Station 7:30 A.

M. and Hotol P.rjghton8A.M. "OROOKLYN, BATH AND WEST END RAILROAD. THAY find illnminatfldembosfled leather cliairs.elenant oarvod fRIDAV KVKNINO Hht one at that. He clung to tho twig until tho chill winds of Autumn began to disturb his whiskers, and then ho dropped.

In his place ia appropriated Mr. Krupe, erstwhile of the Twelfth, a good offlcor and a man who novor allows tho grass a chance to attain any degree of under his Number ah eany sideboard: also, walnut eittmsion table, side MERCHANT OP VHNICK nrt nivm SATURDAY MATINEE. Ootobor 9. YORICK' SATURDAY EVFNIVr 'b'8 linBn' 1,011 ohair8 saiuituij EVJiNiNO, RICHAT MtUa. Axminster.moquette and body BruMlaoorp after September 27, between the uours oi iu anu xs iu.

CHOOL FOR G1UL.S. I'M ATLANTIC av? Fall term begins MONDAY, October 4, 1880. On Miss Brackett's recommendation Miss N. L. VI DAUD will assumo direction of the entiro achool.

Miss Vidaud will be at the school between 10 and 12 A. M. f.fter September 20. Previous to that dato address 100 Pineapplo at. WTiYT wprrir uovniv rrti Ja, Oriental ruga, lurKianprfluroinorios.Biairoarpots.or.c; PKlSlw wlTljmkTBlpfr VB4a, bx order of SHKPPARD.



THURSDAY. October 21, 11 A. M. Cabin rates, $50, SCO and $80. Steerage tickets from or to Old Country, 820; intermediate in Adriatio and Col tic, $30.

Thcao steamers do not carry cattle, sheep or plgB. For passago tickots or drafts, payable on demand everywhere in Knglund, Ireland, Scotland, Sweden and Norway, at lowest rates, apply to' V. ALDRIDGE, 12 Court st, or JOHN F. MORGAN, 85 Broadway, Williamsburgh. R.

J. CORTIS, 30 Broadway, NewYork. An enterprising agent tried for two hours tho other day to soli Inspector Mackellar a patont bur EXTRA. CRITERION THEATRHdea of the finest description, nnd will probably be the jading sale of the season. Purchasers who dosiro olegant GOMMFNOINfi Afitnhpr 11 tvwttam TjTiiusoUflid furniture should notfaii to bo present.

and THOjhs AND ON TUESDAY TOCKWOOD'S ACADEMY (FOR BOTH A urtT.ioi rpmnvflrl tn Rf) T.afnvnttB ar. corner of Port Drai ini; Roam Coaches to Binthamton, Elmira, Hut' falo and Niugara Falls: Sleeping Coaches Hornollsville to Cincinnati. 0:00 P. M. Daily, Chicago and St.

Louis Limited Express. A solid Pullman train of day uud buflet sleeping coaohos to Moadville, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Ohioago ana fit. Louis." 7:00 P. M. Daily.

Buffalo and Niocara Falls Limited rriviiig at Rochester, 6:20 A.M.; Butfalo, 7:00 A.M.; Suspension Bridge, 7:35 A. M. Tho roost popular night train between New York and Buffalo, 9:00 P. M. (Daily), Chicajro Expross.

Pullman day and Mcepinc; coaches to Bingbsmton, Elinira, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Cincinnati and Chicago. Patoraon, 4:45, 5:45, 7:20, 7:50, 9:30, 10:20 A. 31., 12:00 noon, 1. 15, 3.00, 3:50, 4:40, 5:10, 5:30,5:50,6:10, 5:30, 7:15, 7.46, 8:30, 10:30 P.M. and 12:00 midnight.

Sundays, 5:45. 8:30. 10:20 A. 1:45, 4:15,6:30,7:45, 9 M. 12.00midk'sllt.

Newark and Nc 6:50. 8:00, 8:30, 10:00.11:30 A. M. 2:00,3. rt' 50, 20,4:50.

5:20. 6:50. 7:30 0:00, 10.00 P. M. Sundays, 9:15 A.

Jl; 3:20, 6:30 and 9:00. P. M. Sufforn, 4:45, 5:45, 7:50, 9:30, 10.20 A. M.

1:45, 3:30, 3:60.6:00, 5:30, 6:10, 7:15. 7:45, 3:30,10:30 P. M. and midnight. Sundays.

5:45, 8:80. 10:20 A. M.i 1:46, 4:15, 6:30, 9:00. 10:311 P. M.

ana 12:00 midnight. 10:20 A. P. ii. Sunday, 7:45 A.M.

Newburgh and Cornwall. 7:50, 9:00 A. M. 3:30. 4:30, 6:30, 0:00, 7:00 P.

M. Sunday, 8:30 A. M. 0:00, 7:00 P.M. Goahon and Middlotown.

4:45.5:45. 7:50. 9:00, A. 3:30, 4:30, 7:00.7:15, 9:00 P. M.

Sunday, 5:45, 8:30, 10:20 A. 6:30. 7 JO. 9:00 P. M.

Port Jorvis. 4:45, 7:50, 10:20 A. 4:30, 0:00, 7:00. 7:46. 8:00,9 00 P.

M. Sundays, 8:30, 10:20 A.M., 0:00, 6:30, 7:00 and 9:00 P. M. Honesdale, 9:00 A. 3:30 P.

daily, except Sunday. Monticlio tnd Whito Lake, 0:00 A. 3:30 P. M. Sundays, 8:30 A.

M. Tickets for joKjairo and apartments drawvngroom and sieuping coaches can bo obtained and orders for the checking and transfer of bBggage may be left at tho company's odlco, Nos. 331 and 333 1 niton st. Brooklyn. JNO.

N. ABBOTT, G. P. N. Y.

land. BEGINS seventeenth year Septombor 0. Business NT1 li HOUR Of BALK. vumpttny iu mo runniest or nu iiaroo uoniemos OUKE FOR THE BLUES. glar alorm for Mb house in Flatlands.

Tho Inspector stood it as long as ho could, and then fired a Shakspenrian quotation at tbo adventurous drummer. Quoth ho: "He who Btoala my clothos steals trash indeed, but he who would fain break tho side ON ARCH LINETO LONDON DIRECT AND FROM LONDON AND GALWAY A SOREAM IN EVERY SlTlf MPORTANT VDIAN MONAkOII Oct. 0. Noon Department, Gorman and Drawinfc without eitra charge. Kindergarten.

Addrefl JOHN LOCK WOOD, 03 Herkimer st. 20 FOR SIX MONTHS' EVENING BU JH siness oourse, pt Browne's Business Collece. 304 and 30ti Fulton st, opp. Jolinson. Writing, ttrithmetic, book lLeepintr, correspondence, etc.

Writing alone, 25 for $5. All Tosaons private. EE AV. ACADEMY OF MtfSIC PERSIAN MONARCH Oot. 16, 7 A.

Depot, FIFTH AV, corner Twenty seventh st, Greenwood. Trains for WEST BRIGHTON, CONEY ISLAND, BATH BEACH nnd inu rmediito noin's leavo as follows: 6:15. 7:15, 8:02, 9:00, 10:40. 11:30 A. M.t 12:30, 1:30.

0, 3 4:30. 0:10. 7:40, M. Does not ruu Sundays. Pleasant Suudays every halt iiunr niter 1 o'clook, noon.

Excursion tickets to Lirigntmi Beauh Race courso via Bath Beach unction, 30 conts. iiamBburirh. OflTOTtKn 4. nnn nnnlr nnl. light of the basement door of my domicile is fit food Mr.

Ti. Ill matinees. fool killer, I' troth." The agent left. TO ALL WISHING A HOME BY THE SEA OR A GOOD INVESTMENT. 562 OHOICE BUILDING LOTS his now comedy, "Caught in a Corner." Octobe; Offlcor Ward, of the First, is rapidly coming to ISS ROUNDS' SCHOOL FOR YOUNG Uding and children.

525 Clinton nv. will H'EOPKN CADEMY OF MUSIC. the front Ho did some vory good work In tho McCarthy Donovan caso, and dosorvos all the credit that beautifully looatod tract adiacont to the main nrnNPSn V. Rnntj.inhi Q. liaflRoundri oan bo con 'ihnrv Parlf and Ocean Grove Railroad Station, formerly THE hla superiors have accorded to him.

novrn as tho Britton Whito tract, will be sold at GKKCtnrt V.1 1 I Cabin passage, good aucommoaations, $50 and $60; steerngu, outward, $19: propoid tickets from LONDON AND GALWAY DIRECT, or Queens town, lifltast and Londonderry, 818. JOHNTAYLOR. Agent. 08 and 70 Court st. Broo'clvn.

CUION LINE UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS, sailing from Pier No. 38. North Rivor foot of King st, for QUEENSTOWN and LIVERPOOL as follows' ALASKA Tuosday, Octobers, 10:30 A. WYOMING Tnosdiy, Octoaur lx, 4 P. Cabin passage, 860, 470 and 880.

Intermediate, 830. Stooroco from New York, $20. steerage to New York, $20. A. M.

UNDERH1LL A 2'J Broadway, New York. JOHN C. HENDERSON 4 SON. 844 Fulton st. Detectivo II.

Corr, of Inspector Rolily'a squad, has at last decided to take a vacation. Ho will leave sulted duily from 1 too m. at teroopt ember it OOD OPPORTUNITY" FOR SPEAKING French Pleasant front vooui on socond floor or back parlor to let in a French professor's house; terms moderate; board If desired; references. 14 South Elliott place. RRRl 3 8SSS0 TTTT to morrow for Hathairo Glen, whoro he propoaes to OO DDD DDD A AA OD DD A A AAA OO DDD DDD A A KRH 1 PUBLIC AUOTION To the highest bidder, without reserve, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1888, AT 11 O'OLOOK A.

And continuing on subsequent days. spend two wooka. Uo is woll proparod for frost bites, having packed up along with the resi of his mCSICAE. IWSTRUCTIOS. things a pair of oar muffs and two dozen of the LECTURES.

famous Dr. Nevadrlnk's cold neutralize. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. TRUNK LINE AM) UN1TKD STATES MAIL ROUTB. On and aflor SKP I'JS KR.

1886 jrains looveNew York, vlaDesbrossesandOourtlandtsta. wtUliKKl, ner rnnt. at. Urns of alo.30 nor in Officer Fox was at Oak Point recently and dovol PHELPS' SCHOOL OF MUSIC, 24 Greeno v. Instruction on tho pifino.orRfln, flute.

violin voico and harmony, at. moderate rotes. Miss LA UK A B. PHELPS, violin soloist, will take a ltmitod number of pupils. Engagements for concerts, aoirees, etc.

Apply at liUiinn HLIiiBWH. i.irt d.a thoronftor. when a warrantoo deed will be opea certain eccentricities which surprised his PROSPECT PARK AND CONEY ISLAND It.iirod, Coney Island, West Brighton Beach, Brighton Baoh. Manhattan Boach and Brooklyn Jockey Club Race Course. Excursion 30 cents, special oxour si'in to Rico CoUTda, 25 cents.

Trains letvo Brooklyn depot. Ninth av. and Twentieth Bt, (Greenwood,) 0:00. A. and half hourly therater until 9:00 P.

M. Returning, trains leave West Brighton, 7:00.8:06 9:30, 10:30 A. and halt nourly thernaiter until 9:30 P.M. On Race days trains run erery fifteen minutes from 1 P. M.

to 3 P. M. On Sundays, trains leave, 9:00 and 10:00 A. and thn half hourly until 1:00 P. and thereafter every fif tpun minutes until 8:30 P.

and than hair hourly to P. M. Last tram tram Cnnuv Island. "9 30 P. Horse car voutos dircot to Brooklyn depot: Tho Sovonth av.

line from Fulton Ferry via Brooklyn Rride; City Hah and Atlantic av the Park and Vanderhilt av. line, from Fulton and Catharine ferries, via Brooklyn Bridge and Prospect Park; tho Ninth st. lino (blno cars) from Hamilton Ferry. Passengers via Boerutn place, Atlantic av, Butler st, am) Fiith av. lino transfer at Long laland Railroad prfc to fcmvnth av.

line without extra faro. ONEY ISLAND. GO QUICK BY THE 6EA BEACH. On the hours and half hours from Third av. and Sixty fifth st Tho popular lino, quickest, cheapest, host.

The story of the founding of England's of an1 Uovo clia Tomm on bona noaof tho Elizabethan Ago. Greene av. E. C. PHELPS, Principal.

friends. Among other things he devoted twonty minutes to addressing. In an Impassioned strain, a '2i ARNOLD'S THURSDAY KVTSHWrj nnvnnwn or 'S. A wooden venus who prosldod over nu allogod foun CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. nun.a,na iliu aia TKAVE .,0 Court Brooklyn tain, wtion goddess made no rosponso ho politely took oa his hat and said he would call 1U2.

10, and 100 CUUUT ST. NOW OPEN for tho reception of pupils. Circulars sent on application. i NCHOR LINE. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS Sail overy SATURDAY from NEW YORK FOR GLASGOW VIA LONDONDERRY.

Anchoriu, Oct. I Filrnessia, Oct. 16, 7 A. M. Devonia, Oct 9, 3 P.

M. Circassia. Oct 23, 2 P. M. Cabin passago, $45 and $55.

Socond class $30. Return $55 JOINT EXPRESS SERVICE. NEW YORK TO LIVERPOOL. VIA OUEENSTOWN. City ot Romo saiis WEDNESDAY, Ootober 13, America sails WEDNESDAY, October 37, And every alternate WEDNESDAY thereafter.

Saloon passago $50 and upward. Second olass $30. Steerage outward or prepaid, oither service, $20. For cabin plans and Inrthor information apply to HENDERSON BROTHEK8.7 Bowling Green, Now York, or JOHN TAYLOR, 68 Court st (open Saturday night), orli. F.

KOOH, 4414 Broadway, Brooklyn, E. D. Visit to Amerioa. UUilvjn DJUjJia JLI UiUiin some other day. ILLUSTRATIONS.

TtXpp mn iirrX THREE DAYS OK PLEASURE AND PROFIT. R. CHARLES S. OARLETON, for many yoars pupil of Signor Vanuccini. Flor largo rango ol localities in Common rumor haa it that Officer Finn, of tho Third, Is tho Beau Brutnmol of tho precinct.

In tbo matter of dross ho Is most particular and ho jiajniviA. AFTERNOONS nf October 5. 0 and 7. GREAT NOV. ence (Italy), will teach aineing in all branches, at A.

ARNOLD'S CONSERVATORY OV MUSIO, 102 COURT ST. Next week, close of Mn LTY IN REAL ESTATE AUCTION, Lots to bo had at carries hlmsolf like a drum major, but his asser October 14, Egypt and tho Nile PDr owiipnco, paid cash down or by 81U monthly install tion that his ancostors had tho foo simple of Fin ooomTvurv K() OF THR FINEST LOTS IN AMERIOA gars is generally taken with a generous Mr. STODDARD FOR A YEA T1110 Per'ect and guarantee policies given with tho tjROFESSOR JULIUS EDWARD MEYER JL has resumed instructions in voice culture, oratorio and operatic singinA; over thirty yeari't experience. Send for circular with full particulars as to hia method, or call at his residence, 61 St. Felii st.

UNARD LINK. sprinkling or salt. EXcinsios. RoBorvprt, 7r m. i m.

itle Guarantee and TruBt Company of New York. at Chandler's 172 Montague street P.EgI.TR,AINilV. THB OUNARD 8TKAM8HIP COMPART, UMITEIV Between New York and Liverpool, nallingat Cork Harboft iON'T MISS Sergeant Sabine, of the bridge police, has a name which smacks of ancient history, but there is nothing mildewed about him, as any one who has tho utmniTn or go an inreo aaya, ana enjoy 100 nio given 'traoanhere of Ozone Park, which is lust outBido of which (Brooklyn's natural line of on Atlantic av. Xa, only twenty minutes from Huntor'B Point honor or hla acquaintance knows. He la a lino old Fourth Ward gentleman and a pollcoman of the ootli Via and 3d ava.

bet G3d anil nW nocunway noocu ivonruoa. rrcu pqbbus, mups PROF; FRANCESCO fanciulli will VISIT BROOKLYN TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Flea BO apply at CHANDLER'S Mustfc Store, 172 Mon tague street, Now York addroas 327 East Sevotitoonth at. HERMANN O. C.

KOBT HEUEB, TUI tion in tho art of playing the pianoforte and in theory of music; office hours from 4 to 5 P. M. on Mon divyn and from 1 to P. M. on Tucfldays, dnttadaya and Fridays.

At Chandler's, 172 Montague st. In du fit rial NfivHT. a nuiKwir xriti lull particulars uy caumif or aaareBaiuK oiaen school. Kxliibition.l INVENTIONS RAItK PRODU HITOHCOUK'S REAL ESTATE OFFIOH, 14 Ottambera st, Now York. Kflfiilv fpanhnfl I And what gave thee that Jolly red nose? "was the question, suggested by the memory of an old it a 1U iv.


VIEW NATURE'S WONDERLAND IN AUTUMN TINTS. SPECIAL EXPRESS TRAIN, Composed of elegant and luxurious cars. EXCURSION TICKET. $2.25. SWITCHBACK, 50 CENTS EXTRA, Trains leave Cortlandt or Desbro3sea st, at 8:10 A.

M. and Pennsylvania A nnox, foot of Falton st, Brooklyn, at A. M. Fi.r full particulars apply at LEHIGH VALLEY GENERAL EASTERN OFFICE, 235 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. asj auui lurti'ji' ita.

Nns 111 AJVn 19 TTT.TLI D1.I1U pituji ri su. n. yuk. A URANIA Saturday. October 2.

8 A. M. KTRURIA Satnrday, October 9, 2:30 P. M. 6KRVIA.

Saturday, Ootobor, lo, i A. dIBij RATES OF PASSAGE: Cabin passage. $60, $80 or 8100. acoording to aoootnma. dation.

Intermediate passage, $35. Tiokets to Paris 822 additional. at tlok.ta oa favorahlo terms. Stoarag. at very low rates.

SUorage tickots from ive7 fiool ana Quoenstown and all other ports of Europ al owest rates. Through bills of lading given for Bolfast, Glasgow, Havre, Antwerp and other ports on tho Continent and fof Mediterranean ports. vot freight and passage apply at the company's offlcos. No. 4, Bowling Green, New York.

VERNON H. BROWN 4 Agenta. For passago tickets from or for Kuropo. drafts at lowost rates and farther information apply to T. H.

HENDRIOK SON.No, 215 Atlantio av, near Court at. solo agent fol Brooklyn, or H. F. KOCH. Broadway, Brooklyn, fi.

P. TO NIGIIT. GRAND KAORED CONCERT ATI will Ben at auction, WLuni Huan, uoiooer 12 o'clock noon, at the Roal Estate Exonange and Auction Room, 69 to fiS Libortyst, Now York. ot the iiftoenth, last weok. Cinnamon and nutmeg, ginger and cloves; all these gave mo that Jolly rod noso," was the ready response.

No moro ENLARGED ORCHESTRA. COLUIVIBIA CONSERVATORY OF Music. Conserratory Hall, Bedford ay. cor. Fulton st.

Reorganization, new corps of profeaors. Tuition fees aooordmc to grade of Bupil.SPleasa call or send for a circular. SPECIAL ATTRACT ADMISSION. IS ANtl 'iS oWb BROOKLYN questions wero askod. njRW suTirT rvcTTri xw l'ri st, tnrongn to i opiar Bt, atpry to Ponlar MvjiAWij ur mmpt lannmnni.

vrii.n RT.nrnn on Fulton at; Btory brick Dnemont on foplar st. THIRD YEAR RE OPENS IN OCTOBEl A liberal amount may remain on mortgage EVENTS IN THE SUBURBS. GROSCHEL CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. 138 STATE BROOKLYN. TWENTY SECOND YEAR.

IIoubo enlarged. Number of toaohera increased. ELECT AUTUMN EXCURSION. Apply to 832, 834, 835, 838 Madison st; lour 3 atory framo dwell. A Woman's Sudden Death Increased hgs, rilled in witb briok; no vaoanciofi good tenants; Uzt5xlU0 each.

Railroad Accommodations. A TO UK OF THE AMERICAN TROSAOHS HOTEL ALBERT, 42 E. 11TH NEW YORK "JiLE. LAURINE H. CHRISTI, GRAD iintnnf tho Roval Conservatorr of Mnain.

I.ninsln. A liberal amount may remain on mortgage. jomue, os follows: Express for Harrisburg, Pittsbi rg and tho West, with Pullman Palaco Cars attached, GO A. 6:00, 7.00 and 8:00 P. M.

daily. Now York and Ohioago Limited ol Parlor, Dining, Smoking and Sleeping Cars at 9 :00 A. M. evory day. For Williamaport, Lock Haven.

Corry and Erie at 8:00 P. ooniecting at Corry Jcr Timavillo, Potrolenm Cantor and tho oil Regions. For Williamsport and Lock HoTon. 9:00 A. M.

For Lebanon, 9 :00 A. 3:20 P. M. and 12 :00 night. Baltimore, Washington and the South, Limited Washington Kxpresi" of Pullman Parlor Cars daily, except Sunday, 10.

UO A. M. arrivo Washmcton and "Oon Sressional Limited Express" daily, oxcopt Sunday, at :40 P.M.: arrive Washington 8:55 P. regular at 6:20, 8:00 and 8:30 A. 1:00, 4:30 and M.

12:00 night. Sunday, 6:15 A. M. and 4:30,9:00 P. 12 00 night.

Tor Old Point ond Norfolk, via New York. Philadelphia and Norfolk Railroad, 8:00 P. M. everyday; via Baltimore Bay Lino, week days, 4:30 P. M.

Express for Broad st. Station, Philadelphia, 6:20. 7:30, 8:00,9:00 (9:00 and 10:00 A. M. Limited), 11:00 A.

1:00, 3:20, 4:00, 5:00, 0:00. 7:00, 8:00 and 9:00 P. and 12:00 night. Accommodation, 8:30, 11:10 A. and 4:40 P.

M. Sunday. 6:15, 9:00 (9:00 Limited), and 10:00 A. 4:30, 6:00. 6:00, 7:00.

8:00 and 9:00 P. and liMI night. Triins leaving New York daily exeept Sunday, at 8:00, 9:00 and 11:10 A. M. 1:00, 2:00, 6:00 and 8:00 P.

11. week days, 10:00 A. U. ana 7 P. M.

Sundays, con CGOt at Trenton for Camden. FOR ATLANIO CITY A VD OAPK MAY. Exorts. oxcoot Sunday, 1:00 P. IX.

Boats of Brooklyn Anqex connect with all through train, at Jersey City, affording a speedy and direot translor fot Brooklyn travel. Accommodation for Trenton, 6:30 A. M. and 2 P. M.

Long Branch. Bay Heaa Junction, and Intermediate Sta tions. via Rahwav and Aniboy, 9:00 A. 12:00 nooD 4:10. 6:00 P.M.

On Sunday, 9:00 It. and 6:01 P. M. (do not ton at Asbury Park). Nowark ano Kllaboth, 0:00, 0:30, 7:00, 7:40, 8:30.9:00, 9:20, 10:10, 11:10 A.

12:30, 1:00, 2:00. 2:30, 3:00. 3:20,4:00,4:10,4:40, 5:00, 6:10,6:20, 6:30. 5:40.5:50, 6:30. 7:00,7:10, 7:50.

8:30, 9:00.10:00.11:30 P.M., and 12:00 night. Sunday, 6 8:00,9:00.9:30, 10:00 and 11. 00 A and 12:00 noon, 1:00, 2:00,3:00, 4:00.4:30, 6:00.6:30, 7:00. 7:45, 8:30,9.30,10:00,11:00 P.M. and 12:00 night.

Nowark only 0:00. 0:40, 7:30, 8:20, 10.50 A. 12:00 noon, 3:60. 4:30 and 6:20 P.M.. wook days.

Sundsy, 8:16, 10:30. 11:30 A. 12:30. 3:30, 5:15, 5:45, and 9:00 P. M.

Bahway. 0:00. 0:30, 7:20. 7:40, 8:00. 8:30,9:00.

9:20, 10:10. 11:10 A. 12:30. 1:00. 2:00.2:30, 3:20.

4:00. 4:10. 4:10. 5:00. 5:10.

6:20.6:30 5:40, 00.6:10. 8:30, 7:00. 7:40 7:60,8:30.9:00.10:00. 30 and 12:00 night. Sunday, 0:15, 8:00.

9:00, 10:00 ana 11:00 A. 12:00 noon, and 1:00, 3:00, 3:00, 4. U0. 4:30. 5:00.6:45.

6:30.7:00, 7:46, 8:30, 9.0O, 10:00, 11:00 P. and 12:00 night. Woodbndge. Perth AmDoy ana Sontn Amboy, 6:00 and 10:10 A. ..2:30, 6:30, 8:30 and 10:00 P.M.

On gun day, 9:30 P.M. Wow Brunswick, 6 :30, 6 :30, 7 :20, 8 30, 9:20 and 11 :10 A. 1:00,2:00,3:00.4:00. 4:40, 6:00, 6:00. 7:00.

9:00, P. and 12:00 night. Sunday. 6:16. J.

30 and 10:00 A. 12:00 noon, 1:00, 4:30, 5:00, 6:00, 7:00,8.00,8:30. 9 00 P. and 12:00 night. East Millstone.

0:30 and A. M. 3 00 and 4:40 P. M. Kingston and Rooky Hiil.

8:30 A. M. 4 :00 P. ML. Prinoo.

ton, 6 :30,8:30. 11:10 A. 1:00, 1 4 :40, 5 :00 and 7 :00 P. M. l.ambortvmo.

7 :20 and 11:10 A. 1 :00, 3:20 and i'lomington, 11:10 A. and P.M. PhillipsburBhand Bolvidare.7:20and 11:10 A. M.

and 3:20 and 6:00 P. M. Trenton, Bord.ntown. Burlington and Camden, 8:00, 9:00 and 11:10 A. 1:00, 2:00 4:00,6 00 and 8:00 P.M.

Snnday. 10:00 A. M. 7:00 P. M.

Freohola. i .20. 11:10 A. and 5:00 P. M.

armlcgaale and Sqnan. 11:10 A. 4:00 P. Hightstown, Pemborton and Camden, 8:00 A. 11..

5:00 P.M.. via Mo.ii ontn Junction. Trains arrive: rrom PitUburg, 7:10, 7:50. A. 11., 6:55 fcnd 9:35 P.

M. daily. From Washington and Baltimore, 6:20. 6:50 A. 1:20, 8:20, 3:30, 5:30.

9:20 and 10 35 P. M.Sundav.6 20, 6:60 A.M., 3:20, 9:20 and P. al. From Philadelphia, 3:50, 6:50, 7:10, 7 30. A.

5:30 :20. 6 :65. 7 :20, 8 :50. 9 :20. 10 :35 P.

and 12 :20 night! Sunday, 3:60, 6:20 6:50. 7:10 7:30. 8:40. 11:35 A Tt 3 :20, 6 0, 0:55. 9 :20.

9:35 and 10:35 P. M. Ticket offices, 849, 435 and 944 Broadway, 1 Astor Hons and foot of Desbrosses and Oourtlandt fits 4 Courts, and Brooklyn Annex Station, foot ot Fulton st, Brook; lyn; Busah'a Hotel, Hoboken. Station, Jersey City; trant Ticket Ufflco, 8 Battery plaoe, and Oastle Garden. T1LINTON PARK.

CONCERT Maps at auctioneers'. 73 Liberty Bt. William Albin's wife died very suddenly at Has resumed tea chin or and will receive pupil, for the thorough and Btudy of the piano development of technique and style a Epeoialty. 442 Clormont av, corner Fulton st. ana aramatio rooilor, will accept nuulla gaRomenta.

1,201 Union at. Bnllroadg. TflRlE RAILWAY TRANSFER STAGE. TJSTWEEN BROOKLYN AND CHAMBERS STREET STATION OF THE ERIE RAILWAY. 6tages loava from offloa of the Erie Railway, 331 and 883 Fulton st, Brooklyn, every fow minutes.


M. RUSSEL CASET ureal mver. The Long Island Railroad Company will run a CLOSES OCTOBER IS. Admirers of Nature's boauties will find tho tour unusually ploasant and attractive at this soason by roason of tbe frrandeur of tho Autumn scenery on route. Autumn earos iu abundance as souvenirs.

Itinerary of route, special accommodations In stages and other information can bo obtained at the ticket oiflces of the Erie Railvray and Albany Day Line fltoamers. ETWEEN NASSAU AND WILLIAM STS, New York, Announces hia rotnrn and rAxdinni. iiuuaay train to Groonport. The Into ex Senator Edward's residence in Orient Or.ljl. 1 UE.aiJ A UbI UDLK LA U'UUIUK.

150 ELEGANT MODERN OIL PAINTINGS uiunmur xjrooKiyn ESTABLISHED 1868 HENRY MOLLEN HAUER'S COLLEGE OF MUSIO has OPENED for the Fall Reason. Pupils desiring to secure their former hoars will ploaSB calteaily. ior particulars apply at tho college, 73 Livingston st, near Court. O. MOLLKNHAUER, Secretory.

nm nrivat6 collcctlona. renreaantinir choice njrimnles nns Deen sold to Caleb A. Dyer, of New York, for many well known MASTERS of tbo ADIES AND GENTLEMEN DESI 1) tO HtUdV forthn ntntA nitn rnira tl, Now on exhibition with catalogues. practical instrnction with atago rohearsjils at thej Bishop Gallober, of Louisiana, Is the guost of H. Aldrich, at North Havon.

M. 1 1 auLiiig (inaBJucution Aaares.j. a. WABWH PROFESSOR ARNOLD VVILFRIED MEYER, organist Grace M. E.

Church, graduate of Leip zig College of Musio. haa TPBumed instructions in organ, theory and pianoforte is organizing a sight singing class COLE, AUCTIONEER. RV OOLK h. MURPHY. William Stlyro, of Southampton, offer suppor dropped dead from heart disease.

ity SaloBroomB, 370 Fulton Bt. and 354 to 358 Adams at. WKDNKSDAY, October 0, at 10:30 o'olook. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Six narlnr suits in nlnsh. SPOKTINGi at tho rate of $3 for ten lesaons.

Send for circular with full particulars. St. Felix st. The Presbyterion church at Isllp sent $36 to tho RIGHTON BEACH RACES. kj silk and hair cloth; walnut, ivsh and painted chamber A UTUMNAIi FOLIAGE.

17ABT GRAND EXCURSIONS OP THE SEASON to NKWBUROH and WEST POINT. Daily (except Sunday) until Saturday, Ootobor 16 by the fast and elegant Day Line steamers, ALBANY, O. VIBBARD. From Brooklyn, Fulton st. by Annex) .00 A.

Now York, Vestry st. Pior 8:40 A. M. And West 22nd ot. Pior, promptly at 3:00 A.

M. Excursionists will have three hours at West Point or ono hour and throo quarters at Newburgh; returning, reaoh Now York 6:80, Brooklyn. 0:20 P. M. MUSIO.

pita; rosewood piano; dining tablos, buffets, chairs, YOICE CULTURE MR. FRANCIS F. Powers will roeuma teaching MONDAY, 11, at Studio, 1)6 Clinton Bt, corner Remson, ground floor. lONDAY, OCTOBER 4. AND EVERY DAY EHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD.

Li PASSENGER TRAINS leavo depot foot of Cortlandt M. and 7:00 P. M. daily (8:00 A. M.

train Sundays only runs to Mauoh Chunk and Hazolton), for all principal local points. Geneva, Lyons, Elmira. Rochester. BuSalo and the West PULLMAN SLEEPER ON 7:00 P. M.

TRAIN. At 7:00 A. M. for Oatasauqua and all intermediate points. At 1.00 P.

for Tunkhannook and all Intermediate: points. At 3 :40 P. M. for Pittston and all principal intermodiato points. At 6:40 F.

11. daily for Ooplay and all intermedlata At'llliO P. 41. for Laurys and all Intermodiato points. Trains leaving at 8:00 A.

M. and 1:00 and 3:40 P. M. connoot for all points iu Mabanoy and Hazleton Coal GENERAL EASTERN OFFICE, 235 BROADWAY, PI. Y.

uxv8 FULT0N strkbJtI, BROOKLYN. E. B. BY1NGTON. General Passenger Agent uariesion sunorers.

A wagon belonging to a fruit peddler namod Hor ton was demolished by a locomotive on tho Long Island Railroad at Rockvilio Center. 1 unices, iu buhooi ubskb, ioi woou en rvira, noy chair, bedsteads, bedding, Brussels and ingrain dininst and kitchen goodt eto. GRAND STAND, FIELD OElf DY JOSEPH HKGEMAN LASSES FOR BEGINNERS IN" PIANO fnrtnmiiRiu; thnrnuch drill in rudiments: 310 nnr A now achool, to cost $12,000, is being orectod In jw.uv.tfln, QBcrofcary. term; private lessonB also; Stuttgait method. Miss F.

me r'lttb. Ward of Ixmg Island City. II aii, i nenry THE BEACH AT ROOKAWAY. AllC'l'ION SALES, The Long Island Railroad Company Is building a LADY TEACHER OF MUSIC DESIRES A VTA N. Y.

W. and R. R. R. AT THE CKNTRAL 8 ALES ROOMS, Corner of Willouchby and Pearl ate.

On MONDAY, October 4, At 10 A. UCTION LINDSAY, AUCTION l. will BoIlTO MfirtlKlVV .11 i.l...i. THE ONLY ROUTE TO ROOKAWAY: a few more nuntls. Particular ii mgui nouse ttiu root lonp; at iiuntor's Point.

ittontion paid to Gall or address attention naid to time ana nnRonng. xerms moaeraie. ittU and Pronnt. v. "if XI Leave Long Island City and Bushwiok 6:40, 9:10, 11:05, 1:00, (6:25 Long Island City), 7:05 P.

M. oave Flatbuah av 0:45, 8:60, 11:00 A. M. 1:00, 3:00, 4:20, Leave u.vf, iu. a.uis, A Miss O.

70 Fourth plsco. egular weekly Bate of New and Seoond. Hand Oarpota, OOISO TO AKOTHER FJEtD. UlOtno, HUffS, MB3, BW. Sundays loave Long Island Cit and K.nn n.rtlt plated ware, cutlery.

This ealo la large and worth tention of bnyora. Sale poeitive. Busfmiok 11:05 A. M.i 1:16. 2:00, 4:35 (6:55 Long Island City), 9:35 P.

M. Hlstbnah 0 JOSEPH HEGEM AN WENDELL, AXTCTIONEER OFFIOK. 389 FULTON ST, Sells MONDAY, October 4, At 10 30 A. 101 Fifth av. 11:30, il.uu A., 31. Rev. J. A. Woodhull, who has long been pastor of the Congregational Church at Minor's riaco, i has accepted a call to the church of the TEETH EXTRACTED 25C.j WITH GAS 50c: full uom sets 80.

88, 810 up; sinew teeth 81 teeth filled and warranted. M. A. HOUGHTON, M. DENTIST, 572 Fulton near Navy.

TUEUDAY. October 5, Now soloot stock of Btanle. hardware, hoasefnrniahinir Al .1 f. JV1 some denomination at Middloflold, Moss. AT C31 OLA8SON AV, Between Fnlinn t.

nn fcodB, ftzturoi, Ac, consisting of full lino of hardware, kfitewure. wood, willow and tinwaro, Nalo oil stovos, oil BROOKLYN ANNEX FOR JERSEY CITY. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. LEAVING FOOT OF FULTON STREET DAILY. A.

M. 7:00, 7:30, 18:00, 8:20, 8:40, 9:00, 9:20, 9:40, 10:00, 10:20, 10:40, 11:00. 11:20, 11:40. 12:00. P.

12:20, 12:40,1:00, 1 '20, 1:40, 3:00, 2:20. 2:40, 3:00, 3:20, 3:40, 5 30, 0:00. 0:30, 7:00, 7:30. 8:00, 8:30, 9:00, 9:30. 10:00, 11:00.

To Fall Rivor and Boston boat, 4:30 P. M. tTo Albany Day line, 8:00 A. M. Roturning, leavo Jersey City on arrival of all train.

Baggage checked and tiokets sold to all points. Ask for BrooB, tiok when "glw All tho Velvet and Brussels Carpets, Furnitnro ffbinet, platform oonnter scalo, counter, curtains, fix otn rnnmiiiinrr in rhrt lmnou bres, TKAVEL, TRANSPORTATION, Nteombonts. A MARY POWELL, FOR ORANS ton's West Point. Cornwall, Newbnrgh. New llam burc.


W. COHEN. Anotionnnr. ACCIDENT TO A LIFE SAVER. Barna King, of the Life Saving Station nt Smith's Point, opposite Heliport, while helping to iaunch the lifeboat, fell and broke hla left leg.

SL APPLICATIONS. RENEWAL NOTICES An xnsooH aviK f. consier uompany wuiaau lor ana oaeoa wuruwxiua AUrnestootofWOODOUTS, BuitaDlo for THATR10 and MINSTREL TROUPES AT THE BROOKLYN DAILY EAGLE JOB PEIKTINU iwuiiiii iua i nd raiiiilBnco. fells TO MORROW (Monday), at 11 A. ot 39 and 41 overy wook day, at Vestry st, 8:15 P.


R. WOOD. Kxo.rk?J,tlleutmoiJ1' noatnesa and dispaatoi iiDAni' i 7 ''iy" uuuuwiBiii, aat i tnrtGentu at, largo assortment pictura frames, par iiirmoiivu at, largo nasurmitJUi viciure irauios, unr General Manager, GeaoralPaaa'c gaV BROOKLYN EAOldl JOB PRUjTING aFFIflr and office luruituro, efe, etc. Boo Mondy'g ppB..

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