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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 6

Brooklyn, New York
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A SET OF STOLEN HAJUBERS. SELTZER BATH in Oyer and Terminer Court; and if I am correctly A RAWHIDE DENIES HIS CULPABILITY. MUNICIPAL. CHARGES FILED i (HOOK EDITION the placo of tho said John T. MoDougall, bo indlctod.

Specification four alloges that Ridgway deliberately and willfully substituted Dougall McDougall, an Innocent man, for John T. McDougall, and fixed Monday, December 15, for the trial of a man against whom no Indictment had been found. Specification live sets forth that Ridgway compelled an innocent man to plead to an indictment while in possession of sworn testimony that the man so compelled to plead had not beon charged with any offense. Specification Blx charges Ridgway with refusing to bring to trial Michael J. Kelly and other gamblers Indicted in 1884, although they had repeatedly committed tho offenses for which they had beon Indicted during the years 1885 and 1886.

Specification seven alloges that Ridgway failed to prosecute Albort Burtts, a notorious offender, Indicted in 1884, and that by withholding that and many other Indictments against gamblers from trial ho, tho said Kidgway, has virtually protected said gamblers and their unlawful business from Interruption and encouraged said gamblors to continue their unlawful business against the peace and dignity of tho People of tho State of New York, to the evil example of others and in contempt of law and to the subversion of public morals. The following Is Mr. Comstoek's affidavit, submitted with the charges aud specifications given above State of New York, City and County of New York, Anthony Comstock, being duly sworn, depoBBB and says that ho has read the foregoing charges and kuowB the contents thereof, and that the same are true, except as to those matters therein stated upon Information and belief, and as to those matters deponent believes It to be true. Anthony Comstock. Sworn to before me this 9th day of September, 1886.

Benjamin Oppenheimbb. Notary Publlo, City and County of New York. WHAT MR. RIDGWAY SAYS. District Attorney Ridgway was asked by an Eaglb reporter to day if ho had anything to say In reply to Mr.

Comstoek's charges against him. He said: "I know nothing concerning the charges except what I have seen in the papers. Mr. Comstoek's action does not worry mo In tho least, and I do not care to eay anything about the matter further than this. It seems to have been known to everybody, save Mr.

Comstock, that the pool selling casos aro to bo tried next week. They were set down at the last term of the Court for trial at the next term. The next term will not open until Monday. When It shall have opened, tho time of the Court and tho District Attorney will be occupied with the trial of thoso cases." Young Twenty sixth Ward Loungera Charged Willi tbo Xiicft. A set of hammers was stolen few days ago from tho stablos of the Broadway Railroad Company, at East Now York, aud suspicion rested on Harry Pearsall and William McXally, who wore frequently seon lounging in tho neighborhood.

Last evonlng Sorgeant Brophy aud Patrolman Howard, of tho Seventeenth Precinct, arrosted the young mon, and they wero locked up on a chargo of vagrancy. A young man named (icorgo Shanloy, who was with thom at tho tlmo, was also locked up Tho hammers wero recovorod this morning in a barn on Bergon stroet by Captain French. A CHI3ESK IIM.SDKK. Henry R. Pomeroy, of Gl) Huron street, left somo liuon, a wook ago, with King I.ung, who keeps a laundry at 200 Franklin Btroot, to Lo done up.

Lung, by an error, gave Mr. Pomeroy linou to another customer. He offered to pay for his mistake, but that did not suit Mr. Pomeroy, aud he had the Chinaman arrested. Gentlemen's Halt, Full lcs.

EsrENSCHEiD, 118 Nassau st, Now York. SPflCIAt. APVEItXlSB.Uli.vrs. JJEMOitRUOLDS, BLIND, BLEEDING AND ITCHING, POSITIVELY CURED BY CUTICURA. A warm b.itli, with CUTICURA SOAP, an exquisite Skin Iieautiri and a single applicition of CUTICURA, the great Skin Cure, will instantly allay tho intense itching of the most aggravated oaso of Itchine: Piles.

Thij troatment, combined with small (Inss of CUTICURA RESOIliNT, tho now Blood Purifmr, three times per day, toJgulato and strengthen the ImtoJ ovarcomos constipation and removo tho cause, will cure ISlin.1, Blooding and Itching Piles whan all otiier rouialios and oven phyoioians fail, ITCHING PILES. I was takon for the first timo in my lit with Blind Piles, so sevoro that I could hardly keen on my foet. I usod various remedies for throe woek3, when the rtiMiase took tho form of Itching Piles, and growing worse. By advice of an old gentleman I tried tho CUTICURA. One application relieved the itching and I wa.i so cured.

I wish to loll tho world that in cases of Itching Piles tho price of tlio CUTICURA is of no account. Prom an unsolicitod quarter. O. C. KIBBY.

COKCOllD, N. H. ITCHING PILES. I began the uso of your CUTICURA REMEDIES when yon first put them on tho market, and know of two cases of Itching Piles that have beon cured by the use, at my suggestion, of those remedies. P.

If. MARTIN, VlIlDOS, 111. ALL THAT YOU CLAIM. I have tried your CUTICURA REMEDIES and find thom all that you claim, and tho mi tud for thom in this section is groat. AUGUSTUS W.

COLLINS. Higoston, Ua. CUTICURA REMEDIES are a positive cure for overy form of Skin and Blood Diseases, from Pimples to Scrofula. Sold overywhorj. Price: CUTICURA, 50 cents; SOAP, 25 cents; RESOLVENT, $1.00.

Prepared by tha POTTER DRUG AND CHEMICAL Soston, Maoa. Send for "How to Curo Skin Diseases." SKIN Blemishes, Pimples, Blackheads and Baby Hu mors, use CUTICURA SOAP. ACHING MUSCLES RELIEVED IN ONE minuto by that new, original, elegant an 1 infallible antidote to pain and inflammation, the CUTICURA ANTI PAIN PLASTER. No ache or pain, or bruise or strain, or cough or cold, or muscular weakness but yields to its speedy, all powerful and never faitinc, pain alla viatin' properties. At draggiBta'.

25c. Hv for or of POTTER DRUG AND CHEMICAL COMPANY, Bos ATUBDAY'S SIFTINGS. A rnsn recently died in a Philadelphia restaurant whiJa waiting for his breakfast. There are somo of the sloweet people in the world, in. Philadelphia.

Now Orleans Picayune. The uroMest events sometimes proocod from the most trifling a Ire urns tanees. The reading of this notice may change the whole course of your life; for it tells you that yoa can i'urniah a home with very little moy, and although your earnings may be smnll, yot ynu can Bava enough to pay the small instalments that MASON accepts on any purchase mado of him. Hla immense Btock comprises everything in the way of Furniture, Carpets, Oil Cloth, Bedding, Stoves, Clocks, Looking glasses, otc. and tho credit prices are in no instance mere than if ffe cash.

MASON'S, Myrtle avonue, coiner Bridce street. A gentleman met a stranger in tho Btreet, grasped hifc hand cordially and exciaimod, in tones of polite but nn certain recognition: "Mr. Brown, I believe! "If yoa boliove that," calmly responded the Btr.inger, whosa namo was Hamilton, "you'll believe anything." No handsomer Parlor Furniture can be seen than MA SOX'S. His ortoueve waroroonis ire tltronped with suits made from the most recent designs and upholstered in the most fashionablo goods. Every caro has beon taken in tho production of our Parlor Furniture, and we are sure that in their durability they will amply comDonsato every purchaser.

Our prices are always much undor the current rates, and our credit terms are tha most favoroble and easy to be complied with. MASON, Myrtle avenue, corner Bridge street. A successful operator" has kindly written a book telling us how to win in Wall street. Oi course the writer knows the way and wrote the book for amusement only. New York Graphic.

There is no mistake in asserting that our Bedroom Suits surpass any now offered for sale in quality, style and mechanical merit. The stock of theso goods to which we invite attention is the most ample in variety and affords opportunity for selecting unequaled in this city. We have beon exceedingly caroful in figuring on these Buits and fearlessly assert that they are at least 25 percent, lower in price than any boaring tho slightest approach to them in real value. Crodit on oady terms at MASON'S, Myrtlo avonue, corner Bridgo streot. A dog in Hnrrisburg was run over and killed by the steam calliope in a circus parade.

The music evolved by tho diabolical instrument would have killed the dog anyhow; but its death would have been more lingering. Norristown Herald. In dining room furniture there is no more important article than a good extension tablo. We havo them, both round and square, pillar centre and tho ordinary four leg tablo. The elides or runners aro all tested before used, so that we know they will neither sag nor stick fast.

The walnut, cheery and ash from which thoy ara constructed is well sousoued and not liable to warp, split or shrink. Our chairs aro mado strong, eay to sit in and tasty in design. Lounges and couches in fancy rug and genuine leather covering. We ollor furniture to any amount on credit aa low as for cash to good, reliable persons and accept payment on terms auch as no ono can ob jectto. MASON'S, Myrtle avenue, scrner Bridgo streetj "Yob," sighed a recent widow, "wo are very unfortun ate.

Poor Julin was out of work for a long timo, and when bo obtained a ood job he diod." "What i did he get was asked. "He joined a circus and got S'i') a week for putting his head iu tho lion's mouth twice a day. That's all ho had to do. It aoem i hard ho should hava diod." What did ho die of?" "Tho lion bit his head off." We de 'tn it impossible for anyone wanting a enrpet to go out uf our store without buying. There i greater variety, better goods or lower prices else, and we aro suro our snle.imen aro attentive, patient, civil ami acconim )daing.

Now don't for a nvmient think that higher gmdos of carpet aro not in onr st. ck. Wo hava prubably moro stock than live or six of thoso pinchbeck stores whosu stock is only window deep. Come to tho old houso, where you will get fair nioasuro, low prices and credit accommodation. MASON'S, Myrtle avenue, corner Bridgo stroet.

Greek is a bully old language, st of us know it by sight Hunkidos dorethy Esquimaux, Toakimos dammit all rigiit." Mantel and pier mirrors, genuine French glass, infiuan tities and sizes to suit all. Clocks, Statuary. Lace Curtains, Cornices, Bookcases, Desks, Fancy Tables, otc. MASONS'S, Myrtle avonue, cornet Bridge street. Whon are skipping lambs liko library volumes? When they are boundin' sheep.

When is a baggage car like a forest Whon it is full ol trunks. MASON'S Furniture and Carpet Warehouse, Myrtlo avenue, corner Bridge street. EALTH AND ECONOMY. Tl KEBW A WW KB WV VW NN VV VV NN KHB OO RRR OR RRR KK OO K. PUD A It RRR CCO OO DDAAirRKYY COOO.

A A II RRR YY AAA II It COO 0 DDD A AUK CCO OO (LIMITED.) No. 7 CLINTON STREET. 5,000 families daily testify to tha high standard of miH bottled by this company. If vou Imro returned trnm tlio country and wish to retain Cut bonelits of your sojourn soo to it you obtain tho purest milk, ilolivored in tbo most approved manner. Our method of bottling is in accordance with tho strictest sanitary regulations, indorsed and used bj tlio lending physicians of Brooklyn.

Sand at onco for sample. Our wagons dolivor to all parts of the city, 8 CENTS PER QUART. OFFICE, NO. 7 CLINTON STREET. OYAL BAKING POWDEK.

ABSOLUTELY PURB. This powder noror varios. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomoness. Moro economical than tho dinarj kinds, and cannot bo sold in compulsion with tho multitude of low tost, short woiulit, nlum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans.


LEGAL NOTICES. COUNTY ain Isholla 7 I hfir os rtiouiv Ph'l Jano Thompson, Ohartos IMIuii' iK, TI.miom. no. WlrtOW or VYil after Vorvico of this summons, exclusive ot lb.0 day ot Service and in case of your failuro to appear, or answer, imUn 01 i vill be taken asainst you l.y default for tho TO iiof domalidod in tho compIaint. Dated Brooklyn, July 111, wae.

VM(JF poTTER, Plaintiff's Attornoy, Office and Post Offlco address, No. Hi Court straof, BTo Ehza j'ano Thompson, Louis Noorsaard and Clifford Keergaara, defendants above namod: Tho foregoing amended summons is sorvod upon you, by publication. Psnaut to an order of Hon Edgar tfullon, ono of tho Justicos of the Supremo Court of tho State of Now York, in and for tho Second Judicial Department, aatort tho 2oth day of Jab 188G, and filed, with tlio amondoa complaint, in tho office, of tlio Clerk of Kings County, at tho City of Brooklyn, Kings Counts, on thoWth dayot Jnly.l8S0.BAMUEIiPi poTXaRIrlaintifE'sAttotMir. rimiroMif finTTRT. KIMiS Action for PFt.ti...

tilt, acainst Mary i 'T7 Tc and for.rtr. lor nusoaiiu To Which Bridge Policeman Matthews Was Treated bv a Bartender. Frank Matthews, a bridge policeman, of 393 Herkimer street, was arralgnod beforo Judge Walsh this morning on a chargo of having assaulted James Murray, ono of Charley Johnston's barkeepers, on August 1G. Complainant said that Matthews went Into the saloon at tho.corner of Mlddagh and Fulton Btreets, and called for some half and half. When it was drawn for him ho said it was not good, and refusod to pay for it.

Tho 1 arteudor thon plckod up a sorfeer syphon and accidentally squirted some of the fluid on Matthews. The latter got mad and threw a spittoon at him. Matthows said that tho seltzer was squirted on him intentionally, and that ho retaliated by throwing tho cuspadoro. Judge Walsh dismissed the complaint, saying that he did not bollove the bartender, and that the policeman had done no moro than any othor man would havo done undor the circumstances. AN ANGRY WIFE In Jail for Assailing Her Alleged Rival.

Mi8 Qussie Frickel and the Brooklyn Woman Who Struck Her With a Para sol The ex Captain of the Mont auk the Cause of the Contention. Mrs. Johanna Breitfleld, of 1,129 Third avenue, South Brooklyn, Is a prisoner in tho Hudson County, New Jersey, Jail because of an assault sho committed last Thursday on Gussle Frlckol, a girl who, she behoves, ontlced hor hUBband away from hor. The husbaud is Petor Nathaniel Breitllold, a ship designor, who was once an intimate frlond of Captain Philip Ellsworth, the designor of the Atlantic, and was a year ago himself the captain of the celebrated schooner Montauk. Gussle Frickel Is the sister of one of Breitflold's yachlng friends.

Breitfleld loft his wife in Juue, 1835, and Bho has sinco had to earn hor own living. On Thursday Mrs. Breltfreld's, having learned that her husband was at prosent working In a Philadelphia shipyard, and that Otto Frickel knew of his whereabouts, went to Jersey City, whore Otto was to bo tried on a charge of abandoning an alleged wife of his own, to Implore that young man to glvo hor Breltfreld's address. Sho was accompanied by Mrs. Mayer, wife of the former steward of tho Montauk.

Otto's trial had been adjourned and tho two women procoeded to Hobokon to visit somo mutual friends. In Washington streot they accidentally met Gussio Frickel, who is a young woman of very Jaunty nppoaranbo. Mrs. Breitfleld stopped Miss Gussio and asked her If sho knew Peter Brietfield's address. GubsIo Bald she had not seen Petor since last summer, when he spent a few weoks In Hobokon.

Mrs. Briotfleld then upbraided Gussle for enticing hor husband away, whereupon Gussio In the words of Mrs. Mayor Mako hor noso mlt her fingers like dot" (illustrating the action), "stuck ho tonguo through hor mouth at Johanna and spit her right in do face." This was more than Mrs. Breitfleld could stand, and she struck the Jaunty young woman on tho back with a light parasol. Gussio screamed for a policeman, aud a few minutes later Mrs.

Breitfleld was arrested. Whon tho party reached the Hoboken pollco station Gussle fell down In an epileptic fit, as sho does quite often, and was unablo to make any complaint Mrs. Breitfleld was locked up, despite Mrs. Moyor's protestations and offers of bail. Mrs.

Mayer went to Hobokon yosterday, taking a large amount of money, but Gussio had not recovered suflleienty to appoar in court, and tho ustico declared he would havo to wait and soo If tho girl died. He thoroforo postponed the examination until Tuesday and ordorod Mrs. Breitfleld to bo locked up on tho Hill in the Hudson County Jail until then. Mrs. Mayer offered cash ball, and sho trlod very hard to save hor friend from Imprisonment, but without avail.

She was Informed that Gussle was "solid" with the Hobokon officer who mado tho arrest, and that Mrs. Breitfleld would probably ro Colvo a severs sontonco. Mrs. Breitfleld Is given an excellent character by peoplo in tho neighborhood of Third avenue and Forty sixth street, this city. She is a handsome woman of slight figure, predisposed to consumption, and by far too weak from her lato troubles to mako a serious assault on any one with a light parasol as a weapon.

HIS FATAL AIM. Frederick Weidmann Hakes a Target of His Heart. The Son of One of Brooklyn's Woalthies Coopers Kills Himself in the Areaway of His Father's Residence Jealousy of His Wife the Supposed Cause. The residents of tho handsome brown stone dwellings on South Ninth street, between Wythe avonuo and Berry stroet, wero startled at 10:30 o'clock last night by tho loud roport mado by the discharge of a revolver, and many heads wero thrust out of tho windows aud many glances cast in the direction whonce tho noiso came. The shrioks of tho ladles belonging to tho household of Mr.

Paul Weidmann, the wealthy cooper, who resides at 73 South Ninth street, Indicated that whatevor trouble there was in the neighborhood had occurred thero, and tho indications wero entirely accurate. Strotched in tho front aroa way of tho residonce, was tho body of Frederick Weidmann, who was 2G years old, and tho son of Paul Weidmann. From an orifice ovor tho young man's heart blood flowed copiously. Miss Weidmann, a sister of tho pros trato man, and othor members of tlio family stood arouud. A physician was promptly summoned, but boforo hla arrival Frederick was dead.

Officer Gil moro.of tho Clymor stroot statlon.made an investigation, which showed that tho young man called at tho house a short while beforo in a stato of considerable montnl excitement. It was apparent that ho had beon drinking, and that bo was brooding ovor somo roal or Imaginary trouble which tho family had been awaro of, for lie remarked to his sister, 1 am going to shoot myself." Don't do that, Frod, it would be 80 foolish and wicked," Miss Weidmann ropllod. Ho apparently paid no heed to his sistor's advico, for ho walked out of tho basemont door, and, placing tho mouth of a flvo chamborod thirty two caliber revolver at his breast in front of his hoart, ho discharged ono chamber. Tho ball ponetratod tho hoart and young Weidmann foil to tho ground. Two mou named Franklin Piorco White, of South Fourth stroet, and David J.

Warnor, of 214 Greono avonuo, woro passing tho houso when Woklmnnn flrod tho shot and thoy thought for a momont, until the sulcido fell, that tho bullot had boon mo 9 nt for ono of thom. Tho members of tho Weidmann family woro disinclined to glvo any particulars about Froderlck or the cause ot his startling act, but it was stated that ho is married and that he had troublo in his family, growing out, probably, of his own insane Jealousy. Froderlck was married moro than sovon yonrp ago to Miss Ida Tuthill, tho daughtor of a well to do lady residing in tho Thirteenth Ward. Ida, who, liko her husband, was very young at tho time of hor wedding, was rogarded as a hello In society. Young Weidmann was of a wild disposition, and as years rolled on ho was much addlctod to liquor and grew Jealous of his wife.

Sevoral years ago Mr. Paul Woldmann purchased mills in Doarfiold.Mich., and gavo them to Froderlck. Staves for Mr. Wold mann's great cooporago woro mado, whoro hundreds of men aro omployod, at tho foot of North Sixth aud North Sovonth streets, aud shipped on horo from the saw mills. A fotv years ago Frodorlck, or his father, sold tbo mills and established other mills in a settlement in Ontario, Canada, and named tho placod Woldmnan.

Tho thriving vlllago ostab lishod thoro is luhabltod mostly by mon who work In tho mills and tholr famillos. Fredorlck Weldmann's brothor iu law, Mr. Tuthill, is tho book keopor of tho mills. Mrs. Weidmann, who has four children, Is said to havo boon dissatlsflod with hor rosldonco in a Canadian forest, for the placo Is comparatively uniuhabitod, and frequently urgod her hUBband to como East.

In tho early part of July Fredorlck and his wife camo to Brooklyn to spend tho Summnr, and they took up tholr residence at East Moriches, Long Island, with Mrs. Tuthill. Tho The mills woro loft In chargo of young Tuthill. Frederick, it is said, did not go to tho placo sinco ho camo East, but his fathor wont thore ten or twolvo days ago and roturued this wook, bringing a couple of horsos with him. While in Canada, It is said, tho fathor expocted tho son on to attond to tho mills, but whether ho spoko to Froderlck, on his roturn, about nogloctiug his business is not known.

A young man, a cousin of Mrs. Woldmann, stated that Frod was of a Jealous disposition that his wifo was always groatly worried In consequence. From tho samo sourco it was learned that young Woldmann drank frooly. Ho called on his fathor's family frequently since July and passod much of his timo in tho Eastern District in company with bis frlonds. HOTEL ARRIVALS.

Hotel St. Geouge D. J. Finley and wifo, Poughkoopslo, N. Y.

C. II. Sawyor, Boston; Goorge C. Perkins, Now York; Thomas Powoll, T. F.

Curly, William Matsole, Mrs. W. C. Bowers and William C. Bowors.

all of this city; II. C. Andorson, Richmond; T. T. Roady, Now York L.

Buggs, Barton, N. Y. Mansion House James N. Balch and wifo, Now buryport, Ebon Jackson and wifo, Fran conta, N. n.

Miss J. E. Cannon and maid, Pitts field, Mass. Mr. William H.

Boau, Pfitsflold, Mass. Clarendon Hotel E. M. Fox, M. Ricard, J.

C. Albor, W. M. Folters, Brooklyn; O. Nickorson, A.

Polhemus, E. P. Wilson, Nicholas Tompkins and wifo, Richard Mansfiold, New York; J. A. R.

Stud woll, wifo and child, Boston; Thomas Dobbin, Har lomj Carl Buchwald, Borlln: W. F. Mix, Sugar Grove, Fa. E. D.

Price, Niagara Falls; B. J. Lynch, London. JUSTICE KENNA'S BEREAVEMENT. For tho second time within a year, Police Ju3tlco Thomas J.

Konna and his wife have mot with a sad boroavomont This morning oarly their only surviving child died at tho rosldonco of Its parents in tho Eastern District. Tho child was only 7 months old. Charles Hodges is the name of tho mnn who dropped dead at tho corner of Gates and Hold avenues yesterday morning. His homo was at 903 Hanoook stroot, and ho had for a long time been a ulterer from heart atseaw. imormeu, mosi earnusuy pruy juui jjauj that this courso may bo takon at once.

For If Mr. Ridgway, even now, shall put theBe oases on for trial, his connection with these gamblers and their friends Is suoh that I have ho faith or confidence that the cases will bo fairly tried, and I am suro that if you will examine tho specifications and the affidavits to support thom, you will agree with me that my presumption Is well founded. I have tho honor to be, on behalf of this society, your most obedient servant, Signed AmthOny Comstock, Secretary. CHARGES AND SPECIFICATIONS. The charges and specifications cover sixty five pages of logal cap.

Mr. Comstock commences by quoting section 349 of the Penal Code, as follows: Section 349. Itlstho dutyof all shoriffs, constables, police officers and prosecuting or district attorneys to inform ogainst and prosecute all persons wnoni they have reason to believe offendors against the provisions of this chaptor; and any omission so to do is punishable by a fine not exceeding J500. Under charge ono Mr. Kidgway is accused of "neglootof duty In office and violating Section i 19 of the Penal Code." Tho first specification sots forth that during the years 1884, 1885 and 1886, James W.

Ridgway, District Attorney of Kings County, neglected to prosecute the following persons, against whom indictments for gambling had boon found, and who had been arrosted and held in ball for trial prior to January 1,. 1884, to wit: Poter Vanderhoff, Catharine Vanderhoff, Abram DoLamotta, Henry DeLamotta, Charles Smith, Ml chaol J. Kelly, James E. Brown, Thomas Wilson, Albort BurtiB, tewfs Leader, John Y. JfcKane, John Finnegan, James Dunphy, Arnold Grubor, Gnr rettson Morris, Edward Fagan, Richard Fortune, William Boylo, James F.

Quigley and Jano A. Madlgan. Specification two Is as follows: That the said Jamos W. Ridgway having received affidavits of complaint against Isaac 8. Catlln on the 11th day of February, 188 4, charging him, the said Isaao S.

Catlln, with misdemeanor and with violation of Section 349 of the Ponal Code, and having reason to believe the said Catlin an offender against Chapter 9 of the Penal Code, has uttorly neglected, omlttod and failed to inform against or prosecute the said Catlln for said offenses, or examine or subpena into court for examination tho witnesses against said Catlln." The third specification charges Mr. Ridgway with falling to prosooute, In violation of Section 349 of the Penal Code, the officers of tho Coney Island Jockey Club for openly violating the law In the Town of Gravesend. Specification four charges Mr. Ridgway with refusing to prosecuto tho following persons, against whom positive evldonce of having violated tho law against gambling on tho promises of the Coney Island Jockey Club was presented by tho agents of tho New York Society for the Suppression of Vice, to wit: James E. Kelly, Michael Murray, John S.

Stow, Thomas Murray, John T. McDougall, David I. Johnson, Albert A. Krldge, Martin Jourdan, James Dunn, Frank Snyilor, Daniel Wartzfoldor, Jamo3 Varley, Daniol Gleasou, F. A.

Bradley, T. J. Moohan, Frank Rodman, Jamos Fryo, William Waring, William McNamara and John White. It Is further chargod in this specification that aftor tho agents of the society named bad procured indictments against the defendants aforesaid Ridgway interfered to prevent the arrest of said parties, and willfully and knowingly permitted them to continue violating the law. Specification five charges Ridgway with nogloct ing to bring to trial Henry Do Lamotta and Abraham Do Lamotta, indicted for gambling in January, 1884.

Specification six chargos Ridgway with falling to apply for or allow the issue of search warrants for the gambling paraphernalia used on the Coney Island Jockey Club track. Specification sevon chargos that on the 30th day of Juno, 1884. Ridgway refused to permit tho arrest of tho following persons, against whom indictmonts for gambling had been found, to wit: Frank Snyder, Daniel Wartafeldor, Jamos Varley, Daniel Gleason, T. R. Bradley, T.

J. Meohan, Frank Rodman, Jamos Fryo, William Waring, William McNamara and John Whito; and furthor, although bench warrants had been iaBued for tho arrest of these men, Ridgway directed his officers not to arrest thom, but to vlBlt tho gambling booths and notify tho gamblers of tho fact that thoy hod been Indicted. Specification 8 charges Hldgway with refusing to arrost or Interfere with tho gamblers who bad been found violating tho law by his officers. Specification nine alleges that Ridgway administered the affairs of his ofllco as District Attornoy so as to bring tho laws and tho administration of Justice Into contempt Specification ten chargos Ridgway with having failed to prosecute a number of common gamblers, Indictments against whom had boon improperly dismissed in December, 1883, by Isaac 8. Catlln, thon District Attorney, although informed that evidence sufficient to convict the gamblers aforesaid was In existence and easily accessible Specification olovon Is substantially the same as tho preceding specification, except that the names of two additional gamblors aro given.

Specification twelve charges Ridgway with failing to prosecute a number of gamblers Indicted In June, 1881, who repeated the offenses for which thoy had beon Indicted in the month of Soptombor of the same year. Tho evidence against these men was presented to Ridgway on Soptember 18, 1884. Specification thirteen charges that on or about the 23d day of June. 1884, Ridgway administered the laws in tho interest of the gamblers by refusing to permit thoir arrest, and by sending ofiicors to notify them to give ball on the morning of July 1, at an hour when It would not lnterforo with then unlawful business. Specification fourteen is a repetition of the preceding specification.

Specification fifteen charges Ridgway with shielding and protecting gamblors, who carried on tholr unlawful business at Brighton Beach and Shoepshoad Bay in the years 1884, 1885 and 1886, and in the month of August, 1886, on the track of the Brooklyn Jockey Specification sixteen sets forth, among other things, "that It was also rumored and charged that acontract had beon mado between theao gamblors and tho DlBtrlct Attornoy, J. W. Ridgway, aforesaid, by which the said gamblers had paid a large sum of money to him, J. W. Ridgway, the District Attorney, and that he, J.

W. Ridgway, bad agreed because of tho payment of said money not to por mlt tho said men to bo arrosted or interfered with on tho raco track of tho Coney Island Jockey Club, at the Town of Gravesend thoy wore publicly violating the law. He, the said Ridgway, notwithstanding said rumor thus convoyed to him, when urged to have the gamblers arrested upon bench warrants, replied that he 'did not caro a what people and that he proposed to send an officer down to whore these men who had been indicted were, and notify them to appear, and would not permit thom to be arrested, even If it was nocessary to send for all tho fifty four men to como up to his office (moaning thereby gamblers who ho had knowledge and information wore openly violating soptlon351 of the Ponal Code), and because of the action of said Ridgway the said gamblers woro not interrupted or stopped from violating tho laws which they wero then and there violating In opon day and In a public mannor." Specification seventeen charges Ridgway with refusing to issuo warrants for tho seizure of the gambling paraphernalia. Specification eighteen charges that Ridgway refused to prosecute John Y. McKane, Chief of Police of tho Town of Gravesond, aud his officers, who bad been indicted for aiding aud abetting gamblors during tho Fall of 1883, although the said McKane bad permitted open aud flagrant violations of the laws against gambling In tho Town of Gravesend during all the subsequent years sinco that timo, and although a majority of the men engagod in so violating the 'law had been repeatedly indlctod for similar offensoe.

Tho ninotoenth specification alleges that Ridgway rofusod to twonty two gamblers. Indicted In Juno, 1681, although tho said gamblors continued to oponly repeat tho offenses for which they had been indicted. Specification twenty sots forth that Michael Murray was Indicted lor gambling in Juno, 1884; that Murray continued to violate tho law In Soptombor of tho samo year; that Judgment of conviction was ontorod against him in December, 1881; that the Genoral Torm of the Supromo Court affirmed tho conviction of Murray In May, that tho ordor of afilrinauco was filed In Kings County on Juno 18, 1885; that anothor indictment against Murray was found in June, 1B85, and that Murray was held to bail in that month, Immediately after the filing of tho ordor of afiirmajice: that no notice of appoal was fllod by Murray tmtil July 3, 1885; that no Judgment roll was filed with tho Court of Appoals in the caao of Michaol Murray or any othor of tho caBes that woro appealed in connection with his; that no stay of proceedings was granted; that no appoal was perfected for moro than a year aftor filing tho order of affirmance of tho Genoral Torm, and that notwithstanding all thoso facts, Ridgway fallod to inform against or prosecute tho said Michaol Murray to Judgment of sentence, or to bring him to trial for any of the Indictmonts ponding against him for offousos committod sinco the indictmonts woro fllod against hlra in Juno, 1884. It is further alleged that tho gamblors havo Btich control ovor tho said James W. Ridgway, and his offlco, that whllo not ono of thoso gamblors Is punished for tho crimes thus committod, thoy aro allowed to con tinuo tholr crimos; and, in the month of August, 1886, a third raco courso was oponod, and gamblors again, as announced by tho daily papers, woro oponly violating tho law.

Tho twonty flrst specification alleges that Ridgway has failed to prosecute over a hundred gamblors who havo beon Indicted sinco lie took ofllco, and that undor bis fostering caro another raco track, upon which gambling was oponly practlcod, was started iu tho month of August, 1886. Specification twouty two alloges that Ridgway failed to movo for sentence against James E. Kelly and othor gamblers, convicted in December, 1881, until a demand was made boforo the Grand Jury in July, 1886, for the Indictment of the said James W. Kidgway; and that notwithstanding tho afilrm anco of tho General Term, with no stay of proceedings, and with no appeal perfected or Judgment roll filed with tho Clork ot the Court of Appoals from June 1885, until aftor tho mooting of tho Grand Jury in July, 1886, the said Kidgway has allowod tho said convictod gamblors to go unsontoncod, and allowed the said gamblors to continue In open defiance of law, and neglecting to try a single ono of all the indictments found against notorious gamblers oponly violating tho law down to tho present day. Chargo two is as follows Aiding, abetting, assisting and encouraging gamblers, protecting thom from arrest, aud shielding ibeir unlawful business from intorferonco or interruption whllo they oponly violated chapter 9 of the Ponal Code.

Tho first specification undor this chai go allogos that Ridgway refused to pormlt tho arrost of twonty. two gamblers indlctod iu Juno, 1884, although said gamblers woro found by Hldgway's ofiicors oponly violating the law. Tho second specification sots forth that Ridgway refusod to tako any action toward enforcing tho law, aftor bolng notified that tho indicted gamblors had resumed operations a fow hours aftor having furnished bail. Specification threo allogos that a numbor of the gamblers woro notified by somo ono in advance of tho action of tlio Grand Jury, and nppoorod at the District Attorney's office at 11:30 in tho forenoon of Juno 30, a fow minutos after the Grand Jury had como into court with Indictmonts against tho said gamblors; and further, that Ridgway, althouh Informed that tbo gamblors wont back to thoir gambling booths immediately aftor having given bail, rofusod to pormlt tho BOlzuro of tho gambling paraphornalla. The fourth specification is merely an elaboration of tho tlilrd.

The fifth opacification chargosJlldgway with refusing to act on ovldoneo against the gamblors furnished bv thu agents of the Society for the Suppression of Vice, and with using tho whole power of his ofllco to protoct and Bnieia mo gammers. Chargo throe is as follows: Conduct unbecoming an officer, and bringing tho laws into contempt, and tholr roproach upon tho administration of Justico Iu tho County of Kings. Undor this charge specification ono again allogos that information of tho fact that Isaac S. Catlin had fallod, as District Attornoy, to prosocuto indictments against gamblors found in 1883, was brought to tho aitontlon of Ridgway; and it 1b further allogod that iu 1884 tho said Kidgway, through tho public pross and in othor ways mado loud professions of his intention to onforco tho law agalnBt gambling, but that InBtoad of onforclng the law ho docelvod tbo public, usod his lufluouco to shield tho gamblors and throw every obstacle In tho way of thoso who woro seeking to bring tho law broakers to Justico. Specification two sets forth that, although Kidgway had boon Informed of a rumor that a contract had beon mado botweon him and Jamos E.

Kolly and an ex convict, by which Kidgway was to bo paid $50,000 for protecting tho gamblers and shielding thom from arrost, tho said Ridgway withhold bench warrants issued for indlctod gamblors, and pormittod them to carry on and continue thoir unlawful business throughout tho ontlre Summer and Fall soasons, thus affirming tho scandalous rumor and acting In such a mannor as to mako it appear that tho said unlawful aud disgracoful aud scandalous contract aforesaid had boon ontorod In to and its provisions carried out Specifications three and four aro in substance tho samo as tho preceding specification. Chargo four is as follows Malfoasanco In office. Spocifloationa ouo aud two undor this chargo allogo that Ridgway on tho 1st of Docombor, 1881, did unlawfully arraign and roqulro Dougall McDougall to appear In the Court of Sosslons and plead to on lndlctmont against John T. McDougall aftor that ho, tho said Jamos W. Ridgway bad been informed In opon court that tho Bald Dougall McDougall was not tho person namod and indicted in said Indictment, and af tor ho had beon Informed that John T.

McDougall was the right porson, tho said John T. McDougall having boen placed under bonds of $1,000 to appoar and answor tho said bond, bolng thon In force In said court Tho third specification sets forth that Ridgway, knowing an Indictment had boon filed against John T. McDougall, failed to prosecute the saldtyolm T. McDougall upon said indictment, or call hltn to plead to said Indictment, but deliberately, in opon court, subBtltuted Sougall McDougall, a suppoood brolbor of said Jbhn T. McDouirn.ll.

and ronuirnil tlio nnlrt Dougall McDougall to' pload Bald indlotmtmt in An Executor Arreuted For Not Account Deputy Sheriff Bartow yesterday evening arrosted Charles E. Robinson, on a precept issued by Surrogate Lott, and lodged In JalL Robinson Is a young man clerk In Mr. Reed's shoo store, corner of Gold and Fulton Btreots. Ho was executor of tho estato of JoBoph Robinson, and was ordered by the Surrogate to mako an accounting. He failed to do so, and execution against him was Issued to the Sheriff, which wag returned unsatisfied.

Five of tho heirs of the estate, George Whittle, Elizabeth Sutphen, Sarah Wortman, William H. Hathorlyaud Sarah J. Boardman claim each a legacy of $321.20. Mr. Robinson claims that he has not appropriated any of tho money, but that the discrepancy is owing to the notion of a lawyor not namod.

PATCIIOGUE BREVITIES, Tho yacht Lottie was upset in the Great South Bay yostorday aud two men and two boys were rescued from drowning by Captain Ryder, The Suffolk County Prohibitionists will mako nominations for county offices at Rivorhead, on September 29. PLAYED WIDOW, But Was Tracked to Bath by an Angry Husband. How Mrs. Moore Po3cd as an Intended Wife A Hotel Door Burst In and Revolvers Flourished Bofore the Fiction was Destroyed. Albert T.

Moore, a clerk in the New York law office of Sullivan Cromwell, retained Mr. Benjamin A. Morrison, of tho Garflold Building, some weoks ago aud commenced a suit for absolute divorco from Lizzlo Moore. Tho couple lived on Atlantic avonue, but the plaintiff temporarily resides now in Philadelphia. Mr.

Morrison successfully combated tho motion for alimony and counsel feo.and tho defendant then had her husband arrested and taken boforo Justice Walsh on abandonment proceedings. A week or so ago Mrs. Moore was seen in company with a widower namod David Cuslck, of Now York. They were watcbod and tho information sent out to Mr. Moore.

Ho at once engaged a private detective namod Jehu Surbrugh, a man of herculoan build and long oxporionco. Tho detective tracked Cusick and Mrs. Moore together sovoral times. The lady, altirod in mourning, was seen with him leaving Cuslck's office, and they wore followod to Bath Beach. Hero thoy entered a hotel.

The detective mado some lnquirlos and loarnod from the proprietor that Mr. Cusick was duly registered and had explained that ho was a widower. Tlio lady who was with bin, ho supposed, was a widow, with tho encumbrance of a nice little boy. Tho widow and widower were to bo married in about a month. Tho proprietor of tho hotel al30 told tho detective that he had heard tho child call Mr.

Cusick papa, and that the widow bad rebuked him with the information that ho wa3 not his papa yet, but would bo soon. Mr. Moore was telegraphed to and arrived in Brooklyn yestorday. In tho evening ho, with a frlond aud tho detoctivo, repaired to Bath Boacb and entered into consultation with the proprietor of tho hotel. Tho immediate result of this whisporod conversation was that all the lady boarders who slept in that part of the house whoro tho widowor and tho supposed widow had adjoining rooms woro romovedto another part of tbo house.

About 11 o'clock the detective, Mr. Mooro, and the friond posted themsolvos In tholr stocking foet, outside Mr. Cuslck's door, aud by a concerted action of tho shoulders they burst in the door and ontered tho room. Thero was a scream, a flurrying female figure, and Mr. Cusick faced tho Intruders.

He Beomed disposod to show fight, but tho detoctivo gripped him by the arm and ad. vised him to bo quiet Mr. Cusick made a frantic endeavor to grasp a pistol. As ho was doing so ho was mado aware of the pres once of a ring of cold stool against his temple and he at once subsided. Explanations onaued.

Mj Cusick protested that Mrs. Mooro had ropresenSd herself as a widow, and that thoy were engaged to bo married, Theso are my rooms," said he, and now you'vo got all the Information you wan't, go away and let mo alone." Tho intruders loft tho room. This morning the dotoctivo sworo to an affidavit ombracing the above facts, and on Tuesday Mr. Morrison will movo in tho Supremo Court for leave to add the name of Mr. Cusick as co roBpondent in the divorco suit A LIBERAL FEE And a Very Strange Place for Racing Tips.

Jocfcey Spanning Avoids Imprisonment by Marrying Masglo Garrity One Hun dred Dollars for tho Justice and Nothing for the Lawyer. Detective Boyle, of Coney Island, yesterday afternoon arreBted Daniol Spaulding and Maggio Gorraty in the Gut," at Conoy Island, for disorderly conduct Spaulding is the well known Jockey who rides for tho Dwyors and for tho Brown Bros. Maggio is an attractive young girl, well connected, who has for some time displayed an infatuation for Spauldiug, and has followed him about more or less. They were locked up In a cell at PollcoITeadquar tors yestorday and retained Mr. Charlos J.

Kurth aB their counsol. Tbo lawyor spoke first to Spaulding, who was in one coll, advising him to marry Maggie as the only way out of tho difficulty. Then ho wont to Maggio aud obtaluod hor ready consent This morning Justice Waring was on the bench. Glancing at tho docket, ho called: "Daniol Spaulding and Maggio Gorraty to tho bar." The culprits walked up, looking sheepish. Daniol Spaulding and Moggie Gorraty," the Justice went on, you are charged "If yyur Honor pleases," said Mr.

Kurth, "thoy have resolved to bo marrlod, and requost you to tie the knot" Thoro woro gathorod about tbo court room sevoral Jockeys, somo officials and Dr. Hall. Thoy woro all as much surprised as tho Justice. Do you seriously so intend 7" asked ho. I do," said Spaulding.

So do said Maggie. Tako a llttlo tlmo to thing it over," said tho Justice Thoy did. Then, as they woro of tho samo opinion tho Justice commoucod preparations for tho coromony. Ho aBkod tho usual questions, aud noted tho auswors on tho back of a certificate. At this Juncture one of tho bystanders suggostod that a Biblo bo used, and handod it to Mr.

Kurth. Tho lawyor obonod It at tho Book of Nobucadnez zar. Hero tho first thing that mot his eye was a card profoasing to give tho most roliablo tips on tho races. Ho closed tho Book abruptly and handod it for uso to tho Justice. Tho ceremony procoodod and prosontly Justice Waring opened the book at precisely the samo place and saw tho card.

Aftor a brlof scrutiny ho tujuod very rod in tho faco and looked about him. "It's disgracoful," ho said, "that such a thing should find its way into this book in a court of Justice." As no one looked guilty tho oplsodo onded. Maggio Gorraty In due timo bocamo Mrs. Spaulding, and tho Jockey, aftor receiving some sensible advico from tho Justice, handed him a $100 bill for bis feo. As the parties woro leaving tho court room, Mr.

Kurth suggostod that ho was onlitlod to a feo. "Oh, I've given the Judgo all tho mouoy I had," said Spauldiug. He then started with his wife for Homodalo, N. whoro they will live. TWENTY NINE DAYS FOR MRS.

BARRETT. A Petition in Bier Favor Has Little Weight. Sarah Barrett was tried before Justice Mas soy this morning upon a chargo of disturbing public peaco. Tho complainant was Mr. l'owell, a toa dealer In Smith stroot, who said that Mrs.

Barrott camo to bis store on tho 12th of August and usod vilo and abusive language. A petition from tho neighbors of Mrs. Barrott, in Dykoman street, was publishod a few days sinco. A potltlon to offset this was roceivod by his Honor this morning. It was as follows: Hon.

Justice Mousey. sir wo tho Uudoreigned and citizens of tho Cltty of brooklyn beg of you that in this caso of mary barrott you will glvo it Duo consideration as those charges is fals and you Will Satisfy tbo I'ubllc signed James Kugaard, Henry Itogors, 11 Leonard, Nelson, John Lundorvlst, Itlchard Itowo, Mc Mahon and ovhors. Tho names aro evidently all written by tlio samo person. JuBtico Massey examined a number of witnesses and decidod that Mrs. Barrott was guilty.

Ho sent hor to Jail for twonty nino days. DETER3IINED TO STAY IJf. Jacob Frcssler'u UnsjuccasNf ill Effort to MIspocsH Mrs. Zclscr. Mr.

Jnbob Fessler, of 481 Second street, tlio roputod ownor of tho bouse 45 Wilson stroot, on July 15 dlspoflsed from part of tho promises by legal procoss Mrs. Emma E. Zelsor, formor owner of tho property. Subsequently, Mrs. Zelsor, finding tho rooms which Bho had been occupying vacant, ro cntored thorn, and has continued In occupation of them ovor sinco.

Anothor suit to dispossess was then commenced by Fosslor In Justico Naohor's Court, but on Soptombor 0 Judgo Pratt grautod an order staying proceedings, and diroctod that tho caso be prosecuted by indictment boforo tho Grand Jury. Mrs. Zoisor claims that sho is tlio lawful ownor of the premises. HI'BA CLARK GAIXES' WILL. Surrogate Lott handed down a docision this morning In the Myra Clark Gaines' will case, deny lng tho motion mado yestorday for leave to with, draw tho will offorod for probata by William II.

Wildor. It now appears probable that tho fight ovor hor property will bo mado In tho courts of this county, as sho is said to havo declared horsolf a resident of Brooklyn a short timo boforo she died. 9 STKCCK BY A JiOt'OJIOTIVE. At 9:15 o'clock this morning, John Bartiz, aged 39 yoars, of 28 Marion street, whllo at work digging a tronoh on Atlantic avonuo near Nassau stroot, in the Twonty slxth Ward, was struck by engine 75 of tho Long Island Railroad, and thrown into tho air. Ambulance Surgeon Hlckock found that ho had sustained a sovere contusion of tho left thigh but waa otherwlso uninjured.

He was removed to his homo. Vigorously Used Last Night by Plucky Lizzie Wood. How a Member of the Gospel Tent Choir Punished Her Traducer and Created a Sensation in a Fashionable Neighbor hood. The fashionable residents of St. Marks avenue and the upper part of Carlton avenue were last evonlng treated to a gonuino sensation.

Thoy witnessed the somewhat unusual spectacle of a young woman horsewhlping a man. The assailant had the sympathy of the neighborhood and wa3 backed by a largo crowd of enthusiastic urchins. She required no assistance and proved horBelf abundantly able to tako care of horsolf. The heroine of this striking episode was Miss Lizzie Wood, a domestic In the employ of Mr. Henry W.

Lovejoy, of 123 St. Marks avonue. She is a good looking girl of about 24 years of ago and bears an oxcollont reputation In tho family In which sho lives. She came to this country about eight years ago, and has no relations hero. About a yoar ago sho was introduced to a middle aged gentleman namod William Strong, who lived at 67 Court street.

At that tlmo he was employed In the Weigher's Department of tho New York Cus Jom Houso. Ho has since boon removod. He be gan to be very attentive to Miss Wood, and at nrst sho did not object to his suit. She soon discovered, however, that he was of a very Jealous disposition, and become very angry and abusive if she displayed a preference for any othor company. Finally Bhe told him that ho must not come to tho house any more.

Ho perslstod, however, and followod her about wherever she went and circulated, sho says, false stories concerning hor. Unable to stand such troatmont any longer she went boforo Justice Walsh about two months ago, stated hor case and had Strong placod under bonds to keep away from her. This did not stop the buainess, Strong was to bo soon overy night In tho neighborhood watching tho house whero Bho lived. Whon she camo out he would follow hor. Miss Wood is a member of tho choir of the Gospel Pavilion tent on Flatbush avonuo.

On ono occasion Strong crowded in undor the canvas near tho choir platform and In a loud voico ho denounced Miss Wood. After that she was always escorted home by a malo mo mber of tho choir or some gentleman frlond In attonda nee. Sov eral gontlemon who knew tho circumstances promised to protect her whonever Bho went out at night. Strong bogan to annoy theao gontlomen with storios about her and became so troublesome that tho young lady again went beforo Justico Walsh and asked If something could not be done to keep him away from her friends. The Justice gave her little encouragemont.

Sho went home and that night askod ono of her friends to procure hor one of tho best rawhides he could find In New York City. She said sho was determined to tako tho mattor in hor own hands. Tho whip was given hor last Saturday night It had a leather handle, a foot and a half long, with a long rawhldo lash. She carried this instrument ba her pocket overy time she wont out On Sunday night Bho caught sight of hor tormontor, but he vanished boforo she could reach him. Last night, about 9 o'clock, as sho was sitting upon tho front door stoop in company with anothor young lady, Strong passod tho houso.

"Now is my time," sho said to her friend; "I will not let this chance slip away." She ran into tho house, pickod up tho rawhido and hastenod up the stseot to Carlton avonue, whore sho saw her persecutor sitting upon the curb stone. As she approached he covorod his faco with his hands, and pretended not to see hor. You aro at your old trade, aro you 7 said Lizzie, as she stood in front of him. "Who aro you?" said Strong; "I don't know you." I'll tell you who I am," said the young woman, as she whirled tho whip. The man Jumped up and tried to dofend himsolf but ho was no match for the girl, and blow aftor blow In rapid succession fell upon his hoad and body.

Tho streot bogan to fill with boys, who enjoyed tho fun immensely and kept crying out "Lay it on him." Miss Wood needed no advice. She did lay on with a vongonco. Tho man saw that it would bo usoloss to ro3ist as all tho crowd's sympathies were against him. He attempted to beat a retreat in tho direction of Flatbush avenue but was hotly pursued by tho girl who lashed him at every step. Blood ran from his faco and his nook was badly cut He ran Into a cigar store at the corner of FlatbuBh and Carlton avenues for protection.

Sho followed him and in a few moments ho ran out and turnod down Carlton avenue with the girl and an excited crowd at his heels. Tho whip continued to crack until ho roachod St Mark's avonue, whore he ran Into Dr. Bunker's houso, saying to tho housemaid who oponod the door, "For God's sake lot mo In. She will kill me." He plteously besoeohed the girl to stop. With almost every word he recelvod a blow for a reply, and with every blow the crowd choored.

When he found refuge in Dr. Bunker's houso Miss Wood returned home very much exhausted, but very well pleased with what she had done. A few moments later Strong was drivon out of the house by Dr. Bunker and mado good his escape. He told the doctor that ho should havo tho girl arrosted, and wanlod him (the doctor) for a wlinose.

The affair was the talk of tho neighborhood today. Ovor one hundred persons must have seon tho whipping. It was said that Mr. Lovejoy, the young woman's employer, was a witnoss of tho affair and stood roady to assist hor if nocessary. An Eagle roporter called upon Mi3S Wood.

Sho Is straightforward and intolligont. "I havn't a brother to protoct mo" she said "and ho know it But I am satisfied with what I did and don't think he will trouble mo anymore. I wouldn't hurt a fly, but I am sorry my whip broke and my arm gave out, olse I should havo followed hlra still furthor. Ho got Just what he deserved. My right arm is so lamo to day that I can hardly uso it" ESTRANGED FROM HER FATHER, Who Obtains a Writ of Habeas Corpus to Recover His Child.

Justice Pratt this morning granted to Mr. Goorgo Gru a writ of habeas corpus by which Michaol Daley, a watchman in omploy of the Citizens' Gas Company, seeks to rocovor possession of his 15 year old He claims in his application papers, that whon ho marriod a socond time, ho placod his child to bourd with Mrs. Farroll, of 131 Fourth placo. He paid hor board rogularly but tho child, howovor, was put to work at household duties. Ho tried to got his child back, aud thsu touud, ho alleges, that Fnrrell had complotoly estraugod hor affectious from him.

5I0XEY MARKET. Imports of Merchandise for tlio Week. Gold Arrivals From Europe StocUa Generally Wall Street, Septombor 113 P. M. Among the sales of bonds this afternoon wore: B.ilti A Ohio 58 UlJtf'N A 1st 12'J Can Southern 1st 105.y; Kaat Tonn iac TJtfn 27ii rthwust irold 13S Nor Pacific 2d 101 OroKon Imp 1st U4 'Mhi Oregon Nav 0s lOiv's Oregon Trand tie (lo new OS do eona Erie 2nd con ex.

1 1.. 1... full I.4B WAO oon.iulululVi Kn lut Vi: ISt I. Ark S. 1st U7 I'acirte ot Mo isi iu i do'Jd Un 2d Jr Trim Mountain 1st lllklSt Paul Lnorqsso 111 Cent con 4s 103 do Terminal ...103 Lou Na6h trust 10J Mex National 1st 3 Hi Mo Kan 4 Tex 9o.

Tex Pac 54V WiibasU Chic div tW. West Shove 4b H'1; Imports, oxclusivo of spoclo, for tho wook, 801, making sinco Jnuuary 1, against $273,950,771 to tho samo timo last yoar and 5312,414, llfi to the corresponding dato la 1S84. The steamship Wavo brought 101,500 gold, consigned to various parties. This makes tho arrivals to date 17,070. Kailroad earnings: Increase, Norfolk and Wostorn, first week September 818.8.00 Buffalo, N.York and first wook in Sept.

Uliicaeo and Alton, first weok in Soptombor 1,541.00 Canadian Pacific, first woek in September 37.0U0.00 The bank stateroom rollects, in tho gain In specie, paymonts for gold and for bonds by tho Sub Treasury and, in tbo loss of legal tondors, the drain of curroncy In the Wost and South. Stocks wero strong oarly this afternoon, with a rlso in tho Wabashes as tho feature. After ono o'clock the markot was less active and fractionally lowor, but tho undortono appoarod Qrm and tho declines soomod to bring in frosh buying ordors. Tho markot improved toward two o'clock. Stocks wero strong In tho lato trade and at the closo.

Money loanod at 6 per cont. and at iyi, and closod at about 5. Tho following tablo shows tbo courso ot tho stock market for this day: Opening. Highest. Lowest.

Closing Pacific (Hi.1, 06.W 8'. rjimllorn 4lart New Jorsoy 65M 6534 6oM Canadian O.inadn Central Central Paeirtc. CD 43:, GO 43' Chattanooga Chesaponkq it Ohio G5.SS 055 unes. liui ist im Chcs. Oh! 2nd pfd Ghicatro Alton 14'J Chic.

Bur. Quiney Clev. Col. O. lud Gl Colorado Coal WH Consolidated Gaa VJU Delaware A Hudson l(HIs Del.

Lack, i Western 131 Donvor A Hio 31 Dnluth Bj 142 (31 10U' 131Xi 3t 60'a' CW 20 33j; aiii 142 1301 01 28 7i'J 100M lauji 31 65 69" 28'j 83Ja 142 MOW 01 28X 11)0 65; ti)Yi 20 33 3'ijj ka8t onnossoo Hast Tennessee 1st pfd. Kast'l'onnossoo 2nd pld. trio CUM 33J. Erie ptd Hocking 31 31 lllinointti. fntr.ii..

Id. Itloom. Jc Lake Erie A Shore 88M Long Island Louisville 45M Manitoba 1W4 45j 114 138 ao'5" 20 Si 44 ft 82J4 lllftf 111 9 ai Ii SO. 8 21! 141 28 MP, 25; 112 107 38 67 30Ji 139 20 2'j" 127" 201J 00 U2J 54 123 W4 6fiT i 20 II7J 45'i 114X 188" 84 33 112M 11 1 SvS 9Ji 4K? 'v 21j 117 inn 23 I11H 113i 107" 302 139 a iiii 113 90 123 37 1U 13M i 20 417S 33 lt 'M 111J4 ai' 21 a 14 11 Ul's atiis Unnattan lioacu Multlattau Klo. Con Memphis A Michigan Central Minn.

A St. Minn. A St. L. pfd Mo.

Kan. A To tns Missouri Pacitio New York Contra! N. Y. Chic. A St.

Y. Chic. A St. h. N.

Y. A New 138 B2 44 32 111S 111 t'l'i N.Y.Sus. AW. ptd 21W Northwestern Northwestern pfd 111JS Njrtlloru Pacino 48j Northern Facmo to; Ohio Oniaua Omaha pfd Ont. A Western Oregon Nav Oregon Trans Pacitio Mail Poortn Pullman Heading Kichmond A Riohtnond Terminal.

Hooli. A Pitts Hock Island Kt.L. A San Fran 40 107" 57 30M 130 2CK 2'j" 127'" 20M 40 113 10T 57'5 30)i 130 2'j' 127 00 Si Et.L. A San Fran. OO'i 1124 113 MM 121VS 14V f7H( xri 375 OS St.

Paul. 05 St. Paul nfd 123 14 6u7 20 35W Toias A Pacitio pUnion VYnuasli Wabash Western Union. 072 usiero uuiuu Tho foliowliiK table shows tho bid quotations tor Govornmont bonds at tho respective cans: First board. U.S.

43, 1891, V. 8. 428, .1891. ooup 110 U. H.4S, 11MH, 8, 4s, 1907, aoof V.S.uuixeiMfiAdi Ut'O.

0 i5 A Long Deferred Contract Finally to be Made. The City Works and Health Commissioners Decide to Call for Proposals for the Collection and Disposition of Garbage. TVhat the New Specifications Provide For New Buildings The Assessors. City Works Commissioner Conner aud nealth Commissioner Otterson have finally dleidod to make a contract for the removal and disposition of garbage. Thoy ought to have made a contract months ago, In fact, within thirty days after thoy took office, which wai February 1 of the present year.

Since George Swift threw up his contract in the Summer of 1885, the work has boen done by tho City Works Department, which has employed men to collect tho garbage and deliver It to J. F. Siasat the old Bushwlck depot and paid Slas threo and one half cents a barrel to take it away. Sias railroads It to the piggeries at Yaphank. The appropriation on account of garbage for the current year is $30,000.

The work is being done at tho rato of JO0.OOO. Of course, the regular appropriation has been exhausted, and the money is raised under tho emergency clause. The appropriation for next year Is $50,000. It Is now doclded to call for bids for October, Novomber and December of this year, and separate bids for a term not to exceed five years, the latter bids to set forth the prlco for each yoar or term of years. This monlng Commissioners Conner and Otterson adoptod specifications on which the proposals are to bo received.

These specifications provide for the collection and removal of garbage as follows: Dally from hotels, restaurants, groceries, stores, boarding, lodging and club houses, and from all other buildings twice a week during the months of January, February, March, April, Novombor and December, and three times per week during the months of May, Juno, July, August, September and October of each yoar, except that the removal of garbage from vacant lots of the city shall be made on notification to tho contractor from the Commissioners of Health or Department of City Works, which notlco shall state tho location of the lot or lots. The contractor must havo notlco given of tho approach of his wagons by tho ringing ot bells. Thero shall be no garbage collected bofore 6 :30 A. except In the cases of hotels and restaurants, from which It may bo taken at any time. Then thoro are the following Important provisions: All garbago to be removed shall be placed upon the sidewalk, near the curbstone, by occupant or occupants of each premises, and shall be removed by the contractor and placed In the garbage carts or wagons In as cleanly a mannor as po3siblo, and without spilling upon the street or sidewalk, or causing any nuisance, and the receptacles when empty shall bo returned to their several places upon tho sldowalk from whence they were taken, In a careful manner, except that from tonoment housos the contractor shall, when required, take the garbage from the back yards of said premises and return receptlcle to sidewalk of said premlsos.

The contractor shall also collect and removo all kitchen and othor garbage which may be upon any sldowalk, court, street, alley or avenue In said city, or on any vacant lot or lots of the entirafclty, by whomsoevor there placed. It Is furthor provided and understood that the contractor shall collect, cloan up and romove from the streets of the city all garbago that may have been by accident or otherwise overturned or spilled out of any ro coptaclo of garbago. No porson under the age of twenty one shall havo charge of any ot the appliances or voblclos used In tho work. Provision is alBO made for dally reports at the Department of City Works by tho contractor In person and for the weekly written reports as to the numbor of cubic feot of garbage removod from each ward. In oaso of noglect on tho part of the contractor, this department will do tho work at his expense.

The contraot may at any timo bo terminated by tho conjoint departments whenever the contractor shall refuse or nelect to porform any of tho stipulations thereof, and as to the fact of suoh refusal or neglect, the department reserve to themselves the exclusive right of Judging, but the contractor shall not be terminated until a fair investigation shall havo been made, of which investigation the contractor shall have ten days' written notice, and at which he Bhall bo allowed to appear In person or by attornoy. For the protection of tho city, tho specifications provide that in addition to the bond of $15,000 required from the contractor the faithful performance of his contract, tho contractor shall deposit with tho Controller $3,000, which sum shall be expended after tho money at tho tlmo due to the contractor Is exhausted by the Commissioner of tho Department of City Works, to meet tho expenses of tho removal of garbago rendered necessary by the neglect of the contractor. Any moneys thus spent In excess of tho aald 2,000 may bo charged against tho contractor and recovorod from him and his sureties, or charged against any moneys to becomo due the contractor under his contract. The two Commissioners say they shall endeavor to havo tho work done In the best possbllo manner. Thoro Is certainly room for great improvement.

As a mattor of fact, this service has been conducted in about as scandalous a manner as the street cleaning work. The collections havo been irregular and otherwise imperfeot, and In many Instances the collectors aro Insolent loafers who seem to think that tholr political pull enables them to do about ao they pleaie. THE ASSESSORS. Mayor Whitney was at his office for a short time only to day, and did not meet a committee of Fourteenth Ward Democrats, headed by Frank Nolan, who called to ask him to appoint Thomas J. Patterson as an Assessor.

Mr. Patterson is president of the ward association and is engaged in the coal business. Tho Mayor will not probably appoint the successors of Asiossors Ennis and Burrows until the end of tho month, and the two Assessors for the Twenty sixth Ward until Docomber. Thore Is an impression abroad that ho will reappoint EnnlB and put Patterson or Joseph Mumby in Burrows' placo. TUB BUILDING BUSINESS.

Commissioner Piatt granted pormlts for 54 now building during tho past week. H. Nolmltz has put In plans for a 4 story apart mont houBo on the northwest corner of Sovonth avonuo and Union stroot. It will be 50x60 foot and bo constructed of brown stone with terra cotta trimmings. Cost, $25,000.

The first floor on oithor sido of tho front entrance will bo used for store purposes. PARK C051JIISSIONERS IN SESSION. The Position of Uardencr Temporarily Filled. Tho Executive Committee of tho Board of Park Commissioners mot this morning at Litch fiold Mansion. Commissioner nartoau presided.

Thoro wero presont Commissioners Somers, Lyon and President Easton. Tho vacancy caused by the resignation of Goorge Easold, tho gardonor who had charge of tbo con servatory, was filled by tho temporary appointment of Ernst Kasold, bis brothor. Captain Davis, of tho Park Police, was questioned as to tho charge that fast driving was allowod in In tho park. He said that peoplo frequently drovo fast in the drives, and that it could not bo prevented, as the police force was entirely inadequato. Tho mooting thon adjourned.

Commissioner Somers says that John Hamilton, master laborer at tho Navy Yard, has applied for tho position of head gardoner at tho park, but tho Commissioner thinks ho Is more likoly to got John McGulro's placo, foreman of laborers. Hamilton was hoad gardonor in tho park from 18CS to 1876. Commissioner Van Vleck to day recoived tho original of tho written resignation of W. H. Spoar, cbiof clerk of the Litchfield Mansion ofllco.

Mr. Spear wroto as follows Brooklyn, July 14, 1886. Jfr. John Y. Culyer, Chief Engineer and Superintendent Silt I hereby tender you my resignation as "clork" in the employ of the Brooklyn Park Commissioners, to tako effect at onco.

In thus severing my ofllcial connection with Park manors aftor so long a continuanco, for many roaaons, 1 do it with much regrot Tho necessity of doing this at onco Is based upon what I owo in presence, if nothing moro, to my aged father, as woll as a continuance of indisposition of the momboi's of my family. Should this embarrass you in your control of office matters, I will from tlmo to tlmo glvo such attention as 1 can spare, uutll you havo mado arrangemonts that will bo satisfactory. Very rospoctfully, W. H. Speak.

ANOTHER STRAIGHT TIP. Captain Ward Ilciiowa Mia Vigilance (or the Detection of Bridgo Jumpers. The following letter was received at the police station of tho bridgo this morning: New York, September 10, 1880. Captain Ward, Sew York and Brooklyn Bridge Police: Sir I am opposed to bridgo Jumping and for that reason I tako tho llborty to Inform you that on tomorrow, tho 11th Joo Munsou, of the Sovonth Ward, Intends to Jump from the bridge. His manager, William Cahill, has everything arranged for that foat.

It would be woll for you to lnstruot your mou to look out for thom. H. B. P. Captain Ward Is willing to bot thnt no ono suc coodod In getting off the bridge on tho river span to day.

Ho bollevos that no one can oludo the vlgl lanco ot his ofiicors. Tho Jumper had not appeared at latest information. AH IMrOSTEIl TAKEN 15. Michael Isaacs, a peddler of notions, appeared in Flushing yostorday and reprosontod himself as a Grand Army man who had lost an arm in battle, no was arrostod for poddllng without a license. Ho was found to havo two arms and a Grand Army badge.

Justico Smith fined Isaacs $20 with tho aitomatlvo of twonty days in Jail. ANOTHER BOY. MISSING. Mnson A. McDonald, principal of Publio School No.

8, Castleton, Stateu Island, roported at Pollco Headquartors thl3 morning that a 0 yoar old boy named Edward Cunningham, of Jorsoy streot and Fifth avenue, New Brighton, S. had boon missing sinco yostorday. SUODEK DEATH OF A LIFE SAIVKB. John L'Hommedieu, of Bay Shore, a surf man at tho Point of Woods llfo saving station, died suddouly whllo practicing with tho Ufo boat. Dr.

Hulso found that death was causod by tho plugging up of one of tho arterlos at tho boso of tho brain. FULLY ACQUITTED. William O. Colo, one of the Union Ferry Company's omployes, who was qharged a wook ago, boforo Justices Walsh and Massey, with having betrayed a 10 yoar old girl, namod Sarah Wilmington, was fully acquitted yostorday. Tho caso had beon under consideration for a week.

DIED FROM HIS INJURIES. Edward Shon, of 136 York stroet, who broke his leg in PoiUon'E ship yard yostorday, died at tho Homeopathic Hospital at i o'clock this moralng. Against the District Attorney "With the Governor. Anthony Comsfock Accuses Mr. Kidfirway of Protecting1 the Gamblers Hinting at a Supposed Bargain, With Fifty Thou sand Dollars as Payment for Immunity.

What the Accused Official Says. The charges preferred against District At tornoy Hldgway, are accompaulod by a letter from Mr. Comstock, his accuser. This communication and chargos, and a synopsis of tho specifications aro reproduced below. It has boon Intimated that Albert Daggort had been largely identified with the preparation of Mr.

Conutock's accusations. kneiv absolutely nothing of them," said the ox Sonator this morning, uutll tho announcement that they had been presented appeared In print Any statement to tho contrary has as little foundation as a balloon. I havo had no moro connection with tho mattor, olthor in part or as a whole, than I havo with 'the house that Jack built'" TUB LETTBlt AND CHARGES. Soptembor 8, 18S6. To HU Excellency, David B.

Mil, Governor of the State of Sew York, Albany, S. Sir, I have the honor to call your attention to tho fact that in December, 1884, there were certain chargos pending bofore Your Excellency concerning the uon enforcoment of tho law by James W. Uidgway, District Attorney for tho County of Kings, against gambling, by a eommitteo consisting at that time of Messrs. 11. E.

Simmons, William C. Beecher and myself, who waited upon you, and that those charges were, at your suggestion, withdrawn. At that tlmo It was suggested that tbo papers Bhould bo put in due form, and the chargos all united and verified boforo your Excolloncy took action. After wo had thus recelvod tho papers from your Excolloncy, ono of our eommitteo was waitod upon by Mr. James W.

Hldgway, who, In writing, In most posltlvo terms, pledged himself to do all In his power tho secure the proper enforcement of tho law In Kings county. That promise the said Hldgway has broken in ovory particular, so far as my knowlodgo goes; 1 am confldont that ft was simply a trick upon his part to secure delay, and to prevent us from returning tho charges which WO had made against him to your Excolloncy for action, Evor since that time notorious gamblers have continued to violate the law In Kings County. Of moro than 100 indictments found against gamBlora upon evidence socurod by the agonts of this Boeiety, sinco James W. Kidgway went Into office, not ono has boon tried. I beg to call your attention to the fact that the Brighton Beach Racing Association, at Brighton Boach, in tho Town of Gravosond, has since 1833 oponly violated and transgressed tho laws of this State.

In September, 1883, wo secured tho indictment by tho Grand Jury of a numbor of those gamblers, aud also the Indictment of John Y. McKane, Cbiof of Police of the Town of Gravesond, and sov eral of his subordinates, for being present aiding and abottiug thoso crimes aud allowing them to go on without informing against or prosecuting thom, as required to do by Section 349 of tho Ponal Code. In Way, 1881, Mr. Uidgway wrote to John Y. McKane calling upon him to onforce tho law.

He is suod several proclamations through interviews with tho dally pross, In which he admitted that the violation of tho law was open and flagrant, and that it was his Intention to enforce the law. Juno 3, 1881, in charging the Grand Jury, Judgo Mooro, of tho Kings County Sosslons Court, is reported in all of tho newspapers as saying that the violation of law in tho Town of Gravesend against gambling wa3 open, flagrant and persistent" I am thus particular to show you that as far back as May, 1884, those high officials knew of tbo open and flagrant violations of the law in Kings County. Of all thoso indictments thus found against notorious gamblers not a single ono has been tried by tho said James W. Hldgway sinco he has been In office. In Juno, 1881, we secured evidence against twenty two of these gamblers.

I drew the complaints in duo form of law, and took those complaints personally to the District Attorney's offlco and asked for warrants and search warrants to arrest tho said gamblers and their unlawful paraphornalla, which was then being kept and used by thom in a public place, while they violated tho law in tho most flagrant, opon and persistont manner. Theso matters wero delayed In the District Attomoy's ofllco from the 17th day of Juno, 1884, until tho 30th day of June, 1884, and it was only after being put off from day to day, and two days turnod away from the Grand Jury room, whoro wo had been subpouaed as witnesses, without being eallod upon to give our testimony, that at last I demanded that the matter should be takon up and acted upon by the Grand Jury, or that I would lay the whole matter forthwith before the Governor of tho Stato. As tho result of my demand, we wero permitted to go before the Grand Jury and tho Grand Jury, within an hour, examined the witnesses aud ordered bills of Indictment against the whole twonty two of those men. Tho matter was again delayed from the 2flth day of June, when tho indictments woro ordorod, until the 30th day of June, or the last day but ono of tho races at this race course for tho Juno season. And this delay was In tho District Attorney's office.

In the meantime, persons knowing of my efforts, came to mo and told mo that a bargain had been mado by which $50,000 had boon paid, upon an agreement that the District Attorney would absolutely not permit these gamblers to be arrosted, would not permit their business to be interfered with, and that I would be defeated in my efforts to seouro the in forcoment of tho law. Having confidence In Mr. Ridgway, and being Iod to feel that ho earnestly Intended to onforce tho law, from his published statements, I wont to him and told him exactly what had been said in order that he might take more effectual moasuros to bring these men to Justice. To my dismay, however, I found the mattor delayed until the last moment, and thon, at tho last, Mr. Ridgway refused to allow these men to bo arrested on bench warrants, refused to allow search warrants to be Issued to seize their unlawful paraphernalia, but did permit and send his officers, whllo the gamblers wero actually violating the law, to them, and notified them that tho Grand Jury had indicted thom, and for them to appear and give ball tho next morning (at an hour when It would not Interfere with their unlawful business).

Theso men continued on until tho close of the Summer season, returned again in Soptembor of tho same year, and continued the same business in tho samo opon and defiant manner. I sent threo men as eye witnesses to secure evidence against these gamblers, and they Becured evidence against soventeou, thirteon of whom were thoso indicted in June, 18S4. This matter I laid personally before Mr. Kidgway, and from that day until the presont ho has never subpenaod a single ono of the witnesses in any of those cases complained of in September, 1884, has never brought the matter beforo any Grand Jury, but has allowed those gamblers to go on and oponly dofy the law. ThoBe, lot It bo remembered, woro tho ones whom ho protecto I from arrest, and thoso whose unlawful business he protected from Interference with in June, 1884.

In December, 1884, those gamblers demurred to the indictments of June, 1884, and a Judgment of conviction was entered against each of them. They desired to appeal to the General Term of tho Su promo Court, and It was stipulated that thoy should appoal to the Genoral Term to got tho decision of tho Genoral Torm upon somo question. An appoal wnB takon bofore a Judgment of sontonco was passed from which thoy Bhould appeal. Tho appoal was arguod boforo the Goneral Torm, and In May, 18S5, the Gonoral Torm unanimously afflmod tho Judgment of conviction; June, 1883, tho order of affim anco was fllod in tho ofllco of tho County Clork of Kings County. The samo month, at tho samo timo, tho gamblers woro openly violating tho law in Kings County.

Wo socurod tho evidence against somo of tbo same men during the month of Juno, brought theso mou into court and had thom indicted by tho Grand Jury, in spite of Mr. Kidgway or his office. Thoy woro arrested and held for trial, but wero not sontonced, nor called up for sontonco when thus arrostod a Bocond tlmo. There was at that tlmo no notlco of appoal, nor was any notice of appoal fllod until July 3, 1885. Notwithstanding all those facta no Judgment roll was Died in tho Court of Appoals until July, 1880, if, indeed, thoro lias boon any appoal papers perfoctod in tho Court of Appeals at alL Thoro had boon nono fllod of any description that tho Clork of tbo Court of Appeals could find, or know anything of, In the early part of July of the presont yoar.

Thoro was no stay Issued to provont those ton convicted gamblers from being brought into court and sontoncod. Tho soason of 1R85 was filled out with 120 days of open public gambling In Kings County. In tho month of Juno last tho Brighton Boach Racing Association and the Conoy island Jockey Club, the ono at Brighton Boach and tlio other at Shoepshoad Bay (both in tho little Town of Gravesend), opened thoir racing season, and public gambling has boon carried on during Juno and Soptember at both places, tho Brighton track doing business continuously sinco thoy oponed, except a few days. Within a fow woeks a third raco courso has boon started in that llttlo Town of Gravosond, and gambling is oponly maintained thero under tho fostering care and protection of tho District Attorney aud tho courts of Kings County. That thoro is full and absolute ovldoneo against tho gamblers that have boon Indicted, I havo no question whatovor.

From fourtoon years of oxperi nncn in tiorfectinc evidence against criminals I am forced to say to your Excolloncy that the evidence is posltlvo and absolute to socuro tho conviction with any honost effort bofore an honost court by an honest District Attorney. Tho pross havo been demanding for yoars tho enforcement of the law against gambling, but have asked In vain. Who aro those gammers, you ask i answor, thoy aro professional gamblers, somo of whom maintain faro banks and other banking games during the Wlutor months, rosidlng outsldo of tho County of Kings, and somo from outsldo this Stato, who aro normltted to como into Kings County, and, with tho knowlodgo of tho District Attorney and tho courts of Kings County, thoy aro pormittod to sot up tholr gambling schomes and to oponly, porsist ontly and doflantly violate tho lows of thiB Sta! lo tho groat dotrirnont of public morals and against tho best interests of socioty. I thoroforo, In viow of theso facts, horowith return to you tho charges and specifications against James W. Kidgway, District Attorney, and in the name of tho People of tho Stato Now York, I ro spoctf ully ask that you will tako immodiate action on this very important matter, that tho onforcc mont of tho law may bo secured, aud that justico and law shall no longor be made a mockery of In tlio County of Kings.

Gambling in threo public places is now going on in violation of law by theso notorious, but untried gamblers. I rospoctfully ask that you will direct tho Attorney General of this Stato to tako theso indictments against thoso notorious and persistent gambling of fendoi's into an Oyer and Tormiuor court, and thoro havo thom prosocuted and dealt with according to I ask your Excolloncy to remove W. Ridgway, District Attorney, from an office which ho has fUnurnceil. and in no lonctor worthy to hold. Your Excellency must soe that tho growth of theso crimes Is ondangoring tho very foundations of socioty, for I submit with groat rospoct and dofer onco to your Excellency If any sot of criminals may buy Immunity from prosecution and punishment, if ono sot of criminals may control tho oaths of tho courts and District Attorney, and may ox poct thcao ofiicors to do thoir own bidding, that tbo interests of Bocioty are Jeopardized, and tho morals of tho community must of uocesslty suffer violence.

Already so bold aro thoso gamblors, and so suro aro thoy that they havo absoluto control of tho couvt3 of Kings County, that thoy have threatened vlolouco and bloodshod in case tho agents of this society shall Intorforo with thoir gambling schomes. 1 bog furthor to say to your Excolloncy, that there 1b no help save In your hands. Wo, therefore, appoal to you as the Chief Magistrate of tho Empire Stato, praying that you will glvo this mat tor prompt and Immodiato attention, as thoro aro to day, at this writing, no less than throo different organizations In tho llttlo Town of Gravosond and County of Kings, whoro professional gamblors are sotting up, In open day, their gambling operations, in violation of tho provisions of Chaptor of the Ponal Code, and aro, in the words of Judgo Mooro, "openly, flagrantly and persistently violating tho laws of this Stato, and this, too, aftor that fact has boon known to the court and District Attorney of Kings County sinco May, 1831. Of moro than 100 Indictmouts ogainst gamblors filed In tho Court of Sosslons of Kings County through tho Instrumentality of tho ngonts of this socioty sinco 1882, that court has trlod but ono slnglo case out of all tho in dlctmonts for gambling which havo boon secured through the instrumentality of this socioty. 1 beg to say that it thero is any question In your Excellency's mind In reference to proof, it you require more affidavits and wltnossos named in tho specifications, I am roady to furnish tho namoa of wltnossos and many othors to establish the fact of tho porslstout violation of tho law; and I shall ask thnt tho ofiicors of thoso raco coursos bo subponaod; that tho pollcomon and deputy sheriffs peace officers of Kings County who keep tho lino of tlckot buyers in order whllo tho law is violated in tholr prosonco by these gamblors, and that these men be brought boforo your Excollenoy, or suoh rofereo as your Excolleucy may appoint, In ordor to establish the opon, flagrant and persistent violation of the law Our only hope la deliverance at your Excellency's hands.

And I am advised that your Excellency can dlroct tho Attorney Genoral to take theso matters, in reference to tlio prosecution ol tiieo offenders, SATCRDAT EVENING, SEPTEMBER 11, 1888. six: pages. YANKEE DAY. The Mayflower Shows Her Heels to Her Eival. loading: tbo Galatea Three Miles on the Homeward Ruu IIlnes3 of Lieutenant Henn Bearor Webb Does Not Handle the Tiller Today The Boston Boat Likely to Win a Most Decisive Yietory.

A more perfect day for a ynclit race could Hot have been than that which dawned upon the bay and harbor this morning. Everybody was astir at an unusually oarly hour. The wind waa brlBk, the weather comfortably warm and but for the threatening clouds all indications pointod to a day of great sport Theso dark clouds soon moved Bivay however and loft nothing wanting in the mako up for a successful contost. To day the second rase botwoon the crack Yankee yacht Mayflower and the boas British boat Galatea was to bo sailed over a course twenty mlloa to the leeward and return. Tbo various excursion steamers carried about their usual number of passengers down the bay, though many who had experienced tho hardships of Thursday's fog remained at home.

Tho boautiful marine blcturos of the previous days were repeated in tho lower bay. Flags and bunting floated from ovory cratt, large and small. Tho number of steam yachts which have made the bay lively on previous occasions was not diminished to lay. Tho raeors loft their anchorages off Bay Itidgo shortly after 8:30, and woro towed down toward tho starting point, followed by tho usual procession of pleasure craft and excursion boats. Everything seemed to point to a good raco and that it would surely bo finished within the prescribed time.

The wind was blowing al the rato of thirteen miles an hour from tbo northwost Tliero was a modorate sea on, which was likely to become more violent, as tho breeze was steadily luoreaaiug. At 10 olelock tho Telocity of the wind Had in creased to twenty three milos an hour, and the weather though still somewhat cloudy was rapidly clearing up. The yachts hurriod toward the starting point apparently anxious to get away while the BtifCuor'westerwas in full Mast. TUB 8TAKT. Tho yachts aftor considerable maneuvering about tho Judges' boat Anally got Into position for tho start Whon tho signal was given tho Yankee boat got a little the better of Lieutenant Uenn's; pot and the yachts crossed tho lino In this man nor Mayflower, 11 :22 :25 Galatea, 11:81:55.

The wind was blowing about sixteen miles an hour and was still from the northwest. 11:38 Tho yachts have gone about a mile over tho course. They are standing southeast, their true positions being about the same as when they etarted. The Mayflower is about an oighth of a mile ahead. 11 The Mayflower Is now about a quarter of a mile ahead.

Highlands, Soptombor 11. M. The yachts havo gono about threo milos over tho course. Tholr positions are about the same, tho Mayflower leading by a quarter of a mile. 12:15 The yachts aro standing down tho coast With the wind aft.

Thoy aro almost sklo by side, With the sails drawing fluely. 12:35 The yachts have gono about ten miles over the course. Tbo Boston boat appears to be leading by half a mile. Weather hazy, wind northwest eighteen milos. The raco will bo finished very early, barring accidents.

12:48 P. M. The yachts havo gono about twolvo miles over the course, and are still standing southeast The Mayflower is increasing her load, and is now nearly a milo ahead. 1 P. M.

Tho Mayflower leads the Galatea by over a mile. 1:08 Tho yachts huve gono about fifteen miles over tho course. Tho Mayflower Is still increasing nor lead, and Is about a mile and a half ahead. Both are still standing southeast 1 The yachts are now hearing the off shore etake boat, the Mayflower still increasing her lead. The wind is blowing nlnoteen miles an hour from north northwest 1:55 The Mayflower has turned tho oft shore Btake boat and is now on tho homo stretch.

2:11 The Galatea turned the off shore stake boat at 2:10:10. Both yachts are now on tho starboard tack, the Mayflower throe miles ahead. 2:13 The Mayflower has gono about on the port tack. 2:20 The Mayflower has gone about on starboard tack. Both yachts aro now on tho same tack, standing southwest 2:28 Both yacht aro still on tho starboard tackf the Mayflower carrying working topsail and tho Galatea club topsail.

Tho Mayflower is two miles to windward. 3:00 Tho Mayllowor still maintains hor load. By MeGuire's Carrier 8:45 The yachtsmon wore mado happy this morning by the clear sky and the brisk northwost wind that at eight o'clock was blowing about ton miles an hour, Tho prospects for a good race aro xcellent, and consequently every ouo lntoroBted was in the bost of humor. The reports roceivod from tho outside Bay that tho wind is heavier there. It is dlroctly off shoro, and consequently there Is little or no swell.

Shoull It hold In the samo direction and iucreaso as tho prospocts now polut, It will be a line cutter day, and the Englishman will have no excuse if ho is loft in tho rear. Tho Judges' boat, Luckenback and tho stakoboat Scandinavian, took tho Galatea and Mayflower, re Bpectlvely, In tow at 10:30 o'clock and headed for tho outside. It Is probable that tho committee will decide to start from Scotland llfjhtship, mako tho run to leeward, and then beat back. Lieutenant Honn was in bed on board whon tho Galatea was taken in tow. lie is sick, but will undoubtedly be on deck during the raco.

The crow of tho cutter are very much dissatisfied with tho way Bovor Wobb has handled tho Galatea during tho two days' trials, and would liko to see Captain Bradford at tho tiller. Tho latter may occupy that position to day. There is lltllo or no betting on tho rosult of to day's raco, as it is genor tlly conceded that tho Mayflower is tho bettor boat. Lieutenant Ilenn, howovor, says that his boat will make a lar better showing to day than she has yet done. Ho has soon the orror of trying to outpoint tbo Mayflower In beating and will probably ordor her head furthor oil than sho lias heretofore sailed.

9:15. The weather is a little hazy now but it will be clear boforo tho yachts cross the starting lino. The vessels aro now well down South Hoach with the Mayllowor woll ahead aud tho Galatoa Is running her bowsprit in a bit, and will then set her Jib. 9:53 Whon Just off tlio Hook tho Galatoa set her mainsail, having declined to throw her Jib out. Tho Mayflower at that time had hor mainmast and Jib set and waa loading the way to tho Scotland lightship.

Tho raco will be twenty milos to leeward from thoro, and a beat back. Tho wind has pretty well died down, and tho atmosphoro Is as clear as crystal. 10 :50 When about a mile and a half outsldo tbo point of the Hook in tbo main ship channol, tho Galatoa signalled tho Luckenback to como alongside. It was found that Lieutenant Honn had become quito sick. He wanted to know whether tho Judges would shorten tho courso to flftoen miles so that ho could get back to Brooklyn early and see a doctor.

Ho was afraid that If the full courso was insisted upon that ho would bo unable to finish tho race, and ho expressed himself as anxious to do so. Theso of tho Judges who woro on board said that thoy did not think that thoy had authority to grant the request, but thnt when thoir colleague camo on board thoy would hold a consultation. Tho line was then thrown off and tho cutter sot her foro staysail and jib. Tho Mayllowor was soon ovorhauled by the Luekonbach. Geuornl I'aino was asked if ho was willing that the courso bo shortened and ropllod that ho had nothing to say further than ho did not think that tho Judges had tho authority to chango tho conditions of the raco.

Tho boats then parted, tbo sloop sotting her club topsoil and foroslaysail in addition to hor mainsail and Jib. Both boatB have their Jib topsails ready to break out. Tho courso will bo southeast. Tho ligbtBhip was roachod at 10:24 and the boats woro ordered to got ready immediately. Tho Judgos havo decidod that thoy havo no discretion in tho mattor of changing tho distance anil tho full twonty milos to leeward will ho Bailed.

Lieutenant Henn is suffering from a sovero soro throat and koeps to his berth. Tho wind is blowing about fourteen mlle3 an hour from northwest Tho Mayflower allows tho cutter 39 seconds in this courso. Tho Scandinavian is layieir off tho courso. Tho preparatory signal will be blown at 11 O'clock. Tho Galatea's nulls aro sotting much hotter than thoy did Thursday.

Captain Bradford is nt tho tiller. Both boats havo thoir spinnakers in readiness. 11:25. Tho races aro off. Tho start wa9 a beauty on the part of tho Mayllowor.

Sho crossed tlio lino at 11:22:40 and tho Galatea followod at 11:21:10. Both boats havo maiuoatl Jib foro stay sail, but topsail aud spinnaker sot Thoy aro runnlug dead before the wind. If this breeze holds thoy will probably round tho stake boat at about 1:15. Tho Mayflower drow her spinnaker out of stops wlien one quarter of a milo bofore reaching tlio lino. When She crossed everything was drawing boautifully.

IIAMLA5 AM) BEACH, BOSTON, Soptember 11. Edward Hanlan arrlvod from Toronto In lino condition yesterday, and began his preparations for his trip to England. Ho is determined to force Boach to gtvo him a race. Ho says Beach promised to row him on tho Thames, and ho goes to England with the avowed object of doing so. Now, whon Hanlan has deposited a forfeit with a challongo for tho championship of tho world, providing Beach holds it aftor his raco with Gaudaur, tho Australian says Jao will moot Hanlan nowhoro but on llio Fnrnniotta.

SHKEFSHEAD BAY RACES. Special to llio Eaglo.J SUEKrsuKAU Bay, Soptombor 11. Tho first raco at ono mile was won by Hnrefool, With Godfroy on. Alt Estill second, Estrolla third. Timo, 1:43.

Tho winner paid 4 for 1. HIE HEATHER. INDICATIONS, Washington, D. C. Soptombor 11.

For Eastern Kow York, gonorally lair weather, nearly stationary tomperaturc, wostorly winds, KBX'OKD OF THE TIIKRHOUZTER. The following is tho record of tho thermometer as kept at tho Bkooklyn Daii.v Eagle ofllco: A 73 10 A. 7'J 4 11 72 12 7'J CAlll 71. 2 F.M 79 7U Average temperature to day 70 temperature same dato laBt year men WATER. Tho following is tho official announcement of tho tlmo and duration of high wator at Now York; nd Sandy Hook for to morrow, Soptombor 12: A.

M. Timc'IIoight. n. M. I feet.

I P. Timo. i Height, it. M. i Foot.

Dura'n of Rise. 1 Fall. H. M. 1 II.

M. New I 7:31 "BandyHookl A.I 4.3 7:39 4 4 4.6 5:54 0:31 0:17 MOVEMENTS OP OCKAS VESSELS. AMsivEn SATtrnnAY, beptemdeb 11. Bs E'Inm, Amsterdam, Now York. Bi Bothnia, Liverpool, Yolk.

ARRIVED AT FOltKIGM POUTS. Bs Wiolsnd. New York, Hamburg. Bs Alaska, New York, Quoonatoivn. BAILED FROM FOREIGN FOBTSi 8s La Bretagne, Havre, New York.

BsHammonia, Bremen, Now York, ashore Blank (Ix miles below Hamburz, DEW DROP DEAD The Dwyers Lose Tlieir Great Three Year Old Filly. A Mysterious Illness that Baffled the Skill of Veterinarians An Artery Serered in an Attempt to Perform an Oporation and the Flow of Blood Proves Fatal. Pedigree of the Well Known Racer. Twenty flYe Thousand Dollars' Worth of Stakes Won by Her this Year Winfred Dying of Lang Fever. Special to the Eagle.

SUBErSHEAD Bat, September 11. Dew Drop the famous Dwyer filly died today at tho Dwyer stables at this place. The exact cause of death Is not known. The veterinary surgeons and horsomon aro widely divided in their opinions. The filly was out yesterday morning for exercise, and after being taken to tho stablo was given some water.

Matt Burns, tho trainer for the Dwyer stables, noticed that she acted queerly and tried to lnsort hor ontlre head in the wator. He made an examination and found her to be very feverish. Dr. Lockhart, of New York, tho eminent vetorinary surgeon was at once sent for, but was found to ba out of town. His assistant Immediately proceeded to the stable and made an examination, Burns in the meantime doing all In his power to relieve tho filly Dr.

Lockhard's assistant gave as his opinion that tho filly was suffering from corebro spinal meningitis but his opinion waa not concurred in by other horsemen presont who think tho filly has received Internal injury. The main trouble seems to be with her throat, sho being unable to swallow. A poultice was applied to her throat and othor romedlos used but they afforded no relief. The filly bore up well until last night at 11 o'clock when she became too weak to stand and laid down suffering great agony. Dr.

Bradley, an eminent Western horseman of wide experience, was called In to consult with Dr. Lockhard's assistant and this morning decided, as a last resort, to bleed her. Mr. Mike Dwyer, who remained up all night, consented to allow tho operation. Tho news fell like a thunderbolt out of a clear sky among the horsemen here and th9 Dwyers received many expressions of sympathy.

Thoy bear their trouble philosphlcally, although the loss wUl be great Dewdrop was a bay filly foaled in 1883, her sire being Falsetto. She was a royal bred horse, hor first dam being Explosion, by imported Hampton Court; her second dam Naptha, by Imported Eclipse; third dam Echo; by Lexington; fourth dam Maria Innls, by importod Yorkshire; fifth dam Ann Innis, by American Eclipse sixth dam Miss Obstinates by Sumpter; seventh dam Jenny. Alanjerkln, by Tiger; eighth dam Paragon, by Imported Buzzard ninth dam Indiana, by Batlers Columbus; tenth dam by Hampton's Paragon. Dewdrop was tho beat two year old filly of hor year. She won tho great Eastern Handicap three fourths of a milo in a field of twenty one in 1:16, aud ShoiiNursery.and Champagne stake In 1:18.

'Beating Charity and Biggonett She won tho Central stakes at Baltimore, one mile, and Electric stakoa ono mile In 1 Explosion, her dam, was a great raco inare, and the dam of Disdain, the winner of the Optional stakes in 1882. Sho is of tho Bame family as Parolo, Mary Morris, Wild Irishman, Frankfurt and Falsetto. As a throo yoar old this year her first performance was in the Spendthrift stakos at a mile and a quarter at Sheopshoad Bay last Spring, whon she ran a dead hoat with The Bard. Tho Dwyors rofusod to run off and Tho Bard walked over. Her second appearance was at Monmouth Park, whon she won the Monmouth Oaks at a milo and a quarter, the stakes being valued at time, Her third race was for the Stockton stakes at Monmouth Park, which sho won, beating Quito aud I.ludon, winning $5,760.

Hor fourth raco was for the Stephens stake at Monmouth Park, which sho won again, boating Quito and Linden, the stakos amounting to $5,120. Her firth appearance was In the palisade stakos at tho samo place, sho winning, boating Eollan and Con Oregon. The stakos wore valued at $2,005. nor sixth raco was for tho Haton town stakes at the samo placo, when sho beat Gardoy and Elgin, winning $3,200, going tho mile in 143X. Her sovonth appearance was in tho West End Hotol stakes at the samo place, which sho won boating Procioso and Pufo Rye, tho stakos being worth Iu tho omnibus stakes, at the same placo, sho ran second to tho Bard.

Sho again ran second to tho Bard In tho cholco stakOB at tho samo place. At tho first day of the inaugural meeting of the Brooklyn Jockoy Club, Bho won tbo first spoclal swoopstako, beating Ben AH, tho stakes bolng $2,850. On August 30, she ran second In tho Fulton stakes, at tho Brooklyn Jockey Club, being beaton by Prociosa, to whom sho con coded 17 pounds. On Soptombor 1. she ran third In the second special stakos at tho Brooklyn Jockoy Club, bolng beaten by Elkwood and Barnum.

This was her la3t appoaronco, sho bolng rotlrod for tho tlmo bolng as it was seen sho was not in good form. Sho was considered tlio groatost filly on tho turf and hor loss will be greatly regretted by nil lovers of horseflesh. Sho was purchased by tho Dwyors at tho Bale of tho Rancocas stablo owned by Piorre Lorlllard, on February 27, 188G thoy paying tho enormous sum of $29,008 for hor Sho was enterod in all tho large stakos to bo run In 1837. Trouble novor comes singly, and Winfred, who was also purchased at tho samo sale by tho Dwyors for tho sum of $1,300 has been ailing for some timo past with lung fevor aud la expocted to dlo at any time. Winfred is by importod Mortomor, and is a brothor to the groat Wanda.

Tho family has always beon a good racing ono and great things woro ox poctod from the colt Winfrod ran second to Dew Drop in the Electric stakes. Dew Drop's death occurred shortly after noon. In attempting to blood hor an artery was accidentally sovorod, and beforo tho flow of blood could be she died. AN OVERDOSE OF MORPHINE. The Cause of Clmrlcs Griffin's Death Brought to Light hy an Autopsy.

Dr. A. V. Sheppnrd made nn autopsy this morning at the Morguo of tho body of Charlos Griffin, who was found dead in his room ot Mrs. Hand's boarding house, 86 Mlddagh stroot yoster day.

Ho gavo it as his opinion that death had ro Bultod from narcotism, producod by an overdose of morphine. Tho dead man's father, Jamos Griffin, lives at 130 North Oxford stroet, and is a bookkeeper in the employ of Campbell Thayor, of Front and Washington stroets. He had not seon his son more than two or throo tlmos during tho last flftoon yoars. Tho docoasod was of dissipated habits, and had been recently discharged from tho Inebriates' Home. MIDAS WANTS TO BE INTERPRETER.

Tlio Ex Charities commissioner Scck ins a $1200 Office. The Board of Supervisors will soon be called upon to appoint a court Interpreter In placo of John Sclimldt, recently decoased. Tho position is worth $1,200 per' annum, and is filled by tho Board on recommendation of tho several Judges. Tho busiest candidate at present on the boards is Mr. Bornard Midas, ox Charitlos Commissioner and ex wlne merchant who has boon out of buslnosss somothiug moro than a yoar, or sinco bis failure.

Mr. Mlda3 la bustling around among his friends, but assuraucos of success are not numorous. ARRESTED FOR VIOLATING THE EXCIBB LAW. Andrew Brosher, who Jteeps a restaurant nt 49 Thirty ninth streot, was arralgnod beforo Justico Massey this morning chargod with violating tho Excise law In selling beor without a license. Tho caso was tried and rosullod In tho conviction of Broshor, who was fined $25.

Margarot Flanagan, of No. 8 First avonuo, was arrested by the samo offlcor last evonlng for a similar offense. FOOT PADS AT THE BB1DOE ENTRANCE. James Burko and George "Williams, who refused to glvo thoir residences, woro nrroetod at tho Now York bridgo entrance this morning boforo daylight, accused by Hugh Nolan, of 1,931 Socond avenue, with snatching hls watch aud money and assaulting him. Thoy woro locked up In tho Oak stroet Btatlon, out woro dismissed by Justico Powers to day, no complainant appearing.

RESIGNED HIS PULPIT. Rev. H. L. Harrington has resigned tho pastorate of tho Baptist Church in Blue Point, and will dovoto his tlmo to missionary worfc in Patcboguo, where a chapel has been fitted up for him,.

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