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The Hawaiian Gazette from Honolulu, Hawaii • Page 6

Honolulu, Hawaii
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FILIPINOS MUST PENALTY FOR (Prom Wednesday Admitting onl.v Iho death pcnnltyon the charge, Domingo Rodriguez HIIJo Bnubista nnj Miguel Mi'niubak were found guilt) of the murder of Lul Ah to Ken, tho Knhaniki grocer, by tlic trial jury in Judge Holunson's division of tbo circuit courM ctcnlsv afternoon. The jury Tins not but but three minutes and returned the verdict on the. first bal lot. Tho three Filipinos will bo by Judge Ilobinton next Saturday morning at nine o'clock. Under the Inns of the Tcrntorj, only capital pun.

lsllmenfriwutho penalty for murder In the first degree. The three Filipinos took the verdict of the jury with the same indifference they havo exhibited throughout tho trial. Careful watch of them was ta hen, however, but they made no overt actions. During the recess In the morning session, Chief of Detectives 51c Duffle had twomen stationed near tho open windows "of the court, while ho himself took his port near tho door. The jurj was instructed after the recess and shortly before twelve thirty o'clock retired to ballot for a verdict.

James II. Fiddcs was elected foreman and tho first ballot was taken, which proved that the jury was unanimous In the verdict of guilty as charged, murder in the first degree. The jury was out only three minutes when the verdict a was placed In the hands of Clerk Harrison to be read to the court. During Harrison's reading, Manigbns smiled and spoke in a low tone to who returned tho smile. Tho special Tagalog interpreter, Anaclcto Jiminoz, then translated the verdict of the iury to the men and wlnlo it solicr ed them, only Manigbas voiced a pro test.

Manigbas Protests. "Ho says he didn't kill any one," the interpreter translated, but tuo court rejoined, "He has nothing to say about that, now." The men were returned to prison to await their appearance next SELL PHILIPPINES TO THE JAPANESE Pastor Russell Suggests This as Best Way to 8ettlo Pacific Trouble. Tastor Ruscll, of the Urooklyn Tabernacle, has como forward with proposal that the American government sell thu Philippine Islands to Japan, reserving only a naval base, and thus, by removing the necessity for thq conquest of new territory on tho part of Japan, eliminate all danger of war on tho Pacific between hat power and tho United States. Pastor ltusscll, passod through Honolulu some two jears ago on his way to Japan, which visit ho refers to in his Icttcroa tho Philippine, subject to tho ecrctarv of state. Ho writes, under date of May "fi: "Hon.

Win. J. Brjan, secretary of state: "Dear Sir. I am addressing jou, nnd through jou the Hon. President of the Nation, and the honorablo members of its congress, upon subject which I believe to be of prime import, nneo to our Nation and to tho world.

I would hive preferred to make this communication a private one, but believe that its object will bo much better rcrved if it bo known at homo and abroad that the suggestion comes from a II native citizen, a minister and of Chriit, rather than if tho Bame suggestion were to emanate from como official of our government or from a politician. The World's Peace Endangered. "A jear ago I visited Japan and tho eongetcd conditions there prevailing, and learned that her population is increasing verj rapidly, while every foot of arable land is under 'Intense' cultivation. Japan's need for room for her overflow population his already led her to grasp Korea, and it is no secret that she longs for poHCsion of the Philippine Islands, nnd would be glad of a reasonable pretext for taking possession of them. Many broad minded Americans have suggested that the United States has no Jcdrg to acquire colonies in an imperial tense, and that, therefore, the Philippine Islands should bo surrendered to tho Filipinos.

The onlj objection urged against this move is that the Filipinos, 3ct 4un'ciPntIy advanced in uwlization to propeily govern And those mot intimate with the situation havo not the slightest doubt that if the United States withdrew from the Philippines, the government would immediately I take control, and shortlj the Philippine Islands would be inundated with Japanese undoubtedly much to their as the latter people are more thrifty nnd prudent'-and energetic than the Filipinos. Some Startling Suggestions. "I suggest that the United States government from amongst the Philippine Islands one island suitable as a naval base, and tender to Japan the opportun ly to take over tho Islands at precisely tho same they hav cost the United This would give oar neighbors of the Far East exactly what thev want, at no pneo at all lonrared with the cost of woul'l make them desire a Americans friendship with all nations. I advise that tin. Men be taken speedily, because there is a jingo' party in Japan bent upon the acquirement of the which party will alwavs be ready to take of such trifle, the Alien Law to incite hatred neainat tho United State, and tV fn ceUc jrovernment.

against its judenicnt tn to scUe the Philippines. "It Is human nature for the Tarn, nesc to want those that they need them, "ut, tactical 1r fi PAY DEATH BRUTAL MURDER Advertiser.) Saturday i miig before Judge Itobin son for sentence. Attorney Heorgc A. Davis, represent Ing raised a legal objection the verdict of tho Jury linmefilntelv after thu finding win rend. Davis held that the verdict while holding the tie fcndanls "guilty ns ehnrged," did not specifically nflnio each defendant and the retired to comidy with the nli jcctlon.

On tho correction of tho vonllct, lfci vis made another objection and gnvc the court notico of a motion for new trial. In nn eloquent, convincing address, Lorrin Andrews. associated with the prosecution -a jS)Ocial prqioiiitor.istatcd tho government's side of the case to tbo jury earlier in the morning. Samuel Chillingwortli, A. L.

C. Atkinson nnd George A. I) iv is, the latter In half hour nddrc, placed the defendants' case in the hands of the jury. John V. Cathcart, city nttnniey, made, tho re plv for tho prosecution.

The men were convicted onlj on one indictment charging them with the murder of Lul Ab Ken, tho grocer of Ka hatilki, on Iho night of April .10. An other indictment was returned against them on tho charge of murdering Ltim Lin, wife of Lul Ah Ken. As tho ileitli sentenco will prohibly bo pronounced against them by Judgo' Robinson next Saturday morning, however, it Is believed that there will be no of trial on the second indictment. To Sentence Manolo Thursday. Cclcstlno Mnnolo, who was one of the quartet of Indicted 1'ilipinos, will come up for schtenco on a clurgo of murder in the second degree before Jmlgo Hob inson next Thursday.

Mnnolo appeared for tho prosecution against his Jormci companions last Hominy morning. Tho trial hai occupied tho mornings of five 1I.139 nnd in all 11 si ore of wit nosscs were examined. It Is universally held that the men were given every fair chance to show their Innocence, but tho evidence against them appears to have been too conclusive. common sense to say that they can tike inem whenever tnoy uro rend v. 1 no United States lould not retukn tho Philippine except at tho expenso of many lives nnd thousands of millions of dollars if nt nil.

"Our Jnpancso neighbors, flushed with their victor over tho Russian navy, and courageous and proud spir Hod, anjwny, realize fully 'their 11I11I ify to tho Philippines and probably to hold them; but they do not realirc tint 11 war with America would bo very different one. from that with Russia that American pride and valor would spend thousands, of lives nnd thousands of millions of dollars, rather than surrender to Japan. Pride, courage, self esteem, confidence, on both sidei arc the real dangirs. Surely wisdom both, nations that, in tho interest of pcieo, cnu'D for friction should ho 11s fur ns possible eliminated. 1 hcliqvg no more fair, no more iust, no morn honorable method for nd indicating this matter can be found than thnf wo tire suggest ing tho salo of tho islands at cost to tho Japanese.

"Japan would givo tho Filipinos splendid government bitter, I than woujd any other nntion under the sun oxeept our own government. No ono can visit tho Philippines without feeling pride for what America, has dono for tint people nnd dono in so unsolfisli nnd noble rummer, ns nn elder brother amongst tho nations help ing a joungcr brother. Under 110 circumstances would 1 favor turning the Philippines over to tho domination of barbaric people The, Japanese nro not barbarians, but highly civilbe'd. "My discourjo 111 Washington on tho twenty fifth, "Pi ice Desirable, War 11 was evidently misuiidcr stood by some of my penco friends. While.

I claimed that nations havo iicv or been ublo to moid war. and that they never will bn able to wholly avoid 11 1111111 tih inauguration ol Kingdom, iievcrtlieles I beliovo tint all lovers of peaco should unite their henrts mid voices and pens and every energy in removing nil unnecessary friction between nations, by doing 111 ndvnuie those things which would nnko for peace, and by promoting them. For instance, if tho move I am suggesting woro del.ijed until tho Japnnosc had nudo nn attack upon thn Philippines, it would bo too lite American prido would never consent to nn ovorturo of salo under stress; nor would tho Jupi neso probibly bo willing to purchaso them. Now seems to be the psjcho logical moment, nnd, as stated nt first, it seems best tl it theso suggestions should como from an ambassador of Christ, rather than from 11 politician of any party, so tint partisan fooling may rot interfere, but our nation ns 11 wholo approve and Uphold and carry speedily forward this peace promoting measure, call for its endorsement by pc.110 so eleties and nil who beliovo that war should be only last resort." Same View From Japan. question 111 1110 united States, spggests also that tho Japanese covernmont make overtures to tho United States with proposal to per Pianentlj loncedo to Japan the whole of the Philippines in exchange for tho exclusion of Japanese residents and emigrants from the Pacific 'oast, ae cording to a translation in tho Japan Advertiser of May 20 The Democrats, who aro now in power, appear to bo in favor of giving the Philippines Independence, nnd, tho Osaka paper is inclined to think that its proposal would be acquiesced in by tho Democratic government.

In i administration Japan has ample experience first 111 FormoM, and Chosen, Kwautung and Karafuto. Accordingly the paper is confident that in taking over the Philippines from the United btates, Japan will be able to admiuis tor the Islands in such a way js to satisfy the American government and people. In ensc. however, America refuses to grant Japan's proposal, as suggested, Japan should then tho sword, as final measure for the settlement of tho question. i HAWAIIAN GAZETTE, IKIIiW -SEMI -WEEKLY.

FOUR INDICTED BY THE Bert Bower Charged Under Ed munds Act as Woll as for White Slavery; Action Is Believed to Havo Followed Developments in Kukui Dance Hall Investigation. From Wendnesday Advertiser) 'I he federal grand jury took action on the Hawaiian I) nice Hall investigation vestorday. Indictinir each on two counts with white slavery, tho grand jury returned charges against Albert Manuel Lurren nnd IMnard I'luney. Two lndlcimcnts on tho same charge against nnother man still remain on tho Glo of tho United States lAarfflial'n oflirw, pending tlio serving of the bench warrant. Local Chauffeurs Involved.

Two of tho men, who nro local chiiuf teurs, woro arrested jesterday mid re leased upon furnishing bond for tlCOO. Machado, how over, is serving a thirty- day sentenco in O.ihu Prison on the charge of having run down and Injured Japanese nnd leaving him unconscious in 11 deserted section of Atkinson Park. Tho warrant on tho fourth man is pre dieted to be served cither lato today 01 tomorrow and tho quartet will appear in Judge Dole's department of (lie Unit id States district court next Thurs'day morning fur the setting of tlio date of their trials. Altogether, the grand jury returned eight indictments, charging tho quartet 011 two counts each with violation of the white slive laws. Despite the rcti tenco maintained bv thq federal author itics, it is believed that evidence has been secured against the men on charges ef procuring nnd transporting girls within tho Territory for Illegal purposes.

Cliiney is a chauffeur, who has often figured in automobile escapades. Albert Muchado pleaded guilty in tho circuit court a few weeks ago to tho charge of running down 11 Japanese nnd attempting to escape tho proiess of tho Itvv by leaving tho injured in.m unconscious in Atkinson Park. Ho was committed with threo other compinions tb sirvo thirty dajs in Oahu Prison. All threo of tho men indicted jesterday aro alleged to have been regular attendants at the Hawaiian Dance Hall in Kukui street. Bower Indicted.

Tho grand jury also returned two in dictmciits against George A. Ilower, better known "llcrt" Howcr, 11 baseball umpire and minngor of tho Oahu Auto Stand. Ono indictment is for a vtoli tion of tho Udiuuuds' Act, while tho second covers tho whilo sl.ivo clause. The indictments ajjnlnst lluwcr vvero returned as a result ot a different mves tigition bj thn fed ernL grand jury thin tlio Hawaiian Dance Hall probe, but tho cxposo by Tho Advertiser of tho dance in Notley Hall in Kukui street and tho resultant investigation by tho grand jury led, it is stated, to tho findings against How or. Howcr is said to lie married man.

Ho has, been malinger of tho Oahu Auto-mobile stand in Fort street for some cars. The exait charges against him woro not given out 1iy the grand jury jesterday. Ho was released on a bond of $1500. It is a matter of record that thn lo ci! juvenile court authoritiiH and nous probition ofbeers have been on tho trail of Howcr for somo lime. Com plaints that named him specifically nro believed to have been tiled against mm with Judgo Wlutnej of tho circuit and juvenile courts, but it lias been stated I iv the territorial olhcinls that tliej havo been handicapped bj lack of evidence.

Two other indictments on dilveront chnrgis were brought by tho federal grand piry during tho morning session yisterJay. I'uKuioeln Moknu was In dieted oil a statutory eh irge, in which the iiamo of Susio Alieo figured Mo kini was released on a bond of f250. Simon I'opou, alias Charlos W. llojd and (Jregory (iustohln, tho two Hussmn jouths who wero arrested bv the police Sunday morning on the th irgo of mail-in obsccno matter to young Slavic girl, were indicted by tho grand jury jesterday on the ono count. Tho men will bo brought up before Judgo Dolo of tho United States district court for tho determining of the date of their trial some time later 111 thu week.

COULDN'T GET WEDDING GOWN IN HONOLULU Tho Los Angeles Times, a "spec inl despitch" from its San Francisco corres oinlent, relates to its reiders a number of suppositious remarks cred ited to Miss Hcst.iriik of Honolulu. Tlio Times' despatch sas: h.N FHANCIS(X), Juno 2 On the first leg of a journey of miles that she ni.iy purchase 11 wedding trous scan to her liking, Miss Margaret daughter of llishop II. H. of the I'pNcopal diocese of Hono lulu, nciompniiied ii her mother, arrived hero today on the Pacific Mall liner Siberia, and will leave for Hostou fomorroiYriou the Limited. tint I couldn't iTit a wedding gown in Honolulu," said the blsjiop's diughter, "but vou know thej have so many pretty things in lloston." Miss Itesturick cojlv admitted that she had first met her intended, Ilonnld Mcdrew, a we.ilthv voting sugar operator at Momi Ilenih, but she denied tlic story which preceded her that the joung mid whom sio is to marry once saved her from drowning when a big lireakir threw her into an undertow, Hefore returning to Honolulu where iho wedding will take pi ice 111 August, ltcstanek and her mother will visit San Diego, whero the voting woman was born and where she resided with her parents for eleven years.

imMTOItTANT. "Nothing, it seems to me, looks as unimportant as a bridegroom at a wedding." "Ilnvo jou ever noticed a governor when ho was surrounded by the uniformed members of his staff." Itccord Herald. HEftLTY TUffllllS I. nt cred of llenrd Mai 3.1, IIH3. (-111 Ant Port llent Sort ut Hawaii to doainm I nrvulhri ltd Ionium Carvnlhii to Han Ant Port llent Hocy of Ilnwai I II Hcidlu ct nl by Trs to Liwhl Tcrnco Plan i.liuira Johnson to Trs of I'M of Lvinalllo Chgo WaNrhousc Investment Ltd to Harry dray Harry 8 Otay and wf to Water- house Investment Co Ltd (lavlord Wilcox-by No tlco Klizahcth Itenjcs lo lieorgo Ho dick A Kiiloken It gr Notice Hattlc Joliii'oti by jtcgr Notico Masakichi Tari and nl to II da Sllvclra Herman Hugo and wf (o Allen Itobinsoti Ltd James Leich and' QUver 0 Lansing 1) Manuel Icrnandcz to OHvcr'tTlin sing lief Oliver 0 Lansing to Alexander Lo- thlan Filtered of Ilceord, May 21, ID13.

"losepa Knhcc to Ot.adn Dcnlaro ct ol Kai Vonu to I'lin Wni rlii A Dranga to John Mattos It John Jr to Join Men- 'doiici. r. O-M First Trust of HJIo, Ltd Tr, to Osorio Tnkalnshl Iwaklohi to Halkl Stio- liiatmi i. ...1...... CM Kektinn Km to Marj IJ Foster, w.

Paul fallctt ami wf tli It A Wadsworth li.ichcl Schmltt nnd hsb' to Mnul Irrigation' Co Ltd Allen llobiiison Ltd to fleorgo Kchnuoha ...1 I) II tin bttgir Co tn Kaainon. Win II1I11 Sugar Ust of II Hishop by Trs to Territory of Hawaii Xnlct to Kealamikia Untered of Itccord May 20, 1013. Charles IJl.tke wf to Mrs Min- nie II 'Mnloho .1...1 Joseph Koi to Mrs (hang I) Kek.ihiina (k) to Moktt Koknliuna (It) ct nl Damon to James Leach Par llcl Mi Hoj" to von Il.imni Young Co Ltd CM Kochi to von II tiniii Young Co Ltd Ui'lior -Tt Co to J'ov: 1) Sin Ant Port Heat Soej of II to Uuillierinu Lttlz Uuilliernio Litiz and wf to Drum- moiid Marj II 1I0 et nl by Comr to Dttsy Smith ot nl Pnrtu Kithooihna Dttdolt and hsb to Ho ward llowcn James Leach and wf to Nascimonto Sr David Knnmii and vvl to Lahainn Agrctl Co Ltd Pioneer Mill Co Ltd to David Kit- Annis Turner' et al to Charles CnuV Ltd Fox to VcolAli Kec.i'.'.s HFo trftiricd 1) Sedgwick Young Savs Socy Ltd to Llmir.i Johnson A N10 Sing "W.ii to Knneoho.lttce Mill Co Ltd It Court of Land Registration. William A Kinney' and wf to Carl Miltuer I) Url Miltner nnd wf to Philip II Dodgo Filtered of Ilceord ly 27, 1913. jbtcphqti M.ih.iulti nnd wf to IMward Mnhaulu 1) Osliiina to H.ita CM Lst or Itcniico Ilishoti bj Trs to Wnterlioiiso Investment Co Ltd.

vv .1 i.owno and vvr 10 reiicricic 11 Damon 1) Taoiiouchi to Kuino Kato Victoria Ward to Ah Pow et nl 1. Wnterhuiiso Trust Co Ltd Tr to Oust iv livelier. Joseph Manuel nudivyfto Union Loin Savs Assn ofUaw Ltd. Silviun (1 Sintnnu.i and wf to John i'reitns John Frcitas amf to Lopes( Jr Itotb bj Atty to Mrs, Jennie Ilcehtel Frederick Knock and wf to Leo Kwui JJ Driimmond to Helen IJovd and hsb Itcl Trent Trust (.0 Ltd to Ha1 Yato Pung Tr Liiim Potigicr to!ov A .100 lernniidez to von Huium Young Co Ltd Entered of Itccord Mny 28, 1013 Marion Luhin and hsb to ltobert WShiuglo John Cotburn to Ah Kai ltd Ah Kai to John Moniz Tr A John MonizTr to Ah Kui Ah I.coug and wf to Dank of Ho- nolulii Ltd Knneoho Itico Mill Co Ltd to Sun Hop Wni Sun Hop Wni to Kancohc Kiev Mill Co Ltd Trcift Trust to Ltd Tr to Hugh Davis Thomas Hollinger and wf to John Todd Lucy Jnkiiis and hsb to Abraham Lota Kukawclouli (k) to Wong Loo fleo Ljoirgus to ecil Drown Marj- Mattsou to Fast Maui Irrigation Co Ltd Terntpry of Hawaii to Watorhouso Investment to Ltd Henry Watorhouso Trust Co Irtd to Hannah Jacobsou nnd Itcl I.usitina Hcnt Socy of Hawaii to Mary Nunes llol Marj' Ij Nunes and hsb to William II eeb and wf Entered of Heeonl May 20, 11113. David Liuday Tr to A Rel -F Haldwin Tr et al to Hita A Keoin 11 Streubeck to liosalie Ljons.Par Itel llosalio Ljons to Tcrrit.ry of Hawaii by A fly to Notice 1..

Notico A A Wilson nnd wf to Theodoro Kallmann I) Percy M.Pond and wf to Cjrus Oreen Cjrus Oreen to C'harlci U-Mu- 1 cumlwr. 1 II Akona and wf to Louisa Am llrurm and wf lo (Jrnce 1) Hedwiek Mtg Castle to Tract Plan Hawaii Kwnisha Ltd, to Hon Drew Malting Co Ltd Mtg Littered of Heeonl -VI ay 31, 1III3. Shiknsho to It Mori II (I Kiitomori to Korctoshl Kiijikawn Hhiuuiirn tn llnta First Hank of Kilo, Ltd, to lleuriqttes icel Tnkakuwn to Yoshllchl Condi II Nngntnui to First Natl Hnnk of Wnlliil.1 CM Trent Trust Co, Ltd, to 11 Crcssnty and wl Kxtn Terr of llnw.vil, by Dcp Alty Onrl, to Notice Notico Knpiolaiil Ltd, to Charles Macomber A Kelliinau.iln Knen (widow,) et al to Walultin Agretl Co, Ltd' Mtg Abigail Kaouoli! nnd hsb to La' haina Agretl Co, Ltd Ht of Luiinlilo, by Tri, to Theresa. Fctersen Itcl tfttirl ol' Land Itcjlstr.ttiqn, Iret.t Trust t'o, Ut, to" sitj nnd wf Uxtn 'Mtg Kiitced of Ilceord Juno 2, 1913. 0 Kcjhiinlll to Manuel Carvalho Mle Antnno r'ernandez and wf to Man- ocl da Costa Manoel da Cost.i and wf to Antono Fernandez J) Mnnool da Costa and wf to Mary Fcrnnndez Marj- Fernandez to Manoel da Costa Manuel da Costa and wf to Ma- Mtg Tliomns Drown et al by Comr to Horn Horn and wf tO'Antono It Souza Jr llalbiua Abrcu (widow) to John da Costa Knhooph nnd vv to Kaula Kaula K.iai Joe Fernandez to Maria Fernandez Antonio Fcrnnndez and wf to Man.

ucl I ranko Jr Alexandrian Carvalho to Kcona et al Lovcll nnd wf to Manuel Soura T) Henry Wntcrhotiso Trust Co Ltd to l.dwin Stono ct al Par Hel Kaplka Stono and hsb to Kozma Kovner and wf Ko7ina Kovner and wf to Knpika Stono Mtg Mnnolo and wf to Isaac lona Wade Thajcr to Admr of Est of Hannah Hitchcock A Hchcna Kapnli ct al to Kanono fwl Anthony Leo Altlo to James Ah- loy A Manuel Lucas and wf to Joso Da Itocha Chun Wni Fnt to Pang Ing II Hackfcld Co Ltd to Kc- kaula and wf 1... Pel Lnnnina Agretl Co Ltd to Abicail Knoiiohi T) Schlenlmcr Tr and hsb to .101111 retxeira and wf Harry Hrovvn to Honolulu Motor Supply Ltd ,,..,.0 Davis and hsb ct al to El leu Pratt Ajina to von lliiarclinn Trust Co Ltd by Attv's to otlco Notico Anthony Lee AI1I0 by Atty to Ka. ucoiio ltlec Co Ltd J'ntered of Record 'Juno 3, 1913. Harrjslj Junkiii to Mrs Mary hal Kane Kaoho wf to Wni Chal- 'mors Mlir loliu Cnson to Ihnilj Napaepao et al 11 jaici to .1 uwo nnd wf Trs Trust L01111 to William Smith et nl pa 1. iJott.a to Maria linrontes Kol Delta to Joao Reizcntcs Rel Roucntes and wf to Maja Hoot.i ..1 Mtg iiuiutu 1 anci wi to Wala- luii Agretl Co Ltd Mtg Kutig Yick Co to lleo Tat Loo Leong Sheo (widow) by Atty ct nl to Iluttio Johnson Loo Leong bheo (widow) by Atty ct al to Kolokea Nap.ipa (w) crnanilcz and wf to Chas Kealiluhi Chun Iloon to Sco Hop Rol i.mmio fttoney by Atty to Guar dian Trust Co Ltd A Ijjdia A Cummins nad hsb to II Hitchcock 1 Entered of Record Juno 4, 1013.

Ilrandt to Llhuo Ico Electric Power, Co L- 01 iv. AKau by Tr to Guardian Trust Co Ltd A Kung Yick Co to Hco Fnt lavarcs to Laupahoehoo Sugar Co II Miki to Takahaslii Jumes Armstrong et al by Regr. Notico i.ntered ot Kecord 1013. Mrs to Ah Jose Cnlres to Hashimoto Frances Uickcrton, by Hogr. Notico Gcorgo Tscliudi to btraueh .7.

A Hattio Tschudi to Strauch 1 A IKnul'cwa Maelo ami hsb to Kuno Ivuopuiki (k) ct al Halcakalii Ranch Co to A Mar- ucl Excbg Ij a to naicaKuia liauch Co ExchgL rung vick Co Co tl Irwin and wf to William IJ Cnstlo A Wadsworth and wf to haina Natl Hank I) Hele-La and wf to Hakalnu Plantn Co Havvn Trust Co. Ltd. to Chuck Hoy Par Rel Uoichl et al to Thomas Piucipplo Co, Ltd l'orcy Pond and wf to Mat- sumoto 1 1 i-iii ot K.iltaun to Waiahole Water Co, Ltd Est of II Hishop, bj Trs, to hole Water Co, Ltd Grant Est of IJ Hishop, by Tts, to Waia hole Water Co, Ltd Pearl City Fruit Co, Ltd, et al to Walahsjlc Wnter Co, Ltd Grant Oahu Railway Land Co. Ltd. to Waiahole Water Co, Ltd Grant li Est, Ltd.

et al to Waiahole Water Co, Ltd Grant John II Est. Ltd to Walaholo Wa ter Co, Ltd' Ij Tohn II Est, Lt.r; to Oihu Sugar Co, Ltd Chuck Hoy and wf to Joe t'avnro I) .100 a tavac.l and wf to Wilcox Walter Uerrle to Von llamm Yuur Co. Ltd CM Hltlgo Tokunagn to Von llamm Voting Co, Ltl It Miki to Tnknhnsht A Entered of Record Juno 0, 1013. Hue I Mackintosh and hsb to Re becca Hart (widow) Mtg Francisco Pacheco and wf ct al to Hakalau Plantn Rutherford et al to von llamm. Young Co Ltd Daniel Tr to Walalao Kal mukl i.

Palolo Imnrvmt John Apio to Notico. Anaagawa to it Rel Kawaguchi to .0 Ida wcedon (widow) to Benjamin Cruz Hishop Co to Nndine Boilgo.Par Rel Nadlno Bodgo and hsb to Chapin A Day Thomas Toolo to PER Strauch A PER Strauch to Sam Rel Funny Strauch and hab to Ahtilli Anderson Tr to Trent Trus.t Co Ltd Annie Stevens to 1'cpcckeo Sugar Co. Mrs Julia Kapea to Hawn Agretl co Sco Dal Do Society to Chlng Fook Vuon itel hntcred of Record June 7, 1013. Lalakca to Kawal Hun- jlro Lalakca to Kawal Hun- jlro Extn Sentnro Nnkashima to llisakichl Haraguehi IJ Etigcao Luanda and wf to Mrs Maria li- Porcfra Hamano Jo II Vanagitsubo IJ Kaananna Awa and hsb to Aoo Mrs Ualkannhclo Will WJ VVill Pioneer Dldg L'oan Assn of Jin' whli to Mrs. Lucy Bungo Rel Lucy Bungo and hsb to Dora Jscnbcrc Ora Bartlett and hsb to Thompson, Tr 1 1 Thompson, Tr, nnd wf to Charles Bartlett Hannah Boyd and hsb to Agretl Co, Ltd Bishop Co to Nndine Bodgo.

Rel Philip Lansdale, Tr, to William Castle A M. Eliii I.ons, Tr, to Af John A Cummins in cicorgc nncrman.j j) to Hnwn Agretl Joe Umi to'Hawn Agretl Co George Dawson to Hawn Agretl Co Kcnichi Sliintaku to Hnwn Agretl Co Sarah Kapcato Hawn Agretl Co Kaahnnul (vv) to Lucy Kanikala ct al Entered of Record Juno 0, 1013. Wilson to Territory of Hawaii Harrub to von Co Ltd .1.., CM st or Ivamaka Kaaini by Admr to Hi Schnack Donaldson by Atty'to Millo Mor 'is Far Rel Ivy Richardson by Atty to Favno Koran Vrcdenburg (widow) to Rel Moses Koki to Tr of Ann Smart Kckaikuihala Mabaulu and hsb tn Roso Slmerson J) barah 8 Dcponto nnd hsb to Noa Aluli j. John Sylva and wf to Marv Telles (widow) Mtg Frank Barwick to Ncllo Carl-smith John A Rodrlgues to Antonio Ca- mahco itel Masonry Work Co to Antonio Ca macho ucl A Lamncho and wf to Lusltnm. Hcnt Socy of Haw Mtg couri 01 iana registration.

Hummel nmf wf to WIN bon i a hntcrod of Record Juno 10, 1013. Asakichi Ogi and wf to 'Mulra to Suna Ogi Dillingham by atty and wf ct al to Tanaka 8" Taaaka to Ogama. GisabuTo Omori to Bcamcr. James Ako to Volcano Stables Trans Co Ltd Mtg vv iv. isamauu to Joo Mitchell ivinma Knupalolo and hsb to John Medciros William Castle Tr to Etha Duckworth pBr Rel Kthn a Duckworth and hsb to Wilsoi Chun Wat Fat to Pang Ing Warren Craw and wf to Samuel II Webb Warren Craw and wf to Mary A Webb Mary Conaq to Bank of Hawaii Ltd Mtg jviucrt ij sutton to nrst Trust Co of Hilo Ltd Tr First Trust Co of Hilo Ltd Tr to Thomas Guard Harold Giffard to Albert 'Horner uonnct anop to AOolpn 11 Ahrcns CM Mrs I Kamana et al to A Akau Trent Trust Co Ltd to Tin Ynn Rel Murayama to von Co Ltd I Arita to von 'llamm' Young Co Ltd Charles Hubert Tr to Samuel 'K Oneha Tr Charles Hubert to Samuel Oncha Tr Sarah Kennedy by Atty and hsb to Julia A Kellctt Bank of Hawaii Ltd to Sarah Keanedy Pir Rel Western i.

Havya Iuvstmt Co Ltd to Tschudi Rel John Saas aud wf to Walter Wall Court of Land Registration. Frances IHckcrton to Hum. mcl Hummel and wf to Frances Blckerton Mtg Superintendent of Public Works Caldwell leaves for Hilo, oa the 8. S. Wilbelralna.

I. 13 ASK FOE THE Gaviota Brand Vtbadc lULUiMy' I Fertilizers BIRO BRANDS START SOMETHING Our Fertilizers aro mnjlo of the i stuff that elves, them tho energy arid strength and ability to start-something. Pacific Guano Fertilizer Co. Honolulu and II1I0, Hawaii BAN FEANOISOO, OAIi. "EMPBE83 LINE OF STEAMERS" FROM QUEBEC TO LIVERPOOL via the CANADIAN PACIFIC 'RAILWAY tho Famous Tourist Route of the World In connection with the Canadian-Australasian Rojal Mail Lino For tieketi and general 'Information apply to THEO.

H. LTD General Agents Canadian Pacific Ely. Co. Castle Cooke Ltd Honolulu T. H.

Commission Merchants Sugar Factors Lwa Plantation Co. Waialua Agricultural Ltd. Apokaa Sugar Co Ltd. Fulton Iron Works of St. Louli.

Blake Steam Pumps. Western's Centrifugals. Babcock i. Wilcox Boilari. Green's Fuel Economizer.

Marsh Steam Pumps. Mntson Navigation Co. Planters' Line Shipping Co. Kohala Sugar Co. Bank of Hawaii, LIMITED.

a Incorporated Under tbo Laws of lbs Territory of Hawaii. PAID-UP CAPITAL .1000,000 00 BTJEPIiUS 100,000.00 UNDIVIDED PROFITS 157,592.82 OFFICERS: O. II. Cooke President E. D.

Tonney Vice-President K. B. Damon Cashier U. O. Fuller Assistant Cashier R.

AlcCorriston Assistant Cashier DIRECTORS: C. H. Cooke, E. D. Tenney, A.

Lowis, E. i Bishop, P. W. Malfarlane, J. A.

McCandless, O. H. Athorion, Geo. R. Carter, F.

B. Damon, F. C. Atherton, R. A.

Cooke, COMMERCIAL AND SAVINQB DB- DBPARTMENTS. Strict attention given to all branches of Banking. JUDD FORT 8T. Castle Cooke Ltd Life and Fire Insurance Agents General Irumrrance Ageata, ropressntlng Now England Mutual Life Insurance Company of Boston. Aetna Fire Insurance Co.

ATTENTION We havo just accepted the Agsncy for the and The Protector Underwriters of the Phoenix of Hartford. Xhese are also among the Roll ot CHAMBERLAIN'S PAIN BALM. A touch of rheumatism, or a twinge of neuralgia, whatever the troublo is, Chamberlain's Pain Balm drivoa away the pain at oncq and cures the com plJlnt quickly. First application pjves relief. When a bottlo of it 1b kept In tho houso tho pain of burns nnd scalds may be promptly relieved cuts and bruises quickly healed and swellings promptly reduced.

In fact, for the household ills it is just such nn as every family should bo vided with. For sale by all dealers. Benson, Smith Ltd agents for Hawaii. adv crtiscment. TO CORE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Qtunitw Tablets.

All druggists refund the money if fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box ARIS MEDIClNB CO. St Lou.

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