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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 2

Logansport, Indiana
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Gladness Comes ith a better understanding of the transient nature of the many physical ills, which vanish before properef tote-gentle efforts-pleasant efforts- Shtiv directed. There is comfort in the knowledge, that so many forms cf any actual dis- but simply to a constipated lYremoves. That is why it is the only limedy with millions of families, and is esteemed so highly by nil oot i health. Its bcneneial ne to the fact, that it is the which promotes internal Important, in order to get its benc- effects, to note when you pur- allImp 3TJc, that you have the genuine which is manufactured by the Cali- tornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by reputable druggists.

in tho eniovment of pood health, Wd Ihe system 'is regular, laxatives Or £ther remedies arc then not needed. If and gives most general satisfaction. Keep Cool by Using THE KELLY Shower Baili RING Hot Water Proof Hose Fjtprfss Ad, Me. Prevents Wetting Head Kloor or Walls. Hornless Water Closets.

Semi for Catalojme trott Proof Water Closets, Wuter Closets, Kelljr Stop and Waste Cock, THOS. KELLY No. aoi Madison Street, Chicago. WONDERFUL INDUSTRY. A 9 Worked Ten Yuan on Flftoon Ctiblucts.

Out in the wilds of Wisconsin in the little rural village of Martintown, Green county.livcs one of the most industrious men of the century, says Uiu New lorK World. He is Peter Haase, a cabinetmaker. Ten yearn ago lie conceived the idea, and perfected plans in of we most ingenious and elaborate combination bookcase and writing cabinet world. Having money to support him the remainder ot his lite, he began the construction of not only or.e of these cabinets butof IS, luushuig ,1 ccriaii. part of each at the same time before advancing: farther.

The cabinets arc inlaid with nil of the native woods, the boards having been bis shop seasoning for over IS years When completed the 15 cabinets will contain 4,000.000 pieces of wood, borne idea of the required for the completion of this undertaking may be had by knowing that it would take a man working eight hours a day one year to fei.ii.ply "sort and count a million pieces maiiv of which will have to be handled "0 times bv Mr. Haase before being permanently "adjusted. The top of each cabinet is to contain 17,000 pieces and each of the posts 4,000. The aged workman figures that it will take him nix years to finish his work and the Jo yiei-es of furniture will be completed at 1 he same time. Mr.

Haase is 71 years of age, butbnle, hearty and full 'if hope and determination to comi-lote this wonderful work, to which he applies himself enthusiastically every workday. His patience aud perseverance arc remarkable. He counts on each cabinet buinff worth $5 for the completed, and believes that investing his time in making thorn will prove more profitable thin spending Ins money on life insurance would have been. THE PEASANT'S FRIENDS. Au American Fablo Whopie Moral Will Be Appreciated rolltlctnm.

One clay the owl remarked to the crow that the peasant who had lately moved into the cottage beyond lie wood was a. good fellow and the crow passed the word to tlie jackdaw and the. to the parrot, says the Detroit Free Press. Then the fox wc.uted what was up, and, being' duly informed, ho took it upon himself to inform the other wild animals of the forest, and pretty soon it "Eesolvcd, That the peasa-nt being g-ood fellow, we will visit him and prove OUT good will." In due time there was a ink' TWO LIVES SAVED. Mrs.

Phoebe Thomas, of Junction rojd by her doctors she had coiisuiuptilon aud that tliwe was uo hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery completely cured and she says it saved her life. Tdjos, Eggers, 130 Florida. Francisco, suffered from her, Jlr. Sim a dreadful cold, a.ppr«ich,ir,g consumption tried without result cverythiug else then bought ouo bottle of Dr.

King's New Discovery and in two weeks He is naturally thankful. sucii results, of which these arc samples, tliat prove fhc wonderful results, ot which these are samples, that prove the wou- efficacy of this medicine coughs and colds. Free trial bottles B. F. Kccsllmg'n drug store.

It sivc 50c aud $1.00. UNCLE SAMBUQ'S FORTUNE PAUL ERESTE. details of rhu killing of Mrs. Edward MlUler, of Floyd conniy, by her I'ollowod by life suicide, tJint Mr. JMiUer wsis vury much opposed to rlwi'bertiTofchal of Jste daughter to .1 Catholic, while mother approved tlie pi-oiiaswl uuilan.

T-lio marriage was pojutod for today, the bridegroom-elect being -'''roil Busolil. FOR THE BLOOD, NERVES, LIVER KIDNEYS. 4 B. B. B.

B. cured me of a bad case of Liver and Kidney Trouble. Yours, SrlCKI-EMIERE, Lebanon, Incl. 4 are purely vegetable. Put up 1 capsules, sixty in a box.

Thirty days' treatment in a box. Price per bos, or six lor $5. Manufactured by H. C. BRAQQ, Connersville, Ind.

For sale by all druggists. of birds and beasts, and at. a signal each one cried out and applauded in his were OLD PEOPLE. Old people who require medicine to regulate the bowels and kidneys will find the true remedy ia Electric Bitters. This medicine docs not stimulate and contains no whiskey nor other Intoxicants, but acts as a tonic nnd alterative.

It acts mildly on the stomach and bowels, adding strength and giving tone to tlie organs, thereby aiding nature in Hit per.forma.nce of the functions. Electric Bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids digestion. Old People find it just exactly what they need. Price fifty cents and $1 00 per bottle at B. P.

Kces- I'ms's drug store. The coiumissiouiers of Allen county for first time Iwrc refused to grant liquor licenses to saloons billiard or pool fables; neither will they grant licenses to saloons where tables chairs arc permitted an the same and room. SAT.K KY H. F. KEKSLING, Druggist.

D. 0. SUMMER SERVICE TO MACKINAC. Their new steel passenger steamers In commission, making four trips per week between Toledo, Detroit, Macklnac, Soo, Petoskey, Dulutn. If yon are contemplating summer outing 2c stamp for Illustrated pamphlet.

Vddress A. A. SCHANTZ, G. P. A.

Detroit, Mich. own-peculiar way. Things lively and the assemblage was flatter- in" itself that i-t was doing the proper thing in a proper way when tlie peasant appeared, with has hair standangnp and his eves hanging out, and "Ah Lack-a-day, but what in Texas is all this. row about?" "We have come to show our friendship lor a bully boy," was the chorw. "Had you come as enemies I would have brought out my shotgun on protected myself, but now, alas! I am hup less and undone." vs.

The man "in the hands ol his friends" may be pitied even by his ene- mics. TRICK OF TEA Rejected Are Shipped In hto. Mario und Port Huron- It developed at the custom house here the other day that this country is being flooded with low grade teas through the ports of Sault Ste. Marie and Port Huron, These teas have all been rejected at New York and Boston', on account of their inferior grade, but were promptly repacked and worked into the country through the above-named ports, where there are no expert testers and appraisers. Complaints hare been made by merchants of Detroit and other cities of the inferior goods-passing custom inspection, and investigation developed how the- rejected teas were slipped through.

An inspector is here gathering proofs, Salted for UriKlL Notwithstanding' the fact that the pampas of Brazil are covered with herds of cattle, that country imported from the United States last year 08,700 pounds of salted moat, and paid. $3,739 for it. It would be hard to convince a man from bilious colic that his igony is due to a miserobe with an un- pronouucable name. But one dose of DeWitt's Colic and Cholera Cure will convince him of Its power to afford Instant relief. It kills M.John- rton.

Corsickvn women are models of queenly grace, and reason te. plain. They have a curious custom of carrying burdens, waterpots, on BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best solve In the world '01 cuts, bruises, ulcera, salt rheum, fever tetters, chapped hands, chilblains eorns and all skin eruptions and positively cures piles or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded.

Price 25 cents per box. For sale by B. F. Keesllng. Ontept, of Italy, has applied 'for a pension, on tlie ground of advanced age.

Ho will be seventy- seven in October next, and is Incapacitated from Ms former profession of advocate by acute sciatica. When we consider that the Intestines about five times as long as the body, -we can realize the Intense suffering experienced when they become Inflamed. DeWitt's Colic and Cholera Cure sub- dnea Inflammation at once and completely removes the M. Johnston. Subscrllw for The Journal, 40 cents a month.

ad help TJftlD MOTHERS I In Hood's Sarsaparilla, which gives them pure blood, a good appetite and new and needed STRENGTH. WHEREVER MALARIA EXISTS The bilious arc Ms certain prey. In intermittent and remittent fever, dmnb- n.gue and ague coke, the liver is always seriously affected, and the blood contaminated with bile. One of the chief reasons why Hosteller's Stomach Bitters is such a sure defense against chills fever and every form of malarial disease, Is, that it docs away with liability to the disease, by reforming irrcg- ularltly of the biliary organ In advance of the arrival of the season when tht disease is prevalent. There Is no visiting or emigrating to a locality where no miasma taint exists.

Thore is no certain Immunity from disease in an andemlc or epidemic form, to be secured by the use of the average tonics and But where quinine fails the Bitters succeeds both lu preventing and curing. Moreover, It removes every vestige of dyspepsia, and overcomes constipation; rheumatism, inactivity of the kidneys aud bladder, and tranqullizes and the nervous system. i Queen. Victoria te rarely photographed staradtugi 'on account of tier small stature When sitting gives the. Impression of being'a fairly tall woman.

Pass the good word along the line. Tiles cdn be quickly cured without an operation by simply: applying's Witch Hazel Johnston. Persons who have a coughing spell every night, on account, of a tickling sensation in the throat, may overcome It at once by a dose of One Minute Cough Jno. M. Johnston.

The' name whent is derived from a Saxon word, "H'wacite," Klgnifyin white, bocanise flour from this grain its lighlter in color than, that from ortlher. "Wake up, Jacob, day Is breaking!" go said DeWitt's Little Early Riser to the man WDO flad taicen them to arouse sluggish Jno. M. Johnston. PLAN YOUR SUMMER OUTING NOW-GO TO PICTURESQUE MACKINAC VIA THE COAST LINE.

It only costs $13.50 from Detroit, 5.W fronl Toledo, $18.00 from Cleveland for the round trip, Including meals and berths. One thousands miles of lake ride on new modern steel steamers for the above rates. 2c for Illustrated pamphlet. Address A. A.

SCHANTZ, G. P. A. Detroit, Mich. Trophime Cogolin, generally known in the district as Master Trefume, had so often related the story of Uncle Sambuq and his fortune that he had finally come to believe it himself.

The simple truth of Ibe matter was that Peter Sambuq, a ne'er-do-well who hud pven his parents no end of trouble, had shipped as an ordinary seaman on a three-master one day in the year of grace 1S-IS, aud had never been seen or heard of since. The hard facts were too ridiculous for the worthy friends aud relations of the vanished Peter; they could not understand how anyone could set outfor America without reaching that continent and making, a fortune; so the worthy people gradually evolved tlie idea that Uncle Sambuq had gone and done likewise, and would ono day return rolling- in course, to'die in due time nnd leave his fortune to thorn. So the years rolled by, and Uncle Sambuq's fortune grew bigger in tha imagination of his people. The older relatives died, and Waster Trelume became heir to his uncle. Now.

it happened oDO'day that Trefuine met a sailor whose acquaintance he had made year or so previously. This man had just returned from a voyage to the states, nnd Trefume seized the opportunity to offer him a glass of brandy (contraband) and ask him if he had heard of Uncle'Sambuq while on the other side. The snilor, probably out of politeness, and in order to please Trefums and his wife, informed them thtithe had a distinct recollection of having on several occasions met an individual (on the quays ot New York) who was undoubt- very wealthy indeed, and was tin exact image of Sainbuq. That settled the matter; there could no longer be anj doubt that Uncle Siwnbuq had readied America aiid made his pile, as any other reasonable person would do. On the following day Trefume again met the perhaps it was the who made a point of meeting Trefume; be that as it may, the result of the meeting was another glass o- brandy for the sailor, further question! Sambuq, and aconfidentia communication to the effect that th stranger iu New York was really th long-lost Peter, for he had spoken to the mariner concerning "his relatives, and hnd dropped mysterious hints as to his intentions towards them.

The Trcfumes became the envied ones of the neighborhood. Uncle Sambuq nr.d his his fortune the chief topics of conversation for many a day among the inhabitants of ihe whole district. The Trefumes lived happy and contented, patiently awaiting the time when they would have their share of the millions amassed by Peter Sambuq. A few" months passed away. One tioruing, when he was least expecting it, he received a letter from New York.

The letter bore the seal of the French embassy. Trefume carried that precious letter about with him all day without breaking tlie seal, in order to show it to his friends. Not till the Pass the good word along the line. Piles can be quickly cured without an operation by simply applying DcWitt's Witch Hazel M. Johnston.

Lord Salisbury fe ttJ years of age. He spent fifteen years in the House of and has been twenty-four years in 'the House of Lords. We are anxious to de a little good In this world and eim think of no pleasant- or better way to do'lt than by recommending One Minute Cough Cure as a preventive of pneumonia, consumption and other serious lung troubles that follow neglected M. Johnston. A Mrs.

Post, who was born in Prussia aod sa-w Napoleon's retreat' from Mowiow, now lives im Dearborn' county, Indiana. She is 102'years evening, in the presence of his wi children, his bands trembling, with excitement, did he venture to open it. It was somewhat it contained bank-notes. The papers were, carefully taken from the envelope and proved to death -certificate and a brief note from the embassy. he is dead?" said his wife.

"Of course-be 1 replied Trefume; the ambassador say so?" There was silence. Xonc of them had known the dead man, but had so much about him that it secured as though they had been on intimate terms 'with him, nnd they were able to squeeze out a tear. "The ambassador doesn't say anything about the fortune," observed Tre- fume's better half, wiping her eyes. "I suppose you went him to tell nil about it before the man's fairly dead," replied Trefume, sarcastically. -We can wait, ajid he He 11 write again in a dtty or two." But, Btrnage to say, the ambassador omitted to write that other letter As the time went on surprise deepened into anxiety i a veriUble fe-ver-a gold fever -took possession of them; they-lost interest in everything, they could Hunk- of nothing but Sambuq's mjlhons, and At engers, who, after exchanging a word or two between themselves, walked away before he could reach them.

Tre-; 'time walked after them, but they still nvoidcd him and hofriinconvei-singcarn- cstly together. T.hc fisherman hcsj- arcd; he thought they had something Private.on, and he did not. wish to in- rude. It never his head that they were avoiding him. He.

did not ntend to lose his chance. BO he continued his walk after them a.t a respectable distance. Two or t-hreo. Unit's, when he thought the moment opportune, he approached hut in hand, and attempted to speak to them in his bcsi French, but was met with a scowl anil a ff rowl that made him retire. He it down to manners, am! with a sigh he withdrew for a iVw niinuU's.

The two Americans were evidently udi perplexed at the strange conduct of their fellow-passenger; they were worried about it, too; KO finally they spoke to the under steward concerning Ti-cfume. The official was busy thiun ever, bat he was fond of a joke, nnd thought he might as well enliven the routine of the day by a little fun. "You know tliut there has been a big robbery in Paris," he said, in a confidential whisper. "Well, I wouldn't inind betting this man is Jean Earnest, the cleverest detective in France, who In on the track of the thieves and has disguised himself as a fisherman from the south," The -two men looked at each other, thanked the under steward and dived Into their cabin, from which they only emerged when the ship was actually alongside the quay. Poor Trcfume looked for them in vain.

They got oft the steamer unobserved by him, and ho was left to find his way about New York as best he could. How he went through the rest of that day, where he lodged at night, he never knew. He began again on the following day looking for the embassy, asking the way in his provincial French, and being laughed at and treated with contempt as an impostor, until, sick at heart and thoroughly discouraged, he sat down on a doorstep nnd began to cry. Uncle Sainbuq might have journeyed to his native country to die, and thus have made things easier for his heir! After a few minutes he plucked xip courage and determined to try again. He had just reached the.

end of the street when he saw one ol the Americans to whom the under steward had referred him on the steamer. He had changed his clothes and cut off his. beard, but Trefuine was positive that at was the same man. "Monsieur, monsieur!" he cried, running toward the man. Whether the man heard the words or not, lie took to his heels as soon as ho paw the Frenchman, running.

"What!" said Trefume to himself, in an iadignaat tone. "This man knows New York as well as I know Endoume, nnd he won't help me! Away they went, the American and Trelume, In vain toe former doubled this corner and that, his pursuer stuck 1o him until, thoroughly exhausted, the American took refuge in a bar and awaited the arrival of his pursuer. "So I have you at last," exclaimed the Frenchman. "Why did you run away and give me all this trouble? Now you mustr-" "Hush!" interrupted the American, turning pale in spite of the violent exercise. "Don't make a fuss," he con: ti'nued, in excellent French; "that will be of no use.

Come and, sit down in this corner." "Ah! that's better," thought Tre- lume. But he simply looked knowingly at the roan and took; a seat. "I know what you have come to New York for," said the man. "Good again!" thought the fisherman; but before he speak, the American continued: "We can arrange this little affair, can't we, without further bother?" "Of course we Tre- fume, thinking still that the man was Blood Is essential to health. Every nook and corner of the system is reached by the blood, and on its quality thecondition ol every organ depends.

Good blood means strong nerves, good digestion, robust health. Impure blood means scrofula, dyspepsia, rheumatism, catarrh or other diseases. The'sorest way to have good blood is to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. This medicine purifies, vitalizes, and enriches the blood, and sends the elements of health and strength to every nerve, organ and tissue. It creates a good appetite, gives refreshing sleep and cures that tired feeling.

Sarsaparilla Is tlie fact the One True Blood Purifier. cure Liver Ills; easy to HOOU PlllS take, easy to operate. 25c. A SHORT JOURNEY TO CALLFOBNIA IN FIRST CLASS 5TYLE The Southern Pacific Co. "SUNSET LIMITED" TRAIN.

the Sunset to Los Angeles and San Francisco. Was discontinued April ICth. The accommodations given thb ireat number of pitroas of the above during the past tourist season, warrants the announcement of next season of finer service with -equipment superior to anything yet mown In transcontinental traffic. Look for early re-inauguration of LIMITED" this fall. For Home Seekers.

The Southern Paclflc Co. "Sunset goute" in connection with the "Queen tnd Crescent Route" are running the )n ly line of through tourist Pullman Sleepers leaving Cincinnati every Thursday evening for Los Angeles and Ian Francisco. These excursions are specially contacted, and the object Is tr, enable tboie who do not care to buy the first-class found trip or one way tickets, to enjoy comfortable ride with sleeping car privileges and no change of cars at the rtry low second-class rate. For further Information, addrew 3. COXNOR, Commercial Agt 8.

Cincinnati, O. W. G. NEIMTER, G. W.

Agt. 8. P. Chicago, 111. B.

F. MORSE, G. P. T. Agt.

8. P. New Orleans, La. Small In size, but. great DeWitt's Llittie Early Risers act but thoroughly', curing wonder what hod become of them length their anxiety reached such a mtcU that Trefume announced his intention of undertaking a journey to New decision which met with the of all concerned.

"I shan't be away more than a month. -01 two," said Trefume, "and the boy, can look after the boat. A few hundred francs won't break us; ldes -J la.ow I shall be.ill if don't go and what's going over cre He traveled to Havre and embarked a tcstcl bound for Ifew York. Ho knew absolutely nothing of the great city which he was approaching; could not speak the as helpless- as child iu a wood, began to get very anxious at nronnd for somebody to confide in and obtain assistance from. He tried the under steward, a fellow countryman, but the latter was' too.

busy to be bothered, Trefuroe, however, refused TO be shaken the under steward, in desperation, glanced about for Bome- liody to whom he could refer the per- Bisteht fisherman, and so get rid of "Here!" he sadd, pointing to two of tfcp insRcneers; "these, are the raenjtp In. results. know New York so that they could find their, way blindfolded: anywhere in the city. Try talking about Uncle Sambuq's fortune, "That's agreed. Xow, how much do you want?" "My fair share, of course!" replied the give you this pocketbook it bos 100,000 francs in French I timc to 'exchange them for American money.

They are good, you need, not be afraid that they are bad or stopped. Will that satisfy you?" "Is my fair share?" asked Tre- fuine, doubtfully. "How' much do you expect?" asked the other, "It was a good thing, but it wasn't a gold and there are several to share it. thai or. nothing'!" It's cither he was He and looked pepsla 'and, ironstipatlbn'.

pill, 'gafe A Natick (R. man who served. tliirou-gh with: great credit amd unsca-thed' lost four 'fingers, of left diaind on the lust, by the- sloo of a canmon cratker, ti-i looked at the. and thanked" his compatriot heartily: He wis delighted a.t the thought of meet. two people who were so well.

with New York'. They were 'BlCQ UH-l" 1 1 m- two shifty-looking Yankees, who had-; been'left: very severely alone wr.jWW voyage. He went over to the two JJM-'- TlV take it!" said Trefume, beginning to fear that he might lose all. "Very well! Now, you have this on condition that you go back in the Bretngne, and' the Bretagne starts in two hours. And remember, you have never seen me!" The pocketbook was handed to him, and he scrutinized the notes.

They were all right. He tried to explain it all to himself; he was not clear on Borne points; but the more he tried to think it out, the more confused he beccrae: Only one thing was clear: he had succeeded in getting a good slice of Uncle Sambuq's fortune and was now a man. Thus it came about that Master Tre- liaving had the" good fortune to be "taken'for a became heir of Uncle Sambuq, died 'penniless in a hospital a few weeks be- As to Tref urne, he was never able to arrive at any proper understanding of the affair; b'ut he did'not worry himself much" oh" that head. Later on. when he hod work and donned a-frock- coat, he used to shake his head and de- -clwe, 'with" niiich- gravity; that in mitters those American Graham TRANSPORTATION CO.

TWICE DAILY STEAMERS TO CHICAGO. CONNECTING WITH THE VANDALIA RAILWAY AT ST. JOSEPH. Beginning May 25th and continuing about Sept. 30th the steamers ol this line will make two trips each tolly between St Joseph and Chicago tn the following schedule: Leave St.

Joseph at 4:30 p. m. ace 1030 dally. Including Sunday Leave Chicago at 9:30 a. m.

and p. dally, Including Sunday. Extn Irlps on Saturday leave St Joseph a I a. and leave Chicago at 2 p. Running time across lafce 4 hours.

Trl-weekly steamers to leaving St Joseph Monday, Wednesda; ind Friday evenlt'gs. The equipment of this line Inclnde ihe side wheel steamers City of Chlcag and City of: Milwaukee (the largest taest west of Detroit), and the newl rebuilt propeller City of Loulsvill Service first-class. Connections with fandalla trains. Tickets on sale at randalla Line stations. Chicago doc foot Wabash avenue.

J. H. GRAHAM, Benton Harbor, MIc were far ahead of any other bow quickly they settled' that matter- of 'Uncle 1 Sambuq's rroroMie-French; Magazine. joing For A You'll fully enjoy a11 of ltfi dcll 3f yon take ono of too UIE MICHIGAN AMD LAKE SUPERM TRAHSPORTATIOM CO'S iGANT STEAMSHIPS.

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