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Belmont Chronicle from Saint Clairsville, Ohio • Page 4

Belmont Chroniclei
Saint Clairsville, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

mi Xt. CUirstille, Olio, Jaa. S. "The Blue Juniata." A correspondent of the N. Y.

World fslste tbt following incident of Gen. E-srmsn's march throngh Georgia: Sitting before bis tent in tbe glow of 'camp Are one evening. Gen. Sherman Ut his cigar go out to listen to an air that a distaut band was playing. The musician cease 1 at last.

The General turned to one of bis officers "Send an orderly to ask that band to play that tune agaiu." Jittl while, and the band received the word. The tune was "The Blue Juniata," with exquisite vsrintions. The band played it again, even more beautifully than before. itceased and the, off to the right, nearly a quarter of a mile away, the voices of some soldiers took it up with words. The band, and still another band, played a low accompaniment; camp after camp began singing the music of "The Blue Juniata" became, for a few minutes, the oratorio of half an army: The Last Message.

A sotdier came into our rooms in Nashville, to get an envelope. He said be had a letter to send home for one of bis comrades. He drew from his blouse a small packsze carefully wrapped; and opening it, held up a scrap of lenf irom a memorandum nook. It had bloody linger prints on it and a few words hastily written with a pencil. xne writer was the soldier partner, he said.

In the charge on Kenesaw Mountain he found him stnggcring back rrom incline, the blood streaming from bis month and covering his bands and clothes. A Minie ball had cut bis tongue out at the root. He tried to speak but conld not. Finally by mo tions, he made his partner understand his want paper and pencil. A scrap was torn rrom the diary, and on it the boy, held up by bis comrade, with fingers dripping with blood, and trembling in death, wrote, "Father, meet me in heaven He tried to write his aarne, but it was too lute, Life had fled Fathers and mothers, what will you not do for your sons whose waking ana dreaming and dying thoughts are turneu Homeward Zton Herald.

A WasbiivOTOn letter thus astioes the visit of Grant to that oily last week: Gn. Grant tits gone down again to the army of the I'stomae. II is a man sf rapid movements. Friday night, ho 'raveled 11 nichi, taking hi wife to Burlington, Nw Ja-refv. On Uatardiy night, he again traveled till daylight, returning te Washington.

It is not generally known, but it is a fart, that the Gsnaral left tha army with the intention ef going te there was se criiioal, that lis felt it to bs hit sty to superintend operations personally. But he net the first in tUlueipt ef ths glorious news from Thomtt npon hit arrival here, and duoiJod at once tbat as everything was going on well, hs would retttra to Virginia, after having ta ken Mrs. Urant to her home. Gen. Grant is one of the most modest men living, es pecially io the presence of women.

A boy of nneen oouict not more ditlident than hs is in seciaj eirele. Yet ho it always tenaible never giddy or tooiiah. lie ninde the remark while here that tha onlv dintina-uixh- ed Gsnersl nnsn ear aide of ths war who had felly some up to the eipeotations ef ins secmn was norniaa. ins oinervation shows that he poaaeHbee a keen intellect and sound judgment. It is strikingly true.

There baa been a alight disappointment even ia Grant himnelf, and he kiwa it. But it is nnjoat. lo hira we owe these vt eombinatioDS which bars been so suoosasful or late. Wi are in possossion of an infalli ble receipt for making a lady's cheeks red without paint. For their especial Deneni we pubiisa tl without charge Here it is: I'lace her at a wash tub, with her rolled up, and bands full of dirty clothes.

Then let her beau sud aemy enier, ana uer oueeks will be a glowing red in an instant. Snooks says this receipt has never oecn known to run. Just try it, ladies, and if it falls let us know, that we mny pnbllsh snooks as unreliable authority. Will you? Tbi Lleutenant-Qeneral of the U. 6.

Army waa walking on the dock at Citj Point, a day or two ago, apparently- absorbed in thought, and with the inevitable cigar in his mouth, when a negro guard touched his arm, ssyinjf, "No smoking on the dock, sir." "Are these your orders?" asked the General, looking up. "Yes, sir," replied the negro, courteously, but decidedly. 'Very good orders," said Grant, throwing his cigar Into the water. A iOMJiia'a widow, by marrying sfaio, roeaxs all bar Mnsiost, from ths dsts of her aamaf if lbs agsio bseomsi a widow sbs eaooet rsaams tbsra. This is aooord-is( to tbe sot ef Congress, July 1 it 1 864.

11 e-ase-waMaTWa Gold ia Kich mods' is aow at a premium ef 4.000 per sent, er forty dollars for one, baviug aaveneed since the dsfsst of ths Msee Modidste st tbe North lor the Frssi-dsney, from about 2,400 per osot. to iu present figarss. D. E. HOWELL SOH Maauheiarare ef Sheet Iron Ware, AaeDeelerala llardwarn, Stoves, Grates, mows and Agricultural Implements trretere Reoa-twe Seer, Km Ui Saw MiU.

OKXO. Asslsttnt iMeMor'i Notice. NOTICK UFJU3V OIVEN Mali wham it ma, 0 ljf reeidiuf in loo fewtuhiu. ef mo, Wafree, OorteJ, K.rk wood, iag, Uatua eMl kUeklajid.

4mniw ie take eel a imouL any ef ike u4m, ba. tJlmZ IteeiuM tea ralore wider lee Kieiea 14W, c.u a aoaawielaied by atauii( a letter ike eeeupeuue er baaT aeae end eaiwa ef aeek lor wkiek ike, any aeaiaa Uceuu nd I wU kll bleak eeekaeuwu au4 aa.iJ."?. Mil toe Ike! eifMtera, wklai (key tea return ki aui AUmo p. at aWiaiee. lm I ALOrt IO P.

MIIJ.ES, rptlK kuheel Wkeelii.f prieea, la eaak, will be eetS ESTRAY. CAmk io the premi of tfi nbwrihw. rerie'tnf MeMahen'e Creek, thre. mil. from Belieiro, on or Hi IM RepteeiVer leal, light fallow Sleev, akvinltwo.yeareold.

The owaar it requeued to coma forward, prov property, pay ehrg ei, and laka him away, or he will auM, recording lave, foel-dr TWOS. THOMAS. josefii woodroffe; 8t. Clalrov. lie, Ohio, Belmont, Ouerntey ami Harriaon Cunty Age til fat BandaB'sra clcl Shepherd.

Belaienl Coenty Aran for Solon Robinson's Facts for Farmers the Family Circle, Greeley's American Conflict, Victor's History of Amer ican Consplraoleo, front 1700 to 18(0 Victor's History of the it awe mm Boutnern te Demon, Pittonger's Daring and Suffering, Goer's Beyond the Lines; Steel Plat Portraits of fieai. Ciraat, Bhermas, and all other prminenl mm. All tha publication and Books of tha M. F. Church, Family- bible, or any food book, fur.

niehetf at Puhli.her1 price and term. GOOD At.F.N'I'S are wanted lo canvae an ninety each Tawnaliip with tha abov named and other good wore. Excelsior Planing Mill. HAYIIO filled up my aitahliiliitiant with tha Lnttt Improved Machinery. 1 am now prepared to fur-nih at myoffio.

in HKI IXrM'ORT. (tha tamo thai wa. fonntrly occupied by Hit wart Keeline,) Roust, and Worked floarila, too ring, Weailmr-Hoarding. loor, (Hsh. flhuijjlp, MhelviiiKt Corn ice huttera, Moiildinn-i, rainir.

Paimel Stuff, Framea, and Uuildmg Mmrnala (iennrally. All work flrlivt-rorl frra of rhnrufi at tlift Cleveland it I'ltuburph It lpot, and alw at the Ualtimora Ohio and Mfinjifinld R. R. lipoid, excepting tolia. promptly attamlfd to.

(sKORflK KFEM.VR. (Formerly af tha Ann o( rttawan fcrelmn 1 Bridnaporl, feel mom OoH Oni. I-L Administrator's 8ale of Real Estate. IN rt'RCl'ANCK of an onler granted by tl Probate Conn of lieliDont County. Ohio, 1- will after lor tale, at public auction, on SATUHDA T1IK aim DAY OF JANUARY.

1XIS, belwrentbe home of IS o'oUwk al and 4 oolorb p. upon tha prcraiafB, tbe foluwuif dracrihed real aetata, auuala the laid County of Uei ainnl. tn wit: Fart of Ixu and in llarnexville. commncinf at the Norlhwr.l corner of No. tbence South IM fi-et; thence Ka.l HI feet; thence North 170 feet; iba Weal 7 c-t: thence Nurlh HI feet, and llience Wilt 43 feat In the Nne nf heirilininir.

Heilndod on Ihe Nona hy Houlb Slreet. oil the Kaet by a lot ownod by flrozier aicHnwn; kimwn h. part ol Laciea i an i a nn. TKHMS OK HAI.h.: One-half down, and one bnlf i one month, with intere.1. JAMKS ClRirflTH, AJm'r of Henry II.

tfuirii, dao'd, Dao. rt, 1MC4. 1dn Intoor's Jotlce. NOTICE hereby viren tbat at tbe Prohate (Vu lot Ib'llitont tibio. the tlmler.iffiied waa ar pointed and tiialified aa Adminiatrnlor of the aetata of James wreetieuali.

deceaaed, lateol eald county. All IhoHO lo aai.l eelate are reiincleti tomula immiMliuto payniciit; anil tboae having claim aitiiial eatil e.tate are notitied to prueant tbem lor aeltlemeut witliiii one year Irom tint time. Dec. 1HM. Belmont Common Pleas.

John II. Wiley, Plaintiff. 'pilH above named defend- t. X. ant ie hereby notified Ilavld Wiley.

Defendant. that, on the INri day of October. IhiU. tbe above named DlHillUIT filed a netitinn in laid Crurt apaiiM aaid defendant prayinjr for jiidgnient airninet defendmit for aeven liundrcd dnl. wilh Inlereat from April IBiiO.

for money, of me planum, nriure inni lime, anil aitout me l'4tn nay ol September, KVilt, cnllectad and received liy auid defend. ant aa attorney in fact foranid nlaintilf. Said delundant ie required lo an.wer auid petition by January ai, inu, A MF1 F. Cll ART. KS WORTH, Clerk.

D. I. T. Ctwas, Atfjf for Pll'lt No. S4, IHM.

Sw Probate Court, Belmont 0. Ieiii Ailin'r of Momi Travis, dee'd, va. Roliart Trovia, Jonnllinn Trnvia, Mary Ann Carneninr and ThainnHCnrpeiiU (tmr hutltaml), Julia Ami Moure and Joal Moore ir liuatmiul). Jaimai ravi, Dmflnie Morfl and MnrriHOii Monro (iter liuatmiut), Willimn TrtiviN, Jo)in Trnvift, (ndulu), and Jtmt-s K. Truvii, Joliu 'I'ravii, Mary I'm via, Hiirun Truvii, Itarrit-I Travia, Mary (Jntlen and Hulilnb taun.

(minora.) fllllK abova lUiRiad dcfrmlniil arc rmrdty natinVil, tlmt, on ilia HI at duy of Novrmler, IMH. the aliova named pvtitionur filed a rtfitiiioii in Ilia ahovn named Court, Baking fur authority tn ronvay, on Udiulf of aaid detriidiimo, at haira-at-luw of uid iter tnh nt, to Htnpaon Millinan. about ihree aerrnof lund iu tlm Hnuiheaiijuar-tr nf Kefltioii 1H Towiultin 0, Uititfru A. in aniri eoiiuty, more particulMrly deirriurd iu aaid poUiion, ia pe formal irti of tha foutrari of aaid decedent. Haid neiiiinu will tm fur hearing on tho 9ll day of December, lrU, at lOo'clork m.

v. u. i. uuwra, Airy tor rei Nov. B4, Central Ohio Kail Road Uo.

A (IRF.KMKNTS foreapiialiraiionoftlier tianie auu Hurl ol Ilia uenfal ()liiu II. K- Company, preparatory lo lie wil lie fniind in ilia hand, el Ilia following (entleiuoii in Belmont C'ountv Wm. Keiuioii, Jr. Jauie. Iloamer.

Agent. Joint Wel.k, Hum, Ira Vail. SI. Ilellaire.

1 Ilariieeviila. Helmnnt All nereona intareated are reuua.ted lo sail and annua it. It ia important tliat alt who prepoaa to ace at la ternia tkould do .0 without delay. jf I Solon Robinson's Book. "ifftcta for Farmers." ALSO, for Hie family eirele.

A eompoil of rirh material, for all lain owner. About duine.lio ani nial. anil dnme.iie ecenomy. farm garden, orrkanla and vineyard, and all farm ereix, tool, fenerm ferlilualiou. draining and irrigation, lilu.lraled with Sue ateel engmviiiK.

Mited hy Holon Kohiu-o Agricaltural Rditerof llieN. V.Triliune, and author of aev.r.l popular work. A quarto volume, pp. IUJ4, price S7 at), 'i'lnt valgalile work I. not for In the book More.

I eeld enly by ae.nle, end will ba auppliatl to auberri-ben at puliluk.r.' by the underaigued, who I. Ihe euly aulherued agent far Una County. joxki'iI wooDsorra Clalrtvtlle, Okie, Sept. nut, HARRIS' NEW TIN SHOP. ALL rCRSOSS, eepeolally tho.e alioul lo commence Housekeeping st will Ind an xeellem of TIN WARE AND STOVE8 of all kind.

HAHItlf. TIN SHOP, North aide ef Main atreet, a law aoera But ef Mariana etree. Olevavtlie. Ohen. Choice Crape Vines and Strawberry Plants Free! I WANT paraona te apply to nia for Mir vaiuaui.

agneMiiniai auu trail growing pa- Cer, ihe Rua.t Aanaicta. t'liea. N. Vol. eauuful aaml.nuuihly,) whiek will he eani from July, lM, to January, IwlA, for only unt raare, end every eubeenkevwillreeelveliiSepieiakef, feit.

and poetpaia', the full amount ef kie euheerlplioH In Htal.L' faauvie avruwaaaai flaule, whiek the larireet and aaoel prolike in eiieieuee. hearing frew 1100 leoVO heme, oa a aiuale plain, aom of whiek ar aa largo aa kea' auheenheea way kave a Sue Delaware, Den-rord, Plana. Heleec, or llartlord fralik grai vin. Irea, if preferred. My epeciMH papere ar aenl free, feet paid, wkiok give Ihe lull

of ell ruy liberal ia vtaea, Ae aukeeribere end eluh aienu. There ia ee kuiaUua at aU in tin. matter, a. I have ma imoMiie eupply of planie end vine, growing en uiv farie, in Ciutiua, Uuaula Co where all teller ww i anu not on. ieuef In thou ee ltd faila reaek aaa.

Twenty ikouaand aud plain were aent free letubeeri her laalepnii, ell o( whiek are growing Inely. I een tnnn.h ail the heel vari.uee ef grape vine hy the deaan, hundred, er Ikoueenjl. iu i i vwh. an at low price. (auaj T.

M. MINt. FOR BAT.T. fiTTTE AP 0ON0, xtioxc aouai "pi a mad well ml well el atahle. There aia eheoi laui Vine ft end 3 yeara old) tat out inee lum yeara 0IU eat out III- eear foj IjnM, appry loth wibenrlher, eA Ihe preinW.

I I KLINE AND Wo. iSi, JVmim Ktrett; WHEEUINC, WEST VA A few Saore above Harbour'a Carpet Stem. WK would re.pecifully annonnea Ie tha eititena ol Relaneml and ailMiiniii eMiniAA ihsi a Juat reoeiree A Larv rise Asserlmaat! af READY-MADE 0L0THINO. Whfrh ws IntAnrl Is. tmr mmwx tora in Una city.

Wa bars tha Flneot Lot of Overooata aver brought to tail part of tha eountry. A lea, Fla Casslmer laltt to Match, Coats, Pants, Caseimwre, Tlsnnsl and Linen Shirts Drawers, Gloves, Scarfs, UHDERSHIBTa, CABPET SACKS, IIANBKERCniEFII, TIES, Ac. to which wa invite the attention ef eaah buyara saner any, a. we irei a-enreu inai wo can aau.iy meal DOta in price and quality. a bav aleo ou.aana aVlaaa aaaortinoM Boys Clothing, auch at Coate, 'aeketa, Tetla, fee.

1 Country Merohanta would do well te oalt ana1 alanine our before purakeehinf ele.wh.ra. aeW Sal NATIOINAL BANK. UNIXSir) BTATKB L.OA.I. a JPtr Cent. 10-40 Intereag aaid Principal peyaMe ImSlald.

FIRST NATlOfilAl BANK, CRtOGEPORTt OHIO DEIIOWATBD DKFOSITART AMB KAKCIAId AO NT OF VHlTEU-HTATKIt THIrt Bank ia tha increMor to tha Balmont Basita af the Plite Hank of Ohio, atid la now doing a gen eral iiatiai- uoimciiou anu r.jrttange ouiinaaa. It a IVnifriiaied iepoaitary and Financial Aganl of the Untlrd tttatea. ft haa aoiliority from tha rVereiary of tha Traajnrjr lo receive aiihacriptiona to tha 10 40 loan authorised by liia act of March 3d, lwM. These bonda are dated March let, 1804, are redact aula at the planaura of the Oevartuneut after ten yaata aad payable 40 yeara from date, in com, wits intereet at 6 per cent, rwr annum, In coi. Subacribera will receive H'triaiered or Coupon BondL a they may prefrr.

Repmtered bonda will be issued of the denomination or tMl, l.Ct and aU MM) and Coupon bonds oYi, 5100, eM). and The iuie al on the tfit) and (too bonds-registered nd euupon ta payable annually ou all others aonil aiMiunlK Th bond beat interest from March 1st, and tha a a erued interest from that day to the data of subscription must ba paid in coin, or in United Hlates and National Hank notes, addina thereto SO per cent, premium until further notice; or. bond swill be issued drawing interest Irom ihe day ol subs? ription, at the pi ion of tho sul- st-riher. Legal tender and Notion a I Hank notes, or sight drafts on Nrw York and Philadelphia, payable National Currenry. will be received in payment of subscription.

All bonds subscribed for at tins agency will bo delivered at this Itnuk free of expense. To Uitarrt'ans and others holdinir funds In a fldueiary capauily this loan furnihes peculiar advanianes. It its safe a' profitable. The interest bring paid in Gold tnnkei it equal lo au A per rent, investment. Many persons o) art lo the time the bonda have ta run.

This is no objection. Their market value ran ba realiTed at anytime wiihont the intervention of Judgee. Lawyer, Juries. Mlierilft, Ac, which often occurs iu the w.lleclipu of loans made on real estate security. Come on, then, with your subscript ons.

JOHN C. TALLMAN. Cashier. Bridgeport, April 14, Bellaire Property For Sale. I OT numbered sixteen flrl), aeventeen (IT), eighteen (Mr.

nineteen (ID), and twtfnty 'JO), in Block numbered twenty-three in the town of ilellaire all fenced in ana lot, with a good board fence, and having a very coiuioriHble )V' KI.I.ING HOUHK thereon, will ba sold at private sale, on application at this office. Tarm for Sale, Ct.rvlAlNI.NO eiphiy aeree, en Mentation' Oeek, one lmlf mile below l.ewu' Mill. Term ftreeu-buck. Apnlv on nremiM. JNO.

O. PARKKK. l7T'l hi. Perm i. not eolrt.

Vhen it ie this advee- liMinenlwill he withdrawn Irom the paper. JOHN O. PARKER. Howard Association, IMIILADrXPHIA, PA. DISKASKS of the Nervoua.

ttaininal, Urinary and Seiual Hy.tem. new and reliahle treatment ia report, of the Howard Aeeorlatioir ant hy mail ia eealeit letter free nf eharge. Addruw, Or. J. HKII.I.IN TON, Howard A.Mciatinn.

No. South Ninth Street, i'hihidelpbia, Pa. Jyll-ljr NEW TIN SHOP. n'HIS andaraigned iafonaalkapnblitthatkakaiapas A ed a new Tin, Copper and Shet Iron Store In thehuihling Immediately We.l of the Pn.t Offiee ST. CI.AIIIHVII.I.K, ha will he happy to acre einnaia inein Willi aiiytliluK In, hi.

Una ol reaeeneble terme. ley HVJOH IIAHKI THE 1st NATIONAL BANK or ST. CXAIRSVILLE, OHIO, Keep au hand and her aei Three Year 7-30 Notes. Also, neerve tubMriplion Ie the 10-40 BONDS. eolS a VTGLOhVr, CaaWe.

I II iv i ni COKTAI.VING 143 ACRES, Lying on tha MoMnhon'a Creek and Hellair Read, I Roulk of bl. Ulairvill, and 10 mile of Tiii LAfD ia or nooo quality, WITH AN AUUNDANCK OP WHITK OAK T1MUKR, PRUIT OF CHOlCli VARHVI IKM, and CON VKNIKNT HUll.niNOB. For farther partieulara, inquire nf the auh.eriher, en the praiutae. (UeMwej I), y. PAKtSUAi.k.

I. D. a. ck ia I nww. lam 4w, Clothing S1 erf ri IJJ.

SOMETHING NEW. W.TJ.J.PItERINO. Suefle.eor VT.IUay 4 Celeraan.) DUCGGISTS APOTHECARIES, Qn Door West of the Iewta Home, Main Street, St. Clairsville.O, HAVING pnrchaead Ihe entire dock ef Drug. and and repleiu.had the would a.k tha attention ef Pyueiana ami all pereon wi.hing pur and reliable and reapeetfalljr ui me oia CBHaaner.

wuratooa, in part, a. followa: I Bttnd Burgioal Iaetra merits, of the tataat and eio.t approved patlaraa Gold and Tin iT'oil, Teeth, Every Variety. All ef which will ha eeld at lae, paito oiu tn nurrs FAMILY DYES OT AZX COLOBJ8, Perfumery and Fancy Articles Of all kind. WCXCa UQTJORS, For medicinal purpoeea. Alee, PURE GRAPE WINE, for eacrametttnl aurpoeea.

arFIIYSICIANSand DENTISTS art particularly invited lo call and examine out etock. and will find it Ie their advantage Ie favor aa with their or der. We hav ala a full and complete ateck ef all the POPULAB PATIIf MJ2DICIITXS of the day, a-id every ether artit a.uelly kepi ia a wall furni.hed Drug Htore. have Heured the aervice of Mr. JOS.

A. RAM-AO lo ail and uperiutnd th filling ef all erdara and prescriptiona. 'I0 W. T. 1.

PICKKR1NO. pi.ANTATIOX. Hneietter'. Horhava', a. ai and lloodaiid'a Bitter, at PICKKRINft's.

SCRUB, Paint, fthoo, Cloih. Hair. Hhaving and Wall liru.hee,foraalaal IMCKKRIftu'r) IJrug Store. CONCKNTRATKI1 I.VH Bath llrieke, Malche, Family Dye rial Scxla, Cerlion Oil. Reack and king Poiwn.

at PICKK.RlNU'a. A YRR'H, Torld'. Mc Wright' Jayne ia e. ftlnlt'a jrx. KofP.

Koheck'e, and Chn.eman' for flUKKIUNO Drug khora, St. Clairevilla. mm 'iijiu PltOPOSALS FOE LOAN. TREASURY DEPARTMI-N-F nr. loel NOTICb, i herehyjpven that enbacnplioue will be received hy the Treaiurer of the United Htalee.

tha aeveral Aa.i.taul Treasurer and Daaignated Depoeiia- nuiiBi neiiReae.ignatea anaqualinea B. tMltn.llliriM. ml A ll Noloe payable three yeara from Auirnet 15. IWH. bearine Inlereat at the rale of eaven nad three-tenth, per cenef per ennum, wnn Mini-annual ooupou auacbed, na abl in lewful mouev.

1 heae notee will be convertible at tha eption of the holder at maturity, into aix par aent. gold beuriug redeemable alter five and payable twenty year from Auiru.t 1.1, l7. The Note will be in the denomination, of thy, i nuimrou. one inoii.eiul, annnveiliou anil dollar, and will ba i.aued in blank, or payable la order, aa mav ha directed hv the All nbi'riitiou inuet be for fifty dollar, or orae multiple of fifty ilollnre Duplicate certificate will ba i.aued for all The perty ilepoaiiiug muat eudor.e upon the oaioiKAL certificate the denomination of notea required, and whrihur they are In be i.aued in blank or payable lo order.

When eo endoraed it mtiel he left with tbe officer receiving the depneit. tube forwa riled tnlhi Dcpartinenl. The note, will ha trau.milted lo tha owner, free ef (renapnriaiieu charvee a. afier the receipt of Ihe ernrinol Certilii-aiea of a. they cau be prepured Interert will be allowed to- It on all iu inni neie.

auu will ue puin Dy tna irpan ment upon receipt of the original cerlificalee. A. the note draw frnm Annual 111 n.rutiM making dep nil. In lhal dale innat pay the tei- itocmia irom oaie ol note lo (late ot Partiea dcpoilliug iweutyeAvi.

ihouaaud dnllere and upwanla for thean note, al ai yone tune will be allowed a comini.ion of one tiiart'r ef one per caul, which wi I he paid by tin. Department anon the rcc-ipl of a hill lor lb amount, ccrutiej to by the officer wilh whom Ihe waa made. No deduction, for coiniuiMloua niu.i ue maue irom the Ofticera receiving depoaiie will eee that the proper en-doreeineut. are mnde upon the original oerlificntea.

All ntTicera nmlmrizi'd to receive depn.ii. are reiiie.t. edlo give lo applicant, all dc.ired lutorinalioil, and af-lord every facility lor making W. P. FKM-IKNDKN, HmiAtla, Ik.

Tr.aHinr wi" he received hy Ihe PIRHT NATION A HANK OF HHIIXIF.I'OHT.OHIOtBlae.nb-crtpiinn received lo the Ten-Forty Five Per t'eul. flold ucuig uoiiiie. jiiiiim u. TAI.I.MAN. CaiMiier.

XJ. 8. 7-30 LOIEST. fJlltB Secretary Traaaury give notice lhal auk acriptiona will be received for Coupon Trea.ury Note, payahla three yeara from Aug. 16th, 1HA4, with eeml- annual mtereai at Ih rat of aeven and three-tenth, per per annum, principal and lnlere.t both I k.

paid in lawful money. rueae note will li convertible at Ih option ef Ih holder at maturity, ml lx percent gold bearing bond payable nol Ie than five nor more lliaji twenty yeere from their dale, aa the Government may elect Ttiey will he i.aued in denomination, of 50.1100, and S-Vmn, and all ubciipliiina mu.t for (fly dollar er mm mullipi ol nny dollar. Th note will be tran.miited'lo Ih owiie Irea tran.Krution charge aa aoen after Ih reoelpt ef the original CertiBcatea ef they prepared A Ih not draw inlereat from Auga.1 15, peraoua mating depetlta uliicuenl te thai daw mint py th inlereat acerued from dale ef note te data of Partiae depnailillg Iwenly.Rv. ihoueand dollar and upward for the notea at any en time will be allowed a conunntion of one-quarter nf on ne wtneh will be paid by th Trea.ury Depurtment upon th receipt of a bill lor th mount, certified to by lb officer with whom Ihe waa made.

No deduction lor ronimiMion. niu.1 be made from lb deue.iU. Special Advantages of ih Is Loan It a National rUviNoa Bam, oucrlng a higher rt of Intereet than any other, and Till aaar atceatTT. Any hank whioh pay it depoeuon in V. Not, aotitiden lhal 1 pylg-in the heel circulating medium el the country, and il cannot a In anything belter, for iu owu aaaele ar either) in government eecu- ritie er in note er bend payable in government paper- II la equally ooaveiiienl a or permauea

The note en alwayei belaid lot within a fraction ol their fee and accumulated intereet, and ar Ik beet aecurity with bank aa collateral fcr dltoounl. C'onvevtlbU Into at His Cent, -WO Uotd lload. In addition to th varyfjibera inlereel ee th net lor thre year, thl privllcue qj cenver.ioii I now wonh about thre per cent, per annum, tor th current ret for a-IN Head ia not ie. than nine per nt. premium, and before th war Hi premium ou iz per cent.

U. S. nock wa ever twenty per twit II will be eu lhal th lual profit on thi lean, at th praeeiu aiarket raw, i net leu than Ian per cent, per annum. ltal Sjaxvmptlon rom Stavt oar fcfcuiaaiip rTaxjMlou. Bu I aaid from ail Ih advanlagea hav enumerated a aei of Oeiigrea.

axaiipr au. bond as TaaA. UT aoTaa raoti uwal taxation. Ou Ui avarage, ilii exemption wertk about two per cent, per auuuin. a aordini Ie ike raw el tacauoa utvarieue arta of ike ouittry.

Il I believe aha eeceaaUe erW eo great Imlute-muM Under aa Ihoae uaued hy the government In all other tone of iiidebtedueea, tk faith ot ability ef partiea, or Hock sempanlee, a (operate eomaiu. niliaa, only, I plattged for payment, wail Ik wkela property of the oeeulry la held aaeuf tk diteharf mt all th ebagatieua ef th Uuited Siaiaa. Whil tk government eaVr th nvoal liberal term for loaua, II believe that Ih very etrongeel appeal will a la we loyalty an pa uiotim of lb people, Duplicate anlftoaw will ba iaaued for all d.poaita- Th pari' depoeitinf muel tadorae, apea tk Oaieuuk eeruicale th danauriuatioet ef aow required, end whether they ar he iued ta hfaak er payahl Ie order. When aa andoned It muat be left witk the ofEeer receiving th dpoa, Ie a lerward la tk Tteatury peJleaeat. eubeerlpuoot will be received by lb Traeearer el the Valwd Stew, al vVkagta, dm aaeeral Aaaiatanl Treaaarer aad deeignawd Depoailaxiea, mad by Lea Ptrat Natfaal Bank of Judge pert, aud bp all National Beak which ar aepaeiwrlea a PavbIU ateeey, aad ailyf.aeelahhl Baaka aad rfetvker tkreugheal the eeualry will give fajwew lleravatua aad mm Mt NEW GOODS! AT HEDTJCED FBI0E3 1 ER nave Jast fa4 A Full Assortment af BOOTS AND SHOES, Purchased since the De cline in Price! Which they wil I Mlln connection with thair brmar alook AT THE LOWEST FIGURES! BOOT and SHOE ST01E.

IIo, ail yt that are tarefatt4, Aat wlshiac ta aarakaaa BOOTS ASB SH0ES1 Iek wU ymt owa iiitMt, n4 eU hMm liatiiif iMwbr mod ixmIm EITTS PICKEHIKO New Splendid Stock ol Ol vry Kind aad Deieroirbptiaav. At Ag ld Dru frrifl- rtgnjtVtf sy jamt rr. couiiu, Mala'Straat, It. ClalMvUla, rTIHF.IR STOCK it. of line al eu Mhoea uaually kept in tin a market for Uenteaua km die, Boy.

Mieae. and Children Ale. a full Hock ef GUM AND BlITAI.O VTVBK II ia all of the very beat make, Bieelly Philadelphia diatom made work, which will compare veryfaveraklj wilh Belmont county homemade work. Peraenehuyiiia even-will receive good, reliable gtfaj. anleee on whal they hoy.

To prove Ihe above Irue.yoa will only have to call and examine for youreolva. TheD look will show for iuelf. In couneciioii with th abova, they will MANUPAA. nar. an aina ei wora ie erner.

at atiort nonce. oe.4 R1TTS PICKKKiVa ovum or fall wixter CLOAKS, HOODS, GLOVES, HOSIERVa DRESS TRtMMINClJ. EMBROIDERIES HANDKERCHIEFS, ITS, NiiS WIIEELIfi. HAVING bought my Good during the panic, I am abl aall al laaclt iaaa than the regular pricea. Mrs.

Xj. THOMAS W'ol1, P11 FALL AN STYLES nOMKKTS, HATS, eV.e., en SATURDAY. OCT. Wa, Ie which he invite, th Biieuiioii oi me puutto. ecliV'gia WOODCOCK BEIDQBPORT, O.

WieJLBSAtl AND BBTAIL PIALIttS IN COAL 3c WOOD COOKING'SIOVES. QEATIXG AUD PABLOR STOYES Plow-Points and Lundsidcg, all Mnd in Railing Vtrmndmh Amalgam Bells 4 sizes. OHATINO. P1RS eniva, r.nua, Atvu rrJUNLIKY WOKIC OtuNK.RAL.LiY. WB aall particular atumiou ie ear Improved Ne.

Beck' Paieal Cook Stove. Il i very heevv and eunerior te any ether ie uae. Our Plow Point ai warraated eaual te Pittabargk make. We waul fanaer la In ewaeaDravad, Plow, wilboul pay until il givae eatiefaelion Old BtelaJ and Iran takea at Wheeling prieea. wive m.

aeit. lap nil -out WOWOCOOK MB. FBUIT TREES FOR SILL THS Proulelaref the MKAO NURSBRYeaaralae largeat aieek ef Fruit Tree he ever edered for eale, of the woal apwved verieiie, and warraaled ait ta a whal Ihay are repre.enuA Apple, Pear, reach and Cfeerry la greel ahundaaee. i i. The HkeeraVa, afWa 40 yean think will abl legiv ganaoil aauelaauaa aa all waa eat tditraaa I BLANK I BLANKS! ON hand and far tale at thj.

erne, a nuallty of itreiieee' and Cenatahl' blauka, aaaoag wkiei Warranty Deu Vuti viaim Ueea, Mortgage, witk and wftkeet Be. Chanel Mortgage, Leeee, Bend, Power ef Anaaaafi Summeno, Summeni Bail Sukpama, Writ of Reiutkn. Affi.l. Perelkle Kntry and Petier. Ait'aohmeal with Pornmon Returnable, Hond lor Order of Attach- reeiii, aepoeirion, execution, Mlttimne, Mlllimu.

for A1jolimmnl. Notice In flaritl.KMM ti.Am cftgiilianc Recngniranc ef Witne.w. Renlevin. mate warrant, Landlord'a Complaint, Notice te Leave Prentice, Conetable'. Sal, and ProMal and Nouce ei Preieet.

We ar alee prepared la print, eo ahert aeaiaa. wSk neatneee, and at tha lowe.t ratee, BxUHtudt, Ct.1i, CKroHlmn, 2Wap, Tobacco and Cigars. ANUFACTURP; and keep cenMant'y on mt eetaMiahmenl in Bm'eenort. flbin. .11 hiH.

here, and Cigar, of tha heat quality, which I am aellinc at the lowett pricee. itiercnam wi.hing lo purchaea would de wll fcroll and xamin my aeeortment before purchultfg a I rn prtpered to cell 10 tliem Ihe bet article, on th meat reaaonable terma. ROBERT ATCHISON. Bridgeport, Angnat lf4. 3m FAIRBANKS' aWAJTDAKD OF ALL KINDS.

WAREHOU8B THVOM, etviior A-reeaei ere, TAIBBANKS, GBBXNLEAI1 SS, Monroe RhLBDtl JfyB careful to buy enly the Genuine hw-ly FETJIT TEEES. 150,000 Apple Trees, 3 TO 4 TEAM OLD, TO FEET HIGH. asawKimtnt of alit. rans Plum. Charriva, Aprttt.

Naola-Hum, rapes, CurranU. lllaeklMrriaa, Raspber-uawaarriaa, Tr(friit ht.t Jte.t A 1 tha lELUQNT COUNT NURSERIES, anuca nortuwesi 01 Ob tjiairavnie. fjyPrice 1 auittha preaent ttme.TJ All order promptly to. INDUCEMENTS TO AGENTS. We will elfer areal adaceraente ie Ageata who wiah te engage in th 1 ei rraa Aoeraaa, er apon S.

MORRISON at St. Cleir.vllle.Ohi. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST! IV8UBX WITH THB L. opnnf Vrily eV (Vin FIRB ABD INLAND RATIOATIOS 1KI accepted, now aa hereieiere, al fair rat and liberal coiidttion. BUSINESS CONDklCTKD witk eeaalam diapatoh aud aoouracy.

LOSSKS alwaya met with preaaptaeea aad cam plate ju.uca. Net Assets January, 1864, $3,003,558 39. i. The PLAN AND ORGANIZ ATIOl ef of the r.NA, alter 46 year eevere trial, haa realized the greater) public advantage and euccece ef th variou of Fir in Ih country.

I now belter than ever prepared for duly. 16 000 Iii Claima have been rattled and paid. SIXTEEN MILLION OF DOLLARS! I. THE CONSUMPTION OF PROPERTY BY FIRB in Hi averagee evcrSliiO OUu daily. I your properly expoced and unprotected? ARF.

YOU INSURKD? If not, why net? The coat ia trilling: the duty ia manife.1 Ilia reeull may beyoureeeape from ruin while delay and neglect mev involve you in bankruptcy, poverty or cruel dieappoiiitmeut. I. PARTICULAR ATTENTION and regard i. given te email riak a well a. Inrue one.

Abl encurny and auprior roiaiaereial ailvaiiiagea afforded. Polieisa Issued without Daisy, ay-3e BHIIXIEI'OR 1', Belmont ohi. lOaibMO Strickland's Mellifluous COUGH BALSAM. CUrK8 eougha, u4da, ore throat, aathma, and ee -euiiiption. Itiaouly ueeeaaary for any oneireuuled with iheaa eomiilainte lo try on bottle ef Strickland' Mellifluoue Cough rlJ.ain to convinc them Ibaiii ia th beet preparation ever pet only i are.

i lie above afeclioila of tha Throat and I.uuga, but il cure, night and of blood, and i an excellent gargle for a iy kind ef tore throel. li ia plea.anl lake, and aaafa medicine for infanta. Price fiOceut pr botilfl. ruiww iiy I'ruKfUMo uriiermuy. Oeneral Depot, Eeet Feurlb Street, Ciuoiniiali.Oliid PUes A Sure Cure.

EVERY BODY being cured of Ihia 4B-H eeea by the na of Dr. Mrickland'e Pile RewcdY. I Read what Ihoae ay who kav. aaed il I mr.

w. Iudruin. of Loui.ville. and Mr. J.

Haaarde, Oincinnali. both war. cured after u.lng en Cot of Dr. Suickland'a IMa Remedy. They aay they ave tried every tiling hut could obtain no relief, but one one rw oi Dincsia uu a rile Itemedv anneled perfect rat kind cure after auOeriiig for many yeara with Ih ny yeara with Ih wont kind ol Pllea.

very one who ia auOeriiig In try iu Hold by ll per pel. Manafaslnred Eaal Fourth auaal, Ciuciuuau, O. Aak for at No. Dr. atriokUnd'B Pils Hsmsdy.

BtriokUnd's AnU-CbolsrB lCixtur lea compound ef ajtriagoiaa, abeorbeata, Himalatna and cenumeuvee, which every pbyaieiaa aokuowUdeee ia Ike enly preperauon lhal will eoeel a permwTTu uarraaaa ana wyewnery. Thi. Anu-OueJ. Mixture now tn wee in aeveral of eur army hoepiiel where give, the gre.ieal aart-fecUon It ha, Sre livt.eS Oioeaand. of our eaiOter and, and we wiU "1" Ui.

hei remedy the world fa. DwrrtHB and Draenlery. Me. Wood, af CoviugtoA, Kr- will he moat kae.v ta aettafy any Ihe vine of Biriakiand'a Ami. miiiur; in laci weJhare a (veal number ef ill eenuvoniai irum pauenu who kav bwa urd alter -li their phyawien.

after taking Minor. I euly en boule I Strioklaud' Auu-Ohatera Mixture. If yeu auaTar wi Siarrkeva aad By iryeae bottle. Tea eughl aet la ke wtlkeut aack a valuable aeJi.I Tha Ciueianau National Uaiea, af April xdia, eafaka hKneauarea Aae-Ubeiere Mixlure a. ajjanjTtjf Kattts mwa kzvzm Foil Iron Irami i-iti kr huflt ike eeey keel aaeel wareegkry matenaia.

ana win aaaae any uereie. Ike laae ie ia verl ia. Keeil deep, reend, fall, aad aaallewi eleene Piane warraaled la It. PeMO S70S. Th "eraoe PIae keina aa 1 Tory beet." (Bvangaliet.

een apeak of tkair aterlt I Ige. "-tcnrmiae iniaingeneer, Piaeee and Neledeen kllng eaaaeee een with tk I aval mad aay where. Jearaai. OBB-NIW OOTATB PIANOS, el dideeaat, makera, witk aarvad lege, for S14S. Seeoae-head Piaafg and Maledeeae at aoa, fri, StU, WS AM WATSM WBI4lMtM ABs Aaatinieaa, Tanad la Bgaal Tamperaareat wwk Taleet SlrhUdT Swell.

Price, free SM Ie ALMXANSBB dans iraea asoa te sua. fTT" A liberal diaeeem te Clergymen. Ckareke, I aetb veeeta. kteegae, veeaiuanee, aa reaener. aeURACB WATfcRS, AN, Be.

41, Breedwap, mf mm kit Mf luaed. A aw Slnaing Seek hee' and Semiiiarie. called Ike Dey-leheel Beuf la ae-ef ready. Il eatia a eee. ea b.iee eeage, reaedw etcha.

duete, Iriea, qaarteita, aad hers. aeaap ef, them written expreeely fer Ikie work, keeidee ag page ef the Elemente ef Meale, which ar ey and pregreeeiv' Among th large a umber ef keaanfal pieee. may he found. "Unole S.m'a Seheel," "hail yea hear ike. children coming, "Alwey.

leek aa th "The little leaa." and I.illle UI 1-Oh II I aVaae a tittle bird," Bird ef beauty," "Pretty pair tree," Cherue," "Meet aae hy Ihe runeing kreak," eW- kv compiled by Water, author ef "Sakkeih lakeed Bell." Noa. I aad S. wkiak kave kad Ike enermeaa 01 ne.uuo eepiea. rneee peper eee per kundred keuad, eeele, SM 1 bound, eeubeaaed gilt, 4a eeatai 1 copie. femiaked al Ik ia paiee.

priae. IABBAMT MHOSL BM4 a)k centalne 144 page, aad aaartv SMma and ta in aaeet popular a. a. eee. ever taiuea.

ra e.t popular pie ere, "giad Ward." "talea lea Akeva. "Chnauan Hera," "Beaalifal lie," "I "leeaallfal liea "I eeahl a iht. a lave aal Mother," "Th Angel teld aa aa," "la Ue Ugl gL" IL" for Ui Weary," Ave. Prieea eaaer per evra, ta SSWpealelutf eaen, ere per eaaoM) eeeaa aa enl- I teta 'I aeraaaal kaerarSi ia 'm ajBAT1 gcw.a'rotMiuTcoimereaia' 'fee' wet half Lot Ne. 44 in the levr.i la 4nibieci lo lite dower euate therein af and kymn.

NaT heretofore auigned. of d21 US per ni have keaa ineuenii; Uenemuer go, ish i Ihia and here i. a large and ooinmedien Frame Hone tl on. aitualed in the buuueae nan of aaid town. a' Riverf" liouee na.

one ol ine nee niuaiieu nun iwim i. I- town, and the reeidue well arranged lor a privet deuce There ie a good won ot water ana pump elan a large frame Pork houa. or wool After ing hottae. 1'he atore room i now railed to Ft captured Nuole.

Merchant Tailor, for two year, from An cannon. 1-64. S1UI per year. The lenee will lie aaeit awocf'W- the piirclmaer ou and alter April 1st, at wittcn will be iriven. oeuy tuao TKRMS OF One-half cull In hand, am hnif in one yenr, with la -reet on deferred pal ruins sfe.

trom nay ot rate. Prnmiaea annraiaed at 00. JAMES TAf.LMAN, Adrj of John A. Work. told i he Draft by Prod, ing a Substitute CAN NOW fumiah Alien Subatiiuiea for ra rite oiiizene of my native County.

-TtiAae uk can uve from 500 to SlUiKI by applying before yw draft. 6W rnuu Jerone, two "iiiUaar Ihe aeme' price. I canHMW UtavrllWleWftjrV for from 9MX) lo For pariwiilanlV a ioi nciosniff j. ai. uuku.

THE AFFLICT onlaliM Hf tlaoi. ADf ttaj -ie. pia wnlf aaiue. dem'a letaar peeplege," "OfMaaii wo me all the d.y," A. Pal 4ea mgli eaa.

Mal eldeaea, per li Pie aae BrTkJ A SASBBB SAJeaAJBA, eonlaln la aaaf VYwd ky Bee. Sideey Beat, aMakl li la an aagellaal keek MaaaeeaatHB Ih yeang. Prli pep' eeveea, aa eenei, aw ft WW bound SI per la. TBI BBYIYAL MVSIfl BBdWj eeirtein 73 ef Iaaa aad kymaa, dadgaed mw val, prayer, anifeafeeeaee aaaaaaga. Pnea la paaaai never, imgl edpiee, 19 eeeea, ee mmi lee.

eaaawa fetaii priee. TBB ATMBNJBVM LLBarpIBM eeniatna Five Hendred peg ef lanee ea new eld, of the choicer! ainde, fer eh.r elieol. revival, mieaieiiery.umperaa.e. fereuc, iim enKina. ef I he mu.i in Ihia hoek haenre and aaim.

"Shining Shore." "Reel for the Weary," each ether there?" "Shall wa ateel ha; "There ia BeautvhJWerld," "hind Hour ef Prayer," -TheraTr-A JrU little children te eoeta enie aae," "Cled aav. the Natiee." Ac Pricea aingle bound, eeata, SAf per IM. cloth bound, embaaaed gilt. 7 eau, Set pr leg. atalki HORAOB Yf ATBRS, Af't, Publisher af aVa akeva Beek.

aei, areeaway, new Pekwi ill NEW VOCAL el ike Bravw R.v. o. S. Plammvi "Yeei Ferten. I.S- Smalt fa.

Me," Coml. Ih. U.i. for Thee, B. Holdout "We Parted ixk.rj.T ful Smile," M.

Mlrn Kke L-mn ZI? "Kindly Word, and Smiling Faeea," rkmmil irli Dear Old Flag I Die," Oh, why ami iliVwiL C. Foeteri " B.lla,0lum. dn," Lawry: im each, mailed free r- YYalta," b. leeaa. Bernard, 4ft ek.

"We Ar Cwarinr. Fatker Ahr.kli rAlwy Look on the Sunn 'VI uuk tk. 7. "Unlliul V.i-'' Iiona," by Charloa Urobe, ad on eh Cliher Therr for Guitar, by Bl aet UO a.T i ante aek, " nnow r-cn buiiiiv eel el in io oy Jamei Mailed fre.

10 by Jamea Delink and id bv Mra7p.rki..i HOBACB WATERS, ltklwkeik Be. Breed waV a. 8, 1 it WATERS' SSIAP MUSIC FOR TBB xfTLUOH Arranged a daeta, aaanatta, and akera.e, br rauaic.l aeciauea, S.nd.y eeheele, paku. arhWle! b.y.adl.rW" In keeJuial -Free. ww.

aweiie la mr Aom, Tnitk, anaSdhaVu I'lfe an eg, Falkw Aura am, aix kundreftdtonaend an, " I ewrvew aaati faaea agaaa aaaae iy noaie," "Cmuum 2 arU.t" 'w. wiii l.v.v:. -Tw. vrr rfrr --e i. -wi mmww aae leaaea," wraer-a eeea el- "ate PlaMalma Ngr.

-fair FeaedealTwx. haa dawawd "Ovar the awauiiain," "Uttl. Aildw aa Aneal -wiihe-agene te "SeaVt huie tiVK rmliee. ew aa. IB aae aaenute.

B.AA it il aie "By Ml. a. aaaeaute, kaaa. "Uoiaa la iky reel," "Sweet kear ef i Per lae; peatage t. Biiimmti Paeliahedker BOB A OB ne readway, turn Tadaj rt-il -t A.

.1 "TJITATKRW CHORAL' HARP-A a-. Seheel Bo-k. ml la li 'T" end Pu-e aaany geeaa ee -tk JlTa knew eeek ether there." "rsiaar kuile hiutree i eeeea ante ane." "The lu-juifnl lhn l. -i "Leave am with aay BMker," "Bell i aa UmZZmk' reiee, p.iai wwa, a. ai.

"wo, mm WATKBM, ana tswt kaodred i HlkRAUK win wor.Hj foundvl Chriatif aiiigtox "Fraeml "March! Sit perl Li W.r.Vfjl YI1 reneei'Th. Morning ia Dawning." LaladrUTZZ. ba Ueaaiifal WertdJ" "Shall w.M B.ri?. Rl3 in. ngei.

ar novenng," "Ta. law, awi eyev ear ree. ri at eewea aeUaXACaT aAMaeeernaadae Sekawi hvita. kJi aa kave had la eaaaaaaaaB aale ef aaaaai. hemaand ewatee.

Jem awhliak. ky ky -ZS.

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