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The Scranton Truth from Scranton, Pennsylvania • Page 17

Scranton, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
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lj li ucuai.ton muni, iionday id, i 3 s. I FOR SALE. MONET TO liOAJT. FOR SALE. RATES OF CLASSIFIED ADS.

IX REA.IL ESTATE fiuys a 12 rooin eorner house. Hill section. All modem improvements. This is a real bargain and must be sold at once or not at all. $5,500 CHAS.

E. COURSEN, 409 Csnnell Building. THE TRUTH. One Half Ont a Word Per Insertion When Paid In Adrance. One Half Cent a Word Per Insertion For Rent, For Sale, Wanted, Lost, Found, Money to Real Estate, Agents wanted.

Business Oppor tuntty. SHmtkMM Wanted Free To persons in Bcranton and adjacent territory. Help Wanted Free Male or Female TO persons in Bcranton ana vicinity; al others cent per word. Classifications not mentioned above, in this department, Vi cent per word. Advertisements by mail or telephone will receive careful attention.

FOR RENT. (Ia This Oassifleadon. 1 Se Word.) APRIL 1. ENTIRE BUILDING OR store, 406 Lackawanna avenue. Will alter to suit tenant Myer Davldow, 807 Lackawanna avenue.

Marl tf FOR RENT ELEVEN ROOM bouse, 208 Mifflin Ave. Modern improvements. 8(iltalle for boarding house. Inquire Geo. Phillips Coal Exchange Bldg.

12t6 BARN FOR RENT; FOUR STALLS and a wagon house. Geo. Phillips Coal Exchange. 12t6 ONE SIDE, NEW DOUBLE HOUSE, on Wheeler avenue, nine rooms, steam, latest improvements. $35.

Inquire 423 Irving. 17t3 STORE FOR "RENT GOOD SITE, Washington avenue, opposite Erie Inquire at Ariel Hotel. 14tB NEW SINGLE HOUSE. GOOD LOCA tlon. Eight large rooms, reception hall; all improvements; strictly modern.

Inquire 243 Harrison Ave. New 'phone 1804. 12t6 FOR RENT STORE tures, corner Apple streets, Dunmore. AND FIX and Warren 12t6 WANTED FURNISHED HOUSE, 8 to 10 rooms, within two miles of City Hall, three months from April 1. Address 422 Quincy Ave.

16t6 FOR SALE. (In Tills Classification. Word GREEN CUT BONE FOR CHCKEN ieed for salo by Frank L. Carr, 1200 Remington avenue, Scranton, Pa. Send for price list.

Novl7 MWF tf FOR SALE SEVERAL FINE PIANOS standard well known makes, highest quality of action, case and tone; low prices to clear. No misrepresentation and unlimited guarantee. Cash or monthly payments. Open evenings. E.

C. Rlcker, 246 Adams avenue, across from P. Court House Square. tf PIANOS EMERSON, MAHOGANY. unrltrht.

In toer lmniAvai1 full atvA practically new, at 'about one half price. Jacob uprignt, full size, splendid action and tone, $80. Ma hogany upright, full size, all improvements, slightly used, $150. Miller grand, square, carved legs, nice action and tone, $50. Several plain case Mason and Hamlin, Estey and other organs, in perfect order.

$5 to $20 each. Cash or time. All warranted. Money returned in one year If not satisfactory and as represented. No misrepresentation.

Open evenings. We must reduce stock and make E. C. Ricker, 246 Adams ave. JuIyStf WE WILL SELL THE EXCLUSIVE right to manufacture and cell our household garbage burner in the state of Pennsylvania, to the right parties.

For prices, information and description of device, apply to Domestic Garbage Burner company, Kalamazoo, Mich. 17t6 (In Tills Classification. He, Word DO NOT SEND FOR TOUR STOVE repairs to the factory. We carry them In stock. 306 Perm ave.

Jan20 lyr 2000 TONS NO. 2 BUCK. FRESHLY mined coal. M. A.

Dupuy Coal Dunmore. 1911 FOR SALE RUBBER STAMPS OF all kinds. Stamps made to order on few hours notice, stock stamps and rubber stamp supplies always on hand. R. Kunz.

the printer. 605 507 Cedar avenue. Old 'phone, 652 B3. tatf EGGS FROM PRIZE WINNERS. Scranton.

Springfield and Wllkes Barre Poultry Shows. White Wyan dottes. $5 and $3, settings of thirteen. Leghorn. $5 a setting.

Frederick Christ, 1209 Pittston avenue. Scranton. Mch5 MF 8t TWO HORSES. Laundry. APPLY CRYSTAL 16t3 LOST.

LOST BETWEEN LEWIS REIL lys stoe store and Shaffer's leather store, Spruce street, a ladies' gold watch. Finder will be liberally reward i same to William Helwlg, .517 Lackawanna avenue. 19t3 LOST SMALL OPEN FACE SILVER watch between 612 Washington Ave. and Y. M.

C. A. Bldg. Reward if returned to Julia C. Allen.

Allen Freeman Studio. I9t3 MISCELLANEOUS CAST OFF CLOTHING HIGHEST cash prices paid for cast off clothing; also exchange them for best imported line goods. Philip Karp, 407 Penn avenue, Scranton. Dec3tf MRS. A.

A. GRIFFIN, CLAIRVOY ant, 527 Adams ave. I6tf WANTED. WANTED TWO FURNISHED rooms complete, for light housekeeping; must have gas stove or coal stove. Mention location of rooms.

3, Truth umce. i9ti Insurance. CENTER FIRE INSURANCE. Rooms, fourth floor, Connell building, Scranton, Pa. Telephone.

F. L. HITCHCOCK SON. FIRE IX rSu1ance Rooms 506 and 507 Commonwealth Scranton. Pa.

Jeweler and Pawnbroker. IF YOU NEED ANY MONEY, CALL at the Old Reliable House. Money lent on personal property at nearest full value, lowest rate. Always on hand, unredeemed watches and diamonds at half prices. Joseph Green, broker; C.

B. Engel, proprietor, 107 Lacka. opposite L. depot. Lumber.

FOR RENT A PLOT OF LAND 150x150 on Meridian with railroad switch along L. W. R. will rent whole plot or part. Ansley Lumber Mfg.

Co. Manicuring. MRS. LILLIAN E. LIBBEY, FOR merly with Roman, of Boston.

Marcel waving and hair dressing, assisted by Mrs. J. B. Smith. Chiropody, Facial and Scalp Massage a snecldltv.

IttThls Word ONE STORE holds nine tubs butter; glass front with oval glass doors. Inquire of M. Fahrlnger, 2456 N. Main ave. etf i FOR SALE BUILDING LOT, NORTH Park section.

$600; worth double. Inquire 246 Adams avenue. 17t FOR SALE 1 GOOD HORSE. years old, weight 1350 Work any place. Apply S01 Penn ave.

13t5 REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND a 1 IIr sales. Loans se w. uiv cured. W.

F. wanna avenue. F. Vaughan, 421 Lacka 26tf WANTED. WANTED TEAMS TO DELIVER coal.

Apply office or phone. Peoples Coal Co. 16t3 WANTED A YOUNG Box 95, Honesdale. PUG DOG. 10t6 Mills O'Toole Machine Co.

FOR RALE ENGINES ers. Second hand machinery bought and sold. Also all kinds of machin ery erected and repaired. Mills O'Toole Works, 823 825 Wyoming avenue. i Miscellaneous.

MRS. FENTOX, 604 3f. MAIN AVE, Old 'phone, 1164 Y. Painters' Supplies. TENNANT HUBBARD.

DECOR ative painters and paper 'hangers, wall paper, paints, painters' supplies. 1820 Sanderson avenue. Old phone. lyr Physicians. DR.

JOHN O'MALLEY, OFFICE, 144 Adams corner Spruce Scranton, Pa. Telephone connection. DR. E. F.

SCANLON, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Residence, 805 Har rlson avenue. Rupture office, 420 Spruce street. Office hours, 9 a. m.

to 9 p. Sundays, 12 to 2 p. m. Plumbing Expert. JOHN J.

GORMAN, SANITARY plumbing, gas, steam and hot water fitting, tinning, cornice and copper work. All work guaranteed and promptly attended to. 222 Wyoming avenue. Old phone 665 R. Printers' Supplies.

MEGARGEE BROTHERS. PRINT ers supplies, envelopes, paper bags. twine. Warehouse, 180 Washington. Real Estate J.

B. CORCORAN, REAL ESTATE, 708 Mears Building. WHEN YOU WANT A TYPE writer: see "Smoot" about it. He sells both new and second hand in the visible and non visible. 314 Wash.

ave. Wire Screens. JOSEPH KUETTEL, REAR 511 Lackawanna manufacturer of wire screens. tf William Bright. FOR SALE A FINE LOT OF EN glnes, boilers, pumps, iron and wood working machinery, shafting, hangers, pulleys and couplings; in fact, almost everything in this line from two norse power gas engines to 275 horse power steam engines.

Call Bright, the machine man, before you buy. 1718 avenue, Scranton. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. onoy Fcr Ail In small or large amounts, on Furniture, Pianos, to remain In your pot session. To be returned in small weekly or monthly payments, to suit four convenience.

LOWEST RATES Longest time and most liberal discount if you pay off loan before specified time. NO DELAY. NO PUBLICITY. You get money same day .17 1IU WVU IUU 1 csn "'n smount In deducted. Call, Write or Vhnne.

an mo nr. Room 203 Board of Trade Opp. Court House. Linden St. IF YOU WISH TO BORROW MONEY quickly, see Splcer, 404 Spruce St.

Up to date plans. 30tf IF "YOU "WANT" TO MAKE A LOAN or get your property Insured, call on John Fitzsimmons; Traders' Rank building, or Lackawanna Valley Hotel evenings. MONEY LOANED RLEIABLE SAL aried people on their own notes. Easy payments, weekly, semi monthly and monthly. Honest and courteous treatment assured clients.

All business confidential. Information cheerfully given at any time. Call, 'phone or write. 614 Connell building. MONEY TO LOAN ANY AMOUNT, upon terms to suit borrowers; payments received and interest reduced.

Loans made as soon as papers can be prepared. Cap well. Attorney, Paull building. Spruce street. ANY AMOUNT AT LOW RATES, Straight loans only on first mortgage.

Old 'phone, 1490 B. Wm. Roe, Commonwealth building. HELP WANTED FEMALES. (Three Times Free of Charge WANTED SECOND GIRL.

MUST have references. Apply 340 Wyoming Ave. 19t2 WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housework in family of two at Dalton. Address Box 35, Dalton. 19tl WANTED GIRL TO DO LIGHT housework.

Apply at once. 341 Jet ferson Ave. 19t3 WANTED A STRONG GIRL FOR general housework. Apply Mrs. E.

V. Plnckney, 639 Washington rear. 173 WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; must be good cook; no washing or ironing; wages good. Arthur Dunn, 1111 Delaware St. WANTED GOOD GIRL FOR GEN eral housework.

Apply. Mrs. Mark Edgar, 1429 Capouse avenue. I7t3 WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL for general housework. Call or write 812 Quincy avenue.

15t3 GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL housework in family of two. Apply Beehive Jewelry 417 Spruce St. 10 tr WANTED MIDDLE AGED LADY, about 40 years, or young girl In fam ily of two; no washing or ironing. Apply at once. 1117 Blair avenue, Park Place.

15t3 COMPETENT GIRL WANTED AT 407 Wyoming. 16t3 WANTED A MIDDLE AGED Woman to do light housework. Apply 533 Fig street. 17t3 OPERATORS WANTED ON WHITE muslin underwear. Steady work; good wages.

Imperial Underwear cor. Lackawanna and Jefferson Scranton, Pa. Mch7 8t HELP WANTED MALES. (Three Times Free of Cliarge PERSONS EVERYWHERE TO Distribute samples; $20 weekly and expenses. Address "Manager," 4 Wells, Chicago.

19tl WANTED MOLDERS AND POLISH ers. First class stove workmen only. Sill Stove Works, Rochester, N. Y. 17t3 WANTED A GOOD ENERGETIC man, in every town in Lackawanna county, to sell the best $1 a month accident policy on the market.

Exceptional inducements to men who can produce desirable results. Address, giving particulars, to: District Manager, P. O. Box 365, Scranton. 7tf WANTED SALESMEN AND solicitors on new proposition.

Best money maker in Pennsylvania, Apply Circulation Scranton Truth. 9tf PROFESSIONAL CARDS. A ITORXEYS AT LAW. WILLARD, WARREN KNAPP, Attorneys and Counselors, rooms 603 612 Connell Scranton, Pa. D8 yrl JAMES J.

O'MALLEY, ATTORNEY i and Counselor at Law, Notary Pub i lie, rooms 12 and 13. Coal Exchange! Building. Scranton, Pa. J12yrl Hotels and Restaurants. LOHMANN'S CAFE, 323 AND 325 Spruce opp.

Hotel Jermyn. Cafe open day and night. Meals at all hours. Our popular dinner from 12 m. to 2 p.

m. daily. Ignatz Imeldopf, prop. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR L. W.

Passenger Depot. Conducted on the European plan. Victor Koch, proprietor. ELKS' CAFE AND RESTAURANT. Peter Ziegler, proprietor.

Regular meals, dinner or supper, 25c. 125 and 127 Franklin Elk building, Scranton, Pa. THE COYNE P. H. DURKIN, prop.

Rooms, 60c, 75c, $1.00, $1.60. European plan. Newly built and Warner elevator. Finest equipped buffet In the state. Large sample rooms.

Three minutes from all stations. Coyne annex, 215 Lacka. ave. Insurance A. CONRAD SON, INSURANCE.

District managers Germania Life Ins. of New York. Accident, health, plate glass, boiler and bonding. 245 Wyoming ave. 6m C.

G. BOLAND GENERAL insurance and bonding. Republican FOR REST. (In Tills Classification, c. Word AUTOMOBILES SOME SLIGHTLT used machines, bargain; Cadallo, Packard, cheap.

The new cars are coming in. Get a demonstration. Scranton Garage and Motor Car rear and M. Bank. Both 'phones.

2 tf SINGLE HOUSE, IMPROVEMENTS. Inquire 122 S. Seventh St. 14t4 FOR RENT THREE LARGE stores, together or separately, corner Washington avenue and River st Excellent business locality. Inquire at 823 Connell building.

19U FOR RENT SIX ROOM DWELLING apartment Rent, $9.00. Corner Wash ington avenue and River street. 19tl FOR RENT HANDSOME MARKET or fruit stand, corner avenue and River street. Inquire 823 Connell building. 19tl FOR RENT TWELVE ROOM RESI dence, modern improvements, No.

720 Monroe avenue. Inquire at premises. 19tl FOR RENT A FURNISHED OFFICE, 131 Wyoming avenue. Inquire James K. Gearhart.

19t2 FOR RENT HOUSES NOS. 965 and 965 Providence Road from April first Inquire James K. Gearhart, 131 Wyoming ave. 19t2 REMOVAL. DR.

FISHER REMOVED TO DIME Bank building, second floor. Mch7 mo4 Dairies. ABINGTON DAIRY DEALERS in milk, cream, Pasteurized milk, fancy creamery butter, cottage cheese and strictly fresh eggs. Main office. 322 324 Linden street.

Botn 'phones. Dermatologist SUPERFLUOUS HAIR REMOVED by new metnod. Moles removed without scar. Acne (pimples) positively cured by my new treatment. Consultation free.

Eva M. Hetzel, dermatologist, 83Q Lacka. 2nd floor. WE BANISH WRINKLES AND Lines. Try one of our facial massage treatments.

It does wonders. It removes the effects of ten years in as many treatments. If you come once you'll come again. How about starting to day? Mrs. Helen S.

Bu chanan, 312 Wash. ave. Delicatessen Store SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY: NEW York Bock Wurst Sliced Turkey and Liver Patty. At The Delicatessen Store, 515 Linden St. New 'phone, 1501.

Old 'phone, 2 11 B2. Drayman and Rigger. G. W. BROWN YOUR ATTENTION is called to the little office around the corner.

He is handling furniture, hauling heavy machinery and driving band parties. He has competent riggers. Mr. Brown is an old drayman. Call and look his equipment over.

He will take care of you in any way. Established in early '80s. Dining Room. SMITH'S DINING ROOM, 308 Washignton avenue, Scranton, Pa. Regular meals, 25c; 5 meal tickets, 20 meal tickets, $3.50.

Furnished rooms for rent. H. D. Smith, proprietor. Furniture.

aiATTRESSES FROM $2.00 UP. Bedroom suites from $16.00 up. A new stock of Blankets, Quilts and Ladies' Skirts. Carpets, Brussels and Ingrain, large stock from which to select at low figures. Farr's West Side Supply Store, 1024 1026 West Lackawanna avenue.

Florist. CLARK, FLORIST, ROSES, Vio lets, carnations, palms, ferns, plants and birds, fancy bulbs, gold fish and supplies. 137 Washington ave. Both 'phones. New, old, 2203.

Furrier. F. L. CRANE, FURS OF ALL KINDS made. Fur repairing a specialty, 324 Lackawanna avenue.

Flour, Feed, Hay and Grain. J. H. TOYELL WHOLESALE dealers in Flour, Feed, Hay and Grain. Corner Capouse ave.

and Ash street. Botn 'phones. Grave Monuments. SCRANTON IRON GRAVE MONU ments Co. Grave monuments, fences and skirtings at all prices.

Stryllnsky Son. 814 Pittston Scranton, Pa. New "phone, 1515. General Sign Painting. GEO.

M. SHOEMAKER, FORMER iy with the Scranton Adv. Sign general sign painting. Signs of every description. Gilding on glass a specialty.

Up stairs over Lyceum box office. Arcade Building. Old 'phone, 1438 Z. 'Phone orders receive prompt attention. Hats! Hats! JAMES SUCCESSORS TO W.

Tolles, 409 Spruce street. Hats cleaned and re blocked. A full line of new hats In stock. The best $2.00 hat sold in Scranton. Union made.

Investments. HENRY L. PEABODY INVESTMENT A ll llf I I auli HIHA HMIillVAII 1 Old pnone, 924 2. New, 1467. Hides and Skins.

PENNSYLVANIA HIDE AND Leather Co. 301 Nt Seventh St. Buyers of hide, ealfsklns and tallow. T.v..t vi st all 1 1 Jy21 lyrhome. No.

2 IFcadT ScVa Pa. "RT.P Af.VU'.TMHll OX A. MISSES' COSTUME, Misses' Waist No. 6496. Misses' Skirt No.

6354. An exceptionally pretty mode for young girls is here shown in a develops ment of blue and green checked mo hair. The waist closes in the back and the full front is laid in stitched pleats simulating box pleats. The back is plain, the slight fullness at the waistline being disposed of in gathers. The yoke is cut in battlement edge, and a high standing collar completes the neck.

The circular tucked skirts are very becoming to young girls and also very popular. The one here shown is adaptable to most of the season's fabrics and is particularly stylish in mohair. Henrietta, challles. veiling and serge and all adaptable to the mode. The medium size will require 2 yards of 36 inch material for the waist and 394 yards for the skirt.

Misses' Waist No. 5496: Sizes for 15, 16 and 17 years. Misses' Tucked Circular Skirt No. 5354. Sizes for 12, 13, 14.

15, 16 and 17 years. The above illustration calls for two separate patterns. The price is ten cents for the waist and ten cents for the skirt. To The Truth Pattern Service: Enclosed cents' for which send me Pattern Number. Size Name Address.

SITUATIONS WANTED. BY A YOUNG MAN IN A merclal house. Address O. office. COM Truth 16t3 BARBER'S IMPROVER WANTS SIT uatlon.

Sober, steady. Apply Thomas, 3501 North Main avenue. 15t3 SITUATION WANTED AS STENOG rapher and typewriter with some first class firm. Can give best of reference. Address M.

E. 410 Commonwealth building. 13tl2 SITUATION WANTED BY A RELI able and competent stenographer. Can furnish excellent reference. Address "Stenographer." care Truth.

I2tf SITUATION WANTED BY A RELI able and competent stenographer. Can furnish excellent reference. Address "Stenographer," care Truth. 22tf SITUATION WANTED BY A RE liable woman, work by the day, washing, sweeping and cleaning. Call or address 308 Kressler court.

14t3 GENTLEMAN WANTS POSITION AS driver; well acquainted with city. Harry Lewis, 420 Lackawanna avenue. 16tS WANTED A POSITION AS DRIVER of store wagon. Address, 1803 Sanderson avenue. 16t3 SITUATION WANTED LADY Desires position as stenographer or general office work; experienced and can furnish references.

Address S. P. 1111 Pittston avenue, city. 16t3 SPECIAL NOTICE. LEGAL.

STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockholders of the Carlucci Stone Company, for the election of directors and officers to serve for the ensuing year, will be held at the office of the company, 60 Ward avenue, Scranton, April 12th, 1906, between tne hours of 4 and 5 o'clock p. m. K. Duggan, acting secretary.

Mchl2 oaw 3wM IN RE: ESTATE OF ZIBA B. KNAPP. late of the City of Scranton, County of Lackawanna and State of Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters of administration on the above named estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons hav ng claims against the said estate will present them for payment, and those indebted thereto will make payment to JAMES C. KNAPP.

Administrator, 523 East Market St. Scranton, Pa, WILLARD. WARREN KNAPP, Attorneys for Estate. l9 oaw 6w JAMES C. X.NA, Aaministraior.

523 East Market St Scranton, Pa. WILLARD, WARREN KNAPP, Attorneys for Estate. 19 oaw 6w (NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT an application will be made to the Governor of Pennsylvania on Tuesday, the 27th day of March A. D. 1906.

by Charles S. Seamans, William A. Cook and Edward T. Magoffin, under an Act of Assembly entitled "An Act to Provide for the Incorporation and Regu lation of certain corporations," approved April 29th, 1874, and the supplements and amendments thereto, for the charter of an intended corporation to be called "The General Metals Manufacturing the character and objects of which are to be for the manu facture of iron or steel or both, or of any other metal or of any article of commerce or metal or wood, or both, and the buying and selling of such articles, and for there purposes to have, possess and exercise all the rights, benefits and privileges of corporations regulated by the said Act of Assembly and Its amendments and supplements. CHARLES 8 SEAMANS.


B. C. Doings. THE A. B.

C. INSTRUCTORS ARE gratified to have this busy bee hive known as "small but swift" rather than "large but lazy and time killing slow." Miss T. took 57 days to learn shorthand and typewriting and to be placed in an Al position as stenographer. John Henry Seeley, Prin. and Prop.

Lacka. B. took course of only sixty days in bookkeeping and graduated under C. E. Williams, of the Anthracite Business College in the Republican building.

Call or write for "Kftcts and Figures." C. E. Williams amT T. M. Symonds, principals.

Attorney at Law. REPRESENTING THE PENNSYL vania Trust I offer loans, any amount lowest rates. Bunnell, attor ney, Mears bldg. Bill Posters and Distributors. THE AMERICAN COMPANY, JAS.

Reardon, 315 Linden street. General outdoor advertisers. Work guaranteed. lyr Bricklayer. WM.

PERRY, PRACTICAL BRICK layer. Boilers set and repaired. Jobbing of all kinds promptly attended to. Office, 1521 Ross ave. Old 'phone.

Barber Supplies. OLD RAZORS MADE NEW BY DAN, the Razor Man. If you have an old razor that you want cut down, ground or sharpened, bring it to me. 328 N. Washington avenue.

Bottlers. SCHLITZ BOCK FOR SATURDAY, March 3. Bottled by A. W. Schra der, 726 728 Adams ave.

Both 'phones. Billiard and Pool. POOL AND BILLIARD MANUFAC turer. New and second hand tables for sale at all times. Cloth, balls, cues, pockets, tips, chalk, racks and all kinds of material to fix up pool tables with.

For sale, cue tips for private house and club rooms; tables repaired at short notice. A. G. Brandt, 120 Franklin avenue. New 'pnone, 895.

Book Store. THE BOOK SHOP MISS A. J. Wilcox, 314 315 Commonwealth building, over Sanderson's drug store. Take elevator.

Fine stock of standard authors and miscellaneous books. Gift books. Lowest price. Collecting Agency. AFRO AMERICAN COLLECTING Agency.

Alamanza Porter, Scranton, Pa. Room 325, Coal Exchange Wyoming avenue. Contractors and Builders. ALL KINDS OF CEMENT WORK, Cement Sidewalks, Cellar Floors, Stables and Wash Racks. Lloyd Contractors.

All orders promptly attended to. Office, 2117 Rockwell Scranton, Pa. Mch6tl2 Carriages and Wagons. FOR SALE I HAVE, A LARGE line of business wagons, lumber wagons, open and top buggies, surreys, Victorias, Cabriolets, Stanhopes and Phaetons that I am showing at my repository on Linden street, opposite Court House, at popular prices. V.

A. Simrell. Carpenters and Builders JOHN PERKS, 409 1LALLSTEAD court Practical carpenter, cabinet work and hard wood floors a specialty. Golden metal weather strip is Just what you want to keep the cold and dust out. New 'phone, 602.

Coal. GIBBONS COAL COMPANY, RE tail coal. Colliery rear Connell Park. Office, 1914 Cedar avenue. Old 'phone.

138 new 'phone, 1372. Dentistry. DR. IDA E. WEINER, DENTIST, 00 Wyoming avenue, Scranton, Pa.

New 'phone 709. Dairies. ENDERLY DAIRY REMOVED Francis A. Groves, Mgr. from 1585 Capoute ave.

to corner T'trtisey nd Larch. Lew 'phone, 164; oli 'r .287 2. ANO I STRUCK IT MAKE THESE ACCIDENTAL QRABS )3Zf)L Ate lilfe wattfr T. RCHANZ ATTORNEY' LN RE: ESTATE OF LAURA D. Connell bui.ding.

Scranton. pj. S.Jlv Letters of administration on the roytr ATTORNEY above named estate having been grant and Coun elor at Law Rooms 1 to the undersigned, ail persons hav 11 Fi Rnrr bundine against the said estate will ton ar Scran on Pa AprlOyrl present them for payment, and those ton bcranton. fa. Aprtuyrt mdebted tneret0 wiil make payment to JOHN M.

HARRIS. ATTORNEY AT Law. 621 Connell building. 10 yr JOHN J. TOOHEY, ATTORNEY AND Counselor at Law, Paul! Building, Scranton, Pa.

J23 yrl WATSON, DIEHI KEMMERER. Attorneys and Counselors. Traders' National Eank Building. Practice in all courts. JU yrl LEACH MORROW, 'ATTORENYK, 235 Connell Bldg.

New 'phono, 55. ARCHITECTS. LEWIS HANCOCK, ARCHI tect, 320 Coal Excnange, Wyoming avenue. CIVIL AND MIXING ENGINEERS. STEVENSON KNIGHT." Civil and Mining Engineers, 727 Connell Hiilg.

wholesale A. A. Gordon waukee Beer, Bergnnr Engle's Tan. hauser, Feigenspan's P. O.

N. Ale and India Pale Ale and Brown Stout. Yuengling's celebrated Pottsville Porter. 426 Sixth (street, near Jersey Central depot Both 'phones. Prompt delivery.

i i 1 xm. jnjri. AS WELL lli' "WAMENTAI" "7 JjffS SAk? piil KINDS OF "ii 7 a.

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