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Evening Bulletin from Honolulu, Hawaii • Page 3

Evening Bulletini
Honolulu, Hawaii
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

-r-sr-i brr'T! TNrw w- nwTHWWp 'mmfT ''p? BP 7T 1 fS XWr-wjjpii' I n' 4 II i OAHU RAILWAY AND LAND CO. Time Table PROM AND AFTEK OCTOBER 1. 189J. A.M. 1envo .0:16 ArrlvoHonoullull.7:20 Leavo :30 Arrlvo Honolulu.

.8:115 a.m. p.m. r.M. 8:45 0:57 10:13 11 :0.r) 1:15 2:57 3:13 4:55 5:331 1'kaiii. City Local.

Lea vo Honolulu 5:105 Arrlvo l'uarl City Leave l'carl Arrlvo Honolulu. 7:30 Sundays' exeonted. Saturdays only. Saturdays oxoopted. Tidos, Sun and Moon.

11Y c. J. LYONS. DAY, 'bLsLsI. scasiir 3 a c.

Mon. Tups, Wed. Tlmra. Kil. Nat.

Sun. ii.m. n.iii. wi in 1 48 2 10 7 30 2 20 2 OU, 8 20 lii.lli. 3 10 30 10 10 is ll 4 5 2 5 0, ll.lll.

8 30 an 45 ll.lll It 10 LOOM. AMD GENEKAL NEWS. S. Nmiivn is nnchorud II. J.

M. off port. A position wan toil. as book-keeper is 3 IS 10 20 4 5 58 0 57 550 A 13 14 II 3 20 4 0 4 30 5 AS fl 14 5 14 I lUo 20 5 or 5 5 II 30 III 0 15 54 0 II O10 40 fi 52, 15 7 49 Full Moon on tliu Hint lit 81i. 4(1 mill.

p. in. Time Whlstlo blow nt 111. 2sm. 31s. ot Honolulu time, wliluh It tliu Maine as Uh. Uiii. Ot. ol Uiconwicli tune.

THE DAILY BULLETIN. TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1893. 3yEA.R.I3STE aSTEWS. Arrivals. Tuesday, Jlaruli 2S.

Italian steel bk Cavaliere Lulgl I), 1)1 Lic- tri, 21 days fiom San Francisco Stnir Kilmu'ii Hou from Hawaii Departures. Tuesday, March 2S. Stmr Iwalani for Kauai Stmr Mikahala for Kauai at 5 in Stmr Hawaii for Hawaii Stmr Claudinu fur Maui at 5 i in Stmr Kinau for Maui and Hawaii at 2 Stmr Jas Makee for Kupaa Vessels Leaving To-morrow. Australia, Houdlette, for San Francisco, at 12 noon Passengers. IlCl'AIITURKS.

For Maui and Hawaii, per stmr Kinau, Mar 28 For Volcano: (ii-allv, Howland, Miss Mollit, Miss I'lay'tor, Lyon, Williams. Charlock, Miss l'arkor, Jlrs Paulson, Miss A Pratt, Miss Holbrook, Holbrook, 8 Howard, Oliver McArthurand wife. Wav jiorts: Jaa Kenton, Notley, Mrs L' Wight, Miss Mary Hitchcock, Jas Falknor, Is Kompstcr, Mrs Fninia Mahelona and 3 children, Seong, Asiu, Jlrs Leslie and child and others. Vessels in Fort. HUMS Naniwa, Togo, from Japan TJ Mohican from San Francisco UBS Boston, Wiltse, from Hilo Am 4-masted schr Robt Searles, l'eltz, from Newcastle, Am hk Ceylon, Calhoun, from San Francisco Am bktne Discovery, McNeill, from San Francisco Gerhk Huckfeld.Hilgerloh, from Liverpool.

Mis ukt Morning Star from Mieionosia Foreign Vessels Expected. TJ Hanger, from San Francisco II Adams, from San Francisco Hyacinthc from Ksuuiimilt Royal Arthur from England Tcmerairo from England Am bktne Irmgard from San Fianciscoduo March 21 Am bktno Planter, Dow, from San Francisco, duo March 21 Am Alice Cooke from Newcastle, due March 25 Am 4-niastcd schr Lyman 1) Foster, Dryer, from Newcastle, Am 4-masted schr Puritan, Warner, fiom Newcastle. Am 4-m schr Olga, from Newcastle, iuarcn Am 4-m King W. April S-i Am 4-m bktnu II Hume, from castie, is v. April 2o-au Br bk Gainsborough, fiom Newcastle, NS April 25-30 Bk Lamorna, fiom Newcastle, W.

April 25-30 Bk Amy Turner, fiom Boston, duo Mav 20-30 Br ship Honolulu from Newcastle, Ger bkt Amelia from Port Townsend Six Chinese gamesters woro placed under arrest last uight. Smoking is nllowod at tho sessions of tbo Executivo nml Advisory Councils. Dr. C. T.

Rodgors has boon appointed surgeon to tbo regular foreos at tbo barracks. Col, Sopor bas reported to tbo Govorumout tbo completion ot quarters for tbo band at tho barracks. Tlu mat orial thrown up by tbo drodgor on tbo osplanado is buing earted away for uso for building roads. Twoutv-six Chinese names annoar on the District Court criminal calendar on charges of opium smoking and gambling Mr. rainier, naturalist for the British Royal Society, is at presont on-gaged in bis bird collecting busiuess on tins island.

Tbo S. S. Alameda will bo duo on April 7th from San Francisco and tbo S. S. Gaolic on tbo 11th from tho samo A railroad bas boon laid from tho osplanado to tho dumping grouud on tho Kakaako roof, across tbo mariuo railway lot.

Tho doparturo ot tho steamer Kinau this afternoon was a lively evont. No less tbau sixteen passengers left for tbo Volcano. After doing a little general business this morning, tbo Executive and Advisory Councils wont into special session with closed doors. At tho grand concert of tho H. M.

H. Nooau, announced to-day, tbo phonograph will givo four selections, to bo hoard by tho audience. The Hawaiian national liantl will give a concert at tho Hawaiian Hotel this ovotiing for tho benefit of pas-songors leaving by the S. S. Austialia.

Tho tug-of-war tournament has boon postponed until Saturday nisiht, when Portugal and Hawaii will have the final tug for first prize. Owing to tho boisterous weather yesterday evening tbo P. G. band did not play at Emma Square. Tho wind was so strong that tbo lamps could not bo kept alight.

A proposal from Col. J. II. Sopor, commanding tho force's, to have a drum corps organized at tho barracks, wih referred to tho military coinmitteo by tho joint Council. The Lohengrin Vienna boor sold ouly at tho Pantheon is advertised by a gorgeous colored poster on linen, it lias an artistic picture of a warrior coming out of tho sea with a foaming ot lager in his hand.

SOMETHING LIKE A FULL. Portugal Wiu a Vino Tur with Germany Hawaii Plays with tho Mikado's Boys. Tho tug-of-war matches at tho Boretania street Armory yesterday evening woro largely attended. Tho first tug put on was between Hawaii and Japan. Tbo Hawaiians after humoring thoin for two minutes and a balfj -by just holding tboir own, were given a signal by tbo stroko to "huki, and it was laugbablo to seo tbo little fellows falling over each other as tho hemp traveled back to Hawaii.

Tho Japs' anchor man was almost stood on bis head. Time, minutes. The next pull between Germany and Portugal was tho ovont of tho ovening, and not a few "yellow boys" had boon wagered on tho result, with Germany at tho big ond. As tho teams camo out on the platform thoy were lustily cheered by tboir respective admirers, Portugal took tbo Ewa ond of tho platform and Gor-mauy the Waikiki. "Baugl" wont tho signal at o'clock and Germany secured three inches as a leader.

At tbo half hour tho Teutons held the indicator 2 foot in their favor and two minutes later tbo ribbon hung at tho 2 feet notch. Tho Portugueso bold their opponents and tho ropo traveled back and forth inside Gorman territory, but never beyond tho 3-foot notch. At 9 o'clock tbo indicator stood at 1 foot, Gorman. At tho ond of the hour, o'clock, tho ropo still bung in favor of Germany bv l.1. feet.

A few minutes boforo o'clock Portugal inado a grand effort to ond tbo suspense and with an etra strong pull brought the indicator to tbo starting point, and promptly at o'clock tbo ribbon hung 1 feet in their favor. It was evident now that it would be a matter of time, as tho Teutons had exerted themselves too much in tho early part of (ho pull. They made several etl'orts to regain their lost grounu, but all attempts woro futile, while tho Portuguese became confident. The cheering i was deafening, jis Poitugal made a i spurt and inch by inch gained until, at o'clock, tho tov gun shot forth a victory for Portugal. Timo 1 hour minutes.

Captain Camara brought tho Portuguese team on the platform after tbo tumult bad subsided, and they gave three cheers for the Gorman team. Captain Ziegler, of tho German team, who was a heavy loser, was satisfied that the Portugueso won on their motifs, and consequently made no kick. HAWAIIAN PATRIOTIC LEAGUE. A Woman's Branch. Orgauized-of Oflicoi'3.

-List Sing hoy Co. have a notice posted up at the Post Ollice, offering $25 reward for tho conviction of the person who burglarized their store Saturday night. Tho articles stolon wero one bamboo hat and ouo over- shirt. Several candidates woro initiated into Aloha Court, lndopondont Order of Forosters, yesterday evening. Dr.

Lucas carries away tomorrow tho application forachartor with tho required number of names appended. Tho Hawaiian flags in tho Government Houso 3'ard aud on tho bar racks wero blown to tatters yesterday. It was an ovorsight that storm Hags woro not hoisted in tho gale, as used to bo done on tho Palaco and as tho naval custom is. Mr. H.

C. Lyon, manager or tho Raymond Whitcomb excursionists, with fourteen of tbo party loft this afternoon on tho steamer Kinau for tho Volcano. J. J. photographer, and his assistant Charlock wont with tho excursionists.

Uyi us, -10 fiom Nowcastle, New- Shipping Notes. The S. S. Austialia will leave for San Francisco to-morrow at noon. The missionary packet Morning Star has on board, besides a vurious assortment of curios, mats and shells, 550 cocoanuts, 150 tree trunks, 40 cords llruwnod, and logs kou wood.

Shu will dock to-morrow to discharge. Tliu Italian steel bark Cavaliere Lulgl Di Liotri, master, arrived oil' port today, 21 days from Han Francisco, with a cargo of general moichaudUu. Owing to the liolsterous gale prevailing she did not make any immediutu signal lor coming Into port. Captain DI Liotri reports having sighted a bark which wus presumably the Milium Ala, from San Francisco bound for this port, twice on tliu passage, the last timo being ten days ago. Tho winds woiu contrary up to yesterday when the Lulgl 1).

madu an unexceptional good day's run. She Is docked at Brewer's Wharf, aud will commence discharging to-morrow. Born. SOHUMAN In this oitv, March 27, Ibill, to tho wlfu of U. Schumau, a son.

Died. QAGAN At tho Queen's Hospital, Muno. lulu, March 27, 1801, of pneumonia, Thomas Uagau, aged 10 enrs, a native of New'. Yoilt. Tho boisterous gale of yesterday created gieat havoc along King street.

One of tho sentry boxes at tho Palaco gate was toppled over and smashed, luckily without tho P. G. guard goinj frith it, and the electric light wiies weie snapped by a falling branch. The Hawaii and Crescent baseball clubs, of tho Hawaiian League, will pity a practice game on the new giounds on Saturday afternoon at It o'clock. Both teams have been hard at practice preparing for tliu opening of the season, and a good game is expected.

N'o admission will bo charged. Tho Road Supei visor does not an-pear to confine improvements to the city front alone, as be has had a gang of workmen engaged on that dilapidated thoroughfare in the rear of 11. Hackfeld wtue-, and running through from Foit to Alnkca stieet. Soon it will be one of the best roads in town. Tho hcssion haws of ltw2aro now ready for distribution at tho Interior Clork's ollice.

They make a book of -112 pages including index, and wero printed by R. thieve. The papor is superior to that of former volumes of laws. Besides the constitutional amendments passed at the session, the Constitution of 1887 is printed in full. All who would help a worthy object from their Hiirplus books should not fail to carry or send a volume to the Y.

M. C. A. hall this evening. A delightful entertainment awaits all the donors, There is not an evening that vouug aud old people are not to be seen enjoy -i iug the literature piovided in the Association leading room.

Marshal Ashley in his last week of oil ict i issued a notice to the effect that the inauager.s of tho Chinese Theat to would be allowed to bang on their tom-toiiin until a ceitaiu hour. The management does not hcom to obere the mandate, as last night the pleasing lofraiu of Ori ental inusu; wn beam up to A woman's branch of tho Hawaiian Patiiotic League was organized yesterday afternoon at Ariou hall. A large number of prominent ladies woro present and boforo tho meeting adjourned 100 names woro signed to tho roll. Mrs. F.

V. Macfarlano was unani mously elected as President. On coming forward she stud she understood there was to bo no party politics in the organization, but that the object was simply and solely to present a memorial from Hawaiian women to tho United States Commissioners, conveying tlftir respectful petition to 1'icsmt Cleveland for the preservation of tho independence of" Hawaiians. Being younger than other ladies present she accepted the honorable position with gieat reluctance, and nothing but their unanimous voice in electing her induced hor to consent. Mrs.

Macfarlano found a little difficulty in expressing herself fluently in Hawaiian, and a tender of his services as interpreter by Mr. J. E. Bush was accepted. Tho interpreter kept strictly to tho President's utterances, making no attempt to introduce bis own views.

Tho following other officers wero duly elected: lioiiorarj- Presidents: Mrs. T. H. Foster, Mrs. l- S.

Pratt, Mrs. .1. A. Cuininiiis, Mrs. S.

C. Allen and Mrs. C. A. Brow n.

President: Mrs. F. W.Macfarlane. Vice-Presidents: Mis. Camp- i bell and Mrs.

C. O. Berger. I Secietary: Mrs. Kahalowai.

Honorary Secretary: Mis. C. P. Ward. Tieasurer: Mrs.

W. M. Giffard. Executive Committee: Mrs. F.W, Macfarlano, Mrs.

J. Nawahi, Mrs. J. Kaao, Mis. W.

L. Wilcox, Mrs. h. Abolo, Mis. James Gay, Miss Hattie Hiiam, Mis.

Lemon, Mis. A. A. llaa-lolea, Mrs. C.

O. Hergor, Mis. M. Mahi'Jonn, Mrs H. Aldrich, Mi Finance Commit tee: Mrs.

S. H. Meekapu. Mrs. G.

W. Miles, Mis. E. Norrie, Mrs. H.

H. Webb, Mrs. A. Joy, Mrs. Kanopa, Miss Doirou, Mrs.

C. Sharratt, Mis. Maluiio and Mrs. J. U.

Holt. LO THE POOll INDIAN. Intorosting JLocturo by Itov. Dr. Lucas In Y.

M. 0. A. Hall. Admiral Skorrett, S.

pio-sidod at tho lecture bv Kev. Dr. Lucas at Y. M. C.

A. hall yesterday evening. There was a fair-sized audionco, including many young ioo-ple. Dr. Lucas gayo an interesting account of tho habits of tho Indians, among whom ho lied in Ontario, Quebec ami British toluinbia.

Their manner of binding their children's heads to a board, making them take abnormally long shapes, was do-scribed. Ono girl was told of who had a top pioco a font and a half long. Tho vny8 of the "medicine men," corresponding to tho Hawaiian kahunas, aud tho leveienco hold for them ami their barbarous practices, wero rotated with shuddeiing effect. Dr. Lucas described tho native oratory of tbo Indians, which be would adopt as the ideal of natural oratory.

An Indian orator spoko with not only bis mouth but bis limbs and whole body. His was the truo oratorical faculty of being ablo to sling an idea from his own skull with unerring precision into tho cranium of an auditor. Another high natural gift bo found among the Indians of British Columbia was that of sculpture. Tho" could carve at short notico out of the black marble of the region a "speaking statue" of any subject that offered. He had known one to make a lifelike statue of a British naval captain in a fow days.

Tho lecturer believed that if ono'of those natural sculptors could bo given tbo advantages of technical training amidst the great art galleries of Euiope, ho could produce work rivalling if not surpassing that of the great masters of the middle ages. In this connection he gave an eloquent account of a visit his wife aud he had paid to an art gallery in Florence. Dr. Lucas next gave illustrations of wit in geneial and the wit of Indians in particular, keeping his audience in a merry mood for more than half an hour on this division. i Ho ended his entertaining effort i with samples of Indian speech and 1 vocal music.

If the Indians sing as well as ho imitated them, thoy would givo our Hawaiian quintets a hard push for pro-omiiionco. At tho close of his lecture Dr. Lucas called attention to tho organization heio of a Court of tho Independent Order of Foresters, a bene- licial society that is giowmg rapidly throughout the States and Canada, which to widows and orphans of members. He also gave notice of the Y. M.

C. A. library benefit entoitaiumeut this evening, and promised that on (hat occasion ho would make his best effort to entertain the gathering. Dr. Lucas proposed a vote of thanks to Admiral Skorrett for presiding, which was carried by enthusiastic acclamation.

The Admiral returned tbo compliment by a similar proposal for the lecturer, whose effort he was sure thoy all enjoyed. Spontaneous applause also ratified this motion. M. McINERNY. sarvEinsrs Fine 1 N.

S. 104 Easter Millinery nctw" ofeist jt SACHS Ifort Street, Honolulu, Latest Novelties New Styles New Spring Flowers New Ribbons 3ST HI 3L. -A- Latest Novelties in Children's Hats. Patent Elastic Seam Drawers 1 also a riNi: of I Spring Dress Materials ste3Cs Hood'sGures Even When Called Incurable Torrlblo Selgo Sciatic Rheumatism cjLvSs SsW Mr. Arthur SUnon Of Galatea, Oulo.

i "They said I was iuciirnlilr, the doctors dlil, hut tho result lias nro en tint llnotl's Sar- B.ipirllla was utile to citrr. 1 hail Sclsitl') iniemn.iuMii anu was cnni.msi 10 i.iy mcii six moutlij. Tlirco physicians aid nut hcli raj and I Was Clvon Up to Dio When I was In this terrible cmulitlnn, unnlile to mm linuil or fool, I beg in to t.iko Hood's Harsaparlll i. The llrst liuttlu li.ul a little cf-fcit, ami while t'lklim the sciihkI, I gained so ipiilly that 1 cmilil sit up in in cli.dr. My system had turn so run down liy other Medicine, tint It look innqiiltua while tuie nperate.

11 tlu'tlni" 1 li.ul tiKen four buttles of limit's Sar- M.j i sapailll.i. I lonltl miiIIi uronnil, and now. as I i. M. ivail.ll, Ml.

I six dottles. I um cured nml can IV. M. Iv. Ivcohokillole.

doa good day's work. IiloiuitfuU I can praise G-SoocTs Sae'sapariSEa cnmiith." Aitrilt'it Sisio.v, (ial itea, Ohio. "Wc want to call the attention of our patrons to a novelty which, from tho favor it has boon received with, we believe litis come to stay and become tin iudispen-biblo article of gent's furnishing. A glance at the cut above will show at once the superiority of goods made in this niannei over those heretofore in vnguo. Patknt Ki.astic Ska.m Duawkks tiro provided with an improvement consisting of an Elastic Ixskktidx at the inner and outer scums, which gives elasticity in movement and comfort in fit.

The drawers are cut in figure outlines and nll'ord the wearer till the advantages knit goods, while retaining the superior coiufoi I of woven fnhric. Tho Ki.asth' Si: ui, wlncli contaixs xn i um: retains its springiness and weal's longer than tho other portion the garment. It makes tin. drawers conform to the position of the wearer and avoids any strain, no matter what attitude tho body assumes. It will also be found that these Patkxt Elastic Ska.m arc equally well adapted to all athletic positions and allow the greatest freedom and ease of motion.

In the position as sumed in tho cut, not the least tension is produced on the main portion of the goods, while the elastic scanis allow the transformation of tho iigure as seen in the position, which would be impossible in others without pro ducing great strain on the goods and friction upon the person. We have now a complete stock of goods in all sizes, aud can recommend those made of tho material known to be the coolest and best adapted for those persons who do not care to wear woolen fabrics. They s.iy that there is "nothing new under the sun," but the follow who said that was all wrong. He forgot "Gent's Furnishings," they're always mak ing something new in that line. The latest yet, we have just received samples of, from the niitiiiifiicturoi's.

It consists of riuntr.n mfsi ix. omiAXDir.s a ciiamiumcs, ntKXClI Al.i.-W001. UIAILLLS, dark ground elleets; WUITi: A. l'UINTLl) LINUX 1UIS.11 LAWNS, toTi'oN cotton chaffs, New White Goods, Dimities, Marseilles, Etc. M'K havi: thi: j.atim' in Laces, Embroideries Trimmings ALSO A LOT OF Till: Airline jjlack Stockings are Absolutely Fast Color and will not Crock they are pronounced ttS These "Tin: 20 lbs.

Of Nestle's 11 Food 1 1 YXW it is the safest diet for baby JCSt51 You arc respect- Your doctor "''lOSt(J(l to Call at will tell you Our Store and Samim.k of. the BEST a Fhkk Baby Food EVER MADE. Mestle's IS A A dainty new book, The Baby, by the best authorities on baby life, free to ecry mother who sends her address THOMAS LHEMINO COMPANY, 73 Warren New York. Milk Food! And requires only the addition of "Water to prepare it for use. Large Packages 50 Cts HOLLISTER DRUOOISTS, 109 Fort Street, Honolulu, H.

I. Pacific Hardware Co, L'd Ou.ra.-m.ins' Port Street. JTJST RECEIVED Leather Belting Lace Leather of quality. an invoioi: OF HOOD'S PlUL.3 Hi" iitli rnlluaor J1U, assltt illsf.Uuii, euro lieailaebe. Ttj a box.

"Tho people of this vicinity insist on having Chamberlain's Cough Uomody and do not want auv other," snya John V. liishop, of I'ortland Mills, Indiana. That is right. Thoy kuow it to bo Hiiporior to any other for coldH, and as a preventive ami euro for croup, ami why should thoy not iusiHt upon having it. til) cent bottlos for sale bv all dealers.

Hun- soii, famltliA! agents for tho Ha- o'clock. Marshal Hitchcock will waiiuu iHlmiUn. )urIUpH attend to this nuisance. Amusement This EvoninR. In this issue the townsfolk will find folded the program of an enter tainment to lie gncii tills evening i for tbo benefit of tbo V.

M. C. A. library. Dr.

Lucas, who has given much of his testing time hero to woik, will make his last public ap- I noaranco bote on this occasion, He I promises the following selections: ''The Quaker Meeting," "The Vork-sbireuians Welcome," "To the New Uaby," Punch's liulogj on Abra- I ham Lincoln," Oiigiunl Poems. Ily bpecial inquest ho vill sing in the Indian language. Admission charge -a book, or books, suitable for the library. i Persons who are subject to attacks I of bilious colic can almost invariably tell by their when toopcc( an attack. If Chamberlain's Colic, Choleia ami Diariluea Itemed) is taken as soon as these symptoms ap- pour, thoy can ward oil' the disease.

persons should always Keep the Itemed at hand, leady for immediate use when needed. Two or three doe of il at the right time I will sate hem much suH'ering. I'or sale by all dnalcis. lleunou, Smith agents for tho Hawaiian Isl- I anils, GRAND CONCERT wii.i. i.n i 10 'nil' H.

I. EL NOEAU roll I'UKl'iHi: WF.LL-KNOWN KAWAIAHAO CHURCH On Thursday Evening, March 30, i IRON AND BRASS SCREWS to ouif lim: of sizf.s. Band Paper, Emery Cloth Sacks, AT O'CLOCK. Aiiioiij! those who will kindly ns-I-d arc Miss, M. ATKINSON, MlhS II.

MACFAliLANK, IIAIIhOTTI, THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL BAND, mi PHONOGRAPH AM) ol'UKUH. Utilize, Balbriggan, or Silk Under Ciarnionts with WOOL skill-fully woven into tho breast and hack to protect tho most vital parts of the body from cold or chill. To the many people who cannot wear all wool goods on account of tho irritation sometimes felt, goods will be great boon, its, while they will luivo tho advantage of wearing cotton Ijihric, tho lungs and diick win nave a nice wtirin covering of wool. From thu many sontinients of approval we have hoard regarding these goods wo believe thorn to ho a good thing for our climate, and havo placed i our orders for full slock, which will he on nide in about i two months. I To any person desiring In see the samples which we have will ho pleased to show llicin IsTeUI Fullers, Iuixriivt Swivols, Turner's Snips ctncl, and Tools, Garden Trowels, Egg Beaters, Cork Screws, Can Openers, Scrub Brushes, Paints, Putty, Etc.

IB. IF EHLERS CO. 99 FORT STK.H1E3T. AI'i'KIt TAKINO STOCK ALL KIS'DS Ol' Curtains in White, Cream and Colored At half In- former mt. Velvet cSc Smyrna In all slzi's fju-atlj it'ilui'i'tl.

Woolen Gootls in Plaiu, Striped Plaids, Below Cost! ggf In fail 1 n- llaig.nn- in all -BCt I'tf' DroKsiuaklnu Uiulcr llio Mauagoiaont ol MISS K. CLARK. lte Tli'kuti. ant on alo at Mela- rnix'a. T.

II. Thrum' Hook-Morn, Klltu i li'oOri'Jiiu 1'ariom unu oi iiiuiiiiKn-mu mo i IVlPl 11,11 1 u-MLm A.UA4. i mva. i k. Uiiiliiiltti'i), IWMt, Daily Bulletin, 50(3.

per month kmmS imtmrnvii "slWP.

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