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The Weekly Chieftain from Vinita, Oklahoma • Page 3

Vinita, Oklahoma
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

n.ifi a 'litrai Chieftain. "fesHB9s Moir. 8, 1891. liallroad Tlrao Tablet. gJitJiOUIHt KANSAS TKXAS.

HpJ dp nWT NO UOtKO JOOI1I. I miiiivk Silt It. A HtiitamI "iWl 3t.T. InMOn.m rralsht ami Acconn nmp.m IIKI'AtlT ti.iBk.rn tilop.m noma hoiitii. Mo- Tx cz So.t.

r.8l. Ij.A Hl'bex So freight and accom aiiiii 11:30 1 il IlKrAIIT it. Louis a ban rnANmaeo IIA1MVAT. iioinu mil. Ex.

8t It- loP I'lilpa Accommr juimvk. llillam llsloam. uxrAiir. 00111(1 (AIT. St.

Louli eipresi accommodation I TtiroiiKli coacheafrom at AnniTx. liWjiro, Louis to Sapulpa, DXPABT n.Mjini. xii.ipm rim a It Church toath 11.11. areathonsepailori school at 10:00 m.i preaching at 11 ra aniUp.m I prayer mecllngefery Wed. oeiday erenlng.

Communion lerrlce etery 1rt Similar. rrttbf tcrlan Charch. I). Allen, as-lori preaching, Sundays at ll.a. m.

anil 7 p. n.i Sunday school at lu a. prayer meet ng Thursday nlghte. Uorxrexatlonal Church Her. Fajettellurd, peeUn sendees erery Sunday at II a ra.

ami Ili.m iSunday School at 10 a. m.t Clirntlin Endeavor Society. m. l'rayer meeltnir ifrry Wednraday erenlm. V.

Meet erery Wednesday at p. in. ftllAl.l'HIAN' LODGE. So li K. or V.

Heeta erery Tursday erenlng In their castle hall at 7:30 Vljitlng knights In goon atanuing insiten ra 8. V. 41. Landrnm. U.

MeCrary.K of 11. and 8. VINITA LODGE NO A. A A. II.

Masonic mil me nrii biioi-I before each full moon. ULITtU llAUBT. W.M. T. M.

Sec. VINITA 1.0 Meets In Ma day night 111(, VINITA LODGE. NO. 18, I. O.

meet In Matonlohall on CryJjE Monday night or each week at 'bnr o'clock. J. V. Scott, Q. (i flnrrxAN, Seo'y.

l'UUITV O. K. 8.. ineeta In Ma- ionic hall rlrii and third Ihnraday Ineach mnnth at 10 o'clock n.

AnnikK CUMKiOALca, W. M. Swain, Seo'y It J.O'OA.L NOTOSS. Tasporla. Try 1 tacorin.

Sin lloo Nun cigars. Fit ied codllsli Rt Swain's. Try Tascorla for children. Heed onts at -Sets At tiwaln's. Insist on (tolling Tascorla.

Iloroe radish flour at dwaln's. Try Tascorla -for yourBitlf. 5 cents buys a lloo Nan clear. Dawes Commission Saturday, 10tu Simon Kclcliam tlloJ last Friday nltfh t. Uoal oil (or 13c por gallon at It.

M. Swain's. No. 1 flno salt $1.30 por barrol at Swain's. 'Mrs.

II. II. Trott has been among tbo sick. For board by tlio day or week, seo Sam Burns. Mrs.

Jim Uossctt died Tuesday night of consumption. Star and horao slioo tobacco '40c per pound at Swain's. Swain sells golden crown Hour for 1.00 per hundred. II. Harmon died last week near Dig Uabin.

The spring term of tho academy opened Tuesday. If you want a good racil' call at Burns' Koatauranl. For sale, stallions and jacks. L. V.

Marley, Oswego, Kan. 20-7 The Bill Dalton gang of robbers was eeen Sunday cast of Tulsa. All dried and canned fruits at T. F. Tb ompson's, cheap for cash.

Seeds, all onion sets and seed potatoes at F. Thompson's. The Ft. Worth cattle convention occurs next Tuesday, tho 13th. Nuts, candies and fruit, tho best in itho markot at Hums' Iteslanraut.

A fuw business lots in Ylnlta lor sale. 21 32 David Kino line of. spring wall paper at Burns'. All styles and prices; exnininu. Don't miss tho visit of tho Danes Commission to this city next Saturday.

Mr. Leforce, thoeMer, was takon suddenly ill while In town last Saturday. V. L. Trott liaj Ueeu putUug some work on IiIh front fence, to good advantage.

Burns would havo a booming big trade if ho would advertise In Tub GlIIBfTMN. Time to your horse advertising. Bills printed on short notlco and at lowest rules. This uOIco would buy and pay cash for a niodlum slz.d safe, provided the price was very low. Some repairs are being put upon thu Oongrugntlonal church and tbo clock to be started again.

Hotter, eggs, poultry, gamo, oysters And all fresh and salt meats at Vinitc 1'roduca and market. 'The VlniU Produco and Meat market is being Uxed up In a very tasty and workmanlike manner, Two nice building Iota for sale in a leslrat)K portion of tho city; price $500. Enquire nt this olllce. Small boy them Little Giant pills take tho cake. Sold and warrauted by A.W.

foreman. At Vlnlta Produce aud Meat market you cau cortainly Hud something dainty and tempting to vat. (Jo and try, Mrs. A. U.

Raymond has beun sick and lier.dauKhter, Mrs. V. J.Strango, ot Chelsea, has been In fur some days tiarlng for her. Bo euro and hear tho addresses oi tho Dawes Commission In this city next Saturday. There Is certain to bo A good attendance, For sale, some tutra good jacks that havo pruven themselves and are acclimated, Cull on or address L.

W. Mailey, Oswego, Kan. Lost, ten head of hogs marked crop nil right ear and split; half under crop In left ear. A llborul reward will be paid for iiilurmatlun leading to covery. 1'umphroy, Tho bonds Mild ab lust, oml time, nt liiind und you will Mud tho best slock of dru, puluts, olln, vuru-Ishcs, notions, blrtliduy prc.onU, Jowolry, vulcntliies, etc; otcj ut, yoavi to ploaio, Icury Hlokoit, Fair- PEH80NAL MENTION.

Qolnffd and OomlnRS of Vlnltnns and Tholr Visitors. -rred Tnrner wn op from Muikoges Hon. day. Sam Motley went to KamaiClty Snndiy night. T.

M.IIIx, or Adair, wai In the cllylait 8atnrday. Lea Cratchlleld cams np from TnliaSnn-day erenlng. -Frank Hearer, chief of the IVorlai, wai In the city Monday. 0. Under, town commtnloner, wai In the city yeilerday for a ihorl -Dr.

W. II. Ford, of Kalrland, wit down Monday, accompanied by lira. Ford. -Tom Hancock wai np from Clafemora last week and took la the ball Friday night.

-J 8 Darenport went to Tahleqnah San-day night toll preient at aupreme cunrt It. I. Martin and wife were np lail Than-dayrromthe Orand rlrercoantry, eait of Adatr. -0. J.

Walden, for twenty yeara editor of the Fayette, Adtertlier, wai In the city laitTlinnday. N. Skinner and bride reiclied home last Sundiy and were warmly welcomed by the gentleman's frlendi. I. K.

Hancock rrlnrned Saturday night from hit trip to Laming, where he wai called by the death or hli father. -Mn. II. It. Wait arrlred'from Lawrence a few daji ilnta on an extended llt with hf dinghlcr, lira U.

It. Cook. -Jim Crntchfleld la at Whllewater Sprlngi, New Mexico, aoath of Demlngand hla health Il better. He II working on a cow ranch. T.

Illckion, the popular Wabaahman, arrlred Monday and will go with ths Vlnlta delegation to the Ft Worth cattle convention. -W. It. Iladgelt goei to 81 Ixinli about Snnday to buy gooda and Mn. Iladgett will Tlaltfora few dayi will: ber mother at Fort Ulbton.

F. M.Smllh hai gone to Topeka to try a eaieln the Kaniaa inpreme court and hla family accompanied Mm aa far at Kaniat City, where he hai a brother -F. O. Ilnbbard, poilmnter at Muikogea, wai In the city tkla week on hli way to Ilia-ourl to look alter tome Irad prop.nlea In which heli Interested. Iter.

Mr. (lord took occaiton during the academy vacation to villi hla ion rln. it Springfield Mill Draper and her mother apenl the vacation with Mri Mllrord. -Chai Moore, of Arton, paned through the city Monday en ronte to lluikogie. Mr.

Moore li one of the execotlve committee of the white adopted cltlteni' anoclatlon and goei ai a delegate to appear belore the Dawei com-minion to explain the itatui of laid cltlxena. Dr has been sick somo to lecture at PftYOR CREEK NOTES. A Crisp, Drlsht Duclset of Nows From a Thrifty Town, -Wr are to hare a new butcher ihop loon. Will Woodard II ont collecting this week. Mn.

Ilrck and Mill Addle have ntnrned. Mr. Dnlner li patting an addition to Ida home. A Ladles' Aid loclety wen organtted lait Thuriday. We have a good icliool now under the man' agementori'rof.

Painter. The ilrlng band fnrnlihca very entertaining mmlo and our cltlieni enjoy frequent if r-enadea. When weifeonr fellow-townima'n, A. Oraham, meamrlng loti wa know Improvement! are forthcoming. Dr.

Hamilton a.nd family itopped over a fawdayionhli return from New York where he hai been attending lecturei. Our Ircenmliajuil came for pride In onr little town, young ladles ai well ai young gentlemen taking part very ably. OROVE ITEMS. Hor Pooplo Farming, Having Moa-slos and Catching Hlghwaymon. The farmeri are towing oati.

-Iter Father Wm. H. Ketcham celebrated mm at Cayuga Toeiday of lait week. Mn Davla preached at llethany lait Sunday and Itev. Metier preached at Sagerichocl.

Charley Deaion and Hlia Lucy Itlder were married lait week. May their path be atrewn with njiteri. 0. II. Maion and teveral of hli family have been quite III thli wV The rhlldren have the meailei 8.

0. Glenn hai moved to Ida farm from hli aawmlll and li contemplating running a grlit mill at tills place. II. P. Thomaaon captured the 'jne highwayman who Ins been creating ao "much excitement In thla lection.

Iho man hai not b-en Identified as yet and no one leema to know hli name but It tald that he wai caught by spending some money that the robbed knew. as II wai peculiarly marked It li said that the victims, whom he compelled to kneel to him, can testify to hli clothing, etc. These are flying rnmomi we cannot vouch for the fcU In the case. ABOUT ADAIR. Foreman days recently.

Sam Jones Is going Seneca on tho 21st. Tub (Jimkftain points with a great deal of pride to lis news correspondence tlife weok. A raid on the K. AT. trains by BUI Dalton's outfit has been expected for somo nights past.

Eggs for alo, from choico "lack Langshaus, COc per setting of 13. S. M. Tumbling, box 212, Vlnita, I. T.

31 Skinner-RatcllU's delivery horso ado quite a lively runaway Thursday afternoon, tearing tho wagon up badly. Arch Wolf, one of the men who was in Ned Chrlstlo's fort and assisted In Its defense, was convicted recently at Ft. Smith of assault. Fred Kelloy had an unpleasant ex perience Tuesday evening in crossing Cabin on his way homo, the water belug swimming deep. The wolf drlvo was a failure.

The farmers got it up presumably to give tho boys of Adair a chance to get a breath of country air. Blank rental contracts for sale at Ibis ollice. Contracts ot this character havo been frequently asked for and can now bo supplied. Tho dollar for tho best newslotfer in last week's (Jhicktaik was awarded to tho Adair correspqndeut, though Big creek and Fairland wer? close competitors. Use of tho water tank just below town, put up tills winter, has been abandoned ns there Is now plenty ol vvator Bluejacket and White Oak tanks.

A dime social will bo held at Mrs. Fumpbrey's to-morrow evening for the purpose of raising money to. provide the Methodist parsonage with some new chairs. Tho Cox boys tiAd to ship their engine to tie factory for repairs but expect It back'ogAln in a couploof weeks or so. The company pay the freight and make tho repairs, gratis.

Tom Allon, some tlrqo ago when there was a prospect of early Strip money, turned his steel-traps over to Charley Newman. He now desires Charley to return them without delay. The child of a family named Snnday living on the Taylor place adjoining town on the north, died a few days siuceof diphtheria. The doctors were not called until tbo case was too far advanced for them to rendor aid. Qwenn, tho youngest child nf Mr.

and J. E. Wolfe, mentioned last week. as having diphtheria, died Thursday noon. Iiov, B.

II. Ureai-otise, of this city, conducted the funeral services at the home, ceveu miles west of town. J.S. Davenport secured a.pardou this week lor a man named Hair who was convicted of larceny in tho Uooweo- scooweo court in January. The ground was 'that ono of the jurors was upon the grand jury which found tlitf indictment.

There Is nothing In this world that gives such perfect satisfaction for all blood disorders as Beggs' Blood Purifier aud Blood Maker. It dries up blotches and pimples on tbo fice.lioals old sores and eruptions, makes a yellow skin clear and transparent and keeps the bowels and liver In perfect condition. Sold and warrauted by A. W. Foreman.

fjjmlE dancing young people ol Vinl-1" In dissipated In the lorpslohor-can lino last Friday night in Little's hall. A goodly number wete present, all of whom pronuunco it ono of tho must enjoyable dances ever given In Vlnlta. S.J. Burns served a magnificent supper, which was partaken nt with great relish This was, in all probability, the last ball of the season. days since the wlfool W.

W. is) Klrby, who lives on F. W. Tuy lor's place near Adair, was washing, when she discovered tho house to be on tiro beneath the floor. Instead of upsetting the wash tub and putting out the lire the lady lost pretence of mind and ran to call for help, leaving her bsby ou tho bed.

When aid camo tho child, partially suffocated by smoke, was rescued but tho house and conlenlr wero burned, A subscription was at on co stinted for the dettltulo family aud contributions were quite kg8BrotM, Many Intorostlng Itoms Pleasantly Prosontod. Mrs. Wallace, from Tahlequih; la visiting her daughter, llr. uoode Mr. Malln and family occupy the property of John Warren near town.

Price Parka hai a new engine at hli corn mill In the west part of town. fleorge Warren li making preparation to move to hla farm adjoining town. We were blened with a h-svy rain Sunday night which wai badly neeued Miss EllaSlieppardion left on Wednesday for Gibson, where the will tint lor somo weeks. lira. Jack Thompson la galnlog strength and In a fair way to eventually recover her health.

Many cara or cattle have been ihlpped In during the last month from Texas by our rssl-dent stockmen. Mr. Jones now occupies his lately finished home In town which a valuable addition to tha business portion of our city. Hie warm weather II earning the grass to spring up and the country II now full of freili milk cowi for aale at a reasonable price. The weather Is warm and springlike and the farmera are buiy lowing oats, planting po-tatoea and putting out their early gardens.

Health la generally very good throughout our neighborhood and business brisk, al though depressed on account of the failure of the bond sale. Our school Is flourishing and the literary and debating club connected with It Is well attended ad a great deal of Interest la manl fisted. The ladlea' aid aoclety la doliwreal good and altogether we are proud of the dolnga of our little town. taught the most successful school we have ever had In this town -J 1. tllevlnl wai over from Afton "undiy the 4th, renewing old ''J wai In ths merchandising business at this placoforabont two yeara and has morefrlendi than any other min In the connlry Silas Illuejscket hai Jail e'ected a new residence In the east part of town.

His renters from Missouri have moved Into Ms old residence on the farm, Mr Illnejicket'i wife la dingerousl) low with eonsnmptlon end li not expected toiurvlve. The town of Illurjacket haabeen compact ing a targe dam across a atream In theaonth part of town which Is now nearlnr completion. They have named thli reservoir "lake Osceola." The object of thli work la to make plenty of good soft water for the town and lee traveling public The Illurjacket debating clnb dlseussel last Friday, before a large auMlence, this proposition- lteanlved. that pride and ambition have been a greater detriment to the people of the United Statea thin Ignorance and superstition The decision waafor the afllrm-atlve. To-morrow night the capital punishment question will be disposed of -J.

O. Hilt, In company with W. J. Hawk- Ins, hai Jmt returned from Slloam Springe where he had been with a load of broomi. He reporta hard times and a scarcity of feed down In Ilenlon county It li not generally known Ibat thli town has two broom factorlea bnt It Is a fact) J.

O. Hill and 8. C. Hill both run broom shops that turn out aeveral hundred dozen In a year. FAinLAND FANCIES.

Evorytlilns Is Lovely at tho Oroat Craln Contor. The blacksmith! are all very bu'y. F. II. Conner hai gone louth to buy cattle.

llut didn't we have a nice rain? Wheat Is Just doing splendid. lira Florence Washington tut Mrs. Hun-love paid a visit to Miami Monday. Il looks like spring had mint, to look at tho farmers plowing In thli vicinity. -PetrrOwen.

an old friend ol W. I). Hitter, from Hopklnsvllle, Ky Is In town on a visit. O. A.

Smith and wife and 0. G. Jamea went over on Cowskln prairie this week on a visit. It. II.

Holt hai bought out Wm Kelley'a entire stock or grocerlt and is belter prepare! than ever for business. Someone broke Into J. W. Parks' Millard hall Tursdsy night bnt got nothing as the money had all been taken out. Our home dramatlo compsny gave an entertainment Saturday night for the benefit or the baptist church which Is haupltyspoket.

of by all who attended. The wolf hunters got no wolf Early Itlsers, Early Itlsers, Risers, the famous little pills for con-etfpatlon, sick hcadacho, dyspepsia and nervousness. P. Shsnahau. A very good rain fell Sttnday night.

It not only relloves; It does more; it euros, We refer to One Minute cough euro. Suitable (or all ages, all conditions, at nil limes. P. Shanshan. Tho bond nows Is a llttlo moie encouraging.

Burns are absolutely palnloss when De Will's Witch Hazel saliro Is jiroinpl-ly applied. This statement Is true. A perfect remedy for skin diseases, chapped hands and lips, And never fails to euro piles. P. Shanahan.

No belter aid to digestion, No better cure for dyspepsia, Nothing moro reilablo for lllotis-ncss and constipation than DeWitt's Little Early Ilisers, tbo famous llttlo pills. P. Shanahan. Tho case of old man Lewis, of Tulsa, fur complicity In the K. A T.

train robbery At Vordlgrls bridge, In which ono man was killed, came up at Ft, Smith last week and was again con-tinned. Headaoho and Indigestion Cau be cured. If you don't believe it try Beggs' Utile (Slant pills. Sold and warranted by A. W.

Foreman. Town Lot Solo. Notlco Is hereby given that town lot sales will be held at the following towns, on the days and dates, to-wit: Adair Maich 1801. Coo y-yah(PryorOreek) 16, Chouteau 10, All -persons holding certificates of first or second installments aro hereby Stilled to bo present on above dates, and make payments, otherwise their lots, togethor with such Improvements as may be upon them will revert to tbo Cherokee nation and he resold. Itespectfully, M.

Town Commissioner. KINNISON ITEMS. Whoat Prospoots Favorablo Can-oral Nows Itoms. A Lucas, 11. of Southwest City, Is flailing his son, A.

U. Lneas, of this place, Wheat Is looking finei not one-half the acreage aown In thli section that there was last year. Several of our farmera took advantage of the fine weather last week and a great many oats were town. Aulhony L'ayte. who has been visiting the family of J.

0. Land returned to hli home at Lehigh. Saturday. One of Gilbert Goad's children has been very sick but Is much better now. J.O.Land'i children are alio Improving, If all reporta are true thli connlry bn been thoroughly Infested by whltky peddlers from Kansas for the last six Sportsmen ire Invited to Join the Klnnl-son athletic club, which meets Monday and rrlday nights or etch weak Oil Davli acting aa president.

Henry Parret, formerly of this place, was assaulted by an u-known person while on his way Irom Colorado recently! was beaten In. sensible and robbed. Miss Nora Klnnlson returned home from Worcester academy one day last week on account of her brother being III with lung fever. Pleased to say he Is Improving. Our literary aud debating society at llog-ers school bonis closed last Friday night, having been quite a success Many of onr young people went home with glad hearts and feeling that they have beiu benefitted by It.

A. 8 Gross, whose -death wn mentioned In a recent Issue of Tils Chiii-taiic, bad a life Insurance policy or He left a wife and two children and tha above amount" will be quite a help to them They will get their money Inslde.of ninety deye Deceased was an old inbtcflber to Tua UiiirrAlx and a gooleltlxen. There are quite a number of people moving and changing around since the first of Jlsrch. Our dtliens have generally adopted tha Kansas rent law, miking eonttacta for renting land the first of March, though soma glre pos session January 1st. which Is the Arkansas law.

Tbe Cherotees hays no rent law and It would be much better to' adopt tbe Arkansas custom, as we are mostly governed by that code. People ahoutd be farming by the first of March Instead of moving. W. C. T.

U. DEPARTMENT. Tho Annual Election Modal Con- tosts-Cood of tho Ordor. The Vlnlta nnlon met Wednrsdsy, Feb.8, and elected the following officers for tbe coming tear: Mrs. Mary Ingram, president: Mesdsmes Mary Clark, Kva Kalcllff, Fannie Smith and Jnlla It.Hurd.vlce.prraldenteiMre.

Allenette Cook, secretary; Mrs. Kva Itatcllff, treasurer) Mrs. Kllen Miller, superintendent of contest work. Hiss Ituby Akin was requested to take charge of preas work The C. T.

U. has bei the means of doing much good In the past jear and at the work grows older and more familiar Is being reinforced by some splendid workers who are not content to sit Idly by while so much Is waiting to be done. lbe Sixth Demoreel Silver contest will je given Friday evening. March 30, 1691. Still room for two more In tne class.

If yon decide at once. Our first Gold contest will be In the fourth week of April. The mothers of Vlnlta are thankful that at last we have a mayor and town council who aee the vital necessity ol protecting onr. boys from the moral and bodily dangers that are around them, and we sincerely hope that more men will awake to thli responsibility aalde tbe apron" and don the armour of true manhood in bthalf of our coming generation. Ourod of tho Opium Habit.

To The Indian Chieftain: liming been addicted for seventeen jcars to tbo constant use of opium in Us various forms, I some thno ago made up my to try to get cured of the habit. My first inteutiou was to go to Leavenworth or Kansas City, but In tbe meantime Tho Dipsomania Cuio Co. was established In Vlnlta, under the chargo of Dr. J. It.

Trott, Being near home and much cheaper than other institutions, and I being acquainted with the Doctor, concluded to take treatment from hltu. Though being perhaps tho worst opium eater in the territory I am now sound aud well, and have no deaijo whatever left for opium. 1 havo gained in weight and am In better physical condition than for many jears; havo not lost a monl or had a sick hour while taking the treatment. I writo ibis so that anyone who Is unfortunate enough to be in tha condition I was may'know Ihev can be thoroughly cured I.cru at home. I cannot cay too much in pralso ol Dr.

Trott. He Is affable at all times to his patients and Ids treatment Is a perfect success. 1 would advise everyono with this habit to to the same placo for My P. 0. is Vlnita, I.

anyone" desiring to ask me anything In regard to this treatment will bo cheerfully answered. Truly Yours, It. 0. Twloiv, M. D.

Feb. 2Slh, 1891. Euoklon's Arnlart Salvo. Tho best salve In the roiid for cuts, brulies, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, toiler, cbspped hands. chilblains, 'cornB, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay reqiilrod.

It Ib guaranteed to give perfect s.ttisf action or money refunded. Price .5 cents per box; for Bile by A. l'oreimin. A Doad Open and Shut And no foolishness. Beggs' Cherry cough syrup will cure where all others full.

Sold and warranted by A. W. Foreman. A Suro Curo for Piles. Itching piles Are known by tnol-tlnrp like perspiration, causing Intense llch- mg when warm.

This form as well as blind, bleeding or protruliug, yield at inco to Dr. Boss, tko's pile remedy, which acts direct 1 nn parts absorbs tumors, n'lays ilcliln. and sflects a permanent cute. 60 cts. Druggists or mill.

Circulars free. Dr. Bosauko, Philadelphia, P.t. Sal, I bv A. W.

Foreman, druggist. Just Received, A- Splendid Assortment OF THE FAMOUS MEEK BROTHERS' ALL WOOL PANTS. Fully Guaranteed. Ttiorxmmiotrxx, rR. W.

W. BRTAWi RESIDENT DENTISTt lUcS OLARIttOSC, IndITm DFNTMTKT Practiced lnallltseVs-tails by CIIAS. W. DAY, D. D.

8. PerMsjftCfttly Legated at YhtHtvJiT. Satisfaction Guaranteed, Office In now Pattoa b-lrdln, back of Drs. Fortner Bagby. dec 8 TNR.

a. A. WATERS, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, Offlco in Now Patton Building, Up-Btairs. Vinita, Ind. Teh.

pOiTOEK BAOBY, PHYSICIANS SURGEONS, VINITA, 0. N. new Patton building, up OOlco in stairs. R. A.

OL1NKSOALBB, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, VI.MIA, 1. Office up atalri In Kaymond building. Reil -dene between the two churches, at tha Dr. Fraiee place. Piles and other Rectal troublei a ipeclilty.

IMl Price $5.00. IVT r.HAYm, 8 27 PHYSICIAN SURGEON. Vinita, I. T. Calls promptly attended tonight or day.

We refer to more than fifty men of this city and vicinity who are wearing these goods. Skinner-Ratoliff MERCANTILE CO. 'Bogga' Cherry Oougb Syrup. Tho greatest and best cough syrup. It wilt relievo a cough qclcker, surer and more eflectually than anytbiug on the market.

Sold and warranted by A. W. Foreman. Cure for Honduoho. Aenreiunly for all forms of head ache electric bitters has proved to bo the very bast.

It edecls a permanent cure and tho most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield to Its Influence. Wu urge nil who are filleted to procure a battle, and give this remedy a Irish In eases of habitual constipation electric bitters curo by piviUR tho needed tone to tbe bowels, and lew cstes long resist tha nsa of this medioine. Try it once. Large bottles only fifty cents at A. W.

Foreman's drug store. 2 Cougbl Ooughl Oouffhl If you want to, but if you desire to stop, get a bottlo of Beggs' Cherry cough syrup. Il will stop your cough in live minutes. Sold and warranted by W. Foreman.

NEOSHO SEED HOUSE RIGHT IN THE PUSH II SI BLUEJACKET Redox of Qontontod and Pros-porous Community. The prospect! now are tlfal grating wilt be a llttlo earlier thli spring than usual J. Orr Chubb his been shipping lereral cara of hay from this point ths just week. He has about twenty cars mora In hla barn, There wilt be a large turnout from thla vicinity to hear the Dawei commission at Vlulta Saturday. We are all Interested aud on the alert.

Oat sowing and gardening wars tha order last week. There la 'a larger acreige of oata own In this community thla spring than ever before. I) A Wilson, etrculUe committeeman of the White Adopted Ulliena anoclatlon, went to Muikogeeluridiy to cor ler with the Dawes commission. -W. W.

Ilalley has sons to rt. Hcott and Kaniaa City on business, lie li typical frontier t'radeiman and hard to luru down on anything he undertakes. -lilt While has moved on 8. Melonej'e farm, aud Bam Ward, of Appliton, has moved Into the house ou diss. Illurjaoket's plsce vacattd by Mr.

While. Our town li the bell location far a food blacksmith ol any place In the territory There Is a good I aria shop now for rent awaiting tha coming of soms good smith. Il Is said abroad thai Bluejickst Is an on. healthy place, but mcli la not the case. VVe have not hid but two deaths (both bibles) In three yeiri and wa call thla a good record.

J. Crocker's school cloud at this plaea ImI Jfrldir and a dinner wm given at the Hkt lbs prtoi, "Je" baa ir aAv tM) ilrJ Han A II KOT have Music In your homes AVo can, furnish you Musical In-) strumenta ot nil kinds i is. Accordeous, Ttnntna fallUnrtl. Ktc nil I vjv of them at bottom prices, i for our Illustrated Catalogue of Musical Merchonillw, describing com-; line, inoiicq jrvo to any I Jacob Truby Nona, CoflVyillle, lUiu. Stationery lit'; Established 1800-Dovotod Exclusively to tbo Soed Trade The round trip faro to California, beginning March 1, has been f35.GO, limit CO days; fare ono wlky Carries Infi largest and best and can sell same cheaper than any houso in the southwest, 1 have In stock and moro coming a largo supply of garden seeds in bulk from the best northern growers) a car load of grass seeds, cr load of uotbern grown seed corn, car load nothern grown seed oats, 1000 bushels seed sweet potatoes, 1000 bmhels nothern grown seed potatoes, among them 28 THE SHW E.UtLY TOTATO: JTIEEJUN, potato ever Introduced.

I also handle berry boxes, friut packages, Paris green, London purple and bine stone for spraying purposes. Will have In season early cabbage-, tomato, sweet potato and pansy plants for sale. When I say that I can give you hotter figures I mean just what I ay and If you will send for vay price fist 1 will convlnco yon of tho fact. Address H. W.

timnuAN, Neosho, Mo. J. 8. TH0MR80N Has opened one of the Finest and Most Extensive Lines of Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes and Hats. THIS TOWN EVER SAW.

A CHOICE SPECIALTY. We Sell the famous Royal Baking Powder Reported the highest in strength and chemically pure at the U. S. Government investigation made under Congressional authority, It makes the finest and most wholesome food, a fA Ta, 'rx-iOMxscwsr, FINE GROCERIES, VINITA. aL- Baavaaavasw iaiaiaaaaasaaaaaaaaaaaai Mill a ii i aaavaaavaaranwyir-riai i as rfa aaa.

PRICES are an object with the people. This is the house that brought low prices, to Vinita. Bed Rock has not been reached; the sounding pole is out and we expect to touch bottom If we haven't what you want, will send for it. Come in and ets Figure, Groceries and Provisions We are always Stocked up on A fine Line JEWELRY CI1AKLES II. MASON, (Lite U.

8. Commlislonsr at Vlnlta, xxrs. tts. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Atiil commissioner of ths IT. S.

eonrt of claims to take testlmonr lota nssU In tbat conrt. Office oter T. i. Thompson's store, lime room used br tne as 8. commissioner.

M. SMIT7I, 1019 ATTORNEY AT LAW, NOTARY EUBLIO, L0ANL30KER. Special attention siren siren to trial or salts. AlWBje reailj- to answer roar- questions and reply to jour Inquiries. Office In Opera Dald'c VINITA, I.

T. rj II. IlUIJUAUl), ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ton CAioxolcax) Tovtloix. Itl Tx. l'racllcea In tha U.

3. conrta for the InJIan Territory, also makes a apedalty of cases before the uepartraenta, courts and congress of tha United Statea at Washington, I). In which claimants to a "common use and ben. eflt" of tbe landa and tbe "national fanda" aeenred by treaties to the whole Cherokee people are Intereated. Will appear before Iba secretary of the Interior In casea of any of those persona who hare occupied Improve-menta mada prior to Auk.

11, lssn, appraised under the act of Jlsrch 3rd, lott, and claim to be Cherokeea. Correspondence solicited. D. I. ELLIOTT, Fxyor Creels- Trtrl.

Tor. NOTARY PUBLIC. All legal papers drawn and acknowledged. COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY. Can corns ti near making tha money onto! a bard account aa any man In tha Indsan Territory, aepT CHAS.

A. MORRIS, VINITA, IND. Mikes a specialty of Moment Work and Bulldng It. It. Taylor.

T. F. Thompson, Jno. Wearer, Jno. Ubandler, Dr.

O. Ilagbr. Darn mil, Mrs. Dupree, all or Vlnlta. I.

BLcEJDSOE, Herbert or Cleveland, Ok. Ty. ATTORN EYAT- LAW, And Real Estate Agent, Surrejlng and locatln. of claims a specialty. Being deputy county inrreyor of county 11 glTea ms a two-fold advantage In locattna-clalmanta.

Write ma either ai shore, or at Chouteaq, Ind. Ter. OALL Tl OOK'S-BOOK -STORE For bverythlng In tha line of Books, Magazines, Teachers' Bibles, Photo Albums. DAILY AND WEEKLY 3STEWSPAPERS. East ol R.

B. track, Vinita, I. T. W. H.

TIBBILS, Attorney Counselor at Law GENERAL In the United Statss and LITIGATION Indian Territory, and be fore any of the doTernment departments at Washington Will procure charters for prlrats l'ereona eontunplatlag rormlng corporations are Invited to call. I bare full corporation lawa ot all atatea. Lltle-atlon la thla department of the law la solicited. PATENTS procured aa quickly, and much safer to the lureotor, then to entrust loren. tlona to itrangera.

DECEDENT And heirship Interests esMy ESTATE and legally handled. Hara Hnt tha lait twty-Sie coniecutlre yeara In tho actlre and auccaaafnl praotlce of law A notary publlo always In ths oKca. OBlen In CIIIErTAIN BLOCK, rront Room, Second floor. VwiTi.J.T. And the employment of an experienced watchmaker crives us one more ment.

Fine Watches Carefully Repaired, fTT wxrr' -TmnK: Pitroflizi Horn Mutry! Buy yoar Trees, Vines, Shrubbery, a Plants, Etc. ttom ths "VinitaNuraeries. Our trees aro grownWl trained with low heads o.peclally adapt ed to thla westoru country. We do our own grafting and bidding-, and consequently know that oar trees aro true to native. Our assortment of apple and twaeht now being grown for Hie fall trad complete.

Wben in (he cily viltc the nurseries and lnupectour toek and inapner of and may' hap pla yosjT rtJsMr fir tall plB-in. WesyaatiMlj, VMta stettsVlMa. Wfcvj.p.. i f-fffo-. -V- if 'i i in.N.iir-inf-Hn ir Vi TW Urj HVVtMM'i 1 M', i i II I Ml niftl ii'tii'aiMUIiiliWlHIiii il 4' hi nisrfatu tit i wmm.

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