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Santa Cruz Weekly Sentinel from Santa Cruz, California • Page 2

Santa Cruz, California
Issue Date:
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iettek i so soorrc coast 2Cto vliiofrtisfmtnta. or SoUito tt. 2Cfm 31afrtistmtnt0. Santa Cruz' Sentinel. s.

p. sis Irzz: cna SSTI SPllT-H i.TIT. 11. ImMrUmml im HmmMt trmll IS lias ss Asms, a CSia'Srs-fM ItonfM su kr Bonf. G.

V. Brown ha been appointed Postmaster at San Benito. It (f.i37 to the Fourth in San Franci. The Palace Hotel ln San Francisco will be opened about the 1st of September. The Vallejo HL-li School hai abolished the study of Greek aud French.

The chief cook of the Palace Hotel, A SPECIALTY, -AT rai inn mm Haying locateJ In your m'dit with the expecutlon of making this par permanent borne, and having opened Uie above store, we take pleasure In saying that we have a Hew, Clean Stock of Goods, SELECTED IN THE NEW YORK MARKET, With great care, espressly for this place, and at mnch lower prices tbas Good bars been sold befurs since the great Rebsllton. I' i We Mean Business. And when too want anything In the way of Print. RheeUnc Muslim, common or flne Dress Goods, Ladies' Ready-mad Underwear, or Dresses, Cassi-meres from the cheapest to tbe beH, Holsery, notions, and a thousand other things too numerous to mention, cnll and USSEE FOR YOURSELVES, Hindi' Kew Building, Santa Cnu. G.

W. PLACE CO. isrurw STORE! De Lamater's Building! Pacific Avenue, Santa Cruz. 18 NOW OPENING A Choice Stock of Kei Goods of tie Latest Styles! AN ASSORTMENT OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE, DRY GOODS, OROCERIE3, CLOTHISa, GENTS BOYS HATS, Hot; HE FURNISHING GOODS, CARPETS, OILCLOTHS, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, "WOODEN-WARE, PLATED WARE, Table and Pocket Cutlery. Fancy Goods, STotioni- My aim is to keep such an assortment of General Merchandise as this community require.

No Trouble to show Good. Call in. Tosrs Traly, Kay i selling in Fresno county at per Ion Inyo oonnty had a sharp shock of esrtbqnake last week, There are 200 students attending iue format There are seven public drinking fountains in the citv of Oakland. Nearly all the stock has Leon uken lor new n)ill ln N4pl City. Senator John A.

of Illinois, arrired at San Francisco a few days since. 1 favors in colleges and 1 SCUOOIS. Tlie Ilroatl Ate. an Independent 'journal, has made its debut in Los Angeles. The assessed value of church prop- erty in Clara oouuty ia nearly I Solano county, up to July 3J, had shipped about tons of wheat to Vsllejo.

The San Francisco Letter still continues tbe war against tho quack doctors. Piedras Blancas, San I.nis Obispo county, baa been discontinued as a post town. Work in tbe Noith Almaden quicksilver mines, near San Jose, has been resumed. The Fourth of July was celebrated with txuch spirit in various portions of Arizona Territory. Freight from San Francisco to Oakland is il a ton.

It Is only $3 to the Hawaiian Islands. Rev. D. A. Dryden has been appointed Special Indian Agent, with headquarters at San Diego.

President Grant is a grandfather, through ths action of re. Sartoria, at Long Branch, on the 11th inst. A son. The defalcation of Miller, Secretary of tbe Western Development Company, so tar a known, amount to A. T.

Hawley, locol editor of the Los Angeles Star, stabbed dsnger-ously last week by a hoodlum, is recovering. A Urge party of excursionists, representing, for the most part, obscure eastern journals, has arrived in San r'rancisco. One hundred snd seventy Mormons, principally Swiss, Scandinavian, and English, arrived in Utah a few day since. It is now unlawful to carry concealed weapons In Sao Francisco without a permit from the Police Commissioners. An Itslisn sheep-herder died st Sunol, Alameds county, on the 9th, from tbe fleets of bite of rattlesnake, received on the preceding day.

Tbe ship Emerald, belonging to Howland A Frothingbam, of New York, was accidentally destroyed by fire in the harbor of Honolulu, June 21st. Tbe Kern county Courier has found out that the railroad company is assessed st $2 50 per sere upon its town lots st Sumner, snd is disposed to make a fuss about it. In boring for oil, near San Fernando, Los Angeles county, a few days since, a heavy stream of water was struck, which rise five feet shove the surface of the ground. The femsle suffragists will hold mass meetitig in San Francisco on the 27th tbe sixth anniversary of the inauguration of the first Woman Suffrage Society in California. A.

J. Stevenson, owner of the building southwest corner of Montgomery and Callfornls streets, San Francisco, died In San Jose last week. lie lett an estate valued at over $500,000. Fresno City bas fifteen hundred inhabitants. It i tbe anccessor of Millerton; tbst is, when Fresno City was commenced Millerton people put sil movable houses on wheels snd immigrated thence.

Gran ice, whose trial took place at Fresno this week lor the murder of Msdden, editor of tbe Merced Tribune, Isst winter, was fonnd guilty of murder in the first degree- punishment, Imprisonment for life. The Loin poo Land Company bold tbe choice land which it has for sale st $75 per sere. Less money will purchase im proved lsnd, of as good quality, on the line of railroad, and all tbe way from 100 to 200 miles dis. tant from ban i rancisco. Last Sunday night a woman In Virginia City attempted to commit suicide, by taking a dose of laudanum.

A stomscb-pump wss spplied, but sue nit off tbe tube, snd it was with difficulty extracted. Her life wss ssved with much Isbor. There ere 64,909 children in San Francisco under seventeen years of age, classified, as to nationality, thus: Native bom, native parents, native born, one parent foreign, native born, both parents foreign, foreign born, Indisn, 9. Mrs. Rosini Young, of San Fran-cisoo, bas an old-fashioned firescreen, which wss brought from Hollsnd to America In tbe first vessel which sailed from Amsterdam, in 1610, after the discovery of the This relic descended to its present owner from Hendrick Cor-stiaensen.

The San Benito Advance says: Harvesting is being prosecuted with vigor in every psrt of tbe countv. ine straw is snort anu light, but the grain ia is generally plump snd well developed. It Is confidently asserted by tbe farmers thst tbe gross yield will amount to fully two-thirds of ine crop oi last year. The last crop year 2C5 vessels load ed grain and flour in Cslllornls for Lsstern snd European markets, ss snnexed: San Francisco, 116; Oak land wnarr, bl; South Vallejo. 63: Collinavllle, Antiocb, Monterey.

Ssn Diego, These ships carried 8,711,281 centals wheat, aud 186.555 barrels flour, of tbe total value of 14,001,044. Tbe Hoopa Indiana of Klamath county have revolted, left their reservation, and killed a man named Raymond, carpenter of the mine near where they encamped. They have expressed tbe determination to drive out tbe whites, and are generally very insolent snd sggressive. It looks as though we might bave another Indian war on a small scale. The following persons were elected officers of the Ssn Francisco Pioneer lsst week, to serve for tbe ensuing year: President, James Lick; Vice-Presidents, Peter Dean.

Thos. Hard v. J. P. Sargent, Adolph Winkler, C.

D. O'Suliiran; Secretary, Louis R. Lull; Treasurer, Howard Havens; Marshal, William Ueurner. Directors Lewis Cunningbsm, W. H.

rat tan, Thos. Cole, J. M. Tewkesbury, t. H.

Booestell, A. B. Perkins. The Real Estsfs Associates of fun Francisco, built ln 1873, tbe first yesrofthe company, 114 bouses; in ism, szo, snd during tbe first fivs months of the present rear 250: in addition they now hsve 219 houses in course of construction. Their pun is to sell snd receive psy in monthly instalments, by which means men of limited capital can procure homes at a small advance over what they would be compelled to expend for rent.

The Territorial Pioneers, an organization in San Francisco, numbering about 400 members, sleeted the following officers lsst week: President, J. M. McDonald; First Vice-President, John C. Burcb; Second Vice-President, R. C.

Hopkins; Sec-reUry, Emory L. Wlllsrd; Treas urer, Colin M. Boyd; Marshal, David Meeker. Directors T. K.

Johnson, J. B. Morton, A. 8. Iredsle.

W. T. Gsr. rait, W. K.

Blsck, H. W. Byington. Pearson, Gilbert Fslache. Joaenh A.

Donoboe, M. Tewkesbury, snd iiau. t. AMr, Capitola, 1 owtuci i rees, juiy it. i JHUar Semtinet: Camp life is one I of the rare enjoyments of onr State, and it does not take a prophet to see that It is eVer to be one of the GREAT ATTRACTIONS OF TOVRIJfTS In 1 i AaTioKtfnl 1 1 I bas been faml.iar to me for the past I fifteen years, and I bad the idea there was no more to learn in that until the lan.l,l ma on the t.

Lreuikki i r. n. nan. npu iub i beach, at the mouth of Sooa.1 creek. Ti i AllCiC IUUUU LUIS sjs.eui OI IJWIIg systematized, and analyzed in such a manner that all can be' satiktied As eenerai imng.

is nara to piease a I. vf. IT i. i done h' roomy building, roughly put up, simply for summer ue, and all wiio wish can have hotel fare; those who prefer to sleep In the tent and board in the Lonse can do that, or they can live wholly In their own tents. Then again, ail can have their teams takon care of, or they can buy feed and look out for their own animala, as suits their wishes.

This comes the nearest to suiting sll tastes snd desires that is possible. More than HT5PBKD PERSONS Are living at Mr. Hall's tabid, snd more than ss many others outside. There are about 'fifty tents on the ground. The stsbles are quarter of a mile away a very convenient anj pleasant arrangement.

The large number of horsea and wagon sug gested an old-fashioned camp-meeting. The beach and bathing-bouses are in close proximity to the camp grounds. There being KO rsDEBTOW, No rope is needed, snd children are allowed to bathe when they please unattended. Here tbe trades, profession snd employments of California are well represented. We meet merchants, farmers, ministers, doctors, niecbsnics, musicians, sll free from the various occupations, and reveling in tbe surf, rolling in the sand, fishing with the proprietor, lying in tents, reading, watching tbe waters come snd go, or musing on the vastness of Nature; evenings attending the tree local theatre, dancing, singing, sll psssing tbe time so freely, easily and joyously that it would seem they bad rolled time backward to childhood again, and once more were enjoying its youthful glee.

I went to Ibe theatre, aud came near laughing myself to death at Handy Andy's'' funny doings snd sayings. Altogether a stay st Camp Capitols is thing not to be missed, if one wishes to hsve realizing sense of sll the good things our notable county affords. W. OESXKAL JTEWS. In France much is doing for the Philadelphia Centennial Exposition.

Reverdy Johnson bas Just closed bis six-times-ten years of active legal practice. Beecber bas bad his salary as pastor of Plymouth Church raised to 100,000 per year. Crop prospect are flourishing in Michigan, and the largest whest crop ever known there is expected. "Doeslicks" Mortimer Thompson is dead. He was born in Rochester, X.

snd sged 44 years. The Prince of Wsle want $710,000 spproprlsted, to pay tbe expenses of his eontemplsted East Indisn trip. Tbe report I confirmed tbst the King of Burmsh hss refused to allow the British troops to pass through bis territory. Usrry a Galveston manager, has been fined $300 for refusing to sell parquet seats to two negro women. The liabilities of Decosta, Raalte A who have failed in London, are $1,200,000: of KUburn, Kershaw A $3,500,000.

The people of New Mexico are not favorably impressed with tbe ap pointment of S. B. Axtell for uov ernor of the Territory. It Is calculated that the full proceedings in the Tilton-Reecher trial will make ten volumes the size of sn encyclopedia. Tbey should be bound in guilt.

It bss been resolved to remove the headqnsrters of the National Orange from Washington, u. to Louisville, where the next annual meeting will take place in November. The steamer Pondpra sailed from Portsmouth, Englsnd, for the Arctic regions June 27th. Esqulmsux Joe, who acted as Interpreter for Captain Hall in the PoUtri expedition, goes out with the Pandora. Tbe Pandnra will only touch lsnd once on ber out ward voyage; this will be at disco, Greenland.

Tbe Pacific Mail Steamship Com pany has been lengthening its cords snd strengthening its stakes by securing subsidies, smounting in tbe sggregste to nearly gotu, per annum, from tbe Mexican and Central American republics. A terrific hailstorm visited Swltzer lsnd. July 7th. In tbe canton of Geneva and on tbe French frontier, several person were killed and wounded by the descending mase of ice. which were of unususl size.

Crops snd other property were much dsmsged from tbe same cause. C. O. Alexander, one of the credit ors of Jar Cooke, hss sued tbe real estate pool of the District of Colum bia, which embraces Geo. Gornsm snd A.

A. Sargent, for $125,000, which be claims tbey are Indebted to tbe estate of Cooke, tie bss msde sppit-cation for a receiver for all the real estate purchased by them, and for sn injunction to prevent them from disposing of any property ln (belr bands. He also calls for bills snd exhibits snd ssks to hsve sobpenas issued to sll the defendants to appear and answer. Gen. Frank P.

Blsir died July 8th, in St Louis, sfter a lingering illness. Gen. Blsir wss born st Lexington, Kentucky, in February, 1821. He studied law, and practiced it in St. Louis for some years.

He twice represented Missouri In Congress, served in the Mexican war as a private, and subsequently made a gallant record as Colonel, Brigadier-General and Major -General during the civil war. He was one of the original Free Boilers who bolted ibe regular Democratic ticket In 1848 and supported Van Bnren. In le37 be went over to tbe Democracy, and in 1868 wss nominated for the Vice-Presidency on tbe Seymour ticket. In bis personal character be was open, bold, impulsive, and sincere. His patriotism snd integrity ars unquestioned, snd be belonged to the best, if not to tbe very greatest type of American public men.

John Hatch, of ban Francisco is now actively engaged in labeling and classifying some 10,000 or 12,000 specimens of ores, embracing every variety of mineral, gathered from all portions of tbe Pacific slope, Mexico, South America, China, Japan, Australia, snd Kew Zeslsnd, which he design exhibiting st Philadelphia In 1879. Mr. Hatch bas been engaged constantly for tbe past twelve ysars ia his task, and hi of tbe opinion tbst bis ool lection can not be surpassed in the world. The weight of his cabinet is about fifteen lone. Tarn Independent State ticket and platform will be found advertised on tbe first psge of the Bsmnax.

We are not partial, and will publish all ether tickets and platforms upon tbe am terms, and upon bo other. i i I FOR SALE ACRES OF LAND WELL TIM-teredviib tne rdw'oJ, nd ft part well for rp eultur. roar ftcr of vine grow in. Located about i milM from ibe lown uf Snta cms. Till perfect.

IX i 20 ACRES OE WELL IMPROV I ed land, wither with household furniture, wagon tn4 all fanning utenaiU nuat-il tare mil- from the town of Santa Crux, norm of the lower boquel ALSO A ONE AND ONE-H ALF-STORY Frame Lwelling and lot od Waluul Avenue. A LSO A WFLL IMPROVED FARM, isreli fonts' tc-s-l i ami OUt hiUel. with a flne growing cmp on It. Mock of cattle an! t)ore, fannin. ulentili containing about arir of tillable land, to be told on terms.

The above farm it iituated three mile from Simla Cru, south of lower Soquel Koad. a LSO A ONE STORY FRAME DWEL- lin? II tituated near the bant Crui Wharf Lumber Yard. ALSO, ONE AND A HAK ACRES OF land, with a fine story frame dwelling and outnoiisi, on iiiga i.wa KoBr Il.vis A fmnll'. I im K'tln. ALSO A ONE AND A HALF HTOKY Itvoilinar and lot on sfiaation ctreet.

4 LSO A ONE-HTuRY A aanri III An litis Htrft. LSO THE BriLDING AND LOT known as the Iaubcnbua black Smith Shop, on Front street. VLSO ONE AND ONE HALF STORY frame dwelling houte and lot on 4 LSO TWO" DWELLING HOl'SESand x. one an one-quarter acres oi iauu iu LSO A WELL FINISHED BUSINESS houe on me ea-t sme or rmuisi. a r.i a TU'oktoKY KRaME BOARD- A.

inf bouse on the corner oi Cooper A Front strpU a i ui-m ACRES OF LAND. AORTH of WatYonv.lle road, adjulnlng the Po 'er Tannery. tt-sT-All the above described property will be sold cheap lorcasb. Apply to GEORGE OTTO. Front bL, Santa Crus myl 6-3m VALUABLE Real Estate, FOR SA LE! TWO HOUSES AND LOTS WITH Jl cardeo, for sale, located on with barn to hold hones and IS tons hay; chicken house, cainage noose, The title it perfect, and free from incumbrance- Terms reasonable, for cash flown.

For particulars enquire of the owner on tne prvniiftea, JOHN C. LABISH. Ju.l9.7o-3tn. RANCH FOR SALE. Containing 153 Acres 70 Acres Ctoicariiiie Lands 100 CHOICE ASSORTED FRUIT TREES.

GOOD DWELLING HOUSE AND out-buiidinjrs. nUuated 2 miles from the Tillage of soquel, Santa Cms County, on the fttage road from Santa Crus to Santa Clara, plenty of wood and well watered. Eor trms, applv to C. T. sniTH.

No. SO, Fourth tea sVrmnrtaco. or 1). J. CCMM1NG.

June At 1T5 lm Soquel. TIMBER LAND FOR SALE. UNDERSIGNED HAS OSO ACRES or TIMBER LAND. Tpon which there Is piling and free rift timber sufficient lo pay for two such claims, also thousand of cords of wood of all kinds. The land when cleared well adapted for farming.

There are rood improvement on the land, and excellent roads leading too and from all parti. The claim Is only six miles from town, and can be bad for 81.SOO. For full particular, apply to CHRIST I OFF. II SANTA CRCZ may22-3m FARM FOR SALE TIIE 7 MILE HOUSE, AND 90 Acres of Land, WITH LIVE STOCK Implements, or Without! There is bargin is this if applied for toon- Good running water at tbe door, and one of the best stands In tbe County. For particulars enquire of tbe owner.

CHRI8. HAUG, International Exchange, Water St. Bants Cms. RANCH FOR SALE.

Aores OF Fanninf, Graiinz and foci Lani, Located 3M milet from Santa Cru With lire Im trout Mrrssw of pur raer Otmek th rsnsr. fe arm srWI swyr.wst sHt ffood rrtkmrd. TERMS EASY! For particulars enquire at the SENTINEL OFFICE, MsrlS.T5-3m. FOR RENT. Mason Grove House.

A FIRST-CLASS AGRICULTURAL and Lslrr farm for Unu five a I. urm. tn tenant. The above place Is known as the jytON GROVE and I. I "lead on Houuel Crerk V't miles sbo.e the A flne orchard and food water, run-ninf stream In esery Held on th.

premises. The place Is calculated sirs roadside hotel, with stabling for fifty horses inquire of Ihe proprietor on the premises. MASON. To Lease or Kent. THE HOCBE ON EABT sv Mn.

-ii j. iiToeri's. wren rooms, bath-room, and water la the house barn, fowl-house, handsome inner particulars, en-Ulre at th. SENTINtL OFFICE. May Land for Sale.

IS FIVE ACRE TRACTS FRONTING the ocean, near the HantaCrua Light oia in plots to suit tbe purchaser. The property I. knows aa lb Rountree tract, and favorablT lonud for sea side homes. A splendid Inreat- u.u. ivi wm, auji.i, or apply to WARNER, May n-tf Han ta Cms.

A HOfKE WITH SIX rooms. Isrg bam, with 7 seres of good land. InrlAriln C'SJ ul nu. fruit trees wall of soud water, lOa) per month. Apply at SENTINEL omCE.

May 1-u. FOR 8ALEI A LOT 10DI2UO FEET WITH TWO dwelling houses and stable, in th. growing town of Fellon. FDc Saidju I Audi, to To Heut. JOHS XOBSOW.

CONTRACTOR BUILDER, Pttifit lunar, S1M1 CEIZ, Near Gran's Flanlof Mill. I prepare to take contract to erect sll kind. o( st notice, and on reasonable terms, plana and speclD-cutiou. furni.htu miulrvd. JOHN SIOHHOW, Contractor and Builder.

Santa t'ruz, July 1Mb, l7i-3in BRICK FOR SALE! IN' LOIS To Suit Purchasers. INQUIRE or HAS. W. BEAN, Brick Yard on theGann Place. JylO-lf GOOD PASTURE Four oi Six Horses, East of Lasoaa Creek, l'HRER MINES FROM COAT ROAD, a and 6 imlen from Santa I'rui, (by way (if MMjtrjt.

Ihkxiti cowHl' Kilns.) About acres DM oeen fM this Maatuo. Willi ready tbe flntl at July. TEBJIHi pr month. In advance. Apply to F.

A. GUSUEE, on ths ranch oratthisOrrica. Santa Cruz Excursion to Aptos, every sunday. Leave Santa Cnif.

10 A. M. 1:15 f. M. i.JU V.

M. Leave Aptos. II A. M. P.

M. r. M. Fare for tbe Round Tripi 5 Conts. June 12-tf 8.


CHESTER, PHILLIPS CO. PR'S. Nearly opposite Pacific Ocean Boase and Front Street, Santa Cnu, Cai The proprietor takes pleasure In informing tbe public of Sums Crus. (hat he bas opened tbe above-named FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT Where he it fully prepared to eater to the vaults of the hungry, and with tbe best Uie market affords, served tn a style second to none, eao be procured. Meals at all Hours! OYSTERS IX ILL STYLES.

Game, Fih, Poultry, Tront, and j3 every variety of Vegetables always on hand. M-CIVE MB A CALtVm Jy3-lm A Northern Movement PRAY BROS. HAVE 3IO VED nrro ram NEW STORE, Vezt to the Santa Cnu Bank- They Invite the pnblle to examine theli new ana npienaia stock or Spriii antl Summer Mi, AID Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Of the Latest Strles- striw ind Faiami Bats, ALSO Pinry Stirfi ind SetktieiJ BOOTS AND SHOES, Groceries of Every Deicription JelOU County Agricultural Fair- The Santa Cnu Co. AGRICULTURAL FAIR, will be held Under the Auspice -of the Santa Cnu Graze No. 68.

P. 0. H. -ON- Oct. 13th, 14th and 15th.

All are Solicited to Exhibit. Srerybodj Invited to attend an bring all your friends- The Pslr Will winds nf lit of all tbe choicest specimens of Krult and nu uinerenl articles or Af ncul- ur.1 rnnuee. Also the nnesl caul, and tlOrseS. BhC an. I a I articles of beauty and taste', a.

Well as UfnnlM Af bhriMl. wvuug tne town win oe cauiy received aa well as the raw material and rich Or rare wnnH cl.v nr ores barks and other natural resources of i.oa ana sea. "-i-o Amusements ana ttecep- linn: Mrs. Hfaplea, Mrs. Kooser.

Cshoon. Addison Newell, Blsker nikiogton, I. C. Feeley, James cirroran, 1. P.

Lalrri. T. II I'imilnah Mrs. Wardwell. M.

MrricW. Mrs. Wilson Any DeVWn Vl.hln 'ahlbllion will pleas confer with of the aforesaid Commiuas. THOS riLKISCTO, ecrctsry. Jnne ITTS td pOfTER-OF ALL BIZF.S, PRINTED to order at Um hsstissl ofnee.

CIRLCLARH-Fl-RNIHHEDAT LOW-st nmjpj um Usjjssx eoc. P. KRESTELLER, aa.svracTraza or Boots Shoes IIlliu'w Opposite the Pacific Ocean House. Having com menced bo.t net at the above bland, li prepared to do EVERY VARIETY OF WORK FINEST STYLE. Good Work ind Low Prictt Ccarinlftd.

fily BOOT, FOUNDRY, Ttoias Amier. Proprietor. STEAM ESGIXES, BOILERS, PUMPS, REAPERS, MOWERS, THRESHIXO MACHINES, And Machinery Oi Every Description, Hade and Repaired- PLOWS, PUMPS, STOVE CASTINGS AND WAGON BOXES, On hand, and made to order below San Francisco Prices Santa Crni, Jane 1-tC J. BROYVNSTONE, DEALER IX DRY GOODS, CLOTHINC, CARPETS FURNITURE! OILCLOTHS, Boots -AND- Slioes. GRAIN, PROVISIONS LIQUORS.

The above goods will be sold at San Francisco prices. FOR Produce of all kinds taken in exchange. UP1IOLSTERIXG Done to Order. Front St. Santa Cruz.

MarlS.TS.1m. Santa Cruz BREJVKjm HEJET BATJSCH, Proprietor- rMT FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC In reneral I Havtnf removed Into my new iirewery, wiin increased facilities for manufacturing LHger iber, I am pre tared to nil ail orders promptly. Hatls-actlon guaranteed In all caftes. Thanking ibe public for their liberal Patronage In th. past, 1 rcpeclfully solicit a continuance of the same.

HENRY BAU9CH. oetS-tf MRS. A. D. EVANS, pacific avenue.

Next doob to the Post Oftice, Healer In Candies. Confectionery. Ice Cream. Frnit, Oysters. Lobsters.

Sardines, Canned Meats. IIAIIl WOUK DONE In the room adjoining a-eIn sll its branches, snd la the best style. Save four Combines and brine ibem n.3s-3m. SENATE SALOON Pacific Atenne, Sasta Cruz. GEOKGE DE2TIS05, Proprietor The rnderslrned ha vine rrfltted and fbrnishpd I he above Kaioun, formerly oe- cupiea oj i.

v. jounsoa III FIRST-CLASS STYLE, WUl keep as hasd th btM trsads of Wines, Liquors and Cigars, AU lielu a than fmUU pmtrommf. BtrBovm under IX sears ef moe fssfsOcssstf tnlMttUivm. iBo. avsuinawvn.

Daiaiu. Win Santa Cru? ictrtistrntnts. SAXTA CRl'Z 6aCiS3- Santa Jnly, 10, IsTS. ilCr.fgJT T0Jt H-ICAS. A the paragraph la tb SmmjiEi.

last reek, In reference to a hack man charging rsseogwa 1 each for bringing them from the wharf to the hotels, gare rise to mm comment. we live the other side of the story as It was told to as. Mr. Olmstead the harkmaa in question says that oa I the occasion referred to he got oat of bed, harnessed his horses and went to lbs wharf at midnight, and when the passengers came ashore, himaell and partner were the only hackmen on the wharf; the passengers were distinctly told that on that occasion the tare would be II each; all assented, and there being greater number than could be carried at one load, those remaining agreed to wail for Olmstead' return. Meantime some express wagons or omnibuses arrived, snd offers were made to carry for twenty-five cents each; bat those In waiting refused to avail them set res ef the offer, alleging that they bad agreed to go with Olmstead when be returned.

Mr. Olmstead contends that, considering the trti-sessonsulo boar snd darkness of the night, bis charge was not exorbitant, and says be would charge the same price again, should like circumstances occur. We here take the liberty of suggesting it to be the duty of the Town Trustees to fix a scale of prices for conveying passengers to and. from steamers by hackmen and expressmen, making due allowance for unseasonable calls and extraordinary occasions and circu stances. The adoption of such a scale as is here suggested, would be a protection to employer and employed, and undoubtedly sdd to the revenue of those owning vehicles for the conveyance of passengers, as tho latter would then know exactly bow much they would be required to pay for any named service, snd not left to the caprice of the hackman.

While on the subject, we are free to say that back hire In Santa Crux, is more reasonable than in any town in the tstate. COVMTT POLITICS. Politics and political parties in Santa Crux are to some extent chaotic, with organizations disjointed and defective, and party ties fsr from binding. The Democracy bas no County Committee, and those who in the past controlled the machinery of the Independents with which party the Democracy was blended two years since for reasons satisfactory to themselves do not desire the party to put a ticket In the field this year for county officers. The Republicans are also somewhat demoralized because of the defection of the Chairman of their County Committee, whose card of withdrawal we published last week; but we are assured that a quorum of members "of that committee will stand by their colors, and the organization can not be said to be disrupted.

Precisely what these somewhat disordered forces intend to do in reference to local officers we are not advised, as we are not in confidential relations with the managers of any of them, nor do we care to inquire. There is one thing that is settled in advance, however. Whoever shall be nominated that Is not in foil accord with the people, ln their demand for men entirely com petent to perform the duties of the of-fioes they seek, and oi tried integrity, will meet with ignominous defeat, and the Skcrtiivrl will assist in ths good work. This is our platform for oonnty purposes. The people of Virginia City, Ke- Tads, are groaning over the exactions of the Central Pacific Railroad Company.

The last outrage Is in carry ing freight ordered from the East by Virginia merchants, over the mount ains to Sacramento, snd thence re turned to Reno, compelling the psy meat of through charges to Sacra mento and way' charges back to Bene. By this system the merchants of Virginia find it utterly impossible to compete with those of San Fran eiaco and Sacramento. The people of Sends are not alone in their cum plaints el discrimination; the rail road company is doing the ssme thing all over the coast. They not only discriminate against com- muniUes. but against individuals in the same town, taking this method of punishing enemies and rewarding friends.

Tina is one of the evils the next Legislators of California will ue invoked to abate. A subscriber has sent us an in dignant note declaring that the sen timent by Xewton Booth at the bead of the SsimiiBX, that No Individual la so humble as to be beneath the law, so man, no corporation powerful as to be above it," is that of white-washed rebel." He also objects to the Senator because one of the ssme name assassinsted Lincoln I Our friend bas got it bad, and no mistake; but be didn't fight rebels with powder and lead when they threat ened the disraptiov of the country. If be will keep his cool, put mustard draughts to bis feet, take a powerful cathartic, and keep quiet a lew days, ne may recover. Evidently tn bile is now on top. The National Telegraph Company, with capital of 125,000,000, has been organized In Ssn Francisco.

Its Directors are: Michael Reese, Wni. Sharon, A. A. Cohen, T. D.

Atberton, James R. Keen, C. W. KsUogg, sod Win. Burling nearly all million.

aires. The purpose of ths eorpors. Ua Is declared to be Uie const ruc tion and msintensnos of tslegrspb lines between bsa Francisco and Kew Tork.aad all the principal cities snd towns ef the Tnited States, including those ef the Pacific Coast. If this company mean business, sharp com petition wUl grow sp in telegraphy; but II may be that It is only a scheme to bleed the Western Union Com pany. Time will determine.

rxsxooMiwa. The' pettifogging ebsrires made by Bens! or gargent sganiat Cesn. Bidwell, of being a fraudulent land-grabber, are an-becomuig the senator. He should be snsde to prove bis infamous allegations ef msealUy on tbe part of Uea. bidwell.

tsargsol Is simply covering himself milk coated pi Aa ose iiavttrf. I San Fram-isco, is to have a salary of per annum. Supervisor Block, of San Francisco, has failed. His liabilities are assets, about The railroad tunnel at San Per nando, Ixis Angeles county, when completed will be teet iu length. The Mexican Wat Veterans have formed an association in San Iiiego, and elected J.

V. Galewood President. The French Belief Committee of San Francisco have telegraphed to the sufferers by the late overflow i trance. A report reached San Bernardino a few days since that Col. I.

E. liuel had been killed at the McCracken mine, Arizona, by a workman. On the 30th of June there was in the State Treasury in gold, 95 in silver, and in legal tenders; total, 43. The Marysville Appeal says that wheat and barlev are coming in freely, and farmers are disposed to contract for both at current rates; wheat, $1 50; barley, $1 50 to $1 55. The boiler of a steam threshing machine exploded at Collegeville, San Joaquin county, a few days since, and killed two men Samuel Cookson snd David Ritchie snd seriously injuring four others.

Tbe first term of the new academic year of the University of California commences on the 12th of August. Examinations, for admission take place on the 11th and 12th of the same month. Tuition free. The Pacific Mail Steamship Company bave obtained the contract to carry the mails between Ssn Francisco and Victoria, and will put three first-class steamships on the route the China, vtnrona, snd Voko de Gama. The first steamer will sail from San Francisco August 1st.

On the 1st of July a scouting party of tbe Eighth Infantry, in Arizona, struck an Indian rancheria, killed twenty-five and took nine prisoners. Another rancheria was struck on July 4th, at the head of Verde Rock Carton. F'ive Indians were killed and twenty-six captured. The Indians are known as tbe White Mountain Apaches, and do not belong to any reservation. Tbey have been stealing stock from Verde seniors.

Denies It. Some irresponsible quidnunc Laving charged Senator Tom Beck, Democratic candidate for Secretary of btate, with being a Crescent, that gentleman squarely denies it. Beck doesn't believe it is a political crime for a man to have any sort of religion that suits him. provided he doesn't allow it to interfere with his duties as a citizen, and doesn't try to compel others to think as be does. San Jose Mercury, Alt It ITS LS AT THE APTOS HOTEL.

The following arrivals at the Aptos Hotel, were registered the pant week: A Piper, Geo Bromley and family, JA Schmidt and wife, Hrhaeider and wife, Luhrs, wife and child, 8an KrHnclnoo. BORN. Gbkoory. At Hie Creek. Kanta 4'rui county, July 12ih, l(7i, to the wife of jusepn uregory, a aaugnier.

nAHBIED, Bfrnheim. Hirschfklder. In Santa Cruz, July 4th, at the realdenee of E. Hernheiin, by Rev. twivld Havis.

of San Francisco, A nil am Bernlielm, of San Buenaventura, to Miai Fannie Hirach-frlder, of Santa Cruz. So Cards. We wish tbe happy couple long life and a happy one and as they bave wise ly chosen to climb the ladder of love together, may each round mark a step higher in mutual regard and unalloyed domestic bliss. Siiepard-Orkzw, By the Rev. H.

D. Hunter, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. Edwin Shepard, to Mis Ada I. Green, all of Sauia, Cruz. N'o Cards.

Auburn, (Oregon) papers, pleae copy. In Watson vllle, July Uth, at Ihe Central Hotel, by Rev. I. O. Kelly, Mita Jennie aud Mr.

Wm. Pray, all of this place. DIED. Kent. At Felton, July th, Chas.

Kent, a native of Maine, aged 18 years, 11 months and 24 days. (Eastport, (Maine) papers please copy. In Pan Francisco, July 1st, 1CS, Mis Minnie Thompson, wife of Charles Thompson of To males, daughter of the late Christian Ruitnerof Wil-mtiigton, 11 aware, and sister of Mrs. 8. S.

Roberts of Santa Cruz. IX tw Slllocrtiscments. COUNTY ASSESSOR. MANSEL V. BENNETT announces him self as a candidate for County Assessor at the ensuing election.

JylT-tT FOR ASSEMBLY- ADDISON NEWELL announces him self as a candidate for tbe Assembly, i tne ensuing election. EXAMINATION OF CANDIDATES ADMISSION TO THE SANTA X' V'rus I'utillc hchoola. Children wishing to enter the Third Grade In the Santa Cms Public schools, whose names are uoi on uie nsi puoiiKneu in tne Sentinel or June iMlh.muiit appear for examination at nine o'clock, Friday, July ad, ln V. RATTAN. NOTICE.

THK PERSON WHO TOOK A 8IX- a. quart irrream rreeser rrom the SunU I'rui Ice House, on Pacific avenue. wm pirue return ine ssme.snd avoid exposure, no questions asked. lylMt I AL. LANSING.

PK1VATE BOARDING HOUSE, FROST STREET, 1 Few Eodi Below Cooper's Store, WHERE BOARDERS CAN HAVE all the comfort of a home. The table furnished with tbe best the murk. Hoard and lodalnt; IS per wees. Mltd. M.

E. COLLINS. Jyl7-Sm Proprietress. IN THE PROBATE COURT Of THE COITXTY OP BAXTA CRUZ, Ktate of California. In the matter of iiiv r.autsa- ut tarn II Ml I FSH.nt Mali rtsw c-mx-i.

CrUer of publication or Notice to Creslitori. Latter of Adnilnlfclntllou baring been duly laed herein to Itoberl W. Wllfton. and in Inventory m.n,i an. pmlwrnpiit of ett having been filed by aald Administrator, on motion of a.

a. naraer, aitomer lor ta)4 Ail mi n-iHtrtttor: It ordere-J that notice to creditor! of 11 tir hall HLona Hall. li.swt requiring all person having claims atc-in-t the aald decedent to exhibit with the necewuiry to the Admin- iiiraioror me Mtat of tald hit place of bufttneu. to be aid notice, be giveu by said Administrator by publlCMlln In the hanrm ncwipaper printed and imh. lulled In aid county of Hani leiut odoc a week fur four vt--km n--, uirru id ana uj an id notice to pre-nt their claim, lour month after toe first publication of FfcRDIXAXD J.

McCAVN. Probate Judge. Att. FMurr-rr, flerfc. )v 17.

NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ESTATE OF MARSHALL STONE HALL, deceased. Notice Is hereby mo uuuciiikdmi, suminiiinnur of the Estate of Marshall stun. Hsll, deceased, to tbe creditors snd all persons HiiiuiuMuiimjutiiQc win aecedenl, to einibit them with tb. necessary Toocbers, within ten tnoi.Uis after tbe flrst publication of Ihls nolle, tn the said Administrator, at hi.

residenc in town of Hants Clara, In the county of Mania Clam. Isued at Hants Cms, the lTlh day of Jnly, IsTi HUBERT W. WILSON. rr. Administrator.

BILLJf EAIL FOR BILI.HEAUI OF sv.rj stl fgie Um BxjiM iiofflc. To Bathers NOW OPEN! LONG BRANCH SWIMMING BATHS WltH NEW IMPROVEMENTS, AT SfxrLtct Oinxiz Beach, BETWKEN TIIE WHARVES. The accommodations of this renonned snd fashionable Bathing Resort, are mors eompleu-than at anr other Bathlni establishment on Ihe Psclflc CoastT All I the suits after nse. An abundant of fresh wXr on band In esc room for toilet nse. Rooms all neatly carpeted and com to rub la.

INSTRUCTIONS IN SWIMMING Given toy Lady. Monthly Bathers can have their Suits Made -to Order. the establlsbuisnt. Coffee and KefreshmenU on hand at all hnnr. NOTE BENE." A Club room connected with the establishment.

Santa mjm.u iwiiwi UK. uirsciiy in itoui oi tne steps. fJT First Station (rum the Depot in town. IBE OJIIY PLACE TO CET KJtfCKEBIKC FOR HEALTH E. LEIIilIKUIIL, Manager Msy 1st 1i7Vra B.


JOIEVSOIV, Xroprlotor. Liebbrandt ft Son's Bath Eoitsei on the Be acli, Santa Cms. ICE CREAM, Lemonade, rSarsnparllla, Coffee, IlellssUota, Hoda, Tea, Fish. Spiced Oysters, Cakes. Confectioneries, AKD Seasonable Fruits.

Call on rout friend TJnole Silly, snd he will do His Level Best to Please Yon. Jan. CTfria. Announcement. 7 myseir ss eandl-date (ur Htata Hen.tor the CounUe.

of Hants Cms, Han Benito and Monterey, sbjt lo tb. decision of th. Klnt Uetxib-Uaa ConT.nUoa of said Countls. C. CAPPELMANN WHOLESALS DKALBB Ut Foreign and Domestic Wines, LIQUORS, CIGARS.

Depot of sn the beat brands of Imported and California Wines and Liquors tor medicinal pur pose The trade supplied eU HAD ninAlifA nrl jssaa Gs4s Dellrer.d PrM ar Charsra. Asency for the Paetlla Conrress Water and Pu-inc mm. AUJUIDinf IS EL DORADO UILUAKD SALOOX. Runninc ttaronah from PsriA nUL cn- Th.

meat etc Vppslii? Proprietor. L. HEATH CO. AsBta for lbs ssle of POWDER, 0B TH California Powder works, AT pASTA.CBCZ. Aptllslh-tl.

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