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Santa Cruz Sentinel from Santa Cruz, California • Page 2

Santa Cruz, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


Albert K. Clifford, native of California, aed years, and Lizaie H. I'owcll, native of Michigan, lit yon both of Moulder. W. Anderson, native of Mis AND ABTTA GLAUS A MT.

I.OtUd PHTNICIAN. Be TiU av Clifoml Production. Hla Report. A BC Iuis Beotlemau whose affliction wit itck headachei wu to lurprited at their cure bj Jojr'i Vegetable Sarnaparllla, that bt sailed it to the attention of a relative, wbo happened to bo Dr. F.

A. Barrett, the well-known 81 loufi pbyilctan of Shenandoah Street. 1 tie doctor iaw at once that It differed from the potah preparation! in that It wan purely veKtah)e, and becoming inter-eitp'l, bt'ttan a irlei of inveftidatloni, and In a lubictiuout Ulter candidly admitted lta curative ironertiei, and iay: Winning to lest it virtue further. I ujed In my own family, and pre-vribed it (or patifnta who required a Kneral sydtdm regulfttor. An a result, I run say it ia an almost absolute cure for constipation, bll-loMtnefn, indiffeiitlon, and lick heudachc.

thews timihk-l Usually coma from a di-tutlx-d condition nf the atomnch and bowel, and Joy 'it VotretaUe Hamaparllla Ik tlie heft lanitive and stomach regulator I hfivu evur icon, and an a general lyitea nrreclivo li almoMt perfection. (signed) K. A. HAKKKTT, M. Hab'i Hbenandoah 8C Lonia Colonel Perrier's Souvenir.

Colonel Alfred Pernor, of San Francisco, has seat to the 1'ilotA a handsome New Year's which is now on exhibition in Cojie's show-window. The Colonel, who spent a summer in Santa Cruz, has many friends hero. He 1ms remembered thm with New Year's cards of IihiiI-scrje design. Kelow is a ropy of a letter which the Colonel sent to the Pilots K.n Francisco, l'ec. "Kid, F.

It'. Kill, Fnrfmnn nf I'ilut CiMtpntiy, iSVinfa Mv Ii ut ash I desire that yon will convey to every and hII of "The Pilots" my sincere regrets that 1 wiil be unable to be at. unr New-Year's party. My entia(-ementH here are Much that it is an utter impossibility for me to be with you or rather "win ye." Nothing in the world would please me better than to hp in on you at your Imp. Kvcnse the chestnut.

HAS ESTABLISHED HIS IIEADQCARTERS AT THE GOLDEN RULE BARGAIN HOUSE T7 Fa-cific Avenue, Where a fine, large and carefully selecltd stock cf poods, suitable for HOLIDAY PRESENTS will be opened in a few days. They will consist of KVERYTHINC UNDER THE SUN for both old and young. (Tents' Furnishings, Hats, Kazors, Trunks, Toys, Books, Dolls, Albums of all Kinds, Buggies, Etc. Fancy Goods, Toilet. Sets, Crockery, Hlassware, Brie a Brae, Lamps, Etc.

Golden trail House Going Out of Business Groceries Cheap for Cash PULL LINE tlllBI) LOWEST LIVING PRICES. A LHO Hay, Barley, AN I) Ground Feed OF ALL KINU-i Brail, Middlings KTjO'iJR Wholesale or Retai' As Cheap as the Cheniietd Williamson Garrett. Cor. FaiMflcand Walnut A vs. mrlfrlf ANNUAL MEETING.

THE REM TLA ANNUAL MRRTING of the Htock holder of The Bunk of Hanta Cm County will be held al the bonking house uf said Corporation in the City of Hanta Crnz, County of BantaCriiE. Htate of California, on Tuesday, January IMth, 2 o'clock p. M. for the pur-poMe of electing a iard of Directors for the next ensuing year and the transaction of such oilier haul news aa may come before the meeting. C.

E. FAOKN, dc2tt-lw Secretary. ANNUAL MEETING. THK REOULAR ANNUAL MEETING of the Ktnck holders of the nnta Cruz Kank of HvlngH and Ixan will he held hi the hanking house of said Co poratlon In t-itr vityorHorit. Cms, County of Hanta Crnz, Htatfl of California, on Tresday, January 131 h.

IHHI, at 2 Vclock P. for the purpose of electing a Hoard of iMrretors for the neit ensuingyear and llie traiiMaction of such othr business as may come before the meetinir. u. K. KAGKN Hecretai Being desirous oi closing out our stock preparatory to retiring from business on Jan.

1st, 1891, we have' determined to dispose of our entire line of choice Family Groceries and Provisions, at Grreettly Reduced Prices. New Mouldngs for iiiTiRK mm PACIFIC AVENL'E. I L. Constine, 97 Pacific Avenue, SANTA CliV'A, CAL. AXDIfKW rncinc A Runia en, ii-: i Iv f'l" he piihl ic patron icii-ir Terms Strictly Cash I Rare chance to get your winter supply of and Provisions cheap.

BRYANT cSc MATTISON 10O JPadfic Avenue, Opposite Minnesota Avenue, Santa Cruz, Cal. PLUSH CASES, PIUTUHE HUMES, A LHP. US, VASES, We prefer fo make, any suvrijiee in prices rather than earrij orer these goods until next season, even if ire are forced to sell below ACTUAL COST! H. E. IRISH, 146 pacific Ve.

B. C. GADSBY, Paint, Oil, Brush and Glass Store 141 Pacific Avenue, Opprmite Central Market, Hnnta Crm. I ARTISTS' MATERIALS OK EVERY KIND Always kepi In nUc. I I fOtlMK, HK9N AND ORNAMENTAL 1 1 patnuug done In the very luleU mat best ntyles, hiiJ at moderate rsits.

Avnl fur ihr IIOUK hit nrliliie. WESSI N00RF STAFFLEU, UNDERTAKE RS. 85 I'acltlc AvfiiiiH. SCOTT "-iv UNDERTAKERS 17 Pad tic Avenue. MISCELLANEOUS Grand Orgai Concert NEW CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, ad, lmii.

SAM'L 1). MAYER, Organist, 1). FLEMING, Basso, AtiNMte! by tho Misses Park. TICK KTH IIILUKKN 50 Cents Cents Poors open at 7 si. 8 P.

M. Concert iM-tftiiH td Veterans, Attention! MEMHKHH OK CO. K.THIHl) RKGI-ni en I In fun try, Ctillfuniiu Volmi-leers, who knew Til ford tJ. Hcriy, pf-e write to Ij, 1.. Rovt-N, llltmni Uu ton, III.

or to J. H. Herry, Kirk wood. MicKoiirl. Uiji'H-Iw LOOK OUT FOR THEM! And Ton Will Have I'ocknt Minify At No.

12 Minnesota Av line 1 Repository (vulKiirly tfrnifd a Junk Htor0, where thr-y aie prepared to buy Riga Rottleit, Siukt, lrri. Lead, Cnp- Eer, for which will ho pul the iKheHt market price. pI6-tf KKVKKV Till AX. ivi. v.

Tnt-araace lower prices 4 75 75 05 00 00 25 75 25 per 'jr. 00 00 75 00 15 at WATER. DUNCAN McPHERSON, EDITOR Tlie County Official Paper. NOTICB. rlq Un Not Gotlim HI.

rap.f Rcalrlr Will) Notlfx Thll Ofllea Immediately. tO KBWARII. The abor nwinl will 1 all fi.r tha pPThealon mnA vntitlnlnn II) takln( the DAILY HKNTt ML from the yard, or rinnrt of MTBSCKIHEK. Camera are not authorized to collect Rentinki. subscriptions, unless they have receipts from this office to give for the name, and bo any one paying either of them does ao at his or her own risk.

Skvtinm. It. Co. 11191. NO PAPER.

We rest another day. No paper tomorrow is all we have to say. TIME BIRTH HAT. Each person's birthday anniversary is New Year's Pay as to hiio. To-day may be called Father Time's birthday.

The old gentleman keeps open house to-day and Invites all his children to enjoy themselves, but they have to do it at their own expense. The good things they get are put in the bill, and they have to walk up to the ofhee and settle before they leave the premises of their entertainer. This may seem rather penurious on the part of Mr. Time, but it's a way the old man always has had, and. on the whole, his guests appear to be pretty well satisfied with the arrangement.

They always appear to get the worth of their money on such occasions, and it must he con fessed it is worth a good deal to he on good terms with Father Time. The, old fellow seems to be about as frisky and sociable thi a morning as he was in the beginning of his career. His laugh is as ringing, and his smile is as cheery as ever, and he welcomes his guests at this end of the festive hall with genuine hospitality, and furnishes them with Flora and Po mona and their attendant nymphs as waiters at the table. Judging from his appearance and actions, Time happily oblivious of the fact that he can not live forever and that the gor geous mansion which he now inhabits will one of these days go up in smoke. What wonder then that the old fellow's children imitate him in this respect, and hail each succeeding anniversary of his birthday with un.

failing hilarity and fadeless hopes of an endless succession of similar days? And this is the true philosophy. We should hail each New Year with as much joy as the preceding one. Yes, with more joy, for each New Year's Day is a milestone on the turnpike leading from evanescent regions to eternal realms, and indi- catea the advance of the traveler on his journey from a lower to a higher condition of existence. The intelligent and philosophic traveler of ma ture years knows that both the transi tory country through which he is now TrjTTwantrwiVcn lie ib hastening are portions of his father's empire and equally designed to minister in its degree to the happinesf of its in. habitants, and he therefore heartily joins in the joyoua laughter of the thoughtful and youthful throng who gather around the banquet board at each succeeding anniversary of Time's birthday.

In this spirit the Sentinel sends to its patrons a Happy New Year, and joins with them in joyously hailing the advent of Anno Domini One Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety-One. The Ctar has levied a tax on every bound of meat slaughtered by Kosher rites, upon the rents of all buildings owned by Jews, upon the profits of all buiineas conducted by Jews, upon all property bequeathed by Jews to their heirs, upon all clothing worn by Jews and upon every other Jewish in terest. Every Jew is required to pay $3.60 year for the privilege of wear ing a skull cap at prayers. No Jew is allowed to enter the civil service, practice law or medicine, hold any '-political office or take part in any election. No more than 10 per cent of Jewish children are allowed to be in any school.

Religions worship is absolutely forbidden in private houses, except by special permission. Public worship in a synagogue is permitted only in places having eighty or more Jewish houses. A dispatch from the Indian Agent at Pine Ridge aays that about three hundred Indiana were killed. It would appear from thia that the troops had killed squaws aa well as bucks, aa there were only some one hundred and twenty of the latter in Big Foot's band, and 250 squaws. If that be the case it was probably done in the heat of fight and pursuit after the treacherous attack of.

the Indians. It should not be for-. gotten that the Indian women are niuite as vicious and nearly as dangerous as the men, take part in battle, and are often killed in combat. Federal Judge Terry, of Philadelphia, has decided that the State law of Pennsylvania which forbids the sale of oleomargarine in packages, as originally imported from another State, is unconstitutional. The decision follows that of the Supreme Court in reference to the sale of liquor prohibition States in the original packages.

The Pacific Coast La tea will in nine rotet inelectinz a President un-der th new apportionment. They row have fourteen votes; under the jiew apportionment they will have twenty-three votes. i The Sacramento Bee says: "Waterman call pardon all the scoundrels Out of Rtate Prison that he may desire, but God alone ran pardon Waterman." The detachable gates of wiso men are being detached and laid away until January the two. The Marysville Vineyard Company of Colmena has organiiied to cultivate grapes on a large wale. It has purchased 100 arre at Colmena and Hill begin at once.

souri, JMred 21 yearn, and l.en;i VAy, native of Missouri, aged lit years; both of Santa Cruz. Albion W. Mill, native of New lirunswiik, ared iHf years, and Mat tie .1. Koberson, native of California, Hired IK years; Iwilh of Hotilder. T.

Kvans, native of CaUfuuiia, ajred 2l years, and Alice raft on, unlive of California, atfiil 'S.) years; both of Watsonville. l.uitfi lienerino, native of Italy, aed years, and leltina Castro, native of California, aged years both of SantaCruz. V. Ilanrom, native of California, aed 24 years, and Abbio i. Fisher, native of California, aed 1H years; both of Aptos.

Joseph. Orchard, native of California, aed years, and Sophia M. Hymening, native of (iermany, ayed 25 years; groom of llaywoods, bride of Santa Cruz. W. T.

Knapp, native of California, apod 2i years, and Rhoda Kane, native of Iowa, aged 21 years; both of Santa Cruz. Joseph I)o native of Iowa, aged years, and Annie Tindall. native of California, aged 17 years; both of Watsonvillr. Hubert A. Meyer, native of California, aged 21 years, and Emma Kelly, native of California, aged 20 years; both of Santa Cruz.

Frank I). Morris, native of California, aged 28 years, and Kmily L. Kunge, native of California, aged 20 years; groom of San rranoisco and hride of Santa ('run. K. P.

Young, native of California, aged 20 years, and Allies Kunge, native of California, aged 2'i years; both of Santa Cruz. I. Antonelli, native of Italv, aged 3i years, and Mary Quirine, native of Italy, aged years both of Santa Wilford Roberts, native of Indiana, aged 40 years, and Mary liibson, native of Ireland, aged 35 years; groom of Cormlitos, hride of San rVanciseo. Piled nr the Rernnler'n Office. H-piirlul Mr lh luu.v mkmimti.

i IT. K. ft I ft MON, Hrnrhfrm nf Kwoivf, A'('ir $''t-H- tin HV.M, kHTATli TIlANbFKHK. Khun K. BiiT'Ims mid HnlXM-t Hurtle to K.

'ill liiern (-our ncre on the roml fnnn Corntlltnr. lo Urnwnn Vflllcv, Anna f. ralirrtl ami Mnninit rtihrul to John I'Hhriw Lots 7 tunllii of HHle'M null fltvtalnn ot Lot lif.o Han And rent hmx'ho, tin. Wm. Hl-nton to CiiUrnl Smrtll rip of IhixI, pnrt.

of t.h Moms hhiicii.oii WHisnnvnie MOltTGAfi US. Mnrtnypii for TH), M0, Mini fl)el. Letters KfimilnliiK unciillpil for In the Cost office ut Houliler i'r NunlH CriiK Jim. is), JSHI: Armttroiitt, Hci'bf, a HfiMwiu, ('uwHI. IhyIk, Kn'on, .1 Ofiklninn, Julia Km? If, Mi KHUfmnn, Router, Itnny, I'eniiinl'ra Morris, Stevens, Win Mast in, Mien stewHrt, (it'orgf TchI, (Jeorite ll.

IT. TIloUT, PoNlmiwter. Hollingbery, the Titilor, Has moved across Pacific avenue, op posite Walnut avenue. He has a choice assortment of Fall and Winter Cloths of the latest designs. Cai and examine and get nvices before go ing elsewhere.

1kMaRT TINDAUi In C'orralltOJi, Deo. AMh, ly Kev. R. H. VMUle.r, Joseph iM'Uari to Anna Tin.

lull. DIVIDEND NOTICE. omcu olhp City havings Bank, SantH rnm. Ciillfornla. II AIMul HNKI1 MKETINU OK 1 the Hrmril of IHreclnrx of thf City Navlnirs Htmlc.

liHtl IkTPiulipr Cllih, tlttl, IHvlilfml No. 4 of out' Dollar lll.tU) per "iluirw, wiw declurpil. i tin game will be at the offlcw of the Corixtratlon, norlheaiit cornor of I'apillfl avenue, ami Cooper Mreet, on and after Mondnv, January Sill, Ml. W. 1).

HAHIA.M, Seorelary. DIVIDEND NOTICE. omcPoflheL'iTV Bank, Haul i AN ARIorKNKI) MKKTINU OF i the Iloird of Iilreetors of the City Hunk, held Ocember 1(0. Dividend No. 4, of Thre iHdUrit ( per nhare, The kttme will he pnynble hi Hie of the OorporHllon, ilorlhemil corner of I'ncllie avenue Hint Ooonnr Hlreel, on and after Monday, 61 li, IS'd.

W. 1) HAHt.AM, Jh1-2w Hecrelary. IS I)l, AM) WE in it frfeniN. Ktil.itmii uoobh, eorrect errors, rub up memnrie, and make Iho wheels of bUHlneHH move around. Call the CMplainS office.

If on can not come send your nmoey by mull orexpresw. sknti.nri. t. Co. Annual Meeting.

rPHK RK(TIjA 11 ANNI'W. MKKUNO ui mt nMirKtmltiPrs of (lit Lily Liiink win iipiu tue ufflw of the irp Hon, niriht.Nt rornor of Rirlfli hvp aud HKjpor Hn(u Cruz, i Hllfoi i on rtioHday, Hie of jHtmary, l(Hi, at mi- ninir hi i cmh'k f. i I IK piir- poH.f eit'cilnij BniHl of Dlreclors for Llie yi'ixv ami th; Irinollon of xifh o'lier biiftitwMi mi oihj- iftrne hefon Uip iiiuftinir. W. I.

UAHI.AM, Kporehny. Annual Meeting. THK KEtJUI.AK ANMIAIi MKKTINtJ 1 of tht' of the I'Ky Hht Kink ll hp hel al lht offl.p of the ciirponuion, norlheu-j' corner of 1'aciflc nup Niitl corner utrcct. Siintu ('rim on T'H'siJtiy, the day ol Jtimiury, ihW), llie hour of 4 o'clock p. lie mirnosM of plpf Iriif K.tHnl tit iiiwiorn for tlio ensii uie vpr.

una I he tr.ini-HClloti nf audi oilier husluc nn inay co i in before the nn-fliitir. h-dl-td W. il. AHI.AM. Hccrelarv.


1S91. RAY L.ROYCE The Talented Comedian, ami his Versatile Company, In their latent Success A Refined Musical Comedy Medffv In Three Act mini to overflo rlnit with ('LKVKK i'OMKIUANH, CATCHY MI'SIC, PRKTTY DANCES, BRIGHT DIALOGUE. EVERYTHING NEW Kin! on b.Io at jf' Phitrniacr. puicr.s. CAN'T HLKKe NIGHTS fh the complaint nf (housmids midering from Asthma, Consumption, Cong lis, etc.

Did you ever try lir. Aeker'n KnKllnh Hem yd It In the bewt nreim ration known or all Lung Trouhlch. Kuhl on a ponlllve uarantee ut 25o. and oifc Nirmp or PAr Nave Her I.Ke. It wiif hint an ordtnnr ncrn nf wrn- pinir pnper, hut II niivel her life.

Hhe wps in the lnt ilaen of eoiiHiimpllon, told ly pliyalclaiiH thi't niie wis Incurable nad could live only abort i i'lie: ahe velhed less than seventy tounds. On of wrnppliiK pa ter hlip reid of Dr. Kmi'i New lUscovery, and ot Nainple 'wnlie it helped her, sue boulit ft )are bonle, il helped her nioie, boiiiit luiother p.d grew belter Ie(, conlinued ttv ne uml now ttlroiiK, tillliv, plump, wel-i Init poiiiidK. For ii'iiei' pi htanip to W. li.

Cole, Ih'iitfMsi. l'o. Hiiilth. Tiial botlies of this womieifnl licovery dee nl .1. Tamiei Diiig 8'oie, EDUCATIONAL.

On the corner ot I'acific and Wal-not avenues, is the best furnished Col' lege room in the tate. The most popular School on the Coast. Pupils can enter at any time. Ladies admitted to all the departments of the College. No classes individual instructions given.

The pupil can thereby advance as rapidly aa las ability will permit, and he will not be kept back by others of less talent and aii plication. All graduates will become thorough accountants and elegant penmen, and only such will receive our College Diploma. We are determined that no one shall hold our diploma unless thoroughly qualified, Ouly an ordinary common school education is required to enter the Busi ness Course, l'unils found deficient ia mathematics wdl receive special attention in that branch. Terms, for six months, Business Course, A Preparatory aud Shorthand Departmeot With MiHHlnb anil l-'rpiirli. Have been added.

Write for the College Journal. GOOD ROOM AND BOARD f'ii Obtnliied lu Prival Fntu-llln lor Mr Month. Visitors are always welcome. For further particulars address the Principal. J.

A. Ciikhnutwood. Box 4'A Santa Crnr. Cal EXTRA. CREAM CHOCOLATE Gfvpn Away to Kvf-ry Purehnser of Our CKIjKHRATKD Over and above our lobular Present.

whfcliM-e hnve Jut opened. AN IMMENSE NEW STOCK, t'OMK Asnht.r, 111 KM. BIGGEST BARGAINS ON RECORD! Toevpry purdiuer ofja ox of our Wo will give FKKE their choice of a Handsomely Deroraled Tea Set of 44 1'ieees, OH A Chamber Set Dteoraled Complete. Ifi2 Paoifir A SANTA CKIJZ, CAL. HT ICKMKMBKK Kxtra Wlven to Kvi-ry Cn.tomcr.

Present dcio-tf BANKING HOCSES. BANK OF SANTA CRUZ COUNTY. 7H Pacific Avpnue, Hanta Crui uitoAHiaiD, i i i August, 1H75 Jon ducts a Oeneral Banking Buslnwi -A PITA HTOCK Capital Paid Up Reserve aud Undivided Profits. H)t(M) IM Draws Kxchange dlreot on the pr)iiclp. lllesof Koieign Coiintries; also on New Vorb antl other cities of the United States Stvea Special Atttntion ts Celtaetlons.

DIRECTORS: f. U. ly-OAH P. B. KAQKN, Premdenl Vlce-Prestdf 1 1 Phane G.

MKMKrrs, Cashier. Clakkm i k. Kaukn, Hecretary. P. H.

Famkn, B. F. Poktbh, t-'UANR U'NEIL I-OUIH Hi'HWAKTf X. H. IXJOAW, H.

K. (Jkovkh. JAHM I). I'H RLAn. Santa Cruz Bank of Savings and Loaii Ohganibbd, March, IKJ(.

Under the name management Capital Ktoek Reserve and Undivided 32,47 I AIIvwm Iaterl osi Deponl CITY BlJSTK NcfthMit C.rnw Pacffie Av. and Cwatr 17 WANT A CRUZ, CAL. OKl'ICEHMi K. BALDWIX PrMldeu' F. A.

HIHN VIOfc-PTMldcnl D- haslam. uniia i it i BALl'WIN. F. A. HIHN, A.


IHILKLKY transacts i Gtneral Banking Buaineta Draw. dlriKl on all tLe Drlncloal cltlat il Kuroie una oiuer xoreiKu caUDl titn on New York, Hun frranciaco trli aur ther eiUos of the United States. Colletieis Utoeir Prosapt Atuntioa, Under the same management City Savings Bank, aus uioney on real estate and allow Interest on deposits. i eas, Coffees, Spices When the miunit-ht bells in this citv, however, tolls the death of the old vear and announces the birth of the new, 1 will quail' a goblet of ine to the health, prosperity and happiness of "The Pilots." Sincerely thanking mv comrades for the invitation so courteously sent mp, 1 beg leave to present them through you the souvenir forwarded to von by Wells. Fargo Co.

thisdav. Tell all the boys to drink my health i "the clock tolls the hour" at mid night. Pec. 31st, I Kill I. Kternallv your and my comrades' friend, A.

1 KKKIKK. Department of Public IiiHtrwtion. SACRAMKNTO, Dec. 2(ith, 18110. En.

Sentinp.1. I mail von a coov ot tlie fourteenth liienntal He port of the Superintendent of Public I n- struction. An examination of the statistics will show that tho increase in the number of census children in the State during the past two years was 10,382. The increase in tho average numler belonging to the public schools, for the same time, was The increase in the dailv average attendance was 14,302, thua showing that the dailv average attendance was increased by 3,080 more than tlie total increase in the census rolls for the same time. During the past two years 381 new school houses have been erected, the total number in tlie State now being 3,121, of which llfi are of brick.

Increase in number of teachers, 400. Increase in number of teacherB, graduates from schools, 328. Increase in number of volumes in school libraries, 77,050. Increase in numler of visits by county superintendents, 831. Increase in number of teachers attending Institutes, 031.

Increase in number of school visits by trustees, 3,1130. Increase in number of school visits by parents and friends, 32,116. Increase in value of school property, fcl.WK),-303. Total value of school pro)ertv in the State, 113,024,143. In retiring from ofliee I desire to express my sincere thanks to you and the public press of the State' generally for the cordial courtesies which you have extended to me during the past four years and the encouraging, friendly helpfulness which you bav given to all engaged in promoting tlie interests of the public schools.

lHA ti. IlolTT, Superintendent of Public Instruction. Did Well iu Washiitgtoti. Senator Payne, of Skagit county, Washington, will soon be in this city as the guest of his friend, Chas. W.

Cappelmann. During his residence in Washington "dr. Cappelmann lias done well. He sold off half of his ranch for the town site of Dunham, and still owns the other half. Helms cleared about $0,000, and is the owner ing that its outlook is flattering.

The State has transcontinental railroads running into it and building up rapidly. He has never heard of the Michigan Land Lumber although familiar with names of all the lumber companies in the State of Washington. Mr. Cappelmann says that the country is full of of land agents ho hold out inducements for settlers to locate in the State, and added that there are many men in Seattle ho have been deceived by the agents. He predict the election of Mr.

Squires to the United States Senate, Mr. Squires is a personal friend of Mr. Cappelmann, wbo has a high opinion of the Senator's ahilitv. Charlev is now an nr. dent Republican and takes considera ble interest in politics.

He lias made many friends in Washington, but, af ter all, has a fondness for Santa Cruz as a place of residence, (juite a number of his friends here have to thank him for giving them good advice as to investing in Washington lands. HAppj MooaerlH. Wm. TlmmoiiH. PoBtmiiBter of Idavltl wrIUfa: "Kleptrlc Hitters ha done more for me than alt other medlpln combined, for that had feellnic arising ironi aiuDi-y anu liver irouoie." John Lealle, farmer atoekman, of Kiinie place.

lays: "Find Kleetrle Kltlera to he the befct Kidney aud I.lver medh-ln made me feel like a new man." .1. w. uaruner. namware merchant, aitnie town aya: Electric Blttera la Juki tlio thins for a man who al I run down and don't aare whether he Uvea or dlea; he found new atrpnitin, good appetite and felt Juat like he had a new leaKoon lire. Onlr celt's a bottle, at J.

O. Tauner'a JJruu Klctre. Soon the trulv good man from San Bernardino will relinquish the Stats Uovernment. Opinion in relation to him were for a time divided. Hut they are not so any longer.

It is beginning to be pretty clear that Governor Waterman knew well what he was about all the time he has been in office. He has escaped a great deal of the harsh criticism which his Administration so richly merited because the fair fame of the State waa to a certain extent involved. It may be truly said that lie is the first Wover-nor of California who succeeded in losing the respect and confidence of the whole people. The treatment awarded to hi in the State Convention ot hie party was the most severe in political history, but it as noth ing more than he had a 'it to ex- pei-t. Bulletin.

Thll ia what you outfit to have, in fuctj foil must have It, to fully enjoy lift; boutiaiKlft are Benn-hlng for It ltt)lv, nnd mouroinK beoiMisfl they find if noi, TliousRndn upon tlimiNHndu of are spent annutilly by our people hi (he hope fiat they may attain tlilo iHxm. And t-t it may be had by all. We Ktmrantee the Kleetrle Bittern. If lined mironlliiK lori'ivi. tlonn and the una perwist-ed In, will brln you flood DlKestlon nnd mist the demon ursnepsia una uhihji intem.

Kiipcn-v. We recommend Klertrfe Hitter for l)vn- pepKlaand aU dlnpiuen of Uver, Hlomwieh andKidnejs. Hold Hi "Oc and $1 wr IkjI-tle by J. ii. Tanuer, Imiggim.

A LOST A 1HH ESS. 4 Trinidad Lady Write to San Fru cicoo for It. Ifri. Htirlet Mc Samara of 319 State Street, Trinidad, Colorado, while rlsftlug (a 8t Louil last lummer, did not auffer with hw uiaal tick headmchei and Indigestion. But Bpon her return to Trinidad her oM trouble came Upon her.

It was not the Bt Louis climate that did so much for her. The secret Is told in the following letter, re-cetyed by Thomas Price Son, the weli-known assayers of bH Kacrami-uto Otreet, San Francisco. Mm. McXamara writes: "Three months sinr-e I was viilttn? In Bt LouK and (tbtaluM two Littles ot Jnv's Vegetable harMaparill. It was of jrrpat reluff to ins iu my haia-he and tuJijfiifu BiDre my returu to mv home iu Trii.ial I feel the need of it, nnd as I have ht the address I write to you tn ask if you wi'l not kludly forward llui letter to the proper numljer iu fcn Frtnififco.

and i sa spot a few more bodies of this valuable vwretable compotind." People havlus; ufed J.iy'i Vegetable Karfa-pcrillaouee send hnudeoi '-f i.iilm tj et It fio, as In the above luntaica. Groceries Groceries Ever AT mm msm The WHOLESALE and RETAIL GROCER Our motto is to sell better goods at uian any other house in the county. 50 pound sack Liverpool Salt REAL ESTATE. OHAl'F, T. V.

MATHEWS, MATHF.WC.-A- ciiacc, Real Estate INSURANCE AND COLLECTION AGENCY No. 43 PACIFIC AVENUE" ARTJCn.A AND PROMPT ATTEN lion Kiveo if co leeL ons hoi iimi.tIu. tinur loans and the management of hnsi-de-s for absent owners. mrl5-ly LAN? FOR SALE. 1 AC It KM OK FIItST-t'LASS FARM-f Im hmI fruit IhiiiI nil miles from WMsonvllle; rlfht In the part of Ureen Valley, wllh numlier one Improve-mi-iit; good IWflllne-houNe, large liHrn and all oilier out-bull.

limn neccHKary for i flral-rlHaa farm. Two large orcbiinla, Km lieurlim Krie-vlnf8 and abundance of pure, fiiliT, anft water. Will sell the whole or In irtu-tN lo suit. Terms easy Apply fin the premises. N.

A. J. DORN. LAND FOR SALE. I.MOHTY ACKKM OK LAND, LO lj cated one-niartcrof a mile from the thrlvlnc town of Aphw, suhdivlded toult purcbaeers.

Theaoil is rich and thelay of the land picturesque. Aptos. real Estate. .1. DAVENPORT, uliin I'liMif iiml Conveyanrrr lieal Kslateof all deserlvtions; cheap biirgnlns; money lo loan and houses reined.

No. 14 Locust HI. uYl-l L. A. WHITTLE, Real Estate Insurance (irricK-ji, Patific Avrnur.

1 TV and Kll PKOPKR1 Y. Wood, Timber aud Fruit Land on Easy Terms. Cticnp btifldhic loir In all par in of the city. I proved end Unimproved Property in Fast Hunta C'rua. Fine ho I Il I ok niipfi on Beach Mill.

lttcn barKalus on Minion Mill. Puritllied and I'lifarnlshed Houses fir Ken- dc4-Jy mum If likely to happen the man who won't read our advertisement and invent ifrate our rlaim. He'll be thrown on tlie tointh merries nf some non-advertisintr, hih profit, shw wiling merrhant, and may learn suddenly and sadly that the lowest Prices, the Newest Hoods and the best all ron rid treatment are to be found at our store. FRANK I ELY. Furniture, Carpets, AND Wnll Papers anil 135 I'ac.

Av. SANTA (Rl'Z CAL. 14 pounds Extra Fine Dry Grnnuliited Sugm- 1 16 pounds Extra (J Sugar 17 pounds Golden Sugar 5-pound can No. 1 California Lard 6 1-pound cans Our Taste Oysters y0 1 uox fcxtrn Soda Crackers 1 box Plain Soda Crackers 5 packages Germea 5 packages Breakfast Gem 1 4 pounds Self Rising Buckwheat Best Stockton Flour, per barrel 4 3 packages Corn Starch 10-pound can Io. 1 California Lard 5-gallon keg of Tickles 20 bars Santa Cruz Soap 20 l.ox Ladies' Deliglit Soap 20 bare Lily of the Valley Soaj 20 bars White Satin Borax Soup Heavy Eastern Bacon, per pound Light Eastern Bacon, per Whittaker's Star Hams, Eastern, per pound Our Taste Hams, Eastern, pT pound First Prize Hams, Eastern, per pound Constine's Baking IWder, 00 00 00 50 00 25 )0 20 00 40 124 15 15 15 15 45 of 4 0.00 and fiO vnt pounds Mocha and Java Coffee (fresh 1 00 Quart bottle California Sweet Oil rn 50 0 pounds California Kaisins 10 pounds Currents 25 pound box of California Prunes 12 pounds California Prunes Quaker Rolled Oats, per package 16 ounce plug Star Tobacco 1 gallon Sugar House Drips 100 Dozen Cross Blackwell's Jams and Jellies Just received 200 Cases Yum Yum Corn, $1.50 per dozen; 25 cents ajar; 100 Dozen Our Taste Oysters, 2 poun pound cans at lb cents.

Remember we cive with Ton 9. every pound pounds of Granulated Sugar. AQIlHSTCY FOB MINERAL BAKTLETT The KING OF SPUING WATERS for Rh Iheumatism, Complaint, Liver Agency for Humboldt Gout, Sciatica, Bright's Disease, Drops, Dyspepsia, etc. rc-ar Also Creamery Butter. g5j) J0F CONSTINE, the Square Dealer.

J. W. WEBB, urpenter -t- Shop Skntinel Rrii.itinu, Locust street. bpll-lUA HQ Cents 76 Cents OAM.KKY ItKSKHVKI MKATS dc4S td IT.

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