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The Province from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada • 18

The Provincei
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE DAILY PROVINCE, VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1922. IS EVERY FIELD COVERED SPORTING NEWS LATEST NEWS AND REVIEWS New Equipment for Vancouver Oarsmen This Sqi? RECORD ST Strenuous Battle Tonight BUFFALO MEET HE'S STILL IX GAME Offers New Trophy for Amateur Ball Rowing Supporters to Provide Doats for Local Scullers. i Syracuse Sprinter Hangs Up New Mark for 300-yard Dash. Seattle Mets Half Game in Front Jack Pattison Would With Jawn Adams Leading Scorers nLu, To Be Announced Of ficially at Annual Meeting Tonight. Joie Ray, U.S.

Track Star, Decisively Beaten in 1000-yard Event. EATTLE goes into tonight's hockey half a game Future Greats of Dia mond to Discuss in front of Vancouver, while Jack Adams, Vancouver, starts the racket four points in front of Mickey Mackay in the race for individual scoring honors, six in front of Fredericksoa and ahead of Morris. Standings: Plans. 1" TlfE amalgamation of the Cortv merclal and City Baseball Leagues la effected, and one ftrong Mix-club aenior amateur organisation IN tit of what promises to be one tl. most active seasons In the rowing game on the Tscific Coant.

1 endeavor tg being ofixere of the Vancouver Rowing i lib both to have their present nt put in tim-claes condition where and alto to provid- a'lf fit lent material to take care of an antic- increase in the number off i.ciive oarsmen mho ure ur to row i spring. The re- onriu.nnins of, it lapsireak work boats has teen i proceeding ail winter and turee singles, two doubles and four are now in as gio I condition I a. it Is possible to put them, bat tot care of the increased number orrxcux. clo star-buni Won Lost Tied Pts Seattle ..10 1 1 ancr. 1') 0 JO Victoria .9 10 1 19 I p.C i t.

scokxno uuui Goals Assists Ft Adams Van. ..12 4 Mackay. Van. .10 i VI F'rlckson, Vic. Two of Sranisl blf ru la toalrhm mist a the Deamaa tret arena.

Captala Mtny Holmes (ea left), reterwa roalkeeper, Boy Klcx.y, wko are (olag at top form la toe cloaiajr stares tae tliviar sertas. HV3VIOHT the big night for Pselfio Coast hockey followers! Vencouver meets Seattle In a battle in which the league leadsrsfels will sgaln be at stake and the result of which will have a direct bearing on the championship finals. Coming here after two consecutive victorias, travelling at ton form and half a gams In front, Seattle Mets have shot Into the favorite clan Coast honors. Both victories In the last five days were shut-out affairs. They turned Vancouver back 8-0 and won at Victoria S-0 A 'oi'srht will Just about ensure the Mets a place In the playoff.

The match tonight is regarded by local fans as the most Important of the season. It marks Seattle's last scheduled appearance at the Denman street ice palace. The leaders hare been here since Saturday morning resting up for the game, Seattle's remarkable come-back la attributed the brilliant play of Capt. Happy Holmes. Roy Klckey and Bernle Morris all three of whom have been playing spectacular hockev Opposing the Mets tonight will be the champs of isii.

running second todsy. but primed for a contest which local hockey bugs hone wiTl BCFTALO. NT, Feb. II Championship records of the Amateur Athletic Union were equalled and battered' by the short distance runners at tin national senior Indoor championship meet lat night and In one Instance a new American mark waa set. Allen Woodrtuf of Syracuse University covered the 100-yard dash In 811-6 seconds, one-fifth of a second better than the' record held by Andrew V.

Kelly of New York since March, 117. H. P. Outblll won an Impressive victory In the 1000-yard event. Joie Ray, recent victor over the Boston runner In New York, waa derisively beaten, finishing third to iJirry Shields of Fenn State.

CutblU'a time equalled the American record made by Ray in Brooklyn In 1919. In the 70-yard hrgh hurdles HamM Barron of Penn Slate lowered the championship mark one-fifth of a second, but fell short of the American record. His time was 1 1-6 seconds. The time In the final of the CA-yarJ run. 1 1-6 second, is both the championship and American record for the die- I organised this season.

Jack i'attlson, well-known local sportsman, and presi-. dent of the Central A. C. which lias teams in various branches of athlMica. wtll donate a trophy will be one of the f.nest offered fr conipetl-i tin In the weft, he announced today.

offer holds good in the event of I the two leagues linking up under the i one head and forming a six-club or SPB.AGCS CLEOHORW. qVJROXTO. Feb. 13 The National Hockey League directors held meeting here yesterday to consider the Fut.pen.sion of Spragje Cleghorn. but after much disculon it was decided to postpone further action until a Uter date.

Dundee Posts $10,000 for Title Bout With Kilbane ganisation which would be the premier baseball circuit in the WftsL" Mr. Paulson stated. "I believe that the the finala Tonight the same squad that won the championship a year ago will face the invaders. Manager Cook reports all players fit for a titanic struggle, and Unless the unexnerteri hannetia fan. U1 YORK, Feb.

1J. Johnny Dundee, world's Junior lightweight to learn to row, ami tnia wciuura i-uine or 30 students from the urslty, at least three more singles will needed. In thla connection It is understood that several public slanted citizens have already Intimated their willingness to present the club new boats of thi class and to this etiect will doubtless be made at the annual general meeting tonlghL NEED ISW EACIHO POU. While the policy of the directors for the development of at many time for the amalgamation of the two i circuits is opportune, also for the grading of leagues by the U. C.

A. B. A. I years duel lhat Vancouver-Seattle engagements In past KERSHAW STARS Nl hamplon, opened a campaign on Saturday that will either force me race-orr is scheduled for o'clock. Mickey Ion will be at the Johnny Kilbane into the ring, or force tho featherweight chamnion ana t.y going ahead with plan along helm to relinquish his crown.

Dundee posteJ certified chqu for $10,000 these lines 1 believe we will have one IN RUGBY GAME fatai H4Hnt.ii 11.. tance The event was won by Lore.i JACK WALKER OUT who ran the final mile for the Illinois with Tex Rickard as a guarantee that he will make 126 pounds at 2 o'clock In the afternoon for Kilbane. Dundee will leave the money In Rlckard's hands until Kilbane returns from abroad, and If the featherweight champion still ignores Dundee's challenge, the latter will appeal to the boxing commissions throughout the country protesting affainat Kilbane's rufusal to defend his title. of the most auccessful seasons In the history of amateur baseball In this citv." The meeting called to discuss the question of amalgamation will be held on Thursday next, February IS, at a In the sports room at the Hotel Vancouver. All leagues uffiliated with the B.

C. A. R. A. who are Interested In the plan to re-Kt-ado the various 4 4 4 4 4 youngsters as it is possible to handle, new racing shell for the senior four not been lost sight of at this time, Scores Three Brilliant Tries r- i 1 A.

made a game effort to regain a 75-yard handicap and was only ten yards behind the flying Georgetown leader at tho tape. New York A. C. carried honors for the greatest number of points seoreu. Illinois A.

C. was second; Penn Stats third, and Princeton University and Syracuse University were tied for fourth place. Circuits are aEked to have de-lcgates "or Lngiand international Match. attendance. Commercial I ir 11 A.TJBTBALMW VST STABS JIT BRILLIANT MATCXXS MELBOURNE, Austrajls, Feb.

13. Brilliant tennis marked the first formal practice of the Australian lavls Cup team hers Saturday. O. Anderson defeated Gerald Patterson In a thrilling five-set match by scorss of (-4, 4-8, 2-, and 6-4. In the doubles exhibition Patterson, paired with O'Hara-Wood, defeated Anderson and Norman Brookes, 6-1, 6-4.

iclals will discuss the proposal at I Liverpool Pulls Out Long E- poll nd policy. pedal meetine earlier in th auk .1 r. 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 will be prepared to announce their Seattle dlM III HOSPltal OUt" City Lfeasrue club lender mv i season, It i felt that tns should be boated In the best sVrafc procurable, particularly as the shell in which they won the banner r.mut last year haa seen no less than sen years' service. It.cognlrlng the iandtcap the seniors would have to overcome had they again to use the that has undoubtedly lost a uieat'ure of Its buoyancy and rigidity, Mr. Erlo Hamber has generously placed an order with Simms of Putney to deliver the best four his noted yards can turn out not later than May.

fering from Blood- Oxford Lacrosse Team to uiso noia a preliminary meeting. Those interested in the plan are particularly anxious to have delegates from the tl.lferent leagues on hand, armed with credentials and authorized to sneak for the organisations they mav Lead in Old Country Series Secures Firm Grip on First FIT DEFEAT FOR CHAMPION "KITTEN" HAS CHANGED HANDS -M-44 444444 44444-4-444 4444 Canadian Referee for St Paul-Cleveland Game WINNIPEG, Feb. 13 W. R. Sax-smith of Portage, president of the Manitoba Hockey Association, with car of Western hockey fans, left foi St.

Paul last night, where Paxsmlth will be the official referee of the St. Paul-Cleveland series. The teams Insisted on a Canadian referee. poisoning. Jack Walker, Seattle hockey star, will be unable to enter tonight's match ag-alnst TanoooTer.

The hook-check kins; dtvtloped blood poisoning in the left hand, and is today in the General Hospital, where an operation was performed this morntcg. Walker entered the hospital last night oa the advice of local physicians. Walker injured his kurad about tea days ago. Last Friday at Victoria hs was hit over the injured member and infection set in, with the result that the hand waa badly swollen when he arrived her. Fraser will fill the rover's position for the Mets tonight.

Ireland on Short End of a 1 2-3 Score in Old Country Classic. DUBLIN, Feb. 13 The outstanding player of the International rugby match between England and Ireland, won by the former, II to 3. on Saturday, was Kershaw, who played a really wonderful game for Kngland, srorlng three magnificent trie Ha. slipped through each time on his own and went straight for the lice.

BECOmO MOWS OUT. A record crowd attended the match. The weather was glorious and the ground in splendid condition, Kngland attacked from tho outset, English forwards Invading the home team's territory to the twenty-five-yard line, where the Irish fullpack. Crawford, Division Soccer Cham pionship. Play Toronto University SYRACUSE, N.

Feb. 18. Thw lacrosse team of Toronto University will be among the teams which wilt meet the lacrosse players of Oxford University during a tour of this country, which Is planned for April. L. 1).

Cox, vice-president of the Intercollegiate Lacrosse League, on Saturday received a cable from Oxford officially accepting the invitation and agreeing to send Its team for the projected tour. Twelve game will probably be played. Toronto is the only Canadian university Included In the list of games announce by Mr. Cox. but the schedule Is sub.

Joct to amendment and It Is not unlikely that the Oxford platers will meet other teams In the Dominion. TETXBAVB Af COACHES, With the anticipated addition of this new equipment together with that already In good shape, the directors feel that the greatest need will be to obtain the services of three or four old oarsmen to act as coaches to supervise the training of the men, and this difficulty will no doubt be readily overcome if Allen, beymour, Chaffsy and Klderton, and perhaps other enthusiasts can see their way cleur to help along this season. i'M Eugene Gomes, star Tacoma outfield er In the P. I. League last year, has been sold to the Joplln club In the Western League.

Notts Forest Continues to Head Second Division Race. LONDOX, Feb. 13. Liverpool, with 41 paints, has now gained such a substantial lead In the first division of the English Soccer League that the club seems to have a VARSITY INS IK) Sixth Avenue Methodists Halt Hoop Leaders' Winning Streak. Grandvlew Baptists' fast stepping quintette that has been setting the pace In the Senior division of the Sunday School Athletic Basketball League received a setback 011 Saturday evening when the Sixth Avenue Methodist squad hunB tip a 34-33 vie.

tory, The game was played at the Gl Texas League Player Declared Free Agent CHICAGO. Feb. Judge K. Landls, baseball commissioner, today declared Kay O'Brien, player In the Texas Laague, a free agent because of fraud In a transfer from Fort Worth to St. Paul to Omaha to beat the waiver rule in the Southern League firm grip on the championship.

The sur. Collegians Trim Capital Gty saved magnificently. After nine minutes of play, Wallls STored Ireland's first try. A beautiful ntovement of the English three-quarters line ended In Smallwood equalizing. Ireland preracd ut the English hack sustained well.

England then attacked and Lowe scored the second English try. The English backs continued to piay finely, hut met the stoutest defense. The half ended with score to 3 in Kngland's favor. BACKS WOIX FAST. On resumption after a fine rush by the Irishmen, the English backs again took charge of the ball.

Mmallwood, after a capital run. went over for a try. Irelund improved considerably and twice wore Just held up at England's line, but toward the end of the O'Brien, however, can not sign with Mtsllano gymnasium, and was fast 1 prtso 111 this division has been mo gradual decline of last year's champions, Burnley, who have dropped to fifth place. HOTTS IN oirr. Nottingham Forest are unshaken at the top of the second league.

They face their biggest task of the season next Haturdsy in the cup tie game at. Cardiff. The latter are the most improved team In the country and after SUITS AND OVERCOATS That Were $33.50 and $37.50 NOW $19 About 205 of them, broken lines and odd sizes we freely admit, but every is represented. Mixed Tweeds, Forbes' Worsteds and Fox's Irish Blue Serges are amongst the lot. Out they go for and clean all the way.

This Is the I either Omaha or Fort Worth during 1923 because of the fraudulent trans first gamo that the Grandvlew fer. Tlayer Flnc.her, who sua Involved In the trades, was ordered returned to Galveston, his transfer to Fort Worth being annulled. 4 1. a long sojourn at the bottom o' the Hoop Squads in Return Series. Saturday evening was a big night fur the local Varsity hoop squads, when they defeated the two crack Victoria College quintettes on the Normal pymnaslum floor after close and hard-'ojght matches.

The local ladles' team turned in a 3J-T victory over the visitors, repeating the tale told when the Huptlsts have lost In ten starts and It puts the Sixth Avenue quinette in second place The teams: 1 Sixth Avenue Fallis, Duff, Newby Gough and Boyle. Grandvlew Baptist Dixon, McKen-zie, Buckley, Daniels and McCallum. At the St. Mark's gymnasium, the home squads chalked up two victories on Saturday evening, and two on Saturday afternoon. The feature game the evening was the St.

Murk', v. match, persistent attacking Dy me Englishmen resuitea in mem going over for the final try. first division, have reached fourth place, thunks to a remarkable succession of victories at home and away. The are one of the fancied teams for the cup, but Nottingham Forest are likely to give them a very hard gme. It Is possible that the latter will draw the game, thanks to their 1 Of ficial Standing of Basketball Leagues TJLACK CAT No.

13. champion of 1J the R. V. Y. C.

kitten class, which has been sold by Mr. J. Wlna-low to Mr. Alex. Marshall.

19 TO CLEAR ALL SIZES Senecas tilt In the Senior division which was won by the St Mark's quinette, 34-2H. The St. Mark's B. girls. In the senior division, registered up a victory over Sixth Avenue Sleihoiiiat ery Tine defense.

STOXE CHALLENGES Stoke, who reached the second place VANCOUVER AND DISTRICT SAOKETBALl LEAGUE In the second division, are now strongly 8m lor A W. L. fc-Nonnali A 1 T. M. C.

A 6 1 FRIDAY-SATURDAY SPECIAL Challenging Fulham'e end West Ham's ambition to accompany Nottingham Forest into the first division next season. Among the best goal scoring feats vestcrday were three goals each In the i 15-9. In the afternoon the St. Mark's 'Juveniles took the Wesley Methodist quintette into camp, winning 31-1 In a tussle that was featured by snappy combination and shooting by tho winners. The St.

Mark's Junior girls put. over another win when they defeated the St. ru. to in 10 8 4 0 Ft. 16 14 13 10 6 D.

K. BOOK I 0 4 7th liHttallon Antn.cs 4 Anwtni Club 2 liL Mtrlti 0 B. Fjt-Vonntl 0 PnnlM 7 fnlfenlir 0 137 Hastings Street West Complete Satisfaction Guaranteed cso of Crowther for Hartlepool, Miller mrsity athletes visited Victoria In January. It was nip and tuck In the sains between the Varsity senior boys and the College troupe, the home-biews w'nnlng 34-32. Miss W.

Styan was the pick of the visitors, playing a steady and useful game. Miss I. Russell was always in game for the home team, anil besides doing much on the defense, found time to Journey up and shoot a few baskets. The lineups were: Victoria M. Bell, V.

Elliott, W. Styan, B. Dunnell, D. Vayne and M. Hill.

Varsity a. Hmith. V. Turner, I. McKlnnan and C.

Klaine. Cheered on by a large crowd of rooters, the Varsity senior B's started out with a rush, determined to reverse the decision chalked up when they visited the Capital City, and by hard playing In the opening stages they were enabled to even up on the series, winning by a score ot Krank Penwlll did the heavy shoot-h for the B's. piling up a big lead In the early stages of the game. Hon saviour squau 1 "BLACK CAT" SOLD TO ALEX. MARSHALL Mr.

J. Winslow Parts With Champion Kitten Class Sailing Dinghy. Mr. Alex Marshall Is the fortunate purchaser of Mr. J.

Wlnslow's champion kitten class sailing dinghy "Black Cat." Mr. has been a strong advocate of dinghy esnarlallv LIMITED for Men Correct Clothes 47th n.ttillon Adantes 6 El-Nomial 4 for Grimsby Town and Hall tor Ull-lingham. OTTAWA AND ST. PATS Tower. 1 a 7 10 h.

I 0 3 1 4 fi II L. 1 8 a 4 4 Record for Draws in International Checker ormalt 1 I riwlllfm Motormen 0 I IstsrmedUte w. St. Mrk 5 mttilka A.tirius 3 H.lkirk 3 2 M. C.

A 3 0 0 TU. 10 a 4 4 4 B.C. VETERANS' WEEKLY FOOTBALL CONTEST SUNDAY SCHOOL ATHLETIC BASKCTSALL Series in Scotland LOHSOIT, Tab. 13. The number of games drawn in the international checkers championship match Jnst conclnded at Glasgow, constitutes a record, according to the Tunes.

Thirty-seven of the forty games played by Robert Stewart of Scotland and Newell Banks of Detroit, were drawn. Two victories gave Stewart the championship. The nearest approach to this. Teams Play Twenty Minutes Strong Methods Planned by Owners to Bring Stars Into Line. By HE NUT X.

AH HELL. WEW Y0B.K, eb. 13. Strong Bisthotis In dealing with "holdouts'' are being planned by the major league magnates, with practically all their star players holding out the Yankees are up against it, but the clnb owners say they are golng to make It an i3sue once and for all. Bath wants 8 40,000 and pay while he Is "serving' his sentence Walts Hoyte wants 815 000 and snbtn-tlal lncr-ns-s have bees asked by the other regulars.

"We hae the blgga-t payroll In the game and we are not to get any higher," Colonel Bnppert says "If we will put a brand new young team on the field." It may sound, like empty talk from a championship olub bat It looks like a real threat because the Tank sconts are after Jack Conlln, Harvard shortstop) Frank McOulre, Holy Cross second baseman, and other college stars. Olana XUUnger, Fenn State, Is already ob contract, Kelly, Menael, B-awllngs, Bancroft, Smith and Songlaa of the Gtauts have not signed their contracts. Borers Homsby is holding oat on the Cardinals. Stephens also ave a snappy din'lay of defense and forward play. A.

Web- ft was the outstanding man on the floor, working hard and boosting the visitor's acore with a bound in the i final minutes for the development of the younger members. He was largely lnstru- i mental in getting the Kitten Class of 15-foot sailing uinghles started In the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club, and his 1 boys raced one of the first lot built I with considerable success. Mr. J. I Winslow, the naval architect who got I out the plans for this one deHlgn class, Extra Session to a Four-all Tie.

Pt. 12 10 2 Pu 24 18 14 12 10 2 L. 1 3 0 4 4 4 5 8 11 L. 1 Total Prizes FIRST PRIZE -SECOND PRIZE THIRD PRIZE $6300 $3500 $1500 $1300 LIAVUt Senltr A- rtiwmt (M f. T. Ifethorfln Mnui.t Pi.MUlt Methodllt Cinuek Club Ittt.rm.dtit. Weatira nt. Mirk. A Kll.r.inn Methodist HI. Marks Hltlt Vle? Ch.lm.rf M.rpol.

Slltli Atmiu. Inttrmfdlite Eastern Mount Pleuiant Methodllt Canuck Club Varsltv fielded T. Turnbull. E. Bas-sett, K.

Penwlll, R. Stevens and I'eck, Victoria lineup: A. Webster, Ryan, J. Hartley, N. Forbes, O.

Utreeter and O. McCann. nas aiso neen very successful in the races, lalltnir hli itin.hv tH " P. a 13 9 7 1 C4 ii 'Cat," to victory In the R. V.

Y. C. N. H. L.

BUndM. W. L. 13 4 9 7 7 10 13 1 is n.i iv ehamolnnsh in the Kjtten ass lott muwu PitMrkt lUm Hum says the newspaper, was a match at Boston between Barker and Jordan, in which thirty-six games were drawn. The newspaper quotes Stewart as saying Banks was one of the best players he ever met.

Ontario Jockey Club to Build New Race Course 153 BT 14 ti 0 64 73 10 season, and also winning first place at the International Keeatta held at Cowlchan Bay and Victoria. Mr. Marshall has been owner of a variety of craft In the Royal Vancouver Yacht Clu'i. Including the sloop "Marietta," yavl "Klnarh," power cruiser "Vlreve," and power cruiser "Andante." I St. Andrews Rom.u r.

l'.) This Battler Has Da BiggaAmbish; He's Going After World Title TORONTO. Feb. 13. The Ontario sl mriour. Jockey Club Is said to have purchased oijmis r.nn nt ell-known TretheWHV I First FrMtrjtertan on the Weston road, between Smlor I.

rrnmnin anA Wtnn It H. 01 OTTAWA, Feb. 13 Nlghbor, Cy Denenny and Gerard returned to the Senators' lineup on Saturday night, but the best the champions cou'd do was to He with the St. Patricks of Toronto, after a thrilling struggle, which went 20 minutes overtime to a 4-4 tie. The match will be replayed only If It has a bearing on the final standing.

Roach, St. Patricks' sensational goalkeeplng find of the season, was the star of the game. zTZWBT LALOZrSB STABS. HAMILTON. Feb.

13 The Cana- 4 7 Lout. 1 8 5 fl A 0 sumed that the club will build a nh Annua U.UiodliU 7 St. larks PU. IS 14 14 6 4 2 McLean Wins Skating Championship. Stanley Steelo Solves tho Mystery I-but can he prove It? TT Is one thing to know a thing, but It Is quite a different matter to prove It.

Stanley Steele Is now certain as to who the murderer of Clement Lundrell really Is. These facts are dealt with In th continuation of Chapter 8 and Chapter 9 in this week's issue of tho B. C. Veterans' Weekly. The subsequent chapters will show how Stanley Steele finally brine's the crime home to the door of the real murderer.

Coupon fpr Games to be Played Feb. 18. Competition In this Series, No. 20, clones midnight. Friday, Feb.

17 COUPON NO. 26 THIS COUPON MUST BE CUT NOT TORN I eater Ik. B. C. Weekly Fastball Csuwuti.

and agrw te Mai fcy the ralea si pabhahed la In. V.tcran.' Wwkly an her. with SlraM tns twenty-ire anta, Ufithcr with my 1 1(4 far which credit la. with le that ataeast. Northwest Pro.

Golfers Plan Open Championship Tournament at Victoria Professional golfers of the Northwest plan to stage an open tournament have been In the neighborhood of 1,000,000. The expectation la that Woodbine Park eventually will be subdivided for building purposes. Ioe Dad. St. s.fioun Seneca WmL; MeurodUll 1 CLEVEI.AND.

fh. 13 Bobby McLean of Chicago Is the new Indoor speed Ice professional cham pion, ne winning the title Saturday night, with 210 poln's to his credit. By TAntPUT. TORK, Feb. IS Ermlo Spalla, tr.e Italian heavyweight, who has been living In New York since he arrived in this country about a year ago, said today that he had da blgga atnblsh.

He wants to be to the Italian people what Carpentier Is to the French. His big chance will come February 1 when ID dlens of Montreal returned on Saturday I at Victoria during the week of the i0 points mora than Norval Baptle of Minneapolis, the runner-up in the two days' racing, who had 140 points to his credit night to the old form which earned P. N. G. A.

tournament at Victoria for them their title of "Flying French-1 In June. A preliminary meeting was men" and easily defeated the lowly held at Seattle last week when a com-Tigers, to 1. The veteran Lalonde mlttee of pros, was named to com- he will attempt to take the title of Hrht-heavyweight champion of Am and Hilly Boucher were the outstand- munlcate with professionals in ic erica irom tiene unney In Boston. Tire Service toria. Vancouver, Spokane and other "If I do that," says Upalla we make no attempt to present Is beautiful ing piayers and were prominent In all the offensive play.

The locals could do nothing with the visitors' defense after the ttrst five minutes' play, when Joe Maions beat Vesina from close In. SIGNED ADDRESS If the Financial End Looks Good, Ben May Do Battle With Lew dialect "then can't you eee what will huppen when I go to France and fight Carpentler for the world's title? Corpo de Baoco, or in other words, 'Oh boy. University ef Pennsvlvantn. Turn Jtoi rowing candidates working indoors. -H-H--f 444 4444-f 444-f 4f4 a.

vvBMSJlviaii X.EAOUKHS' PLAY-OFF OR TUESDAY. 4- TAHOOTTTSa XTHmtT. CLUB 4- TO MOLD SIOW TOIflQHT. Officials of the Vancouver Kennel Club today announced 4- that the parlor show arranged 4- for tonight would be held ac- cording to schedule. They By Ant PLAT.

NEW YORK. Feb. Leon- Here's what you get in the All-British "Paragon" Bicycle Frame of weldlcsa steel tilling. Entile Coaster Hub, mndo by tlio U. S.

A. o. Brompton Clin In and Pedals. English heavily plated steel rims. In fact, the "Parajron" fnlly sustains the hich standard of Ilrttlnh manufactured products.

I guarantee tills. Von can nave the price of this wheel In street car rides alone, to say nothing of tho pleasure, tho health, tho exercise one will give yon. Price $50.00 On View in Our Salesroom. Fred. Deeley Tho Cycle Man 41S HASTINGS ST.

WEST Northwest cities, the object being to organize a pro. golfers' association. The open championship was eliminated by the P. N. G.

A. two years ago at Portland, but the pros, are now making a move to have It played annually again in connection with the parent body's tournament. When fully organised the association plans to request the privileges of playing an open championship during the week of the P. N. G.

A. meeting at Victoria. They ask for no financial aid from the association at this tlmo, but trust to raise a fund adequate to the occasion. A fund will also be ralsexi through payment of annual duos, this to be devoted largely to render assistance to unfortunate brother professionals. The request for an nppearance at Victoria will designate Thursday and Friday for seventy-two holes of medal play, this constituting the Paciflo Northwest open championship amateurs, of course, being Invited to en-tor.

Whether the competition be held at Colwood or at Oak Bay links would be left to the tournament committee to decide. added that there was absolutely no truth In the statement pub- HOME TEAM AWAY TEAM HOME AW AT DRAW TOTTENHAM HIPS. MANCHESTER CITY BARN8LEY PRESTON N. B. I ARSENAL LEICESTER CITY BOLTON WAND'RS BURNLEY I SUNDERLAND MIDDLESBORO PLACKPOOL WOLVEBH-MTN W.

THE WEDNESDAY BRISTOL CITY WREXHAM GRIMSBY TOWN BRENTFORD LUTON TOWN III CHARLTON A. PORTSMOUTH PABTICK THISTLE GLASGOW RANQTtS QUEEN'S PARK ST MIRBSN I The price of tires Is pretty much the same everywhere you so. It doesn't matter to us what make of tire you prefer, we are handling It, for we sell every Canadian moke. It Is largely the service behind your rubber which makes your Investment more or less profitable. We have a service car always standing ready to leave the shop at a moment's notice.

It carries a complete repair outfit even to a tank of air. Service runs to our patrons are made without charge. B0ULTBEE limited Maple Leaf Garage SEY. 80S3 898 SEYMOUR STREET Muenuonea today as to whether he had relented regarding a Lew T'hdler, countered with another question. In other words the intimation was that Leonard, aibson and company were still unchanged in their opinion.

The Philadelphia southpaw, as will be recalled drew down $5000 of Benny's forfeit money last year when the champion was obliged to withdraw from a 4- llshed a couple of days ago 4 that the show had been post- The "sudden death" match between Bankers and Sun to determine which team shall meet Spencers in the Commercial Amateur Hockey League finaU for the Ciaman Cup, will he played tomorrow night at the Arena, the face-off being scheduled for 8:30 o'clock. The winning team will meet the department store aggregation In a series of two matches, total goals to decide the championship, it i Just possible that the first match may be plajed as a curtain-raiser to tho Towers-Victoria senior amateur match next Friday ntght potted. "We will go through with our plans for the exhlbl- 4 tlon tonight," Mr. J. C.

Davles said today. The parlor show will be held In the Vancouver Exhibition match with Lew; still Benny's attitude toward Tex Hlckard was Just as un- Association's room, starting at con promising but two weeks before he signed to fight Kansas in the Madison Hquure "larden. Which Indicates that if the financial end of a Tendler o'clock. It promises to be one of the largest shows held 4 4 this winter. All dogs must be 4 benched not later than 7:34 p.m.

4 4 44444 4444-44444 444 bout looks good Ilenny will forgive "Red" Andrews, the young shortstop with the Los Angelas olub early last year, has been chipped to the Beaumont club In the Texas League. ijew, ana mat ne win try to Knock him for a goal. 4444 444444 444444444 444.

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