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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 6

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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Side Lights in Letters to The Ottawa Journal Puhiiihcd by Te Journsl PuMunlnf Co of Ottawa tit Cfucs KL U4 ttpra Bt. Ottaaa. Ofttaio FRIDAY, MAY. .24, 1957. That lb Hamilton Spectator.

French doctor prescrlb a 21 -day cur for many form of neurosis. ft.eeplng for three week remove all worries xcepl wher lo get another Joo. Useful After Their Fashion "Ni milvr wtiat other med.s may com or to. I tin convinced mat i ha daily newa-paper Is ana will cor.tuju to tn tuc, piuii and oiuat Influential me dium This statement, made In an advertisement published in Thi Journal today, it from no leaser an authonty than the president of toe Canadian Association of Advertising Ajyjirle, Mr. Eroai Kechnitzii.

Mr. Rechkitzii and his association ar the general practitioner of the advertis Fatalities 0 Tha firm. Edmonton Journal. Tha fact that persona ing business. They deal in all media l.Uv,Li.n ta miwit arreen.

from wer killed In accident on sky-writing to ticket Business and A1rt ''rmVn acorn th need I lor th farm Industry go to th member of the Ao- Mfely ttmp4llrt. particularly ciation of Advertning Agencies for advice disturbing la th number of about advertising a one would go to one' children who wer killed, doctor for counsel on health. The advice Tractors, not fire, ar still must be wise, impartial, realistic. wtt reported gUle'd by trac- Here, then, I the word on advertising tors, whll 14 died In frm from expert on advertising. The news- fire.

paper I the prime and most influential" medium, "and will continue to Thi word come a no surprise to ini but it may enlighten those who somehow nurse feeling that radio or television or posters or magsxlne or thrnur.auavi are the really effective I'alidy Pewple. Financial Post. Th grass la (rowing fast along Canadian highways now but not enough yet to hide th lltur of bottlea, cans. The Voter and the Pipeline The Editors Qf Jie JOUrnal fir I. OS.

MAN SMITI. Tj'IVC been talking la this It the- mors honest slogan: responsibility, so shifted from H(MI1 I spac recently Dr. In- "malorlty aa Administration Parlia- Sirs -I have rrad with keen gen Tor try and I about th What June 1 does Is tak ment, srta.l again snified merest and some distress your p.pelin debate. thi- las out of parliament from a Parliament to a nation, mortal of May It, 1J7. en-Mr.

St Laurent and th nd P0' It In th country. It nation, therefor. Is not tli.ed "The Way to Cur Hood-Liberal have also been Uik- 'UUea not -Uiey but responsible. II faun ha liunumr Having acted tor Ing about It recently. But you who wl" "h1 been broken, if blood has been on of th boys charged with hardly know It was th ami nl Parliament.

nredlewly shed. If xttt nam of wilfully setting fir to th press debate. Lngland has been discredited bo on top of the grandstand Th Liberela aay It was A MA rt nd lowered from that lofly I do have an Intimate know-merely the right' and proper Gladstone one mad a standard which 11 ought to leoge of th evident adduced exercise of majority nht P-c touching upon an exhibit to the who! world. If and the law presented, over an obstinate opposition, 'ctorate's responsibility in the country has been need- Th manner In which you Thev add that aa tha olDe th" BUT- 1 happened lesaly distressed. If finance haa describe Uic Incident and th llna anlne ahead their nart bC Xtlt nd "U1 throWn lnU Confusion.

If decision Of Jlge Ml Knight in the deoata lusted lor nteresl' the forward-looking th foundation of th Indian would leave the unpreaau.n th. nm.iia' "llns among us who feel Impir hav been Impaired, all that the boys wer acquitted neeat i me pipeline. UMh n1 wltdom tf. lhea things a yet ar the on compassionate ground. I aay that If you can break a onlJ torn today.

But a a kind orl Administration and Such a conclusion 1 not only rul for a pipeline you can of archaeological exercise let Parliament; but th day is Inconsistent with th facts but break it for anything, any- 0l up -Midlothian coming, and la near at hand, a patent unfalrneaa to -tlm. and minorities ar hence' whn that (vent will tak piac Judge McKnlght forth at th Juggernauts "It no longer th Oovern- hlch will lead th hlatorian Th boy in queXlon wer mrcT- menl with which you have to 10 lf whether or not they charged under I add that th nd of deal. You hav to deal with ork' no1 of Ad Section 17 of Th Criminal th pipeline la not relevant; 11 th majority of th House of ministration and not of a Par- cod with "wilfully selling fir would have com anyway but Common. Th majority of th l'mnt, but th work of a to a sutalnca likely to caua ought to have paid th House of Common ha com- Irrl1 nd a fret people. building to catch Th prestige of The Speaker and pletely acquitted th Oovern "If this great and fret and evidence la that the boy did th right of Parliament for menl.

Upon every occasion powerful people lr disposed lo set a small rtr to keep warm. It? when the Oovernment has aaaoclal Itself" with auoti that th fir got out of control. Dr. Porsey then contribute appealed to It, th majority of transaction, If It la disposed that th boy did everything th crowning argument: that tn Hou of Common ha to assum upon itself what possible to extinguish th fir th government could hav ready1 to answer th call, aom of us would call the guilt, which they had built, to th obtained It pipeline from HrdlT man ha tver hesl- and many of us must declare point where one was seriously Parliament by merely applying uud to grant th confidence to be the heavy burden, of all burned In doing so. Under th th proper rule of Closure In- desired, however out- those event that have been circumstance and on th law, tead of resorting to arrogance regeou in our view natur passing before our eyes.

It rests Judge McKnlght had no aland wrong. We could have had th demand might be. Com- with them to do it. tentative but to dimlu th th pipeline arid Parliament. P111 nd bodily, th major- But, gentlemen, let every charges.

Ity of th House or Common 0n of us reaolv In hi Inner Wlih reference to the boy SO wht? Ar we to do any- Uken on1t" tht rPon- conscience, befor Ood and be- charged with causing another thing about It? Can any- of tht Oovernment. Ior, man let hlra reaolv that boy to fall out of a boat In th thine dona about it? Or is "Th majority la mad up at least will hav no hr water, my Investigation reveal It lust a Dlty of units. It 1 th unit with In uch a proceeding; that that th six boy who wer which you hav got to draL will do his best to exempt hlra- charged came upon two boy There 1 coming up on June And let ul, (,,,, he wlll ex.mpt him- liihtng In a boat, that against 10 on of thoae rar occasions nion solemn one; for self from every participation th llahrrman consent two when th public ha th a I th first to aver that In what he believes to be nil- entered to boat and began to opportunity of making Itself now rullT tnd lolll. tht thlevou and ruinous mis- rock It and In th cours of majority of th House of Com- deeds: that, so far a hi rocking It, the boy fell out Into Thoae who bellev that the mons has. In the face of the exertion csn avail, no trifling, the water.

One boy was charg-rule of parliament should country, by a multitude of re- no accondary consideration ed with assault and the re-cherished rather than abused peated and deliberate acta, shall aland In th way of them, malnlng boy wer charged will hav a chanc to aay on mad Itself wholly and abso- or abate them; that he wlll with disorderly conduct. Judg June 10. lutely responsible In the whole do what In him Ilea to dls- McKnlght convicted all and Those who do not bellev of these transaction that I auade hi countrymen from placed them on susptsdtd that rules as such ar impor- hav been commenting upon, arriving at a resolution ao full aentence. tant hav every right to their and In so many more; and of mischief, of peril, and of The nice point therefor 1 opinion but they should as the House of Common ha thame. whether or not In spile of th logically then cease claims of done that, so upon th coming I th Issue lsw In the ertilng fir case, allegiance to a parliamentary general election wlll It have to which th peopl of thi coun- th boy should have been eon-democracy and substitute for be determined whether that try wlll have to try." vlcted of an offence of which boxes and other junk that ha steadily ways to advertise.

They bw useiui accumulating after their fashion, but sine last Fail. 1 Oo almost anywher to th in Sneerh park, or th airport or to aom For Precision in jpeecn. picnie It Is no secret to Journal readers that trash scattered about, and th we think highly of the public addresses more prosperous we becom. the greater th scattering, of the Covernor Cener.l, not only for the excellent English in which they are untldlest of civilized peoples composed but for th thought which goe When they com to th last into them, for the conclusions Mr. asset cigarette, or candy, away goes has reached in hi years of reading, of box the gutter wi or on someone lawn, writing, of public service.

The other day Hi Excellency spoke at Minister Ttalo Ic. the convocation of Acadia University at Vancouver Prorlnce. Wolfville, Nova Scotia, and in the course iUnn-dlaioitJonfl of Fisheries. Mr. of hi address had mis to say aooui me Minuter James Sinclair, was flying from Dawson City to While-horse last week when he ran Into a snowstorm.

His. plan was forced to land on Lake use of words: "How' many of us cn express ourselve with clarity, precision and grace in one language, eren In our own language? It is tru that only the clear and precise thinker can But Laberge. and Mr. Sinclair express himself clearly and precisely how easily the careless person 1 tripped up by his own mother tongue; how often It may happen that his potential thoughts are never brought to birth because he lack th mean of expression? "And how often the willingness to tolerate vagueness In apeech or writing leads on to Intellectual dishonesty. If you do not quit know what you mean, how easy It to take refuge behind ambiguous language, or to mak use of the unspoken assumption, th passable Implication, to convey what you do not wish openly to express." lauoirnuw we see mm in striped pants and with brief case, although certainly he wasn't) had to mak his way to shore over thin Ice and then hike two miles through ankle-deep mud.

If Robert Service, In his retirement on the Riviera, hears about this can lake comfort from the knowledge that th land he Immortalized In verse la still a unpredictable as It was In th day of th Other Views Fate of a North Star they were not guilty In order to cure what la alleged to widespread Juvenile delinquency, judge McKnlght In hi reasons for Judgment expreased A VITAL ISSl f. THI erim fat of a TCA lmnosslbl. It cannot Winnipeg Tribune his regret that the boy wer not charged under another ancomnllshed at thi tlm. and Only those cloae to It work ftvt inn ctt th Cod which nonn oiar wun as ptrraon. murh That is a subject on which Mr.

Masset Trail of aboard, hidden In th fastness inrri ta onij remuiw puwi- wouia enaoie mm to register blllty under optimum mld- Parliament real upremacy eonvictlon but on what ha been eroded because of of th Rockle for flv months, 8ummer condition. possible ground can you aug- expressed himself not as a theorist but as a practical exponent of precision and grace" in the spoken and What Actually Is or Stoke In This Taxation Issue. In tnn ed.turial i are going to try to put simply and understandably whit this taxation argument between Prime Minuter Sr. Lalhint and Premier oT is about try to explain ho and why it concern! the municipalities nd their schools, both public and separate, flow it louche the small homeowner, Cie (mail businessman, the farmer, the wner of any piece of real estate. J- We shall pasa over Mr.

St. Laurcnt'i mischievous' a'nd divisive charge that Jlr. i'koHi and Mr. Djxtembak are conspiring to bleed poorer province for the fain of Ontario; uch talk i too irresponsible, too ugly for national unity, to be aontinued in discussion. But let take tome of Mr.

St. Laurent' other statement. He i tell? inn the Mantimer that there are only two way by which Ontario could get larger chare of tax revenue: either Dominion taxet would have to be increased Qr Ontario would take more at the expense of the other province. I this true? Well lat year. In 1958, Mr.

St. aient's government spent opulently If not extravagantly; spent more than Canada was spending at the peak of World War II; actually increased spending In some 25 government branches and departments which had nothing to do, not ven remotely, with defence cost. Yet If the yrar't end it had a surplus of 1 Now the extra amount of money that Hr. Fmost Is asking for the provinces (lot merely fiV Ontario but for alt the frovinces amount to $300,000,000. Therefore, if the division of tax revenue which Mr.

Fsost asks for had been made In 1958, Mr. St. Laurent's government, yithout increasing a tingle tax and still Spending as extravagantly as it did spend, would still have had a urplu of In other words, v.withdut touching the Dominion personal Income or the Corporation tax, or the sale tax or any other tax, the province would have ome $300,000,000 which they need desperately for schools and other sen-ice and the Dominion would still be In clover. Do the provinces, or municipalities jieed this extra money? Ontario's population in primary and secondary public and separate school lone stands now at 1,100,000, and thi Enrolment I expected to double in the ftcxt 10 or 13 year. Taking account of that, and remembering that this year the Combined expenditure of the province and its municipalities for education will be about $300,000,000, how are such vast Ctwts to be met costs which could well be doubled within the next 15 years? The inescapable answer is that if the Dominion continue doing what it is doing now, taking 90 cents of every Income tax dollar, these costs can only be met by still heavier and perhaps crushing municipal taxet on the small homeowners who are public and separate school supporters on the residents of every city, every town, every village, every rural area where there are schools t'o be kept up.

And schools, the vital needs of education, are not the only costs the provinces must carry; they must spend for highways, for universities, for police and fire protection, for the administration of Justice, for water and sewage works, for hospitals, for many other things. Ontario's estimated capital expenditure for such services including education In the next 20 vears Is the staggering sum of $11,000,000,000. Can the provinces do this? Ontario might; might in the event of punishing nd perhaps ruinous taxes on every home owner in every one of its communities, but other provinces couldn't. Already Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island are deeply In the red deeply behind while their education and other services suffer. Mr St.

Laurent says to Mr. Frost: "If you got part of our $500,000,000 surplus and Mr, Diefenraker carried out hi other promises, all of them costing monev, wouldn't we then have to increase taxes? We shall return to that fallacy later, but in the meantime let there be no mistake about one clear fact, which is this: Unless there is some fairer and Juster 'division of taxes between the Dominion nd the provinces, then It is th" small homeowner, the supporter in the municipalities of both public and separate schools, who is join? to get hurt. He could be hurt disastrously. Small Need Per Cash London Pre Press. I ha now been unfolded.

It to hoped therefor wP-hevy government ma- thll Jud(, McKnlght eon- DeacrlpUon of th. Ken that relatives wlll understand bo, olttnr written word is unfortunate that so obtained from climber, who the wisdom of th. decision to whU. Com" hM a a.r.lea DT "Uplneiy Whll. tOtll- uJty 7 .1,.

nam sinKia lusriii servica aaceoaea to ui aiie, at great k. mon committee wer oeing. jua4 w. iur 11 Bjuubiu. a irtuu uj a deprived of real power and dld whtl t1frJ YC7 only natural to prefr Indl- thing but taunt, and the Ylaull, KTriett bat viauai I uiici ai itiikci out wnne me axecuuv.

oouiea othtT Jttdf. would d0 coun Lrv with a first offender. -ii. Mnlr.i knowledg. that th.

aircraft und the elwurMtBneM thU uVZ? It is hard to bring home to Dl.c. on 4Ui. almost ciearea tneimouruain would enU1, fur. on which It crashed tn loM aar! me i s-i ew IK as kaarf a rvff um. voter th extent of thi aentence.

roalon and arouse them to vn.r "thai aneh UCi a sv ai aas ui mj aa- a. a many of us do not follow, so far as may dena Saskatchewan, ha Uvd be, his example. on a total cash Income of S2S a yer for thirty year. t- i if A an early pioneer In Mini- Two Air Records Compared. ht bow ttl It is 30 years since Cmaslm Lindsesoh lon on lmost no cuIi Ik- day grows all hi vegetable.

caught the imagination of the world by ralMi beetJi makM his flying non-stop from New York to Paris, own "coffee" from ground corn snd wheat kernels, gets It was not the first time the Atlantic had wood nelthbor tnd been crossed by air those intrepid heats hi place with a cook-Britons Alcock and Browm had done it AUj cfh on clothing, boots and coal oil. eight years earlier, from St. John's, New- yew of us would car to live foundland, to Clifden in Ireland, in 16 like that, but In a day of hours and 12 minutes but it was the complex and Intricate social first time th, teat had been accomplished o'- Z7 ZT pathetic Canadian every- txiMM. to wher. th tor Nerhelea the erosion nd (wu considered by Diacov.ry of th.

wr.eki 'Pinu- Wt re iur dn" Joh.n Judg. McKnlght aa. a boyish while It ma provide 'nfor- m0r' qulu right In pr.nk Uken wniie it may provide attached to thU acci- emphasising that the auprem- I.riou.,!" la an In I us tic to m.tlon useful for nh.nced dent th UU. Tht of Parliament Is an to-fjMfcKrdt" afety In future, nevertheless 1 Juae Mcrtmgni. 1 bound to revlv the grief 1,,..

v. 1 Ottawa, May 32, 1957. kv'" dignified memorial. In a ens. Uve In th.

crash. They may tn, mounUln lUelf tneir obtain some solace from th memorial. CITV STREETS. Kingston Whig-Standard. I SE COMMON SENSE.

Sirs: May I congratulat knowledge that death for all was Instantaneous. Nona luf- and In Later, perhapa, an lnvestl- th traveller on Highway I on vour excellent editorial eighty, and alone, excellent health. fered. as would have been th. mrt 'n Ontario know, the- bound- on the Utttmtnt of Junll, case If some survived the seel- ih? reason for th.

accl- arte, of city In his path, hoodlnma In last night Jour- uy a viie-maii auiiaii, uu nvn raped universal acclaim. Lindbergh's time was about 33' a hours. On Tuesday, the anniversary of his flight, and to illustrate dramatically the advances in aviation over three decades, a dent and died from exposure on the atorm-wept peak. enfr. reuuciog vnc iaaces 01 inrj ar maraea By wie mime- nal.

another tragedy and giving dlate deterioration of the road Thu o( juv.nn. delln- som. meaning to the fate of surface. reaulre. lh.

aDDllcation Publicity for Juvenile. Milwaukee Journal. The argument for allow- Unpleasant thought It may thMt who be, th dimensions of this disaster necessitate the fullest He will know to the ha r- of common aense. I line where Kingston, cl lhe lupport streets end and a reasonable possible Inquiry. Thfr.

hav. toad begins o. most wn.w. cuisena tn a heen a nnmher nf ertnfn.ine What do comouUlon In th a. K.

n.n.-in. v. cause and I hope your plea wlll 1 c.t.. ai- mg puoncanon 01 uie namea supersonic jet of the United States Air old Force made a similar flight. New York yMktt Uwi to Paris, In six hours and 37 minutes a persuasive one.

an verage speed of 613 miles per hour. If these youngsters ar. old It was piloted by Major Robinson Risner, enough to be entrusted with and hi. machine took on fuel twice over TTdl some response In th rMWrl. I IHtiw'.

KTOUnd n.ii. CVOk of th mountain Itself, and dls- Ha struggled long until It vllle aj through atreeU are worse courU- O. M. WTLLMS. agreement among some offt- ouna tnan any other city' on the rials rasneetlne th last Itself translated from the us mii, lournev from here to 79 Birch avenue, Ottawa, May 22.

157. Toronto. message exchanged with tht a into the bud through twig rv, we have to eel ever child pilot. THANKS. The Journal has and bark? inlo tn alr-conditloned, roomy, alasa-walled arhnnl and every received legislative committee In Madison, they are old enough to bear the burden of publicity for, their misdeed, while driving.

Traffic violations, are different from other offences. When the state Issue a driver' the Atlantic a development in distance flying of which Lindbesch could have only dreamed. Alcock, Bhown, Lindbergh these are among the names honored in the annals of aviation's pioneering stages. Three HpthHm later the aircraft has revolu- It was more than a disturbing to find so many version of the height of a major mountain along a regular airline route. If an lnvrs.

the need "ewag properly treat- of thank from the fol- Of confirmation of the seed; before can hav money And the ambltlou saD build city street which wlll Th Ottawa Philharmonic maxe mem an ooviou pert or urcnestra, iMrs 1 nooert K. this century rather than of Curran, chairman aprlngtlm brought any part of nc. to last? party; me eann witnin nours ot any omcr enough to assum th In Lighter Vein tlgatlon disclose the possibility that existing maps might be nt hospitality of leave. In error, step should be taken In the example of each tree, to obtain the most accurate Syphoning deep from mys- Informatlon and revise tht tery. map at once.

Is annotation of Intent On. thing la already clear. Thl th flrm- p.nv.r. nr ih. r.k mrnt.

Th Churchill Horn and School Association, (Mrs) K. O. Hansen, corresponding sec- has provided new medium 01 travel. Never has a revolutionary invention achieved so much in so short a time. same driving obligation as older motorist.

One of those obligation Is to obey th traffic laws. Since publicity Is part of tht penalty that older driver may incur when they are convicted bodies of th. victims 1 all but I In Tha New Yora Times. A student who was notorious retary; for his bad spelling stopped to -The Salvation Army Orr. talk to the "Didn't Hospital), Ida Ellli.

(Brigs-you think my theme was most dleri, superintendent; orlglnsl?" asked the student. The Ottawa Hsndlrspped And the professor answered. Rehabilitation Association, -Well, I've aeen a few of the Michael A. Devlne. acting eor-words In the dictionary." responding secretary.

More Money From Local Taxes. It is the experience of almost every of breaking those laws, why MOPSY city that in the course of years parts of ahould Immunity granted to its central area, the original settlement, juvenile drivers? I TfflED ALL OVER TO MATCH THIS YARN.) OhLLL ULOI lUXK fcUIH(s) A 'Official Bad Manners MORE. BLOCKS deteriorate in their physical aspects as the city grows and its development moves outward. What this can mean in the loss of taxes to say nothing of aesthetic considera-tions-r-is shown by a proposition now before the city of Toronto. Board of Control has a proposal for a $7,000,000 apartment development on a five-acre downtown site, and the interesting point Is the estimate that this construction would increase local taxes on the area to $200 000 a year from the present S23.000.

Splendid new building in Ottawa's central area, offices and apartments, must have increased tax revenues substantially over taxes from the properties they replaced. The trend should have every possible encouragement. 25 Years Ago rreat Tke Jearaal el Mr TT1EO LAMBERT sj given his fourth term as mayor of Hull, obtaining a majority of 23S against Alphons. Mous-aette. Cabinet ministers' secretaries could still get Civil Service post when their chiefs retired, but they had to eerve tn that capacity for three years Instead of one.

the Com-mona ruled by a division of 44 to 21. Most Rev. James Fielding Sweeny, archbishop of Toronto and metropolitan of the ecclesiastical province of Ontario, retired owing to Ill-health In his "4th year. Canadian Insurance companies were barred by Dominion Oovernment legislation from Investing more than li percent, of their reserves In common nvk Trank "King" Clancy, de-fenceman. Toronto Map! Leaf signed a season' contract with that team Involving Vr-a Ibe Wlaala-f Free ffM.

a letter to the Pre Press. In this Insulting way Is entirely Mr. K. V. I.

Anderson of outside the prerogatives of of-Kowloon, Hong Kong, com- flrlals In a free society, no plain of the treatment ht ha matter who they ar dealing received from Canadlaj Imml- with. gratlon authorities. It la often difficult to under- We do not know th detail stand the mind of the Depart-of Mr. Anderson' caae. We ment of Immigration.

In thi cannot aay whether th offl- case. It Is Impossible, elaia of Mr. PlrkersglU's depart- Mr. Pearson and his enl-ment have vrrd reasons for leagues of the Department of refusing Mr. An a Externa Affairs have labored application to come to Can- tirelessly to win favorabl ada.

But they can hav none opinion of the western world, for Insulting him. and of Canada In particular, In What could be more Insult- the nations of Asia. That la Ing than to Hat the require- highly Important for. world ment for entry. Including peace.

But If peopl aeeklng to good mental and physical come to Canada are (ubjected health, good character, trade to the rude treatment accorded or professional qualifications, Mr. Anderson by th Immlgra-and lo add Immediately there- tlon Department, much of the after; "From th Information goodwill will be thrown way. you have furnished. It 1 ev- What has been done 1 in-Ident you do not come within excusable. It la the plain duty any of the above-mentioned of the Department to ensure categories therefor you can- that there 1 no repetition and not admitted to Canada that thi country la not railed Th conclusion may or msy upon to psy the high price of not be right.

But to express It official bad manners. Notes ond Comment. A man who drove his car In Ottawa streets at speeds up to B0 miles per hour, and according tn nee thrcueh seven red lights, gets 30 days in Jail. That Is making the punishment fit the crime. A Japanese surgeon who removed his own uppendix ha taken this "Do-It-Your-self" movement about as far as it can Those extra ISO hotel rooms to be given Ottawa by an addition to the Lord Elgin, plus new convention facilities, are much needed.

The Tow of visitors to the capital of Canada constantly, nd this new accommodation will be welcomed. We may not be able to go down tn Kew in lilac but it's lilac time on Ottawa's Driveway loo the section along the canal from Fifth avenue te Cartier Square. a.

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