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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 6

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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PAGE sa J5LYTIIEVILLE (AKK.) COURIER NEWS BLYTHEVILLE COURIER NEWS i THE COURIER NEWS CO, H. W. HAINES, Publisher JA14ES LL VERHOEFF, Editor FAUL D. HUMAN, Advertising Bole Kallonal Advertising ReprwenUUves: Wltmer Co, New York, Chicago. Detroit, Atlanta, Memphis.

Entered second class matter the post- Blythevllle, Arkansas, under act ol Con, October 9, 1917. Member of The Associated Press SUBSCRIPTION HATES: By carrier In the city ol Blythevllle or any suburban town where carrier service la maintained, 20e per week, or 85o per month By mall, within a radius of SO miles tl.OO per year, $2.00 for six months, Jl.OO (or three months; by mall outside 60 mile zone, tlO.OO per year payable In advance. Meditations The sun and moon stood still in their habitation: at the HEM of thine arrows they went, and at the thMni of thy fliUerlnr kuk 3:11. God is the light which, never seen Itself, makes all things visible, and clothes Itself in colors. Thine eye feels not Its ray, but thine heart feels its Barbs Modern youth Is slowing down, says a writer.

Has he read the list of speeding accidents lately? 9 The average girl who leaves home Is about IB, according to statistics. The average who stays home Is around 75. Too many girls love a man Just for the time being, says a judge. In other words, just lor present. It's a funny elect people (o pass clown the laws so we can have fun passing ttiem Telling the truth teems to the best way to throw some wives off the track.

Rough Treatment Charles Waichekauskas of Collins- vllle, 111., has been a coal miner for 37 years. And now, suddenly, he's out of a job because other men in his union, the Progressive Mine Workers, refuse to work with him. Why? The 50-year-old miner plans to heat his new home with gas instead of conl. And the union local's by-laws bar its members from using gas for home heating. Waichekauskas is well aware of the rules.

But he says fumes from coal in his present house make his son violently ill. Attention rival United Mine Workers: if the PJIW local declines to reconsider what appears to be its extremely harsh action, we suggest that you recruit this veteran miner and find him a good job. No one can blame miners for trying to protect themselves by kcepkig coal in wide use. But rules that can't bo 'relaxed to meet special human needs don't deserve much general sympathy. Lewis May Be on the Ropes, But Don't Count Him Out Some of the "veteran observers" around the country have been saying John L.

Lewis is really on the ropes this time. But it might be smart to wait until the finals before counting him out. Admittedly things are tougher for him this season. The negotiators on the other side are new men not easily stirred by Lewis' Shakespearean oratory. They are holding a solid front.

And coal stockpiles have been hard to cut down to the point where his bargaining power would be enhanced. But despite these little irritations, Old Shaggy Brows refuses to give up. He may be nearing TO, but he can still devise strategy that keeps his opponents guessing. Lewis seldom if ever has allowed his miners to dig coal under different wage scales, but they're doing it now. As of Jan.

1 the small mines which yielded to his wage-pension demands began paying higher rates than old contracts called for. All other miners at work are still getting the lower pay and pension benefits. Instead of calling all the latter group out of the pits Jan. 1, Lewis launched what one reporter dubbed "push-button strike warfare." First the Illinois miners went out. Then, as they went back, others left the pits.

Now the UMW chief has "suggested" that these return. Heretofore his "suggestions" have had virtually the force of law, but this time thousands of UMW workers in the soft coal belt defied him aijd remained off the job. Apparently he hopes to continue his present course, maintaining most mines on a three-day week but permitting "spontaneous" work stoppages here'and there. By these measures he has at last whittled coal stockpiles down far enough to worry railroads and retail yards. He is keeping just enough coal above ground to avoid an emergency that would compel government action.

But in so doing he is keeping the coal operators' books in a very unhappy state. Largely due to Lewis' maneuvering, soft coal output last year fell 28 per cent below 19-18. The operators want the government to order Lewis to restore the five-day production week in all mines. It hasn't answered the plea. President Truman insists there is no national emergency.

If Ihn reply continues "no," the mine owners may eventually give in to his demands. But it's a serious question whether anyone will really he the winner in this war of attrition. For the longer conl supplies continue uncertain, the more consumers will turn to oil, gas and other substitute fuels. Views of Others Control of Sex Crimes Recent killings of small children nller criminal attacks have so shocked the American people that Increasingly strong public demands nre being made for more effective action against sex offenders. However, as was pointed out in this space not so long control ol sex offenses requires the best efforts not alone of law enforcement agencies and the medical fraternity but ot the public as well.

For so long as there is a tendency to draw back In horror from the fact of shocking offenses, their perpetrators cannot be prosecuted effectively. Indeed, on the basis of reported sex crimes, the aggregate In the United Slates has tended to Increase since the war, while most other types of crimes have been diminishing. Approximately 16.000 rapes are estimated by the Federal Bureau of Investigated to have occurred In 1948. In large cities rape cases known to the police reached an all-time high last a. point 50 per cent above prewar levels.

Moreover, reported arrests for less violent sex offenses have risen nearly 150 per cent since 1940. This rise has occurred despite the belief of F. B. I. Director Hoover and others that much sex crime Is preventable.

Medical knowledge now indicates that many habitual sex offenders should be classed as sick persons, Just as chronic, alcoholics are coming to be regarded as Invalids. Proper treatment can remove a high proportion of the physical and mental difficulties which lie at the roots of sex offenses, but such treatment is available at only a few penal institutions, and to achieve the desired result 1 it often must be continued beyond the statutory sentence. In point of fact, certain penqlogists have urged wider use of the Indeterminate sentence for sex offenders, so that may lie held until their release Is compatible with public safety, Also, a Federal sexual psychopath law to applyrjrf all states is to be submitted during the next session of the Congress. Hut even the best laws will be only partially effective until the public recognizes the importance of reporting all sex offenses. Citizens who, with understandable reluctance to expose a victim, withhold charges against a sex olfcndcr, are permitting him to continue his null-social acts with impunity.

Even relatively minor offenses have been known to culminate In murder when the offender became alarmed at his victim's sturg- glcs or was overwhelmed by his own guilt. In this connection, Mr. Hoover declares that parents can help to prevent sex crimes, as well as to protect their own children, by warning boys and girls against the advances of sex deviates. A child can be warned, without being terrified, in terms of illness: "Some people are sick In a wny that makes them want to do harmful things; we cannot always tell who these sick people ore, and so we do not accept money, candy, or other favors from strangers, and above all we do not get into cars with them." Parental warnings can be reinforced by teachers, police'departments and other groups and individuals concerned with promotion of the public safety. (Ala.) STAR So They Say When unci if excise taxes arc cut they should be cut on a selective on the arbitrary basis of wiping out nil of the increases put on by Congress In Robert W.

Kcan (R) New Jersey. The U.S.S.R. has said that, no country can exist unless it Is under the thumb of IICEC- onistic have proved it can While dogs bark, the caravan Minister Edvard Kardelj of Yugoslavia. You can not keep 80,000,000 people under military occupation forever. If the Western powers are worried about communism In East Asia, the sensible thing would bo not to drive the Japanese to communism by a long Prime Minister Pandit Nehru.

The Negro lias long been the weakest link in the American domestic chain, and the of American democracy among the nations of the world is no stronger than the consideration which our country now accords Us John W. Davis of West Virginia state Col- Ifge. We have successfully niet the challenge ol the phase of the (European) recovery program, but. in so doing, we have only opened the opportunity for the enduring pan ot the Jot). Administer Paul Holtman.

FHIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1950 Out of Sight, Out of Mind General Who Fought Germans Presents Strong Bid for Unity Sunday School Lesson By William K. Gllroy, D. It we could transport ourselves back through 20 centuries, and see Just as It was the world and the cnviroment In which Jesus and His little band of disciples laid the foundations of Christianity and the Christian church, we should understand something of the wonderment of that beginning, and (he seeming miracle of how the church took root and grew. As It Is we see the events through 20 centuries when Christianity and the church are worldwide, when the church even in- its outward aspect has become an institution of prestige and power, and when how was By DeWlIt MacKenzle AT Forelcn Affairs Analyst Twice in a generation Britain suffered all but mortal wounds from German aggression. It therefore Is of peculiar Interest to find the high commissioner of the British zone in Germany calling for the burial of hatreds and a renewal of Anglo- efinan friendship.

That's what happened the other night when General Sir Brjan Uob- erUson gave a heart-lo-heart talk before the Hamburg Overseas Club. He wasn't begging for friendship from his German audience, but rather was slating Ihc need of It in the blunt language of a soldier. The general twc his the forthright question: "Can Engf land and Germany be friends?" Then rleht at. (he start of a down- to-earth talk he staU-d his premise for an affirmative answer like this: "Our spiritual mentors would the name of Christ, In profanity or In sincere love and devotion, Is on the tongues of countless millions. We can hardly conceive small, in an outward sense the beginning, in an envlroment erlcan state, in a country itself lfc itself is not almost insignificant in size, "S.IIIB the great and powerful of j'Wit to remembpr that the nnswer which Mie churches would pu-e to I HIV question i.s "fundamentallv The fact that Palestine situ-' rignt ateci always in the center of those grout rmpires Egypt, Assyria, Persia.

Syria, Greece, the Holy Land an actual significance far beyond Its probably tell us that the question which have posed is simple to answer. Englishmen and Germans are all children and brothers. They can be 1 friends find should be friends You may fceJ that such nn little larger than the smallest Am-I a nsv cr ls and nnreahs- unpractical I believe it to great and pou, that ancient world. size- But the -real significance Palestine was that It was the oly Lund, the land of strange and sharp contrasts, of good.and bad, of evil i Slrnng Mustard That's tran musHi'd, coming from a british soldier who has some of the best years of his life fighting Germans. Tn fact his 1 speech tacitly rocojjivzed the takine of such a position is indeed strong mustard.

There is, ns he Washington News Notebook Red in Northern China. Subject for Discussion in the UN WASHINGTON Thei question of U.S. foreign policy to' meet the threat of world commun- Lsm seems to have been niven different twists by the recent speeches of President Truman and Secretary of Stnic Acheson. Up until now, it has been nlly assumed tbo the American position was stated In th6 "policy of containment" ol Russian communism. This policy has been attributed to State Department Councillor; George F.

Kcnman. It WHS believed to imply that the United Stales must wngc cold to prevent further expansion of Russian Communist influence. President Truman's State of the Union message seemed to confirm this policy against "the new imperialism" of MID Communists. "In the world today," snirt the Prfsi-i dent, are confronted with the danger that the rl.sing demand of people everywhere for freedom and a better viy of life may bo corrupted nm betrayed by the false iromiscs of communism. This to us Is more than a iTllitnry challenge.

Fen- my pnrt, welcome this challenge. believe our country. will meet that successfully." But somewhat different emphasis secm.i to have been put on the matter oy Secretary Acheson In his tnlk on Far F7nstern policy before the Natlnnnl Press Club. "I hcnr almost every (lay someone say Hint the real interest of the United States Is to the spread of communism. Nothing seems to me to put the cart before the horse nmrc completely Mum that." said the secretary "Communism is tbc most subtle instrument of Soviet foreign policy that has ever been devised and it is really the spearhead of Russian imperialism," Soviet Imperialism In XnrUi Clitna The secretary went on to give specific examples of this imperialism, "The Soviet Union is detaching the northern provinces of China from China ami is attaching them to the Soviet Union.

This process is complete in outer Mongolia. It is nearly complete in Manchuria and I am sure that in inner Mongolia and Singkianjr. there are very happy reports coming from Soviet agents to Moscow." Anyway yon read this, it sounds hke aggression going on. If that, is true, the next question is. What is to be done about it? Secretary Achcson warned against "the folly of ill-conceived udvcntures un our He did not mention what they might be.

But it us easy to infer that he means not getting involved in any wars in which the United States forces might get licked, such as in sending moie aid to Nationalist China or trying to defend Formosa. There Is. course, considerable arpmi.a.t still going on In Washington the wisdom of those decision. But assuming those decisions will not be changed, what else ran be done- to meet the threat of Russian imperialist aggression? Article 39 of the United Nations Charter says, "The Security Council shall determine the existence of any threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression and shall Heron's and devout shepherds, but the land in vrlvfch above and beyond all tragedy was the glory of pre-eminence In spiritual values and religions experience. The marvel and the explanation of the growth of Christianity are seen in the teaching and mission of the Master, and In the faith and vision that He Inspired In His disciples.

As If He might have been speaking from Rome, the center of world power. Instead of from villages insignificant in the eyes of Rome. He announced His mission as worldwide. He commissioned His stated, "a somewhat traeiitirn of enmity" between Germany and England. And why should these old enemies want to be ricnrir-? One good reason is the cost of past to both of them.

In blood and destruction "A second reason." said Sir Brian, "is surely to he fnvnd in the fact that bofh countries today are menaced bv a coir men peril fa reference! to the communist offensive). The threat to our freedom and our common I lion Is obvious for all to see. Tnerc to its very ends, and he assured them that everywhere He would be with them. tonal peace and security, Article 41 say.s the Security Coun-. ell may decide on measures "not involving the use of armed force." The Include economic sanctions and the severance ol diplomatic relations.

Article 42 says that if these measures are inadequate, tt may take such action by armed forces as may be necessary to maintain or restore International What Has Slate The question now becomes: Has the United States brought this matter of Russian aggression in the four northern provinces of China to the attention of the Security Council? The answer is has not. The United States delegation offered TIS a substitute a weaker resolution. It called on all UN members to observe China's independence and to seek no spheres of special Influence in China. This resolution was finally passed, 45 to n. the Russian bloc voting against it.

Then the General Assembly voted to refer the Chinese qoestion to the Tn- terim Committee (the Little Assembly) for continuous study and pVi- sible reference to the Security the next session of the General which meets in September. So far. the only public body before which Secretary Achejon has But what, was even more significant was the fact that this gospel was for every In world in which class distinctions were strong, and the great mass of humanity was in some form of slavery or bondage- The university ntid power of that posu-el. also, soon became manifest. It was not long until there were saints in Caesar's household (Phil I ppi arts distance and Improved communications to such an extent, that the nations are thrown together ns it were much more than In the past "England and Germany today live I very close one from the other and I am verv clear that they should want v.

to be Sir Brian minced no words in de- £, during that formidable difficulties lay "in the until wlrch lends to- wirds solid friendship between our two countries. Your task and mine Is to work harr that wisdom Hoes It Mean? Well, now, what interpretation do we place on this speech? We have and almost from the begin- I inny prevail." ning slaves found new Inward peace and freedom in their outward bondage. Master and slave, rich nnd poor, Jew and Gentile, nil had a right to assume that the general their place in that fellowship In wasn't making nn ordinary hands- Christ, where there were no distinctions, but Christ was all and in all (Colossians That was me miracle of Christianity. "If any man be in Christ make what accordance with articles 41 and 42 to maintain and restore Internat- recommendations, or decide measures shall be taken In Jesus, he is a new creature" (II Corinthians Any man! That is the universality, radiance, and power of the Christian gospel. If modern Christians across-the-sca address.

Present his audience were prominent Ger- mans. He undoubtedly was speaking with the authorization of his gov- ernnient. and perhaps under in- any of its radiance and power, we must recapture the faith and the vision. In the faith and vision in wliich Christianity began is the structinus. Sir Brian's talk, I take it, rcrorrnHion of thn undoubted fact that Western Germany is es- hav'c lost I sential to the defensive system being created by Western Euronc to sole meet the Communist drive.

To put It another way. Britain is maneuvering to gain for Western Europe i i uugaii ib luu i secret and way ot its con-1 lhe balance of power. Germany must be an integral part of that set-up. On tliat bas's (lie idea of burying ths hatchet isn't so strange. Mississippi County ginned 127,674 ei morc tbiul lhilt tn hc 5t of 1D34 cotton crop prior to whllc tner is much bitterness in January 16.

1935. Indications are I lsn against the Germans be- tinned growth and power. 75 Years Ago In BlytheYilte IN HOLLYWOOD Ky Erskine Johnson NKA Slnff Correspondent HOLLYWOOD Witli- In five months Hollywood lost throe I of Its prize bucliclors Jimmy Stewart. Clark Gable nncl Cary I Grnnt. As Shelly Winters observes'; "It's getting so there aren't en-1 oiigii lone wolves left in Hollywood i for one good star; jmrty." I Just cornered Jimmy, who wns the first to desert the bnchelor brigade when lie married Gloria McLean.

An rt you know what? He's crazy nbout matrimony (hough lie admits he's had to make certain "adjustments." Like living in house with below-normal temperature nnd hnv- JilK the top of their convertible down despite icy winds blosvinc off Southern California's snowcapped mountiuu.s. "Gloria," lie saitl, "is just a £0(1(1 (rcsh-alr girl. Hut I'm gcttlni; usrd (IT II." Gloria has two children, and 5. That created a problem for the ex-bachelor. But the kids accom- polishcd something Jimmy, a doctor, nncl a hospital coultjn't do several years ngo- Jirnmy once went a hospital for a week, uiuici' a doctor's care, to.

gain weight. The doc thought he could cain nhont 10 pounds. Al the end or the week he hud lost half a pound. Hut. since his marriage Jimmy has gained seven pounds.

He credits Die kids. "I'm eating mote than I've ever oaten in my life. I'm the 'example setter' for the kids. If I cat. Brother.

I've been eatin'." I'm Rtari to hear that M-O-M is rebookini; "The Stratlon Story" into a Hollywood theater before Oscar-voting time comes around to remind voters of Jimmy's great performance. If anyone deserves a nomination, it's Jimmy, I'oo Rough vie Mature took sus- iwnsion for refusing to do RKO's "Alias Mike Fury" wns because he thought there was "too much brutal antigster stuff." He's back on the payroll and in the film after RKO rewrote the script to his liking. Dinah Shore display S10.000 of Howard Greer evening in her first night club singing date at the Waldorf Astoria. Singer Billy Eckstine is In Hollywood for theater dates before starting his M-G-M picture. Jack paar went to New York with a sreat television Idea.

The idea: "Puppets liave made so much money in trie-vision they afford to hire live people to entertain A big agency thought It was a £reat idea and auditioned a show which jack told jokes to an See HOLLYWOOD on Page 8 In gton, D.C. Mrs. Cotter (silting East) won a match for her team when she made a part score contract of two spades McKENNEY ON BRIDGE By William K. McKonnoy America's Cnrri Authority Written fnr XKA Service Analyze the Ridding And Save Con tract The women's national team-of- four championship was one of the events which established a nsw at- U'lutance record last year with 57 to.ims entered. This event ended In a tie between a Philadelphia and a Washington, D.C., team The Philadelphia team consisted cf Mrs.

L. C. Robinson. Mrs. Henry Mrs.

R. H. Sondheim ant Mrs. C. T.

Evans. The Washingtor team corseted of Mrs. P. Eliprsor of Memphis" Mrs. E.

Cotter, Miss Kathleen McNutt and Mra. Ernest Boschan, all of AKQ9 Q63 Tournament N-S Norti Pass Pass Pass 'Pass 2 4 Pass I 4 Pass 27 his season will be 130.000 bales. Nine girls and boys were Ernests Johnny Gean Lenrlcnnie Snlnr- ay afternoon when he celebrated thc pixiple SL'C SracKF.N7.IE on Page 8 UI io. jyja. jiiuicitiions sru i brought his charges Is the National that the final for the county cnllsc of ll wrlrl wars, yet through Press Club In Washington.

It Is fpnnmtin.ic 10 admittedly a potent organization for some things, but not this. The secretary's new policy statement would seem to put it to the U.S. delegates to the United Nations to start making more serious charges of their own against Communist aggression, and backing them up. ninlh birthday. After games and contests H.

Caldwell and Mrs. Pat Hareclt. nests were served ice cream and ake- The host's mother. Mrs. Louis Lcndcnnie was assisted by Mrs.

E. A son was born to Mr. ami Mrs. the Joe Craig curly today at their The baby, ivho weighs nine pounds, has been named Richard Bivtiie Craig. Music-Maker Answer to Previous Puzzlis 1 South cashed her three high diamonds and then shifted to the four of hearts.

Mrs. Colter won this trick with the queen In dummy then cashed the ace of spades anc the ace and king of hearts. She pliycd a small spade which Nortl won -with the king. Without a moment's hesitation North returned the five of clubs hoping to fool Mrs. Colter.

Bi Mrs. Cotter had already South's hand. Having failed to op en the bidding, declarer knew that South could not hold the are of clubs, as she already had shown up with the ace, king and queen of diamonds. Sue hlso knew that South could nui have held the king of spad'" That was why she did not bolhiM to take the spade finesse, or to tump up with the king of clubs. If Mrs.

Cotter had been careless and let Ihc club return ride around to her jack, her contract would have been set one trick and her team would have not been lied for first I HORIZONTAL 1 Depicted musical instrument 9 Mimics 13 Oiled 14 Shed feathers 15 Pronoun 16 Deed 17 Driving command 19 Id cst (ab.) 20 Symbol for samarium 21 Greek letter 22 Eternity 23 Cerium(symbol) 24 Japanese outcast 26 Spanish hero 27 Remit 29 River islands 30 Rough lava 31 Doctor (ab.) 32 It is played steam 33 To (prefix) 34 Vegetables 36 Disorder 39 Measures of area 40 Musical direction 41 Note of scale 42 Health resort 45 United 48 Giant king of Bashan 49 While 50 Grease 51 Damage 52 Compass point 53 Rip 55 Assumptions 58 Sea eagle 59 Calmest VERTICAL 1 Reasons 2 Having handles 3 Behold! 4 Falsifier 5 Unit of length 6 German king 7 letter 8 Rim 9 Prayer ending 28 Time 10 Italian river measures 11 Draw forth 29 First man 12 Horses (Bib.) IS Daybreak 34 Taste (comb, form) 35 Expunger 25 Climbing fish 37 Rocks 2(5 It is used In 38 Wisest the 42 Painful 43 Mixed type 44 High mountains 45 Measure Title 47 Ireland Any 3 Concerning o7Compass poiii.

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