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The Scranton Truth from Scranton, Pennsylvania • Page 2

Scranton, Pennsylvania
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Uiii waV rycl axJ Vr. fretisienU were served by iilm lUy 1 Tern zt 2 KCNUlty. Those present were: i MIssm Brid getU MoNulty, Ida Winkler, Matilda Miller, Carrie Winkler, Catherine HewelL Tlllle Swick. Theresa Murphy Jennie HeeJy, Florence Swick, Mamie Krauae, May McNulty. Messrs.

Ar Boys Shop thur Soesong, Carl Halne, Joe Phil lips, Michael Wall. Jos Decker, Mi ohael Harnett, Henry McCrane, John Drobson, Melchor, Ackerman, Martin McNulty, Tony McDonald. "3 Topics of a Day. Tweoty oM different viewa of ha wracked TiUnic la oonneetlon with UJLLM 27 in tho Lend CcuU Well Fed freed cf thfa HncGptionalStocII of Women's Waists The completeness of tfct variety And the loir mm its pries would trine Tet credit to ANT tore. In this notable assemblage yon can And the richest and moit faeelnatlng styles ot the eaion each and every one of them bearing the nam of a reputable maker.

The display Is to unusual and so full of exclusive at ecu that an inspection will afford keen delight to any woman. THE NEW LINGERIE WAISTS AT $1.00, 91.50, CJ.00 and (JkOO era positively the best values ire have ever shown. Those at 91.00, $1.50 end $2.00 are beautifully trimmed with imitation Cluny and Linen Laces, and they come with high or low necks. The $8 00 waists are enriched with German real Irish crochet and cluster tucks. Batter aalitiea up to 20.00,ome with panels and real Irish crochet laces.

COLORED WAISTS TO MATCH SPRING GOWNS We have as excellent assortment of these handsome garments. Made of chiffon taffeta, at 9.00, 95.50 and 90.00 1 made of all silk chiffons, at 95.00 to 920.00. ECRU. AXD WHITE NET WAISTS The moat Interesting array ever shown here. Pricea ranng ins from 95.00 to 912.00.

our raanlar show, will he shown at ithe Grand, Prospect avenue, tonight Mil Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hsiupp, of 701 Prospect avenue, are rejoicing over tha arrival of a baby boy. The Merry Mountain Click will hold their regular monthly meeting 11 neit Thursday evening at the home of one their number. Every one who buys a ticket for tne matinee at Cozy Nook Saturday and gueasee the name of the fruit ct4 mm fW Mr.

Walter gathered, April 16th, and brought home, will be given one Mannish Tailored free. We are showing four big reela Special Value in Lingerie Waists at $2.00 This special value of ours is not duplicated elsewhere. The waists are up to the minute in style, well made and generously trimmed with embroideries, laces and Insertions. High or low neck, long or short sleeves. A "Just Right" Corset for Your New Spring Gown can be easily secured if you rely on our popular corset department the best in the State, we're told.

Our line includes La Grecque Royal Worcester Bon Ton Warner's Rust Proof R. G. of good clear pictures. 19tl A meeting of Camp 96, P. O.

ot will be held this evening in Fruehana hall on Cedar avenue. The attendance of all members is re quested. Colonel William Schank, former ly of this part of the city, returned name today from Boston, where he has been employed for A Splendid Showing of Trimmings in New American Beauty Shades Satins Silks Velvets Ribbons Suits for Boys to 18 Years Many mothers have noticed their neighbor's boy's suits always looked good, kept their shape up to the day of discarding them noticed this and wondered why the neighbor's boy's clothes cost less money by a dollar or two than their own boy's clothes, the past several months. Lieutenant William Gscheidle, re It's the best assortment of Ha kind in the city, we're told. turned to duty yesterday after being confined to his home with rheuma tism for the past two months.

F. C. Walter, who has spent the past three months In Florida, will be at Cozy Nook theatre Friday evening with pictures and souvenirs of his travels and will be glad to greet his old friends and meet new ones. The Women's Long and Short Silll Gloves In black, white, gray, tan, pongee and navy. Short doves, 50c and $1.00 Long Gloves, $1.00 and $1.50 And Here's Your Chance, Mr.

Man It's all in knowing where to buy dependable boys' clothes getting out of the rut, were. Why pay more for your boy's clothes of equal worth than you need to pay? You can't buy better clothes than S. S. Crystal orchestra will furnish music, and a good show is assured. mi Arthur Lewert, of Willow street, ours.

111 and Peter Mets left today for But lercreek Falls, where they will spend Men's Muslin Night Shirts Men's SilK Hose at 50c In black, tan," gray, navy and 2 tones. Great Value! Men's Part SilKHose Black, Tan, 4 Navy and Gray. 290 several days trout fishing. Both are expert fishermen and their will be Men's White Madras Pajams Grade $1.25 but few speckled beauties in the Low neck. 75c kind at.

50c pond after they are through, ac cording to their friends. We are satisfied with a fair margin of profit. Sell nothing but dependable clothing. If you are not a customer of Collins' store, try us out once. You take no chance.

We guarantee your money's worth or money refunded. Wash Suits to $3.00 Blue Serge Suits to $10.00 Fancy Wool Suits. to Three In One Suit $15.00 Drawers and Union Suits ecial Sale Men's Shirts, KO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT Sp a some et Hsmnnrey'i Whit Pin Syrup in the houiie at this time of th Union Suits Shirts and Drawers The shirts come with long sleeves year, ia a wen Known ana reitabl remedy for cough and cold. D. W.

Humphrey. Two storei: 724 and 1413 Flttiton avenue. They come in knee or ankle length with short sleeves and ath or Infrathletic style. The drawers can 25' he had In either kne or ankle 59 letic style. All sizes.

Finely made and well finished. A genuine bargain at this price 59c. POULTRY NETTING, GARDEN TOOLS, length. Specially priced, per gar lawn mowers, ruDoer noaa, everything to mak9 the yard beautiful meat, 36c and attractive. For aale at Schneider COLLINS, 601 603 Cedar avenue, titab lished 1886.

TiJ' have sold THE STORE THAT SATISFIES IN wall paper and palnU. New up to date, good colors and patterns In wall paper. Double rolls from Jo and up. tteady mixed paint at 81.40 per gallon. AiUs at 82 00 per gallon.

Window shades, curtain poles, sash curtain rods, at low prices. Hartman Bros, Cedar avenue and Birch street. Practical Painters and Paperhangera. SOUTH SCRANTON Outfitter to Men and Soys, 322 Lackawanna Ave. the affair a success.

In Honor of finpct Abraham Welchel. of The Sooth Ode Offlea of The Truth to. Leosto4 at 117 CssUr Ave. General contracting. of frW entertained a party Jlli Ja8t their resi a7 eir guest, William of Waterbury, Conn.

The GEORGE FUCHS, GENERAL CON tractor and Builder. All kinds of repair work promptly attended to. jiu Prospect avenue. Old phone 476JJ. stor W.

G. Watkms ot a verata oeHgnuully spent in the aiveigion of games. vorl on i having the best outfit. Peter Walsh was also a prize winner. The programme included the follow ing: Opening address, Rev.

J. E. A Bethany Baptist Church to f.TfiBeveCt!ons' while Mr. Weichel MAY MEAN THE WORST RAILROAD STRIKE IN COUNTRY'S HISTORY Preach on Disaster. Donnelly; "History of St.

Aloysius etate via the side door Pullman. Al Rochester their trip was abruptlj ended by railroad detectives, who ar rested them for trespassing, ano turned them over to the city authorities. Chief of Police Tingley awaiting the action of the boys parents. servos wlJliam Horbaot served the guests. Those present were: Mr.

and Mrs Society, President M. L. oyne; solo, James Boyle; address, "Socialism," Edgar Manley; solos, Michael Pfaff eranam weicher, Mr. and Mrs. Otto TWO HURT IN ACCIDENTS Rev.

W. G. Watklna, pastor of the Bethany Baptist church on Plttston and Theodore Cooke; address ex Vice President John J. (Healey; piano selec avenue, will use as hie subject, Sun' By United Press. New York, April 19.

Unless the managers of the railways In the territory east of Chicago and north of the Ohio river reconsider tblr flat refusal to advance wages of the en other officials of the organization were prepared to act after 8 o'clock tonight. Stone said that he and his committee did not want to consider the answer of the managers final. The referendum vote has authorized the calling day evening, at the services in his church, "The Great Sea Disaster," re oT'v asPer. Mrs. William Horbach, Miss Anna Priem Miss Car c' MrIang, Minnie Schank Bertha Woerle, Kate Weichel wi Ca8per Margaret Weichel Evelyn Horbaoh, William Steindel, Robert Steindel, Mr.

Wrieht and Earl Horbach. 8 Funeral of Thomas Evans. The funeral of Thomas Evans wat held from the family residence, 6uy Court street, yesterday afternoon, impressive services were conducted at the house at 2:30 o'clock by Rev. W. B.

Beach, pastor of the Church of the Good Shepherd. A quartette rendered several hym Interment was made in the Forest Hill cemetery. of the strike, he said, "and unless the general managers reconsider their refusal by 8 o'clock tonight the com mittee men of the engineers organ! zation will leave this city to look after the interests of their organiza gineers by 8 o'clock tonight, the worst railroad strike In the history of the United States may be precipitated. Grand Chief Stone, of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, flatly served an ultimatum on the roads today. He told J.

C. Stewart, vice president of the Erie and chairman of the General Managers' association that the roads would have only two hours' notice of the strike unless they meet the men's demands and he and the tion, George Lanning; tramp dialogue, Peter Walsh; selection, St. Al's quartette, William Conlln, Peter Walsh, William Smith and Thomas Troy; piano selection, John Cogging; buck and wing dance, Prank Minton and Peter Walsh; solo, William La velle; recitation, William Conlln; sand jig, Michael Pfaff; piano solo, James Downs; three round boxing bout, 'Tug" Sweeney and "Kid" Clifford; monologues, Edward Mc Goff; address, Michael J. Reilly' piano duet, James Downs and George Lanning; solo, M. J.

MoNicholas; exhibition drill, by drill corps of society under Captain B. A. Gerrity. Two Are Injured. Eugene Radford, of 525 Cedar avenue, a glazier was quite seriously in tion." wnetner the railroads will now try to invoke the provisions of the ferring to the catastrophe or the (Titanic.

Today the committee from this (church began the movement of the ttiome Visitation work in this section, end will continue tomorrow. The following constitute the committee appointed to do the work of receiving (the census: William Cook, John "William Marsden, A. A. (Hewitt. A.

O. Dunning, John Mareden, F. S. Otaetead, David Jenkins, J. W.

(Berghaueer, G. R. Letiterman, Mrs. iWdlliam Cook, Minnie Titletmrg, Miss Van Jenkins, Miss Sue Watktns, A'ida Bailey. St.

Anniversary. Members of St. Aloysius society celebrated the seventeenth anniversary of the organization last night when one of the most enjoyable social functions of the club was conducted. The affair was marked by a pleasing Kept a Vicious Emil, of Beech street, was arraigned before Police Magistrate JoJin rentes last night in coun chafed Hugh Murphy, his neighbor, with keeping a vicious dog. Mohrs dog it alleged, bit Mr.

Murphy's son on the day previous. The case was disposed of by Mohr Paying the cost of the doctor bill, and Pol'" officer to kill the Miss McNulty Entertains. Miss Bridget McNuItv ut r.h Erdman act to prevent a strike was not stated by the managers who were consulted by Stuart. This Week Grocery Specials Mixed Cakes, 3 lbs. for Condensed Milk, 3 25c Shredded Wheat Best Tomatoes, per can.

Raspberry Jam, 3 lbs. Oyster Crackers, 4 Large Head Bice, 4 Blue Label Ketchup, large size 21c Karo Syrup, large size. Sardines, 8 cans for. Matches, 7 boxes 25c Pork and Peas, 3 cans. Saleratus, lib.

3o Ginger Snaps, per lb 5c Apple Butter, 31b. cans, 2 for 25c Snow Boy Washing Powder, large packages, 2 for 25c H. O. Oats, 2 packages Clover Seed, per lb 20c Quaker Oats, large pkge 21c Table Meal, 7 lbs 15o Burglars At Work. Late Wednesday njght an unsuccessful attempt was amde to burelar ize the home of Mrs.

D. D. Jones at 1721 North Main avenue. The would be burglars had forced open a rear kitchen window and were preparing to enter the house, when a next door neighbor detected them and raised an alarm frightening them off. An investigation of the premises showed that nothing had been taken.

Brief Mention. W. R. Simms, of Church avenue, is in New York city on a business trip. jured yesterday while at work on a NORTH SCRANTON in North Bn4 OfflM et The Truth Is Icatad at W.

Uarkat Btrt. building on Linden street. He was Btrf 0.... perched a few feet in the air, repair "'ciiamBa a number of her ing some broken window glass, when wenqs juesday evening. Games of he lost his balance.

In falling, he struck an automobile which was standing underneath the window, striking on bis heaA and Lgcafating the member so badly it required sev Members Hold of Lincoln Lodge Installation of Officers. era! stitches to close. Had he fell directly to the ground he would have been probably more seriously injured, John Plte. of Hemlock street, em programme followed by a smoker and luncheon. President M.

h. Coyne presided. The committee on arrangements was in chage of Vice President Frank J. Kiloullen, chairman. Other members were: T.

J. Burke M. A. Smith, James Walton and James Brown. The affair was the form of a "tramp social," all of the members portraying the roles ot "hoboes." M.

J. McNicholas was awarded the first prize for having the worst outfit and James Boyle captured the honor for ployed in the new W. shops, Boys Arrested. Francis Calvey, of 1765 Perry avenue; John Joyce, of 2133 Durkin avenue, and Thomas Timlin, of 1709 Keyser avenue, three local boys about seventeen years bid, are being detained by the authorities at Rochester on the charge of trespassing. Taking advantage of the mine suspension, the boys decided to take a sight seeing trip through New York THREE BOYS ARE ARRESTED had three fingers on his hand almost severed yesterday while at work, WILLIAMS SNOWDEN Undertaker.

1808 Sauderson Ave, Scranton. 19 Spruce Street. Both 'Phone. when a brace and bit, with which he had been boring a hole, slipped. April Fool Social.

The members of fte Epworth league, of the German M. E. church Officers of the Lincoln lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, were installed last evening in their rooms as follows: Noble grand, Thomas Foulks; vice grand, Henry E. Jones; secretary, David Jenkins; treasurer, J. S.

Jones; financial secretary, Hallis C. Smith; right supporter to noble grand, Edward Evans; left supporter to noble grand. Daniel E. Morgan; warden, William E. Morgan; conductor, Frank Rich Prospect avenue, of which the Rev.

Henry Weber is pastor, were en "ALWAYS CO.WEXIEXT." A PERSONAL BANK ACCOUNT WILL GIVE YOU STANDING THAT MONEY ALONE CANNOT BUY. tertained last evening at the home of Saturday MEAT SALE Rib Roast 16c and 18c Chuck Roast. and 14c Boiling Beef 10c, Uc Pork Loin (Whole) 15c Shoulders 12i8c Link Sausage 12i2c Legs of Lamb 18c Loing and Rack of Lamb 15c Shoulder of Lamb 14c Stewing Lamb Legs of Veal (Whole). Loin and Rack of Veal. Shoulder of Veal 14c Stewing Veal 11c California Hams 11c Choice Skinned Hams Smoked Bacon (Sliced) Salt Bacon Boiled Ham 30c Dried Beef Eye Symptoms Mr.

and Mrs. Frederick Birtch, of Birch street, at an April fool social. An evening of rare pleasure was en ards; right scene supporter, Daniel Paying your personal bills by check gives you a record of what you paid and who you paid It to. We furnish depositors with leather check folders. Joyed, many features being introduc ed during the evening.

'roll" doesn't Hopkins; left scene supporter, William Richards; chaplain, David M. Williams; left support vice grand, R. J. RichardB; right support vice grand, GeorgeW. Benedict; outside guardian, Alfred Pierce; inside With money In your pocket you are satisfied if the get any smaller but With money In the bank you are satisfied only when 'you see your balance grow larger and besides there is additional satisfaction In receiving PER CEXT.

INTEREST O.X VOIR SAVINGS ACCOtNT. BLAU BANKING HOUSE 218 Lackawanna Avenue. guardian, Price Davis. Inmate Escapes. Frank Shifter, an inmate of the Hillside Home, escaped from that institution yesterday morning and was picked up by Sergeant John Saltry on North Main avenue yes Barley, 4 lbs 25o Potatoes, per peck 40c 5 lb.

crock of Jelly 27o 5 lb. crock of Preserves. Butterine, per 18c and 25c Reputation Flour, per sack $1.50 King Midas, Snow White and Pillsbury Flours at reasonable prices. Buckwheat, 10 lb. 38c Raisins, 3 lbs 25c Sugar, 17 lbs $1.00 Chappell's Original Ready Pay Stores Providence Square Those present were: Mr.

and Mrs. William C. Naeher, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ratzel, Mr.

and Mrs. Frederick Birtch, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Naeher, Misses Mabel Ratzel, Gertrude Birtch, Freda Schmidt, Wanda and Carrie Schmidt, Emma Miller, Ella Engle, Gertrude Brauer, Lydia Wick, Elizabeth Naeher, Minnie Moessner, Anna Volz, Anna and Emma Kossman, Lydia Irion, Lydia Hiltz, Emma Joh ler and Rev. H.

Weber, Frederick and Howard Birtch, Joseph Johler, William and Charles Moessner, Albert Irion, John Kossman, Arthur Moessner, Carl Schmidt, Grover and Frank Schauer, Harry Wagner, Carl Hoffeck er, Henry Wyandt, Otto Schmidt and Christian Gardner. do not always make their presence known by failing light. RED LIDS, HEADACHES, NERVOUSNESS, STOMACH DISORDERS In cases can traced to Imperfections of the ayes. We do cure troublei of the above kind with glasses. A large Use of Artificial Eyes.

Cave the Brokea Leases. SILVERSTONE Eye Specialist J. Established 1888. Xew 'Phone, 303. Bell Taone, 384.

terday afternoon. I He was sent back to the home last Opca Dally from 8 a. m. to p. m.

Sundays front 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. night.

Chappell's Original Ready Pay Attract Big Crowd. We Give the Values in SOFT and STIFF HATS Variety of Styles Unequaled Storca, Providence Square 303 LACK A. AVE. The observance of the sixth anniversary of the St. Mary's Bund, to be celebrated on Dewey Day, wfth a formal social, will attract an immense 225 Lacks waaaa Ave..

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