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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 4

Brooklyn, New York
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4 (MM EDITION EVIDENTLY A MURDER. Some Facts Concerning; tho Body Found at Rockaway. There appears to be little doubt that the child found at Rockaway Beach, as reported in yos torday's Eaqi.e, was murdered. The skull was split through and tho breast was lacerated. It was tho wound In tho head that caused death.

The child had lived at least three days. A surgeon who saw the body exprossod the opinion that It had been in professional hands, judging from tho nature of the Inclslou in tho breast It was vory plain that tho body hail not been iu tho dis sectlug room of a medical college. How It roachod Rockaway Beach is a puzzle to Coroner Cronin. It did not come In on tho tide, because It had never boen In the water. The body was clothed and wrapped In several old newspapers, an Eagle being of tho numbor.

It is believed that the corpse was takon to the beach in a basket on Monday aud deposited where tho tide would bo likely to tako It out to sea, but the body was found before the tide reached It The child's death was probably offocted Sunday night or Monday morning, as decomposition had not set in when the body was picked up. The coroner has adjournod the inquest without date. HURDER IN THE FIRST DEGREE. The new Grand Jury have found an indictment for murder in the first degree against Dan Driscoll, the leader of the Whyo Gang, who shot and killed Bridget Garrity a few nights ago, in New Driscoll entered a plea of not guilty, bofore Judge Gildorsleovo, In the General Sossions Court, to day. IN TRAINING FOR HARRY WALTON.

Martin Dempey, After a Successful Philadelphia Trip. Martin Dompsey, ex champion wrestler, aspirant for the feather weight pugilistic championship and brother of the famous aud unconquorod Jack, returned 10 his home In the Fourtoonth Ward yesterday afternoon with bruised hands and one broken knuckle, an Increased reputation as a fighter and a pooket full of Philadelphia cash. This afternoon ho went to Rockaway to go Into training for his Dght with Harry Walton, which 1b to take place on the 19th lnat. The week at Philadelphia was a successful one for Martin. He was starring there at Clark'e Olympic Club House, Eighth and Vine streets, aud at the beginning announced his readiness to meet anyone tor four rounds with two ounce gloves at 116 pounds.

Billy Peterson was the first to respond to the challenge and when tho two men appeared; stripped In the ring the bets were all In Peterson's favor, for It waa then discovered that that young Philadelphtan wa3 many pounds heavier than tho slendor little Brooklyn boy who faced him. But Dempsey, though be knew he had a big man to meet, saw that he was In for the contest, and, accepting the Issue, started off with such a rueh as to hare the best of the first two rounds. In the last two rounds Peterson's superior size and weight counted In his favor and the contest was declared a draw. The next evonlng Dompsey met Eddie Harris, who weighs 124 pounds, and boat him easily In three rounds. Ho also was the victor In three rounds over Hardie, who weighs 123 pounds, and on tho last evening of his stay in Philadelphia ho met Jim Howie, who Is two Inches taller and fourteen pounds heavier than he, and In the presence of an Immense crowd at the picnic grounds knocked him out In two rounds.

Dempaey is much pleased with his treatment while In the Quakor City. The fight between Martin Dempsey and Harry Walton is to bo with skin tight glovea to a nuiBh, Marquis of Queensberry rulos, for a purae of $400 and a private bet of $200. Walton won tho last feather weight championship contest In New York. Dempsey Is to allow Walton six pounds. Dempsey would much prefer a fight according to London rules, but because of his reputation as a wrestler no one enrea to meet him that way.

He looks well and is oouQdent of winning the fight. SLUMBERING IN COMMITTEE. The Measure Changing Inauguration Day and tho Soauloits of Conurean. Special to the Eagle. Washington, July a ThoSonate several weeks ago passed the Joint resolution providing for an amendment to tho constitution changing the day of Inauguration of the President from March 4 to April 30 and extending tho short session of Congress to the same date.

This matter Is now slumbering In the Houso Commltteo on the Judiciary and there seems to be but slight prospect of Its receiving consideration in the Houso during the prosont session. Representative Tucker, chairman of the Judiciary Committee, says the question of changing the day for Inaugurating the President Is not so serious as the question of extending tho session of Congress. In his opinion sessions of Congress should be Indeflnlto and continue whllo there is business to be transacted. Ho Bays ho Is In favor of a change In the time for holding Congressional eloctlous, as under the present system electlonB for a coming Congress are held before the second session of tho body then sitting. The effect of such a system is that during tho first session a new member is so sensitive to public opinion and so anxious about securing a re election that hla use.

fulnoBs Is seriously Impaired. If the desire for a re oloctlon could be removed from his Bight until after he has served a full term In Congress, he would probably be more usef ul to hla constituents. After the re election is secured a change comes over the average member of Congress and he does not care what ho does, In other words, he becomes indifferent. Mr. Tucker says he has consulted the friends of the Senate resolution with a view to amending it to conform to his Ideas, but he does not bolleve any action will be taken until the next session.

Representative Hewitt says be is heartily in favor of the proposed chango In tho inauguration day, and he is also la favor of changing tho time for the sitting of Congress, bo that the sessions would be more equally divided. He Bays thoro Is no reason why Congress should in one year romain In aosslon during June, July and porhapa August, and in the next year adjourn early In March. His Idea Is to meet on the first Monday In October, and remain in session each year until tho last of May. This would give Congress ample time to consider all the public business on an equal footing, as far as tlmo is concerned. Detroit's Sttill Club Heralded in Chi cngo by Admirers.

Chicago, July 8. The Detroit Base Ball Club and a delegation of Its friends and admirera to tho number of 800 arrivod horo over tho Michigan Central shortly after 6 o'clock this morning, and a few minutes later another dologatlon of fifty came In over tho Wabash. They Invaded tho Clifton House a body, wearing diminutive brooms in llou of boutonierns. They aro voracious not only for victory but food, and at Jackson, whero throo additional sleepers wore attached to their train last night, they descended on the lunch counter, and within five minutes there was not an edible crumb in sight. Evory ono In tho delegation is provided with tin a rooster mounted on a broom handle, and tho gayly painted birds are said to be tho possessors of as shrill a whistle as ever sot one's tooth on oduo.

These whittles will swell tho applause which the Detroiters Intend to lavish upon tholr players. From the Clifton House tho visitors will be conveyed to tho ball grounds In carriages, headed by a brass band. Gelzoin will pitch and Bennett, who Is eald to bo In floe form, will catch In to day's gamo. President Marsh, of the Detroit Club; Secretary Loodly and Directors Stearns and Weiss are in the party, which is made up of a non sporting class aud includos only tho particular friends of the Detroit Club who want to help the boys on to victory. TWO BOYS DROWSED.

WOON30CKBT, R. 1., July 8. John and Frank Kolly, aged 16 and 14 yoars respoctlvoly, sous of John Kelly of Mlllvllle, were accidentally drowned in Blackstone River last night Their bodies have boon recovered. MUNICIPAL. Mr.

Jenks Examining the Railroad Resolutions. The Mayor Said to be Favorable to Thorn. Flro Protection for the Twontyixth Ward Commissioner Conner Willlne to Trust in Providence for a Water Supply. Corporation ComiselJenks examined to day the resolutions of the Common Council yoaterday granting a franchise to the Union Elevated Railroad Company and permitting the Atlantic avenue Hail road Company to use cablo traction. It is said that if Mr.

Jonks finds that the resolutions are properly drawn the Mayor will sign them to morrow. Mr. William Richardson called upon tho Mayor to day in relation to the latter resolution. SEEKING A REDUCTION. The Brooklyn Co operage Company, through John E.

Stoarls, petitioned tho Board of AsJessors today for a reduction of the assessment of their personal property, which has been run up from $40,000 last year to $50,000 this year. The burden of tholr elaim was that the bulk of thoir capital is invested in Ohio timber lauds aud in property in Putnam County, New York. Mr. Stearls rofusod to state the valuo of the Ohio property and tho Board decided to postpone action in the matter. The probability is that tho petition will be denied.

TRUSTING TO PKOVIDKNCK. Commissioner Conner to day being asked by the Eaole reporter when the water works would bo extended replied that he was unable to Bay. The matter was entirely in the hands of Iho Aldermen and had been since November last. It would take nearly three years, he said, to construct the works and in tho meantime tho city would have to trust to providence for a sufficient water supply. He did not howover, anticipate a water famine In the Immediate future.

EAST NEW VORK FIRE PEPAHTJIENT. Fire Commissioner Ennis aud Chief Engineer Nevlns to day expressed much concern at the Mayor's delay in acting upon their application for $27,000 to moot tho immediate expenses of tlio organization of two fire companies in East Now York upon annexatlou, which takes place tho first of August They said tho timo was very short and If something was not dono at once the now ward would be in great danger of damage by fire. Tho celebration that would take place upon the occaslou of annexation would make necessary amplo protection against fire, which could not be given unloss there was money to properly organize aud equip one engine aud one truck company. THE ATTACK ON COLLECTOR REDDEN. Hcport in l'reiiaradon by Ihe Now York Board of Examiner.

Specinl to tho Etigle.J Washington, July 8. Tho attack on Colloctor Hoddeu is kept up with groat persistence by tho Mugwumps and Civil Service reformers, assisted by Democratic opponents of tho Administration. The charge is that the Collector is violating the spirit and letter of tho Civil Sorvico rule so as to turn out Republicans and appoint Democrat in thoir places. The Civil Sorvico Commission late last month demandod of the Now York Board of Examiners a report in regard to those chargeB. John M.

Comstock, then chairman of the board, replied with a long report, in the course of which he mado some severe oritlcism of the Hedden management. His report has not been made public, but It is understood to show that the Collector and Surveyor Boattio have ondoav ored to "stretch tho Civil Service law In order to enable them to make political appointments. The Democratic mombors of tho Board of Examinors, among whom are tho private secretary of the colloctor aud two deputy collectors, did not llko Mr. Comstock's report, and so have appointed a committee to prepare another answer to the commission. This answer will bo ready next weok.

Tho Democrats claim that Mr. Comstock's zeal has outrun his discretion. VICTIMS OF THE INTENSE HEAT. Children and Two Adulta Suddenly. Two Dio Theodore Beueke, 3 months old, of 11 Warren street, died at yesterday afternoon without medical attondauco, it is presumed from cxhauttion produced by heat.

Edna Davis, 13 months old, died at 8 Harts alley, from tho same cause. An inquost will be held in each case. Edward Miller, 47 years of age, of 100 Huron streot, Groenpoint, complained of the intense heat yostor day afternoon, but did not deem it necessary to call In a physician. In tho evonlng he diod suddenly at his residence without moJical attendance. Cormier Hesse has boon untitled aud will hold an inquest.

Julia Sands, (i3 years of ago, was ovorcomo by tho heat in front of her resldonce, 92 Union street, yesterday afternoon. Ambulance Lurgeou Conklln attondod hor. liobort Connelly, 43 years of ago, residing at 115 Atlautlc avonuo, was prostrated by heat whilo driving an Ico wason on President street yesterday afternoon. Ho was taken to his homo by Aubulanco Surgeon Conklin. John Kolly, a riggor of the Equipment Department at the Navy Yard, dropped dead in the Yard yesterday afternoon.

Ho was ovorcomo with the heat His body was sent to his residence, In Navy street. ASTORIA, N. July 8. Goorgo Menken, a farmer, agod50 years, died this mornln? from the effects of a sunstroko roceivod whilo working in tho fields. JOHN.

MACK DKLD FOB THE GUASD JUBY. Mrs. Catharine Donohue, whoso throat was cut by a man supposed to bo John Mack, in an Atlantic avouuo tonoment house two weeks ago, was discharged from St. Peter's Hospital lasteveulng. Sho appeared In court this morning at tho preliminary hearing of tho case before Justice Massey.

Sho testified positively that sho recognized Mack as tho man who stabbod hor. Mack was hold to await tho action of tho Grand Jury. DEATH OF UKPHESEMT ATIVE COLE, Washington, July 8. Representative William II. Cole, of tho Third Maryland District, died this morning at 7:30 o'clock at hla rosidoice, 509 Fourth street, in this city, is the 49th year of his ago.

Dr. Colo, as ho was commonly known, has been a sufforer from Hright's disease for several years past and his demise was not entirely unexpected. Ho had boon unable to nttoud the meetings of tho Houso of which he wa a member, except once or twice during the present session. The deceased leaves a wife but no children. FOR A MABIX8 HOSPITAL.

Special to the Eagle. Washington, July 8. Representative James has finally socurod from tho Public Bulldlng.iand Grounds Committee favorable action on hla bill to purchase Seaman's Retreat, on Staten Island, for a marine hospital. Mr. Rockwell, of Massachusetts, will report tho bill tomorrow.

Mr. Randall, who has opposed tho measure heretofore, Is now In favor of It COLONEL OW1KOS IH WA8HIHGT0X. ISpeoial to the Eaglo.l Washington, July 8. Colonel John F. Owings Is in Washington.

On hla last trip to Indiana the Colonel was placed in possession of facts going to show that some of his old soldiers were being uujustly discriminated against In the matter of pensions. The Colonel volunteered to see Commissioner Black on their bohalf and Is horo In ulQllmont of his promlso. THKY TOOK A VACATION. Special to the Eagle. Flushing, July 10.

Yesterday Richard Smith, a farmer of Corona, took his family to the beach and left two laborers at home. Whou Smith returned In the evening tho men wore gone, and with them $200 and clothing valued at $150. TO LOOK FOB JAMES BAG AN. Special to the Engle. Flushing, July 8.

The police of Flushing have been notified to look for James Eagan, of Now York, who loft home last Saturday to visit friends In Flushing and has not been seen since. IDENTIFIED THE MONEY. Special to tho Engle, Hunter's Point, July 8. Officer Hnrgrave arrested John Griffith this morning on tho charge of stealing $128 from Philip Smith, who identified $100 which was taken from tho prisoner. SHARPSHOOTER TA1LOH OS Hunter's Point, July 8.

The trial c' Dr. Thoue Taylor for tho killing of TUaddeua Guttman while shooting at a can on tho lattor's head on April 18, was bogun this morning in the Queens' County Court of Oyorand before Justice uullon. Tho greater part of tho mornluK wa occupied In obtaining Jury. Ureal interest is manifested la tho case. Matron Campbell's Discipline at Faith Home.

Two Ladies who Propose to Sign a Minority Report Tlier Say the Inmates Not Come from the Sluni9. The trustees and a majority of the commit tee of Investigation that was asksd by the president, Dr. George F. Pentecost, to examine into the affairs of Faith Home, reported favorably on tho management of its matron. Miss Campbell.

Mrs. Manning and Mrs. Moses, of the Investigating Committee, have declined, howevor, to sign tlio paper and havo prepared a short minority report which they will not allow, at prosont, to bo published, but in which thoy declare that thoy conaider Misd Campbell unduly rigid In her discipline and rceeommotid that her powers be limited by a Visiting Committee. Thoy especially object to Dr. Pentocosi's declaration at the last annual meeting, that the inmates of the Home were taken from slums and tenements and that they had abundant reason for rejoicing iu tho fact that they had a good homo over their heads; tho fact being that most of the old ladios in tho Institution were formerly well to do, aud aro people of refinement and education.

They also cite tho case of an elderly woman who was obligod to use crutches la going about. Instead of giving her a room on one of tho lower doors that could be reached by her with comparative ease she was aasslgned by Miss Campbell to a room at the top of tho houso, with awlndow so far from the floor that she could never look out except by standing close to it and supporting herself on hor crutches. The minority report wUl probably be preseuted to Dr. Pentecost when no returns from Europe In the Fall. CHACON'S LAST DAY ON EARTH.

The Preparations for bis EiecutionTo morrow Nearly Complete. This morning at 8 o'clock Deputy Sheriffs Crawford and Laverty took chargo of the condemned man, Miguel Chacon, in the Tombs, Nevr York, and at 9 o'clock, aftor he had eaten tho breakfast served from Warde Finn's tablo, the two deputies took him for a turn in the yard for half on hour, the last walk he shall havo on earth except the walk to tho acartold. The erection of that structure was commenced at 10 o'clock this morning. A1 12 o'clock the instrument of death was ready, all but a fow finishing touches, Buch as oiling the pulleys and adjusting the weight Chacon left soundly last night and greeted his watchers very cheerfully. Deputy Laverty says he never saw a man bear up better.

Father Byrne visited him this morning, and the Sisters of Mercy and Father Cordelia will be with him all day and far Into tha night. Chacon waited for tho reverend gentleman's coming vory anxiously this morning, and wishes him to convey his last messages to his friends. His dusky face lights up when Father Cardella appears. Tho Shorifr Is determined on excluding every ons from the execution except thOBe whoso presence Is actually necessary. At 4 o'clock tills afternoon Deputies Crawford and Larerty will be relieved by Stephons and GUmore, and at midnight Anderson and Brazil will enter on the death watch and remain till all Is over.

The sheriff and Warden Finn and even the friends are pestered with applications to see the hanging. THE FIGHT AGAINST 8AL00XS. Captain Lynch Thinks the mass Mcot lag Will benefit IS kin. The bar room which is to be the principal feature of the new hotel near the bridge entrance la rapidly approaching completion and promises to be ready for business In a fow days. Captain Lynch was as happy as usual and said to the reporter: "I understand from one who was Instrumental in calling the indignation meeting to night that tho movement is not directly against mo but against the liquor traffic in general and especially against saloon rule.

It will hardly affect mo as I am not acquainted with any of the excise officials nor have I anything to do with ruling. As an offset to my petition for a llconse which was so generally signed I understand that a remonstrance has beon handed to tho Commissioners with about 110 signatures. Large groups of the names were signed in ono handwriting. It was actually signed by only two business people or property holders from the lower part of Fulton street, and one of those attached his own signature to my petition. I believe the meeting to night will bo of great benellt to me, TUB SMALLPOX DISTRICT.

IVo Nciv Case Reported Vaccinating by Wholesale. Dr. O'Grndy, of the Health Board, made a tour of tho smallpox neighborhood In the Eastern District this forenoon. He discovered no new case, but he vaccinated a large numbor of people. Ho experienced considerable difflcully, ospoeiaUy in getting women to submit to the process of inoculation.

"I had to uso some logic, blarney and a little gen llo force In order to proporly discharge my duty," said the doctor. Patrick Cassidy, of 363 Third street, who was stricken with the diseaso last week and was taken to tho Flatbush Hospital, died this morning. The Metropolitan Plate til nun Inanrnnco Company has declared their twenty third eerai anneal dividend of 5 per cent. Capital. $100,000.

Surplus, $125,474. Hknhy Haeteau, President. W. CnoW ELL, Vice Provident. JOHN H.

Taylou, Secretary. l.undbortr' Periuines. r.nndborir's Perfume, Kdonia. LundborK's Perfume. Marechal Mat tills.

Lundborg's Perfume, Alpine Violet Lunuuort's Perfume, Lily of ths Vallar. Parties Going in Ihe Country For the Summer can have the Eagle (Sunday included) sent them for $1 per month. Poatace paU. special rpHIS IS A TIME OP DANGER. Danger, in the shapo of alarm inj? ills, threaten ths household at this Benson, which, if becomft prostrating To guard against them require! vigilance, abstinence and SANFORD'S GINGER.

This unrivaled household panacea and delicious Summer medicine is an original combination of Importod. Ginger, Choice Aromatics and French Brandy, vastly 5upurior to all other "gingers" and household medicinei known to physicians. It iusttntly relioves cramps and pains, speedily ohecki all forms of Summer complaint, pre rents indigestion, da etroys diseaBe gorms iu water drunk, restores the ciroulv tion and digestion when suspended by a chill a frequent oause of cholera morbus breaks up colds and fevers, and warns off malarial, contagious and epidemic influences. SANFORD'S GINGER IS SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND ROGERS. As a healthful Summer drink, with water, milk, iced water, lemonade, effervescent draughts and mineral waters, it is the best.

Mothers worn out with ihe cares of maternity or ths household, or when weak, nervous and hysterical, should tako a dose of this delicious invigorant. No other remedy is so wholesome, palatable and safe for delicate women young children and the aged. For tho nervous, sleepless, and mentally and physical overworked or worn out, SANFORD'S GINGER is a pur nnd safe invigorator. It eradicates a craving for intoxicants in those addicted to their excessive uao, allays nervousness, assists digestion and promotes sleep, Boware of worthless offensively urged by mercenary druggists on those who call for SANFORD'S GINGER, TUK DELICIOUS SUMMER MEDICINE. JJ OYAIi BAKING POWDER.

ABSOLUTELY PURR. This powdornever varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wlioleaomonesa. More economical than tlw ordinary kin (in, uud cannot be sold in competition with tho inuttU tude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate pow dsns. Sold unly in cans.

RoyjUU BAJOKa PowDKa 10(3 Wall st, N. IOlt THE BEST COaL AT LOWESi pricks go to z. o. nelson sow (Formerly Nelson A Hotden). DEGRAW ST, ONGOWANUS CANAL.



Y. OUL DEPOSITS T1NI PT lIMRTWn Causes sicknoss and death. Linmd OarbolcrysUl cleanse effectually. Sold by all drugitiftts. W.

H. H. GUILDS. 73 Maiden Lane, N. Y.

CONTRAOTOKS ABSTRACT FROM Ordinandi! of tha Common Council in rolntion to posita to ho mido by proposors for work, paaaou 9, 1877: Kch propoV.1 must 'i of $31) in moni by cert Sell check i.v.Hlo to order ot thoYroaldoiit tha of Oily 0 the Com ilito c' mrnoi; tho nmo'int doilVl, a abova ann "iliod, will rot linml 11. liauiilatod dnmaEos for uoh i. PARK AVKNIIiis. Ptllls and ineoifl' ins may bo seen and lormu ol oan be procured on upplio.iti 'ii tlio DiDarimi'ut .11 City Works. Pr.11103.1l3 Till not bo ooasidorud link's accompanied bj tliodcp.iait uoresaid, and ats, by an nnUort ikine in writing of 1 wo Huroties on oaoh prop isal (iv li.i shall qualify as 1 1 their reapnnamihty in tho sum of that if tho to tho puty or parties proposing they vill boisnmo bound as li it or tlio.

ninety tor its faithful norf orin vnco and in case he or til. sliaU neglect or ro liiso to oxoouto tho contr.iot, if so iv.v tliem, that thoywill piyto the Civy of Brooklyn differoncobs tweon tho price ho prop ised au I vr'. at which tho contract may be mado with any ottiov i er in or persons. Proiit.sala to be ihd Hl To tho of tho Di li ii tliioiit of City Wiirka" (specif ork). Tho Slid liroposila nrill be publioly opened iui'1 i mncod on tho J'Jn 1 diy of July, 1HSG, nt tho hour of l'J o'clock M.

provided that the unniissioiior of tho Department of City Work, or his regularly appointed doini.y is oresent. In otbo of tlio absonco 01 both then tli ilirit day thore after whon oithor la present. By i rder o' no Common Council. Da. tad Kro.rktyn JR.

Ktu. OKOUOK KU)AK1 CONNK1L Commissioner or the Oupavtiuenl of City Wrs. Attest D. h. Nobtuvp,

18 1H missioner of tlio llupartmen turned to the bidder in caso lus Im I lejoLtoa ay toe Kd of City Work, (now tho Cuiiim mnor of tho De uoaui oi C3SU tho irty orpartieato part mc it of Citj rjwj. n.ia.t'ot retat n0? tUTU OF CITY WORKS, Municipal Dopart mont BuiUiiiB. Brooklyn, July 8, ISSGpScaled proposal! hr i recoivod at this until Ttiuud.iy, July S3, si; at ll Sl. FOR KRliCTlNG lliOK 111 ir. PilllTl.AN'l) A KN IJK.

BETWEEN How a Tailor Loaded a Gun for Self Destruction. The Ponder Evidently Protected with Corks and the Barrel Filled with the Fluid The Startling Discovery Hade by Mrs. Hofllaeker A Ltmg Series of Bisfortunei Ending in Suicide. Julius Hofflacker sat, at 11 o'clock last night, In a rear room on the Becond floor of the three story brick building, 415 South Fourth street. Seatod with him wero his wife, his 18 year old daughter and three sous, being all of his family except three other children, who are marrlod and Hvo elsewhere.

The family group had boen conversing pleasantly together, but Hofflacker waa rather dispirited and did not talk much. Ho was at one time a prominent business man In tho Eastern District, but during the past twelve years had not only been unfortunate In business but bad been suffering from a complication of maladies which made life almost Intolerable. About twelve years ago ho had a sewing machine shop at 1)9 Scholos street and a tailoring establishment in Leonard streot, betweon Mesorolo and Scholos streets, omploying numerous hands, when his foreman, running away with worth of goods, destroyed him financially. Then camo sickness. About nine mouths ago his oyoslght became impaired and he underwent an operation whioh partially rolievod him.

About six months ago he undorwent another operation tho removal of a tumor. Latterly he had become troublod with insomnia. For some time past he continued, with tho aid of his wife and children, to carry on the tailoring business on Broadway, but four months ago he moved with them to South street Mrs. Hofflacker stated to an Eaole reporter to day the occurrences of last night and this morning: "We were about to retire," ihe said, "but my husband said that he felt so warm he would sit up a while. He had a German newspaper In his hand and proceeded to road it About 1 :30 o'clock this morning, finding that my husband had not retired, I rose and In going to the rear room, found that it was fastenod from the Inside.

I tried to open it; called to my husband but he did not answer, and then a horrible feollng took possession of me. I went down stairs, thinking that he might have gone to the stoop, where the air was cooler, but he was not there. Then 1 went back aud tried to open the door again, but in vain. Then I woke up the family and sent one of the little boys to get an officer. He could not find one, so we sent for my son In law, John Gohrhold, who lives In Bartlott street, and he brought two officers who broke In tho door and we found my huBbaud sitting in a chair at tho window dead." The reporter on going upstairs found seated In an arm chair at one ot the roar wlndowB tho body of a heavily beardod German, his body and lower limbs in a line and his head hanging over the back of tho chair; a doublo barreled cap fowling piece hold by both hands in a lino with his head, tho trigger near his right foot On the tablo beside the body were a glass funnol and a glass.

Tho oack of tho chair and about three feet above It was spattered with Hood and brains. Smaller spots and blood stains were found on the table. Tho loft side of the man's head was in a condition similar to that of a collapsed balloon all fallen in. He had evidontly placed tho muzzle of tho fowling pleco In his mouth and discharged tho contents into the loft portiou of his brain, blowlug off part of the crown of tlio skull. On the table was a scrap of paper lorn from tho flyleaf of a Bible, which also lay near it The paper contained a fow sentenoos In German in tho handwriting of the deceased.

This is the translation Thoso who have seon what I havo suffered from my eyes will learn to pity all others who are bo afflicted. Julius Hoi fi.ackkb. As neither ball nor she has been found, It Is inferred from tho presonce of the glass and funnel that tho deceased committed suicide by inserting close fitting corks over the powder aud filling tho barrels with water. Hofuaeker, it appears, was determined that nobody should iuterrupt him, for the door was found socurod by a strap, ono end Of which was fastened to the door knob and the other twisted around a stout walking caue, which was then firmly attached to a piece of furniture. He had also fastened down the windows, which wero open when the family retired.

Mr. Gehrhold says that the deceased belonged to the Ordor of Odd Fellows, the Germaula, tho Ancient Druids and some other bonevolent societies and that about a week ago thoy had reduced his allowance of sick relief one half and that, In his opinion, this being insufficient for his support he chafed at tho Idea of becoming a dependent on the earnings of his wife and children. He wa3 57 years old. Coroner Hesse has beon notified, but the Inquest will bo a mere formality, the case being plainly one of suicide. THE PARK AVENUE CABLE ROAD, be Built During the Summer and To Opened in November.

President Richardson was gratified to learn that his petition for building a cable road on Park avenue had beon granted by the Common Council nnd doclaros that If tho Mayor gives his consent work will bo begun at once. He said: Wo have everything ready to go ahead and will put down our tube and tracks on Park avenue from Washington street to Broadway during the Summer. We have the consent of tho property owners and expect tocomplote that section before November. The first thing to be doue Is to prove the road a perfect success for that distauco, about a mile and a half, and then iu the Spring we will comploto the five miles. It will cost $100,000 a mile Including the driving plant, but of courso the cost of tho first section will exceod that figure.

Within a year I hope to have the whole road completed and in successful operation." TEACHERS TO TAKE A HOLIDAY. The Arrangements for Their Excursion Already Completed. The teachers of the public schools of this city and tbclr friends start on a nine days' excursion on Saturday morning to Niagara Fails, tho Thousand Islands and Montreal, under the direction of Mr. T. H.

Hondrlckson, of 217 Atlantic avenue. As many of the teachers and their frlonds had already visited Niagara FallB and tho Thousand Islands, it was considered best to divide tho excursion into six sections. The first is to Niagara Falls and return, extending from Saturday morn lug until Monday night, at a cost of $14; the second, to Niagara Falls and tho Thousand Islands aud return, for $32; tho third to Niagara Falls, Thousand Islands and Montreal, taking ton days, for $35; the fourth, to the Islands, for $11; the fifth Is but an extension of the fourth, and the sixth body of excursionists will go to the Thousand Islands and Montreal for $30. All the oxcurslonlsts will start at the same time, leaving Jewell's wharf at 7 A. by special boat and proceeding on their pleasant pil grimage in new cars over the Ontario aud Wostern Railway.

The affair promises to be one of tho most successful of its kind. CHIEF MCKANE RETICENT Concerning a Case at Coney Island Yesterday Morning. A woman with disheveled hair nnd her clothing torn In several places entered Police Headquarters, Conoy Island, at au early hour yesterday morning and askod for Chief McKaue. She was Bhown to that official's private office and waa closeted with him for some time. Half au hour later Detective Boylo escorted Into headquarters a well dressed man, who was recognized as a wholesale liquor dealer of New York.

The charge against him Is one which will not bear description. After being cloBeted with the Chief for nearly two hours the woman was taken to tho Sea Beach Hotel and the man was allowed to go to his hotel. When questioned about tho caso the Chief refused to disclose the facts. MR. OGDEN WAS CONFUSED.

A monument Ituilder Testifies That Kfo Believed the Deceased Insane. Only one witness was examined in the contest over the will of the late James B. Ogdon, bofore the surrogate this morning. He was Mr. Peter B.

Ladd, who had a number of interviews with tho testators in relation to a monument for a family plot in Greenwood. Ho testified that ho was a dealer In monuments and that Mr. Ogdon, in tho course of sovoral interviews, became greatly confused and led him to bolleve that he was unfit to transact business. Mr. Ogden, he said, could not carry on a conversation at any length without breaking off and talking to himself, and once gave way to a violent fit of anger without any reason.

He was bo confused that no determination concerning the selection of a monument was arrived at between them. HEAR THIEVES. General McLeer said this morning that he hadn't got his house to rights yet and did not know how much his Fourth of July burglars stoloi Thoy took away his gold badge, given him while Auditor, and some trinkets belonging to his wife, which wore of little intrinsic worth, but wero valued highly for associations. GOINGtAWAY SATURDAY. Superintendent Calvin E.

Patterson' goes to the Calokllls on Saturday as a beginning of two months' vacation. Nearly all of the school principals havo escaped from tho city, and tho teachers are leaving. One hundred aud sixty of the latter take In tho excursion to Montreal, which leaves Saturday. BREAKING Hill IN. President Payne, of the Board of Education, was given his first taste of rouMno official llfo this morning In signing about 100 checks.

He will havo plenty of this recroatlou. The reorganized committees are to be announced at the August meeting. EVERYBODY. IS REST1SO. The county offices all close at 1 o'clock now, with fow exceptions, and the ovorworkod ofllctal Is onloytug repose.

Ho will keep on reposing until September comos. A BAILOR DROWN KD. James Donovan, 32 years old, a sailor on the Bteamer Longhirst, at Plor 47, North River, foil from a laddor whllo going on board the Jhip to day aud was drownod. Uls body was not recovered. A DIVORCE URANTKD.

Mrs. Wilholnnne Bergman has obtained an absolute divorce from hor husband, Johu Bergman. The decree was filed tO'dny in tho Supreme Court. Mary Morton Takes a Dose of Carbolic Acid. The Man for Whom General Catlln Apologized Says He Found Her on a Court Street Stoop A Case with Some Pecn liar Features.

At 1 :50 o'clock this morning Dr. Conklin, of the Long Island College Hospital, was summoned to tho First Precinct Station House, on Adams street Arrived there, he found that ths patient he was expected to attend was a woman, about 22 years old, of comely appearanco and plainly but neatly addressed. She had been taken to the station house about ten minutes previously by William Strong, ot 67 Court street, who said he had found her Bitting on the stoop of the house where he lives, and that sho had told him that she had taken carbolic acid with a view to ending her life. The Burgeon gave her a glass of milk and removed her In the ambulance to the Long Island College Hospital. To the police she gave her name as Mary Morton, but she perslstsntly refused to say where she lived.

At the hospital she became somewhat more communicative and said that ehe had attempted ber life on account of recent troubles. She also said that she was a married woman, but was separated from her husband. She bad read in the papers about a woman who had been poisoned by taking carbolic acid by mistake and sho thought that would be any easy way of ending her misery. She had taken the drug In a glass of soda, but refused to say where she bought It or where she drank It An officer has been stationed at the hospital and as soon as sho 1b in a Ot condition she will be removod and arraigned before Judge Walsh on a charge of attempted suicide. An Eagle reporter called at 67 Court street this morning.

He found that the place was a restaurant conducced by a Mr. Hanway. It was formerly known as the Niagara House and attained a considerable degree of notoriety when "Shorty'' Campbell was proprietor. A waiter, who from his account had recontly exiled himself from the north of Ireland, said that ho kuewnll about the case but refused to give any particulars. He admitted that Mr.

Strong boarded there but did not know when he could be aeon. Officer Roddy, of the First Precinct, made a visit to the restaur ant a few minutes after the reporter had left, and asked for the truo particulars of the case. The young waiter, with a countenance which Ananias would hare envied, told him that ho knew nothing whatever about the mattor, and was backed up in his assertion by tho cashier, a gentlomen from Cork. It was aftorward discovered that the Mr. Strong who had taken the woman to tho station houso wan the man who was arraigned in Judge Walsh's Court yesterday afternoon on a charge ot having assaultod Eliza J.

Wood, a domestic employed at 123 St Marks place. Through his counsel. General Catlln, he apologized and was placed under bonds, which it was expected would have a tendoncy to make him conduct himsolf with moro propriety. His story about Mrs. Morton does not hang together very wolL Thore Is no stoop at 67 Court streot, and if he found her thoro at all he fouud her In tho restaurant proper.

There is a disposition on tho part of everyone concernod in the matter to suppress tho facts of tho caso. Captain Campbell this afternoon detailed Detective Chambers to make a thorough investigation, and it Is expected that through his efforts the truth will bo known. Mr. Garrett Ham way, the proprietor of the restaurant at 67 Court street, said this afternoon: I do not know anything about the woman. Sho was not in my place and did not fall near my place nor was sho takou from there." SUNSTRUCK.

Commodore Chandler on the Catalpa. Overcome by Heat Yesterday Afternoon. No SerloiiR Consoqnencas Feared Cap tnin Kirkland in Command. Yesterday afternoon Commodore Chandler, Mrs. Chandler and their son boarded the steam launch Catalpa at the Navy Yard, for tho purpose of taking a sail up the East River.

It was oppressively warm at the time. Tho Commodore 1b a very portly man about 60 years of age. He had not felt well all day and thought that the trip on the water would do him gool. Tho Catalpa had hardly roachod tho middle of the stream when the commandant fainted beside his wife. She requested Captain Duval to return to tho yard as quickly as possible.

This was dono, and Mrs. Chandler dispatched hor son for Medical Director Spear, who promptly responded to tho call. He said tho Commodore had beon sunstruck, and, nftor administering the usual remedies, he had his patient removed to his house on the Hill. Tho Commodore, 'after an hour or two of unconsciousness, rallicoVgome'what, and was able to take some nourishment before midnight This morning, Dr. Spear pronounced bis patient out of dau gor, but advised him to keop quiot for a day or two.

The Commodore'B place was flllod to day by Captain Kirkland. HENRY PIEPGRAS MOVES AWAY. The tireonpoiut Yacht Builder Buys a' City Ekland Ship Yard. Mr. Henry Pieigrns, of Pottery Beach, Greonpolnt, has purchased the ship yard of Daniel Carr, at City Island, and Is making preparations to remove his business there.

In the departure of Mr. PinpgraB, Brooll will lose one of its most successful yacht builders. Piepgras' yard has been known for years to yachtinen throughout the Eastern States. It has lurnod out some of tho spoodiesf and handsomest craft that find a home In tlio waters about New York. Mr.

Piepgras' latest achievement was the building for Mr. Iselln.tho New York banker, of tho graceful sloop yacht Cinderella and during the past Spring ho gavo the Grade a thorough overhauling, almost entirely changing hur model ami greatly adding hor sailing qualities, which were always notable. Tho site of his yards at Pottery Ileach will hereafter bo used for manufacturing purposes. AMULET LODGE CKLERRATIQV. An Entertainment in Honor of Independence Day.

Amulet Lodge of Good Templars celebrated Independence day at Adolphl Hall last evening. Mr. George B. Stelle, Chief Templar, presided. Tne entertainment was of a varied character, Including patriotic and other musical selections.

Among the selections were tho following: Solo and chorus, 'We Are Going," and "Scotch Lassio Joan," sung by tho Misses Llbble and Bell, T. H. and J. L. Kitchell, duet by the MIssob L.

E. and A. V. Bond solo, "Tho Fisher Boy," by Miss Stratton; solo by Wins Haiti A. Moore, entitled "Always Take Mother's Advico;" solo, "Tho Starry Flag," by B.

C. Miller, and a quartet, "Our Native Land," sung by the Misses Bond and Mossrs. Mitchell. The exorcises wore opened by singing "My Country, 'tis of theo" by tho audience, Dr. W.

B. Trodwoll leading on the piano. Miss Lizzie Cross read appropriate selections, and an addrosB was delivered by Itov. E. N.

Crane on "Tho Patriotism of Good Templars." UNION ELEVATED SURVEYS. The Fifth Avenue Laid On From Tenth Street to Flatbuah Avenue. Chief Engineer Cornell, of the Union Elevated, said this morning that his surveys on Fifth avenue were comploto from Tonth street to Flatbush avenue, and that the engineering corps was busy on the upper part of tho routs, whilo tho office force was engaged in getting up the structural plans. The company does not know when it will attempt work. Its representatives are canvassing for consents on Fifth avenue, and are meeting with excellent success.

A majority of these are necessary bofore anything extensive can be done, but it was said that they would be obtained In tho near future. CONTEBNO'S SATURDAY PROGBAHBK. The following is the programme for the concert at Prospect Park on Saturday afternoon next: Murnh Young Republic Conterno Ovorture "Morning Noon and Niglit in Polka. Gratitude" G. Contarno Clarionet solo" Air Virle" Mohr Horr Rndnlph Loosohor.

Rominiscences of Scotland" Godfrey Overture" The Merry Wives of WindBor Nicolai Wnltz Reolt d'Amour Wnldtoutel Cnrnat tola Stabat Miter Rosjini Idyl Tho Forgo in tbe Forest" Michaelis Galop "Storuunabel" Fanrbach National air" The Star Spang led Banner." FIGliTIKG IK CITY RILL SQUARB. Two truckmen stationed in front of the City Hall got into a dispute this morning and fell to blows. One was hurled to tho pavement, his head striking the curbstone with a loud crack. A bystander ste pped betwoen them to enforco a discontinuance of the fight and was roughly handled before a policeman loomed on the horizon and the combatants separated. TUB WKSTERH U1UOV8 BIO SUIT.

In the $2,000, 000 suit against the Western Union Telegraph Company in New York, Judge Lawrence, on tho motion of the defendant to dismiss the suit because of fraud In the contraot between the American Rapid and the Bankers' aud Merchants' telegraph companlos, and othor legal points put forward by the defendants, this morn lug, diicidod that the caso must go to tho Jury. BAYS SUB WAS 1HJUBKD. Lillian Mead. 17 years old, of 61 Degraw street, has Drought an action for damages against tho Manhattan Elevated Railway Company, of New York. Bho claims that she was Injured Juno 28 last, at the Desbrosses street station, through tho neglect of the gateman.

Her mothor was to day appointed guardian ad litem In the suit CITY SAVINGS BANK OPENED. The new City SavingB Bank on Fourth avenue, between. Flatbush and Atlantlo avenues, was opened for business tills morning. Orer (15,000 iu deposits was received up to 10:30. BROOKLYN ATHLETES VICTORIOUS.

Tho base ball nine of the Brooklyn Athlotio Association defeated 'the Statea Island Cricket and Base Ball Club yeslerday at Statou IalduoV In a game ol ball by ft Bopre qf 18 (9 The Mayor Will Eestrict the Granting of Licenses. A Conference Held in the City Hail To day His Honor Waited on by the Com mittce Appointed at Tuesday Temper, ance Meotlugr A Tilt Between Commissioner Schllemann and Mr. Ide The TJhctissioii has a Satisfactory Result. Mr. Whitney Defines His Position At a temperance mass meeting held in Dr.

Pontocost's Church Tuesday night a of flvo was appolntod to wait on the Mayor and present a resolution adopted at tho mooting calling for tho resignation of Excise Commissioners Cunningham and Schllomann. Mossrs. W. T. B.

Milll kou, John S. Stanton and Edwin P. Ide, of the commltteo, call on the Mayor at 11 o'clock to day aud presented tho resolution. The Mayor summoned the Commissioners before him, and for half an hour there was a very lively tilt between the committeemen and the Commissioners, the lnttor emphatically denying oil the oharges made against them. Mr.

Mllllkan began the discussion by stating the object of their visit, and In a modorate tono suggesting a way the Commissioners could romody the evils without making themselvos unpopular with the politicians and tho saloon keepers. He had said but littlo when Mr. Ide, who appeared as a substitute on the committee, Jumped Into tho discussion and said that the Commissioners had a moral responsibility In the matter which they could not shirk. They had no right to ignore the petition of three hundred citizens against a saloon and grant a license on tho of two or three citizens, as they did at tho corner of McDonough street and Reid avenue. Com.

Cunningham Wo never granted a license on petition of only three men. Mr. ide Thon call it thlrtoen men. In theoasa referred to there were only thirteen names on tho petition. You aro bound to respect tho right of citizens to petition.

On several occasions you havo refused to let uh soe potitions filed in your office in favor of granting licenses, and I protest against such action. Com. Schllemann We acted fn tho matter with advice of our counsel. Petitions are not public documents. Mr.

Alillikeu If the Ezclse Commissioners desire to restrict the number of saloons, they can do so without making invidious distinction in the caso of any Individual. You can make rules In conformity with the law. I have been a member of an excise board and have had experience In tho mattor. Pass a rulo that a person who has sold liquor without a license or has violated tho law in any way Is not a moral man, and to such you cannot give a llcouse. By adhering to auch a rulo you would soon decrease the numbor of saloons In this city and in such a way as not to make you or the administration unpopular witu any class of citizens.

Mayor Whitney Gentlomen, I have had several conferences with the Commissioners on this question, and I agroe with you that too many licenses have" been granted. The Commissioners Intend to correct the impression that has gono abroad in regard to tho matter by granting a less number In the future. There is no disposition to grant licenses indiscriminately, at least none on my part. Mr. Millikou Of course Mr.

Mayor you can't bo personally responsible for all that happens, but when you are told as wo hare been by Commissioner Schllemann that tho only way wo can prevout tho granting of a license is to buy the property, thon I think you havo a very grave responsibility In the matter. Mr. Ido (to tho Mayor) You wrote a letter to the commissioners asking them not to grant a certain license. They did grant the license and your lotter had no weight with them whatovor. Commissioner Schllemann No letter was sent to us by the Mayor; at least we roceivod none.

Tho Mayor I sent a letter asking the commissioners to come to my office. Sir. ide Well, your Influence bad no weight with the commissioners. The Mayor (to the Commissioners) It was understood at ono tlmo that that license should not be granted. Cora.

Schliemann I never made any promises to any ono. I voted for tnat license and am not ashamed of it The Mayor There is no intontion on the part of the authorities to outrage public sentiment In regard to the liquor question. Wo intend to faithfully enforce the law. 1 admit too many licenses have boon granted in the past Com. Schllomaun This is a growing city and the liquor business is an Industry that is not going to stand still.

Mr. We Wo Intend that It shall. Com. Schllemann You aud men like you go to oxtremes in this matter and causo a groat doal of unnecessary trouble. Mr.

Ide felt very much hurt at this insinuation, and attempted to show that ho was not an extremist "You roalgnod your momborahip in tho Republt cau General Committee, did you not? usked Commissioner Schilmaim. Mr. Ido I am Btill a mombor of that committee. What I Intend to do is a manor for the future. We are talking about tho past The most I have ever asked you to do is to obey the law.

Com. Schliemann You bring us good Droof that the law has not been obeyed and wo will rovoko the license. The Mayor Wo waut to strictly enforce tho law, and If it Is vlolaled we waut liconses revoked. I intend to have the granting of licenses restricted and have told tho Commissioners to time and timo again, and if they don't do so. I shall do my duty toward them.

Mr. Ido We say that Brooklyn neods no more licenses. Mr. J. S.

Stanton said that the Increase In the city's population was largely of the order loving people and not of tho drinking class, and therefore there was no domaud for more saloons because tho city had grown. Mr. Ide had another grievance. He complained because petitions which were presontod against a certain saloon did not hold in forco in the case of a saloon a block away. Ho contended that where a petition against the granting of a license was sent In, it should cover all applications for licenses within a radius of three or four blocks.

Prominent men and men of large wealth," continued Mr. Ido, "in this city say it is a dastardly outrage tho manner In which liconses have been granted in this city. They talk on the subject louder than I can." Commissioner Schllemann They can't talk any loudor than you can, Mr. Ide you aro a vory loud talker. The Mayor (to Commissioner Schliemann) If we havo done wrong.

John, kg must correct our mistakes. You know I told you so before. Mr. Mllliken and Commissioner Cunningham held a privnte conference while part of tho above conversation was going on. Mr.

Mllliken was very well pleased with the result of tho mooting and at the attitude taken by the Mayor. He said ho believed the tomperanco people would havo their rights respected In the futuro and that Mayor Whitney would be on their Bide. He asked the Mayor if the committee could report that he (the Mayor) was In favor of restricting the granting of further licenses, 'iho Mayor ropliod that his position was siated correctly. The genllemon then retired. AS AWKWARD PREDICAMEHT.

Mr, Van Shaik'u Iivorcc Slay l.apno for Want of Money. Mr. Roderick, of Carpenter Boderick, argued at length this morning before Justice Dyk inau for an order under tho provisions of which the fees of the referee in the divorce suit of Ulla Van Shaik against Stephen Van Shaik must bo paid. Tho defendant was formerly chief engineer on Jay Gould yacht, was also engaged at the High Aqueduct and on other large works. Ho states that his salary amounts to $18 a week.

After being ar rostod some time since for non payment of alimony ho deposited $1,000 with the Sheriff as baiL 1 can't make any such ordor," said Justlco Dyk man; there is no law to compel a man to tako up a referee's report" "Butthowholo thing will lapse on Tuesday unless It Is filed," said Mr. Rodorick. If your Honor will grant an ordor compelling him to pay $333 a3 counsel fee, wo will tako up tho report and remit our feos rather than that the trial should prove abortive" Can't do it," replied tho Court The man only earns $18 a week. It must cost him $10 a week to live in Brooklyn and his wifoican havo tho other $8 a week as alimony." Mr. Rodorick was continuing his argument, stating that Mrs.

Van Shaik had no moans with which to take up tho report, when the Court closed the discussion with. Mr. Roderick, I like you very much and I like to hear you talk, but I shan't chango my ordor unless you can show by Monday next that the defendant has some more property." A LAPSE OF MEMORY Which Saved Rufe Miner From a Term of Imprisonment. Rufe Miner, the notorious bant thief, who was arrested two weeks ago on suspicion of having been concernod with two other men, still at largo, in tho stealing of $100 from William Trott's saloon, on Flatbush avenue, was arraignod before Judge Walsh this morning. Mr.

Trott could not swear that he had over seon him bofere, neither could his son, who' was Instrumental in making tho arrest This remarkable lapse of memory on the part of the two complainants was Instrumental In procuring the prisoner's acquittal. No other evidence was adduced and Mr. Miner was Informed that he was again a freo man. ANNIE HCGARBITY ABBKSTED. Annie McGarrity, a.

woman who occasionally makes matters lively in Bond street, where she lives, was arrested last evening by Detective Rorke, charged with drunkenness. About two weeks ago ehe was arrested for attempting suicide, having swallowed a dose of laudanum. Three policemen walked hor up and down a room alf night, and saved her lite. Justice Massey sent her to Jail for twenty nine days. FOLK ALLEGED ltOBBEBB HELD.

Denis O'Brien, William Porter, William Mc Elllgott and Robert Donaldson, who wore arrested last weok, charged with robbing George J. Green, at Slxtoenth street and Tenth avenae, were given a prellmlnory heating before Justice Massoy this morning. Tho evidence was such as to warrant their detontlou to await tho action of tho Grand Jury. INJURY TO A WORKMAN. John Meehan, aged 23 yoarB, of 419 East Nineteenth street, New York, was at work In Have meyers Elder's eugar refinery at tho foot of South Fourth streot this morning when ho was struck In tho sldo by tho pole of a truck and seriously injured.

Ho wasromovod to the South Third street Hospital. SHE WANTS $5, 000 DAMAGES. Mary White, 11 yoars old, claims that she was run over by a Knickerbocker Ice wagon on May 1, on Tlllary streot, aud now wants $5,000 damages. Her father has boen appointed hor guardiau for the purposos of tho suit TO IMPROVE SOUTHAMPTON. The residents of Southampton have organized nn Improvement assoolatlon.

Trees will bo planted, highways Improved and tho public health looked after, Dr. Thomas being a commit too to look after the latter. CALLKD TO ANOTHER I'ULl'IT. The Eev. II.

ft. Conklin, pairtor of the Baptist Church In Sag Harbor, haB nccopted.a call to the Church ot Iho saiuo denomination at Coxaackle. THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 8, 1886. Readers of tho Ka(flo BOng out I town for tba Summer can have (ho Eagle mailed to Ibcm for One Dollar per month (Sunday edition included). Change made in tho address as often BS desired.

rAT "THE ROCKS' Henry Clews Entertains Colonel Fincke and Staff. Ihe Twentr thlrd Greatlr Enjoying tho Stay at Newport Exchanging: Military Courtesies Company B'g Rapid Drill Witnessed by a larfje Crowd A Mock Parade. Special to tho Eagle. NmvroitT, K. July 8.

Tho beautiful woathor that has prevailed since Iho arrival of tho regiment here has made all kinds of pleasure possible and the boys havo taken tho fullest advantage of ltv Tho only drawback has boen the heavy fogs at night. There has beon no sickness and the surgeon and his assistants havo had an easy time. Tho hot weather reached here this morning and tho want of shade is for the first time felt In camp. Thoro Is not a tree within the lines. Ycstorday, after tho battalion drill, was passed by tho boys In visiting tho Govorumont posts In tho vicinity and in skirmishing generally for ploasure.

Colonel Fincke and the officers wore tendered a reception by Banker llonry Clows. In the afternoon, at his residence, tho Rocks. They drove over at 2 P. M. and were at onco presented to the host, with whom Colonel Fincke is associated in business In Brooklyn, and the charming hostess, Who made everybody feel Instantly at homo.

There Was ceremony without stiffnosB, and altogether the reception and entertainment made a most delightful feature of the visit to Newport. 'During tho stay at the Hocks tho officers walked about the grounds and enjoyed the view. Among tho guests wore John N. A. Griswold, General Pearion, General Lawronce, A.

C. Klngsland, E. O. Head, Adjutant Hill, of tho Fifth United States Artillery; Judge Van Wyck and W. B.

Davenport. The regimental band played popular nira during tho afternoon. The parly returnod to camp In time to pro pare for the rcviow of tho regiment by Adjutant General Dyer, of Hhode Island. He was attended by General G. L.

Gowor, Colonels Konyon, Whlto, I arris and Morton, of tho Nowport Artillery, and lonol Van Slyck, of tho L'nltod Train of Artillery, he regiment nevor marched bettor. The formations were perfect and tho execution of the manual Won the highest praise. Goneral Dyer complimented the Cofonol highly at tho termination of tho peromouy. Dress parade followed. The largo Jiumber of spectators then scattered over tho camp, where they have made many acquaintances.

After auppor Company marched to Music Hall to give the much talked of rapid drill. The hall was packed with an enthusiastic audienco who applauded continually during tho evening Tho drill was In every way a vory groat success, the company winning fresh laurels. Owing to tho mall space gome of the prettiest marching move moots were omittod and the skirmish drills curtailed considerably. Tho company was thanked at "the conclusion by Mayor Powell. Tho not roceipts wbi)h will go to charities, roachod handsome flg uros.

Last night after taps tho boys broke loose for tho first time, and had a mock parade in fantastic costumes. The music was a terrible din made with tin basins and cups. Colonol Flncko was out of camp at tho timo, but roturned before the parade was over, and gave the boys a sound lecture. To night tattoo will not be Bounded until 11 :30, and tho boys Will bo allowed the greatest looway possible. Tho flroworks will bo very flno, and the whole of Newport will probably bo present to witnoss them.

No duty except guard mount will be porformod to day until evening, when Colonol Bost, of Fort Adams, will review tho command. Goneral Hoduoy C. Ward arrived this morning accompanied by Colonol Mlddloton and Majors Guyon, Kinkel, Lloyd aud McNulty and Captain Beard. Genoral Ward will rovlow tho reglmont tomorrow. Chaplain Van De Water was surprised yesterday by a visit from Company who presontod him with a handsome bolt.

Tho company also presented Captain Craue with a vory pretty floral Yesterday was the birthday of Captain Thome, of Company. His boys fouud It out and presented him with a basket of flowers aud I invited him to one of the company's tents, where a bountiful lunch was sproad. It was dispatched with an accompaniment of vocal music by a colored quartet. Tho Beacons, a local base ball club, will play the right wing this afternoon. The boys are practicing constantly.

Tho rlno match with the regulars at Fort Adams has been sot down for to morrow inorniug at tho fort. The raucos will be 200 and 500 yards. The Initial hop of the season at tho Casino will be given to night. The officers are invited and will probably attend. They went to tho torpedo station this morning to witness service firing.

Privates Jorvis, Compuny aud Shenrraan, Company were colonol's orderly yesterday and today respectively. Captain Holmes, Company is officer of the day, with Lieutenants Wail aud Williams as offlcors of the guard. A REPUBLICAN RELIC. What the Washington Post Says of Illegal of Vote. Special to tho Engle.

Washington, 6. With reference to the explanations of tho Brooklyn Congressmen In tho House yestorday tho Post this morning says: "Tho explanations mado yesterday In Congress concerning the allegod abaonco of members who were officially recorded as having voted wore satisfactory to the gentlemen involved, to the Houbo and to the Pott, and will doubtless be satisfactory to tho public. One exeollont effect of tho talk has been to call attention to an abuse which has oxistod in the House for a generation and which ought to come to a ppoedy ond. It Is well known that mom bers have various methods of getting on record after tho close of tho official roll call. Ono method la for the member to riso in his place, allogo that ho wa3 in the House but did not hear his name called, and ask to be recorded.

The Speaker has naturally taken his word for it and amended tho record. Sometimes, when too late for oven this, members havo succooded In Inducing tho gentleman In charge of tho Official report to add their names as present aud voting, aud this has sometimes occurred after the house has adjournod and hours subsequent to the roll call, In which they desire to figure This last was a vicious bequest of tho old llepublican House, aud was a part of tho Republican machine. It is high time for this irregular voting to end absolutely, legislation cannot bo eafo If a member is freo to procure a record of a vote he did not cast in tho wayai.d atthotlmo prescribed by law. The vohi clo may sometimo be disastrously upsot if legislation bo driven with too freo a rein. Now, let us abandon Hopubllcan devices, rub out old scores and begin anew." DESERTED BY WIFE AND FAMILY.

Where a Boatou fllmi Found Three Members of His Family. Boston, July 8. William Bray, an old resident, Informed tho police yesterday that six months ago his 16 year old daughter Anuie desorted hor homo; that throe months later hla wife Catharine, who was DO years old and had eleven children, disappeared and was followed July 1 by the eldest daughter Jane. Bray had Just found them all In the Rollins Rock House, a place of ill ropute in the. North End, The younger daughter had sent for hor mother, who subsequently sent for the other daughter and Induced her to accepta llfo of shamo.

Mrs. Bray claimed' to be employed as cook. The womon wore arrested ond arraignod for lewd conduct. The mother was discharged. Aunlo was sentoncod to one year at Bherburne and Jane to two months in tho Houso of Correction, Both appealed.

SLIGHTLY INACCURATE. Report Concerning Ono Walsh's Sons. of Judge Denvek, July A special dispatch to the JtepuWcan from Brock enrldge, says: Edward Welch, a son of Judge Welch, of Brooklyn, N. was thrown from bis horse yoslorday while he was riding In a raco. Ho received Internal Injuries from which ho Is not expected to recover." The above appeared In a New York rooming paper to day and the attention of tho gontleman who might naturally be supposed to havo some Interest In the matter were It true was callod to It His Honor said both his sons wore in the city, that neither of them had ever been In Colorado and that neither had over graduated as a professional Jockey.

In every other detail tho article was absolutely correct TO HAKE AKOTHEB EFFORT. Special to tho Eagle. Washington, July 8. Mr. Wilklns said to day that he will do all in his power to got a quorum of the Public Lands Committee together to morrow for action on Brooklyn Building bills.

To morrow wUl be about tho last chance of the session. THE WEATHER. OiUIClTtONS. Washington, D. C.

July 8. For Eastarn New York, fair weather, no decided chango In temperature, northeasterly winds, bo coming variable. For Friday, generally fair weather and stationary temperature aro Indicatod. record of inn thkkmombthr. me following la tho rooord of tho tUormomotor as kDlat tllO UKUOKLYfl UAiui in 81 87 88 01 83 83K rt a ifftiw A.H 77 2 i.

P.M.. 5 7t Arurage temperature tV om Average tmprBtiiM HIGH WATER. The following is the official Announcement Of tho tlmo and dnvatloa of niga water nd Sandy Hook for to morrow, m'y Aif Jew gs.Hnv iiSS la II 5i3 I. ifl' CUB iBtlT GUILT DENIED. Foran's Driver Asserts His In nocence.

Mrs. Matthews Says that if Her Son in Coaricted it will Kill Her The Prisoner Declines to Waive Examination. Thomas Foran's driver, John Matthews, who was charged with attempting to assault Mrs. Theresa Boenzel on Saturday last while he was taking her to the County Hospital, was arraigned for examination before Justice Sherlock in East New York at 10 o'clock this morning. He was represented by Counsellor Armstrong, while Assistant District Attorney Maguire appeared for the people.

A telegram which had been received by Detective Kortright from Doctor Arnold, of tho hospital. stated that Mrs. Boenzel was too weak to leave her bed. "Will your Honor fix the amount of ball asked Counselor Armntroag. "Your Honor has uo power to take ball In a case of this kind," said Assistant District Attornoy Ma guire.

"I thluk it had better be adjournod." "I understand from the detective that thore Is nothing lu this case," said counsel for defense. "I will be willing to go to the woman's bodside and got hor tostimony." I am not in favor of that," said Mr. Maguire, "and I thluk that wo will prove to you that there Is something In this case. The way this man treated Mrs. Boonzel is outrageous." "Is thoro no way that 1 can have my client bailed," asked Hr.

Armstrong. Lot him waive examination," suggested Mr. Magulto. "I don't Intend to do that," retorted counsel. Tho case was finally adjourned for a week and Matthews was taken to tho County Jail.

I can hardly boliovo that the young man is 'said tho magistrate aftorward to an Eaole reporter. He doesn't seem to bo a man who would do anything of that kind. Tho woman who was assaulted on November 2 3, 1833, by Richard Curran aud Thomas Bowler, while they were taking her to the county hospital, lived in the same neighborhood as Mrs. Boenzel, aud if I am not mistaken, in the same house. Since Matthows' arrest, a number of men who are well known in this town, have given It as their opinion that, that as Mrs.

Boenzel knew of tho former occurrenco, tho subject no doubt camo to her mind and in her weak condition she imagined that she had gone throujh the same ordeal. Matthews' mothor called upeu me this morning and said that her son knew of the exploit of Curran and Bowles and that he knew what would be the result If he attempted anything of the kind. 'It will kill me, tho same as it did Mrs. Curran, who died a few weeks after her sou's she sai'L 1 also learned from hor that Curran, who was sentenced for ton years, hat lately diod in prison." Counselor Armstrong Informod tho reporter that he would apply to tho Supreme Court for a writ of habeas corpus. He held that his client should be examined at onco.

BRIGHTON BEACH RACES. Seven Events, vrith Good Entries, on the Card, for To morrow. The following are the entries for the races at Brighton Beach to morrow: First Raco For beaten horses, selling allowances: Marsh Redon, 117; Joe Murray, 117; Tom Kerns, 117; Barney. 112; F.lsle 112; Steuben, 110; Lancaster, 109; Poverty, 115; Adela, 107; Llda 101; King Car, 82; Fusil, 77. Second Race For beateu horses, selling allowances, three quarters mile: Emmet, 114; Goblin, 113; Value.

118; Charlie Russell, 113; Jongleuse, 111; GarQold, 111; Billy Mack, 110; llonry 110; Retort, 110; Ursullne Nun, 102; Lizzie Walton, 100; Ella May. 97. Third Race Selling allowances, seven eighths mile: Red Buck, 109; Bon Thompson, 108; Berlin, 107: Lord Beaconstleld, 106; Duke of Conuaught, 105; Harry llusjell, 104; Commander, 104; Lord Coleridge, 103. B'ourth Raco Soiling allowances, sevonth olghth of a mile: Keokuk, ill; Olivette, 100; Miller, 105; Vaultor, 103; Charley Fisko, 102; Broughlon, 102; Biscuit, 92; Vouchor, 91. Fifth itaco Boulevard Stakes for two year olds, throe quarters of a milo: Nat Goodwin, 107; Magyar, 110; Bellona, 107; Daphne, 107; Gertrude, 107; Daly Oak, 110 Sanford, 107.

Sixth Raco Handicap, one and one eighth milo: Malaria. 107; Hartford, 107; Ernest, 10U; Kensington, 101; Ten Strike, 100; Brunswick, 97; Nat Kramer. 93; Bessie, 392; Leonora, 91 Weaver, 90. Seventh Raco Twenty lbs. aoove the scale, ono mile: Harry Maun, 137; Strabismus, 138; King Victor, 1.32; Long Slipper, 120; Bob Simmons, 137; Lookout, 135; Santa Claus, 137; Blizzard, 137.

HONEY MARKET. I.otv Iteservcs of the Bank of England. The Chicago and Atlantic Consents to Join the Pool Stocks Quiet, but Generally Strong. Waia Street, July 8 P. Among the sales of bon.U this afternoon wore Orefim Trans.

6s H2XNorPao 1st tll nni. limit, 3B. 101 do'Jd 101 Chic ASt 1. Ist.9ts)in9li St A i m. ..109 lU'Jfi R.iatl Jc PltW COI1 too do Class 118 Rich i Ally 1st 79v79' Rome 4 OKCon.l02llll?i dome i EnstTenn ino 24fcu24 initnba con do 2d IMH do Jo Ind Blown iW ino.ati26 Mo Klin A Tex 5s 85tj do Mei Nut lst 29ii2J in jrRs il Eat 11.1 Giesn Buy ins 84 Tonnesieo niied 61 To P.o ino 38M Mutual Union F.

tii4 Erio 2d con ex do funding Rich Dan dob 113 Ones A clan. 73M West Shora in PI3 illl2J Wab.islt St dtv.lUi'tMtKi;. do it 131 St Paul Lriorosse .121 Can Soutllern lBt do cons ld2al2M Kn i A Ollio 1st lOlVIntinmional 2'1 90 Dock of irjaitv uuhs a umo it Oregon Short Line 1st. A Nor St Ark A Tex 1st 90'Mob A Ohio 1st do 2nd tl1. Shonandoih Bur A Nor 1st 10J Oregon Nv 5s 100 'i Sus A 1st 82 St Cairo 4s 73s; Cent debout 90 Rock Island 5s Ill Am Bs 9JJi'Hui A lot 113 Morris A Kasi'i oon 137 I The Union Pacific statemeut for May shows a gain of $15,082 In net earnings.

For Ave months to May 31 the loss in not was $212,182. The Bank of England reports a loss of 196,000 bullion for the week, and the proportion of revenue to liabilities has fallen to per. cent. Wheat Is lower at Chicago aud In this market in conaoquonce of realizations inducod by reports of local rains In the Northwest. Commissioner Blanchard reports that the Chicago and Atlantic will come Into the Eastbound pool if it can be guaranteed against loss for the sixty days during which its contract with tho Wabash Is in force.

It is thought that the guaranty will bo given. Vice President Potter, of the Ohio, Burlington and Quincy, says hla road will not bo represented at today's meeting of Wostern roads. This will dolay tho negotiations for the settlement of the rate war. This news made tho Grangers heavy early this afternoon, and the fall in these moro or less influenced the whole list. Thore was a gradual recovery, on a dull market, about 1 o'clock, but after 1 :30 the movement became moro active and stronger, with a riso In Pacific Mail os the feature.

Stocks wero generally strong tho lato trade and at the close. Money loaned at per cent and nt 1 and closed about lf. The following tablo shows the course ot tho stook market for this day: Opening. Highoat. B7X Wi BMC 9 Lowest.

67X Closius. ma 44 a 85i Canadian liiH Canada Central NowJsraoy. 5Gfi Central Paoitio 7 Chesapeake A 9 Ches. A Ohio 1st pfd. Clie.

Ouio2d Did. A lton 60 AQumoy. 191 lai 55 UoloradoOoal 134K 65 25 99 12'J 133 65 24M 8iM 12a 65 19, 82 ii.i..ii Hudson. iiii.tHo una. Wo.l'n.

1294 Den. Kio Dul.itn EaatTrnnossee enneswe P'O. Kne Krie lioukinir Valley Illinois Central iud, Blojm. l.ako ana A L.ko.i.iore. is.and.

Manitoba A 14', 3U.W MX 0 14 80 704 10 8i7i 97)4 42i 164 824 17M 81 87 41. It 29 70 S2 ii on 84 4 97 Manhattan Mannauan 124J4 107M 10B 20 lli'i 27'ii 2'2) 109 19JZ 34 124 Mi; ouaa. lllchiltan illillmt MM Minn Si. L. pfd.

4oJk A Slif Uo.Piodio 1074 1S.Y Ciniral 1U0 N.Y., Ohio. A St. 20 45 281 211 Wi 2i; iu 22 4 109 19K lUZ'J 33 2A'i ii" si" 4 2i( 49 111 Ul5 20 45 31 107 21 42' 211 112J ii" 22 4(i 10.1 4 111 107 'i 33 r.51.! 22. 2t 32S 25' 49) 92 18i 80S 603 N.viUiiio.i8i.iini i N. V.

A N. Kn. iN.Y.,Sus.A W. nfd. Nortuwotiirn Hortne.teru 2ll orthuvu t'aoino Northern Paoino pf4 Ohio 2i Omaha OlQBUMfd.

Out. A Western. Uregou Nav 46 1U3 19K ii 223 Oregon i rans Paoino Man Peoria Pullman Kionnioud A kiomuoudTorimnsl. Kooli. A Pitts oo It Island

A San kl rt if. nfj. 38 22 2ijj 32 32 21 49S 25 laSf 10 bUU AS. ff. 1st pld.

lll; Kt.Pa.Ul Texas 9J i6 am 10 65tt sow VfatefrtUaion DECAPITATED. Offensive Partisans at the Navy Yard. The Scalplnar Knife nt Work Amonptke RfipnblicaBi Many Discharges Announced To day Making: Room for The process of weeding out the Republicans from the Brooklyn Navy Yard bojgan on the 1st of July, and this morning It was resumed with unusual vigor. Acting under Instructions from the Secretary of tho Navy Captain Clark, of the Provisions and Clothing Department, removed olghteon offensive partisans to day, and Chief Engineer Roble tent home twenty. Mr.

McCartney, of New York; William A. Furey and John Hamilton wore on baud this morning to see that these suspended employes really left the yard for good. Contractor Donovan, Tim Campbell's right hand man, was also present to convince Constructor Pookand Chief Engineer Robio that they must mako room for a dw moro Now Yorkers. The names of those removod from the Provisions and Clothing Department could not be procured, as it is against the rule to give them to tho press. Soveral of the heads lopped oft In the steam engineering department are those of a few old machinists.

The names of a fow aro given Johu Yates, D. D. Davis, John Hare, John Hempflll, Daniel Ruddlmau, Daniel Dwyer, Jamos M. Luce and Thomas Grogan. No men have yet roporlod to fill these vacancies, but Mr.

Furey will will soe to it that good Brooklyn Democrats come in for a good share of the patronage. The biggest Burprlso of all was the rumor that Chief Clerk Wilkinson had beon removod from the steam engineering department. Ho was suspended on the 1st of July and says that the Secretary of tho Navy Is tho only man who can reinstate him. Mr. Wilkinson says his appointment was a personal favor bestowed on him by tho Secretary.

It was understood In the yard to day that Mr. Wilkinson had become secretary of the Buffalo Bill Wild West troupe. Mr. Cody offered him the place about two weeks ago. Mr.

Wilkinson is a Democrat and belongs to the Twonty flfth Ward. Ho is in good circumstaucos and cares little about Government patronage. WONG SING BOW'S WIFE. Denies that She Ever Invert With She Trackman John Fopp. The case of John Popp, a truckman, of 1,236 Myrtle avonuo, who was accused of stealing 1300 worth of furniture from Wong Sing Bow, a Chinese laundrymau, of 1,772 Fulton street, was heard in Justice Keuna's court this morning.

The Chinaman testified that on November 23 last his wife aud tha defendant removed his furniture while he was out to 1,331 Myrtloavenuo. Sovoral wltnessos corroborated tho testimony, and then William Murphy, 19 years old, of Tonth avenue and Thirty first street, New York, swore that ho had seen Bow's parlor suit in Popp's house: I have seen Popp and Mrs. Bow together at the Broooklyn Bridge Hotel, on Park row," said the witness. They registered there as man and wife. I was at the hotel tho same night.

Mrs. Bow is my cousin." The Uofondant in his own behalf testified that he moved tho furniture for Mrs. Bow, and was paid for the work. Ho had nevor been out with Mr. Bow, aud had never visited the Brooklyn Bridge Hotel.

On tho cross examination he admilto 1 that he had visited a lady friend in New York iu company with Mrs. Bow and Murphy. Mrs. Bow paid him for everything he did. Mrs.

BoV, a prepossessing woman of 27, testified: "My bUBband left homo for three weeks; he loft mo In company of four Chinamen; I concluded to move, and engaged Popp; my husband knew that I was going to move; 1 went to Coney Island a number of timos, but always returned before eight o'clock at night; I never llvod with defendant, and don't know where the Brooklyn Bridge Hotel la" Justlco Kenua discharged the accused. TIMELY TALK. Captain Ward ThinKs There Is too ITI lie It Koian About Veterans. Captain J. Ward There's rather too much noise about this veteran business.

I saw as much of the war as most of them, but I notice that tho lods who are shouting loudest for offices and privileges and who prato of their sorvlces to tholr country, and put in bills for pensions have no gray hairs, aud If you ask tho names of their regiments you will find that they wero doing police duty for thirty days around Washington. Picture Dealer Knight Tho picture auction business is doad. A dealer who had to put Into It, and could get a representation from the best artists, might make it go, but I think thero will be no more of It for a long timo. Low prices produce Inferior pictures and iuforior pictures bring low bids. Carleton Wiggins What Is going to become of the Brooklyn Art Association? If thoy havo no exhibition iu the Fall thoy might almost as well die.

I think tho success of an art institution that is managed outlroly by the laity is very doubtful. NO STRIKE AMONG THE PAINTERS, Though tho Bosses Withdraw from tho Agreement Hatting Eight Hours a Day's Work. The statement in a morning paper to tho effect that 1,000 Journeymen palmers In the Eastern District had struck because of tho abandonment of the eight hour system by the bosses Is erroneous. The boss painters at a recent meetlnc decided to abandon the eight hour system at $2.75 per day and adopt the hour plan at 30 cents por hour. The men objoct to this and want the bosses to stand by tho agreement made in Juno.

Progressive Painters' Union No. 4, of the Eastern District, held a meeting last night and decided to follow whatever action Is taken by Progressive Palntors' No. 8, of the Western District. The latter will hold a meetlug to morrow evening. It Is strongly hlntod by members of the Journeymen's Union that co oporatlve stores will be Instituted.

Tho bosses laugh at the Idea of co oporatlvo stores aud say thoy cannot bo made a success. No action will be taken by tho men until after the meeting to morrow night. BURGLARS AT GREAT HKCK. Between two nnd six o'clock this morning burglars entered tho resldonce of Richard Clark, at Great Neek, L. aud stole J200 worth of silverware.

The dwolllng of George Jackson was also robbed of silverware and clothing valued at $500. 0e other building (owner's name not known) was broken Into. Tho thelvea relieved the town of over $1,000 worth of property. Thero li no cluo to tholr identity. POOL SKLLKR8 BAILRD.

Vreoland and Hastings, the two men arrested at Brighton Beach yesterday afternoon for violating the laws prohibiting betting, were arraigned before Justlco Dykman in the Supremo Court this morning and admitted to ball. Mr. Henry Hamilton was their surety. CRUELTY TO A HOBSB. Joseph Parr, of 128 Ellery street, pleaded guilty before Justice Kenna this morning to a charge of driving a disabled horse.

He was fined $5. BOYCOTT IS BS NOT IDENTIFIED. Ten of the seventeen boycotters on trial for boycottiug Mrs. Landgraf, tho Bohemian bakor, New York, have been discharged, wltnessos not being able to Identify them. TITLE TO FIVE LOTS.

The city acquired title on Tuesday afternoon to live lota in rear of tho new High School building on Nostrand avenue. The lots extond from Macon to Halsoy street, and will be held in reserve for the extension of the school building whou that shall be rendered necessary. A HIGHWAYWOHAN. Mary Gibson, 40 years old, was romanded day at Essex Market Court, New York, on a charge of having snatched a gold scarf pin from the breast ot William H. Ilalpln, ot 247 Sevontletb.

street, New York, at an early hour this morning, In Third avenue. BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION. Last evening Mrs. LaEoza, of 'Woodhftvon, eelebratod her seventy first birthday. Thero waa a largo company' of friends and the presents wero numerous bud valuabL9.

MUST NOT BEG With Girls Who Sixteen Tears Are Under of Age. Two Brooklyn Sisters of Charity Before Jnslice Smith in Now York this Morning' A Man from this City Taken Into Cattcdy for Championing Their Cause. In December, 1884, President Gerry, of tho Children's Socloty, New Y'ork, ad.iressed a lotter to the Sister Superior, of the House of Good Shepherd, Brooklyn, calling hor attention to the law which prohibltschildren under 18 yoars of age from bogging. The Sisjor Superior replied to Mr. Qerry on January 9, 1885, and promised that children should not horeaftor accompany the Sisters on their begging tours.

Tho ecclesiastical authorities in New York had already stopped the practice in that city. Yestorday afternoon Agent Henry E. Slocking, of tho Children's Society, saw Sistor Mary Rose, and Sister Terasa aud Katio Hughes, 15 years old, an inmate of tho Brooklyn House of the Good Shepherd, begging in various liquor saloons along Tonth avenue, Now York, and Mr. Stocking took tho child to the rooms of tne socloty for the night, tolling the Sisters to bo at the JelTor son Market Polioe Court to day. Tho Sisters came to court this morning accompanied by a little red facod man, who said that he was James A.

Noary, a real estate agont, of 255 Jay streot, this city. Mr. Neary complicated matters by abusing Agent Stocking and was arrosted for that He apologized, however, and was let go. Then tho Slaters promised Justice Smith that they would not repeat the of fonso and went away with little Mary Hughes. GRAND ARMY ITEM3.

The Return of Local Members From Gettjraburg Nearly 100 members of local Grand Army posts returned at an oarly hour this morning from their trip to Gettysburg. Thoy report a pleasant tlmo. The plush and eatin banner to be preseuted by the Brooklyn Grand Army posts to tho Grand Army mon of San Francisco, at tho approaching national convention in that city, is on view in the show window of Nutting 4 on Fulton streot It la large aud handsome. Th album to be presented with It is in course of preparation by Commander Dubey. About sixty Brooklyultes will tako the trip to San Francisco.

At the camp Are of Rankin Post in Ridgewood Park on Saturday tho Duryoa Zouaves will give an exhibition drill, and there will bo a ball game am: tnof war. CABINETMAKERS ORGAMZIXG To AfuiBt Each Other iu Cave of trcus A Certificate of Incorporation. A certificate of incorporation of the Independent Brotherhood of the Cabinetmakers of Brooklyn was filed at Albany yestorday. Its objects are to oxtoud mutual assistance in cases of sickness or death, mutual aid in caios of lack of employment, damage to tools by Are and othor accidents, in cases of suits at law about wages, and the furtherance and amelioration of tho condition of workingmon. The olllcors of tho socloty are: President, William F.

Staohlo; vice president, John Poltzmeyer; recording secretary, Nisson: financial secretary, Gerd Dlrcks Coordcs: treasurer, Frolerlck Mangold; trusteo, Philip Schaefer. The corporators, In addition to the nbovo officers, nre Julius Zahn, Francis X. Abel, Edward Voigt, John Schaoffor, Goorgo Schwarz, Goorgo Schmaner, Frederick Kuhlmann, F. Schocllig, Andrew School lig and John Abel. BOJROIXG OX TUB COUNTY.

Well Paid Employes who MelvcH itluch Expei Save Themis o. Tho Charities Commissioners havo dis covered a pretty big leak at Flatbush, especially in tho Insane Asylum, and are going to stop it Thoy havo fouud thoft numerous well paid mechanics, such as carpenters and blacksmiths, not only get their three meals dally at the institutions, but oven have rooms in tho bulldiug3, to nono of which thoy aro entitled. This adds pretty Urgely to tho county's board bill, to Bay nothing of tho much needed room pre empted. Commissioners Ray and Hynes havo beon slowly accumulating knowledge concerning Flatbush mattors, some of which Is interesting and which shows that the room for reform is not all occupied. Thoy moan to make some ohaugee on the 1st ot August, when the year ends aud when lid contracts aud obligations expire.

THERE WILL BE NO WAR Between the Sea Ileach Hallroails. ana Cnlrer The Prospect Parkand Coney Island Railroad Co. began constructing a station platform yostor day on tho Norton's Point route, which Is to be opened to morrow. A platform had been erected in front of the Soa Bonch depot. When the men quit work at o'clock, sovoral employes of tho Sea Beach Railroad pulled tho structure down and throw the timber In all directions.

Superintendent Schermerhorn learned of tho occurenco. and immediately set his men to work again and the platform was rebuilt Presidout Man apologized to Mr. Schermerhorn for the action of his men, and as a result there will bo no war between tho two railroads. DIED PROM THE BLOW, Tho IHau Whose Skull was Fractured by Thoma Clary. John McGinnis, who was struck on the head with a brick last night in a quarrel with Thomas Clary, on One Hundred and Forty third Btreet, between Seventh and Eighth avenues, New York, died In tho Manhattan Hospital this morning.

His skull was fractured. McGinnis was 35 years old and lived at High Bridge. Clary was arrestod by Policeman Francis, of the Thirty second Precinct, New Y'ork, and was lockod up in the station at One Hundred and Fifty second street and Tenth avenue. He said that his name was Thomas Leary. The coronor was called to the hospital to day to hold an InqueBt.

BECAHB INSAHH EH ROUTE TO EUROPE. Grace Cheller, 3G years old, of Butte City, while on her way to England with hor husband and children was taken insane to day at their lodging, 8 Front streot, Now York. 8he was removed to the Chambers street Hospital. SHE DRASK FOR FIFTEEN YKARS. Rebecca Gallagher was arrested in Cherry street, New York, last night, for intoxication.

Her husband said to day at Essex Market Court; "She was drinking for fifteen years." She was sent to tho workhouse for three mouths. INSTANTLY KILLED. At 12 :30 this morning Michael Mann, 30 years old, while leaning out of the third story window of his boarding house, 599 Bergen street, overbalance himself and fell to the ground. lie was instantly klllod and his body was removed to the Morguo. An Inquest will be held to morrow.

FINED FIVE DOLLARS BACH. Edward Hnggerty and William Ferris, the two young men who were arrested Iat evening by Policeman Schlelleln, of tho Now LotB Police, for assaulting Charlie Lee, a Chinaman, wore fined $5 each by Justlco Sherlock this morning. A DROWNED MAN IN TUB HIVSIt. The body of an unknown man about 25 or 80 years old, stout, with sandy complexion, was found in the North River, at tho foot of Canal Btroot, Now York, to day. The man wore a check shirt ond had a pocketbook with fifty couta iu ft.

HIS PISTOL FORFEITED. Felix Morris was arraigned before Justice Kenna this morning on complaint of Policeman Hosslor, of the Twelfth Precinct, who charged hitn with carrying a pistol without a permit Felix pleaded guilty. Ho was fined $10 and his pistol forfeited. UBANTKD LEAVK OF ABSENCE, Charles A. Siegfried, oxocntivo officer of the Naval Hospital, on Flushing avouuo, has been grouted leave ot nbseuvo and una gone to Europe, uumm'ja ininr i im imiii rimiUBMaariTa manaiai.

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