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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 10

Logansport, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I How wretched is the man wh'o has fallen a victim to Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick Headache, or diseased Liver, with all the horrible attendants. Look upon the picture. man, being of dragging out a miserable existence, he is the picture ot despondency altogether, be is rather a forlorn specimen, fiy Do piiy Of course; but at ihe same time feel assured that in a measure he is Hame k.r the bad state into which lie kas J'allrn A sure, safe, speedy and easy cure can be found in Simmons Liver RegulaU Nature's own remedy. No mercury or deleterious drugs, not unpleasant to the taste, and always reliable just such a remedy as you can pin your fnith to without a shadow of disappointment. Read the tesiimonial, don't take our word for it "1 hnye bsen subject to severe spells of Congestioi c-f the Liver, and have been in the of from 15 to 20 grains of calomel, which generally rne up for three or four dnys.

1 have been taking Simmons which gave me relief, ut interruption lo business." J. Hucc, uliio, JT. H. XEfLJJT 8s Sou PsorniirroRs, PHILADELPHIA, PA, PRJCE, SI. 00.

the torpid liver, tlic digestive regulates bowels, auct arc nncquuled us an ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE, In malarial districts their virtues arc widely rccogruized, OH they possess ncc- in freeing thcaystem from that poison. Elegantly nucrar coated. Dose small. Price, 25cts. Sold Everywhere.

Office, 39 41 Park Place, N. Y. nuc Jlttlo ork for by Anna Tngc, AuMIn, etas, nnd Jno.JJonn, Toledo, Oblo. Sue em. Others nrtdolngiuwoll.VVhT notyou? SomB rum a month.

Von can do the work nod llva nt home, von are. Evoa bo- Kinnorr nro raally famine from to ft day. All apes. Weihow youhovr and utari yon. Can work In limn or 8)1 tlto time.

monoy for ivork- t'fllluro unknown nmcnp thnn. JCOOO. 00 year belnp mads by John K. GoodwIn for ua. Header, tench you quickly how to cum from 10 a tiny at tho atnrt, and mohi you go on.

Both flcxon, nil apes, In any part Of imcrica, you can commence ut Iioma, glv- 11 nil vour time.or spare momenta only to tlio work. All it MOW. Great pay SCKE for every worker. We atari yeu, famishing ovcrythlnp. EASILY, SPEEDILY lenrnert, PAOTIGULAHS FKEE.

at once, ST1XSOS A 1'OKTLlSD, FINE PAPER HANGINGS INTERIOR CURATORS. FRESCDIII6 CHURCfiES, RESIDEBCES, SC. "We invite visitors to call and inspect, Correspondence solicited. P. NELSON 193 CHICAGO, ILL.

THESE IS BUT ONE YGIGE In the unanimous shout of the thousands who use Dr. Pulmon- aria. It proves that this medicine has roan? warm friends and admir-- crs among all classes and ages. Old and young alike, shout its praises and declare it the greatest cough remedy on earth. It cures a Cough in less time than any other remedy.

It cures Croup in a few minutes. It cures Whooping Cough in ten days. It is only remedy that will cure Consumption. It is harmless and pleasant to take It costs 25 £0 cts. and $1 per bottle, and every bottle is warranted.

oold by B. F. Keesling and D.E Fryor. MANY A MAN will get well if he heeds, ordle If he Ignores our warning. Mftfiottt JBxclvmict; eueetmi Vniyw, Thousands restored by frmatment.

Guaranteed mailed free for a 11m- CONGRESS AND APPROPRIATION The Enormous Dellclcncy Bequeathed a Democratic ConfrreNS. Mv. Cannon's masterly analytica comparison of the appropriation bills of the Fiftieth and Fifty-first congresses, the democrats having-a house majority in the former and the republicans in the latter, is fully explanatory ol' the causes of increased expenditure under republican administration. But let us note, before going- into consideration of specific appropriations, that the democratic house of the Fiftieth congress in round numbers, 531,000,000 for "miscellaneous under which vague heading- most of the small jobs and extravagances in behalf of political favorites may be classed, and the republican house of the Fifty-first congress reduced it by nearly one-half, allowing but 511,207,430 for all miscellaneous purposes. The republican congress also effected a reduction of about 8300,000 in the yearly expenses of the military academy, and another reduction of about 540,000 for diplomatic service.

The Fifty-first congress fell heir to a deficiency of which the democratic Fiftieth had left unpro- vided for. It is almost needless to add that a congress whose ruling- spirits were Mills, of Texas, andBreckinridg-e, of Arkansas, took care that the deficiency should be that of money for the payment of soldiers' pensions," Th Fifty-first congress, then, had to pro vide more than 825,000.000 for the pay ment of pensions under the old rates the democrats of the Fiftieth having failed to make provision for it out of I full treasury. Examining-the items of appropria'tio: increased by the Fifty-first congress we find nearly of increase under the head of Indian, but more than this will go for payment of about 7,600,000 acres of farming- land relinquished by the Indians, and which is likely to bring S12.00U.OOO when sold to homesteaders. There also is an increase of nearly 81.500.000 in the agricultural appropriation; this is caused by the transfer of the weather bureau of the signal service from the military to the agricultural department, its maintenance being- about and by an appropriation of for agricultural experiments, and by the necessary enlargement of so important a department of g-ovemment. "Fortifications" represent an increase of nearly this largely is for payment on guns and buildings 'ordered during the existence of the Fiftieth congress.

There'is more than 814,000,000 of an increase on the naval appropriations, but insists that not a cent of this is due to the Fifty-first congress, which only had to pay bills contracted by the Fiftieth and preceding congresses, ancl to make appropriations for the payment of the work now in progress, but commenced prior to the first session of the congress. By much the largest item of increase, and, perhaps, the only great increase for which the Fifty-first congress is responsible, is observable in the pension department. Here is a net increase of more than and it is needed foi the payment of. under the "dependent pensions bill," which was passed in redemption of the pledge made by the republican party to the wounded, aged, diseased or enfeebled soldiers of the union armies, and for payment of old pension claims that had been expedited to settlement by a republican administration, after lingering 1 in the department during four years of democratic rule. The more fully the financial record of the Fifty-first'con-, gress is examined the more probable republican success in 1S92 will be.

states ai'iu have favorite sons. No reasonable boiuyia the country, however, really belu-vcs that any of these men will have standing in the convention. Indeed, the west is. from democratic honors, barred as effectually as if it had recently been in rebellion against the government, and had not yet fully emerged from the.reconstruc- tion Louis Globe-Democrat. WOMEN AND MME HE STAKL said that what.she was most proud of was tlie fact that she had acquired seventeen trades, by any one of which she could make a livelihood.

A NEW industry for women is putting- at the Woman's Exchange, makes Sin a week at it, VOMRN- are beginning to excel in ian.ciicra.fts. Three classes of art work stood out prominently at the exhibition London were the embroideries, wood carvings and leather vork. IT is stated that there are over 2,500 women physicians DOW earning- a g-ocd iving by their practice in this country, thirteen states women physicians have been employed in insane a'svlums, reformatories and other public institu- tions of which women are inmates. THEM: are 200,000 factory girls in London. The needs of these working-women have been but faintly recognized by the benevolent agencies.

It has' been estimated that for every shilling contributed toward the amelioration of the social and moral condition of work-ingwomen a pound is subscribed for the benefit of men. While has been given by government for technical education of men and boys, has been done toward the technical education of women. A COXTEMPOUAMY suggests as a new- pursuit for they should learn the use of the turning lathe. It says it is a pleasant and profitable em payment, as lathes can be secured that require very little bodily exertion. I also suggests as an avenue now open, the making of the picture frames whicr.

are now made to harmonize as much as possible with the picture. For instance, the picture of ecclesiastically architectural outline with a top. in a pointed arch, ii'tit anything. from chessmen to bread-boards can be turned on a lathe. Some merchants get the best they can; some get the meanest they can.

Your dealer in lamp-chfm- neys-what does he get for you? There are common glass and tough against heat. There are foggy and clear. There are rough and fine. There are carefully made and hap-hazard. You can't be an expert in chimneys; but this you can do.

Insist on Macbeth's pearl top or giass whichever shape you require. They are right in all those ways and they do not break from heat, not one in a hundred. Be willing to pay a nickel more for them. G2D. A.

tin- NOTICE. erti ut' City port, Indiana, thereof, to a point opposite Tenth street, crossing said to Hace stTeat west, the north of streStlo' sout iUmK le wesc Ilu Or tli? Chan jjc in the Bouiidarien oCtlie Voting frerinclH ol' Sutd Mlitdc by the Common Council at Their Scw-ion, March IS, 1831. 1 he voters of the Cily of Cass County. Indiana, will hereby uike notice that t'oliow- lii" order was marie by the Common Council of the cltyof Logansiiurt, County. Indiana, al iLsif im sl ssiu Wl llm sdll KVPiiing, ITiircli is, Election precincts as formed In the Cily of Logansport, Indiana: in accordance with an act of the Legislature of me State ol Indiana, approved March 6, lisa It Is ordered by the Common Council of the City of Lo- Bii nsport, Cass County and they do now tnrniund adopt the following voting iire'clncls In to wl everal wards of the City of Ind.


HIRES. I LA DELPHI A. Mr. Growler (to if wonder we have ruinous g-as bills. I have just counted sixteen "burners g-oing' full blast this house.

(Leaves the room and returns in excitement). Say, in thunder turned out that light in ter Ocean. DEMOCRATIC The Fruitless SLIGHTS. IMIIII HMMU I 5 OUR NEW BOOK Advice IB -M i Vital. All Weaknesses MELTS TOO SOON.

ARABIAN DAIa trlAnl One of tte BEST MEDICINES ever Iratei PAIN AND: INFLAMMATION, both ExternaJlyand Internally. It ii safe and certain in its action For Burns, Poisoning, Erysipelas. Inflammation of the Eyes or Bowels, Deafness, Rheumatism, Pains in Side, Back or Shoulders, Piles, Sore Throat, Croup, or Bronchitis. TE1DJE SUPPLIED by ROSS GORDON, LaFtyette, Ind. For sale byB.

Keeslingr Hopes of the Western Democracy. The hope which is said to spring eternal in the human breast finds a touching illustration in the persistency with which western democrats, in spite of all their setbacks, have been looking for the presidency to come to their section. In every presidential canvass for nearly two-thirds of a century the western democrats have been expecting to fill that office, but fortune has been against them. Their failure has not been due to lack of available material, for in this period they have had, among other worthies, Benton, Cass, Douglas, Hendrieks, Thurman, Pendleton, Voorhees, McDonald, Morrison and Palmer, yet somehow fate has been toying- with their ambitious aspirations, and has dealt out its favors to democrats of other localities. Cass and Douglas are the only western men who have been nominated the presidency by the democracy, and neither of elected.

This slight to the west is rendered especially striking when contrasted with republican favors to this region. Every republican presidential candidate except been selectee 1 from the west, and all of these western men except C. Fremont- have been elected. The truth is that all attempts to loosen the grip of Kew York on the democratic candidacy next year are foredoomed to failure. Naturally enough the west is restive under the decree which excludes it from all favors in democratic presidential conventions, but no help for this state of things in sight.

Vice presidential nominations are the-- litmost to which the section can aspire with, any hope of success. It is true, of course, that outside of Indiana the west has no electoral votes to bestow on a. democratic national' -the': help often, obtains from that the growing strength of the party in other states of this locality, ought to give some rights to the section which nominating are bound to respect The moment has a good many men who, in their locality, are thought to be deserving of the highest political honors. Ohio has CampbDll, Indiana McDonald and Gray, Illinois IMorrison and Palmer, and other READY RELIEF. The most certain; and safe Pain Remedy in the world thftt instantly stops the most excruciating pains.

It it is truly the great CONQUEROR OF PAIN and has done more good than any known remedy. FOR BACKACHE. PAIN IN THE CHEST OR TOOTHACHE OR ANY OTHER EXTERNAL PAIN, a few applications rubbed on b.y the hand act like magic, causing the pain to instantly stop. For COLDS, BRONCHITIS.PNEU- MONIA. CONGESTION, INFLAMMATIONS, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, LUMBAGO, SCIATICA" PAINS IN THE SMALL OP BACK-" more extended applications are necessary to effect a cure.


i Precinct No. 1-A1J that territory embraced within tlie.iollowlngnietes'iuid bounds, to-wie Umimenc- the nortwest corner of Sycamore wa streets, thence running west along the north line oi Ottawa street (o Vine street, thence south along the west line, ol 1 Vine street to Miami street thence west on the north line of. Miami street to Flumstieet, thence north along the east line of Plum street to Bates street, thence west alon" the line of Bates street to Holland street thence north on the east line of Holland srrn-tto the north boundary line of said First ward, and thence east along the north line of said ward HI Sycamore th thence north on tbe east line Eighth street to Bace street east on the south lino ot RaceTstre't 0le ce on tile west line of Broadway street to Su' mid tlienee nortB on uie line street to oi' that tlie elections ol' corner of the school house lo WJ.JTJytOH's.suooHd OU to Logan Precinct No. that territory wltLiiithe following metes and bounds' Ing at the: corner ol iv, -way streets, thence ruuiir the west line of Twelfth street to fcrle canal bed. i hence west alo; ng the the line ilace ofbegliining.

And ills that" Precinct No. wiiliin me following. FIFTH "thai territory and bounds. 'fflM on'S the soutb bunk oi'liel riv-- 1 iver, nd of in i 1 river ot bl 1J1Ill It Is th.tttiK- eieitJonsm sii'd. precinct te held 1 RT.

We you. No rii-k'. Vu'u ur nlf your time to the IjrijlBH wolult'rl'ul hutcosN in? from to to fill nd rcBil. Send of Cnc klir ds K- W. Allen 219 Wood.

Detroit, Mich. Sold by dtMczists, Attractive and Promising Investments ui CHICAGO REAL ESTATE TURNER BOND, Washington Chicago, III Established 1875. Reference 1st fall. Bank, Caicaco. fllfin for Bargains in Acres we Quote: JO acres So Cfi Ch icuRo, K.OOO per acre.

Inside Income-Producing Business Properties mce bullmn In heart or the city. Price SITS.OOO 00 IeaschoM 'nzroivlng retail district. Price, KO.OOO paying IS. Judt- dilekoter'i Encllih Diamond Brand. ENNYROYAL PILLS Only genuine.

A BArc, ilnri rullablc. LAOICS mfc DrugiflRt Clikhaler'M ffmjUak MOnd Brand la Kcd Uld Ooid mcUtllcvVlur JboxM. aeiUcd iftUi blue ribbon. other. Reftuo dangerout ''1M and itnttatitnu.

At Druggiati, or lend 44. fltftiapi for particulars, teBdmontaU and Relief tor 1 in, br rctnni SUIL 1O.OOO HamcPaftr, I Sold trr all Local For Sale hy B. F. Keesllnfj. street, and thence south along the west line of sycamore street-to tlw place of besiiinlng.

It is ordered tliat the elections In said im-clnct be held In house on Ouawsi on Hie sou'Invest corner oflotlfl, In I). D. JDykeman'slst itddition to t-st i.oyjin. In said ward. PrecluctXo.

that territory embraced within the following nieies and bounds, ing at the nor.Invest corner of Ottawa and Sycamore streets, thence running south along the west line ot Sycamore street to Clilppawa street thence west on the north line of Clilppawu street to Hum stivet, thence south on the west line of Hum street to Usage street, thence west on the north line of Osage and Wlieatlnnd streets to the C-Mcauo branch olHiePlttsburg, Chicago. Cincinnati Lonlsliallway, thence south along the line of said railway to the Peorla branch of sain railway, thence west the north line, of said Feoria bj ancl 1 ol said railway to thir west limits of said vard thence north to the line of the and Erie thence eastalong the line of thn Wabash and trie canal bed to Holland street, thwice south along the west lineof said 'Holland street to Bates street, thence east on the south line of Bates street to Pimn street, thence south on Plum street to Miami street, thence east along the south line of Miami stre, to Vine street, tbencenoj th on the east line of Vine street to Ottawa street, thence casi south iJne of And it is ordej be held In the the school Precinct No.3—All that territory embraced within ffieloilowlngmetes and Commencing at tlie southw est corner of Sycamore and Cblu- pen-a streets, theme running on the south IhiKOlChlppewii street to Plum street, thence on line of Plum street to Osage' then west on south line of Osage street to wiieat- land street, thence west on soutlrliiie of Wl; eatlanil 1 lhiit territory embracing ollowing nines and bounds, to-wit- 1 lhe f' on or Twelt and Maitet uceis, thence cast on the south line of Af 1.1 iirkH street to Sixteei th street, thence south on" that territory fnibhiced the lollowlny nii-ies and bounds, at jrei river on Sixteenth llieiicHrminliic south on east line ol street to Mari- et si reet. tlic-iice rust on i of Market strot 10 KlfihtPejith firerl. thence on east lineof. Eighteenth street to rnlts of the city, thence nonh eastern liinjts cily to Eel river, thence west along couth bank of Eel river to place of besln- 1 i dt the elections In 1 mce OI "and along j-aid railway to Seventeenth street, then'ce' north oil the east line of Seventeenth street; Erie canal bed.

thence west uliing saldciuialbed to Sixteenth thence nortlr east line ol Sixteenth street to Market street. iouth along the east limits oisaid Wabushjlver, thence north ju.jv«i/. jueies ana tiounas, to-wit- Jiineiiclng at the corner of the Waoash.St. 1 ra way and Twelfth street.lhence east $1 ngi-aJd railway to Seventeenth street. imiVi vwi'Mj jji adju precinct be- I now owned by Rudolph Berndt C28 Seyejueenth street, In said ward.

the nonh line of Market street to Eel river, thence easterly aJoii(j the north bank of Eel river, with the meanders thereof, to the place of begijinluir And It is ordered that the elections in said precinct be he'd at the engine bouse In said ward Precinct No. that territory embraced witMn thetol.owlngmeres and bounds, to-wit: Coramenc- Ing at the westerd the ol'Eel river bridge onif arket street In said ward, thence west along the north bunk of Eel and rivers, with the meanders thereof, to the west limits of said ward, thence north to the south line oi'the Peorlabrancbof the St. L.Hallway thence east alone the Peorla branch of the P. C. C.

St. Louis Railwav to Market street. thence east on the south line of Market street to the piace of beginning. And ic is ordered that the elections In said preclct be held in Uhl's cooper shop in suld ward. tlie foliowingnietesand I togat the comer ot Twelfth au Sinead Itoete.

the south line'of jjut LilJliU to seventeenth street, thencesouth on west line beveutecniu street to Wabash Railway theneeivest along said railway to Twelfth street thence north Any K. or any RELIEF" without the nameRADWAY is a COUNTERFEIT DADWAY'S PILLS, Tlie Great Liver and Stomach Keraedy For the cure of ai! disorders of the STOMACH, LIVER BOWELS, KIDNEYS, BLADDER, NERVOUS, DISEASES, LOSS of APPETITE, HEADACHE, CONSTIPATION, COSTIVENESS, INDICESTiON, BILIOUSNESS FEVER; INFLAMMATION of the BOWELS, PILES, and all derange merits of the Internal Purely Vegetable, containing no me-- cury, minerals, or DELETERIOUS DRUGS. PERFECT DIGESTION will be complished by RADWAY'S PILLS- Byso doing Dyspepsia, SICK HEADACH, FOUL STOMACHE, BILIOUSNESS, will be avoided- and the food that is eaten contri bute its nourlshingVpropertles to the port of the natural! waste of the body Price box. SOLD BY ALL DRCCISTS. Clieap Lands and Homes in Kentucky, Teiiuiisee, ALABAMA', Mississippi and Louisiana.

On the line of the Queen A Crescent Eonte cai be found.2,000,000 acres at splendid bottom, op land, timber and stock lands. Also the fines fruit and mineral lands on the continent for' sail on favorable terms. FABMERS! with all thygettlrig get a home ii the sunny South, where blizzards and ice clai plains are unknown. The Queen Crescent Route Is Si Miles th- Shortest and Quickest Line Cincinati to New Orleans Time 27 Hours. Entire Trains, Baggage Car, Day Coaches ant Sleepers run through without 'change.

110 Miles the Shortest, 8 Hours tlie Quickest Cincinnati to Jacksonville, Fla, Time 27 Hours. The only line running Solid Trains and ThroiiRi Sleeping Cars. ONLY LINE FEOM CINCINNATI TO Chattanoga, Fort Payne, Msridlan' Tlckburg, Shreveport, La 20 Miles the Shortest Cincinnati to Lexington KP 5 Hours Quickest Cincinnati to Knoxville, Term 116 Miles the Shortest Cincinnati to Atlanta and Augusta, (iu, 114 Miles the Shortest Cincinnati to Annlston Ala 26 Miles the Shortest Cincinnati to Birmingham IB lilies Shortest Cincinnati to Mobile, AM. Direct connections at New Orleans and Shreveport For Texas, Mexico, California Trains leave Central Union Depot, Cincinnati crossing the Famous High Briclire of 1 and rounding the base" of Lookout Mountain' Pullman Boudoir Sleepers on all Through Train- SECOND WARD. Precinct No that territory emhraced within lie following metes nnd hounds, to-wlt: Cunimenc- ng at Eel river on Fourth street, thence ruiinlne outh on the west line of Fourth street to Eel venue, thence southwest on the north line of Eel liver avenue to Third street, thence north on Third treet to Eel river bridge, thence northwest on east ne of Sycamore street to the north limits of the econd ward, thence alone the north limits of ecoiut ward to the west line of Stevens Moblev nd Clary's additions to the city of Logansport north along the west line of said additions the north limits of said ward, thence east on the orth line of said ward to Clifton avenue, thence outli along the west line of Clifton avenue to street, thence southwest alone the north ne ot Hanna street to Pontiac street thence south ongthewestllneof Jr'ontlaostreet to the north of Eel river, thence west on the north bank of el river with the meanders thereof to a point osite Fourth street to the place of beginnlne id it is ordered that the elections In said net be held at what Is now known at Schaefer's oper shop in ward.

Precinct No that territory embraced within following metes and bounds, to-wit Commencing at Ee) river on Fourth street, thence running south on the east line of Fourth street to Broadway street, thence east on tha north line of Broadway street to Filth street, thence son th on east line of Fifth street to the Wahash and Erie canal bed thence east along the north line of said canal bed to Seventh street, thence north on the west line of Seventh street to High street, thence west on the south Jlne of High street to Sixth street, thence north on the line of Sixth street' to Eel river and thence west alone the south bank of Eel river with the meanders thereof to the pla of begln- niug. And it is ordered that the elections In said precinct be. held at the North street engine house In said ward. Precinct No All that territory embraced within the following metes and bounds, to-wit- Commencing on the south bank of Eel river at the intersection with Ttilrd street, thence running south to EeJ Elver avenue, thence northeast along the south line, of Eel River avenue to Fourth street, thence sc nth on the eastllne of Fourth street to Broadway street, thence east on the south line of Broadway street to Fifth street, thence south on the west Hue. ol Filth street to Market street, thence west on the north line of Market street to Eel Elver avenue, thence southwest on Eel River avenue to the Wabash river, and thence northwest along the south bank ot Eel river, with the meimders thereof, to the place of beginning.

And it is ordered that the elections in said precinct be held at the township trustee's office in said ward. TBJED WARD. Precinct No. that territory embraced with In the following metes and bounds, to-wit- Commencing at. the corner ot Eel Biver avenue and Market street, thence running east to Filth street thence southeast to Oak street.thence south along the west line of Oak.street to Canal street, thence westalong the north line of Canal street to Fourth street, tbnnce south on the west line of Fourth street to the Wabash river, thence west along the north bank of the Wahash river, with the meanders thereof, to Eel River avenue, and thence north to the place of beginning.

And It is ordered that the elections In said precinct be held at the old hrick school bouse in said ward. Precinct No. that territory embraced within the following metes and bounds, Commencing at the corner of the Wabash and Erie canal bed and Oak street.thence running east along the south line of the Wabash and Erie canal bed to Twelfth street, thence south along the west lineof Twelfth street to the Wabash river, thenro west along the north bank of the Wabash. river with the meanders thereof, to rourth street, thence north along the the east line of Fourth street to Canal street, thence on Canal street to Oak street, thence north 'on the east line of Oak street, -to the place of. beginning ind it that theeleetionsinsald precinct be held at Harry Torr's office in said ward Precinct No, The third precinct of said- ward is com posed of all that part of said ward lying south of the Wabash river, Including Blddle's Island.

It is ordered that tlie election In said-precinct be held at A mans carriage trimming shop on Burlington avenue in said ward. KrtTRTB the Coun ty of the City a CJerkoithe Citv of Lcgan- sport Indljina, do hereby certify that the is a compJete copy of the proceedings of the Common Council of the City ol Xogansport, Itidiana, at" regular session held in thecouncU chamber of sairt city on Wednesday eveulng March IS. relativa the vari- oas wards compristogthe City of Logansport, i'seal of the City vi uu this 19th day of March, 1831. JOHN TAG AET. Clerk City of Logansport, Indiana, Ladies $500 Reward.

PIK English' Female Regulating Pills are the sitiest and most rcllnblc. Give them a trial and be convinced. At Drug Store or by mall, post-paid per box Jl.OO, boxes lor $2.50. Moka Toledo, O. Fisher, No 311 Mention paper.

MAE.730R FRIEND. i Onrilalydor Perfection Syringe free witn Bottle. Prevents Stricture. Cures OouorrtHtm. Gleet in 1 to 4 Ask your it.

Sent to any address for A MALVOOB MANUPG JOSEPH GILLOTT'S STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS EXPOSITION, 1889. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS. Do KM test or Speculate IN STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN A.TMD PROVISIONS? If so, Jrarjr witn a reliable firm who have had ten years experience, and are members Chicwa of Trudo and Stock ExchiDgo. Who business strictly on Commission.

Refer to Illinois Trust and Savings Bans, Chicago. C. A. WHYL.AND JO Pacific- Ave. IlJa.

We send fre; of charge oar.Daily Market Report Circular on application. interest allowed on monthly balances. TOPS unnatural discharges ill ,24 hours. CJleei norrhea in 3 days. No Stricture No Pain.

SURE Adopted bytheGer- manGovernmentfbr Hospital P.S.C. is put up for American trade a patent bottle holding syrir.gc (see cut) At druggists, 1TU Von Cincinnati, Chin, g. KEESLINff. Agent. Logansport, Ind.

I CURE RUPTURE Over One Million Acres of Land'in Albania, future Great State of the South subiect to preemption. Unsurpassed For Correct County Maps, Lowpit Hates and fnli particulars addres, D. G-, ED'WlHDb Ken Passenger Ticket Agent, Crescent Roirte, Cincinnati. Precinct No. the territory embraced wltii- In.the following metes and bounds; to-wlf Coni- at the corner of.

Sixth and Hteli streets, thence running north on 'Pontiac street tO'Hanna street, ttenee east, on the sooth line of Hanna su-eet to Clifton avenue, tlience north on the easi'ton avenue to the ward boundary line, r.heiv east -iloup the ward boundary line to east limits r-f wild ward, thence southeast -iioncthe lineof viid ward ilver, thence the north bank ol Eel river, with the-meanders DR. HORNE'S ELECTRIC TRUSSES Have Cored IQ.OOn Ruptures In 15 Years. "I suffered with a doulile ruptnrc 5 years. Tou trie Truss cured mo In montte. J.

6. PHJI.POT Sept '90. Chattanooga, "Yonr Electric Trass cnrea myrnntura utter 15 rears UBS A. Bouoim." Absecon, J. Oct 'BO.

"Inm cured sound and well by woirinn vonr Truss, Iowa. AUK. 17, Tliponlv tKnnlno Eloolrlo TT-IIM Belt In the world. fiO DR. HORNE, INVENTOR.


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