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Santa Cruz Weekly Sentinel from Santa Cruz, California • Page 2

Santa Cruz, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

v. SAX raA2TCI3CO MAKSET EP0T. Farmer' Club. FOR SALE, olMOiioiiw 11 ciHelncw. TUo 1.

nn.i 1,.. f. Ill SantaCn and iti Surrounding reaching ffift Snnfa Arm 'Smtincl. OK HONOKASLE NEWTON BOOTH. BWIiliENIIOIiO.

safely counteracted ty doses of poiKoii, 1m fale mul dangerous AVithin till' twenty-five years, not less than a sfore of liililiil IO I 111? viriiieiii poisofis iiuve iH'eii anueii i rejiosltory ot the liiedieal profi'sslonV -t They are given In small doses, 2lL i-N Weonee stood before Church's beau- tiful i ftitin riiw Irart ilr Au i In the collection and execution of In work the.artist had b-en emnn-nt- ly 1 lie mountains in "lc lmcktfrtuiil whose luatU -were covenai with were brought out in clear and bold relief. The beautiful jiltit, valley, filled with tropical plants 8ntj Hvvers the littio mountain br.x.k, winding tliroiiirli it, and the tiny wafer- fni, whoae aprny seemed to fair'y spar- faf whose spray swrncl to rair'y apnr- Terms S3 50 a Year in ABTanco. 7 fATt ItPAY, IfTwy ITth, B. P. KOOMElt, Daily Sentinel W'o are now making arrangements to I a diiiy camj afgn iaier, from the time of the pa.ty nominations until after the election.

The Daily will he a i 1 column paper, nonpareil tyj wilt ho printed at Vety low rates to be within the reach and evcrv man in this comity. (ur weekly will be' as usual, at the lw j.rice of f3B0 per in advance a ,1 l.s.ti.. tl.e dailv will be con- tiuued if tiie pat will warrant it. Valtdicttry.

will lie a 1 ype, andji0 desso a i means of I I to us'the Uitttisands who aru jn the bright stuilight. The soft I now visiting lor pleasure, hut i llliy filled" the valley'; tho grand aeco.n.t of the natural barriers, pass hnM- l.v. The impressions tiiev neiv fontt; the s-ene A lttM wij urinjr to us the thousands who are The' Jig Is up. The point where the any! thing tlrat could compare! the matterj.f the Estate of Thomas roads link in the proprietorship ot th witl it. except in oar o.wu Santa Cruz, Huosell.

tieci nsHI. Application for a VUVZ Skxtiski. vuluri; ,8 Urn verv lavish in her gifts cree of distribution granted. Mci'hersoii has been reached, and while I lo Stoddard, in 'his recent letter to iUk. 11'aU Ve 'L hV suturdU nx The Committee upr Tho Farmers' Club mot at th Court- nemoon.

May nth. minutes of Clio, last UliniOVCd. I pointed to ascertain whether tlie Jerusalem Arllchoke was profitable to raise us mi article of lixxl for Klock, made a verbal report. Mr. l.ocae nnve examinea tne A mer- lau Agriculturist, and some IU-oru on American Aiirirntlurixt says mat Inish- UMd tbUt tUt'y I Mr.

Kawln The Jerusalem Artichoke I raised in toe, looks very much like imici's garden, nnd io jlud very much the Min-ttoft'er. 1 A-tn" 1 1 1 V-'W'' rv i lJ to the iftraaU here' Jlij usV-U touet fat e.Uln Mr. My 1'iiMmt used to raise thoni ami lli- lios would it them readi- TIh qvitlon w.k referred b.u-k to the eo.niniii'-e km i 'lli. iM ill the Ia- i clilit llural VV'. was ul lowed time, i Nf r.

ihoou- 1 liuv oeen lillciililr a mat Jude Mi-Cann has a full blood l' irliam eali, which he woum lilie loseli. i pnee I-- i Mr. K.ii.iey-I nmvethat ac iiiiMiiaeeof three lie appoiulitd to examine tii call, ami if found to bo mil to puicitasu i Tin Vresident appointed Mes -n. Kinsley, Dakeii aud C.010011 as sueu commii-tee. cation 11 i-'llo'n.

lloraee Caprion, tiio ii -x of'tl Mr. li icke I have received a comuiu'il- ecrs of asii ic.ii li ai sioi tit ai.urai unu po-uiologieal oe'nies. The secret ary wits reiuc ted to fill out liiauk and irwar.l it lo I hu Coiinnis-sioner. Mr, I-ke Oflen valuable seo.W and plants are distrilmled to societies. W'c had a society at ICiiigltPs Ferry for the ex-1 iinriioie of iccetvinif v.i.ilabte and plains.

Many prominent eiJUcns were ni.miiers, and to.ik an active j)iu ITluJZ: lue 'bar 1.. an I cork halfaii inch mi Mr. Mattisoil-I once received 11 pi-k-ageof wheril from Walilng'on, no I upon oiii'iilni it tnal ml 1 1 It fd oae-til'lii cockle weed. I saw iplite a lium- Iier of tlie same kind 01 packages ai me and pro'i all who ohtaiifd he packages eoe.kle 'seeds, oi.l 1 tie i-oiintrv mav soon he. lull ot tin- Ilbuoxious weed; I.

was by thai 1 niiide I li dtse.iv.' Mr. is th rn emion 01 the p-trtmeilt 10 send ou omy pure e.U, mi I r.i wit 1. .1 1 iielherse. ils to- out which are 0I1- tamed from private oties.

I do not kn.nv. Mr. Mattison-There Is an art lele In th" oil si-lelllig out Wecli with i the seed-. i Mr. kel have received from -Com missioner Cai.ron t'li'l Senator Cole, the books which I ue iu' lor.

I 1 wjtj, life. The muster touch of unist, had made all the tliirerent (1 t)l(. uri. itl. 1 I (lei! ll IKT.

V-V HWll lipi'll IV nr the had been I triie to iiHture. or was it simply a mere I 1 creation ot his lancv. Aver have we the Cult, paid a glowing tribute to the loVclv w.onery which surround us on 1... kuiiu, in hp un. inn 1 "iiv- i half.

It is not hereand there an enchant-inji little spot in the wilderness, that you might come suddenly upon by chance in vour walks and 'drives. But from any point and in whuti-ver direc tion you Turn vour eyes, the beautiful U.l made it. Is spread out 1 I. lots. nil.

1 mat leiiers issuc belore vou. ho does not love to look in to said petitioners Upon their taking toe upon tho mountains, whoso lolty peaks I covered with soft purple hues lif: their In the matter of the Estate of Wil-heads into the clouds, and from them to Hum F. Jenkins, deceased. It is ordered tho oecEn. and watch the dark blue and decreed that th report of the Kx-- 1 1 ecutnx be and tlie tame is in all respects, waves as they roll in upon the beaco.

hvrA)y conlirined, and tin; same is as and recede with a deep and solemn rendered for settlement, approved, al-sound. In Santa Cruz tho tourist can lowed and settled. enjoy all these at once and no where ln, er tho Estate rd I. C. 1 illson, deceased.

Ordered and decreed, else in ahlornm. In the series of arti ,1.,,, .1,,, hiinm.l in Mr. Ol ison people nave ine "When he was aliout liny yearsohl, tiav- gi-ii'iiii dial IsMiks given lo them. in-' mad', the eircoir of the phv-ieal sei- Mr. li ikiii Judge lla rau has three or onees of his dav.

he directed his studies to four whi-h li" will pieicnt to the Club. or th" soul, and to those relig-. Mr. Sawin I have elyiiL or ten that I problems which winner ir later pre. will pre lent.

nt themselves tn every man of thought. M'-. I.ikeii I move the appointment of tu-o or three years afterwards his great in it lee of i lo eoii li-mk i. telleetual labors to t'-ll upon his The rreseleii! 1 lie entire can act faculties; his mind became obscured, and such coin mil lee. when be was littv-six years old he had a Mr.

I believe 'lu an.vt'.iiii'i that. short attack of violent Insanity. For the cles that we propose writing, it is eur intention, more specially to spink of particular points of interest, in which our county abounds. As we pass over the road leading to Soii'ucl, wo sec a largn tract of level land, stretching away to the shores the buy. To the eyo it seems tame and uninviting, yet when explored it is found to possess many, features, which the tourist tan study ith pleasure and profit.

On the shores of the bav, aliout I one and a hall miles from town, is i.l the riincb of John Wood nn.l dth. ram li ol Join oo.l, and la can find ft ticrfeet I'icturo of country rural life. The neat little farm house is located at sotm distance from the main -li-, i roa-i, in ill" oi a large gar.iui w.hich is fill. 1 with beautiful trees, (low will keep tii Club in tact. these works coui iiu valilaoie statisiies.

and should be held lor all tile A WJU4 tne h-ading lures ol a Caib. It id tie K'-pi in conv.eni.-nt place, so that all-the m-'tii- iiave acce-s to li. I -V pi'iposi. ion waioneieo io aaieiio toe Coii.iimtion so a.s to create the ollice of! Librarian. Kog.r I 'vinant w.n eleete I a member of tlieiiiub.

Adjoin ued to the tblr Saturday in May. i -S'ini" idn are strari fly sensitive. ling go h-uiie, li.eit their wives, turn their children out of inis. Hie til: ir gIMIlio; eolisclnlls OI lie I they would destroy life Immediately; out even In minute iiaiittties, tiiey pi-iKluee, uiiimately. very disastrous cllWts.

Ills: unwise an. 1 employ, fid ,11 1 4, it I ti ui. I .1 rilL'S 1, ,11.0 s. eas anotner sii.i None of these terrible medicaments oper- ates with as much directness and certain nU' ty up.

ter's live Cl upon the causes if disease as Hostel-; Stomach Hitters, a tonic and eoirec- it limit xiiiy'r i.W'tdim hfjmtir'it in Arsenic and uie (riven for lutt-rntitteuts; bromide of potas- slum for nervous disorders; strychnine and us.ic acid for general ilebility; mer- "eu ry, in various forms, for live renin plaint preparations of chloroform ami opium tor and yet these dms do not compare, as speeities for I he dis- eases a'-ove enuineraie.l. wii that i some vegetable invigoraut and alterative while they are all so pernicious that it Is astoiilshing any p'lysieimi should take: the respoaslblii'y of pivscribing them. Invalids, for their own try the Hitters b. lore tiie.v resort to the The reiief tii-y will ex ein nee iioi.i a eoiii ie of tin haruiie --a sNeill-. will re.o-! iter a recourse the iiiis.u'e ira.ions iplite unnecessary, inyl-lm LIST OJ? LETTERS i'" tn tl.

l. at Ctuz, tv Part. at I 'iilberso-i I I 'arver I'ddsey ieol 1 hen Wilson II irvey Co llosmer It, :1 Jot I. Will Killsu Sarah Hlg Joep I more I 'ooper Ij.pez IieCiara lie! 1 Pbi'ljis la 1 I-' 11 i 1 11 .1 "t- .1 I. 1 111 If'l'l 'l SltlllllS ui itvan Patrick li I.

sperry I 'aii'iii Felice Valdouado Antonio Wallace Mrs I-: Walker John 1,1 11 vi 1 1 111 Per-ons calling for the above b-iiers will pi. ase say John a.kii, P. M. Fl I SATiTA KATINfi PAVILION IIS. AKI-LV SVonr.

Open AftcrnGon and limi LIST OF PRICES JentlemeliS 'ITcket, per mouth, admissiiin Tickets, eveii'ng. skate Tickets, per do, Day skating,'and Use ol li il els. CtS. Notice, l.eteby given, that on. or after the v.

li day ol June n-; slo.l I a opiy lo tie- a ui horilies of Stale tor duplicate 'Cert ilieate of Purchase" No. PCs. tor "'8of see. 'I', s. W.

Mount Diablo Meridian he original "I whieii is b-eii lost, or mi.spla so tt cannot be found. T. J. A.Cil."..i-.::s. Cr i.

May In, (s71. Eror Sale. A -most desirable proper-tv one mill- from saiua 11 11. 1 in An t-A 1 minutes froni Lie' s' ain- boat landing. aiitl ne.

irlhe ll-IV N'ieW SetllH.I House, i .1 1 1 1 1 1 1 lUir acr.s ot land, suitable for lariiiint or ''house lots: wiih a new house ipt it; j-ro-itns la-iili. A heaU'liul View er Cm, aiel Monterey ISay.tmd I he i.e.uid- in in. ii; tit a ins. wi; a good w-l I of wafer. besides barn and outbuildings, beluga "I iter lot; or in exe.i.ui a laneh n-'ar some sei looi from I In-i I acres and house lots.

A 1 -o, 2 houses on Front street, Santa 'i between the; Court House and lower iw stoiy ho'l-e, lot l.x21-'i; ismt.iilis a large rooms and good c. liar; for a stoic or any business. Is occupied by a saloon; ri ins per nioiit t'-rms Toe f-c-ond iioiise, is one siory high, c-iutaiii- lug a I ii. ir s.i! rii i and rooui; lot i'l ri nis for p. mouth; terms, lia-and water i.i both bouses.

In. pure of i if F. I.ANiii.N lll.i'K. SEA BATHING take great pleasure itl to our numerous friends and pal rmis, tint we are' about electing new bulk- I leg houses ell the -beach, Wtlleh Will be 'thoroughly with tew bathing i die-ses, ropes aiel everything done tor the coii ven lence and ail Who love et.od sea b.ltnillg. We shall I -p.

tie ii i pains lo picMM; all who may i.i- Mir us wii li a rail. in pi-: John son. Soft Water. D' FI.IVI-:i:i-:D by the- day, we-k or-i nn in I in any part of tin- 1 own and in t.iaiii:i ir to sun, oy ii.i.vfc Frank Merrill, 1 1. T.

supply very body. wi I Ink woo. I. lie be-t to be li tne reason i- Wax-work, Saicle Is, geiiu- itie Coioiue Water, perfumery. Oils-, Pomades, Toih-i Articles, Ladies and fi'dUs Paper Collars, 'Cuffs, IJows, and Tics CiKXl'INK loss Agate, and other Jewelry I I Editor Hentlnrt: notice of the lecture delivered by the Hon.

"sewton llnoth, lit- fore the Sacramento Literary Institute, In April, upon Emanael Htmdenbnr. was promised oy 1111 11 woum nine ui-cu, hiLiis.more cratlfvlns to have had the duty performed by other pens, yet the writer, being far as he can ascertain the only full receiver of the doctrine-i of the "New Church-so called by the followers of the great and learned Swede In this county. will endeavor to perform tlie pleasant I a The lecture Is well tempered and has an air of candor In th" statement of the faeH eoneernlm? the life ari some of tho iriliesoi f-iii iniit-i nnvii.n'"k. the lecttirer re-vl a well as thou-ht i.ii,... In hinl.

and vet still thinks that there may 0 .1 wrll.teti In an f-a- sy an I som-'What style, an I does not deser-nd tr the eoar-e ridicule, in soin almost to -ry, t''ii nas oeen cmimij o. tn ustr who have neitlier read, or h-ivin- read a little, have not understood the subject. Mr. Hooth finds Uie following, from Km erson, so pfrtin-Mit that he quotes It. Per haps it might be of service, as an example to -what arc ton aptly called, the preeoeiotis youth of California, Precocious in what? "His youth and training could not fail to be extraordinary.

II 'was a scholar from a child. Such a lxy could not whistle or duicf but noes pryinar into chemistry and optics, philosophy, mathematics and as- i tronomy, to find images nt for tle mens! Uiv of his versatile and capaciou At the age of twenty-idght he was i le Assessor of the Ilcird ofMines by. Churl XII. If" spent four years at. the Unl vrsi- tieslu Holland, lermany, Kranee and England.

He formed a notable feat of en- gitieering by hauling two (j.ill-ys, live bouts, mid a sloop, fourteen miles over- 1 for tlio It val service. In 1721 he; 1 mrivyed over to examine mines smelting Works. In IT If he published hu Jh, t-ttut and for the next constant I engag -d in the i. 1 1 Jl II ll!l'.l.l .11. 1 ll-ll- tjtle works.

The verv catalogue of tle-se 1 works is umvilliiig to" a desultory'r. (me of the Missoiu-ioinsaud Madodous of iterature. he is 110' to In; measured l.v oh. eol leges of ordi iviry scholars. His stalwart form would lUiiter the gowns of an Fniversltv." 1 Mr.

then proceed with tin' follow- f. of his 'tW(, vears nreccdiug his uiimistakab madness his diary' is little else than a record of his dreams: and while it contains Hashes of his genius and it sf artli ng guesses at rut as v.noie is scarcely superior to the literature of a for- tuii-teller's dream-book. "liisauacK Ol mania hi d.m. Ileferrinif to his condition then and tor a vear previous, his biographer says: i Considering that swedenborg was at tlii tiui" at tlie crisis of a great physical and! menial change, I have nosiii pi-ise to spare anv aberration in his behavior, lie was staggering in an access oi n--w light. As Carl vie 'such transi tions are ever fill I of pain I ipis the eagle j' wie lie moults, is sickly, and to attain a te beak lii'l-t harsiilv ila-ii oil the old on against the rbe reference to "insaiiitv" might, call sc i i 1 1 1 it i i ii" I in i.n.i issi.iu.

1 he good evu and imaginations; file bad the o-f moral restraint, and each is car- tiioitii'iiriiin ot flic i haraeti'i- ces ill ii.e i i ft i' wo II He does not touch un.ii'he Doctrine of th- I.r.'.-' or of "Corr-spon- L'p "Vi i bark hV of -IHi he an vthing to 1 -inn, work of onjugiai i i i i I II Mill III I 1 lie in ft ii in i no.ionsas I is to i. i I Mr. V. viMi Mnv-i I ti--rT v.m in i. i i I I I I ()f ni lie use o' t'i word as a lu.

I led to swedenborg. His foi- nbbor an 1 detest in. whole fraernltv of uMc-tipp -rs an I i fort-in-tellers trav. lin or loea.e.i cines an i nnen i- ftt, and liberal inner in wii ic.t-1, a subiect. of which tltat Isii k'lur Ivbin un.lerstsi nil what ,1 b'-iivg sound f.

eal to tin- i.oys We would advise t.iem to come ii! out of he rain If they do not wish to g'-t wet. Publish a straight our paper, not a K. K. organ, ml will be wcNV -Tne san is" says: The necessary funds for making the prejimi-, MARINE INTELLIGENCE- The following vessels arrived at an 1 de-I parted from ihis port the past week: A URI VKIl. From.

ers nn 1 shrubs. The grounds weie laid 1 liain n. deceased. Ordered i.v Wo. who evl.ib.

iuilged and decreed, that th.J ad.iiiais- and upon the payment ol moneys in i-u- i -n uie out. ei no n.i i a remark. Tue word do-s nt to of J.u-.,b IKacurn adm.njs- "T-luuJl n'" tratorand delivery o( all property. g.s.ds. will slbb' around tolheeddnrand bcKhim i Vte Mr 1 to heirs, and he be d.s- with -ears brit.g Vo 'I i charged from this said trust.

i' s-'uu-g and almost unknown siihj.e. JJ In the matter of the estate of I.C. ihat iVillsoii, ii'ljiigcd and In niikirg its appcrau It t.tways read swcdenborjr's i the former in auch connection goes rw joining on his way the latter aside n.iw Am tin. Imsineea iiiaiisirer of paper. I return thanks to its.nisny-generous patrons, and roccin-mend my successor: Mr.

l.ittlefield, to a centiuued supH)rt, as he is a bigger I lelieve a tter me. 1 say bigger becatiso it Bouiettmea becomes necessary in the course of human events to give and take. 1 say a better man 1 1 cruw. from my month's companion 1 with him in the olliee, I feel in pniiaiiinciug him as good, if in.t ti best, printer tliut ever engaged in I this county. Willi the best i wislos for tlie su.ct ss mikI prosperity the finn.

and the lon'i iileot joiitnu! ilh which I hnvc i-en for the last six ycrs. and in the best pHitl fueling to all. I make my how ot retire liieid. I have de.ii). ic ylnrii VI I I'd i.

Dlwtan McPhkhsox. DISSOLUTION AIJD FlUU. thi the IVIn.f April. A. I).

1X71, the llrm KooserA III the plibliea- t. or the Saul Cruz Si.Mixur.. was ills-t Jved by mutiiitl eoiisen. us will be seen u'sive, Mr. K.

r. Llttleileld, i.n old-time trom Skowheu.ii!, Maine havlim i.urchosed the interest of Mr. Inineaii Mc pherson. The fn in'al'ier Will be known ICxier A t.ltt!. Id, who will conl inue the lit.

the old In partiui; our late partner. I 'iinean lierson, we say In all friend -hip, bye, hoplus that lie will be and in" whatever pursuit he may enter inn ing tlie -t six --eurs h-; lias Ciindiieted tho bu.dne.'s the SllM IXKL dleeabiy, honestly an 1 faithlolly, and iihoimh we have had aroiih transit ov 1 toat loiU M-iiod, have elways Ix'eii con-! li iiii4 and Uierefore, in all 1 say that no evoirl lias transpired yiir term of irlnershlp, to eau--e a ie.sret, or a thought ol uudolm; lers'. In our mutual Jtl lenient ieeiJ. aid or d-aie. This new iirramrement ne-I ci siltntes a closing of the ImioHs of the late business llrm, and nil are Invited to settle wifhou' as bills liave been made out up to pill New Iwrokswill he ojH-ned ffim that time, and the pric of 'he has been lvdaeeil lo J'l per nj In a I viinee.

Job w-irk and advertiv l.l4 jd conespond'ng low rates. Party Loyalty." Inder this equivocal heading the Tint- iiudves a spt cial pi -a in the inter st of certain incompetent i-llice set control that j-aper lor the. purpose fureing themselves or uiiisipiilar nominees on tlie Republican Ticket, "ihirty Loyiilty," ns expnssl l.y tlie Tutu, may suit very well, in National or r-'tati' l.tiep, hut in county 11 Hair- it net sall'icient to convince any ont that I it is their poiiiica! duty ta vote nn in-j anpetent or cnTiipi Jor any ollice ruler Assembly intin. Tlie'tiorhain cam rin; and uioiw recent experience ad-1 tonishes us. that many iieople in Caii rniii, will vote lor the best and most popular men for minor regard 1 -sif party 'machinery or tin 'clamor ot I artv organs.

Party loyalty, in the case at issue. Would he better cbserveil, suouid the ijiun and co. ki'l'4 u. VtH jU- itmk1, t-tronjr ri.m tiAc. of but hanest reliiV.e ta.thfa! com i-ui "-'Uisi, uiJi, a.t.i.a!, a.

id popular men men whom ties.Hlld lilt- jeopie willing IO i I ict' Ut ,11, lint I.I. ni i .1 1 I. it vuiii'i i uiiiii ui ua.ii io i sa-. i imilt.r men. The Skminci.

claims tund litis otilv -difference- between that wc' bave'nn votes to spare tn throw i. on unpopuhir lo w.mld if nominated, hang as a mill C.e-H.plo would deHgat to and who would, when elected, till thebilice. l.a not turn it ov, to a deputy, or ignorance and Miipidiiy be-com- sort to other some) men l.Kviii" bioed to comtreln -ml either in, i.kmii iii. tle ll.i:tlu-ial,-l.-g.ll or djues ol depu- i.i... i i 1 lo i eee i 1...1..1 ii ii'i.

1 nt 11 if. 'i 1111 a it "Btjri a rr it the Prosperous Towns of A CRUZ, 'TT kV 2 I'nrebnse priee ra'yaolr. fen lrent iii Mine vearl tnsi.illiiHiits lor wlUlUU1, in advance. FOIl I )A UK sTtivi-: woon; II. ie i.ide al-ove StMiitd.

A Store on Front street. A store on I'a. irie Avenue. A Kami of Forty al Soipiel. no Corn or Wheal bind.

A liood liwt-lllli-house, A lunilicr or woo nl. IJoom--. opposite the Facllie le an A I. lire dwelling. A small dwelling.

For farlld particulars vntpiire of Ulnlersluuc'jl At His Ojjl.c on Locust St net on ch MONDAY, F. A. 11IIIN. tf HARDWARE, TIN-W A RE, SJOVES, PLATED WARE, V. AUf.ANfKI) tN' 1 1 1 Crocker 1 Galvanized Pumps! A LV AN I ZKJ) i f-'T -i'7 a a i .1 i (ill(lSHtC(li'Ct V.

I I J'BC i III I'ollll House, i 1 iv t' 11. rili?" a i i. in 4 'i. I. ill l'ii In I i-li all I id in ast" li a in tii" y.

i in it. etg 1 I i lin. ben. i l.ti (jlitriMll in- if 1 1 wlv.l I. "fl '-rl.

i.iii r-t rn Ail ii ik It. a -M-r-r-i .1 in Ul tl HARDWAKE. 1Q71. ROCKWELL, COYE I i iKN F.i I'ino sX I'llAXi'M'o. 1 1 ive on hand a Very Aortinfiil jeheral Hardware, i Buildktg Materials, Asrricultiirai iHjleiaats, Mi ntiif Tools, Xdilx, A.

res: Cortlafjc. Wi-; Wild- FKSt.NlsiI Co tt ty; JlcrcJi rt 11 AND sji i Silvers, AT Prices to Suit the "TimssI irtielar attention ii'd to put eg up Vs. an I we CF NTF.F. that our siiail be the VliliV I.F.Vi:.-'!' in this market. mhlsiiai 1871.

fMcwsfo'r tho Ladiee. K.lllIKACIMi TIio LJoimot, CHIP. WILD IKisF. MAI1IXK, NILsiiX, IMF Alt il'ItlTF. ALSO Sun Shades, Lac3 Collars, And other special novelties too numerous i' -(t-1 Itt vr lfuvinn ni mined nlir Ii ATI A 71 A II MJA BV, apla-lm The originator of this wonderful medicine, claims to have liscovercd and ctiiii-tminl in irtii'imi in.

-re of i. mrm'iii wtliriit jirtjHrtifx than was ever belore medicine, lie evidenceof tills fact is found in the great. variety of most oiisi iuaie. diseases which it has I found to compter, in tue cure of Ilriiifhitix, mi rrr I v.m.'n, and the early stages of it has asloin-lied the in. dical acuity, and hundreds of tho phvsicians pronounce it fic m-iliftt tiixctwrl tJir Willie ,1 cures he severest Coughs, II slrer the sys- linrwiijli WW it vii ret til lJitmiK from tn cim- mi llinti li J'mifilr ni- Kriififion.

Mercurial disease. Mineral Poisons, Syphilitic and Ull' ill i'leH'i'-H 'l onuIi-JiiU'tl ami rio-trtA nn I itf t-r ifmnh Skui. in, all the iiutiierous.lis- bv bad bio.Hl.uiv cntni'iered t'fiii ii hi mil sti j. by this powerful, purifying and invigor.i-I ting nredieine. For " ('niiil'iiiit." iir.i.......

inv of wli.u are ins ue ro The Tin)" Fii- dav last, throw i up I he, s.ioiig.', i.n i of that Wernfttbite KM. into which kfi'owiedges i's. at -v ry point man goes alter death and wherein he Tuns ends cniir iv so -rgoes wiia is called by Swedenborg. far as we arc concerned, and in ikiie; a V. tb" l.

ctoi-T says: pari ng leave of our ia adversary we an- -Di this in-ernieibate si.ite ih" loin, in me. lo I Joim iii- nan! love of the heart gradually off from the main road, aud passing 'itthr grove we Mlnw Jitii hills, and Boon Beat ourselves in tll( g()ft grass, and throwing in our linw, foitii linve tine lot ol moun trout. An the un begins to piuk tW we reluctantly turn our fjicu homewards, more in love than iver witt the which we dwell. With i.tter more rapid traveling facilities, tju, lnany attractions which we hold out, lie ssdrit aud public activity in opening 1111 th hi' aiis ot travel, will make Santa iv Cruz, a wutering place, the rival of i aa.

wu" N-'l-ort and I ape Maj Probata Csurt -IXaT TcrL Hon. A. Haca.v, Jl-ixjb. ji))n(Hy inornii Alav lot li at 10 1 o'clock A. ol accounts, 1 to be tioHied.

-l. Will ill iiie maiit-i 01 1.11 lam a'Son. jo. r.u. appointed Administrator in place of A. re'sigm. In the matter of tlie Estate of John I'rcaertcks. dtKiease I. Will admitted 1 1 i. 1.

to'prubate, and oii petition it Is ordered i ttixt MarV I'. Fredericks. ieorg Otti and David Hinds area, Kxecu tlie petition, also the house and lot on the corner of Pacific Avenue and Walnut street be set apart for the use ol the lamily of the deceased. the matter of tho guardianship of tho Fstate ot Lilian J. Nickcrsoti mid Clarence W.

Nickers-m, minors. Ordered. tVnttteore W. Stevens, guardian ol the Estate of said minors inake out and return to this Court, within twenty days from making out of this order, an inventory and appraisement of said Es And it is timber ordered that (irauir. Samuel Drennan nnd Samuel E.

IJart'ett'are hereby appointed to not.r iise the iirota-rtv rs li uc piopiny oc mattejLdUthe Estate of Jona- d. I I i i i 4 1' judged and decreed that due and legal notice has been given in accordance with the law to the creditors jt said r.s-, tut-; niattcr'of the Estate of Wil- tration of the Estate of William Black- u. ajld i i l'lliV SUIISilell, aiiowe.l .111 1 'I, I A in i'i 11 1 1 jra ell in accor liltlt With luw to tll of sai.l estate. In the matter of the estate of Oeorge C. Steigclnuiii, deceased, nil motion ol ndniiiiirtrator.

ordered that the names ot W.M. l.v Wilt and A. Craig. -be entered as attorneys for -such administrator. Id tin; "mutter of the i state William Walson, deccaseil.

timt tieorgei Frank CHipi-r and W. jj-inkehjVy be appointed apraiiFs to the estate of Miid deceased. i I II! K. hire lias been tear in the business portion ol this but strange i as it mav seem has never b-en guarded against by placing convenient r-aeh anv such appliances as hook and i ladder lire-e, gine. Tin, has Ir.otieiitlv advocated the raisini! of a lire pioledivi; tund.

and the IJ.ishawav 1 i.i Association two wars ago donati I some sulfas the uiicietts ot sac.i a land. advantage was ta'ten of money i.n 1. ie. ii tt it wits 1 plied to otii'T As is no pmbaliilitv of steiis being ta- ken for the estaliiishment a lire com- i i ii urn i-rii ittii.ii'i i- in niiiiu rclntlilt! vtn anv.

In -rhim -iitur ovt i splendid n.r.iy of new advertlsemcuts t' -eay issue the at. I con- s-, leuous card of the. Plm'tux II nne insurance I 'he rainv h-io-ou is time to insure. It. Ill till A.

J. Hinds is toe local agent lor lli.s; pht'e. Act before it is too late. While the lamp bolls out to burn a h'1 CHS" tUe d-. wn those who own uninsured prop, to' s.uirtu.

and sho.i!,: their little all unfortunate- be licketi mess again but now I in ruiuvil ()f ltd Hl is being furi.islied with wo billiard tables, club room. clc. It will be an establishment the tetiipemnce principle, and wid probaMv be supplied witii temperance! 1 14 drinks cigars, tobacco, conlcctiolierv, acd fresh Iruit. Win Thnrntonjoli'j of tlie cmel 'V- -e ot ul.ti.i com ii -r wi.h tlx team down gilich some -two miles allow the kllll. Was thrown to tlte ground and stepped by one of the I an ngly on tin- imprint ot one-h-ilf tic h.H.t lain' cut Tlie tuna! man but- not sutlicnnt to it, vent- hitn from walk- i.oriotl...

of lrs IVr.bodv All- i i uers in. i nn nuiiu.i!. ni uiowiu, doili well. The followin-r statistics are rotll Vui isdd of thcSn.t. was of inch receive I Military Picxh-s on Stxnw.

If is MatM lUUrht l.aa decid. el to issue an order Statti-Militiaim-' m.iuary excursio bibding military excursions and picnics i4''1y. and r'-ii lding members 1,e,,co tue will subject the com pan or comnuiii to 1. 'I it 1 1. 1 tiKtiriitn- I 1 iit til i I hJ Th the 1 I fl .1 a a us Hi, 1 io i.

to I i i i i I 1 i 'i i Klour, per? Wheat -2 '-i i. Hurley -J 40 rv) corn lals Kye cheese. It. Eggs, 'f tlo, a 25 -33 a 6 (iij 7 ui 3 Hops Hi Onion loo Itw 2 ft 3 (Mi Turkeys live 1, ii i.c 1 m- hi on BOI. hawi.ev In San Kianeiseo, April 1 llrto tho wife of A.

T. llawley, a sou. th Hraneiforte Creek, three imm Simla 1 ru, May llth, isa, the He or 1 a daughter. nurfvpii by HeV.s. H.

Willev, Kiei'lerick W. tiaituer. of Oak to I Isllo.TiEs III Santa Cruz, Mav iiKh. lsTl KlVodeS. miaul tlaugiiter ot and Mrs.

VV. 11. Maokk. Ill S'oekton Jiv Sli Mag- aged ye.i.-s and L'J days. Mile.

Jeal vmij. viz GU.WU VAKIKTV TH -s f- wi. )f 1 III, nam. Ol LUCY. MSAL i tf i-abia 11 Ym PAVE LUUU.


VHile Emerson The Lowray Sisters, our Clowns AND i RING PERFORMERS, i ill I'riocs AelJiiisiioM. Dress Circle. pjt I "I -Vf l-i s. Cts. Children Cshers will be in atri'iidince to seat 1, a- and Children in the Drcs Ii6ri at 7 0VI01-I4.

ix hit t-oiii mciti-ck nl iiVlM ik. Jrr FELTON. li rhave opened a new Hotel, which is nejiiiy iiiui IV.riiisiied. and am pre p. wed lo late aiel visitors.

Tin-re is a 1, iycry" stable under tii" same man igeineu! as I he Motel. Jr. connection with the Hot I there is an lXlia) WAHON, na! sein o.r ipso, taniMi-r, K'-iy II'H'1 I iiit i i ruz i Feiton at .1 V. an I r-iurinug. es lb- l.jie;..s a'oa l- hi.n.i.i.,;.- ineiit of ('EOKGB XKWELI.

In a building adjoining the Hotel, I am i doing a general Mercantile and selling goous ai rsaiiia viiia I'a'-i--. 'i- ders liiie.l Willi prop. tnylKim II. V. HOT.

UNDOUBTED SECURITY IS Til UXLV BARGAIN IN FIRE INSURANCE. Vim TnCnrcmPfJi Pfimnfinipei i uu inuuiiwiuu ww.i.i..vU OF HARTFORD AND NEW YOEX. 424 California Street, tt.XS KKVXCISCO. CASH ASSETS, JAN.UAKY 1S71. $0,316,930,000.

A legitimate Fire Insurance business, 1 ...1. I ......1...., nn.l 11. 1, Oil j'l Hl.l 1.1, s-ervativc principles, with experience on i which to base rates, and past services and present assets as the guarantee of future and ginj faith. II. II.

ItillJn Jlanagi-r. l'olicles Issued and renewed direct, by AI.KKEIJ J. ARftit, myl-Khii I Santa Carz. 1 yHT-" 1 3 1 lr2v feji i. 1 i 1 i i i i i I i i i I i i i i 1 i inn lie aLaiii 1 1 i to' moil I he Klu.x Kosiiiaiite Don ifiixote liUei to clisrj'iiuaii i in lii.igiaary I je.

lor ny purKi.s( Tl.e election f.r municipal o'lTeors In on earth to the sneiefv and tiny rcsiiite I in she ctioice of. congenial to his -feelings, whet her in in- Oiizi its' i'i. wit the exception ot licit." Treasurer and one Ciuiiclt'iiiii, t'leei'd j' notices th" -lare 1 Intl-i-n- 1 1. I I 't. I I i.i i s-t i 1 ir is roul 1 liovvn iik tiw: roin a i i i nriivo ii-t i I n.hi.i'ii fnCliurhK I- it'll hi II a i 7 I i cf i.t hi- Fi'iiti-i Sn I'ii'l wouhl prove a source of both ken man.

These Weil- s.Mil. Jr'Al siiii PwnVl-hiie'm'si. I I i 'i'-o. we have now on hand the lai.l! pleasure and profit, and could not fail to know companies are r.sjotisi.,le lor ail i H. ltersou to A.J.

Horn, to Hiureh nrf. not abstractionisms, neither umler the man JTCrOT? 1 sbadt ol i i 1 i po icies issued bv and having p- i are thev dilrieiilt t. be un lerstoo.1 bv p-r- I Xl.XV"wXX4iAW Oi JX i.i VXV, i crrtkir-tTT''y attract liun.sreUi,f 1H'' i join'ilv tran.sacte I usim-is i sons of in.eji having the HAVE Just received a new Mipply of I SPRING AND STJMME.l i pie. during the summer a 1 POTTER PASCHAL, GOODS Mill i PJ Mr. is practical farmer! All w.

be for t-. expiy-iate nZ who Is prepared to maimfaefiire and r- their line, consisting of rvPr 1 ,7. I Cm' Tie this out buildings are arranged the their r. liability. A.I haw cnttaue for I pair wagons, with neatness and l.w j' tn iii irt i I tho loss oi 'property bv lire in w.

to ade ICam.r,-! ItAti fiitAVM 7'W, of nrsi-cinss can always be Tobnrro, Ijiar, oiilcctioiierj i sm. in pat i oi tm. ol conv-iii. nc comfort, fi Watsonvtlle that was i. s.nta ruz.

f.r 1 ast. Inds laud a our grammar aiel i i I.ATKST STVI.K OP also showetl i(e a iller, of his own in tiu-1. testily to the Vi! i' 1 siitih-lenH v' iHirn-eV for I ttlrd i'i. 'es' I wvr, tvn niixx, i its a remarkable talent f.r landscape furdening. 1..: 1 .1...

I iiraii K1" Ael' 1 1 II. 11111 irai, u. i i except during the rainy season. In 1S-51, it was cm- i ph-tcly with' logs, which c.imc down the San Lorenzo from the mountains, that one mid walk across it without dilllculty yet the fr aks of natiire are often and hard to be ac counted for. ln one night' a.

wind drove them ali out into the bay, not leaving a single stick to remind one that thev had bbeli there. Passing down a beuutdul lane, which runs along he side of tiie lake, we soon find ourselves Umi( the shores of bay. Here is a fine -ldvn litld 4i half miles in length, which in summer makes drive. This is one' of the finest sites for a hint class hotel that could be selected, and wi art-surprised that it has been secure 1 for that purpose, long ere Ihis. The little lake on one Hide, in tended 'by Nature expressly for moou- 1 US' 111 rillc Hie l.ilV 111 irolll.

nil I lis i ht-autiful 1mu'-Ii thi iiix tuiMth I land in the rear, hich could be convert- i into parks. To a man of some .1 nn-ans. w'uo would take hold ot tin; en 1 i i in. It f.ti I .1. i ,.) -e the.

epttnty slnuil, I have one like it' It is eight feet' long atbl four wide, and weiglrs" l.Pfli) pounds. The shaft is con fined on eai end so that tho shall and roller move together, unking thu -draft is an orchard of aliout 400 young and thriff.y tfes. To ail who like a jdetisant drive we would adi Isc them to visit this delightful npot. up the Coast road, which at fine mansion is delightfully located, ami rmuinands a mngnill'vnt view if itsvan r.nd moiitdain sc-nery. As we pass

we sec Luniy fine droves of cattle maniing through large lields, and i. ennivtion with the th.v tna.le as a picture. a one 1 to nt. Our mx, stopping wM at the oairy rancn ot lbiwlevA; Thev -I i mi cu tie i louno jirt tty little fm. I .1...

esii oinei hi. is, an I looks v-ry pictc.resi,ue. The larg.t of the ranch, which com- prists um; acres, rims back uvcr to tho Is-aeli. and' the Xabnral t.rmge. i.i.

great cunowty. Parsons" 1 a little f.irther on, is a lav. trite lor n.l larties. i a favorite for nil parties. I liers i.f "i i ao.lti t.ince oi fc4.u a -a ned Li'--s i with which ladv friends hKv.ivs fill den we sudden.

find ourselves upon the shores of one of the loveliest little hikes P. be found in our vtcniity. lhc shores of this beautiful little sheet of water are with oaks, down to the bav. l'l. I i i i i i i atone around the mvks tiie State, n- so light that one hors- can easi! draw i by tiie nrery tongiuii montet it win and and Suuatcrial nominees, and it.

There is 13 acres in the farm. bI! 1 hite the atterns.n to go armind ex C.o.i.l l.ntzer and Cl.ol.e of surveying will eommence imm-V claiming i had I nut been nison-d, Any one isiting istiing a re- diatelv. LTiat the only ot the party or under a high state of cultivation. There pa hing left to go into bus- i.c-i.iug drink or Cigar, 'should warranted, and. at city prices.

n. puiciiasing, we know them to rr-Sec display in windows, and give us he the best, and can sell them at call. pie prices. 1 i "'i " his 'nti-rpVlse i hours whe, nis 1, vartdear-st o'-dl asi nr 'i i has 'dark hours: To -y are the eoitimon I hum iiiitv try v. -t ii'-r vv lot of nn in.

i ii i l.v I hey are tlie touchstone. are ciirr 'nl coin or not. i SEAL ESTATE TRAIT3ACTI0J3. Thomas S. Cooper, s.

I oop-r. James a. per per mid Jauies I Itobert laiiaglK-r, io.t in Watson viile, for Mckenzie lo II. lam S. hapinan, i i 1 ircti I in.

101 i i .7. to A l-f. -res tor 1 1 ring! lot in San. i ics sinnim.i mi sun aci cs AVi.ii.;;. I Cal'l! H.

limit A. I 1 1 et I It ii r. ttuslees III Jlapity mi.i,',.. ll'ii'Tit'i Itiee to s. il.

ilati' P.esse Ih-'S sai.ia i uz. tor VLm IV- lin J. it io inns il tie, por- tins; i'r'p h'-'r s.lut.i 1 s. tor s( to. drop in at tlie "Snug Saloon" and, out Mr.

(ieorge Itassli.rd, who has an eVc to 1 ii" nT tile, and asle for tlie M.sf tiie market, of which, he al- Wilvs keeps mi hand, and mixes suit tlie Mum's the word i-r iiniiiiari I i reci of the Itiili, con- I tains the Toll. iwmjr: Win. J. I wis, a tii-sf class railroad engi- net and sun or. nas oecii io fi).

He was Die ngiiieer of the Ceu- 'masP-V Thl 1 A party of observation, m. i-e- ic, i.y Mr. l-wis, im this t-ii vesterday for tbc summit, wh-re they Wei in the iiiiis, examining he va- 1 rioas routes proposetl and with to asct-nitin ttiurii iiie lilosl i icable lor sin v. '1 bis be no delay in pa-fiug wo. promplly.

T.u; Icarus tl, at ui re.uru on Sattird.iv or Sunday, w.ien tii reguiar sur- vcying patty will be at once. II will consist "of Mr. Iwis, ciiiei engi and ins assist ant wi; 1 lie necessary chain men. Ilag-meii, axemen teamsters, teams, and the usual out li, oi business. 1 in- ircvs Hurra for Mile.

JealA Jr. farietv Circus, the on ice, whicli will le here on Wed ties- i day wetting next. I-'very Imdy is going in'it children crv to go. See advertise- mcnt in to day issue. I luati imisc a lioiiar to -if 'be" can't i i.

.1 ejo ii belore it is too laic. i i i I i eautZMtion are iioi.1. unv. ise, weak and vacilb ting ntflc vseckers "often in cv-t irj hsty's mess and no'oo watch" cc.h'l lticali any particular man, liieni- her) who are now by etratcgy uttempt- I hg to ree themselves on the I'nion i nil trmes is a pleasant drive, we come to .1,, i i id -t f. minor oila-.

such lie 'e rtinch of in I he Steamer S-inta Cruz s. F. it Sehr. Caroline s. D.

7 Fannie iilmore Joseph WonleV s. F. 7 Mary Kllen F. 7 San Diego D. I 7 i.

S. J. II. s. F.

Car. P.ef.l. Svumer Santa Sehr. F. in pet 11 i K.

P. r.inlindcuu Dav. 11 ltar-ple Clara s. F. 11' sehr.

sle.o Fly sun. 12 Montana Mex. l.t-.C.MtTK.Ii. For. i Sehr.

Emily Francen s. y. 7 str. Santa Cruz M. L.

sehr. Joseph Wo-iey Mon. arol ine s. F. str.

Santa Cruz. s. ym. in sehr. F-.

It. Paitliiideau D. I. PI i iol.Ien Xewporf. 1.

Str.Iouiana s. F. yi apl-V7t-tf A- r.XNOIC. i SANTA CRUZ DREVVERY PLEASUREGARDEN. HAI SCII, Proprietor, i rpHE Santa Cruz.

Ilrewery Jar.lens "are I I now mien to the public for pleasure I and recreation. A Howl ing Al ley Sw i ngs, Vi-Imii-s. mid oilier aiddiaiices. tor the n- I ctlt of visilors, have ln-en added to thenth- er well-know fiicilities for pleasure am. exercise.

Families and cliil'lreli wii (mil iiis a pleasant place tn bold pic-nic and enjoy life, under the trees and vines. The best ot cigars ami i.enaiiie i.a'erinio mire ines can be had at he Sabxin. lnyli-tf DC A Dl A I 4 I 1 a a ro. J. P.

ALLAN A' Tnrul' il "Ki'ttr till' roU'tlCf W'lllirf, SttlttU Fill ttU I tiff LHiHOCrt Floor in, Jlouldi Door Sash and JiHnrfs, Tiill Tattle L.eiiH. iritiflnin Cfisintl. i i I i I i flsolr.ints tin; real i fis-s id the tuty, i t.l the men who ar; (unwittingly. it tuny I undermining the orgauivca 4ion. i sinking to ihstr 'V its useful nes 'sovereignty.

-It is te true Skxtini-x i.t nn the outer wall. case of dan pi r. promptly gives the timely alarm, it not the li(sl or stupid one, who. throngh lethargy, fie enemy in iinlt'l then cries ton thiel i i re the true WIMISU, iw to its warniiig, iH'lore uki one. I piace no nupopuiai nia" ckeCand will b.

well let no one is. govcr.ied l.y jnter.t or individual prefereuca in tin matter, and our Con- will have an easy victory, which may 1 lease me and US cmtuctors. mil will be regretted by every true n.publi- (nil iik Stat-, is crowded i'i CiSll. i- Kl i IJIN'II lilt'lll If Wn! p.itje oi iiie will put a siroug ticket in the field-one that every Union IMmldican which can U-at- en. lbit, on thJ- contrarr.

if tr-' n'omi- nate State DcVet r.i!!,t'eed of nn, 'r. nlar and- uroimt tent men. tho party 2. wdi fly ulas and the DeniiH-ruts 1 i i I iyro 3r iv irr. S.

NICHOLS, Proprietor. ICE, ICE CREAM! FnltUF A. will furnish I lee Cream to Families, saloons Parties, on order, delivered anv pla i(l r. rates, nd-rs solicited and promp-lv tilb-fl. or ice liKiildiK A.

I'll Ks if Fit. street, near lhc old Fleclt Mill, the bills and ffd a fine range the Howtiey 4 J. I.ow a. majority o-, uivey bug nj i keep cnstantlv on 1 st-sk! is 11 waterM by mountain WZXnZX I uTvW springs. The pleasure to derived i- ilaT JZi 7Jtt tnUX iT from a walk th.

se beautiful hills i b.ri. am 40 ic the work thirty I.T MF. T-s I -T, ii I i- iwu il.ivs. Judge Payne, of the Kx-cutive wiisi. i ill Well repay Vou for all the fatlc-iic 1 in it of letters I'i SAls.M.l.s.

you may sutler consequence. Keturn- 1 L. Jj bl tor Vhe Irst-class market. li'. 1- "aiirht over t.orbnm..

pressing the most hopes for t.ic A mn-ral share of public patronage s. from tue Iiil.s took a stroll down Ucuocrats over lienublicans 1 43d i eiiteiprise. licit ed. myl t-tf c.

insta nt rx au.i I'ni'i ti'ii irtxn fit-i JtllSliC ISiftlllf, it has produced hundreds of perfect and periiiaiient cures where other medicines Turned. Work, had raiici. The proprietor otrers 51.H0.1 reward lor a IScrOll SaUll'lll, medicine that will e.pial il in the care of ii cs all the diseases for which it is recommelid- JjfttI, IllllfteS, i Ik ware of and -i-fi'wf For sale on the most reasonable terms. ii.i.tnto.nx. see that my private fiovern-Miri.

umber nianui'actnred for dealers nt skimp, is a the lowest rates, and orders tilled wit dis-. ft tivuiiinrm-xx, is iiMn the outsitle fell'Tl-tf -r. This medicine rs fe i i pi. i.v n. v.

riF.itc.i-.. M. soia. proprietor, al his Chemical large. Prass Safe Key.

The i i nb-ra'orv ii Seu. ca strec-i. Butlalo. X. rtuder will be suitably reward bv l.

1 'V 1 5-: a 1 Ml-. I 1 II3 tl t-IV OilVllll Ull 1 acij their busk.ds after eating their luac ui) I.i -If, next week. Sunlit Cal..

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