The Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle from Milwaukee, Wisconsin • Page 6
- Publication:
- The Wisconsin Jewish Chroniclei
- Location:
- Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 6
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
I a a 6. THE WISCONSIN JEWISH CHRONICLE THE CAREER OF ADOLPH S. OCHS By LOUIS POPKIN By LOUIS MARCH 12th, Mr. Adolph S. Ochs, one of the world's most distinguished Jews, and newspaper publisher, observed his 70th birthday.
He celebrated this event by visiting friends in California where he and Mrs. Ochs have gone for a holiday, and by holding a number conferences on behalf of the biebrew Union College, an institution which commands his devoted interest. Although the trip to California via the Panama Canal was planned by him as a respite from the strain of his responsibilities as publisher of the great New York daily newspaper which he heads, Mr. Ochs to deliver a series of addresses progress of Liberal arranged, Judaism in America from Jewish pulpits in the south and western cities. Carrying on the traditions and ideals of his distinguished father-inlaw, Isaac M.
Wise, Mr. Ochs has given generous effort to the great work which the founder of Reform Judaism began. He has been active in the work of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations for many years as a member of its Executive Board, and now heads: a Committee which is seeking five million dollars as an endowment for the Hebrew Union College, from American Jewry. ADOLPH S. OCHS Like so many of his people who have succeeded by unsparing work and determination, Mr.
Ochs has remained an ardent worker for Judaism-loyal to his people and eager to serve them. That is why the Jewish heart, collectively speaking, throbs with pride when one of its people reaches exceptional heights. In the case of Mr. Ochs the triumph is so much greater because American Jewry owes much to his zeal and affection for his people. Development of the New York Times The story of the development of the New York Times, of which Mr.
Ochs is the publisher, is one of the most romantic in the history of newspaperdom. Thirty-two years ago, he came to New York from Chattanooga, with little money, but with the supreme confidence, an amiable characteristic of the Jew, that he could build up one of the world's greatest newspapers. He has succeeded in doing just this. "All the News That's Fit to is the Times' slogan, and in truth, it has become the Commandments of its unrivalled success. The newspapers of a quarter of a century ago would hardly be recognized by the reader of today.
they were biased, personal or party organs. In them there was little or no impartiality. to the march of events. News writing and editing was made to serve personal aims. Then came Adolph S.
Ochs with vision of a prophet in the newspaper field. He saw with the utmost clarity that a newspaper must be first and foremost a public institution, serving not any one particular party or group to the exclusion or detriment of any other, but primarily and always its readers and the great mass of poeple they represent. The New York Times was founded by Henry J. Raymond and George Johns in 1851. Its manner of presenting news during the Civil War won for it an excellent reputation.
In 1871 it was instrumental in exposing and destroying the notorious Tweed Ring. This feat established it formally as a powerful newspaper. In 1894, it withdrew its support from the Republican powers by espousing the cause of the independent political element, that later elected Grover Cleveland president. This move was responsible for the loss of much revenue from circulation and advertising sources. In 1891, the Times was seriously handicapped by the death of George Johns, for his heirs were not equal to the task of managing a metropolitan newspaper.
In 1893, the new Times Publishing Company was organized, in a vain effort to reestablish the property. Charles R. Miller was president. During the same year, a disastrous business panic almost put a stop to the newspaper. It was in 1896 that Adolph S.
Ochs was invited to take hold of the property. with A new corporation was organized a capital of million dollars. Mr. Ochs put in $75,000 cash. the terms of his contract, 3,876 shares of stock were deposited in his name to be delivered to him only after the paper had paid a all expenses for a period of three consecutive years.
This was to be the test of his executive ability in managing and directing this newspaper property. At the end of the first three was proved beyond all doubt that Mr. Ochs was equal to the task: All expenses were paid, and there was a profit. Consequently, the stock was a over to him. This gave him the controlling interest in the New York Times which from that date to this he has held.
Andy Cohen Hailed as Long Sought Jewish Baseball Star Leads Giants to Victory in Opening Game; 30,000 Cheer New Hero Mr. Ochs' rise is typical of that of so many American Jews who attain high places by dint of their remarkable achievements in the face of great odds through the Jews' singular ability to hang on and struggle on and up. He was born in Cincinnati in 1858. His parents were Bavarian immigrants of moderate means. As a boy he had to earn his own livelihood.
At the age of eleven he carried newspapers and Jater, became a printer's apprentice. he was a newspaper compositor, and at 20 publisher of the Chatanooga, Times, of which he is still proprietor. And, at the age of 38, had accumulated $75,000, which he invested in what today is one of America's greatest news organs. Under his regime many innovations and achievements of the "Times" were adopted, among them: (1) the slogan "All the News That's Fit to (2) the establishment of the Saturday review of books in 1896, later combined with magazine section of the Sunday issue, (3) the reduction of the price of the newspaper to one cent (high cost of manufacture of late years has made it necessary to increase the price to two cents), (4) its refusal to accept $33,600 from the city to print the complete canvass of the vote of New York, on the ground that it was a waste of public funds, refusal to accept $55,000 from a Baits many administration for city advertising, on the ground that even subconsciously a change of policy might result, (6) its enterprise in adopting wireless telegraphy in the gathering of news; in securing and printing photographs of Perry's account of the North Pole; and inaugurating its annual appeal for "100 Neediest Cases;" its remarkable thoroughness in covering every phase and current event during the World War. Mr.
Ochs is the holder of four honorary degrees. From Yale university he received the honorary degree of M. from Columbia university, the degree of LL. D. was conferred on him; and the honorary degree of Doctor of Literature was given him by the University of Chattanooga, and by New York university.
He is also a Chevalier the Legion of Honor of France. In addition to his publishing interests, Mr. Ochs is found in the forefront of civic, communal, philanthropic, and cultural activities of the country. BROADCASTING OF JEWISH SERVICES Sunday Morning, April 22, 1928 WAIU-Columbus, 0. (282.8 10:45 a.
m. Eastern time. Rabbi Jacob Tarshish. KPRC-Houston, Texas. (293.9 p.
m. Eastern time. Opening Session of 55th Annual Convention District Grand Lodge No. 7, I.O.B.B. Wednesday Night, April 25, 1928 -New York, N.
Y. (294 9 p. m. Eastern time. Men's Club of Temple Israel Symposium on "Crime and the Public." Speakers: Attorney General Albert Ottinger; Dr.
Hart Hastings of the Russel Sage Foundation; Rabbi Jacob Katz, Chaplain Sing Sing Prison; Judge Alfred J. Talley. Friday Night, April 27, 1928 WRNY-New York, N. Y. (326 p.
m. Eastern time. Temple Emanu-El Friday Evening service. WMBS-Harrisburg, Pa. (231 7:45 p.
m. Eastern time. Dr. Philip D. Bookstaber, Subject of Address: "Fate." Jewish Students Conference Opens in Paris The conference of Jewish students in France was opened here under the chairmanship of Sholom Asch.
Representatives of municipality, the police prefecture bodies were present TO greet the conference. Messages of greeting were received from the Ministry of Education, Professor Albert Einstein, Hillel Zlatopodky. The greetings of the Zionist Organization were brought by M. Naiditch. M.
Dizengoff brought greetings from Palestine. Rumanian Rabbis Move to Curb Suicide Epidemic Bucharest. (J.T.A.) A severe economic crisis was said to be the cause for a suicide epidemic which is spreading among the Jewish population of Galatz. The suicide of three prominent Jewish merchants, Moses Assian, Braunstein and Mendel. Goldstein, grieved many in the Jewish community.
The Galatz rabbinate issued an appeal mourning the death of the three merchants and urging faith that the difficulties will be overcome. Those who commit suicide cannot, according to Jewish law, be given proper burial and they are buried in graves near the cemetery wall, the appeal warns. Soviet Appoints Commission to Investigate Anti-Semitism In State Theaters The revelations made by the Moscow Soviet press with regard to the existence of in the Soviet state theatres, leading to the suicides of Krein, Jewish violinist, resulted in government action. A government investigating committee was appointed to make thorough inquiry into what termed by the Soviet press, derived from the name of the Mos20W opera director, Golovanow, who was principally blamed for the existng condition. New York.
(J.T.A.) The long sought Jewish baseball star seems to have been discovered in the person of Andy Cohen of the New York Giants. Andy Cohen was the hero of the day at the game opening the 1928 baseball season when the Giants defeated the Boston Braves at the Polo Grounds, before a crowd of 30,000. Mayor Walker threw the first ball, inaugurating the season. The first Cohen in big league baseball was carried off the field on the shoulders of the fans. He scored the first run of the year for the Giants after singling in the fifth inning.
He won the game for the Giants, who scored 5 to 2 by hitting a two-base ball with two Giants on base in the sixth inning. In the eighth he singled and scored another run when Hogan hit a base ball. Describing the rise of Andy Cohen from obscurity to fame, James R. Harrison, sports writer of the "New York Times," writes: "Dubiously greeted as the successor of the great Rajah, Andy had his chance, and he didn't make a Here was a big New York crowd. Over there on the visiting bench was Hornsby.
How would the youngster stack up against the grand old veteran? falter and break, or was his hand firm and his nerve steady? "Those were the questions that the crowd. asked itself, and Andy Cohen supplied the answers. For the moment at least he is the baseball hero of New He will pull them in at the a Babe Ruth--partly Yorki. because he is, for the present anyway, the long-sought Jewish star on a New York team; partly because he is a youngster in to a tough spot, and partly because he is pretty fine ball player in his own right. "Nothing else seemed to matter very much in this ball game but the young Jewish lad, who came in one long stride from minor league obscurity to a job which had last been held by Rogers Hornsby.
"The fact that the Giants beat the Braves, 5 to that they pulled up the flag and the band played the 'Star Spangled that Mayor Jimmy Walker, there to throw out the first ball--the fact even that another baseball season was being unfolded was unimportant compared with the triumph of Andy Cohen. "Between the covers of a book they may, hoist the great hero to their shoulders and march off with him, but it isn't done in professional baseball. Wasn't done, that is, until that day when the enthusiasm and joy of New York's blase baseball patrons bubbled and boiled over and carried Andy Cohen around the Polo Grounds." Sabbath Observing Jews to Be Helped by German: State Employment Offices Orthodox Jews who decline to accept employment involving the violation of their Sabbath are to be helped by the Federal employment finding offices to secure posts which would permit them to rest on Saturday, according to instructions issued by the Federal Minister of Labor. Minister Braun, a member of the Centrum party orders the employment offices not to exclude from the range of their activity Sabbath observing Jews, but rather to attempt to find for them such work which would permit their compliance with their religious tenets. Missionary Conference in Jerusalem Adopts a Resolution Against Racial Prejudices Jerusale (IT A -Racial prejudices which result in creating unfavorable conditions were denounced in resolution adopted by the conference of the Protestant International Missionary Council in session here.
"All Christian forces should help to enable all to enjoy the same social, political and economic opportunities," the resolution stated. utmost practicable equality should be established," the conference urged. Ukrainian Labor Unions Send Delegation to Jewish Colonies Moscow. (J.T.A.) The praesidium of the Ukrainian labor unions has decided to send a delegation to the new Jewish colonies in the Ukraine for the purpose of preparing a report to acquaint the Ukrainian workers with the situation there. At meeting of the Ozet, the Society for settling Jews on the land, held here, th echairman, of tional Minorities Committee, Butsenko, stated that he has no fear that the Jewish colonization work will increase anti-Semitic propaganda.
It was not true, he declared, that the workers are complaining of the Jews settling in Crimea while the Ukrainians settle in Siberia. Literacy High Among Jews in Ukraine and White Russia Ninety-five per cent of the Jews in the Ukraine read and write, in White Russia literacy among the Jewish population reaches 80 per cent, reported Chemerisky to the Jewish cultural conference in session here. Seventy-three per cent of the Jewish population recognize Yiddish as their mother tongue, the rest Russian. Recommendations for increasing political education among the Jewish population were presented to the conference. It was decided urge Jews to send their children to the Jewish schools which are less attended proportionately than the general schools.
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