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The Province du lieu suivant : Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada • 12

The Provincei
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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Johnny fivers, the veteran second bane-man, has been handed his unenn-dltlunal release hy the l'hlllles. President Wllllnm H. llalcer made the official announcement Inst night over tho telephone from New York. Ho said so far ss ha knew Kvers had no settled plans fur the ftitura, but hoped to obtain a position with some team as manager. nrsxAiri Airs oxakts to MEET JUT IMIHO HMI, Tork, Nov.

21. When the Giants finish their training season at Marlln next spring they will make a tour of the South with the Cleveland club of the American League, which will cover about two weeks, and will bogln at Dallas and end at Co-lumbus. The clubs will travel on a special train on the trip, and Secretary Foster of the Giants announced yesterday that several cities have requested dates which oould not be filled. Canada Will Have Several Representatives in Title Boxing Meet in Soilth. Eugene Brosseau of Montreal Crossed Continent for the Championships.

San Francisco, Nov. 21. Sixteen ef the largest cities of the United atatai and Canada will be represented by champion fighters at the lied Cross boxing tournament to be held in the Auditorium Thursday and Friday nights under the auspices of the Olymplo Club. The entire reoeipts will be turned over to the Red Cross. The fighters are coming from New York and Canada, the Middle west, the Faclflo Northwest and the Mexican border to help the Red Cross and try to grab the prlies which the Olympic Club Is offering to the winners.

The list of men entered Is the largest ever received at a boxing tournament in any part of the country, It Is so large that special elimination matches will have to be held in order to reduce the entries to a number which can be properly handled1 in the two nights' fighting. CHAMPIONS ABE ENTEBBE. Four United States champions, two Canadian champions, three Western Canadian champions, four United States Far Western champions and seventeen other men holding championship titles for different districts in this oountry are Included In the entries. CHAMPIONS ABBIVE, Eugene Brosseau, middleweight champion of the United States and Canada, arrived from Montreal yesterday to participate In the Red Cross boxing championships in the Auditorium next Thursday and Friday. Brosseau Is accompanied by A.

Valllan Court, boxing and wrestling commissioner of the Cas-quatte Club of Montreal. Court Is the amateur 136-pound wrestling champion of Canada. Friday night Brosseau will be seen In action against an opponent yet to selected. Pender Bowling Alley AND BILLIARD ROOM 336 PENDER STREET WEST Best Alleys in Town Meet Me in the Billiard Room 3 COLLrARS jJI each -three for 50c ml lil BROS. 'liMiTto.

RAKERS III HI MOntStu 0A0NT0 wwwwa VWCOUVM lll 4 PRO. HOCKEY MAY BE Prairie City Fans Would Give Game Trial This Season. Winnipeg, Nov. tl. Rumor has It that two professional hockey teams will be formed here this winter for a city series.

The project, however, It Is understood, depends chiefly upon Clem O'Loughlin, Dick Irvin, Stan Marples and Cully Wilson remaining In the city, If they do the series Is a certainty. A tablet has been dedicated at the Holy Trinity Church to the memory of the late Capt. (Ollle) Turnbull. He was a well-known hockey player and athlete. EASTEBK OOBSIP.

The Ottawas may be without George Boucher this winter. The good left winger hurt his knee playing football this fall, and it has so far refused to yield to treatment. Ottawa has first call on Dave Ritchie of the Bull Dogs, should Quebec not operate this season. Ritchie is a cracking good defense player, and can also play a fair game up on the line. Canadlens will not have Harry Mummery this winter.

The beef trust will play for either Quebec or Toronto, whichever club is In the league. George Kennedy will play Newsy La-Ionde back on the defense with Corbeau this winter. He should be Just as effective there as up on the line. If Quebec plays In the new league Malone and McDonald will continue to live in Montreal, though they will both play for the Bull Dogs. MAY STILL BE ALIVE Belatives Have Had No Advices Concerning Death of Hookey Star.

Seattle, Nov. 21. Ivan Mitchell? former Northwestern hockey player, may not be dead as reported Sunday In a local paper. Mrs. Mitchell, a Seattle resident, who heard indirectly of her husband's death in a London hospital, received a visit from her father today and he scouts the idea.

"If Ivan is dead we would have heard directly from London," said he. "Ivan was too well known to have died in a London hospital without our having heard direct." The visit of her father greatly reassured Mrs. Mitchell and she is anxiously awaiting further word from London, which has been wired for. Commercial X.eagne Meeting. A special meeting of the Commercial Amateur Hockey League will be held tomorrow night at 8 o'clock at the Hotel Vancouver.

Handicap Competition At Pender Alleys Attracts Huge Entry. i Players to Be Placedln Five Different Divisions, According to Merit. A Victory Bond for bowlers I Ttmt Is the prise for which the ten-pin topplers of Vancouver compete shortly. Probably for the first time In the history of the game In Canada, bowlers are to battle for a national prize. "A Victory Bond will be awarded to the player making the highest aggregate, three prUes donated in each of the five classes In addition to four other valuable prizes In the aggregato," declared Secretary Jack Pattison of the Pender Alleys today when making the announcement that a handicap sweepstake bowling tourney would be conducted In the city next week.

"I have already received sixty-five entries," continued Mr. Pattison, "and I confidently anticipate that at least forty or fifty more will be secured before the opening games are rolled next Monday evening." ALU PLATEBS HATE CHAlfOB. The management of the competition have decided to arrange the games so that every contestant will have a chance to win. The players are to be plaoed in Classes and according to their ability, A men starting at scratch and D. E.

men with a liberal handicap allowed. All told, five games will be rolled by each contestant and total pins scored, plus the handicap, will decide the winner of the Victory Bond. Special prizes will be awarded in each division so thst keen competition is assured. The opening matches will be rolled next Monday evening, sixteen players participating and throughout the week as many more will be arranged each night. EXPECT BBOOBD EITTBT.

The success of the affair is assured and it is expected that it will prove to be the largest yet eonduoted in these parts. All games will be rolled under A. B. C. rules.

Further details will be announced later. "Dswky" Daniels May Have Charge of Department in Canadian Army. Toronto, Nov. 21. Among local sportsmen who have registered under the Military Service Act and are not claiming exemption Is Darkey Daniels, the famous boxer impressarlo.

The latter filed a report for military service ani replied in the negative when the clerk asked him whether he wanted an exemption form. It is generally anticipated that Daniels will be given a berth to formulate a plan for teaching the members of the new army the art of self-defence, which Canadian, Imperial and United States army rules makes it imperative that every soldier shall learn. "Darkey" for some time past has been agitating for a plan to be adopted by the Canadian military authorities somewhat similar to that formulated across the border by Robert Edgren and James J. Corbett. Capt.iLou Scholes, the military athletic director, has declared himself to be in hearty accord with Daniels' plans.

Quebec ox Toronto? Montreal, Nov. 21. The professional hockey situation may be straightened out on Thursday night when a meeting will be held here to consider the question of organizing a new league. It is understood that Ottawa, Wanderers and Canadlens will be in it and the question to be solved Is whether Quebec or Toronto will be yie fourth club. rpOM and Mike Gibbons, claimants of the light heavyweight and middleweight titles, respectively, who are now engaged In instructing; Uncle eoldlers In the fine points of boxing.

In eddltlon they are appearing In bouts In aid of the American Red Cross Fund. AT College Realizes the Value of Physical Training and Enforces Athletics. Lawrence, Nov. 21. Conscription for athletics began at the Uni versity of Kansas last week, following the adoption of a compulsory athletic training will be selective in that the students will no aiiowea, mmum possible, to pick their own form of physical exercise.

W. O. Hamilton, athletic director, has recommended that two hours, from 4 ftftprnnnn of the school week be devoted to the new compulsory training. In order that the plan may not inter- mintarv tmlninir which is lein wh.ii hid being given for the first time this year, this brancn win ne mciuura unu. IcjiI exercise.

Each student will, be examined by the university medical authorities, ana tne iorm best adapted to their need will be recommended. The new plan is expected to give increased impetus to the competitive toe nlnff In FLnnl- tlon to improving the general physical welfare or tne stuaeni uuuj. FREE-FOR-ALL SPORT American Amateur Authorities. Are Ont to Boost Athletics Among- Soldiers. Chicago, Nov.

21. The A. TJ. -will ttmrn ft nftS eliminate mo i eu ii'o been noted in concentrating its energies to boos athletics at military camps. This was tne ciecmiauuu iuvj -Charles A.

Dean of Chicago, newly-elected president of the organization. My effort at present will be to raise money and encourage athlatlcs in the thirty-two camps," said Dean. "We want the money ror equipment mu mo for the good of the boys who are preparing to go to the Dean declared competitions pro- all "with no questions asked about ama- 4, 7 Jl 'Jt teur stanoing ic an amateur should find himself opposed by a professional he will not be hauled before a critical committee," he said. "He will be as lily white at the finish as at the start." Juarei Meeting Called Off. Louisville, Nov.

21. There will be no fall and winter meeting at the Juarez racecourse. "Announcement to this effect was made here by Col. M. J.

Winn, manager of the Juarez track, who said that recently adopted passport restrictions on travel to and from Mexico had made the holding of a meeting im- posslble. CIFORY KANSAS i Well-known Rugby and Lacrosse Players Killed In Action. Bomb. George McLean Was Star In Ontario Hockey and Lacrosse. TORONTO.

Not. 21. Three well-known Outnrlo sportsmen have, paid the supreme sacrlflc In France, according to lnforamtlon received hy tholr relators. Rugby funs will remember Sergt Wnlter'joffrcy. one of the greatest nntalde wins that ever played the frame.

He was reported killed In notion yesterday, and was the son of J. P. Jeffrey of Toronto. KerRt. Jeffrey made his rngby reputation nt MeOlll University an an outside wing, and than nlaved sensational rugby on the Ja'l-Wk line In the famous fames with Varsity In 1914.

FAMOUS TIGER X1LLB. Lieut. Ion Lyon of Hamilton, a famous Tiger player, has been killed In ac tlon. A message to hi; parents at conveved th Information that he foil at Fnssehendnele on November HP. lie was 37 years of age, and always lived In Hamilton.

In 1D03 he turned out with Ihe famous Tigers, nnrt for ten years played outside wing. He figured on more than one championship team. He was also an oarsman of no mean skin and for several years was a member ot Ihe Hamilton Rowing Club. In 11 Joined the 80th Machine Gun Battalion and about a year ago went to France. awn vn T.

ftT OAUS. ruAiAv Bombardier George A. McLean, son or Mr. and Mrs. Angus McLean of 77 Ma- vety street, who is reported Killed in o-was well known in circle 1n tn west, tnu.

vj Victorias of West Toronto and th the MTC L. im nd th. Young Torontos. no fteTrtlllery, in the 80th Battery and had been anout France before being Wiled In ad dttlon to his prowess in w' me? McLean was also a exceN lent hockey piayor, A. lineups.

With the Bowlers FINALS IN TOURNAMENT Conclndlng Games Boiled ta Odd Tallows and Open Baftlma Series. Finals In the Odd Fellows ragtime end the open ragtime doubles were rolled yesterday at the Con Jones alleys, in thfSSier. Russell and Shipley finished in front with a score of 1297. Gul-land and O'Connor were second with 1268 and Robins and Russell third with 1245. Results in the open tournament follow: Tishlock and Culbertson 1841, King and Pierrot 1333, G.

Clark and T. Hlalr 1317, Chamberlain and Steers 1304, Hussell and Bhlpley 1297, Provan and Hlslop 1277, Rldloy and King 1274, Chamberlain andMabson 1267, AT rENDER ALLETS. tfea alleys last night the Van Loo team the first game belnr a lie. Ind of the Van Loos hao tooth high score ana P. R.

will Jil.r the Court- h0purdyeU ot ewav with two ftwi out ot three In th Baseball Bowllnr League at the Pender last niKht. when they ataeked up against the national Biscuits aggregation. Teency of the Nationals had both high score and high average. Van Loo team H. B.

team mack I's Itacklns Worsley 390 Aloott 406 479 Atkinson 417 656 Cadenhead 436 Ernst Wood 2335 2254 BASEBALL LEAGUE. Purdy's team National Douirlas J.ullan McOirr ItlBck Jona 417 lUlston 438 450 MeKensIa 440 463 Feensr 7 441 Andrews 370 2276 2-89 This evening at o'clock Snider ft Brethour and th Central Club will roll. AT COX JONES ALLEYS. Two games were staged at the Con Jonee sllnvs last night. In Spsncer'e Utacey'e beat Allan's.

Clarke had high game and Heath high average, The B. C. Telephone am No. 2 brat heir No. 1 team.

Teniler had high game and Henderson high average. foPKNCER'S LEAGUE. Btacey'e team Allan'i team Btacev 429 McKinney 126 Heath 4ba iMIles 367 Veltch 356 Clarke 474 Bdorren 377 Allan j402 1661 1569 C. TELTCipiONB. Team iNo.

1 Team No. jack 427 Armstrong 441 Marrlwoather 432 Jot 399 Helllwell 442 Tenllcy 480 506 HlckarflS 4C1 Uiger 324 Murdcrelc 402 2131 2173 TURKEY TOLTaXAMENT, A ladles' touriiament will take olace at the Jones alleys starting Uecember 1 and concludlnr Lecember 24. Twnty-lx turkeys will ha given to those turning in the blgh scorea Italian Boxer With Scotch Kama. Johnny Dundee, well and favorably known in the fistic fraternity, sometimes wears kilts for motion picture purposes. As a Scotchman who tries to live up to his name, that is where Johnny gets off.

He is not a Presbyterian, he has no liking for the famous beverage that is usually coupled with soda, he dislikes oatmeal, wouldn't know a bagpipe if he fell over one, and never quotes Bobble Burns or savs "hootmon." As a matter of fact, Johnny's real name Is Joseph Carrora, and he waa born in Bharkal, Italy, Just twenty-four years go tomorrow. The name of Dundee was wished on him by his manager, Scotty Montleth, about whose nationality there iBn't a shadow of aoubt. fl-hi th abandon. He rushes, swtnes. dodirM an for a second.

He began fighting in 1911 but he did not win prominence until 1912. In August of that year he boxed i twelve-round draw with Matt Brock it Cleveland, and the following month took on Johnny KUbane for ten rounds it New York. Kilbane was then cham-ninn and had a little the better of the irgument, but did not win by any wide margin. In November of 1913 Dundee Tiade his first trip to the coast and Frankie Conley In nineteen rounds at Lo Angeles. In March of the following year he again went to California and In April he held Kilbane to a jraw in twenty rounds at McCarey's Vernon arena.

After that he went Into ih. llirhtwalerht division and was Hth r.ench Cross and Ad Wol tast, but the death of Bull Young, after I bout with Jess Wlllard, caused the or tne vernoa man. Victoria Suspend. Nov. 21 By the adoption if a resolution at a epecial meeting last ivenlng the Winnipeg Victorias decided in suspend hockey operations for the hj ruing season at least.

Association Basketers Go Down to First Defeat of the Season. Ex-Normal School basketballera fur- nlshed the surprise ot the aeaion last evening when they lowered the colon of the T.M.C.A. squad, champtona of the Northwest, si-It, in a local league match. It was the first time that the champions have met defeat for a lotg time. They have swept all comers aside during the past few seasons, but last night they caught the ex-Normals at their best In one of the most exciting aames played In the city for some time and the former students emerged vic torious.

Play wti fast throughout. The flrit half ended with the champions leading, 14-8, but In the second half the ex-Nornmls played brilliant basketball ano pulled out In front, finishing ten points to the good. Stan Meadows refereed. Buchanan played a sensational game for the winners. The teams: T.M.C.A.

Ex-Normali. Hancock Guards Kemp Fhtpps McLean Godfrey Centre Buchanan Shaw Forwards Bryson Tuck Bruce Declares Cincinnati Agree ment Is Only "Scrap of Paper." New Tork. Nov. 21. Evidence that a breath of life still remains In the sup posedly dead Baseball Players' Fraternity cropped out here today In an Interview with lavld L.

Fulti, In which the former head of the fraternity criti cised the action of minor leagues In re moving tne contract clause calling ior five dayB' notice of release In Class A and AA leagues. "It proves," said Fnltz, "that the Cincinnati agreement wae Just another scrap of paper. It would not surprise me now if other steps were taken to abrogate the agreement. CHAMPION WALKER Acceptance of Y. M.

C. A. Position Will Keep George Goulding Off Track. Toronto, Nov. 21 George Gouldlng's acceptance of a position with the T.

M. C. A. of this city Involves his retirement from competition as an amateur, and probably marks his retirement from the track as a competitor altogether. Goulding Is one of the best-known athletes ever developed in Canada, and has for some years been regarded as the greatest exponent of heel-and-toe walking ever known.

Ha has repeatedly defeated the best walkers in America, often conceding generous handicaps. He represented Canada at the Olympiad In Stockholm In 1912, and won the event, about six and one-quarter miles, in 46.28 2-5, a world's record. His was the only first place taken by Canada at Stockholm. Goulding retires unbeaten, and without anybody in sight capable of even making him extend himself. He commenced his athletic career at the Toronto West End Y.

M. C. A. about ten years ago as a member of the Harrier's Club, an organization which developed many great athletes, some of whom after wards competed in Canada's colors at the Shepherd's Bush, London, and Stockholm, Sweden, Olympiads. "Chuck" Skeene was at that time a member of the Harriers, and was beaten by Goulding, after which Skene took to walking the Shepherd's and became Canadian champion.

Gould ing thereupon decided to go In for the pedestrian sport and beat Skene In that style, too. All the great walkers In Canada were then forced to lower their colors to Goulding, and his career since that time has been one of continuous victories. SHEELY TURNED DOWN Tomer Vancouver Shortstop TJnable to 'Make th Qrad In Army. Tacoma, Nov. 21.

Earl Sheely has struck out and been released. It was Uncle Sam who let htm out, after he had played but ten days. Sheely Is on his way home today, as much disappointed as though he had been fired from the big leagues. Out at Camp Lewis, Sheely was just getting on to the fine points of the game when a socond physical examination led to a long pow-wow by the doctors, and when they got through they handed the fast Salt Lake Coast Leaguer his passports. The old trouble of a poorly-set.

ankle bone after a slide into second base at Vancouver two years ago led to his failure to stick in the army. Bill Donovan is taking things easy these days. He's thlnklns- over nrri offers made to him by minor league clubs and is taking hw nloomln' time about JtJST ARRIVED A full shipment of Wading Trousers, Wading Stockings and Submarines, Just what you need for your duck shooting trip. Tisdalls Limited The Complete Sporting Goods Store 418-620 Hastings Street West Turkey "Shoot at Con Jones' Bowling Alleys Commences December 1st and finishing Saturday, December 22nL Flve-pln liagtlme Lady and Gentleman Bowling Tournament. Twenty-six turkeys In prlies.

No turkey costing less than 00. First prlie, six turkeys; second prlie, four turkeys; elgM prizes two turktys each. No entrance fee; all bowling 10c cr string. Colored Boxers "Framed" Recent Bout, Declare Boxing Officials. Toledo, 0., Nov.

11. The local boxing commission at a special meeting last night made a ruling barring Sam Langford and Harry Wills, negro heavyweights, from further participation In bouts In a Toledo ring. The two men appeared here a week ago and the commission ruled tonight that the bout was not on the square. AMOTHEB BOUT FOB CHET. Taeoma, Nov.

21. Chet Mclntyre, who Is being dubbed the "Grand Old Man" by Tacorna boxing fans, has been signed to box In the main event of the Eagles' smoker on Nov. 29. Mclntyre's opponent will be Frank Farmer, the Kapowsln logger. Farmer has boxed here and Is known as a hard hitter, but Mclntyre's friends think Ihe former o.

A. C. instructor Is clever enough to get away from Farmer's Mary Anne. Chet is making a big hit with the fans of the City of Destlnn, who believe he la a wonder. M1CI1Y1I A.

A. U. Officials Will Take Mail Vote Later on Question of Vote. St. Louis, Nov.

SI. Amateur Athletic Union delegates left for their homes today after the close of the annual meeting of the union. Whether a track and field champion ship meet -shall bo held by the A A. U. in 181S was left ot the championship committee, which also will determine the place.

If a meet is held. The formal awarding of championship titles will be made by a mall vote. It la understood the vote on the place for the championship meet will be mads by mall also. The board of control adopted the amendment to the bylaws providing that Amateurs may compote with professionals in athletic events at army encampments during the war. MORE TEAMS ENTERED Star Bike Blders Vrm Start la Six-day Zvent In Hew York.

New York, Nov. 21. Two more teams for the annual six-day bicycle race were announced here today. They are Bobby Walthour and Paul Suter and Tom Belo and Vlncenio Madonna, Promoter Wel-man still Is casting about for a man to pair with Frank Kramer. Alfred Ooulett refuses to race with Kramer, figuring the veteran could not last through a six-day grind.

McBride, Veteran at 38. When a man has spent sixteen years In professional baseball he la ntttirt tr. ifi iVer5n case with George P. McBride, who was Horn in Milwaukee on Nov. 21, 1881.

It was In the City League of Milwaukee that he made his first reputation. In 1902 he played third base for Milwaukee and Kansas City in the American Association, after which he spent a couple of seasons with the Western League, playing with the Peoria and fit. Joseph clubs. The Pirates drafted him from St. Joe In 1905, but Fred Clarke soon swapped him to the Cardinals for Dave Brain.

After thatTie was sent back to Kansas City, but In 1907 he was bought by Washington, with which outfit he has been playing shortstop ever since. Today In PnglUstlo Annalf 1906 Sam Langford defeated Young Peter Jackson in thirteen rounds at Rochester, N.Y. rr1lVack? McFarland outpointed Kid Herman in fifteen rounds at Davenport, la. 1907 Ad Wolgast whipped Biz Mac-key in six rounds at Davenport, la. 1910 Jack Britton defeated Kid Farmer in eight rounds at Memphis 1910 Young Otto and Lew Powell Tought a ten-round draw In New York 1911 Sailor Burke and 3111 Hurley fought a ten-round draw In Brooklyn.

Baku Drafted Into Army. 21 DeI Baker, catcher for the San Francisco Baseball uub, who was to have reported to the Detroit Americans next spring, today passed a perfect physical examination for the United States naval reserve and Is awaiting orders from the commandant at Bremerton, Everybody seems to be mad at the Olanta, and Just simply won't play with them. Thefans are wondering why President Comiskey of the world's champion White Sox turned down McGraw's offer to play a series of exhibition games in the South next spring. Comiskey won't tell why he refuses to play, but It is Just likely that he fears an- encounter with the Giants, And either, i users uiu uuiroit Tigers won't play uraws orrer of a spring wnen tho two teams P-J? "tra Barnes, and when Cobb "ru8' Bn1 tnen refused to take fLl. remaining combats.

It is nrf may behind the present refusal of the Giants' offer. Ice Skating Tonight, 8:15 p.m. BAND ADMISSION 40 CENTS 'Get the Arena habit there's health In It." LANGFORD AND WILLS BIRRED HON WW When You Buy a -EEGKIE Qudijy IN SHOE you buy FOOTWEAR that has no PEER In QTJAL- ITT no EQUAL In WORKMANSHIP and ABSOLUTE- LT no SUPERIOR In DURABILITY. THE "LECKIE" fine street Shoe for Business people la made with the same fastidious attention to detail that is characteristic of all "Leckle" Shoes. IF you Insist on Comfort In happy conjunction with style you secure It In this popular Shoe.

More and more men are coming to recognize it as the best In the long run the most trustworthy and comfortable Shoe on the market When you buy It you get a Vancouver Shoe, made In a Vancouver factory, that challenges for supremacy the best in Canada. (Sixteen different styles all sizes and widths in black, and tan with or without "Neolln" soles. Look for the name "Leckie" stamped on every pair.) I V- i That "Custom-made Feeling. The "SpeciafOrder" solves it." You may have your Suit or Overcoat made to your measure from any pattern you choose, and yet not relinquish the economy of efficiency, service and team-work tailoring. Semi-ready "Special Orders" was a phrase coined to meet actual custom-made garment, cut and tailored, to your measure after you select the cloth.

A perfect and precise fit is guaranteed whether you pay $21 or $40 for the value of British woollens you select. THOMAS MeBATN fio5 Granville Si.

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