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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 1

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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Trim? 4 Late News Sport, Stocks Eel il ion OTTAWA, MONDAY. NOVEMBER 16, 1953. price CENTS ON PAGE 31 68th YEAIW288 Horn edition by carrier cent weekly rvi 0 JJ If a mm Say Decision Feathered Indians in Ottawa CourtL NofApproved Muaiesun By House Donations Temporary Service Sue Queen To Recover Custom Duty CPR Flyer Slices Nose Off Gar 6 Escape Injury Montreal Site Requires Costly Soundproofing Devices fa Seek Ruling On Jay Treaty Of 1794 Two Cyrville brothers, their wives and children, escaped. Injury In a car-train collision; at Holland avenue and Scott i. MM $mr III ff Toronto Firm BuyslOOLots At McKellar Plan Early Start On Single Residences Br JAMKI McfOOK, fl Th Journal.

O'Ckxk C4tMa Smtca Opposition Leader Drew Raid In the Commons this a(temoon that the decision to move the National Film Board to real had not been made by Parliament, which had also not been told why a site was chosen for an NFB building which was probably one of the noisiest In Canada because of jet aircraft taking off from a nearby airport. If the NFB building had been placed somewhere else there would be no need for special sound proof devices necessary at the site near Montreal and 'In the Red' Ended Abruptly Saturday Night Possibility of subsidising the OTC through voluntary subscriptions from those who would use tram or bus service was to be discussed tonight by interested Rockcllfle ratepayers who today were without public transportation of any kind for the second time since October 19... A one-hour bus service, latest In a series of moves aimed at solving the Village's transportation problem, was halted late Saturday night after an inglorious 15-day run in the red. Ne Service Now. Today, the northwest sector of the Village, served for years by the car, had no OTC carrier service whatsoever.

The one -hour bus schedule lost about 1300 in its first week and was piling up a similar deficit Friday as the second, week of the experiment cam to close. OTC Oeneral Manager David i I street Sunday night, when the; nose of their light sedan was The eagle feathers of Iroquois sliced off by the engine. tribal bonnets waved above a Oerald Dagg and his wife brllliant-hued sea of beads and Shirley were in the front of buckskin in the august chm-thelr 1950 English car, travel- 'bers of the Exchequer Court of ling south on Holland avenue Canada today when a test -axe at 10 o'clock last night. based on a treaty signed In In the back of the car were 1 1794 opened before Mr. Justice Oerald and Shirley's three-1 Cameron, year-old son, Ronald, Gerald's I The case will affect some brother Ivan, Ivan's wife Indians living In Can-abeth, and Ivan and Ellta- ada.

who If the Jay Treaty of beth's daughter Connie, also 14 i upheld. en bring goods aged three. across the -Canadian bor er Flyer. ider without paying duty. A Toronto-Ottawa CPR flyer Paid Under Pretest, was travelling east on the; A young Indian welder and, road's main line.

ex-U Navy sailor, 31-year-old ISM I III 'ft III I II I i i 1 r' 'i i mm CHIEF POKING FIRE C.OF.S TO COURT. close to Dorval Airport. A home eonstruc- Mr. Drew said this was apart tlon company has purchased entirely from the question of 1 100 of the 200 housing loU in whether it wa right to move the former McKellar golf club the NFB headquarters from Ot- property at a price of $250,000, tawa. The Journal learned today.

Demands Explanation. The company Is owned by s.rfk Louis Charles and David Red Deer and other members of the tribe, as a customs duty test case vital to Indians was about to open in the F.xchequer Court of Canada this Chief Poking Fire of the Iroquois Indians on the Caughnawaga reservations, stands on the steps of the Supreme Court of Canada with Mrs. Poking Fire, Chief Whit Eagle, Mrs. "I saw the train and stopped Louis Francis, who lives on the Just on the Oe ra 1 'border reservation of St. Regis.

Dagg said later. "I slammed on the south shore of the the car Into reverse and Lawrence. Is taking Issue ed up, but did not quit get with the Queen to recover mon-clesr." leys he paid under protest as The enelne sheared off the duty on goods brought into morning. 1 .111 A uuci.wtll 1 MK rrvmilninn Wilt. Photo must be given by the Govern ment.

"If' the Government does re name of Gomm unity Housing Projects. Substantial Return. nose of the lleht sedan as Canada. Thieves Make rent th rrnmmw1allnn nf. neatly as a knife through but-1 He is seeking-to recover tmT ne was oracrea From a point Just behind to pay on a remgeraior.

k. a washing machine and an nil Gill advised the village Friday that the run would not pay and that his company would have to be subsidized If It were I to continue the service after Saturday I "The business just lant Mr. Gill pointed out. "It wasn't there for the street cars and now It won't even keep one bus going Reeve D. P.

Crulkshank" would not elaborate on the' "voluntary subscription" plan the Massey Commission In re-1 The sale meant that Prlh-gard to the advisability of c'P1 InvestmenU Limited, bringing cultural, activities to-i which bought the entire 80 gether In the for $3M Wfl0.had recoup- recognises the Importance 00? lu A.t. ly and still retains another ITruman Plans To Tell All lnWhife Case Balmy Air Fans The Prairies WINNIPEG, Nov, 16. (BUPp November weather records tumbled today as the Prairies basked In temperatures between 20 and 30 degrees higher than the seasons! normal. Brisk westerly to the rear bumper, the car isP heater he purchased for Intact. Ahead of the headlights1 Gordon F.

Henderson, coun-1 sel for Mr. Francis, In hU; 'opening remarks said the ac-; and other aspect, of 100 ouUdln "if Nothing. w.u.i. a large area where It Is now, The Jewel Haul front fenders, bumper hwTdeslrrbl. that tto wW a Ufi0000 'hp-suwect be reconsidered Mr.

P'" tion rested on whether the provisions of the Jay Treaty ini 1. If rA engine fan and grill Just aren't there. winds fanned balmy air In from the Pacific, and the WASHINGTON. Nov 16 feels would have io be Some Democrats In Congress adopted, except to say that the Drew said. Thieves broke into Gerard Sarrm-Boornet's Jewelry store: rec.iI ST 0 "7 end the" Treat? Ohent in 1814 following Speaking In th debate on band of pleasant Weather rallied behind former Presl- people who want tne sennee at 181 Montreal road.

Eastvlew, no vu urn unni una wi k.M aaiht i "weeping today down to Bt Truman today as he pre- will have to get together on aoturday UgM aa eecapM i.k.hMd. own to nav for a tram or. are alive today-, Oerald aald today. with $10,000 worth of Jewelry "If wt had been foot farther south, or If the train including the entire stock of ter White case tonight on radio and television. i Concluded oa Page 16, Col.

IV Treaty, named Jay, who was (The Jay after John had been mln. an. ZOO watches. Soviet Price The minority party seemed k. VL-T' George wasmngtons cmei constable Gordon Peac have been would ground to nM.lrfMl fnr the with- .1 to be drawing closer in a de- Injured Pair pulp." (For Picture See Page 16.) the address In reply to the Throne spech MYv Brewsald Ceneladed Psge $1, CeL JarTerm" For Hijacker Of Ottawa taxi ipairouing iui ocai inoHiy oe- drawal of British troops from fore one o'clock Sunday morn-posts in VS.

territory, set up lng noticed some bars missing a Joint commission to consider from window grille at rear boundary disputes and tn, premises, checked the ranged mutual concessions In window and found it had regsrd to trade and the tmpor- forced. tempt the city might conceivably make to purchase the McKCUac property foUowlng a last-ditch stand to be made In city council tonight to have1 the McKellar" proposal reconsidered. The sale was announced by Samuel, Berger, QC, who Is solicitor for both Principal InvestmenU and for Community Housing Project He said the housing company had Instructed him to apply for sewer and water services, after which it plans Immediately to begin construction of 100 single- residences. The remaining building lots. Mi.

Berger said, are up for sale to Individuals at $2,500 each. Like Centre Plan. Unacceptable Allies Reply velopment that could spell trouble for the Elsenhower, ad-, ministration's program in the next session of Congress. Attorney-General Brownel) has promised further dtscloa- ures beyond the White case. In which he charged that Truman promoted White to be United Found Beside Crashed Vehicle tatlon of goods Into Canada, i.

He entered the premises via Article 1 of the Jay Treaty. the window, but found the Bermuda Parley ToArrangeTalks With Russians said Mr. Henderson, who Med thieves had already fled, leaving the front door unlocked certified copy of the treaty WASHINGTON. Nov. 16.

Pi 8tates director of the Interna- recelved from the librarian behind them. The Western Powers toldj tlonal Monetary Fund after and keeper of papers for thej Mr. Sarra-Bournet said the Russia today that the Sovlet the FBI told Truman White ROCKLAND. Nov. 16 (8pe- Forelgn London, pro- store was locked up for the.prCe for entering Into nego-j was a spy.

clali Two Ottawa district vided that: night at six p.m. nations on German uniflca- Truman, who has said no men suffered serious head in Magistrate O'Connor described three Ottawa youths as "potential murderers and bandits" today in sentencing them to penitentiary terms for the He said Community Housing juries early Sunday when their 1953 model automobile went off Tnamrvw "i-TV. 1 No or entrv ver Mla nls tlon and Austrian indepedence such thing happened, reports LONDON, Nov. 18. (UP) 1Dt ievied 0y either party covered by Insurance.

unacceptable" Ho the country at 11 m. EST Prune Minister Churchill said in.1 tries hroueht bv land or Besides the 200 a tc 7L i. I h. armed robbery Nov. 5 of anot, hmi they were Eastvlew taxi-driver.

making the purchase because Highway. 17 one and a half ita ld ilf" British. American and Trench has said, will "tell all the miles east of Cumberland. On Big Three Conference, showed there were a few Roland Seguln, 20, drew they believed in building near muda territories respectively. Ron- en- oys In Moscow to the Soviet He said in Independ- still was unconscious today.

Wlll ennli4e hn rr. r-1. mnn 1 1 ar mrrr seven-year sentence, Jean Cre-teau. 20. five years, and Oerard ience, last nigni inai in-1 Dalton Martin, 29.

of Cum- shopping centres such as the one now under construction at McKellarThe aame company had built houses adjacent to laias wun me Russians. ana a tew rings also missing. Thev prilled Depard, 17. two and half tn Russian rle. rector J.

Edgar Hoover of the.berland, and Douglas Taylor Churchill told the House of Eisenhower years. All pleaded jasi Commons he will study with i Say Robinette mands put forward In a sttended conference at of RR No. 1. Ottawa, were of November J. i which White's fate was dls- found lying beside their wreck- In their reply, the Western CUMed "tomoblle at 7.1S am.

by President Elsenhower and French Premier Lanlel how The foUpwlnff stories and re- Monday. the huge shopping centre Evidence at' their trial In opened recently by Principal County Magistrate's Court. 'investments in Toronto, showed the three were picked Tne j0ig they bought are up by Paul Ladouceur, 3, al.ltuated on ManaTleld. Court- such talks might be arranged, ports on the visit to Ottawa of In fpflKP 'We will study the best President and Mrs. Eisenhower 1 IwlUje methods and actions for mak- will be found Inside this edition rt '1' ing easy and practical talks of The Journal.

rDSlllOll Oil DBflCll Powers said the Russian de- named to tne jean Vlnette. of Rockland, i mands In effect placed rund position early who was driving by. jEuropean problems ahead of ln 1949 He rrvrd for more Th' went Into even a study of urgent Euro. than a year and then, by ditch, snapped off a teie-Ipean Issues and made "a de- mn'''1 ccount' WM by 'phone pole and turned over. taxi driver who Uvea at 170; neVi Wavell, 'Gainsborough.

Ethel street, at the Union Sta-Windermere and Westminster wivn uwm unc nussiansr even- l. un fage james mrv.iwi They forced him at gun-1 avenues, Mr. Berger said. yon. inn igmu uuHit hum- avenues.

Bar. ocmi m.u. ifenrelevi Western Fnrnn." n.rt io resign, wmie inerr were no witnesses to me wo.t.m point to drive to a beach near! He added thet demand for:" 7 Vi" TORONTO, Nov. 16 pi- nf the nrir.

n.i.t ln 194B- flays after accident reported V. him. icuutt wunu uoiwa owl" ririm.cnv ltifvln he was neither Mr Vinotl. fonorf M.rfl- where they took loU was brisk, ConsUnceBay the remaining rnllhm vi --a him i wnsion wnurcnui pinned beneath one of the ui. uhbc suiry ujubv ui Juuu 4.

Th. 9lv ironi Iltut vrvvw Several newspapers have open doors while Taylor was stranded. requesting SO of them. opposing a UborlU move In the son write of the stirring fare-! Rob'net. fof "the Soviet Government musti puDiisnea stories irom sources 1 inrown over a fence into a The trio Was arrested Fri- City Councu nas aireaoy oe- House mike BrlUln two well scene at Union Station as wl" cpi "ppoinv-lbe well aware" that such de- 7- nvuac ui.

ririvajn ivd wen scene at -union ovaiion as w(c viivi. Butn ur- ere taken to Ot- AiA feated a motion to have Board lyMr, Mlectlve Uw cotn, Mr, ment of Ih keo "oh under an I The ot Control furmer study the (o left OtUwa. clourt of 1iarl0 1 Officials said that the Ameri- IMT', to the Bermuda, Pag. 6 INS take, McKellar for a ette Is expected to announce communists from lesrn Hospltal day and Saturday by Hul police who recognized them from La-douceur'i description. Magistrate O'Connor congratulated police "for their prompt action In arresting this purchase l'conference said: readers Inside the Commons and housing purposes, but is Th), inference Is not In Chamber for his iriew of the that he has changed his" V' 1 that he nd" CDV A 1 1 nt mind and will stay with his law to weaken our forces or President's address.

by Alderman Boyce for recon tance. 1 rx I IVIlr I "ir" I The FBI has declined com- The Western nations have mtnt but authoritative sources been neentlat ne with Mm-nw i MONTREAL. Nov. W.KF- trio of young would-be despera Islderatlon. our resolve, but to discuss ways, 4.

On Page 7 A. R. Sykes of strengthening them, both describes the visit tf an Amer-morally and materially and. at Iran President to Parliament the aame time, where that Is Hill, hot Inconsistent, to sturlv wan since last July for a conference' vnce agreement by the TO report: on uennany ana Ausvia. allow White to Slav In eovern.

Ottawa region: Mainly cloudy They consider that the note) ment service so that he. could 15-Year-0ld South Hull Boy In Jail After Driving Spree i'iRush Orders they delivered today probably be watched. but with some sunny intervals today and Tuesday: continuing business. It adds: "Involved ln the decision Is Mr. Roblnette's family.

He has three daughters, alf of school or university, age, and It Is believed the Toronto lawyer felt the financial sacrifice for his family. If he accepted the appointment, was too great." (Mr. Robinette was not available for comment on the story.) closes the exchange. Prize Crossword no harm and to repudiate all Cfir 5fW Thrillpr Intention of aggressive action." i I Correction mild: light wind today, southwest 1J Tuesday. Low tonight and high Tuesday at Ot-jtawa 37 and 55 8ummary for Tuesday: Sunny Intervals, very mild.

planned and the third boy returned to the hidden car alone. A 15-yeslr-old 8outh Hull boy Is ln custody -In the Quebec nrovlncial tall at Hull to DICTIONARY. Cynic: A man who, will faugh at anything so long as It Isn't funny. He removed Soth plates from day following a Saturday night He then explained the Intention of the conference to consider how talks with Russia might be arranged. he said.

"Is the sort of thing I hope may develop from our talks." driving spree in what police the vehicle and fastened a CALGARY. Alta- Nov. 16. BUP Booksellers today put In rush orders for "The Man Who Wouldn't the Quentln Reynolds story based on the fictitious wartime adventures of Oeorge Dupre of Calgary. stolen plate to the rear of the In the Prlw Crossword pua-xle Saturday there was a minor error In some of the early editions.

No. 30 Down should have read "Fasten with '-not" Instead of "Faster with a knot" The word was not a key one, ir. Then he drove to Ottawa Find Licence Lpw Offenders 'Undercharged' by $90 in Hull say was a stolen car. bearing stolen licence plate. Police say charges would be laid tomorrow.

DIAMOND WEDDING, an1 headed for Montreal. Just outside the city, he picked up Store owners said they REGEN8B17RG, Germany! Investigation Is continuing but police say this 1 what 'n wh0 told him he'Nor Archduke' would advertise the hk as i iwas- going to- Montreal. He jM.f or Austria and his wife "the greatest hoax l.t llter- driving however, since the fairly A lot of drivers have been when he admitted Yiuun answer woui nueci 'saved a substantial amount of without a permit yesterday. In by completing No. 27 The youngster with another dr0Te nlm 10 lchm nd then prmce August, celebrated! ery and expected to I5-yea-old and' a third their, diamond wedding ahnl-j do a booming business.

aged 14. took car owned by Har Picked up second ersary yesterday. (See Alae Page I). money since December of last ofl iuph arg Across 8ynopsls: There has been little change In Quebec weather for the last few days. Skies are mainly cloudy and temperatures unseasonably mild.

Little change Is forecast for Tuesday. Warm air to the west, which gave record breaking high temperatures over the yesterday, promises at least another day of very mild weather for eastern Canada. Temperatures. Vancouver 42, S3; Jasper 43: Calgary 27. 49; Saskatoon 31.

59, Reglna 34. 63: Winnipeg 44, S8; London 31, Toronto 40. 63: Ottawa 14. 52; Montreal 36, Al: Quebec 35, 44; Halifax 44 Copies of The Saturday year as the result of a allp-up naye flne 10 Richard T. Seed, of the on me way oaca mer road, between 830 and 9, to Ottawa and the two decided INSIDE THE JOURNAL Journal are still available at the business oITlces for competitors who wish to Increase their chances of win- in reading correctly the amoum weelt the December, of the minimum fine for driv- mJ Bmtnoment was spotted Ing In Quebec province with- went Into effect ou' havlnt purchased a drivers Crown Attorney La belle told O'clock Friday evening.

mey wenua anve ws Vancouver. anme time "lov- On Ho, i Highway at Belle- then hid the car lnj the car-wtthout a front The Journal such a "Ing the 250 prise. permit. bush at Wychwood. near cnce piaie was noucea oy The Quebec Motor vehicles would not be laid against a STAGGERED HOI RS.

jOPP Constables J. Tellfsero Aylmer. Sclf-Styled "Spy" Hoax Page PltcWnR by Billy Rose Page RCMP ReporU Jurtip in Crime Page United in Defence Page Judith Robinson Page Serial Story 1 Page Act provides for a 1100 mini- rjerson who, having left his VIENNA. Nov. 16iReuters Tne trio went back for the ni3.

mum line lor a person anving permit at home or at his office, hours ln Prague, without a permit. 'was found driving without It. capital of Communist Czeoho- ear Saturday night, drove I about for short time, hid the 'orabout 10 mUea. ear again and planned to meet When they learned the boy later that night. i Identity they notified QPP In The parents of two of the Hull and Sgt.

Gaston Oarceau bor, wouid not allow them to drove to Belleville for the boy leave their homes as they on Sunday. Today In Hull Court Crown The law, Mr. Labelle added, Slovakia, are being staggered! Th Journal ihermnmeier noon Attorney Avlla Labelle. QC. so will be applied against only because of a serious os an advised the court and Gerald those persons found driving of electric power.

Czech press iii ii ta in Courchesne. of Blue Sea Lakewithout having purchased a report reaching here said to wmt7nVM! sV" is was fined that amount permit. day. Iin. hi.

Dorothy Kileallen Page 10 Whv Page 12 Theatres (2b); Radio and TV (24): Comic (25) Markets (31) i a At a Jsta4laWiWBB4saaJaVj l' it si f' I.

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