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The Scranton Truth from Scranton, Pennsylvania • Page 8

Scranton, Pennsylvania
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UMll i .) 1 '1 Tl fc Mb 4 trceynli be wt: to icar rr tatter! content ZD. MMtm DLQOD POISQIIIIIG 3 I I i Twa'i three's a crowd unless there's an extri package of AttlPreparatuIbrAa cixHstir fceTood andEetf a i. vi. win 1 3 V) i in ClrJCER 0HAP8. My, but they're good I ne and Est neither Opum.Morphine nor iSaexaL Not Narcotic.

wjif0UlS1MZZZHTt3BM Phm Sml Awrfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stonach.Diarrhoea, Wocqvs Tevcrish dess and Loss OF SLEEP. facsimile Signature of XEWYDBK. CXACT COPTCF VSAFPER. THE LION AND THE MOUSE. By CHARLES KLEIN.

rftitnun. Scranton, visited with relatives here yesterday. Mrs. Hatton, of Main street, Is visiting at the home of ber son, Herman, In West Scranton. Endorsed by the County.

"The most popular remedy In Otsego County, and the best friend of my family," writes Win M. Diets, editor and publisher of the Otsego Journal, Gilbertsville, N. Dr. King's New Discovery. It has proved to be an infallible cure for coughs and colds, making short work of the worst of them.

We always keep a bottle in the house. I believe It be the most valuable prescription known for Lung and Throat diseases." Guaranteed to never disappoint the taker, by Matthews Bros' Drug store. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free ANOTHER BIG MINE TUNNEL. The Lehigh Coal and Navigation company has entered into a contract with the Portland Contracting company, of Pottsvllle, for the construction of a tunnel 7,200 feet In length to drain thirteen collieries in the Panther Creek Valley.

The tunnel will cost about $7,000,000. It will take two years to complete. The thirteen mines have never been fully developed because of the great quantity of water encountered. The company now mines about one tenth of the anthracite tonnage. It is estimated that when these thirteen mines are operated the output will be increased to 8,000,000 tons a year, or one eighth of the" anthracite output.

MR. LEWIS TREATED. Forest City, Pa Aug. 6, 1907, Dr. M.

A. Carroll, Scranton, Pa. Dear Sir: Before I went under your care I was suffering with a great pain in the head, nor could I breathe through my nose at all. But at the present day I am free from all pain; also well able to breathe through my nose. All of which benefit I heartily thank you for, as If it were not for your treatment and skill I would still be suffering from pain and bother in my breathing.

Thanking you again and wishing that you use my letter to help others I 23. J. LEWIS. who may be in the same case as I was am, Respectfully yours, E. J.

LEWIS, Box 281. Mr. Lewis was treated and operated on by me in an operation known as the Sub Mucous Resertion or removing a broken septum, the center partition of the nose. After removing the par tition an inner filling was inserted supporting the bridge of the nose to restore the natural breathing passages in the nostrils. Special attention Is given on my part to all such cases, also cross eyes, ca tarrh, closed tear ducts and any of the mors difficult ailments of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, as well as removing growths and tumors requiring a specialist's skill.

Dr. M. A. CARROLL. I i and ttta, he felt, he would nerer ob tain.

He rttofeed therefore to mto BmI interview with hta father and declare boldly his Intention of making Mtoi Itowrmore his wife regardlesa of the The opportunity came one evening after dinner. Ryder senior was sitting 'How dare you presume to Judao my Hons alone in the library reading; Mrs. Ry der had gone to the theater with friend; Shirley, as usual, was writing in her room, giving the final touches to her now completed "History of the Empire Trading Company." Jefferson took the bull by the horns and boldly accosted his redoubtable parent. 'May I hry a few minutes of your time, father?" Byder senior laid aside the paper he was reading and looked up. It unusual for his son to come to him on any errand, and he liked to encour age it.

"Certainly, What is It?" "I want to appeal to you, sir. I want you to use your influence before it is too late to save Judge A word from you at this time would do wonders in Washington." The financier swung half round in bis chair, the smile of greeting faded out of his face, and his voice was hard as he replied coldly: "Again? I thought we had agreed not to discuss Judge Rossmore any fur ther "I can't help it, sir," rejoined Jeffer son, undeterred by his sire's hostile at titude. "That poor old man is prac tically on trial for his life. He is as Innocent of wrongdoing as a child un born, and you know it. You could save him if you would." "Jefferson," answered Ryder senior, biting bis lip to restrain his impatience, "I tokTyou before that I could not In terfere even if I would, and I won't, because that man is my enemy.

Important business Interests which you cannot possibly know anything about, demand his dismissal from the bench." "Surely your business Interests don't demand the sacrifice of a man's life!" retorted Jefferson. "I know modern business methods are none too squeam Ish, but I should think you'd draw the line at deliberate murder!" Ryder sprang to his feet and for a moment stood glaring at the young man. His Hps moved, but no sound came from them. Suppressed wrath rendered him speechless. What was the world coming to when a son could talk to his father in this manner? "How dare you presume to Judge my actions or to criticise my he burst out finally.

"You force me to do so," answered Jefferson hotly. "I want to tell you that I am heartily ashamed of this whole affair and your connection with it, and since you refuse to make rep aration in the only way possible for the wrong you and your associates have done Judge Rossmore that is, by saving him in the senate I think It only fair to warn you that I take back my word in regard to not marrying without your consent. I want you to know that I intend to marry Miss Ross more as soon as she will consent to be come my wife that is," he added, with bitterness, "if I can succeed in over coming her prejudices against my fam ily" Ryder senior laughed contemptu ously. "Prejudices against a thousand mil lion dollars?" he exclaimed skeptically. "Yes," replied Jefferson decisively, "prejudices against our family, against you ana your business practices.

Money is not everything. One day yon will find that out I tell you definitely that I Intend to make Miss Rossmore my wife." (Continued In Tomorrow's Truth.) HONESDALE. The summer boarding business has greatly increased in this part of the county this season. At Beach Lake, all hotels and cottages are crowded with guests and at Laurel Lake, the Lake House is entertaining over fifty guests. This number of boarders fills the house and more applications have been received from city people than can be accommodated.

The cottages in Bethany also are crowded. The Protection Engine company neld its regular monthly meeting last even ing. Tonight a special meeting will oe held to make final arrangements for the picnic at Bellevue Park on August 22. Arrangements have been fiade to have the various factories to close in the afternoon to enable the employes to attend A large number of rooters will ac company the local team to White Mills on Saturday afternoon when the first game of the series between the two teams will be played. Wnite Mills has claimed the championship of the coun ty for several years.

A marriage license nas neen gramea to Stanley Atherton and Nettie K. Fueglein of Sterling. The Wayne county fair win De neia October 1. 2. 3.

4. A number of nn attractions have been secured by the Management. The Durland and Thompson snoe factory has closed until Monday in or der to make repairs on the boiler. Earl Gager has been promoted to billing clerk at ithe Delaware and Hudson freight depot He Is succeed ed by Ralph Lautenschlager. Miss Anna Brown is visiting rrienas in Carbondale.

George Barrable has resigned his po sition as foreman of the stitching room of the Honeadale Shoe company fac i Tb Kb Yea to Dc'jjui Bears the Stature of In Use For Over Thirty Years tmc stimuli cnMm. NCwvoMemr. Novelized From tht Play by HORNBLOfP. W. DILLINGHAM COMPANY.

YESTERDAY'S, TRUTH. tween his teetn one uay and contract ing a secret with the daugh terof his enemy, and when he thought of the mere possibility of such a thing happening he stormed and raved until his wife, accustomed as she was to his choleric outbursts, was thoroughly frightened. For some time after Bag ley's departure, father, and son got along together fairly amicably, but Ry der senior was quick to see that Jef ferson had something on his mind which was worrying him, and he rightly attributed it to his infatuation for Miss Rossmore. He was convinced that his son knew where the judge's daughter was, although his own efforts to discover her whereabouts had been unsuccessful. Sergeant Ellison had confessed abso lute failure.

Miss Rossmore, he report ed, bad disappeared as completely as if the earth had swallowed her, and further search was futile. Knowing well his son's Impulsive, headstrong disposition, Ryder senior believed him quite capable of marrying the girl se cretly any time. The only thing that John Ryder did not know was that Shirley Rossmore was not the kind of a girl to allow any man to inveigle ber into a secret marriage. The Colossus, who Judged the world's morals by his own, was not, of course, aware of this, and he woriLed night and day thinking what he could do to prevent his son from marrying the daughter of the man he bad wronged. The more he pondered over it the more he regretted that there was not some other girl with whom Jefferson could fall in love and marry.

He need not seek a rich girl there was certainly enough money in' the Byder family to provide for both. He wished they knew a girl, for example, as attractive and clever as Miss Green. Ah, he thought, there was a girl who would make a man of Jefferson brainy, am bitious, And the more he thi ught of it the more the idea grew on him that Miss Green would be an ideal daughter in law and at the same time snatch Ifls son from the clutchea of the Rosxmore woman. Jefferson during all these weeks wag growing more and more impatient. He knew that any day now Shirley might take her departure from their house and return to Massapequa.

If the impeachment proceedings went against her father it was more than likely that he would lose her forever, and if, on the contrary, the Judge were acquitted "Without Alcohol tl Without Alcohol Without Alcohol Without Alcohol Without Alcohol Without Alcohol t.O. Lowell. Maes. We pnbllA our preparatloco, For Pleasure, Tot Business, Any Weight, Any Capacity. jr.

jf.h JERMYN AND MAYFIELD The William Walker Hose company opened its carnival last evening and it was very largely attended. The Whitmore Hose company attended in a body and attracted much attention with natty new uniforms which are grey, trimmed with black. Arthur Godfrey, of Scranton. and T. V.

Powderly, of Carbondale, were the guests of F. Hoyt at Chapman Lake yesterday. Terry went fishing In the morning and got a beauty, weighing about four pounds. The Hillside Coal andi Iron company paid Its employes here yesterday. Mrs.

C. D. Winters, daughter. Miss Jessie, and son, Arthur attended the Welles reunion at Farvlew yesterday. Misses MaVme Kennedy and Madge Gannon left yesterday for Atlantic City, where they will spend ten days.

The Misses Lettie and Anna. Ike, of Wilkes Barre, are the guests of Mrs. Thomas Champion, of Cemetery street. Court has appointed Edgar C. Burton high constable in place of John Ball, who has moved from town.

iMrs. Thomas Solomon and daughter, Marion and Beulah, are visiting relatives in Hartford, Susquehanna county. James Allan and sisters, Edith and Christina, were Scranton visitors yes terday. The Misses Morgan, of Akron, Ohio, are the guests of their uncle, Thomas Carey, of Washington avenue. C4 ueorge ueonarai was a.

oamim na itor Tuesday. I wiy mail free, to prove merit, samples of my Dr. Shoop's Restorative, and my Book on either Dyspepsia, The Heart or The Kidneys. Troubles of the Stomach, Heart or Kidneys, are merely symptoms of a deeper ailment. Don't make the common error of treating symptoms only.

Symptom treatment is treating the result of your ailment, and not the cause. Weak Stomach nerves the inside nerves mean Stomach weakness, always. And the Heart, and Kidneys as well, have their controlling or Inside nerves Weaken these nerves, and you inevi tably have weak vital organs. Here is where Dr. Shoop's Restorative has made its fame.

No other remedy even claims to treat the "inside nerves." Also for bloating, biliousness, bad breath or complexion, use Dr. Shoop's Restorative, write ma today ror sam ple and free Book. Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. The Restorative is sold by Mat TAYLOR A son has been born to Mr.

and Mrs, David Edwards. J. D. Atherton and son, Carlton, are spending a few days with relatives at Hawley, Pa. The Jr.

Order American Mechanics will meet this evening In McKinley hall. Mrs. Mary Felts and daughter, Miss Emma, some of the oldest residents of the borough, will move to Factoryville in the near future. The Odd Fellows wil meet this even ing in Reese's hall. The funeral of Mr.

and Mrs. Daniel Lewis' child took place yesterday. The Rev. D. C.

Edwards officiated and in terment was made in Memorial ceme tery. The funeral of Mrs. Richard Bowen, of Archbald Mines, will be held tomorrow afternoon with Interment dn the Washburn cemetery. Mrs. Coursen, of North vis ited at the home of C.

H. Van Horn Tuesday. Miss Jennie Harris, of Main street. is at Asbury New Jersey. The new double house of Mrs.

Sam uel Phillips, of Taylor street, is completed and Is an agreeable addition to the homes on that street. It will be occupied by Mrs. Phillips and family, and J. H. Thomas family.

Miss Jennie Morris, of Main street. is visiting friends In Shamokin. Pa. Mrs. Coleman and daughters, of Hand Cut With Lead Pipe Arm Became Painful and Swollen Sufferer Wat in Despair, for Amputation Seemed Last Resort CURED IN A MONTH BY CUTICURA REMEDIES "A few years ago.

while at work. I out my hand with a piece of lead pine and, as It was but a mere scratch, did not give it any attention. A few days after my arm began to pain me and became terribly swollen. 1 went to see physician, who told me it was a case of blood poison, and if there were no signs of the inflammation leaving I should have to have my arm amputated. He treated me for a month or so, but did not help me.

Another told me it was inflammatory rheumatism, but hit medicine seemed to do no good. I gave up all hope and was discouraged. At last a friend told me to try a good blood medicine. I used Cuticura Resolvent Pills for three weeks, when, to my surprise, the place where I had cut my nana began to fester and then broke out in a large sore. The swelling went down, and I applied the Cuticura Ointment and inside of a month my arm was entirely cured, and I owe my recovery to the Cuticura Remedies.

I can never praise them enough, and I recommend them to all my friends. Ben. Jenkins, 148 Washburn Ave Chicago. 111., Deo. 23, 1908." SKIN TORTURED Babies and Tired Mothers Find Comfort in Cuticura.

Sleep for skin tortured babies and rest for tired mothers Is found in a hot bath with Cuticura Soap and a gentle anointing with Cuticura Ointment, the great Skin Cure. This treatment affords instant relief in the most distressing forms of itching, burning, scaly, and crusted humors, eczemas, rashes, inflammations, irritations, and chafings, of infancy and childhood. A permits rest and sleep and points to a speedy cure when all else fails. Cutlcur 8om (35c). Cutlenr Ointment and Cutlcur Rnolvent (In the form of ChocolMo Coated P11H 25c.

pet vial of 60). Sold throughout ma world. Potter Dnif a Cnem. Corp, Sole Dot ton, Mass. Mailed Free, Cuticura Book on Skin DlaeaMS.

tory and is succeeded by John Lane of oosion. The Wayne Countv Sundav Sohnnl Association of Honesdale will meet at waymart August 26. Miss Ancreline Shennan returned to fler home in Scranton after a few days visit as tne guest of Miss Ruth uftup pen. Henry Qulnlin has returned from Montreal where he has been employed tne past tnree months. Miss Dora Frank of Cleveland is visiting at the home of Mr.

and Mr A. Katz of West street. Mrs. George G. Johns of New York city is spending a few weeks at the home of her parents, Mr.

and Mrs, A. Chambers. Miss Mabel Reed is the guest of Miss Blakslee Gale at Lake winola. Miss Cora Lintner is spending her vacation in Hawley. Mr.

and Mrs. Joseph Cherry returned to Brooklyn after a few weeks in this place. Jameta Caryle of Richmond is visit Ing relatives In Honesdale and vicinity. "Everybody Should Know," says C. G.

Hays, a prominent business man of Bluff, "that Bucklen's Ar nica Salve is the quickest and surest healing salve ever applied to a sore, burn or wound, or to a case of piles I've used it and know what I'm talk ing about." Guaranteed by Matthews Druggists, Zoc. AVOCA. The marriage of Miss Mary Graham and Glen Hollister was solemnized yesterday morning at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. E. E.

Snyder, by the Rev. W. L. Lathrop. They were unaccompaniel.

After breakfast they left for Philadelphia and Atlantic City. Upon their return they will live in a newly furnished home on Main street. The funeral of William, the six year old son of Mrs. Euphemia Kelly took place yesterday afternoon. In terment was made in St.

Mary's ceme tery. Margaret, the little twin daughter of John Batton, of Grove street, died on Tuesday. The funeral will take place this afternoon. Interment will be in St. Mary's cemetery.

The funeral of Frank Boyle took place yesterday morning. A requiem mass was celebrated in fet. Alary church by the Rev. J. Lynch.

About the casket were many beautiful floral pieces. The pall bearers were: T. O. Brien, J. Freeman, Thomas uosgrove, T.

Dunn, Patrick Ryan, Frank Parks, The flowers were carried by Frank Clifford, Patrick Sullivan, T. A. Quinn, Peter Ward. Interment was made in St. Mary'0 cemetery.

LAN TO RAISE COAL PRICES Officials of the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron company have under consideration plans for ruising the price of all steam sizes of coal, such as pea, buckwheat and rice, 25 cents a ton. The domestic, or pre pared, sizes will remain unchanged. Bad Breath. A well known physician, who undoubtedly knows, declares that bad breath has broken off more matches than bad temper. There are ardent lovers who must sometimes wish their! sweethearts presented sweeter mouths to be kissed.

Good teeth cannot prevent bad breath when the stomach is disordered. The best cure for bad breath is a cleansing out of the body by uso of Lane's Family Medicine the tonic laxative. This is a herb medicine, sold in use and 50c. packages by druggists and it is saving more doctor's bills than any other medicine has ever saved. It cures headache, backache, indigestion, constipation and skin diseases.

5 A Story of American Life ARTHUR COPYRIGHT. 1906. BY G. CON'ILN IE1) FROM CHAPTER XT. was now December, and the sen ate had been In session for over a week.

Jefferson had not for gotten his promise, and one day, about two weeks after Mr. Bagley's spectacular dismissal from the Ryder residence, he had brought Shirley the two letters. She did not ask hlin how he got them, if he forced the drawer or i procured the key. It sufficed tot her that the precious letters, the absolute proof of her father's innocence, were at last lu ber possession. She at once sent them off by registered mail to Stott, who immediately acknowledged receipt and at the same time announced his departure for Washington that night.

He promised to keep her constantly Informed of what he was doing and how her father's case was going. It could, he thought, be only a matter of a few days now before the result of the proceedings would be The approach of the crisis made Shlr ley exceedingly nerrous, and it was only by the of the greatest self control that she did not betray the terrible anxiety she felt. The Eyder biography was nearly finished, and her stay in Seventy fourth street would soon come to an end. She had a serious talk with Jefferson, who contrived I to see a good deal of her, entirely un A Misg Helen Byron, who stars this season In "Peggy from Paris," will be featured early In the new year In a new play by George Ade called "An Ameri can College Girl." AMUSEMENTS. TODAY'S ATTRACTONS.

Academy 6f Music Kirk Brown Company. Afternoon and night. Luna Park Free outdoor shows. Afternoon and night. KIRK BROWN AT ACADEMY.

The mid week finds Kirk Brown and his company well established at the LAcademy of Music, drawing the best class of people who enjoy his performances. Yesterday matinee and evening the play "was "Raffles, the Amateur Cracksman," and upheld the promises made for it. Mr. Br'own made an ex cellent "Raffles," playlsg the part with that same ease and grace that characterized Kyrle Bellew's performance. This afternoon and evening the play will be a grand revival of Wilson Bar rett's greatest effort, "The Sign of the Cross." Tomorrow matinee will be devoted to Madame Sarah Bernhardt's version of Camille." Tomorrow evening Mr.

Brown will be seen in a magnificent production of Othello." AT LUNA PARK. The tremendous crowds attracted to Luna Park this week have demonstrated by their applause how thoroughly they enjoy Bauer's band, which is the free band attraction at Luna this week. Prof. Bauer is a thorough musician and an artistic conductor and he is being heartily congratulated on the excellence of his band. Tomorrow will be ladies' day at Luna Park, when ladies and misses will be admitted to the grounds free of charge 1 between the hours of 1 and 7 p.

m. Manager Sloss has made this conces sion to femininity because of the fact that the free acts at Luna Park for th n.Q a fi xti 00 lr fi a va rwjpn iimlsh. ed by women. This week theattrac tr IW.K tion is Mile. Loubet, who does the sen sational "loop of death" act while ria ing on an auto truck.

The park today is in possession of the members of the Street Car Men's union who are holding their annual outing. Tonight the Laurel Line begins the op eration of the Luna special, train which will run from Wilkes Barre and Pittstdn direct to Luna Park, leaving Wilkes Barre at 8:05 and Pittston at 8:18 p. m. Returning the special leaves Luna at 10:48 p. MURRAY AND MACKEY NEXT For Monday afternoon and night the initial performances oi t'.

engagement of The Murray Mackey "Eastern Stock company, at the Academy will be a four act comedy drama bher lock Holmes" in "A Study in Scarlet," a play written by Sir A. Conan Doyle, and produced In all the large cities. As is well known this dramatic of fering was one of the greatest success es ever played in first class houses, having enjoyed unlimited success by having long runs In all the principal cities. The leading role will be in the hands of the well known romantic actor, J. M.

Donavin, ably assisted by a company of carefully selected artists, The vaudeville portion of the entertainment is the best that high salaries can procure, which will appear between the acts thus doing away with the rong tiresome waits. Matinees will be given daily as usual. I will mall you free, to prove merit, Get a free sample of Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee" at our store. If real coffee disturbs your Stomach, your Heart or Kidneys, then try this clever Coffee imitation Dr.

Shoop has closely matched Old Java and Mocha Coffee in flavor and taste, yet it has not a single grain of real Coffee In it. Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee Imitation is made from pure toasted grains or cere als, with Malt Nuts, etc. Made In a minute. No tedious wait.

You will surely like it. Sold by Matthews Bros. PETERSBURG, Miss Emma Ludwig, of Harrison avenue, entertained a number of her friends on Monday evening, the occasion being her sixteenth birthday. A lunch was served. Miss Ludwig re ceived many handsome presents.

For some time past the young men East scranton nave natt access 10 the Tunnel Spring, along the L. W. tracks, but on Wednesday evening the spring was ordered closed, because of some people trespassing and Injur ing the company' property. A guard has been stationed at the spring. The MHz Club, of East Scranton, held a well attended meeting on Wednesday evening with President Collins in the chair.

A number of new members were initiated into the club. The different committees for the ensuing year were appointd and other important matters were transacted. The club is becoming quite popular in this section and has a membership of about seventy members. Mrs. Joseph Speicher and son Charles, of Prescott avenue, are spending a ten day vacation at Atlantic City.

H. L. Vaughn, of Harrison avenue. Is visiting relatives In Bradford county. Clam bake and dancing at Wahler's Grove, Dunmore, Saturday, Aug.

17. 15t3 John Sprackley, of Philadelphia, has returned home after visiting relatives In this section. Miss Carrie Schlager, of Prescott avenue, is visiting in New York. Miss Theresa Flynn, of Prescott avenue, Is the guest of Mrs. George Rice, of Wilkes Rarre.

Everett Jacobs has returned home after spending the summer with relatives In this section. The East End A. A. team will play tho Archbald nine team on Saturday afternoon. Leave wur news items in' Wood ling's store.

I suspected by his parents, for Mr. ana Mrs. Byder had no reason to believe that their son had any more than a mere bowing acquaintance with the clever young authoress. Now that Mr. Bagley was no longer there to spy upon their actions these clandestine ln terviews had been comparatively easy.

Shirley brought to bear all the argu ments she could think of to convince JetTerson of the hopelessness of their engagement. She Insisted that she could never be his wife; circumstances over which they had no control made that dream Impossible. It were better, she said, to part now rather than incur the risk of being unhnppy later. But Jefferson refused to be convinced. He argued and pleaded, and hpven swore straDge, desperate words tat Shirley had never heard before and which alarmed her not a little and the discussion ended usually by a kiss which put Shirley completely hors de combat.

Meantime, John Ilyder had not ceased worrying about his son. The removal of Kate Roberts as a factor in, his future had not eliminated the danger of Jefferson taking the bit be A Strong Tonic With III lfhnkllf A Body Builder lUUC A Blood Purifier A Great Alterative A Doctor's Medicine Ayer's Sarsiparilla Alcohol We hava no aeoreta tb formal of all Bauer's Orchestra Plays In Our New Dining Room Every Evening From 6 to 8 A more delightful place to enjoy a really good evening meal you cannot well imagine. The comfortable, cozy, scrupulously clean surroundings the efficient service the skillfully prepared menu dishes the music all have a tendency to delight and satisfy in a degree most unusual. Can't you come this evening! Try. J.

D. Williams Bro. to. 111 113 115 117 WASHINGTON AVE. Original Gilhool Vehicles Are largely Imitated, but Never Duplicated at Our Prices.

Always Look for Our a me Plate; It Protects You from Imposition by Unscrupulous Manufacturers. Thto Name plate la on the Genuine, and Genuine Only. SIB to SSS NORTH SEVENTH AVENUE..

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